The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 30, 1869, Image 7

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    tta u .," it 4 ; 'llll`rltt/t4
NEN ilti*yeAstoris:
THE Pima ON ias ItaLrß. By ilerthoid
.A.nerbach..Atithor'sZdition. With a
portrait of the Author, and a Biograph
ical ' Sketch' by Bayard Taylor. Pub
lished by Leypoldt dc Holt, ,Di - ew York.
'For sale 13y B. B. Davis & Co., 1931.4 b.
_erty. street, Pitteiburftb;
Parbillrst, second and third of Mil popn
ar novel, in paper carers, have beezi re
ceive& The introduction of Bayard Taylor
Lerida to favorably impress thereader, hut
even' a _cursory reading. will . dediOnitiikte
that the work itself, like "On the - Heights,'
is of no ordinary kind. Theie ti,graip,
of language, fertility .of creation, and at
the same time natural arid' flowing'con- ;
stnietieti of the. noril; that few works of
this character possess. It, is intensely
German in thought,iiid, gives pictures of
men and things with ' , life-like? beauty:
This trait gives illatest a reality* to the
charicten: We,'fffeak of the plot, and
nice delineation of character; without
refererio4othe author's views. , Thefaet
that;he is io•.popular at home is ntuCh in
his favor. We have just recelyed the
first bid, volume:of this work, which
is admirably adapted forlibrarynerptiliett.
iiiiirnitmy, or '
Formes.• .-By the author
of 6 1 tiuy Livingstone," &a. Author's •
edition. Wittallustrationa. Puttliah
- ed by J. B. Lippincott & Co.,
phia..._.For sale by B. 2, Davis .t Co.,
/98Libeity street, Pittsburgh.. .
This is a story of much interest, and
hap a . fascinatiokabont it that will likely
attrat the attention ' olt the reader from
the first to the closing chapter. It is
writieFt:ln easy, Kricetal style, thimgh
a little highly colored in soles parts.' This
edition is printed from advance sheets by
eP e Ael le,rrandeteent :with- the, anther-
The iethor is a favorite' witli , many, end
this work 'will not diminish his lair rept2 7 7,
REKLNISCENCES OF 3frainaraionac. By
Base PAto. Translated from the Ger
man by ..Lady: Wallace. With addi
tional letters addressed to English cor
respondents..... Published by Lopoldt
& aolt, New York, ;" For sale by R. S.
Davis & Co., 193' Liberty street, Pitts
burgh. - -
Many of our,readers will recognize in
this publiattion another evidencoof the
ability of this publishing house in repro
ducing valuableforelgik'yrOrks. We have
here sketched' the remarkahle events in
the history oftbis great Master, and a
kind of commentary upon his letters.' In
addition to the letters '= already published,
there are several ' 4nglisliletters hitherto
unpublished. His eventful- career, and
association with 'edit. - great 'artists are
deHizeattid ih = a cbristhhtYle. The wOrlt is
smerbly-getteit ap r and. will ornament a
`center table. -
By' Sir Samuel W. Baker, author of
"great, Basin of the '.1911e,"
Tributaries of Abyesinia," etc. With
illustrations. Published by Jo B.
Weeincott & Philadelphia. For
by -8.. S. MINIS et Co., 193 Liberty
t, Pittsburgh.
• There ita tharm about works of this
kind, which- `manses and instructs, as
well as entertains the reader. The hair-
breadth escapes of the author, while
• shooting and lian.ting in the jungles, are
described by one who is a master. We
are glad to see Its publication, as it will be-,
gdiie many an hour of young people,
which might be spent in questionable
pursuits. The illustrations are graphic
'land in keying the text...
BARNES' Norn.s.c.N PSALMS. Fab
lished by Harper it Itrothers, New
York. For sale by Henry Miner.
Just received the second and third vol
tunes of. this =valtualge • work. it 4"nsii
form witiChla other commentaries, small
... Cknytinlestr:steß: shall;: have
more to, say ofthis very excellent : e-ons
ittentarif at another till.
• ' moots SE PRESS.
B. LIPPENCOTT & Co., of Philadel
phia, announopt "The Stomach -4d its
Diffletailei ' "The Quaker • Pirthiansil;
44 11L0 Efoldltei;'_"Dean; Mfoid's ( Beek
Testament;" , 'The Ee s. of Plar.arthmoor
Hal 4" "Lives of St., Louis and Calvin;"
"Cottage Piety Exemplified." "We have
' already announced "Allibone'sl.Diction
ary oVEnglish Literatnie and- Authors,"
,:Koningsinark," :,‘God in Hititcny," r and
blobhEditions of vsticntitvatioall‘ko-
Wejiotice that this house are publishing
`' C hAr t e l o o 6 ''i
works i n l ll 't :W e,
;•..• butwe Save not eien 'theca to ,fn eof
• theit merits, compared with other Aides
. , . works.
0' F
'nettle mil , s list's i
Y 4 1 :47.crisPilliels" li°rlci ltun
'have in ss, "The Student's Old Testa
.ment :Hi rk." ...Ely Mil Wm. I Stall&
:They will soon issue "Wallace's
Malay yeilike,l! 'eriduil!igeli:LVo, -
pehn Vine Ards." The second and %li d .
litittall a:tanker NotheAhi flAi Pions'
-are list o, t,„
~ ,
G. P:P '..4thAN*, , ,tc Ei t , , A , O rk, will;
:soon pub , s'..tikh s ,.,.,tAtes ; - k r- fo lobn .1.1
:Auderbditi, the Naturalist," "Norimmi
Leslie," "S'id i ed'illict Childtctive
- "The Print/Onr bti o Dliyettologs t " and,
cl stativindicii6leAtir, Ne,;(44l‘'n:
. 32,0W11 1)41494g by E vm: Apv,
, ggel.
