NEW .EONA RD 13.1011N5. At tornO - s• S.T•LAW AND NOTARY rußLie, having removed from kis old stand. sio. YR Fourth avenue to No. 135 FIFTH A.V.EN:IIR. Pittsburgh, torrposite GAZETTE ottice,) will particula 17 at .tend to the Collections of Accounts and Rents, and Will as usual take depositions, AcknOwledg meats, Probates, se., and exeente,Conveyancing and all Legal Writings. ap2l th 7 6 07FICZ or CITY ENGT/lIIIIP., ALLY:GU:MY CITY. PA , April ABth, 1808. tomyrricE.—The Assessmentslor Grading ord Pavirg of FULTON STREET, Ohio to Washington Avenues; also, for the Grading and Paving of ...oneord street, trom Chestnut street to Madison avenue; and also, ft r the Grading of Blossom alley, are now ready for examination andM can be seen at the °ee 0 the City Engineer until MAT 6th. 1869, - when the* v i will be aeed n the hands of the City Treasurilr lOr collectlpn CHAR. DAVIS, City Engineer apz:l2l FEDERAL. OIL COMPANY . In pursuance of an order from the Court Common_Pleas of Alleghegy couoty, Perinsyly nies. the Directors of the FEDERAL On, CO CENTS ave thi share,ay declard f or thwi t hiend of TE per payable totlrelega holders of stock in said 'company, on return to the Secretary of certificates or other evidence of ownership. Allparties are hereby notil.d that dividends. tiCillimed for a period of six nionths,will be dis used of accordin_g to law. • • By order of the Board. ' A. B. MILLa, Secretary. Ofilce,Duquesne Way, 3 doors below Ninth ht., Pittsburgh. Pa. Pittsburgh, April AS, 18139. ap29:127 'TEL GLEASON; . . Of Philadelphia, Will deliver his opening lecture to his celebrated course of 61.2 lectures on the "Laws of Physical Cigure and tbh Art of Acquiring Health, Strength,• Gracie. Beauty and Long Life," at LAFAYETTE...HALL, MONDAY EVENING, MAr 3d, 1869; Seats free to the first lecture. Dr. llileason'a lecture will be illustrated with the fineet collection of mociels, &c., ever seen in the United States, costing over $515,000 in Paris. 1020:130 : . • • ALLEGHENY TRUST CO. BANK STOCK. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. On SATURDAY- EVENING, MAY lat, at 51 'Clock, will be sold at the Auction Rouse, 159 Federal street. Allegheny, by order of the Ad ministrator of the estate of the late GEORG& RAYNOR, 9 shares Allegheny Trust Co. spit A. LEGGIATE, Auctioneer. VICTOR Hcows NEW BOOK, THE MAN WHO LAUGHS. PART I. SEA AND NIGHT. Price, 50 cents, 1:110MME QUI RIT, Premiere Partie, LA- XIM:t ET LA. NUIT. iso Cents. S. A. t'L.A.lllr. dr. CO.. aro 110 '{FOOD STREET. FOR SALE. • ENVELOPES. CARDS, BILLS LADING, CHECKS DEEDS, MORTGAGES t BECEIPTS and BLANK BO OKS Of every description at the STATIONERY WAILEROI7SEI OF W. S. HAVEN & CO., Cor Wood Street and Third Avenue. areahlM A% & ft &TM SPRING STOCK UG OLIVER iI'CLUTOCK le COMPANY'S. We are receiving this week by ocean steamers from England a fresh stock of the latest and most beautiful de claim , in English; Taneclry and Body Brussels by direct importations from the man dub:niers. We invite the insoedien of house furnish ers, confident that we offer the largest assortment and greatest - ; 'varietv of elegant patterns ever brought to this market, at the lowest .DrieeS, Great inducements are offered in all grades of In grains` and Three Plies, it being their constant, aim to offer to -the multitude, the fullest assortment of dean and serviceable Carpets at lower rates 'than any other housa.:o the trade. No. FIFTH AvVitrz.: NEW • .. ~I MN " FeOlge will always give money where they have their money , ' woriti.