IR it'ts Fitstattterittg • LiSipOL/II;=, CrnOlt Tllit o.llll7LlCiiiiki AT litle Et/RWASii COY- Xsekliat#SlCONJllLY,Sfi 111166.3 Iskigirea itigeggir A loyaltrtoTrath he sailed Ash lately in the closet as the geld. So bountiful is rate; - But then to stand beside her, Wite i Leraren churls deride her, To front a in suns and not to yield, --Thieek•wa, methinks;-Boti's plan - AllO meturare of $ stalwart man. Lintbeo like thwo:fl heroic breeds, itrke , `lands self-patted on manhood's solid earth. e lfetillitidd r Utlsfrintif4leitttlf Antitheft!: Ted from within with all the strength he needs. Bach vas he. oar Martyr Chief, Whom late the Nation he had led, . ashes on her bead, tow ept with the passion of en angry ellen Torgine me, if from present things - I tarn • To speak what in my heart will best and burn. Awl hang my wreath on his world.konored urn. _ Sainte, they say, cloth dote,v And cannel make a man , Save ()name worn-out plan. s Repeating rot.; , For hi% ktr Old World moulds aside she threw, AS O, choosing !tweet clay from the breut of the enekbausted 't% est, . With stuff untainted stayed a hero new. Wise stevdfast In the strength of God, =dime. How betutiful toga:— --- Once more a shepherd of 'mankind Indeed, Who loved Ms charge, bar - never loved to lead; One whole meek duck the people toyed to be, • Sot lured by any cheat of birth, • • • But by hie clear-grained human 'Werth, 'ad brave old wisdom (la /II: gray: Theyknew, that outward grata le duet ;• 'They Could ne t eltOoint but trust In that ant...foot id unfaltering still, • Aid lapin tainverrd:wil . • .: That bent like perfect steel, to, spring .again -and Htireria no lonely mountain-peak of mind,. brasttnple thin MeV.= oar elonar berth !. sea.mark ph*. nett lostin vapors taw!: qiroad oratrie rather, genial, level lined • Pailful end friendly for all human klsid..• • Yet also., nigh, to heaven. and loved of. lonics; Stank . -;2lhibilu of learopShere. ' o'ff,thitikli t oftinrope fronting ancrruward • - 7 any names ot bort, and:Peer . attire% vial' Scheme deface: ' " *.' • : Fifere lus a type Of the true sleet , race . And one pf Fititareh'i Men talked With us face • thee:' • praise him not; It were too late • . And some innativeoresitne, a there radst be •• In bin who oondesesuda to victory Sieb tithe present gives and cannot ' • • :1 Safe in b.mself a.trtt fate. alwaystrinip bill': • ' . • - ' Ile.knew to bld his tame; And can bin fume abide, Still patient in hie simple rata sublime, • • the vies years. decide. _ • area: captithui.witla their guns and drums. ' - Disturb oar judgment hie the hoer, • " • But eit last silence comes: These all are s sone; and standing like a Out children stitll behold his fame, , kitolllrrearueste - brave. ton:mini' • Sisidousi an3 pittient,' dreldins 'praise not • . Neve . birth-at, one new toll, the. Brit American.... J AMZBRttis3CLLLowia.. ~pHFlltFß7t~,:.~, -Sehfunyl goes to Mecca. • . L-13.1.1patrick 18 en Fonts' to CIO. ~!..13niallpos threatens New York. —Free baths are now talked gib/ New , "York. —Camilla t Urso wants to buy Pagan'. *1? Stradtunitm. ..I-The French Prince Imperial has learned telegraphy. Tie Califbrnis . State Treastutl4 *Plus of $1,400,600: . . . 7 13rignoli, now .aineng in the Elonth l - ; in Laing to California.., -, .