The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 08, 1869, Image 8

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GAzirrra is furnished in the city
the six days of the week for 15 cents per
week; by matt, Piper. annum: 3 mos., $2
Emigrant travel through the city to
ward the West is Unusually heavy ins•
now. •
A regular meeting' of the Firemen's
Amehilion will be held next Monday
eveningat 7js o'clock.
The County Jail now contains one hun
dred and sixty prisoners. Daily addi
turns are being made to the number.
There Is sorne objection being made
to the proposed vacation of .Stockton
avenue, Allegheny, as contemplated In
the Park Improvement.
The rain yesterday developed the filthy
condition of our streets. The water
combining with the dust formed a cover
ing of mud not at all agreeable to pedes
Douse to Let.—"-A %mil desiring a
very comfortable and con enlent house
on Centre avenue, will do ell to call at
No. 121 Centre avenue.
Committed... Morris Tropp, of Ormsby
borough, was committed to the county
jail yesterday, by Justice Schmoger, on
a charge of assault and battery.
Lewis Alwine, a Plttaburgher, em
ployed as night watchman on the steam
er Glisgow,was drowned at Patriot, Ind.,
.by falling off the boat. He was married
in this city December last.
The Case of Daniel Hine, charged with
selling liquor on Sunday, on oath of
John Cash, came up before Alderman
Hays, and not before Mayor Drum, as
incorrectly stated Wednesday.
Caroline Kanf made information be
fore• Justice Barker, against 'Catharine
Viok, for disorderly conduct. The par.
ties reside in Lower St. Clair township.
A warrant was issued.
sjot Gen. Geo. H. Thomas passed
through the city yesterday, on his way
West. He took dinner at the Union
Depot Hotel. But few persons know of
his arrival In the city, and he was come.
quently not annoyed by visitors.
active a me
nd m. Jmbn
rS t o ev t e h n e si C a uc r l y l
of Mount Washington, has resigned ow
ing to a removal of residence outside the
county. A special election to supply the
vacancy will soon be ordered. -
The Card et Mr. MoMasters, an
nouncing himself as a candidate for Re
corder, should read Hugla MoMoigers,
Instead of H. a MoMastera. 'He is at
present the very efficient Clerk of the
Common Councils.
Sunday Liquor Selling.-officer James
McKinney made information before the
Mayor yesterday, charging P. Spreyer
and H. and J. Elkin with selling liquor
on sunday. Warrants were awned for
the arrest of the parties. •
Committed.—John Bughs. Chatted on
oath of John Brook's, before Justice Bar
of South Pittsburgh, with assault
and battery, was comautted to jail yes
terday, in default of bail for his appear
ance at Court.
Preparations are being made for a
grand concert of the pupils in the
Eleventh ward Public Schools, th e Piburgh, to be held on the 20th of pro.
sent, month, under the direction of Prof.
W. E. Slack. The concert promisee to
be - one of unusual intereat.
Preacbing.--The Rev. Alexander
ofAmherst, Dominion of
Canada, s
,111 preach in the First Re.
formed Presbyterian Church, (Dr. Doug
lass') tomorrow (being communion
Sabbath) evening, at half past seven
Disorderly Conduct.—Adelaide Snyder
made information before Justice Lipp,
yesterday, charging Mrs. Cregler with
disorderly conduct. She alleges that
Mrs. C., who is a milliner, accused her
with stealing three bonnets, which accu
sation; edite says, was falae. The case
was amicably settled.
Dr. Gleason will deliver his last gen
eral lecture ,this evening, at Lafayette
Hall, en the Temperaments, Anatomy
of the hi:imam Face, Language of Ex
pression; Beauty of the Human Counte
nance, r Ac., splendidly 'illustrated with
beautiful models, expensive oil paint
ings, &a
Alleged L a r ceny—Frederick Althoun,
while in Geyer's saloon, in the Fourth
ward, Allegheny, had his pocket picked.
The light-fingered rogue obtained six
dollars and seventy-five cents Charles
Bamsay col
WAS c ored, who was in the saloo
st the time,charged with the offens e
and taken before Alderman Bolster. He
gave ball for a hearing..
Virtually Diseharged.--A partial hear
ing was had in the case of Lawrence and
John Billings, charged with larceny, be
fore the li.talfor, on oath of Mr; Lemon.
who waarobbed of his watch and a small
Run of money Wednesday night. The
Mayor held the accused in their own
recognizance to appear on Tuesday fora
Anal hearing.
A regular meeting of the Committee
on Fire Engines and Hose, of the Alle
gheny Councils, was held last evening.
The report of Kr. Eodgers, of the condi
tion of the fire alarm telegraph, was ac
cepted, and the line then turned over to
the care of Superintendent hfeCandless.
