NNW s.‘ I 3 1 . TISEMENTS. IW*F.OII JOHN Of Pittsburgh, enblect to the decision of the tinwis RePablictin County Convention. ; ap2.9-Da r IZONA RD &JOHNS. Attorney . - AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLItt, pitying removed from his old stand, no: 79 Fourth avenue to No S 5 FIFTH AVENITIC. Pittsburgh, (OppJalte 0 11.AZXTTit oflice,)- will minicab*, ly at tend to the Collections of Accounts and Bent*, kad.will Sensual t..;ke depositions, Acknowledg ments Probates, e . and execute rniveyancing and ail•Lega ap2t:h76 1 ROPOSALS will be-received 11 " until MAY the 4th for Painting and Fn-teo me City Ha 1. Al o. fur extes.ding the gallery. Tor plane and epechleations, call un the huperlu tend-eat of Markets. The Committee reserve the right to re:ect any or all bids. • . SABIIIRL KILGORE, " Pittsburgh. April 2D.1889. Supt. Markets. 5p2.8:12 . :BIBLES BIBLES ! BIBLES ! Varying in Mee from 34 cents to t5O. POCKET SCHObt, FAMILY ° , PULPIT, AND PRONOUIiCIIIG, OXFORD. • HA.EDING • • AND OUR OWN: • Marge Venally Bible fee . 82.75 Pocket or School Bible 34 Cts. JOSEPH HORNER, Methodi4 Book , Depository, 120 Smithfield Street. once, COURT SALE:— Will be offered at Public Sale at the Court • once. In the cityof Pittsburgh. on TOII spAY, e ISM day of le i el , A. D. 18 0 9 , at 1 0 o clock the forenoon:. the Beal Estate of JAMES BLACK, deceased, viz: All that cerain lot or Vegas of ground situate in Collins township, (now Ali hteenth ward, Pitt ;burgh, )bounded by lands turn:Pei :temple, 1. Williams. William beruple, and by a township road, and containing sixteen acres and one hundred and live perches,and bay• -lag thereon erected a large double Frame Dwel ling House. Cottage House. a flue Barn. Stabling and outer out bult dings, w lilt a good Orchard of .fruit trees of all kinds, Grapes, ,ke.: and a Coal Hank opened en the premises. There are sup iret 1 :f ourne:lgtraderiens t f ai c i i t i ll ;eV- etit enths ln nee year•„from the cunfl. manna of the sale, with interest from the , date of continua :Ma, and the balance thirteen thirty-thirds of the purchase money t) remain a ch trge upon the land until he death of Mrs. Elite Jane Black, - widriw of James Black. deceased, and the inter est thereof to be paid to her.ann natty during nee _life, cud at her death the principal to be paid to those legally entitled to the same • ' ECILAA.B. Trastae. eklittiKE, PALMED, Attorney. • ap211:1111•Wde . uarirre — RE -FCARPETS; AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT•. AUCTION. - c. On THURSDAY April 519th, at Masonic Hall Auction Rooms, 4an 51 Filth avenue, milli:re sold a large and fine aasortmentor new and lea. "aid handlurniture, Brutsels and Ingrain Car pets. &e., as follows: *- At 9A...1C, large assortment kitchen utensils, ler,. soaps, curet and sherry wines. At curet 10A.' 9., large lot new glass and queens. ;ware Chinaware..vases. lamps, &c. At lt a. it.. elrgant oil cloths, wthdow shades, Ins oil painting , colored and steel engravings. At I„ii speelal sale new Ingrain, raw, lump and stair carpets. Several pieces nal vel vet and tapestry brussels, &c. Alter which, fine f.Obamber and• parlor suites. elegant marble top ~bareaus and wash stands, marble top centre and ell tables, sofas, tetes-a• tetes. dtvane, iota • ' +snickers, castor and parlor chairs, card, d g . and extension tables, elegant new damask and rep lounges. etazeres, hat racks. walnut bed