The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 29, 1869, Image 7

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tlittott* Gay*.
cupEN AiD iipvsEßom.
inns FOB mr. notrizwrns.
Eliticed Beep=Take - a tender round of
- beef of seven pounds,) rub the dist
holm amine of saltpeter, quarter
f.pinuid of brown sugar; let it stand in
ids for one day, then make a mixture of
half an ounce of black pepper and a table
spoonfal of mace, quarter of ounce of
ponaded cloves, mix well,'and rub into
the beef with a little salt, bind it with a
eord, eover it with some finely chopped
suet, bake it four hours slowly, add a pint
of water. - -
:Poor Man's . Caki—One cup of sifted
,otte egg, one cup of pulverized an
-gar, a lump of butter, the size of a wal
nut, half cup of sweet milk; teaspoon of
,pream Miter; halt teaspoon of soda; put
in eAtart, and . stir fifteen minutes ;
bake quick;-this Makes an excellent jelly
-'• Plain/AIRS—Four pounds of flour, - one
of sugaroi gill of good yeast, one pint of
; Milk; with t encingh of the flour to make it
time thickness - Of 'cream, let it stand two
Atours to rise,, then melt muoand orbut
, Wt.; Stir it" i n to - other 'ingredients to
,makettik•softpaste, let it stand Ante hour,
anould.itinta buns as large as an egg, lay
rows three inches apart on , tins,
4st theM•to rise until their size. is doubled,
then bake them a good color. ~ By adding
'seed they . Ire'Calied seed buns, or plums,
plum buns. , •
C r ream.--tar those , living in the
country, and not having a freezer i but
lolettlyt- ;of, milk, can make ice cream by
scalding two quarts of -rich morning's
- milk, stir in half cup of corn starch, beat
'six eggs and pour the scalding milk on
.the, eggs, stirring well;' when cold„ add
the extract to suit the.taste with sugar
and a little salt; pour the mixture into a
•tin bucket just large enough to 'hold it;
- cover it and set it in , a large water bucket;
pound up the ice in small bits, pack it
- around the bucket containing the cream;
'mix a pint of salt with the ice, and let it
stand , for twenty-five minutes. It will
-then-be ready for use. •
Bfrawberiy 'lce Cream.—Take three
pounds 'of nice strawberries, pick them,
and through hair sieve; lake one
- pound cif .Pulverized sugar, take three
'coffee cups of sweet cream, mix all well
.together; and freeze. •
4 lady who lives la the country re
cently showed us a box of flowers which
she had 'brought to a friend in the city,
the products of the plants in her own
dining room Windows. These Were ge
laniume, roses, 'hyacinths crocuses, `tine
variegated leaves of, the beautiful airs.
Pollock geranium, a calla, and other
things—all as beautiful as if they came
from the florists. There are few private
greenhouses that could afford abetter cut.
g than from this lady's windowgarden.
- The secret of her suceess is this: She
lives in an old-fashioned house, built be
fore e n tries and halls were in
vented; tfte rdom is heated by an open
fire-place as long as the weather will al
low; a stove being put in only when the
told weather requires it, and no gas is
binned. Gati and a furnace are very
great conveniences, yet we doubt not
that this lady's success, In floriculture
compensates for their absence. Every
time the, door is opened the air of the
-room is more or less changed, and, the
plants are under. the very best circum.
.stances that they can be in a dwelling
- house. Let those who complain of ill
.lnck with house plants make a note of
this and imitate the conditions as much as
There is a handy means for the de
struction of this heretofore fatal enemy
_to the peach tree, which is practiced here
which; has proved' certain, beyond. per
adventure. It is simple, of easy applica
tion, and expeditions. It consists of the
use of boiling water applied to the collar
'of the tree, in quantities varying accord
ing to the age of the tree—in small trees,
say one inch in diameter, half a pint is
-sufficient, and a pint is enough for larger
ones. Remove the earth from around
the tree a few Inches from the body and a
'le* inches in depth, and just pour the
-^water boilinglot on the exposed roots;
.'and it will kill every egg as well as worm
: 4 4ifith positive certainty. It has been tiled
&re time and again. upon trees that have
been more than half killed, and a perfect
restoration has been - the result , in every
•case. No danger need be apprehended
..from.the effects of the hot water upon the
trees, unless a large quantity is applied to
a very small tree. When a large number
- of trees have to be operated upon,
a fire
should be made In the orchard for heating
the water so that it can be applied boiling
•hot..' Considering the importance of this
remedy to peach growers who may not
.have heard of it, I deem it but common
.justice to give it circulation through the
columns of your paper. Its certainty as
a remedy 'nay be implicitly relied upon.
/saw G. ilhak, in Country Gent.
addition• to the tures already given
for hollow horn, I will give my cure. I
haye knowirmany remedielvto ,be -tried
for thii disease, such as boring the horn
An the under side, winding tarred cloths
. itionind the' horns, slitting the tail, &c.,
and have known the following remedy
•to effect a mire, Inten: theie lhad failed,
and have never known it to fail. As soon
.as.yosvare certain that the animal has the
hollow horn, take a gimlet' ('inch is large,
.enough), ~a nd bores, hole, about three
- Inchels' from the, head, 'entir4lY, through
the horn , IlAd put' in vinegar, ~salt and
pepper as 'hot an can' bit 'borne with the,
hand. I, sixor egven how the matter
will begin to start from the upper orifice,
while the 164ier "otte'reintiPas dry. The
ioutter . will_c ontinue putilthe.cure
Now here is 9 :/qiciatiiii for
your readers, why does the mattez start
froze' the upper , orifice, instead of the low.
