I qi) 50J.'.: r,1:4 OPTICE or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, t SATURDAY, May 8, 1869. - S GENERAL REVIEW—The oil mar ket has been somewhat excited and very sensitive during the past two or three days, consequent upon the character of advises from above in regard to produc tion and stocks, but thus far the only effect visible here, is a very determined resolution on the part of buyers to hold off until they buy at a decline. • On the other hand Belle's do not seem as urgent about selling as was generally supposed they would, under existing circumstan ces, and as yet the decline has been very slight, not exceeding a quarter of a cent, and at the r;luction the offerings are by no means h vy. Refined for May, IS steady and prices are fully sustaine d while the late months are weak and lower; the advance in gold doubtless did much towards sustaining May: CRUDE—There was but a single sale reported to-day, 2,400 bbls (40®45) on spot at 1435. Forty to forty-six gravity, in the absence of sales, may be fairly "quoted at 14®141i. Buybra generally were only offering 14 for the last named gravity, but we are cognizant of one offer to buy a thousand- bbis at 14X. REFINED—SaIe of 500 bbls last half June at 33y0 and 500, subsequently, at 33. May, as already intimated, is hold ing its own, y, for first half, and 323 5 ® 32X for last i half. Late months lower; offers to sell May to September, at 34@ 334; and July to September at 3435. We are in hopes that the market will soon get in shape to admit of a resump tion of business in earnest, Receipts of Crude this week, 4,975; last week, 6,209; from January Ist to date, 233,455; same time last year,380,929. Exports Relined this week, 8,308; last week; 9,768; from .lanuary Ist to date, 119,877; same time last year; 112,614 Sales this week, 29,500; last week, 58;500 LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c • Eclipse Railroad Axle 35c Eclipse Machinery . 75c Eclipse Spindle ... 80c OIL SHIPPED NAST BY A. V. B. B. - Lockfiart, Frew it Co. 485 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co. Standard Oil Co. 373 bbla refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. J: C. Kirkpatrick& Co. 204 bbla refined Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L et S. 196 bbla refined to W. P. Lggan & Bro. H. IV. C. l Tweddle 50 bbla tar , to Lyles Polt & Co., New York. Total shipments Refined 1258 OIL SHIPPED • EAST FBOX DUQUESU DEPOT Hutchinson Oil Ref. C0.,209 bbls ref. to Warden. Frew ih Co.. Phlladephia. Total Sliipmenta n.c4lne4L Markets by Telegraph. NEw Tom', May B.—Cotton firm; sales 2,200 bales at 28%c for Middling 'Uplands : Flour—receipts were 6,725 bbls; less, active, without; decided change, closing heavy and a shade easier for low grades; sales 6,800 bbls at 15,7006 for superfine, State and western; 16,1006,45 for extra State; 16,1007 for extra western; 17013 for white wheat extra; 16,2507,50 for R. H. 0.; 1708,50 for extra St. Louis; 190 12 for good choice do. Rye Flour firm; sales 270 bbls at 14,7506,&5. Cornmeal quiet. Whisky quiet and heavy at 970 980 for western free. Wheat—receipts were 9,220 bush; dull, heavy and declin ing; sales 24,000 bush at 11,4501,4635 for No. 2 spring , in store and delivered; 11,49 01,5234 for No. 1 do. in store and deliv ered; 'LAO for winter red Illinois. Corn opened dull and closed heavy and 102 c lower, sales of 39,000 boa at 890 91c for new mixed western, 880 We for old do in store; and 89091 c for do afloat; closing at in Inside quotations; nearly all the sales were, old corn. Receipts oats, 6,200 bus; firm; sales of 26,000 bus at about 87c for western In store, andBB34o 90c for do afloat. =Rice dull at 8%09c for Carolina. Coffee quiet and firm. Sugar quiet, sales. of 280 hhds Cuba at 11300 12%c. Molasses dull. Hops quiet at 60 12c for American. Petroleum dull at 17%0180 for crude. Coal quiet. Woo/ a little more - active; sales of 240,000 lbs at 46340540 for domestic fleece, 320330 for unwashed, and 23050 c for pulled. Leathery hemlock sole rather better re quest at previous prices. Linseed oil steady at 11,03. Spirits turpentine quiet at 451047 c. City alcohol, 11,8501,90; no western here. Pork fi rm; sales of 700 bbls at 131,10031,25 for new mese, $3l foi old do, \ 125,75026 for prime, 128,25 1028,50 for prime mess, also 250 bbls new mess, buyer June, at 131,50. Beef steady with sales of 160 bbls at 8016 c for new plain mesa; 120180 for, lie* extra mess. Tierce be ef dull; sales of 50 tierces at 120026 for prime new mess; $25,80 for. India mess. Beef Hama steady, sales of 225 bbls at 26032 c. Cut Meats steady; sales of 480 packages at 123.1013 c, for , shoulders; 140016 c for hams. Middles nominal; sales of 100 boxes short ribbed at 16c. Lard quiet and steady; sales of 650 tierce's a$ 14%018%c for steam; 18%0 483;o for kettle rendered,'altio 250 tierces steam, seller July, at 17 Tic. Butter firm at 20043 c for Ohio; 20045 c for