The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 06, 1869, Image 8

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Tam GilzErna is fUrnished n th e ctty
the eix days of the week for 15 ants per
week; by mail, is per annum : 8 ma., f 2
The Diamond Alley sewer will soon be
Is there no ordinance providing ageing
wheeling barrows over the side walkaT
The hills surrounding the cities are be
ginning to look attractive In their spring
Chas. Bradley was fined three dollars
yesterday, by Mayor Drum, for fast
driving. -
The Sewer on Sheffield street, Fifth
ward, Allegheny, is rapidly approaching
completion, •
'The Committee on Fire Engines and
Hose, of the Allegheny Councils, hold
their regular meeting to-night.
About two and one-half million•bnsh.
els of coal have been.shipped to lower
*its withing the past few days. •
' Wora has been resumed on the North
tower of St. Paul's Cathedral. It will be
a twin to the one recently completed.
The 'rapidity of the Allegheny water
is charged'with Whig - the cause of so
much sickneds in this city at the present
The hotels are doing a lively business;
Many country merchants being in the
city to purchase their spring and sum.
mer stock of goods
Bock Beer is the ruling German star
just' now. The emblematic sign of a
goat Over most of the saloons means, we
presume, to go-at the beer and be knocked
with two horns. - •
Committee liteetings..—The Street Com
mittee and ,Committee on City Property
brthe Alleigieny.CcninellaMet last even.
Ing. Nothing bat the usual routine bus:
Mess wap.traniaided.
Filth•. &Vent/tit/MA' remarkably crowded
with vehicles yesterday afternoon. The
avenue was blocked up several times.
The police were kept busy in endeavor
ing. to clear the thoroughfare. •
Otie solitary Wight, suffering from the
effects of an overdose of whisky. appeal
ed I* the clemency‘of Mayor Drum yes
terday morning. He was provided with
lodgings in jail.
Loating.—The Allegheny police arrest
ed several boys for loafing on Chestnut
street last evening, on complaint of a
storekeeper in the vicinity. They each
fined three dollars and costs by by May
or Drum.
Cath.—Daniel Hine was before Mayor
,:Drum 'yesterday, charged with selling
liquor on Sunday. on oath of John Cash.
The accused keeps a saloon on Lacock
ti Btreet, Fourth _ward, Allegheny. War.
.rant issued.
The enterprise of contemporaries in
finding Imad dog Items is quite com
mendable, but we will wager a big apple
that not a single case of hydrophobia has
thus far been discovered in the canine
' tribe of the city.
Goy. GearY, Gen. Sickles, Gen. Burn
aides, and a whole host of distinguished
Military gentlemen are expected to be
In the city next Monday night to partici
pate in the dedication of the Lodge room
.of _Post No. 3, G. A. R. •
Kite Wlupping.--John Smith, a resi
dent of the Seventh ward, Allegheny,
was brought before Alderman Arent,
yesterday. charged ,with indulging In
that manly (?) amusement—wife whip.
ping. He Was held for a hearing this af
The Allegheny Fire Alarm Telegraph
has been thoroughly overhauled and re
paired, and is now in perfect working
order. Mr. Rodgers, who has been en
gaged for the last three weeks in making
the, repairs, will leave for home this
Diamond Attey..--plamond alley, be
tween Smithfield and Wood streets, con
tinues closed ,to all travel except by
pedestrians, In consequence of the con
-arra/Iton of the sewer, which has been
completed to a point about half way be.
tween the streets named.
Aar-radon Thursday.—yesterday, forty
days after Good Friday; was, in the
Church calendar, Ascension Thursday.
It was, obseryed as a holiday of strict
obligation Py the Catholics and as a fes
tal say by Abe Episcopalian, Lutheran
and other denominations.
At the next meeting of Councils tho
Market Committee will report favorably
to the purchase of the Lyon property, on
Fifth avenue, for a new market place.
The report was withheld at last meeting
lin order to obtain the refusal of the
Jgrottod in a legal .manner before action
should be taken.
Runaway„—Last evening a horse at
tachect to a light buggy took fright on
Western avenue, Allegheny, and , ran
away. The driver, Mr. Jimes Cransan,
was thrown from the vehicle but fortu
nately not seriously injured. The horse
continued, his flight and was finally
brought up on Hand street, Pittsburgh.
Hotel Robbery.--Sc;me enterprising ho
tel thief enered a room occupied by the
barkeeper ln Shaffer's Hotel, Birming
ham, Wednesday night, and abstracted
therefrom a bew snit of .clothes and a
silverwateb. The robbery was not dis
covered until yesterday morning, when
the necessary steps were taken for the
arrest of the thief.
For Recorder.—We direct attention to
the communication elsewhere published
in the interest of Mr. Augustus Beckert
for Recorder. Mr. Becitert had his left
- leg taken Off in , the war, and presents
sarong claims., on ,the sympathy of his
party. Be honest, Sobor, indwitrious
and capable, and would make an excel
- ions officer.
