0 mom II r., Markets Telegraph.hy • . .. . . Nay, .Yotur,•May 6.--The Cotton mar ket opened firm and with a'good demand, . - closed quiet; 'sates 4,500 bales at 2 0(o for Middling T.Tplands. Flour: receipts were 11;17/ bbls; market dull-and 51g10c lower; sales 5,100 Ms at $ 2 5,6005,95 for superfine State and western; 040,35 for extra State; pc@it,tio for extra western; $6,95(4)13 for white wheat extra; $6,15® ,L 7,50 for R. H. O.; 17®8,50 for extra St. V.Jotds; f9@l2 for good; choice do. ;;; closing quiet. Rye Flour quiet; sales 800 tibia at $6,75@)6.85: Cornmeal 401 and unchanged. W h isk.Yquiet manful at 98o'for western free. Wneat: receipts were 11,359 bush; market heavy and @ Sc lower, sales 41,000 bush . at ! 11,44 .1 45 for No. 2 spring, delivered; ,$1 1 ,,48 for o. 1 and N0..2 mixed delivored. .. 1480, or • amber Michigan; $ 1,70(31,75 w hite. 11- fornia, the latter being an extreme:. IP, ,1 for white Canada; $1,95 for white MI i gan. Rye quiet and without, obeli e. Barley heavy and declining; Naga 5, 1 , T o bush Canada West on private terms a d sales also 5,000 bush German at, $2,75® 2,874. Barley. Malt valet.- Corn: re celPus 12,036 bright. market heavy and /(gi 2e lower; sales 4 8 .000 . 13mb at 9/®9le for new inixed4 western; market closing at 91©92c and 90(galc for old do. in store. Oats; receipts, - 83,718 bus; dull, with sales of .22,000 . bu5i- at 870 for" .western in More, and Bs@)B9c for do. afloat. , Rioe quiet 10,8MQ9c for Carolina. Ceirx3e dull- - Sugar in fair request. with saies of 420 hhds Cuba at 11%©12h'e. Molasses steady; salsa of 125..hhds Cuba! at. 53c. Petroleum firm at 173;©18c for exude and 330 for refined. Hops quiet.at ii®l2o , for A.mericart. Linseed Oil firm at 11,03. Spirits Turpentine quiet. Pork steady and quit at $31,12@31,25 for now mess, $31,00 fbr old do., $25.75026,00 for prime, $48,25328,50 for prime mess. Beef dull; aides of 115 bbla,ut $81@)16 .for new plain mess, and ;12©18 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef dull: sales of .180 tcs at s2olg! 23 for prime mess, and $25032 for India mess. Beef Hams steady, with sales of 145 bbls at $26032. Cut -Meats quiet and unchanged; 17.) pkgs at 12%®13e for shouldersomd 15%01163 for hams. Mid dies quiet . d heavy; eighty boxes were 801C1 16,.',0 for long- clear. and 16y0 fo long cht hams. Lard vt , quiet and steady; 670 tea at 163.1®18X0 for steam, and 18y, ®183413 for kettle ren dered. Butter firmer at 25©32c for Ohio, and 20(4)450 for State. Cheese firm at 19 ®2Bc. Freights to Liverpool firmer; en• gagements per steamer 22,000 bushels wheat at 2d. Latest.—Flour -closed- dull, and a shade easier on law „grades. Wheat dull and is lower for spring. Rye, quiet and steady. at $1,31®1,32 fOr weatern. Oats dull at 86jio for western in store. Corn lOwer and dull at 910920 for new mixed. western, and 90c for old mixed western iu store. Pork quiet and Steady at $31,10 for new mesa, - eph and regular,"Beef • quiet and unchanged . ( tat meats steady with a lithited inquiry. Bacon quiet. Lard quiet at 18@lb.go for,fair to primesteam. Eggi closed quiet at 19©20c. Onzioaeo, May 6.—Eastern Exchange at par buying. and 1.10 premium wiling.- Flour - quiet; spring extras $5,00@6,25. Wheat quiet, with .sales - Cf No. 1 at $1,16 ®1,17g, for No. 2, $1,11©1,12 cash, and Ist,loyegli,iLseller the month; closing at @.l, la cash; sales alma 'Change at #I,IOM. Corn dull and • 24g2.50 lower; sales of No. I at 60®61340, No. 2 57(§58c, - rejected 55@b6mc, new 55056 c; closing at 603i®61c for No. 1, and 573,@;58c for No. 2 sales this afternoon at 69e seller May and June. Oats in good demand and 134igle lower; sales of. No. 2 at 6034© 61e: closing.unchanged. Rye quiet and 31•4@lo • lower: sales at $1,16; closing 'at $1,153i.-for No. 1. Barley firm; sales at . 11,75 in store. Highwines nn changed. New Orleans Molasses $1.00" ®1,05. • Sugar; 14®1534c for common to-. fair. Maas Pork dull, at $30.50@31,00., Lard inactive and firmer at 17,©17,4c. Sweet. Pickled-Hams firmer and more active atas)4C..l3tilk Meats quiet. • •Dry Salted - thoulderis 1134V)1243. . "Freighte. firm and`xteady, at 434 c, for - oats, 53;0 for corn:and 6c. for -wheat to Betftalo. -Re ceipts for the past twentv;foar houre -9,675.1:1bis flour; 26,600 bush wheat; 60,43 e! bush c0rn;:64,898 bniih oats; 118 bushry in e 20 j, 0 hnsh-barley; 6;830 bead hogs. -Ship-• entei•--6;106-ibbla ' flour; 44,812 bush Wheat; 42,557 bush corn; 31,928 bush oats; 0,145 bush rye; 1.617 bush barley ; 5,729: ; head hogs. ' - ST. Lours, May 6.—Tobacco steady and unchanged. Cotton nominal at 26;ic. Hemp—nothing doing. Floor quiet and Very little doing; superfine ranges at' 114,00@5,00, and extra at $4,75®5,75. Wheat firm, but business small:good strictly prime fall at 31,45(34.65; choice' to fancy, $1,76®1,90; prime t o spring in sacks sold at f1,11@)1,14. Corn , firm and higher at 531€D596 - in bulk; and 63@66c for - mixed to white in sacks. Oats buoyant and higher at 64@07c. Bar. ley quiet, sang icw,grades very -dull; Illi nois and lowa:spring sold at 31,65, and .choice Mitinesottrat 82,00. Rye. heavy, but unchanged; $1,51)14k. Airhisky advanced to nc, and held at 90c at close. Groceries firm and unchanged. Pork quiet, Jobbing 131,00,. and heavy sales at 250A;i' hUgber;..Btkiciii:= l / 2 1111es on or ders at lacier ShouidersOWS fcki clear rib:sidets andWo fikeleSi'aides. Ougar cored hamif 2oc,..