II El I! (90 psintriA Gaittts. May Modes. t7eom the Bo.ton Poet.] MOWING DItEBBEB. ' 'White dresses area becoming more and more fashionable for summer morning topettes, and a new method of trimming thgtai. •kas been introduced this season Which 'deserves passing notice. Upon , White, clear organdie, narrow cross cut folds of fine linen cambric are laid and stitched with the sewing machine through • the centre, a space between each fold There are seven in a series round the bet titn of the skirt, which is gored front and sides,- and five upon the basqueland sleeves. An under-skirt of book muslin is shaped exactly like the organdie kirt to wear with it, and is trimmed with en 1 folds of linen cambric like it. The e Ore 4 costume, including the under-akirt and ; I sack, trimmed with linen bands to m tch, is ~ thir y•iix dollars. The, e ff ect o this •:' tr rtm .ii il;rmat be seen to be eppree ted; t ft 'ke folds of white satin, and has i she ge er Wriehtfig - .perfectly and ~. ironing without impairing Its beauty. 1 Very elegant organdie dresses are pro fttsalyi trimmed with fluted frills, puffins, 1 insertidlis , and tifigingsrof Valenciennes. 1 A MAW Styli ha a lbw; ' square yoke, to 1 wiliCh a small Watteau is . attached at the bakkJibr an. OVer-fskirt and pannier. It is 1 finiafieki with 'frills and puffs to match . the,litni)zosti skirt, and has bows and Strtsiniera of narrow pink ribbons in the 1 centre , of the wide box-pleating at the Iback:- Another style, has an upper skirt very bouffant,' and a short sack or bisque ~ i open upon , the back, out in points'edged , With wide' valenclennes and united by 1 1 boWit, 'and ends of pink ribbon. A. i I bright ChlnS pink and China blue are -- just now Ivry y faahionable colors, particu -1 .. laxl _in, conjunctiosi . with • a soft pearl 1 grey or dove color. Last season one of 1 the ladies' famishing houses here made a feature of ladies'. gored wrappers,- well ! cut and neatly made, for four dollars and a halfeich. This season they sell them for four 'dollars, and are disposing of im -1 meitlitt quantities. They, are finished with a little chintz bordering stitched on, and 1 supplied with belt and pockets. Some fashionable dressmakers charge seven • dollars for making a good wrapper with 1 no More work than this, so that a price 1 which really little more than pays for i labor:end material is considered wonder ! billy, chqp. ' The demand for these wraPPers Moira what might be expected if ladles' ready;made . garments could be uniformly obtained at reasonable prices.- 1 At,the establishment where these are for sale, there are fine cambric and excellent cotton under skirts, Wicked and trilled, from .1,75 to $4 each and a great variety , . of Holland and white linen dresses for i • children from $1,50 to $5 each, very pret i tidy made and trimmed. These are a real boon 'to mothers. Linen cambrics are ,• among the coolest and prettiest morning -divines.• The trimming this season for . - white liners consists of narrow fluted A ruffles of the same material, and bands of r plain cambric in the color of the sprig, for those printed in colors. Narrow ruf- i flea of the same gathered and edged with f •, 4 ,•cluny.lace are also very pretty. THE BASQUINE MEW. i I This is the newest silk cloak of the atiason if it can be called a cloak, as in tendedto win regard and admiration by the,multiform uses to which it can be mit. , (llbaks are so little required now, that a great deal of ingenuity is exercised in adapting them to additional purposes, - .and the baaguinefichu is undoubtedly the Most successful: one which has-been at i tempted. • It consists of an over-affirt, I confined by a belt and pelerine cape; no i sleeves. Tlie over-skirt is rather short, DOI upon the back,' - and caught up with large rosettes and ends upon the sides; tiemetitnee upon the !seek, also, entirely to the waist. ' Both skirt and cape are edged 1 ith lace or rich fringe. The bssquine 1, hu can be worn to complete a i suit, or th a colored dress, or the overskir t can Worn with a white dress, and the cape 0 1 ein - outdoor finish to muslin and gram ) dne dresses in summer! Who would not f l 2 410 useful a garment? •• • , THE "WATTEAU" lanother quite new and very stlish b i ack Silk cloak, which can also be worn as an overdress, The upper part of the body is plain, and trimmed with rich lace; to form a Pompadour two breadths are pleated into the back, and the skirt is caught up newly to the waist, dividing it. into . two long puffs; which are pleated into the plain basquine fronts. This cloak is elegantly trimmed with lace and puffing of silk. It forms a very hand some overdress to white muslin or an upper dress to suit. A great variety of y little black silk mantillas have made their aPpearance, some Arming scarfs, Some little pelexine capes with lappets; belted on and ornamented with sash, bows and ends., Some are trimmed with fringe and some with lace, but the most of them with tinted ruffles or pleatings of the same. This method of trimming silks and other goods with•the same material is very ' much liked; it preserves harmony in the •costume, is less expensive, and wears uniformly