state. Cheese firrii at 104022c.' Freights. to Liverpool are firmer, with engagements of 25,000 buahs Wheat at 3d, afterwards 334 d :was offered- and 4d •asked. Metals; Sheath ing Copper - firm; Ingot Copper firm at 28,41024,;p:f0r Lake Superior, and 240 for Baltimore. Pig Iron firm at 141045 for Scotch , and s39@4?' for Bar steady and in demand at 185490 for relined English and Anierican. Sheet Iron quiet at 11 1 X01831 In gold for Bos nia. Nails. are very quiet at 4 3 / 4 07c for cut; 6%0610, for clinched; -260300 for horse - shoe.. • `r• Lizteltiour. closed dull and 4 50 10c lower common grades. Wheat digl; heavir and 102 e lower.. Bye quiet and firM at. 11,33 in •store for western. Oats qulYt and firm at 86W0870 fbr wee- tern. in store. Corn lower ,and dull at 880900 for new mixed western, and 88@ 90340 forold. mixed western in store and afloat. Pork dull at gal®3l,lo , .fot nevi mess, cash and regular. Beef steady and unchanged. Cut meats steady th a moderatebeenin d. Bacon gale and steady.. Lard steady at 18a for rime steam re n dered .' Eggs dull at '19(4200., puicecio, May B.—Eastern Exchange in` good demand at par buying- and 1.10 - premium selling. lourF quiet and firmer at 1506,10 for spring extras. =, Wheat firm and 1%1340 higher; sales No 1 at 11, - 1801,20ago: z. 2 11443%01,16%, closing at $144%01,16; sales this afternoon at 11,12%. Corniquiet and 101 1 / 4 43 lower; sales Igo. at 60%,0613, No. 24st 570 58)0, 1 rejected. 66056 c, new 5635®57e, and no grade 46047c,c1051ng - With salient at, 130}ity. for -= No. 1, and' 560 - forNo: 2i. nothing doing this afternoon.' Oatp Mod erately active and .30) higher; sales No. S at • 6134062)40,' closing at 62(b623.0. Rye quiet and 35ct ,hlglier; sales No. I at Pir6)4iiimtNo.2 liAi(6l.l4,:mlostag: 'unchanged. Barley o= at 11,7001,75 feebly:2. :New Orleans Molseses 110 1.05. Sugar 1401530 for common to o l :oloo.:Niglawines quiet with buyers, at 90340; and Sellers at 916. Metes Pork tirni at 1131. Lard 17y 4 ®17, 2 0: -Reoeipts for 'the past twenty-four hotits-:9;212 bbht flonr._sB•96l_. hush wheat. 105,867 bush torn, 060, haft oida w 785 built rye; 800 bust barley. 13hipmititti-7,005 bias flour, 41;242 bush wheat, 79,20 bush corn, 23,148 bush oats, 1,004 bush rye, 1,578 bush barley. Freights steady and unchanged. Calcsao, May B.—ln the afternoon the grain markets were dull and prices,nom inally the same as at close of 'Change. No. 2 wheat sold at $1,12K@1,13, seller month, and $1,143% cash. Cot% and eats lifeless. Provisions dull but firm. In the evening. Wheat at $1,13, seller month. Lake freights steady, be for wheat to Buffalo. CINCINNATI, May B.—Flour in fair de mand and the market flrm; sales ' of family at $6(4)6,25. Wheat unchanged; No. 2 $1,30, and No. 1 $1,40, the best being held 2@3c 'higher. Corn quiet and firm at 65c. Oats steady at 68@72c. Cotton steady; sales middling at 27@ 2730. Whiskey very firm at 93c; not much offered. Provisions quiet. Mesa Pork-f3l. Bulk meats 12@1434e. Bacon 13h1@)1614(1)17c. Sugar cured hams 1834 (4)19c. Lard is held at 18e, but nothing done in any article calling for special mention. The advance in gold strength ens the views of holdeta, but has not, in creased the demand, which remains very light. Butter ntichangedi, receipts of fresh made are still light. but other grades almost unsaleable. Fggs firm at 16c. Linseed oil 11,04. Lard oil $1,45© 1,50. Petroletim steady at 326 for refined. Groceries unchanged. Gold, 13734 buy ing. Money market easy. ST.:Lonis, May B.—Tobacco quiet and unchanged. Cotton and Hemp unchan ged and very little doing. I. Flour dull at 14€15 for super; 14,75(4)5,75 for extra. Wheat very dull and buyers are asking concessions: prime to, low choice red fall quoted at $1,50(4)1,70; choice to fancy. $l,BO ®1,93; spring in sacks sells at $1,13401,16, and a lot in the elevator brbught $1,12. Corn active with an upward tendency; sales of white in elevator at 580 in sacks; 64e,68c for mixed ,to white, and 720 for fancy. Oats in demand and higher at 65 @7oc. Barley dull, with sales at $1,70@ 1,80. Rye nominal at $1,24®1,25. Whisky better at 90c, held at 91c. Groceries quiet and unchanged. Provisions dull and unchanged. Pork jobbing at $31©31,50. Bacon unchanged; ahoulde sold on or ders at" l 3c; clear sides 17c;7 round lots could be had at agc lower. Lard nomi nally unchanged. BUFFALO, May 8.-A large fleet of ves sels arriving. Receipts: floor 9,300 bbls, wheat 140,000 buts, corn 94,000 bus, oats 43,000 bus. Shipments: wheat 14,000 bus, corn 28,000 bus. Freights: wheat. 14c, corn 120, oats Bc, to. New York. Flour—good demand for spring; sales of 1,000 bbls No. 2 city ground at 16. Wheat opened firm and closed dull; sales of 5 boat loads N0..2 Milwaukee and Chicago at $1,25, and 20,000 bus No. 2 Chicago to arrive at 11,24%. Corn quiet; sales of 16,000 bus new at 6334 c, 8,000 bus old at 65c, 21,000 bus in lots nominal at 63c, 7,000 bus in lota new at 64e, and white and No. 1 certificate offered at 70c. Oats dull, retail trade at 74c, held at 75c on spot, and asking 730 to arrive. •Barley nominal. Rye neglected. , Seeds dell and unchanged. Pork, In Lard; 19'c. Highwisms dull; sales of 50 bbls at 96c. •••••9 209 LOITISvILLE, May B.—Cotton Market quiet; low middlings 2534 c. Bagging is quiet and unchanged; two pound; 22c... Flour in fair demand; superfine, 15,24. Corn is quiet at 65@080. Oats steady at 88®70c. Wheat is quiet at 11,50®1,55 for red. Bran is steady at 75c. Cement is firm at 81,25. Sugar; New Orleans. 1434®14%c: fully fair to prime hard standard at 17c. 'Molasses; 800 for prime New Orleans. Coffee; 20@)250 for fair to prime Rio. Hay, 122,50. Loaf Tobacco; sales of 114 hogsheads offered; prices are firmer. Potatoes are dull at 11,25. Whisky is firm at 93@95c. Provisions— Mess Pork, 531,25. .Bacon; shoulders, 133ic, clear rib sides, liiNct, clear sides, 173*c, and hams, 17M@l9c. Bulk meats;. shoulders, 1214 c, clear rib sides, 15.ic, and clear sides at 18%'c, all packed. Lard; 180 in tierces, andl.93ic in kegs. NEw Onvratts. May 8.-Cotton stiffer; middlings 28%®28%c per pound; sales, 2,400 bales; receipts, 1,373 bales; exports, 8,473 bales. Gold 38; sterlinc 150%1New York sight % per cent premium. Flour; superfine $5,60; double extra $5,87; treble extra $6,25. Corn ; white 77©78c.- Oats; 750. Bran $1,25. Hay ; prime W ®3oc. Mess pork nominal at $32 60 per barrel. Bacon ; jobbing at 1334 ; 1735 ®l7 4 for shoulders and clear sides. Lard quiet at 1834®19c per tierce; 1934©20 per keg. Sugar cane 9%,©93;0. per lb; prime 12% ®12,./,. Molasses dull ; fermenting: 40©5Gto. Whisky ; western rectified 85®92% 17%00. Coffee f fair 153, , ,c ; prime TOLEDO, May 8.-Flour dull. Wheat a shade better; amber, 11,44%, on spot; $1,45 buyers. June ; $1,45 sellers May ; white Michigan $1,45, sellers May; No. 1 red at 11,44. Corn a shade lower; No. 1, 87, spot; 64, sellers, June: No. 2at 6234. Oats lo lower, at 68. I Rye steady. Barley dull. Receipts: 3,100 barrels Flour, 5,200 busheld wheat, 460 bushels corn, 7,200 bushels oats. hip ments; 15,000 barrels flour, 6,200 buihels wheat, 21,000 bushels corn, 6,300 budhels oats. Mthw.suazz, May 8.-Flour quill but firm; choice Wisconsin and lowa at 155,37 1 6,00. Wheat unsettled; $1,17% for No. 141234 for No. 2; Oats unchanged. Corn quiet and unchanged. Rye Com !nal: Barley quiet and steady ;line, $1,80®1,85. Grain freights quiet, at do to 0 : Buffalo, lic to . Oswego. Receipts, 1,000 bbls. flour, 45,000 bn. wheat, 3, bu. oats. Shipments, L 3,000 bbls. flour, 1,000 bu. wheat. . Patrid.DELPlita, May 8.-Flour e °es slvely dull and drooping; Northweitern extra family $6,50©7,25. Wheat I dull and declined Sc; sales 3.0001 m red at $1,60 ©1,05; amber 11,75©1,80; 10,000 bu Tole do No. 2at 8175. Rye steady at $1,45. Corn more active; sales 30,000 bu yellow and unchanged; high mixed 85®88c. Oats steady at 82@83c for western:, Pe troleum and provisions unchanged. Whisky 9545970. • ' . 1 BAMTIMORA May 8.-Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat - inactive; receipts were small; sales valley red at 52,10. Corn dull; prime white sold at 83(48543; yellow at 87®890. Oats dull at 76®780 for heavy and 73@75c for light. Rye nominally at $1,40®1,45. Mess• Pork quiet at $31,75. Bacon quiet; rib-sides, 163;0; clear des, 1735 c; shoulders.•lo4o. Hams, 19 Oct. 'Lard firm at. 19©1034c. Whisky fir and scarce at 06 A 970. CLEvELAND, May 8.-Flour st ady. Wheat 1 red winter, held at. 50 ; No. 2 do.,at $1,20441,32. Corn, 2 cars No. 1, at 71c ; 8 cars No: 2, at 680. Oats ; sale of one car st 70. Petroleum market quiet • and - unchanged; refined held at 30©31 in ota lots for standard white; trade lots 1182(48o advance. iiinsgruis, May 8.-Cotton quiet and firm; low- middling 26340. Remipts, 232 bales. Exports, 464.1ia1e5. Elimr .dull ;, super fine:RC $5,00@5,50. Corn et 75c.Oats at 750. Hay,. $28,00. 'Pork,. 1121i50. Lard, 18@10340. . Bacon firm; shoulders, 13350; sides, 17%e. : Bulk meats dull; shoul ders, 12350; sides, 1634 c. • . , .. . _ SAN FRANI:WOO ) MilVi 8.-sviour steady at 15,17®5,24 for Oregon • extra' j4,558® 4.62)v Wheat-sales 20,000 sacks at 11,05 ®1,60. Legal tenders 75. • ' ' ' - SAN Fnaitotsco, May 8.-Flenr steady at 55,17®5,25 for Oregon extra; :$4,55@ 4,62% for wheat. Sales, 20,000 sacks, at 11,84®1,50; legal tenders at 75.. ' 7 - DrroOrr, May &—Wheat guletf No. l' white $1,60, and Nd.. 2 do. 11,X, Corti , steady at 65% Oats Acid Ai Os. • - • - :• - , • • ;! . ~ :PITTSBUEGIL,GAZEM:: „_ -MONDAY. ,-MAY.,,10,,z1.: Live Stock Markets. Cateseo, May B—Cattle3farket.—Hogs active and firm at $8,25(§8,60 for com mon to fair, and $8,95@9,35 for good to choice;.,receipts 2,278 head; shipments 3,565 head. Cattle dull at $5(4)6 for butch ers', and $6,25@7,25 'for light to good shipping steers. CrIceIICNATI, May B—Cattle Market.— Beef cattle in. fair demand but quiet at $4,50(D7,50 per eental gross for common to extra. Sheen firm at $3,50@6,50 per eental gross. Hogs dull at $7,50(0,56 per oental gram, Sr. Loris, May B.—Cattle and Hogs quiet and unchanged. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, FORT WATHE a CHI oeGo RAILROAD. May 7.-19 carametal, Nimick & Co; 7 do do, Bryan dc Caughey 2do do, Lloyd dt Black; Bdo do, J W Porter, 2 do, Superior Mills; 4 do do, Union Mills; 1 do do, Everson, Preston & Co; 300 bbls flour, Shomaker & Langen heirh; 300 do do, 1 car rye) ; \ Onlp et SheP ard4 50 bbla, Bichwines, W!. Miller &, Co; 10 v i i . bls tallow, Sellers & Co; 1,300 do flour o era; 400 sks do, Watt, L & Co; 10 Cali lard,- J Porterfield; .100 do do, H McClure; 100 do do, Meanor di Harper; 2 cars corn, Hitchcock, McCroery & - Co; 11 cars hay, Bricker dr Co; 29 bge barley, W J Meek; 1 cat potatoes, Voigq Mahood & Co; 1 do do. C Norton; 150 bgs oats, F G Craighead; 23 aks rags, Godfrey dc Clark; 13 has cheese, N J Braden; 461 sks rags, Frazier k Metzgar; 9 tubs butter, Wood. worth & Davison; 17 bxs cheese; Watson & Co; 2 bbls eggs 1 bx butter, J Wilson & Son; 10 bxs cheese, E Heazleton; 27 aka rags, Pitts Paper Co; 3 bbls eggs, Meanor & Harper; 1 car staves, M P Adams & Bro. PITTSBURGH CTICCLN. - NATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. May 8.-177 aks oats, 9do rye, Bingham Lic L;. 2 i bbls eggs. Volgt, Mahood Jr Co; 34 sks oats, F S Childs; 22 do potatoes, J Foley; 3 cars staves, W Hastings;- 1 do do C Albright; 1:do corn and oats J B Canfield; b do do, 5 do rye, J W Simpson; 1 do rye, H Wal lace; 24 bbla whisky, W S Head; 36 butts tobacco . , W L Jones; 3 hhds 'do, Wdt D Rinehart; 4 his, 8 cads do, 11cGinniss Jt Co: 10 cases do, Schmidt dt.l2 cads do, J H Lippincott; 20 do do, C C Baer; 24 do do, C D Arnsthal; 12 htids bacon, 3do shouldets, J H Parker; 25 tcs hams, W B Hays ds Son; 5 bbla lard oil, E Hazleton; 3 his drugs, R E Sellers Jr CO; Ido do, McClarran McK; sdo do. L P Rosen burg. _ ALtatoßE.trY STATION, May 8.-1 car staves, J M Hemphill; 70 bbla, 232 sks flour, S C McMasters; 30 bbls apples, Owens at Rennedy;• 2 cars , hay, P Y Brown; 2 ears wheat, W McKee it Co; 40 mks oats, J Cunningham; 2 cars lime, O C Lamb & Co; ;5 bbls eggs, W Moore; 1 car oats, J B McKee; 12 bbls cider, J Hahn; 30 bbls lime, T F Grubbs; 2 eke cheese, J Baldinger; Ido do; C Kandy; 65 bga flaxseed, 84 dO rye, MI3 Suydam. _ ARID Prrrssuaan RAIL ROAD May 8.-1 car wheat, ' Liggett it Co, Bdo blooms, Nlmiok & Co; 10 bzs tobacco, E Hazelton; 8 cars b ooms, Jno Moorhead; 1 car potatoes, Vol t, M it Co; 1 do do, Brnggeman de 0; 1 o do, A A Waters; 1 do do, Day & Co; 30 bbls lime, S Davidson; 1 car oats, J B . W Fairley; - 9 sks rags, Christy & B; 96 bdls chairs, Bedford Chair Co; 4 bbls apples, Dnff & Son; 20 sks rags,-Godfrey & Clark; 1 car shingles, G F Robinson; 50 bbls lime, W W Wallace. • AMMO:OMNI° vermat , RAILROAD, 1 car metal. Union Mills; 2do do Lyon, Shbrb & Co; Ido do, H. Woodsides; 20 bgs potatoes, 9do rye, Keil & Ritchart: 640 bbls oil. Fisher & Bro; 2 cars lime, D L Reynolds: 23 bgs oats, 12 do rye, Culp & Shepard; 22 do oats, B Bishop; 4 cai die tobacco, P H M'Kenna; 1 cask bacon, E Hazelton; 10 cars railroad iron, P, C &, St P. R Co; 2do do, AVR R Co. MERCHANT TAILORS. BOTEP CLOTIILNG.The lar gest and most complete atOck'or Boys'; Youths . and Cbildien's Clothing, For the present!aeoaon, 115 to be l'oand at GRAY dr. LOGAN'S, &pia •47 SIXTH STREET. (late St. Clair.) M'PHERSON MUHLANBRING, _ No. 10 Sixth (Late St. Clair) Street. (inceessorii to W. ' ll. Meal= & C 0.,) MERCHANT TAILORS, Have Just received their careftilly selected stock of Spring and Summer Goods—and Will be glad to show or sell them 10 old and new codomers. The Cutting Department will still be superin tended by Dr. C. A. MiIIEILANBRING. Italie pleasure In recommending the above erm to the liberal support of the public. mhll2lBl Wr H. MeGEB. BTIEGEL, 'tLatecutter.with Hespenheide.) No. 53 Smithfield Street,Pittsburgh. sealivn • NEW SPRING GOODS. ♦ splendid new stock of CLOTHSI CASSIMKRES, &Cot Jcuit melTed.b7 BEIfUTTEE. sell: : Merchant Tailor. 13 Smithfield street. DOLLAR, SAVINGS BANK. NO. 65 TOUR= STREET. CHARTIRID IN 1966. ASSETS Open daily, from 9 o'clock A. x. to 3 ololock r.' at, and SATURDAY' EVENINGS; from May Ist to November Ist, front 7 to 9 o'cloc k . and from November Ist to 'Nay Lt, Imre 6 to o'clock. Deposits received of all eases of 'not less than ONZ DOLLAR and a dividend• of the prolate declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest has been deillared genii -annually in dune and December since the Bank was organised, at the rate of stst per cent. A year. Interest, if not drawn ont, is placed to the credit of the depositor as rnincipal,and bears the same int erect fromthe Ist days of June and December.'ocrmmninding twice n year, without troubling the depositor to call, or even to present his pus book. At this rate mousy will double in less than twelve years. . • Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Miles and Regulations, iunslehed gratis, on applies, tient at office. asstioricr--GEORGS ALBECEE. VICEPHESIDZNTB: John G. Backofen,. A. M. Pollock, M. D.. Beni. P. Fahnestock, Robert Robb, J ima Herd nik e, John H. ilhuenberger, James McAuley, James Miele, James B. D. Bleeds, Alexander, hpeer; Isaac M. Pennock, Christian Yeager. THVISTZZIS:_ - Wm. J. Anderson, Robert C. Lomat.; Calvin Adams, Henry J. Lynch, John C. Bindley, Peter A. Madeira, Goorge Black, • John Marshall; Silt Margarin, Walter P. Marshall, Alonso. A. Carrier, dohnß. McFadden, Charles*. Colton, Ormsby maniple. John IDvans, Henry_ld • gwalt, John J. Gillespie, r• Wm. E:etbraerfs, William S: Haven, Alexander Tindie Peter H. .Flu • Van lurk; H Richard Haas, Imo Whittier, James. 1);,i(elly, • P. Wellman. . 'Thiketrimit-011A3LIC8 Ad cotaort. agensTART—.IAM.SS B. D. ILICIDB.. i t • iouriFITE, LIMBIL-400 =-barrels sian bv, • - 4. s. comma). .16, lamb b 1 Tee river was about at a stand yester day with eight feet' in the channel by the Monongahela marks last evening. Weather cloudy and warm; at noon the mercury had risen to 70, There has been no departures since the date of our last report, aside from the regular pack ets. - The Emma No. 3 arrived from New Orleans, and the Camelia from Nashville will probably be found in port this morn ing. The Messenger, Capt. Jesse Dean, is filling up steadily for St. Louis and the Upper Mississippi, and will be the first boat ont. The new, steamer Metamoras No; 2, Capt. R. Dalzell, announced to depart for New Orleans, on or about the 20th. The R. C. Grey left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Friday. Pilots—J.•Shouse and W. H. Dorsey. I —We clip the foilowing from the Cin cinnati Commercial of Saturday: There is a "dead beat" visiting the steamers at the levee, who gives his name as Ken dall. He claims to be connected with a Sunday paper it this city. Yesterday, he forged an introductory letter to the steamer R. C. Gray, in the hope of pass ing another "dead beat" to Pittsburgh. He failed' in the latter attempt, how ever. _ —The Nightingale was offered for sale at auction, on Thursday. Bidders were not very anxious, as only 14,050 were offered, which not being satisfactory, she was withdrawn. —The Nick Longworth had a narrow escape from destruotion during the storm Tuesday night. Seven staterooms on the larboard side • aft were riddled. and part • of the hurricane roof blown. off. She tqok fire in the cabin barber shop from broken coal oil lamps, but by exertions of the officers and crew the fire was extinguished and the boat saved. The damage was about T 1,400. —The transfer of ownership of the Charleston, from Capt. Murdock to Capt. Caffrey, was completed just a day or two before the boat sunk at Cabin Creek shoals, in the Kanawha, as reported a few days ago by telegraph. While the boat was coming down,. through, the chute of the shoals, Sunday morning, she was driven by stress of wind out of the channel and stuck fast on the wall of the chute. lihe was sparred off, and swung round across the channel, and was carried, by the high wind.prevailing broadside on the rocks at the foot of the chute, tearing out, it is supposed, half her b ottom as she went down in about five minutes. Capt. Caffrey, who was at the wheel, succeded in running her on a bar below before she sunk. The river was rising rapidly, and as the boat is lying across the river, there was some danger of her cabin being carried away. Her to*,was lying below the shoals. TA.LL.O/1 * $2,315,804 61. • h .~'Aiw~•._u. J. X. CIAXIIKL,D, CBI RIVER NEWS, —The Kate Putnam, Pittsburgh to St. Louis, passed Evansville on Thursday, with all the freight she wanted. She gdt 20 passengers there., " —The Lorena and Glasgow passed Evansville on Thursday. -1-The funeral of the? late Geo. Elm late clerk of the G A Thompson, was to have taken place at Cincinnati on Friday. —An interesting decision in reference to the bar privilege on steamboats, was .rendered by Judge Taft of Cincinnati on Thursday. The insurance companies re fused to pay their insurance on the Ama ranth because the,y claimed that the poli cies were forfeited by a further insurance on the bar privilege. The Court held that this was not such a further insu rance as would make void the policies on the boat. ---A late St. Lords exchange says: The W. H. Brown, Tom Rees, Liberty ) and Grand Lake are all detained here alt. ing for iron ore, which is reportedas coming into the "pile" very slowly, and in quantities not adequate to supply the demand; there are at present seven steamers willing and waiting to load with mineral, and there is not enough ore at Carondelet to. fill up more than one barge. The. St. Marys, in attempting to make a landing at Cincinnati on Friday morn ing, was caught by the current and car ried broadside under the bridge, knock ing both chimneys down. One of the falling chimneys knocked down one of the scape-pipes, and steam escaped into the cabin pretty freely; causing ,consid erable commotion among the passengers. In consequence of the accident she was not expkted to leave Cincinnati until noon Saturday, so that she will likely be behind time reaching here. ftiVer and Weather. Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l Louxscuam, May B.—The river is ris ing steadily, with eleven feet in the Ca nal. Weather pleasant. PROFESSIONAL. W. De CAMP, G. • _ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Chloe, No. 137 FOURTH AVENUE, Pitts. burgh, (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter H.. Lowrie,) will practice in the U. S. Circuit and District Courts, in the State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny county, and make colt ec• tlontl In moat of the adjacent counties. ja29:d7.8 WM. H. PEEPER, ALDERMAN Mtn IES•OFFICIO J C 31103 OP TIM PEAOS. • OFFICE, 8811FTS AVENUE. Special attention _given "to 'conveyancing and collections. Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages draws up, and 411 legal business attended to promptly, and scearatel . - , SA NiaiL IicRIA§TMN, .szaz•miuNukw, Jnsttce of the Peace and Police Mag. tzate. Mice, GRANT STREET, opposite the Cathedral A PITTSBURGH, PA. B Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all - Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. tohlB JOHN A. STRAIN,.. ATL.ampliaLArt. KX-0111010 SIISTICE OF THE IMAM AND POLICN kI&ONSTRATE. , • Ogies,ll.4B FIFTH STREET, opposite the Ca thedral,' Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mort 'oleos, Acknowledgment', Depositions and all Legs Business executed with promptness and dispatob. • ~ Amni A oN, . , • justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL MATE AID INSU • RANCE AOH I II. • • CARSON STREET, EAST BERNIROHAN. ! • • te c u ic a d e lso t tg..on of Rents solicited and pro:At:ll6r 4 011 N W. RLDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. °glee, U 6 ll*amend Street, • (opposite 'the Court House, ) . . , = A RCHLUCIALID. SLUMMY, . . .; • I , Yr , : - • wrircateritrar,.4q-usw _ IPS r"r7"l *?' • '4„,,40-Vaj0e44.14-13,7.0ZAW6*- NEW ODLEADA AND TEXAN. OE NEW ORLEANS, Aa s tt EkALVESTONt BROWNS - VILLE. Texas—The new and staunch-built stesuntr MATAMORAS.No.9... Capt.s. DAL ZEL Wifl leave as above oiTHURSDAY, tLe 510th lest. . ; For freight or passage anply on 'board or to mys fLAOE & COLLINEMOOIL Agents. FOR ST . LOUIS, GA•agig i e LEN A., DUBUQUE AND ST. PAL.—The One passenger steamer MESSENGER Capt J.BSSE DEAN. Will leave tor, the above ports on TUESDAY, May 1 I CI, at. 4 For treignt or rassaire apply on board. or to FLACK a COLLINOWOOD. Zit CAIRO,ST.LOUItr i giEt ND ST.l*l.lL—The a teatne No. 3 Capt. Jas. MARATTA. Will leave aaabove on WEDNESDAY, the 13th inet.l For freight orpasraf(P apply on board or to - d FI, AII ts. .t. Ct.d.I.ANGWOOD, Agent,. aapirgia 1869, agrig NORTHERN. LINE PACKETS, FROM. Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL INTERMEDIATE FORTS. One of the splendid Sidewheel Steamers of this Lind will leave St. Louis da ly for Keokok,Daven pert, Dubuque, Winona, Stillwater and St. Paul. TZough receipts for Freight and Passengers will be given to all points oh.the Upper Missis- Hiss pi on steamers running from this port and connecting with the Northern Line Packets at St, Louis, thus enabling Consignees to get their Freight through without delay and at lowest rate'. Apply to JOHN FLACK, J. D. COLLIN GWOOO, . H. C. GRAY. Agents, or to m ‘M:g23 - 91 Water stzeet. 116ITTSIBURGH,sair e t WHEELING AND PAR KERSBURG LlNE.—Leave Cottinsnv , s Wharf seat. toot of Wow Street, daily at,L% it., WED NESDAYI3 and SATURDAYS, GRAY mAGLif. G. L. BRENNAN, Muter. Freight will be received at all hours by JAMES COLLINS. FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, Agents. aplll Fon WHEELING. ARM rA,PARKEIiSBURG AND C NCINNAII Leaves Pittsburgh E.VICILY TiTESD 151 Leaves Cincinnati EVERY FRIDAY-4 P. M. The swift and superb Mewl:mei Steamer ST. MARYS, T. C. SWEENEY. Commander, will leave as announced above. For Fieight or Passage apply onboard, or to ' . FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, or • , COLLINo & BARNES, .Agents. N. B.—No Frelgtit received on Tuesday alter It A. M.' in h'29 TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. THE INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Numibering .s.ixteen iirat-olawi 'ruses, among mtne celebrated CITY OPIUM* CITY OP ANTWEPP, _ CITY OP BOSTO_N, CITY OP BALTIMO RE , OP LONDON, Sailing EVERY SATURDAY, .from Pier 43, North River, New York. Tor nassage or further information anuivto WILLiAhI BDIGHAN, an TO PITTH STAMM (Chronicle Bungling. w trio ormosite Post ()elm.. Pittabinvb 1~ ' I • y Up J. L. .............A. A. STZVIREOIti DI WAVER • & STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Piire Rye Whiskies. ' IMPORTERS - OP BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., NP. 87 Secpnd Avenue, ap2o. PITTSBURGH, PA. . E s ETA BLIS P ED . BY A. & T Y /11/* W. 11.. GIORKLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, WIBICTLT On. EAGLE Hama '3PITTS3I3II7RG-EIE. Be :re J. A. 1371J1L111 M e STEELE & SON, Commissioti Merchants, AND IN VIACOM. Gina.M. VEXED. ate. .140. 