DUttIJEWE WORS.S. alta r ITAI./111 agi ot IRON, NAILS, STEEL,. AXLES AND SPRINGS, • inivroiss,-,i. X AXDOSItiX, YIAT RAWOUNT iND Slej aIIP. lON. GUARDa SLIIMANT) atm lON. llROk22l.lllkii agPIikROVPER BARS. RldialGait ATiERB , r, li&IIS. - CA lAN ORR lIVIANiD4it&T R&ll.,:etre Cc;at Itcrads: ' • CROW II • It i r COOLS & H AR, s TEETH.: ,ISirre.P W AND.CUJALIntriwz., attg,.. a RE. WI ND . C U Ku TInES, STEM, SILaYTING, A. 11 . . i IiTZW.L COACII. BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and QYS • AILIVANI:P SP/3 N, ill Fkoods,First Dias and: Warranted. vrietcts Alm Wottics. • IMlxt•inista Sweet amil *llloYaltir. r, -:-. sad TllWirtor sreire. ' ' 9___ _____ gating BB CY fl & Cot 4.2 DEOLange Places 'NW" York, . • Are prepared, as Sole Arrenui in the 'United StIPUS ibr the Presstau Wain' and Iron COM psay of Duisburg, 'Westphalia, to contract or fell la quantities to snit 'Purchasers, (delivered in lankier New York or Philadelladio the celebrated SPIEGELE ISEN Vied so extensively for the manorsotniltki or SEIONIER STEEL. Ibis Iron is free from Stara mad Phosphorism and contains a heacir per cent age of 31 anganese. particalarm-raisples, pricer or chemical! *Mavis will be proniptisr forwarded on &polka .' jaSO:d7 salon. 6 smornoLm STEEL WORKS. BINGE% -11 - 1111011& 00 4 riTTSBMAGIL liannfecturere ,of every description of tAST Alt 1) STEEL, MITTAr *WAWA. 313.1....1.AtIttyrarjOHNTrairaers eict Warehouse, SS Water andloo First Sta. BARB. & wows. zioncsas: .49 L 1: Brscuix. PAwrim-fl. Km- CR3C,SC.UNT STSZL 'WORKS, 11111/I/11 FARM, °lnc% No: 339 Lilierty St, TlTMEnnting, PA. _ Rises DM/MOND STEEL WORK& BROTH a con Yozalleturera of all descriptions at ei ll X 11 31331". • Moe a and BAnd arehouse. THIBTINTII, TRIZTY, NUM ILADAD BTEZETS, prrrsounsing. vissigs: Tires;i:.:*.4.. roars% met. iIIFFTSRURGII FORGE _ _ 11M 1 1 Maßroad .11. n Bars and Banal Saßroad Car dales Itidied; llaUroad"Clair Anies lialaniersal Lseonsotirs Frames; Lardinative Franke Wl:gapes; Ildde Sods; straps; Piston Heads; steamer Shafts; - steamboat crooksi' Piston Sods, Wrists; IPO2OOII Jans!7Cepar, as. , i-• . . - " °Moe, No. 77 PENN STREET . 11111111111SBN TRONSS.. The Trustees are now ReMig to ve IISTX Pnt WEG- en oes for the use of the fiL IOU& Rood The superior quality imparted to iron. eke great improvement n inferior on. and the seduced cost.couunend I t to all manufacturers of Prtteswiabinif to use it can obtain licensee hl flog to JAMES Att P.. SPEER. orney tor the Trastetes. BOOM 1 and A. /English's • Bolidlot. 9 6) loath avenue.. . .. . . Mer ties Interested are Invited to visit the OROS hiBZWIT.U. WOltlilt..witere the procees is sow in wisiope feStdir EVERSON, PRESTON & GO., P(MDBVIVania Iron Works. -3101. 166 =ll6l 1,1110 *OM% miiitrlaNtllol42ll FITTIONURG II NOVELTY WOBRS. Founded A. D. 1833. ADAMS, WENS - & itAinisumrs isusol =WM'S NDAppoIFAIWin:WM EBANX , 8 AT. ANTI P sTA L.A. TROMm AND I SCALES. , Jam , !mai Paint boor tocke s and isiohes. Paint and Coffee Mills, lc. , OM= 07 19315 T AVBIFITEIs COUIT riltabsureth liesmaga. fk l '' tlME Al3 AND _ 00361 C00341.•••/.410111, r aers....usort lam JOHN COO? a Co, BRASS rotrinurits , - OAS AND STNAMITITID IB, to ptusidarsiarat i timis Clionorliiiiiiiidalnut,Or eta tkum. Vi,..5141. • • : •att ; ,v • „ • ' ` • ••• -• .