The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 28, 1869, Image 3

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'; •••? Illatlets by Tetegraph.-
ItTuw yonx, April T7..—Ciatton nn
9binged.' Bales of 1,990 bales at 283,60
. 4 . 28 X for. middling uplands.. Flour re
ceipts, 8,687 bbis and 4,000 bags. Flour
6®loc`better ottlow grades; dull end, de.
- 91Pllag, medium and good description.
Sales of 6,600 bids at 85,28@5,70 for Su
iserline State Western; 165,76®6,10 fos Ex..
Int State;` $5,70®6,80 for extra western;
pg,70®8.00 for, white wheat extra; 4,5,E15@
is i r for B. H. O.; 17®8,50 for extra, Si.
ula; ;9@ 1 2, 00 for good choice do; ;cid.
tang- gaiet. Rye flour quiet.: Sales of
800 obis', at 14,70,56,75 . Corn meal quiet.
Sales of 1,300 rible-ats4,so for Fairfax, and
84,75 for Brandywine and Marsh's Calo
rie., whiskey dull.. Sales of 100 .tails;
tree at 913;®92%. ' Reeelpts of wheat. 43,-
1137; 'wheat heavy for'..wlnter '.deman d- chiefly for home use. > Sales"of 3,900 bash
pt 111.0@1,3 1 34, for No. . 3 spring- deliver
pd; $1,87®1,41 for No. 2 do in store and
`delivered. the" latter price' for` - small
lots; 111,49®1,4334 for- ENO:.I 'do';
. ;48801,70 for; White ..California,
And 41;88 for white Michigan. , Rye
'heavy; sales of 5,000 bush western in
store at f 1,30. Barley doll ' and drooping.
• =reit:dull; " sales :' of 12,001: bush
a West On private terniti. -Corns,
frecelpht 8,038 bushrmarketlrregUlarand
funsettled,!opening heavy- and , le -, %War
wind okiging with rather More•tontd• sales
"Aof 89.000 bush, at 80801120 TorneW milted
*extern:" 82483} 4 c fbr very oholee do.;
• ' @ii3o for old do. in ,
store, and tteliv
end.' and iblii- for_ old whitellweateru in
`astore.Ldhita; receipts 210;800 bah; Mar
ket le better•with a good deuiand; sales
lof 43,000 hush, as 80e thr western In store
hind 88a - for do. afloat. • Rice dull. Coge
?firm; sales of 4,203 bags of Rio on prri , de
terms. Sugar' dull; males • of 135 - hhds
Cana at 11341 12ceitti 300 boxes Havana
• at 11%®12.3. Molasseti dull. Petroleum
i lirm, at 17jic for crude and . 3230 for .re
pined. pined. Hops qulet,at 6®45c for Ameri
can. Linseed 011 quiet at • ;4(4(34,03.
Id ease Pork ' firm; • sales of bar
,'rela,: at ;81,30Q31,50 for new 'mess,
}closing at $ 31 130, cash; .01§31,12 for old
,826,7562(i,25 for prime: 828,60®28,75
'.lor prime sal
Mesa. Beef heavy; es
440 bbleat sB®l6 fdr new Plain mess; 812
,41®18 for pew extra meas. Tierce 'Beef Is
;dull; sales 25 defeat) at 822028' for prime
teeiag 11115®301orIndia mess beef 'Halite
jitaia . l;` Wps 150 bbla it '26®32e; Cut
eats - lower 'Mid unsettled; Baled 175
or , hadisyszuddies are quiet; Lard is
f . e l,
OM fl2,lgiililti for shoulders; 15®18e
ityydrid pric'e ' s are a 'shade; lower; 670
;Verdes boldef 1735®1830forfsteam- ' 18%
4®l9efor kettle • rendered. Butter quiet
at '25®35c for Ohib; 25®420 for State.
Cheese 19®23e. Freights to Liverpool
are dultsuunheaVy, some engagements
_ere...reported of -
7,600 bush corn per
steamer at.lid. ' , •
closed firm for eorn
.'mon, and doll 'and 'heavy for znoditim
sad good r:grades.: Wheat heavy for
winter andet and firm for spring.
Rye dull at gl, qui N161,32 forwestern. Oats
- ltirm at 80a for *aide= in store. Corn
'quiet at 813002340 - inlklid Nees
40.12ktand:P®Me for old do its store- and
A ajha k t., • Pork quiet and steady at 831,80
for new, 131138 a, cash. and regular. . Beef
steedyoyitti a‘ moderate: demand: Cut
meats dull• .and declining.. wßaccro dull
, end heavy.. Lard heavy at 18V0 for fair
„to prime steam rendered. Eggs quiet
and steady at 18(p)0. -, •
i ' Oracacio, April 27.—Eastern Exchange
*oak at par buying,- and 1-10 premium
selling. Flour
_quiet at 1.4,75(7,00 for
low grades - to choice - spring extras.
*,, Wheat active and unsettled; No. 1 1,18
e 01,14, No. 2; 81,053 i ®1,07, closin g at
• 10,136,4'01,06M; sales since, 'Change at
• ,81,07. Corn quiet; tales- bf No. - 1 at
58®60c, No. 2 at' 56e, ' rejeCted 49®51e,
new 60®520; - cloting at -- 49%®51%c for
new; nothlngcloingthisaftertioon. Oats
more active; eales of No. 2 at 67%®5834c,
closing gulet , at .87.34®67,03. - Rye. quiet
and le bleier; sales of No. 1 at 81,16®
1.17, closing with sellers at. 84/7. Barley
,dull And -.lumina, closing at 11,33 for
.. No. 2..- •Highwines firmer as 85c.
.New •, rleans --
Molasses $1,00®1,05.
Sugar 14(415)ic for common to choice.
Mesa:Pork steady at $30®31. Lard in
.;active and nominal at 1734@17%c. Sweet
Pickled Heins steady at 16c; smoked do
. at 1710 s, shoulders at. 14c; clear sides at
.17%a1, rough aides steady at i4c . loose.
Hogs opened quiet and steady and closed
-,du,11 andsveak at 1969,85 for common to
.leholea..,ifteef 9 eitsle quiet , and weak at
.15.78 tor. cowaand light, stockers, and 86
i.,444,37,l4.for.gooditocksirs, and1113,60®6,65
. ,4,lcpr, good light shipping - steers: -Receipts
the last 24 , hours--flour • 9,299 bids;
.: wheat AM , corn 28,993; eats 15,178;
( rye 977; 'barley 2,970 bush; hogs 1.606.
Shipmente—liourll,239 bble; wheat 155,-
. 978; corn - 314,513;s oats 58,927; 'rye 1,904;
barler•2oo ;bus* hogs 1,776..:, Freights
dudes 6o for:corn and wheat, to. Buffalo.
