The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 05, 1869, Image 1

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*OLUNE . _ ,-1,‘ .; :-?.C.q.,.-- f-I
TNPEra'im: oiciAoc3:c; at.
Eritirti Parliament—The Mary -.,Eowell
< :Wore -- Church Dbeitribllsiunent—
• . .Depose the Mayor -of corti.4.
Go edal Decreed to Dr. for
Arde Etphirstrotis, - by ifiir rathi Peo
rapt/kit Peitetyllie - 'Reer - Spanlsh
• Wilbur.' 'V A ",
i tritteleiripb M. the Plttriturgh Gazette.) .
Lostiori s May 4.—lnthe House of Com-
Mona thlabvebingfilidentrOlOriihred
`What tialliihthri Gotieriirraimi.
in regard to the seizure of the brig Mary
Lowell by a Spanish man-of-war in Brit
`- ish waters. Mr. Arthur J. Otwey,pnder
lEletebtarY fo r ii the Foreign ' Yiepairment,
plipd that d in , . the ,present, hrperfect
istaderif infilridetioii *Se' Undesirable
to make knbern,the nature tot thri.conf• -
munbutiorie` which had been exchanged
- with,„the- Government e lorMirr on the.
subjest. •
Mr.. r. Edward , Suillvan, inettiber , for
Mallow; will intiodirde a bill Cl) prevent
the Meyor of Cerkfrom -,continumg to,
hold - any office ' s onebited with the tl;•
:ministration of 'name, ~• ,
In the liciaiiel'cif:Criyi=4lleiiiii.
i !deb - Church bill ws,3 under considere
-I,_kioui Mr.' Gladstone proposed: that .the
_xiatries or Lord Monck, late Governor
Deneral of Canada, Justice dames, Ali
(bony Lawson and George Alexander
'Hamilton' L.L. D., be inserted , in clause
three as dominissioners Church Tem
poralities in Irelaud, Constituted !under ,
the aot; `;, • •
_Paula, May 4The Geographical Seel
; . ety have decreed X gold medal to Dr.
, 1 Hayes, of the United States, for his emi
, -nentservices in Ihee7werk of Arctife ell'
i ploratip#: MAI. tUsitiverj. _ To-day , the
President of the Society, with a. depots
' ~tion of oishibtra, wactXd on General Dix,
,Ainericafil Minister, -And' 'presented 'the
xnedal. requesting him to transmits it to
• Ids distinguished ' countryman, and ae
i n.cornpanied , the presentation . _with , - an
;:earnest i3xiivisiou t for - continued. friend
ship between France and America. (3en.
iDix, in reply, thanked the President for
his friendly eitiresslon _in regard to his
country, and said it was pleasure for
' Alnericans to see France anti the United
Gen ,working ' together in traditional
; . lendship for - the . promotion 'Ot.disciov
i f' rye science and general progress.
' • :' ~.,. ITALY. ,
I _ POn.s7cE, May 4.—Both Houses of,
rstOament have passed a vote of cond.-
'', demo in the Ministry for their endeavors
threatorethe tlnsindial etindition of -the
, . SPAIN.
MAlwup, - iii - tiy l l..-The : mejo ' rity of the
_the Gales are in favor of a
'new Vaielok3' , ; - - -
Lrftropl4•;_tiray 4:- Consobl. 93%,- , Five
. 1 'Twllniles quiet - at ' 79%. Stocks quiet; . ;
.... & 'Erie l ils , Illinois _:9B%°, .:Atlantic and
, *;l•:43reat Western 243;. Tallow, 435. Sugar.
38s. 6d. Calcutta linseed, 595. ,
•-• 0 ' 1 qtrimMit,e;P,
May f:L-Petrolento, 61%. •
1 -; 121 - avak,' 'May %1.-Cott - oh chi spot - itt
i .143 franca.
1 ' F714.24EF0RT, May 4.--Bonds, 86. •. • ,
May 4.-Cotton dull; mid
1 tiling 4tplands 11%, snd Orleans,. 12;
.sales • 6,1100' 4ales. Wheat-California
white, at'. Ps. 341., and red • -welt
tern at Bs. Bcl. l Flour, western. at
i Its. 6d. ' Corn-new ,mised at J .27a. -3d.
• ati, Bs. 4d. Btriey, ss. Feas, 38s. 6d.
Tork,-`0101.9.• Beef, l a rd, trd, ' 70s.
' - ,Cheete, 82s. Bacon, 60s. Common ro ,,
- -41 a. - 41a. 2d.' Snicks - petroleum, 9d:; 'refined,
• la. Oi4d. Tallow, '44s. 9d. Spirits . tor
-:peritine, 293:3t1:" Liiveed oil, £3l 10s.
PARIS, April 4 .-, Bourse firmer. Relates
. ,
' '72fr. 12c. T
, ,
State House Commission—Additional
Charges of Corruption.
Zity Telegrapa tx, the rlttsburgn tisser.tea
CELIC,tOO, May 4.- Gen. Jules C. Web
tbeir, late Secretary of the 'new State
'; House Comlnissioners of Illinois, lies
"d with Governor Palmer additional
'barges and specifications against the
-Wtembers of th-tt Commissio • He
~. charges the Commission withmhaving -
;employed John C. Cochrane as architect.