No other business of importance WAS
It is urged that If the merchants and
manufacturers of the nounty , will regard
Saturday, May 29th, as a holiday for he
suspension of work, that the ceremonies
ofdeonration will not be held on Sunday,
as proposed. If that class of our peopl e
opposed to adopting Sunday for the sol
emn occasion will bestir themselves, we
see no reason why the day proposed can.
not be made an universally kept holiday.
The Verdict_The (korener's jury im
panuelled-to inquire after what manner
the unknown man found dead on Du
qttesne Way came to his death, met yes
terday, wording, to adjournment, and
made up the verdict, which was that he
came to his death at the time and place
previously stated from a cause or causes
unknown to the jury. The body was
taken charge of by undertaker-Atkin and
properly interred. . • -
Rev. B. 1?. Brooke, me new Rector of
Chriss Episaopal Church, Allegheny,
Itms entered upon the duties of his new
pastorate. He will preach at 103, and
'N o'clock to-morrow. At the evening
service the subject 'selected for the dis
course is "Immortality." The reverend
gentleman has the reptdation of fine
elocutionary abilities and of great en
ergy, zeal and efficiency, in the aggres
sive work of the church. "Beautiful at
tlie• , " feet, deo." "httzzle not the ox,"
A Handsaw lbw
ago we announced that one of his weal'
hearer's had presented Rev. John
las, D.D., with a beautithl set of Ap
ton's New Cyclopaedia. Since that t
another of his solid men has presen
him with a magnificent book-ease, 1
on Tuesday evening last a few of
friends in his congregation made a do',
tion to the Doctor of a purse contains'
upwards of five hundred dollars. Th.!
facts speak for themselves.:
An Enjoyable Entertainment. —Last
evening the pupils of MM. Slack Davis'
Academy gave an exhibition of parlor
dancing and light gymnastics at the
Academy of Music. The first part of the
programme consisted of calisthenic ex
ercises,-which were followed by a fairy
drania • expressly adapted from I .Mici-
Bummer Nights Dream." The enter
tainment attracted a fashionable and ap
preciative audience, and was in every
respect a success worthy of those under
whose supervision it was gotten up.
We would call attention to the adver
tisement, in another column, of Mr.
Louis Dreka, stationer. in Philadelphia.
From perfional experience we can state
that Mr. Dreka's stock, of French and
English papers, is really beautiful, nor
,do we think that in the matter of en
graving, printing and coloring initials,
monograms and crests his establishment
has a Superior. Many of the most ele
gant wedding cards and invitations of
the season here come from Mr. Dreka's,
and we think all who deal with him are
thoroughly satisfied.
For Recorder.—B. A. Sampson, Esqr.,
of Manchester, allows his name to. go
out as a candidate for the office of
Conniy Recorder, subject to the decision
of the IReptiblicart nominating Conven
tion. Mr. Sampson is a native, to the
manortorn, well known throughout the
two cities and country as of high integ
rity and abundant capacity. If out of
his hosts of friends there shall be enough
in Convention to nominate him, his elec
tion will be sure, and he will approve
himself an officer diligent, faithful and
efficient, as one to the manner born.
The base ball mania serkila to have
died out in this vicinity. There have
been but two or three games played by
the juvenile clubs since.the opening of
the season. Most of the old clubs have
failed to organise yet. We are sorry to
see this. There is no better or more
healthful out-door pastime than base
ball when not carried to excess. In Cin
cinnati, New York, and other localities,
already a number of games have been
pla3rd, and the *season promises to be
Dne of activity. We hope soon to see
bu somergh movements in th is line in- Pitts-
In Trouble.
Yesterday morning three night-Wien;
were brought before Mayor Drum, char&
ed with emptying the contents of their
carte on the banks of the river in the
neighborhood of the dwellings on River
avenue, Fourth ward. They were each
fined five dollars and costs, and warned
against a repitition of the offense. The
night-callers are a prolific source of trou
ble to the Allegheny authorities. In
numerable attempts have been made by
ordinance to regulate the business, but
thus far none have proved successful,
and complaints are being continually
made. It seams to be one of those chronic
difficulties for which there is no remedy.
Committee Meeting.
The Executive Committee appointed
by the Convention of the several Posts
of they G. A. R., of this vicinity, to make
arrangements and preparations for
"Decoration Day," met at City }Tall at
four &clock P. is., yesterday, Gen. A. L.
Pearson presiding.
On motion Major Denniston was elected
A resolution.directing the Secretary to
publish an invitation to all churches,
religl ohs and other societies in the county
to participate in the ceremonies, and re.
quest them to communimite with him
relative to the matter, was adopted.