steads, • bookcases, wardrobes, &c.' One nne seven octave Haines Bros. Pianos. ' We woad invite any or our citizens in want of parlor, dining and chamber furniture to call at :AS and 31 . on Thurday and examine fur theta aeiteu. n. B. oniarrnsok l• • AUCTIONEKB.S. 044 SA :atirOl*: -SPRING STOCK EE OLIVER M'CLINTOCK COMPAII'S. We are receiving this week by. ocean steamers. from England a fresh stock of the latest and most beautiful de- 'signs In English l'apestry and Body Brussels by direct Importations from the man ufacturers. We invite the inspection of house furnish ers f - confident that we offer : the largest assortment and greatest variety of elegant patterns' evor brought. to this' _market; at the lowest , Drioe_ , , Great , indueetheits are offered in all Panes of :1 grains' and !Three Plies, it ° being .their Constant aim offer to' the multitude, the fullest.assortment of cheap ,and serviceable Carpets at lower !rates than any other louse in the trade. :,4t .„ a 'l4 11,m1:4SX NEW mmaa-s, ZENITH LIST. 1869. APPLICA TIONS to sell liquors, filed in the Clerk's =1:111 Hugh McAlfee, lst ward; Jane McDermott, eating house, Ist, ward : Hagan At Courtney, other goods, Ist ward; J. B. Cherry. niter goods, Ist ward Munhall & McGraw. other goods, le t ward; A, W. Beaumont, othergoods, Ist ward; T. Maxwell & W. A. Nave, tavern, 9d ward; Mark Winnet, tavern, 2d ward: Dlerker & Speck. other goods, 24 ward: :.•'• Stephen Cairns, tavern. 3d ward; _ Benj. Trimble. tavern. 4th ward; Patrick Bradley, tavern, nth ward; Jon. Armstrong. Says rn, tiib wird; M. McHugh. other goods. 5,h ward; Charles Steffens, tavern, Bth ward; James Webb. eating house, Bth ward; Charles Abel & Co., other goods, Bth wazdt, Henry Jones. ctb,r goods. Bth ward; Chu- Zeiseler, eating house. inn ward; ' .Wm. Blown, tavern, lOth ward: H. Schellbach, tavern, 11 , h ward; John Crowns, tavern, 19th ward; Dante. ' , rats, tavern.lltS ward • Ellm &Welber. other goods. 18th ward; - ••= A. P. McWilliams, tavern, 19th sratat John W. Clark. tavern, 9 1st wa•dr, John Byrne, eating house, slat ward; • Allegheny. G. Kemmler. tavern, Sid ward; L. Sonia, tavern, lid ward: J. W. Han:until, eating house. 4th ward; • Anthon Clark, eating house, Bth ward; Walter Blank & Co., eating house, Bth ward; Geo. Heckman. tavern. 7th ward; John Hanne, eating house, 7th ward; • Jas. Mullin, tavern, Bth ward; ' • • Borongias. • B. Marks. tavern, Birmlarhant: Motu.. Foster, eating house, Birmingham. Sarni. Evans. eating house, Birmingham; John Mischelt, tavern, East Birmingham.; John Munball. other goods, Braddock,' Geo. otner goods, south Pittsburgh; M. Freldeurich. tavern, Sharosburght. H. Eichmtlz, eatinghouFe, Temperaneeville; J. Soto, tavern. Mt. Washington; Townships. A. Breen. Jr., tavern. Baidwiur. W. J. Dorsey, tavern. Elizabeth; John Casson, tavern, Elisabeth Bich Mansfield, tavern, South Fayette; Bob:. Graham, tavern South raye.tter. J. P. Finley. tavern, Finley:F ' G. W. shoos. tavern, Indiana; Fred Senn , tavern, Robinson; • Gen. Thurner, tavern. Sbaler; • " J. D. Portser.. tavern, \lentil/Bei; A rchle McCune, tavern, Versailles; The License Board will sit for for hearing the above applications on thrEofh lass as- -5 locioak A . m. JOHN O. BROWN Clerk. NEAP SPA": O.T.aOODS -4~.. w;..,04 59 Mark t Stmt. THE LATEST SPRING STYLES OF DRESS GOODS; Silks. Percales, AN ORDLVANCE For Opening Herron. Avenue. Sac. 1. lie it ordained and enacted by City of Pittsburgh, in &tact and Common thatitetts as• trembled. and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority Of Os nand. Thatthe City 'Engineer be atla Is - hereby antfforzect and directed to mr. ye, and open 11 errtms avenue. in aecOrdance with the pain in to Englneerls office, andl%hip prahie.damages and &mess beneitte canoed there by John H, Stewart, Wm,. Hatennlston and Jos. W nodwell Ire hereby appointed, in accord ance with the act of Assembly approved Jansary 6th. 1804, Sac.: That any ordinance or Darter ordinance condicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this Sifltti day of A. Li: Meg: • JOHN eHIPTON. President pro tem of Select Council. Attest: E. S. blounow, Clerk of Select Connell. W. A. TOMLINSON', President of Common Council. Attest: H. licMairrEn, • Cleric of Common Conuall. *VA AN ORDINANCE SILK SACQUES. . ROBES, CHINTZES, &C. ALSO, The Largest and Most Complete-Stock OF LADIES' Ever, &onEcht to the Pitteburgh laltf3t. d. W. BARKER & CO., 59 MARKET sritErr.' mhal.gs2ws BATES FLATS BICEP7ID THE LATEST. 'NOVELTIES :Sli~wl~, Suits in Linen, Suits in Silks,: Ikess (hods, Thiderolotl46" =ME Mmt God 3, =I wuroir THEY , ZNYITE OUR ATUNTIONi, ,~=r:,, . '~ ,~ AK ORDINANCE •:- - - Changingls .the Rages Fo Wiplishisis axial and Other - .entitles, el% In the airier rilltibeigill‘ SEcflow 1. Be it ordained and esesetset by the City qf Pittsburgh, in Se and Commes Omar Mfg currembled, and it w hereby ordSined and masted by authority el' the same, That 'here after the fees to be castled by tne Welighmasters in the city or Pittsburgh, for" the weighing- s of Coal Lime, hand, Ice. Stock, Grain, Hay and all other articles, shall be for tack load of coal con laining less than 30 bushels, 6 cent a; when ever 30 and less than 00 bushels, 3 Witt: when over 60 and less than 000 bushels, la cents;' when 100 bushels and over, 15 cents. For each loan of Hay containing less than 1 ton, 35 cents; when over I ton, 30 cents. For each load of Sand containing 1 ton or less. 5 cents, and for each additional ton or fractional part thefeol aver 1 ton, 3 cents. For each load of Linde thancon- Wd i l i :l l .Va e tica or clTictaZ c e nts. epar tf and o l o o r v e 4 c l ton, 6 cents. For each loss of Ice coutatuing le " th an 1 tea. 5 cents, and for each additional ton or tractional part thereof over 1 ton,3 cents. For each draft or Grain containing leas to an 1 btln, 215 cents, and for each addiflohal. lon 'or fractional part theme! over Iton, Ur cents. For mien draft of Lite Stock less than 1 ton, -00 cents. and for each additional ton or fractional part thereof over 1 ton, aaeents. For drafts of other articles, the weighing of which is not spe cifically provided for, the lees shall on for each draft containing less than 1 ton. 15 cents, and fOr each additional ton or tractional part thereof over lni cents ,12103. Sheamount to be paid to the eitt n 7 each Weighmaster shall not be less than 5 per cent. of au fees hereby authorised to be charged,. unless Otherwise trpecillcally provided tor, an d each Welghmaster Shalt, on the first Monday of every mon b, .mate return to the Controller, un deroath Or anrmat ion, of the number of bushels. loads and tons weighed, and the amount ,of fees received by bin duraur the last month, end ,pa Over to the VII Treasurer the per. centage and fees to which e city ii. entitled. !SEC. 3. Tha tany ordinanceor part of ordinance conflicting with the passage bf