—Nato York Daily Time*. NUMBER SIX OF APPLETONS' JOURNAL CONTAINS A STEEL. ENGRAVING EXQUISITE BEAUTY, ENTITLED THE RIVER ROAD, I= A. F. BELLOWS, Forming one of a Series of Chntce Engraving, suited for the Poitfollo or the Frame. This en graving is pronounced a gem, and will be fol lowed by others from paintings by Church, Cast • lear, Durand, James Hart, Haseltine, Suydam. Fenn and others. - NOVELTY, VARIETY, AND FRESHNESS, ABE THE CONSTANT AIM OF THE JOURNAL From the hundreds of commendatory notices of the Jornwat, we select the following: tFrom the Commercial Bulletin, Boston.) Appleton' Journal is one or the most e'egant, as we'J as one of the cheapedt, laces lY Publica tions we ever awe. How thb publishers can man age to furnish such s beautifully printed- and handsomely Illustrated publication f.r ten cents is a mystery known to themselves. (From the New York Hera - d.) • Number four of tills new paper sustains well, as all Its predecessors have done, the promise of n umber one—that It would be the handsomest. and. In general character, the best weekly yet publiaheu In the country. (From the New York Times.) Such business enterprise three:zeta success; for people will always Rive money where tbpy get their money's worth. . (From the Boston Evening Transcript.) It combines some of the reatureCof the maga, sine with mope of a literary and ethical and il lustrated popular periodical, (From the Philadelphia North American.) The Journal is exceedingly attractive in every feature s and will bear a scrutiny of the most Crit ical. The Xcwiminaista CONTAINS 3 P.M3ES, KMBRACDN3 FICTION, TRAVEL, ADVENTURE, AND INTERISTENG ARTICLES UPON' Popular Sub) ets of Gen eral Intere st, THE GREAT STORY OF ' VICTOR HUGO, ENTITLED THE MAN WHO LAUGHS; 19 continued in this number. Per sale by all ne-a agents. Pnce 10 cents per No., or $4 per an num, in advance. D:APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 90. 99 .t 04 GRAND sr, NEw Tonx ap.Z:l24 NEW PUBLICATIONS READY THIS DAY. D. APPLETON & CO., NOS. 90, 95 AND 94 GRAND STREET, Publish this day TOMMY TRY, AND WHAT HE DID IN 80I ENi.E. By CIIABLES OTLEY NAPIER,_ F. G. 84 authorof ••Food, Use and Beauty. of British Birds," An. With forty-six Illustra tions. 1 vol., 18mo, cloth. $1.13. ,• •Tommy Try' Is a bdok of popular science, having reference chiefly to botony and the habits of animals, and interspersed with a good deal of ilghl, story-telling and inn. With a view, we sup pose, to rendering toe science more attractive to otithful readers. The work reminds ns some whatof the • Philosopphy In dport made Science in Earnest' of the late Dr. Paris, which many years ago waste, great a favorite with the boys who are now middle aged men."—tondo*'Review. MANTILLA'S RECIPROCAL METHOD POR LEARNING SPANISH OR ENtitieH. Mei o do 8111n_gus pars Aprender et Ingles 7 el Xs yellol.ror Luis IrYLTPX MANTILLA. 71. VOL,. 1.9m0., 5100 pp. $1,50. • `The specialfeature of this Method consists in Packing a foreign language by means of a eon tinned comparison with the native tongue of the learner, employing, for the expression of any given idea, the pure idioms of each, With a view to obviate that unfortunate "rawbick upon the rtndy of otheriangusgee, Which is to be found in the almost universal loss of purity In the use of one!. own"' . ELEMENTS OF LATIN GRAMMAB,_ FOR SCHOOLS. By ALBERT HARKNESS. rb. I). 