• ,and superintendent of the building,
4,knowing him to be interested* a Fon
tract-of-Barnard & Gowan. the firm now
performing themason work on the pew
,state House, and a corrupt and dishonest
'person. as is shown by the evidence ho
produces. He also charges James H.
c Beveridge. one of the Commissioners,
with being a stockholder in 'the Hume°
-Stone Company, and that at the letting
- - of tim contract to, furnish • dimension of
stone for the new State House, I Bever
'. idge voted and used his influence to se
; -cure the awarding of the oontract \for the
silm etude n stone to the said Nauvoo Stone
~; Company, when their hid in the ' aggro
-I..gate Was about fifty thoniand dollars
morp 1 than the-bid , of. one of. the other
parties. The Cointidsaioners have been
.notified to appear before the Governor
~ .and answer WWI dcediationa tomorrow.
- • Vh•gbala Politic.
V.By Telestapb to the Plikbanth Queue., •• :
f . RouncoreD,'lptay 4:l—Gan. Welly la-out
ha a letter, saying he has never been sat
ibdiud that the disfranohisenall clause
gvould accomplish-the object for which
tit was framed - : . or if th e majority of the
people vote against it, all ought to assent
Ito tho decision. • adds: I believe,
1 -, that whichever section of the •Conititn
: lion the President preferato have striok
:len out, he will submit separately, and
!:the probabilities are the weight of hts
,iiame will &ranch that the provisions so
Anbmitted wilt be defeated. I
Railroad Matters at Cincinnati.
tsy,Teleitrmal te the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
CrxottiNATl, May 4.--Committees from
HOharieston, 13, C., Knoxville, Tenn„ and
Danville, Ky., will he here this week to
IL:tonfer with committees in tide city with
referenceto the Southern Railroad, One
' .43onnty on its line hies ;imposed to con
tribute litee,too.
• .•
ince Menach*Mr; 'Admiral of the
1L•1403+, dleidon Monday.
• tire ''''-'h did' - - "
e t ,. , tin - and forty-eight
deaths': couturred in Cincinnati during
May. ,- .., + .. ,
• —IL B. Rvan, a'young lawyer, died in
a coach on Monday, on the , way from
Covington - to Sandfordville, Ky.
—The Grand Encampment of Odd Fel
lows of Ohio met in Cincinnati yester
day. The order was largely represented.
,' —The Ildiana Legislature has lodated
the Agricultural College at Tippecanoe
battle ground, neat Lafayette.
—Municipal elefetitions were held on
-Monday. In. Stockton, . California,-;and
Vieginfa•aidHoldVlllei*Neveds, at kit of
which the Rent:4lmmwere_ successful. . ...
—The Oinchnsaik elestutester haa ar
ranged for thtee - dally :Magi 'from that
city to New York;, ithiladelphia and
St. Mule. . ,
' -S.-A.. Dttrartlvat . aliqultted, o,i "Ines ?
day, !lithe Criminal Court, ttt Idemphfs;
on the charge of the murder of Capt.
Whitfield, some menthe since. .
_ —lt is repor ted in Washington that
the Cuban revolutionists are negotiating
for the purchase of the Perendan moni
tors; now at St. 'Thomas ' • -
—Wm C. Ross, Chief Assistant Engi
neer of the Baltimore Fire Detment,
died Tuesday - niorning tof In juries re
ceived at a tire qa the 17th of Aprll.
--Gen. Thomaiand staff leave Wash.
ington for Galifoeni ff ouThursday,. Gene.
Hancock 'mid Terry" wUI 'also flood Jolla
their clammands.. . ~ •
—The tobacco factory of E. T. Pickin
ton dc Co., at Riehmondl-Ta.. was burned.
Tuesday niarhlier. Loss $57,000; insur-
Face $20,000.
—James Stuuiewell, a leading mer
chant of Boston, =fleeted with the
Sandwich Islands and California trade
for more than half a century, died on
Monday, aged eighty years.
—The Kentucky State Temperance
(konvention met in Covington, Tuesday.
Delegates from the Sons of Temperance
and (daffier_ societies .from the whole
State Were present. A; Constitution was
:adopted. '
' —The "city of "St. Paul, Minn., has de ,
livered one hundred arid , seventy then
sand dollars worth of bonds to the Lake
Superior Railroad, she balance of the
three hundred thousand dollars voted
having beep delivered some days ago.;
, ,
-an the house of one Kindt; at New
York, a detective accideumi ly discovered
concealed nuggets orgeold, gold watch
cases and ringa,of the value of five thous
arid dnitars. Oh hearing of his discov
ery, Kindt, who had been charged with
robbery, confessed his guilt.
" ' —AI - Davie Weo, Un Monday, a
young man named , bleorge Clayton,
while outriding with a young lady took
a pistol from his pocket, and while hand
ling it caroillessole.le wont discharged, the
ball entering his head.,infileting a wound
which caused his death in a few hours.