Phu," and "John Haughman's Talk." '
Ci t a l - 1 4P 1311 / 1 1 .P 1 k Co•tNew York; sAviiiiiiblisiantiaiy Foreigh:Miillpill,"
46. rilitattiint —" Wobleby " oh Thine, 7
--40 Waterlflo4 fa"
..,:„..„. I,K . ..„. Haute 'l4 th e
lueetrate qary of gelers. •v v
: PrE4Bl 4 1 !!!491 ) ..4.P9.9 Boston,, au*
mounce. it, hew; vlitipzc 43r, Itrarton's Life
of Horace. .Graeley,,Li ids° a Diamond
Edition of Kmcile."., lirsi,6towelahew
• novel, "Oldlown Folks,".-will soon be
_ -4.ut. They are; slow eboutaissuing• new
'lditions of. Stedmaiivs"Pattati,"'iiitireirm
' - wish "The -Bhuhileielitire"'° "Nit?
• d=
7111 g," tWork orkilporting, is Inteun&
ed, also a new editioll'of "Two Tears
/ 34 .49 R gmli"lte794:bans-
D. APPLICIrOR /SC Co., liew York, will
publithinlMay, "The 'American Antall
Cycloptiiiii" for 1868." Part First' of
"The . Man who Laughs," - by: Hugo,
"Conntßobert, of Paris," "Tomtnyny,
and what he did on Science," "Apple
ton's Elidit-Trip Guide to Europe . , - for
1869," Volume Sf,h of "Waverly Nov
els," ."Mantilla's Reciprocal Method ,of
learning Spanish or. English," are an..
noune,ed. They have alLo in press, "The
Lost Manuscnpt," "Electricity in its Re
latieh to Practical Medicine." "Hhitory
of _Morals in Europe," "Life of Daniel
Webster," "Primary Troche," ''"The
Woman-of Business," "Hereditary Ge. -
nius," , "The Brain and the •Endi" and
"The Dead Gueat." Also, tiiii,'Library
ofWOnders—"The Meteors,""Baloons,"
"The .Great Hunts," "Railways;" "The
Wiuicieiti of Architecture," "The Won
ders ot Naval Art," "Celestial Wonders,"
"Parks and Gardens," "The Metamor
phoils of Insects;" "The. Wondere of the
Vegetable World," "The Wonders of
Opties;" "Volcanoes and Earthquakes,"
"GrottAies and Caierns," "Heat," "The
Wentileit Of Electricity." .
Harper New Monthly for . May is quite
interestingand entertaining. • This num
ber closes thelhirty-eighth volume,' •and,
if anYthitig,' is an improvement Upon
previous issues. It opens with Capital
article - tin "Christopher Columbus," ele
gantly illtistrated. Next we have_"M'ag
dalen," b dainty bit of poetry by Harriet
Prescott Spofford. "Glass-blowing for
Little Folks," with nine Ilins t rations, is
an ingenious story. Many will regard
highly "The Sacredeity of theHindoos"
for the valuable instruction embodied in
the article. Then follows a well told
story, "A Sin of Omission," anda quaint
article, "Both Bidets" - by Miss Phelps.
Mr. Greeley contributes an article, which
it is only ne manly to name, to give it
character. "The Plains, as I Crossed
Them Ten Years Ago.' - The article en
titled "The Working Men of the Middle
Ages" is an excellent paper. The first
installment of "The Brave Lady," by
Miss litdock, will be hosts
of her admirers. This novel will be con.
tinned the ensuing year. Juatin
McCarthy gives two chapters of "My,
Enemy's Daughter." Several small ar
ticles of excellence are also given. Clot
ing with the "Easy Chair," "Book Ta
ble" and "Drawer." Now is : the time
to_ subscribe.
Zippinootes Magazine opens with a
capital illustration of "Hans Breitmanin
Politics,"; ,which is enough to captivate
the reader at once before dipping into the
number. "Beyond the Breakers" fills
considerable space, but will be welcomed
by multitudes. The short poem, "May
Apples," is nicely sandwiched between
"Beyond the Breakers" and. a substan
tial article on "Salmon-fishing in Maine."
"Breitman in Politics" is a rich brochure,
and will be extensively read. The stories
entitled "Rougegorge" and "Dick Lysle's
Fee," are well told. Both are of the love
type t but quite readable. Prot. Coppee's ar
tide is valuable as well ssinteresting, espe
cially to those interested in "Derivatives."
The paper on "Coal Mines" ought to be
interesting to ns hereabouts. The "Re
collections of Washington Irving" are
well presented by that capital writer, .L.
Gaylord Clark. The department devoted
to "Monthly Gossip" is admirably man
aged, and the "Literary Notices" show
the usual discrimination and good taste.
Putnam Monthly is embellished with
an engraving of Admiral Farragut'a flag
ship Franklin in a storm in the North
Sea. ' The ,essay "Thomas Cailile as a
Practical Guide, ' is a solid article of de
cided merit. Immediately following is , a
poem ot much beauty, which appearetin
our. Saturday's issue, : entitled "Christus
Syivae." The writr. Mr. F. B. Blimp
ton, was formerly connected with one of
our city newspapers. Installments of "A'
Stranded Ship,' and "To-day" ire act
forth. '' Many will admire2;"ll) , me."
Among the capital stories, brief and
quart, are "The Emperor's Eye," and
"The Dream of Life." The paper en-,
titled "The Voyage of the Esperango" is
rich and racy. "Mexico and the United
States" is oppertune. "The Monthly
Chronicle," home and foreign stews, is
brief and pointed. Notes on Foreign
Literatere; Science and Art are short and
crispy, and that capital chatty depart
ment, "Table-Talk," is well gotten up.