• Quartal Ended,htre. 'Julia Meaner
and Mrs. Sarah _Franklin, of the Sev-
enth ward, AllegbenY,l/141 a dippilteyes
terday afternoon. "They adjourned to
Alderman Arent's office toitettleo
Ptete. The official. aftbr hearingthe ease
patiently, Imposed a tlike'of thketidolbrs
a nd mete en &MP* Xferikllei she being
des:tided the aggressor. • •
Cress Arthtir Iffartin, the dray
mattyturhad the difficulty with'W. O.
Matthews; the conductor on the Binning-
Passenger Railway, an account of
'which we published yesterday, - made'in
formation before the MaYor, yesterday
Morning, charging Matthews with as.
Mo r t and batten,. The accused wad 'held
to bail for Court.
en lntrn4er .— Jacob
SWSIZerw Yeater"
day afternoon, being somewhat intoxica
ted, entered the house of Mr% Wilbert:dna
, tiohatnit, on High street, Seventh systrdi
, . _
- 444' --- ' 1 54 1 .2...1' , ... a4e.: 4 44z.g.'", ,--,Fit.1,54.
Allegheny, and attacked that lady with
a club. He was stopped in his amuse
ment by one of Alderman Arent's police,
who happened to be paming, and arrested
him. The Alderman fined the fellow
three dollars for his disorderly conduct.
American' Builder.—We have receiv
ed from Messrs. J. Washington & Co's.,
literary depot, No. 71 Federal street,
Allegheny, the May number of the Chi
cago American Builder and Journal . of
Art. It is a very interesting' number
and should be largely circulated. Waslv.
ington & Co., are the agents for it in
Allegheny. -
A Morgue is badly needed in Pi tts
burgh. The body of the man found d ead
at the Point, yesterday morning, was left
in the sun, near the filthy necessary of
the Tombs all day long, and had not been
removed at a late hour last night. A lit
tle more humanity might have been ex
ercised by the Mayor, but it shows the
necessity fora dead house where the un
known deceased may be kept till iden
The County imprOvementa.—The pro
posed improvements on the Court House
and Jail have been under way for some
time, and are„progressing4s rapidly as
the nature of the case will permit. The
excavation on the south side of the ward
en's house is nearly completed, and the
jail wall at that point has been torn away.
The earth from the n3rth side of the jail,
where the new offices are to be erected,
is being removed rapidly.
bleasOn's Lectures at Lafayette
- Hall - are splendidly illustrated with a
great - Variety of costly; curions, wonder=,
tul and intensely interesting manikins,
m d e n ls e lloige;
The subject for this evening's lecture
will be the Eye, Ear, Bore-Throat, Ca
tarrh,Oiseases of the Throat, &a. Eabh
lecture Is worth tea times the price of
admission: ' . •
Ben Franklin Insurance •ComPany--
In our notice of this very valuable Com
pany yesterday we forgot , to iiiform our
readers that Mr. R. E. HaVron had
been appointed general , **ant. Mr.
H. is an energetic and experienced
young man, just such a man as all first
class companies should have. Courteous
and upright in all his dealings, we bei
speak for him a Useful corner in this
very important position.
Decoration Day.—The Executive Com
mittee appointed by the convention of the
_various Posta of the G. A. R.of th&county,
to' make all general arrangements for :
"Decoration Day." will meet at' City Hall
this Friday, afternoon, at 4 o'clock, for
the purpose of their appointment. A gen
eral and cordial Invitation Is extended to
alt other associations and persons, who
take an Interest In these ceremonies, to
be present by representatives or in, per
son, to assist the (kimmittee in organlz-,
ing a programe for the occasion. •
'Lamp Explosion.—About half past
eight o'clock - last evening, an oil
lamp explofled in a feed store
at the corner of Wylie and Logan
streets. The oil was - •scattered in all
parts of_ the room, and a general confla
gration was anticipated. An alarm was
sounded from box 45, and the_ fire de
partment of the tlrstdistrict responded,
but before it arrived the the was
tingulshed. 'There was no damage done,
further than the destruction of the lamp
and the oil it contained. -
Large Vote.—At the Temperaticaville
Fair, which closed heat week, the con
test for the beautiful American Button
hole. overseaming and family sewing
machine, was decided In favor of a wor
tby lady, and the handsome amount of
11,080.50 was realized, there having been
10,085 votes polled. There were four
contestants. The machine was a very
fine one and from the salesrooms of Mr.
James Espy, the sole agent, corner of
Fifth avenue and Market street. No
machine in the market is now attracting
more attention and favor.
Serious Fall.— Wednesday afternoon,
Mr. Ferdinand Hohman, a carpenter,
while engaged about a new house In
Sharpsbargh, fell from a scaffolding to
the ground a distance of fifteen feet. He
was picked up in an Insensible condition
and brought to his Ixsaiding house. on
Second street, Third Ward, Allegheny,
where Dr. Hardtmeyer attended him. He
received several very severe bruises on
his body, but the main injury suffered
seems to have been in the head, although
there are no outward signs of injury.
He is lying at his boarding house In a
very precarious position, and it is feared
the injuries may result fatally. _
. The, moil discovered lying on the
wharf Wednesday night, and who died
before he could be removed, was recog
nized yesterday as a deck hand, who
had been employed on the steamer Ar
gosy, but•his name has not_yet been as
certained, or anything definite es to the
cause of his death. Dr. C. Le Moyne, after
having examined the body, stated there
were no external marks of violence suf
ficient to cause fatal results. The in
quest was adjourned until three o'clock
Afraid of Them.
J. P. Padden made information before
Alderman McMasters, yesterday, against
.C. G. Hainds and his two sons,-A. and
john 'Halnds, forviarety of the
The prosecutor keeps a grocery store on
Beaver avenue, Sixth ward, Allegheny.
He alleged the accused came into the
store Wednesday evening and got into a
dispute, during which they threatened
to take his life. It seems the parties
had previously a misunderstanding and
were on bad terms. Warrants were
issued.. - :
Boarding Home Robbery.
Mr. James Leinon, boarding at 104
Second avenue, was robbed of a silver
watch and a smallsum of money on Wed
nesday evening. It appears that the
same room was occupied, by two other
persons, one of • whom slept with Mr.
lemon. In the evening one of the
boarders left the honed and did' not re
turn until about six o'clock neat • morn
ing, and not having informed his room
mates of his. Intention to' remain out'all
night, the room • door was left open to
allow him to come in. Yesterday even
ing Mr. Lenten made information charg
ing his room mates with the larceny,
and they were arrested, and baked up
The Lost Boy.
- Wednesday evening a little boy about
funr years of age 'Wag left at the Alle
gheny Mayor's a conductor on
one of the Allegheny and Manchester
streetcars who stated the; the little fel
10W was lost, and had been riding on his
car for. several trips. He was kept at
the office untillate in the evehing, when
it was ascertained that he had come from
this side 'of the river; and the Mayor
sent , him over''td Captain 'Reed. The
little fellow remained at the watch house
until abent•six Weloek yesterday. morn
ing, when his father, Whi# realties in the
Fifteenth ward, and. had been searching
for him all night, ' having • heard of, his
Whereabotitit,' celled , and took the youth.'
H A--At MAY 'lBllO.
United States . *istritt . Ccniet...andge
McCandless. - -
THURSDAY, laY 6.--Ity the case of
United States mt. James Warden, pre!.
viously reported, jury returned a ver"
_diet of not iguilti and the defendant:was
On motion of E. J. Keenan, Eigi - . 4 J. Ri
M'Afee, Esq.:of Greensburg, was duly
qualified and admitted to practice in the
District and Circuit Courts.
The case of the United States vs. John
Sandals was called U. The indictment
charged the defendant with removing
distilled spirits to a place, otherwise than
a distillery warehouse, and .of evading
payment of tax, etc:. District Attorney
Carnahan appeared for the United States,
and Hons. E. Cowan and H. D. Foster,
and. E. J. Keenan, Esq., for defendant.
The case was not concluded at the hour
of adjournment. • - '
The Grand Jury ieturned true bills
against the following tobacco dealers for
alleged failures to comply with the,pro
visions of the Internal '
Revenue law:
James Murphy, William McCullokigh,
James G. . Boyle, two gases, Ft:ed
eriek Mau?,'' caSes, Three bills
were also fcitind against' the folloWing
distillers fer failing to comply with the
provisions of the law: Jas. Adler I and
Michael McCullough. -
Common Pleas—judge Sterrett.
THURSDAY,may ti.—ttelley vs. Uppen
graff. Action. to .tecovet 'for work
,Appeal from judgment by
Alderman Strain for $46. - Verdlat for '
plaintiff in the sum 01;17.68. • • •
Stein dt Stein vs. J. J. Saint et 814:own
ers of the steamer “Unlda.” Aetion to
recover damages for a lot of goods alleg
ed to have been lost through the careless
floss- of defendants. The plaintiffs; it Is I
alleged, shipped ;a quantity-of goods, in
cluding nine 6aire or whisky and a
quantity ofcorks, which, it appeara,Were
pot off the beat at Franklin and stored-in
Marshall's warehouse. During the night
the river raised :rapidly, ASOded the
warehouse and waahed the. goods out.
Plaintiffs claim damages to the amount!
of one thousand dollars. the ' alleged
value of thegoods, holding thattife loss
occurred through the negligence of% de
fendants. lit was claimed by , defendants
that their liability ceased' when the',
goods were put off the boat in charge of
.the keeper of the warehouse. Cu trial.
Calhoun vs. McKim, previously re.
ported. Verdict for plaintiff in the sum
of $26.25..
130 Rogers vs. Spencer.
139 Howson, White & Co.vs. Jackson et al.
9 Coulter & Co. vs. Haigh.
18 Magee vs. DeKnigbt.
28 Johns et nz. vs. htcAboy.
37 Long vs. Smith. •
38 Higley vs. McDonald.
39 Same vs. same. •
43 Rourke vs. Kindline et al.
45 Heath ys. Haight. -
47 Thompson vs. 'Murdock and wife.
49 Brewer et al. vs. Lncerco Oil Co.
54 Hallman vs. Citizens National Bank,
55 Flinn & wife vs. City of Pittsburgh.
District Court--Judge
Tutineroax, May 6.—ln the cases of
Clayton vs. McGrew and . McGrew vs.
Clayton, previously reported, the jury
&next to agree upon a verdict; and were
Cochran vs. Bailee, keportedyeaterday.
Verdict for plaintifffor6, l 4c datnages;and
costs of suit.
Preston et at vs. Hogg et a/. Action to
recover rent due and unpaid. On trial.
Klounk vs. Doutell et at. Motion for
a new trial, and reasons filed.
122. McCabe vs. Burns et al.
123. Same vs. same.
124. Woods vs. same.
127. Spencer, McWay &Co. vs. Welsh.
128. Seitz et ux vs. J. H. Jones.
129. Same vs. A. B. Jones.
131. Lanett vs. Dietz.
132. Abrams & Co. vs. Owner of steam
boat ' , Dick Fulton. "
City Eiipeadittires.
The expenditures fmm the different
appropriations, to run the city govern
ment during the month of April, amount
in the aggregate to 142,979.50, as ehovrn
by the balance sheet in the Controller's
office. Included in this sum, however,
there is an item of 415,042.27 incurred in
the extension of water pipes, which
comes, of course, from the Water Eaten.
Mon Fund, which was exhausted prior to
the contraction of this WI, and conse
quentiy no warrants have been'elrawn
iur the payment thereof. The next
largest item in • the expenditures is for
the, maintenance of the police force,
which, including salaries and bills for
clothipg, we presume,^ amounts to ;8,
142.26. There is, however, an offset to
this expense of about $2,290 !tithe way of
revenue from the Mayor's office, which
decreases the actual expense of maintain-
ing the force to about 26,000 per month.
Hollowing are the expenditures from
the several appropriations:
From No. 1. Interest $ 87 12
No: 2. lialaleal,BB2 :Li
** No. .3. City renting .. . 140 50
"No. 4. Flre engnies and hose 5,890 07 .
No. 5. Pollee 67,05 .90
Dulls 647 ac-8 I.e,
No. 6. Weter-Wcekt 5,533 EC
" No. 7. etreeta—NegliOns
• Dept....* fai3 83
lat dia . .... 2 1)8 VS
324 411. t. .. 2 008 67
34 Mat • .. 1,714 75-8.783 20
" No. '3. D'amonll Market 1. 4172 71
u' No. 10. Monongahela Wharf 27082
No. 11, Allegheny Wharf.......... lee 33
No. 17. Weigh re.lea 5315
•• No. 13. Contingent Fund 30 51
" No.lB. Finance 660
" • No. 10. Fifth ward Market 21 70
No. 21. lire Alarm Telegraph ;551 03
" No. 64. Moeda—let.diatlrletoll2m/5
• 24 iltatrtet.. 327 08
•" . : 34 district.. Mar 70-1,673 93
NO. 23:11rYoja$6 ugh:leer's dept.. 30070
" 24. Water extenalon 15 012 27
To a'
,1144579 31
Removing the Bodies - .
The work or removing the bodies in
teri:ed in Trinity Churoh yard,• has been
in frogress since Monday, and will be
continued until all have been remoied
from the portion of the ground to-be 03-,
gigged by,the , new, chapel.. • A pumber
.or the bodies are being removed by
friends at the ''deceased. Those • not
claimed will be removed by the. Trus
tees of the church, and re•interred in the
cemeterY: , •;Thiswtis one of the _oldest
burying grounds in this city, some of the
tombstones being:dated as early as 1770,
whilst others bear dates of 178% 1790, and
,up towithin a few. years past. it la - the
inception, as we have already stated, to
rembve puly those bodies buried on the
site selected for the chapel, - which build
ing will be completed before the erection
of the new olturCh edifice is commenced.
Fot CoomMiudoner:,
We announce this morntng , the nanie
of Chauncey 11. Boatiriolc l YMiiq., for
County Commisaloner,subjeat to the de.
claion of the Union Republican Oonvelf
tlon. Mr. Bostwick-1, 2 v01t kno*n in
this community as a shrewd and intent.
gent business man. ga'aerved as coron.
et with marklut,reeMess and ability
1 40
fora : term oficariLand,hae,s4 liy*ell
acquitted , hitustainether noldti tra of a
1 ? 2011 1 ,0 4V.14,01..14,*).be , ,loll
fitPr*oso-agintomel.' ':.:,, , -1
V l,, - - a Uri Or .i. - - ' ':+4 ' Cii
mdcated *
An.-A far•a 'Brave and
The recent terrible, conflict for the
supremacy of the national government
left as legacieri to the ;American people
thousands of brave men who were woun
ded and maimed for life, and rendered
incapable of performing muscular labor
for sustenance and support. To the credit
of the natitm be it said, that thus far, the
large majority of them Kaye been recog
nized as he
the - grateful remem
brance of he ottriotic,,,and they have,
even out of cruel\ p_olitifa; been provided
with positions of honor, profit and trust,
where the absence of 'a leg or an arm
could not prevent the faithful discharge
of their duties. - ,ln a few days the patrio
tic will be called upon to cast sweet
and fragrant flowers-on the graves
of the slain 'heroes,. who t . rest
quietly enough' in the embrace of
death, as a hallowed- tribute to their
memory and grateful acknowledg-
ment of their liacilliceti at thealtak of
Liberty. Would it not be well to inter-
rogate our hearts - at this time while we
are zealously preparing to honor , our
loyal:dead, if we are faithful to the 'obli
gationa imposed "upon 'us by the same
patriotic spirit to .care and provide for
the gallant maimed who had limbs shat
tered itrbattle, and whol in ,ccatiequenbe
are not now able to cope with the full
and whist mail in life's aruggle for life?
The Republican party it pledged to care
for these' the ward - was given in the ,
darkest, hour• to do I tio;„it. warkrenewed
and ratified wken Peace came and vast
armies - were, diabanited to the -walks
0(i:1341 - life. They° gaidi , g , tlll things cod
sidered being equal, le the maimed sol
dier have preference' tot the offices within
our -dispoaaL" No charge of deviation
or.departure from that rule can: be made
with justice by our enemies. 'The . party
has been consistently faithful; and will
continue so, it the better promptiriga
nature be heeded.
Accompanying this the friends of Mr.
Augustuh Heckert, of ReservetevinshiP,
Present his name as a candidate for the
Recordership, subject to the decision of
the Union *publican Convention. He
was among the very first to inter : the
army, and in the fiercest- lof battle: :with
Sicklele Bligado, 'received threes . bullets
in hie left, leg, shattering, it to 'atotes.
He endured the moat acutosuffering and
hardships, resting without - drink, food
or shelter for six dreary nights, on the
battle field of the Second Bull Run,
in his awful condition managed to' keep
the spark of life within :his mutilated
body by eating a few green apples and
sipping water from the mud-holes about
him. Amputation was necessary and
was performed close upon the thigh, leav
ing him a wreck physically of what he
once was.
After recovering he was discharged,
and was subsequently employed as dlerk
under 'General James A. Elan. As an
evidence of his reliability, a copy of .a
coumenoatory letter from General Ekin,
the t original of which may be seen, may
hart be quoted: • • •
Wasuiscrroar. April 12, 1869.
Esq., Attorney atLesza,
Illtsburgh, Pa Sin: IW,t'epkv to'yohr
letter of the 10th inst., it affords me
great pleasure to state that Mr:Augus
tus Beckett. of Pittsburgh, Pa., was eat
gloyed as a clerk at the cavalry depot,
ulaborot, D. C., from December. 1804 to
August, 1866, when the depot was aban
Mx ! Beckett la well known to me as a
gentletrula of excellent , habits, and
proved hitnbelf , while oh 'duty under
my direction, to be a 90_92Petentasith
ful,and 'EilloloSill'elerk.' He his my best
wishes .for success in any new calling
upon which he may enter.
You are at liberty to use this letter in
any manner that you may deem proper.
I am, i sir, very respectfially, your obe
dient se Pant, JAMES A. EKIN,
DO uty Quartermaster General,
Bvt. Brig. Gen., U.. 8. A.
Mr. kert is a zealous Republican
and ayo ng man of characte r , _standing
and abl ity. Be has all the require.
meats for the position and if elected
will abl3t discharge its duties.
lc ) /
s erring
leabsChalltdavleutystask. a num.
ber of s assembled in the vicinityured.
Last ]
a bulldin in course of erecticui on Wy
lie, near High street, and began to
tease the workmen. One of the men,
John Cattle , a laborer, becoming en
raged a; ,he annoyance picked up a brick
and threw it at his tormentors. The
missile, however, went wide the
mark, a d struc k a little girl named
McCallig tt, knocking her seUseless.
She was picked up and taken to the resi
dencet her parents In Melion's Court,
in the kinity, when i t was discovered
that th brick had cut an ugly looking
gash a c Oss her forehead. Dr. Donnelly
was au atoned and sewed up the wound,
after w 'eh the little victim began to re
covers d the Doctor pronounced her out
of danger. The man who threw the
brick* considerably frightdbed; as
well h e ight, at the result of his anger.
AS theary to the child. however, was
not considered of a very dangerous char
acteii bp waa not arrested, but be has ,
doubtless been taught a lesson by the af
fair;, which will be of service to him
hereafter. . -
WlNConlin Murderer Arrested.
A detective - passed' through the City
Wednesday night; having in custody one
Wesley Nelson, charged. w ith the mur
der,of a farmer, named . Lambert, in_ pie
Vicinity of Janesville, Wisconsin, l about
a month since. , The murder is sai d to
have beescommitted in cold blood, to
get pos e slot' of some eight hundred
dollars.he murderer also stole a horse
,to assist himin his flight, Ile was traced
lo a point one hundred 'and fifty miles
from the scene of the murder, where he,
sold the horse. Be received, hoWever,
only part of the sum he required for the
animal, and arranged for the remainder . .
to be remitted to him at Sherniandale,,
Perry county,' Pa, where- he was ar
rested. The officer was allowed to take
his prisoner without the ' usual require
ment of a requisition.
011 if a DIP ‘ .
On Wednesday mornings
At 10% - ',t' - i'.k .. i.
Steel was
.drowned LtiL, it tan)rof eil,.at
Foster, on, the lne of, the Allegheny Val.
ley Railroad, ai bort distance from the
city. Re'binfbeen sent tot4' to examine
the oil, and not returning in, about lbree
hours afterwards; sears was instituted.
It was surmised that he had fallen' into
the oil, and 'A pair of'grappling
irons having been procured, the - sur
mise were proved correct by the dra g
ging out of his body. — It' isatippose4 Ao
becalms overpowered by the gas escaping
f m the oil, and thus loosing his balance
,The body Will be removed for burial.
the late home of the dedeased in the
eighborhood Of New Brighton. ~
Blacksim-4 most . complete M114E4
ofi a oraharx and Amo r i oau ;mom at Bates
MASONIC Efsnr..—Prof. Everett,: the
Wonderful Prestidigitator. was greeted
by R large audience at Masonic Hall 'last
night. We scarcely know whether it is
the Professor's wonderful tricks or the
valuable presents` he distributes- tethe
audience mon evening, that draws soca
crowds. Fifty dollars in greentaicks was
the largest prize draWn last evening. , '
EXtrIBITiON.—The; first exhibition - Of
the Deaf and Dumb Teachers of the
Franklin street Eission Sabbath School,
was held last evening in the Third E. P.
Church, Diamond street. The exercises
were all condricted in the deaf and duinb
signs, and the pupils participating etioc•
ad rapid in their Bindle*. - •
Merchants who desire to advertise
their business thoroughly and well
through the country, as every enterpris
lug merchant should, will find it to their
advantage to operate through some re
liable advertising agency—and we can
confidently recommend'for this purpose
the well-known,firm of Coe, Wetherill
it Co., who hat?) established themselves
in new quarters in the Bulletin Build
ing, No. 607 Chestnut street. The change
of location was necessitated by the enor
mous increase of business which has re
tained from the growing popularity of
the firm among. Its patrons. Messrs.
Coe, Wetherill Co. are in direcP com
munication with all the best newspapers
in the eortntry 'north, • south, east and
west, and they are In a position to furn
ish advice and facilitios to business men
who desire to_advertise In any portion of
the country. Merchants who deal
throqgh them will be sure • 'to obtain
their money's worth, and not waste a
dollar upon sheets without 'circulation
or influence: , Messrs. Coo, Witherni
Co. do not mit their customers to , take
these.stitements for granted. t They hiye
id 'their possession countless testimo
,niala. given voluntarily by those with
.whom they have. dealt, provin g, the
efficttey-Or their system. They are re-'
liable acid llrOmpt, andthey 'tire enabled
to secure the very, lowest rates- for
ptirties.' We. recommend them to the
ptiblicrati worthy of liberal patronage.—
Evening. ffulletitt,l
Maxims for Young Ladies.
Train yourself to, useful ' ocenpation.
Remember lt is wicked to waste tithe,
'and nothing gives such an 'reprogram of
vanity as a habit of idling 'and never
havinganything to do. • •
If you are in your father's house, take
Some - department of the house labor up- ,
ou yOurnelf. Thl/4 you Can' '4: by pro
•lviding yourself with .a good • wing Ma,
, 9hine. . • ,
The Sewing.MaChineestab.
dished as Lirerighitetd friend,. but - it a
,Sea Machine Ails, through some im
perfection, to perfOr dutles,„ it is a
drawbeek-rathee than - a helpmate. It
Must be'ivliable; .must-acoomplish • ex
cellent and durable -_ , worke ,must - be.
adapted to various thicknesses of ma
terial, must simple in construction,
_sUid easily operated. • The' Weed Sewing
Machine possesses • all theee,merttorlous •
"qualities, .
YW , Tnlithe new Weed Machine th a t will varnish
the time ' t
To read and to play -ror music and ryme; -
see *bat h will de !
Plain sewing, the lightest sod heaviest, too;
'Tis so el mole a child can 114 a It as well • . :
!Twill o , T at w h i e l r l b in ne d , Se t w ec o l n . a s n r i u lt m c e o ; rd and an t d in h d L 4 l;
('Tie the only , machine . machine that wiltei perfect,
you'll and }-' • - . •
, Twin hem•slitch BO nicely'. It..werkb
charm!" l l.
When we Intep a
P ret this saying, 'tb seet ivi ;
aolgT pire_ Wilke_ m's 140 ;-
Agency! at Uti. Market street, R. R.,
Z APS " Y ' • - •
. _
Sllll l'''oPlin • an 4
thiittoOk ,fid i#l . lda to*rderi
Wise Greirent . !- Assiicitt,tion—Permaikent
O rVaUtb l 9 2 ;
A final meeting Was held, yesterday
afternoon, in rats and Walta's Heil,
Chestnut sfreet';''Setreily 'Alle
gheny. • ibr , the puipose of effecting a Per
manent cirgardistion. • of , the proposed
Wine Growers' Association of Western
The attendance - was .Much , larger than
at any previous 'meeting; nearly every
prominent wine grower. in , this vicinity,
together with several representatives
from Ohio, being present: -
• Mr. Wm. A. Reed iitehlded, and 'Mr.
Otto Krebs officiated as 8130Tet6Ey.
The President stated the object of the
meeting, after which the constitution,
prepared by a committee appointed for
the purpose, was presented and unani
mously adopted. • !
In accordance with theconstitution, an
of election fdr cers to Serve for the .ensta
ing year,. was held with the , flop
in¢ re
snit: President, Wm. A. eed; co
Preiddent, John Voegtly, Sr.; Recordi g
secretary, Otto Krebs; Corresponding
secretary, William Hamilton; Treasurer,
Charles L. Goehring.
•'' The' question of PrOcurflig ireharter of
the Association was taken up.. Aftet
aonsiderable discussion it was deckled
to postpone action in this matter for the
pretOnt, with the undetstanding that if
Ogirftble the. charter ,w,duld'bepreeurecl
neat fail. •
• A'. Cohornittee- with 'Dr: 'Hardt'.
meyer as. Chatrmar,' was appointed !to
investigate. and report st.,;he neat meek.
hog upon the eondithiii of the grape
growing, interests of Western'Penniryl-
Vents, and the best locations for theonl
tnie of the fruit.- - •
The matter of establishing an em
rinm for'tife sale of the Produntit of tle
Association was discussed, but tin' defi
nite action was taken. - This idea, how
ever, will be carried out as soon as the
organization'is 'firmly established.
t is designed •some time 'next fail to
hold an exhibition : in ,Pittsburgh, to
which every grape grower in Western
'Pennsylvania is requested to contribute
specimens •of the - trait grOwn by him.
The Ome l et:id place of holding this ex
hibition will be properly ahnounced.
It was" decide(' to hold' the .regular
lueetingfv:quarterly,. after which the
,Association adjourned to meet on the
- first Monday of July next: , -
Autumn:tents., r
°PRIM Houss.—“Humpl,y
continues to draw large audiences to the
Opera House. There was s change of
scenery last evening, and. the effect was ,
Very remarkable, New tilclia and thins
formations will be introductd this even
ing, which will give additibnal interest '
to the entertainment‘ . , , ,
Purrantrnenx Tiarxrun.—The .enter
tainment at the. Pittsburgh Theatre .Isat
evening, was the occasion of Mr.
!tarry Oveiington's benefit. - This eVeti
ing Mr. George. Miller will take a benefit,
and a new and attractive bill will be pre
sented, including . the names of 'Miss
Ehgel and Mr. Cavenangh.
ACA DENY 'Or Music.—Moaday evening
next the great national drama entitle
"The Renegade of the Potomac," will be
presentedt-for the first tirne, at the Aead-I
emy of Music, for the benefit of Posta
3.5 and FS of, the Grand Army, of the Re
public.-- ''
LAFAYETTE HA.T.L..Dr. Gleason eon.
ttnues his popular lectures at Lafayette
Hall during the present week. The leo
turea are not only highly interesting but
very instructive.. • .
Impottaht to Merchants.
Amends TOOMpion .and; kaorline
Toneh,„ coloreCAtiales, 'ltnfortte&t y
have mutually set their affections-Upowa
dusky masculine, which naturally - hul l
tendency 66'6.4480 feeling •of • j ealousy
and rivalry to spring up between them.
The adored one•seetus to enjoy the Kitts!.
tion, for instead of putting an end: to the
affair by cleaving unto the one and ibrsak
ing the other, he vacillates, first tosend
Amanda and again'toward Mary Jane,
and thus both are kept in 'a state of ex
citement. Lately he returned from a
Steamboat trip to Cincinnati. and tipon,
his arrival in this - city repaired at once
to the habitation of Amanda. Mary Jane
hearing of this proceeding called. at
Amanda's residence on Wide' "alley,' to
investigate. The result was Aaritiiatt
have been expected. A war ! of words
ensued, during which it is Alleged. Mari
Jane threatened to be the means of caus
ing Amanda to •!ehulite off this. mortal
coil," and thus end the rivalry.. ; Alarm.
ed at this, Amanda; yesterday, made in
formation before' Alderman McMasters
againsta Mary for surety of .the peace.
War-rant issued, -
At Prices to Compare With Atty.... S
uperior Shelled Almonds, Paper .itheil;
Lisbon, Bordeaui and , lv rca Almonds;
Dose, Creant Smooth and Burnt 'Al
monds, Fresh Marsh : , Mallows , Gum
Drops, Mixed Fruit Candy, Peppermint,
Rose, Mountain 'Tea, Cinnamon, Pine
Apple,, Cough, Cayenne and Sassafras
Lozenges, Finest Olive Oil, French , Mug
tard,,Mushroome end Peas, Saucea, Cat-
Sups; Plain and Mixed Pickles, Olives,
Stuffed Peppers, Pickled Limes, Dtuldee
Marmalade, Fresh and Preserved Fruits,
at 112 Federal street, Alegheny.•
- 4 . Gsosos lisavzsr. '
Ladlisy Undergarments . The most
Complete assortment and popular prices.
Bates & Bell's, 21 Fifth avenue,
Grand Opening—Mr. Asa'Ti. Wangs
man, the popular and genial host and
caterer, threw. open his new and palatial
saloon, No. 41, - .Smithfleld 'Street, by a
gtand Charnpaigne free lunch last night.
There was .a large attendiume 'and much
enjoyment. The saloon and restaurant
are the Most luxurious in the state' be: iperfectly elegant in finish and furit-
Housekeeper", Attention.—The mid.
eries or keying poor, tinheigthy- bread,
cakes and pastries are at an end. No
more troubles in the kitchen. Use .D'oti
ley's . Chemical Yeast faking .Powder,
which is the only article of the kind that
possesses the peculiar quality of produe
ing good bread or pastry every time.
This is owing to the care taken in-,its
manufacture to , use only, strictly healtliy
ingredients, aud with sortionlons Azact,
fleas in each Ibt. For safe by, gropers generally. Ask for Docaey.e.Baking.Pow.
der, and you will be satisfied' witfi no'
For an elegant shop, an easy .chair, ,a
comfortable shave, a perfect hair.dya,
for fashionable hair cutting (of adulla or
children) or for skillful lambing, cup.
ping or tooth drawing, call at Rode's,
corner of Federal and Isabella streets,
Allegheny. A ./P
anted.—Purchasers of State, County,
Township. Grocer's and 'Family 'rights
.fof ..Stouffer's Patent ,Egg Preserver,"
the,greatest discovery, of the age. , 'Call
at No. '56 Smithfield street, tip-stairs and
see the process and testimonials.
It is a Inittny and a comibrt to . . bathe,
shave, or have'your hair orator dresseid
at the elegant establiihment of /1.
Williamson, N0..190 .federal, street,'Al
legheny.. Try It: , .
Lace Ctutainiand Gilt Cornices, a neat
elegant.variety. Bates & Bell.
, •
Lockhart & Co.;
2% 'Pennstreet, in
this city; rnannfacture the kfurison
Lightning Rod. Be sure to ellitrihie it
before buying any other.' • -1
Lace Curtains put _np with alt the
trimmings, complete. ,Bates 6c Bell.
Vitrified stone Pipe, mantneotured
from Fire Clay, at 133 . Second avenue.
Men and. Boys' Wear at Bates &BEV&
. . .
The place to get White Lime, Cal.
clued Plast6, Hydraulic Comeut, ia 'at
'Coker Quikeyle, 13 Smithfield *Old.
. .
MaysES—ln Chictgo. wi f eWedneda ererilDß,
tn. MAGGIE 8., of Dr. M. U . Janes.
Funeral on FiGDAY WT.. ii., from 'the reel..
deuce of her brother-M.4w, John, N.. Meson,
EE ( I Prairie a4enne, 'Chicago.
Thursday +helnst., at 83‘ iP
M.. Mrs. FANNIE M. MAT S,onsort of Captain
William Mays. '
Notice of innersl in to-morrow'. Pape?. ;
taburan, ka: COFFINS °fan ktada.CRAPES.
GLoyEs, jam ei ery description of Funeral Fur.
Walling , Goods ter nisted. llooincomn 'day and
nicht. .Rearne ynd Carriages furnished.
Rannuerrots—Rev. Lamle R err, M.D.; idery.N.
W. Jacobus, D. D., Tiaomzs Erring, Esq., Jacob ll Killer, Esq. -..-; ,
oornel • I BAN DUSKY U=ATI. AND CR ill
AVltNilit Allegheny A. Where their COIrF
ROOKS , a: emsostantl on plielV:olth real and
Imitation ttcyperood,:- ogeny and Walnut
Coffins, at priees C arylikg m_ll4 to two. Ito .
y u i rt
Mee prepared for hp ermeli . Hearses and Dar.
rlage.s furnished: also, 1 , it. /Inds of 31ournIng
Go,de; if reetdred. Omee ot,en at all house, day
and.a.litht. ,• - . . .
DrEw sztiairas
xmluvr,l333Li'll. V "
Coimiztlng of ailzis at Pins , Bar Binge,
Sleeve Buttona,`'Stlral Stade, -Finger Binge,
ennanii, ere., In Mammal), Man. Agate. Byzan
tine, , Topaz, Pearl.. Garnet and , , many other
Itylee, jest received by"
oProsrrs misoino
, . • .
Would respectfully lriform ids' rterids and the
nablbalsinendir;that his •
15..W077 cciIgPLETE.
• : souentio ' AN EANIN,_ C ALL,
.goiner: of .. Penn. and Sixth - Streets.
STREW, (late Bt.
'Glair,) hate lest'received nom tie Bastille beet
• idt 'or New. Bloodil for Bpilog Shcj6 eter bpinsht
to Ate. market.-. The. Arai warrant to eat; lad At
wail erske . Clothe, cheaper vitt better tbeireni
111'0)114 ,4 0 . 1 0 6 .1• 11 . this oily. Anew iteliplia.
411111111a-,1!); PITANIIM
PIP 9004*LaitAt tIFLes hoase . ' Oat i ° 41 . 9R4.,A.4"
Balker' ls 50 siarrw iTairaz,
nen SAlts,
Bi4OS' a