D AND OM CITY Tins Gernert, is furnietals Osereq the six days of the week for 15 cents per week; by mail, $8 per annum : S mos., $2 Vh43 Board of Health roods this after MOD. • Our Aldermen are complaining -of a hick Of badness. Mayor Drum committed three parties to jail, yesterday morning, for drunken ness. Street improvements in Allegheny are unusually active. Most of the work is tieing done In the new wards. The Allegheny Board of Sob ..1 Con trollers will hold a regular meeting this evening at 73S o'clock. Yesterday was one of wind, dust and isagreeableness generally, out of doors, elieved oocasionally With feWlikahes of sunshine.. The irrepressible "Daddy" Deihl orna mental-the Allegheny lock-up lait night. Officer Gebby was instrumental in plac ing him there. , Fined.—Mayor Dram yesterday morn ing fined A. Lynch thirty dollars and Coat!, for engaging in a fight and creating a disturbance in the Second w*d, Alle gheny, on Sunday afternoon. -, The members of the Odd Fellows' Lodge at Brownsville, at the head waters of the Montmgahela river, last week, nresented Judge Dancan r of that place, with a magnificent gold headed cane. Henry Stdvely, the . present worthy and efficient Recorder, will be a candi date for re-nomination at the hands of the Republican Convention. He has made an excellent officer, filling the Wei. tion with credit and ability. Decoration Day.—There will be a cor vention of all the Posts of the Grand Army of the Republic of Allegheny coun ty, held at the hall of Post No. 8, of this city, Nos. 102 and 104 Fourth avenue, this evening, at eight o'clock. The Friend Rifles.—The few remain ing membera of this 'brave colipany,who so nobly sustained the old flag through out the rebellion, will celebrate their eighth annual anniversary by a social reunion and banquet to-morrow evening. Alleged Larceny,—,Tames McCullough madii information before Justice Am mon, of Bast Birmingham, yesterday, charging Thomas Mellon with the les ceny of five dollars. A' warrant was issued for the arrest of the accused. A Flnle.—Extra police were called last night by the telegraph to Lawrence ville, by a frightened officer who was in timidated by a parcel of bock-beer drink ers, • who were -drunk and disorderly. When the reinforcement arrived all was New Desk.—A handsome new cabinet desk now adorns the office of the Clerk to the Allegheny Park Commission, Mr. .7.1 t. Oxley.. The new piece of furniture . Is 'of heavy walnut, carved and finished in;: the most complete manner. It cost seventy-five dollars. • Our worthy friend John H. Hare, Esq., who counts his friends by hosts was awarded the elegant Cane put up at votes to'be awarded. the !wog popular candi date for Sheriff, at St. Agnes' Church Fair. May he live long to carry this mark of his friends favor and respect. Dr. Gleason's Lectures. Lafayette Hall was crowded last evening with a delighted and intelligent audience to lis ten to this - gentleman's opening lecture. He 11 continue the subject this even ing 12'.. n. ”Heart Blood," &c. Every one shou • hear these admirable lectures. from Llghtning.—A Correspon writes that the Hamilton House .s of Waynesburg, were struck by ling one day last week and entirely yed by fire. Two valuable horses • urned to death, Loss 112,000. No ce. dent) stabl light . 1 destr were , insur Barclay, of Chicago, will con her seventh serious of health lee to the ladies, every afternoon this (Wednesday excepted) in the • eh (Rev. Coleman's) on Wilkins Birmingham, "commencing each t 4 P. it. Subject—" Health, How sin and How to Keep It." tures week P. C .. stree • day • to of Al gheny Mayor's Oflice.—The fol lowi .g exhibits the amount of business did ..ced of at the Allegheny Mayor's OM.: during the month of April: Vag ran.. cases, 20; drunkenness, 87; disor derl • 98; larceny, 2, fraud, 2: assault and . ttery, 1; fornication and bastardy, .1; ma dons mischief, 1; surety of the peace, 1; total, 23L Btll.l They Come.—The police continue the work of taking up horses found on the streets unattended or unhitched. The last case was a horse and cart be longing to a coal hauler, which had been left standing on Smithfield street for some time and had started to run away when caught by the officer. The owner was required to pay the usual fine of one dollar and coats. , For Recorder. --Mr Thou. as S. Hnter a member of the 9th Pennsylvania Re: serve corps, who was woundedlit the service, almost entirely losing the se of an-arm, is anneunced as a candid te for the office of Recorder, subject to the nom ination of the Republican ConveUtion. Mr. Hunter is a courteous gentleatan of line education and a large businesS expo rience, and would make, if selected, a creditable officer to the comity aid the party which elected him. ..,...._,............____ Committed on Three Charg, William Marshall wa s commit ed to jail yesterday, by Juitice Lipp, f Rh / mingham, On three informations. In i the Brat he was charged. with coMmit ting an.aasault and battery upon Fred erick Stackman; In the second I was alleged he bad feloniouslyten aum i ni George t3oluiddi, and the third set, forth that be had committed a, feloniods as sault and. - battery upon the body of Andrew Sager. If all the statelltanie made are true : William Is better inside • than- outside the Wails of his p -'- rat home. ' , Letter Carriers' Report. During the month of April t • . fol lowing amount of mail nutter passed through the hands of the Allegheny Letter Carriers : Mail Letters. er liv ed. Collected. Drop Letters..... . 88,636 ..... . 6 /4.688 6,81 2 i 878 Newspapers. .......... 24,892 678 The_ following is the Pittsburgh Letter . Carriers' report for the month of , April : Delivered. Collected. Mall Letters. , 109,800 79,069 Drop Letters 16,220 12,643 Newspapers: 29,079 2,140 ii2Bl Onib - Dire Curt-Judge ILlrpatrlet. MONDAY, May 3.--The case of Blounk vb. - Tionthett, action on a book account, was taken up and occupied the attention of the Court during the day. The jury found for defendants and certify a bal ance in their favor of 07.70. TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY. 110. McGrew vs. Clayton. 111. Clayton vs. McGrew. 112. Mcßibose At Baker vs. Hogg & Richardson. 119. Cochran vs. Raffle. 122. McCabe vs. Burns et al. 123. Same vs. same. 124. Woods vs: - same. 127. Spencer, McKay & Co. vs. Welsh. Common Pleas—Judge Sterrett. MONDAY, May 3.—The case of Ja mes C. Harrison vs. Max. Solvers,' appeal from a judgment obtained before Alder man- McMasters, in an action for work and labor done, amounting to M. Juror withdrawn and plaintiff took a non suit. Wm. A. Maguire et al. for.use vs. R. H. Bruggeman & Co. Feigned issue to as. certain the ownership of certain goods and chattels seized and taken in mem , tion by Sheriff Cluley. :Verdict for plain tiff for a portion of the goods claimed by defendant and for defendant sato the re• mainder. Henry biota vs. Ernest Wessel. Action to recover for produce sold and delivered. Defendant purchased frOm plaintiff a lot of potatoes, for which he refused to pay the contract price, alleging that the pota toes delivered were not sound, in accord ance with the contract, and this suit was brought to recover the balance due. On trial. TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY. 110. MoCutcheon vs.Hershotuser. 112. H.lll vs. Frothy et at.. 118. Aohenbach vs. The Helvetia Build ing Assoclatiation. 112. Calhoun & Co. vs. McKim & Co. 118. hiceeary vs. Smith. 117. Bartlett vs. Frazier Bros. 118. MoGlinnis vs. Bradley. 119.. Nixon et a/ vs, Fleming. 120. ,Lane vs. Angright et ux. 122. Carson Bros. vs. Pratt. 123. Laughlin vs. Burns et al. 124.• Hughes vs. Parry. 125. Wilkins vs. Renard. 127. Frevoogle dt Giber vs. Donahue. 128. McNulty vs. Double et al. - The Dissecting Rooms or Pittsburgh•.. How Medical Knowledge is Obtained. In view of certain circumstances of late occurrence, it will not much surprise our readers to announce that here. in this city of magnificent boundaries, a first class and well-kept dissecting house Jain fall tide of operation. affording the young lances of the medical profession ample opportunity to acquaint themselvesthor. oughly with the secrets wrapped up and hidden in the human form. It is perhaps eminently proper that such schools should exist, for physicians cannot too well acquaint themselves with' the secrets ofanatomy taidPikysiology. Manikins,no matter how cleverly made do not fill the bill of requirement and the real flesh; blood and boned are necessary for the successful attainment of correct medical and surgical knowledge. Hence, in noting the discovery we have made, we do not pretend to find fault with the fol lowers of science for maintaining their well ordered morgue. We know the announcement of the fact of a dissecting school being in operation here Will chill the blood of many timid persons, but to allay all needless alarm, it is well enough to say that the great majori ty of the subjects for the knife are brought hither from other places,and we are confidently assured that body snatch ing is condemned and avoided. The bodies are washed, prepared and packed in other localities by corresponding members of the :Skull and Cross-bone Club, and are forwarded here as ordi nary,merchandise, and In a' circuitous manner of delivery from one place to another, finally- reach the table of the dissecting room, to be disposed of accord te the best de rules of . It ing is hardly necese fi ary ned to state the lscienceoca tion of the dissecting rooms to our med ical readers, but ;to the outside corn. munity from whom they are veiled in close secrecy, we, might hint that they are located on one : of our most traveled thoroughtares, and hundreds pass the old dingy, dirty house, shut tered closely from week to week, every hour of the day, and we daresay never, imagine how many pounds of decayed human flesh and how many bushels of human skulls and bones are bleaching within - the anti quated walls. The operations are all carried on after night, and when a healthy, first class corpse is obtained there is generally very large attendance of physicians and medical students to participate in the guastly entertainment. Ordinarily the attendance at "consulta tion" is' not huge; and sometimes the dissecting is left to young, bungling stu dents, who revel in-finding out for them- Aelves, in their own rude way, secrets of human organism. So long 'as the room are conducted so well and the sub jects secured elsewhere, we presume no opposition can be made to the presence of the death house in our midst, and, in deed, for the good of science none should be made. Committee on Surveys. At a special meeting of the City Conn. oil Committee on Surveys, Saturday, im portant matters concerning the new city districts were considered, and it was de cided to make a tour of inspection on Saturday next. They will look at the proposed locations of the route of Forbes street beyond Braay street, the Pnckety road, Shady lane and other points to which their attention has been invited. In all matters concerning the laying out of the streets in the new districts, it is the wish of the Committee to proceed with as much haste as is consistent with the public good. Careful examinations will be ma&e, and all petitions and re monstrances will be given due consider ation. The matter of the location of Ridge street,. referred back, was recOP iddered, and the former action, resolv ing to have the street made straight, was confirmed. They decided to straighte% St. Marys avenue, Lawrenceville, and or dered the fixing of grades of Hazlett and Liberty streets , and Denney's alley, in the Sixteenth ward. The Alleged outrage. The parties arrested Sunday evening, charged on oath of Ellen Dawson with rape, an account of which we published yesterday; had a hearing before his Honor, Mayor Brush, yesterday at two o'clock, which resulted in their being 'held to bail in the snm of one thousand 'dollars each, for their appearance at court, in default of which they were committed to jail. The bar keeper re ferred to in .-a .pr evious account of the 'affair was also arrested, but after a hearing was discharged, there being no evidence implicating him in the outrage. A warrant was issued for Donavan, the proprietor of the house wherein the affair place, but he has not yet been arrested. i'MwaVR r2l=l_42ly - The Third Ward Square Of the :All*. gheny Diamond, for a numbs"' past hail attriietedr the "attenttoii of ttie+ City Fathers, who at sundry times made spasmodic attempts at agreeing upon a plan to render it somewhat more pleasing to the eye. and profitable to the city ex chequer. Thus far, however, all efforts have proved abortive, and there it ilea an unsightly, unimproved and unprofit able but exceedingly valuable piece of land right in the heart and centre of the business and traffic of the city. Had it been pioperly improved two or three years ago by this time all the funds ex pended would have been doubly re turned, and the city considerably richer in her yearly revenue. The three other squares have returned in this manner,' and why should not this one? The matter'has again been brought be fore the "Fathers," and this time it is to be hoped with some show of action. At the last meeting of Councils a committee was appointed to consider and report as soon as possible, a plan for thei improve ment. Fortunately the committee is composed of some of the most progres sive and energetic business men of the body, and the resut ofeir delibera tions will doubtless l ead lead t ome dottlidve" measures being taken to beautify and I render profitable theuneightly waste. A meeting of the \ committee was held last night, and although we have not been officially informedof any au thorized plan, yet the, e seems to be one, or rather-the germ of one, which will re ceive the sanction of the committee and be recommended to Councils. It con templates the erection of a block of stores, three or four stories in bight, ex tending around the four sides of the square, and of a sufficient depth to form ample store-rooms. The central portion of the second and third stories may be built as a public hall, entrance to it be ing upon each of the four aides, by the ascent of broad flights of stairs, from the several streets, The plan may be somewhat modified so that part of the structure can be used to accommo date the wants of the market folks, and the rest be rented out as store rooms and offices, but either way it could hard ly fail to be an exceedingly remunera tive investment. Judging from the man ner in which the places in the market house now built were taken up, it is cal culated that the premium alone for the places in the new building would amount to nearly half the oust of its construction, while the yearly rental would reimburse in one year the expense incurred. These estimates may be somewhat extravagant, but they are not to far above the mark as they at first glance may seem, at least some of the shrewdest business men' and - financiers in the city seem to think. The new building, it is thought, can be erected in a plain but neat and substan tial manner, of brick, for one hundred thousand dollars. Of course this is only the general idea of the plan, but it seems evident, treat the manner in which the affair is being oonducted, that something will be done this time. The Committee can only recommend, which in quite certain to be done. It is the province of Councils to direct, which now seems one of the certainties. A Villainous Carpet Bagger. Yesterday afternoon a meg German ti c girl arrived in Pi burgh from her native land, In quest f a brother-in-law. She stopped at a boar ng house to which place she had been dir ted to get dinner. At the table, eating wi h her, was a man who soon Introduced mall, and finally learned her ,destinati c r Her brother in-law, he said, reside irt Allegheny, he know him and would conduct her to his at home. Rejoiced being released, as she supposed fr m any further trouble, she accepted the kind strati stranger's offer, and pr eeded with him to the depot for her gage, only a ca.- pet sack, but which ntained the ma jority of her earthly 'd our includ ing eighty dollars gold. The two started away from th depot chatting pleasantly, and bad pniceeded but about four or fi ve squares wen the stranger. carrying the carpet big disappeared in an alley and was lost to view. His icom panion waited some ime for hut reap pearance, but fi nally to up the search and endeavored to find her relative her self, in which she nufo tunately proved unsuccessful. Alone in a strange city, in a strange land, and among a people who for the most part were of a different nature to her. it is no wonder she sat down and gave vent to her feelings in a passionate flood of tears. In this distressed condition she was discovered by one of the kind hearted countryman who benevolently offered her a temporary home. The name of her-brother-In-law is Tames Har ris, who resides, she says, according to her directions. somewhere in Allegheny city. If this paragraph should meet his eye be ow nod a clue to his -relative by calling at thit Allegheny Mayor's office. South Pittobtu•gh Council. An adjourned meeting of South Pitta burgh Council was held yesterday (Mon diy) evening, May 3d, at half-past seven o'clock, for the purpose of considering an ordinance granting the right of way to the Monongahela Valley Roilroad to traverse certain streets in said borough. In the absence of Burgess Roberts, Councils organized by tailing Mr. gains to the Chair. :Members present Messrs. Brown, Rains, Kune, Lorentz and S.beargold. Justice Barker, Clerk of Council, read the minutes of the preceding meeting, which were approved. . Mr. Heins, Chairman, stated the ob ject of the meeting, and .stated that an ordinance had been prepared by the City Solicitor. - - The Clerk theu'read a communication from S. C. Sehoyer, Esq., Borough Sofia itor, accompanying which was the ordi nance referred to. - The ordinance was read, and, on ma , tion, was taken up soMit by - seXtiolf, consideration.: After After considerable discussion, Dir. Sheargold moved to tefer the ordidibl7 back to the soturnittesc, appointed it . previous meeting to prepare an ord - nance, with , instructions to alter . or amend the , ordinance so as to conform 1,0 the viewe Of Connell, did 'to report'at an adjourned meeting to be ,held Monday evening, May 17th, 1889. The motion was adopted. Council then adjourned. Horrible Accident—Child Burned ,to An accident of a most horrible nature . occurred in the Sixteenth Ward on Sat: urday evening, resulting in the'deat ,1 af.. a little girl three years, of age: A lire. Fresh, residing in the Sixteenth warda, . . on Saturday morning went out of her house to a grocery store to make some purchases, leaving her daughter, a. little child only three years of age4' alone in the house, and during her p4Aeno, it B was pears, the child got a stick and was 10- lug • with the : lire, ;when her,clo . caught tire, burning her so seVdrel that death ensued .a few ours after ' ' . - , .. . - . . ~,...z- Z .,111,- - ,, t il, .5. 7 7,,,,,a . P.r.. 5 . 7,17,;=:.:5g . ,, z - r0 4 ,... , ....:4: ~.,47,,,1fE5.-2,,Rsr,:f=-1:,,N,,,,,5n-17,74:t._,,,F;T17--ze5;_z7A.,....:-4. z,:.,.„,),,....,iz.,.;:,,-..,-,v,i1.74.1...i.,....vz.e.,...k.-.1.1,.41P.,:,-47:0,,,,,,;‘,.;74,Atti1t--),.vir,,..A-...,..it1ft,L,„p;::-E.67.14:4_,:.,:4;,,..,,:,,z,,,,,..,,,_:c41,,tr.k.4.,:?,.:p.,,,),.4,,,,,1;_,,,,..,„,,-,;.;5.:...,.1%,..i.,„;,,,.L.,....,,, 0.w".. R . . -,-,, t-- A -_s= 4 . ...., - vt., , ,%. riA r. ..,., .4,,,k.w:..pirt=4..-4,,-t.,.4-...,.,,z,v,,,-...,44t.A.,..*.z- G rkt4 PERVEI3C/Nti . o Ne. vasmasa and Tate ancezine 3 HESPENHEID ar. •- • No ao BlTTYwritzsT, oats obar.)have Inn receireAreont the ist the heel of New GOoda Sas Pprhnt genii iitet browigo . - to the market. The tun warraat to oat and it , And mac ,Olothes cheaper and better WA ant .4114.0181/14, hose& In this cult. A new and srphela Aid assortment of IaNNTLIJOINV 111U10110. 1 /NO GOODS are ut all times to be Ataxia at thie inrose." Our Nonaber is 80 jitigirto