El NEW iumnivrisEm=fi. • APPLICATION to sell liquors onfle in the Clerk'sbace. .1. K. EAnahan, tavern, 9th ward, Pittsburgh. The License Board will sit for for bearing the above application on2dONDAT, the 10th inst., at 9 o'clock-A. n• • m Mt; JOHN O. BROVI7N Clerk. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That toe Trustees, VI 'era and Warden% of th G KHAN' EV.ANtiEL ICA ESTANTI CoHi 111. In East Ltherty, have applitd to the Coart of Common Pleas for a OBAIITEIR OF INCORPORATION. And that the same will be grant( d at next Term, sinks' exceptions are ale dln the meantime. • mvlo:o.3a THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western.Dis sr crof Pennsylvania. _HARTIN SATLICR. a Bankrupt under the Jity of Congress of March 111 .1, 1807, having ap plied tot a discharge from all his debts. and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons Interested. to'apnear on the J OHN ay of HAT, Vi 1869 . at %I o'clock P. N., before N. pu ANcE, KM,: Register In Bankruptcy, at his office. No. 110' Peueral street, Allegheny City, Pa to show cause, if any they have, 'way a dis charge should not be granted to the ye n, an rupt. And further notice is hereby g that the Second and Third meetings of Creditors of the ea d Bankrupt required by the %Mtn and AStb re , tions of said Act, will be held before the said Register, at tae same time and place. B. C. McCA.NDLESS. ..lnylo:j3 Y ' Clerk. 1t369. rrais WISH. FORT WAYNE & CHICAGC 3. W. and CLEVELAND PITTSBURGH R. R. From May 9th, 1889, trains will /gave from and arrive at the I.ltuon Depot, north sine, Pu.t• burgh city time, as follows: Chicago ltx —8:08 a tel' Erie it Irgn Er.7:28 a m Wh: , g11 , 18: tri a ml Chicago 1Ddi..6:58 a m Ch1rag0_Ex.....9:43 a m; Cl. & V.Wg Ex ti:Osp n.I Chicago Ex., 51:23 p m W'o & Erie Ex4:3B pm Dernrt from Atteglany. , Bea'r Falls AC.8:58 a as Let,tisds.le " 11:0583 10: a m a m Rochester' 1:93 p m Elton " .3:58 pm Leetsdale Ace.s:l3 pm Bea'r Falls •` • 6:13 pm Leetsdale "10:43pm Fair Oaks Sun *Church. 1:13 p m 51:23_p. m. ChiCas 13113_p.m.Chical 3. M. KIMBALL, sien'l Ticket Ater titylo TRAVELERS TO EUROPE Should supply themselves with 1.. HARPER'S -HAND BOOK str o t . ravelers in Europe and the last. Wk.', 11. APPwrows SHORT 1 1 111 P . GUIDE TO EUROPE. PRICE. 0.00. 111. HARPER'S PHRASE BOOK, si.°sol4:gsari:thgegrgoalcgAtgli Price. S. a . CLOSE a co., 119 Wood Street, ' my 7 Second floor below Fifth. HOLTZMAN o s WIEOERHOLW No. 100 Tl&trd Avenue, . Upholster's and Dealers inCurtain Goods, Dire t the attention of their friends and the public to their finely wsorted sto:k of Lace and Nottingham !I sirtaius Vestibule !Lice', Damask Reps, Perry's Mexican cloth. Satin, Delimits, Gilt Cornices.-ellt 'and Walnut Mouldings. Spring Beds of superior make, Hair Matraases (pure white hair.) Pillows, Bolsters, and everything pertaining to flrst•class bed. The latest Paris and Berlin designs f.or Draperies • , at th, inspection of their customers. Pare white Bittern Show Feathers always on hand. HOLT7AMAN & WIDIDKR,IIOLD NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. DITS:I93 G. HAMMER & SONS. t (Late of the firm of Hammer & Denier.) At theft new,establlsbment. N 0.48 SEVENTH ATitti K. byte a large cock. of elegant and fashionable . • • PARLOR, LIBRARY & BEDROOM FURNITURE AT Vial' REASONABLIC MOE& We hive erected a large Factory. and are pre pared to ell all orders on shortest notice. We latter ourselves of always having made good work, and it will always be our endeavor to con. Vice. having a large number of expeileuced workmen. and a foreman of SO years tape*. cube st the trade to tuperintend all work before esving the Factory. We use no mach/her,: all ear work is mode by band, and for durability and elegance It cannot Le excelled. • - milli C. G. HAMNER t SONS. = SABBATH SCHOOLS Will remember that I have the Largest Etock g 'SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS .AND REQUISITES In the City. ' JOSEPH HORNER, Bookseller and Stationer, 6 120 Smithitell. Street. NE pSCHILDECILER a. SONS • Nave returned to their well known location. NO. _22 DIAMOND STREET, Where they are prepared to Waist' fresh eVer7 day a flee, large awe talent of CAKES AND BREAD Of every deeription. Eept constantly on band the Vera best Confectlo , erns In the Gill • N . 8.--Orders for parties. cc.. will be suppl'ed at the shortest notice and denim, td to any put of the two elties. • Ladies' and . Gentlemen's Lunch Saloon. . . Al to. ICE MEAN SALOON now open and will co.. intne re during the season. p.7:112, =INSTALLMENT NOTICE.—The : - teekholde , s of the Mercantile Library Hall puny are hereby iotitled that the fifth Install. anent. THREE DOLLAIIS per hare. ha. been tide dalrealled„pagable en or before May lepth, 1069, at the °Mee of N. Barnes & tions,3l Mar ley?. street - By order of the Board. • Pittsburgh,Ma M y4, MIS WB IGI . T . Treausrrg v: "k", SE ME EIN ACAJDFINIT MCIENCER 101 • Yedeted Street, Allegheny, (Savings Hann ding.) .Spring term Wenn lONDLY, APRIL 6th, 1869. for dren1414%1C"817111." ,pap • 0113 A. a., EDmininci. LABSNo. Lll4 esmstbalbs street. Bola flan of fr ,„ 0. 2 11 4 . las" s"" Ape 7,^"' II El NSW ADITERTIBBNIENTS, REGISTER'S. OFFICE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol lowing Accounts".of Executors, Administraters, Guardians, &c., have been duly passed in the_ Register's Office, and 'will be presented to the Orphans' Court. for confirmation "and allowance, on MuNDAY, June 7tb, 1869: No. 1: Pint, and final account of Mrs. Nancy Donahue and Harvey W. Ferguson, executors of James Campbell, Sr., deceased. Filed February 3.1869 No. 2. Account of William Kuhlman, admin. Ittrator c. t. a. of Christian Kuhlman, deceased. Flied Yebruary 9, 1869. No. 3 Final accuuat of James Morgan and Thomas Bennett. kaq.,,executors or Henry Mar tin, deceased. Fileu k eurnary 11, 1869. No. 4. Final account of 13amuet McKinney, guardian of Itia,is bpeeltuan. Filed April 13, 1669. - No. 5. Account of Robert Robb. Esq.. admin istrator of John 8. Russell, deceased. Filed Feb ruary 13,1869. . yzo. 6. lual account of John Wilson. adminia• - •"; truary I rator of Joh69.n S. Phinips, deceased. Filed Feb- N 0.3, 18 7. The second partial account of Ames B. Yahoo, William Y. beans and James McCall, ,execetors o' John M. Porton, aeceased. Filed 'February Job 9M . S. buop emeutary account of Ephraim Es tep, deceasoa, executor or Joseph Phillips, de ceased. filed oy Joseph 'Estes), admiulsi rator of rlph raim &step, deceased. k lied February 15, 111959. Nu. 9. Final account of James Payne, guardi ceasedo IL Lowrie son of Wm. Lowr.e, de- Filed.Februar l y 16, 1889. No. ILO. Fast and partial account of Wm. • Woods' and Jas. Means, executors o' ramuel Woods, _dee aced: Flied Four y 10, 1869. No. 11. Account of Juba ROlnlibOn,aumln istrator of James ktobinson.decessed. Filed I eb r airy 8U,1:69 No. 12 nccount of John D. Robinson. execu• for of Mary itubinson,"deceased. Tiled Februa r y SO, 1808. - No. 13. Fan and final account of John P. Wacker. E'cq., executor of Amelia Leaubach, decease'. Filed February 931. 1809. No. 14. Fin tl account of John P. Wacker, F•laryll•eguar 2 oiso of Am.li Leimbacu. Flied Feb- No.ru 869 15. recount of Eliza KsKuhlman.admin istratrix of Her ..au Kuhlman, deceased. Fried Flied February 23, 1869. No 16. Account or Hugh MeElhent adminis tr.tor of Alex. Cameron, deceased . : Filed Fele, rusty 93. 1809 No. 17. Account of Caroline Bender and Bal. Bruer N. els, executors of Jonn Cleo. rseuder,de ceased. .1 lied February 94, . 1869. No. 18. 1 irstwutt final account of George Wolf and Chas. Lowe, executors of Jno. Fraueni mean, deceits:A Filets Fetauary 314, 11369. No. 113. Account of H. etswart and S. Dyer, executors of Joon 1.1„ er, deceased. Filed l'eb r'' a y 96, 1860. No. 20. Account o f C. C. Toyle, Rig. of the estate of Willlam Fitzstiranons, deceased .. Filed Februni7 2 4,11389. • No. 21. A. count of David Dines, Administra tor or the es ate of J. S. Fell, deceased. Filed February 24,1869. No. MS. Account • f Geo ge W. Fisher, admin- Istratir cf tieorge . Wyant, deceased. k Bed Feb ruary 95,1869. No. 93. Fifth account of N. B. Hoge, execu 'tor of me estate of Eligahetn E. H. Isisse 1, cc enraged. Filed February 98,1869. No. $ll4. Account of N. Hoeg. executor of Elizabeth E. H. Bissell In acc not with James B. Bliss 1. Flied February 98, 1869. No. *5. Account of N. B. Hogg, executor of Elizabeth E. 11. Bistell, • deceased, in account with Mary Ann 1 Heti February 26,1889. no. 26. Account of Charles Cub mirage sod Wil lam Walker. executors of Henry Bryce, de ceased. Wile February 27,1869. No. Al. Final account of Juhn D. McCormick, guardian of Wm. J. Marks, now tiecea.en. Flied ebruary 27, .809. No. 98. Final as. onnt of John D. McCormick, guardian of Frances Lavine Marks, near deceas ed. Flied February 27 11389. Nd. 89. First account of Annie Fisher and Ai:wiling Fisher, aaltalnistrators of Carintan Fitter deceased. Flied February 87. 1039 - No. 30. 'amend final account or Ann Maria Walton, admmia.ratrix or the estate or Andrew Nolte,_ueems ea. Filed March 1869. No. 31. First and Finsaaceount of Ann D.GII - adadinstratrix or Daval Gi Leland. de ceased Filed March 1 1869. No. 32. Account of James F. McClure, execu tor of rt.isabeth 11. McClure, deceased. Filed March 5. 1869. No. 33. Account of Frank S. Bissell, executor of the estate o Mrs. Mary A. Bissell, deceased. Filed March 6, t 1869. 1\4).3 e. Partial account of Thomas Weaver and Joe. A. Denny. administrators or Dr. Wm. Denny. deceased. Flied Match 11, 1189. N 0.35 . First and partial account of James Duncan, administrator of Theodore F. Duncan, deceased. Flied March 19 1889. NO. 36. Final account. of Jeremiah Morgan and Simon D. Morgan, executorsof Jno. Morgan,de ceased. rata by Dr. Alex. B. Thompson, ex• ccntor. or Jeromish Morgan. deceased. Flied March 13, 1889. No. 31. Account of Robert Hardir,executor of the estate of Benjamin Patton, deceased. 'Flied March 15,1869. No. 38. Account of Wm. Edgar, administrator of simnel Edgar, deceased. filed March 16, Arrive. Chicago Ex...1:58 a m Chicago Ex..10:03 p m Wheeling Ex 10:48 a in St. Louis Ex 7:08 pm ' Chi' go Ex &M.14:08 p in Cleveland Ex 3:83 p in Erie 4 Yg•n Ex 5:5Sp m Cl. a wive Ex6:5302:: arilvt , ( 4 . .gitepteris Leetsdale ke..8:58 tun' Bca•r Falls " 8:28 an New Castle "10:33 an Enon " 9:13 an Leetsdale " 1:08 pa ilea , r Falls " 9:43 pin Lee r ..• 4:33 pa • " 7.713 Dm !fair Oaks Sun. day .ohnrch. 9:58 an go Express leaves daily. ige Express arrive+ daily J. N. ni , c ti uLTAmen, en'l Supten't. ~.r,'R Nb• 39. First and final iv:count of Bernard Bel set, decesseu, who we. guardian or dOtili Weise andEillati th Weise, tiled by his admit' 11., Lathssiue beset. Filed iderea 11. 1b69. No. 40. Supplementary account or Charles Hays. trusteeof to.° _ge Belienty,now decessed. Fred North 18. 1809. No. 41.- &Levi:int of Charles Hays. matte of Daniel YieHenreFlied Moron 18 1664. No. 419. Ifinal.aCCOunt of C. C. Taylor,admin ceaseo. Fi th d Febr e ay 97.1869. e ndricks. de- No. 43. Float account of Zechariah Wainwrisht and 011.1 a Penn. executors of Josrpe Wain wright. deceased. riled March 22, 1869. No. 44. Flaal accouut of Mary Pfurning• mintstratrix of Wiliam Ffurning, deceased. Filed Hare 515, 1669. No. 45. Second and pertitl account o 1 W. C. Boreland, soministraeo of Dr. Bayer, deceased. Filed March 20. 1869. No. 40. Firs. and final account of John Rodg er., executor of the eat to of :simnel 8e.., de ceitied. Flied March 41. 1869. No. 47. Final au-count of S. 8. Burns, guar dian lit Margaret M. iloodon Woe collo of William Hood, deceased. Filed March 31, 1869. No. 48. final account of William Murray, guardian of James, Eilza lied Annie Alberson. rllOl pril 1, 1809. No. 49. if instead Final account of A. IfelCin ley, s in lateator ofJrneVance, deceased. Filed April 01, 1869. No. 50. Account of Caroline WlUirms, admin • istrator of Jelin ceceased. Flied Aerli No. 51 Flied account of Edward HcOlanese. guardian of Andrew A. :winger. minor son of ratiam Springer. dece a sed. Fileu April 8, 969. Z o. 59. Final avouut of Edward MeGinness. ar , I,n of A urahain Sprieur, minor son et /lied April sth, 1869. N. 53. Final account of Bold. F. Logan ad. mluismear of ine estate or Ephraim Bruner; de. ceased. Filed April 6, 1869. bo. 54. Account of Jo eph A. Batter and Mary Glees 'drat-tastes - or of John G ass, de messed. Fl ied April 19. 1860. No 55. Final acceuet of M. M. Bosworth, ad odnisirstar of Mrel Mary B. Garber, decraste. Flied April 12, 1869. No. 59. Final account if Charles Norris. guarlan of Hugh Graham. min son of J,mes Greiste, deceased. Fist d Apri 13, 1869. No. 67. •irsrand flood account of .1. O. Mo Phenol., acting executor ofWm. J. Helsel! , de. ceaaed. Filed Aprllls, 1869. No. 58. first and final account of C. B. Fet terman, adminietra or of Moses Johnston, de• ceased. riled April 15th, leB9. • No. 58. Final recount of Edward Kelley, ad. d mlniovator of John lioarty. deceased. April 10, 1869. guardian Final account of William Marshall, c f George Login minor son of David Logan, deceased . Filed gin, 10.1069. No. lA. Final account of V. H. Molilheny. guardian of John E. Aleelheny.; William C. McEttieny and Diary_ll. liotihenT. minor chit dren tf re A, MeZlheny, deceased. Flied April 11,11169. elar. e. Account of.H. B. Herron,_Eaq., ad- Bledator of the estate of William H. 8e..!, de- - ce Filed Aprill9, 10 1 09. No. 63. Parties accountof Hobert Morrow, ad grin ISLifitOr of Genera. John Neel, deceased. d April 90. i 1309. No B*. Partial account of Nancy N. Gibson, administratrix or James A. (Boson, deceased. Filed April 90. 18e9. No 0 Final account of Andrew Miller. ad. mlnistrai s. nr of Joon Minnie, deceased. Flied April 90, 1869, No. 66. 'Final account of R. B. Abraham, ad ministrator of Samuel Sherman, deceased. Filed Apell 21, 1869. NO. 87 First and final account of Jam es Evans administrator of the violate or James Dougherty. access d. 'lied April WI, 1889. No. 88. First and/nal account of William liar risOn, gear° lan of Sarah D.' McFarland. now Sarah D. Barr. Flied April 93, 1809 110. 69: First and Anal account of William liarrieon, reardian of AdaF. McFarland. Filed A.oril 23,11369. No. 10. Account of . James Verner, executor of the estate of James Smiths, deceased. Filed April A& 11169. No. 71. First account of James T. Wood, Charles :t hee ood and Benjamin Woodath. exec. uttes o estate of James deceased, Filed April9l. /869. Flo. 74 Aecotint of William ed it bitMOn. 27, for of Jane Robinson, deceas. Filed • pril 1809. No. 73. Vinsi account of Jobs 0. Foster and Flisatnith F. Meredith, adminisiratnrs of A. .1. Foster. decessed. Filed April 27, 1889. - No. 14. Finsl sermons of John firm. adrainis traitor of the entete of_ea noes fireboat, deceased. Flied April 27,1869; . No. 75. 'Final acoodnt of John B. Barcroft, ed adminlstr, for of Albert Jones, deceased. Fil April 28, 1869. No. 78. s foal account of John J. Willeick and Robert Wilson, executors of Renben Anpittrian, decessed. Filed April 98. No. 77 Mai solount of Frederick Unit. Oa*" dean of the =lour heirs of Wm. T, Seetner, ,de.,, ceased. riled April SO, 1889. No. 98. Final account of - Janet and 7110 Mas Robinson, executors of Ale.ll.,obinfiOn, dtetsl9. ed. /1 ed -twit so, moo. - ; No. No. 39. Account of le W.Hlder, Esq., Matte to sell real aside.. of Mary Sampson. deceased. Flied Aprll3o. 1869. ' NO. 80. Penal account of F. A* 116t4914NA. rardlanaW• q. H. cant. /lied April nth; Rea Hs Ite 11011111 0/AIT. 41.1Istallita• s_... GAZE'TrE: MONDAY, MAI 10, NEW ADVriMiIISMENTS; son, gnardisn of Sarah M. Cairn. Tiled April 30 1869. _ NO. B*. Final account °Mex. F. A. Hutch inson. anirdian of Catharibe *. Cavil. Filed April 30, 1869. ' - No. 83. Final aceouitt of Rev. F. A. Hntchin- Fon, guardian of Rohl rt M. cavit and Samuel B. R. . Filed Aprll3o, 1869. No. 84. ACcOnnt , of Rev. P. A. Pntehincon, as commisaioner in the sale of the real estate or Samuel Cavil. neceased: Filed April 30, 18 69 , No. 85. Final account of Robert .1104 . 10111 gnordlan of Eliza Jane Shipman.. Filed M ay 1. 1869. No. 86. Account of John Wolin. en entor of the last will and testament of Arthur Morrow, deceased. Flied May 3. 1869. Na. 87. 'Final account of Houston Thorn. ex- . ecotor of Robert Thora, deceased, Filed May 3, 1869. No. 88. Account of William R. Johnston and C. Hobo. executers of Andrew Johnston. Filed May 3. 1869. No. 89. Final account of Rev. John T. Prat ley, guardian of John Joseph and Eliza Ann Low reY, culidren of John Lon rey, deceased. Stied Max 4, 1869. No. 90. 1. anal account of Rev. Edward McMl - of Rosa It. and James SI tailord, children of Henry S:affurd, deceased. Filed May 4, 1809. Williaml: First account of George D. Brace. Phillips sun Christopher Magee, execu ton of Andrew Fulton. deceased. r lied Aril 4, 1869. No. 951. Account of Samuel George, treasurler and acting xecutor of the estate of D. lipee7, ucceased. Flied May 4, 1869. N0.,93. First and partial account of Rev. . F. Garland and John racilieown executors of the estate of Catharine Kearney, 'deceased. Filed May 6. 1669. la o. 91. k Thal account of Jacob T,isenbles. ad ministrator of John .M. klaenbles, deceased. Filed May 6. 18u9. No. 95. Final account of Joseph Johnston, gimp' lan of Sarah Ann Hoffman. Filed May 6. 1869. _No. 96. First account of B. A. Sampson sl i nd' ceasedell. executors of Andrew Wawhop, e- Flied Man 7. 1869. No. 97. Final account of S. D. Oliphant. ad ministrator of the estate of Catharine Mickey, deceased. May 7, 1869. No. 98. Final account of Rebecca Baum. ad mlnlstratrix of Win. P. Baum, deceased. Filed Mae 8.1869. 140 .1 09 . Final ,cconnt of Edward Spring ad minim ator or Franz Lultrum, deceased. Filed May 8,1869. m 39 BATES OFFER A FULL STOCK DRESS GOODS 1:1-133.19, ACE CEItTA.IN LINEN GOODS, AT yQW PRICE $05,000 TO LOAN ON 1103 sok MORTGAGE. BOOk• bettled and accounts promptly _ ed. Houses and Lots in rittsbarto and Alfeglie- Tly. ellninp Houses In Lo tn twit, Ltoemy and B addocks. Lots In Mansfield. A very desirable farm of ?Guru; splendid young orchard. good house. with store-room attached; spring of n..yer water: near Economy. on the :las of P. Ft. Vor. &C. B. V. for sale very cheap. lowa, hit/soon and Virginia land for sale. Enquire of . THOS. SIMPSON & B. IL HOLLAND Brokers and Beal Estate Agents. SO ABAFT SIEE, . ..111ce. r but room. SPRING • IaC.IS2r El 3, An Immense Stock at. Low Prices, a • IIicCORD &..00%; • .181 WOOF BTREES •p 1 FEDERAL OIL COMPANY-. In pursuance of an order from the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, Pennsylva. nits. the Directors of the PIcDEKAL OIL. COM PAN Y have this day declared a dividend ef T CENTS per shin, payable forthwith to the legal holders of stock in said company, on return to the Secretary, of certificates or other evidence of ownership. All parties are hereby notified that dividend*. ncialmed for a period of six monthsovili be dis osed of according to law. By order ofthe Board. A. B. MILLS, Secretary. Ofilce,Ducu sne Way, 3 doors below Ninth Pittsburgh. Pa. Pittsburgh. LA pril BS, 15110.. ap2D:it7 MACHINISTS' TOOLS FOR SALE. ....X Double Geared Pllde Lathes. various sizes, 1. %cre ye w s fro C m ut l34 Inch ting Mato chine, with Taps and D 31. 1 Sore* Cutting_ Machine for small work. Lot of Mantrllls, - Borlng Bits, Hamm of ' all sizes from 3 inch to All kinds small tools. For Information call on H. W II3H rid AN it Lop. ens aVilghtman's Glass WorlteallthWard,r burvh during the Al l egheny . the evening at No. 411 tiandubty street, my7:ll2.dT. ISSOLWTION.—The Partner. imp as the Arm of Wm. Prance 6. thin, eietofore existing between the undersigned in the 'weer,' business, at 16 Diamond, rut" burgh. Is this day di