with the body of the garment. Muslin - 'and other scarfs will have a • greater vogue this season, en suite with the dress, and are very pretty and grace '• 'ful, especially with white striped organ " dies. Striped grenadines also make pretty scarfs to wear with plain gray or fawn colored tissues. COSTUMES IN ntacx 011r5.3RINE Theme* costumes in black grenadine .consists of a trained dress trimmed with s flounce bound' with green, or corn •colored silk or satin; an over-skirt very bouffant also ruffled to match; a sash which is a wilderness of' Antoinetteloops, square bows and -ends, and Ma "a . cape, which ..se i ) can be worn, or n o t, at pleasure. There is no lining in these dresses, but are worn over a low-neck black silk 'slip, and -are ornamented with ruffles and. pipings of silk or satin Upon the wil s t. A , huu. .dred dollars is the price ready.made, not includingthe blac k si:k slip. Short walk. ing dresses of bl ac k grenadine are a nov-r elty;libey are al ways trimmed with ruffles .of the same. China Crept, trimmed with satin, is one of the most elegant materiali we have this season for walking suits and costumes. It is not common at all,ind can - only be obtained at private French .importing houses, such as .Xma.-;Nritalie Tilnans, who makes a point of/bringing out a few rare fabrics, Toussors and Jap. anese silks. satin cloths, .white fouhird , Grepe:de Chine and gaemietlaixobtry, in choice Shades and qiialities. These swede forra a Complete' contrast to the mass of common fahrial with which the market la deluged. . ; LE2iOTII /OF SILMTB. , What are palled/demitralaa have sea —~ ~ ~,a. L T i~~ v~y';~ needed to theenbtmcraily kingekiitArtrif last winter v and *re mind' betteibuited to thin, materials ttliotmdi► skirliare•also fashionable, that is to say, skirts that just clear the ground and are the same length all the way round. These with. the skirts ota nieiderate Walking length make a.suf. O&M :variety and ought 'to suit every taste: 'The , question, Is often asked whether short skirts , are gored plain all round. They are not. They are, gored in frontand at the aides, but gathered full in the back the same as long skirts. The new hooped skirts are very nice and very 'much liked, they are only from seventy to eighty inches round the bottom, and prevent the clothes from clinging, with out expanding them to an ingracenal size. They are most sensible and economical and fully meet all requirements. NECK-TIES There are four new neck-ties, 'one, the "Soros's," made of satin edged with lace; another, the "Panier," forming a sort of semi-circular puff, edged with fringe; a third; the "Sailor's Cravat," a silk neck tie knotted loosely ; and a fourth, the "Irma;" which is a square bow of striped ribbon, with fringed ends. NEW LINEN COLLARS AND CUFWIL New linen sets have small round col lars edged with a narrow fluted ruffle the cuffs are. quite narrow -at the w rist sad finished with ruffles to match; they are seventy-five 'cents the set. Striped collars and cuffs are, still in vogue, and will he . used for travelling and country morning wear. 1302iNIL'f8 Among later styles in bonnets is otte of China blue crape arranged in a very high puff, and trimmed with a small. blue feather, a pink rose and white aigrette, tipped with black.. Lappets Of crape edged with:blonde and united together with a rose and feather tip formed the bridles. Another very pretty bonnet was composed of flutings of white chip edged wi narrow real black lace. It was tri ed with. field flowers and with a bow of black lace which fell over the chignon. Laprets of black lace fastened with a bunch of field:, flowers formed the necklace- The "Versailles" is the latest in iound hats; it has a high crown, is trimmed with a rich plume of feathers forming an aigrette acrd is worn very forward upon the head, and is considered very distinotte. The "Shepherdess" hats with wide indented brims will be the style for .borne and country wear. Drawn hats and bonnets of book muslin are • made for travelling, -for, children and also. for adafts;" they cost fiora three to five dollars. THE 6.'COQUETTL'' This is a new fan parasol which has bet% for some tithe before the public; but only this season obtained a vogue. It is now for theflrst time made in a great va riety of styles and at comparatively rea sonable prices, and may therefore win ita way to popular favor. The Coquette is very pretty and very appropriately nam ed; every motion is piquant, and an in vitation to a flirtation. It is the -most Convenient of parasols, Ind by touching a slide becomes the most graceful of fans. It can be used also as a screen, and will be found especially useful for a plc-nic, a matinee or a drawing-room tete a tete. The popular styles are composed of flut ed silk in every variety of color, trimmed with black lace, and edged with rich knotted fringe the shade of the silk, and have handsome carved handles. The price is'from seven to ten dollars, except when real lace is used, and then of course they cost more. .TErtNrs. RINE. The Fatloaid Sunday School Convention The first National ,Oonvention of the friends of Sunday echoole In the United States was held