=! Lardflit:llan& Coml. nal, with 170 offered, and 17Xo asked. Receipts: 3,900 bbls flour, 8.300 bus wheat, 8,000 bus corn, 4, o oQ, T huf vgatcp ,30Or bus barley, 800.htli - V' ersrontir,' in.,./day,.8.,-.Flouf steady and is moderate'' ,nand.- - Wheat,llght , Ale.: mand for Ne. 1 at 11,40, and Nct 2 at $l,BO.- Corti irtelgillgrlpiliae Scarce and wiped. st 84®85. for best; damaged plenty and dull': at 50 to altr: Oatatk Inhcierogoda. mand - itt - With 72. - Bye. siiichanged at 14,37®1,ft r i,toticipti firm; Middlings 27 , r2; 2734.- Tobsew-Thw k Oates oT 'll2 hlids` as 6 . 40.1(44/00•Whieks,y f firmet and told at 93.-and net reefed freely at this rate; • Provision__s arm g. extreme rates. pywder` mind ha light. ..w Pork Sold at 481,00 .1 Bulk meat& held at 12@140 and,no.sales. Bacon held W M at' ug, mu _= a ; 11.) :for; shoulders, clear ribs and clear sides, but. the sales were man and the' dYniatell I. quite li ght: - Laid bold 18 for , prime ket tle rendered, and :1734 for prime , AteamP small talets'Of aotintry kettle rendered'at 179g@l7N. ri Sow cured hams .18 ',;(01If.--i Butter firm . forfresh made, but dull for ali olktieripinda l _ Eggs 15. • No.cblinge. in . alkt LinioW dill 1; fibOt for .Lard;..1,45(4: 1,50 for„ i Petroleum; p for reflued..K.Nq change n groceries. G4Adilisn.bilijihg;., Loquavitys, May 6.—Provisions firm with On Oderl4 demand.. MihsiPoitk. IC quiet but firm at 1531,25©31,50. Bacon shoulders at 13X®18,0; clear rib aides” at 26 4@l7c; clear sides at 17 W447Re: Lar at 1 / I @il/IMc in tcs. Flour quiethut sr at - 1514;5,50 for quperfine; 115.7,510 r extra;atul.gB.so for fancy. Coin steady at 88a 'for choice In bulk.. Oati steady at 88c. - , Wheat at•11.40(411,45 far_ red; and steady.. , ; Bye at11,45®1,47 411*-, prime. Bagging steady withsbght do- , niandrt sales fitenttieky Thimp tiltigt* Mght weight at 180, and cement at 51,25. 'W l T' c ltdatiitat i 'arm at: 1 22 @g2,50' far prime, Slid 0za;504§24 fOrh ice. POW. Wes 4* at 11,25. Corn Me a l at *1%1.25 , I far kiln' dried. 'Coffee; Sugar' and Mo. lows .atasay.and mialiaugefisi :Bran , at 1 1 5,80:: Candles, full weight 21.12' or' ' at' .. / 0. 3 : 4 41.,. !tar_ and. Hightvines „are ; urraLiatid 1 ends -sales ,: at • 0 2 4 6 301 rectified it steady at 9/ 1 c@111, 2 6 -a 0- ' e°rdi ng .to PY004.. _Tobias° MU*. aoe - hinds at prices ranging from 114,00@12 76 * .__►_BusmA r id ay g....Th emilc o u i s w id e _. i 6 Orb •"our r tle; Corn, 20,0b0 buils; Aproono;z43 Vegas! .111x1,14)au, May 5. - -3caig 11 - me, ,)0. L Reynolds; 23 bdla brooms; ' Kirlilla.tliak & CO: t 22 ske oate,'Kelll 11,1161uut'46 (16"d0, -- Bricker it 0o; 11 Midi), 12 do -rye; Sbott Gitull; 111:bblwratine&t11, Aladdin 0110 o; 2 do. flaseeedilWat4 L. & 04 - Itarimetal, 11; Woodeldeei.tdo.do, Union Milli; 1 ds) do. Rea, cfrafr 4 , Dlllll,l .do ioateLtuid pote,q, foss, _graham &kr; ILdo,gridzip Little &I, Baird: 240 bbla (44,1 ITllkins; 320 do 4 0 ,1 D M Edgoil‘an 820 'lll3 d o, Risher-A/1w .. . , , Arzitoszrry filiArci44,•Afay 8,-1 oar metal; Eq!ung, Malt t ~itt C olt .A oo,,obb,, flour, 3 utflivartt,294 ' 'Oals,, ~TXUOx:JkI Boni' tbbtit aidar, J 4 ;41 greo#lll4ea. *DOOkoauiptill'bblo p of * J iferteirtft car 'ltetal, Lewis,' liy `dc' Dalialk,"& t b bola aldar r o were; ' , BA)]* bakkis‘ `l' : dari Jlibilekhart;f 'I 'cur *twatleKeel'arl 00,1 4 0 .).41 11 , ufulY trlfzio; a taut ostsii .. , . ..- . _4.. '.:L' A.,„. ''' ( ~..,. : - '- • -..--. ...,. .. --- ..,..2 . (...9 ~..1.7, -,-...r.-,,m,?:,,,,,,,,,,..._,,6-4,75-,,-1,-Ar,,,-.-4.4...k.-,3_,..7-„,_,,--,..n.;:rt.,;,.7z,:r.,,.,,,..:::,7.71,-.1;„:7-,, - " -.- ::.. 715 5 - 17 - ' % :"1n,'. 1 ..., -, .: '- -, 4 e? , :c. -;..1 ' q`;' 1 -‘llt'i 4 .."-V`..-:Wsj;i'';'`s,--' ":'%-:;4.4;:'a*,'-"1pftrii4C.7,5.1;d15,--,;.A-',V%4"5,•7":.1,-ii-?4,-r.,,„t;r-.4'.'-.".-'4,W-:'Z.:.,,.:. 0"-‘,.,_ ,1 = 1, 1,V,r - Atrf! . .. , i , t , 1"4t. - --,,-414., L'i - t" ,,,1 :5t.;,;1; -.'' ',-44,v,' , -, 04t/eVP4.-Tll,-,4-- n''..:."-'113,7--'-irej.,"Vl,'../„.''''-'s-TX,,,, ~.,s*‘;-.',11"«,,,,,*'v,VA40.1.4„, ~fr,:,4.444591-"i:XSz-Vt.---`.V.=.,t,:•;k1,.5-%.V`l,"`Vp, ' ''' - .:li."'"''. '''.3s34**S4l-44‘'1;)"' ' Ir.: " -A':'w*'''' '' 4''': 4-.-YL`.4..1 : -'.T4 ei4t e .ft ' . .. $0.1._ &C 4 . 14, c.4,..,5~,—,-,,,•,..---,0-,' -A-.--.:4-.4k,..ir"•'41A5V4'..f4-4-?•* ESC3 E=l=%=E=lM Oats, 47,000 nibs; Shipments of Canal cicaranoeseferrod - for a day or ,two. Freights; tee loads of wheat to New York at 14 c. Min steady with sales of Wisconsin spring . at' $5,50 for western bakers; - $5,80 fordo atioatf•fine Michigan $5; white.do sBvainber western $7,3714. Wheat is in fair demand and lower, with sales of 7,000 basks Port Washington at $1,20; 2.200 bashei NO. 2 Chicago at *1,22; 14,000 bushe No.- 2do about $1,20. Corn dull and unsettled; Hales of 24,000 bushs new at 7:40)63o; 14,000:busing in car and small , 1 l ots at 65c. _Oats .firm add nearly all With rawnfrom the market; sales, of 35,000 buihs western at 720, king 73e at 'close.• Rye Wilk Sales VIC 6' car, - de.. livered, at $1,20.....,8ar1eqf neglected." Seeds steady with small sales. pork dull add anchanged. r Lard dal , and un changed: Illghwinets neglected. , . TonEPO, May G:--- , Flour dull. Wheat 35®1c lower;lambersl,42X; spring $1,45, buyer May;,whlta MR:himregular at $1,43 ; No. lido. : $1,80; amber Illinois $1,53. flora ia a shade lower and 'dull; sales No. 1 at 67340; No. 2 at6B®64c.. Oita unchanged'at 70c•for Michigan. • Rye is a shade better ; ', small' sales No. 2 ' . at ` $1,23. Barley dull and nominal. Receipts-1,- 500 obis flour, 6,650 bush wheat, 21,660 bush corn, 2,720 bush oats. Shipments 3,100 bbls f10ur,5,840 bush wheat, 5,900 bush corn, B,3oibnah oats, 360 bush rye. „CLEv.spaztb, May 6.—Flour quiet and steady; city made: $9,00®9;25 for triple extra white; $7,75 for double extra am ber; 16,75®7,00 for double extra red win- ter; $6.00 for extra red. Country made: 16,50(4)7,50 for double extra red and am ber; 86.00(4)6,75 for doable extra spring: $7,50®9,50 for doable extra white winter wheat; No. 1 red Winter held-11,50; Bales of 3 cars of No. 2 do. at $1,30. Corn, sale of 1 car at 71. Oats 70. MILWAAIKE t .lrfay G.—Flour dull and Inactive. City - spring extras $5,75®6,25. Wheat unsettled ; 11,15 for No,•1 ; $l,lO for No. 2. Oats dull and weak: 60340 for Nc. 2. Corn dull and weak at 59c for new. Rye firm and unchanged. Barley quiet and steady; prime at . 11,80®1,85. kteceipts, 2000 bbls, flour. 38009 bu. wheat. Shipped, 2000 bbls, flour, 21000 bu. wheat. • • , PHILADELPHIA, May 6 . -Flour exces sively dull and drooping; extra fancy Ohio s7®9, and fancy slo®l2. Wheat steady; sales of 4,000 bus - red at f1,65® 1,73, amber $1,75®1,85, No. 1 spring $1,50. Rye unchanged. Corn held firmly, with sales of 5,000 bus mixed western at 85® 88c. Oats firm; westeruBoo. Petroleum steady; crude unchanged; refined 330. Provisions unchanged. Whisky9Bc®sl. l BALTIMORE, May 6.—Flonr dull. rheat firmer; sales of good, to prime red $1,90@2,00.: Corn opened firm and closed dull; prime white at 84®86c, and yellow at 86®88c. Oats dull at 73®75c for light, at 78®430c for heavy. Rye dull at $1,30®1,45. Provisions unchanged. Whiskey firm at 960. 1 CHICAGO, I%lay 6.—Hogs opened mod erately active and steady and vlosed dull and weak. at I18,15®8;50 common to fair and $8,60®9,25 for good to choice. Cattle steady and firm, at $4;75(415,75 for batch. era' 'dock and $6,25®7,75 for light to extra prime shipping steers. DETROIT, May 6.—Wheat; receipts, 8,000 bush; market lower for No. 1 white, with a fair demand for extra white at 11,77®1,78; No. 1$1,50; No. 2 $1,36®1.37; amber very firm, at 11,40151,42 for No. 2. Corn 69c. Oats 55c. Sr. Louts, May 6.—Cattle steady and unchanged at 33 7c. Hogs dull and lower at 7@)9c.. Dry Goods market, .Nsw YonK, May 6.—Trade continues very dull and the market lacks buoyancy. The Broadway 4-4 Brown Sheeting's are reduced to 13e; Cabot 4.4 Bleached bins. line 15c: Gold Medal do. 1414 o; Mystic Lakes 4-4 do. 17340; Cabot 42 inoh 18c; Barnsley % Bleached do. 10%c: Provi dence do. do. 1034 c, and Greene 11, ji do. 1034 c. Woolens -and domestic • Linen goods are also dull and very much de pressed. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAY2PR & OAGO Iten&OAD, May 6.-9 care metal, Nimick de Co; 3 do do,Bryan & Caughey 2do do, Everem, P d Co; 3 do do, Hall man it. Hammett; 100 bbla flour, JJ. Kelly; 100 do, do, 1 bales broom corn, Watt, Lit Co; .I car middlings, HSchnel bach; 65 bdls .broom boodles, H Mc- Clelland; 1 car oats, 3 do corn, SCott Gisal; 1 do oats, A Moore; 1 do rye, Culp & Shepard; 6 do wheat, Liggett & Co; 1 no bran, Keil it Rltchart; 500 bbls flour owners; 100 do do, Shotnaker & Lartgen. helm; 1 lot carriage hardware, Hare Bro; 1 do do; Briawhinney & Co; 33 ska rags. Godfrey it Clark; 25 bdls hides, Hays & Stewart; 10 bxs cheese, M W Rankin; sdo do. W T Cooper; 25 do bit. ters, Sellers & Co; 2 cars borleY, ,7 0 7 Meek; 1 do oats, J B.Campbell; 25 boxes cheese, Voigt, M & Co; 20 bgs barley, 16 pkgs • potatoes, H Rea Jr; 2 bbls eggs, .Woodworth dr D: 18 do apples, J A Graff; / car stoves, Adams & Bro. Crasyswarro AND , P/rraattßost RAIL ROAD MaY6.-2 cars metal, Nimick it Co; 14 cars blooms,. John Moorhead; 120 bblei potatoes, 2 cars 'do, Voir.. idahood dr Co; 1 car rye, Theo Moore;,lo9iiks oats. • 1 J Hendrick; 1 car lumber, • Slack dr Sholeglci f itars ore, Sboailberger &Blair; 1124c5, 4 bbls potatqee, BrAggerman & O'Brian; l oar. potatoes, Bricker * Co; 1 do. Vangorder &. Oheßard; 50 stazdt, Hatvorth & Detitureit;' 30 do d p i, St:tickler & Morlege; 36 eke raga, Christy & Benham; 52 bbls oil, 8 B - Fi4,4t co; "14 aka rige‘ , l B Jones; 179 aksrago, Pitte Piper Co; _3B •fugs molasses, Voigt, Ma hood & Co; /6 bbis cider, Keyser dr , Weiner; ,10,-:bxa cheese, alruggerman • & O'Brian; 13 do do, Watt" , Lang , it Co; 5 bbls egg‘PG Critighead;• 8 do do, John J Bet t,14 2', do, do, ,H Rea J r;- _•2 ,do do, Mc. Bane k4rijer; 250 PiPes,a H Collins. CINOINNAST Aso „bouts adAiratoAD. May Sr.- 1 50 pea iron, & M'Knight CO; 2 trxe axei, Graff, hi'D It Co; 8 do collet, Cunninghams & John sons; 2 bbis japan, R Sellers; Ido db, M AJoneti; 9 she ptitatoes. 5 do wheat, F &finds; 10 kgs lard, Tucker, Morgan Go; 8 bales tan, P Donlon' 12 bdls paper, Christy & B; 14 skit raga, J Dunlap; 81 bdls brooms, H R McClellan; 56 do do,'H MtiElroy; 1 car oats, Sam Hood; 1 do corrta W Simpson:4 do do, D Wallace; , I jig rye, Pattait 1 do ship/chaffs, J Dorrington; Ido staves, .Albriglat: 3do di", WM Hastingei; 6, boleti cotton, Eagle OottOn Workm; 10 tes lard, 16 hhds baths, J i H Parker; 100 Milo Soar. &thomaker it L;10 doz sieves, gji do riddles, J Wood. won • '1 . ' . ... • . _ . • 'Tp y.. ~,' • ... . 7 .. - ~..• ',J. * s ' ••% S '.' ,. .. , .'"; ,,, 1'i• , ..,-. 4"...t.::_.• • , ....:41,.: , -,,,'.7,- 7 `'' 1.1-.7, - .44! - '-'il T ed; , ... 4 ". 1 . 11. 51.11 - 1,.. , ...w - pir,..-e,,,,,416,,,,,, , . . t ..‘,..,..,,,,...;•,,,,,,...,,....,,..„2. AnrErt;'Nlhin . i. The river continues - to recede steadily With seven and a - half feet in_ the chan nel by the Monongahela marko r last ev ening. The weather yesterday . was cloudy and cool, with every appearance of rain. Mercnry at 5,P. at. 55. • The towboata Greyhound; Tiger. an d Fearless departed for Cincinnati, taking in the aggregate 251.000 bushels of coal. The Argosy departed for St. Louis last evening with a fair trip and engage ments below sufficient to fill out. Pilots, Oakes and Muirine. • The Kenton was due from Portsmouth last evening, and will return as usual to-day. • The Grey Eagle Capt. C. L. Brennan, is the regular Ja;cket for Parkersburg to - morrow,leabing at noon. ' The Messenger, Caper Jesse Dean, Jas. Russell, clerk, is announced • for St. Lti a ndo rt ff h e w s t su perior is in d a u n c mcentlsent to • passengers. Messrs. Flack and Coiling- cod are her agents Business continues dull at the landing. this offerings of freight ' having fallen off !notarially within the past few days, and boats experience considerable difficulty hi picking up a trip. The Saille, Silver Lake and Mollie Ebert all arrived at Sioux City on Tues day, en route from Pittsburgh to Fort Benton. - --The Bellevernen left St. Louis for St. Paul on Tuesday, with 550 tons freight. -;—The Bayard arrived at St. Louis, on Tuesday and the Leonidas left the same day for Pittsburgh. W. M. Bull obtained a judgment at St. Louis on Tuesday. for p 583 against the Home Insurance Company of Cin cinnati.- —The steamer G. McC. Porter was seized ny..4lft. United States Marshal on Tuesday, on a mariner's lien. —The t r amelia, en route from Nash villa to Pittsburgh, left Cincinnati on Tuesday, with 300 tons. —T o he R. C. Gray and Emma o. 3 were t have left Ci ncinnati for N Pitts , burgh on Wednesday. Jim Waon, fro l an d b River to Pitt ts sburgh, w it c h three beiges of iron ore in tow, passed by Cin cinnati on Tuesday. —The new steamer Minneapolis met with an accident near St. Paul while coming through the bridge, her :shim, nays being carried away. —The new towboat Ironsides, left St. Louis for Keokuk on Tuesday, and it is reported will . ply regularly between there and Pittsburgh. ft Louisville for Pittsburgh oCn Monday, with 300 empty barrels,' 300 sacks of wheat, 400 bbls of lime, 1,500 bbls cement, and a lot of sun dries. She has engagements for 500 bbls and 400 boxes ofstarch at Madison. —TheMemphis Avalanche says: The clerk ottlie Will S.Htrys charged ten doi. lam for tae transportation of the remains of Mr. Ely, clerk of the ill-fated-Thom son, from Pine •Illuff to this oily. The Clifton conveys the remains to Cincin nati free of charge. It was a very shab by trick, to say the least of the clerk of the Hays, in making the charge; but as he belongs to a class of boatmen gener ally ignored ln river circles, we dismiss him as unworthy of notice. —The' Dubuque Times, of Saturday. says: The. Armadillo, a Pittsburgh boat, left here a large freight. Including 150 packages for J. W. Coy, 137 do for Samp son &'Young, 238 do for Waller &Christ man, 1,100 do for Connelly, 1,050 do for Andrew & Tredway, 170 do for Moore & Torbert, and a light freight liar the coun try. She was loaded with glass and iron principally. She will be back 'again in about four days, and will receive down river freight. She was somehow en gaged for Cincinnati. —We clip the following.from the St. Donis Democrat of Wednesday: It is as serted that ear elegant and amiable friend, " Captain R. C. Gray,—whose office in Pittsburgh has been open for six years--in ordr to conipete success fully with t h os e n n merous steamers that load at Pittsburgh for St. Paul direct, avows his serious intention of stretching theiNorthern Packet Line down the Mis sissippi to,Cairo, and up the Ohio to the smoky city. Capt.; Richard is a large owner, and her tent voice in the Northern Line. He is .likewise known to be wide-a-wake and enterprising. • —The steamer Sallie arrived at Sioux K City, May 4th, at' 10 . wr., nine and a' half .days out from St ; Eons; having passed all the mountain steamers that left St. Louis for eight days previous to her departture; •Columbian, Colossal, Sliver Lake No:4 and Mollie Ebert; if not detained .by low water will make the trip through from St. Leinia to Ben ton in thirty days, with 2.50 tons freight; left Sioux City on the eVelting of the 4th with a fliir trip and'passengers "for Ben- River, and .Weather. (By Telegraph to the Tlttsbnralt Guette.l Lcruisvxr,LE 6.