The Committee then adjourned torneet
on Friday the 14th inst.
Ballaerent. •
Martha West, a nymph of dark coin
plexioni was arrested yesterday and
locked kip for a bearing, on a charge of
disordezily conduct. It appears that
Martha-and Susan 171ery, whose name
frequently appears in the police reports,
went into a drinking saloon on Wooster
street, and after drinking together sev
eral times, oecame belligerent, when a
fight ensued. The dusky nymph dis
played too much muscle for her white
sister and Susan called in the police, who
took charge of the colored female pugilist
and conveyed her to the lock up. Susan
followed to the watch house at the re-.
quest of the officer, to make a charge
against Martha, and while making the
statement, received a blow on the side of
the head from Martha, which felled her
to the floor. The officer interfered and
prevented the “mill" from continuing,
by placing Martha in a cell. She will
have a hearing this niozning.
Eggleston's Sunday School Manual.
This excellent manual is designed as a
practical guide to the Sun day school work,
arid is not to supplant works on this sub
ject, already issued, but to fill a place for
which they were nevetdesigned. Every
department is briefly explained, and
suitable instructions and forms are given,
to show the plans of the author and fa
cilitate those engaged in Sunday schools.
The work is simple in deaign. eminently
practical, and progressive. The author,
Rev. Edward Eggleston, is the editor of
the "National Sunday School Teacher,"
and had much to do with planning the
late National Sunday
J. The School Convention
at Newark, N. work may be had
from the agent, Mr. F. G. Reineman, 118
Third avenue, just above Wood street,
in this city, for 75 cents. Mr. Reinentan
is also the agent for the "National Sun
day School Union," and "The Little
Folks," and has also for sale books for
and stat ionery " ': miscellaneous works,
Mortuary Report.
Dr. W. Salvely, Physician of the Board
of Health, reports the following Inter
ments in the city of Pittsburgh from
Aprll 25th to May 2d, 180:
Diseases—Unknown, 2; old age,. .1;
burn, 1; drowning, 1; hanging, 1; dysen
tery, 1; diarrhoea, 1; enteritis, ;1; tuber
culosia, 4; convulsions. 1; liooping cough,
2; anasarca, 1; icterus, 1; cerebral con
gestion, 1; marasmus, 1; p n eumonia, 1;
hydro-pericarditis, 1; scarlet fever, 1,
typhoid fever, 1; still born, 1.
Of the above there were under 1 year
from 6 to 10 1; ,
4; from 1 to 2 years, I;,tgons 2 to 5,4;
, Irony 5,1; from 13
to 20, 2; from 20 to 30, 2
fro *lm
80 to 40, 1;
from 40 to 60, 3; from 50 to 80, 8; from' 00
to /00. 2.
Males., 9
Females. ".,.16 Colored 2
Base Ball.
Legislation Needed.
We stated a few days ago that a special
committee appointed by the Allegheny
Councils, to consider the best method of
improving the Third Ward Diamond
Square, had decided to recommend
Councils the adoption of a plan
for the erection of a building com
bining a public hall and a large
block of storerooms for rental. Since
the mottling of the committee, the
subject has attracted considerable at
-tension and so far as has been ascertained
meets with general favor. The practica
bility of the plan and the immense benefit
to the city to be derived therefrom, iteems
to be patent to all . and carry their
own recommendations. Since the mat
ter has be& agitated, however, a
new feature has been developed,
which may possibly result in Its
total defeat. It is contended by some
that according to the city charter none
of the Diamond squares can be appro.
priated for any purpose other than own
pation for markets or buildings to be
used exclusively by the City authorities.
If this be the proper construction of the
law, then, to carry out the plan proposed
would be out of the question, unless
special legislation could be btained.
The Committee, however, have decided
upon recommending the project and thus
bringing it before Uouncil, when doubt
less a full investigation will be made.
If this plan be not adopted, some other
should, and the more quickly it is de
cided upon the more the interests of the
city will be advanced. The ground In
question is too :Valuable to be allowed
to lie in its present conditicin. If the
city needs money, let her reach out a
hand in this direction and get It.
Jelin Roxbury was once tho fortunate
possessor of a coat, a black broadcloth
article, but yesterday he mourned its
loss. R seems that John's financial ar
rangements, somehow , became derang ,
and to relieve himself from the emb r
1 rassment, he endeavored to negotiat a
' loan, by .1 leaving the coat as I
lateral. The collateral, however, w a
not regarded in a very ' value lc
light by the parties to whom he a
plied, as the highest amount he could
realize by this methcd was two dolla4l.
