The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 08, 1869, Image 3
DIAIIMEV9S. OY➢IQE or PITTSBURGH GAzErni, . - FILIDAT, May 7, 1869. The markets generally continue mod erately active, with a fair volume of bus inesi in the aggregate, while in regard to values, there are no important ehanges. Our advises from Chicago, last night, report an easier feelino in Flour and Grain, with a slight deciine all around. From this it would seem , that the climax has been reached and that, in fact, there was no real or Sub stantial cause for the little flurry which prevailed there during the early part; of the week. It is but, proper to rem k, however, that the upward s meyem nt there had little or no influence here; as our people had no confidence in the; ad vance being sustained for any length of time, and in this they acted wisely. l It was must prooablY brought about ) by parties who were carrying large stocks; and, of course, were interested in hav ing higher prices. This attempt, at the present writing,' has the , appearance of being a failure, and unless something lingual occurs, it is not likely that it • ill be repeated, this season at least. APPLES—SaIes at ss®B per bbl,,as to quality . . APPLE BUTTER-90(41 per gallon. BUTTER—Is in fair demand at 35®40, for good to prime and 42 for choice. BEANS—DuII at 33®3,25. CHEESE—SaIes of new Western Re- Berne at 15®20, as to Quality, and New York Goshen at 24®25. CARBON 01L—le quoted In a jobbing way at 29®30. CORNMEAL—SI,SO®I,7S per cwt. DRIED FRUIT —ls a little dull but unchanged. Peaches, 14 for quar ters, and lts®l9 for halves: Apples, 13®15. EGGS—Steady at 16®17. FEATHERS—A since firmer, and we - now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. FLOUR—Is steady with a fair local de mand wnile prices are unchanged. Spring Wheat brands at $6,50@7,00, and. Winter Wheat at . 57,50@8. Rye Flour. $7@7,25. GRAlN—There is little or no Wheat offering, and Winter may be quoted steady at $1,50, for prime Red. Oats in better supply, and the market is pot so rampant ;t here is no change in prioes,how ever, 74@i75, by the car hxtd, and strange as it may appear, some dealers are sel ling small lots In store at same figures. The demand, however, is not so pressing, since the advance, and it is generally be lievesl that the top has been touched. Ear Corn is selling on wharf and track, at 78@)80. and 83@85, in store, as to quality. Shelled may be quoted at 75®78, for white to prime yellow. Rye is selling at $1,40®1,43. Batley is quoted at $1,70© 1,75 for prime Spring. GROCERIES—The grocery market is quiet and without important change. Sugar's it is thought, have touched their /owast poi ut,ao d as there is every prospect of a big fruit cropi it is possible that now may be the time for to lay in , supplies. Following are the ruling quotations: Spasms-8 H, 11; A A, 18; Havana, 1834@1.4; Cuba, 13; Porto Rico. 133 @ 14%; Demerara, 1534; New Orleans, but little prime in market and sells readily at 14%®15; lower grades, 13Q14; Refined, Ex. C, 1.54; B, 15%; A, 16; Hard, 17. MOLASSES—New Orleans of good qual ity.ia in strong request and bring 85c; Porto Rico, 65@75. Sirmars—White Honey Drips, $1,15; Silver Drips, 95c; Jersey, $1,05; Golden 85; Amber, 75; Common, 55@75. COFFEE—Fair to Good Rio, 20@2 ; Prime, 2434@25; Choice, 26@2634. RlCE—Carolina, 1C34 to 11c; Rangoon, 934 e. TEAS—Young Hyson,sl,lo to 1,85, G. P.. 51,10 to 1,90. Im perial, $1,40 to 1,80. Oolong, 85 to $1,45. Son Chong, 90c to $1.50. • Srsmair—Pearl,•73,4; silver Gloss, 12c, and Corn Starch, 12%c. CONCENTRATED LYE—$B,OO per case. Farrrrs—Layer Raisins, $3,50 per box; Matt-do, $7,50; Prunes, 14c; - Currants 13c; Vallencia Raisins 1434. • Smicars--,Cassis, 90o; Cloves, 45v, grain Pepper, 38 Allspice, 83c; Nutmegs, $1,50. nem Ira-12 3 5c; Shot, ;3,25 per bag. Sosms---"Babbit's," 12c: ~O akely's," lie; Rosin, sto 7c; "Dobbin's," 15c; Wax, 10c; Chem. Olive; 9c. Csmimms—Mould, 18c; Star, 25c. - Br CARR SODA—S7,OO per 100. Fula—White Fish ga% per half bbl. Lake Herring $4,25. Tonsccii—Navy 67@70, 10's flat 67@70; Spanish Roll 75's; Cut and Dry Ws 34's and pkgs 28@30. HAY—Baled is in good supply and dull but unchanged; may be quoted on wharf at s2s@2B—very choicti - might bring $29@30. HEMP—Sales at $215. HOMINY—SS,7S@6 per bbl. LARD. OIL—Is quoted at 81,20 for No. 2, and $1.50, No. 1. MAPLE MOLASSES—SaIes in gallon jugs at $1,50®1,75. POTATOES—SaIe 2 cars reported at 55. Small sales, in store, at 85 to 68@70. PEANUTS—SaIes at 11 cts. PROVISIONS—Bacon is quoted ,in a jobbing way at 13%®14 for Shoulders; 16y 4 @18 for Ribbed and Clear Sides; and 18®19y.; for Plain and Sugar Cured Hams. Lard in tierces, 19c, and in kegs • and buckets, at 20c. Dried Beef, 20@2014. bless Pork P1%@32. SEEDS- : -Small sales of Clover Seed at ;9@9,50 and Timothy at $5,75(§6. Flax Seed would command ;2,50. SALTll.tay be quoted at $1,83®1,85 by the car load, and 11,95®2 for small lots in store. TALLOW—Ia quoted at 10%®10%, for rendered, and Um Little doing. . Dry Goods !Market. Naw Your, May 7:—Dullness. and de- Inanition are still the predominanf features of the dry goods trade in all its branches, and in order to effect sales or. close out invoices of goods concessions had .to be madrionficome class of, goods, every day Cotton grain bags, which went up with arcendation and the advance of the . raw material, have been reduced to 42X0 for Great - Fails- -and - Lewiston. -, A Rest,' brown'Sheetings steady at 1512315%b for thabost-inakes, and 14 . % for seconds like _ the Roxbury. A finebrown cottons, like Massachusetts 13 B, stead', at 180. E line at••lsc; do. E, 14;.d0 0 ' 18; do N, 12. The Amoskeag bleached Muslins are irregular in price; ClafiLti & Co. sell them at 15%c; Stewart a Co. charge 16c; Barnsley-Innis at 10%c; Clinton C 12.43; Constitutional 11c; Fruit of the Loom bring 18c; Utica; 85 Inches, 21c; do 3.3 inches 2234 c, and New York • Mills at 25c; , Pepperell 10.4 • Shootings . are steady -at- 87)0. In printed and colored cottons there is no particular • change to note apart from an invoice of Amoskitag prints, in not very good styles, whickare offered through a job- Ding house at 10Ko, and another line of - Wannicitta 'pfints; ate atrarad.aa klw 834o,which is below the cost ofProduotion, 111111 tite , e4ct is to rise theth as a lever to break the vallie`of other gocids if possible. . , : ' Dicra orr, May 7.-Flour steady. IVb espreeelptsridOttstmaltels extra at 0,78 i) "3 , 43. r %ditto - $1;58; 2, ih8901,67 Noe 1 , artdAt, 411.4 e. -u9m 660:•ittfited. - Millatuffs steady. litip,llo., I <moo. .come mtd. 4lin gs . SY' ; 4 VW.i Ass.' $25(427. ;71 11,4 Itiopr busitsl. k,L. 10 - . 4 2 ' PITTSBURGH IRON MARKET. OFFIQIiOFPrrrsBVBOBGA2zrrg, FRIDAY. May 7, 1869. s The metal market during the week has been very quiet and the demand has been chiefly for small quantities for im mediate consumption. The quantity absorbed has been about equal to the amount driving, so that there is no ac cumulation of stobke. Anthracite met als are finding a better market East than here, and the heavy shipments in that direction have a very noticeable effect on the quantity arriving here. A lower rate of freight' would doubtless do much toward changing the current again in this direction. No change in price or terms is quoted, though a can for a large ameunt would induce a slight con cession. Aarruitaorrz. DO lona Mottled • 20 " No. 1 Anthracite.. 20 " N 0.2 " 50 " No. 3 " No. 1 Foundry 44.00 4 mos No. 3 4'• 41.00 4 moe No, 3 " 40.00 cash 10 " 50 41 10 " RT.tra Ciose G F'ge 39.00 oash No. 1 Foundry 44.00 4 mos No. 1 " 93.60 4 mos No. 1 " 93.50 4 mos No. 1 " 44.00 4 mos No. 1 " 43.50 4.mos 20 " 10 " 10 10 " 10 " 20 10 , g No. 3 Forge 49,60 4 mos BITUMINOUS COAL SMELTED FROM LANE SUPERIOR ORE. Com Forge reported S 6 0) 4 mos. Mill Iron 37.504 mos Med Close Grey loge 37.50 6 mos 44 " " 37.00 4 mos Common Close Grey arrive 86.75 4 mos White 86.50 4 mos Com (Rose Grey... 36.60 30 days Med Grey Forge to 300 30 '• 130 " 250 " 500 " 50 " 50 " 500 " arrive 37.50 4 mos 100 " Open Grey Forge..... 33.00 5 mos 300 " No. 1 Grey 39.00 4 mos 300 Open Grey 3 S. 400 Medium Grey deliv ered at Furnace 36.00 5 mos . COKE 100 " Red Bank BLOOMS 30 " Junlabs P. T. 50 " Maranice Mo. 100.00 4 mos I=l 300 " Extra Forge 40 '• 51.00 cash 30 " " " ...... 50.00 30 days 20 66 If Markets by Telegraph. NEW You, May T.—Cotton firm, with sales 2,109 bales at 28%e for Middling Uplands. Flour s®loo better on I low grades; receipts of 12,074 bbla, With sales 9,400 bbls at 55,70@6,00 for super- fine State and western; 16,10®6,45 for extra State; 118,100)7,00 for extra western; $7,00@8.00 for white wheat extra; 16,25® 7,50 for R. H. 0.; $7,00@8,50 for extra St. Louis; 19@12 for good to choice do.; closing quiet and steady. Rye Flour is quiet; sales 250 bbis at 14,75®6,75. Corn Meal in moderate request; sales of 100 labia tirandywine at 14,80. Whisky quiet and firm. ' sales of 50 bbls at 97@98c for western fret. Wheat; receipts, 17,229 bus; 1(312.c better for spring with a fair export business doing; sales of 74,000 bus at *1,39 for No. 3 spring in store, $1,45 1,48 for Noa 2 spring in store and dolly- ered, latter price for very choice, and $1,70 for white California. Rye quiet and without decided change. Barley quiet and drooping. Barley Malt nominal. Corn heavy and lo better: receipts 22,620 bush; sales 58,000 bush at 89@900 for , old mixed western in store, and 90@9201 for new do. Oats firm- ' receipts 12,900; sales 28,000 bush at 87c for western in store, and 88@89c for do afloat; also 85.000 bus to arrive from Chicago at 85c, and 12,000 bush deliverable next Monday at 88}ic. Rice fairly active at B%@9c for Carolina. Coffee quiet. Sugar firm: 450 hhds at 1134@120 for Cuba, and 12®1255c for Por to Rico. Molasses less active; 75 bbls of New Orleans at 75@80c. Hops quiet at 6@l4c for American. Petroleum quiet at 17%c for crude, and 330 for refined. Linseed oil quiet at $1,02@1,0234. Spirits Turpentine at 46@47c. Pork heavy and lower; 1,950 bbls at 231@31,12 for new mess; $30,87 for old do; $25,75®26 for prime, and 128,25@29 for prime mess. Beef is dull at 16c for new plain mess; 12,518 c for new extra do. Tierce Beef quiet at $20,50 per tierce, 120@20,00 for prime mess. and $26@32,00 for India mess. Beef hams steady; sales 190 bbls at $26@32,00. Cut meats steady; sales 200 pkgs at 123;@130 for shoulders, 15i @leo for hams. Middles quiet; sales" 720 boxes at 1555 c for Cumberland cut, and 1654 c: for long cut hams, and long clear on private terms. Lard quiet and steady; sales 625 tierces at 16%©183ic for steam, and 18g@1830 for kettle rendered. But ter firm at 30@400 for Ohio, and 20©440 for State. Cheese firm at 10@23c. Freights to Liverpool decidedly firmer; engage ments of 40,000 bus wheat at 2y,@3d per steamer. Latest.—Flour closed more active and s@loc better on low grades. Wheat is Jo better for spring, with a fair export. demand. Rye is quiet and steady at $1,31@1,32 for western. Oats dull at 863 i @BM for western in store. Corn is dull and heavy at 90@91a for new mixed western, and 89@91c for old do in store and afloat. Pork is quiet at $3l for new me cash and regular. Beef dull and unchanged. Cut meatsare in limited re quest at steady pricee. Bacon is quiet and unchanged. Lard is dull at 18© 18qc for fair to prime steam. Eggs are steady at 19©20c. *C.urowoo, May 7.—Eastern exchange firm at par buying to 1.10 premium sell ing. Flour in good demand and firmer, 10@150 higher, at ss@k6 for spring extra. Wheat firm, No. 1 advanced 10, and sales at 111,15@1,1834; No. 2 scarce and firm, I%@2c higher, and sales at $1,12 1 4® 1,18,4; closing at $1.13@1,1334; sales since 'Change at $1 1231@ 1,13, seller for the month. Corn less active and firmer, and I,4@ms higher; sales of No. 1 at 6035®® fiNcr, No. 2 at 57/@s9c, rejected at 55 55%0, new at 56 1 ' .5@67c; closing at 61V,, 61540 for No. 1 in store; market unchang ed this afternoon. Oats very firm and rale higher; sales of No. 2 at 61@61%c; closing at 6155@61 0. Rye firmer. ' sales of No. lat $1,16, No. 2 at $1,18@1,14X, and-closing with buyers of No. 1 at 11,10. Barley quiet and very firm; sales at $1,70 ig1,73 for No. 2, closing at 11,70; sales sample lots at $1,75@1.80 on track. High winos quiet; sales at 910. New Orleans MOlusses $1@1,05. Sugar 14@15550 for oommon to choice., Provisions firm. Mess Pork aative at $30,50®31,00, closing at outside. Lard in fair demand and go higher at 17V3117pi0, Sweet Pickled Hams steady at 15e. Bulk Meats Will the and held,. firmly. Freights firmer and a shade higher at rio for oats, 5%0 for corn, and Cle for wheatl to Buffalo. Re coots for the past twenty-four hours -6,761 bbls flour. 17.296 bush wheat, 55,575 bush corn, 25,699 bush ,Oats, 1,140 bush rya, 1,617 bush barley. ST. LOMB, May It --Taiwan steady With a good feeling. Cotton:Aiddling is wpith Nye. Hemp is unchangedrtindressed aold•at 81,400155 Flour steady wad un • cshanwed ; spring superfine , le* :0 2.1 1 111414,50; do.• at 'KA f 76; sattja ,at, *t." • , ,70; doubles:Wei at MIMI; 11.17111- ~ Y ..`~ , S`.' a u - - • ‘• re*,r4ve-g-4.-• • ' PITTSBURGH GAZE 'I7E : SATURDAY. MA! 8, 1889. extra at $6,75Q8. Wheat firm at 51,50® 1,70 for prime to low choice $1,759 1,90 for choice to fancy; No. 1 spring, in elevator, sold at $1,14, and some choice in sacks brought $1,15Q1,16. Corn firm and better; sales of white in bulk at 58c; 60340 for free in elevator;.64Q6Bc for sacked. Oats firm and have adverted to 65Q680. Barley neglected and only sale able at lower prices. Rye dull and droop ing, small sales - at $1.25. •Whiaky: sales at 89c, but most ,holdera demand 90c. Groceries are quiet and unchanged. Sugar: Lousiana common 12c; 12340 Ql3 for fair to good fair; 14 Qlsc for prime to choice. Molasses easier at 70Q80c for plantation. Coffee firm at 19Q200 for common; 2450 for fair to good; 244@ 240 for prime to choice. Provisions in increased jobbing demand at previous prices. Pork sells at $31Q31,25Q31,50 for original, heavy and extra heavy. Dry salt shoulders packed sold at 11%c; loose clear sides 143;0. Bacon—shoulders 13c; clear rib sides 163;c; clear sides 17c; sugar mitred hams 20c. Lard dull and nominal; entail retail sales of choice at 180 for tierce; 19c for keg. , Receipts-3,400 bbls flour, 18,900 bu wheat, 2,300 bu corn, 4,500 bu oats, 600 bu rye, 600 hogs. CINCINNATI, May 7.—Flour and Grain unchanged in every respect. Cotton fikm; middling. 27Q27340. Tobacco un changed and firm at full rates; sales of 78 hhds at f4,99Q37,50. Whisky firm, but quiet at 93c..1 Provisions unchanged and firm, but the thimand is light. Mess Pork $3l. Bulk Meats 12Q144c. Bacon, 135Q1634Q170 for shoulders, clear rib and clear sides. Lard 18c. Sugar Cured Hams 185190. Butter firm tor fresh at 36@38c; other grades dull. Eggs ad vanced to 16c. Cheese 16Q19c. Gro ceries unchanged. Potatoes dull;. , the market is overstocked; the best wilfrnot bring over 400 per bushel on arrival, and forced sales have been made as low as 300. No change in oil. Gold 137, buy ing. Exchange steady, at par to 50 pre mium buying and 1-10 premium selling. Money pleutier and the market easy. .837.50 4 mos 43.00 4 mos . 42.00 4 Enos .. 39.00 5 mos LOUISVILLE, May 7.—Cotton quiet at 2510 for low middling, with sales. Flour superfine $5,50. Corn—lowest at 63(4)70c in bulk. Oats firm at 65G700. Bagging, market quiet at $26 for D; Kentucky 524; light weight at $l6. Cement steady at 51,25. Potatoes dull and nominal; sales 100 bu at 51,25 packed. Provisions—Mess Pork $31,25(4)31,50. Bacon—shoulders at 13340; clear rib sides 163;o: clear sides 173(,c; fancy sugar cured hams 1734® 19c.. Lard at 18c for tierce; 19340 for keg. Hay steady at $21(4)22 for No. 1 New Or leans. Sugar 14(4)14340 for fully fair to prime. New Orleans molasses 80c for • prime; sorghum 52340. Rio Coffee 20@ 250 for fair to prime and advancing. To baccales 203 hhdirranging from $4,90 tci @3,00 CLEVELAND, May 7.—Flour quiet and steady; city made sells at $9159,25 for treble extra white; $7,75 for douole extra amber; $6,75@7 • for double extra red winter; $l3 for extra red country made: 0,50@17,50 for dOuble extra red and am ber; $6(44,75 for double extra spring: $7,5009,50 for double extra white winter. Wheat: No. 1 red winter is held at $1,50; No. 2 do. $1,30. Corn: sales three cars of No. lat 71c. Oats sell at 69c. Petroleum quiet and unchanged; refined Is held at 30 @3lO in car lots; ,or standard white trade lots 2@3c advance. TOLEDO, May 7. —Flour steady. Wheat closes a shade better, ruling fairly active for amber at $1,43. White .Mich. regular at $1;45. Corn steady; .No. 1 6734 c en the spot, 07c. seller the last half month ; No. 2, 63340; yellow 720. Oats 1 cent lower ; 69c for Michigan. Rye unchanged. Barley dull. Receipts, 3900 bbls. flour, 6500; bu. wheat, 8200 bu. corn, 15,400 bit.. oats, 300 bit. rye. Shipments, 2000 bbls. flour, 81,000 bu. wheat, 16,800 bu. corn, 23,400 bu. oats, 300 bu. rye, 400 bu. barley. MILWAUKEE, May 4.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat ansettled at $1,17 for No. 1, and 51,12 for No. 2. Oats more active at 610 for No. 2. Corn en tirely nominal. Rye nominal. Barley quiet and steady, at $1,80@)1,85 for prime. Grain freights quiet and unchanged. Re ceipts: 1,000 bbli, flour, 33,000 bus wheat, 2,000• bus oats.±Shipments: 1,000 bbls flour, 22,000 bus wheat, 18,000 bus oats. 37.00 30 days 37.50 4 mos 38.00 6 mos 51.50 A mos 50.00 cash IMPORTS BY RAILROAD PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE At CHI CAGO RAILROAD. May 7.—11 cars metal, .Nimick. & Co; 4 do do, Bryan & caughey 3do corn, Scott & Gisal; 1 do do, Ran ker, & Son; 1 do de, Hitchcock, M'C & Co Ido mber, Nanz it Co; 100 bbls flour, Culpt S; 14 pkgs apple butter, 17' bbls apples, H Ern Jr; 16 pkgs, Voigt, M & Cau; 1 car barley, Pier, Dannals & Co; 11 aka rags, Pitts Paper Co; 1250 doz han dles, Lippincott & B; 13 eke potatoes, Robison & Co; 8 bits cheese, Kirkpatrick &Co; 8 do do, A t J Kerr; 14 sks rags, Frazieri dr. Metzger; 60 do do, M Spratt; 1 car potatoes, Bricker 'it Co; 1 do do, Bruggeman dr O'Brien; 29 ski; rags, God frey & Clark; 4 rolls leather, Flaccus & Son; 1 bbl tallow, Dilworth & Co; 1 car oats, Culp & Shepard; 100 bbls flour,. Watt, Lang & Co; 2 bbls eggs, 1 bx but ter, L & J Blanchard. tiLEVELAND AND fITTSEDR‘4It it AII - ROAD May 5.-2 cars metal, Minh* & Co; 5 cars blooms, John Moorhead; 1 car potatoes ' Meanor & Harper; 2 do do, A A Waters; 24 bbis, 40 sks do, 74 crocks ap ple butter, Volgt, Mahood & Co; 1 car barley, Carson & Co; 130 half bias her ring, James Conner; 12 cars iron ore. Shoenberger & Blair; 2 bbls apples, W J Steel & Bro; 1 car shingles, Slack & Sholes; 5 bbls eggs, 14 do apples, 5 pkgs butter, W Only; 4 rolls leather, GN . Hoffstott; 10 sks °ate, Dean & Patterson; 10 oks cider, J Kohen; 4 bbls eggs, W B Moore; 35 sks rye, McHenry & Hood; 8 bits cheese, H Riddle; 6 do do, Day & Co; 1 car oats, Keir& Ritchart; 1 car potatoes; Buggerman & O'Brien; 65 eke flaxseed, 84 do rye, M B Suydam; 84, toe lard, .1 Lippincott; 3 bbls eggs, 1 keg' .butter, fl Rea Jr; 2 hhds hams, George Mitchell. PITTSBURGH CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. Mav 8.-8 bbls ap ples,Volgt, M & Co; bdo do, 2 do eggs, 7 eke rage. F G Craighead; 17 do do, Christy it B; 4 bbls meat, Ido butter, Rankin & Bro; Bdo apples, 1 bg seed; J A Graff; 10 eke potatoes, Cunningham & M; 97 do do, Meanor & Harper; 1 car rye, 1 do corn, J W Simpson; 2 do rye, R Ptton; 1 do do, D Wallace; 4 tea beef, Dal II &T; 2 do hams, E Hazleton; 10 do , Sellers & Co; Ibx shoulders, 2do balm , J Lippincott; 6 pkgs produce, Day & Co; 4 bble ego, J a Ar ms t rong: lot d metal, J Park; 1 bx glycerine, G A K lly. A Loonsity VALLisr Rairatoso, 14a7.-7 bgs oats, T Donnelly; 13 do do W erguson; 44 do do, Blaney & Moore; & oats CulpShepard; 1 car lime, D L to Rey olds; 24 eke potatoes, Meanor & Ile7er; 19 do do, J D Strove; 85 do oatsgrain, Scott & Glsal; 1 car Little & Bal 4; 4 ears iron, P, 0& S LR R 1 car metal, Union Iron Mills; 1 do do, Rees, Graff & Dull; 1 do do, J Moorhead; 5 do limestone, Shoenberger & Blair 2do stop , Henderson tit Co; 820 bbls oil, Fisher & Bro. .itatmr— ALLEGUENY STATION, May 7.-1 car staviee, J M Hemphld; 2 care metal, Lewis, Bailey & Dalzell; 1 do ore, Richey, Harjzingh & Co; 18 eke rage, J B Jones; 4 bbl eggs, 1 pkg butter, It & A Carson; 27 b big app les , Owens et Kennedy; 4 ears metal, 8 ang, Chalfant & Co; 100 bpi,' limo, I* Mao% '/O 0 do do. HIPPIOY & I t . Bee ert;ll , bble eggs, - J. Robert: . 110 bits 41 . t /8 6 4 .15 #74 1 11A ,sacra wheat, w 'm ' 09,4 VT al) .ndy A lomittetlitikose, Lemon * weih4. - • - 4-cs - RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede slowly with six feet nine inches in the channel by thelSionongaheht marks last evening. Weather cloudy and cool with frequent shows of rain. The Wild Duck is the only transient arrival we have to record, while the Kenton, for Portsmouth, was the only departure for below. . The Camelia from Nashville an I R. C. Gray from Louisville, are among the . first boats due. The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L. Brennan, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving at noon. The Messenger, Capt. Jesse Dean, is filling up steadily for St. Lohis and the Upper Mississippi, and will be the first boat out. —THE DONALDSON CASE.—The case of Capt. W. B. Donaldson, charged with murder In the first degree, was called for examination in the court of Criminal Correction yesterday, and was dismissed in that court, the grand jury hs ing found a new indictment against the iris oner. The principal witness, Ray, ; in jail on a Similar charge.—St. Louis a em. —The Emma No. 3, left Cincinnat for Pittsburgh on. Wednesday with a fair trip. Pilots—John Ferguson and .cra tes Reno. - —The Kate Putnam, Pittsburgh t Louts, passed by Cincinnati on Wed .oy. Pilots John Kirkpatrick Byron Clarke. —The Louisville Courier-Journal Wednesday says: The Lorena, in tempting to land at the wharf yester. Got to far out and lodged on the rock remained there about three hours, at last was compelled to lighten, wit assistance of the :W. J. May. At present stage of water, the channe low Fourth street .is very narrow, unless pilots know the harbor well have great difficulty in keeping off crest. —The license'of Win. R. Wicks, as engineer of • river steamers, has bee yoked by the Local Inspectors at vine, for interfering with and ohst Ing the main safety valve of the Lec No. 2. —The St. Louis Democrat, of Tues 4 says: Hayden Lyon, late of the patch, now operates the river de .; ment of the Republican. Our Men . M. Joel, a canny Scotchman, has, learn, taken charge of the river de ment of the Dispatch. We hope the his new employment he will fin. thorns, although he may reMember they abounded in the "land of br heath and shaggy wood." " —A Little Rock (Ark.) pas Chappy Honaton hasredeiierthe pointment of master of a new Go' ment snagboat to be employed in Arkansas river. A good selection ai much needed enterprise. We may, look for the raising of the large nun of wrecks lying, -between Napoleon Fort Smith, and for the removal of r well known and dangerous snags. River and Weather. • (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LOUISVILLE, May 7.—River rising ten feet four inches in the Canal. W clear in part and cool. RIVER PACKETS. NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS . n NEW F o ORLEANS, 6.1.1XE,.. 4 T0NT, - i t ßowN6 .t I ..Mil l ILLE. Texas—l he new and staunch-built i t , a ni .. r • MATAMORA.S.Itio.SII ... . .. ...Capt.R. Dat.zgr.L, Will leave as above on TBURIDAY, I e 20th lust. _. • Morn - tied. orpassage auply on board or to lays V , LACK &C 4 01.1.1NtiNV4101.. Agents. UPPER MISSISSIPPI. -)E, Olt SIO. LOUIS, GA. LEN DUBUQUE, AND ST. • ,‘ UL.—The ttne pabeenger steamer MESSISNt3M.It Capt JESSE DEAN. will leave for the above ports on SATURDAY. May Bth, at 4-P. )t. For freight or imassage apply oilboard. or to/ FLACK & COLIANGWOOD, zaggia 1869- sairme NORTIIEIRN• LINE PACKETS, FROM St. Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL INTERMEDIATE FORM One of the splendid Sidewheel Steamers of this Line will leAve St. Louis da ly for Keokuk,Dtven pert, Dubuque, Winona. Stillwater and St. Paul. Through receipts for Freight and Passengers will be given to all points oh the Upper kil-sis sissippl on steamers running from this port and connecting with the Northern Line Packets at St, LOUIS, thus enabling Consignees to get their Freight through without delay and at lowest rates. Apply to JOHN FLACK, J. O. COLLIMTWOOD, ON AT Agents, or to , 91 Water stmet. R. C tultM:g23 PARKERSBURti.- 110IPITTS IlUll GH,A s s i ir in g WIIRTLING AND PAR KERSBURG LINE.-.61211,VA Wharf loot of W 0041 StraPl. daily at 12 M., WED NESDAYS and SATURDAYS, OKRA' ittA ... .. t; BILENVAN. Matter. irelght will ben:eels-e CO a at LINS. all hours by .IAMES IPLAUK t UOLLINGWOOD, Asehts. stpla VOIR WEIEIRLING. ---- MARIRT VA,PARBEnSBURG AND CINCINNATI. -Leaves Pittsburgh EVERY TIIESD Y- IFA M, Leaves Cincinnati EVERY rRIDAY-4 M. The swill and ancerb Sidewheel Steamer ST. 1M ARTS, T. ci. SWEENEY, Commander.-will leave as announced above. - For Fielght or Passage apply on board, or to FLACK & COLLINCIWOOD, or COLLI.No & BARN ES., Agents. N. B.—No Freight received on Tuesday after 'll A. M. mh29 STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND . AM QUEENSTOWN. _ TU INDIAN MAIL STEIANISRIPS. Numberings stzteen tirst-olaas vessels, among :i4VB 3 ?Pelas CITY OF ANTWEFP, 'CITY OF BOnTON CITY OF BALTIMOR, ern ) OF LONDON, ling. EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 45, 144,rtti River, New York. For outage or further inforumion anolv to WILIAA BINURDI, TO FIFTH BTRICE3',_ (Chronicle Building. VolatiVolnnoillte. Ponf Pl4tohnr.T. OALL EGAIENY INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. . • ICE,No. 511111 0 TH STREET, Barri BLOCY. Ts:mares against -all-kinds of Fire and Marina Eiskr .TOHN IRWIN. Jn.. 'President. T. J. HOSKINSON, Vice President. 0 G. DONNELL, Secretary. OAPT. WM. DEAN. General Agent. DUVECTORS: JOllll/1"4 1 / 1 Jr., B. L. Fahnestock T. J. Hoskinson, W. B. Everson. C. G. Hussey, Robert Ji. Davis, Harvey Childs, Francis Sellers, Charles Rays, (lent. J. T. }Rockdale. Cant. Wm. oven T. H. Nevin. ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB SOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. Pracikal ta r e Mca°llol44en, US ire!tivru i Wliate mat 6 alit& MU aseoetaislit 41'0. .!P e t " ." 1:64. f8 ; 11 F eri a e "' s. M iNSITR.A.NCE ' TEE IRON (ITY : RITUAL LIFE LNSURANCE CO. Of Pen.nsylv i ania. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORS: • Hon. JAMES L. HP.AHAM,I Rev. J. B. CLARK. D. D.. Capt. R. 11013LNSON. Rev. A. K. RILL, Rev. b. H. NE sBIT. W. A. ri NED. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RUSH. Real itstste Agent, SIMON fiztUM, Mayor of Allegheny,— C. W. BEN N), Hatter, I A. S. BELL. Atrorney-at-Law,. D. L. FAA. T ERSON, Lumber Merchant, I). SWOOnR, Insurance Agent. Capt. ROBT. ROBINNON, President. Rev. J. B. CLARK, D. D. Vice President, JACOB RUSH, Secreta ry, C. W. BENNY. Treasurer.' . M. W. WHITE, MailluaL DANIEL SWOCIER, Geng Agept. This le a tome comnany. conducted on the mutual Del:mit:nu ' each policy holder receiving unequal share of the profits of the Company. Policies will be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an econOmi• cal .ba,is will afford a safe Investment to each policy holder, and thereby retain the money at home to encourage home Industry. mhZ:g33 pt EN FRANKLIN •A-0 INSURANCE COMPANY, - OF ALLEGHENY, PA. OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANE BUILDINGS, I • NO. 41 01110 St.. Alleiglieny.- A ROME COMPANY, managed by Directors wet, icuown to the community, who trust by Aar detain: to merit a share of your patronage. I HENRY IRWIN •' President, G. 0.1 EP, RIDDLE .... Secretazy. DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin, • D. L. Patterson; Wm, Cooper, Geo. R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, Gottlelb Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, , Jacob Rosh, NV, M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whiston, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lautner, IH. J. Zinkanci, Jere. Holten. R. E. HERON, GENERAL AGENT. es t nd 1319 Spin:oa: 1 uis- I net , etre Cuss NJ INSURANCE COMPANY,. PHELAN'S BUILDING. No. 22 Fifth Avenue. Second Floor, . ; PITTSBURGH, PA. Capital' All Paid. Up. DIRECTORS. NI J.'lligley, H. W.Oliver, Jr, Capt.M.Baliey, Dan , l Wallace, 11. Hartman, A. Chambers, Jake Hill.. lll , Clisrk.m. Jas. M. Bailey. Thomas Smith Jno.S. WUlock, ROBE T 43. KING, President. JNO. F. JENNINGS. Vice President. Job: T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. It. J. GRACE, Gen'l Agent. Insures on Liberal Terms on all .Fire ,i and Marine . Risks. , • ap2:g67 . lys: ap )111- the ,d a .ow ..ber and .any N ATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 Or. Federal St. and Diamond, Allegheny, 01Bee, In But SECOND NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. W. W. MARTIN President, R J JOHN B OWN. R.., Vice President, JAMES E. WraVENSON. Secretary. g. Ith .e: 1:1=1 John A. Myter, au. Lockhart.iJos. Myers. has.L.Graham. Hobert Lea. C. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown,Jr. George Gerst. 'Jacob h0pe. (.0.11 PV. lalams Jno. - Thompaon J. 3loNaughec al)fi , , TERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY . OF lITTSBILTROU, PA., 00, No. 424 PENN" (IN NATIONAL TIIUGT CO. BUILDING.) DIRECTORS: Robe. Dickson, IRobt. Liddell, G. Siedle. IC. Van Buren. E. H. Myers, J. Ganfrwisch, L. J. Blanchard, J. Weisser, E. H. MYERS Pret ROUT. DiCKSON. V' BORT..T. GRIER, Tre! fel9: J. J. ALBIETZ. Secre pENNSYLVANiA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, N 07111734 WOOD STREET; BANE 0? COMMERCE BUILDING.* This is a Home Company, and insures against lost by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. • ROBF,RT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH McELHENY. Secretary.' DLETZTORS: George_Wlison, • Geo. IV Evans, J. C. Lippe, J. C. Fleiner, John Voegtley, A. Ammon. _ Leonard Walter, C. C. Boyle Robert Patrick , Jacob Painter, Josiah King Jae. H. Hopkins, Henry Sproul, JNDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO, OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE, 431 k 437 CHESTNTIT ST., near iTII. Charles iV. Bazaar, Mordecai H. Louis' Tobias Wagner, Davie B. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, Jacobrge B. binith, Edward C. Dale, 'eb W. Richards, Georg Fales. ( CHARLES G. BANCHAR, Prestent. EDW. C. DALE, Vice Preaiden . W. C. STEELE, Becretary,pro I . J. GARDNER. COFFI , North West corner Third and • Streets. MhZ:wl.s p[PERLit ,FIRE INSURANC OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP KFTD INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED ING $13,000,000 IN GOLD.. Insurance ',ulna. Fire effected on Houses and Building., Goods, Wares and4Merchandise, Steamboats, Ac. Foliates issued yable in gold or currency. Aar United States ranch oMoe, 40 PINE STREET, New York. U I All losses of the United States B l ranch will be adjusted in New York. J. It.RIOTAA.IIGITIMIN, Agellts PITTSBURGH. PA. Ocoee, 67 FOURTH ai l RBJ6T. • MR. McLAUGHLIN is also Agen i ibr the Man hattan Life Insurance Company, selity79 WLESTERN.INSUItANCE COM. PANT OP PITTSBURGH. MEANDERTOR, Presitent. WM. P. HER B/ T. Secretary. - CAPT. GEORGE MELD, General Agent. t 011 ice, 9S Water street, Spang C0 .'. 00 Waren, house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will inzure against all kinds of and Ma. Risks. A home Institution, m aged by Di rectors who are well known to_ community, mid who nr. determined by prcnnptitess and Liber ality to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the best protection** those i i who desire to be insured. DIIIICTOBB: Alexander Nimick , Jena II McCune , R. Miller, Jr., • Chas. . Clarke, James M.CA Mei , . William S. I. &yank, Alexander Speer, Josenttßirkpath= , Andrew Ackleu, phnitigen n er. David M. Long, Wm, Morrison, D. Ihmsen. .. . nor, PEOPLE. INNIUILINCE COM. , , OFFICE, N.E. CORNER. WOOD A FIFTH 13Tel. • Home Company, tak Ing pre and Morino Hiat t I. _ Cap. John . ti Samuel Mehra, Charlestrbuttkla , Id Jared Drub , Win Y. ang. Samuel HoOrmaart 'resident.) s President. IO Seere N. Gen".lgl Wm. Phillips. John Witt. John R. Park% Capt. James Miler. Wm. Van Kirks James I). P 'S I Verner W • rtifiNa . V OARD CAM JAB. R "tIerNITE satis • VAENNEITLVA-aam NIA CENTRAL ram D. On and after April 25th, 1509, Trains will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive. Depart. Mail Train.... 1:25 am "Day Express.. 2915 me Fast Line 1.40 am Soutneni Ex.. 4:60 am Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am Wall's No. 1.. 6:3oam BrintonAce'n. 1:50 am Mail Train...-. 8:15 am Wall's N 0.2.. 5:50 am How , dAs No110:20. am Cincinnati Ex.9:10 oCincin'ti Ex 12:30 pm Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wail's No. 2..11:5/ as How'd Ao Nol 1:10pm Johnstown Ao. 3:05 Pia Pittsb , vh Ex. 1:30 pm Braddocks Ac. 3:40 p Phila. Expresel:so pm Phila: Express4l:2op , Wall's N0.3...2:50 pm Walls No. 11.. 4:¢Opiia Braddock An.. 5:50 pm Wall's No. 4.. 5:0517n1 Dowd Ac No?. 0:35 pm *Past Line. . 7:30 pm Wall's No. 4. 7:20 pm How'd ec N02.9:210pna .Way Passn'r 10:20 pm Wall's No. fp.. 11:00.nnk .I'hese trains make close connection at Harris erg for Baltimore. The Church Train -leaves Walla Station evert Sunday at 9:05 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:1'5 a. m. Re tinning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. .and arrives at Walls Station at p. m. 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. AU other tr•»- s daily except Sunday. For further information apply to I W. H. BECKWITII, Agent. The Pennsylvaniaßailroad Company will not as.- slime any risk forßaggage, except for wearing ap• parel, and limit their responsibility to One Him* dre. Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding for t amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, nn tees, taken by special contract. . EDWARD WILJ JAI/ ap2ii General Superintendent, Altoona, a. W. '3, Friday, F. Kirsch, Chris. ,blebert P. 3childecker 35Ident. 'lee President. roarer. tars. E=zr: CO., SO* lobilb 'AU RAILROADS. CANGE of allalpm TIME. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OM REGIONS wrrntiu r CHANGE (IF CA "S. On and after MONDAY, May 3d. 1559 TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsburgl Depot. corner of Elev enth and Plke streets, fc r Franklin, 01101tY,But ft.10. and all points in it e 011 Regions. LEAVE PITTSBURGH. *miry IN riTTREGRes Day Ex 11:00 ain i Day Ex 5:15 p Night Ex.... 7:30 pm, Night Ex 6;311a Ea Brady's B Ac 3:15 p m i Brims R Ac 10:15 a m Ist dodaW'ks 9:45 am, sodaW'ke 7:46 ant Soda Wks 6:30 p m 2ld SodaW'ks 0:15 p m let Helton— 0:45 a m,161 Hultun„ m. 2.1 Hu1t0n...12:00 rn j2d Holton— 2:00 p 3f Hu iton ... 1 t:00 p m:3.1 Hulton... 1:05 p m Arnold's Ac. 5:6U pm I Arnold's Ac. 7:40 p m Churen train to and from Soda Works leave Putsipirgb at 1:10 P. M. Arrive at Pittsburgh, (Fundays. ) at 9 50. a. M. Express trains stop only at principal points. Accommodation trains stop at all stations J. J. LAWRENCE, cieu'l Supt. THOMAS M. KING, AWL. Supn., • span NVESTERN-WARERE PENNSYLVANIA RA-LROAD.-Cn and afterAprli 25th,1S60,the Ps s3enger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rai road will arrive at and depart from the. Feder: 1 street Depot; Allegheny - City. as follows: Arrive. Depart. • • Springd , e No15:40 a m , Mall 7:00 a sa Freeport No. 18:20 a m 1 Freeport No. I 9:2oAns Express 10:40 a to Sharpb4 Nol 11:2D am Sharpb`g No.11:20 p Express • . 2:50 pm Freeport N0.24:00 p Springd'e NolB3o pm Mail 5:50 p m tneeport No.25:110 p Springd'e N026:20 o m ISnringd , e No 2 e • 3.0 pm Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves, Allegheny Junction even Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1 :90 P. M. and arrive at Allegheny, Juno* tion at 3:40 p. m. COMMUTATION McKay:l—For sale In package, of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street. Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsbure and good only_on the trains stopping at Stations spe rifled on Uckets. - • . The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a. In. make direct connection at Freepori with Wale ker's line of Stages for Butler and Hannahstows. Through tickets may be purchased at- the °Met . No. 1 IN Clair street, near the Suspensionßridge. Pittsbnr. b, and at the Depot, -Allegheny. For further information apply to JAMES LEFFERTS,Aen.' Federal Street Depot: - The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not a' some any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their - responsibility to One Hundted Dollars in value. All baggage ex ceeding tt is amount in value willbe at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILL stilt Gene-al Suncrlntendent, Altoolns. MUNN shultott. FORT WAYNE A CHICAGO F. W. and CLEVELAND I PITTSBURGH, R. B. From April 26th, 1869, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union liepot, north aide, Pitts. burgh city time, as follows - Lease. • Chicago E_....3:08 a in, _ - Erie & YgnEr.l:2Ba m Cl. & Wh'o4'l6:l3 a in , Chicago Mail-6:58 a m Chicago Ex, ..9:43 a m Cl. & 2:oBpm Chicago Ex, 3:23 p m Vre &Erie Ex4:43 ptr. Depart from Allegheny. Bear M alts Ac.8:513 s m Leetsdale " 10:03 a m Chicago Ex...1.:58 a m ' Chicago Ex..lks:o3 p m Wheeling Ex 10:48 a m Creetline Mall 7:33D in Chicago Ex....4:03pm I Cleveland Ex 3:53 p m Erie 'nExs:Sßpm ICI. & Wh'g Ex7:o3p Arrive in Alietlislal. Leetsdale Ac..6:48 am Bca'r Falls " 8:48 am New Castle "10:B3 am Enon " 9:l3.ans Leetsdale " 1:013 pm Beal' Falls " Sl:23pm Leetsdale ` . 4:43 pm 44 44 8 : 4 3 Ix' Fair Oaks Bun- • • " 11:58 a m Rochester" 2:28 P m Leetsdale Acc.3:BS p m Enon " .If:33 pm Bea'rFalls " p m Leetsdale " 10:43P In Fair Oaks Sun day Church. 1:13 p m .110- 11:234,. m. Chica: air 12'03 u. m.Ohic day church. 9:38 an o Express leaves daily.. Express arrives daily. • tween Pittsburgh and witnout change s to-In— No change of cars Chicago. Sleep ng cars dianapolls and Chicago. J. M. KIMBALL, Hen , ' Ticket Alien , _ap26 J. N. 31 , CITLLOUGH, een'l Supten't. rITTSBURGH_ I CINCINNATI • ANDIRMINIM LOIIIS RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. • CHANGE OF TIME.—Onj and after MONDAY. April 960, 1869, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot. as Ibllows: Depart. Arrtee. Mall .............. 9:08 a. m. 121:13 et. me Fast Line - 9,43 a. m. 7:13 p. ny, cE ; xprese ... 9:33 p. m. 4:33 a.m. Mixed Acc'n 5:33 a. m. 6:58 p. m. eDonald'a Acc'n,No.lll:43 a. m. 18:18 a. me : tenbenville Aceommod. 3:58 p. m. - 9:93 a. m &Donald+, Aro , n. N0.25:112 p.m. 3:19 p. in. :unday Church Train.. 12:55 p. m. 9:58 a. zn. sir A:33 P. K. train will leave daily. 111:13 P. M. train will arrive daily. All other trains will run daily. tiunaays except.. d. The 9:43 a. m. Train makes close con . ectiona at Newark icr Zanesville. .5. P. SCULL, General Ticket Amt. W. W. CARD, Supit.. Stenbenvllie,' Ohio. ap2B a ITTSBILTRGHat i MEME CIONWP.LLS VILL AIL ROAD. • On and after TUESDAY, November, 17th. teat, maims will arrive at and depart from the Depot corder of Grant and Water streets, as follows: . . Mall to and from Union- . . . _ . . town 7:00 A. 2. 6:00 P. M. McKeesport Accomdt , n 11:00 A. M. 2:05 P. M. Ex. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 P. 11. 10:10 A. M. West Newton Accom'd 4:30 P. Y. 8:35 A. 2. Braddock's Accomdt'n. 6:15 P. Y. 7:50 P. M• Night Ac. toMult , sport.lo:3o P. Y. 6:45 A. X ; Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. x.10:00 A. For tickeU apply to E. M. RAYMOND, Agint W. B. STOUT. Superintendent. no2l S TAW HILL UNION PACIFIC RAILWA; Eastern Division. ROUTE S t H m R t T h E e S Z T e st AN o D pMoln LEUELIARI Colortado, Nevada. • California, Utah , ArizOna • Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. Two Trains Iwo State Line and Leavenwortk (Stur=teegg.,) on Lordako of roma in. % *no a nd bol, and Bt. Joe Railroad from Quinn,f COMM* . in' at Lairrai6o, Topeka and Wemego wig", etaf.,..e for all points In Roams. At end _O tract nest of Naloworth wi th the 'UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPAIMB DAILY' LINE OVERLAND HAIL AND NIPS= COAckIES TOR DIEN VI3XIR4 KAMM lAALICIrus AND All Pointe in the Territories, And with ISANDEREPIS OI3 Tas-wzintax LINN of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Pau. Albuqueme, @ants Fe, 10101 all pant, in Ad.. mina and New meritio. With the reoen additions of rolling and equipment, and the arrangements = with esponsitde Overland Transportation Linea from its western terminus, ad, road now offen un equalled facilities fi fer..the . Stimulated= DOLL ashen to the Far West. Tweets for sate at all the trehuepat once. IL the United States and Clinadss Be sure and Ist Air tlciteta via 0410116 Malt° BOATS , r AU.WATia Dia aw,ux "DEN 10) , 11 , fetperlittendwat a asuraisTia. • . 4“Fakiteliki i 541511, IS .:,). 3 Arrive. Depart. Arriveg.