91 OHIO OTHEZI, near East Oopullot4 ' . ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. Prriit Ellll JAB. P. ILICILLET. K EIL & 1111PCIIART I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, P/.01711 4 GRAIN, SLEDS, MILL FEED, &c.. $49 Liberty NS.. Pittsburgh, m :b37 • J. BLANCHARD, • • No. S PENN STREET. solOula 13AIRD.A; PATTON, Wholesale Orocers, Cormnisslon Merchants an Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Chasse, Fish, Carbon and Lard 0 11 , Iron, Nairn, Cotton Yarne and a ll PUtsburgh Mann stares generally, 118 and =TOAD B ET, Plttsburglii--1 JOHN SHIPSON A WALLACH. cIPTON &WALLACE i Whole- SA.LE O ROCERS AND PROD OLE DEAL- No. 8 SIXTH STREET. Pitt 'burgh. - , _ JOHN I. moues.. HOMS....WM. H. BOUM TORN I. HOUSE &BROS.; Sue u u(motors to JOHN I. 1101:113F. da C 0. ,, Whole. sap Grocers and Commission Merchants, Cots ner of SMlthdeld and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. 31E.4M ARMSTRONG, Successor ~ to Fetzer & Armstrong, PRODUT UMW. 11.515UnAli T, $l5 Mark t street.,. LEG MEN'S' lINEATRANCE, COMPANY OP PITTSBURGH. 07 IGE, No. STFIYTH STIMIT. BABE BLOCS. Ininmesagainst all kinds Of Tire 'and Mazine Risks. JOHN IRWIN.' JC. - President.' T. J. HOSKINSON i Aloe President. '. O. a. .usttuis,r.L. iseereary. • cert. wIRDEAN. General Agent. DlREOroms: - • John Lift Jr.. , B. L. Valmestook T. J. HOlUbiOni - W. H. Everson.: G. Heaseb , o b er t H. pay*, area y Ch'ing, ands Sellers, Charles liars, ,nt. J. T. Stoelidale. Cant. Wm. Dean. T. B. Nevin. ' ,ROCS THE BABY EARNESTri PATENT. CRIB. PITTBBIIB9B. 111. LEMON & Practical Furaitare Matiabitarne, aeon . 4 13 .. 314017 4T# -ts3rki:*3#l. Where nut. be Lisboa eisortonosb Tar. chmaimak eat lhuallore. NMI rErrisysex, s• RIVER PACKETS lIPPES MISSISSIPPI. PARHEBSBURti. STEAMSHIPS. AND DZATALEB IA Wholesale and Retail Grocers, BOLD ONLY ST RAILROADS. .(1 TIME HANGE OF ‘l,,_/ AuLEGUENY VALLEY RAILROAD, THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS WlTHolyr CHANGB OF oA•ig, On and after MONDAY, May 3d, IMA TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittaburgi Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, fcr Franklin, Oil Cit7,Enf fillo,_and all points in U c Oil Regions. laWrit rlrTenunGH. lallitrr IN PITTSBURGH Day Ea S:00 are Day ...... 5:15 p m Wight Ex.... 7:30 pmlNight Ex 6;3u am Brady's B AC 11:15 p m Bradys B AC 1 0 :1.5 11. Ist SodaW'ks 9:45 a m lftSodaW'ks 7:49 a m Bid SodaVir'ks 6:39 p m Ad Sodate"ks 6:16 p m let Milton... 0:45 a m let Hutton.. Ram a m Ad Hu1t0n...12:00 mAd Halton... A:00 p 3d Halton... 1 t:00 pm 3d Milton... t:O5 p m Arnold's Ac. 5:00 p m Arnold's Ac. 7:40 p m Cburcn train to and from Soda Works leave Ptttsbnrgh at 1:10 P. M. Arrive at Pittsburgh, (Sundays,) at 9 50A. M. • Express trains stop only at principal points. Accommodation trains stop at all stations J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen , ' Sup't.' THOMAS K. SING, Assn. blip% ENNSIELVA-amm . NIA CENTRAL RAIL It AD. On and after April 15th. 18a9, Trallll • wiu arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner s: of Washington and Liberty streets, as follow - . 1 Arrite. Depart. Hall Train.... 1:25 am 'Day Rxpress.. 9:15 eat -Past Line 1..45 am Soutnern Ex.. 4:80 am • Wall's No. 1.. 6 210 am Wall's No. 1.. - 6:3oam Acc`n. 7:50 am Mall Train. 5:15 MA WalPs ,No. 2 8:50 am How'dAs Rol 10:90 am Cincinnati Ex.9:10 am •Clneln'ti Ex 19:80 pm .TohnstownAelo:3s am Wall's No. 2..11:51 am How'd Ac Nol 1:10pm Johnstown A. 3:05 pm Pittab'eh Ex. 1:30 pm RraddoCks Ao. 3:40 p Phila. Expressl:so pm Phila. Express 4:510 p Wall's No. 8...9:50 pm Wallis No. 4150 pin Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm Wail's No. 4.. 6:olpm How'd Ac No 2 9:35 pm *Fist Line.-- 7:30 pm Wall's No. 4. 7:90 pm HosedAoNo2.B:9o pm Way Passn'r 10:210 pm Wall's .N o. 5.. 11:00 pm 1 hese trains make close connection at Harris burg for Baltimore. • The Church Train leavee Wails Station every Sunday at 9:05 a. m.,reaching Pittsburgh at -10:05 a. m. Be turni ng, leaves Pittsburgh at 19:50 p. m, and arrives at Walls Station at 21:10 p. m. 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. Aft other traire daily except Sunday. Por farther Information annlv to• o W. Z. srcicwrni. Agent. The Pennsylvania Rallro ad Company will not as • mime any risk forßaggage, except for wearing ap. parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hun dre. Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken 1w spec Dial contract. • EDWAR 11. WILL ap2B General Superintendent. Altoor i t 3L l, ht. IiATEMTER N-WingliMl 'PENNSYLVANIA- RrLROAD.