4r one?-oOr. Oki* Farmer.
No ear o • seed corn should' be accepted
slintil''one or More germs have
l edn. *with good eyes. The dif.
fetrcif t=iretti Sonia and a damaged
ftelneaa readily be'dbtertrilned - on corn.
..,,persat The , former will be light color.
4 x4. ~ ,atos, a nd• b right; while the latter will
De dark Colored and soft. Boa ends of
gTthe should be examined, as some
timertlie point which 'is to form the root
WilraipiAn soiled and bright, while the
- ntherend, or point, which is to form the
~ ,s tallr,qwili be damagedv which I believe
be thecase •this year in some localities,
caused, un ditnit s 4l; by frost or freezing
last Fall, befos'eAlit._Cora MN properly
matured/-"a word to the wise," ate.
STRAlqiiala W/VZ.
A strawberry-groWel in Western Pint.
sylvanis has bees: experimenting .in
the making of strawNlTY wine.. As the
restate bis exPl . nim,ent, be, has sac,.
- ceeded in gentile a superior quality of
'beantifill, clear and palatable wine. His
process of -manufacturing •is as follows:
Three quarts .of strawberries, with the
hulls on ,(for he .mashes all up_together)
make one quart of juice. To this he
adds three quarts . of water and three
pounds best - sugar; putting the whole into
a sweet barrel, 'and leaving the bung out
for fermentation. These are his.propor
tions for mixing. When , fermentation
subsides, the barrel is closed up, and the
strawberry wine is ready for use, and
will keep ten years and more.
•It seeins strange that this esculent is so
little appreciated, not only for use by the
human family, but for poultry. Its cura
tive properties do not seem to be under
stood, or else are much underrated. And
as a preventive, it has no . superior. A
feW raw onions, chopped up fine and
mixed with the feed of young chickens
act like a tonic, and are equally Rood for
old fowls. The tops too are good. 'We
remember, long years ato, seeing a maid
im'aunt chopping up onion tops and rises
for the young turkeys, deeming it a'cerr
tain specific against Meat P i l i p or _Other
Ills'that fowldomii heir to. lint:filmes
it week's not too , oftrn,",to give them a
tote—not merely a taste, but a good bite
- ILureatti is greatly injured by lying in
the rain. It should be shelterell.
• Tilt * American 'Agrieultutist 'adviaes
sowing a pautid o . r - two of 'white clpyer
with the red cloyer,and timothy in seed
ing down land intended for Pasture •
A CORRESPONDENT of the Country
Gentlemgn says , every time a colt, a calf
or other young animal feels miserable,
hungry, cold or tired, a mark to a car
taro extent will be left on the general
WE know a cultivator who had heavy
crops of plums for seventeen , years in suc
cession, his swine - for these seventeen
years without a season's interruption,
:beings allowed the run'_of the yard. -
Country Gentteman.
IT iris recently stated m a discussion
by .the . Waltham (Mass,.) Agrieultural
Club. that a farmer tn./30108ton bas rais
ed cabbages on the same land for fifteen
successive years, and always successfully.
He manured his land with common salt,
and Watered his plants with lime.
IT is a mistake to suppose that the cur
c o passes the winter in the ground. It
lives above ground in cracks and crevices
of weed, bark, and the like, and is in the
perfect beetle state.
A CORRESporDENT informs the Ameri
can, Entomologist that by burying a few
slices of onions" in ant's •nests he has
caused them to abandon their quarters.
The same payer learns from horticultur
ists, that two or three tablespoonsful of
kerosene poured into the hole in their
nests will produce thesame effect.
A WRITEB in the Ohio Amur says that
after the horse is mine years old a wrinkle
comes on the eyelid, and every yearthere
after he has an additional well defined
wrinkle on the same spot. Ir, for In
stance,'s horse has , three wrinkles he is
twelve, if four he is thirteen. Add the
number of wrinides to nine, and you will
always get the age. As a good many
people have horses over nine, it is easily
OLD Purrir, however hard and Indu
rated, may be easily removed by ruining
a hot iron over it, when it can be dut off
with a knife almost as easily as green
putty. To those who have plant houses,
&c., and even for the purpose of reglaz
inghhottse windows, this will be worth
To 31.,Lnic VINEGAR PRIM Dirts. —To
one gallon of milk add one gill of diluted
alcohol, at 45 per cent., and when it has
become sour separate' the curd from the
whey by filtering, and set aside the latter
for a month or more, when it will be
found to be good vinegar containing no
lactic acid. Skimmed milk will , answer
as good a purpose as any other, and in
the country, where the so-called white
wine vinegar is not always procurable,
and even cider may be scarce for conver
sion into vinegar, this method may be
sometimes very useful.
—ln Cincinnati, yesterday, Patrick
Barns was killed instantly by the falling
of a derrick In Coleman's stone yard.
—Rev.'-George A. .Durborow, twenty
five years old. Ibictor of the Church of
Redemption, Philadelphia, died on Tues
day morning.
—The Presbyterian church, at Kansas
City, was destroyed by tire Monday; loss
not known. The tire is supposed to be
the work of an Incendiary.
—ln the Assembly of the New York
Legislature a bill has been ordered to a
third reading removing the Capital of
the State to New York City, by a vote of
44 to 28.
—A. German named. Charles E. Green,
a Collector of the North American Life
Iniurande CoMpany of St. Louis, has ab
sodhded with about one thousand dollars
of tne company's money.
LA. runaway track ran over and in
stantly- killed two little children in New
ark, New Jersey, yesterday at boon.