1 - 10. 1 Lotris. April 26.—Tilibafty: steady
-tor . rood sound working grade% poorer
1 quadttheayy and lower. Nothing do
ing in Cotton. - "Hemp very'dullT Flour
fie dull and prices are unsettled; rever
t flue sold at 1464.25, fall at 85®5;85,-extra
tat 86,1505;40, ;double' extra 15;50®6,00.
'Wheat firol'hattot active ; print& red it
81,60®1,65; strictlyprimeat. 111,:f1,65,
choice - at ' iii;7s@v3o, goOd lora ' king
•Siord St ;1,061211,07, choice dci.'lll, I,IQ.
- -Odrrf tall Indlower - a; . 64065 , i=
- Oats sitrieri b xi
abut the prices ire'
;unchanged it - 63(065 for Drifts to 'ehblee.
Berleytttill Ind lower; prime le*a'spra t i
',sold at11,80®1,83. Rye Steady at 11,
-4,24. - Provteitina quiet and'lllrin.- 81
flPork 831®81,50: RoOgh tddisi'l4g, leciee
'irweet pickled hams. Patton lighoulders
'"'l3: clear aides' 18, *clear rdieldes'l7ol7g,
tanviteiledlidigar 'crava t hafts!' 20. Lard
- gerierally'held at 18 for tiara, buiere at
5(917X. -* Whisky 'did' 'iiit ' 883 i ®B7.
'The'- reeefptir' for the -p 'twenty-four
'hours amounted hi 8,6&) bitters of flour,
, 9,291 hi/Stu& of wintat,ls,23B 'bushels of
' coni, 10:499 bitalialmenf Oita, 482: bushels
let rye, o i miy bushels .if" barley grid 14159
• Ctricrisr.s.ri, April 27.—Flonr dull; at
i. isogeoq.24:: Wheafnemlnally um:sluing
eat rto. .2
c iF1,843. - Corn &11l at."66.567e.
Oats steady, 67®71e, the latter rate . for
choke walte..2 Po. 8 / 1 3,8@1.89. Barley
, nominally ''unchang e d 'Cottini quiet;
i' middling, e 2o 4 `,e:' Tobacco ectivev sales
irefl6s'hhdtai 84,86®22,75, the. latter the
tlilglieslpzios reached this season for now
„leaf. WhialtyAulet at We. . Provisions
• quiet 'tallied unchanged. ' Mew Pork
f'sold at 831,25. , 'Nothing wee -done in' bulk
opiate, baciorter lard, but prices are nom-
Opal" unchanged. Butter ,unchangedi
really fresli-made hi scarce and brings 38
4 g4.0% . tint 'all that in rolls is very - dull.
1 13gjps. firm* 'll% int& Timothy' seed is
~,lower and dull; s n ewltSat@tiO o Par With.
Clover 5eed.du114.6,%®160 per to, Sugar
dull' and drooping; refined Ue lower;
new Cuba scarce and steady at 1,314®15e.
New Orlifillut : WOlasseit, 'POW, and but
re' in ttiertiiiirket.: mut' arm, 20g
OW 104911Apzil 37.-4'104; salsa of '
.0... 3 ,-i . 4 e ip4. ;1.06E0,25 10r treble, eters •
. . • Le • • to; doutatt extra: wade;
:: $ 7 : r? / 74 Or doable, extra led winter;
r ' ', . pr.. Astra reCtilitut ;Auttle;
. , • ! .- 64Pr 44 1 144, fsg* , - OWT;
1 ' rE' ' ' 40tibli ;eltra , .l 0.11;•1476®
, • .26 for, onbiti extra wilitAwAnter••ltack—
, "thSlitA ,4 e 10gr , :.: la : dull And, nominaL
ea Nsilca XX°. I. r9(l,WintalLatsl.4si
T - 1.41 4 00 1410,13;ii, cOrn;,iga of two pars
—attot__.ilAidir.aideliistwo *oBohArld
' =-I * s4 lNnoldlitss74l4h. atintanna; Weimar-
Ni t ildkriditmbanzelt Ratpo4 bald
at Oa for standszd WMill-4148318-444
.prime light , Straw to white: in - car lons
Small lots to retail trade 2@30 higher:
LetnErvirms, 27. - -Tobactx,—.4les
290 bade 'common: Ines. at $5,49; and
Breckenridge "oOttnty • leaf at §l-5,00.31 Su
perfine flour - 545,50@e,00'. • Wbeat.;l,4oo
450. Corn :88068c. Oats 07068 c: •;Rye
21,47. Hay 522@22.50. lireW Orient:m.Bu
gar—prime 1410.. Potatoes—peach blows
11450. Mess P0rk531,25. Lard 18 g4 131 .4e-
Bacon—shoulders 1314©13,44;, clear rib
sides 16K017c; clear sides 17%01730.
Balk meats nominal; . ahOuldersJ234c;
clear . rib sides 160; clear -Sides „BRA
Whiskey 91c. Cotton:, at 2630 for mid-
hilmirennam, - April 27.--47 our quiet,
.tinfier and ; prices unchanged. Wheat
active and Wm' at /1.13 .A)r No. 1 ; and
$1,0034 for No. Oats in good demand
at 570 2._Corn unektangedi: Rye
lbws at $l.lO for No4;1. ; Barley nlair de
mand at 11,80®100 for ihir BllMPlau Be."
ibmr 27,000 bn.
mente=flour.6o,ooobbhq ;what 1414-
• quail. ; • ;
itratiK4 April 27.—.F10ur dull and
n Wheatr.quiet. closing Xelbtver
limber, Whieh sold at $1,44, and • White
Michigan le lower, at ;1,45. ' born active;
1 closed a &lade better at 88o; • No. • 2
at 880; and no 'grade at 61e. Oabr firm
and - unchanged; small sales at 870 for No.
1; and eoie for No.'2.' - Rye Ilan and nemi
nally•tmehangeid. °Barley • mita' mit • ;
PHILADELPIA, April 27.-Flour tin
changed: Wheatbomesin slowIV; prime
held firmly and unchanged.- 11-yeAtn
changed. Corn less 'active; mixed wes
tern sold at 84®86e. -Oats unchanged.
Petroleum firm at ;18340 for crude in
bulk, and 3234g.428 o- for refined. • Pro
visions and whiskey unchanged. - ,
MEMPHIS, April 27.---Cotton' Steady •at
274g127; the receipts were 243 balm ex
ports, 29 3 bales:- 'Flour is unchanged.
Corn at 72®76. 'Oats at 70@72. r. Hay at
$2B. _Pork rr2. Lard at 183i1@)20.' Bacon
firm; 'shouldet a at 18X@14, 'sides 1735@
17X.' Bulk. Meats quiet; ' ehottlders 123 x,
sides 1635... '
BALTIMORE, April 27.—Flour dull and
unchanged.` Wheat dull; prime white,
$1,77(4)1,89; yellow, $1.28®1,845. oats dull
at 68©72c for light, and • 78C for heavy . .
Rye nominally held at jum40445. Pro
visions are unchang ed . Whisky is firm bnt'dull at 92@ptic.
NEW You.s., April 27.—Cattle Makcel.
-,The cattle 'market, ruled dull . and
heavy.' at l&a. Hogs lower at 100
1034 c. Receipts: 1,200 cattle, 442 hogs,
CINCINNATI, April 27. —Beef cattle
steady, $ 4 ,00®7,80; receipts fair.. Sheep
50c lower; whole ,range $3,74@3,25 per
Hngs 750 10wer;58,01410,25.
. .
ST. Loins, April 27.—Cattle quiet at
8 3 / 4 @7;‘.• for common to choice. Hogs
steady at 7klglo.
Dry toads Market.
Naw Yonac, April 27.—There is little
or no change to notice I;the features of
the market; . trade generally is dull and
priees rule very low. Desirable styles of
plainworsted dress goodp, in new, shades
of colt)* are saleable at goodenough
prices, and 'black' Aliases continue to
sell at steadYiates, but anything not in
approved: good taste 'and desirable meets
with an indifferent sale even at very , IoW
rates. The only change ' of moment to
observe is in Lawrence. M 7 Brown,
'which beetling at 12c, and Grardie 13 )(,
Brown at 1034 c.
PrriastraoN ' Fon'r WATDD et Cm
oAoo SAILnoAD, April 27. 7.
metal, Nirniok & Co; 3 do de, 81/Perior.
Iron Co; 2 do do, Coleman, Rabin ft Co;
2 do do,'Union Mills, 6 do rib, Webster
it 11, - .100 bbleßour, - Shorturker.dr-L; leer
middlings, H Conrad; 3 dorye, D WaL
lace; 1 de wheat, R P Potter; 100 bbls
flour; Kirkpatrick & Co; 900 do do; own
ers; 2 cars wheat, Liggett & , Co; 200 - dry
salted shoulders, R Bruce; 29 bbls apples
Volgt, M & Co; 10 do do,W H Graff &
Co; 1 car corn , Hitctico;M'C & CO; I
do bay , Bricker Co ; 1 do rye, W
- Meek; 1 do bay, H Schnelbach;;ll9 bags
potatods; .13hIggetuan it 0; 10 bxs cheers,
8 `do fiutter, N J Braden; Li bbls apples,
H. Sea Jr; 10 do do, W Graff& Co;.8 do
pearls,' S BlCanfield; l' car corn, CuIP
Shepard: 4 do'do, Scott ;;& , Gisal; 80 tea
hains;..E It Meyers dr Co.
Prrrazuriou CrtiOnrNATT • AND Sr.
Lorna Itanocos.n, April 27.-12 aka rags,
do rye 15 do oats, . 8 do - smart. iron,
Graff.eks; S. bbla lard oil; T.H Nevin;
,6 boxes noise,. Sellers ct Co; 8 bbla mo
'blase% . M * Co; 4 bales. tow,
Hamner, ft rh 114 oil bbls, J. B. Craw
ford; 87 .bdls rakes, hoes, spades, forks,
J Mcgratcheon; 57 bdls brooms, H R Mc.
Clelland; 20 • bows- starch, Henderson &
Brofls7.ske rye, W, J •Ideekp 2 tria tool%
Woodville:* Co; .1 hint hatne, , B tea do, 2
boxes. phoulders, J Mitchell; 3 bbla liq.
8 ice sausage. Munhall: •McG; 10 oases
4obaoro,-10.hf butts do, W L Jones; 20
mutest tobaoco, 0 D-.Arnsithal: Ws beef.
J H Lippincott; 100 bbis-- door, D Wal-
I sem be hf bbla herring, 70 do white fish,
Ewer & .Co; 90 hf.bbiskerring, Wilson &
:Son; 1 oar Tye, J WSimpsonil car wheat,
Watt L &Co; ! oar scrap. iron, Lloyd it
,Tilaek; 1 car rye, J 8 ,
Cbrevnidarr MID ' PrillOttntait
Roan , Anril 27J-430 , - blooms, Ni mirk
it On; 1.. ear lumber, RigilinflerCo.' 1 do
Totatoeseltrioker & 00; 1 db odo, Weod
worth • & f D;1 do;Arolgt, , Nit Col 2 do
ore; Hutchison, G &Din.' do - city, Hus
sey &Cori do -stone; 3 • L - L Knox; 60
bbls highwines, Schmidt -4ik Friday; 20
eases toba,w, 40 bxa starch, Shipton dt
W; 20 dodo, 20 do, Cooper & Co; l 5
10 crates starch, J A Renshaw, 28 do,. 1
dodo, Smith, J Co; 82 brreldoeSmith &
-Co; 5- do d 0,1 5, bxs do, IP 'bga &Coe,
Rinehart AS tevens;!2o has starch. E
'Myers; 20 do do, Thomas* Bra; 2 crates
89 It= do, Mills dr Son; 25 bits do, W D
Cooper & Bro; borates, 25 blur do. Ewalt
it Co; , 25 hxastarch, Haworth it'D; 1 car
lime, Campbell, Jones it Co;'
Aprii 24 =2400i1; PisharA Bro;' 240
dodo, J Wilkins , ; eat metal; Brown &
C 6; 5 do railroad iron, P, C dr S Lit E Co
22 aka rye, 1 bbl 1 do dried akoles,
Kirkpatrick '& CO; 38, Skit friefi,AdaMs
it Airlift* 5 :care litireittOne; Slrbenber-•
ger it Blair ; I'do D L'Reinolde;'l22
ski rye, 84 do 000, Shipton Wallace;
126 de. do; 6 do rye; 32 do potatoes', Bilmtr
haM /A dO to Muni all ;it Me
'grain 2 Pegs, egg s , do 'butter,, Little a
Biltd(k car Meta*, I Moorhead; 2 04' do,
lInl?n Iron Mills. - • ' .
,41.14,80,aarr; STATION.,
carp maw, Superior" Iron , dit_dot
• Lewis,,
di sai nn _h3Yi ll a ei o tp ( 44 ° 0 4 1Z 'T r ;
V i r i et7l7 . iTr7 ; llm4.l ki 4bdgetik 80 2
do sfo4e,
-Forrester et N:1 do ; whilst, M'Kee dt:Poi
80 bales hai,, Rose it Ewll3Bi. bxs, 2
cretee starch, I lookhart;•ls JAB- do. W
Sadden; 190 BIM gate; G Steltart; ` ,ll car
MaraP. .ski
Forge Xro/4•Po•
Prrrainniaa AND 1; Oommunnisz
RAILROAD.' April 270-4 tar instal, John
Moorhead; 10; - plugs F iirodueS,l3Little 7dr
, Baird; •11 skallaiseed, J. WI Thtusby; 430
bbla oeiturat.,o B Lase; .7: do dry apple! ,
eT , A - Graff: do. House &:copllB
bdls sheet Iron,/ W Armstrong- "",
itiver.Auld Walther. ~
COY Telcarauk 10 ; 414 it o borgaisCissfpf.l •;
.I.oll.uwuz.z 411h4
vUll eight teat nlioAnotiss An Site Oath
pilisrolear, andwarns. ,r,
fonts , ' Lottiao 1414 4 1 , 2fie—Waillifs eaear
3111,1114134esissitig! :11
, XA., r
pnwsilMykriAZynwk{•/MONFAIMVx ,4W)
The weather yesterday' Was warm and
orOaci,' with stro*,ludiatticuzi of rain.
The river continues •to recede steadily,
with scant six feet iniheb.liannel:
— The St. Marys from 'Cincinnati and
`Rate Putnam frOnrfashville; arrived on
MoUday night: ith good trips. - Among
other items the' St. Marys had Over 1,200
Weil of hay and lava*. ,
The TOpa,/zartow and Barges. from St.
Lonis,were due last night and w 11 , . pro
bably be tind'in port thiS tripr
The It.•-10_. Gray departild for Cincin
nati and " Louisville yesterday with a
good trip. Pilots—Wm. 'Dorsey and J.
The htekitu t yndepartedlfOr Vineinfiati
-last evening, with ipi)ont all: the /freight
.shetdould hatulle.r ;She would doubtless
/have had, a , betteri)carge4 had She not
been delayed on
The • Gallatin ::de for : for Parkers
burg and the Julia:No.2 ,for Zaneavilki.
The , Itayardrwas:isold‘ for Eslo,Boo,t de
livered-Mkt, Louis, Wehave not heard
as yet vzhat :boat t uir, any, willdtake t her
plane inthe Pittsburgh and Parkersburg
There, is now.but a single new boat in
construction at Ahe landing, !anti k it is in
tended for the' Grande river:, It-is
prObable however, , that there 'will be
tresherrivabi from the boat yards within
the next few days.
The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L. Brennan,
to the ,regular packet Parkersburg
to-day, leaving promptly at noon.
The kilatgow, Capt. Andy; Robinson,
Jr., I is leave for St. Louis
and the Upper Mississippi, to-day. She
•is a first rate boat, being In, tip-top con
dition 'for boldness, and Oapt. Robinson
and clerk Drava area strong team,
The Lorena, Capt. Sam, Shuman, Is
also, announced for. St. Louis and the
Upper MississiPpL forthwith, and she,
too, is a good boat. Cap Tandergrift
- atilhretains charge of the :office.
Tim Sallie and Nick Wall•were to leave
St. Louis.. for. Fort Benton on Saturday
The Robert Barns left St. , Lorde for
Pittsburgh on Saturday, as did also the
Great Republic for New. Orleans. . •
The St. Louis Democrat of Monday is
ma'am:tibia:for the following: Capt. It.
C. Grow, the -bold, has opened an office
at Pittsburgh and acts as agent. of the
Northern,Line,siving. through receipts
to St..Paui. .Dielt.tdoean't like to
many boats going through! from Pitts
burgh to. St. Paul. .. . • .
. •
Tlie.St. Louis Repute/wan of Saturday
nava: Capt. Sang Dean arrived from
Grand ,, Tower yeaterd_ay, where he de
livered the towboat Little Jim Rees to
the hit. Carbon Coal and Railroad Own
party. She will be used as-a job boat
around _their coal yard.. They have also
purchased the powerfal' towboat Grand, to be delivemlat Calro on her re
turn to New Orleans: The price paid
for: their last purchase we believe was
—The case of Jott.'"t'roxton, for killing
Benj. Miller in a Louisville fazobank,
was called up, in the Police Court of that
eft* on Saturday" and continued. till
-Thursday. Both the men were "pilots,
and Oroxton was 'at one time a member
of the Kentucky - Legislature. He killed
a mid tamed Hawthorn with a•-hriek
Zi.yealtiVago, • in a bar room, was sen
tenced to the penitentiary, and was after
ward pardoned by the Governok.
—The Madison Courier says: The ship
Yard had received more propocitiotus fpc
work within the last ten:days thad.was
ever;before received in .the '
same length
of time since. it hes been in existence,
save once, during the time of Mr. Alex .
lilt. boats !rare
eouropacded tar - In a %Ingle 'nth; 144
propositions for thrOtt ethers rftaved...
—The St. Lonis Democrat of Saturday
says: Business fats—not distressingly ac
tive. Pittsburgh, boats leave here very
wltivvery, small profits in prospect.
live. The Messenger, and 'Robert . Burns
.were to leave last night in good trim for
- fast running. . Several mountain boats
leave to-day. r
I —A. St. Lords telegram reports that
.Tne. the ;-mate of the Evening
Star, was - arrested on the arrival of that
boat here to-dayi; for complicity in the
drowning , of tt Oblored deck 'bend, ',rho
'it hi' Mild yawl tbretwif overboard from
that Steamer while enroute: from New
- Orleans. - - • • ,-; • .:;• -
anf h !defiee elV n a lreri ft El latil LbiOa l i l n t4 tte iM i? l 4 t ri,
were at Cairo on Sunday'.
.141 1 3, 6 pL.LWE1D1113
. ,
.:c -
" • • •
r! .• -
_ .
Allegheny City:'
l~iith'Aveiane. near High, St.,
• - .Wholesale 'Dealers 131 •• • •
Spices . and MUtard.
rife call the &tient lan of eousmierl to our rx:.
CELSIUR RUABTaelf2t a 1014 k
_ln • one 4
C l it i gliet d 791 • •" D • . I)9 l'f n iT,TY °." 11 !
Vo n l af t W 4, 5 1 1 1 46 itt l i%gt i sid ar d t e:
47ored t•le 4 1 4`_!?L t V! 1 ,1 1 7 11 ,!,
• • +; IiTRICHLKS * zoluaDoz,
,: • Of: ' i
nthZO • Itlitti STOAT! alttabur .
I + , ,
. •• • ..'1••!.•" i
1" . r . r
• ,
' I, ROOFING - iltill:OF1111110118 .:-
, :axid.;.Co'iots.
..,„t 4 „.
Partikalitr: attaattoxklayen labstigite and
• Forstruenws pgees
widreiNi • ua
nll/ , :ri . JP!.- r; 1 ;
tr..Al 3:4A 1.4 bp?sof , LI 1
:131W y,w4fiIIorrIBUISIVAX •
- Rua., Buittaxeum. -DU
—The flue passenger eteenier
LORENA: • Cain. 8. sntnnaec,
08 Will leave far the above nod intermediate ports
Ti3lB D&Y,;April 28th. atig P. M. •
,For. freight or p5,641gt aunty on board. or to
• -spa .FLAGS k• CIALUSOWOOD. Agents.
Illt ' YEWPWl 9 . :Tt ittl i c u E :ti r a i lfD; • FULTON
CITY, LyOIid„,_GALEN h. DC sugu Mc GR1t434.1.. L ACROSEM. •WI NON A;• 'SETUPS
LAN DIN Gaud px..PAUL, the sixeadld panes'.
ger steapiier,
ODA:I6OW%. . Capt.. Ah - ny ROBIRSONI JR..
WtlllFavea;aboae oa WEDNESDAY. the 213th
1'181.4 al 47. fr. • •
a . • - : JAMES COLLINS A. ant.
Adr i t
AND CINCINNATI. • ...• •.1
. .
Leavearlttabursh EVERY TIerESDAY, 131
Leavea CIncIunaIIEVICILY YELDA774.I'., N.
The swift and anekerb Sidewbeel Steamer S . F..
MARYS, 'O, IiWESNEY, Commander. will'
leave . aaeitmounced abate: • • • " -
For Iftelght.or•Raasage *n board., or to
N. 8.-rNo Brelght . recelved on Tuesday after
11. A.
mirsot: . 1869 .figtMa
St. Louis to _Keokuk a nd - St. Paul,'
• .
One of tbe splendid Sidewheel Steamers of this
Line will leave lit. Louis da ly for Keotuk„ ve
pert, Dubuque, Winona, Stillwater and St. Paul.
Through receipts for Freight and. Passengers
will be given to all points oh the Upper bil.sid
sissippl on steamers runt:dad teem this port and
connecting with the Northern Line. Packets at
St, Louis, thus enabling Consignees to get their
Freight through without delay and at lowest
rate!. Apply to JOHN FLACK,
• , J. D. comumwoorn
Agents, or to
mh2B:lN3 D. C. GRAY.
' 91Wateritteet.
131 T T G ,
• Arm-- PkR
IEB3III3IIOI:LIDOE.—Leave Crompopts's wharf
-15044. ;ma arrows' Street. daily at AE at.. WED
MESDAVE. and 4.1113 RDA YS,
.0/Art.l EAGLE. I L. Balunhar. Master.
• /freight lOU be:received at all hours try
gigs. - . - . Aiteths.
V/LlC,FRltillltllLlli . iirriluisztira.
I. 4 , :ttig s fv ; :t
. gi , nue,bi. Tenets, anew
Cl -21 CITY
4 3
P 01, 4 4' ERI F
r ______' • • 01P-LOA AnyN
111allint'EVEGY : iIIATINUILYi , from Pier 115,
irailm ittrat,,24 14,44, .1fo; zusiagnor farther
informadOn iv tel ' • '
' • InFORABLi an
441 . V w ,it 1 . l e%r=o "09t I)l9lj,ltLr
_ PACKED 01 . •
Asa, your Graeae fer•ear'brand of
Yaw Obi abooorackoiree c -
. Packed th and 10 pound Caddies. 80
pound. Cues for oddment. Cheapestinode' for
Selling inrd.. Sead for Price last. ' '
t - r - • ' •• BOLD 3311 r •
:1.0 2 0A 1 1 . -1 11 0EXY. CO.,
.41 Grater's and Dealers Generally.
P 0 rt D•
4 . 6 aasoitmosit OamerPates of tike above
celebrated. &I:keg, just reeelred said for side 'by
the dozen orrat rtalli try - '
.23 ;tiirekeititierty awl 'Ninth streets.
jai : • 4ICILD ;, _ RECEIVED
-As 7 at, BENJAM I N PULI'K B.IOI popular
Stand, 1110: 4' Diamond_ Market; Pltte.
I k .
"bargby am" atibe Tvelas CU : ~A lleghany'ett7l
Goo et oltllllOatkißellerat , Csa be , bad
altris,or.Aaa_plak Lake Etallbut, Shad.
Bea - CoansAL Haddock I d 1. Alse, large
.ra es! of Whlte, , Lake , Mak,- ealasaoh, Bass.
Mier eon. Herring and. Mainnaw, Taint', Irbkh
enatile4sak to self a$ the lowest 'market prices,
wkolessle 'esi . recall: —We Inette , :all - lamer of
Ifierlab to stn.!" 4 , call. and wa.. win,. for
who hOld PAFtOI4IB 110K111TS of Sheila
'Aux rzNd. u reby Informed that the draw
l:lra:4:6re made Japaary 29 1889, sod that Me
:gtviatt fan. on af•the: nowhere
dislinolvlll seat W. persona ..tatkreged,zon
W dressing. the WASHINGTON 11/ILD,A.L.
11.,11.711.1147) MAN Tlaurati Teta *TIT 'r
omingET TOPS.
Alltsbrunik., April Aft, 1869.
CR,Parties Interested .
° n the usessinent of the sewer .MIL en
wer Avert will me et the 00 entolttee 'on "AD.'
rtisont„ Aseesainente,” at: this ofiten. on
tlE81471" HA XIS e,Aprglikr,l4lBo9. at Pf
1 •D2:k9
. „
.111 'sit* *a co .
• Mt aullictuiers 0 , , L. ...I
411111113111pWAINE,: . •
*Ea and Warehirdie., 366' LIIIIIAVY 8 1 11/11.7
X/PA,II orderr oromPti, .• s r;;
: 11- -IkAMIL -
r 10.111001 0 it. • • T
1 7 8 r0 1 .1. 5 1 , •• !,
WINDOW; sals.B;,•• •
T til lar oW V31411.11 ° "
. . . .
, . iCrElisr
Pallit - .- - - '
NanotictUrte . ot VOOKll , l943ToVlitf: AMOS,
Grateti //critters, itastiffelohts.., and u ridej
of louoo,Wars.4(far wileorsind , -Ot ft /
mummy . Ca gt_oft.Lpolt.fWATtiOlki SHIN-,
0168 fiatimriTTUUNOH. PA. WAS
j• 1 . 1. VOlRlfilplf At . Co4 . '" --"- • -
Muloioixx , RAwilinc,ooagaria NAßT
lOP4oPaug.ead DANLIttIy3ALOOL .1
eft •Wistroth want atAburnmil-illcii
ska./Biellget. tjitimilet ftlilat i '
,_.____ a5,, 1 ,, , ~1
..1 A 1 I "1"7" -- 7 ~r—,-z^..7--,--..-------.....
k .311. 7 1r1)TT1 iOJII
Ad Avenue,nearlihiteld
C.: I OP
of the Eitockholderii of the l'iteifig and At
lantic Telegraplitoigpany: of the United biatea,
forthe eleetiele Of a Preadent and aLiDirectori,
will be held at .. the . Board of Trade Booms at
Burrs buildiog, Fonrtb avenue,MAY4th, at 10
an24:hel . ' Secretary.
_ First Annual Meetingef the Stockhold
ers 6rhe "Federal Street and Fleasant y
Panetiarallihrsy Compan y '," will be held' at
Gray's FlOel, corner of Jackson street - and 'lr
win avenue. Second ward. Allegheny. on TUBS.
D May 4th. at 7 P. M., for the
election of allosrd of Directors. at whictottme
the SlockhOlders receive their certificates at
stock.. By. order of Board of Directors.'
nP112:1185 j W. 31. C A.NEY, Secretary.
17.5.prra8.17.A1, REVENUE A SSESSOE'S OniCE,
,Pirrsunr.Gu, AOth, 18691
and dctermine at this office, until the
.Pl.llBl' DAT.OF MAT'NEXT, all appeals
to any erroneous or eieesiil l e tialuatiiins of
isstsgm c inte . Maili by A:gUttstant Assessors
in their reVtlinilOf the ItiaMiallistC '
• I
. .
ap24:h99 'Assessor SINId District, Pa:
. . . 0.1•11C.R. O TRH .
' ' 'PITTSBURGH; R PA., Marth 34. - 11969:
clared the , regularQuirterly Dividend (No. 210
of : two and one-hilt percent., free or Govern
ment tax,-, on the capital stock, •for the Quarter
ending March 31st, parable on led After MON
DAY, .April 37, proximo: at the odes of -Wins
low, Lanier .& Co., No. 27 Pine street. 'to those
registered at New. Yore, and at the 'office of the
Treasurer, to those registered at Pittsburgh.
The Transfrr Books will close 'on Monday.
April 111. at A P, st.,,and re.opett Tuesday, AptE
117, at 10 A. M.
:• P. M.. HUTCHINSON, : •
ap11:148: • t• °ere , ary.
. _
_ Pw suant to an act of Assembly , approved
the 00th of March, - 1869. entitled • •au act relat
ing to Int ernients in Trinity Church-yard,Pltts
burgh, Publle Notice Is hereby given of the In
tention ottue minister. wardens and veslry. Of
Trinity (Epistopal) Church. after tbe 10th of
MAY, proximo, to use .a part . , of the grate
ground belonging to or connected with said
church, sante, for new: erections of Church ard
Chapel and for grades, and that Messrs. JOHN
vestry, have beenappointedlt Comm lttee to con
fer and arrange with the friends and_ relatives of
all persons burled In the ground restulred•for the
purposes set forth in the act of Assentbly,,Mbre
said, for theirretention under the new buildings
or removal to other parts of the lot or. to, one of
the rural cemeteries. One or more of the Com •
Mittee may be fonnd at the vestry room of , the
chugch at - 3to O'clock P, M., on-every' wED
MAY; at valOch time and place parties Interested
will please .! .
Byarder of the Vestry. • -
Syliti:lo9 • - • Junior Warden.
, T 7 .
• ':
Pnit.AragrPilt A. • PA.., April 2, M1139:'
AllMtockholO ers, registered on the Books of
tbig•Company on the 30th day of April. 1809.
will be entitled to tubscrthe for TWENTY-SIVE
PER CENT. of their respective Interests in New
Stock. at par, asfollows: •
First. Fifty per cent. at thet 3 im i
M e of subscrlp
on. between the 16th day ' o 5y,1869, and
the 30th de or June, IEIO9.
. -Second.' If u per cent . . between the 16th stay
of November, RM. and the 31st day of Decem
ber,-1809t• or. If Stockholders should prefer, the
whole amount may be paid up at the time of tub
scription,'.and each Instalment so paid up shall be
entLled to a pro rata of the Div. dend that may
be declared on lull share&
Third. ; That every 11t..c1 holder holding, less
than four alasr,s, shall be entitled to subscribe
for one share: and those holding more than a
multiple of four shares shall be entitled to,sub•
scribe for an addidonal share.
FlatartA. All shares upon which Instalments are
yet" .o be paid under Resolution of May 13,
1868, wiil oe entitled to their allotment of the
Twenty-titre per cent. at par, as thottgh they
were paid In full.
"CAItRIA.O.B. BIJ6I3LES, &0., (whether resident
o,tnon-resident,) Ii the City of Pittsburgh, ,to
'pal their: Licenses_at YOurilwrrit,
accordance Wain an Act of Assembly apprcived
March 30, 1860, and an ordinance of the Coun
cils of the tity of Pittsburgh, pissed A
1560. --
Ail Licenses not paid os or before MAY.
1869, will be placed in the. hands of i police of for 'collection, subject to a collection tee of
50 cents, and all persons who neglect or refuse
to take out Licenses will be subject to a penalty
double the moonlit, of the Lames, to berecovered
before the Mayor. •
The- old metal plate. of last year must be te.
• turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or 25
cents additional will be charged on each License.
BATES 01 1 '110EN/3E:
Eaob One horse vehichi " '7.50
Raab two horse venicle 12.00
Each four horse vehicle 15,00
.;'Each two'.horee hack ' • • - 18.00
- Omnibus and Timber Wheels drawn by. two
horses, 08.00 eich.• One 'dollar extra will be
chargeel i jor each &dint:tonal horse used in any of
the aboW vehiclea. 411, 0 0 0 1314116
fel2:e46i2WY . City Treasurer?
'.r5.0.?:,.!p! ::; ,, 1.5i.vm;' . .p4g.
,T 4 P,E9P1.213' BLV NOS )34 •
0.81 'Fourth 4taenfte,
immediately opposite tons former location,where
t • remain r.latil 'the 'Sale Deposit Company
Building is completed, when the 4..nk, then
be located In th at bnllding. - •
8. W.,vori noarstioittir,
Aritil'l4. 11 1 69. atorl:hvi
-I d. M. GAZZAM,
attorney-at-Law, has removed tals, oetee to No.
Os rnivir WENDS.
NO. 6SI JUNE:TEAM, 1869.
In the matter of the appltcation of the Cen
tral Mutual Building and. Loan Association of
Allegheny City, for a charter of Incernoration.
And nowt to wit, APRIL 24th,:1869, la , .At
Court of Common 'pleat, of Allegheny: county,
it is ordered that notice of the eboc anPileation
be Inserted In • the Pittsburgh G rams for at
least:three weeks.. And that. the me NIS 'be
granted at next term of said Court, unless ex- ,
ceptionS the
t in proper *Wet -1
'; . Solicitor for Petitioners._
TNI , I I IIE 7 1 1 1A.T i rElt. , THE
application et itte CHIC I BUILDING AND
,LOAN Ati 7 CCIA,TION ,of p.t.tat!rtb.far
an amenariianttti
toaiter. •
N0.'450; Atha Tetm, 1869. -
. • nobble Laberetly &teen that an application bu
been made to the Court of.ponnnon ,Plese of ,A -
ligierij bp the snore named seem:dation,
• for an: amendindit to 'their' Charteir4 that 'UM
prOtnied - emendruent hap. been Med In the ol!ce
ar the Pnwhonotary of saki Court, in accordance
'With the order Of 4 stid Coureand Mai said amend.
;mints will. be grintttliit the-Wait tarin, unten
.eleeptiona thereto areMediu meintime. • • .
E. 1."101./TOOTli.
apTibb.w • Attcirneifor Petttioneri.
' t ioreere ' OF` 'GEORGE itilloG.
li.etutpt testamentary having bets' gmted
tot e undersigned. all nersons indebted to said
(Write Qillgc deceased, ars requested to make
payment. ant all persons bavinr claims to pre
labl °lotto eAln e rsiarma as Sa. , sty raqty
street, y ttsbnrab ,
, , T I ' saltiraL. nAvtosoix.
. JOHN AktrAciGh
.`", tamodthir . , . , : . , 4xeonlati.
..lacoKesv. - 0..4."410
' 'ptripturritElttiooD:
v) •,, 2 ;
~ h•, ; , ,i, :,.:::_ ,-..,.,,,.:::)..-
Am ktiox AT, r21117,0017A4C17
d eliddloarrLiwu Irv,/ \ '11 . 3;,:t: y : :: :ctrl
-- - -
./ 3IA
AD. On and after Aerll2sih, OM% Tiling
will arrive at and de art from the Union Depot.
corner of W n and Liberty streets. la
Arries.. Deport..
Mall Train.... 1:25 AM 'Day Express.. 0:15
Fast Line ..... 1.48 boutnern Ex.. 4160 is
WillWall , s No. 1..6 AO am wa r , No. 1.. emu=
BrintonAco'n• 7 0 0 *Di Hall Train . • . 1316 am
No. 2_13:50 ant IlletrdAs N ollu:510 am
Cincinnati 34.9:10 am •Chi eln'tlExati:ao pm
Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wall , s No. 2.. 11:61 pm
Holed Ao Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac. 3:06 pm
Pittsb'sh Ex. 1:30 pm Braddocks Ac. 3:40
Thum Expressl:lo pin Phila. Express 4120 put pm
WagPs No. 1...51:50 pm Wall's No. a.. 4:50 ma
Braddock At,. 5 :50 pm
Hotrod Ac NO2 0:35 pin
'Walls No. 4. T:9O pm How'/ Ac No 2 8:110
Way Passn'r 10:210 pm Wa/Ps No. 21.00 rim
*These trains. make close connection al Harris
burg for Baltimore.
• The Church Train leaves Walls Stamm awn
Sunday at 9:35 a. m., reaching Pittsburg h as
10:00 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at
19:50 p. m . and arrives at Walls. Station as
Viten:Wl ZxPress leaves daily. All other
trait s daily except Sunday.
lorykruter mmrinetion_aproiy
w. H. BECKWITH, Agent.
~ ,T itePennsylvintaßallroad Company will not ge".
enure any risk forßasgage, except.for wearing ars.
s - 1,- and Walt th,resposiblligg to Qua fla n .
dr: e l Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding
thst amount in value will 13 1 at the .risk of Lastowner. gimlets taken bviega ti fo wth
ntract ia . Ajew
iip3 s General snyerintenden Altoona, a,
E S T .E B Nagiwill
-FV4I4D•4-032' and afterApril-25th,11See,
Piste er Trains On the Western Pennsylvania
Rie read. trW, -arrive at and• depart from . the
Faders I Street Depot, Allegheny Cify,ae Mlfrsrss
' 4 Dep art.
Spriaid'e Wulff:4oa m . . 7:00 a
Freeport No.l 8:510 a an lirreeport Re..
Express 10:40 . a talfiliarpbl No111:20 am
Sharpb'g No.11:90 p m Express. 9:50 pus
Freepert .125..+2 4:00p m StningiVe. No 13:30 p
Mal ^ '5:50 m rreeport NO. 2 5:90 p
Spring:Pe No 25:90 pm Snringd eNo2B 30 DM
Aboye trains run daily except Sunday.
The Chnreh' Train leaves Allegheny
ever) 'Sunday st 1:40 a. m4.reaching Allegheny
City at 950 in. Returning, leaves Allegheny
City at 1-610 p. m. and arrive as Allegheny June.
tion at 3:91 0 p. m.
CCi/LEIJTATION TICKETS—For sale in packagee
of Twenty. between Allegheny City,- Chestnut
street % Herr Bermett, Xine Creek, Etna and
Sharpents , and Wood only•on the trains stopping
at Stations specilled on gets.
The trains leaving Alleglieny City at 7:007.
m. make directeonnecttortat:Ereeport withWal.
ker's line of Stages for Butler and idannatutown.
Through tickets =I be. purchased - at Um Mice ,
No. 1 St glair street. near the Suspension Bridge,
PittsburAh and at the Depot , ARegturaY. - "
For farth er
=formation apply to .
Federal Street Depot-
The Western Pennsylvania Railroad win not
sr semi
and for Baggage.E u ati r eg l e xls exat ai f i or w t e o ating
triffaiell Dollar. In "N 1111144: 'All "•bascage
seeding tb is inional l a vats= wilibe at th e rich et
the enrnee, unless, it .
; ia
WA.. if WiLLI.A.=S,_
•: sp2e. Gene-al tinnedlntendenti Altoons.: NKr .,
.11 , 1 C / ite . . . "4
... .angaligill
Prom APril • 26th; 1869, trains Willleave Item
and arglyelat thehUmou Dgpot s ; siert') alde..Pltts.
burgh city time, aefollOws:
~..._—• .-- ':.nsays.. . - : , :•i -. y, o.t , 'Artive. , ' ,. ...
Citicago Ex,..910 8 tin Chicago. Ex., 1.68 . 1 m
Ede &_lftalE x:71518 a m Chteago Ex iz /11,08 pPt
Cl. &Wh2g31 , 16:18 a m Wheeling Ex 1048 ism
Chicago Yell. - .11:684 re trestribli .Mall • 7 it:Wpm
SrMnM; SitgazAll?:i RA t ti
:Chicago 6x.. )1;93 pm Erie 1 Yg0nE3 . 0.1160 m
W,'e & Erie 0z4:43 pg., Cl. &Wh , g Ex 77.03 p ist
StegSsup. :; ..trrtne tit Alterniefsv
Bea'r Palls Ac. 8:68 a tu Leetsdale ..i.0..6:58 am
Leetsdale " 10:03 itm Bee'rMalls."..Effilecr& ,
_, . , „
.` " /1:58414 New.. Castle 11.11:511; am
soeuesterr"i. :1:11gpm Ems - • 1. . 9:x6 Ma pm Leetsdale . ". ItOg pag
don_ .__. - I. .Billlp tit Bea'r Palle " 9:43 pre
Ilea'rTalls - "..6:91e1p Leetsdale , .!., 4:BBvm
'Leetsdale " 10 : 4 3PIII " " . " 6:13. 1 41
Fair Oaks .Bms.. .• Fair Oaks Sua , -
day Church. 1:13p M 'day tdantch.' ' 9:1511 a*
..B` 2:33._p. m. Chicago Express ;leaves .dally.
NB- 1E:03 arrives &idle.
No change : or ears between Pittsburgh and
Chicago. Sleep Cg
. cars, wituotit change, to la
dtanapolis and Chicago. -
J. 0. .31.11BALL ‘
.- 26
Gen'l Ticket Aeim
ap _ .. .
• 'LOUIS ILAILWAYii . • , - •' -
.011ANGT.Aa pfter MONDAY
April 2Citt, 18E9, trial/ will leave and arTivt
Depotois Moira: : • .
I ._ ' Zeno*: Arilior.'
M:OS "._m. /21:13a..11.
hat Line ' 9.228 a..nt. ' 71311..
Itxprem 21:33 p.m.. 52:34 a. m
Mixed /keel: B:S3a. M. 11:5% p.
hicEMnald'sceln.NO.lll:43a. to. I_ ,14•212. a.
Steubenville Scummed: 3:51I p. M. OTOS a. to.
%McDonald?' A.ceM. Ho. 211 , 10 .211 p. m.
Sunday Church Train.. 121:5t22:. m. 9:512 a. m.
All ether trains will run daily. tiunnaya except
ed. srne 9:43 a:m. Trani makes close con
-ne"l°A3 tak-tAark lt,r4=lll4Aligin—i;
•R. W. CARD, 13 1 1P 1 t...gdtenbeavilloi
. ...
Ammons, NT miwrat zlaut" o'sx,,
, On , and after MONDAY. November 9th, li
'TWO TRAMS DAILY will leave Pittst*
. Station, .corner ot Eleventh and Pike streets or
Franklin', 0111 City, Buffalo, 'awl all points in th e
011Reglons. • , . ,- - - ,• - . .:
OrzataVa PlTPinitratirt. • initiV TN Pi OR
Mil ..,.'.i ....:,..„ 1215 em Alan' ' . - At: at
i i
Expreu - 7:10 p m Express 6: m
Bradre B At'3:0010 in Bradys B Ac /0:80 ant
Ist doda Works , Ist Soda Works
Amend. :,..10 ilfHp a m , Axe= od , ii: .111.21ris Al
Aid Soda workt • Ad Soda Works' '
Accomben. - e:00 p m : Aocomtal , a.:: 8:40 p.
Church Train leave ttsburgh at 1:10 P. N.
Arrive at Pittiburgh at 9:50 AI Sul . • _ .:. ~ :1
Passengers taking express, train live but
=one ehenz i of eare . netifieen Potenee ~ -Burge
and (11l ions.. Nail andic_vp _ reftuistop
'only' at -pr netpal • points. Kited sy tad' A 6 ,.
c . aammdatlod trains stun at all stat.Marr; ;, -- .
- ' • THOMAS' II4 KM% Assn. wort:
.W. 308 . : HOP , Rick • • OM: f- i ','::
rio.. v.
• 'Om *rid after : Zloyerriber,..
I.BW , 'trains will arrive at and , depart frote the
Detkit Corner of Greet and :Water - atieetei - as
Kanto And &anal:Won- •
town _part.
W) a., it. 6:00 P:IC.
McKeesport Acoomdtla MOO 3:001'. wt.
Ex. to sod from Unt'n. 3;00 P. M. 10:10 e. M.
WeiroNewton Acecrm'd "0:30 2. tr. 0:35A. Y.
Braddock , . Accomdt , n. 6:15 P. M. 7:50 P..ld
Mitt Ac-i o Mr , Eitrt.lo:3o2. 11. 6:46 4..1C
BandaFtroh nto _
and West ewton11:00Is
r. .10:00.111:
For ketatipply :to
B. RAYMOND,. Agent .
W. B. BTOUT.l3nDenntennent. - poi
11:42 / PMMiltaNglil
apl I :ha;
Eastern Division:
iinf e l'E s tfot E rlaat, t A l n l 4' =la g l ''' 4Al4
Colorado, Nevada,
California, Utah,
• .
Arizona - IViiihingtOn
..• New Mexico) ;Idaho* , -
• • Oregen.V • ,
Two TWA'. lout atatope Leaven
• aans. (Sun_dAys extended, the arrival oti
of Esado asuroad rem t. Lours, And Hsasd.
Dal and St. Joe Italtrodefilrout'Oeiner, co
;L e k t i •fo l i w an re.' trtot
trail west ot Ellsworth with ..the
COACH : P./NB , - • • •
All Pohits 'in We . Territolles i
whit sixtizasgsZtßlAMent tan{
at 00AONIINTerNo an, DimttelYart, pus.
Alt uquerve, ttlinta F 5,19141. all pew" in An.
sons and tc
rh the seee.e. Addltihne At roung ' s t oc k
- an : v italansg, antilbe Pertuseeanty
wt exPoliglige g:Aa i rld Ttansportatlon acs
hem Sr weettill agi , eata: A dzitiwr
uneg eg i gth e l nin 9 iC - A be t OFInOIII/101493x
ftei e Weiti
th i e V ertaltatestikai t Aos,l4l ° !! ° l l l bl
Il i getWl i tar t M(PANSe
Ss fS:9. NetikTiggi lit:T
te.l '7 1 `2 11,
ui:4civil;: - L•,-.,.;
J. N. M'CU LT,131111
. 4 Eieng