—At Binghamton; N. Y., on Monday
night; there was a snow storm, and some
snow fell yesterdey, the bills being cov
ered - as' in Winter. Vegetation in the
Susquehanna and Shenango valleys 'was
quite forward, and it is feared damage
will result from frost.• , •,
—Bent. Drake alias Benton , ,. was ar
raded in Winchester county,torass.,slon
day, and taken to Boston. charged with
•obtaining $12,000 from the First National
Bank of St. clairsville, Ohio, by forgery.
He will be sent there for trial on a requi
sition from the Governor of the State.
--Gen. John C. Freinont goes to France
on business. connected with She loan
which.has been negotiated there , for the
construction of the Memphis and El Paso
Pacific Railroad. _lt is the iutention to
build one hundred. and fifty miles of the
road this - summer.
—At liZrth Andover, Mass., Monday
morning. Frank F. Cheny,.aged fifteen
years, of highly respectable parents,
committed suicide by shooting himself.
His father had required him to apolo
gize to his school teacher for playing
truant, which is supposed to have in. ,
dnced the rash not. . .
—Hon. Horace Rublee, the newly ap
pointed Minister to Switzerland, has re
ceived his coin alia sion,and will leave his
home at Madison, Wis., early in June
and proceed to Switzerland. Maj. J. O.
Culver, flow connected with the Chicago
and, Northwestern Railroad, takes edito
- rial charge of the Madison .Tourna/
during Mr. Rubltoe'a absence.
—A railway tie of rodlished California
laurel, mounted at either end with solid
silver, accompanied =by a spike of solid
gold, costing two htindred dollars, was
torwarded from San Francisco yesterday
to the end of the Central Pacific Rail
road. It is the last tie, and will be laid ,
by. Leland Stanford on Saturday next,
thus completing the Pacific Railroad. °'
1--The Grand:Encampment and Grand
Ledge of Odd Fellows is in session in
San Franclico. The annual reports In
dicate unusual progress of the Order in
the i past year. Committees were ap
pointed-to make suitable arrangements
for the - reception of delegates of the
Grand Lodge of the United States which
holds its next
. annual meeting in San,
Francisco. • ~ ,
—Joseph Holmes, colored, a member
of the late Constitutional Convention,
was killed at Charlotte- Court House,
Va.; on Mcinday., - A peraboal - difficalty
occurred between him and John Mar
shall, of whose , family 'Holmes, % was!
formerly. a body ;. servant ... Both pahles
drew pistols and the firing commenced,
which was participated ' In by Marshall's
friends. After belngahot Holmes walked
into the Court House and felt dead.
pi — r Th ,the Stuontbuwry h a in n . e . x .. -
all dealers in' Boston they.: mtg. . .
their places forthwithr None compiled,
however, the barirooms continuing own
as usual v and. prosecutions Will , be com
menced. The result will be, it la thought,
that all the public drinking saloons will
be cloned and ‘ the: eitib-roema of-a few
years since 'The; prOPrlator of
a drinking-01We, - celled. ,otTrtio:+ll.lgh., , '
lands," was so excited , when informed ,
he must close husineis that; ho heeeme
insane and hung himself. +At a meeting
of liquor dealers and hotel proprietbre,
to the number of 500 or 600; called• to de
termine what action should be taken With
reference to the law, the matter watt" dias
cussed, the legislature 'denOunced, and
resistance deolded upon, collo:M*6w and'
individually. A. resolution was passed
favoring the formation of a new political
party at once, with a chief purpose to se-
cure more liberal legislation On the liquor
1$ n d other questions, andit Committee sp.
pointed to take the preliminary steps.
. .
. . .
/.- - --cc7-;& -- -..rwra'AS. 3
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-PITTs . - pvx.p4,.,ii.wxpNEsp*.it,: ! -.
.4 .. . A. 5 ; ':1869,
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CB, Telea.pht4 the ts ab Gaze te,3
WI:1111103TON, May 4, 1868.-- )
Ira 131 0 O T Offei has been isripOlntedil-
per v i eo r o f internal 'Revenue for the
District of 'Hindi , vice John '"O lney.
l i ate•PO ll td_e at " has iiPPl3int.e4. B. tr..V 3 1 . 4 118
Secretary oTAdaho tgerritory, vice J. R.
Howlel3oltifehieffed.t'2 ,`
Atm. Grant's .recaptia n to•day, probV
bly the last of theserWwen attended
by a bti*MU:riliercOf , anti gentle
The Dyer Court of Impsdry is still in
secret session, making up thek,fir finding,
Which it is expected will bulnaC'hed and
hut to the Secretary of War. nil- Gen.
George EL ffhoMas, President t 'cof the
000M - will' leave for ijaliforsh r 1 - burs-.
day, accompanied by Col. Wilted and
oiler members of his staff.
;Colonel J. A. ,-,lgarflisi AdintEnitn
eral, formerly at arniy ,head-quarters
and more recently aid to Secretary Raw
lins; left Wasbingtonito day for the west,
wheie he is assigned to duty.
All the prominent officials of the Inter
nal Revenue Bureau, who were immtiat
ittely connected with commissioners •
office during the administration of Rol-
lins, except Deputy Odurnissioaer Bur
nell, have been removed. Several sp..
pointments of assessors and collectors
will probably be made in the course of a
few days.
Gsvernor Walla, of Virginia, was smOng
the callers at the Executivtiatansioni be
fore the meeting of the cabinet; and' had
a brief interview with the President on
political .aubjects appertaining to that
state. He returned to Richmond , to
night. • ' • -
John W. Wright has replied to the
statements, recently-published relative
to the alleged frauds practised by him
on the Cberokee• and • otber-Indians, in
the.: matter .of bounty -payments. He -
save, among other things, drafts were is
sued by the Government in the name of
and he oduld 'not'inie a dollar
withoutthwendorsement of those allow,
ed bounty.. aD. Reese, Chairman of
the Cherokee [delegation, who aided In
making out the claims of Indian sol
diers, endorses the truth of Weight's
statement. •
Small Poi on Shipboard—Danlati
Nan Meeting at' Cooper , lustnate
Reisolattatia Adopted Nuking- the Gov
enintent to Recognize cnban Revinu
tlontataas Belligerents.
tly Telegraph,to.ttke toittsourtit Queue.)
NEvar Yonic, May 1864.
Geo. H. Reed, at present in the Belle
vue Hospital, arrived recently in the
steamship Alaska, states that on the trip
from Aspinwall the smallpox broke out
and seven deaths occurred in two days.
, .
Some of the bodies were thrown over-
The Dinifsti Minister, Mr. De Belle,
'was married to-day to a daughter of
Chancellot Libriski, of Jersey City.
, The Express says United States Mar
shal Barlow has received .reliable infor
mation that a steamer left this port last
night for Cuba with three hundred men, -
each providedwith a rifle and uniform;
that the vessel also teak a large quantity
of light clothing, and provisions to last a
- month or six weeks. - The Express adds
that another expedition is preparing.
The Marshal is investigating the matter.
The steamer Scotia, from Liverpool,
on the 24th ult., arrived this evening. -
The steam-hip Cambria, from Ham
burg. April 2ist, haft arrived. -
A mass meeting of the friends of Cuban
independenca was held this owning in
and around the Cooper Institute.- -lion.
Chas. A. Dana presided. Resolutions
expressing sympathy with the strug
gling patriots of cube, and demanding
the recognition of their rights as bellige
rents, were adopted. Spirited adresses
were made by Hon, Jim. McKeen, Henry
Ward Beecher. and others.
The Connecticut Legislature.
(By Telegraph to the Pitttburgh Gazette.
HABTPOBD. May 4.—Gbv. jewel! will
be inducted int °Mee to-morrow, and a
large milit try end civil demonstration
is expected. The Governor elect held a
reception at the Allyn Howie this eve
ning, which was very largely i,ttendthl.
The Legislative concusses held a meet
ing this evening. The Republhains of
the Senate nominated David Gallup, of
Plainfield, President pro. temp and
Dwight Marcy, of Rockville, Clerk. The
Republicans of the House nominated 0.
H. Platt, of Meriden, Speaker, J. A. Tib
betts, of ' New London, Clerk, and E.
Bennett,, of Hartford, Assistant Clerk.
Both Houses being largely Republican,
of entire° the Republican nominees will
be elected.. • •
Ineraeta by Telegraph.
NEW 0111,11.018. May 4.—Ootton stock
demand high, and: grades unchanged;
low grades easier; middling kflyen Bales,
2,000 bales; ; ; receipts, 788 bales; exports,
8.548 bales, including 720 baleg to Mobile
for the Ltverpool steamer.. Gold 1882
Exchange 17..140111nm 48X; ,' New York
sight, xoq per cent. premium. ' Sugar
--ontitruon,%93(o93lc; :priine,•l2%@l2%.
Molasses nomtualitud ferpmenting, 40®•
550. _Flour &dß' super,' 15,50; double
extra, $5,75; • treble extra,; 10,38. 'Corn •
easier; white, 74®750. Oats, 711§720.
Bran, $1,85. Hay, printe,lB2©B& Pork
dull, $32.50. • Bacon'', firmer; shoulders,
113%@1830; clear rib, 17}03; clear aides,
17%c., Lard drill and unchanged. Whie
ky depressed; western ref:ailed, 1.2)40
900. Coffee fair, 15615K0; prime,
17(34173 , 50.
Onioeuo l iday.t..--At open board this
afternoon La fair business was done in No.
.2 spring Wheat, and prices were steady
at $1,12@1,12X, ksash sellers for the
month. Other - grains were quiet and
nonileallynnobenited. Abe evening a
few lots of:Wheat mei, sold at 111,1t54,
seller for the month. Provisions neglect
ed. Beef Cattle are fairly -= active
firmv sales of 1,879 bead at 165,50197. 75
for Cowl to extra shipping Steers. nOils
dull, heavy and lower, closing weak with
2,600, pr.„VOCI bead left over unsoldk
sakes of 1981 bead at 118.50®8,00 fof
gmooth light Hogs; $9@9,25 for heavy
/Smooth lots.
Regalarllneettim=Menthly Iteports--Tax
for 1660—Petitions, dm., dm. '
• -Last ei ening It 14dlai m on thly iheet: ,
lug of t e Illi . intiihath pi:Igo:ell was held
at; the Oft/4 9exititivosathibui7.
-E4icilits4fasolaburYfiroelliqd.: . :,
Pal 910,141. ~.1* late . rbury,
•W s iird,Aitiver, Doylo,l
Sehikartp , :Vogely and SipitittrY. "'
I phtimiiiitteii of thi*Celling
andledltykatitAiwerii, read ankap.l ,l
pZ -
1%61 ichtitigit - prwpiesi their]
- mobtlar er rai of )tqat.:tho - rolowl*
life" BYI4 , ' •
Mute Hteetati. Merkel - 9,8260,4'
75; i_expendituteig ; •linhinte
market imagery -1C
balancalaat naPint4/2 00; eiPendltarcal
including salary, $BO9 lit; Wand) due
Doran, Street tiommigalmner, $14870.
Hay Eleidelt--Repeitits t frout hay, Wales,'
$8195; deduct Com oBB.ion, I* ;
:wee dae'borOtign,-.•
tn ' _••.•
• WhetifLitetieep 4 teotri'• wharf; $B4 50;
deduct eensiiiindiii.
, $802; balatice due
borough, 425 gg;
„. . • ,
.The iiitilit t 'Ed l iiiharqi!tabier waa a s
liodmigh fitpii)ntirtictt on trend .4, 672 98
Market .. „..„1,118 07
Bounty fol; arnoten't -65 20
dtetal~... 25
Tad Otitiltand' 011ie market
fund: was transferred tit' the ' Wrong!'
fun* Wahl:4 theilinettnt a, hboVe. • '
The. snort nyder •Atatiodt that the
!tteaettror had negotiated'ailotinPorlitk
-800 for , four month', to •meiet xher laariti
stallmeate Qll the) 000nty- hands; ,al5 of
whicp had Veen paid, out _excepting the
balatice headed
' 4, llkwk!ty Ftind,7
mta mst.tacifir,ovis..
Mr. Atterbury moved that air the -re
port be referredte the Finance Commit
tee foe the "ptirpose Of having them. en
twined. Adopted: • '-
v:Mr. Atterbury, from She - Spodal Ohm
unites, reported having presented' the
resolution relative to. the widening of
Manor street, adopted ',at •the speOtal
meeting of the CA3uncil•held.ou tke , l9sh.,
alt. to the, Directore:Of the ..119pengihela
Valli3y Railroad Uompaby, and.emted
they hid accepted the terms propect
On Vuotion of Mr. - Oliver, iho " report
wad accepted and the committee
tinned. , •
Mr. Oliver. frOM the Street Committee,
re ; orted that verionsimprovemento were
liefvitritogiti4la-Artiamtverti.os tate-bar-•
odgh. ,Repart oiscepted T end approved. , ?dr. Soliworrn, front, the Poiloe Ocnntnit
lee. reported • having retained the two
night police for the borouos, ;Report - 1W;
eepted and approved. • • ...
Mr. Rsdman moved that' hereafter re
ports of committees bo made in writing.
Carried. •
The Burgess said the tints bad arrived
for the fixing of the borough taxes for
the present 'year. He than read a certi
fied copy of an act passed by the laatLe
gislature, giving the borough authority
to. levy 'a tax of twenty mills, after
which be submitted an estimate of the
probable expenses for the current year,
as follows: •
Bounty betide due,
SeWer bonds due....
StreetS •
Treasurer, Clerk, Solicitor and
.4.thl bills for paving, &Q., now
t8,151l 00
To meet this expenditure tho follow
ing 'receipts are anticipated
Markets ........
Hay Scales
Vehicle License. - ..
Due the Borough
$5,200 00
Leaving 02,000 to be raised by taxa
After some discussion Mr. Atterbury
moved that 15 mills be levied. •
Mr. Ward moved' as art amendment
that'the levy , be filed at 17% mills.
Mr. Atterbury accepted - Mr. Ward's
amendment, fixing the levy at 17%
mills, and the motion as amended was
Mr. Soliwarin presented, a petition
from citizens residing on Fourteenth
street, requesting Councils to pgss an ot,
dinance autholiziug the grading and
paving of the street., •
The 'hitless also read a petition from
elt‘zens residing on Franklin (now . Stx -
teenth) street, asking,tor the grading and
peving,of said street. '
Referred to the • Street Committee, to
report at the neat meeting.
A number of bills. Including salaries .
'of borough officers, were read, and war
rants ordered to be drawn ter their pay
ment. Adjourned. , .
Renegade of the Potomac. r .
A national drama under rho above title
will be irod geed at the Academypf Music
nest week, under. the auspices obi Posts
85 and 88 of the Grand - Arniyel , theSci-
The entertainment 44 - ifie 'as
public. . •
„ .
suriid, will be of such scharaettlr that
those of the community not Atomised as
theatre goers will not hesitate - to join,
• with' others, less scrupulous snob mat
ters, In affording encounoitient,of thd
isubattuniat • kind - to 'tne surviving eel.
Mors' of theoUnlon in their organised':
effortato preserve the bohd of friendship
sealed on many fields of ,hloody -strife - in
their, country's esusewte.ald in the sup-.
ltcirt,or.oriPPled comrade! { and the; wid
ows of those who fell,•anki,to assist, in the,
edgeation .of their, orpnitne:.. The:stotge,
arrattgemets he'snipekintendoOW
gentleman' oaf ekperience
and , the chardeters iii the play Will too
pdrsotiated by- Inentheritof the order,!the
- leaditrrolmsbY Mr.; D. A. Junes, of the
-Bi r mingham - Post, whose beribrtnancein•
Lhe „ Drummer Boy .or Shiloh,” during
the,wlnten, elicited such high common
.dottied.„ We trust the se eni en having
, a - hoirgoipf the arrangements may b e as
s uceesslld as .Sy anticipate, and that
' thelinfertatenn itor will be deserving we
entertain no doubl,whatever.
$ 4,800 00
. 2,000 00
. 1,000 00
. 3,000 00
616.160 00
g„000 00
..43,000 00
500 00
.. 500 00
.. 800 00
... 1,400 00
bEWII*TION L4Y., . s ;
Conventkot. of the Grand Arm?, , of 'the
A Convention of the several Postant
the arall4, Army of the...limpnblipin /his
vicinity was held at Post NO. 3, Tuesday
etening; . lllay Ath, for the .purpUse of
making •airangements relative to the
dpooratldn: of %the graves of - shiiir coin
4jorks in: .arpius -who
,sagrilicad, their
tives•to basVelhO botilitry &rang the la le
rebellion, in compliance wilh , the'ciidbr
issued by f3loiteral Logan: • • -
The Conycritibn was called to order by
the elehtfinibf W.' B.'Cook 'as 'tern porary
Chtdrman...fionerat - A; L. Pearson was •
eboaen Pgratiment
_ghpirroan , and Caul%
A. itle' orPdst - NO: 85, J. Cunning.
417, -Martin' Shaffer : of
Post No. 151, and W. P.; .Cook, of Post'
No ,-5 Socretaties.o A , - • - , •
Geri. St.•.' , l4.'PekVado;_ upon taking the
chaii;etated the'dhjed of the Cohvbrition
o lt r t ri e oll igt of 4 Gln T4l . iti")9rtance. '7., f
Comrade +Gray. of Post 8; miived td eel
,abrate the".29th.: .;
'Amended by Comrade Dalgleleb, of Post
8, to observe both Satuillay and Sunday
--Saturday public demonstration, and on
&Imlay religions services:
' "Ainended by Comrade Shaffer,. of Post
, 151. to Ater kr a‘cornmittee of three from
each Post, to :report the day to be ob
served., Carried, and the following were
No. 151—Messrs. Shaffer, "' Weaver,
Barr. :No. 35-.-Mesars. colwelL Stiantr
Tyler. No. 3—Messrs. McClanahan. Sill
vey, Wet. DEdgleish. No:ll7=J. T. Ctin,
ninghaiii, - three votee.• "No, 88—W. , 11,4
Cook e three votes. No 38—A. L. Pear,
On-Motion,' each' Pc:St i tt) irstfe their
Taut iirthe .13caninittee.
;Whilo the Committee retired It„receas
wal taken: -*
Thei Committilei apPearinglnillielikiln;
"t e.. ineetisig_,cama to --order, the
'Chairman of the . Committee reported
that their mire nniible to agree. Report
'atleeptestiand:Comnalttee discharged.
Comrade Barr of P9I3C No. 151, Inures:l •
to observe Suinlay, the 30th. '
• Aseenided by Comrade Cdolt, No. Silo'
to obtiervei' both tits 29th end 30th..
Ammelment. .
. Comrade Cook,.Post 3," offered a stib
stitute welch' the Chair ruled nut of
Comrade, Collier, Post N 0.3, appealed
from the decidioe.
Thejrpteal Ares not adstained. . •
'rho question recurring- on the origi
nal Motion, it was
Comrade COok, Poet No: 3, offered' the
,following resolutiou_s:.
- Resoircdt That as Exectitlvit Commit-
Vl&Co i naistiiiit of one Com radelrem each
Post .be appointed, whoshall have (Marge'
of all general arrangaments for, the ob
serviinCe of Webb : Mon Day:
• Borotrett :That lheaeveral !tido of this
county do hereby extend a cordial that
tationk all persona not members of the
, and who feel an interest in the
ziotile.Object /13,whieh ire arosoiraged, to
participate in the decoration ceremonies
on Sunday:May 30th.
The resolutions were adopted.
Exsoirrivx COMMITTEE.
Chairman, Cleo: S. Wood, Post 151;
Geo. S. Smith, Post 3; A. P. Callow, Post
35; Flathangh,. Post IN W. C. Cook. Post
584 f. F. Denniston Pteat 117; Martin
Shaffer, Poet 151.
Comrade Montooth moved that when
the COuvezition adjourn, it adjourn to
Peet it the call of the. Chairman. Car
rind. ;
On Motion, the Convention adjourned.
1 1 teasimt 'Valley Psosettger Railway—
. minuet Meeting of Stockholders.
t ,
, Las evening the first annual meeting
of the stockholders of the Federal Street
and P easant Valley Passenger Railway
(lom n
It s
y was held at Gray's Hotel, on
Panto - a Lane, Second Ward Allegheny.
There was a full attendance and the pro
oli•dirt were marked with harmony
At eight o'clock the meeting was or
ganized by John Bmwn Jr.. taking the
chair, and , J. T. Blair actin Secretary.
Wm. W. M. Mrley E.g., Secretary,
read the annual report, showi g the con
dition of the-road. I '
The report Mute Superintendeut, Mr.
H. T. Price, was also read. I
From the reports it appeared that four
cars have been kept running during
most of the time. and no trouble has
been 4 experienced in the' Management.
The fiscal affairs of the company seem to
be in a llourisliing .conditlen. During
the month of March the receipts amount
ed to $938.37, an Increase of over 540(1
above the recelpta of the previous mouth.
Both retiorta wore approved and ordered
to to tiled;
• On motion, it was resOlved to give aid
and" eneonragement to the proposed om
nibus line to run in connection with the
company's curs; front the terminus of
the railroad line at, the postoffiee,..Alle
•gheny, to the Pittsburgh postotlice. via
Federal street, Suspension Bridge, St.
Clair street-and Fitch avenue, aud,if ,the
line were fully. established to sell tickets
for the entire distance traversed by the
omnibusline awl the:cars. for six . cents.
The election of a President and Board
of Directors was the next bnainess in
order.— ! ~• , .
hiese're. , Bernard Gray, W. T. Trimble
and William Carr were appointedtellers.
W. 11. , MeGreety was Unanimously
elected President of the.'Company, in
.plaee of Mr. W. S. Bissell, Who declined
re-election ' '
The following -gentlethen were ,"'then
chosenDirgotoralo [lie ensuing, year :
Jonathan Gallagher, H.T. Filet:NA. Leg
gate,' W. St Nelsen, B. Getty, 9apt.' John
Birmli3ghaiM, J. Myers,. amU , SV:4'. An
Berson. :1 . . - .' • ' • . -
~ . ~
....a. Seto' .ttf -thanks was tendered Mr.
IP' lg. : hi. Chtney for the manner in sotiieh
, he had t discharged the duties of- Bee
i retarY of Compaoy,
, W
The Directors
_elect were notified to
Meet ednesday. eventitg,*; May' sth, at
t t
ehe °IBC° of H. T. 'Price; Esq
l-lu ~ for'or
gaau-0w; ,:- 1 , .1 . : '
.Adjourned.) i• ?1 , . z ‘ - .
~ : ,
850 00
4 B en etw tst oe t p. on a s n — it ti t ' m ur ' be day rlof ni S g o:n 6 t h o - side .
41Orttiltg; tut. the piirtioniars ;of , which
We 1470-Ittren,• dia occur on the
ISlOnolipihitis,*(pr iiirtuirighatu)• brkdke ,
but on:fieedrid avenue, a considerable,
from ft: The attention' of
bridgio 'Watchman was not called to the
:disturbance. end consequently the amutil:
leg Parties did not flee upon his approach'
as.was stated; Litt some titne afterward,
in waking his round, he discovered one
.of the persons said to have been a.ssaultea
nt the north end 01 the bridge.
Police office intelligence IA not always
reliable,, of which this case is an in
Wirth Avenue Babn--Bletting of Steer.—
holdepi•—litreetora Nominated.
An .adjourned.
,meeting of' the stock-,
Poldens of the Fifth Avenue Bank of"
ittsburgh was . held in the hall over
Whitehead's grocery store, corner or:
Pride istteet and Fifth avenne,.yesterday
(Tuesday) evening,tlr, Samitel klorroi*
in the chair.. •
The nifuntes of the previons meeting
were read and approved.
The ChAirman announced that the
stock, hid all been subscribed„ and they,
were now ready for organization.
The Secretary , Mr.. Schnable. then •
readd the Constitution, as adopted at the.
Preceding Meeting,• when, on motion of
Dr. McCandless, the time for holding the
annual 'erection, whiciii was . left' bWnito
was tilted on theseCond Tnehdayefidity.
_ The Secretary. rewrted.thatthe k
'had all beep 'taken within three , days
after 'the books 'were 'open, and there
Were appilerktious for abotit two hundred
shares more than there were to issue.
The Chairman stated that the meeting
was now ready, to receive neininations
for directors fbr the ensuing year.
On motion, the meeting proceeded to
nominate candidates for directors. ' --
The following named gentlemen were
placed in iminination •,
Ed. Dithridge, F. L. Groes,
Danl. Kinser, - Wm. F.. Keyser,
J. M. Fairs, ••` ' Jtexib Maier, .
W. H. Sims, Henry Meyer,
Aaron F10yd, , ; , . A. A. C. Whitehead, .
iO. F. Baner, H. 121. Bright, ' .
plank Seibert, John Keyeer. -
.D.:ll4.. ; Armer,”: : r . Philip Kramer, •
."-W. - P. -Wet man, W. P. Lewis,
*cholas Swartz, 'H. W. Felten,
Drika west...dies* G. W. Shoenlierger„
EA. Anderson, Chas. F. Barden,
nd. Portzel, „. John Keyser.
Davit Stein,. - -' John E. Foulke,
Phillip Grady. John Beckett,
L. P. Lippert, Henry Deitler.
W. C. Robinton, ' :
On motion, the nominations closed.
" On grollothlit Wm resolved to hold the ,
electionletween the hours of three and
0 1
eight o'clock P. M . on' the 'iteccind
. Tues,-
day.of Ma,. i . 1. ..: .-.. . ~.
- i The following . namedgentlemen were
selected. by . a unailatmouh .voto t of the'
litookirOlders to act ils judges of the Zlec
thin: R. A. ifichnable, FL. , Denahn'and
Geo.. C. Hess. I , •I.
Souk ( disdnision then - ensued relative
to the locatioitof the banking house.
lilts iithridge mow() that, the etock,
holdifraliititritet the dlreCtornto locate
the hank MI Fifth' t fittrnetly Pennsylva
ma).avenne. , - - •-'. • • .
.•- On metion, it was:resolved that any
snick. that shoirld be relinqiiiiihed by
present stockholders should he given to.
the parties applying in the order as their
names appeared on the bootie.
, The meeting then adjourned. '
NNW' °PIMA Elsuisi.:—Another large.
and brilliant audience asiembled at the.
Opera-Rouse last' night, an ,
tbe occasion
of the sitcbmi presentation' of gurnpty. '
Dumpty, the triumph. trick paritominicr
-and ballet combinatkm of the century. , -
The play passed off even better laSt night
than on the first production, the scores -
of actors knowing their cues perfectly
and tbe machinery, of transformation;
working 'adm , This afternoon a.
grand mar , ' ladies and the little
folks v , and those who tbink
°meal imoderate laughter. a .
crime at, home, tot; the plity
e :chief inoarneriitt
is so
elp berating; inlo fun
itopty-rtatripty, - '
Iterits.--A large wadi- -
mil:pled at this place
lght, by rli etiWbOtn
on tl
be hi g hly. ap-
, _
i;Elir: . W.AndreNfs,
tustakiiig and . deserv-
ty, taltes - a benefit: A. -
las been arranged, in
cunipany will appear.
ibtless, be crowded. •
THE REAINOS. —Pm. readers should
not forget title reading entertainment to ,
be given at the 'Academy , of Music to
morrow nig t. Th 9 programme selected
for the neeu ion is one ,of great variety, , i
and will fully exhibit the superior, shill
ties of Miss Daigon as a reader. We can
assure all w ? attend, a rarglintellectual
treat. ' • •
and.exhibition fok the benefit of the Sab—
bath lEWtoOI connected with the First - 1
Methodist Ohurch, , East Birmingham, ; I
will be given in the Cburch,'on Meadow
street, this evening. by the children of. '
theschool. 1 The entertainment promises ,
to be a very pleasant one, i Ail who can,
make it convenient should attend and
aid the_worthy cause. • , ', ' •
TIT E: MUSEUM .— Major Burnell, by e.n
orgy and attention tocbusitiessOs.ena• .
bled to make his museum and parlor ‘,
menagerie `one of the most frequented
places.o' ainnsement in tlie'city, a very'
good evidence of its character. It is..
open day and evening.
Real Estate Transfers. -
The following. deads were tiled or ,
record before H. Snively, Esq Recorder.
April 27t14 1869:
E 4 War'i Pre er to William It unS. Jan. 23. ,
two contlsious lots on hooch _eller; itilt.ward ,
rlttsborxb4-40 by It 3 reef
Votletb Strainer to William veriest and,'Aprll • •
.1861;1..t on Forbes street,l4th ward, Plyabute •
bv 00 toot J
- • - •
Josepb Lelskus to Oztleib etreiner, an 23, ;
10L. on Forbes street, len ward, Inttsbena;
• •
401y2pb Crab es'al. : to a Joeeph usibrion• Feb. ly. -
/MA tract crti and lu toweablp, contain-
A. w. ftwlng to andn. slum,. May It. 140;
o. 7F, nwing . a plan Allen street, 10lb ward. -
PAtsbureb, 'X by 110 feet • • UW
ii‘Cot bran o led. J. Briggs, May 4 1809; lot •
lon Beastoa street. 2d WaTd. A legbeoy. bv -
.feet, with buildings %10 COO ,
imnstsr, Tr.,etee to Lorenz Schneider.
. : April 24, 1860; Ica In Lolrer St. ClA's . toesnelita i,
'i)lbrlet Hellman to Alex. Lane. March 24,' leek
let No. 12, liraduocks Field, Wtoblngtonstree ,
. 2.5 10.1 reet , _
11,24 a
J. e. xmots to Tnelis X Lunt. pr
mont.vy reet,td ward, Alletrlteny, FobT
110 le , t • ' 46.%0
Andrew Lowstetter to O. —Love. Dee. 6, n;
latallo. ierand 112Lln ;den •Loventl Wm." •
oh Fair/low avesne, charturs:to,,,pship. 60 by
100 Tees
.3tarsaret Chamberlain to 5..1. Clistnbetlttl Is. May
. 3,1809; tract of land In Jefferson township, co" • • '
tatulugeS Awes
The saute day ten tnu.tgages were fad for rec..
—"Daniel Thompson, a ?firer peddli*,
was murdered a short dilitarice aixpro
Evansville, KY., a few days ago, lay a,
man named 'Scanlon and - 'Mrs. Thump-
son; wife of the, murdered man.
tragic affair WWI bklUght aoolt by a,
dose_ Intimacy which existed betsauk
Stiardail amid Thompson's wife.
S~.Sv~ m"iie~TTT