• • •••.•-•,,,,.....4•••••••n. •,• '74',,"-r.?,n,••".!f72•*"*Zi•• ' " •-• ';••••••• y. _^ - • ':*-- 34-4'744r4A/4-",...4i1*F, 4,1,4.4.-.iy4.. 4. • • , - : 1; 1.1 -„ AA!, rk,? 4 ' , V-. g s • TsZT, • • - - • ..••• ' • 4 —A. • • ``rr•-• '4'4'1,0.4 • - "- • 4 44. ' '4 iNt4; L V.,E '44:414 J . 7. "4,111:',7, ,764 • . " P-4,-*.•441-0....1eL,. 44,Afilf4t5PW •-• : • • • '• •• • • • • •-• • • GO UV TORT PITT FOUNDRY 00 `MANY. TWEIXTEI S'iSttT, li'Engine a, Roiling Mill Ma chinery, Pinil Machines, Re tortserallY, NATIONA IRON WORSE• - AND IRON CO., luaoi►vrUßl or PITTI3BIIIIOII, Pd NOVELTY WORKS. orricE AND, IVORKS, #lltElßtatikl3 Phe. FOIJ=)RIf AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smallman (NINTH WAILD,) vrxwriammcm., "JE".&.. WILLIAM SMITH, Tdanufooturer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOB GAB AND WA.TIBWORSB. My Vices are all cast Invirtablytn Pits, to dry sand, and LS feet lengths. Also. Innim sortment 'of Irene:id for Gas and WitteiF !NFU. \ litotadaliocala sae attention of iiinerintend ants ot. au Works to InYllll°Rll3. DUVIESNE - :FORGE. . .. ~ WilaaAM (Suooessor to .10S. P. HAM & C 0.,) Elm faclUileig co.e.stensive with tha• lesdinir Forges in ,the East, and is prepared to Dromptly and satisfictonly fill ail orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS. CRANES. PISTON ROD 4 ,__LIVERS , PITMAN A AMSWiIeiTSi RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVK FRAMES. together With even description of SHAPE WCRK. 'Wine and Forge. Cotner of Duquesne 'Way andlint Street. api4itk4o _ • , ROBINSON, EWA &CO., \ \ Successor to BonntßOst. moms a itnimlls, \ WILSZUNGTCIN WORE% • ...,. ~ FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. PITTSBURGH, \ \ lifanneluiddrers of Bost and Stationary Steam Itn vin el Blii-C:tdingia:Pailllescirstc=iiiil= and S Boiler and nee Iron Work. Office, o. DI, corner First and SmitAdeld Streeu. Ailenufor GIFIPABWIS FATZNT INJNOTOB • Ibi soluthlifio era. -laS2 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butter Street, Moth Ward, (Opposite Onion Irina ]Tills, ravallinunt. Rolling NM and Bridge Casthiga, THIMBLE SKEINS ANEf PIPE BOXES, kIACEINNBY AND cAwnses GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Classes reasonable. • .• - EBBEEr a main& oast= , I.INION ENTERPIIISy, FOUNDRY , WM, - 11E.-401INSON. Manufactures of COOKING STOVES, Arches, iiiirroalicralersA trMeertndatilitinigindosf Machinery Casung_a,-COlt. WATSON it SHIN s GIBS lit-t.A.arl WATSON voltam; ClAlitai co.,' Youth liardhuadly and IlaslollWorks, SILICDUSICT ST.. ALLEGFINKTCITT, IlLannfantaren, of SteamoftTrasses, Pulleys, Shafting, Grist an Saw Mill Work. Rollins KM and nachine Castirigh :rat: Bar rilehoUniZratirattitlragr .ctrelLts 1380 Penn street. BOLLIAN, BOYD & BAGALIY. - - bunged - 13;MM Castinfil - Lath•s• 411c4 JOUN coorza. ...................... 1122fitY grim JOHN M. COOPER 84 CO Bell and Brass Founders. • BRASS- CALNITINGI3 maPa, nolirrify TO pupas. Makable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLE, Sinn AND CHM WES GLOBE reirirmun IRON CCPCTS.S4, Brass Work of every description for steam, Water and OIL MANTIVACTUBERS OT J. M. COOPILIVB, _i Implored Balance-Wheel Steam PUT. Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil ers:the best 4n the ilarkeer °eve and Works, corner 1 hateenth and "Pike Streets. star ____—.----- 00. COAI.I COAL!! COALS!! DICKSON, STEWART & NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Maur Min)BECONDS.I.OOII.• Kre now rimmed to furnish good TOUGHIO- woomy atiLY, NIIT GOAL OBBLACH, at the lowest market at .:e All Orders len ,thetrettlee, or addratted to them through. the, will be attaadad- to oroetoteee .`.O A ECU IL BO & CO., Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne Inn Engine Buitdera, Fouvulers and Afachinists. Manufacture ETEAMSOATENOI3IO3 and STA TIONARY ENO NBB. of ali sizes. Epeeist attention invited to our new PORTABLE BOILER. OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE . BOILER. of 1111-horsevixwer. • CASTINGS.,_of every kind. mide Loonier &tour 'Foundry., on THIRD BTBEET, below Market. RIOS for 011 Wells; SHAFTING, PIILLZIES, RANOEFA,IIOIISE andTOBACOO SCREWS and IRON TOE Auoo YRESIDIS, on hand and made to order. at the , . INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Wm. nen; tbiPolnt, MM==== r iaT PITT MIR, SITU NIB TANK WOSIES. c&RRoy. , & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-YLIJEDBTEAM TITEULAR, FIBE-BUS AND CYLINDER ERIS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS.. - CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASN PS, CON BSTTLINR PANS. SALT PANS AND DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMPTIRS AND - LEON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AN D COAL MUTES .01lice sod Worehouse.oorser Second, Third. Short sad Liberty istreotsi, Mr Orders seat to the above address will be romptly attended to. mtk7:l9B & co., "BOILER MAKERS AND SIT.EST IRON 'WORN-SR% _ . . ; NOB. ISO. SS, A* END 86 PENN ST. ' Having secured 1 lane yard and tarnished tt vim the most &Pl:moved MaOhMegi we l ire .. t rt... pared to mannhmtare every desert on o f ..-- NES In the nest manner; and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys Breeching, lire Bed,s, Steam • Pipes. Locomotive Boilers. Condensers.. Salt pans, Tanks. 011 MIAs, Agile tom-Settling Pane, Boiler Iron, Bridges. Sagas Yens, and sole manutreinren of Itarnhln's raty ient Boners. . , :_, Itemdrins done on shortest notice. talStege COAL AND' COKE. Having removed their Office to ratur. lEMXUOrII ~l[llf gtttlitßLT. uq TICI POINT,) PITTSBURGH. PA. . . - XAItUrICTIMILILEI OP PITTSBURGH, Pa. Jams M. =TER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, prrrearuseu , PA.. lILINOINOTOSIZ OP IRON OIL TANKS, \ WM" PAM COMM ISTSAY PIPIG• zolaalie 90w% And SWEET IBMS WOBN. Tor Steamboats 7•11.10.... ....111DX1IND D. 111111811 jAltilll BRU S H & SON, '6" ‘iivarcrvicrwans Steam Boli o ns Oil StMa, SUE MON WOUB. &O. 161',Pen* Eittroutv Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. TUE BEST STOVES. A. BEADLEY & co. Iffsaufacturers of the greatest varlets of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO BE 'POUND IN THE STATB. vole Meats for the celebrated Base Burning Sows and leurnaces for Bard Coal or ke ats .Best In the Worldfor Parlor.Otace, bopre or Church. F Ire needs no reklncUlng—entrns all wins tet. Do nottny until los see or send for Clronisr• No. 30 'WOOD STREET• Our Anent/ for Orientals—OS sIkiLICR BROS., Smltheeld nt.t OE0• BOSLEY". Alledbenr MY. BM OM &CO' s _ 5 • sairtnrAcTuzzas Or IVXIIT TARO= 07 BOSTON COOKING RANGE' "THE FIERY FURNACE," NOS WAZILOS6I 8011,DIAG6. - . KIM A.KTI-Dl7. 000810fG agora. ••KO 113:K 111.A.T 0 11. ,, COLUraIIIA. COOK d g VA,B,EI IClatinnso Patten* i ffTA.Bms RALNOS 0 Mgr )(Ali Tlars, IMAM'S REY b&CTO OlksTB4 free from and Matt eaters Pau gasbags. as. 206 and 2 , 013 Liberty Street, WS:Of PITTSBURGH, PA. COOK EMOTES. CET TICE BEST. BISPIEJJA ESL CO.'S Tia.lnLPH. FOR BITV7SINOITH COAL. Witirinted to Cook, Bake or Bust is Rtlt Mani other Store In the IY. mu BISSELL & ( 32 . . No. 285 Libertv Street. .1.0 on hand snd for sale. PABLoa novas, aiCATG .BTOVIti. . - e IN sATE fRONTSu proDnms, COOKING r.A. • OE% am ____ iriNft AND SOO • 1., 11. J . LANCE, DYER AND SCOURER 140. a BT. Clain% IiPTILW And Noss 186 and 181 lildrd.htreeto BIB R & M"r lB 3 rgurr:r te =WOE% Na. II and 4 Bt. Olaf Street. 1 1 1,t4011 2 11 1 4,p!. Wedia.iintalSo* SO' $ ll4 allbgbOt VCYOr ' . 3 WOW 0 0i, 4 somoarile.- 41 ItEDNESDiIt, MAN 5; 1809 NM PITT BANKING COIPANI. 169 Wood Street. cAprra„ : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DZALERB IN GO VERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON Till NUM th e Collec ted tion s and made on all accessible taints in States Oanad. DIBEGOD I3. : D. nostattee. Jets. 0 Biabir. James Gorda% H a m m B. lu n g, Andrew lath D. ier, lib S. Veneer%Wallace. B.Junes . Bele,. PIeeLTIZZAD, Pires,t: D. L E ST WIISOD. Cashier. NATION4I BANK Of COIIIEIOII Cot. of Wood and Sixth sty. --PresWest , JO2. i5.}4.11.14 CAPITAL, : : $500,000. Doicross: Regepliiii`r. A. ritterson. 'Wm. H. Brown, Chu. Lockhart. Dan. HR. Davison. w. B. aven. DISCOIINTS D sza:o2. HAAT, CAUGHT:IE & CO,: BANKERS AND BROILERS, Corner Vs 4rd and Wood /if ft•i!if!to, PrTTSISITELGIII, VAL.. esu' commis To iiimstre., wars • oo Dausse Rot Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attenUMiale ton I>ald to the 1011143IIIthe ot GOVERNMENT BONDS. St bt itritrta on 'London. 1:1191;sa 4PEPOPINNISMaII N. HOLMES & SONS, 1113.134,INCM3SUEIL, Collections nude on an the principal points o the milted States and Canada'. Stocks,lion& and other Securities Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of tiuited. States Securities. JAY COOKE & CO., 114 SO lITH THIRD STBEET, boiled sad sold VTITABUR CII4. T, AT 11 A. 31 57 Market Street, P.ZCTTOBBiTEI.OI3, SOIJOHT AND SOLD ON CONICISSION 13M,3:0M.0ra , PIIILADELPSIA STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions Special attention Oren to the purchase and sale of Government SecorttLet OILS WARING AND ILES", Comm Liston Xerettiaita and Broken to Petroleum and its Products, CIALZEWS BLOCK) uuqqtanr..wllY, rful.a.Darsias. ADDRIss. Boom 17, C'hamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH ,E.F.COIiD STREET CLIPS PETROLEUM REFINERY& REM= W. C. MEDDLE, MANUTACTUBIOI 07 Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Senpeo liallroad.Axle On. , 1 .... - Stands great beat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or Dot weather. Locomotive, Engine, lisenthe Shop, Win cut Satews...,-- i . ; .. L . ~., Saw MiLlt mad rimitig ma vale, Adapted for high speed. \ Spindle Oil. Wool Ilead•Llight On, Oil, Tanners* Star- 01111101 e. il l . 11**InUhlkingen. timottm; Sorenesa Ott - Pa ratline. . ARMOR VARNISH. to pre rye Bright Iron Work and Machinery from gas These products are mann lured under Dr. Tweddle , s patent by Superheated Mesta In Vac -01 cam. Tile Lubricating Dils . a.re almost odorless, perfectly pure, uniform, and ostly light col ored. stand s. high temperatur unchanged, • and remain limpid during extreme ld. Thealiroad Oils are unequalled , ' and are I constant use on many of the print4pal Blillf + Salbtilhe , MS be 15%mA:tak , slid (Acre left • at; 114. , W00u STREIT. Works at blis n" ! ' " TACK BROTHEIVii, COMMISSION • TS, • AND D Petroleum and Pittsburgh Xigice—tl►tBBLi.93 lITTILDING r eerier of Duquesne Way and Irwiii streets. Philadelphia 011ee—DIT WALNUT EIT. ~apinr3 P - -• , - , • . . , . . . . (kin 'ou. WORKS, 1) 1 14 , , , In 0 , 1 1Chl" , TR-R. r. Office, DALZELVAIDAMND. felt Duquesne Way, DitUbusgb , , Pa. J. Z. SWUM ' - J. Y. BEAT? sw. lc MLITT, filcilEfriKto Arca ORNAMENTAL CARVERS le. 0 ludinky M.. Many, fa. • stiSSAUSIVREISW og al, Ow BONDS, GOLD BOUGHT AND FOLD 11111,4. COTOTATIOWS. VINDOV, PARIS,FRAHHFORT,4TUTO IRT and ISE itLIN crafts sold. ;Nos Ys , rl; qu nts tious. Small sums sent to event Postotlice UN DER GIIARANTE.E of the 'North German Post Department. interest allowed time deposits. Current accounts solicited on same nditions as ari9 other Batik. - I co , • • • B. NHS/ itaitskers Corner FIFTH AVENDH & WOOD STREETS. I Financial Agent for ta l e North German Post Department trot m• & MANES is DI{i1)11 %JO, Bnecessors 08. JONES it C 0..) corner Fourth and wood Sts., 41.1V-I2G,lra 3Fit. ii 3, • - • BUY4SID BELL *l.l. KINDS OP GOVERNMENT GOT , D) SILVER 0. maim, ON MOST TAVOR/LBLN TEEN& or lutenot inowed on Deposits. on-Honey loaned on Government Bolide at lowest market rates. r Orders executed for the Purchase and Male , of tiTOCKB. BONDS and SOWN JAMES T. 13RA41T-&-CO. Ci littAitpij traitttt, FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE OF PITTEIBURGH. OATXTTE, Torso's:l', May 4, 1869. • s . . Government bonds were less active to day and somewhat lower, inconsequence . of the greater activity in money, fcr which seven per cent. gold inteeest,has been paid to.day,..; Althongtr at present price of gold and exchange_ it pays to BOP ` bonds ' to EilloPe in Plo*oc ex change, few can do it since the telegraph . 3- expenses arettAgreat on small amounts. .„... Gold was very streing this morning at 136%, from which it declined to 135% and closed duli i and weak. There is hardly any doubt but that the cliques will manage to get the Government one , gold as cheap as possi millicm dollars of ble, and then run tip the market again. . Stocks Were dull, weak and lower, for . the entire list. Money is easier and business quiet. Quotations_ sal received by Pb. R. . Mertz: Gold, 135%; Silver, 127; Eighty one's, 118%; FiVe Twenties, 1862, 118%; do 1864, .113%;:do 1865,115%; do 1865 , Consols, 116%; do 1867, 116%; do 1868, 1 1 6%; 'Ten Fcirties, 108%; New 'York Central, 763;; Erie, —; Reading, 95%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne t Chicago Railroad, 44; ; Ohio & litlisissippi, 323;; Michigan . Southern, 105%; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 921,‘; Chicago & Rock Island, .36%; Chicago & North Western, 86%; Chicago .t North Western Preferred, 98%; Adams Express Com pany, 61; Merchants Union Exp_ress, 15%; Pacific Mail, 92%; Western Union Telegraph Company, 43; Gregory, 2,75; Quartz 111111, 1,25; Corydon, —; Smith & Parmiee, 2,60; W. Am. Express 41. z By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW Yawl, May 4. Money active and sharp at 7 per cent., with ;.exceptional.tr an sa ction at coin interest. This has owe sinned yielding in prices on exchange.— Many Prominent bulls took advantage of the reeetit rise to selllargely, are , not lending their money freely, and the carrying rate( of gold having advanced to , 10 per cent.; the large owners of gold have withdrawn it from the market, which necesSitates calling in of heavy amount loans from stock brokers. Herein lies the explanation of present activity in money. Sterling heavy at 9 ®9%c, mainly former. It is reported that one prime Viking firm. will ,ship one 011111012 in bonds weakened toward close of to-day, titid'price opened 36'4. and closed at Wig. The rates paid for carrying were s®lo per • cent. on 142 per day. Clear anees, $125P3,000- Extorts, 196,000. Governments are less active and lor undertan increased demand for mone we y and lower quotations from Vanden. ..The prices here and at, London are now about equalized, and consequently foreigners are not large buyers. The investment movement Is healthy but without fea ture. The small bonds,are selling be low the large ones, as there is less buy ing,-for reinvestment of interest. The market closed steady. Coupons, 'Si, 1111%,®119; ,10..:'62, 118% ®118%; do. '64, 118%®114; do. '65, 115% ®115%; do. new, 116%®1161%. do, '67, 116 1 00116%; do. '68.116%®1i 6%; 10-4(, 1085;©158%. In State bends, 'a are pressed for sale. Virginia and Louisiana lower. North ciiiolinas and lidtasouris steady. lgi s seurto,, ti,8%®89; Old Tennessee, 67% ®67%; New do. 65%®66; North Careli nes, uew, 54%®55; Virginias, , 62®62%; Louisiana Levee Sixes, 693:®70. A bear ish temper still prevails in the • •stnett. market. Some of the I went bull cliques are working to, break >down the market, in order to ''buy in at lower figures, pre paratorsrto a new advance movement. Among the weaker during the morning were the North Western, St. Pea, New "reek Central an(VFort Wayne, the latter declining Si per cent.. while the whole market was 3,® 2 per cent. lower. From this there was a piriial ,recovery. In the, afternoon the market•was again heavy and lower, and the fall on the day was very marked on some of the leading railroad shares, New York Central tilling 2 per cent., Hudson 2, Fort Wayne 4%, Michigan Southern 11,4, Lake Shore 1 and on Island 2, with an average decline on the rest of 54€1% per cent. The market closed tin settled and weak. 1 540 Priceie—Cumberland, 80®33; Wells Express, 35®381 American, 411341%f Adams, 60%6603,; United Statee„, 63® 63'; Merchants 'Union Exprest3;lsß®l6; Quickhilver, 20®20%; Canteen, 6034®61%; Peel& Mail, 915(A92; Northwestern, 423, ®42%; Mariposa 183(®18%; dd.' phi. ferred, 42%®42%;',Hattford•and Erie, 23 23%; New ''-Y6rk COntill, 1755; 175 Erie, '283029; Hudson' 154 S 154 A; . Harietn, 1.49@150; 'Reading, 9590)65,11 Chliago d,,Alton, 165; do. pre ferred;' lii6r 4 Tettel , lituti, 158141 , 10; 41421.' tefititserWatituth. .71 ' Tigtiat: wa ger . t 2 ,ai Elouthern, zoiN mh3o PrOdUCtill ®lO4 l /0 Illinois Central offered 145@146; Pittsburgh, 903( 3 ®91; Lake Shore, 103,i® 104; Rock Island, 134y,@135; North Westorn 85YA86; preferred, 97%;g173‘; Dubuque Jr, Sioux City, 1163 i; St. Joseett preferred, 1163;; C. C. C. & I. 69%. _ -Mining shares dull. Smith dr. Par. melee, 265. Copper stocks at Boston,Copper Falls, 8; ` Franklin. 189 ; ; ILncocit, 4; Minnesota, 2; Quincy, 80; Receipts at Sub-Treasury,. $1,505,736; Payinents, 095,054 ; Balance, 181.,056,631,. Disbursements of coin interest, t 496,22.9. D !,COUPONS OFFICIE OF PITTSBUBOH,,GAZETTE, TUESDAY, May 4, 1669. The• markets. in a general way, are moderately active, therigh there Is rooms for improvement. We can report 'st steady local demand for most of the leading articles and a fair volume of busi ness in the aggregate, while as far as values are coucerned, there are no itn , portant changes. • APPLES—SaIes at .15@S per bbl, as to quality. • - • API'.LE_BI,47I:LR--90 pey gallon. .- demand, the market it stronger, with. sales of good to choice at 88®42. BEANS—DuII at 13p3,25. CHEEt'3E--Sales of new Western Re serue at 15®20, as to ti , a4lbs.And .liew York Goshen at 2.4®20. i ../..)-,.. waCvAall.l32?3v?oh.v.7l.sy2.„4lettei idu-bing dORNMEAL-Dall, at 11,80®1:75 tier cwt. _ DRIED FRUlT—Demand light and . pricei unchanged. Peaches, 14 for quar ters, and 18®19 for halves. Apples, 13@15. I EGGS—In goodiuPply but unchanged, at 16@17. FEATHERS—A shsde firmer, and we now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trade, and the usual advance lu a retail ' . way' PITTSBURGU MARKETS. BUTTER—Is 'melee and with -- tt good ii.ota—The market is firmer with s slightly Improved demand, while prices, . as yet, are not quotably higher. Sales of Spring Wheat at te s sow, and Winter Wheat at 51,50,58. Rye Flour. 57®7,25. GRAIN—SaIes.No..I Spring at 51,44, andiNo. 1 Winter 'at 51,50. °stein bet ter Supplyr, b_nt the Market is Skin" 'kid dealers expect prices to rule high, until thenew crop is ready, may be qtioted at 73®75 by the car load, and 78@80 in ut store. Corn is quiet'and in better supply b unchanged; 70®811, on wharf and track, for mixed to prime Yellow. Rye is quoted at 31,40,51,43. Little or nothing doing in Barley. . - - HAY—Baled, continues to arrive freely and the market is dull but unchanged; we continue to quote, on wharf, at 525® 30, for fair to strictly prime Timothy. HEMP—Sales at #2,15. ,' HOMINY-0,73@6 per bbl. LARD OlL—Sales No. 1 Extra at 51,62 @1,53. and No. 2 et 31,23@1,25. MAPLE MOLASSE S-951 in ❑gallo n j jugs at 0,30® 1 , 75 . POTATOES—In good supply and dull; maybe qnoted at ssg6e, on track and wharf, and 65©70 in store. PEANIITS—SoIes at 11 cts. PROVISIONS—Steady but unchanged. Shotdders, 14; Plain Hams, 17%; Sugar Cured do ,19; ,Ribbed Sides, 16 3 4, Clear do 173,; Dried Beef, 2014@21. Lard in tierces, 19; and 20620% in kegs. Mesa Pork $32. • • SEEDS—Clover Seed is quoted .at 9,50. Timothy IS very scarce and there seems to be no established price, and the same is true of Flaxseed: • SALT—May be qnoted at 51,83@1,86 by the car load, and 51,95@2 for small lots in store. - TALLOW-as quoted at 10 1 ,4 @LON:, for rendered, and but little doina. PETROLEUM MARKET• (Annus or Pr.Thnspeolt Genwrrri; TUESDAY, May 4, U 6 9 .- The oil trade was, if anything, a.little stronger to-day, occasioned mainly by a slightly imoroyed demand for May, and while this particular deliVerY was higher the Inter; months, as yet, have under gone, no quotable change. The re was. • . , this difference .between to -day and yes:- terday, bids were entertained and refu sals asked, which yesterday were offered without attracting any attention, and it is usually the case, that when one month advances the later months are more or less affected, as it is calculated to infuse a stronger feeling, though possibly there may, for the time being; be no !Sawa:tau As will be seen, howeverfthe sales Water light, and as regards prices, the only essential change apparent, as yet, is for the last half of May. CRUDE—The Crude market, _com pared with yesterday; has undergone no quotable change; and preseritiO no new characteristics Worthy'pf, special notice. Sale 500 bbls, iPet, at 14%; and 1,000; sel ler, this month, at same figure. Forty to forty-five gravity might command a quarter - There waisi• solne little ex= chemeut httbe Relined markSt -to-daY. occasioMakby an htercased demaihd and advanced prioss for the last half oV•lday, but it did not amount to much. The X5OOOO reported were as follows: 500 bbls last half July... .—... . :34% I,o6o,each blayto September ...... ~.. .. 34%, 2.ooo_selier 20.dayii. ~ ..... :7"; ..... ... .:..as 500 last half May.. ........................ ...s3y, 500 last half Mat% ... . .... .: .. .. :,. ..... . .. .... . . _ . _ LIIBILIOATIIie 011111 Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil .... z. 400 EciliNteiliailioad Axle .. . . ... . .... ... ....., 8543 Eclipse 'Diachinery. ........ .. r . .......... - 750 Eclipee'Spindle"... .. :. . . ... .. ....;. . .. . .... .. 80e _ ,OIL SHIPPED ZI 0. Br A. tr. it.. - a.,-. Lockbarti-Frew' Co. 767 bbla refined to Warden, Frew ,t Co.. Phililphia. , Lyons &Co. 691 bbla refined to W. P. Logan & lire., Philadelphia., - Gititens ,10i1 ' Co. ilO5 bbls , refined An Bostwick & Telford, New 'York. Bannock. & 135e0n,,60 bb l a lubricating to M. & B. Earriaborg Pa. Total Shipments Bylined 1463 OIL satirist* Saki lamest ruithn34lll Drincan & Williams, 49 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. , . ~ . 11.14 e Smelt Slaritets. • CAMIRIDEVE., 4:--Beef Catz tle; receipts 557:head; prices advanoed I,;a per pound, extra 118,00©18,60; Quality 1 412,00©12,50, ...second . s qual)in f11,00®11,75, and ' third quality-410'0 0 % 10,50. Sheep and Latobs-7receipts, qsc head; no material change in pdceOlUt good sheep brought good prices, forordi nary:grades low sales at '.4©3io,'*: lb.; spring LatilluiB(4)9o. Gulcs:oo,u.lkley ,4. 1 --Hogs. di "61flfr - au!* drooping at 18.50€191 20 for co ". choice. 'Beef Pattie 4till'ut..4s,oo®o; oo lor butchers' cows and steere, 68,40(§0,844 h?; light,lieshy..steeye,,atut $7.00@ 7 1 , 14 tor good tki extra prime beeves. C '' iiii , • , , . Dads arteu , c liayaoust, 11114 7 . A...r,rThere Is *WM* Of inertia Mid depressibh existing do OA* Opartrpeot of trail% TA, 4 4.- NIT. blAaolieritts iiets".:iedde ...b .ci bera r tod to 150, which is the most oi WWI) Wike.'..trittiediiht. linitaratii sidling at 11Np, being , advanced h * There have bogat ntricgoirithOg,t fig.W.M yesterday andlto:day, Mit the ma one • thstothlbrrifer. is tOr 'He witonalle ciwior u .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers