r!! .-,74a10%f: .MITSCV=, (piont i lmei ranir - l l int Page.) - .114. in nand to bbi4ffOrte . f,44 . 9 . 1 • f bte'riafirlielie4Thelifft" ellibiLY be 411 b• rated the happinelivautaiicated brLane at thtilastultiOrtit.. We believe Lido tlehly deserved, the rat Che tit no vie* of, the cme can , Vie - rank that' Justice tot more than her : pica.. The tetaitel of the prisoner to say g on ate, scaffold or protest tit Idstibece`ineui l es the belief that he vac guilty, although an opposite course wdiddnot have Made us more ready to believe to the contrary. He confessed theeecrets of his life, his gfeater and lesser crimes, to the minister of God, and the world.will never be the wiser of the Confessioh. The law bat; - been fidly vin dicated-bind Loulfrinth, the murderer, iriti.PeFfirage4llo:!.. ‘93le!!!!lrtil and juries. Let all wicked people remember thak.A.l - county hai erected in her jail • a new scaffcad , whietwill last fOr ages= and beware 1 _. erry vtD strimumx. DUI GAl=34 is furnished in the city. the "efi c, dßii or.ae week for iecents per . witiv,i,y 'nail, siiper am:um : mom. Sweaty of the , peace.—Anna Vass yes tertilythiade information before Alder- , m- Mobiasters, against Palmira Ghent; forlinretY of tliepeace. lateighlg thsttbe latter had threateled. to split her head . with a. t- A. warrant was issued hatchet Ferocious Dom—Geo. Vass made in formation before Alderman Di'hfasters yeaterday, charging Frederick Ghent with keeping a ferocious dog. The Parties are neighbors and reside in the Fourteenth ward. A warrant was la med. lmprovements.—Tne citizens of the en terprising borough of East Birmingham are evincing a spirit of improvement far in advance of any of their I ±south side" neighbors. A large number of stylish new houses are in course of erection on Carson stteet, and on severalof the cross streets fine buildings are being erected.' Pollee leeWs. - -From the scarcity of police news, 'We are inclincid to believe that rbtulittess with the police 'magistrates has Peen exceedingly dull for some days klt', and is still becoming more so. Where is nothing doing at the Mayor's office, outside of a few cases for violation of. brdinances; and at the Aldermen's _offices 'there is no criminal business bein done. - -Goes .on.—Five persons - were arrestbd and takeri before the Mayor 1 yesterday for allowing their horses; to stand on the streets nnat teteilsdr This work of reform goes „ bratrAfilr 0 i M ill be Contlnded in this partici:liar, at least, until people who -drive end ride horsek, learn to respect the rights, oomforta..conveniences and safety ;of pedestrians. Stilll.lvMg.-7The upknown man, in _ juiedian OW Cleveland and unt 'Pittsburg of h Railroad Wednesday, an acco which we published yesterday, is still at the Mayor's office in Allegheny. Re is still livipg, but has never' returned to censciletusness, Dr. Buchanan thinks his bMin is injured, and that it is hardly . probable that he will recover. Nothing eoncrning the-name of the unfortunate man or Where be belongs, has, as yet, been ascertained, farther than the find ing of a number of papers in his posses sion, all of which are written in Italian. The Sgaabblii.—The number of per sons - who desire to serve the public in official capacities is really astonish- big. Mayer Brash for a few days past has been. cqperienelng, en a small scale of - course, some of the annoyances which - Gen.. Grant 'Was afflicted after his Luang aration: Bia office beseiged by at least a score of applicants for the pos anion of Deputy it and Lieutenants . for the new Statton ilouse. No appoint. manta have yet been made. nor will there be any made until such time as the Station howes are ready far use: Painful Accident—Yesterday after noan, about half, past five o'clock, an ace eident occurred at the corner of the Dia mond and Federal street, Allegheny. by - which alaborer had: his hip joint dislo cated. Jas. Powers, engaged in excavat ing for a cellar at the' corner, mentioned, was at work when' a large quantity of earth fell upon him, completely bury ing him - and' dishicadng his left hip joint.. Drs. Foirsr: find Buchanan were summoned after the injured man was . remoYo4 to iii .reoldence and reduced the -fracture. The injury, although a .1 one, IS not eerier" and the in ured man will soon recover. Body Recovered. The body of Stockton Harvey, son of Captain Harvey, of. Monongahela City, one of the me n drowned in the Pilo nongahela ver between Greensboro and g M or g . Morgantown, while on their way from the latter place in a skiff, was re-_ covered on Tuesday, the 211 h instant, lodged ou a snag in the river at PT near Gray's lAnding, about two miles libove Greensboro. The bodies of the other tive laave,.,oll been, recovered. AndAitetrid , thelast one some weeks since, and a arty of men had been in constant , search ?or the remains of Mr. Barley from, the data of the Vekonirenise un#Lihet - body wailound. (The:. remains wereinted- In the cemetery at Monongahela City yes- terdsy. ' • bun Reeord ' Our readerslrilledserve thal Manama dr Homy. Seleel7;;P_Kl•bril he prawn . tad to the , Sepicumett avention as a candidate ler. the office Of *ROY' Beoor. der. - Mr.43nively lues held ilds'ofilee for the 190-tbseelfaliWen&has throuichout his term fulfilled the MS expects. tiopisuf The ilitides who liavelkad businees-in the - rder's of. fice have ever found hinV ,hll-noW It -obliging; oourteous and effioient. If hit shalt be s uperseded wi3 feel Sure it will not be on presupt of any fault the char-. actor' or capacity 'Of 'the 'present hood= bent. Abetter officer or ; one Itlol'o , so-, coPtabUla the-quioollaBo3jr. -Sound.. , t _. ' " , ... ilFrhll47: , tralling. -_ , 1 t _ .. r . A veribNio hal IA" ivWsky cotriire(l, ' yeeterday under the- following o otteiretuti;e atineee• In the bonded wareh of .14seph S. Finch ilt Co., Ohestunt Afoot, - $6dM- Pittsburgh, live thousand bar ' role of new wW,sity were eared in the fifth ISM. and at halt fast 'three . o'4/011thrtieY the 4 00 r -AV 9g:sit',/ the e , hvektel the' bandit% a I . .. ht' ~, thousand barrels: hoh thiOXighte" '., the ceilar, carrying with. 1a the tarn t :!: illtanipst tit oats. - About 1141 14 rOui 1, ''-: were ,borstl4 ta the fall laid do ob v tents loet, whiet_i, in addition, to the in. V' ' jolt tollso hnliffing, is thee - only krillOr t A ' t ' ~, , 14 ' ' f, . • , e ~., ,_ ,-, - - - .. ; ,.. te. --;", - --; : _ -,;-', ...-.......` ' 2,-_ , L:.:,'".• ••,, :-.-.. -, . _ ...-I 4 ..... -'-' ,;: ~,--•-: x• : • •-••,-;,.:-..•,,, ... ..,.„-e. , : ,, -.• '.;- 1, :%'-•''::- . '•'- . .. - : , ,„„ . , ...... . 2 --. - T" . .. f i.'"`-'.•: - ..' - - ..,.- .-;..:.; ''--:,'', ".'- = ~:. 1.:- -'--. ,-- , ~.', -. ,..."1, . .. ,":",.- 7:4'..-.-;',..:' -.:--•l_ , :' .1.,;‘,`--,.,:.-:,:-.-e-*,} e,,,::::t.-7:,,t,i , e.'- ,-,',,,,,,"....,,,-1...--7:,,,--..,-:4--,,,,::.4-,,,::,--,,C2 -,-...f,,. :,.. e - :r- l'.:•: z ,.- ~., :', .; • t,'. ',;....*--..:, •..- '':, r• :;_:-.,--!::.,,, ; ;:•,.',.•;::::f-,,,,,,1-.,,,,?..;,:;,-,:..,;,,V,•3„..*3•L',"i:Qi;:rg.:7-.„.0%-',10:_.,A,. ''..'-'-4T•t'A-ki-...krit , ,-.•:?P::'"f ~,„'t"?„--_,sf4-44.-15,V•V;ke^V4„,;ct; ..,4.,*: , ..',c -- • , .,; ••:.:.,. '',,:•...: f-T....,-'_:-.,-;-:.,--i-.4-:-.:•-',-:: ).-;;-:.7.),,.:A--ig.,,,iz;;5'.1,,, 9S=',tttk:(,:..-...f.'e,'"•1-'44^:tc,-4t-Z,-,1,47.1.,:_-",`,4l,",:fre'if-4-.,-,3--V-,,,-`-,-*6. W4',',---ix:""J'i-)-,-vtg-,41.-,"."--, ' .i.,, , it..., ,- ! . . ‘,. '.1.•-,-.:0.W.-..,',.,,,,',;,,,,.;‘",--,:,-‘,.!:„ .i•-.7,,,.': e.....4!.+14.,,,'•",i..•.4,-'4...;;•,,,,,,,.,--,•-;'-' ''''--. '" ' ' • . .4.,..6.1N1,‘!..-7,',''',..; , ...e.;1• - i;•• -....;;;-,...,,Af.-7,,f,',7' , ''"'''' -:-.2Z2g..k.i'r.,,,<.-ttp,' -.` ' ' ' •.r . ~.• ..,.,-- _. 4•'„;, 1 .0.a..1,•.„ - .?,-:::41 , •• , ;1,; -es:A'' , ---...^'..W..--- - - - _ . , 'lood Templar' Annual BeiWilos-- 11Pietr• , ft . I f speseo, Presbytery. , . fC.i.iiifek 6 :44'see if thettuburgb Gsutss - 41:. ',' A New ButoFrorrlspril2l3, 1869. _ . The Good Templara of Beavec_connty. met in the New - Brighton Public School Hall last night and held their annual re union. There was a fair attendance ae to numbers and respectability, and they, fared very well in the sense of having plenty of good things to eat, and the best of drinks, pure cold water, and a fine est-' joyabletline generally. Everything passed ff pleasantly. and all went home sober, d strong in the _faith that total abstince from all that would Mord. f T cate is he only true temperance. Old The Beaver Presbytery, o The School Presbyterian Church, met in this solace last night, and is in - session la the' Presbyterian Church today. Borne six. , teen or eighteen churches ,are repre sented, so that the meeting numbers be-. tween thirty and forty persons, there be ing as ' many laymen (ruling elders) as ministers. They seem to be quite fu.ll of business, which they are trantitotinst in .a very pleasant 5n00d. . :.. : ' - One young man, after satisfactory ex amination, was licensed to preach. The churches represented were re -...A in, pretty good condition. C. WEI Alleghcaiy Valley Rid'road—champ of Ume. By the new timetable of the Allegheny Valley Railroad which we publish this naarning, it will be seen that several im portant changes have been made in order tb accommodate the largely increase of Havel and , trai* on, the road. Four I idditional passenger . accommodation I trains have been placed on the road in drder to accommodate local travel; One of the new trains arrives in the - bify at 714 o'clock p. x. and another the 3d. accommodation departs ., at • li 2. 1 :11 . :, - by which arrangement persons retrding along' the line of the !bad . are enabled ti.) visit places of amusenient in .the city and return home the same ev ening. - The large increase of business of this road is in the main attributable to • the excellent management of Col. J. J. Lawrence Superintendent, and \ Thomas M. Ring Imistant Superintendent whose efficiency and ability to manage a rattroadlare fully demonitrated by the ad merable arrangement on the. 4. V. R. In consequence of the high rents which have been asked and obtained for several years past for dwelling houses, there has been an increased demand for small houses, and in order to supply this de mand most of the dwellings erected for rent have been of this catiki. The result is that a number of large houses are empty, and are likely to remain so until such time as rents are reduced. The great majority .of persons occupying rented houses are men who earn their daily bread by the sweat of their brow, and receive salaries the maximum of which does not exceed 112,000, and a very large majority of them do not receive half that amount, consequently they can not afford to pay from five to sliest 111311- dred dollars rent and support a _family. If rents are not materially minished neat year the number of oro diminished dis played after the customary time for rent ing will be largely increased. • 3. : ,~, i~..Ci Bests. - Real rotate Tranaters. The following deeds . . were filed of record before IL Suively,Esq., Recorder, April 27th, 1869: - _ John B. McEwen to Andrew Shane, May 4. 1867: lot In Fayette township, contalnlag 51 acres 15 perches 64,197 Panto Weltenberger et Sherman Torrenc e inlis April 1, 1868; lot on street, 17th ward 20 oy 95 feet Henry Motley to wns hi p, .s. ughes, dyril 17 1So: lot H in e West Deer centslisinit 4 3 acres 17 Perch-s .. atm John Dlltennsetti to. Wm. Moore, Apnl " 1869; lob on Davis street, 11th ward. Pittsburgh, 94 oy 160 feet V. 50 Felix F. maga - to Jos Orr, April 3, 1363; lot on Clifford street. 11th ward WO John Moptins et: uz. to Jobe:Taggart, Sr.,_dich 17. 1869; lot in the Seventeenth- ward, Pitts burgh, on Fremont street, 93 by 390 feet, with buildings 61.560 Giluisti W. Davis to Joun Taggart, April 21, 1869 ; lot on thowestera Pd. of Fremont street,' Alle gheny. V.. 1 by 100 feet, with bulidlt gs ..... JtoA J M Robert Potter. Executor of Peter Farmer, o seph Farmer. March 10. MB; 46 acres and = perches of laud to North Fayette township 61.hM Geo , ke rromor to Robert Stewart, Apnl 24, ' 1562; lot on Arthar street, 'Eleventh_ ward Fatal:largo. Z by 143 feet ili_MZ C. L. Gearing to Phlllp Fug, December 190665: lot in Simi. Mobluson's plan, Bk.serfs township 61.030 Wm. Mobio,toy to Mrs. Marl L. EL Huey, Fen. 14,1367, 12 acres And 30 perches of land in Ye.r sallies township-134,76; 'Margaret Saldanfto John natosta, April 27, IWO: lot in Lowe: St. Clair towastase VW Mary dlaner and John Clark to Wm. Clark. April &, 1%9; G regg bird interest in a los on Bingham Street. " plaa,, Dirmialthip, 24 by 72 feet with buildings _ ,2.580 John M. Ret.esaan ,.- to Mr. . Annie COsss, Feb. 12, 1633; lot on the north side of Washlneton ave nue, Allegheny, *.XI by. 123 fcet 1050 Ladies , Spring and hammer Suits. There is one feature of the stock which Messrs. Bates it Bell have now on hand at their store, 21 Filth avenue, that merits special at l -10" - .uri,' is gentirelly and de servedly admired by the ladies. We re fer to the large and varied assortment of black silk, poplin, linen and alpaca walk. ing dresses, and we feel warranted in stating that it is ape of the most attractive ever exhibited in thiti city. It comprises ready-made snits In all the late French 'styles and designs, which. are,. pernaPs• far superior to any we cah produee 111 Pittsburgh, In regezd to accuracy of , fit and general ghicefulness. The silks are very beautiful, and with their different shapes and trimmings, present a charm ing variety to the purchaser. The poplin snits represent every shade of color, and are all neat and tasteful. They range in price froms22,oo_ upwards • and are in great dernandr" , ine - notice; yesteiday, we referred to the , hanilsoine linen sea , side sulfa, and to-day we have only to repeat that nothing at eskia'ati Cheap and so well adapted to summer wear has been 'offered here for many season's. 1 They are complete In'eveirrelipect, and yet sell so low as 118,00. In the line of alpacas thee is a display of 'almost equally at , . tractive. Snits. Of the yarlotta imported geode hatii mentioned, 'Messrs. 'Estee A t Bell have large assortments, ready Made' tip and 'fit for Immediate wear. They ro went all that fashionable or. 'fresh Pity aris or the East, and., are finer 'than calf be prodticed here. Those r how whotesire to leave orders for snits twill have a choice and extensive lot of fabrics to select froin and, some of our tisstrtiome wlio'are in The :set vice of tile firm prep are them,. We Will, elm* ,by noting t at In. the: cloak room, yesterd&v, we were shoven no less than thirty different styles of black silk mantles,,cloaks and sacques, each one al)- .parentlyentstripping the 'others in ele gance and richness,- : as they were sac cesinly,elY !ALL The yy .;.. ranged in Mriderrimi ifießn WPM% slid are chiefly Imported from the leading European !houses. Atrttsisblinmetari'lltyte • among I them, the sleeveless barque, which is noticeable !for its novelty Ana beauty. Ladies snow where to go 'foe goods of this character. . rioswiffinit president Giant itul Family It Mount Vernon=Ailify Retiring Builds Dii4 solv:e4-.offiCefs Asked to Duty-- Freedmen's Bureau Officers Relieved-- Customiil=Polities in Texas—Army Re , crulting. • LS7 Teleirsph to tbe Pitteberit. Gazette.) ...., rAREOEGTOA, April 29, 1869. ' Taw TO MOUNT VERNON. TO.day ‘PrOßidelit Grant and family, accompanied by ' Menial Sharpe and family,. General Babcock and family, General Badeau, General Dent, Secretary Bode and a number -of other invited guests, left the ,Navy Yard here on the United:Stated steamer Te.llapoima, tor .a trip to Mount Vernon, where they intend to spend the day. ARMY GAZETTE. The President has directed the dissolu tion of the Retiring Boards at San Fran , cisco, of which General Ord is President, g, St. Louis, of which General. Graham lii President,;_ at :New York; of which General Mcowell is Presid,ent, and at Washington, of , which General Hardie is . President. The - following :named officers' are 'as signed to . vinty at the War Department: Brevet .Major Generals Daniel -Butter ileid, W. B. Ketchum, John E. Sm_ith, Wager Swayne, 'Brevet Brigadier' G ait Wager eral W. McK. Dunn, and ,Colonel 'Oscar A. Dunn. i. named o The, followirigewers are re lieved'from duty in the Freedmen's Bu reau. They are all Assistant Commis sioners far the States opposite their names: Brevet Major Generals J. J. Rey nolds, Texas; Chas. IL Smith, Arkansas; A. Ames, Mississippi; Brevet Colonel John P.. Edit, South Carolina; Lieutenant Colonels Chas. E. Compton, North Caro lina; James Thompson, Tennessee. - , TEXAS POLITICS. Hon. George W. Paschall has published a pamphlet addreSS "to the People of Texas," announcing himself a candidate for the United States Senate. Among other thingly he declares in favor of the ratification of the tie*, Constitution by the people, the'election of none but Re publicans to the State offices and to Con gress, the election of Andrew J. Hamil ton as Governor, and the removal of i the disabilities of every friend of the Gen eral Government. • • RECRIIITEW TOR THE ARMY. ' The'reason assigned by army °Mean foi the reopening of recruiting Offices le that the actual personnel has been amber• tained to be under the contemplated minimum. CATEITOMB. The customs receipts from April 19t; to 24th inclusive, were 13,871,116. The Southern Railroad Project—Whiskey Ping Developments—A Tornado. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.i tirsontrrATl, April 29.--Both Houses of the Ohio Legislature have passed a bill giving" the city of Cincinnati authority , to use ten iutlllor dollars for the purpose of building a short line railroad through Kentucky to connect with the Southern system of railroads at Chattanooga. The work will be undertaken at once \ and pushed forward vigorously. Our(_ citi zens almost unanimously favor the pro ject. The enterprise is to be managed by a Board of Trustees, to be appointed by the Judges of the Superior Court, which will insure firstsclass men. The United States Grand Jury found fifty•two indictments, mostly against whiskey dealers, for defrauding the rev enue. The mulles mostly live here and at Dayton. 'there are some big fish in the net. One of the whiskey ring has made a confession. No names are published as yet. The Committee of the Board of Trade to the Legislature will make a report to the citizens to-morrow night at a general meeting At Walker's Station on the Marietta and Cincinnati Railro ad, at six o'clock last evening, there was a destructive tornado. The depot was ddemolished and several houses were blown down and un roofed. The forests were blown down. The tornado lasted about twenty min utes M. arlon Hays, a brakeman on the Lit tle Miami Railroad, fell from strain near Corwin last evening, and was killed in stantly, the trainpwising over his body. President King, of the l3altimore and Ohio Railroad, is expected in the pity to night on business of the Cincinnati and Baltimore Railroad, a short line in con nection with the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad in this city. :Et The ConservaUve State Con Volition. :By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) RICEOIOI O to, VA. April 2 9 .—The Con servative Convention reassembled this morning, and the minority report wasion wlthdrawn-to make way for a resolut to adjourn until ten days after Grant's proclamation for the State election. This resolution was defeated by a majority of two-thirds. ‘The majority report was then adopted, with a few dissenting voices. - The debate pointed unmistakably to Walker, Conservative Republican, tui the person to be supported by the Conserva tives for Governor. Resolutions were adopted for better nt or ganization, and for the appolntnie of commissioners to wait on President Grant relative to the submission of the constitiation, and air° tit wait ori General Canby. AiAi,.,urned ene die.. The press representatives of all pelitica 'Were ad mitted to-day. Ihe spirit of the delight! IA CanTertdon this niorning, by those sirbt, fttstritod the minority report urging people to vote down the constitution, cram t hat while negro suffrage might• be iswced the people by the government, y.,9t dans should not theurselYew aah.lat in & thedegradation. Those who favorer. the majority report said that sort of ari.ta: Went was thing of the past. flegrCrs e• frage was an accomplished fact, and the' white people . of the State , inatead of sul lenly reatatteg, the general_ geyealtne rit o which)4 our government,. should asearY out "reconstruction in. good faith,' ace'ePt ing Whatthe gOVertliTiggit" g 17,01 no r A nd making the best of it. " Wasnrged that the .election of Gllbeit "0: Walke! Nor th ern. Republieart:i adminsti "11 . would, g tion supporter, for Governor, i.,,e the people of the North"confidenee .11 .2 1 profedslons, and induce immigration tz the MOM The tabtioritt report; Woad vomited by Ez-Gov4 Wm. Smith, awl the majority by Raldwin and .Jno. , Edmunds. ostir- zt..l: Al CINCINNATI. RICHMOND, VA • , • Illinois. Press. Asauelausue [By ToSet/Ohl° slick Pittebtrodis'etta.3l , • 14v E w otrazaktils;l4l . ll 29.-4, portion of the Illipois Pops delegatien are eif o Yir" lug kosnitillitletet the St.`Charlei oiet, es,l4heets of the City, They. arrived tkds morning - and were metr at the Mobile; boat hauling b.fthe IdltYcmithd delega l tion of the City Connell:and (Member of COmmerce, with an address of; welcome. The.party numbers •about eightr hulie t and gentlemen. After an excursion upon the rjverr~ a complimentary dinner mac Ovid. They ,go, ,b0131f) to Cairo to•tattr- a BY Inds IreLant Between Catholics and Orld*ellien'— Kilda RequeSted to Laic Switailand The ' Beige of Prigue Itsised---Proceedings in twit . Ish of Commons —The Irish _ Church Gmestablishment—The King or Dictator Q,uestlon in went tor Republican Government. CBI Teleirspb toithe Ptitsburgb eazette.i GREAT BRITAIN. • Lorimer? April W.—Oaptain Carieton • was shot at Athlone yesterda.V. ' At New Market to-day the one thous,- and, guineas stake, for three year old fulleovaa won by the Duke ,of Bean . fort,,i,scdttlah Queen; Maria was second and Brigauline • . • LtarDorrnaßßY, Ireland, APill 29. mw o o b c too belie 'Yesterliay l between Catholicis Isildc,Orangemen: 'Milking the collision ;between the • two faCtions the police• charged , npon both. Eire arms were, freely used, several rioters being Wounded and two killed. The riot as sumed, ate one time, fearful proportions, but the e fforts of the police and the ap pearance of tho,military from the garri son, finally succeeded in restoring quiet, and the city it; . now tranquil. The mili tary will remain oh duty a day or two. Lownolz, April 29.—The proceedings in the House of Commons, this evening, were unusually interesting. Right Hon. Chichester Fortesque,Secretary for Ireland, in a reply to - a question of Lord Manners, deplored the recent out rages in Cork and Londonderry. Every endeavor had been Made by use• gon mnt to suppress the rioto proceed ings, and the peace preservation act had been fully enforced. He also stated that further explanations were at the time impolitic. ut 2 i "'Sohn rthur Otway, member for Chatham, enied the authenticity of the telegra urporting to have been receiv ed from r Rutherford Aloof*. British Minister to China, that the Chinese gov ernment and people opposed to pro- gress. The Irish Church bill then came up. After a short debate on Mr. D'D3raell's amendment to give the Glebe Houses to the Church, the proposition Was rejected, as follows:' For amendment. 227, against it 318—majority ibr GoveirnMent 91. During the discussion Mr. O'Connor Don stated the Trustees of Maynootli College were willing to put that building • up for sale, if the same could be done • with the Glebes of the Church. ' On the clause allowing the retention by the Church of any real or personal g iven pro of property, or moneys h given by private personsont of their own resources, since the year 1660, or produce of moneys raised by private ectbscriptions since that year, Mr. Gregory moved to substitute the year 1608 for 1660. Mr. D'lsraell moved the omission of the date entirely. Sir Roundel" Palmer spoke in opposttion . to the amendment. He thought the fixing of tne the year 156 0 to be more desirable dat t o t the Church and country than leaving to the former all of the-en dowments subsequently to the Reforma tion. Both aaiendments were then with drawn, and Mr. Gathorne Hardy sub mitted a motion - to fix the date at 1560. The House divided upon this motion, with the following result: For amend ment 220, against amendment 306—Gov ernment majority 86. Sir Frederick William Beigates, mem ber for. Londonderry, moved to retain the royal and - other grants made since the second year of the reign of Queen tlizabeth. Negatived by 283 to 180. SWITZERLAND. GENEVA, April 114.—1 t is rumored to- day that the Swiss government has re quested Joseph Mazzini to leave near the 'country. Mazzini lives at Lagano, the Italian border. and his connection with the recent conspiracy at Florenee and Milan has probably led the Italian government to make WA reqdest of Switzerland. SPAIN. April 29.—The majority in the "Constituent Cortes urge a prompt decision either for Duke Monteensier or Prince of Asturias as King, or ,Dictator of the Republic. - The Republitians are about to start a National petition in favor of a Re • ebbe. AUSTRIA. • VIENNA, April 29.—The law declaring Prague in a state of siege has been an nulled. Placards have been posted in various parts of the city requesting the inhabitants to avoid any turther turbances. 1 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LONDON. April 26.--Consols, for money, 94;; for account, 9331;@93%. Five-Twen ties are quiet at 80%. Stocks are quiet; . Erie, 21}4; Illinois Central, 885;; Atlantic and Great Western,24. Tallow 445. Sugar active at 28s. 61. on spot. Turpen tine 30a. 9d. FRANKFORT. April bonds, —U. S. )( 87. • Pants, April V.—Rentea, 71fr. 52c. , The Bullion Bank of France three and one million francsduring the week. - 114.vrtz, April Z.—Cotton unchanged. Lirvunroot., April 29.—Cotton irregu lar; middling uplands, 11; 1 41512d; New Orleans, 12)(,©12),0; sales of 8,000 bales. California wheat, 94s 6d; red western, 808 4d. Western Sour, 21s. Corn, Ilew mixed; 26a 6d. Oats, 3s sd. Barley, 55., Peas, 88s 6d. Pork, 104 s. Beef, 90s- Lard, 725. '-Cheese, 81s. Bacon, fils 6d.d. Spirits petrolum, ed; refined, Is Tallow, 29s 6d e . Linseed oil, 41s._ F RA NlDvoltT,AprilV. — E venin g .—Five- Tvventies closed at 87%@87%. . , ' • ------ h rlt of Error in a homicide Case. (BY i'elegrapb to the rittsburxhGazette. and ) Lovisvitts, April 29.—Judge 131 Ballard, of the United States. District Court, has issued and ordered a mandate to be served upon the sheriff, requg a stay of proceedings in the case of John Cotiley.the negro who was sentenced by Judge Bruce, of the Circuit COurt; to be bung termorrow. The defendant in his I,,etitiori sets forth that he is • denied and i ca , inot enforce in the Courts or , judicial tritrimfils of the State of hentuck.y the rightto testify or give evidence, which is one of the rights secured to him by the drat 'section of the act of Congress o :April Bth, ISM. The petition exhibits a coMPlete transcript of the record of the proceeding; in the State Court, and asks , that a writ: of error be allowed him tore. move the cause to the ted States Did -1.00 Couxt,•in pursuance of the acts Of -Congress of 'March 1868, and April t Ali, 1860. After quoting at length the & .Pt i I 4tt."on g r e a s bearing upon the case, j t • taiga Ballard concludes by allowing the ';,:it drror, so that the constitutional „..,. dal suggested may receive full con qr ration before the United States Dia s de: trio. Court. _ AA ... Leavenworth, Kansas, , Tuesday . ig, a mob of about one hundre l. 03 ° r/i4 " . t 4 044 upon and fatanyhile •Wounbeing' de negroet: named. Thompson, w tl egr° ,„ m t tail troll the oourt hones where ;,71,--"a";;;' , en 'examined for shooting txn •'''' - o , whose friends compo sed the otheringt i , r a arrow , were rai d, .—. e.There among . 1/2°I)"11"'" ''' teltenient the Afrir was paella J r ' ' - ' ,l ' -, , `-"‘` , ,:::-. = ---', -t- 1 -.--. --. , . -7. -..:-^ -,v, --,..1.-•,., - : :.....„„ ,-_...1 F... ~... ' :,:-:- ~-..--•.. ...-v. r i ;., • - " -,,- i , -....,- '.",-, , ._;-,.--r- - /, f c , ,.4.. i ~.- -.7 ,. 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CBI Telegraph to tie pituandso easetto-3 - - KEY WEST, April 29.—The' follovßne important dispatch was received here by mail from Bayamo, Cuba: • , Count Valmased a, Commander of the Spanish forces in the Eastern Depart ment, has issued a proclamation, where of the following are the chief features: First, Every mitive male,' over fifteen years of age, found away rom his resi dence without sufficient cause, will be executed. Second, Every uninhabited dwelling, and every inhabited , dwelling, where a white flag is undisplayed, will be reduced to ashes. Third, All women away from their houses will come to Bay aril° or Jiquar4 or they will be brought by force.' The proclamation is dated Bay amo, April 4th. HAVANA. April " 26, via KEY WEST, April 29.---The 'Second Battalion of vol unteers, commanded by Col. Retillta, and forming the gairlson of Fort Cabana, in in the an bf Havan havin refused. to obey order for the a, release g of a pris ener,_iien. Dulce and staff were obliged to' proceed to the fort in full uniform -to effect a change in their disposition. . The Captaln.General made an address to the volunteers, when they suffered the pris oner to depart under an escort of govern ment troops. sThe , action of the volun teers has occasioned great indignation on the part'of the public., and threats are made against' the *Second Battalion, in case they lay down their arms, which is not, however, anticipated. The revolution in the eastern depart ment is gainibg strength. - The Spanish troops in that 'portion of the island are suffering from sickness. The Cubans are besieging and constantly harrassing them and the cailture of various convoys causes a scar City of supplies and ammu nition in the ranks. Advises from St. Domingo to the 15th of April say immigration from Germany is increasing. The tbbacco crop of the country is immense. The Province Ciebo was tranquil. The Spanish frigate Gerona has return to this port. Sugar bdoyant; ',sees at BX®9 reale for 'No. 12. ST. LOUIS. , Funeral Obsequies—Attempted Outrage —Christian Assent&Gen Home. , [By Telegraph to the Titlabargh Gestate.) ST. Cottle, April The funeral of Daniel D. ;Page, who died in few days Washin gton a ago, took place from St. , Georges Church to-day. Rev. Dr. Berk ley officiated. A large number of the oldest citizens in the city, among them several of its oldest Mayors, attended the funeral. A young man named A. W. B lge:eon, a l belonging to a well-known family here, was held in 1)1,500 be ds to-day for an al leged attempt tkcom it a rape on a wo man named Mrs. M Townsend. At a meeting of he Young Men's Christian. Asnociatio ~ to.night, a plan was presented for the erection of a Young I Men'p Chi tian Association HOMO. The plan co templates a Com pany withligeo,ooo a k, for the erection of a dvs- story buildi gin a prominent part of the city, to be used by the Anso. ciation'ibr general p rposes, and for bu siness as well as aII me for young men. Much interest wa sman ifested in the en terprise, and althon the meeting was small aver four thousand dollars were Subscribed on the spot. THE! PACIFIC RAILROAD i Ten Mires of Railroad Track Laid in One Day—lren Laid at the Rate of a mile lan jdeur—onty Niue and a Half Iditeaolf a Gap Between the Two_Roaos. ZBT Telegraph to the Flttobargh (mutts.) I Salt iFßaNeisCo, April 29.—Dispatches from the end of the track. of the Ventral Pedal Railroad say over ten miles of track were. . laid yesterday. The track i - layerswere• compelled to desist on ac count, of Lire unfinished grading. The iron was late at the rate of a mile an hour. - The work on the Union Pacific progresses slowly. Rails ale down with- in eight miles of the summit of Pro montory Point. Governor estanford yes teruay visited , the eastern end of the road; for, the purpose of inducing the union .people to abandon their rock cut ting ,and take the Central Road, but found no one with authority: to make the ;change. This morning only nine and a half Mlles remained to complete the Road through from ocean to ocean, threeand &half of which are of the Cen ral ,Paciths. SUNDAY SCHOOLS National Convention at Newark, [By ,Telecaph to the vite:lvo Gainttel -Ntr.w..our, N. J. Apr 1129.-10 the Nap. tittnal druids) , SChool Convention, this morning, Mrs. Jeannett Heath, of Ran toul, was added to the list of Mee Presi dents. Rev. H. W. Beecher opened the diem:mien on the Sunday School Mission work, and was followed by Rev. S. H. Tung, Dr. Peck, , of M. E. Chdrch, and others. • The Convention was Atended by an immense concourse this evening,, ver Sowing. two separate meetings. Eloquent addresses were made by Rev. John Hall, of Newyork, Ex• Senator Prelim satiny sen, Mr. Eggleston, of Chicago, R.:ldeßensdei of Dundee, Sootland, and others. A let ter front Vice President Colfax was read regretting hitt inability to attend the convention, and. aympathisdlig in. its objects.. stimuli - Peace a übliee—nassachusett s Legislature. [By Telegraph to the Pt tsourribussetteo Bono , April 29.—The receipts for season tickets to the National Peace Jublieeumountadto- Upward of 110,000 on the' Srdt illy the Bare mommeneed. In t ei S benate ay a bill was reported autiterakfmg tire '." Warden of the State Prismtd permit thwoonsiets to assemble intl*vird for reereation and exercise. smendment to the' liquor bills, to inelude other fermented liquors than lager beer and older, was , rejeoted. n the Senate WI-day a Committee of the 'Board pu Public Buildings' reported the, present Public Library Building in idequatel and reoommended its sale and tits erection of a new building.. "ai Tileimp io the Pittsburgh Bssette.3 New Yong.; April 22, 1889. The Post publishes the following card: :...Editor's ,Offiee of the Sun, .New York, April, 28, 1889.—Ta the Editors of .the .Neendasr Rid.: AU the charge , ' against me, made:,by - Jno. D. Stockton, of the phitedelphia, Post, published in your Is sue Of yesyirday; are false. l pectf .Eceuly, ,„ t .Asos Jumutloas. ~ . • • .park IL Jonesi, the newly sippointed rstrasatervol thisUity, filed his bond and'wal sworn ite to-day. ==== 3 POWWOW Airchltis,Basit of IPfttsbnratC‘ ME sin beekCirill MEd!' opett for sub.) 'el.:vitiate at the lbllowing times and place , ' till - the next limping, which Is— called for .., next Tnesday,.night, at the room where session WEia hold last night. Friday, April 30th, at Emil Poerstel's tobacco store, No. 231.Fi Mclntyre . Saturday, May lat, at s drng store, corner of Pride street and Flit avenue. Monday, May 3d, at Frank Seibert'is grocery, No. 296 Fifth avenue. Tuesday, May 4tb, at Alderman Mor row's, Filth Avenue, opposite Chatham street. Continualion at 55 and 51 Fifth avenue, of the immense sale of elegant Furniture, Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, new and secon-handed Brussels, Ingrain, Cottate, Hemp, Rag, Hall and Stair Car- Pets, Uuttelry and Household Goods of every description, this day at 10 o'clock, A. m., and 2P. u. Thb3 will be a sure , chance to secure bargains,. as the lionse is full and every article must and will be sold. See advertisements of H. B. Smithson & Co., Auction colurnt Great Auction Sale Adjourned, till Sat urday at 9% A. M., of Ma crum do Car lisle's stock, at 29 Fifth avenue, at which time we will commence a closing out sale of what stock remains. This sale will centinue for only four days, by which time the stock must be sold. Every ar ticle put up will be - sold regardless of cost. Great bargains may be had. IL B. Smithson A, Co. Moorhead, 81 Market street, would invite the attention of all his ens tomenrand the public, to the closing out at'private sale all the goods yet remain ing unsold. Great bargains can be se cured next week in Embroideries, Laces and fancy goods. ' • • 6 Tile great auction sale of Embroider ies, Lace Goods and Fancy Goods, will be continued until Saturday evening, May Ist, at W. W. Moorhead's, 81 Mar ket street. All wishing to secureb ar gains should embrace.the opportunity. 2 . . Don't fait to attend the closing auction sale of Fine Goods, at W. W. Moorheads, 81-Market street, on Friday and Satur- -2 day, which will close the sale. It' is a luxury and a comibrt to bathe, shave, or have your hair out or dressed at the elegant establiotiment of H. B. Williamson, No. 190 Federal street, Al legheny. Try it. BOSTON NEW' YORK CITY The place to get White Lime, - 1 clued Fleeter, lElythem li e Cement. Is at Ecker Oaskefs, 18 Smithfield street , DIED. ROBERTSON—On 'Wednesday afternoon. the Seth Inst ~ LUELLA. NkTE, daughter of at art and Catharine Robertson, aged 7 years. Leela thou wait mild and lovelY, Gentle as the summer bremiet • pleasant as the air of evening When it floats among the trees. Dearest Leela, thou bast left us, He e thy loss we deeply feel:'- , But nis God that bath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal, Ifineral from tbe residence of the parents, 83 West street, Allegheny. IFSID.A.T *rizamocer., at A o'clock. The . friends of the family are re spe- tfullY loyited to attend: WORZIOUT—On Wednesday evening. the 11Sth Mat • . J.KIEDB fIiTCREIGHT, in the lad year of tisane. "• . , . runerallsornh is late yesidence, No. 13%re= street, To-Dir . angi Weiciot. r. at. UNDE4TAIENRS. 11110•10 Plows. .....--------- . . .... A. LF.X .. -AI IL ig N A _ tifilDEll : Twos, - re; , 166 YOu nig STREST, tsburgb, Pa. COMM °fell Irinds,CILA.PIA OLOVb land e , err , description of Tunessi Fur nistiing Goods funtaaed. Booms open dig and night. Bear.. sn*Ciarriages furatsbed. mc,ague—loys.DlhVia }Len. D.D., Huv.3l, . Jacobus, D. D., 'Thomas Ewing, Bap.. Juotk H Biller. 800. riNIABLES .Is. PEEBLF4I - ITN • ‘...) DEBTASS.3I3 A:141) LIVERY ArrABI.II cornet . f ;UN DUSKY MST= AND CHUB° • AVF.lelit. Allegheny City. where thiir COY ROOMS al e eenstanat 'lapelled wil' real and" imitation Ito- ewood. MaMgany and Walnut , Caftan, st prices slaying from ad to lilloo. Be. dies prepared for Int i:cent. Hearses and Car. limes fainfebed: else, "11 cinds .of Km:truing flood■. If required. Mimi in en at all Imam day and Melt. . -------__ Nl2liT. T; RODNEY, tlfitDEß•g TAKER AND EMBAIMEIt, No. 45 OHIO Xi, Allegheny, sseps constantly on hand a large assortment of reardy.made Coffiras of the fcllowingAinds: First, tie celebrated American Burial Owes. IdetalUn: Self-seal/vale-tight Cases and Caskets, and Rosewood, ut and frontHwa di Imitation Mane. 'Wain Canal o $25 ppwards• Halewood Imitation corms from $5 upwards; and , no pains will lie spared to give entire satisfactron. Crepe and Gloves furnished free eta:man. Best Hearses and Car stages fursished t,n short notice. Carriages fru-, minted. to fiuterals at 44 - ------- NEW' STIOLIEN M;VICt MLA '.57.9 ConsiSting of a ftneTne of Pins, Ear Rings. Meet%) 'Buttons, Spell Studs, Finger Charms, &c., In Estrnsean,:Eioss Agate, Byran- Oise, Topaz, pearl. Gazatt and many other aillesquat received by VIT.Cri DITNSEATEE F.TiF TH.. AVENt 07POSIIB mAtuono HALL E IM! G• . FLUX!, '')ESRPLOT TAILOR, Wwid'ieigieetfully littoral Ms friends and the sonblni' generaltk, thatads 'SPRING STOCK OF GOODS ow COMPLETE, 'ISOLIC#INS AX EMILY CALL. Rona-of' Penn and Sixth 'Streets. 11U BA. WATERS. % ,it3ARATOGA STAR MATER. 2.00401 44A" •; !, y,7440.144 4rdaii '':,l,Bo2l7o"llrateir. 'r, 6 14 N fie., &et! s•wp.N,.. ~.„40},T$TC*, corner treurtb ivenu - e; end S Ith !. field Street. ' ' . . • AGENT. FOE PRTZR V 11011131.51 (Lpuilm) altkl4lll.AU 11YFERVIL8enlite3 TSKPA TiOnS,..Cheinlyile and TnileAllycealms , WHESPENHEIO it CO. • r No. 50 SIXTH MUTT. Oate Bt. clatr, birth Ida recetreiffroiri the TiAt the best lot of New GoOdilbr enittil finite ev.t• brought to llse 'market. The , int warrant to'cnt and et and mare cheaper• aidhetter than any trat-elarsltmie, 'LAVA§ city. lkiew and elan dl4aportlnent • of 91kleTLIdelfai . le AZ* 99°D 11 iffi; at -M4 WM tFote;ckilat b a " .** l ! l r r 0 9 ,I nF r li, rril/Urr • POO rosisux