this ordinance at the present ;Item, be and the same is herebyre pealed so far as the same affects this ordinanCe. Ordained and enacted Into a' law In Councils, this 20thlarof April, A. D. 1859. JuliN SEIIPTON, President pro tem of Select Commit. Attest: E. ti. kloanote, • Clerk of Select Connell. _W. A. 401111INBON, President of common council. Attest: H. McfdAs MR, Clem of Common Connell AN ORDINANCE • GU%UMW Certain Privileges to the Company incorporated by the Set of . Assembly. Approved the 20th day of Marieh, A. D. 0169, for the Purpose of Erecting. a Brltige In the County of Allegheny to the Allegheny and nut. ler Plank Road, at or near the Month of Glrty's Rau. Sec. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Councils et the City of Ptitsburik, and it - ii..Aeretar ordained and...enacted by .the authority of the lame, That authority Is hereby ',ranted to the President, Managere and Comps. ny for erecting a 'ridg Forty-third)e Allegheny river from Ewalt (dew street, Intim City or Pittsburgh, In the' county of Allegheny. to the Allegheny and Butler Plank load, at or near the month of flirty Man, to enter Upon, take use and occnpy such portions of Forty third street and of the river front at the northern terminus thereof, Including the landing; limey be necessary for the proper construction of mild bridge, and to build and locate the abutments thereof upon and over the same. Prodded the same be need and occupied In such a manner is to facilitate access to said bridge. blr.C. A. The said Bridge Company shall haie like authority to change and alter •tho grace of said Forty-third street. subject to the approval of the Committee on Streets and of tne I.,ity En-. glneer, In auto manner as to render the approach to said bridge most convenient and easy. Szc. 3. That any ordlnaneeorpart of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same le hereby re pealed so farm the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 28th day of April, A. D. 1889. JOHN aHIPTON, President pro tem of Select Council, Attest E. S. Sitnutow, • Clerk of Select 'Council. .• W. A. TOMLINSON, - . • President of Common Council. Attest: H. . Clerk of Common Connell. anti For Cite Construction of a Culvert Across Liarliner A at Frolea'a doss AND SUITS, Eletviosel. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in detect and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted byr the gutiority rif the same, That the City Engineer be and Is hereby authorised and directea to advertise tor proposals for the con struction of &culvert across Latimer avenue, at Beaters lino, and to cost of the lAMB Geo. ge Begley; Samuel Crawford and William Boretilield are hereby appointed. Sao. S. That," sty ordinance of part . of Ordi nance conflicting with the passage of tole ordi nance at the present, time, be eaid the-came is heresy repealed so tar Is the same affects this or dinance. Ordained and enacted into a law lb Councils, this 516th day of April, 1869. JOON BHIPION.. Presld_ent pro tern of Select Council. • Attest: E. S. hionnow, Clete of Select Council. • W. A. TOMIAIMON, President of Common Council. ,Attest: B. MOLtarin, . • Clink Of Ontimon : aide Xict OIIIDINANICE For Opening Mono Street from Over bill biretta to Deviliturst. agonad 1. Bit u entailer d Mmetod a. Pity a/Pittsburgh, in detect and Common Coon. cite assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the, authority of rats same. 'I am the City Engineer 'be 'anti is her,by authorized to surety and open Rose street from Overbill street to DeviLlers street, in accordance with the -City District Plan," and to .appralse dam.iges and assess benefits. James Parks. Minus lin die and Aaron Pitied are hereby appointed,in ae • cordsoce mint the *, t of Aseenably approved Jae' nem 6th 1864., EDW. That rutty ,ordmence or pert of ordi- Anne' conflicting 'with the passage of this ordl • nonce at the' present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as tbe same' affects Miser • Ordaine d and enacted .intos, law in Councils, this 5116th day of April, A. De 1869 • ' ; JOHN SHIPTON, • ; • . president pro tem of Select Council. Attests E. is C rk of Select Council. _ _ W. A. TOMLINSON,- President of Common Council. Attest: H. nicmesTrai, . . . •, . Clerk of Clammed CpunelL apn ]Eigift • SALE. `•:. :- FLOI3IL . 11 FAKER 6 EAT...MD.44, CITY best In the ci AN ty; MLLIN • 1E • SWEEPSTAKES, BVINS ; Also, a choice lot r t Seed Potatoes: 04:KMBICH 1 EYg i • lIEBT,And ir', CE AD PEACEII LOW. By .117411011; &sums, •AT TEM WHITZ IfitONT. ap26:1141 .3516,/41 BELL NE 170E11t ROST. g. iATT2RION. OPT. H. r&T.TERSOLIc & 14r17231 , 43r, :5A7441 AND COM3ION'StABLZISt EMI 'COL EBVENTirlittet t' e 22:61M.F I TR II PA iireOlstae MOM 14. :1W rEN itne PlMbar h SUNDJLIE/ 1 •1 Sir e N Pes t ruts. , gy m ,Yta i Ljialef 00itent 44, : ~ I f dl lllool grila InairleOara. pi R/ 4 • 4h281ø = I F le El I' 4t22 c's., White Martiallies. Atl2 1.2 eta , ,tra Good Yard At 6 1 1 V - i 4 4 c e ts., Fas t Colored Cal icoes. t 8 eta., Fast Colored Calicoes. A 10 cts.. Fast Colored Calicoes. suRETING lIISLINS 3, PILLOW C* MUSLIN* SHIRTING MUM, &c. NEW 'SPRING HATS, \ New Spring Bonnets, Ribbons k HAT & BONNET FRAMES, &C. HAMBURG EDGINGS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, SHIRT BOSOMS. COLLARS, &C FULL AID COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 480 and 182 Federal Street,. ALL I I43IIICIrr CITY ALITABLE BOOKS. Id SPRAT'S. CHEMISTRY, 2 V01e., . half IturVEs2B 00 URIS DICTIONARY OP ARTS AND MINUFAOTURES. 3 Vo , s CUMMINGS' and MILLER'S ARCHI TECTURE , 10 00 UNLMINGs9 sad llirldLEWS MODERN AMERICAN - ARCHITECT') E 10 09 DANA'S SYSTEM OF MINERALOGY, New Edition ' 10 00 HATFIELD'S AM e.RICAN HOUAE CAR ENTER 3 50 WOOD V WARD'S NATIONAL ARCH!- T RE FRESKINIUS. QUALITATIVE CHEMI CAL AR ALI rIS 4 50 EASTLAKE"... HINTS ON HOUSE HOLD TASTE 9 00 IRE HUMAN LNJELLE,,T By Prof Porter 5 55 D TEXTS oWNltitilt3 - HINTS TO ARCB/- HAYDA's DICTIONARY OF ...ATM. . oO 13th edition DYEIVS PuMPEI - 50 HARPER'S HAND BOuli FOR TRAIT r BLEW IN .EUROPE...... P 50 .HARPER'd PHRASE. BOOK FOR, TRAVELERS IN EUROPE 1 50 DOWNLORPSL A EIDSCAPE GARDEN. aao HARRIS' INSECTS INJURIOuti Tu VEGETATION. -Colored Pl.tes - 600 STONEHENGE MIME HORSE ' 60 miLL.E6os calm/aux A GERMAN WOREEGOP .-5 00 HAURHT BILIDGE CONSTRUC TION - 4 00 LEWIS' PHYS COMM ON lOLOGY OF Luoo JtlitiNETuN'S "CHEMISTRY ur COM MON LITE. fl Vol. 8. A. MAMIE & CO,, sire4:swW 119 WOOD STREET JOHN N. Coors's inuesT JOHN M. COOPER & CO., Ikll and Brass Founders. BRAS* CA.STI:SIOI4 MAIM PROMPTLY TO ORDER. Makable: and Grey lion Fittings, . GAS PIPE AND TUBING, • 711110111,E,WET1( MD CHINE TIMES, ALL. GLOBE PATTERN. CONI, , COCTIEKS, Bi Work! eery desaription , for Menial Water and Oil. • RAN VPACITURKR9 07.1. M. 1300PIEWS Imptoved Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreifne Patent Oil ere. the best in the Market. OfiPeAnieWliels, Conker Thirteenth and Plke Streets. sp2. STEM ■WINDINC WA.LTHAM WATCHES. These Witches are` of the well.known X Plate style, and warranted to satisfy the most exacting demand for beauty, nigh and accursey. • 4 =imam:lOWA oilWatchem of this line quality is not even attempted In this country except at Waltham. ros &Liar, at ;: • Itillin at PITTSBURGH. WAIIPLIM ' , WATCHES, 8.4 Plata, 18 and 20 Ste. To the znannhc nie of these tine Watches the Company have devoted Au the science and skill In the art at their commend. and confidently claim that for.flneness andheanty, no leas than for ,the_.greater eAcelenclet of 132echanics.1 and, Mdentlnii correctness of design and execution, iisitiratebea'are'unilt u ripaed anywhere. Tins ipulitirrthe monofoottuto of grads of W atches Is not even attetotptioi, romps aWaltham. TOE SALE BY . , J. 8. arranDEN & go. Boti iirrrtrit, ' ~ ACCOUNTS COL D E r'.! ' MONEY TikI:O . A L N: CTE u II o N u E FARMS IN PENNSYLVANIA: AND - VArAtiftrar; IN 247 sBuRu n LOTS IN MANSFIELD: MISSOURI AND . VIRGINIA LAND • *Ft:kit - SALM. Esquire of: TIM. SIMPSON, NOTARY PO WO. Mk ORAN; BIRROFr 4.111ce. back 2,04= - NEWEADVERTIS EXTRA - 00DR BARNUM - 4 - tTIiST OPENED" IN- FINE LACK ATAPAC BLAcH MOHAIR, LUSTBES,I Silk Mixed POplins,: OitEY POPLINS, GREY! SILK IRISH POPLINS, GREEN SILK IRISH POPLINS, 1141 TY BLACK . CORDED DRESS SILKS. ' I ' , • 1. Paisley Squao Shawls, NEW,I SPRINO, SHAWLS, I j i. NEW SPRING DRESS „GOODS AT WILLIAM S„EMPLE'S; 180 and 188 Fontera! Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. THE CO-OPERATIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMI'IiNY Of Western Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOOK .4 $200,000. OFFICE • INo. ltl Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, : and 1,111 Carson St., Birmingham. , DIRECTORS: Gen. P. H. COLLIER.: Joins D. SCIIDLT, tion.Eziwtar•H.Srows, W. W. PATRICK, Col. E. A ILEN, JOB. WALTON. H. W.. Olavz_ sit JD*. WM. HAKEWS.I.L , ALIOCARDKII. TINDLIS, C. WHARTON. " A. B. nTIOVAINION, •• J. P. • Bluest, B. Anima. D r. C. J. WENDT. C. YO=BBTIBa .IC. Birrarar. - W. C. AUGNIE BtwUGH, President. A.AMNON, Vice _ President. EREHAN,IhaersY. A. k' ATTEdIJM. ZILIUN . Actuar tar y. JOHN P. BEECH, reasurer. TRUSTEES: __ Hon J.MEirkpatrickflon. H. Stowe, Hon, Agnewlita, , James P. Barr John D. Beall, W. Bakewell, ' tiov. W. E. Stevenson, of West Virginia. This HOME INSTITUTION Is now fully Organ ized, and claims that Its peculiar Co operative system enables it to otter to Hs patrons create LconentY. Simplicity, Equality, Uonvenience and Liberality, than can be had with equal security in any other, and , only asks sin intelligent com parison with the most popular Companies doing buiness an Um ordlnazy plan. a. Nam. Is eo 12 00 2 00 4 00 .AA GitIEAT - IgifttESS I I:O7O.4ICIFIEAIEt, WASHING -matccErnit _ . It wuhes the &sett fabrics, without Wary, perfectly Clean in less than one• eighth the emit nary - waY. It does,not tab the "eloth, bet per forms. toe cleaning process by steam and the quick action of Dot water; it can be operated by a child. Its great cheapness makes it accessible to avers lam Ity and saves its own cost in doing away with tubs. • . ; Sold Troia the Manufactory. at . ..