The driver was arrested. The mother of
the Children attempted suicide through
grief. •
—Jas. Brennen, late general organizer
of the Fenian Brotherhood, leaves Buf
falo to-day ins agent and correspondent to
eaenre Infonnation as to. the „location of
,for Irish immugretion in the
South and West.
—The Board of Directors of the St.
Joseph ant. Denver Railroad have deo!.
dad that -the road should , connect with
•tlia. Rama Pacific Railroad. at :the one
itundredth meridian. will be
pushed, forward rapidly. ; •
41eavral Sherman arrived at Fortress
Monrbe yileterday 'f.rom • Washington
, for thepttrpobberellenting the dffibere
whb recently- tutted with their di.
Fie :iv 'visit Portineuth Navy
'Yard' and return to Washingfim. by the
way of Riehmond. ' "'
• • Vesinninia, lowa dlapatoh says
there are now but fifteen miles of traek
to lay to connect the Chicago
A nd Rock
leland,iand . Pacific Railroads. The iron
w;11 probably be laid from the eaatern
end at'a rate of a mile 'a day until the
connection is made;
=The Lotdsville Maillime Company
has brought suit, at Cincinnati, against
fifteen insurance companies of that city,
to 'recover insurance, about ;i40,.
000 in - the' aggregate, on the steamers
America and United States, which were
lost in December last by collision and
, •
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"arta' 4 - .BIIIISKIUF -- F ) _ T
Q•- ,
r on it ae tibur vi A t h dan sub e l n ec
k ty
u t° Co rthe liftrari deci oe li 1:1.
1,- the
larroazapranni,:. ,
.•, I‘t
r• Iosarninoss,
Will-be a Candidate object to
the decision' of the Bench/lean Connt7Conven
lion. „ • • • , :
tarpon , suEßurr .
respee. tnaty announce mYself•a candidate
for SHERIFF. subject to the usages of Abe R«
publican party; and if sneccsufal pledge myself
to deVote all my energy to an baaorable syd faith
ful discbarge of the dutlee o the office
_ 11 1)/3:d&F 111..FLEalataaa.
fgrFOR ElliwnlFF.c.- •
• • •
I NT o tila resneCtitili annodace,to the citizens of
Allegheny county_thrt I will tre - coo idate for
the oltice.of SHERI "Abject:a, the decision:of
the next ensuing Vuttin - RepnWeltneottnty Con
vention. •
Vol° 'Township.
. ,
Elikibetb tbwitetiln,
le kite private Conttenlt 11.
lfilkEs•Nolt.. be otndldate. fart cake
t HERIPIP, inbieetto the decision orthe Nuiou
eptbnenst Convention: , 0 • • selemF •
, .
larrollt SlRElEtirr. • ;
• •vrnatant 4', - tcannos
Will be a csadtdate fbi the 'Office of Steil!, sub
ject to:the decision. tif 'Ube lfultou itebublreau
County Convention. , m105:09-siftit
(Late BretetUaJOFCl3. bt,:s .
tor,enotatustlan. rub)ectio•the
tpe Itepubth•ga,Com4y Conyenti.a. •
star 1.3-Ditr •
a cropmeini,
Of Elizabeth township, will be a cendidete ibr
the above °ince. eutject to the decision of •this
Republican County Contention.
apiiti.hrt:D&F. - • •
.1117017.112171 P BEOUIRT,
Allegheny cur, Late - f Private Fifth Excelsior
Regiment. !Lost a leg In the Second Bull r ß r un
Battle.- • it ap 9 7:114.D&F
gym's* , cimasiorcontri
OmitGl 880
• Ditllvale rogh, latel private Co. H, /0501
Reel Penni:- Veit. inttlect to the decision'of
the Union Republict:n County Convention. ap:S.
g or ALA.
I:ROBERT cOORTY: 1 respectfully
announce myself u s candidate fat the MR* of
CLERK CPF COURTS, selsject to the deeislon
the - Union •Ropublican County ClonventtonLi
TERM,it Ablit / ask the office but fox • ONE
at Vie terinitiation of which Iltould
cheerfully retire, believing that there Cr. -others
equally entitled to the honor and emolumenteol
the omce, and's', competent as myself _Twill be
underobligitions to the citizen* of the cou n ty
for their support . VerpresoectfalltY • ' .•
Joarif BROWN E,
' , Late losa (old 13th,) and fitli Ps. Vol. Reel;
Will be a c didate thr• County Censinissictum
subject to th decision ot the Union Republican
County Cons , salon.
For children. WW outwear threnpsirs withaut
tips. . lam:dam:rum
. :-Those having iltiondsailletal *Wear.
flatly solicited 'o seal for &Circular Latter of
Betaences and Tutlmosilals, which will con.
villa the most skeptical of the curability of the
diaectee. Address. VAlo• BUREN' LOCKHOW,
M. D.. 36 Great Jonas street,:biew York.
Aitleeeay for young men on the crime
of Soli tude , and the DISICAM and ABUSES
which - create Impedimenta to MARRIAGE, with
sure meaaa or relief. bent` In sealed letter en
ifejppes. free of charge. Addless, Dr. J. 10111,
HOUGHTON.• Howard 41.nociatIon. Phila.
delphia. Pa. ;al9:d3F
. - -
Thls splendid Hair Dye Is the twain the World:
the only true and per fect Dye; harmless, relia
ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri
diculous tintS; remedies the effect* of bad
dyes; Invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and
beautiful. black or brown. Bold by all Druggists
and Peffumers; and properly applied at Batche
. Wig Factory, No. 15 Solid street. New
York an18:103
Diseases. n yphi l tsin all its forms, Oonontees,
Glee:, .Stricture, Ac., completely eradicated.
'That numerous class or cases resulting from self
abuse, producing numanitnesc nervous debility,
irritability, eruptions. semin a r emissions, and
finally impotency, permanently cured. Persons
afflicted with delicate, Intricate and long stand
ing conatituttonal complaints are politely invited
to call for cornet:Von. which costs nothing.
Experience, the but of teachers, has enabled
him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe,
permanent, and which in most cases cot be used
without hindrance to besiness. 3fed 'dues pre
pared in the establishment, which embraces of
andnee,reception and waiting rooms; also, warding
sleeping apartments for patients requiring
daily personal attention, and vapor and chemi
cal baths. thus concentrating the famed mineral
springs. No matter who have failed, state your
case. Bead what he lapin 'his pamphlet of fifty
pages, sent to any address for two stamps in seal
ed envelope. Thousands of cases treated acne.
ally, at office and all over the country. Consul
tation free, personally or by mall. Once No. 9
Wylie street, (near. Court Rouse) Pittsburgh,
Pa. Boars Pamphlet sent P. X. Sundays 1% M.
to g. X. to any address for hoo
- .
04,/,•••."", ..wene.ereeee.rowever.
U. S. Custom Mugu, POlrrOr RlTTaiwaisrl, t
Stinvrrort , S Orr!Cs, April RI, URI%
EN, that BEAL SD PEOPeniALS, accom-
panied by p , oper guarantees, according to forms
to be furnished on application at this (dace. will
be received thereat, until 1I o'clock meridian,
on the
For the supply of the Marine Hospital at (or
near) this city with the articles of provision,
medicine; Ac., enumerated in said forms. The
quantities stated are estimatel with reference to
toe usual number of patients in the hospita
but the United htates 'reserves the right to take
MOre or less , tifiald articles. aCCOrdingly as they
may be actually required. If the articles dent , .
ered the Hospital are not, in the judgment of
the Physleian, Of the best qualltv, t orn adapted
to the hospital, he wllllse at libertytject the
same, to purchase other articles in their stead,
and to charge - the - contractor with any exce ss in
.cost overcontract prices... • ,
it . d :hB2
St...Lonts:,N4,l4i&TerTe . puitell.B.
Propdeals will be received intil IS o'clock 4..
NAT iltb, Iddtitiaed to 81111211 &
Co., haute, Indiana,
for the fait this road.
'the work IC of ;!ie.gainit dakirabie obiracter,opin•
pricing botb. very bet and 'alio light work.
Pavitznve,"noirrlitlV N'Cana. Profile, can
taranen at the Haute, atter April
313th. ; '; J. I3lßatE , MILLER,
•„ . ! • l'fionsulting Engineer.
Tgazzligurnapillith'lSlEC • • ! anii:6B9
, . .
PlijorOSA,A.C*lll be received
uno rit t Ylne 414 for,ratntlna and Irrrtecs•
inn 'City , AlO6. for enteeding the fallen/.
Iforplana and 'pectic/along,. Call on the nutieele
:tenae Commarnete. s
Thettee rererre the right to'releot an?
or all bide.
'Pittsburgh:4pm w, tura, Supt. Marketo !
am : 1121, . , •-
. goo .I.teerty street, m ' ade:. la. Dedltr,
and Pineal Mettichtes4 ; IM .. •
A aliVialuiraztaz
'WM .I,nr:j i
nit Forr-:lablair
leatt llargr, article", , *e., 181 Vie
burgh.jintlti •
I. ; • •
81KMOS ()NW's.% 4 . 7141 red etsa pit PI.
VAT Ohs in Gut Common OUTS
and tt• it- kraal" ordnterd and
Snarled' &trait/Wray :of irate 'earns...That here.
aller the illkitet_he emerged by the Welehmasters
in the - City Of Fittsbtirsh, for the weighing of
Coat Lime; hand, roe. book, Grath; 'Hay and all
other artiolest, ailed be each load , of, coal con.
taining less than so bushels, 6 (Trait; when over
30 and less that' 60 bushels, 13 cents; when over
Cialthd leasthatritol.l::taishels: lar cents: when
400; bushels and over
.18 cents. For each load
Or air ' contatimni-lebe than, 4` ton, 25 Cent':
whf over 1 • ton au rents. For each load of
tontaintng Iton or lbss - '5. cents, and for
elm /additional, tol l or •fractiorka , 'part thereof
over 1 ton, 3 cents. For elicit load of tame con
talialhafolesa than one ton, 10 cents: and for each
additional ton or f.actional part thereof over 1
tent 0 Pinta. For each, loau of Ice contention
les. thin 1 ton. 8 entail, and for each additior al
thltorlytotional Part thereof over Itqn, cents.
te draft For,e or Grain containing less th an 1
tont )1 Cents, and for each addrtional ton or
fractional part thereof over Lton, 14 cents. For
each draft of Lite Stock less than 1 ton. 50
ceata, and for each addlttenal ton 6r fractional
part thereof over 1 ton; HO cents, Nor drafts of
otherartkles, the weighing of which is non spe
cifically provided for, the fees shall be for each
, draft containing leis than 1 ton: 15 cents,*and
for eachadditi own) ton or tractional part thereof
oiler Iron, 10 cents. • • •
AV,. A. The amount .to be paid to the city, by
elan Wellthutaster shall not be legs than 50 per
cent. of a lt tees hereby authorized to be charged,
unless otherehte, specifically provideta for. and
'each Wefithmalter snail, on the first Monday •of
•tverysnon b. matte retarn to the Controller. un
der oath or atlirmation.of the.number of busnels.
loads tonk weighed, and the amount of fees
received by 'hint during the last month, and • pay
4vertartlreCitrFreasurer ,the
_per, cottage , and
Petit to which ths'elty is entitled. • '.
sec. Thai any Ordinance or par t oidtninen
Itisr With 'The'passage ot, this ordinance at
tVirresent timeate and the same is hererfre
pealed so ter sa the same adhcis this ordinance.