—Chlcaga la to bare a ne*uniTerelty; exolusively for -Women:, —Rereafter, British sowers. are to be allowed to wear whiskers. Chinese latoorers . are being macaw fiOy aiploiad Inlaniaiarta. :—fichmidtztwill- la the twain :of the Gtand 'Chamberlain of' Baden: Butatine is said to be now at White Pine runnings Ism bank.: • —The railroad between Piriums and . Athens has been opened to the:public. . - --*The New York Berold thinks Bud dlibun is:a seasonable religion jig now ~=President Grant is expected as itgnest at the National Peace Jubilee in' Boston next June. • Wachtel, ,the Germsa tenor, , geAs 'salary of $30,000 a year. He used to be - tab driver. , - .: —Oue farmer in Texas has fenced in a nice little pastareot, one hundred and thirty thousand acres. —Fresh .beef and mutton, put up n tin cans hi:Australis, sells rapidly in England at seven pence 4 pound. - if:, - —Chicago talks of followhig the lead of Cincinnati, and leasing' out her street lamps for advertising purposes. —sso is the line to which any one is liable who hunts for game with dog or gun on Sunday,; in North Carolina. —ln spits of her illness, Parepa has lost no flesh, and is stilrthe bright, aethe real, fairylike sylph of former days.. --What Spain wants of the Anglo- Baron nations—England to' give it. a loan, America to let it alone.—Ezehange. --Indian-meal. and butter-Milk make tip theluxurions diet of the, poOr people who live in the Eaglish cOttort manufacturing districts —Madigan, the circus rider. leaped eternity the other day. The feat at temp4d was too much for' him and 6 broke his neck. - —New Brinswick has 6 monthly mag &zing colonists read , with avid. ty. It is called "The Paaceremata and Petitcodiac Monildy." —"Money," sap an exchange, "was tight on State street yesterday, and th e doubtful example seemed to -be followed by mall7indY,MYtaYL!' new touses of Parliament iri London are so ineontenierit-andlll.plan. fled; that there Is some talk; c4'sPending 050,000 on new ones. . 7 111aekballing Is so prevafent* in the Londc* olOothat no new 'rnernbern call get inv and _a,. general meeting is to; be held to remedy ;lie matter. • .:41te itoidon Pais sip a number of disappointed, office seekers have deft Wishinenitio• offer themselves as candi dates forilitt Spanish throne. .N.43lfee hethas been' in South Amerlea, symphony and atirinmplud march for 'orchestra, and a fortarantella , Pine ant =Usti's, Mire. D. P, Bowers hada benefit re cently in Boston, at N!hich.'she played Juliet td the Itonyo of her sister; Mrs. F; B. Conway, of the Park Theatie, Brook lyn., • ' • 7.49 0 40 PO; With hie wife and ' fina , ' fly, are to l*AhuVondess Witte lath or . • , • ~ • 9. , A*A.1 , • k ." 11 i 6A, -.14",4.,--,;-4-46,4‘!..''''''At'l-ker;VAS74i4.,itt*--'4.%li*-14&‘X'1.1-V,t144.,;62171:.:te:47'...- . c . 7. 1-. Vb. P ‘ '. 4 •'' • , ' . • August next, to celebrate the one hun dredth anniversary itftliittirstliepoleon's - 14 r9/. opilutelas beta 'peace Knighiiof the Holy. Sepulchre, jexid put on the spits of Godfrey •de Botdtion in the ot the Apparition° at lan salem. --ICan those who dye their hair be re garded as stainless people? is the Boston Post's latest conundrum. We Should say certainly they can, for a man is not noceaaarilyaainner-laecause.hisheirals. • f—A mysterious affair agitates the deal sills of the Kennebec river. Somebody fonnd a box, two feet square, strbugly hoped and nailed, which when opened was found to contain a humalL skeleton.