6. STEIXL WO'Ricg. DUQUESNE WORKS. comaAN,if(hill & rers of • " • • IRON, 'MAILS, STEEL, , . AXLEU-AND SPRINCO,, • DIMMINE, I. X AND JUNIATA. • lAT RAS. ROUND SQUARE IRON. BO llAuire PNW-110L wTER AND H ADS. AN TANK IRON, GUARD IRON._DR,A9 and DROPPER BARS, WANG/I.D CUTTER BARS, CYLINDER T RO N_ T AND PLAT RAIL. for Coal Rosa.. CROW B e.RA,WEDDIKti & HARR% 1W TEETH, SPECS G.PLO W AND CULTIVATOR:STEEL, iliglinWINCIS AND MOULDS cut Rkp &Ran. EL TiaES, STKEL SHAFTLNO, A. R. STEL COACH. BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and XLES. CUT NAILS AND. SPIKES. All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WOBRB. • 'Sixteenth Street awl Alleghenyltirer, - and 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh. - nibs SHEFFIELD STEEL . WORKS. BINDER, KECK & 00, PiTTSDIIRGLI PAL. Manufacturers of every description or CAST ANN GERMAN STEEZ I BATLW Efk.RINOS, ELL.L.:C A AND e. leTir. arign s Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First IBUi. I NFILLEII, BARR & PARKIN. Vi e l ALF BE ' xo. iiirscsAL rArrxra-8. H. KISS. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, KILLER, BARR & PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, te ;i :d4s , - PITTSBURGH, P.A. HACK DIAMOND . STEEL ViOMEEL PARK, BROTHER & CO. Kanunieturers of an descriptions of Nirrwnwrir oz. arid Warehouse. THIRTIwTH, THIETY.! JrIBBT aad ItAllosoAu BT.I3.ISICTB, IRON WORKS. OJS:V31=101, r. roam. pECTIRERGH FORGE AND IRON CO., WA lIIIIPACTIMXIS 07 Bar Iron; 'Railroad Fish Bawl in Belt" Italtrood Car Axles 'Soiled; Italtroad Car Axles Hammered; Leeemotivo, Frames; Locomotive Thou, Shapes; Side Zeds, Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; - Steamboat. Granitic Piston Rods, Wrists; pilaus Jaws, Collars, /be. Moe, No. 177 . PENN STREET, ILLERSHOSEN PROCESS• The Trustees are now preired to grant een. ass for the use of the M,LERIMIAIISKIT PRO ern. The superior quality imparted 'to good iron, the great improvement in inferior iron. and tae =red cost.commend it to all manufacturers of. Parties wiiblnß to use it can obtain licenses by oPtolloir to JAMES P. SPEER.. "Attorney for the Trustees. BOOMS 1 end 2, English's Building, 962 Fonith avenue.. , • „ensiles Interested are Invited to visit the spßosbszysetzu , WORKB. where,tbe p room Li slowhieneliessiniolierstkou lee:dgf EvEnsoNopeEsToN & co., Pennsylvanialron Works. . etrirotilse, "BST szattas .„ • NOVELVIe WORKS. ITTBIIII7IIOU ' NOVELTY', WORK& t: ** B - • YANIIYAAMIXIMIS 07 iIITST•NIC EITANDAiD AND )IPAIRBANK PAT. ZNT) PLATIOIIIII COUNTSB: ,, • ..130,1110tEL - 1 . Jana lama Patent _Door Locks 0011 Xstalk,l4 Paint and Eioffee atmr, ae. 0011,180 OP ETILST. AVENUE k GRANZ Plttablatiszi Femme*. •AS AND STEAM PITTING: nej COOnlin.••40114,1,11717.1.11111)arr JOHN DL COOPER, & von muss ITnirDinni; GAB, AND REAM MEW: xsanfitorers of rinarsJosraf in GAB gif i seq t ratim u tt i l d o s.. r=“6 tor. of Pike - and ',Vaunt Etir eta ' ' prrrssußGEG ~W~Y.~.W~~~i ~!~ (IOW MALI! CDAUII . • DICKSON; irrEWMIT /finial rammed their Wit* to No, 661 Izonirr,BTU, ' Eutaw aty Ars now Actor%bet _good YOMSHII). , OBANY MUT IDUAL OBALLOL lowan t Aka. All orders - lattorthetrdim — orsddrersed to thdlo • Swath =A. Ittlf.l* Ottoildo4 tO STOrin .wirrromCOMMON ' ' 1 7-71 B Works,- :31i,IttgeSsons en 000011119 A 141 1311 1 ! .% I, 4kir gyfisti =vied" ' . aprowompur • • • , _ _ . - . -71 tr - ',WO -4 7—*V - IdAb.. - - I . 11. • • • ME '. 'OII~T IJ MeaHINIWrL KNAP,,FORT, PITT,I FOUNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE AND , WORKS, T - . 7, • , TWELAFT4 , SpET, urEfigui Boi l n 6 Mild Ma= chinery, Nail—Machines, Re torts, and Oman • g • nerally. NATloNkt,Votriviiiry • AND pip F.„,wORKL. *oratarearwNUindl~> !NINTH :WARD.) • • Pr F ll923lC a l at • AP4 t .. r rTt tie WILLIAM,`SMITE, Manurnoturer of CAST 111.45NECIrL PIPE !? POE SAS AND WET= WORKS. Xy Pines are all Cast invariablyin Pita, in dry panda and_lilfdet lengths: AlsOihilltaaorlantlit of general Castings for bias and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintend ents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. . DUQUE L FORG WILLIAM MILLER, alitiftlitle.tio JOB. P.... -7 11.&101i i OW Has facilities eo.extenstve with the leading Forges In the-East s and is prepared tp promptly and satlidactOrily flit PISTON u for STZAMBOA.T SHAFTS, CRANKS. ROD., LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVEFRAMES, together with every description of swam-N.=B4 Mace and Forge, _ . Corner of Duquesne Way and. First Street. apiCh4o • Willllolol6 RE1.44k140,7- --- 81socessors to Boancoom,YntlJ 4lt 3.3 ass, WASHMOVON.WORKS : - - • • 9 FOUNDERS AND . RACNINISTD, PITTSBURGN l lLlZintaesurer. of BoiiinniMil steam E ngines, Blast 'oozes, 31111 Machinery, Geio., naltin au Kastings of all descriptions : lTwie and • 'Boiler sad Sheet Iron - Work. Office, o. MS, corner -Vitas -arid BmtthOeld Streets. Agents for GITINIMIr3 r&TENT INJECTOR for reeding Boilers. - janirtil THOM IS QUELUIN 451, C0., Fourth Ward rotuidry and Machina "Workz, ISANDIINEY EST., ALLEkannly crry. Pi.. Manufacturers Of Steam Buginel, 011 rsessel. Mins, Shafting flrist- and - Saw .1(111 Work. Bolling Mill andliaehine Castings. Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, he. Build to order and have on handlinsdries of all sixes. mv14•45 CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn ISti.eet. • BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. C 24111 1 ,3115, WU Canino. 801 l Lutes. Se. MIMI JOHN Y. COOPER.... JOHN H. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founder& 1 I gntfilOr: AVOW ,Pateiptf. , ere. the best in the Mar ke t. .__ ... !,..i re and Works, corner' TtF . ,!tql4k, inikrik, :ts. ' 10241 f CO. I SAWN GEHLY OLEIS, _lhiecesson 9zo. 7. RMICIAKAR•Ah99.., , • Eitorintuirmrskixotarktraak '" • • 31• kiso • • RN PECK ORNAMENTAL v i .. V IA ARL_WORILEa ANWITILIPTIME_R„ -- No l Aiway 7_sleet, war Snittnielk•PfttaDarrim. . ,Muart..„. ageng!Vasortment of - Lai fr e As:ifjpkir , LB' thuatlerpen4 R A ozia cTs‘ a 7 e i ... "GUARD , HALN, 8. • .& , Rooll MA La cash 1.117.112- tgem,4,P.l4‘ ,Tarr tpittlki ' • on. iti ttl• *num IDILIMeIt. ' ,11 ,T itillinll EEO - rittElgagarWAU 1r401.11111101. PPincivii. E 4i rt ewuct4l.. x.N644ItiEER awl Solicitor' At andvitdmin , ratents, No. Ts FED. ZEAL aTLISZT, AJIMN.ny yity. Pi. N. ittii•BISONIVeIfIN Wallikrolooll.o.43. jpe jiistra , ).Tertararsi ;' :65 j WINDOW ST IWO VOrjenz 1010347. Pf.'H ?a - 4.R ,_74 " trsB6inelleStalpintOTH9lt I I,4tart Mist, Desists la D sad Moat Med Mats. JO BRASS FOUNDRS. =I BMspi C.fUiITINGS MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. lealle and Grey Iron ' Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, BOTTLE, SAFETY AND CHECK I . AIL eL01:14:PLITTE811. 'a ON, COCIKS, Work of. every description for: - Steank r Water and 011. Anus'AcTnExpa or COOPEIVEI . ; roved Bahincelfteel ,Stetint Lil i tio Ciiiit A i iiik f i i; -. P only Steam Lithographic Bstabllshment t of tbe Mountetut..:ll3wilnees Cards, Letter • ils. Bonds, Labels Circulars- Show Cards, e 11= 1 14.:7 1. 111ftlI s tai r di l l street. Plttsburrh. GHTS AND =AS B. LYONS !Seater of Weights sigl Ileasorestl ,o.siofinrairksir,;.< < 'Between Liberty and lent' street I d sea brenszottr atteedewtai , „ ESE 5-1 )t* 7 .7 _ l _,_ l _ M -rA; - 1 - GIA' l' t I - Errtagaga-lit • „ F=.4lLif i Aktil ' iktt ENGIMBq, 13911Wi1, &C' SINK =BOLE &CO., Con Point Alley and_Duguene Sty Taus Txua.Portrr,) Engine BuilderB, Founders and • Maehiniate.. Mannfautiire STEAXIMIAT ENEHNEH and STA*. TIONJ.BY ENGINES,. of clam Alp l 9c.ial attention invited to our new STATION OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILE& . of 15-horseirpower. OASTINOStery kind,quade to order &tour Foundry, on THINE, STRE E T : below Market. RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANG_AHR,HODSA.QOOSMEWRand IRON TOBACCO , on niMdandaade to order, at the .tro1:11 - :;,1 MAU - WORKS r- Fronting on the AlleitheillEiver, near the Point, 1 1T744 13 .Aq4t r. sr All orders promptly filled. TAY ye. BOILEII, Malty itkr , -- - - • .1- WMAKS. CARROLL Ar t SNYDER, munrrecrosims or TUBULAR, DOUBLR 2 PLITED TUBULAR, FIBB•BOX AND .CYLINDER ,STRAY BOIL ERS. • - . - OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, waxtemsre AND - ABB PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON -DENSKRS; =Ali GASOkfinnai • AND. 4303 BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL MUTES °Mee and Warehouse. earner Second, Third. Shpt' aid L r Streets. prrral3l:l4G73 l , Pa, air Orders gent to.tee &barn address w 111.1% Afirattended to. , 1110,71111 Wm. Beaurawra & co., BOILER .311.A.K.E.us AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, • Nob. so, is, **AND seirsabi B?. Having secured a large yard mid turnlshe4 It ttie mast , approved 11111thineuvire ezeirre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made It the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Conde:okra:Salt Pane. Tighe. Oil SUM MOW ton, Settling Pans, Bollerlron.= Suter Pan and wile manufacturers at Pat ent Rollers. • , • ' .• Repairing done on shorten notice. ' JAMES M. BITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, prrasspzaief,, —114,717711,021=2 07 IRON OIL:- TANKS, EIIITTIaRe PANS. COPPRICOTKLX NAMLING KILL Azd SHE= IRON WORN, For Steamboat". .ussri . D. =yen TARED & SON, " .x.rannucrtrzinta vi Steiun:Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks. BEGET IRON Walla. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. T HE BEST STOVES. A., BRADLEY & CO; rs of the greatest varlets of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, . . „ m . TO BE intrini Ii a suers. Sole Asente for the . Celebrated Bebe Barnlng Orle dal - those. and roznseee for Hard Coal or Coke.B est In the:World fir Parlor,ollee. store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—bum all win. tat. Do notb 1y until you gee or send for Olreular. OnrAgen N s : O rier O a D le —D RI dALES REM, dmltheeld Bt4 010. HIIIMILY, Allegheny Olty. .111J1111 8;008 1 . lII4NOTACTURSIIIS 07 .111VZBY IMAM'S' OP . • BOSTON - COO/LUNG RANGE. ' , ME VERY , /Oa WhliwaNG nininvm. Tat Fhif a iatftelf 6001[ 4 0 "RlttalLA o L Mid, C K E STO & Mid, ALA.AN rao du 246 gos Liberty Street, seal: PITTiSSURSH, P r ./4. COOK fiI I OVEIL • • CET THE'BIE . • B 19 T i ltrEMIPH, , e7 FOBBITEI7IIXISO Warilintea to O O4 IWO ilritOallt nil aeao7 otherbittove la tbe -NOIL'' ts '' lAborrr,,covrepeu., ~" Alation in Indsid for i ga4 t i , PA "4 BLI:triRABBTPLIVIeem:. 1 t ORATEMO P r. " 112114, .. AVOWER& ae. El= sootilda LAtlin i ; T_ 5 And Now . • • AROgitscrrs. iBARit - - 411111/11 4 ;Yu Jt"ittOM4:PrilMl Lailmo Isk ailliattililtanswitrietikllUßllllol =Mtehmittanlbe t' map 1 =6 2 NITINUOUNIO6 r . M rk ' ! e M Pli FORT piniAN q - .,!VOIPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL : , ; ; ; ; $ 20 99., frfOCKHOLOERS IN#linpunq DELLEBB IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. 1 • - 's - -, - 4:: ;: tiii ii e s - ii r i t, r— . ; ;40De n tdos:# 141 t lAU bk : p i g i is i, the II tal Biases ana ~. i f...,. 1• _, 7, DERZOTOES: D. Hostetter, 1 Jno. 0, Blear James Gordon, Robt. H. Haig; D. Wallin% Andrew Haler, H. lawcett. . James M. Bailey. Sa l ilif i lrellW49Wri Prell ' . ' DOWTTlNFRAtlaalgier c. .._ HAUT; (tiVeliktii& 004- E NOM )3A.N1E1.18 AND I3RQKERS, 171 tt ffliNia Corner, r " Wow/ Hired', F 4'x 9 31° T 104 . - A 'A- ? (BiCOEBI3OB9 TO HARNAL. HART & COO NichalWio9 l 4, - ...lCoupons, .ir - logiiituaaritifgarso _ . aawsala as . COVE,III4IMENT ,EKOWS. Sight, Drafts orsl4 ondon. layi:sita 7 7 - r . . . . „ • N. HOLMES & 'SONS, .6.7 414ar49t . I jigtreet, , ~ PITTWITI II 4 I , 1 4, 311 4 0 PA. Collections made on all rineinal the United States and . • ftt : stockpAmdji ina otherf4e9ll4o Botrowr kpris Bop Os ccupayairirj - Partinbir attention mild f priptirchis3)lol sale of .; • • United States kSeenrities. •• • • ; • r & 4K I E CO., • - ' : •• .; ; :II 33 150341Siterat 114 80,77171 TH1.77 1D 15171.E8ii,' f - .• • • • ' nrit.thimpruA. STOCKS s*d BONDS of all descriptions bongbt and sold. - • . Special attention riven to,the purcbase and sale of .Gove:rninent . :Setkirillek F.1;;rd 536 OtES.)- wAFu]liffpnEolmG, Commission Merchants and Broken In Petroleum and Products; DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHILADELPHIA ADDHEEA Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 99111"#151C90ND STUMM. - • _ ECLIPSE - PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. . MEDDLE, mArrureartißEE or Librintitig &HighTestAnabtaisi Eclipse Railroad Axle OU. --- • . Stands great heat with Out , eltartgeglemalns limpid at lowest temperatuetai , girl! 011 for tropical climates or hot , weather. Locomotive, Stiginecliaeldfm rS oop, Will cat Screws. • • I Saw NW and Planing NM iimr, Adapted far high speed. Spindle 011, WooltHiptill g 011, Tanners* Stuff. Ben , ins It Pinichlagoll.loavoline, Harness Oil. ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve- t Iron Wert and Machinery from ]rust. These patent b y manultacturW4 Tweddle , s_patent by enjwiteakted Vic ciao. The Lubrlcatingi utiliser allnoet orless, perfectly pure, uniform, and mostly light col ored, stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreldarjaVallroad lOUs are .unequalled, and age p ies can many of the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined eat , at P - iWOOD CTREST. Wont.; es TACK . BROTHER!, `i r.l SJ ( VDOESSIgI i t Petroleum and . its _1114680.0a, Pittsburgh Moe—DALE] v= f j att r) corner of Duquesne Way and 1 Oa• Philadhlybia acimni Dismout. sfO 7LLTIA34.I RKS,rr .1.13 H. 1111: LONC & CO., ,; • Omae, DALZELL BUILDING, fl3/3. --- Duqn,sne Wov. Plitalprorls. Pa.: , + PIANOS E OROAM3,-"Mt• r:11 ES U 11 1 574°541; P rum Aau, Schomacker's Gold itedalilthmo, AND ESTEYIS COTTAGE ORGAN.• The 13 61101dAtikili Itgittaer:trit kn artPtilligr waYfer? trAiritiralliFlWNT 41 Ldtursiti-----',4,-bmity. Grohs ( , 1 SILVER ' AID COUPONS Litougiarat a hest Prices. . • , P 11: R. it ER Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth litre*. stn t 85-k, o 8. Joturet e k 90..) t • ' Corner 'Fourth atitW • oid Sts; i 33 4 2 L. ..mcgraimmog :1' 1 1•' - ! xl GOLD ! SILT Eat AND COUPONS ! . MOtiT PABOBAMFE T=115., • 1 , • Mr Wen* Allowed oullepoidtp. • • map Money loaned on Bovernmeni, Bonds at lowett inarket'rater. Orders ezeouted• for the Purchase and Bale of STOOKS, BONDS and GOLD., JAMES T. BRADY ;iF. CO. I 1 1 61ji Vit.t4't*.',''ill alitts, WINANCE —1111A1:0E ^ In ral OFFACE OPYATWitragg TZET.TEI I ql/ITTINDA.4, May AO. The gold market opened strong to-day at 136, , advsneed to 316X._ and closed ciniet brit firm! at .1364.. :IV is niittdrig. but the high , ratufor..carrying ,gold that I prevents.: an minedlate :As** to:l,Am*, and also fhe fear n( a tight money mar ket. The reasons for an advance are not, as is oninmordy supposed, adverse newn t oeinplicationwisinß out of the ub a n and Allabtunii-littes dons, but we have our very unfavorable trade balancennd the fact - that' but few more bonds can be .expoitqd.as a Vasis for rise. ' " I Government bonds are qttlet but firm, and any attempt tO'bui; - litite lots would advance quotations. There is no , invest ment amandi l andi:bnit'7l4#li t eMEtrj purchasers for shipment to Europe. Stocks ,are very:twraitelii :said wide fluctuations ere the order of the day. Money ve • scarce:: _ - Quotations as received - by Ph. R. Morph Gold, 136;4; 326L-Elftlity one's, 11934; Five Twenties; 1862; 118%; do 1864, 114 do -.1865,..1163; do 1865, Consols, 1163,; do 1867; 116%: do 1868, 116,5;, Ten IForties, 108%; Nay:York Centrl; 77%1 Erie,..:—; • Reading, 95W Pittsburgh, !Fort Wayne dc Chicago Railroad, 46M: Ohio it Alisissippi, V.%; Michigan Southern. 1043.11 :Cleve.. land & Pittsburgh, 913;; Chicago & Rock Island, 32%; Chicago • &. North Western, 86; Chicago & 1 orth Western Preferred, 973; Adams. Express Com pany, 60;' Merchants Union Express, 15; Pacific Mail. 9256; Western Union Telegraph Company, 42%; Gregory, 2,80; Quartz 18111, 1,40; Corydon, - 7 ; Smith & Parmlee, 2,75; W. Ain, Express 4034:.• City Telegraph to the Plttehoritti cliZette. NEW Y6111t; * EU': 0, 1869. The stock etchange tOklierescolved to discontinue the call of speculative secu rities. On and \ after Tuesday next there are to be two palls daily at IQ Atv and 2P. It. The first oalfwill consist of Gov - " 'tank' hares an d , ernments; Sta e stocks,- Inon speculativresecurilleigenerally, with 'a - iis - qad. call of Govertga9als ,sit,Tne close, 'LasfoallWill include tiovernmente , eta) State bOrids. The speculative raildwity,; miattellatittotis and express shares wilthe continuously dealt kiln long room with-, out an official 'call; these 'transactions; howeter, to. be printed officially. Money easy at,7 per cent. on.call. Sterling firm. at l 96oy; perbent: far prime Woken on : ;64 day", and 10 for sight. . Gold As firmer and opened at l 3 •at „I.3ft. , The rates for currying Were' 7;4®10 per cent. The clearances: were , ,ftty-nine 'At the Trotattfy sale. to, day, ripe/a/de . ofseven ,',Ml,lllona were bid for the million gold - to he war. ded; the lowest bid Was 185 78 .1T'aiivetd made at 188 74100 to iB6 22-100-- MU ex ports to to -day, were . ,MOOO. In govermhe ts, to-day, , flermarilionees lweralarge re. -.: The market.ened with decline of Por,rntis! b ut was soba'reOveted and' a :theMiose. 'the ] market was strongthroughout the list: ompOna t .— 119211934; r do 'B2, 11814 41.183.1;•do 84, 114©1/.44; do "65,118341611 115 X; new, /16734011635 t do ' 67 , MU& 11 € 7,d9 liktfor§lltlg; 1040 s, 108.8 a 108 ; Pacific, 3,08%@1085i„ , , , I 'l .1 IttilWidtaritatead.Y: issouria,Mg_ 88%; (fidapnuesaes, 07 35M3,f; .11kw.0 d 0,., 8634038,6 • Old 'North @NM; new do, 513i055; Old Vlrginflut; 67%@6'j_g; new. do, 521 ®824;: Levee Sixes , 6914@70. StoOkatuirket opened weak and, 'tied, but soon became steady and after wards strong land, buoyant. - The Vans derbilt stocks were the iacial features, stimulated by Albany dispatches that the( bait( 40 LlO alitt4 . ,tbe , Centlisklisftip dividend and authorizing the consolida tiona of railroads -twill pass.'l The deal-) Ingo werii,nrinsVillY' huge' arid ~exalte& New York ':,Central rose ..from 1701 to. !.17834, Harlem from 148% to)l4B3ii and Budaoti fromlso to 1553 5 . The rest of the'llet t iginpathittidE. with khit atiiinteeri In the ahernoon, the Albany accounts being-less fsvorable, , the: market was ail off, Central falling to 178,6, and' Ruction ' to-168. -The Western shares were Irreg. 'ular,„ auk, ,oblef feature, befog, Rock island from lBs to 180, with sales or . ten' 03':' tifteeni: thousand shares. r This gelierat*o ll oO• though bash; Michigan Southern,- .Noithweitein ptderred sand Duel sorer were etimpar , atiVelsefirtn:' , Late ifiern o Oh.(4 l general marketr , rallied quite,abanis ew, Nork_ , Ceptrar'tecitritrint'''to 2 l7 Rook:lsland to 1844,41.nd50n to 184,:a Micif." - Eiollthern - 1,451Wr t Mlsoellatteouti elides .higher and: butte)4lOtiveillian.,. 70081138 wereltiegleettid‘near and the.ketkiit znarkti*ioNerjlritita(4., fart 4.entridaort,Wayno and Mialdgan Rtithitkern being 4 ." ' REESEE SIZE Union ' Telegraptri . - 423g(443; Hartford and Erie. 23 ®233.4 ; . Mariposa, 1834(419%; do Prefered 43®43%; New York Central_ 177%177% ; Erie 27X; Hudson . 1533,(4 154%; , Harlem. ' 146X(414734; ' Reading, 95%®9531; Chicago and Alton, 157(4 158; Preferred, 139; Terre Haute; 371,4(439; . Preferred, 67®68; bash, 73; Preferred, 78(4)79; St. .paui, 771®77?,i5; preferred, 85%®8534: Wayne. 145 g ®146; • Ohlo and Mists: sippi, 8234®82%c; Michigan. Central, 123; Michigan Southern, 105 W, ®105: Illinois' .Central 145®146; Pittsburgh, 91% ®92;-, Lake, Shore, 104y‘ig10434; Rock . Island, .130%®131;, North Western 85/®853:; .preferred, 97%(497 3 / 4 ; St. Joe. preferred, 1143 x; DUbuque &Sioux aty; no; ai C. fk. 1., 46. Mining shares steady. Gregory , 280- Quartz Hill, 150; Copper stocks at ' - Boston Copper Falls, ;8; Franklin, 19; Hecla, 75; Han-. :cock. 4;,Minnesota, Aciinpv, 29. Receipts at Sub-TreaSUryi 118 2 076.103; 'Payments, $7,222,24y; Altla*ceif *: 703,808. Phsßthu ii bIAB jTB. OFFICE' or' . PITTSIEURgIe O.LEE7TE4 - THURSDAY, May 6, 1869. The general • marketv continue -niod-1 irately active, and while t box:. seems to 138 a itrodgei fe s eiing'in some adiolesi there has, Aas vet, been no uite= rid' change in values. Flour ,is sailer in • ChiOgn;tincl . ," it 'is . prohable that both it 'andA,NY'hefstAlll ruj.e,l6wee, as there is no. good reason at present for an advance. • ThriadVice4 from all 4narters.are very . favorable for the Wheat crop, and the in dicatintiS are that the yield will be con.. siderably - largerthrin last yelirOis thero was a-larger area sown.. - APPLES-,-Sales at: fis®B per bbl,:as tr.). quality. • A • : - • • • APPLE BU TER-90@fl -per gallon. ; BUTTER—There is a continued good demand Mid We tan report regular sake% of prime to choice at 35040. • I,liFiA,2%lß—Duil at 83@3,25... - _ _ VHEILSE , =-Sales- of new Western , Re• true at 1,5@20, as to auality, and . New . orip; facsdien A4©25. cABBQN 01L-r-la quoted in a