Ordained and - enacted , tnto s law in Council',
this Sloth day Ol Anrll. AirDe LOW -
A,MEfit DioAtILEY,
president it Demt Vouncil.
• Attest: IL 8. Kowtow • • ^ .
• • ' • Olett of Select CkktnAl.' • • •,`
"1 I • ; - A. Ilf0.311,1N80:1,
" ' vPresident Of Common Connell.
, ,Atteettll..llcltinun. •
Clem of Common Council. sp23,
. . .
Orantfairßeirtaln - : JEPrlalleget. to the
Cotnpaa*DieOrparated by 'the Let - of
-l Allll.3Nlarlyq Approved the bath day.of
.iiidallehid,...D. lad% forth* •Pirposeef
ItS ii
. , hog ac Relate In the, amity Of
.•• Ow tO the Olefibeny odlant.
I - silk • Road, at 'or near, the
I 1: riliptill Of cline* 'Bean:
. . ajtel 1. B e . it ordained and etitieted by the Said
'and common Cdunctle of the City of PittaOurph, .
ttnitsti is . hereby:•orilalned and enacted by the
authority, q/ the; aAlf. That, authority is hereby
' lirantetl :to the President, Managers and Compa
m, , for' erecting a 'midge • *trots the ' Allegheny
'discs Wm.:Owe - It (now Forty.third/street, in the
*City Ot Pittsburgh.. In• the county of Allegheny.
to the Allegheny and 'Butler 'Plank Bead, at or
- near the mouth •of Oirtrs. Run, to enter upon,
tyke.. use end Limeuriy: such portione of Forty
terminuset and of the. riverfront at the northern
thereof, ineirding thelanding,- as may
be necessary for the proper construction of said.
bridge. end to build and locate the abutments
•Us e reof 4 DOA see 'oVer, the. same-provided the '
dame be used nod occupied 11} slach A manner es to
facilitate access to sail bridge.- • -• • - - The said Bridge ;Company shall have
like atithOrlty to - charge and alter the 'grade of
said , Fopy - lhirtarget. Scilicet ' to' ths ITIAV al
'Of the Committee on Streets and of the t. try n
winter. In such manner 11l So render. the approach
to said bridge most convenient and easy.
Sac. 3. That any ordinance or part of ord4nanee
conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at
the present time, be-and the same is heretty re
pealed so far as the saute affects this ordinance.,
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils,
this Ileth day of April, A. D... 1169. ...- -
• • ' • •- • •President ef Select Council.
Arlen E. 5..11.08n0w. .. • • . •
ClttleofSelect Council
President of Conituon eo N uricil.
Attest: H. MCMAtoran.
• , Clem of Common Council,
For Opening' /ferrous Avenue.
Sze. 1. Be ft inviaised and Mae, ett by the my of
Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils as•
sembket, and tt is hereby oraainea and enacted
b eteetkOrliv qtthe same, That the City Engineer
be and is hereby authorized and directed to sur
vey and' 'Oen tierrentis avenue. in
With the pun in toe Engineer's °Mee, and to ap
praise dame - gee mud a•sees benefits clamed there
by John H, Stewart, Wm.. Menniston and
Jog. Woodwell ore' hereby' appointed, in accord
ance with the act of Assehably approved January
fitti.* 1884.
Ste. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance
contlleting with the passage of this ordinance at
tho present time, be and the same 14 hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils,
thU ABth day of April; A. D. 1889.
Pre4dent of SeleetCouncli.
Attest: E. S. 3fonnow, \
Clerk of Select Council.
President of Common Connell.
Attest: H. Meltsszka,
Clerk of CommonConnall. ap2B
For the Construction of a Culvert
Across Latimer Avenue at litotes Is
. .
_Sicruis 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the
- City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Coon
cite mumbled, auth o ri t y hereby orvia
enacted by the of the same, That
the -
City Engineer be and Is hereby authorized and
-. directed to advertise for proposals for the con
struction of &culvert - across Lartmer avenue, at
Healey's Run, and to assess CO3t, of the same
George Healey, Samuel Crawford (and William
licrctilleld are hereby appointed.. ,
SEC. A. That any ordinance or part of ordi
nance conflicting with the passage of this ordi
nance at the present time, be and the same is
haret.y repealed solar as the same affects Gus or
Ordained and enacted into a law in Connell',
this 96th day of April. / 86 9.
J All MOM:MET, '
Preside tof Select Council.
Attest: E. S. 3lonnour,
:Clem of SelecCouncil.
President o Common Council.
Clerk of .Common Council. ap2
. _
For Opesllllll, Bose Street frona , Over•
11111 Street .to Devlllters'.,.
SZCTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by , the
City. of Pittsburgh, in.detect and Common Coun
cils agetagibte4,' and it _it hereby ordeinsd and
enacted by the authority of toe tame, Inas the
City Engineer be and Is hereby anthonted to
Survey and opdirltose street from Overbill
to Devliders street, in acoordance with the
"City Illstrlct Plan," and to appraise damages
and assess benefits James' Parks, Minus Tin
dle and Aaron Floyd are hereby appointed,in ac
cOrdance with the a t of Assembly approveldan•
nary 6th ISO*. - • .