- ' havblg been bothered with dirty streets, has fixed things now by putting the matter in the hands'of the Board of:Kealth, With power to annul the contracts of the street cleaners at a day's notice in case they are delinquent. —Friends of lir. John Btight accused Mr. Anthony sl`rollope of caricaturing that statestnen in hie latOttelid best:novel, Phineas Trollops !denies all such intention ? yet ,the hookla One pf the most cutting -society novels thsthas ap pared since Vanity Fair. • . Charles Meise l the renowned physician and•Enteritus Professor in "Jef ferson Philadelphia,' although be isseventy-eight4eirs old, Use just-com pleted the translationof a novel from the French of Count Ade Gobineau Called Typhaines Abbey, and said to be a re markable picture of tho life and times of the:French people in the twelfth century. • —A. correspondent of the' New York Bun says thit the mysterious bullets which, we new, and then hear of as going through windows without any explosive' sound, are not shot trom air guns but from a sort of: improvement on the cross. bow, with 'an india-rubber string which gives great force to the bell and makes but , little noise. The weapon is a' dangerous one, more so, the writer thinks, ' than the air gun, and can be had at many of the gun. and toy shops in New York. . . Hon Spain liithDeienerated Under the Bpaidards. (Madrid Cerresplizidenee London Times.) - Of all the inland cities 'of Europe, 'Granada is the one that can boast of the most grand :and most lovely situation. She has an Alpine view rivaling that' of .. Turin, Berne, or Saltzburg; an irrigated plain exceeding the fertility of that - of Milan. Ther e are elms in the A.larneda and. in the avenues to the 'Alhambra' of more than. English growth, and orange groves in its 'gardens of tropical luxuri *ince. With the exception of the sea tireelie, Granada enjoys all that the moat sheltered, and, at. the same time, most in vigorating climate can ,give. The spot sums up whatever may in: conducive to the utolott deVelopment: • and • the most unalloyed enjoyment of hummilife. Yet to what condition has the Spanish Gov ernment contrived to bring even this in extinguishable Granada! - 'The.present pdpulation Of the province is 441,404. A Under its Moorish ruler, Itin-l-Ahmar, is the thirteenth,century, the town alone numbered a population of 400,000, exclu sive of -a garrison of 60,000 men. " The population of the town now scarcely reaches 70,000. The wealth of the pro , vine, according to the latest valuation, - hardly exceeds $850,000. It is mostly agricultural and mineral. Modern eta , tistical works tell us: "mere is no trade ease a greatly re duced exportation of:spirits, oil, and fruit. There is not ono single manufac turer of silk or linen, yet there was a time under Moorish r ule when the silk trade occupied thousands of bands, when the produce was sent to Florence, Pisa, Genoa, and the LeVant, when the plains and hills were clothed with mulberry. The produce of each farm in the Vega yielded, on an average, about £2OO a year, and the taxes paid by the farmer to the King amounted lo about £20,000. The silk crops that belonged to the Span. ish monarchs were farmed for the sum of 181,500 gold ducats a year; there were 180 mills and 300 villages, of which fifty con tained mosques,: and 50,000 men could be mustered from mountain and plain." • taz spring floods of 1869 have been unusually destructive. On the Connecti. cat river, the height of the water has only been exceeded four times in the last sev enty years. In Hartford, the water on April 23d, at noon, was 26 feet 8 inches above - low water mark. In 1864, the page marked 30 feet. In Canada, the ice began to move out of the St. Law rence on the night of. April 22d, and the towns along, the banks were , seriously daMaged, houses land embankments thav ing been swept away and several lives lost:- In New York titate, along Black river and the loWer part of Like Ontario • the floods were 'vary violent. Factories' tanneries, dams and flumes were carried off. Near Watertown,, a boom, restrain ing several acres of timber and flood wood, broke away from the chains, and carried Off railroad bridges, mills, facto ries, furnaces and•machine shops. In the John Brown tract, the flood was caused by.the breaking of a hasty dant, built to restrain the water of a 'series 'of lakes, and forroin,g a feeder to the NOW York ( Amts. licar 'Utica, the, Bytate darn, at reaeryoir covering 600 acres, gape way. and the flood destroyed mills and 410 P_roPertY ,valued at JIOO,(NKL On the ttudequ'ind Idohawk‘rivers, thO innun thiidati;o.suirseehable'iabpAenibanYeyryt:T.eixtoexisiiandye,7o iv oli t ith es w hi zat sem ilel ai nit i t et ha d v ee e p. be,n cove red with • LroX Tamens.—Recently, in'Beigium; the dlieekh af a draws; while perfonning the part 'of a wird beast tamer, ,was killed kir a' Ik:these. • 'The regular lion ta M mer being the circus director' .was so rash f ot o gagulim kis' duties, and having en, tared(; the cage succeeded for •a time in making the lions go through their per. formances. • Towards the close; when giving the - animals raw meat, the direct. or;liistConrege, and instead ot'keeping:p, firm eye on the beasts, M tamers are obliged to 40, he trembled and made for the of, the cage.. This, move me nt was fatal. large lioness. - eve 'Not th,ponnoo utOxt,blm, aodbtodewmlogleo the. unfortupateamiuk waiptorktovitelam PrITSBURGP . GAZETTE : VirERNFARAY, APRIL 28, 1889, *f it on Climate.' • on "which stands linnailla c a town of 4,000 - 'hilialxitents, on tketinet Ceniitronto, endithe sheidtreansinitif M. deteiletn, waii NO,- W i rers - dna, w dant, on ch: ran , was never louron to ten. - - a now thous gum& The old, dried-up basin of Lake Thniadi bailee' again IDled*lth water from:the Nile by a fresh - mater canaL Treat, shrubs; arid 14ants of - all Aesexip tions grow rapidly wherever the soil is Irrigated, - and the actifical oasis widens fast. "Accompanying," writes a cones- pondent, "this extraordinary transforms tion of theisinct of the- place, - tkere has been a corresponding change in the cli mate. At the present time Ismailia, du ring eight months of the year, is probably the healthiest spot in :Northern Egypt.' The mean temperature for the four months, June to• September, is '94 deg.•, the following.four months, 74 deg.; and. the four winter months, 45 deg. 'Trail two yeariago rain was unknown; but"in the twelvemonth ending April last there were actually fourteen days on • which rain;fell; and no later than Sunday last there fell a tremendous shower'of rain, a phe.nomenon.which the oldest 'Arab had never previouely,witneased." Hain ceases to ikll on a country deprived of its.forests, or only falls in violent storms. • Here we see kiln renuldneto the desert on restor ing the tree& , Hamm are Mrs. Stanton's expectations • of the .next two decades: "Twenty years! Why, I expect to be Walking the golden, Meets of the - 17triv :Jerusalem .'by that,time; talking with Noah, Moses and Aaron about the flood, the Pharaohs, the journey through:Jim Red Sea and the 'Wilderness. We shall be . holding con. ventions by that time on the banks of the Jordan with Eve, Sarah; Rebecca,. Hob dahi Deborah t i Miriam, Rath, Naomi, Sheba, Esther,':Vashti, Mary, Elizabeth, Priscilla, Phoebe, Tryphena and Trypho • sa, and all the :strong minded , women honorably mentioned in sacred hiatory. Do you know that .I hive vowed :never to go disfranchised into.the Kingdom of Heaven? In the meantime, I propose to to discuss sanitary and sumptuary laws, education and elections, in the councils of the American Republic. Twenty years ? Why, every white Male in the nation will be tied to an aporn-string by that time, while all the poets and philoso phers will be writing essays on 'The Sphere of Man . . , I As MAL HANNAH:MORE is said to have eat down la an arm chair which she be lieved had belonged to to Dr.,- Johnson, and, inspired there by the recollections of ' his genius, to have written a most pathetic ode to his chair, and eventually to have found out that he had never even been near the chair, so i should seem from the works of the la t Writerii on Venice that all the poets w o luive written about ithave been in the position of Mrs. Han f nab. More,: and have been addressing merely clireatice of their Imagination. It & c oin Is asserted in th . latter days that no political prisoner r crossed the Bridge of Sighs; that o Paller6 never descended the del Gigantic! to be executed, because the staircase was not built until nearly hundred years after his death; that no persons of importance were ever confined in the Piombi, and that none of the great merchants ever trod the present Rialto. libmnruram, England, paper tells a strange story concerning a ritualist curate \ in a neighboring town, who is said to have resolved to simul ate the death, bu rial and resurrection of the Saviour and to have ordered a coffin to be got ready for him by Good Friday, expressing his intention to entomb h im self from that day until Easter Sunday. The &fan Was made of plain , deal, with handles of rope, and was sent to the curate's lodgings, where his landlady, on seeing it, ixame. diately fainted. It was placed in the rev erend glntleman's study, and It Is said he invitseventl friends to visit him during the week preceding good Friday, but his invitations were generally politely de clined. Before the day rabin of entoent sived, the vicar heard of the a ff air, and e coffin wait destroyed by, his orders, much to the-grief of the curate, , who, hewever, declared his intention of procur. ing another. , A Swam ow Esousrt Nonnrry, the youngest son of.the Duke of Argyll, it is reported, has been placed by his fatherin a London tea-house, in order to learn ho to become a British merchant. The D ke, it is stated, bas adopted thia course in nsequence of the. great Pressure for po 'lions under the dovernment, and the small number of vacanclei. In the pres ent headlong race for offiqe in the United States, the cobduct both bf the father and of the son is worthy of earnest considera tion. The Duke of Argyll is at the head of the Indian Department, and possesses abundant power to push his son into a lucrative office in India, or he might make use of his extensive political and high social connections to ; "take care" of Colin Campbell, a boy or sixteen, but ~he prefers to teach the youth that an ac tive life of business Is preferable to the un. certainty of a publicoffice. , , --- -4---- , ......-------- GOOD A.unsitest Ltscpui once said that two years', residence, in Paris was enough to demoralize an American, which is so true and so palpable. Alas! for a certain number of people, that he WM not the first to make the reinark.": Stephen'A. Douglas, long ago ' when he was at Paris, laid down ' the doctrine' tow party, of friends, that' no mad ought to'remain outside the democratic 'lnfluences , . 