in New York City, i n '1832, and the second in Philadelphia, in 1839. The third National Sunday School Convention was held a few days ego in the city of Newark, N. J. On the third day rtsolutions were adopted, embodying the views of the Convention. The Sun day school is approved, not onlyas a me dium of instruction, but as a valuable auxiliary to the household study of God's Word, and assupplementary of home in struction, and the conviction is expressed that these different departments; of Bible instruction are and ought to be entirely harmonious and mutually helpful. The Convention also expressed its ap probation of Mission Sunday schools;. of State, county, town and district Sunday school Conventions, and of normal col leges for the training of Sunday school teachers. The Convention also earnestly recommended that children should al ways be warned against the evils of in temperance, and bluetit the practice of total abstinence. Ttie:Eurolinient Com mittee reported that M 5 delegates had registered their names, representing 29 States, as well as England, Canada, Egypt,and Africa. The Convention, on April 30t.b, adjourned to meet in Indian apolis iii-1812. Tam Russimv VAPolt BATU which bas been claimed to be an, infallible cure for hydrophobia, has recently been tried In Chicago and found to be ineffectual. The patient was handcuffed and placed in an, air-tight closet and the steam introduced from beneath. The heat was gradually incrcased, - and in five minutes the,tem perature of 125 degrees' Farenhejt was reached. At this point'the patient' fell on the floor , and his struggles cetuad. The heat was further increased to 1 7 25 degiees and then shutoff. The inanimate patient wax next removed to an adjeining.rootn, cold water was thrown on/nis face, and although showing symptoms of revival, in about -ten minutes ,he expired. It is stated that, before death, signs of hydro phobia again becaine manifest, and, therefore, it may reasonably be concluded that this terrible disease cannot always be cured by•the Rultsian Vapor Bath. / • A COMEI,PONDENT of the l New Bed. ford Mereury,writea from Sitka concern. inohe manners: of the inhabitants, that the children amuse themselves by'sjitling with hire feet on the Ice, clad in at frag ment/ of blanketi the' ,elders keit, dogs and'beat their wives- the women paint their faces to save' the trouble of - Wash - . lily; and when O ho dies they build a• cob. house of 'Sucks, Julia large enough to , boa a boily t put it:inside and. set fire to it,. and - burn it up, all hands sitting around In a circle, the women howling and the men heating time with bigleticks.''' AT LA. C11,0891i, WifiloollBlll, flio other day, Ed. 'Patton, a- telegraph operator, jumped. twelve feet "six Inches at. one standing jump, and Mr. Burke, of the ex inches press, ollice, „jumped ,twelve _feet .tive 'Ws Is the-hest Jumping ever done the 4 re, 'excipt Oscar Wissinger's jump of 1859, when he repeatedly jumped thtrt e t i n feet, and once on a wager thirteen:; feet and. one lach. g ;• • • t • sk.. P A. . s .r ;;. LIFE INSURANCE CONEY, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AXERICA Chartered by Special Art of Cmagre Approved July A 5, 1868. Ikish Capita $1,000,000. I PAID I* PULL. BRAD C 8 OFFICEIt FIRST NATIONAL BAWB BUILDING, Where the general business of the Company it tranateted. and to which ail general corral. pondente should be addressed. orinciens. CLARENCE H. CLARK. President. JAY COOKE. Chairman Fir.ance and Executive Committee. . • HENRY D. 1100KE , Vice President. EMERSON W. PZET, , iiecretary and Actuary. 'lbis Company : offers the following ad taxes: It Is a Nntilioal uompany. el 'Meted o special act of CongreFs, 1888: • It plog a paid-up capital of 81.1100,07. effert low rates of premium. It furnishes Auer Insuranco than o er com panies for the same money. It is definite and certain in Its terms. r j , Its policies are.exerept from attacturie t. There are uo Unnecessary restrictions in the policies. Every policy tif non.forf. liable. Policies my be taken which pay to the insured their full amount, and retern all the premiums. BO • that the insurance colts oily the Interest on the annnsl payments. Policies may be taken that will pay te the - mired, after a certain number of years during ilie..an annual . Inctone of ene-tentn tba l autuunt nami.d in thepolicy. No extra rate is charged for risks upon die lives of f males. • era Inaurcs, not to nal dividends lo policy-11°14- nm bn so low a coot that drrldenos wlil ha Int - rhwalute. - • Ch mites, Pamphlets, and fall particulars given on application to the 13ranchodiee of the Com. Past', or to a. W. CLARK & CO., Philadelphia. tieneral Agents for. Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. M ary) COOKE & CO. Waihington. D. C. For and. Delaware, Virginia, Dtstrict of Columbia and West Virginia. - 1114 B. Mc VAT *lt CO.. Agents for Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Mercer and Washington cohnties. Sir LOUAL AUENTSARE WANTED in every City and Town; and applications-from compe tent parties for such agencies with ' , nimble en dorsement, should be addressed Te* THE com• PANT'S UE'FRAL AGENTS ONLY. In their respective districts. b28:11W&P THE CO-OPERATIVE LIFE INSUBINCE COMPINY Of Western Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOOK $200,000. OFFICE: No. 111 Smithfield St.. Pittsburgh, and 1,111 Carson St., Birmingham. r 'RECTORS: • • Gen. V. R. COLLIER. • JonD. PETHLY, Hon.EDWIH H STOWS. W I • ATHIC/4 o'l. E.... A. LEN. .IOR. WALTRX. H. W. ("LlTicit, WR• RAKF:WR/..L. ALVICANDKR TINDLE, WIIARTON. ' • - A. H. et/NZ/Mu/4 Y. HELSEL. B. n QUCII. Gr. - 4.4 J. %. inf/rr. • lIOARSTatt, • 1) C. RIPLRY. W. 0. A.COFFINBAUGH, !'resident- A. Vice Presio,nt. Z. 43. KRrHAN , rectetlitY• e. PATTAItiON Actuary. JOHN C. BRICuli. • ftaeueer. Bon J.M. Kirkpatrick, Hon. E. Stowe, • Hon. Agnew puff, IJames Herr, John • •• W. Harwell, Gov. W.,E. cterr.nson. ~t Weal. Virginia: This HOME INS riTUTION la now rully organ lied. and chains that It. In-calla^ en/operative ♦stem onab us It to tato' ,o patrOna oreat,r Economy. Simplicity. Eq anti. Cowls nience and ph:flinty., than can In had wit. aim,' sonority n any otner. and any ask an Intoiliaent com parison with the most p pular Vompant. a fining ninvoess wn the ornunitrN nlan. / anI4:I4WF ow9IIIPILINS 9 C"3 1 11' SALE.— K 111 ba offered at.at. rubne bale at the Court .% in the Itvor P ttshargtt oa Tn. SDaY. the D. Lit. day of SI 4 Y,‘ A. D. 18119:at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, the heal gauge of J3111(.3 BLACK, decessed,u,z: All that eur am lot or pttee of ground ettuattiln con In 4 town,itip.(now . t. hteenth.w.mil: hurell,)houn.ien by boidil 'barenel oemPl": 11. WIIII4IIIB. MO by a township tow% and contenting hizteen acres and one hundred an 4 eve perehmand haV log t hereon,e , eeted ♦ large denote Ezame Dwel ling Dowse/Conner Donee. a Il.e flare. Stewing and mut rAnn Itit a pool Drehurd of t reit treys or all kinds, &impels, and a Coal Bank (petted !he promise, 'i bele are sep• posed i io be BIT or tight 110..8 of coal in Sabl lat. fermi' or estle—Une•tuted In 11.111 t. thtee-e:ev• knais luoe.uyearfrom the cowl welkin of the .eile, wl,h Interest trom the ihtte of confirma tion, and the balance thirteen thlrtv•thirtle of t.tit purchase money t remain aeh :rite upon the /hin i allot - hit *teeth of Mts. Eliza June Mach. arid •vs of Jam•oi Mack, dt ctaxd, and the inter. 04 thereof h ey e p.tt4 to her KW` ually bergdng her lire, and at tteath the pri nein +I to aud tO those legally entitled forgo. eat, et • A. 111 I.ANDB. Trustee. BAN UEL PALMXII, Attorney. • suattis•sr Au NOTICE -10 Walker Herriotl, or in ease he be dead, to hte per. °nal rep 'rear:mutter a: -P notice that I , n May 1. 1e69. SAMUEL It , PPE it Mod ins ue• Woo e ii.o t of Com mon Picas , euuntr .* A notch, op, Pa.. set ting 'lran teat 1111 April 714. 1838. he gave io ti.: mild IV ALKEIt_ 111: kairri-a mortgage to enure abalnnc.. ui ou' elia,t , mode,' oil a tract or land -tit tluut4 . rItVI WS /4,0 , 11.1111 N I 1 scribed lit the pert i tr wen mortgage Is id rotaird in the 111 t. corder' , °Mee or Allogit--ny county. In Vol. 'vs& 210; and that the - whole *monist - or said mor gave. principal ancLint • rest has hr en fully pAid. You are roquired to appearin sold Court on the 14 Mond.l) , Or,Jono next. to aumwer the raid petition. otherwise a &ere(' wi t be made ec cordwg to law, for }he ml 01 said most SAMUELII.I.;LULAY. 3 4;1 VOT/CEa. Opening of Diamond Street, Pittsburgh. MI persons Interested are hereby notified that tho repurtiof Viewers in the matter or opening •and .widening oltl faOND liTtteLT,.-from the Diamond•to !Ferry street, has been approved and continued. Ail persons against • within. assess ments or benefits were made, ate-required topes , the same to nie within thin y days, otherw.se they will be entered as liens against the proper ty. • All property on the Diamond and Diamond street, west of the Market /loose, and on Liberty street. fro n Sixth, street to /fourth avenue, has been assessed. J. P BLAOLIC, City A tt omen ap10;1127 No. 100 Firth Avenue, 681. JUNE TERM, IS69u • feelifie matter of the application of. fut o nti mai Building and I,oan Asboe Alkyl:Kay City. for cter of Ineorporatton. And now. to wit, 'APltll,ll4th, tf•11(II, lO the Court, of Common V 1.15, of A I irgben y eon MIN It h order, l that notice of the 111b(rie application be intert,4l In the Pittsburgh 0 AZETTIL for at knot , titree Weeks, aml that the mac. well be grouted,ot. IltAt term of said Rourt,luniess ex ceptions he Med In profits' time. it. s, MORRISON, 'aot:emiy Solicitor for Petitioners, 1111QUTTER.-10 Boxes Fresh 4) Dairy Roll Butter lust reserved try express. 1. B. 01../4,1XL1), L4l plrst sveuue. ~~ ia:i„ili4 NATIONAL ruira,DELpuLt, LEGAL. ::~ h k 01.4 • " ,k • _ . ' lux Led* CITY ITATIONAL BANN or • • • klrreurtsfau, May 1, 1869. igyTHE BOARD 01P DIREC a diyhieZa s of thialiank-mivenns "T'deelare,d SIX PEE CENT.. on the Canftal Stock. out of toe profit's of the last six months, nayable lo etoeknolders 'or their le gal' representatives.. free of 'United ?States tsa on and after the 11th innaut. zn = y3i153 d T - J. MAGOFFIN. orrzcz OF CITY I , IttllNltEn'aND t4tsitYHYOnt 1 PlTT'Eurtnit. April 00, 1809. r arNOTICE,The assessment for graslliw Fa`tvle,w alltv • min Paslett street to Libel ty strttt Is now es acfy ferexatni u teat. and tan be seen at t sls °filen until Slav 1 1th, 18119. when it will be returned to ts.e CltiTreas uer's Ontee tor colltztion. ap30:137 FITTBHCIIGH,FT.WAT E & CHICAGO R.R. Co., rirr t B ) FLl l CL i o . F .p r A l . i . a m br rai xtT A A 4 7 o69. 