At this moment a friend, Miss Mary
Goggins, stepped in, and learning the
situation of affairs proposed to take the
matter in hand, feeling confident sfie
could succeed better than John. She
took the coat, and whether her anticipa
tions were realized or not, John never
could learn, as, according to his state
ments, she has managed to keep out di
his way ever since. Fearing the loss of
his garment, he lodged information
against Mary, before Alderman Lynch,
for larceny as bailee, upon which a war
rant was issued. In the meantime he
remains ooatleas.
Decoration Day.
The committee appointed by the recent '
convention of the G. A. R. to make the
necessary arrangements for decorating
the graves of onr fallen soldiers, on , the
80th of May, hereby invite all organiza
tions in the county which intend to par
ticipate in the solemn ceremony; to notify
the Secretary of such intention, and send
at least one representotive to meet with
thiti committee at 8 o'clock P. ht., next
Friday, May 14th, at City Hall.
All patriotic Churches, Sunday Schools,
'Schools, Fire Cotitpardea and Societies)
are urged to take the matter In hand ati
once and report their action to the coin
tnittee as soon as possible, that we , may
know what arrangements to make.
Ad dress— .7 F . P.ENNISTON.
See'y. Pittsburgh.
The Pittaburgh Beal .Estate Regiafer Is
read by every one seeking investments
In Real Estate. Crott dt Phillips, Reds
&tate Agents; No. 189 Fourth Avenue.
Mutual Benefit Instiranee Company.
We are pleased to call the attention of
our readers once more to this excellent,
institution, which presents in abstract of
its annual statement in our columns this -
We are more than satisfied, from per
sonal acquaintance with its history, that
the caption which heads the column;
“Suceess bespeaks iferit," is not an empty
boast. Its success is not of that false
and illusory kind which consists in a
rapid and abnormal groWth of its busi
ness, stimulated by excessive commis
sions to agents and the concoction of new
and fancy schemes of insurance, by which
the creduluni are led to believe that its
benefits can be enjoyed without paying
the inevitable cost which attends every
real value.
The Mutual Benefit had its inception
in the idea of furnishing' to all who
might desire it, Life Insurance with per
fect safety at the minimum cost. This
idea led to its organization on the strictly
mutual plan, and has steadily controlled
ita management up to the present time,
when it has the proud distinction of a
smaller ratio of expense to income than
that of any other company on the con
tinent, considerably less Indeed than
one-half of the average of all others.
This year closes the first quarter of a
century of its beneficent career, du
ring which time it has paid on Lives of
Deceased Members over .. .... f 7,000,000
Has returned in Surplus Pre
miums more than. .......... ... 000,000
And has in Safe and Profitable 8,
Investment above ....... ....... 16,500,000
An ample protection to its 30,000 policy
It has never lost a dollar from injudi
cious investments. Wisely conservative
but decidedly and steadily progressive.
it has avoided, on the one hand, the fluc
tuations and retrogressions of other
prominent companies, and on the other,
has kept fullyiabreastwith all the improv
ed plans that mark the history of modern
life insurance.
We are happy to know that the suc
cess of this Company, in this commu
clity, has been in no small degree com
mensurate with its merits. ,
I For the time 4as been represented
zmong.tiN, we are well asiiirel! that no
Company possessesa larger list of policy
holders, and this number, notwithstand
ing the stringency of the times, has been
the ast year, a fact
equally creditable to t h e sagacity and
intelligence of our citizens and the per
sonal and business qualifications of the
general agent for Pennsylvania, S. M.
.Loveridge, who will bo glad to see any
of our patrons at 42 Fifth avenue, and
bee them all desired information on this
suject. '
And by the way, we deem it but sim
ple justice to the General Agent to bear
testimony to his scrupulous integrity in
81. 1 . intercourse with his customers. We
have never blot with a gentleman who
was better informed, or on whose judt
went and advice we would more impli
citly rely, in all matters relating to life
insurance. *Ho may justly feel proud of
his extraordinary success In the conduct
of the general agency of one of the rich
est and safest institationsin the country,
and of the perfect fairness and probity
of all the means by which that success
has been secured.
Took Jilts Coat
9: 1 v2w , - ,-, :nrtiziwooo, , , , ,visr,-,,
A Model Amours Establhhment.-
Where to Purehise Home. Made Fur
niture at Reasonable Prices.
It always affords us much pleasure to
record the business success of gentlemen
who start on nothing but strong Will, de
termination and good habits to battle
their • way forward to front rank and
prominent position in the line of busi
ness which they have adopted. Over
thirty years ago, Mr. C. G. Hammer
came to our city, and securing a.
plaCe as a furnished and thoroughly
skilled mechanic in a leading furniture
making establishment, steadily worked
himself up to a leading place in the trade,
and to-day, dating back his career to au
humble beginning, finds himself , senior
partner, and the head or one of the lar
gest and most important furniture houses
of the West. He and his two sons, Rich
ard H. Hammer anti RObert E. Hammer,
all practical and, experienced Cabinet
matters, and industrious and attentive
workmen, have formed a partner
ship trinity which must secure
for their house a prominence far
beyond the reach of cotemporary
establishments. In their own elegant
and palatial house, N 0.48 Seventh ave
nue, they have just opened under the
name of C. (.'Hammer dr Sons, a furni
ture emporium which in point of true
elegance, finish and commodiousness is
unsurpassed by any in Vie country. The
building is one of the - architectural beau
ties of the city, and by its flne com
manding appearance and beautiful finish
attracts universal attention. But the
rich finishing, the broad and amide sales
rooms are matters of little consequence
to the purchaser so long as the stock
is fully up to the requirements of the
day. The first floor room is devoted to
sample purposes, where the most ele
gant, durable and best made furniture for
ibr parlor, dining room, chamber,
lary, or office, a to be found all
mad by hand, as thi f s firm entirely ,
dardc machinery in order to secure , per
fection in all their manufactures.
The double upper stories, divided
by massive arches, are devoted to
the display of furniture in gene
ral, and is approached by a broad
well lighted and airy stairway - leading
from a commodious hall at the lower
side of the entrance of the main isidel
room. The Arrniture manufactured by
the firm is of the very beat quality, plain,
elegant and rich; according to the tastes
of the purchaser, and Is sold at as reas
onable prices as can elsewhere be l'ob
tained, either in the East or this city:
The factory of the firm has just been
finished, and will compare in every de
partment with any in this neighborhood.
None brit the most skilful and expo
rienced mechanics are employed and all
work is warranted to afford satisfaction.
A. foreman having over a quarter of a
century of experience is id charge of: the
factory, and be personally superintends
and inspects every article previous
to its leaving the
nc shop, *0 ;
ensure the continuae of tae highr ep optation the firm enjoys. We bespeak 'for
this house a large share of trade and cor
dially recommend the firm to the confi
dence and patronage of our readers,
knowing Omni to be fair dealing and
honorable business gentlemen in every
way worthy support and patronage. -
Steam-Engines, Machinery and Castings,
and Wnere to Leave Your Order*.
We take pleasure in_ calling the atten
tion of our readers to the manufacturing .
establishment Of Messrs, Hugh M. Bole
& Co., steam engine blinders, foundcrs
and machinists. Their shop is located
on the bank of the Allegheny river, near
the Point, Pittsburgh, Pa. Their repu
tation for making rirst class steam en-a
glees and machinery is second to node,
and wo are assured, by parties whO have
used their new oil well engines * that they
are unsurpassed in quality of workman
ship and cheapness. Their heavy .en
gines, for riot and saw mills, are modeLs
of strength and style of finish. Parties
wanting an engine cannot be better
suited, we think, anywhere, and what Is
very desirable to a customer Is that they
can be Shown In a few minutes an eng!ne
running of their manufacture of aim*
every size, from a ton horse power to a
hundred horse power. Messrs. Bole &
1 ,
Co. have now several contrasts for power-
ful engines, one of which is designed for
Messrs. Archibald, Kellg & Co., of
Sharpsburg, who are erecting, drat clais
saw mill in that thriving village, and
are putting In a sixty horse power en
gine to run their machinery: Again, we
say to the readers of the Gazern, visit
the Industrial Machine Works of Messrs.
H. M. Bole& Co. should you.want agood I
engine, and we will stake our reputatill
on yoThr getting such at a fair price.
In addition to the manufacture of
steam engines and a variety of other
machinery too numerous to mention,
their fancy castings, made at the Thir d
Avenue Foundry, near Market street'-
are worthy of special notice. Thermally`
beautiful fences and ornamental work;
erected by Messrs. Cochran itt' Bros., -are
tho best advertisements of , the work
made at this foundry.
The firm of Messrs. Bole & Co. are de
serving of patronage, and Nye cheerfully
recommend all the branches of their,
manufacture as worthy of inspection,'
and as challenging comparison with the;
products of the best shops east or west.
*he Gets Them.
Considereble inquiry has been made
recently relative to the shipment of a
large lot of cigars to Washington City,
which, it is presumed, were intended for
the use of the President. We cannot say
to whom the segars were assigned or for
whom they were intended, but we do
know that President Grant cannot get a
better aeuar than can, be obtained at 45
Hand street, at the wholesale and retail
segar and tobacco mart of Jno. Megraw.
Mr. Megraw has on hand'one of the larg
est and best stooks of tobacco and segars
to be found in the city, including all the
best brands of both articles. He also .
deals in pipes, tobacco pouches, segar
cases, and, in fact, 'everything usually
found in a first °lists tobacco house.
At the popular "Corner_
Dry Gonda
Store" of Richard Deakers, Fifth avenue
and Grant street, will be found a Splen
did stock of carpets at very popular
prices, such as might have-been consid
ered cheap previous to the war. The
stock is large and the selection. tin , and
we urge our lady readers to visit t e car
pet room of the Corner Dry Good Store
before purchasing elsewhere. ad
mirable stock of dry goods has ale jus
been received and offered at the ui aally t
reasonable prices which have long made
the house popular.
q ueen sware—Prlces to compare with
any house jti the two cities. Pima call
and examine for yourself. We feel : con&
dent that the ware Which we now have on
hand will please you. Remember the
place, Beggs er, McGraw, No.lo Diamond,
nigh Class Paintings i I—Many °Mnn
of transcendent merit, such as have not
before been on sale In Pittsburgh may be
seen for a few day at Mollwaine's stock
sales rooms, -corner of Smithfield and
Fifth street. - -
Remnants 'of dr(3BB Roods, silks and
poplins and wool goods, cheap at •J.
Burchfield & Co.'s. •
The,Hlight lien In the Bight Place.
A. D. McKee, Esq., has now the sole
control and management of the large
establiihment of J. W. Barker dr Co., 59
Market street. We know of no one bet
ter qualified for the honorable and re
sponsible position. Mr. McKee has'been
well known in this city for about twenty
years as a gentleman of excellent taste
and superior business qualifications.
His whole life has been devoted to the
single branch of dry goods, and no one
Understands it better. He is polite and
accommodating to all, however limited
or extensive their. purchases, and there.
fore commands a very large patronage.
It is thought by some that the opening
of another store on St. Clair street,
which will take place in about two
weeks, will impose too heavy a task
upon him. But we know, from personal
acquaintance, that he is fully competent,
as he is a gentleman of, system, to man
age both establishments well.. Mr. J. W.
Barker, Jr., Is the eastern purchaser for
the house. As an accomplished mer
chant and gentleman Mr. Barker has no
superiors. They are both the right men
to tte right place.
Such is the name giyen to one of the
best conducted and most orderly saloons
and restaurants of the'city. The "Ruby"
is located at N 0.19 Smithfield street, and
is presided over by. Mr. John M. Welsh,
proprietor, a gentleman who conducts
his business so cleverly, and with so
much judguient and precision as to en
title him to the rank of prince among
caterers. The saloon is one of the most
eleant and best appointed in the y
furnished in splendid etyle and very citat
tractive. The bar always 'rejoices in a
selection of wines and liquors which can
not be equaled by rival houses. Purity
of the drinks is the first consideration,
and poisoned drugs dealt at the bars of
so many houses in the name of liquors
are discarded entirely by the host, who
pays good round prices for his stock,
and keeps none but the best and purest
for his patrons. The restaurant depart.
ment is ably managed, and a good meal
served up at a few minutes notice and in
the highest style of art is always forth
coming at most reakonable rates. We
commend the "Ruby" as the model con
ducted saloon of the city, and any of
our readers passing that way and desir
ing to call enywhere, should not forget
the genial, courteous and obliging host,
Mr. Welsh, wk) is always presiding with
grace and dignity over his popular and
first class , restaurant and saloon.
The Contlitental Saloon. •
• The high reputation Holtzheimtr's Con
' tinental dining saloon has always sus
tained, and the extensive patronage it
receives is the strongest evidence of its
superiority as a restaurant. We . speak
advisedly, and know whereof we speak
when we say that the Continental dining
saloon is not surpassed in any respect by .
any establishment of the character in the
city , The tables are always supplied
with the beat tho market affords; the
rooms are kept clean and neat, and every
thing is in the most perfect order. Re
member the Continental is on Fifth ave
nue, one door west of the Posioilice.
The Munson Lightning Rod.
The Board of Education have decided
to have Munson's Copper Tubular Light
ning Rod with Spiral Flanges, erected on
'the Central School building; being con
'vinced, since the partial destruction of
that edifice by lightning, that the iron
rod now attached thereto is insufficient.
Munson's Rod will be put up forthwith.
Just. W. Oamor,
Secretary School Boar o
d, Keokuk, lowa.
Manufactured by Lockhart it Co., Penn
Street. Pittsburgh.
The Fame of the celebrated Plantation
Bitters has no parallell in the history of
Medicine. The thousands upon thous
ands of bottles that are made and sold
daily is but proof positive of theif won
derful virtues. Thousands of Certifi
cates can be produced showing the eft
cy and certainty of the cures which
they effect, and the Medical Fraternity,
usually so jelorns of , any thing which
causes pearous to think • and doctor for
themselves, are compelled to acknow
ledge their wonderful virtues, and .pre-
soribed'them under other names. They I
are sold' by all druggist&
MAGNGLIA WATER.--Stiperior to the
ben imparted German Coicgne and sold
at half the price.
Alisma.--tast week we called att e n.
tion to the Constitution Bitters of Seward
di Bentley, and now we take pleasure in
noticing their Alistna for the hair, witich
is said to be a very fine article for the
toilet. We are of Hitt opinion that the
preparations of S; de B. are all 'good, for
the reputation they sustain-as-Druggists
is good evidence that they would not
put auv thing in the market of an ordi
nary character. 'All Druggists have it
try it.
for sale and we hope all oar !deltas will
The bed and Origmat .Tome of Iron,
PhoSiihorus and Calisaya, known fie
Caswell, Mack & Co's - Ferro Phospho
rated Elixir of Caliaaya Bark. The Iron
restores color to the blood, the Phospho
rus renews waste 91 the nerve tissue, and
the Callsaya gives a natural healthild
tone to the digestive organs, thereby
curing dyspepeAtt in its various forms
Waketnlness, General Debility and De
pression of Spirits. Manufactured only
by Caswell, Harard Ot Co., New . York.
Sold by all druggists. _ e
Are You Seeking a Home, If so, get the
Pittsburgh Real Estate Register, it' con
talus such a vast amount of property that
the most fastedieus cannot fail to get
suited. Croft & Phillips Publishers and
Real Estate Agents, No. 139 nurth.
Shaving, Bair Dressmg or Bath
'No better place for either than atihe
finely furnished apartments of.H , B. Wil
111amson, No. /90 Federal street, Alle
Beggs 8c McGraw, wholeule and re
tail dealers in Queensware, Glass and
'Toilet ware. We are selling at ipwest
eastern prices, No. 10 "Diamond, Alle
An Experience ofa.third of a century
has given L. Rice. Esq., of the Ameri
can House. Easton, a knowledge of all
the requisites of a first-class hotel. The
PolmlaritY Of that hotel indicates that the
public appreciate his efforts to please.
10,000 Copies of the Pittaburgh Real
,Estate Begiatera are to be given away
gratis. Don't Mil toga; it, if yon want to
Over $14000,000 worth or proplrty iu
the Pliteburgls .Real Bstateßepater.
Orcitt et Phillips publishers.
Constitution Water le a certain ours fee
Diabetesa and all diseases of the Kid
nays. For sale by all Druggists.
If you want to buy u, Parra, —get - the
pitt3burgA .Reat 'Efface 1 4igiater, office 139
Fourth Avenue.
Black most carttPlete Variety ;
FarelßßA-sail Atner/ctua make, at, Batas
' -
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“Ruby.' ,
MAYS-4ln Thursday the 6th inst., at itti
M., Mrs. FANNIE M. MATS, consort of Captain.
William Maya, in the Oath par ot her age.
The funeral will leave the residence other huse'.
baud. No. 26 Miller street, Pittsburgh, on Sai:.
WIDAY, the Bth instant. at 71 o'clock P. R.
PATTER CON—fin Friday afternoon, at Mll
past two o'clock, at the family residence
ttidge street, o
Allegheny, GASOLINE.. or
Alfred Patterson , Esq.
Funeral on MONDAY AFTZII4OON. at 3-10C101iLl
GILLFZPIF—Gn Friday 'Penmen, may 7„
1h69, Mrs. LOLTISE GILLESPA, la the &s it
year ut her age.
The funeral will take place from the residence
other husband, Thomas Gillespie, Penn street,
nearh T Irty-thlrd sire 4t, TO-arounow tSundayY
AVTatUSOO2e, at 21.5 o'clock. The friends of the
family are invited to attend.
BATEklAN—Yriday morning, at AM O c eloeir f
on bawd the steamer Belle Vernon. at Ittirlitql
fon, lowa, WALTER. It. BATEMAN. , . •
Yolks of funeral in daily papers when the
hody art/lea, ' •
11038-01' consumption. ors Friday evening,
May 7, 1560. at 83.1 o'clock. Mrs. J.A..ent her wi le or Joseph Ross, In tne4.9th yearof her age.
The Itineral will take place on Banana next,
at AM, so'clock, from her late residence, N 0.107
Second avenue. The friends. of the family are
respectfully invited to attend.
?dollAllOE—On Friday evealeg.llh Instant,
'at 7 e'ekek. 'WILLI aM. HENRY. son of hannef
k id Flizabeth McMahon, aged 16 years and 11
Fuoeral from the residence of hid parents.
portT.,onrth st eet, Fittabuigh, on SAMBA=
AyTEttroor,ilth instant, at 9,ti O'clook.