The Atlantic - Monthly' presents.a (sub
stautlal bill of fare to the lovers of mega.
sine literature. There is more of a prac-.
tical smack about many of the articles
than formerly. • The opening pages are
devoted to "Malbone," which maintains
its interest, followed by "The Clothed
NJ/Ma t " n .
n by Parton ,in his , best . Style.
rahti:l ism" is a Searching paper, and
one amuck). research. Two pretty plecee
of. poetry. spice the number, entitled,
ifThePtuitan Lovers," and "Eleanortti
thiamin) , House." The poet Whittier's:
paper, "The Heroine,of Long Point," is
'narked:l%/th tte usual godd sense of this'
"The Foe in the House,:
htficr' and "Spring :in 'Washington" are
quite readable, and also the "Autobiogra
phy of a Shaker." Bayard Taylor con
tributes a capital artible 'entitled "Can a
Life Hide Itself." The paper, "Pacific
• Railroad," is -irood. • "The.lntellectual
Character of Grant"' will attract atten
tion. The Reeiews and Literary Articles
ire as usual higlinoired` and diecrlminat-
Galaxy forithinotoollkis a charming
number. - Cbarles:Aes4O's tiPoqogeelf
4 1 1 4.4 18 0 10 # 6 -P5 14 .4.A8Prb 5
,Interest. e , 0241 47 estl ~
"Wadiilia thoir- ~l4pot l ,' by: . g„Vitiot
:white, is like the former, Inswitoifte,sind
entertaining. if Vairiu and itepairseh is a
'mote, affair, Auld: lull , of • :kb thoughk
McCalthrnsiticia on: o E4ll6h Toriism
and' ItslleOtts"'lwillr interest
QuJtfl'aillCitaltint OftlatteFlefdlig"
is itiyeit,l446l4 billia r tyiltel• tt l i t •
age. The mi l iske.it_4•o3f 10'elbS. •
vocate," 'James t r _ Bind be U'
with tender interest.' 1;4 noot Oct extray.
agent. -The -"Choir - of 'l3oligitei" Is a
Galaxy of interest and poetic taste. Then ,
fqllow "the Galaxy 41titbeiliwyo - --lihoit;
readable tileces. -The defflitments "Drift.
`wood" and "Literittitti thisavel are ad=
iniribly Conducted) lipediiilrableiltdue
for the editorial, "NebubleP .?litinbtil a
feature of interest in this 111111641e0 5 ' . .
Our Young Folk. , tbrAlitni month.
brim full os good things 'forifnnighpliw
ple, aye, and .peopid- `mature '.etits.
The picture as a frontespince,,"Ltiliee of
the Valley," is one of -.tender iiitetest.
"Eitory of tilltaffDey" is not
f: • '
. .
Pry 1!'
losing -- Va - JateriA 824 4 .", th e -," ,
._ of
' 1 4 16
"Wifila=. l -aanie- 9 - be :with
avidity. The little stories, "Laurence's
takirj l / 2
Jammerhand "Carl". willups i leading.
The practical worth of."Panklr 1"
"Canary Jalands and c anary .. +,
and "Gardening' for Girli," are stil et
ident -Mid the clusrmhtg mariner' in;wbich
these —things are presented; are worthy
of note. And so of the other artistes.
We are promised gossip about "Gipsey,”
"Expltnations .of. a Missionary In -the
West, , ' to. Write," "Coral. Reefs"
and other 'wresting things. 3 fl;)
Hours At Home for .May commences the
ninth volume of this excelle.nt pUblication.
Several articles'of solid 'Worth are Tnund
in this number, as welles the "Motherleas
Girls," and "Christopher Irroy." Atnozig
the noticeable papers are "Syrian Ram
bles," relating to the Sources of :the..-Jor
dan. "The Russian, rearant" contains
much interesting information of that far
off country: I. The:"POStry; . ."The Clots
tered Roof 1 "The House upon the Sands"
and "Elijah;" are. exquisite,.hi l ig- i Ed
pieces. The admirers of Jean ow
will welcome the -article on ter. f.
Porter gives another of 'hie sterling arti
cles on "Bnoks and Reading," and "The
Cannibals i
Equatorial West Africa"
will attract ttentiont ' "Sunny bank Pa
pen," "Th Romances, ot Arthur," and
other papers are Very readable.. We note
esPecildly.."Leienre Moments," "Books
and - Authors Abroad," etc.
rgrE °R ;?ffiallirro
• iOitlf IL BARE,
Of 'Pittsburgh, ttebteet to the .geetelonnof the
Union Repablinen County convention.
Will be a candtdate'for - SRICRIPT, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conan•
?ion. sou:
I respoctfull illSOUtlcib myself • candidate
for SHERIFF, sub y
ject to the usages of the Re.
publican Party: and if sUccessthl pledge myself
to-devote allmr energy to an honorable and faith.
ful disc/ram of the duties of the ogee.
apil:ditgr , •ii. 11. F.LE,MINO.
I would reepeigiully announce to the citizens of
Allegheny county that I wilt be a ca.eidate for
the oglee of surlily/. eunieet to the decision Of
the next ensuing Unita Republican County Con
raANIE Darr,
a. :h7o:nr • Ohio Township.
• 303151 A. WATSON,
• •
Of Elisabeth township. late private Comeau, D,
79th tea. Vole., wlll be • candidate tot t he °lnce
otSURRIFY, nbieetto the decision of the Union
Republican GlonvenUott..- • 'arilOtiftSDY
Will be a candidate for the office of Sherif, sato
ject:to the decision of the Union Republican
County Convention. mh.ffiatatbdalr
3. F. Dincrairrort,
(Late Brevet 'Major 1:r. S. V 015..) will be a condi
oatelor .enomtnallon. subject to the decision of
tke.Reppublican Count) t;onventien. '
a 027
COL.•.t a cropELmi), .
Of Elizabeth township, will .be a candidate Re
the above office. sueject .pz the decision of the
Republican Connty Convention.
apZ3.1167:n &P ' • - - •
ligr F.Oll REconbEß,
Allegheny City; late private Fifth Excelsior•
Regiment. Lostaleg to the Second Bull Run
Battle. " ap27:114-D&F
Buhject to the decision of the Republican County'
Conyentlou. ap29:111
=Wale. borough, lateprivate Co. H, 10511 d
Burt Penna. 'Vols., subject to the decision of
the Union Republican County Convention. me.
LE es EN I' •CO U WTI:: I respectfully
announce my self as a candidate for the Mlles of
MEEK Or. COURTe, - subjeot to the • decision of
the, Union Republican Cuuntyy Convention. I
would aline that I ask the office but for ONE
TERN. at she termination of which I would
cheerfully retire, believing that there are others
equally entitled to the honor and emoluments of
the office, and as competent as myself- I will be
under obligations to the citizens of the county
for thele.eupport. - Ver . resoectfally, ' • _
Late 109 d (old 13th,) and sth Pa. Vol. Regt.
mh2a:g47 •
WIII be a candidate for County Commissioner.
subject to the decision of the Union Republican
County Convention. ap27dl6
Those having friends afflicted are ear•
netpiliollcited to send for siCircular LetterOf
Rei erences and Testimonials,' which will con•
vine} the most skeptical of the -cured/WV Me
08 Great Jones street, Nem Yon. •
igraLtitfilAGE AND VELIIiir
y.-A4 Essay foi yon es on
or de,' and' the `DISES dABUSES'
wblebtreltermixrdtmeata M GE, .wittk
sure means of relief. Seat In Nested - letterin•
veloea. free of charge. Address, rJ. tsE .W. -
LISFHOMTON, Howard Assootatlott
delebia, Pa. . ,is ;an:dm"
. • •
This.splendid Flair Die is the best in thdiroild:
the only true and peneet Dim harmless,. tells.'
ssisantaneous; no disappointment; n ri
dionions r Mita; remedies - the ill effect or bad
dyes; invidordtes end leaves the Hair Soft
beantiral‘ Made or brosos. Bold; by 41 Ellyitit
and Perlin:nem awl properly Applied at a sot
Vs Win t. on', NO. 10 Bond' scree
ligr . 11 0 01 r— 9li WHIMEO , tibtr .
Messes. °Ammo in ilk Its !Orme; genbrrhe
Ellen, i Striertare, &e.. completely indicated.
abuse",nieutmolasi or cues remittal:Cm self
. producing utunanlloen, nergen debility.'
Initaidilty, 'eruptions. seminal ° th is %Auld
finally. tomoteacy. permanently-Atind, , ?mug
41044 with delicate. Intricate and lent stand'
id conltuttonal cOmplaints art politely hinted
to cad f or , ecmsultationt: which testa ~n otMli t
itxpezieno She beet of teachers. , has ..enab _I
,iditt to perreat remedies at ,onee elle:Midi one,
perniahent, and which In molt cases Gill
b 4
Winton& hindrance to blvilnesui ,
vared lathe establishment, which egobriteei at
neat reCeptiOn and welting rooms: alsoogogrdlag
'Una sleeping 4partmenti tot • pitleautregoiring
(31117.personal'attantion. and iapor,and °Um°.
Ifni baths,. thus concentrating :Um lamed Mineral
gpringo: lio tuner 'who hub failed. s tat e Ica
case: Read what he yenta his pemphiet,o( din'
, Paget, sent to 8 7 1 address for two I taintin agal•
ed. envelope. Th ousands of cans treate lliumll. ,
guy. at •oeice an all over the con . , Clonsit...,
!adultness, visually or. by_tmait,, . No, *
Wylie . saes (near Conn Noose) *Wont::
! au
Pa. 'boars Ii J. X. to 9 IC nt. tin any, Ilg *.
to 'inn X. Pamphlet send Uratty address got tMo
.Kasagor. . adi"
tea ut. oribs above
~ A amine anOttraent o a o
4 eefebrated brand, Just receive't and Almada , b 1
tbe!dozeit or at retail, by .
• ni • ci; Mc filillary
aim `'Corner Liberty i4`..: 4 1 thareetii:
;a ,4 kt1 4 . 1 419445. .4en.h9F, tVtiIW I III I III I 4N
iss!tleMelegpii* comp= 9;t l :l,,NAlte4 1 44414
mitthrelectteti at ati66tdent shrtialitioAtos;
itui tilduitArd.
Bark's buildift.-Pxnfttle arenue,MAll 444 stlol
• EAWARI? flk/r1 6 .1 4 4 01 .•
taDa4:ll - 7 SepretArY,
:nAn,w,AT, rioirgerwrimuis
- 4Altuil Meeting of the Stockhold
ers os the' ' t Yederit'Sureet , lind-7leasant 'Valley
Passenger Rallway. Lompany, wi ll : be ,held at
Gray's Dote; rortter'or Jaeketort Street' and Ir
feeond mare, Ailearnv tIEV
DAV Vti..V IG, Zia at ,P. bf, for the
election o- td of Diteetoreil zIV 1,11 / 04 - n ine '
the S.ckholders will receive thelr certificates of
stock. - By order of •Board of. Direelors,'
W. 31. CA -4;r Secretuv.
221) Dlsrurcr, - PENNA.
PITIrSIIMIGIf t • April 20th, 'lai , '
• , ~..• . ar.Q . determine at , this , Ofeee, until the
FIRST DAY. OF MAT NEXT; aIl 'appeals relit
tive,to ails ercopeot4 or excessive I'llj:tattoos of
any , assess:Meets made by
.Assts sot. Assessors
In their returna ottlie an;iaal lii a'.
PIPTBIIII2.Of4PT.WATINE A 0n1,.A00 S.R. Co., /
: '• PITTSEitnfOU. PA.. March 94, 1869.
,•:: TORS Or TI101: , COMPANY havedo ,
elated the regular Qua:loor iyidend (No. NM) ,
Of MO and one-41C pet cent,. free of ooyern
meat ten. On 'the- capital stoek,- ibrthe Quarter
ending March Plat, payable on and after MON.
DAY, April 517“proxlmo. at the.otaCt'nfiWins.
low Lanier A CO: lyo. 97 Fluent eet, tO those
registered at Ners'York, and Attila , otikie , of the
Treasurer. to those registered at Pittsbergb.
The Transfer r llooke will. close onMondar,
Anril 19. at 9 I: it:, and re - open Tuesday,' April
517, at 10 A. 9. • • •
Beer°, ary.
Pumant to. an act of. Assembly, approved
the 20th of March, 'lBO9 entitled act twist
big to interments to Trinity Church-yard, Pitts
burithi** Publics Notice Is hereby ' given of :the In&
tin on of the minister. wardens and vestry Of
Triolzy (11pilicopal) Church. aster the 'loth of
NAY, proxlT to use a part of the 'crave
/round beton nir to or Connected wits'
church; as site for new erections of Church wr
Chapel anti Coe grades,. arid that Messrs. JOHN
.Bao/onmslitizu, .JA.11.10 M. C,00P22,
Testily, Dal/abatis sppointed sCOnonitiee to con
fer and arrange with the friends and releglyes of
all persons burled in the ground required for the
pursioses'egt forth in the act of Assembly afbre
said,. for then - retention under the new bolding.
or removal to other of the lot or to one of
the rural itemeteries: One or more of the Com •
mittee may be found at the vestry ( room of the
church al2 Tto o'clo ck d on . every WED
NEWA.Y and CROAT until the 12th of
MAY, at which time and place parties interested
will please call. .1 :
By order of the Vestry.
iple:hlo ' Junior Warden.
Roan co.
PIIILILDILPHti FA.. Atiril A, 1869.
All Stockholders. as reristered on the Books of
this Company on the 30th dav of Ail. 1889
will be entitled to subscrioe for TWE NT Y-FIV E
FEB PENT , of their respective interests In New.
Stook, atp r. as follow •
First.: My per. the time of seitcrip
lion. the 15th day of May, 1869, and
the 30th dr. or Jane,. 1569.
dsaonl, Itityper cent. between ,thellith dry
of November. 1 9. abd the 31st day of Decem
ber, 18 - 68; or. Stockholders should prefer, the
whole amount may be pall up at the time of sub
scription. and each instalment so paid up shalt be
entitled to a pro rata of Ice Dividend that may
be deelarref on full shares.
. .
27stnic nat. every St chholder holding leas
than lone shares. shall be entitled to subscribe
for one share; and those holdint more than a
mtsittple-of foul:shares shall be entitled to sub.
scribe fsr an additional share.
iburtb. All share. upon which Instalments are
Yet to be old, Ruder Resolution of May 13,
lees, will De entitled to their allotment of the
Twenty-dire per cot:. at , par, as though they
were paid in full.
ap1.5.1148 THOMAS T. FIRTIi. Treasurer.
- to ou. OWNERO ; or. DRAYS, clams.
C6.laitllollB,BCGKEtt. &c..twhetler resideat
or, turn resident.) to the City of rituburgh, 10
paythar Imicenses thlaealeololl7/WITII, fn
accordance with an Act of .Assednbly apprbeed
March UP, 1860,, and an ordltionee of the Coun
cils of the City of Pittsburgh, passed April le,
.1660. • •
JJI Lkesased hot paid en or before mei IL
1509. Al,w be placed in the hands of a police of
ficer for collection, subject to a collection fee of
50 tefits.lind all persons who negleet'orreftsse
to tak* 'oat Licenses will be subject so a penalty
double the abbot% of the license, to be iecovered
beibre the Mayors '• •
The old metal plates of last year must btre•
turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or
cants additional will be charged on each License.
, . ,
Each one horse vehicle • S 7.50
Each two 'horse, vemele • • 191
Each four borseivebicie 15.00
Each two . 16.00
Omnibis and; 'timber Wheels draviii by, two
horses, sls4lo"eath." Otte dollar vitro; will be
charged for tell" additional home used In 'any of ,
theab ol 47e,tbia. A:J.cobAtfm%
"felittele ' Cltv 7.'reaetirer.
• ' ••:.4 AT •
'eidliiiio,4 l 9 EMPORIUM ,
Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON & CO., proprietors
of the well known jgatoooth /auction Houso are ,
creating an excitemenrconsequent upon the ar
rival of new goods' which ate , being sold at re
markably low prices. Goode oferery variety the •
ilues sewed boots,. , Most fashionable bal
loon/ gaiters and anklet. sloes, .slippers, &c.,,
blankets flannels; cloths. cassimeres, cutlery
and carints. , _Oalt and OSAMU'S. No trouble to:
show goods. Ladies% mLsstW, and children's'
.Ears at OUTSLIOUT own pricer.' All goods war.
Megated. •r - , nom
. .
riorlitNti; Ist,' it
, 'oloelt; wlll bal.:4oA , theAuetbinit °nee, /4 0
ireduratitteet•Ateghte, by Ord& of the .id
*lnietzator of the 'esiate'ot the lite GEOEG
WINE,' 2 hAr. O 3 , Atielkliefif Co:'
• • ' LEGO2ti'E,' Anotioseini: .
u s pt9:: .;• 1;1
;, t''' 'L/BlCht.L.' •
CE.- 1 1Vheretti,' lette4 of
. int the estate it 'CHARLES
pi, 6 Iyl4 late . of; the olty tot Allegheny,
de / mm(6, rabcPn e rated.t.o.taeAuLderalgued.
All tend Mug imilicalust said 4161 , • are
lequestedAtirent Atitbout
per/0111 twie ed,tp 014,CIOte%sre meowed to
.1 1,611,44 !" • V e lfft e /IW I TVIATENtiIti;
, • ;1147( Admlnlstratrix,
So.). Tiillox,iivßaciou,:Alooe4y Oktv. Avril
11A, ' see. ' ' • ' .211;bmi
, i rr.,,._jttpoeigt f rstrntrtrthitestar,e
i:f et sboWWitto A II:7 1 11'4.1g! ' Vag
granted to e undermined. a 1 persona Innebteel
to arid estate mike Immediate
mmeat, and,all,t . a g olaigif,for demands
s onapiqd *Maw p_reeentltrem to"
fidiAßitVialletntrix •
Or tO er ttOra j', „ v , „ A „, , ,
lista Oa Otantltree . ' tlniga i l
-- - *
:6 19 / 9 ,O4XTX 11 I.
uzumln ib r uktkocution,ot
3tA. 569
court of Con ott !Piglet •Ot Ilethefir onus T e '
is[ order? Mit netito ot the laboseiropthietierl
be work , . ,14:she gitttSbenh lot ,
legate 'Ore 'weeks: OA she's *RI Aw 3
granted &tacit .temaxit gild , Cold i'anjege. t.
0 :90. 1 . 03 4 1 .44 1 M 4 .R l l4 4 2,Lit t go,'
eiondst of
.1 -
Asielsor Sid District. Pa.
u NI
1 41 - ' 14. 1 1.. 0 1.` . 1* 1111 kg
" coa a
espek e '
aimed , id es'? drit4eil#' she
, ciWor jpitieleiintivri7o
BacTites li' okta . vs . ' . .26 d. tha
52.qf PlitiftrPtainfisisot and . Cosmos , VOWS
areetnlfed; it le-hereby Ordained land
estoettef by .anthoritg gal sans at:
the fres to be charged by the Weightnasters
the city of 'Pittstitughi , fbr'the weighinat
Coal. Lime, gaud, grainx May au al l,
othertertitits, shall-be each•loatt•oPeOM .
tattling less then 34 bushels, el.eeneei whenever,
30 and lett than 60 bustfe ircents When °Ter
60 nud leas than 100 be shehi,;),:gi Celan , • when ,
100 bushels and over, la cents. For each load
- of Hay con tate tng !less' then ' 1 ton, 4 215' tent,:
when: over I tbn • 30 rents.. ror cub load of.'
' Si nd coutaLning.lton or less, ; 5 cents, and for
eech • adeltionat, Jlt oof frictlonal pert 'threof
oyer Iton, 3 cents. For earb load - otnime Con
taining less than (me tori. , lo cents. And fbreach
additional ton or ftactiossa part thereof oyer 1 .
ton, 9 cents. .For each load of Pe tontainins
; less than I. ton: . s Gents, and for each additional
ton Or fractional part thereef over I ton,3. cents.
For each draft of Grain containing less toan 1
ton, A 5 cents, and: for 'each Addr tonal led or
fractional patt thereof over toti, Llitents. -For
drat drt of Live Stook less than 1 ton. 00
ceats, and for each &deft:tenet ton or fractional
part thereof Over lion, .30 cents. For drafts of
other articles. the weighing of which te•not ape-.
talking provided for, the lees shall be for each
draft containing less: than 1 ton. IS cents, - arid
fbr earls siddittenni ton or fractional part thereof
over 1 ton, "'greets. • ,
Sin.mid 'amount to be paid to the Mg by
each Weighmaster shall not be less than 50 per
cent. or all feet hereby authorized to be charged,'
unless Otherwise. speoitically provided.for, and
each Weiglimaater on the lint Monday 'of
every mon , h. militetvrti Kir the Controller,' tins
' der otitis or allistnet Woof the numberof bushels./
loads and tons wePtiee, and the amount of fete
received by him, duling thelaistmcmth. and pay
overt° the:Catiareasurer the pet centage:Ana
fees to which the city tpp entitled.
Sic. 3. That any ordinandeer part of ordinance
conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at
' the present - time, be and the same is' itreey re 4
pealed-so far at the same affect, this ordinance..
• ordained' and enacted bite's law inCotunahi;
title Slgth day of anril,r D• 1869,
' - President of &lett Council:
Attest; Z. S. MOREOw, .
Clerk - of Select Cenntiti •
. • W. A..2OSILINSON, ,
' ' President:of Common'
Attest: a.' MCMASTER. 4 . .
. 1 ,Clara of Common Geletteli. , ap2S,
A N,OftDINARCE .- • •
, •
ersittilof Certain Erickloges.. ta the
CrafbanY PlForneroted act:, tot
A eionblY. A proyed the Wang of
Rarelli; A.R. 111091fotther 'of
!Creating* Bitidge in *ha Co zity of
ler Plank Road, at or near " the
llotitb of Weirs Ban . .
81:6.1. Bo ifiliref amid and enacted by the &toe
and. Common Colanetta of UsaVity of Angie:or*,
and ff. it hereby ordained and enacted
4ot/orrery of thoreame. That authority is hereby
granted to the:President, Managers and COMM.
Wve r ilro e t r i e l a n sit i tuTiltgrilmtamtt:
City or PittsbUrgb. tie ccrofity Of egheny.
to the Allegheny and Butler Plank. Void. at or
near the mouth of Girtyis Bun. to enter upon,
take. use and occupy shelf portions of Forty
third street and of tue rivertrunt at the northern
terminus thereof, including tile lauding, as may
be necessary for the o oper ronStruction of said
bridge. and to Laild and locate the abutments
thereof upon a d over 'tric vame, provided the
lime be used al U oecunle‘ !neap amistintr sato
facilitate a - tens to' alt% Midge.
ego. S. Toys drl Bridge CantiranY shall have ,
like imam. ityl o change and alter the grace of
said Peaty-It irttstreet: lubjeC: to the approval
of the Committee on Streets and of tne City En
gineer, in suet manner alto render the approach
to said bridge-post convenient and OW. •
daC. 3. That any ordinance or part of ordinance
oondicting with the-passage of this ordinance at
the present time, be and the same laltereby re
peeled so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into. a law in Couucgs,
this 26th day of April, A. D. 1869. ' •
, President of Select Council.
Attest E. S. MORROW,
Clerk of Select Catalog.
President of Common Conseil.
Attest: U. nicIA•Tr.B.
Clerk of Common Council. 'ap33
\ Per Opening Barrens Avenue.
F.E.C. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the city of
Pittsburgh, in Saect and Common Councils at t•
ambled, and is hereby ordained and enacted
by authority of the same, That the City Engineer
be and is hereby authortzed and directed to sur
vey and open lierrone - avenue. in accordance
with the plan in tee Engineer's office, and to ape
praise damages and atom Innen caused there
by John -H.llltewarti. /1. liVennleton and
Jos,Woodwell are hereby sppolated. in aceOrd
ancewith the act of Assembly approved Jalidary
13th. 18134. T
Sec. That any ordinance or part of ordinance
Conflicting with the passage of this ordinence at
the present sAme, 'be and the same is bcfebY rtr
pealed so far as the same affects thlt ordinance.
Ordained and • enacted into 1 1 ,1 ha In Councils,
this !A9tlSday of Aprii,-`A. D. 11309 .
!* • • 'JJaiLES 31eATILEY,
• ' President of Select Council.
Atteiti E. S. Ifonness,
• Clerk or Select Council.
I - President 'or Common' Counci I.
Attest; MdAiisiks, •
Clerk of Common Council. splB
For the Otestrnetlon of a Culvert
Across t
oss Latimer Avenue as It/glees
StcriiiN 1.• Be it ordained 'and enacted \tert
Curti Pittdburylt, in Select and Common cu
cite4visembkd, and it ie hereby ordained and
entitled by the authority of the same, That the
City rtgtneer be and id hereby authorized 'and
directed to advertise •lor proposals for the con
sti action of it enivert across Latimer - arencte. at
it - esters ion, and to assess co-t of the -same
George. liegley, Samuel. Crawford and . William
,Borettileld are hereby appointed.
trance 9 . That any ordinance •or part of ordi.
conflicting- with the, passage of this ordi
nance at the present time, be and the same is
hereoy repealed se far as the same affects this or
dinance,' • 1 ' '
Ordained end enactsil into •a law Lti,Councils,
thls•R6th day Of April: '1969. --.,,, •
• . • • JAMES 310,17LEY,
' . • ' President of deli t Council.
Attest: HA. libunow,* ' ' •
Ofera of Select Council. -
i '; President of Common(' uncil.
Attest: H. IttelfailfEll.' • .
lar.rk of Common Council. al9
For Opening Rose Street from Over! ,
hilt letreet - to Devilliors
SECTION 1. 13e it didatnoci cinit enacted by the
City of Pitteburyit, 'in Select and Common Conn
etis assembled, and it is hereby ordained land
enacted br the authority' of. tee game. Um; (the
City -En gineer be said i hereby authoriaeCto
survey and open Rose street from Overbill street,
•to .Devil /era street, in. accordance'with the ,
...City District Plan," and To appraise damages
'and „assess :benefits' 'James Parks:• Mimi. lin
dle and Aaron Floyd are hereby appointed,lnrac
'cadence with thee .t of Ans.:imply approvelidan
uarl 6th 1864. , .
i3r.ti; 11.• That, any ordinance or part of ordl. -
nance conflicting with the passage of this ordi
trance 'at •the. present time; be and''the same is
hereby repealed so far seam same ; affects thiSor
- ___.
6)rdat_,* iuld , enacteo, Into el law. in Conni e, this Aeitt day of AnrU. A. D. 1869.
• -L. - JAMBS ModITLEY, '
- reesideut.of Select Council.'
• Attest: E. S. MannoW,
Clerk of Seieet Cornell. •(
rreildent ot.,Common- Cor4kal.
. - Clerk of•Cotunion Council.. split
St. Louistandalia &Terre Haute 0.
propossuy o receive tuaLll . /3,
3LbY addreseed 11 q 1 P-PfliWTH.,*
Co., Chier,b,ontrietip, Etipits,4disim,
Air' the No ftt.i (Y). =Pit lit thin I:4lfte,
The work 14 of the most
prising both 'tat 'Vern' i 4 ,4 alio UlitiF
PATsizENTS,, c4stl•
be seen at' ,the imiets TerteMaite,,after April
200. ' , r; t inspleystartlia. - -
coneukang *ikrpeefp,
18; /8690- , tudliti* •
prikjpwilt ?be received ,
• f e lltthlt rreietr.r
cc City' v,b tor
_!lex tbe iellerYt
I t ,o zlbutteXidietlttlilttobaite I on the supti#ll
- tsgCreseitie shasig t 9 soled
°gall b • ' " •
, a
lirgi r qh '. ‘44 1 0 1 *} 13 6 9 .. 144%.41a;kat5.
: •
, .1, .1.
FOR SALE BT DRUGGIB'rt. tyst4s =As:.
• „• • • 7:s
de/ . • ' -••
tk.„ o4 _ ilminnsaciga
Managegr . M. - W - . WatinaPp. -
.I..c:i I . . •••
EIItS,EFIT and.lut AUFIst - bat one ok thr. bra.
liatit ingagetaetrt'te the popaßtsattiri•-• ' - •
11108111.23101EISIMIC ' . l
• FRIDAY EVEICING, April, ARIA. 3/119,
will be presented Mr. Brottgbanits great dia7
matte satire, entitled' . •
• THE 1417151/7.0/1 : 14.7E. -
varryohe Small. ',scampish ohgraieter
she Chancel.'" • • • • •htre Jehn-littraglimni-
FAIDA-Y 0*111t14 , 12 mg,
.nßortnirky - _. • ,
• Brown= Natini.e on Batatsfav:. •
MOI. DAY EyENI NEI -litraierr
. H o vir. N1M.4,11.1110,i4fi1t,41 and Aistiager.,
BENEFIT ()FA OAK. ogvvgicx., § , piendid,
Ladles 113,Claee,cro
W.A.NIPD.r*O yougg 4434 s for A BReCtaf.Ailir
igriit/IPiE/4;# # irSEVlti
The Ga,eat
FIPTEI AVENUE, between 13ndtbditd aid
Wood treets, , opposite Old Tbeatti.l
en Day and Evening, alli.theiess.
A.ambiaioncii3 cense: ortiariesti IfFeeate.- -f
Of .I!hiladeixoldp, • -
Wlll deliver his opening lecturele his celebrated
course of six lectures on the .;LiWs of Physical.
Culiure Artzief ifellth;
Streeirih. fifisee.J4eenty,, and Long.Life.r ,a 4 • •
tAPAYErfitHAIL, KOMUT kridirtre,
MAit ad 4 186% =Beats free , tiktlie +lest:Actg.*. 1
Dr. Glesson'S lecture wilibeillustrated with the
linest eollectiOn ef - oiodels: snelalansjic.. ever
seenixithe United States, costlat 10Yetifib.090 ;
in parts: ' • 7 5 ' • ; • 14410112111., c
Prgli:i'oolX l
ukirm'sfil7k4i4 , lldduti:,
Chartered bylipiudel Aet
awh .Capital - -
Where the general Loudness of the Coumen7
traropoted. and to , which' all general corres
pondence should be addressed.. • •
• ' . 'OFFICH.BII. , •
JAYH President.
JAY COONY, anairmin ilr.anee and Executive
HENRY , D. COI:MX, Vice President
. .
E41.2i • deeretarr and Aetnazy.
, ,
Ihle Company offers the pillthring a.
It 'Company. clartered ay special
Ot,OI Congress; .1868 s • . •
It has ti paid -Up eapitai of 4111400,000.
Itefiersloie rites of premilum.
It' flirnishes larger Insurance than other com—
. antes for the same money: -
It is definite and certain Jetta terrps
Its policies'are exempt from attachmient.
There are no minecelissa7 zektrictions In the-
r policy is non-forfeitable.
Policies Indy be taken Which pay to the insured
their fell amount, and...return ali the premhuns.
so that the Insurance ,costs oily the interest on
the annual payments, _.
Policies may', taken; thitowill pay to the is -
eured. after a certain number of years, .duriatr
tile, an annual income ofopelenth the amount
named in the
No extra.rate is charged. forrisks Upon thelives
of females. . _ •
It insures, notle n a y dividen ds to policyhold
ers, but at so low Woos t that dividends will be im
possible., ,
Cliculars, Pam phlets aril tuli particulars given..
on application to' the Branehollice of the Com
pony, or to
E. W. CLARK A Co.. Philedelphis,
General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern
New Jerae •
JA 'coo= a CO.; Washington._D. . •
For Maryland, Delaware,. ,Virginla, Distriat.
of 'Columbia lind:ff est VlrOnia. •
ins avo.,
Agents for Allegheny.; Beaver.. Butler, Mercer
and .Washington counties. .
City and Town; and. applications ham. comps.
lent parties for such agencies with suitable en.-
dorsement,' should beaddressed Ps ) THE 'COX-'
'respective districts. . mh2e:arwir
13711.1/11T,8i51 BLOM.
iuMtei against alt.kinds of Fire satillarlizis
.14jEt14 Prestdesst.
T. J. HOSKINSOI7 TieePsesldeph
O. sasyc
D ~eea
imumrona plAtiplat.
J o hn yrwise = 11.• L. FaiimiStotk
P. J. 11031.11qoa s c W. 11..E.versols, ,
G. Hussey, Bobertll..Davls,
Harvey plitds, - Francis Selkirk ,
. f.itisale_cHays, • Casks..l. T. 13100111111111.
' Capt., Wm. Dean, ,T. H. Pleglb., , .
TEE ITOPLEEIvas Vitrosiuxx
No. 81 Fourth Aae►tue,
Tamedlately oppoilte tbiti lb erloatign,where
It Will remain titan' tile- Bate noels vemtisair
.841141 1 g lxnaDieted_ , whea thounk wliithen
be leca ed build/Ai!.
. ,
N D -u
REMOVAL. ; ; ,
-I. M. G.A.,itAltr
imibti l ey-at•Law, lifs,iitinfrea tits 011ge to No,.
pe rxrnt • r
i 1 MI A
cMigf - *.
3 gro..n,p7 sr, brav r.tre f it il „ ,
Ir. . Vs.
_MC c •
7 1 7 er elm., ;Ekcaa, ola Wits.
iI. . AA A wou
Ndrwo4, 41195 , i . 040. ;
• , ;saw EtenatemestWallv COW dads :
lamowskuotm44l4 143.1-2T2Lit.:
i. .. , • ........munimma...............—......._
I 1
IP •
.4r. 04 4 , 19411'4.440 . tet i
111VMM tbbillo dips
alkie by 7. ILOANPUIaak
• J 1
!, Taiil4llm
e?.v ... JA I.- _ .