6 ThIE .BOARD OF DIRECT: M 7. TORS OF THIS COMPANY have eared the regular Qu tr,erly Dividend (No. 21,) or two and one-hsif percent.. tree of Goveral meat tax, on the cApital stork, for the Quarter, ending March 31st, piseable on sad alter MON-' DAY. April 27. proximo. ut the moos or Wins. low; Lanier & Co., No. APT Pine street. to these; registered at New Yerk, and at the office or the: Treasurer, to those registered at Pittsburgh. The Transfvr tiooks close on Monday. April DO: at m., and re-open Tuesday, April 27, *llO A. H. I M. HUTCHINSON $4,18:b8,1 , becret &Ty. PUBLIC NOTICE. Fivana Mar c h 188 8 of Assembly, approved the 20th of, entitled "'enact relat ing to interment* in Trinitttlturch-yaid, Pitts burgh," Public Notice 15 berebY given of the le ,t. nt.lonut tee mii:ister. wardens vestiy. of Trinity' (Episcopal; Chureh'. after the 10th of MAY, proximo, to use a 'part of the irrave ground belonging to or connected with said church, as sites for new erections of Church a! d Chapel and -for Irvine'. and that Messrs. JOHN H. sHOENBEI, OEI4 JAMES 11. COtiPSIt, CALVIN ADAMS and JoalAH°fir 'Vestry,' have been pindnt.d CommitteOto - l er and arrange wit b tlie friends and relativ of all persons buried in the ground required for purposes their retention e act of Assembly afore said for under the 'new buildings or r emoval toolbar parts of the lot or to ono of the rural cemet.rles. One or more of tbe. Com mittee ma, be found at the vestry room of the church at 8 to 8 o'clock P. ii., on every - WED- NedDAY and SATURDAY until the 15th of MAY; at wirch time and place parties interested will please roll. By order of the Vestry. apllnh3o JOSIAH KING, Junior Warden. , Mr PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL= ROAD CO. • TREASURERt'DEPARTMENT. • PLIILADELPfIt.. el,. April NI, 1869. TO TRIO eToCKHOLDEKS OP THIE PENN. SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. en litockholeers, as reelstered on the Bobka of this company. on the: 36th day_ot April. 1869. will be entitled to,subscrime for TWENTY-PIV E PLR CENT: of their respective ln.erests In New Stock, at, par, as lodowe; First, Fifty per', cent. at the time of stibscrlp *lon 'between the a Oth 'day of May, 1869, and, theith day or June. 1869. • nl. Fifty •per cent. between the 16th d.y of November, 1869. aim the 31st day of Decem ber. 1869; or. if Stockholders 'should prefer, the whole amount may; b , paid up at the Cote of sub scription. and each Instalment so paid up vhal; be entitled to a pro rata of i.e Div dead that may be deelaren os tulli shares. Third. 'That every St clhalder. bolding less thstn lour ..ehares, shall be entitled to subscribe for one share; and thove holding more than a znahlple of four sharra shall he entitled to sub senile foram audi,lour I share. Ahura pa i dares upon wnieh Instalments are yet , o beunder Resniation of May 13, 1868, - will my en titled to their allotment of the Twenty-dive per cent. at par, as though they were paid In full. sada We THUS IS T. FIRTR. Trea.urer. tgrNWrICE I .IS HEE EBY GEVEN, to all OWBER.S OF DRAYS, CABTB, CARRIAGES, B 13BOJES, &a.,, (whether reaident or nonrtatdent,)hi\ tie City of Pittsburgh; to pay their Licendca at this office Yournwi z ym, In acuardance with )an l Act isaemb'y apProved March 30; 1660: and an ordinance of ttie COWI- Cil9 of the uty of DASllece.APrii 16, 1660. All Licenses not pe MAY 15, 1869, will be placed t pollee of ficer for colietiion, si lion fee of 50 cents, and all psi or refuse to take out Licenses a penalty double the amount of recovered be fc re the Mayor. 'the old metal plat lost be re turned at the time Lice _ cat, or 23 cents additional charged on each License. RATES OE LICENSE: Each one horse,v / ehicle $ 19 00 7.50 Each two' horse vesicle Eitel. four horse vehicle 15.00 .Each two hotse hack 15.00 Omnibus and Timbei Wheels drawn by two horses, $11.11:00 each. One &Alai , extra will be charged foe each additional horse used In any of the above vehilea. A. J. COictiLftAN, felinell3:MWE Cltv. rer. SPEOIA-L EPI EPSY. CAN BE CU ' • needy s oli cited so - send f o e ndC i & c il ua e L a t eeor f References and Ttst.imoulais, which will con vince the most skeptical of the curability of Ms dfsecute. address VA.. BUREN IMCKILOW. M. pi.. ail Gregt Jones atrce; , New York. R IA GE AND VELMA. —Ask Essay for young men on the crime of dolitude, And the DlbEAdetS and ABUBsI3 , Which create impedimenta to MARRIAGE, with 'Lure means of relief. dent Iln eealed letter ec. veloiwi. frerfol charge. Add eta, Dr. J. KEIL. HOUGH lON, Howai d Associatlern. .Pitil delphis. Pa. ;LOW F BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair 11ve Is hie ocat In the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; uo ri diculous tints; remedies the ill effects bad dyes; Invigorates and !eaves the Hair soft and beautittl.tstael &Drown. Hold by