—tIn and afterAprll 2111th, 1889, the Fla ienger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Ital•road will arrive at and depart. from the Fadersl Street Depot, Allegheny City.RS follows: Arrtos. , .I)spart 7:00 ~ Springd , e No 18:40 a m Mall a Mt Freeport No.18:510 a m Freeport 80. 1 thoema, Express 10:40 a m Sharpb , g Nol 11:90 ale Sharpb , g No.11:20 pm Express . 9:50 pin Freeport No. 24:00 pm Springd'e No 13:30 pm \ Mail 550 pm Freeport No. 2 s:2olpna Springd , e No 28:510 D m Snringd , e No 28.30 pin -Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves . Allegheny Ametion. ' every Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. in. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at I:510 p. in. and arrive at Alle g heny - Amy tion at, 3:40 p. nu . - • ~..• , COMMUTATION TICEETS—Ii/Or sale in 'attAgen of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, - Pine Creek, Etna' and Sharpsharg and good only_on the trains stopping . at Stations :Teel:led on tWkets. . . . The trains leaving Alleghen_y City at 7:00 lt, in. make direct connection at Freepon withWal. kers line of Stages for Butler and Harmahatcomh Through tickets may be purchased at the OMet, No. ISt. Clair street, near the Baspepsionßridge. , Pittabure b, and at the Depot;AlleitheliTe For Rather infbrmation a l ly tq - JAMES L num% Agent _- . , • - 11' rat Street Denote The Western Pennsylvania Railroad min - not , as sums any risk forliaggagecexoept for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in Taint. All baggage ex. ' ceeding this amount in value twilit* at the risk of the owner, unless taken b r trpeMal contract. . . apH Seneml Soneriatendent. Altoona. a. erITTISBU CINCINNA RGH TI LOUDI RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROLM CHANGE OF TlME.—Orland after MONDAY, April 26th, 1869, trains will leave and arrive at U. Union Depot, as follows: Depart. Arrlor. Mail . 2:98 a. m. 12:13 a. Mi Fast Line 9.4.3 a. m. 7:13 p. Express 2:33 p. m. 4:33 a. m. Mixed Aco'n 5:33 a: In. 5:58 p. McDonald , s Ace`u,No.lll.l:43 93:18 a. in. Steubenville Aceommcid. 3:59p. m. 9:33 a. m McDonald , * Acton. No. 2 5:114 9. in. 3: istp, m. finnday Church Train.. 12:58 p. in. 9:58 a. M. . . , aGr A: 3 3 P. W. trail' will leave daily. 12:13 P. sr. strain will arrive daily. All other trains will run daily. Bnnaays bxeept. ed. The 9:43 rt. in. Train makes close eon. neetiolis at Newark Ur Zanesville. B. P. HOULL, Demerol Ticket Arent. W. W. CARD, Butet.. stenbeavill, Ohio. ITTSBURGH &MUM VI L L E AIL WAD. . On and after TUESDAY, No ember; 17th. nisi, trains will arrive at and depart flteit the Depot corner of Grant and Water streets, a* follows: Depart, etrr(uttr. Melte and from Union-• • • town -1:(1 , 0 A.- 6:00 r.,74 McKeesport Accomdt'n 11:00 A. st.' 5:06 P. X. Ex. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 P. X. /0:10 A. Ye West Newton Accom'd 4:30 P. Y. 5:35 A. X. Braddock's Accomdt'n. 6:15 P. Y. 7:50 P. X Night Ac. toMcK , sport.lo:3o P. X.' 6:45 A. 3C I Church Train to . _ _ and from West Newton ,1:00 10:010 For tickets apply to E. M. RAYMOND, Agent W. B. STOUT, t3nperinamdeAr. aole UNION PACIFIC BAILWA; Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST BKLIARI ROUTE Cram the East to all potato In Colorado, •• • Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona, Washington, New Mexico, Idah?, • Tire Trains leave 13tate Line and Leavenwortit pluniftyr exceptedjon the ot trains Of gum wauroad nem Louft, and Rani& r bal - and St -- Joe - Eaftroad front Quincy, cone In. at Lawrence. Topeka and ' WaAmego end 0 i t i .ra ta iV i tCtt al lif lK . ) Pireworth with "the UNIT STATES EXPRESS COMPAII VS DAIL _WE OF OVERLAND Ha r r, , AND uttAINIZA FOB • DENVER; BALM T• A Tr lo ll AU Points , in the Tertitorieli, And with SANDERSON'S TRI-WEEKLY LINE of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Fasse Albuquerque, Santa Fe. and all points in Arlo sons and Lim Mextoo. • With the meets additions of rolUnc stook and equipment, and the arrangemeote nimbi with esponsible Overland Transportation Linea. from its western terminus, this road now offers. unequalled for the transmission 01' freight to ,the ifar•Weat. Tfaiets for sale at all the orinelpii•otlres Sir the Unitedstatea and - canadsa • ' 'Be sure and ask for tickets via THE OK HILL BOUTA_UNIOY p 11.114 IO .W 4 a' ILAATZAN DIYIBION • A. ANIIIIIIIIOIII2 PEARL MILL FAMILY FLOIJIL PEARL MILL Three Btar Green Brand, equil FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR.: Thus Plour will only us tent out When' ape ° V.'"ialirci, 'mum mu PEARL NILL Ritu'iliMPE:,' Lau L .. WEITE anis motieirar&Ve u ert: lezhenY. Got. G. 1868. ram wzy,, -•-• , MILOOR OIL CLOTHS, j: GENNN• OIL, CLOTH • : ' 1011LINDOW '6lth)/LIL .• • WINDOW ISE ADII3 • TABLIC _COII.I, • OIL CLAPTfi l'KirJuis.a:adfsirginik.sPilizo api L MMM \ 3 Ongon. Bet.eral Ekiperiateadee E a. *i witaunms. 414ineisirrefett tt 4 Tie tet AM FLOUR.