. t , '66 FORAM STREET.
Ltsbupo, ta, 6015F)..7S of all GSnda,CrUPEB,
GLoV, son e‘ err 4eset, iptlon of Funer
W al Fur.
oking oods frralslo6. ' - g loom open daY sad
to wilt. twee rad Ccntlegek furnished.
00bu N ade
Rscrstitwart—ltev.Denv kteV
Ja. rt. D., Timm. Esq., Jacoh
fl annex , . Esq.
DERTAKEitB AND LlV2inr trrAi:LNA ,
cornet • f SANDI:mar STRAET AND CTRIaZifl
AV - EMI:I2i Allegheay City. where their corm s
ROOMS a l et constantly supplied With real and
hultation ewops!, Mahogany gad walnut
Collins, at prices ,arying from 6-1- to COO. 11 o • •
dies prepared for u, rment., Hearseland Car.
rsages rnihed: alFo, II ainds of UN:yarning
Goods, tretintred Or ice oven at all tams.
and night. dal
%TM NoIT Ml—. .1'1.."31r r
Consisting of . a flde line of Pins, Ear runes.
Sleeve Buttons, spiral Studs, ringer Binge,
Charms. Ae., In Es&usean,. Moss Agate, Byzan
tine, Topaz, Pear 4 Garnet and many other
Styles, Pik. received by 7r •
.orrosrr gasorno aux.
vruvEn. AL IWATEII.3.
411 - I ,
. Saratoga "A" Water.
• Congress Water. •
Kissinger Water.
1 - 5
Corner Fourib_Avenue, mid 'Smith
field Streat.
C emlcals said True Glycerine Soap,
. •
Weald respectfully Inform hls elands and thei
P ths aanendly, that Ids
Corner of Penn and Six* Streets'.
• •
)1.0. so SIXTH STREET. (late it.
Mall%) have lust received from the East the best
lot of ?Sew Goods for Spring Snits ever,bronsht
to the market.. The firm warrant to cut and fit
and, mare Clothes chestier and better thsa anti
lint -class hone In thls clt7. A new sad el",
did sieortment of GEN INQ TLEMEN'S itillilMHe
Goonsare at alltimes to bo fituad , al tags
house. Oar Nusiies Is 50 ;BIM 521555%
At Prices to Compare With Any.—Su
perior Shelled Almonds, Paper shell;
Lisbon. Bordeaux and Ivies Almonds;
Rose, Cream. Smooth and Burnt Al.
monde, Fresh Marsh Mallows, Gum
Drops, Mixed Fruit Candy, Peppermint,
Rose, Mountain Tea, Cinnamon, pi ne
Apple, Cough, Cayenne and Sassafras
Lozenges, Finest Olive Oil, French Mus
tard, Mushrooms and Peas, Sauces, • Cat_
sups, Plain and Mixed Pickles, Olives,
Stuffed Peppers, Pickled Limes, Dundee
Marmalade, Fresh and Preserved Fruits,
at 112 Federal street, Alegheny.
Undergarments.—The most
complete assortment and popular pricgss.
Bates it Bell's, 21 Fifth avenue.
Grand Openlug—Mr. Asa 14 Wauga
man, the popular and genial host and
caterer, threw open his new and palatial
saloon, No. 41 , Smithfield Street; by a
grand Champaign° free liwch last night:
There was a large attendance and much
enjoyment The saloon and restaurant
are the most luxurious in the state be
ing perfectly elegant in finish and furn
; lack Silk, Poplin and Linen Snits,
in stock and Made to order, at Estee &
anted"-Purchasers ofFitate, County,
Township, Grocer's and Family rights
for '"Stouffer's Patent Egg Preserver,"
the greatest discovery of the lage. Call
at No. 56 Smithfield street, up.etairs and
see the process and testimonials.
Lace Curtainsand Gilt Cornices, a neat
elegant variety. Bates dc
Lockhart .k Un., 234 Penn street, in
this city; manufacture the Minima
Lightning Rod. Be sure to examine it
before buying any other.
Printed P. X's, worth one dollar, clos
ing out at 50 cents. .T. M. Burchfield da
Co.:, No. 52 St. Clair streei.
Lace Curtains put up with all the
trimmings complete. Bates & Bell.
: oop Skirts and Corsets, closing ont at
very low prices. No. &2 St. Clair street.
J. M. Burchfield & Co.
Vitrified Stone Pipe, manufactured
from Fire Clay, at 133 tilecona avenue.
Men and Boys' Wear at Bates & Bell%,
The place to get White Lime, Cal.
olned Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, is at
Raker dr Caskers. 13 Smithfield street.
&c., 4c.,