all Druggists and Perk:men; and properly applied at 'Hatches loris Wig factory, No. 10 Kond tame:, New York. • rIIOCTOR. WRITTI EU CON= TU.:UV+ TO TIM.AT ALL: PRIVATE Diseases. , yohills In an Its forms, tlonortheess, tileet„ etricture, kc., completely eradicated. That numerous class of cases reaulfing from self. abuse, produelne unmanliness, nervous debilliy. Irritability, emotions seminal emissions, and finally Impotency, permanently cured. Persona afflicted svl h ••elfcste. intric.te ;and long stand ing constitutional complaints are pnlitely Invited to call for consultation. whleh costs nothing. '4xnerlsni.e, the best of teachers, has enabled him to perfect remedks at once efflesent, sato, permanent. and which to tnost eases c in pe used without hinsirance to business. iMcilledites pre-' pare reception tabilahm.int, .which embraces of fice, and waiting roomat,atso, :warding da no aim ping apartments for patient+ requiring aily personal attention, and vapor and chend cal math.. thus concentimtlng the famed mineral sprit•gs. No matter who have failed, state your case. Head what. be • ay- in Its pamphlet. of liitty sages, sent to an , address for two stamtis In seal ed envelope. Thousands of casts treated anntt• any, at alike and .11 user the country Consul tation tree, personally or •by mall. j Ofilce No. 9 Wylie street, (near Court House)) Pittsburgh, Pa. Hours U A. a. to $ P. 12. Sundays 111 it. to a r, u.PampPlet sent to any address for two atamps. „ ; apt CONFECTIONERS, P SCIRILDECKER ai;SONS '•'• ; • - Have returned to their well knownlocation, NO. 22 DIAMOND .TREET, Where they are prepared to ftirslsh Iresh.every day a Onejarge asso, ta.ent Of CAKES AND BREAD , • Of every ces':rlptlon.' Sept constantly on hand the very beet Oonfectlo , enes In the °HY • • N. B.—Orders for puttee, act . I'M be suppl t ed at the shortest, notice and deUve, ed to ' I the twoolOes. • • • Ladies' and Gcntlemen's Lunth 'Saloon. , , JOWL ICE CREAK SALOON now open sod will o.tleue so during the season. • Lp17:112 • 11. TO luNosozir, & At CY CARE iAKERY. CONFECTIONARY 101!" CREAM and DINING SALOON, 143 Smithfield street, corner of Dlfunnnd Pittsburgh. - • - • - Air Parties and fanailles supplied wlth Ice Cream and Cakes on short notice: • " JOSEPH TORRENS, auxurp:rruurt or • WINDOW GLASS. Warahouse—No. al WOOD STREET. ' '3O6IOiIi ritt3blnigh z , sr Norma's— .ro La, ....Per Hats, W as tipos " "Boartfinve. ae•+ 40 tAriglitifser0 ow minis ,ve 4 lota be La *wad In then lawns/ Wei /Or I , w- 7112 " rf anzirs : each.a4ditionai FIVE •"1012.8. • ANTED—Cook and Chain- V' Der maid. , Nonetrui, can g. re good refer ence nerd apniy. Good wages given.. Enquire at A MeTiCll.ll House, 41U Beaver avenue,- Alle gheny City. , • • WANTED--lIELP.-•-AT En. PLOTIIENT OFFICE. No.l St. Clan Street, BOYr ti/ELP and MEN. for tittlerent kinds of employment. Persons wanting belt of all kinds can be rupplied on short notice. H. J. MOORF, City Engineer. WANTE -1130AIRDERS.-- A pleasant wifesute rooms or sin gentlemen,, gentleman and w.th or whbout board n a plante faintly, at 44 Rebecca rtreat liegheny City. Reference required& - . ANTED. Two. or four W young 'tun to oc lacy a furntahrd front room. third Boor. without board, within ten nilo wee , walk of the Poatottlce. enq uire at 116 Wylie street. . . . WANTED --AGENTS. W _ _ ANTED_ AGENTS -_NEW 1100)10 —2INI, ENGRAVING/I.—The Far. mere and Mechanics Manuel. A book of wt. value to every one. Send for lift page circulart Also. LIPR AND RPINTI.II4 OF T. PAUL, ($3.00.) with Introduction by Rev. Bishop Limp. ton. The only complete unabridged .dithat. A. L. TALCOTT & CO., 9fttf, Fourth amine. ' tree-T t :bbrgh, Fe. thiee-story bilck •dweld ltinse. Just arnpl+ted. situated tin t e• corner or Fremont street and Oho avenue; Allegheny: City, with Al fine store- room on the ground; how, which will bet eaten separately trued the' remaining part of the house, Irilestieut also the acpoinible byline on Fretnont street, three stories, .atid . newly built. For tetine, go., en/ quire of .Julifillt.A.MßEY, 9L Beaver strott, Al leghenY. ..13/3r3:132 • BOOM in GAZETTE UILDING. /Apply st °tinting Boom, 84 and 80 Fifth avenue. rro-wp r —Tbe desirable : . • , DWELLING .IZO - es..?, N 0.1395 Penn street. furiitshel throughout, con tithing 10 kioms, bath' room, die.; good arable, carriage house, and Mks ysd4 room; posses- Won' Wet! / , IVOR SALE.- 7 The undersigned arch, fOr piecesn Tuesday, I.lth, at 10 c °ch. either in or altogether,'lllS. entire stock of the LIVn.Y.STABLE;on (Janson street,- Blrznlngham. rartles wishing to go Into the livery bustoess, / can either buy or lease the real (Italy Delousing to it. Enquire on th e prelates, ;Careen street, Eirnilngitani, ..between Seventh and Eighth streets, or on the corner of Carson . street,. / in3:lo JACOB VOELIEE. . . . Large stnd Com . fortstde Double Ottlealat24l2 thertystreet. uqulre at,No. 12 Smithfield street; up stairs. (OR BALE.—The remains of AL: tie Rory ltnr the late ll•e at-Clara Olt Wegle; weaning of Boller& thllle,pumpton. /denalng Tank. &e., toatther' with the .ground Upon, which' they are !mat d. • Leeatlon near bharpeburgh bridge, between A. V. R. B. .end Allegheny river. Apply to If.I3hTY.