El .~~ 14berty.of Worship—Exciting Scene In the Spanish Coites. Dating the debate upon the religions iberty clause in the Spanish Constitution, Senor Clastelar, made a thrilling speech in behalf of absolute religions freedom. A Correspondent of the New York Time.? says: The honorable Deputy enlarged on the histoiy and political principles f Daniel Manin, whom he thought a gr stet man • than any other. Italian, includ ng even Garibaldi, and then resumed as ollows: Gentlemen, Senor Manterola, has said he would renounce all his "belle s all his • ideas, if the Jewi returned again ' to join together and rebuild the • temple n Jeru salem. But, what I Does Seno 31ante rola believe the terrible dogma that - the children are responsible for the sins of their fathers' Does ,:. Senor ' Manterola believe that the Jews of to-day are thestune as tliose who ‘"... crucified Christ? Ido not believe it. I am -more of a Christian than to do so. Great is God in Sinai. The thunder pre- Cedes bin/. The lightning accompanies HIM. •The light envelopes Him. The earth trembles. The mountains are torn la pieces. But there is a God greater and grinder. Not the, majestic God of Sinai, but the bumble God of Calvary. The God nailed to a cross, wounded, transfixed, crowned with thorns, gall on his lips, and yet saying, "Father forgive them; forgive my murderem, 'forgive my persecutors, for they know not what they do." Great is the religion of Power, but greater is the relig i on of Love. Great is the relig, ion of mplacable Justice, but greater it ' the religion of pardoning Mercy. And I, in the name of that religion--I, in the name of the Gospel, come here to ask that yOu will inscribe on the front of your fundamental code "Religious liberty" that is to say, "Liberty, fraternity and equality among all mankind." It is impossible to - describe the effect of this peroration, and the scene which . oc curred as the gifted orator sat down. The applause was immense, electrical, and repeated again and again. As he seat, flung he himse was lf, almost exhasurusted u , into his . instantly ronded by dozens of his Republican friends, some grasping his hands, others embracing him, and others even kissing him.' Tears were even seen running down many a cheek, not only among the deputies, but in the diplomatic and press tribunes above. Impelled as it were by one com mon impulse the members of the ma joricy, including Figuerola and others of the Ministry, left their seats and rushing over to Castelar, were quite as demon strative In their approval as the Republi cans. They in their turn shook his bands, embraced and kissed him. The excitement even extended itself to the ' President of the Chamber, Rivero. Hastily ringing his bell he declared the session to be over, and the next moment, descending from hie tribune, I saw him embrace Senor Castelar and kiss him on ,both cheeks. The speech has been the universal topic pf conversation, ever since. In the streets, in the 'clubs, and in the press it bas"been Justly lauffed as the death-blow to religious intolerance and to the power of the clergy in Spain. Even the: news papers, which may be said to be the most anti republican, and which have hitherto diver+ adversely , criticised the speeches aadickas of..Distelar, are fall of corn- Mendelian-1g this last effort, and boastof him as a "national glory!" The Horrors offing Sing Prison, An ex -convict writes to the New York gun, detailing some of the tortures of Sing Sing: THE SHOWER-BATH - • Over the head of the sitter is a water pipe about four inches in diameter, which is opened and closed by a valve connected with a rope, and the rope is held by a prison officer. The convict's feet are placed is stocks at the ankle, and are se cured with a brick, while his arms are planed in an extended position and held there. His heck is also secured by a yoke. Wherilhis shower-bath Is full of water a man can easily be drowned; it reaches above his eyes. And into this the victim of malice and averice is placed in a sitting posture. The water is then let on, and he may struggle or strangle, as the result shall prove.. Prisoners sometimes become utterly and hopelessly idiotic and insane from the injudicious - use of this fearful torture. THE BUCK. • The brick is another prison punishment, more barbarous, if possible, than the • shower-bath. In this case the convict is handcuffed, and then bent up so that his knees can be covered with his hands. A pole is then passed under the knees and over the arms of the victim, and is placed upon a box or barrel, or on some other elevation, so that he shall have plenty of room to 'swing: I have seen men left in this terrible condition for hours together when any man who will try it voluntarily for fifteen minutes will find it torture,) until blood flowed copiously from their mouths. And by the gratidca tion of this petty malice the State is de prived of the services ofthese men for weeks, and sometimes Months. Tying up by the thumbs in a dark cell for a day or night is a very common practice in Sing Sing. THE CRUCIFIX/ON. But our State Prison jailers, not content 1 with modern implements of• torture, have !gone back to the Inquisition and to Cal vary, and have brought therefrom another called the crucifixion. In this tor.ure a mania strapped full leneth, with arms ex tended, to a cross -bar of iron about seven and a half feet long, and from three qtrasters to an inch and a half thick. The convict Is kept in an upright position, usually as long as nature will permit, day after day. I can swear that eight out of every tt a convicts thus punished are .so treated because of complaints -entered against them, often maliciously, by Con . tractbrs' foremen, and. whether right or wrong, the keepers are bound to heed, or else hold themselvea liable to dunnissaL OR looking over the papers of a wealthy ]ady who died in New York, a paper was discovered stating that two pots of money were buried in tbeeellar. On unearthing them, one was found to be filled with gold and the other with greenbacks', the whole amounting to three hundred thou , sand dollars. I= Two Pnysicuss In Massachusetts have been 'sued for malpractice in cutting off the wrong finger of a patient, and the jury awarded 0,407 damages. '~_~''~~a''yi ' _` The'clitnio ~s hilirfludly Yeti *Mild de Nrith your life is 'You will; it is given to you for purpose; you are accohritable. But the'iniconverted man—and upon' this subject 'there are , • • large numbers of profoundly " religions men who are unconverted—unconscious. iYI Perhaps, regards life as a right. "My life is my own," be says. "It has Nen given to me without my assking for it, and if I am dissatisfied with It I siirely have the right to give it np." Practi cally most men have hazy notions of this kind, though many would shrink from accepting the stated formula. They are not shocked by the guilt of the inan•who, as they hear has shot himself to get rid of the hideous tortures of I a cruel and irremediable disease.' They say: "Row could yon insist on that poor wretch dragging on, day after day, through the keenest pain, with nothing before him but the prospect , of years of slo7 and acute, suffering?" Less sympath is expended on the more common L,rm of suicide, in which a cEr lain man drowns himself because a wo man will not marry him, or in which a woman drowns herself because her hue band or lever become faithless. . T h i blunder is committed solely through the man or woman not being stile to measure the proportions of. the accidents of life. There neverwas a man or woman worth cutting one's throat for,• much as young poets have written of the delightof dying at the feet of some perhaps not Very Intel kctual or beautiful person. The man who stifles liltniielf with charcoal fumes because a certain girl refuses to be his wife is merely unable, at a time of tem porary frenzy, to measure the length ol life, and see what, after all, are the neces eery. things of existence—the things necessary to make it bearable and pleas ant. You may call this incapacity, folly, or insanity, as you please; it certainly betokens either immaturity or want of mental vision. So ' also, is he a fool or madmen who with his digestion remaining, cute his throat beemse his money departs. „ To put the case on its very lowest basis—excluding notions of moral duty and responsibility--it may be said that we can; sympathize greatly with the man who flie from life to escape un bearable physical - torture; that we sympa thize less with one who flies life because he imagines that a certain woman - is the only woman who can possibly make his future life worth having; and that we can scarcely sympathize at ail with the man who, because he has lost-money, shoots himself, and wantonly relinquishes the pleasure of friendship, love, eating, drinking and sleeping. It may, be an swered that he is disgusted because he has been deprived of the means — ef obtain- Inc these pleasures; but this is absurtkbe cause people without a farthing in any bank whatever do enjoy these pleasures and find,life a wonderful treasure through them.