• I , ' 'moms mmo% PENN ST.. OPPOSITE THE PAIN GROUND. ' :" , • : iarAG EST'S WANTED. anktriSt . a. ItILDECKEII & isekster , ' •s. Have returned to their weil known location, NO. 22. DIAMOND: STREIr.T, Where they are prepared to fresh every, day natkiarge assoi tagnt of • -:- OAKES' AN DBREA.D . Of every deriription. Nept constantly on hand the very best Confectio^ arms in the city. itet r ilig i ttlittrs r m i Ira:141 to' Mrgeri of the two Citiea. Ladles' . and Gentlemen'sLngeh Gilson. Also, ICE MEAN SALOON now open andwill 2o6tinne so during the seas On. ; apV:ll2 WELL AllirlD cisTmart PUMPS PAimbers katerialq, itiass AHD LION COCKS, Steam Gauges, Steam Pumps, PLAIN AND GALVANIZEiI IRON PIPE; &c, FOB 8A BY BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., 161 , 111mithtieldS1reet, inhume . PITTEIBUZOB. ROCK. THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB • • LEMON & WEISZ Pradlail FunlibP, 36 040 11 ren 1 0 3 2 83 nOWITUAVA/N 117 5 6 traMICIL"'4I2" WM =SU ~ {': ~. H U BOLD ONLY IT ear ffOrtaa; —..ro heto , ' "Loft." " ",406ran0." ha., got ex earding;FO OR LJNEB oat* imlitAdAstr sorte44l6tAisengtrins owes for I' WENkrt.fira OE NPR : Oath adittoseirtiow-P/VR (WPM WARTED--HELP. NV - ANTE O.—GIRLS 1K) girls to peel willows. Apply at !dooney , 6 Bas ket Actory, Pleasant Valley, Allpstien . • WANTED. - -A. fi rst class Car :- painter, capable of taxing eharitacitn well este shed chop in the city. In which an interest will , be glen to a suitable person. This is • nrst-rate chance for as enterprising man to 'Set into baldness. Address. W. S.. Box Is, Gszrralt - - WANTEID=Cook and Chant ber maid. Xone bnt can give good refer enae need apply. Good wages given. Enquire at American House, 419 Beaver avenue', Alla itheny City. . , - PUDYNENT OE7lO_ _,E No.l Et, Street. BOYe UDILEI and MEN, for digerati, kinds :of employment.' , Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice.r WANTS. • WANTED. Two or four -- •• young men to oempy a furnlsh , d front main, third floor. withoat bead, within tea rola cites , wall: of tht Postoinee. Enquire at 116. Wylie street. WANTED—AGENTS..r is WANTED .= AGENTS •-•- TO make an WANTED with a l'srrellable Men to act as State Agents for the sale of Dr. Ashbanr , a ...Wonder of the World." This remedy s sold on the package system, not to'be paid for until fully tested. I pay good Agents 860 per month, and large commission to distrib ute packages among.lbmilles and to few :geed men Lwlil make a special arrangement for btate• Agencies. No capital required. but tenet eve surety for capital placed In their hands. I fur nish the capital. For confidential terms call per sonally. Jur a few days, on J. U. TILTON. 81055 Fourth avenue: - • - ap.3-tf BOARDING. ANTED - BOARDERS. - A. gentletnan and 'ids wife, or two single gentlemen, can fled good BilAß.ftiNG and a v.ry pleasant front room. second floor, by call ing at No. 18 Wylie street. . LI OARDING 7 -Art elegant front room, V floor at No. 181 North avenue. eglieny. Smtatife for a gentleman:and wlte.ol` two gentlemen. TO LET. - • TO-LET—ROOMS,---Two- line • ROOMS in GAZETTE BUILDING:, APIA 7 at otmtlng Rooms, 84 mid 86 Filth avenue. 13 TO-LET.The . desirable DWELLING HOUSE, No. 595 Penn street. tarnished throttgbOnt. Con taining 10 rooms, bath room. Ito.; good stable. carriage bouse,,ind large yard reom. Pease*. sion given June Ist. FOR SA LE FOR SALE.-OLD TYPE 91r by42out Two Thousand Pounds for sale L.L. 1 NEES, ofilee of PREIHEITS YNEUND, No. 3 Smithfield street. ... • Fen SALE—TVPIB.—About 411)0 pounds MINION:TYPE. near/y as g ood as new. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. , . . OR gAtE.•.-111EW FRAME A. COTTAGE_ of 5 rooms, ball and cellar; in 9th Ward, _Gate Ea. Litierty.l Lot 50 by-187 I feet: broad board walk from Railroad station. Price low and terms easy. , Enquire at yule OF-. A. RARE BUKINESS CHANCE TStock, Lease andlixturea of an old 'Malik tailed DRY GOODS HOUSE on Federal street. Allegheny. (near Market House.) Lease nearly flee years to run. Apply at 1.5113 rEREJAAL.SR A T ILe E tih k e T n , 7. ap'26:hll gFOR SALE. OR RENT.—Coun.. try :!restdessee. 135- wiles from; the :Court ime. LARGE PHARE HO ' contalatlngB rooms, portico. In front; good eblng 10t5,6 0 by 320 teat; level and well Inquire of WILLIAM & CO.. TO Elmtthtleht • ttsburg ".s. Font &mt. Near Osborn Statfofl, Atiarllttsbnigh, Ft. Wayne and ga.csgo Railroad, • . /TWO, LOTS, tag* About Twb Acres Eat ENQUIRE OE W. MACKEOWN BRO., =I mhls F OR SALE, NOE TORTY-ACRE 'LOTS Of land in Central Wlseonstn,, - good soil, good timber, awl near good market. A. feirgo od farm implements will be taken ln - exehangb. Daring a recent visit to Notthwestern lima ar rangements were made by which. I caa supply a Umited number of persons with land In that por tion of lowa at from ace 411 per at" near lines of railroad. Address, (with nitrate wick:oE44 ' • JuliN•portuz. Ba!r.ei7 , °:*n An eibeei l f u om i l pen ia., apil-T VAIID - ElititS TAltelir — OTl" CE. —FOB SALE.--The POURTERN 4i I LAVED,' on the Allegheny /4X :and , ' now need for gardening purposes; well improved and in a high state of ertlirration; containing 49 or Argo, now offered at a bargain. Cal - o ther i srms gopi locatlanst w om en ifectOryi tWo ousel!, onajwooty &Carla Off tilit Alen Railroad. Houses ; AM ' r Bale and To-let in both cities. Tor farther par. dealers inquire of -- WILLIAM W t = o. fen LW emit anat. opposito Co • • - IWO THOUSAND DOLLARS, • -tn tally payments,: ut InureMu* BY; HOUSE,. nearly , new, wall:bunt aniktn fio l o w d,dir a _Are rooms aud cellar. .L(1741P 3 feet front on Flttlerettnte by one hundred deep k, Herbs etreet, attest. Maine b° 7! l ; l°°t ` Gbrig f e '` • &NY • • . 1. • 39 Sixth Avenue. MiiiZl 114VIIS ~,_..c . ....,.: . - .. 61 - ,' , ........:.::::..'::' . ; .:1...1.:;: , . , .:;.:::;,. -'i•••::::: '. - . • .. • .. AA Immense: Stock at Low ; I)je .. ,oa,.at ..i.:,..:1 ., , - ... ' , ..v„:,..1 , -.,,,,.:.1. • 5 . . • .--„ I.I.XCVOItD & ars :. - .-L.•.'i'.i.i*.i . m .. • . M 11 OT/PE. 14 - NOTICE. ) 1 1 OfeniggiADiamoll greo,Pittsbarei. nerilime !Mire/Wittiero besiiebinetWeinbat 'tbe repOrt of - View ere lti' be 'Matta , Of LitlialUt and *Meninx .I.44.MDMies, ST/DOLT, from the Diamond Co Ferry street, lialibeen approved and conlirMed. All persons ,ngainst WooM Asses , - manta Or benefits Wert*.kqe. are rentilxVd ttrpaY the same to me within thirty dayt ' otherwise they . will be entered as Dens againsetbe proper.. ty. All prom:l.:l4,ot' the Dlatoond and Diamond street, west of the Market House., and on L4belt7 street iron Sixth street' to roarth avenue, nas been assessed.' stow . J. ‘ 1L ELAGL, elry_Astorney. ."; WE ' No. t 66 Aventli. JOSENI _TO_HREN_St MAxorAvruisME up W.INDOW GLASS. Warehouse-Fait-WOOD STREET. mblO:r7 Pitteburaa I isNDlii Ittlekkati , 'BELTING, Host ettaiti o riokla slut Gaskets.= . tOW allot atiototo at tow. as tali oitalfrip l a out lostorr". 1 as %ha AMMO" atolltB - titatit street. - a Li, M a a w ' ato • we amiss Par • a SEE .. is ~....,"i.