1 vol., limo. 41,35. Either of the above seat free by mall oniveelot of the mice. apM;l23 VOL. I. OF VI,TOR kiIIGO'S NEW WORK D. APPLETON & CO., NO. 90, 99 AND 91GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Publish ibis day VOL. L or • THE MAN WHO LAUGHS, IN IT/LYNCH AND ENGLISH. Price in either lama age, with steel plate portrait of the Author, Fifty Cents. No wont of recent times has excited more eu riosity and expectation than this I. no-looked for novel. It Is Victor Hogo's lint attempt at the delineation of Itngilsh character and life. and has been for many years his favorite task. It ex hibits all the aromatic force, that iceight lnto character, those humanitarian aspiration,. that .wonderful power of descriptive ainguage and that command over all the picturesque and . dra matic elements in man and nature; watch render. ed Lai laterablaa the surprise and death& of ev ery alvilizeu people. Sent free by ?nal, to any address on receipt lof the price. ap39:426 VICTOR HUGO'S NEW NOVEL THE MAN WHO LAUGHS. Part 1., Sea and Night; also the same In Frc, eh 50 HOMIIIL RUI -ItIT La Mer. Et La Nun. 50 AUERBACH'S VILLAGE TALI. SISU THE AMERICAN YZAft BOOK and Na tional Register 3 50 EVENING - BY EVEN - MO. By Spurgeon.. 175 PARTON'S LI Ir II OF HoRAOR GREELEY New Union 3 00 FISHING IN AMERICAN WATERS. By Genf° C. Scott '3 50 REALITIES OF IRISH LIFE. Handy Vol. ume Series 1 OD BREAKING A BUTTERFLY. By Author ' Guy Livingstone. (Paper 35) 1 50 OVER YONG .. By author of Old Mani. mules Seert:t 30 HISS ALCOTT'S CHARMING 'BOOK,' LITTLE WOMEN. ma Series 150. YOB SALE BY B. S. D.A.VIEI at CO., 193 LIBEUTT STREET. ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLZI 04T ET LEMON & WEII§E. _ ?radii:AlßY:rafters Mann&dam* Ben In '' Us 7POVIVIIII AVlaritria. ' . Waste aim be tpmaA a toil sasortakeat ocrar* Vat Cbsigbet sa4 miniragaltaxe 40111 , - PirSEXat GAZVITE: T T I N RS P.AX• 29, -189. NEW Ariftittismoirts. At 22 c s., White Marsailles. Atl2 cts , Extra Good Yard Wide Muslins. At 61-4 ets., Fast Colored Cali- • cues. At 8 cts., Feud Colored Calicoes. At 10 cts..;Past Colored ,Calicoes. SHEETING: MUSLIN% .PILLOW CASE MUSLIMS, SHIRTING MITSLINS &c. New Spring Bonnets, Ribbons & Belabel HAT & BONNET FRAMES &C. HAMBURG EDGINGS, SHIRT BOSOMS. COLLARS, AC. FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS AT WILLIAM SEMPL.E'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, JOE E. COOPER lIKKEY SIZE, JON M. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. Maleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING,. THROTTLE, SAFETY AND CHM VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. IRON COCKS, Brass Work of every description for Steam, Water and 011. usicurauxußsns or J. M. GbOPER'S Improtred Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Preyfuel Patent Oil ers, the best in the Market. Odlee and Works, corner . teenth sutd Pike Streets. • WALTIL9.3I WATCHES, 8.4 Plate, 16 and 20 Sizes. • To the manufacture of these nee Watches the Company have devoted all the science and skill In the art at their command, and confident!). lclaim that for fineness and beauty, no less than • ibr the greater excelencles of Mechanical and scientific correctness ot &sign and execution, these watches are unsurpassed anywhere. • In this country the manufacture of Abut, AneAvade of Watches le not even it.Minphr except at Waltham. TOE SALE BY Z. a erPADDEN & CO. mh4: BOORS SETTLED, Alb) ACCOUNTS COLLECTED. r MONEY To LOAN. TINE FARMS IN TENNSTLYANTA: HOUSES AND LOTS IN PTIIERIMMII AND EAST LIBERTY: ' • • LOTS IN littiNtii:ilC6: .; • 11 ' MISSOURI AND VlaeiNla i.LND FOR SAME. Enquire: of THOS. SIMPSON, NOTARY PUBLIC, 80 GRAtT STREIT* - oMce, book, room 'olt SALE. - • 17...0t7.13; ar u ilifi a nta Y 6stalliff i TY, OMEN 0 rAL , • 17 23 21014,1r 1 " - • Also, • choice lot vs Seed Potatoes: StAItLY GOODMOA, P/lACHBL.OW. Dy • NEATEN. & nißtelmt . " AT THE WHITE • '229 . 14t*rsy : I tneci Shl lEA. i Eclat. Fell)! US& ;- ]fawleeks reamers tala cittbn itisat . Kat a POT ISAIAH V t • . Y.* - NEW SEEING HATS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, ALLEGHENY CITY ' A.,,,..t•-atl: Pifkrtri:‘..'',4. • " . ASV4tZ;ga.g.eVe..:;."3R4.IV,ICAP't^Vkq§VJP.I-'S•f,,j,=4el '414.%15-tP4'*l.%-:sirnWiVr4'`'".*::ShsVoogW47,kAlVt-ufr.'W - • • 34 pr • ~W ~eD~a~s~~ir~c~.. OPENED THIS MORNING AT 25 CENTS, HANDSOME FINE DOUBLE WIDTH, CHANGEABLE AND PLAIN COLORED .kILI: ) .&C:i.A. S. GREAT VARIETY NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS MI VERY LOW PRICES LE WILLIAM SEMPLE'Si 180 and 162 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. CITY. TA.GitiABT 8. iS{I2IIIEN, RETAIL BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS AT Wholesale Prices. NO. 129 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny City. REFINED FAMILY LARD, PACKED BY , PROCTER GAMBLE. CINCINNATI. Ask your Grocer for, ourbrand of Lard ha those Packages! Packed in 3,5, and 10 pound Caddies, 80 pound Cases for shipment. Cheapest mode for selling Lard. Send for Price List. • SOLD u ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., PITTSBURGH, • And Grocers and Dealers. Generally.. Sp23:t 93 A GREAT SUCCESS! • WASIELIATG MAC}ECLIE ! It washes the finest fabrics. without !alum perfectly clean in less than one• eighth the ordi nary way. It does not rub the cloth. but per forms the cleaning process by steam and th - quick action of but water; It can be operated by a child. Its great chaanness makes It accessible to every family and saves Its own cost In doing away with tubs. PRICE, Sold from the Manufactory, at • • ' TROXIS ' KERMIM a PENN ST.. OPPOSITE THE PAIR GROUND. EirAGENTIO WANTED. aDisaist SCHILDECKER & SONS Have returned to their well known location. TREET, Where they are grepsredlo fern Ishrest every day a tine, large assoitmen of / CAKES AND )3R AD Of every desTriptfon. Kept consts tiy on hand the very best Confectioneries In the hit,. N. B.—OrdenTfor parties. cvivi? be supplied thibabortest notice and. delks . e4ed to any.part of theiwo cities. • ; • Lidice Lleu, eA I s. lauli Alio. lON CiRNAH SALOON now • mAinse durLoikshe season. 1.0172U2:.` , • NO. 22 DIAMOND JOUR a. EITOART EOM H. PATTIRSON. R° R. PATTERSON Si CO4 ELLTAIII`AM) CORlatesszo634,utts COB. IBTEN,TH ITENUE, IV; • iwarii illlll / 4 0 004.4"::: i'. t ' t ,: ,~~~ ~~ a_ *l/to "Ye Elegig.'' "X 4. 4 1! I .lfrawtr," "Jtmaid. ,, "Boarding,* &e,;, 'sot ism/disci/TO OR lINES each ,tit he In. aertra inure aottouie olloe for rwsisrrr-Fini üßars: each etddttiotsat Use FIVE mums. / WANTED-HELP. WANTED,r-A first class Car- Vi" Pettier,' capable of ma lag charge of &well establlbhed 'hop In the city. in which an Interest win ,be given to a satiable person. This Is a first-rate chance for an enterprising man to set Into business. Address. W. p., Bok GAZETTZ OFFICE. . . WANTED—Cook and Cham ber maid. None but can g lire good refer ence need appiy. Good wages given. Maguire at Atuerican- House, 419 Beaver amine, Alle gheny City. ANTED---RELPr---AT . ;ENE.; v PLOYMENT OFFICE, No.ll. BC Clair Street, BOYe OLIILS and MICN, for different kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of *I kinds Mtn be supplied on shoat:lotion. NVANTED. Two or four young men to occupy a furnishrd front room, third floor, without board, within ten minutes' walk of the Postofflee. Xnquire at 116 Wylie street. WANTED ---AGENTS. WANTED - AGENTS - NEW BOORti-200 ENGRAVINGS—The Far mers and Mechanics Manuel. A book of Rms. value to every one. Send for 16 page eirculart Also. LIFE AND EMMEN OF ST. PAUL. ($3.00.) with Introduction by Rev. Bishophimp son. The only complete unabridged edition. . A. L. TALCOTT Q CO., 963 Fourth avenue. Plitqbbrgh, Ps. NSTANTED` - AGENTS TO make an arrangement with a few reliable Men to act as State Agents for the Sale of Dr. Ashbaughts ••Wonder of the World." This remedy is sold on the package system, not to be paid for until fully tested. I pay good Agents OM per month, and large commtssion to distrib ute packages among families and to a few good men I wlllmake a special arrangement for btate Agencies. ' No capital required - brit must give surety for capltalplaced in theft. bands. I her; nish the capital. For confidential tents call per tonally. for a few days, on J. O. TILTON. oO' Fourtn avenue. ap:3. tf WANTED - BOARDERS. -- A gentleman and Ins wife, or two single .gentlemen,' can find good BOARI , LNQ anot a 'v. ry pleasant front room, second floor, by call ing at No. 18 Wylie Street. • beOARDING—An elegant front room, Ad floor, at No. 1.141 North avenue, ghPny. Suitable Lora gentleman and wife or two gentlemen. 9C-LET.-11001118.—Two tine ROOMS In GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply at =Gag Boom. B 4 and tiG Filth avenue. rpO-LET.—The desirable DWELLING HO USE, No. 595 Penn street. furnished throughout, eon. tabling 10 rooms, bath room, .tc.; good stable, carriage house, and large yard room. Posses sion given June Ist. OR SALE.—OLD . TYPE. MET— A:. AL.—About Two Thousand Pounds for sale kg_ L. & W. NICER. once of FREI-EMUS FEEU7sD, No. 143 fttlthlield street. • -- eat SALE—TYPE.--Albout 400 pounds YEE. nearly as good as new, Enquire at THIS OFFICE. FOR BALE . -- NEW FRAME ?COTTAGE of 5 rooms, hall and cellar. In lOth Ward, (late East Linerty.) Lot GO by 181 feet: broad board walk from Railroad staLion. Price low and terms easy. Enqutreat Tins O. Fmk., A. BARE BUSE% ESS 'CHANCE— ' :Stock : Lee and Fixtures F e deral b- Lined intl GOODS HOUSE on street, AJlegheay. (rear Market y House.) Lease . nearly treyear to run. Amp at rat; I rk:DM:AL STREKT. iin:1111 . Allegheny. R . SALE OR RENT.-Caun. , try residence. liX miles from, the Court ouse. LARGE FRAME HOUSE. Ibontsining 8 rooms, portico In front; good garde nit lots, 5() by 3,1 0 feet; level end well located. Inquire of WILLIAM S..Bui 75 Smithfield street, P i ttsburgh. VOW SALE.—ilare chance for .11: the nroiltable investment .of 415,000 in an establi,hed manufacturing business in uhio. now paying largely. theesired by the narty invest ing,, be can have managing of the works at a fair salary. Satisfaction, as to Its paving, fully shown. For particulars apply to or address, CROFT & PHILLIPS, Rent Estate Agents, No. 139.Foneth avenue. ' ap29 OR SALE.—SaIt Works and tee east of Pittsburgh . estern Penna.R.R., F OR milesof Works are along side of railroad, and are now in successful opera tion. Will be sold at a borgain, as the owner is too o'd to attend to it. Land Is underlaid with coal and tire clay. From personal examination we must say this property is decidedy CROFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents, Igo. 139 Fouritt avenue.' OR SALE.—Suburban .;n s - f rou d d, ceo uat ßus eheSbonduandOßradAdrk o, .within two minutes' walk of a station on either railroad. The house is a neat frame of seven rooms, large hall and cellar; lot contains all ne cessary outbuildings, and an abundance of ail kinds of fruit, good Boring water In k'tchen; ten feet from the house is a store-roomltibv 30,with a ware-room attached; store-room now rented and doing a good bullpen. The location of the propertyls all that could he desired either for a country residence or business stand, or both. Aunty to CROFT a PHILLIPS, Real Zstate Agents, No. 139 Fourth avenue, ap'M FOR mix. • Near Osborn Station, on the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicag o Railroad, . ' TWO. LOTS Contai nine About Two Acres Each. 11NQ17184 OE • Vil . :' MACKEOWN & 8R0.., - .195- Liberty Street. . miiiii - . * pARDENERS•TAKE NOTICE. FOR BALE . —The FOURTEEN MILE LAND, on dre g . Allegheny River,. and now Used for gardenin purposes; well improved and in a high state ofcultivation; containing 40 or 50 acres, now offered at a bargain. Call soon. iAlso, other Farms in good locations. Woolen rtit o e iT 6gfrai ff l u ttrrta a d n . d AZenty:ClAkl4l4 Sue and To-let in both cities. For farther par ticulars inquire or WILLIAM WARD, • Gnat street. ormositneathedral. • tIL'iWO THOUSANDDOLLARS, in easy_payments, will pnrchaae a TWO OILY }IOWA., nearly new well built and in good order, dye roo cellar. Wl` Of OkiOUND, afteen feet front on Fifth avenue by one hundred deep to Borba street, alinate Kindle beyond doho bridge. - - , EMI sPRENG . . , lEC.A.WII3, An Immense Stock at Low Prices; a ; 1' 4 : * MCCORD i Coy -----, api .. 181 won snow. • ,e 4 ,t4loon. lops Tomerzar, liistarionua or WINDOW GLASS. varenous•-No. AT WOOD sTaXEr. . 1 9obio:» • • • • • Pittentriar Den and will ;.*'' ' 4 It ; BOARDING. TO LET . FOR SA LE 2 - B. CUTHBERT & SONS, 39 fßztbAventie. NOTICES afr FUR REGISTER OF WILLS JOSEPH IL GRAY, Subject to the decision of the Rep ublican County Convention. - ap20:121 -THE ANNEAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Pacific and At lantic Telegraph Company of the United States, for the election of a President and six Directors, will be held at the Board of Trade Rooms at Bark's building, Fourth avenue,MAY 4th, at 10 e. x.: EDWARD JAY ALLEN.- an24:1197 Secretary. WRAILWAIY NOTICE.-THE First Annual Meeting of tile Stockhold ers of the **Federal Street and rleaaant Valk, Passenger Railway Company," will be held at Cray's Hotel, corner of Jackson street and Ir. win avenue. Second ward, Allegheny. on TUES DAY EVENING., Mat 4th, at 7P. wh ic hr the election ors Board ot,Directors, at time the Stockholdern will receive their certificates of stock. By order of Board of Directors, ap22:hBs = W. M. CLANEY. Secretary. arFIRST WARD, iPITTS... BURGH. The Republicans of 114 ward will meet In the SCHOOL :HOUSE THIS (THHR.SRAY)RTRNING. at o'clock to mike irslipltniry irrangemMits for the approaching County Conventions. Ry order of the ap29:122 U.S.INTERNAL REVENUE ASSESSOR'S OFFICE. 291 D DISTRICT, PENNA Pirrsnunall, April 20th, 1 8 69. IarNOTICE.—I WILL ' REAR and determine at this office, until the FIRST DAY OF MAY NEST, all appeals rela 'tfie to any erroneotis or excessive valuations of Any assessments made by Assistant Assess Ors In their returns of the annual lists. RUSSELL' ERRETT, ap24:h99 AsSenor 214 District, Pa. PITTSBURGH, FT:WATWE & CHICAGO R.N. Co., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. PITTSBURGH, PA.,I March 14, 1869. Iar"THE BOARD OF lIIREC TORS OF THIS GOMPANY have - de clared the regular Quarterly ,Dividend, (No. 21 .) of two and one-half percent., free of Govern ment ta March , 3 1s t , capital st, for the Quarter ending Glst, payable on,and after !SION DAY. April 27, proximo. at the office of Wins low, Lanier & Co., No. 27,Pine street, to those registered at New York, aird - attbe office of the Treasurer, to those registered it Pittsburgh. The Transfer Nooks- will clos T u es d ay ,, nday. Anril 12: at 9 P. St., and re-open April 'A7, at 10 A. B. F. M. HUTCHINSON. ' Secretary. IarrIIBLIC Punuant to an act of Assembly, approved the 20th of March, 1869, entitled "an ant relat ing to ItPerments In -Trinity Church-y ard.• Picts burgh," Public Notice Is hereby given of the in te ntdon of the minister.' walrdens and, vestry. of Trinity (Eplscopul) Church. after the 10th of MAY, proximo, to use a part of the grave. ground belonging to or Connected with said church, as sites for new erections of Church and Chapel and for , grades, and - that Messrs. JOHN -11. SHOENBEP GER, JAMES M: COOPRE, CALVIN ADAMS and JOsIAH Kmat, of the vestry, have been appointed a_Committee to con fer and arrange with the friends and relatives of all persons burled In,the ground required for the purposes set forth In the act of Assembly afore said, for their retention under the new build .Irs or removal to Other parts of the.lot or to one of the rum'. cemeteries. One or• inore of the COM. mittee may be found at the vestry room of the chutth at 3 to 5 o'clock P. R., on every WED NESDAY and SATURDAY until the 15th of -MAY. at whicktime and place, parties interested will please call. By order of the Vestry. 408IAII KING, aplekW9 Junior Warden.. lay PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- • ROAD CO. TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT, PHILADELPHIA. PA., April 9, 1869. TO _TIM STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PENN. SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. All Stockholcers, as registered on the Rooks of , this Company on the 30th day of April. 1869. will be' entitled to subscribe for TWENTY.FiVE PER CENT, of their respective interests in New Stock. at per, as follows: - t First. Fifty per cent. at the time of subwrip sloe. between the 15th day of May, 1861) , and the 30th day or June, 1869. Second. Fifty per cent. between the 15th thy of November, 15:69. and the 31st day of Decem ber. 1869; or. if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up as the time of sub scription, and each instalment so paid up ebait be molded to a prO rata of tuelMv dend that may be declared oa full shares. - • Thfrci. That every St, eLholder holding less than four shares, shall be entitled to subscribe for one share; and those holding more than as multiple of four shares shall-be entitled to subs scribe for an additional share. Fourt/a. AU shares npon'which instalments are yet 'to be paid under Resolution of May 13, 1868, will ue entitled to their allotment of the Twenty-tilve per cent. at par, as though they were paid in full. spls:h46 THOMAS I'. FIRTH, Treaturer. arT O- .CONTRACTORS., : Pittaburgh & Railroad. Proposals will be received up to i34143411W,, May Ist, Inclusive, for the GRADUATION, MASONRY AND BALLASTING Of the remaining 47 Sections of tt is Road, alta ated at intervals upon the 90 miles between Con u !Defile and Cumberland. specifications will be ready for distribution at the Pittsburgh and Cnmberland Offices, on PRI DAY, the 015 of 'April, tartd all information necessary for the proper examinatiorf of the work will be by the Engineer upon the line. By order of the President and Directors. BENJ. IL LATROBE. Chief Enginee r. PITTEPB OII / 11 1100NXELL°V1ELT.Z i. R. COU I. tailo.si3:B Pittsburgh,. Much "say L EGS ! LEGS• . The Artificial Limb Manufacturing CO. CHARTERED' BY THE STATE OF PENNA. All Shateheiders are en Wonting the gambit Made by this Company. To those requiring a limb we would say that our own experience has Induced us to establish& factory here that would make a comfortable and. eatable limb for a reasonable pries. Aft- Ttry. lag a number of solid socket and padded socket' legs, we have each found mere comfort and list fli.nesa in this •• ADJUSTABLE LACEUSG ROCKET , ' than in any other mattein the coun try. .One of our number, a skilled ottrobente, has charge tf the shop. We havebought the Tien t° use two of the best patents, and by our experi ence we hope to Improve inevery way that will add to the comfort.durabllity orappearenee of the limbs we make. We have plat the price of our • new legs at. 115 ) ) ... Persons traps a distance are only detained In the city while the measure and a ea" of the Miaredilmßis taken. • The saving to paramecia, as compared with Eastern prices, Is fromlvo to anti in toe pries of lege ; • $26 railroad fare; hotel bats and other traveling exienses. and then we are satisfied Mat Ilmb tot Mahe OttlerWariefachon than anstona mods in New lark or Pitilade tphia, If we can get ordere,we can maintain our factory at the above price; and we therelbre ask an ex. aminallon before going elsewhere: , Wet "sake to Order and keep on hands impel of stockings, braces { and appliances for injure of deformed limb s crutcnes, trusses, shoul der brace,. he. Forfutther nfortuation ”r cir cular, containing many seatimot.lal letters nem those whb have worulcuir artificial Rmes, address ARTeFICIAL LIMB 'MANUFACTURING CO., and dl. s o o u 3 rte l e TlN . pitu rß i f ur E a ls. h.beptareinoithbzirsterruentTlx AmEit ‘CAN BANK. NO. 80:1*OORTIX AVENUE, • ITITEIBURE*II. eismr CAPITAL • • • ..''. •- .200,0 M Stockholders Individua lly. Liable. ~ , 2 5 BANK 07 DISCOVIrr A,.!111 .11)144*.1FV. JOHii In. MD. Wilt. PLOith. • Preilsileat. , - , ? ';, - , .. -- • DIRECTORS. Thm if;Vrardiant• - - 'iTolra M. Martian Win. . e . Arch ' ..-. Archibald Wallace: . Arndt, • ..; . .jas,il3,-x e L y. -...*., Chu. B. Leeth, - 11 07 4. J 4 41/ I ! e .rlk.'l' I:* f - ....'' to do• O' . .. =a Bank L oo to prepared aral sieli • • i M COMMITTEE.