Sac. O. That any ordmance or part of °till
stance conflicting with the assage of this ordi•
nonce at the present time, be and the same is
hereby repealed so far as the same affects this or
dlnance. , • .
Ordained and enacted Into a lasi in Councils,
this Seth day of April. A. 1869.
President f Select Council.
Attest: E. S. Monnow,
Clerk of Sweet Council. •
. .
__President of Common Connell.
Attest;, .
. Clerk 'of Common Connell. • api
• FLOUR. .
rim* MILL 'Fame Star Green Braila, equal to
'a i ta , iiosr will odya sent
out, when ~ Sipe
P t Ucalinae Brun mu
a 4 obeam!igniu.
04 3 14.** 1 4 1 V0 u 1r0, •
COEN PLONt ia g 431/ " V a lete r.
177 11 __ La% rairrattszir'
Anasitsay. anc 9.1869. t .pagloffizz.
4 1 ,
Krim& arnpTRIV.A.I7, BAR* nrdom
. 111 Mres_
_ ll g 1 44- 5 1 .; m e t macia•
JOHN MINT& Jtkaterident. • t
T. .1. Xt.OingDMSCUA Ylee
4cl; xruNlizt,th neoretary.
CART4.1.914N. Afelersl Agent.
fobiniiitHosl. " IslOsoa e:
. Ereriott,. • ' '
AL 61,:H s• c # USINT. ROOK R 4904114
. ell yak _ - 1 socidale.;
inei'lNG4 tang, Vtrlh
Capt. tTaitaffmts4. •
Of Perunsylvinia.
Office; 75 Pederal St., Allegheny City
Rev: J. B. CLARK. D. D.,
' Capt. R. ROBINSON,
Revi A. R. BELL, D.D.
Be,. S. H. NEbßrr., D.D.,
. W. a. RRED, Ceehter Allegheny Trust Co.
JACOB RUSH. Real Estate Agent.
SIMON DRUM, Mayor of Allegheny,
C. W. BENN Y, Hatter,
A. S. BELL. Attorney-at-Law,
D. L. PATTERSON, Lamber Merchant,
D. SWOGER, Laurance Agent.
Capt. ROBT. ROBINSON. President.
Rev. Jr: B. CLARK, D.D., Vies President,
JACOB RUSE, Secretary,
C. W. BENNY, Treasurer. . •
• DANIEL SWO6EII, flea Agent.
This is e tlome company, conducted on the mutual
principle, each Dollop the- Comp y dvlng an equal
share of the profits ofany. Policies
will be issued on . all the afferent plans of Life
Insurance, and _being conducted on an eeonoml
cal baste will afford a safe , hivestinent to. each
policy holder, and thereby retain the money at
home to e3courage hones industry.' isib29:oB
Nth .4.A. (into- et., ,4114ighen74
AL Rohm catCPANT; managed by DlstiolAirs
well known to the etenmtnity, who treat by tale
delllnti to merit a share of your patronage. ,
mummy um's, .—....rinaddist,
Henry . Irwin, ID. L. Patterson, Win, Coo_per,
Geo. B. Biddle, IJaeob lhans Gottleib paas,
Vll._, filtn,r/eF.Atori...iMIM,
10.. Lauter. B. J.• d, Jere. Rotten.
. , ,
. . _
CASH ' " ' - . •
easier - inslnnziturga.
„,.. .
No. 22 iNifth kioano.'lleoond Moor,
Capital Altraid. Up. ..
N. J. Higy. IB.W.Siger. Jr. .s.Dt.H.BlilleY•
Datil wsalsee, 12.. B. nag. °Lmbers.
k i j
Jake Hill: 8. ll lurkan. Was. M . balley.
'Thomas Smith no.S. Willock,) , • .
:.ROSE TIC Hiss., President. •
JNO. F. JENNIYBS. Vice President.
.408. T. - JOHNSTON, Seerecary.
.. o Capt. U. J. ORACE. een. , l 'Agent.
Luanrea . ONLlbersil Terms on all Niro
. . and 'Marino Mato. - •
NATIONAL • • • •
Cor. - Federal St. and Diamond, Allegheny,
theee, is ta. SECOND 'NATIONAL 'BANK
- ,
W. W.,MARTIN.PresideaL
JOHN! BROWN. Prealdert,
'John A. Mirler 'Jas. Lockhart...Jos. Mjers,
Ju.L.Graham. :Robert Lea, •tC. C. Soil,.
Jno. Brown,Jr..Goorgo Gem , iJaeob koPP.
O.Hp6 PWltllasneljno. Thompaoabl. MONaugher.
a •
- •
•, $
OF PiTtyllilTßON, PA.9
Offioe, No. 424. PENN ST.,
.Msenaltax. Tninir CO. Ruzintird.)
, , •
Robe. Diebaos, .Robt. - Liddell, W. 'J. Pridiy,
O. Simile, J. ran Ripen, • Kirsch,
E. IL Myers .I..Hanswiseh, brie. 'Siebert.
L.. 1. Bianchird.rj. Weisser, P. Schildecker•
E. H. MYERS, President.
ROST. DICKSON,TI e President.
BRJ.: GIER, Treaiarer.
fell: J. J. ALRIETZ. Secretary.
'OYFICE. NO. rolvw - osob . ',rim% BANK
or oornaracE BUILDING.
This Is a Home Company, and Insures against
Lees bit Y,exelueivelr. •
IiZOND -WALTER, President.
c. C. BOYIX Vice President.
HUHU IlteELIEEzm Be e rstiuy.
Leonard Walter,' George Hlison. •
C. C. Bcrvle • Geo. - W. Emus. Hobert Patr icia J. 0. Larne,
- Jacob Painter, J. C. "'Leiner,
Josiah King, John Voegtley •
Jas. H. Hopkins, A . J.nunon.
Henry BprouL, •
p rnE m EnTir
emcz,4is a UT oasaniur BT„ near ITU.
Charles iP. Handcar, Mordecai H. Loi
Tobias Wagner, . David 8. Brown,
Samuel (*rant, Isaac Lea.
Jacob R. Smith, Edward C Dale,
FeOrge W . Richards, Beorge Pa l e..
CH . RI . ES G. BANCHEE, President.
EDW. C.' DALE, Vic* President.
W. C. STEELSecretarr,pro tssa.
J. O . .DNEII Agra?.
Borth West corner Third and Wood Streets.
LNG $8 000 000 IN GOLD.
Insurance 'within File effected on House' and
Buildings, Good s Was and Merchandise .
Steamboats; de. Polielee issued mite's in gold
or =renew:Ale United States Branch OM',
40 PINE Nevi Fork.
All !mai) t e United States Broach be
adlustedinNew York.
Aggelit s
emei, irk rounsli all IMET.
M4i.StilAwx is silo Agent for the Man
hattan Lire summes Caul any. • seams
. .
IVA,Ixi .
tS oeglai,ik: '
m • 6 Hzata . secret."
. • ~exextez D. tieneral Agent.'
• Ma . DJ . &c. stme z t, Span $ Owe W are.
be w :to ritte rh.
• Wig UL. 1 get'all Eideo( Are end WA.
irintl a rkt: A. kontohl i n c e n tltnflo t t y t tr i lead •IDIJ
d letstiare tfe e teta r hie prentrittleggrd libels
silty to maintain the which ' theitavg
otfiM i the Oen PrOieetaft to stool
7 1 r0 7 1 4 0 ? - ,,.,. , ,
w jyaxeer
,$1 griffa i t, , Jean B. Neale%
P.., , dr., t. ehilgtiLlll#lll4
James- ey, IA!
Alexan , Jose h Eirirpa
l ag '
, Andraw t ,
BIT/ . t f ,, o ll is • tn. 4 - .- I
piEoPLES) nrstritAlrcia coßil
A . P4Nr.
. I -,', ..‘ 1 • • ' 1
OPIROZ; If; Z. liValiTra WOOD is rirrs us,
A B Me ceirtimtatipsr* and Marine /41111,
'' '• , ~- 1. • - Drazeroxes m... , • . • - :
ra,ti , sim,Pg. .. . gim•PtellThfra,e-d4, ,
ob, . Terkt _ _ i m sfitriFit_krbadae,'
rCapt. Jasite ir ar c 1 Ma r ia.
ala n ei l t in . tenet , ' %el" .
'• .. wi tir .•.:,
: Ild rj a : . ; -• ' 1 ' i
,JO ,
Criri.' Jitile . f Jrr. l 1 : . if e i glik ijalt• 1
to l3fillitbt success of . the popul ar - formalle IC!.
t •
Last nightbut'two of ; bit en fraternent.
THIIMIDAY EVENING, Apra 2811, 1149;
will be presented ND.. Brougbara's great dr*,
matle satire, marled
Terry, the Swell. a scampish ebiracter on
the etilinCPll.'' Mr. John Brougbam
Brougham Matinee on Saturday. •
. -
, . .
During the evening, the racing, fancy, trick
dio.,in costume. Thereiiill abbibe to ea.;
eitiiirdaudis race—'betiseela aitoliOn”
thC,calahrausd runner. and. one of cue best ve;
lotipedists. Distancelmile
AdMission ' centa,
children pa •
ar P n l T TS I B L IMAMIGHLer 'T e H EATR ag E.
THIULVE W IN W G,aIgaNNIE. ee I a B M N& r s
COLLYICHandbIe pupils. and the Mani
moth company. in the local drama called JOS
KIDD, the Champion of the Ding,. introducing a.
gland dieblay of a Ratio Contest in the Roped
Arena. . Ladies. Matinee :every Wednesday .and
1147 1 P 5 W 1 E 31111431111 t r 5. ETMIr
AVII; PARLOit 11111312101111111,.
The Great Vansity Resort*.
"FIFTH AVENUE, between Snilthdeld apt
Wood sttrreets, opposite Old Theatre. , ' •
Miriam Day and Evening,. all the year Mad.
A mission. XLI cents: Children. Is cents. •
.15 now.being held at '3I.II,LER7a gALL,Ctora
er of Filth svenne anil Zil.t striei; for the 1;044
of ST,. 403E8 CHIIRCE, Spho,....lcarelluitents
served and an efee . lierti*ttl . .of teplo la attend,-
sue. even!. ilrePing• -46:0242:48
um. a was= 6 , GO. • ;
BOTs, 880Ei 1 044*A4Tii
M • ,
is Asp Os TH AVZNIns.
Mesa's. H. B. EIMITHBO . N CO:, proprietOri
of the wel/ known Mammoth 4.riction Rouse are
eteattnx an excitement conseottent upon the ar
rival of new goods which•are being sold at re
markably low mines. ' • GoOde °Amery variety' the
finest sewed bcots„ the most °whim:table Ma.
moral gaiters and anklet shoesigppers,
blankets, - flannels, cloths. CUB res; cutleryand carpets. Cal and ezaml*e . trouble to
show goods. Ladies% misses' and. chlldren'S
tars at almost your own prices. All goods war
ranted as reDreSented. ' apps •
1 • - i .1: •
AT A"O'CtioN.
. . .
, • .
On TrllrßSDAF.,_.April SiOitt. at 31asonic Ball
Auction Booms, 55 an 57 Fifth avenue, will be.
sold a large and • San assortment of new. and sec
ond hand Furniture, Brussels and Ingrain Car
pets, itc., as follows: •
As 9 A.' as., large assortment kitchen utensils,
ondleKv, . soaps; claret and sherry wines:
At 10 A. as., large .lot new. glum and queens
ware'Chinaware, vases; ' lamps, &e. ,
At 11 A. at.. elegant oil cloths, =window shades!, .
tins oil painting, colored and steel engravings..
-Ai and. at. Special S e v era lW ingrain. rag,
hemp tair Carpets. pieces fine rel.
vet and tapestry brnesels. dm. • Alter which. Atte
chamber and' parlor 'suites, ;elega nt marble top
bureaus and.wsish stands, marbl edtop centre and
tall tables. sofas , tetes-a-tetes.; vans, soh seat
rockers, castor and parlor ch at card, dining
and extensio etagere s, gant n w damask and
rep lounges. Bat racks. walnut bed
steads. • bookcases, wardrobes. '&c. One tine
seven octave Haines Bros... Pianos.
We won d invite any of our citizens in want of
parlor, dining and chamber-furniture ' . to call at
n 5 and 57 on Thursday and .examine for them
• • :11. B. 'OBITHSON & CO.,
apt& • - . - ' AU 4 TICKNE E RS.
MLT . HOUSE .. , .
, . .
AT Ato'll. a N,
Al 10 o'clock A. u., wlll be sold on the promisee
The New. Malt House; N 0.5 Penn St.
Haying a capacity of about twelve hundred
els per week. The attention of purchasers Ist
earnestly Invited to the abovevalnable property;
it being.
_one ot the most substantial buildings of
the kind in this couture. and having all modern
improvements. The above Malt , House Is built
on leased .property having 7 Years to _rn_n_from
April lat, 1.889, at the annual rent.of it 540,90.
Parties desiring to examine the premises, or
wanting further information. will call at the of..
Ace of W. H. GAIIItaRD & CO., corner of Penn
and Water streets.
AzsO—At same Hine and Wade, 3 Wagoits.
Hamm', Malt ShoYeis. Watering Cans, 3 Plat
form Scales. /Tsar Small Sealell, - / Once Safe. //,
Desks. 1 Letter Press, 1 clock.. •
Aclio—A lot of Malt and Hope; and a large lot
of empty Sacks. . .
, „
IL B. SMITHSON CO., a /Weirs.
1).171? BEST' CHEAP'.
4,0 SST PIANO AND o ' ' '
Schoma'cker's gold Medal Phu*
The: SCRlDltiCritlal PiAleinnentblneS ellr 'the
latest TiUnable linprovemeateaunron In the on:
struetton of a hen damn ins pent... and hoe W.
wall been sward Sh e minis' Ortanionr et, '
httotedi Int tone Is 'atoms Mad sweetwTair '
lrotkananatil_p.,lol% Pitri t nd i elz= it • !
all others. Krises env
to style end ftnish. ' Osten' all ottalq, lir
°sues:tont ohms Plazo: ii'i4drflci itii ,
~ . ., ,4 ,
. head
13t Alt ila* Ch ae h arst alw * ,- -
0 cm, pini,tevl .. tY .
of *Err inmilu An
r e L truntenti hen IMO L _
It to umpiasaa •OomP& o 4.la9ot9piptiFF. •
not Iteloepnt ot osa ._ , . j „,. .
L - , CARNPAnIa , 4PULTIZite , milli' ni.e.
srale7l4g4Cl °llltPl',4rPartiPit,c!lrtY4
ream , ~ , ; , • ' ' U.' : ' - . 7 tir
BOUs,KNAB:II, B in .
. . , • No: is 7 1 1
, t , .1
, t ' ' i •LTEBEER,:ix 1- s , •=., ..,
rp rovittliartin ~.. ~,.. , c.,„ ~!....
~ ~,. .
-?..T.500 000 feet, Dr, Plaellosiels.t% , c. :CI ~
. 11% ~ : ; i tlit V i teß i t i ejAir u & d iv , r
cloGitit lily riadlitiar Oakf,.l._' ,l
• - ..! ,r o, . "ifs Kfti.risk.igadtlll47ENT:
pry- dm
- .:. 1 hoc D rr e ik i rn
.. 101114 , feet lereldh ) ataeinWl4 2 '' l 1:t
-.. 'Ol/ IR fatt fejit No. : it U 1ike1tjA*01411 2 4 2 22 2 -"
1.P., . , .
900,000 to. 116 -Ificlighteiilisili.weiNi:
60,000 0: I.VituoliLetiNglok•lliaurug
4 1. : : P lTz l eltirk:l-,t i. ,••••••• 1).".:-
• •-. , 1100VonsiNth cuyv , , :ts ..,,:;
*loo„ Saw : MilV litkuberi Lomila and ' Cedar
P.osts.,,nd offi_orticaeo „ha the Una On. bilts. M ar a:.
ihk b 7 A.Lx.iaggtozu pATTER9O . y .
No. lel Eribeoolitatraeland °other of Preble ma
Juniata otreis4o, lilzth irmilo.fkoplarc2 l2l4 ..,„ a b° l "!
°ugh at Manoester. ' "'""
w. oAxmanh.
Mr. JOHN 118011 . GRAN,