„JAINIMAN & Co., at works. • SALETYPE.--About4oo poupds MINION TYPE.Pearly as good u pew. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. FOR R SALE. -NEW FRAME COTTAGE of 5 rooms. ball and. cellar. in 79th Ward, (late East Ltoerty.) Lot 60 by 167 feet: broad board walk from Railroad stadon. Price low and terms easy. Entinlre at ?RIB or. FICE. RARE BUSINESS CHANCE— Stock. Least and Fixtures cif an old estate. ieued DRY GOODS HOUSE on Federal street, Allegneur, (wear Market House.) Lease nearly dye years to run. Arply at FRDERAp BYRE e.T. Allegheny. apM:bl! • FOR' BATE OH "RENT.—CoUn• FOB try residence. 11,4 miles from the Court ousel LARUE YRASIE nousic, containing s rooms. portico to front; good gardebing iota, 50 by 300 feet; level and well located. Inqu're of WILLIAM S. BuYrt & CO.. 74 Smithfield street. Pittaborgh. F OR BALE.—Rare chance for the profitable investm businessll.ooo Irian establl hed manufacturingln utdo, now paying largely. It ()cared by the Party invOst- . mg, netau have the managing of the works at a tali - salary. Satisfaction, as to Its paling, fully shown. For particulars apply to or address, CHOP f & PHILLIPS, heat Siam Agents, No. 130 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE.,=-Salt Works and 50 Acr s of Landon Western Penna.R. SO Miles east of Pittsburgh. Works are along side of railroad. and are now in successful opera ton. Will be sold at a borgain, as the owner is too od to attend to 1., Land is underlaid with coal and drb clay. V rota personal examination we must say this property ts decided' , el ap. ivtiOrT & ,steal Eitate Agents,' No. 139 Four h avenue. . ap`M FOR SALE.—Suburbau Resi. denceor Business Stand; and One Acre of FOR situate In the borough of Braddocks, within two minutes' walk of a station on tither ra , lroatt The house is a near trstne of seven rooms, large hall and cellar; lot contains all ne cessary outbuildings, and au abundance of-a 9 kinds of fruit, god Boring water in k• [chew, ten feet.from the house Is a store-room la by 30,w.th a ware-room attached; store-room now rented antrtiolug a good business: ¶he Lmation of the prop -rty Is all that could he desired either for a country retild. nee or business stands or both. At ply to CROCI' & PHILLIPS, ictal Estate Agents, No. 130 Fourth avenue. atiM VOA SALE. A CU RAP FARR in Jefferson calmly, of 100 acres, 10 of ',which are cleared sod 30 in flee Umber, all underlaid with as Steer, vein otcoal; large orchard of choice [hilt; will sell fur $4O per acre on east tendi. t 3 ACHES of lever gt °rind near qack'a Bun-- tiall adapt zal for a *Tula fruit farm and aarden , lag. :34 ACRES of ground In Freedom; rplendld Io• cation for grapes, or to lay out In building lots. BUILD/No LOT 4 on I.4ndham street. • ;10 Vii.OA*l• LOTS on Locust street. !For rilculars:enTalta at 87 Grant rtreet. 'nsyl TUSTIN' & Kl.r E. - • F OR SALE. Near Osborn Station, on hie Pittsburgh, F. Wayne and Chicago Railroad; TWO VOWS, • ' 'Containing About !Two Acres Each< ENQUIRE , OX W. MACKEOWN BRO. 195 Liberty ; Street s inias AGREAT CHANCE FOR A MAN WITH A MALL. VAPITAL. FOR' isiAx.v. AA-FARM OP 120" ACRES , _ . With a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, BARN, 011 T ttOUS and abundant., di. choicest trUlts. Ito acr e s cirarcd, through alpable llmh ri little •rUnn.eir ths premises. having dark xlcti hisnd being under elan state or Crd tlvattOn. Tfirm Is situated In - Putnam coun ty.'Ohlo, on. Toledo & Inqtou 41.11.. 8 nines trom br awe , Th• price -Is • only $5O, per acre_, $1,51/01n cosh, and the bliance tore p*ld In ti annum , Installment', 0;0800 each: For further put'. • TUSTIN & RIME, apso:l3s - Grant *treat. gAR DENERIL TARCNOTIeg; RALE, N.-The FOURTEE MILE 1 AND,'.. Ott' the Allegheny Raver, and now used tbr gardentng purposes; well . improved and -in alhigh• slate of cultivation„contaluing 40 or SS Scroll; now "°gored at a bargain.. Call soon. lso,othe Fermi in good locattona. Woolen Pactory. tw o .I . 4ouses, and twenty acres of land on the Central. Railroad. Rouses and Lots For . ; Sele,and To-let In both. Cities. War (Sillier par; ticuian ituntirr of WILLIAM WARD, PL. .11111 Snot street. onnoslte Cathedral'. TWO:f THOUSAND DOLLARS' - , eaSy t pajrdents, wilt purchase a TWY Brolly , nearly new, well built and jo good order, five rooms an d cellar. LOT . 1 r 0 h OUND, fifteen feet Renton Fiftli 'Menne y9' ono hundred dent so Forint street, situate M mile beyond Soho bridg e. e. cDTRB&RT & SOMd.. • apl7 • SU '_l3lnth Alrenne. WANTED---HELP. WANTS. TO LET. FOR .14LE _ l 77:lBriaatTS. NEW OPERA HOUSE. .ainager Thelitarager takes plipsure to annource that he hat made an eng•Rement with Messrs. RLL sii Elt und la kb /X it .nd weir celebrated Panto. mime it rouge for the production of tr. L. Foxes , (rand Fairy Trick Pantomime entitled, ÜBIPTIt DIIIIPTY. initZONESDAYEVENING,May BiD . 1569. lii will be Presented with enthe new Scutari antL renicBdVprlset. Machinery, Tricks and Transfor mations, Etopectles. Deeoratlons t Ac.. ins it IsE.• CLOW11: tik.O. A• DEILIM i . Pantaloon: lI.A.SRY LUSLIE as Harlequin; 111'LL AUittilL us Columbine. Matinee.. on Wedna 'day and Saturday titles'— w-Pl'l`l'BlllUilLta/ THEATRE. 