The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 08, 1869, Image 5
.4% ~. 'N,,, Ell II B - d"... - CHRIST EPISCOPAL BEN camtert - ALLENHENY.— The Rev. t. r. suooku. u ctor. trill officiate at di vine service In this Church on TO MORROW' at hall -(fart tea o'clock A. al., and had- Alat Delft% O s e!OFk P. No . 11 tr 7 : •s T , , or the great *run. of the coming age at. .lebended and procl aim.D Leaursrl. Sunday ake . ii A. y, by Der. gliErihreY HALL. Lacock street. AUeghenj. ll. a _ _ Et; PLYPtiouriff cONEIREG*. TIONAL CHURCIL—Rev. J.I.E. MIT CHICLE. of Nl:tnifield. ohlo. will Drench la the 1; Academy ot Music MORNING and EVICN I NG, Vaerylees commencing at 104 and 7 o'clock. '• The pu bile are cordially Invited to attend. ____ . • THE FIRST METHODIST 4 CHURCH,Ciallroacl btrn near Depot,) gr ac l u n a letryi.,l 4 15•1 1 '. CROW HER, Paster. tat itksi .a: at , and r. hbrie jordlaNtlnvited. • tgr-rnisT ENGLISH EVAN.= (HELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Sev enth street—Rev. SAMUEL LAIRD, Pastor. Services TO•MORROW (Sunday.) and' regularly hereafter, at 10,4 Y. and 7,j r. Bandar School at e A. R. "d - 71 THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. FLPTII Avartuta, betweea Smithileid and Grant atreeta, ALEX. CLARE. pastor. Preaching EVERY dannAr. at 10.50 A. ar.. ang-7.80 P. at. Free seats and welcome to all. Sunday School at 9A. Id. and /.45 P. M. Igy—RELIGIOUS.—First Chris— , TIAN CHURCH, Corner Beaver street and Montgomery avenue, Allegheny -City, Jo tIEP/1 NINO, Pastor. Publle worship To-MOll - (Lord's Day.) at 103 i In the MORNING and.73i In the Ey:attain. AmwFree I :4P-81.8. and a Pordial Invitation Mien to all. ay echo°. at 9 A. xf. -___________ ItgrlyinvERSALIST CHURCH, *7 N. corn er 1 htrd avenue and Grant st. eats. AN DS MAKE, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath at,t, it. and 7.4 lag Lecture 10 Yonne . 1.. li f Eren. latlhath tat hoot at 121 lea. Seas free and a weldor:lel," all. MI rgrFIRST_ CHRISTIAN p CHURCH OF PITTSBURGH. W. S. Gray, Pastor, meets • statedly In NEVILLE HALL, corner or Liberty and Fourth streets. Services every Lord's Day at 103 f, A. id. and Tii P. ex. Subject for Morning discourse, "The Christian Elopc—lts Foundation." The public are It s Invited. et= IMESSIATI E*GLISII EVAM• . HELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH,(Gen eW. raa Synod.) Hand Street. below Penn. Rev. J.H. STUCKENBERIL Pastor Religious set-fl ees regularly on SABBATH hereafte r. Sunday S 2i eboel 9A. Y. P- Y. mid Vednes. ton and _tall. , keno DUN►sy —islr street. Bev.- .110BRr oftke Syciod. aid located at bcolland will concoct the servlecs the morning at 103 i o'clock, ant la the afternoisa at'.3 o!clock. nrELDER JOS. D. BROWN _i Inn "preach the. ward" at QUINCY nALL, Laeock street. Allegheny, TO-MORROW at Alkit A. sq. and 31 P. Y. to those waning ur Oaths don from Heaven, the r esurrettioll or the • dead and etianre.of the li ving.' /?eats free and a co lal Invltatlon to all of the soon coin- In . duns and tram not ready to erect h tn.. ?FOR RECORDED. L . .. B. it. SAMPSON, • Of eSixth wrxd. Alleghenyalafi Manch. to ) will he a cantla....e .ur ...icor—cr. sulje. t to the aotrort or the approaching Republican County Convention. .meli: TWE, TIDE MEMBERS AND WELL WISHERS OF JOHN wznatr CH EL, Intend to Mai e the last effort it. build our aura as hag again on Linton street.erPor• . ter grey, and ii• sing part of the means we will p b b com pl epde lsik l o e k d rues ttoarl aolni C I,T. g .u en t e eJohn rffosu— s Williams, Charles' Miller, Daalei Jackson Stn4 others. , mya:lei Dr. N. EL :_____ WILLIAMS, Pastor. --- M-Dirssomc HALL. . EVERETT, nig ILLUSIONIST PRESTIDIGITATEUR, In his grand presentation entertainments TIM (7131D/SUAY) EV.c..N.ING, May 80, led every night this week. 850 breenbacks, independent of 99 othei valuabie present-L to be given away honutly and imartiaMy every night. A g new programme of wonders every night. - Admission 95 Lents. Family tickets, admitting alx. persons-81. No half price. • Doors open at 7; t* , commence *t BP. • H. 14.00 N, nd 0 Matieee Tills (bATURDAY) AFTER- 4 which eet* e curosent. occasion every mild will m . Doors onen at I; to commence at AM- r. At. MARKET' HALL, BIRMINGIIAM, for six nights. mmmencing MONDAY, MAY 10th.. tostithid liar PENNSYLVANIA BAIL., • ROAD COMPANY. TREASintlta'S DEPAP.TMENT. PtiILADELPHIA. /Rey Rd, 16169. NOTICE To lOCKHOL DE R& . The Board of Directors hays this day declared a serni.annual dividend of rIvE PER CENT. on the capital StbeiL of the Company, clear of Na tional and Slate taxes, payable in cash on and af ter May ao. 189. Stank powera of attorney, for collecting divi dends can be bad at the °face of the Company,. No. 51135 ei. Third street. The o ”re will Deepened at B A. x. and closed at 4P. M. from Mty HO to June 5, for the pay ment of dividends, and after that date !tout 9 a. It. to 3 P. if • THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. NOTA.--The Third Instalment on New Stock or 1668 la due and payable on or .before June 15. myetitit IWNNSYLVAIIILL BAIL. noAD CO. PittL ß abeirizta, TEASURER'S DEPARTMENT. PA., April SI, 1889. TO THE sTOCKHOLDERS OP. THE 'PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD l OMPANY. All Stockholders, as registered on the Book, of this Company on the 30th dorsal April. 1889, will be entitled to subscribe for TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT, of their respective interests in New Stork, at par. as follows: .Firat. Fifty per cent, at the time of subscrip tion, betweens the 16th day, of Ifity,lBB9, and the 30th day or June, 1889. Second. Fifty per cent. between the 15th day of November, 1889. and the 31st day bf Decem ber, 1869; or. if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub. acribtion. and each instalment so bald up shalt be ;entitled to a pie rata of the Dividend that May - be declared on full shares. — Thirri. That every Stockholder holding lees • than-four shares, shall be Entitled to subscribe for tine share; and those holding more that a malt ible of four shame shall be entitled to su • scrlbOlor . an addltionsl share. - north. All sharesitpon which Instalments AL, yet to be paid under Resolution of May 13, 118 68, will be entitled. to their allotment of the Tortrit7-11ve per cent. ,at par, as though they Were paid in full. , • al311:198 THOMAS T. FIRTH. Treasurer. -TNSTALLITicE Thri"- - e I. P to_cAelditra et the Mercantile Library Heti VontestlT are herebyLotilled that the dish Install!. Theta.. %ORME DULLARS 'per (hire. bee het4L this da Yealled,paysble en or before May 15th, 11189; at the otlce of N. laolmes & Sons.Bl Mar. lot street. , 81. order et the Board. ' • 1 Pitt . JAMES H. WRIGHT, Treasarer.l3 sburg% May 4, IMP. • myll:l99 st 184CB 11 1 1 1TIFECTIlit TOOLS- FOR, ' BALE. • Double Geared 9.lde Lathes. various sizee,l 1 'Pettis Cuttl.4 11 achine. with 'saps an d; Dyes from 1,1 Inch to 3f. 1 Screw Cutatt,flliachine for small work. Lot or Mantrius, Sorlog Bits. itermers of all - allies from 3 inch to N All kinds small tools. Por inrormallon call on if. WWII a MAN at Lor ens dWightmsn's Miss Works.l3tb Ward.r Ms burs h during the day, or In the !Yell I , g at No. 110 h . _ ...... _ . __ ,_ andto•ky street, Allegheny , : iny7n92.of. 4E2400 TO LOAN Oh HOSIICD (jo idORTeIAGE. - Books set , ed and accounts promptly collect. ed. litnisos Ind Lots iu Pittsburg . and Al/eghe• ny. Cheap Douses and 1.0 sln hast Llserty and 11 addocks. 'Lots In Illansdeld. A verr desirable I farm of 'Mures; splendid young orchard, good kunst.. with snitched; spring Of never 1 rahlog water: near Economy. on the lee of P. 14. W. 4- U. N. W.: for sale very Ch a p, lowa. illtrouri and Virginia land for saie. Enotlire of : THOIC ntrsos '& R. X HOLLAND') 1 . . Brokers and Real Estate Agents. . . _ zri9 89 GRANTSTREICT. ~.,. BESPEARS MERIT MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE IMMO COM, NEWARK, N. Jr. LEWIS C. GROVER; . . Presldcat.. EDWARD A. STEM, Secretary. BENZ C. NMIO4 • • - Trearurer RETURNS TO LIVING AND DECEASED MEMBERS IN 186 $ 3 ,335,058.14! The Assets after paying losses and return pretnlunii as above are 1;==f!!!MI And premiums due, not yet re- cetved And the total Asset. ate,Janna -27 1 , 1569. .. ....... . ..... aiev425,22 01 Being a net Increase for year of. A. 235,138.84 EXPENSES: N. B.—Among purely Mutual Comnan'es hat one la cheapest that does its business THOROUGHLY AT LEAST EXPEN • The rate otexpenses for the year's business hat♦ been, ea the total receipts, 9 82-100 .p.ER, CENT.; ON PRlf.BillOdS ALONE, 1142-100 PER CENT ; The above wonderful results la the items of ex • pendltare may well be considered In conneetlen with the following extract from the Prealdent , s Twenty-Fourth Annual Report to the Directors: "At this time we felicitate ourselves that we have adhered to the mode of distributing tar. Flue and returning premiums to the members which we have acted on front the beginning, nearly a quarter of a century ago; a system plain / ' simple, uniform,whlch all can understand, whicti compels economy and prudence, diselOses any ati to rapt al extravagance or nand, and above . 1 I enables every Intelligent member to understand the manner in which Ills bus:nest Is conducted." DIVIDENDS. Tho Dividends on the above simple, and intelli gible plah have been since 1881 of the uniform rate or 50 per cent., except in 1868, during which Two Vvidends of Fifty Per Cent. Were returned, making the unprecedented • amount Or ONE HUNDRED PER CENT A SINGLE YEAR. The present prosperity of the CoMpany, 'the amount and , chancier of its assets, and the STEADINESS AND ECONOMY of its manage ment, give every guarantee possible, to the na tore of the case, that the dividends of coming years will not fall below the above standard of 50 per cent.l,on Life, anneal rates, payable In three years after the premiums on which they are declared. There will thus always be three dividends, pay able With Polley at maturity, to offset as many notes of equal amount which may have been given, so that: the outstanding note is NOT (al statemenU to• the pinarary notwithstanding) de• ducted from face of Policy. Dividends may be hit with the Company to an. cumulate at compound interest Until they make a the annual interest of which will pay the cash premium required. Thus, Ceti the assumption or the above rate, a very simple calCumtion wlJl sull/ce to show that a SELF SUSTAIISINO POLICY zusy be secured In THIRTEEN YEARS ON LIFE. RATES, And &large accumulation on deposit, as In a Say- Ingstank, payable to the Insured on demand, or with policy at taturlty. Ia addltlonto the above, the 2IX UAL BENEFIT Issues all forms of Tolfcles on tho MOST, PA VORABLE TIMMS, warranted by PERFECT' SECURITY To those who prefer AM CASE PAIMENTS, It Offers all the esiential -advantages of a ()ash Company; but the experience of a quarter of a century, demonstrates that the NOTZ s STEM, ortglnated and conducted by them, Is as Safe for -the Company A. 9 IT 18 Advantageous to the Insured. Securing from tie outset double the amount of policy for the same cub Investment. • All Interested In the sistter or LIFE INSW!UNCE, , Whetlier on their own account or for others, are invited to call for Clitol7LAlta OB pulzas ) IINFORMATION 011 the GENERA4:L'AGEN'i% 8 . hi. LOVERID4E. 42 rirTs AvENVZ ?is • SUCCESS OF 915,383,943' 5 • 347,478 93 491,205 26 -__ This Company under the direct'on of a Board of Trustee comprising the mo't experienced suceessfull life insurance cirector,s in toe Dotted titates, offers its mans Of insurance awl linanclai management to the public as presenting the moat secure and economical way or saving money, or investing for the security of the family.• The assets exceet one and a quarter millions of dollars. Dividends wi•l hereafter , be made at the end of the firm year. and annually thereafter. • No charges are made for volley fee or for medi cal examination. The Company la mutual. • Policies are non •forfeitng. For particulars enquire of t. HENRY W. STRICKLER, Office, 119 Wood Street. mys•uwae grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant ..110 ead $1,60 per Bottle. Each Bottle ia a Neal Jiro Box. i llared by SEWARD, BENTLEY & C 'NET, Druggiria. natio. N.Y. Sol d . b y a] Druggists. A LIUCAN BAER. •,, N 11. 80 FOlip.7ll AVENUE, PlTl.iiiiliGli. CAD CAPITAL • •, • . • 1200,000. St kholders Ihdividually Liable. , BANK OP m ral? ayo AI(D DEPOSIT. JOHN PLOY D. • President. btai,CTOses - • Th ou; M. Morels% Joh n iii, ;fu nd. xtplam p . t T. sinmeart bha sil nn owinita oti a i:u • mir Arcblbalmad WpareUseeratel, Y. W. Arroit. Jam. D. Eel y. Otifia. D. Leech; .Wm lloyd. 'Joan 1 1 0, 4 4 -'. ' .~ PIT NBUNG - IT GA-21/ITE : SATURDAY. ;Mr Bc-,1869 ASSESSMENT • NOTICE. -- All delinquent Etnkholders of the Whitestown 'ea Company are hereby notified Oa, the as mi nima of $3.00 per share on sale stock Is now overdue, aad if - not Paid on or before the 81st tns , their stock be sold at public sale to the Mahe t bidder, at the ()Mee of the Company, No. lao rourth avenue, seeoud floor, at 7 P. M. t the above date. • ' JOHN CRUPT. rhs8;1100 Secretary and Treasurer pro tern. 'VALUABLE BANK STOCKS.— . RAILRQAD AND //iSGRANCE STOCKS. Tuesday evening, May 11th, at 8 o'clock, will be sold nn second thor of Commercial sales Ro sms. 106 Smithlitid street: 16 shares Bank of Pittsburgh. 40 shares lxcbnnge Nations! Bank. , 9 shares C•kal Men's Trilti Co. /6 shares Keystone Savings Bank. 20 shares M. & M. National Bank. • 5 share 4 Allegheny Valley B. li. I 57 snares Pittsburgh e rid Connelisvllle B. B. I tss shares Citizen /neural:ice Co. • 81 shares Penns' lyania Insurance Co. I Also, by order of Administrator of C. W. nick., wenn. deceased. 2,200 shares kits burgh Mining Co. , A. MuILWAINE, Auctioneer: IMPORTANT SALE OF HIGH Cf. •SS MOD oft/iI PAINTINGS. .BY Die. Ti NE, Weak D AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN ARTII3IB WEDNESDAY HORNING. Be n ing 1801, at /0 o'clock, and at YJi, In the evening, will be sold on second fieor of Commercial Sales Roo me, 108 SMltlitle d street, tilde entrance also on Fifth avenue,) a large collection of hiBn class modern paintings. by nutting u.shed Amen can and zuropPan artists. The collection, now on exhibition, will remain open day and evening , until time of sale, ono Is of a very high order; being much the most Important ever offered In -Ittiburgh; otLtunliTSED 06 IGINAL WORE!' by such distinguished artlets as Lot t:lmm of DusteldorL• J. P Herring, London: T. Taylor. London; Wm. t hayer, ler., London: John Wainwrught, London; Cones (pupil of Troyono parts; Charles Hogue', Berlin; James Webb, London; Ed. Mom, z blisdelphla; Ed. D. Lewis, Philadelekla; and many others die tinguishe,, in art. A. MCILWAIN E. awe Auctioneer. O . G. RAMMER & SONS (Late of the firm of Hammer & Hauler At their new establishment, No. 48 84VENT/I fashionable AVANUE, have a large cock of elegant and • . PARLOR, • LIBRARY & BEDROOM FURNITURE AY VERY REASONABLE PRICES! We have erected &large Factory, and are pre . Dared to dll all orders on shortest notice. We flatter ourielves 'of always having made good work, and It will always be oar endeavor to con tinue, having a large number of experienced workmen, and a foreman of nel years expert. mice at the trade to seperintend all work before saving the Factory. We lute no machinery; all our work Is made by hand, and for durability and elegance It cannot to excelled. C. G. HAMMER &801123. • SABB/TH SCHOOLS NN mama er that I have the Largest nook .tf SABBATH i i . SCHOOL BOORS AN REQUISITES In the etty . JOSEPH HORNER. BooksEkler and Stationer, zap! 129 Smithfield Street. OLTZ WIEDERHOLD No. ZOO Third Avenue, Upholsters all Dealers in Curtain Goods, Dire t the at zwtiou of their Mends and the public to their flpely at sorted sto..k or Lace and Nottingbana I:Jetting Vestibule Laces, Damask Reps. Ferry's 31exicati cloth, Satin. Delanes, Gilt Cornices, Gilt and Walnut Mouldings, Spring Beds of superior make, Hair Matrasses (pare white hair.) Pillows, Bolsters, and eeeryttilng pert.ining to a arst•class bed. Zhc latest Paris and Berlin designs for Draperies at the inspection of their customers. Pure white Eastern Show Feathers always on band. HOLTZMAN & WHIDHRHOLD NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE mT8:193 THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF X.Efr FORK. CHABLIS R. BAMOND .. F. BLATCLIFORD IiTAIM. 400 Walnut St.,Phila. (Agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity, ) FLOYD. Cashier. Heavy Yard Wide UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. AT 121.2 CENT], Fast Colored Gingham, Good Yard Wide FEATHER TICKING AN EIRTBA GOOD BARGAIN // 4 7 "Patt)lo X-.123.452a. CASSIMERES AND CLOTHS, Jeans, Tweeds, &c.., Sze., AT VERY LOW rim ES, AT' WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, STATEMENT Of THE REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BAIIIII, . ASSETS. Bonds and Mortgagee ........ U. S. Mt Houle. sge par.... U. S. 10-40 Benda, ®. Dar:.. Real IC tate .............. ... Office Furniture ..... . t ...... . Cub......... Total _ . Aniount due depositors ... , .... .$503,848 12 /merest Vete Di positors. * May 1, ColBso .. .. 12,822 13 ens r1112...1 ..................... 38,823 00 Total A. A. CARRIER, Treasurer. 34 The tinder:signed. Auditing Committee, have examined the boots of the Bank, the Bon ih and Et curitles, and counted thee h, and tied the for gotng statement correct. U. Cnit.lis. wm. 11.1carrti. )Commit e. • . :NICHOLAS VOEUTLTai. MD. May Lit, ISAAC JONES. R M. El. SMITH Accountant N Presto. C. PARER. Vice Presiden bond:or—E. BRADFORD TODD. Eon. Thos. M. Howe, C. G. Huss.?y Isaac Jones, Jacob Painte , r, DW. C. Bidwell, Nicho•as 17, egtl Harvey Childs, S. Wm. U. knalth. Hon. J. U. Moorhead, INT aIIEST ALLOWED on Deposits at SIX PER CENT. ANNUM, wh ic h ! If Depisitors in May and November, which, If not drawn, will be added to the principal and cornponntled: Open for Deposits from 0 A. 311 . to 3 P. M. dat'y also, on Saturday evenings irtm 0 to 0 o'clock. OFFICE , 63 FOURTH AVENUE, • PriwrsigunGua. - my 5.163 P • reddent .t.enerad Agent UCCESSFUL, BOOKS. • Little Women, first aeries. by MIAs Alcott..3l 50 Little Women, second series .......... . ... . . 1 30 On the Height; by Auerback 2 00 Villa on the Rhine-by Auerbach. Part let. 1'75 Village 'I ales. by Auerbach 1 '5ll Adelwelss, by Auerbach .. . ... .•-. . . ... . . --.. 1 Oil Ileaatiss of Irlatalte, by iteutirt itreneli . 1 00 5,0 toples of tlie London edition of this book were sold at . 0 00 Hates Ajar, by Miss Phelps ..... . ... ... ... . 180 Tte Adrionda Its Adventures In the Wil derness. by Attirrav ... —. . ........ . . ... . . 1 50 Her Majesty's Torre .by Hepwor th Dixon. 60 (A •A AU bock for 60 Cents.) R. S. DAVIS & CO. 198 Liberty Street, mr:roar ABOVE ST : OLAIB. AGREAT CHANCE. FOR A MAN WITH A SHALL .OAPITAL. FOR SALE, A.FARM OF 120 ACRES With a TWO STORY FRAME HORSE, BARN, OUT Housgs and ftbundan ce et choicest fruits. 70 scree cleared. 501 n vainable timber; a little stmain running through nutterreis having dark rich soil. and being high state of cui tivation. This farm is Whetted in Tutnam coml. ty Ohio, on Toledo & Daytow tt.R.. 3 miles trom Ottawa. City. Th. price is only IGO per acre, 181,000111 cash, and the balance to be paid In 9 annual 1 nstallmenta 01'000 each. For thriller pullet/Ism - .TUSTIN & KLEE, IST Grant street. ROHL H. PATTEE°RIIOnr JOHN H. STZIVAII,T 1/ PATTE RS° & Co.,N zAnne,inr. SALE AN-3) COMMISSION STABLES COIL SEVENTH AVENUE & LIBERTY ST PITTSBIIRGII, PA. siD26:b4 - DESIRABLE REAL 'ESTATE rOtt SALM, situate near Wood,' avenue havenue, Union avenue, Stockton West Common. Ridge street Second avenue, Filth avenue, Sixth avenue. Franklin street, Penn street, North avenue. Rebecca street, 1,),; Viittre street, Or at btreet. Fulton street and other locations. 8. cumnicitr & Flom, mutt 8. Sixth Avenue. . UNMED BTATEd PAlililmB s l 011IclalPAIISP ItTB of the 'Department of State, Infllspenspbl to travelers, Issued by ' WILLIAF. ROBB, Notary Public. Office 149 7ourtb avenue, Pfttebergn• - - to6:170. . f p or 0118enAsebytenterNUT8itipidljkuaralloballI SA).9Parrealyelli. aCe. Espvincir es tomb" oitatessfL also lig e by *co. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. AT 121.2 OEM% EXTRA. GOOD YARD WIDE ALEACRED MUSLIN. AT 12 1•S COTS, GOOD Qt7ALIT'3?" AT 12 1-2 CENTS, BED TICKING AT 2& CENTS, AT SO CENTS, NEW A &SORTMENT OF ALLEGHENY CITY ao.iscto. 1466,090 15 25,00 i. 00 25,000 00 2,7:40 00 418 60 35,356 12 $355,193 34 LIABILITIES TRUSTEES .FOB BALE BY - .LIGHT - AND DARK D GOOD QuAzawy. AT 25 CENTS, DOUBLE WIDTH, CHANGEABLE ALPACA POPLINS. AN EXTRA. GOOD BARGAIN DOUBLE • WIDTH 1::* AL AL IS GOOD QUALITY AND NICE COLORS.I HEAVY BLACK SILKS. FOR DRESSES AND SACQUES AT TB E LOWEST PRICES AT 75 CENTS, DOUBLE 'WIDTH, SILK MIXED EICOPLI-NS, IN-HANDSOME LIGHT COLORS, :GREAT VARIETY OF NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street~ ALLEGHENY CITY REG ; • Importer and retail dealer In err xxnar, WEDDING, VISITING.Azaorc PARTY AND BUSINESS CARD ENGRAVING, MONOGRAMS, ARMS, ILLITMOTATING &e, Orders by mall receive prompt attention. Send for sainplt a. 1.033 Chestnut St.,, Phllo, e:177. rus&T_ , FOR SALE. A CHEAP FARM In Jefferson county, of 100 acres, l 2o of which are cleared and 30 is line timber, all underlaid with an S feet vela of coal; large orchard of choice fruit; wilt sell for $4O per acre on easy terms. 13 ACRES of level ground near Jack's Run_ welladapted for a mall fruit farm and garden ia& ALTES of ground In Freedom; splendid lo cation for grapes, or to lay out In building lots 5 BIJILDINO LOTS on Lyndham street. 10 VACANT LOTS on Locust street. For pirticulars, enquire at 87 Grant street. .-myt TY.IBTIN & FOE SALE. lkear Osborn Station, on the Pittsburgh rtz - - Wayne and Chicago Rallroad, . TWO LOTS, Containing About Two Acres Each ENQITERIC OE W. MACKEOWN & BRO., was 195 Liberty Street. HOSIERY. • • A FULL LINE OF LADIES BALBRIGGAN STOCKI,.i GS AT PHELAN'S. LADIES OPEN WORKED WHITE AND UN BLEACHED COTTON STOCKINGS , AT PHELAN'S. LADIES ,UNBLBACHED CLOCKED (or TON STOCKINGS, AT JAMES PZUBLANS Old Stand Stocking Store, myl:l3 4No. 24 FIFTH &VENUE. OSlnca or , CITY Egotarran AND idTravirron s Plitatairth, May 7, 1869. NOTICE.—The Allem*tents for grading, paving and curbing Townsend street front Wylie street to Decatur street, and Vice alley trom 'Seders! street to Washington street, are now READY FOR RiA.MINATION, And can biaeen at this °dice until TUESDAY, i t r May 18th, 7889, when , they will ert turned to the City Trersurera oidee for coll ction. - r \ K. J. 0011 E. , CITY iNanntkrt. m.17:190 MO- STONEVONTII ACTORS. TO' •' ' \ i . -"-._ Th , Park COMIXIISSIOII of allegueny- City wii. receive PEOPtitiALbi until WEDNItbDAY, the 'l2th inst.,3 P. st., for constructing on Park tironnds a Circular Fountain Basin, 50 feet di ameter. In out stone, with rubble foundation. Plans and specification* ea n be seen and hill par ticolars obtained at City Engineer's tface. T e Commission do nut bind thenuseltes to ati cept the lowest or any bid. CHARLES DAVIS, Superintending Engineer. my8:184 PROPOSALS..I-_ Proposals- for the Cerpeat.r Work , Brick Work and r Meting required for the Court Route and Jail Improvements will be' received at tne °Moe of the undersigned, omit FitiDAy, way 14th, I.oon. Plana and epeollioatioul are now ready for exatrunatlou. I BARR A •MOSER, ‘ , rchitects, . m 7 : 11 1917os. A and *Stub Bate Bt. Clair) at. _________ ErmovAL. . 1 it I Da LIGHTHILL a REID have removed ;to their a ewly-ltralshett parlors 197 Thlid avenue, near Grant street I.BTHA /10• / & LAUD OIL _. co.! cnni OWN MANUFACTURE. • Extra B. 0. D. Beef and Beef Tongues In store and for sale br • F. SELLERS & cor Penn and Tenth streets, FM ONE WEER. LONGER , for the , elosini ont sale at NO. 100 tibia street. wi thal. kr. $B,OOO worth of iiry Goods, Somm. r Ehrods, Notions, Carpets,l 011 Cloths, Window . Abides. to.. Me., to he sold forthwith to quit business. Store for rent, Lease and Fixtures :Or, Alioiftors set DwtOung.or not. oit rut . 41. No.iv. • .. • • • • .., tun= -• 4lloliVitate . • . •. . Mil ADVEIRTISEMENTS. •PehrolFW AT 18, 1.2 CE TS, AT 28 CENTS, lag F OR SALE. • BONDS AND MORTGAGES For ElulMini Associations, by W. SI. HAVEN (57r. CO.. myS:J2 Corner Wood St. and Third avenue, VOR 11 3toek, _ll2' Foci urea and Lease of the hand.ome Mgar 'tore: 73 'Wylie street. Price, $llOO. Call at 7J Wylie street. . • SALE._ melt . rngizte and !oiler In good running order.. H sWOPER, FoR ..SALE .— LSIIT»-15 acres 639 Penn street. _&• In the 13th ward. fronting on - entre ave nue. Craig a d Neville streets. Ihls la a dealra ble location for cnuntryresndences; welt watered and near Penna. R. R. and East /Aber y Passen ger Railway. Will be sold as a whole or In lots of Innm one to live acres. Enquire of W. 11. TAYLun, 7Wo d street. or at tilsrealthlice on Neville street, near the pronerty , or of HENRY Kensington Iron Wort& my6:180 FOR SALE—Look here, $4O PER ACRE will purchase a FAlthf of WIN' acres In Armstrong e.ounty, Pa. 00041 house and barn ; anlend Id orch.rd of over 5 acres of grafted fruit, 00 acres In _grass, 1$ acres In timber, good t eighborhood. Whole farm can be worked by machinery. There Is 1500 of a bar gain In tills 'Property. IT UST BE SOLD SOON. TERAIB . ICAni. • Apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents, No. 139 Fourth avenue. Ina VOn BALE...The..III-----irsigned y . offers for sale; on altogetheryllth at 10 o'cuck, either in_pleces or , his entire stock of the LIVERY STABLE on Carson atrtet, Birmingham. Parties wishing to go ibto the livery business, can either buy or lease the real Carsoni tO It. Enquire on the premises, street. Birmingham, between deyenth and Eighth streets, or , on the corner of Carson streets. . m3:147 _ __________. ___ _ 910 LET.--A Large and Com- A. rottable Double Office at 3651 I Me). street. Inquire at No. IA Smithfield street. UP slain. _. _ .___ ... .. . - FOB .SA LE., -The remains or jv tie Refinery by - the late II•e at C.nea 011 Forte,. consisting of Hollers., Si iii 5, Pump-..Corw deneilig Tanks Ac., together with th e grouud upon which th e y . are lout d. Leeadon near Sharpsburgh bridge. between A. V. It. R. and Allegheny river. Apply to ERSIV, JA( MAN a CO., at works, . _ FOR SALE.—NEW FRAME COTTAGE of 3 rooms, hall and cellar, In th 'Ward, (late East Lioerty.) Lot Cu by IST feet: broad board walk from Railroad stadon. Trlca /ow aud terzas easy. EI:NU/reit T/118 01 , • ?ICE. FOR SALE.—Rare chance for A." the profitable investment of 115,000 la an establi manufaetttring businese in oh]o. - now paying largely. It desired by the narty Invest ing, he can have the managing of the works at a Dar salary. tlatlafactlOn, all to its patleg, fully CROFT For particulars apply to Agent s, ess. CROFT & TH/LLIPS, Emu it state No. 139 Fourth avenue.ap9) rsig SALE.—SaIt Works and 0 Ace s of Land on Western Penns .R. K. miles east afalttsburgb. Work. are along side of railroad. and are nuw I n BUCCellinil Opera.. MIL Will be sold tits bargain. as the Ow ner Is too od to attend to It. Land is underlaid with coal and Are clay. kyom personal eiatnniation •we must say thls_property is decidedy flitOFT & PHIGLIPA, Rail &tate Agents, - No. Fourb avenue. • Itze_ nl7lllO OR SlLL.—!Suburba n . Ml2Heal.. . 6 FI dente or BUCS/1 Stand, and One Acre or round, situate In the borough of /hadocks, within two minutes' walk of a station on tither railroad. The house le a neat frame of seven rooms, large hall and cellar; lot contains all - cetaary outbuildim- • - - - - _ kinds of '" - feet fro a Lift and Prot _count Appr Agtt XI- NO7loetst--..roin "0. AL "Lost." x "Wants." " Fol. nd. , ' "Boarding." .. not • eteedtagLFo OR LINES alai ?DM Ae {n. sated its Mese columns wire for TWEET I- Ft If B ?RN TR : each additio*4B ~, Use FIFE ORN7s. I s, -------.________a__ WANTELI'HECELP. W ANT ED --- BEELP.---AT PLOYMENT 'oFSICN. No. 1 St. Olair Street, BOYe GIRLS and MEN, ler d 1 erect kinds of employment. Persons wanting kelp of all kinds can be supplied on abort notice. WA NTED---AGENTS. TATA IIiTED.--AGIONTEI for Leos v v aura new HlnTolly 0? Tlj MILTED 81'..11.8 In one large 8 vo. t olume of 800 rages and 400 Hlnstrat.ons on 'reel and wood. A spl.ncUd volume. wan map.. diairama, root notes, andhich are a great many farts , nkurea, dates, `mat t erbiographl cbes <l' prominent men, containing tne of ord nary vnt. umes, Zona ly popular with the scholor and the people,aalt Is the only full history or odr country brought down to the: pretent time. Bs a stan dard author. and lust out. Every one will buy a nratory or their enuntrylhat,wlll btu an _y book. /icor terms and territory address GILL. 25 Warren street, 'Syracuse; N. Y. to78:185 WA NTED.—A G E 3 Tar -$l 4 to female, s to 2 iootr pu cmone HENUIREe'rR'mMIMED CoMMON SENSE FAMILY tiIdWINO MA CHINK. Tills machine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck, quilt, cord. bind, braid and embroider. tu &most superior manner. Price onlyjia. Fraily warranted for dye years. We Will pay 61,000 for any machine that will sew a stronger. more beautdttl, or more elastic seam Than ours. It makes tue "Elastic Lock twitch." Every second /then can be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents trout $7B to $2OO per month and expenses, or a commission front which twice that amount can be made. Address BECOMB & uO.. Pittsburgh, Pa.. Bt. Louis, Mo., or Boston, Mass. CAUI lON —llu not be Imposed upon by other parties palming off' worthless cast iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours Is the only genuine and really praetleal cheap machine Manufactured. V ► ANTED — AGENTEL—To sell the American Knittime kfachloe. Price /25: The thltpiest. cheapest and best Knittitur llactdne ever . Invented. Will knit 90.000 stitches per minute. Ltheral I inducements to agents. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MA CHINE CO., Bortori, Naas., or pt. Louis, Mo. _ _ NV*ANTED -_AGENTS NEW BOOKS -200 ENGRAVINGS—The Far mers and Mechanics Manuel. A book of gr.a value to every one. Bend for 16 page circulart Also, LIFE AN!) ICPISTLE4 .OF_slT. PAUL, (413.000 with Introduction byßey. Bishop:Amp son. The only complete unabrAged Pdttlun. A. L. TALMY&T & 00.1 prus-T 963 , 1, Fourth avenue,. plitsbbrgh. Pa. WANTS. WAS TE P. --- BOARDERS. -- A v. few kood boarders eau be or m eal. with good board by the week. day or meal. at 139 SECOND AVENUE. LOST. SLOST—On Sunday, April 17th, in Citizens street ear, a pair of GOLD eziCTACLEi.a. marked 'ffiophi to Faths.r " A. liberal reward will be paid be leaviag it at No. /00 Ohio street, Allegheny City, Pa. ' - J. GOSLING. OST.—$6.OO REWARD .--On bUNDAY, the Slid inst.. between 6 and 7 o' OClt A. M., s, LARGE NEWFOUNDLAND DOG, color black. with a whits spot oa hie nose and tan-end a white breast. Had.a collar onwith the name of Fido Ghent, and N 0.84.14111 street, Pittsburgh. gr aved en upon It. A reward or SS will be paid to n finding and tentin him at the Mayors office. j rata:l7g. S TO LET. rpo LET.—HOuse en Centre Av-• a ENUE.—Gas. Water. &e., very convenient. Ont ot at av e nue,o per mouth. Call soon at 121 Centre Pittsbarga. TO -LET.--2d and 8d ate N sory Or No. MG Diamond, Allegneny t . AS story prealse et - Triable s for a private aenool, inqntre on the , TO- LET.-A house with ten room., two kitchens, and a bulb room. newly papered and painted. Gas In every de partment. Could be need by two families. On Eighth street, (Hancock,) opposite Christ Chinch —a beautifu/ situation In summer. Aphiy at 277 Penn sr reel. TO-LET.—A three-story brick dwelil.g house, Just completed, *lbis ted on t e corner of Fremont street and Ohio avenge, Allegheny City, with . a line store room on the ground now% which will be rented sPparately irons the remaining part of Fremon t e. If desuedi also the adjoining heuse on street, three stories, and newly built. For terms, sic., en quire of jpl-1 if RAMSEY, 9/ Beaver street, Al_ rk e-L ET. -110 07 0 18.—Two • fi ne ROOMS la GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply at untlag Roomp, 84 and 88 FIAL! avenue. FOR SALE JACOB VOEZ, la _my3:lM