—London Saturday Review. How to Market Sutter. The Boston Cultivator tells itareaders how the best farmers near Philadelphia get their high prices: Pint, they always make a first-class article, so their cristo mers, sure of getting the best there is, will not desert them on account of a rise in the price. Second, they bring in their butter in a showy and attractive condi tion. No pot of dell' ware, no tub or pail of oak or hemlock, no vulgar firkin is used to entomb those noble balls, golden-hued with the aroma of white clover and . Poa pratonsis lincering in the - firm grain. A large tin vessel, designed expressly for the business, has chambers at eaoh end, into which ice is pat. Thin wooden shelves, about three inches apart, rest on little projections frac the ,sides.. A layer of balls is placed on the bOttom and cov ered with its shelf, but not so as to touch or mar the handsome print of a sheaf of grain, which stands out on the top of each ball; on the shelf another layer of prints, and so on till the vessel is full, then con taining forty or fifty pound prints. The tin, with ice in each end, is then set in a wooden tub which has been cooled with lee or spring water. Over this is drawn a cover of padded carpeting, with oil cloth on top. Thus hot air and dust are wholly excluded, and the butter rides to the city and opens In the market house in as fine condition as when packed in the spring. house. In just this waz, with just this degree of care and skill, is the best Phila. delphia butter made, marked and market ed. No wonder the Philadelphians would rather pay seventy-five cents than go back from such manna to the leeks and onions of the common firkin. Pennsylranta Postmasters Appo The following appointments ha • e been made by the Postmaster General In Penn sylvania: Connellsville, Fayette county—Joseph Keepers, vice J. D. Stiliwagon, removed. Stoyestown, Somerset county. —N. Bowman, vice J. H. Benford, resigned. Cochranton, Crawford county—Jesse Moore, vice J. A. Curtis, removed. Centreville,. Crawford county—J. A. Rodier, vice L. Wood, removed. Landisburg, Perry county—R. IL Pretaler, vice M. E. Hutcheson, removed. Clearville, Bedford county—J. R. O'Neal, vice G. Williams, resigned. Granville. Summit, Bradford county 0. W. McMurray, vice J. T. Lamed, re moved. Breakneck, Butler county—R. :Boggs, vice - J. Barker, removed. Ilroy, Mifflin county—H, Maclay,vice W. V. B. Coplin . , removed. Newhin Hamilton, Mifflin county— /. Hamilton, vice J. K:lthodes, resigned. Greencastle, Franklin county—G. H. Miller, vice Eli Puss, removed. Rala.Fall of the Mlsblailppl Valley. The average annual rain-fall of the Mississippi Valleyis'estlmated at 40 2.10 inches. , The annual rain-fall diminishes as one traverses the great basin from south tnnortb,'And also as one crosses it from" east to west In the Delta of the Mississippi the average rain-fall is 609.10 inches; in. Mississippi 58; in 'Kentucky 47; in Ohio 44; in Indiana 86; in Illinois 82; in Nebraska 21. At Cincinnati, Ohio, the annual rain-fall 1e47 110 inches; at Fcirt Pierre it is only 113'8.10 iitdhes. In Plaquemlnes Parish, La., it is, 66 8.10 inches; in Ihipidee Parish it is 88 8.10 inches; at Fort benton it is but 1810 Inches. The rain-fall of the Yazoo re gion Is about 46 8.10 inches; that of the vast basin of the Missouri is 200-10 inches. The aggregate yearly rainfall in the en tire- Valley of the Mississippi is estimated lions about s bveeegh a haiftriocuble - o r (lw;ich ni3sutonetter Clads its the eel ' t hrough the RlSsissippl river. fITISHIJRGITE ZAN= 'LSAT. ; h jart_ildjutllBjalein STATE S.EkATOI4 tgrFoll. SENATE, GOORGE WILSON Will be a enndidate for State Coun t yubject to the decision of the Ittpnblican Cotrve ntioll. topi gr/FOR BENATOB, SANIVEL B..CLIILET Will b• a candidate for State Senator, sable to the dtefilion of the kep_blicau Coun ty & Con*Pri tion. WTOR SENATOR. GEO. EL ANDERSON will be a candidate for State Senator, subleet to the decision of the Republican County Conven tim„ mps igN'''FOlt SENATOR. THOMAS A. ROWLEY Will be a candidate for State Beilator t subject to the decision of the Ftepublican Conn y Conven tion.mys igriFOß SENATOR. TROIKAS HOWARD Win be a candidate for State* senator, subject to the decision of the Republican' County Co nvene lion. mys I .HERIFF FOB s I • respectfully announce myself a candidate for SHERIFF, subject to the usages of the Re • — publican - party; and If successfill pledge myself to devote all my energy to an honorable sod faith. ful discharge of the duties of the once. apl3:d3F Ell. N. FLEAIING, of lar- 'FOR SHERIFF, JOUR 11. alum, Of Plttsbuith, entlect to the ductslon 'of the Union Rena Ilona County Convention. apfts-no FOR SHERIFF. I would resosctully announce to the citizens of Allegheny county that I wUt be a csodidate for thg office of SHERI ell', subject to the decision of the 'next ensuing li n itn Republican County Con vention. , 30:h70:DF Igr'FOß SHERIFF. JOHN A. WATSON, Of Elizabeth / 79i h "a. Vol., ot SHERIFF, Relnibilcan U. garFORI ,owns lily, late private Company D, will be a candidate for i be once tibJect to the decision ofthe Union yention. • an20:1373DF • SHERIFF. AM 4. ITERRON, Will be a can • Mate for the oftlce of, Sheriff, rob lee; to the decision of the Union Renubtcan County Oonvention. mh2s:ele-d&F arIFUR SHERIFF., JOSEPR ROSS, Will be a candidate for SHERIFF, subject to the decision of the Repleb.ican County Conven tion. ap2l: BECCIRDER ggrIFOR 'RECORDER, AUGUSTUS BECEERT, Allegheny City, late private Fifth Excelsior Regiment. Lost a leg In the Second Bull Run Battle. an9:114 DRIP Ia'FOR RECORDER. U. C. ISTIASTiIIt • Will be a candid to for Recorder. onbject to the decial..n the • publican Lanni) Convention. toys fgrFOR ECORDER, Tuos. s. smirrsn, LATE myLl59 TH RBG'T PA. •B. C Esg FOR ECORDER, nuirnzar, Win be a candidate for nomination to tbe orrice of Recorder for AlleuLtny county. subject to the decision of tnel approtcbing Itopublican County Convention. 5p30:133 COUNTY TREASURER. F OR COUNTY =MASUD. R. J -- z. F. azainvirrovr, • . i (Late Brevet Majo V 015.01011 be s dedi cate for •enondeat On. Snniett to the decision of the Itepublidn C niy Convention. at 47 14-e& le 1_ F R OR COUNTY THEASUR COL. J. a COPEWMD. Of Elizabeth townshtn . , will be a candidate for the above office. aubJett to the decision of the Republican County convention. opz3.l3B7:Dair REGISTER OF WILLS FOR REGISTER'OF WILLS JOUN REIL. JR., • SUBJECT TO-THE DECISION OF THE RE PUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. FOR REGISTER OF. W ILLS JOSEPH U. GRAY, Subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. . ap29:LN 'LEEK OF COURTS. aff FOR JOHN G.. BROWN, 31111vaie borough, late private Co. 102 d Reg% Penna. Vols., subject to .the decision of the Union Republican County Conveni ion. *pie. :PTO THE CITIZENS OF AL LEOHENY T:TT: respectftlly announce myself as canuidate for the-office of CLERK OP COURTS, subject to the decision of the Union Republican County Convention. I Would state that I' ask the office but for ONE TERM. at the termination of which I would cheerfully retire, believing that there are others equally entitled to the honor and emoluments of the office, and as competent as myself I will be under obligation, to the citizens of the county for their support. Very respectfully, JOsEPR BROW Late (old lath,) and ath Pa. Vol. Regt. *mh23447 O,I7NTY COM-1/-88/01VER. FOIL COVATT COMMIS SIONER. CHAUNCEY D. BOSTWICZ, Of the Twentieth "rani, will be a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the dechlon of the Repel:wean Vomit, Convention. mytdelle • Iar.FOR MIN BION)CR. . JOSEPH IRWIN, . Will be a candidate Itor Cototty Cletombtalnn e r, subject to the,deettlou of the U nion ,tteoutph ean Conuty Convention. eD27:110 - -- FOR . COUNTY COMlllig • SIONER. emotion BANIILTON will be s cluildate for the Commissioner, subJeCt to the decisive of the Union Republican coßniy Convention____. • FOB mis COUNTY COMNIff-- • SIONER. CIEMININGNAM • - • County ward, Pittsburgh. will be the d de r ision or COIIIIO3IIiIODEP, subject t o of the y•t Uulokltellebikart County Convention. inhaT .M= ~~' MEI arueunuc NOTICE. Pu - suatit to an act of Assembly, pro l iet the 30th of March, 1869. entitled "an ac t relit: fug to interments in Trinity Church-yard. Pitts burgh," Public Notice Is luvreby given of tbein tsntion of the minister. wardens and vestry of • Trinity (Episcopal) Church. atter the lOtli. of MAY, proximo, to use a part of the crave. ground belonging to or connected with said church, as sites for new erections of Church and Chapel and for grades, and that Messrs. JOHN H. SHOENBEh DEE, JA3IES M. COOPR, CALVIN ADAMS and JOsIAH BINH, of the vestry, have been appointed $ Commune, to con fer and arrange with the friends and relatives of all persons burled In the ground required for the purposes set forth in the act of Assembly afore said, for theirretentfon under the new buildings or removal to other pints of the lot or to one :of the rural cemeteries. One or more of the. Com • mittee may be found at the vestry room of the church at and 5 o'clock P. at., on every WED NESDAY SATURDAY until the interested i MAY, at which time and place parties will please call. Byorder of the Vestry. _2 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANE or PITTSIMULII. Pyrrsnuttatt. ra.. May 4: 1869. rjrTIIE D IRECTORS OF THIS BANE ENT . his day der larea d s toc kden of FIV E • - ER'C on the capital out of tn. proffti stockholder o o r th h e a eg tsxe monehsa tm aya b nand o after the 11th Init., tree of Bove ment tax. J. E. BRADY, Jr., Cashier... znys:l7l OFFICE WESTERN INSURANCE Co.. ' _ PITTSBURGH, May 4, 1i0139. s jre lIIVIDEIVD. • • The Board of Directors of this Company have his day declared a dividend of FR AMR D RIFF, thdo Townahlp Upon each bare of the capital stock out of the earned profits of the last elz months. free of Gov 4. ernment and State taxes, payable to the stock= ho Idera on and after the 11th Inst. WM. P. HERBERT, secretary. my5:173 • arOIiNAMIENT'AL AND USE FM. BUY ONLY SILVER TIPPED SHOES. For children. Will outwear three airs without tips. i1.Za185.7%711:6 igrEPILEPSY CAN BE CURED —Those havMg friends afflicte Letterr.; neatly solicited to send for a Circularof References and Testimonials. which will con.: 'Once the most skep_tical of the curability of tb& disease. Address • VAN EII.RF.N LOCAROW, M. it.. 38 Great Jones street, New York. tritilkigffli.d.tlr garDIARRIAGE AND CELIBA.. CY.;—An Essay to p young men on the crime of Solitude, impediments ISEAtiES and ABUSES which create to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent In sealtd letter en velopes. free of charge. Addiess. Dr. J.SKIL LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association. Phila delphia. Pa. ;alB:da P ItariEjtallt'S BLUR 11) - 11 - This splendid Hair Dye Is the bestin the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, Instantaneous, no disappoiutment; no ri diculous tints; remedies the 11l effects of bad dyes; Invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown. Sold by all Druggists lnd Perfumers; and properly Aplied at Batehe or,a Wig Factory , • No. lilt il ond street. New York. mr-mocron wiurrrica CON ZINUES TO TIMAT ALL PRIVATE Diseases. eyphilis In all Its forms, Gonorrheet, Gleet, t ) trlcture, ac., completely eradicatedt. That numerous claas of cases resulting from self. abuse, producing unmanliness, nervous debliiiy. Irritability, emotions, seminal emissions, and finally impotency permanently cured. Persons afflicted with delicate. Intricate anti long stand ing constitutional complaints are politely invited to cad tor _consultation, which costa nothing. Experience, the best of teachers. haa enabled him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe, permanent, and which In moat ca in be used without tailor:ince to business. Medic.nes pre pared In the establishment, which embraees (d -ike, reception and waiting rooms: also, troardinit{ ano sleeping apartments for patients requiring) da'ly personal attention, and vapor and chemi- - eal baths, thus concentrating the ikmed mineral springs. No matter who have failed, state your case. Read what be says In his pamphlet of fifty Pages, sent to an. address for two stamps in seal ed envelope. Thousands of eases treated aunty ally. at office and all over the country. Consul tation tree, personally or by mall. Office No. 9 Wylie street, (near Court House) Pittsburgh, Pa. p o u rsHa IS A. IC sea P. it. dutadays 1.51 Y. to 8 Pamphlet to any address for hoo stamp,. apt PRPHANIS2 COURT SAL Will be offered at Public Sale at the Court mi. 111 the clty•of Pittsburgh. on TU. SHAY, the ltith dal of Al al, A. D. IS69,at 10 o'clock In -the forenoon, the Beal P.state of JAMES BLACK, deceased. viz: All that cer,ain lot or piece of ground situate burgllins tovrnahlp.(cow rot hteenth ward. Pitt,) bounded bylancis Samuel Semple,' 11. Williams. William eemple, and by a township road, and containing sixteen acres and one hundred and nye perches,and bay loft thereon e•ected lareedoubie Frame Dwel ling House. Cottage House. a flue Barn. Stabling and otner out bulleings • Ith a good !Orchard of fruit trees of all kinds , .ke.. and a Coal Bank opened on the premises. There are sup posed to be six or eight acres of coal In said lot. ePnehm s i o o s e l ye — a O nero.m irh eno nbami t ten - leve sale, with interest irons the data of confirma tion, and the balance thirteen thirty-thlrds of the purchase money to remain a charge upon Ihe land until •he death of 3lrs. caused an Black. wl,l-fw of JameS Black, &caused, and the inter eat thereof to be pild th e her annually during her life, and at her death principal to be paid to those legally entitled to A. ML $A'9 ITEL At PALMER, torneyA. 9, Trustee, str..9:llB.W.te NOTICE.-- of the Court, made at Beaver County, Pa.. Aprii ag,' 1860, the undersigned was confirmed Receiver of C. H. HALL & CO.. • and lu compHance therewith I will dispose, of Lubricathig and Refined Oils and Baireis of said firm.-"and will sell at Public Sale, on the premises. in the Borough of Glasgow, Beaver County, Pa., on the BTII OF JO NE NEXT, atl o'clock P. m.„ all the property of C. H. Hall & Co., known as the •'Polut OR Works," consist ing of Leases, Machinery, Tanks, Buildings, &c. &c., togette r with all tills t.en remaining unsold.' Terms Cash. And alto give: notice tt all persons Indebted Weald firm to make immrdiate payment tome. 11. BENNETT, Receiver • of C. H. HALL & CO.. PITTSMInGIi t May 1, 1969. art3l-141.Y.8 IN TIIE DISTRICTCOURT OF THE UNITED OTATES, for the Western strlot of Pennsylvania. In the matter or R. .11ERT P. PETTY, Bank rupt, No ..189 in bankruptcy. NoTICE la hereby given that a second general meeting of the . - redltors of RIJBEHT P. (.4 ETTY, Bank wontoab..re named, will bo keld at the office of JOHN N.PUR VI A NCR, Esq .one orthe Reg • Intern in Bankruptcy in sail Vine et, at his office, No. 118 Po fttChl treat, °fig et Allegheny, Al in ny countg. Penna., for the purpose named in the 27th /teeth:m.of The Bat kiupt Act of Munn 1807:on dATURDAY,t lie 29th day of May, A. D.-1808, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day. • 8. B.W, . . Aeslgnee In Bankruptey. Pitt sbursh Mayl3, 1869. Myd:ll3 TiLES. NO. 6131, JUNE TERIM, - . 1 --- is69. In the matter of the atipliCation of the Cen tral Mutual Building and Loan Association oil Alleglkny City. for a charter of Incorportion. And bow - , 1.6 wn, APRIL 514th, 069, In the Court of Common Pleas," of AUegbenl countir, - It is ordered that notice of the above implication be Insert. lb 'he plitsburgh GAzETTA for at least three weeks, and that the same will be granted at neat term of. sailllCourt, unless ex ceptlon4 be filed I/1 proper time. R. MORRISON, _ . Solicitor tt rPetltioners. ap26:hl2 NT OTlCE.— Whereas, letrini tes trnmen tar) , to the estate of HENRY B. I 41deltnr. late of the Cit y of Allegheny , deceased, having beau grant ed to the subsoil.: hers, ail pera . n. indebted t o t h e 5 Id eats e are reba onested tr , make immediate payment, and those y! th • Bald g clai m dece oes or de mands against the estate of without delay ,o n make knonn the same IEATHY ANN WI f .LIAMSON,•• and Joll* 0. WILLI4uIBON. Eimontors of Henry 8:- Williamson,' , d Ceased, N0,,111/B. i 'deal street: Allegnew. • apapaim a lariEVE ON - TORS —lna etoekleilderi of , the -FM Avenue Bank elect. a Board of Directora— rpine f9'—for the ensuing year, • ort needs? Vert, ay Ilth,.berweer g Th e boom or ; three- end eight . , the eand y School room above head's grucery, corner Pride street and Fifth avenue. R. A. ECHNABLE, F. Da HAAN. - • • UEU. C. HEM. Tellers. m5:175 OFPICIC OF CITY I . :Wm/SIR AND n trnYILYOR . , t -Tir r . Button...npril 30, 1 08 0. ~, g Iar..NOTICE..-The asaessment . Tot gradlne I r atrvlew OWN"' f rom.Ttaidett . stye( t to Llbeity atm et la now ready forexandon, ttnn. and can be seen at 1...15 office until May littf. 1809. Me When I orll be - retnrnect to the City 'ltem uera Oo ttwi coileetton. _ , _ap30:137 JOSIAH KING, Junior wArden 1iD16:h59 DIVIDENDS TIIRME 'l3 01,1.A.119 SPECIAL NOTICES GAL. ~'~_._ MEM ..i1 omot..t.4iiooii THIS CARD entiths the bearer, on presentation to TWO DOLLARS abatement on cash purthase of $25.00 et the peat cheap clothing house of • S. C. TRAIIIIEINGIN, ORIGINAL BIG NUMBER 11, Sixth Street, late St'. cigar H. J. moortr; City Engt nett I Nobody beat by this establishment, but fair .'dealing to all! Call and be convinced. All clothing plainly marked by printed cards, at . LOWEST -CASH PRICES, So that no one may be deceived. Remember the place, original big number 11, SIXTH /STREET, late St. Clair. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS OF THIS! de2s;ro-8 - REFINED FAMILY LARD, PACKED BY PROCTER & .. GAMBLE. CINCINNATI. Ask your Grocer for our brand of Lard In these Packages. Packed in 3,5, and 10pound Caddies, 60 . pound Cases for shipment. Cheapest mode for selliag Lard. Send for Price List, SOLD BY ISAIAH DICICEY & CO., PITTSBURGH. And Grocers and Dealers Generally. ap23:F93 A GREAT SUCCESS ! • • 3 3302 C.• • WAS MACH/NE ! It waahes the finest fabrics, without injury, perfectly clean In leas than one. eighth the oral-. nary way. It does not rub the cloth, but per forms the cleaning process by steam and the quick a. tion of hot water; It makes operated by a•chlid. Its great-chaan-sesa It acceaslble ' to every family ana saves Its own coot in doing away with tubs. • PRICE,. 815. Sold from the Manufactory, at • • THOMAS MERKEL'S, PENN ST.. OPPOSITE THE PAIR GROUND. NP' GENTIII WANTED.' anls:hsl PSCHILDECHER Q. SONS • Have returned to their well known location. NO. 22 DIAMOND STREET, Where they are prepared to furnish fresh every day a flee, large assoltmeut of CAKES AND BREAD . Of every deurlptlon. Sept conitantly on hand the very best Confectior erica In the city? N. B.—Orders for parties. a c will be suppl'ed :at the shortest notice and della°, ed to any part of the two cities. -Ladies' and Gentlemen's Lunch. Saloon, ICE CREAM SALOON now open and will rz.o..tinue so during the season. apa7:US An Immense Stock at Low Prices, at IIicCORD & CO's, ;':apt 131 WOOD STREET. anzic:TYM FEDERAL OIL COMPANY—, i In pursuance of an order from the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny comity, Pennsylva nia. the Directors of the FILDENAL OM (10.11'- eAN Y have this day declared dividend of TEN CENTS per shim, payable forthwith to the legal holders of stock in said company. on return to the Secretary of certificates or other evidence of Ownership. All parties are hereby notified that dividends, nclaimed for a period of six months.wilf be die oseti of according to law. By order of the Board. A. B. MILLS, Secretary. _ 'ollice,Duquesne Way, 3 doors below Ninth St-. _ Pittsburgh. Pa. ;h, Apell 38, 11169. apZ:LI Plttstrur UNION lENTERPHISE FOUNDR • WM.IN" JORNSON. Manufacturer et COOKING STOVES, Arches, Grates, Fenders, Sash Weights, and all kinds oi. Hollow Ware, Car Wheels and alt kinds of Machinery CastIngs,COII..WATSON t SHIN GINS STS.. PITTSBURGH. FA. att2SwFtWkB pereISSOLIITION.--The Partner ship as the tem of Wm. Prance & Bon, tofore existing between the undersigned an the erocery business, at 16 Diamond, Pitts %%mls this day dl-solved by mutual conent. . Prance, the senior partner, will settle all the firm's business, and mill cone inue the eerygro business in his own name at the old stand. Wht. PRANCE WM. J. n15:169 May 34, 1369. 014/O1 OF CITY ENGINE= AND 817WVIY0/1, Plitebtnab, February 3tb, 1869. VAITICE.--Tbe Assessment for :AA Grading t 'P streetnd tith stre e tarlotfe street IY.m 38t hto•nth Is now ready u nt il anit anon. and can be see wh e nis o ce SATURDAY. MAT /Ate. it will be Mei nod to the City Treasurer's °nice for collection. zuys;l72 H . .1...3100RE, , City Engineer. LOG OIL CLOTHS, _ SiBREN OIL CLOTH • FOR WINDOW isIIADES. TRA NSPAIIENT • WINDOW NH ODF.S. TAMA AND FURNITURE OIL CLOTH'S IN EATERY VARIETY. • J. &H. MULLIN. 98 and 6438inth Street. aid -_ :r- . itßuArGqoici 6760 ci , 0 ~ 'Ascii , CAKE umzEra., poNPEonotrAint IoP: CREdif and.DINING SALOON. 113 Smithfield stree t,., corner of Diamond Pittsburgh, -, . alley. 9ASP Parties and families sunplied with Ice reain and Cates on short notice.. 67001) NEwEM--------- i A _. • CHEAP BREAD tit DEAR TIMM ' Ealautrro fop: NIT.A.II,EP'S Bread. T 1 e largest and best. The Initials "R. W." 031 eveiv loaf. Take - none else. "4"1.9 AO/A 'RUB lIECI BELTING, Hose, Steam Packing and Gaskets of the isston Beltingmpantes manufacture, at pr i m as low as tuts.glifillt7 of triiklinwliTyrgghtnd ) 1[ the 'manta, Acta ref. = A in (deb_ and 2 , Sixth , at the India Rubber Dvet. $lO & li rinr.Lies. street. , • . 0 . ` ff • fell R. Acents Mr the ammo . TotUTTEB.-10 Boxes Kw .a..,Ditry Huttetiirecelved Kw express. J 8. , 0A.Nr ,-Hlartrn S. S. TRUIERMAN. • Monday Evening ; May 10, 1869. tinder tl e supervision and management of Mr. F. A. TAN NEH ILL, of the Pittsburgh Theatre, and late of Pite's Opera /louse, Cincinnati. Chum% c •by Members of the Of der. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Pelvic tte and 11, els Circle Family Circle and Gal le ry.. .... ReserVed seats fromnts extra. Box office open 10 A. 31. till 3r. ac TO THE . PUBLIC. The "Grand Army of the Republic" Is com• posed of Soldiers of the Union who served in the tate Bebelilon. The Private So.dler le the peer Of the Wheat officer. The °kir cts of the orzanl zatlm Are charitable.' benevolent, just, social and patriotic, and should commanathe respect of alt mood citizens. To extend &helping hand - to the widows whose husbands and sons were our c 'wades, many of whom Ile burled on the thousands or battle Imelda or In the cemeteries of the land, and to sestet in the supp - rt of crippled sodiers, and the educa tion 'of the soldiers , orphans, we respectfully ask the patronage of a generous public. IHE COMMITTEE. ra'THE SABBATH'SCHOOL •But Bi ttl n f a mT . N e El i f , ioD i rsT CHURCH, of CONCERT AND lOCHlBlT r itg e f t Or the Vi v ieflt of the school, on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY RVICNI.N69, MAy sttidlith. and 7th, in the CHURCH. Doors open'at 7 o'clock. Admission, RS cents. . m74:157 TA.GGA.RT BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS NO. 129 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny City. i".• , e. kif 7. k t: , , a , Qualities and Colors. • Particular attention given to hying Slate and repea ess ting Sate roofs, kor particulars and priees addr ?WRIER, • mh3l:gsB GRAY'S FERRY PRINTING} UK (YORK. C. E. ROBINSON, Black and Colored Printing k Lithographic INKS, VARNISHES, &O. yI Gray's Fern Road and 88d Street, fela:e6o 1: FREA. SHAD ' RECEIVED dally.at BENJAMIN PULPHICSO 'popular sh stand, No. 45 Diamond Market, 'Situ. burgh, and at the Twin Allegheny ' City corner of Ohio and Federal streets. Can had all kinds of Bea and Lake Ash. Halibut, had, Seat, Codfish: - Haddock and Eel. Also; large - supplies of White, Lake Fish, Wilmot. Sa n ., Stergeon. Herring and Milell/aR Trout,, which enables us to sell At the lowest market prices,. wholesale or fetal!. We Invite all - lovers qr Fresh Fish to give us a call, and we will Mittel tb.m • treat. inh2s ARDENERS TAKENOTICE. —FOR SALE.—The FOURTEZN _IIILIC „AND, on the Allegheny ,Itiver. atm now gardening rposes; well improved mid • N ed foraidg Mi h state oi culueatlont containing 40 or 30 acres. now ollered at a bargain._ c o n goon. A , so. other Farms fn good location'. Woolen Factory. two Houses, and twenty acres of land on the fijnitral Railroad. •Houses and lota For Bale ano-let in both cities. VO. that:ter par. tlentars inactive - of. • Fru i tamg wAR D. tio Grant anielt._GobooltoCatbodrol. IRMO tat — f -- Wir-110( - 31 ---- ) • for we by ' J. B. OANZIBLW.' JUIWNI=IISTE. gynIITEW OPERA. ROUSE. Bey... The Manager takes pleasure to announce tha he hai made an eng , gement with Messrs. ELL- Si ER and D end their celebrsted Panto mime 'troupe for the production of ht. L. Pox's esrand rimy. Tcick Pantomime entitied. HIIMPTY DEMPTY. 1 • SATURDAY EVENING, May Bth, 680. It will be . presented with entire new. Scenery and cenic Surprise.. Machinery. Tricks and Traostor mstlons, fropertiee, Decorations ac.' TONY DENIF.d. a. Ciown: Ohm. A. DEANS as Pantaloon: HARRY LESLIE as HarIeVILII; lii'LLE 01110 L as Columbine. Matinee on Wednesday and 'Saturday After. tgFPIT7'I3IIURGIT TIItATRE"- H. W. WILLIA MLessee an, Manager. THITESDAYNVENING—ComnIImentary benefit of Harry Overinalon, on which occasion the beau tiful American prima donna. 3lles Jennie Engel, Pittsburgh's. favorite comedian, Herry Hone, and the Mammoth Company In a Splendid Bill. Ladt. a , Matinee on teaturdny. FRlDAY—Benefit of Geo. Miller. WANTED-40 young Moles. Apply at the Box Office. M''BUBNELL 9 S MUSEUM AND PARLOR MENAGEEMB, The Great Family Resorte. FIFTH AVENUE, between Smithfield and Wood streets, opposite Old Theatre. AEI - Open Day and Evening, all the year round. Admission. Inif cents: Okildren. 16 cents. WACADEDIV OF MUSIC. THE RENEGADE OF THE POTOMAC. A NATIONAL DRAMA IN FM ACTS, Alder the Anspiees of Posts :5 and 83 G. A. R. FOR 8.1.1 NIGHTS ONLY COSI'SIENCING & SIDIEN, , RETATI, Wholesale Prices. ROOFING SLATE OF VARIOUS No. 43 Se4;enth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA MATTLIPACTURZII OP PHILADELPHIA TRADE MARK. DRUDGE'S FIRE Lamp YS. M FA Wm. lisliplasOvi .M. W. Cezrzuxe. 50 cents 25 cents