—River rising steadily. Wet:therelear and windy. A GREAT-strocrasi-... . 3:).ExmmEt , . WASHING HACHItSE It' Washes the'linealtibrics,'wi hootlninty: perfectly clean In less 'than - on& eighth •tbe rat nary way. It does not rub ,sbe cloth, but per forms the cleatung process by steam and the. ,quick utlon 'of ttot water; It can be operated by a chlbi.- Its great cbiapuess- makes It accessible to even' faintly ilia saxes its own cost In doing may with tubs. ". • • • • PRICE, ;:: 15. Hold from the' tannfaCtory, at : • ' • THOMAS MERKEL% PENN OPPOSITE TUE FAIR GROUND. • 4111PAGEXTS ,WANTED. anlf,:hsl grAVGAIIIIT • ••• t , -1111111 EN, BETAUL lloolis,•. : , ...s,goss, .:01) '.:GAITERS ~~ , . ~, ~ ~ _ . Wh'ale~ale~~'niees rie.sl 1 1437 N 01.129 FEDERALISM= ' EIBIM .1:1 1 f1;01 , ;. , ;;•5;: I , ::CKM•rIg 4oul.;tx+ raITIVMMIFIItria - =pros. . • , , inS 11. • RIVER •17!ACIrETS. lIPPER XISSISSIPPI . - FOR ST. LOllllB, 44.4.%fi li ggr o b -LEN A.-DC BUQUE AND ST. A llL.—The nne passenger steamer MESSENUKR Copt Jassy Draic. Win Uwe for the above ports on Sa.TUEDA I May Bth, at 4 P. 34 Yor &cunt oroassage apply ontioard, or to FLACK a .COLLINGWOOD. 1869^ Ails:SP. - ORTEERN LINE PACKETS, . • . PROM St. Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL INTERMEDIATE PORTS. One of lamelendid Shiewheel Starner of this Line will St. Louis da ly for Keoku k v nest, Dubuque, Winona, Stillwater and St. Paul. Through receipts for Freisat and Passengers will be given to all points oh the Upper 311-sis sissippl "on steamers minim; from this port and connecting with the Northern Line Packets at 13t. Louis, thus enabling consignees to get their Freight through witoout delay and at lowest rates. Apply to JOHN VLACH. J. D. coLuNetwoon, Aguas, or to , h26:02 . 8 R. D. ElltT. 9 A Iw atergeents, street! PARECEILSBURG . . - • ITTN BUR. GU, P R. WARBLING AND PAR KERSBURG LlNE.—taeave Comnativ , a wharf tuba. root or - Wood Atreet, daily at 12 It., WED NESDAYS and SATURDAYS,' • GURU' RAGLIL . L. BEINItAw. Muter. freight will be received at all hours by JAMES COLLINS. FLACK & OOLLINGWOOD, Aunts. apl3 VOR WITEELING.Agrat ji • M APART PA,PARKEht3BURG AND CINCINNATI. Leaves Pittsburgh EVERYTRESD Ay- 19 Leaves Cincinnati EVERY FRIDAY-4 P. M. The swift and anperb Sidewheel Steamer ST. MARYS, •T. IA SWEENEY, Commander, will leave as announced above. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or to FLACK tic COLLLNOWOOD, or coGLLNe & BARNES, Agents. N. D.—No Freight received on Tuesday after 11. A. M. mhZ3 STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL ANDAS QUEENSTOWN. THE INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Numbering sixteen first-dass Irene% among a. mine celebrated - CITY OP FARM, CITY OF ANTWEPP, CITY OP.BOSTON CITY - OP BALTIMORE, • CITY OF LONDON, Sailing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pler 45, urt,b. River, New York. For °usage or further lutormadon sort.** WILLAAM BINGHAM, dr.. TO /FMB STREET. (Chronicle littildinz. °rm. - mite Poet (Mir o. Pitt.bur,h MISCELLANEOUS. WILLIADI MILER & CO . , Noi. 221 and 2 . 23 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly - Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. _ . Porto \ Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Ba nned do: Golden Drips, Loverings, Brunps, . Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island byrups Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young Hyson, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and' Oolong Teas.' - Carolina and Baugoin Wee. Jaya, Lagusyra and 10 Coffees. Tobacco, !Lard 011, Fish, Nails, Glare, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, &c., constantly on hand. AT,E3O, IMPORTERS OF .Fine Brandies,Wines and Segars. Hbeni L Moselle, and Sparkling Ronk Wines of Rink% Co.. In bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Scharsberg and :Quinn's burg, HOekbelmer, Burgundy, &r. Brandenburg & Freres.Fine Olive 011. do do Clarets, imported to bottles. doort Sons! White l Wines, In bottles. Sparkling Catawba. Flue old Sherry, Madeira and Port Wines. Free Old Mononsratiela Bye Whiskies. pu Im . do Very Superior Old Scotch •do c i , Sole p Agents Or Noel 41./..€1 Cbandon's Grand VIZ. erial. Verzenay and Sellery Champagne. arra l • - Brandies of our own selection and w ted. 2,000,000 ACRES OF i,_ OHOIGT LARDS FOR 8 ALB, BY THE Union Pacific Ralkoad Company, RAI:MMI DIVJEION, Lying 1110IIlt the Ilne of their road; it sl s oo TO ROO PER ACM And GU * CRZDI'r 7f/VB YEAR& ?or ttiretusr parttoptars♦ w Xda4,ol ta, . 11 4thala • ioaa DEVEZEIIXe Land Cammtadoaet, Topeka, Hamas; or amts. B. Pleas*, anus St. Louis. lifiesOnre . • . . , `ROCK THE BABY • . IN ' EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD OttiT BY ' • :LEMON .8e WEISE. Praetlcatftriutwiantirseturers, &oi l US,W9I 3 /MEIA:VZINUE. Wiese may be tband a 11211 assortment of Par lor. Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. ' den; FILDIRIAL OIL 'COMPANY In pursuance of an order from the Coirt of common nese , of Allegheny' eounty;Xerunryiva• nia, the Directors of the IIs , DENAL OIL COM ESN Y have this day declared s dividend of TEN: CENTS per share, payable forthwith t return al holders of Stock in said eolnpany,. on to the Secretary of certldcates or, other evidence of ownership; • • ~ , • - - - All parties are hereby notified that dividend', ncialmed for a period of six montiel,wili be dia. osed of according to law. 1 , 1 By order of .t e Beal : B : 3frE. H E, - -•— Ortice,Duorte ne Way, 3 &soma:L e s gi e n f irliE., - 'l4ttalnirgh;' ' rilill9, 186.9.4141-'111149%-- 04 LL EG ?ZEN y INSURANCE CHYPANYHF_PITTSBORQH. ICES. No. 37.VTH STREET,BArrx Brom,. Insures ;Mut aB kinds .of.ll.re sad Ruins Mil __ - JOHN IRWIN. 0... PTollldeit. ' • • • T. J. HOSKINSON A _ _Vlore President. H. , O. DoNNIELL, essorerary. O#PT. Vi7l.,XlMirAienersi Aterkt. John Irwin. Jr., ,a,. 11._ ralknestoet .. T. iy HOllkiniOn. .. W. kr. ittionote,,' gl i gf.lllllll7l 4 , 7 - =H. Daels,, N e 7 Intl Sellers,' .obarles Hart, .• Oast. J. T.-f3t00k411,111. user. Wm. oat. • 'T. H. Nevin.; - • BRIPAST BACON. ,• - masa Si-Tin:lt , " Iti tEIAIVRASTI3ACO* is tide fitorßroil Justspoelyed tY f cbugoootli ,'"lll7_rditnirOclL/1111111$11. - iii t tirwrOt i tt EL XL *MIL !LID MO 211NO.Y.L____MWONERTeirMilei sad w••••uwass. jurry maw aP4llo76Mileompuress eadmi tog • THE-IRON CITY .lIUTUAL LIFE= INSURANCE CO Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal gt., Allegheny City DIRECTORS s Hon. JAMES L. GRAHAM, • Rev. J. B. CLARK. 1)?, - Capt. R. ROBINSON. . Rev. A. H. BELL. D.C., . Her. S. B. IvErBIT W.-A. rtRED. Cashier Allegheny Treat Co. JACOB RUSH, Real Estate As eat, SIMON IstIUM. Mayor of Allegheny. C. W. BENI* s, Hatter. A. S. BELL. Atoorney.at-Law, D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber Merchant, • H. nWOGuR. Insurance Arent. Capt. ROBT. ROBINnOB. President. Rev. J.B. CL A RR, D. D., Vice President, JACOB RUSH, Secretary, • C. W. BENNY. Treasurer. AL W. WHITE, MILDiCAL ADVISES. DABILEL SWOUEB, Gong Agent... Thittis a nome com Danl. conducted on the mutual principie eaeh policy holder receiving an equal Will of ' the profits of the Company, Policies .be . issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis wilt afford sante investment to each policy holder, and thereby retain the money at home to elcanrage home Industry. mh2S:g3lll BEN FRA.NII.I.IIII . . INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANE BUILDINGS. No: Al Obit) St., A/lechery. A HOldar, COXPANY, Managed by Directors wen known to the community, who trust by fair deaLtns to merit's share of your patronage. HENRY IRWIN. ' 01W. D. R1DDLNr..........."-Preshleat Henry_ Irwin t . ID. L. Patterson, Wm, Cooper, Geo. E. Biddle, 1 Jacob Franz, Gottlelb Flax Simon Drum, .j. B. Smith, Jacob Bush, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Wialston, Joseph , i _Jos. Lfintner, H. J. Zlnkana, Jere S often _ap10:085 . . INSURANCE COMPANY, - PTIEL/iN'S BUILDING, No. AA Fifth ,Avenne, Second Floor, , PITTSBURGH, PA. Capital A.ll Paid Up. N. J. Iggley DIRECTORS. . riEt.w.onver,JTAPLlLßatien Dan'l Hartman, A. Chambers, Jake Hill. S. 11 , Clark.n. Jas. H. nailer. Thomas Smith. I Jno.S. Willock, ROBERT H. BIND, President. JNO. F. JEN NINGS, Vice President. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. B. J. °Rec.% Gaul/ Agent. Insures on Liberal Terms - on all Fire and 'Marine .Risks. , ap2:o7 NALTIONALL INSURANCE COMPANY,' Corr Federal St, and Diamond, Allegheny Once, to the SECOND NATIONAL BANG BUILDING. W. jW. MARTIN' President, JOHN sttowN, President, JAMES E. bT.h.VENtioN, Secretary. D LIIECTOMJ3 : John A. Myler, VAS. Lockhart. 'Jos Myers, Jas.L.Graham. !Robert Lea, jC. C. Boyle, Jab. Brown,Jr. 11.4orge (It rst, J Jacob Kopp, 0.13 rAllllamsjJno. Ihompsonj J. McNauicher ape J ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, 1•11. 9 Officio, No. 424. PENN ST., (IN NATIONAL Tiltrai CO. NOiLDING.) DIRECTORS: - RObt. Dickson, ißobt. Liddell, INV. 'J. Friday, G. . 'C. Van Buren, IF. Kited,, S. IS3Tiegim, CZ h. g hr gidl ß il=i • )101±..E.i)ICKSEROIL Itlatiungesident. BORT.J. , Treasurer. felt): ALBIET GRI • Z. cretarv. • pENNSYLVANLk INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH ' OFFICE. No. 1673 i WOOD STBE,E,T, • BANE OP COMMERCE BUILDING. This 1a a Home Company, and insures against 1020 ru• Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C." BOYLIC A Vice President. • ' . RoB&.RT PAT I CS , Treasurer. HUGE /Kerr RENT, Secretary. Leonard tines, oeoriveux•n. O. C. Bo e, Geo. . Evan'. BObert Patrick, J . apPe. • Jacob Painter, • J. C. Pletner, • Josiah Ri Jae. H. Rng..m " AAVllogitl. ' • Henry. IftwouLL, • TRINITY • AGAINST LOSS BY PIRA, FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA offinozokaa a EN 011113127172 132%, near Stu. =MI - - • Charles A. Matc h er.: lltoedeol H. Lentil Tobin Wagner; Davis Brown, Samuel Crank. •7' /sastarr.a. • .., • Jacob E. th Edward Dales cin&yi ' eaorntrales. ,C7H G. BAN Presieent, • E DW.X2.4. l l.N._VlePresideat. W. o..l33,Ealkerizaro tem. GARDNER PM, Mawr, orth west corner and Wood Streets. ripERLAL , . FIRE INSURANCE CO. , - t • , XeIDNIEN3N • ENTABLINEIED 111303:0:iMI - 0 /TAD PAID • UP AND INVESTED PLUMS EICOICEINe gilicipihooßopourbT:ac q ...p., • • • Bull Insurance ,mlnst Fire res and effected on Housesdise and, dings. woods, Warchan steamboats. to. Follelu • isstuld paya Me ble ln sold or currency. AtlL'United States Branch oMce, 40 ,PINE SITRHAT, New York. = z All losses of the united Wtatea Branch will be *dinned In New York,.l , %IL "N"..llXol4.&l7ll3BlLlPT;Ageritto • I • P/TTSB17114113; PA. .% mace. or Foment t o aims: ILL IttelAT/GHLIN ts slued:gent for the Mau l . hotton we Insurance (Rancour. sethviSt - -tesTEH_N - ristritsrocip eintr- PANV OFTITTSBIIRGEI.- • " - =ANDER TOM. President. WM. P. Meitaz T. Secretary. • OAPTGEOROM ollit,Ll3, tieneral Agent. Oince, 9 I Water eta:Dime Apo. ie t, are. hoese. up etairs,Pitte h. . _. , .. Will in:ure againstagainst do of Wire , and Ma. ride Rieke. , A home inetitrition, managed; by Dii. recton whb aredeter well known to the communit, sad who art mined by prom:nese and fiber. allty to maintain the character whickfliey have aseumedc as doring the k prinaettialo , Mose who desire to h i insured. , . , ~• ,_ .• c nrinardniti Alexander Mackin, Jotut Jam es .' IDner.q da ; ... ,)) , Chu: .T. Ciarltev • • ' Wil% , Wintsm B...Evinik Aleminari • ' wirkpahUir, Andrew m it , , David MWer,' = !', - - ' m. D. Bunsen., - ! , - PriA,PAP:PBVaiivqs, com wrim p . ... x. «mania wo4D ik in, 605. 41 . ♦ gale 4 41.takiiiiiIntrid ip ‘ min,e r .Bhits , . -• ~ .:041., MIMS* 4iie.itiOidiiri : zil.114;;;r1 ; '-' • tharaatinileleaPAr4 aillirers: arediti .r.......,..frkiritner. ..7.llWibrt, th 41 " : i l l IX ,eresl iiii. • t.' i , .* '• ' • '... V: sllki ,1 , 1 111511 . rjeLl 4 7 7.. lii 0 riatAio • , , Milmiq Airitair t - • Trox 'WHITE I 41:N) bids. fas salo , l \ *vAmprsjo. lIM 1.04,J,,,, • - - , N„e2,46. - 4 : 74 - • ,; •'4,4%;qaVl6447:4„V•WO.s7.iWilt,ptv.ix, r «?`' INSURANCE. OF ALLEMENt PA. DIRECTORS R. E. GENE ERON, AL AGENT. runuoross. El RAILROADS. CHANGE OFlamums' ALLEGHENY VALLEINELAILROAD, THE ONLY .I)IRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REIONS WITHoU CHANGE OF On Ind air MONDAY, May 3d. 01E9 TWO . THE UGH Pittsburgt DAILY (except Sunday) wall leave Depot. corner of Elev enth and Tike streets, i r Franklin, Oil City, 211f illo and all points in t 1 011 Regions. LEAVE PITTSSITSGM ; &REP? IN P/1 - 113SP8011 Day Ex S:00 a m Tray Ex 5:15 p m Night Ex .... • 7:30 pmlNight Ex ' 6:30 a m Brady's BAC 3:15 p I Bradye RAc 1s 1 :15 a:a Ist SodaW , ha 9:45 a mllltsodaW , ks 7:40 a m SodaW , ka 8:30 p m 12d SodaW•ks 0:11 p m lbt /Raton .. 6:45 am I Ist Hutton.. 9:50a m 2d Oult nt .m so Haim" 71 Am p.m 3d Hulton... t:00 pm,3d 1:05 p m Arnold'a Ac. 5:00 p mlArnold's Ac. 7:40 p m Church train to and from Soda Works leave .Ptttsburgh at 1:10 P. H. Arrive at Pittsburgh, (Sundays:) at 9 11 0 A. It. ' • Express trains stop only at principal points. Accommodation trains stop at all stations _.-.-d. J. T.A.vißishtiz, Gent -7, THOMAS It. SING, AWL IMP% • r A ENNSYL VA.Sigutal NIA CENTRAL RAM IL On and after A ril 25th. IEB9, Tralna will arrive at and de from the Union Depot, corner of If r on and LibeMz.streets, as follows: Mail Train.... 1:25 am 'Day Express.. 2:15 =I Past Line... .1.40 am Sontnern 4:6 0 Ma Wall , s No. 6 510ain Waills : 630 arn BrintottAcoln. 7:50 atn Mall 6:16 ant Wall's No. 2..6:50 am How'dAs o110:20 am Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 VincliPtiExl2:3o Johnstown Ac10:35 am W.alllallo. 2.. 11:51 am .How'd AcNol I:Uipm JotuiatoWn Ae.3105 pin; PittatiVh Ex. 1:30 pm Braddocks Ac. 3:441p Phila. , ,Expreasl:so pm Phila.Rxisress4:2l Wall's No, 3...2:50 pin Wall ' s .No. 3.. st:soDm Braddock Ac.. 5350. pm Wall's 4,. lb:050m Hosed Ac No 2 9:35 pm ° F.ast., 70m 0 pm. Walls No. 4. 7:20 pm How 'A Ae No . 2:11:20 pm Was Pauli'? 10:26 pm Wall'abo.s.. 11:00 cm °These trains make close connection , at. Harris burg for Baltimore.l • '- - ‘-` • - The Church Train leaves Walls Station every Sunday at 9:05 tu r ni ng ,` refitching_j'ittsburgh at 10:05 a. He i leaves - -Pittstrargh 12:50 p. m. and _arrives at ; , . Walls Station at .2:10 p. m. Cincinnati Express legion daily. All Other trains daily except Sunday. For ftirther information apply to BECKWITH, Agent. The rennirylyanla Railroad Company will not as mine any risk tbrßaggage, except for :wearing 12, • parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hun- Ore, Dollars in value. .Baggage exceeding • that amount In value will be at the rink of the owner, unless taken by special contract. • ; . EDWARD WILL IAMS, ap26 General Stmerinteadent, E T VY PENNSYLVANIA- R.A....GROAD.—On and after April 25t14.11360„the , Pa ssenger Trains on the Wehtern , Pennsylvania Ram road will arrive at and depart tram the , Federal Street Depot, Allegheny City. es follows: .I.Arrfne. Depart. SDringd , e No16:40 a " 7:00 a m' Freeport 8:20 a mPreeport No. 1 9:20s m• . gxpress: ..; 10:40 mitßisrpb , g Nol 11:90 a M SharplaTBB No.11:20 pul Express.: .. 2:50 as p , Freeport N0.24:00 p m Springd , e . No 13:30 pm Mail.. „. ... 5:50 p Fr eeport N0.25:20 pat 13prinild'iNo 25:20 m Smingdie No 2 0.30 p M Aboye trains run tatty except•lttundaY. - The Church Train leaves A.Negheny Junction every dtmdayut 7:40 a.•m., reaching Allegheny City City at 9:50 it, m. Returning, leaves Allegheny atl:2o p. m. and arrive at Allegheny June.' tion at 3:40 p. m._ . COMMUTATION TIMMS—For sale pstexageir of -Twenty, between - A ll egheny , City, Chestnut: street, lierals, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna' and ' Sharpsburg . and good only an the trains slopping at Stations specified on tickets. The trains-leaving Allegheny City at; 7:00 a. an. make direct connection at Yreepor. With Wa lkers line of !Rages forßutlet and- hisanaktown.i ' Through tickets mah i ,e purchased at tha_, - 0111cC . No. 1 St. Clair stree t, v near the Suensiorillridge, Pittsbur A h, and at tt e Depot, Allegheny. Ster farther inihrmatlouttoolv to • ; . JAM= Lffilleims, Agent: • 1 • Federal Street veect. The :Western Pennsylvania Railroad wirinot at same any risk for Baggage, except for weanelg ' rin i d e i e eti Tarot l imit t heeiirr ir sP A ) l resilat a y i One ceedlng this amount in value wilibe at tne risk of the owner, unless taken by !Teets! contract. - • EDWARD It. -WILLIAIIIa, ap23 Gene-al tionerintendent„Alicenta. 1 tt P sa. BURGH. FORT WA YNE Es CHICAEHI, P. W. and CLE V ELAND RPITTSBURE3 ft. R. ' From April 26th, 1869, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north aide, Pitts. burgh city thne, as follows: . . • : keave. i Arrive. • Chicago Ex.... 2:0 8a m Chicago Ex.. 166 ain Erie JE Ygn E v.7:28 a m 1 Chicago Ex ..116:03 p m Chicago :. 24 , 16 la a m Wheeling Ex 1048 a la; Mail. 6:56 am , s t i nt. Eall 7:33D m Chlcaci Ex.,,..9:43 am °blea Ex.. .4:03p rs.: CI. &WIL , g Ex 2:08 p . tr. C leveland .E.i 3:53 p m, Chicago Ex.,. 11:23 p m rle •& YrirEss:llBp in 1 W'e 6 Erie :12.1c11:43 pm CLIWII , g. Ex 7.03 p m DepartfroeVAifesherste. Arlit4l fti, AiIIVIA, , Bear. alts Ac. 8: 8a m Leetsdale A.c..6:58 ma Leetsdale " /0:03 a m Bcai'r Falls " 8:28 am . t " " 11:58 a m New Castle "10:23 ma; Rochester " .1:28 pm Enon Lt. 0:13 arir Leetsdale Acc!3:sBpm Leetsdale .." 1:1/6 pm „ 'Exton " .5:33 is m! Bea'r Palls " 2:43 inis- Bes'aralls " .6:2Bpm Leetsdale ." 4:63 pm. Leetsdale "10:43pm . • " " flit 3 cm' Fair Oaks Bun- , Pair Oaks. Sun—. • day Church. 1:13 p m dar‘hurch. 9:58 am ' 1 Aar 2 . 23_p. m. Chicago Expreaa leaves dai l y.: /Eir 12 • 03 p. m.Chicalto 'Express arrives daily. No change of care between Pittsburgh and Chicago. .sleep og•criza, witsout char ge;"ito In dianapolis and - Chicago. J„lnland after S I OI 4:AYV April 28th, 1969, trains will leave and arrlvt. at the Linton/toot, aa follows: • 1 Depart. 9:trs m..11:13 at m;4 Fast. Line 948 a. m. 7:13 p. ra, Express ' : • 2:3314 a1..4:32a.1ate Mixed .Acen 5:33 a. M. 6:5041.. McDonald , . Ace`mNo.lll:43 a. at. 15118 a:te." , SteubenvUle Accommod. 3:59p.m. . 9:334.nt McDonald., Anton. No. it is, la Mtn, a , " try. m . • lattuday Church Train.. 12:08 p. m. 9:55 A. a 2. mar A:33 P. M. tra'n will leavedatly. 1.91:13 P. m. train will arrifedtily.' All other tralmtirtlirtin daltyrtfultuays except. ed.. The 9:43 a. in. grata . 111 Altoa•i9Ptia Agri' nettle= at Newark ' kr' Zanesville. 8. if..SOULL.-Peuttai,PekeVitenti • W. W. thir CAED, t e . Steubenville, hlo. rAIITTSBURGILItasiiimi I cormitus V/ L L LROAD. . • . 01 and atter TUESDAY..: NoYeritee.' 174 4 : lbot. trains will arrive at and depart from, the De -corner of Grant. and Water . etreeta, - a/ : Depart ' ' drtea. ' Nailto,andfroniGnlon - . - . .. , .. , - town - 7:00 A is. '4i:oo l'. - Y: McNeesportAocomdt,kll:oo A.M. 5 11015P.el EX. to and from lintcn. 3:00 r. a; 10f GI A. if. West Newton Accomill 4:30 p. . •ft:35.A.- xr.., Bradddek , e ACCOITIVII. 6:15 P. Y. " 7:50 P. M. Night At. tohlo 7 Pamt..lo:3o2: 4. - : _ 5 14.154.tit -,, Sunday Church Tram to and from West - Newton i low P.14 - 3,ch00 A. r ~ .1 For tickets apply trt ~ . . Lat. lidleidOND„Aient a 3 Vi2_l. B. BTOTIT, Su rinteudent. . • , , torto : 111 DI - OBL It IIIIInL; . t 4 „7 itpurr.. - UNION PACIFIC- . ItAILWA* ' Eastern Otrision. The .' MIOTITEST Ai MOST RZLIART ROUTR front the Zest to ell paint/tin Colormio, Nevada, • Caltiforltitt trtah; Arizona, Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon, _MastsTrains leave State Line aadLeAvenwi aau_y ia ltann_daya excepted,lotithe arrival Of trains lt of r tt a mama'''. tit,, , lott 114 • nod Baatulp, k bar an St. 'Joe Itallsoad troth Ontricy. connect. law at. Lawrence, Topeka *tido W &Megos wit/ staicts tor all points-In Kansas. At end o track west of Ellsworth with the UNITED STATES EXPEZBd- COMPANY'S DAMN' y d rE oi ffsOVES>rosLAlyp MAIL AMD EXPEMME pamegviaty Aitut;.l. ' . i•-' 4ll , AND. (~' AU Pothlk, , Terrli9ries s Badyna BARDETIMPB tur-wamiax ass of COACHES tor Yon UStlon.;Ment'S Fort, , Albtoluerele.. Santa "AO' " ln sone; arki wateMeEteo. • - ; . • ;;:iril lth 1 - •111, ;Sicanf ; orldltiona DY.2ollrarstack w W d,equipment. and , tts 'artongemonui,osl6 th tosponffbletheerllolotTrammtatlOn lane. frotatto-ttettentteriolatut t Ws- now. Oen_ anequallta Ilkantsito . 40T- 4actroOvid4l4oll,Fl4 • tretat to ,tao Vat West,: • Tickets for 'ma is 4 all , the nstnelfist . idletw'rw e Ballot Stottortot Ciusodu rs‘ 10tivietp T /Alo4y LB T 'Di N. O, orio; • 11.411J1D1011110.11401p - ki , eitibiAdititiliftbait. • -,,,' . BE El sidtTPIXAMII