9 1. his country more thin two years. -Por he - bad observed that foreign influences, like.sin, deadened a man's perceptionsti and. him dered him from measuring thev-dcpths of perversity' into which he had fidiell;, , : AN , billlV gas ;— The` great steam hat= abOut to. beget up hi•the ,Grarky,'lioolhcithAleWcirks'will b 4. witb 'the mu:nib* ottlinfitthii, Paterson trdn %wick the: ArgUst the :city, : Tholut*ll Ode 'wel44 a4tpiM tona,,ana ,the` dyjitir der, drop; &a., more:than :AaTeixfona, e 9 that the whole will. weight nearly twenty eight ;tons, . The hammer ,w;11-..strike• d blow .101 t h, a- force. of !three ; thousand poundsi or a ton and a half. I ' , Thb me Utilise , ant be sell up in' tiro- or Wee weeks; as soon as the blaehimith calk be retzmied.,.—PaatnOn'.ooB:, Romethat the great Memel:dudOcitinelll4 iA -- P e ..t l 4. " nicely postpetied; P9Pe , spaired of securing tnignit4l . _nlq.,.l the members of the*CBnitOß bif,ttCo339}eFf —Papa hirolubiut ;olio ,gie:wjeoW4 or likKialleui fp Po ;t3oxsrsoiiY doer 401 pelif plan: ka 44. R.AVarAlhlgs 010,4* t W ax* arg efOilnegUats . the crestyth 04 0 OTh 4 mealimtbistaespie64ibeb4l sat* Aiediroar siincl4:4l-„ ? -rift no ;JAM/ 3 GM W.WPON ag fatal Wboteals Dealers 1* Laps, Lanterns, qtandeliera, ' • AND LAMP GOODS. Abe. CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS. BENZINE, &o. N 0.147 Wood Street. se9:n23 Between sth and Bth Avenues. FRUIT CAN TOPS. the too of the can. It Is Clearly, Distinctly and Perm a nently • idADVAILIMEN hyurelyLplaelug the name. of the fruit the can eouta Ut lnii opposltethe_ pointer and sealing in the,oustoinary wanner.. No preserver of fruit or rood 'housekeeper will tuna any other after Ones seeing It.. ; . . mhz nuate#Noer*ollorm &so. NEW SPRING GOODS mAoßtnti, MIME & CO. FINE tartar PARASOLS, Pringed and Pu ffbd Also, all the bestitlfal styles trimmed with Satin. COTTON fiOSIKRY V;` TO 8171 T ALL LACE COLLARS, LACE ELANDICARCIUT. LACE CHEMLSEITES. nunton coxiszim, arum num& HOOP SKIRTS, In all the newest 'styles. In ocr GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT ova KOCK n.COMPLIEIIi NEW TIES END BOWS, Joektrh DickewDerbyand Boa Collars. MORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS, Summer Underclothing. MACRITAL GLYDE & Ca CM GREAT AUCTION SALE ' CONTINUED, MACRUM CARLISLE'S' ESrnez STOCK Or Fancy Goods, H'osi.ery, Trimmings,' -Eassni)lanna3s, FSRNISEING GOODS, NOTIONS, &c., ie. AT r No.=-27 Fifqe Avenue, Harter secured the store room. No. 119 Fifth; avenue, lately °wooled by A. H. Sugltsh Co.. WA have Moored the entire stock of MACRUM & CARLISLE From their old store. N 0.19 FIFTH AVENUE, And, will coattnue • LILY AU TION SALES , Commencing THITRBDAY", April Ist, 11; A P• K. and at 10 A. X. 0 and 7P. Y. every day bare alter until the en Ore stock la closed out. H.119111:1THRON dt CO.. AUCTIONEERS. MACItUId i CARLISLE inytte the attention of their old customers to the elegant new stork they have opened at their new store. No. 27 Pik TH sea • AT RETAIL , JOSEPH HORNE it, CO'S ASSORTALENT TECI.CII. OtrlLcrlires , •. In all the bright shades and numbers. GLOVES I , p , Mlle; Silk, Berlin.. bent's Drlvlnikeposes. HOSIERY, Tartahsost 6bod piton and Bibbed Cents. Gents , super Stoat, Bupartlne taid Mor - no lialf Boad. 1a les':nnd (eater yelling Elatehebi. * olol a D/IINCEnS ALICE ' ' nutrP /MISTS. • NEW LINE LINEN COLLARS AND OUP/N. (MODS ..aOl , •'t •• a ~/• ' V,• •• •• • . 1 474 1 '/rR1N w V1117407 , 2813 , • ttp 77 A~TII 79 Ott* ap2l f• - • r • :1: 717 NOB - TTING. I ;,Itl t. Aoo.o9ll''"Tuiticrasups- .° .0 ME= . `'" •'n • ' • 0,"i : -.4.- •fiscifrp 4241 3 tIO .4; 10 n ,110444iiinSW 4:11 ba:ni ....i3egILSTINGSALIEWBILII7IIMI- DRY GOODS. EMI , . , -• la z cs o oi i CID 43 - ..ri pi la aVe - TRioot ms , i= m l4l:l,ei 4=• ; 41 Fit ~; agii : a g 02 mmt c to ga PI 'a. El b ..* .1 A E 4 E s . 0 ' Frw t w w • rfi iii s i et i 0 A ta 7.4, 8 V ki ° a 6 a Oa tr 4 Eme, 04 't t 41 i a. itisnVe l ltPon NEw SPRING Globule - JUST OPENED, AT THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', 87 Marka Street Printe, Muslim, Dress Goods, 'BI:EA SHAWLS • 4` rum. wiz or SILK SACQUES, Vent Cheap. 87. MARKET STREET. 87. (1111111,, IfIcCANDLESS & CON IL; Htate Wilson, GUT & C 0..) 7raol,sa&Ls DNALII•B IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 woos wrssrr. Third door above DILI:old . Way. • PITTENSUROR. PA. WALL PAPEMS, WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES, of New and Handsome Designs, . „ . NOW OPENING AT No. 107 Mai.ket Street _ • (REAR. MTH AVENVE,j • - . Embracing a large and carefully selected stock of the newest destrns Mira the FINEST STAidr- RD GOLD to the OREAPEST AUTICLIt known to the trade. All of which we over At prices that win pay buyers to examine. - . sTOS. 11.1117011 ES 13110• yam - - WALL PAPER' - THE ILE PAPER MBE IRA NEW PLACE, W. P. MUiMEU='S NEW WALL . PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Street, SPRING. 0 00D9 ARRIVING DAILY. mh6 GLASS.' CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. GOODS.' ;FINE VASES, BOHEMIAN Milli CHINA. NNW:nil - LE% _ DINEEIRTA TB, BBoNrso SETS, • SIFT elm, t A large stock of SILVER PLATED 0001)8 Of all deecrlpttorus. te.slaUsulent 2 ine I.z. Cade,: belitewde. R. SEXED .dr.V.O. 109 WOOD STREET; DRv. " • TTICEIt , CONTRIVES TO' TREAT 'ALL private diseases /1 Syphilis in all Its` forms, Gonocrsea; :elect, Stricture; Orchids. and all urinary diseases an the e ff ects of mercury are completely eradicated; Spertuatorthea or" Semi nal Weaknees • and Impotency, remitting tram self-abuse or other Mturea, and. winch _produces acme of the following effects. as blotcnes, bodily weakness. Indigestion, consumption. station to society unmanlimes, — dread of fature events, loss of memory. indolence, nocturnal emission& and finally so prostrating the sexual system se to render , marriage unsatisfactory, and therefore imprudelitr,are, permaneritly, cured..; .Personitlaf• Ogled . with these or any other delicate, intricate or long Standing constitutional complaint should glestrie Doctor atrial; : he never. Cruse atteutioniven FemaleWM* .ttllt i Lenrorth ea o r W hites, Felling lona mad or Ttleersi fon of the Womb, Overfills; Menorrbeght, Dolma obt•thogs, en terillty, or J 3 arrenitess, aro tlfillt• ed 'rite tee' ateSt eticeess. , ie ittirrigenvldentthat a Melanin who candues himselfegeolosively tuthe atudyolu certain class of dUesitta Ind Create' thousands of cases every year'pleat acquire` greater skill In that 'specialty than on. In general practice. The postai*, pnbUshee a teeniest:m=lst of fifty pages th at glean fu expos, non of v nereal and privareddleaseadth ll rat can be had fres Month or by mall for two stamps, in sealed envelopes. Zvery sentence contains dud/action 1.0 the - ay Meted. and enabling them to detecenett the pre. nature of then( . - ; ibilthmen ' comiting set ' lllsObt room,. le central. -W Mitt ot etliaverdeist visit- ma:city; • the Doctor?, opinions 'can be ob. sabsed,a writtvit statement of : Case, arid mildlethes'ean be forwarded - by 'mint or preens.' In some listaneel. , howerver. it 'personal examination le • absolutely -nocesuserki while La others daily personal attention b n4 111 % 41 . and for the accommodation, fetichPatients there are apartmtlbtressnneetedWith the ethos, that are fora sided with every requisite that is calculated 10 promote recovery, Including medicated Taper Paths. ' Alt prescriptions'. ere , :propire43 In. the ILlcatoes own laboratory , nudes. hie Piteetelier pereWet , ' e 4 leel.P l mPhicts at °most tree, are by stamps. •• Ms - Matter' Mb) hare faUttlifeadwhatttealll.. PAL tnf ei tg efUtlifit t 4t 4ll Pftrib e ilUM e ri t l iV l /AiW(* l io4l 7 M; tats d esrdent, for sate y . J. 11. OANYIELV, CARPETS AND OIL OUMII3. BRUSSELS CARPETS, VILVER FROM_ •ENGLANII). &CALLUM No. 51FIFTH AVENUE, - . . nave hmeivett by steamers Samaria and3faa. battan'Abe VEEP. NEWILaT STYLES of Mb .ItIiGUSH MARKET. Complete Line of DODICSIIC CARPETING. To which large additions are daily being made. L s( Qa , rittis re . sented 'this minket at ...11 i 6411111/ BROS., bl FIFTH ..i.r.E.rtne, -•' (UT. WOOD & 83QTEFrELD.7 ap23:&95 CARPETS. We are now receiving ofit.Spring Stock of Carpets, &e.,. and . are .pre pared' to offer as good 'stock and at as low pri c es as any other house in the Trade. We have all the new styles of Brussels Tapestry, Brussels, Three Flys and Two Ply 4 Best assortment oflngrain Carpets in the Market BOYAItD, 10g.',q),-;:, .21 FIFTH ATHISME. , SAVE TIME AND MONEY FIAIM CO US SAVE NOW OPEN THEIR NEW SPRING STOCE FINE , CARPETS. ROYAL' IIEMIESTEO, . TAPESTRY 'VELVET. ENGLISH:BODY BEUBSKLE, The ekkoillest Stvles ever offered MU& resitiret: Our Pihses art - the LOWEST. A'Splendid Line of Cheap Carpets. GOOD COTTON CHAIN CABITIS 'At 25 Cents Per Yard. MCFARLAND & COLLINS, m6B BOW CLOTHING.—othe lari; gest and most complete stock of • Boys', Youths and Qbildren'selothing, For the presentleeoson, Is to be found at (NEAR IiA.B.KET.) &pie 47 SIETE STREET. (late 'St.-6ilr.) M'PHERSON & MUIRANBRING; No. 10 Sixth (Late St. Clair) Street. (Su cc ess ors to W. 11. MSG= £ C 0.,) ISECIWELANT TAILORS, Have Just received theircarefully selected Mot* ring of Spng and Summer Goods. and will be glad to show or sell them to old customers. The Cutting Department vilcrtlll be superin tended by M. 0. A. MUEfLANBEING. • I take 'pleasure in recommending the above Aria to the liberal support of the'publie. ' mh11:181 . W. H. HeGEH. 13 - - 11 Ev!!.1 'mite !with W.Hespenhelde.) iitear,CELANT TAXICACIR, No. 53 Smithfield Street,Pittsburiih. -NEW SPRING GOODS. elendld no* .stocit. of cLorns CASSIMERES 40 int received by HICINRY 111311Thi. oak" Merchant Tailor. Ta lansitikehiaareit: PIANOS. OR( B%Tamr4spiMittatirT,LEAP soomliorteo.. odd limo'. l ANOUTEY'S COTTAdE ORGAN. . , • The •scattascritia ruiktVeianbbitr in the latest valuable Improvement known i n thence& istruotitst or &Snit Wats - Instrument.And nee sit wars beat awarded the big hest.nreadurafre. hibited. Its tone Is ROL ignorant arterwest: sunla s. frrl t e c VfMVltritbrVal= to style and sh, ) Cheaper than" other so otiled first - iBTEre OOTTATZ ORGAN Stands at the head. of air. reed instruments , in producing the most perfect ptpegnality of tone of an/ similar Instrument in the United States. It Is &an and compact win onestrastion. - end not Ualoyto sit onto. order. OARPIttS PATIVT U VOX R* TBZSIOLO"- Onl7 to be fatal in t AMU his Oros . T Wee iirt?tt d 3 : 0 0 ! ,0 PRO. 411 0 ,1 1/ 9! . 9 4 4 f O2 aye L.; !LITHOGRAPEIBRI3;', 1431"?(*•A*1.14at% ___ • ••••••r• 01 fla*Tar CM 318 .. SANGER Sl, L T ol4 . l ,Successors to %El, irs V ICEMPRIMix ACQw , , plumper. urcukuLtruzu. ne•only:,l3tesni..bitiseasiAde liersltslunent west of Vie Monntalns. 'Business 0 Ler evis. Bond...Label_ .11 Oirenl i tr . Lo4st 'Oa I, reddntlik , Irsatesi ten Of . ziliti4 bimetal 'Use.% 40.7Zic—Tyikinsd TA welra stmt. Pittsburgl. The Latest Ariival They also offer a A DisplOy of Go(Ai Equal N0..11 and 73 FIFTH AIiNNUZ, (134300nd Floor). SOMORANT TAILORS. GRAY .& LOGAN'S, BAREDIMAKII So BUETTUD4 xoommawiltsmar