11„ W. WILLIAMS, Lessee aMyMai 4 ,r iti . TO-Yl(lllT—Mles A.nnle I.lllMons, Emma Lloyd; Sato. Collyer. J. W. McAndrews. Charier Gard ner• and Inc Mammoth Company la a new bill. ENDAYehrflt. of .1 W. MeAndriws. Ladles' Matinee every Wedneaday and eater day. / CONINO—Ven ate Pastel and W. B. eavanagb. m , ANTED-40 young /Rotes. Apply at 'the Box Omen. . iDIURNELVSINUSEI7III AND PABLOR/DIENAGERZE, The Great Wand.l7 Resort.. FIFTH AVEN - 111, bet;veen Smltidleld and Wood streets, opninnte Old Theatre. ifirOgen Dai and Evening; all the year round. Admission. S cents: (Thlldren.ls euits. IgrPertri.All, LECTIMES AT LAFAYETTE HALL / DA. GLEASEIN, / Of: .Philadelphia., Will - continue his celebrated course of admirable popular Lectures y evening this Week,as fol. hIo.NPAY ..FVENING, on Digestion. Causes and Cure of "G. nerd Debility," ete. TUESDAY ETENV.G. on the Heat. HOW UP "EU , ICO . and Purify th Blood," tto. WED- NE iD,LY E VENTING, on the Lungs, CAUSES and Curb of "Weak Lungs." etc. '/'HUtteDtr.Y EVENING, on the Brain and Nerves,. Cause*. and -Otte of Nervous Debility. etc. FRIDAY EVKNING. on the Organs of the Fences, Eye. Ear., _Nose. and Throitt BA.TVEDA.r. EVEN. ING. on the Temperaments, Anatomyof the Ifs. ma. Face, Beauty of the Human Cuuntenance, Language of Expression v eter., spiend•dl. Inus tratetrwith by far the finest colleelon.of Anae tontical mo leis and specimens ever seen in the; llnitedStwes, costing over Cab 000 in Paris. Bsata to the drat 'Lee tire free. Itimmining Lee.; tures, admission ES cents. myl cMERCANTILE LIBRARY LECTURES. MISS AII6II7STA L. DAIMON, AT THE OF HRR NUMEROUS . PRLISHDB, WILL GIVE" READINGS ScRECITATIGNS, PROM THE MOST POPULAR POETS AND DRAMATIST AT THE ACADEMY OF. MUSIC,, Thursday Evening, May 6, 1869. PROGRANIII . PART I. Two Stones from School for dcandal....Sberidan. Charge of the Light Brigade Tennygod. Bingenon the !thine Idra..Norton. The Maniac Monk Lewis. The Lott Heir F. Hood.. PART II • The Court Soene from the Merchant of Venice, dhaktpeare. Vontenoy.( Poem on toe old It Loh hrtgad)T.Davls. The Raven— R, A. Hai, Snerbilan's Rlde T. B. Read: Chapterfrem the Widow Redott Pevere..Wieher. ADMISSION. 50 CENT& No mit rued Beat, , . . . . . . Do .'re open at 7kl. Rea.Hnpcommence 111 o'clock. rickets for sale et LI SHAKY ROOKS. corer'. of Penn and Cath ttreets._ and at Si'. CIIABLESHOTEL. IM"ACADEMY OF MIMIC. TICE RENEGADE OP THE POTOMAC;._ A NATIONAL DRAMA FIDE ACTS, nder the Auspices of Posts 35 and 88. G. A. B. FOR Six NIGHTS ONLY I COM ItENCIN Monday Evening, Kay 10,1869. Under it e supervision "and znaciteement of r. A. TAN NEHI L. of the Paula:inch Theatre. nd late of Pile's opera Howe, Cincinnati. Characters by Members of the Otder. PRICKS OF A.DNOSSIOIf. Parmietts and I) ess . elrele Family Orme and.fiattsry.. ttsserved seats ISS vents ex , rs- Box office Open trotrelo A. M. till 3 P. M. - TO THE PUBLIC. The "Grand Arri•y of the Repub.le" is cam posed. of...oldie - re of, the Union aho served in tan tet tr. flebebion he rill:ale ro,dler Is the peer of the Wheat officer. The obli cts of the organi• antini are ehantable. hello, lent. inst. twill and patriotic. and shotall command the respect of all good clilzeos. To extend a helping hand t o the widows whose • et ere nun eons Pre our c 'tunnies. many Or whom lie burled on the thouslends u! butte nelos or In he nemeterte. , of to laud, and to aselq the supp re of crippled ao:diers, an..! toe &hes, Von of the soldiere• orpmne, we respectfully ask the tetttrotie gr of x beneroue publ.c LTEZ. . IarTHE SABBATH SbEloot. of the VIRoT MKTHODfir CHURCH, of Rant Blehoow street, vit l . ifive CONCERT AND r•XH I HITION, for the esnellt of the i•ehooi.. on WRDNESDAY, THURSDAY sod YSIDAY KV kISINGS, MAY /Eq. O . h. and 71h. to the CHURCH. Door. open at I u'oloßk. Admission. AS cents., mv.IRST . . LUMBER. TWBUILDERS 1 • f 00.000ifeel, Dry Pine Boards. 105.000 feet 154 Wet (tear Plink: 25,000 feet Ili Ince Common Plank; 25,000 feet - Dry land 2 (nob Oak: 515.000 R. )1. L lh.Sl ' and 3 inch ioplart 10.000 feet ;fry Pedlar Seantllndf 10,000 feet Dry. Yellow. Boards; loo,ootp fret Bemlock So.nOlog. . 503.000 feet No. 1 - 114 tech raighisil We. _ • 200,000 0.11113-Inch Shingles, l sawed; 60;000 Bala-Inch suaved; 50 000 Fire Brick; • • 1,000 ,Flre • The. 100 'Toes Fire Clay; aloe, Saw 12111 Limber, Locust. and 'Cedar Posts, and all articles in the Hee on hand and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTEIbsON. Yards—. .No. 15, Bebeode street and corner of Pre ole and. Juniata streets,'etxtb ward,Allegeeny, late bore bash gineitester, -• ;• arldi FLOUR. .PPARL - : . ,: - .II,ILti::: . i : .I:AIiILY : ...r.;RIOUIL irdut4siki f Three . lbw Gruen Bread, equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. ThL Pour will only oe stint out whoa ego& claw , ordered. . - .. PEARL MILL VILLE RIMED. .* • Eqtitl tobest St. b°lllll. PEARL RILL. ItIERIBRAIND, Attual to best Ohio it k:4M WHITE DONN FLtiUB AND 001 IN 1414/.. • - &alt.th a / 4M T. lIINHADI &Blair B; 61 Y. mornintatne 50 cede. 213 cents..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers