El - IlArtx or Prrranrinori, ,flay 4th, 1869.- miar THE PRESIDENT AVD DI.. 4eisireaßgaenztBeOr PlVlPAlrceirlY.BAig. an rats' Stock nut of Th., profits of the last fix theft legal rfgi repret tatlves, nil and after tit* 14:h free of Government. State and local taxes. anrs:loo W. ILOSEDITRG. Caanier. El IMI Clll2allB NATIONAL. RANK OP PfTTSBUR6.EI P.ITTBBIIcI3II, ra., May 4, 1869. f fIarTUE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK ha-e this day derlared a 4 vidend of PIPE 'ER CENT. oil Uri capi , al stoat our of tn, profits of the last six months, payable to atoeith iders or thea lend repr sentat.ves on and after the 11th in 3., free of 'Bove mentlax. - J. E. BRAD v, Jr.. Cashier. mmll RrELECTION Or IREC. TORS —The stockholderi of the irltth Avenue Bank wl!I elect a Board . of Directors— nine (9—for the ensuing' rear, on , %Hada). next, Ailey Illth, between the hours of thee. g P. .711 at the and y nebool room above Wh it e. head's mem, corner Pride street.. an 4 Flub avenue. i • R. A. Sr P. Da HAAN.HNABta, GEU. C. Encsi. / Tellers. 11115:M • OISICi WESTERN INSURANCE Co., PITTSBURGH, May 4, 11031 tgrDIVIIDEND. Tho Board Of IHrectiirs Vezorran Mit day declared a dividend of - Pr.tra.-pm D0L1.1171..5 :-..,,&.7.1A4k1th eiltzakeot:thilit... t7PVett stook oat of the Y• - fi:::;:r 2. :,,t , ', ~..._VIAIWDn f e: ,r4 l , l X4tiaatiti free of Goy „,g4 ''!".. 1.- 1i v ,... - . . ' le to th e Etcelc -6* '''' - 'nth bast._ 44-„ :,.. 1 7 ' .'iz 3 - - ' - kt. - .":._-','l: '. ._ P: VAR:BEET. '''s'' ''' 4iiiiiil l it - --;--. ' —4” Necrnter). TOR. SALE.--Look here, $4O PER .ACttir will purchase 'a FARM' of sores In Armstrong county,' Pa. Good bona,. and barn, anh-nold orch.rd of over 5 acres Of srahed tralL 60 acr.r. to grass. 15 acres in timber. good I eighborhbed. Whole farm can be •\• worked by mschinery.. • There Is 5505 of a bar. gain in this pr• per ky . IT MUST BE SOLD gain TERMS EANI. • Andy to CROFT & PHILLIPS, Rea! EAate Agents, Flo. 139 Fourth avenue. ms_ ,—,_,____;___._____ Ortreut op CITY Mumma AND SORrirs'On.l Pittsburgh, February 5.6, ($B9. NOTICE.-Tbe Assessment for Gradlnz, Pay nw and • tithing t hartotte street ft m 36th street to 38th street Is now. ready foexaml &Mon, and MAY be+ seen at thts e 4 until SATURDAY, MAY 15th. when It • will be returned to the etty Treasurers otece Ibr oolleetien. D0y5:172 • .B_J. MOORZ. City Xngtneer. _ UNITED STATES PASSPORTS. °Medal PAESPORTS of the Department of State, indlipensable to travelers, Issued by • 97 1ZLIAM F. ROBB, Notary Public. x: ID6:170 001:e 149 Fourth avenue, Fittsburgo. ..F rrr i T E -11 Cheivasietteig 4.‘9.1 . .. . - , tames to;y to the estate°, Pamnel Wallace, eof the bore ugh of Birmingham, deceased. have been granted to the subscriber, all per ons I ndebted to the said estate are requested to Mite Immediate payment, estateote having claims or demands &gains. the of the sold decedent will make known' the sem., vritsont delay. to ROBERT . WALLAC v. Executor. No. 651 Water street. ' ' Pittsburgh, April Afith IEO9 • xxLS:I67 __ • • _ ____ iDISOLETION.--The Partner shtp as the firm of Wm. Prance & Son, aeretofore th existing between the understgned in e. erocery business, at VS Diamond. Pitts this day dissolved by annual consent. Win. Prance, the senior partner, will settle all the arm , ' business. and will eon' inue the gro cery business in his own namq at the old stand. - WM. PRANCE WM. J. malls! "IN THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION OP THE SEVENTH WARD PREMIUM LOAN ASSOCIATION OP ALLE GHENY CITY, for a Charter of Incorporation. No. 890, June Tenn, 1869. Notice Is hereby given that apnllcation has been made, to the • Court of Common - Pleas of Allegheny County, to grant the charter of Incorporation In this case, that It Is now on file In the office of the Pretbono• tary of Allegheny county, and wilt be granted at the next term of Court, (June, 1869,) unless ex ceptions thereto are filed in the meantime. B OBIiItrPOLLOCK, rayiklot.ur Solicitor for Petitioners. May 3d. 1869 49P)14...& ‘t'Alosi SPRING STOCK Eig 0ttyff.:::....•...•:- . ....'....: - :.-....,-- ~'.i., ; i':4lfT(lli--•. . ..,.: • ....•..:... ...-•,i.;.::....4.H.c01frA1yw. We are receiving this week by ocean steamers from England a fresh stock of the latest and most beautiful de signs in English Tawdry and Body Brussels by direct importations from the man ufacturers. We invite the instection of house furnish-ors, confident that we offer the largest 'assortment and greatest variety of elegant patterns ever brought to this market, at the lowest DriceS. Great - inducetuente are offered' in all grades of In al:dm and Three Plies, it being' their constant aim to offer to the multitude, the fullest assortment of Oluiu and serviceable 13arpets 'at lower 'rates , than any other house WOO - 41:014k0AIMIX1114V147011. STRAW MILLINERY GOODS THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT- 'KENT HVEII CENTENED IN THIS JOSEPH HORNE tt CO.'S 240 CASES HATS AND BONNETS, have ALL THE MAY NOVELTIE3, 200' CARTOONS BONNET RIBBONS, Namter 1 1-2 to 60, all Shades. 200 CARTOONS FINE FRENCH FLOWERS, VC 7 rea,"o3.B ) GRASSES, BUDS, &c. BONNET AND HAT FRAMES, LATEST =APES. Millinery Lazes, Straw Climpeand Oiaaments. Crapes, in all Colors, Bonnet Silks, &o. SATIN RIBBONS, In all Desirable Shades and Widths. 200 DOZEN LEGHORN SHADE HATS, AT A BARGAIN. Buren will consult, their own interest br look lug through our sums, which cantatas nothing but . FRESH. AND DESIRABLE GOODS " AND AT THE VERY LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. 77 and 79 MARKET STREET. in y 5: IHI KAY & COMPANY, 65 WOOD STREET, (Lafayette Building.) LIST OR RECENT MD3CELLANEOUSPUBLI CATIoNts. • AUERBACH—The Villa on the Rhine. Vol i . , 15 Also, In paper per Part - 51,50 AUERBACH—BIack Forest Village Stories 1,50 viCTOR 111780-. The Man who Laughs. tics Part 1. Sea sue Nieht VICTOR RYDB=2--7te Dui Athenian. 2,00 ALGER—Muk the Match Boy. Vol. 3. Ragged Dick Series 1,25 HUICC/OL.I-21 Recollections ofLorci By. BA ro H n ER 'With Portrait 1,75 —vhe Ride and Hound In Ceylon. • By Sir Samuel W. Baker ioso BiIZ3KING- A 'BUTTERIei.Y—A New Novel. .By the Author of Guy Living- stone JERROLD—T 1,50 he Works of noughts Jerrold - With Life by his BOIL 5 Vole /3,75 HEADE—Charles 7 A,00de , , Novels. New riltuerated Library Ed. Per Vol ERCHMAN-rOHATRIAN—The Conscript. 1,00 - Arltorrof the French War of 1913 . .... . . 1,20 MART lNEAN—Blographical Sketches 1.7 Harriet 'Martineau I* CRAVEN—Anne Severin. By . JJ Madame _ .- The Craven - 1,50 AYARD.TAYLOR—The 9y-ways of Zu rope' THE ILLUIsTR &TED LIBRARY fly .WOISIDERS—Tne Wonders of Heat. The Wonders of Op ice. The Wonders of Thunder and Lightning. Each 1,50 MULLER-Chips from a Herman Work shop By Mar Muller. X Vol. 5,00 13EuEETT—Tbe,Comid Blsckstone. By tl. •A. A + Beckett. Illustrated 9,50 TROLLOPE—PhInias firm, 4he Irish Member., By A. Trollope r" 1,T6 DIXON—Her Majesty's Tower. . By W ii liam Hepworth- Omni' 6o BBECKEN EWUE — Rerollections of the We.t. By H. M.. Breckinridge 2,00 W_HTM PER—Travels lo Alaska and on the v • ukun• ity Frederick Whimper ' ' 2.50 THE ANNUAL of Scletta.nc iducovery for • 11369 .. .. . ... 2.00 HuWL. et il--A.' Summer Va catio n faille • Park. and Hemet/tins of Colorado. By Rowley Samuel Roe' 1,00 m ,y 1 , . lIIE GREATEST DISCOVERY . YET. Stouffer's Patent Psi PrEseiver. Will keep eggs Ina pertbet condition two vim. : Entoanit spoil while under the grocers. o likas beam. used by the patentee twelve year, and arise tolled. . Zip tolti,up br this process during the slimmer hive been Reid In the cities the following winter at five . Mate their origLnal cost: One man can put up and send to market vio,- 000 worth of eggs !Ono' than six months. and more than double hie money.. It equally applicable - to hot or,cold ellnuttea, Is easily tinders. pod. sad coeto about 3f a cent Per dozen. ' • , . Thome/ode here: tested the eggs, sad cert4S7 that they are perfect. The proceu t e . siou'anteed,to be a perfect "Xyg Preseryer. The Patent has 16 'lour, Lorna: . Pot 800. Coal: gy.Grocaraland Tangly ,Righti• l!dcleass tn. Osliersl Agent, • , ; • • . JOHN 1. H=AZEL, Oi gin Uniontown ru. - • Fro.ise, u ' P P 8 9 enothileld.. st s rpot,i milidt4. • %rt . $ far.."iihera t= ll # 41 44# Ir tcb ct - th 'i -1 / 4 1 1 , 90. - . • RIHETSBUR, prt. : GAzErpg : NEDNASPAY. - - MAY 5„, AND MABEXT, AT INCLUDING ISAAC JONES, C. Accountant rPf B. C. PARY. BRADTODD TODD. TRUSTEES. Hon. Thos.3l, Howe, ;C.V. Harsy, Isaac Jones. !Jacob Fainter. ' I) W. 0. Bidwell, " iblicho)arP, egtty, HarveyChilds, Wm ii . bmitli. lion. J. K. Moorhead, INTOrREST ALLOWED on Deposits at SIX PER CENT. ANNUM. payable to Depusltors In May and November, which, if not drawn, will be added to the principal and compounded. ' Open for Deposits trim 9A. it to 3 P. m.eal'y; also, on Saturday evenings tr..m 6 to 9 co , clock. OFFICE, 63 FOURTH AVENUE, 1111L"I'S.13URGlEt. my& 159 NEW SPRING GOODS J. W. BEER & CO'S, THE LATEST '• SPRING S TYLE DRESS GOODS, ROBES, CHINTZES, &O. The Largest and Most Complete Stock LADIES' Ever' Brought tothenttalinrgh Market.: (Li W.' BAII)ERig op' j A tistritz , sraitit ( "WAIITED — AGENTS.--To Nen the Amerlean Knitting Machine. Price 620. The I Impest. cheapest and hest Enittintr Machine erer lurented. Will knit YO 000 stitches per minute. When° Inducements to agents. A./dress AMERICAN . frINITT/ is MA.- (HOLE CO., Button, Mass., ur Ito. _ _ TO-LET.—A house with ten room., two klteb. ns, and a built room. newly papered and painted. One In eve r y o de- Could be used by two families. On Eighth street. ( asseoek,) opposite Christ Church —a beautlfb. sltuatlod In summer. Apply at 277 Penn a mot. LQARAH MAY •by her nest .!. Mold David Lake vs. Robert May. In the Court of Common Pleas o. Allegheny comity, No. 476, Dec. T.. To the above named rerpondonti ROBERT MAY: You are hereby nbtlded to be and appear at the next term of Me Court, to be held at Pittaburgh en the r IlthT MONDAY OF "17NB, A. D 1660 then and there to answer the complaint of the above named libelata, and show cause, it any Yon have, why the prayer for divorce a otneulo etatrhnontt should not be granted. PANVEL B. imeLsir, sheriff. my5:182 WA ETED.-41 GE II TEL—$76 to &MVO per month.. Wry whore. male and female to introduce the or:1+111LN); IMPROVED COMMON BENSIt lea/rIIILY taItWING MA 011INE.1 Tale machine will at teb; hem, fat, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, lu emote supsrlor mariner. Price only $111: b".lly warrautO for Dee years. We wilt nay 111,00 U for any machine that will saw a stronser, more beaut ful, or more elastic seam than ours. It i rt makes th '‘Eleatic Lock :Watch. , ' Every acebnd stitch ea be edt, and still au) cloth can not be pulled m without tearing It. We pay arrests from $7 to $2OO p-r month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address MECO3III & n. 0., Plttiburgh, Pa., Et. Louis, Ito., or imposedasa. CACIIOA—anot be pon by other potties palming off worthless oast Iron ahluee, maaonunder the same name or othsrwtse. O u r s le elle ly genuine and really practical cheap machine maz nfactured. . . IN .THE DISTRICT COURT OF THS UNITE D iSTATAS, for the Western District of rennsylvaitia. JAMES I. LOYD, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of Maroh lid; 1807, having ap plied f movablearrre from all tits dibts. and other claims under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given, to all persons who have Droved their debts. And miler Perscos inter ested. ter appear on the 98th day ofMay, 1888,.1 10 o'clock .A. m.,before JOHN N. NI itNIANcE, .EN., It.Tiet s t ree t. ankptcy, Clayis °Mee, No. HO Federal Allegheny Pa., to show cause, Jr any they have, whs. a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And lur ther. notice is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors of tee said Bank rupt. required by the 27th and 28th Sections of aatd Act, will be held before the said stegister, at the same time and mace. tu_____:yS:Pls S. 0 h icCANOLESS: Clerk. STATEMENT OP THZ REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, Atkitit. 30, Iseo. AEsEnd • Bonds and Mortga PP B. .............. 1966 606 18 U. P. 1881 Bonds. © par :115,00t0 00 U. 8. 10-40 Bonds. ® par - 25.000 00 Heal k tate 05lee Furniture ~,... 2. 7510 00 418 00 Cab 35,35 8 19 Total (535,193 34 LIABILITIES. Amount due depositors • $393,54818 Interaat 212 Due Dqutaitors, May 1, 1€ Coat agent Funt .......... 12,882 1R....... . ... 38,823 DO Total ................. . ..... . ..... g 555.193 34 A. A. CARRIER, Treasurer. The undersigned, Auditing Committee. have examined Dm rooks of the Bank, the Bon al, Monica. es and Securities, and countei the Cash, and And the or ecung statement correct. H. CHILDS. 'WM. ii. DAUM. NICHOLAS VONDTLY.Jr. ICommittee. May Itt, 1889. WM. H. SMITH Vice President lESSI 59 Markik Street. OF Silks, Percales, ALSO, OF' BILK pACQUES AID SUITS, 'ATE SENA TOE. gar'FOß SENATE, -41/11ORGE WILSO?f tbe e a . ndtd the ate for State Sensthr, subject to tion. he aeet alou of Rtpubileau County Conven t. my 4 IRT"Ttilt SENATOR, 841 111117 EL D. OWLET , . W/1/ bf a Candidate to- Ettte Senator, anblee. to the decision or the /Lep bllean County Conven- Mu. mys GEO. u. ANDERSON • • trill be a candidate for State Senator, subleet to, the deeblun of the ittbubltoan county Cenven •n. my 6 Q ay -FOR SENATOR, TOMAS a. ROWLEY thedec be t sion candidate for State Senator, subject to tion. of the ltoynbLcan County Conven4 rdrFOlt SENATOR. TUOMAS TOWARD Will be a candidate for State Fenator, subject to the decision Or the Itepu biles n County Conven tion. mys ASSEMBLY FOR SS '1 he people present the name of JOEIN CURRY, Of Moan toenship. as a candidate for Assembly subject to tht decision - of the Union Aepubllcs. County Convention. myST bHERIF.F. a'FOB SHERIFF. resPectfally announce myself a candidate for SHERIFF, subject to - the usages of the Re. publican party; and if successful pledge myself to devote all my energytio an honorable and faith ful discharge of the duties of the office aplS:d&F U. a. FLEXING. 'FOB SHERIFF, • JOSEPH BOSS, Will be a candidate for SHERIFF, subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven - - atm: FOR SHERIFF, JOHN B. ruing Of Pittstmrgh, subject to the decision of the Iltuon Republican County Convent y2s-Dit p fa"FOB BEIEII JIFF. would resorct.ullynnnne to the citizens of Allegheny county that .1 will be caAidate for the office of bifERIrF, Futdeat to the decision of the next ensulug Unit n Republican County Con vention. II ap;o:tao:DP Obio Townsnip. s•'' JOUR A. WATSON, Of Elisabeth towel hip, late private Company TO, 791 b Pa. Vols.. will be a candidate or s + be °Mee of 811ERIST A subject to the decision ()film Upton Repnbilean ConVention. FOR smioru sit'Abb7acolP ' WILLIADI e. MINION, Will be a he for thece of Sheriff. sub. Jett to• the decision of Union liciiublican County Convention. nth2S:giad COUNTY TREASURER. vsg-FOR COUNTY TREASUR ER. a. I' DENNUTON, (Late Brevet Major 11. A. V 015..) will be it medi cate for •enominstion, subject to the decision of the Repuhlb•an County Coarentlen. acs7 1 , 344, ER COUNTY TREASUI/- COL s. Es...cormasvizo, Of Elisabeth township, will he a candidate the above °face. anlJect to tile_ decision of County Convention. spa.tofOn&F RECORDER FOIL LECORDEIL a C. 211'11ta8TE8 Will be a candidate for Recorder, subect to the dertelot of the Republican (Amnia Convention. n 175 earFOR RECORDER, TBO5. S. fl fl LATE .14TNTEt REG'T iA , 8 . C rgrFOR RECORDER, REVERY SNIVELY, Will be &candidate fbr nomination r.o the once of li.corder for AlleeLtny county, vublect to the decision of the approaching County Convention. apamizi FOR RECOIRD9I; AIIGoSTIIS 13ErACIERT, Mitt/belly City, late In ate 74ftb Excelsior Regunent• Lon $ leg the Second Bell Run Battle.anV:ll4 WV? REGISTER OF WILLS. FOR IlEerifiTEß .10W4 REM SUBJECT TO 1 .43 E DECISION OP THE RE PUBLICAI.I CoIIN TY CIFNTION. Iar—FOV.itEGISTEROF WIL .B JOSEPEC a GRAY, • • Subject LO decision of the Republican County Convenl'An. apßhin, CLERK OF COURTS tag''FOß CLERK or colarrs JOHN G. DROWN. Ret t i v i t ga l rlift, l 'ereg v io te th 'C e o d• e n d 0 1 r? the ()him Itepublteet3f. RJOUR R. STEWART ROB?. ._TATTEtasoN. OW. MIS PATTE i ISON & Co., .1.117M113rs SALMI AND COMMISSION STABLES COQ -14gVENTII MIRNUE * IIBBBTY ST,, ~nae.n~ Y P IT TSHIISQB~ COUNT.Yt COMMISSIONER. tar•TO or AL . LERHENV CO uNTY: I respectfully announce myself as a comfit:tate for the office of CLERK UF . COUItTB, subject, to the decision of, the Union Republican County Convention. I would state that I ask the. office but ibr ONE TERM. at the termination of which I would cheerfully retire. believing that there are others etinal f li i : i ntitled to the honor and emoluments of the de and as competent as myself / will be under ob igations to the citizens of the county for their support.' Very respectfollit, • • .70. EH RONE, Late 1024 (old nth ' ) and bib ra. Vol. • Reg. mlffit:g47 FOR COUNTY COMMIS SLONE JOSEPR • Will be s candidate for County Commieslnner, subject to the decition of the Union Itepubhcan County Convention. 5p72:116 FOR CO ZINTY GEORGE HAMILTON Will be a canildate for County Commissioner, subject to the deciAloo of the Union Republican County • FOR MillOß COUNTY CONINW.I4 Omuta, -R DER? 01171111140111411114 „,.., gtaiwdztp.rhictiasgaur s otin selljba ma:Wu cron4 " wo.D.vr Is-j) AAT 18 1-2 CENTS, I.ADIES' WHITE COTTON STOCKINGS MEWS WHITE SMITS, NEW SPRING BALVORAL SKIRTS NEW: PAR4SOLS. I NEW SUN ITIBBELLiB,&c.sitc AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 /weir Street, EXTENSIVE IMPORTED & DOMESTIC t Cloaks, Suits, Shawls, ' , .Granadines, Parasols, - Lace Curtains, Laoe Skirts, Ladies' Wear, Silks, Linens, .passimares, Balmoral Skirts, BATES it BELL'S. m~ NEW HARDWARE il orsE/FDENISH.I2VG STORE At 51 Ohio Street, Hminel Hotel, /11 ELEIRBERY CITY, PA. EWA& A. P. & H. C. ARDEEWP, Raving enterea Info Partnership deale r she firm name of ANDREWS & BRO., as, in in Hardware and Houseftunishlog Goods, have fitted up the store No. 51. northwest corner of t %to street and the Diamond. (Emmet Hotel Allegneny City. and are now selecting and debit receiving a choice stock of Hardware and Honsefarnishing Goods, wlrch, when coin. pie te, wl I tie found one of the best selections in the two cities, walie their prices will be as Iowa; the lowest. Our Wends and•the public are in. vited to glue us a can for ant thing In our line, as we feel *stored we can satisfy them both 51 to quality and price. • ALEX. P. ANDREWS, ki. D. ANDREWS. gio;zl My 4.165 The pirtnerahlp heretofore (misting between F. O. R.E . GLEY and W. E H. ROTLEDGE was this day:Alasolved by Mutual; consent. F. 0. Negley liwlone authorized to collect and pay all debts dne'and coming, to the above'firm. . ' F. O. NICOLfICY. " W. It. IntITLEDGE. • Pirrastraton, 1809. I mv4:188 . A PPLICATION to sell , liquor xi, , led in °Moe therk Con of Allegheny county, Pittsburgh. Nay 311. 1060, Wesley Ohambcriain, tavern, 14th ward,Pitis- The License Board will hear the - above cue, Saturday, Nay si„ 1859 at 10 o'clock A. mi. m54:160 JOHN b., BROWN Clerk. LlTlllo.—Frona the Alleo A fAVrarge MO: VitgViMist P aiiMa atm orbit. spot/ 1 1 1 4w, lions IMO of ol n d 4 lek oP- Cirmictal litooNrita ll oMol.AZ gboxy Drove • - 1•76114 ME MEM LADIES' BLACK KID GLOVES AT 75 CENTS, LADIES' RID GLOVES, CHOICE COLORS. EXTRA. 00013. NEWS COTTON SOCKS, 4 Pair for 25 Cen! s. AT 81.00, WITH LINENS BOSOMS, ALLEGHENY CITY DISPLAY OF DB SEMEN.TS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AT 12 1 ~,,,,,,,,,,,, -2 CENTS, • LIGHT AND DARK DELAI:4B, GOOD QUALITY. DOUBLE VITIDTH, CHANGEABLE ALPACA POPLINS. AN ExTRa GOOD BARGAIN. AT 28 cnn, DOUBLE WIDTH GOOD QUALITY AND NICE COLORS. HEAVY BLACK SILKS. FOB DRESSES AND SACQUES, AT TFIE LOWEST PRICES, AT 75 CUTS; DOUBLE WIDTH, SILK MIXED IN HANDSOME LIGHT COLORS, GREAT VARIETY OF NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S 180 and 182 Federal Ethil(4; ALLEGHENY CITY WIDOWS AND oilman BENEFIT LIB' BUM COMM OF .11"1ETY YORK. GE.ant.as H. RAmOitn President P. BLATCHFORD STARR General Agent. 400 Walnut St., Phila. This Company under the direction of a Board of Trustee,, comprising the most experienced suceessfull insurance alreetors Culled ptates, offers its thane of in la n dflnatidal management to the public as presenting the most ,secure and economical way of saying money, or ITinvestiag for the security of the family. d olhelars as . sets exceed one and a quarter millions of Dividend, will hereafter be made at the end of the first year.'and annually thereafter. No charges are made for policy fee or for medi cal examination. The Company is mutual. Policies are non -forfeiting. For particulars enquire of HENRY W. STRICKLER, Agent for Pittsburgh and Vicinity, i Office, 119 Wood Street. imys:mw&B gig" SABBATH SCHOOL . MBRABIES, 20,000 FRESHLY lIELIMp VOLUMES, Prom the mostrellable private publishers and re neon. societies of the land. All the new publications xccived as soon a Linked. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS ALLOWED NEW BOOK STORE, mix 119 WOOD STREET, BEOOND DOOll BELOW FIFTH yusnaw B.A. CURIE & (10., WALTEllusi WATCHER, ' il4 Plate, 16 and 20 Mee. Topany the mannbeture of thesc tine Watches the Catn have devotesrisil the scien confid e ntly - in the art at their command,. and claim that for fineness and beauty, no less than ; for the greater eicelencles of mechanical and scientific correctness or &alga "and execu lon,* thln ese watches are unsurnassed earn , ' are. this country the naanntaetna• of these Sine grade of Watches is not even attempted, except, at Walthasn• TOE SALE BY J. 13. OVrADDEN & CO. STEM-WINDINC WALTHAM - WATCHES. These Watches are of the well-known if Plate style, and warranted to eithly the most exacting demand for beim*. &deb and accuracy. The manufacture of Watches of this tine quality is not even attempted In this coruatir7 except at Waltham. . , FOR SALE BY Z. R. REED 81, ECL, nat4 _ 130010 SETZWILI, AND ACCCIIINTO COLLECTED. - MONEY TO LOAN. FINE FARMS IN PENNNYLVANIA; HOMES AND LOTS LN PITTSBUIICH AND EAST LIBERTY;- LOTS IN MANSFIELD. ingBol3El AND VIROINIA LAND FOR. SALE. Xpaahli or • - - THOS. 81XPEION, NOTARY fl 9 eleaarr Brazzr ' ' care. baarraiiii I EA Wars, INV Uri Pe, Nut ?rot:Vl' liru laka t M i lrif CO. .._ _... t .,, t ..,~,_ _ AT 25 ersr% LE TIDE FOR AT OUR YITTITBiJg~}S, 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers