rwirmausaa iwuum. 0 6117/0Z or l i rrronmor GAzirrra, t BATURDAT, April 24, 1869. s The general markets have been mod eratelT active during the past week, there having been alair volume of business in the aggregate, though trade generally is not what it ought to be at this season of the year. Flour is quiet and a little weak, though there • is a continued fair local demand; while some kinds of grain, particularly Oats and Corn, are firmer and .higher. Provisions:• steady with a fair jobbing demand, and prices are fully sustained. In other articles, there are no new characteristics worthy of 'special notice. APPLES—Very scarce particularly good finalities in sound condition; may be - quoted from v 657 per bbl. APPLE. 8V111.11,--91)(4). per gallon. BUTTER—Is dull though not quotably lower, sales of prime Roll at 38®38 and choice In small packages at 89®4e. CHEESE—New York Goshen 24Q25. CARBON 011,12 quoted in a jobbing way at 30®31. CORNMEAL-$1.75@1,80 per cwt. • DRIED. FRUIT—Sales of Peaches at 14(415 for quarters, 18®17 for mixed and 18@20 for halVes, as to quality. Apples scarce and may be quoted at 12@14. EGGS—Steady at 18. - FEATHERS—A Shade firmer, and we now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail waV, FLOURLThe market has been very quiet all week, though there has been a a very fair local demand, while pH cei are as yet without quotable change. _ppring Wheat brands, 88,50®7, Winter Wheat, f 7,5058. Rye Hour, 87®7,25. 81111 prices remain unchanged. GRAIN-'There is little or nothing doing in' Wheat, and prices are nominal at $1,48®1,50 for prime Red, and little or none in market. Oats firmer and tending upwird; it is difficult to quote correctly. We did hear of sales having been made in store at 75. Ear Corn is quoted at 85 and prime shelled at 75®80, and the market stronger: Rye also is stronger -tbortah the demand is light; may be qu Aed at $1,43®1,45. No move. went in Barley and no settled prices. HAY—Is in steady demand with sales of prime to choice baled on wharf at 130®88. - HVPMINY—SS;7S®6 per bbL HEAIP-4215®Tic per ton. IJARDOIL--Sales No. 1 Extra at 11,52 ®1,58. - and No. 2 at $1,23 MAPLE MOLASSESin gallon juAat sl:so@lA TifTOES—In good supply and dull; may be quoted at 70 on track, and 75 in ste.. YEANllT_ re s—quoted at 11 ots. ' PROYISICiNS-,Are steady with a fair jobbing demand. but; prime are un changed at 14 for. Shoulder% 16®16% . for Ribbed, and 17,;;®18. for Clear Sides; and 19;M19 . 34 - ' for Sugar Cured gam% Lard, is quoted st 19X©19%, as to cml. la, and Dried Beef at 20X. Mesa Pork 0. SEEDS—Clover Seed is quoted at 19,50 and Timothy- at F4,75(g15, and little or none In market. No Flaxseed in mar ket except what is la the hands of the mills. SAI/r—lslay be quoted at $1,80@i1,85 by the car load, and e1,95@2 for small lots in store. • I WHISKY—DuII and unchanged. Markets by Telegraph. NEW Yons, April 24.—Cotton dull and unchanged ; sales 900 bales, at 28M@ 28%6 for middling Uplands. Flour: receipts amounted to 6,619 bbls; the market was heavy, irregular and un settled; sales Were made Of 5,300 bbls at 115,15€4,45 for superfine, State and west tat, 15,7066,10 for extra State, f5,65@6,60 for extra western, $6,:30®13 for good to ohoice white wheat; 0,55®7,10 for R. H. r(g;8,50 for extra St. Louis, s9@l2 for vod to choice do; closing quiet. Eye Flout: tales 150 bbls were made at 1,4.75 G 6,75." Cornmeal is in moderate demand and sales were made of 200 bbls Marah's caloric at $4,75. - Whisky steady; sales were made of 150 bbla , western at 920, free. Wheat: receipts, none; dull and prices favor buyers; 29 000 , bush sold at 81,88 for No. 2 spring delivered; $1,43 for No. 2 do delivered. $1, 8 5©1,70 for white C a lif orn i a . lin i ng i,72 for amber Michi- gan; $1,90 for white Michigan. Rye quiet and drooping. 4 4, Barley dull and heavy. Barley Malt quiet. Corn: receipts were 19,183 bush, is lees plenty and prices I@ 2c better; 57,000 bush sold at 82(M5c for new mixed western,. closing at 83@84c for' - prime samples; 830 for old do. in store;' 83®85c for old white western in atore. Oats ; the receipts amounted to 4,682 bush; price is 'l@l'ic better; sales 0f.4,000 bus at 780)78%c for western in store* Rice dull:, Coffee dulL Sugar quiekedles of 80 hhds Porto Rico .at 12e. Mileages, a moderate request; sales of 60 hhda'Cuba at 50c. Petroleum firm at 18c• for crude, and 3235@33c for refined. Coal quiet. ''"Leather hemlock, a fair request at 31e for Buenos Ayres and Rio Grande light and, middle weights. Wool quiet and active; sales of 22,000 pounds at 48@56c for domestic fleece, 32a 860 for unwashed, and 37@380 for pulled. Lin- - seed oil quiet at 13c in casks. Spiriai turpentine firm at 45(449350. Gum copal —sales of 150 cages Zanzibar at 35X0, for , . • 4 months; 25 do at $12340, for 4 months and interest; 88 do at 33 34 c, for 3 months and interes t. Aicohol at $1,70; piime western held at $1,40. Pork steady; sales of 700 bbls at $31,25@31.75 for new mess; do Moiling at $31,20 wig, PLO° for prime old do,. and $28,50 for prime" mess. Beet unchanged; sales, of 240 bbls at $B, l i 19.00 Sol new plain mess, and $12,00 1 %09 Mine new extra mess. Tierce beef dull and heavy; sales" of 25 tierces at 125,09328,00 far prime mess, $25,001030,0 0 ibr India mess. Beef hams steady at $400@32,00. Cut meats dull ,at 12%® 13c ibe shoulder'', and 16)4c 'for hams.. liliddbisqtdet, and unchanged: . sales 150 /grit cut hams , Stafford's and stuffed sold at INC. Lard steady. at .17.X@I P X 0 for steam, alliilB%@l9o for kettle ran-, 'doted , sisop' tcs steam, selleiltuur .and JulYfat, tea do., . 1 830. Butter, steady at .2 2 (4 85 0 for Ohio and for State. Choosy firm at- 119®25c. Freights 'to Liverpool -are dull and• without decided thange. Dietid* -43 hesthing Copper steady at Mc; ingot Caiier firmer and quiet, at 28%@, 23A0 tor Lake. 24c for Detroit, and 23%0 for Baltimore; Pig Iron in moderate do , wand at 1141@45 Tor Eicotch r and $37@42 for American; Bar Iron dull at 85090 for refined English and American. Sheet Iron'qulat at 11@l3o in gold for Russia; Nails steady at 4Y, @be for cut, By,@fiu for clinch, and.2B®3oo fort orse.aho e : Latest--Flour closed quiet and for common, and . dull and heavy for good grades.. Wheat quiet and slightly in buyers', favor., Rye dull and nominal at $11 3 0€4, 33 for western. - Oatsateady et 78178303 for , western in store. 0 0 ,.„ dull at 83©830 for new mixed, western, , and 88c in store for old mixed western. POrtz quiet Ait $31.30 for meas. Beef Ateady, , with a moderate demand. c ut , 'Meats nominal. Bacon, quiet and heavy, Lard ;dull at /835@18y,0 for fair to prime stoma, ' • • - „ Cacao °, April44l.-i-Eastern 'exchange quiet, at par inid onetenth ANT buying., and pae•tenth preminataelllng. Fbmr Cn • • • . • - light demand. Spring iertnia V 4 , 37 14@16. Wheat • dull and unsettled 'at 11001y0 higher, sales No. 1 at $1,1235®1,13; No. 2, $1,04ya1,05; closing at 51,03. Sales since change at e 1,054„ Corn quiet and firmer. No. 1 advanced .I%c; sales at 5734®58; No. 2 g higher; sales at 54@54‘; new 3‘ @2e higher; sales at 45@47; closing at 46 35 for No. 2; nothing doing this eve. ning. Oats active; 135@20 higher; sales of No. 2 at 56@58, and closing at 57%. Rye quiet; Miglle higher; sales at $1,16® 1,18: closing at $1,17%©1,18 for No. 1. Barley dull, and closing at $1,50®1,55, ac cording to location, for No. 2. Highwines quiet and unchanged. New Orleans Ma lasses f1,00®1,05. Sugar 14(44534,. Com mon to choice Mess' Pork Inactive and nominal at 00,75 cash; steady and active at 1531,75, seller lost Mc. June drysalted shoulders inactive and nominal at 11% Hl2. Sweet pickled hams 153‘©16. ogs quiet at 119,05@9,35 for common; $9,40@9,6214 for fairto medium, and $9,75 5510,25 for good to choice.. Beef cattle heavy at $5@5,75 for but Cher's stock; $6,2041®6436% for fair to good stockers; 16,75 for good tie choice shipping steers. Receipts .during the past twenty-four hours: 10,995 bbis Four, 25,734 bushels Wheat, 26,694 bush C0rn,14,023 bush Oats, 400 bush Barley, 2,65 9 Hogs. Ship. *eras: 12,010 Flour, 59,232 Wheat, 199 00 Corn, 34,783 Oats, 2,328 Rye, 400 Bar ley, 4,300 Hogs. Sr. LOITIS, April 24.—Tobaeco is dull and unchanged. Cotton unchanged. Hemp lain no demand. Flour is dull and nnehanged; superfine at s4©s; spring extra at 55,25, double extra ss@7. Wheat steady for spring, fall is 3®50 lower, except for choice; fall red at $1,35, prime at 11,45151,48, strictly prime at $1,50151,55, choice to strictly choice at 51,70©1,85, No. 2 spring at $1,05, No. 1 do. at $1,13. Corn is heavy and favors buyers at 54(358 in bulk, 64066 in sacks. Oats are heavy and lower at 6134@)64. Rye steady at $1,23©1,25. Provisions are quiet but firm. Mess Pork at s3l® 31,50. - Bulk Meats; clear rib sides 15 loose clear sides 16. Bacon; shoulders at 13X, rib sides at 14‘ clear rib sides at 16N®17, canvassed c ured hams at 19® 20. Lard dull and nominal at 17©18. Whisky firmer at 87. The receipts for the past twenty-four hours amounted to 2,338 barrels of flour, 7,031 bushels of wheat, 1,338 bushels of, corn, 4;562 bush els of oats, 729 bushels of rye 'and 370 hogs CINCINNATI. April 24.—Flour dull, de mand light and prices lower; family $6,25 ®6,50, and low grades of family offered at $B, but without buyers. Wheat scarce and steady at $1,36 for Ng. 2. Corn 68@ 71:0. Oats • 67®71c. Rye $l,BB. Cotton unchanged, with middling at 27@87%0. Whisky firm at 90c. Provisions quiet and unchanged.- Mess - Pork held at 830 031,50, but none, saleable at bettor than 01.. Bulk Meant' held firmly at 12M101 14%e for shoulders and aides, and /534© 15 3 / 4 0 for clear rib and clear sides. Bacon 1334(416+34.g17gc, but 'no sales were made. Lard nominally unchanged with no demand. Butter unchanged; fresh 83@37c. Egp 16c. Sugar firm; New Or leans 1334®15c. Molasses 80@)85c for New Orleans, and 70@75c for Porto Rico. No change in Oils. Gold 133 buying. Exchange steady. Money market un changed. NEW Ont.NANs, April 24.—Cotton mar ket nominal. with no demand, at 28gc for middling; sales, 3,000 bales; receipts, 718 do; exports, 5,116 do. Gold, 134%. Exchange sterling, 144. New York premium. Flour depressed; sales of superfine at 15,75, doable extra at $5,90, and $8,90 for treble extra. Corn, 77@78c. Oats, 70c. Bran, 81.50®1,60. Hay firm and unchanged at 128,00. Pork firmer; sales at $32,00. Bacon firm; sales at 13%c for shoulders, 13340 for aides, and 1734 c for hams. Lard dull at 18c for tierce, and 1934 c for keg. Sugar dull at 950 for common, 1334 c for prime, and 14c extra. Molasses at 55c for prime. Whiskey nominal and unchanged. Cof fee quiet and unchanged at 153 1 r@,17c for fair. MILWAUKEE, April 24.—Flour is null and prices are unchanged. Wheat -is active at SI,IOM for No. 1, and 81,04 for No. 2. Oats firmer t . at' 550 for No. 2. Corn firm at 48c for new. ltye nom inally firm at $1,12 for No. L Barley is nominal at 11.70@1,85 for fair to good samples. Freights are dull and un changed. The receipts for the past twenty-four - hours amounted to 3,000 barrels flour, 37,000 bushels wheat, and 28,000 bushels corn. Bhipments-2,000 barrels flour and 28,000 bushels wheat. CLEVELAND. April 24.—Flour; city made at $10©10,25 for treble extra white" $8,25 for double extra amber; 17,25(4)7,50 for double extra red and amber; $6@)(1,75 for double extra spring; i58,75@0126 for double extra white winter. Buck wheat flour dull and nominal. Wheat at $1,43 for No. 1 red winter, and 11,30 for No. 2. Corn a; 70c. Oats at 67c. Rye at 111,28@ 1,35. Petroleum quiet and unchanged at 80@31c for refined standard white; 28 (gk29o for prime light straw to white in car lots,"imd small lots to retail at 3215880. BUFFALO, April 24.—Flour steady at 116®6,25 for Nos. 2 and 1 city ground spring. Wheat: spring, to arrive, offered but no bidders. Corn dull at 76@770 on the track and to arrive; old do nominal at 81c. Oats dull and nominal at 67c in store.. Rye neglected. Barley nomi nally unchaaged, with no demand. Timothy seed easier; sales at $4,25@4,50. Clover seed steady at ;9,75. Pork dull and unchanged. Lard dull and un changed. Highvrinesnomineir. Louisvmus, April ?A.—Tobacco sales, 185 hhds Lugs Tobacco Cutting Leaf at $18.00@)19,00.. Mesa Pork 31,25@31,50. Lard 18%. 13210011 shoulders 13%. Clear rib sides 17. Clear sides 174. Bulk shoulders 12%. Clear sides 18%. Flour 88.. Wheat $1,45©1,53. Corn 85 €l4B. 86®08. Rye Hay $22 ®23.- New Orleans Sugar 14%. Prime Whiskey 91, , Cotton 28%027. . Pnii.azott,rnoti, April 24.—Flour is in moderate demand; Northwestern , extra family sells at $6,50@7,25; Ohio ;9; fancy $9,50@10. Wheat IS firm and hi good de mand for prime red which sells at slo3o@ 1,76...8ye is unchanged; • Cora is less active and onehanged. Oats 744078 e for western; 80@70c for Pennsylvania. Pro vials:ma unchanged. - • . maxims; exit but firm itt 27y0; recelptit,'Bl4 bales ; exports; ` 1;191 biles. Fleur dull: Corn 'firm at 75c. Oats,, - 790: - 11ay,•527,80. Pork; dull 'it $82;60.' Pird, 19y..e.' Bacon unchanged at 14W for' sides.' Meats firm at Ms for shoulders, and 18go for (dear rib Bsterittoix., 'April,:24;—Flour ,duil. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn dull; white 80c, "and yellow ,850. Oats firm for choice, and common dull. Rye un changed. Whisky 910. Provisions un chingedt, • • Dirsorr, April 24.—Wheat dull: extra white winter at $1,85 for No. 1. Clover seed advanced to 59,88. ST. Loins ApEll '24:—cattle Afarket-- - Cattle dull at 85 @7 gross. Hogs dull at 7@lo. _ Itesnvxma, April 24.—C,otton doll, low middling 250; good ordinary 240. Dry Goods Market. • Nyw yonx, April 24.—. As tumid, do Saturday, the utarkelwasTquiet and no chenge to notice, beyond the equalize tiotrot prices by •the different jobbing htniaes.,-.lrhemory Goods , trade br devoid At= ilthaativezi • St* Salon ea . ;-wholse- StesUy depressed for Woolens. Mena years ago;lrhen Hall gold 2,700 pieces of fancy - cassimeres at 77M0 per yard, it was considered the worst sale ever spade; but the sales that have bees made the 'past week, under the present high tariff, are far •worse. Fine goods are selling for currency - prices down to 75 and 130 c, and nice goods as low as 55 and 50c, and'at these rates the trade is afraid to purchase any; but these low rates are only for the line of goods which agents want to close out. The market, however irregular on most all woolen goods, and only a few fine makes, like Harris Globe and Bradbrook, maintain their prices. Nor are Cotton Fabrics doing much better, as fine heavy Bleached Cottons and Prints are selling losfer than when • raw material could be bought for 120 per pound less. IMPORTS MT RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH FORT WAYNE & CHI CAGO RAILROAD, April 24. —1 car ore, lawmen Wells & Co; 1_ do whaat, W Provost Jr; 1 do do, J Craig; 3 'do do, Liggett & Co; 100 bids flour, J. M Mont gomery; 100 no do, owners; 100 do do, 1 car mill feed,Culp& Shepard; 1 do bar le.y, Carson & Co; 4 do corn, W J Meek; 1 do bones, Seward dr Emerson; 12 bbls apples, W C Graff; 100 do fllour, owners; 38 do apples, SH-Rea; 6 do do, 1 car pota toes, Volgt, M & Co; 7 ball cheese, H Rid dle; 17 do do, J Daub; 1 bbl molasses, Little tic Baird. CLEVELAND AND Prnssunan RAIL - ROAD Argil 23.-1 car rye, Exchange Nat Bank: ; 2 do ore, Hutchinson 0 & Co; 1 do lumber and shingles, Burgan & C; 2 do potatoes, Bruggeman & O;1 do lum ber, Hamilton, & Co; 8 bbls oatmeal, Rinehart & Stevens; 3 coils lightning rods, 1 Mr insulators, Lockhart & Co; 54 bdls hides, Woodwell & Co; 30 bbls lime, W Clendennlng; 83 eke oats. Keil & Bit chart; 38 bbls potatoes, Robinson & Co; 5 do barley, Strickler & M; 17 eke potatoes & Volgt, M Co; 84 do feed, J Dorrington; 78 do oats, Graham & Marshall. ALLEGHENY VALLEY ttAILROAD, April 24.-4 bbls eggs, Van Gorder & S; 1 car lime, D L 'Reynolds; 160 bbls ell, J Wilkins; 2 cars stone; Henderson & Co; 66 bgs grain, W P Craig: 2 cars metal, Union Iron Mills; 12 bales hay, Bingham & Laing; 71 sks oats, Keil & Ritchart; car rye, Gault & Co; Cr do railroad iron, P C'eft S L R It; 2do metal, Reese,Vraff & Dull. PITTSBURGH CINOENTrATI AND ST. Louis RAILROAD, April 24.-40 Umlauts J H Parker; 6 cases tobacco, Bache' dr Co 8 caddies do, E Eiazeiton; 20 do do, C C Caer; 80 do do, Lindsay & M; b tots lard, J Lippincott; 9 pkgs produce, S Cum mings; Bdo do, R Toner, 100 bbls flour I) Wallace; 60 do highwines, Miller or Co 20 do whisky, WS Head. ALLEGHENY STATION, April 24.-3 cars wheat, R T Kennedy & Bro; 1 do lime, J Abdoll; 2 do barley, Olmore, S & Co; 3 do metal, Superior Iron Co; 2de wheat, M'Kee & Co; 1 do ore. Richey, H & Co; 4,000 feet lumber, Walters & Son; 12 pkgs tobacco, J Kohen: 164 eke corn, 6 do oats, Rose & Ewing. . RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede slowly at this point with seven and a half feet In the channel by the Monongahela marks last evening. Weather pleasant but somewhat cooler. The Lorena from St. Lotus is the only arrival we have to, re port. The Sr. Marys from Cincinnati, Is due here today and will return as usual to-morrow. The Kate Putnam left. Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Friday. Pilots—Robert Greenlee and James Henderson. The new mountai n boat Flirt passed Cincinnati on Friday for St. LOMB, and the Ironsides was expected to arrive there on Saturday. The St. Marys has among other items of freight; 1,300 bales of hay and 153 bales of cotton. The Leonidas, enroute from NeW Or leans to St. - Louis ' was at Cairo on Friday and the towboat James Gilmore passed Evansville the same day.enronte for Pittsburgh, with 'a big ~ tow of empty barge& ' The Glasgow, Capt. Andy Robinson, Jr., is announced for St. Louis and the Upper Missiasippl, clear up to St. Paul. She just returned from. Dubuque the other day. A deck hand employed on the Havana felt overboard in the Cumberland river near Eddyville and Was drowned. He and a companion were engaged in get ting out Eddyville freight, and were carrying a box, when he stumbled and fell into the river. From papers found in his effects, it is supposed that he re sided in , this city. The Beilevernon, Capt. J. J. Darragh, Jr., is announced for St. Louis:and the Upper Mississippi forthwith and passen gers and shippers should bear this in mind. The R. U. Gray, Capt. Whittaker, is up for Cincinnati and Louisville. The Mary Davage and Barges departed fer St. Louis on Saturday. —The Argosy left St. Louis for Pitts burgh on Thursday last. —A negro deck hand fell off the Dar ling at' Paducah and was drowned. —The towboat Grand Lake arrived at New Orleans on Thursday from Pitts burgh. —The Petrolia No. 2 was sold at Evans ville on Thursday to John A Adams, for $3,400. —The case of the collision of the Quick step and 011ie Sullivan is being investi gated of Evansville. —The towboats Stella, Tom Farrow and Simpson korner ascended the falls at Louisville on Thursday. • —Capt. John Anawal. being unable to find any iron ore 'at Carondelet, has laid the Wild Duck and bargee up at that point. —Mr. J. IL Stratton, formerly of Kan awha River packets , has quit the river and taken charge of the Valley House at It ix eild-that the , - Legal Tender will enter - the Memphis an d White River trade as al Thtmelay paelret. in oppoei-, tion to the Natonta; -=-The'nfienir Mends ot' • A;, E. Randall, b*Vpiettaed to' learn he has re.' "awned his old position'as river , reporter for the ISt..Leithr Viii • • —The, Armadillo and Maggie gays ar rivednt St: Innis on Thursday and the Silver Lake and Colossal left there the same day for Fort Benton. —The Waniiita arrived at -Cincinnati orfThursday and departed tiesame day for St. Louis. She had a barge in tow, and boat and barge contained'Boo tuns.. —The tug Nettle Jones, sslzed at Little Rock, Arkansas, some time since, for complicity in the destruction • of the Ar kansas arms, waareleasecl on Saturday. • —Capt.'Henry • 11. Hart,. half owner and commander of the Lawrence, •pur 'chased on Thursday at Cincinnati, of Robert Semple and Thomas °fussily their half interest in that steamer, for FI,OOO. —Geo: W. Houghton, one of the local inspectors of•thet port of Louisville, has been nominated to the Senate for the po sitton of Supervising Inspector of the Sixth District, now held by Colonel J. V. Guthrie. He Ain not , 'yet been con. armed:. i‘ u -An 'elmeroset 4tosMbrsitntazi; -fresh frost Cincinnati, alleges that then it ' MONDAY, Ana 28; lebt. more business done on the'Yittsbeirgh landing in one day than there is on the n Cincinn i levee in three. This :may be a little dv erdrawn , yet it is probab.le that the ship ents from here by river Oince the first of January have been larger than t • ose from Cincinnati during twe same ti.. e. It has been no uncommon thing t. send out two and sometimes three bo: a to St. Louis in a week, about the sam -'nnmber to Cincinnati and Lou- • e to Nashville and one to New and with rare exceptions, they here loaded to their utmost ca- In addition, we have our packet :11 of which have been and are ng a good, business. It is true, I have ruled exceedingly low, • as this-that brought out the ipmenta and enabled Pittsburgh turers to successfully compete her points, and, as a general iur boats have made a little taville; Orleans all leav pacity. boats, still do freights but it heavy manufa with o 1 thing, money. There boats b than du there ar tract. boats we Pittsburi one of t 1 boat but has been a greater number of llt:here this winter and spring ing any time siuce the war, and some others now under con• nd while speaking about new .1 here take occasion to say that his generally conceded to be e beat points in the country for I ding. LLE, April 24.—River stationary e feet in the canal. Weather pleasant. Loma with ni clear an VER PACKETS ST. Pa lIL. EOILIIIK, BIIR-misr i e , TON, MUSCATINE. 11T. ROCK ISLAND. FULTON Mt, • GALENA. DU BUQU r. Mc LACROSSE. WI NONA, REED'S l and ST. PAUL, the atuendldpassen , F " DAY_ENP CITY . LY GREGO... LAI. DIN ger ateame I:MA23OOR, Wall I.•ave. Mat.. at 4 ap26 ...... Capt. ANDY ROBINSON', JR.. ,e shone en WEDNESDAY. the 28th OR:' EORITR, BUR w LIN oN, MUSCA.TINE V'EN PORT, ROCK ISLAND. PA" Cl . rY. LIONS. GALENA. DUBUQUE. Mc- GREGOR LA CUOSSE. WINONA, HEED'S LANDING and bT. PAUL, The new and splen did passenger steamer, ' BELLE VERNON Capt. J. J. DARIIAGTI. Will leave for the above and Intermediate land Inge THIS DAY, the BOW, at 4 o'clock r. u. For fielght or passage apply on board or to tiliktLEnT SWAENEY & Co, Agents. The above toot, ' having a greater part of her load engaged,will positively leave at uncruncrd, prtsenting an opportunity fur psssergers, partic ularly, those having lamilles, seldom obtained from nese, as this bust goes through without re shipping or triuulti ring at Pt. Louis. thereby placiog passenger. at no Inconvenience, and as oriole then an opportunity for speed com fortrareir obtained. apls CLNCINSFA'II. VOR CINCINNATI apdadr i g' LODISVILLR.—The steamer, R. C. GRAY Capt. Ie AAC WEIITTAXER, WILL leave for the above Wats THIS DAY, the Ark.kt Mo. I epb .11/IRIEST. E.WZ4NEY A CO., Agents. OS WIIEVILING. AgagI.IddRIV:T CA.PAREEESBURG AND CINCINNATJ. LeaTes Pittsburgh EVERY TIO'ESDAY. 11i H. Leaves Cinelnnati EVERY IRWAY-4 P. M. Tbe swift end snpern Stdewbeel Steamer ST. MARYS, T. a 'SWEENEY. Commander. will leave as announced above. For Fteight or Pauar• apply on board. or to FLACK & COLLINBWOOD, or . • COLLINo & BARNES, Agents, N. B.—No Freight received on Tuesday after 11 A. M. mt UPPER BiIbSISSIPPI. Jarmo. 1869. - adroit NORTHERN LINE PACKETS, FROM St. LoaNO Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL IS [ERMEDIATE PORTS Ole of the splendid Sldewheel Steamers of this Line witnesses St. Louts da ly for Keoauk,D 'see pert, Dubuque, Winona.. Stillwater an.i St Paul. Through receipts for Preisla and Passengers will be given to all points oh the .Upper M 1.611/. Maelppl on steamers month; from this port and connec•lng with the Northern Line Packets at St, Louts, thus enabling con.ignees to get their Freight tbrouth without delay and at lowest rates. Apply to JOHN. FLACK, • J. D. coLLINGwoon, Agents, or to B. C. GNAT. mh2B:g23 91 Water street. FOR ST. LOUIS. liEO•adigg KUK. BURLINGTON. DU BUQUE AND sr. O.IN • ECTION WITH THE NORTHERN LINE PACKET CO. —The fine passenger teenier I...RENA. Capt. B. SuumAl4. Will leave for the above sod lnterme4.ate ports on TUESDAY, April A7lh, at 4 P M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ap24 FLACK & thILLINOWOOD. Agent.. PARKERSBURG. prrTg RIIR Hq dt gr o t xEßssu ir ld rA dh.- A i lD fl:t o ßm; mos Wharf nom. imkc wend Street, daily at IA W., WED NESDAYS and SATURDAYS WILEY. .. ' . L. titurrocirr, Muter. relgbt will JAMES be r .... COa ell hours by S. VLACH a COLLINOWOOD, apII Aimuts. LEGAL. ALLEGHENY -COUNTY, ss. In the Court of Common Pleas, Jane Wag ner, by her next friend vs, John A. Wagner. No. 203, March Term, MB. Libel In DI vorce. And now, April 10th. 1069, C; BNIVELY, Esq., appointed Commissioner to take testimony in this case, and report the same to the Court. Mom the Ileoordd JACOB H. WALTER, Prothonotary. The underslaved wilt attend to the duties of the above appointment at the °See of H. C. MAO &HELL. No. 89 Grant street, 1,1 MON DA f . Apr 1119th, at S o'clock r. u. apIA:h4S.Tlil C. BNIVELT. Orifice OF TRY Tolman - min OP Arad:antis - I , / conxm Pittsbargh, April Ist, 1801 a, TN PURSUANCE OF THE 21st section of an'Act relatlig to Allegheny Botta ty, approved the Ist day of May, 1861, and of the amendment to said section t approved the 30th day of /larch, 111116, I do hereby give notice that the Duplicates for the several Wards, Boroughs and Townships WILL BE OPEN, and I will be pre pared to receive the County, Statn, Poor, Wottitense an: Improvement:Taxes for 1869. - oa -And atter' the lot, daydim of' Kay. 'ls'9. Seli. time= es laid at at. Ones ante the I.t day otAorest with a AItDIIOTION OF FIVE PER CENT. for prompt psymeet toll persons paying We whole 111111011111 of their taxes. There will be no deduction allowed during the month of August.' There will be • Tan Per Cent. Added To er taxes ••emalning unpaid on the let day of 01 . 31)Inber ' 1"9. J. F.l ntintisviN. araichn Treasurer ot Alleshenl'County, SLATE, ROOFING ELATE OF TIEIOIIB Qualities and: Colors. Yarttottlar attention given to laying Slate and owing 8 ate roots, )or particulars and prices • ' J. & NEWarfEE N tre. 4$ s.v. Awes's', libiltaff • PITTSBURGH. ri. JAMES COLLIZiS, agent COMMISSION MERCHANTS I J. L. D/LL3?7437.11 EITEVEICSON. DILLINGER & STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye Whiskies. IMPORTERS OF - BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 Second Avenue, ap2o PITTSBURGH. PA. E STABLISHED SEED BY . _ & T 1 . _ W. N. GORMLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No: 271 Liberty Street, ' (Dummy 0,?. LAGIA HOTZI.,) •P1TT51131711431.. Jai PA. se : Y. STIILD J. A. STIZI.II. Mj6TEELE & SON, Cimmisston Merchants, 1 AND MAIMED IN GnaAix. PiEimmo, .9c.o‘ No. 99 OHIO BTREICI, *ear East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. 7777:13 EMIL JAB. 7. EICHAEL KEEL & RITCHALIEIT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DIALZEB IN ?LOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL PEED, be., I 349 Albeity ht., Pittsburgh, - mr24:bg . . L.. 3. BLANCHARD • Tilioesale and Retail xo. 3943 PENN STS ST. ap 44129 - , lIITTLE, BAIRD fc), PATTON, Wholegate Grootnn,§Onandroniderdbautt an Dealers - 4nProduce, lour, Escort, Chmae, nob, Carbon and Lard OIL IrCI Nails Ulnas, Cotton Yarns and an Ptitiburgb . Manlt z atires generally.. MI and 1.1.4 ar.CON.p -id ET, Pittsbarnh. . I. • JOHN enrerox - A W•LLACII. §BHIPTON 84 WALLACE_,, Whole. SALE GROCERS AND PROD MX DEAL . No. 6 SIXTH STREET. Plrdsburgh. Jelly I. 1101781..1DW. HOUSIII.—.IWIY. H. HOLUM tjOHNI I. HOWSE iIiBROS:i Sue. _Cesson 10 JOHN I. HOUSE 1 CO., Whole.. Arms Grocers. and Coninsission Merchants, Cot. nerof Basitbileld and Water titre .ts. Pittsburgh.' STRONG,lSuccessei C itUrawr'& . Annmmri-, PRODUCE 7 XEROUAIa, b .11.5 Market . • PROPOSALS. _ 1.1"INIVY, elven e.n.....e U.S. Cosircug lithriz..Poli , O. Pirralia r acm, i SUltrllton's unts, April Al, 1109. ( girNOTICE •I HEREBY GIV EN, that SEAL t.D PROPaii6A.LS, accom ,T pasted by p. over sus ntees, accOrding to forms to se fartdohed on sp lication at this office. will be received thereat, a tll 12 o'clock meridian, on the : ' FIRST TUESDAT IN JUNE NEXT, For the supply of the Marine Hospital at (or near) this rity with the articles; of provision, medicine; dc., enumerated In said forms!' The ,quau titles stated are estimated with reference to line usual ; number of patients in the hospita ; but the Unittil 'elates reserves the right to take more or less.of said ariciea_ accordingly as they may be actually required. If the articles deliv ered at the Hospital are not, In the judgment of the physician, or the best quaint and adapted to. the hospital, he wilt be at libeled , to rtjeet the same, to purchase other article, in their stead. and to charge the contractor wits; ; any excess in cost overcoutract prices. TKONALISiSTEEL ap2hhati Surveyor. arTD. C • RPENTEIRS AND BUILDEBS.—SeaIed proposals for the erection of TWO STATION HOUSES, • , For City: of Pittsburgh. one to be erected in Twelfth and one in Seventeenth Ward of said city, will be received at the Hardware Store of J. & 0, PEAB.cON, No. $7 Diamond street, be tween ,Wood and Smith fi eld streets. where Plans and Specifications can be seen. All _proposals to b , in by 14 o'clock: April 94th, 1589. By order of Committee. JOHN H. HAILE, JOS, IifArSHALL, apS 43E0. It. PYABSON. T° SEWER CONTRACTORS. . The Sewer .Cotrunission of the City of Alle gheny ate prepared to receive proposals for the construction of the followitter sewers, with their appurtenances, inlets, in as hole a, ac. Contract .Vo. 1. Comprising about SAS feet or 12 inch circular pipe sewer, on line 'of Idorton - alley, between strawberry alley and Montgomeryavenne. 1 Contract AV. 2. Comprising about 1,160 feet of circular pipe ewer at 15 and-16 inches diameter, on lin.• of ashington and Liberty streets, between North street and Cedar avenue • Drawings and Specifications can be seen and full partici:flare obtained at the Envineer's office, City Hall. Wds must state the kind of pipes proposed to be used, (cement or 'vitrified clay pipe, 1 and must be endorsed "Sewer Proposals, contract No. 1" (or fil as the case may be.) and delivered on or before 3 P. M.. APRIL Stith. . . Forms , ..or proposals on which tonne alone the bide wiri be received, will be obi allied at the En gineer's, office. The Commission do n bind theineelv,es to accept the lowest or any lid. By order of the Commission. aplldeT7 CHAR. DAVIS. City Engineer. R AILROAD LETTING. St. Lottis,Vandalta & Terre Haute IR Propoials will be received until o'clock M., Mi 7 Bth, , addressed to McKEEN. SMITH & Co., Chief Oontractors, Terre Haute, Indiana, for the list' fifty-seven (57) miles of this road. The work is of the most desirable character s com-, prising both, very heavy and also light work. PATILErriI, YONTHLT, IN CA/311. Profiles CIA be aim at he once in Terre Haute, atter April 510th. • J. IMBBiE MILLH , consulting Engineer: ' ritnni'.Etati:gat:Ainki 18019,. PMBROELANT TAMAIREt. M'PHERSON MUHLANBRING N. 10 Sixth (Late St. Clair) Street. toucimesore OGEE '& 00.,) TAILOII3, Have jut received their direfully selected stoek of Spring and Bummer tiobdd. and Will be glad to show or sell them to old and new customers. The Cutting Department' linh rtlll be superin tended by &r.. 0. A. MUHLARBOLNth • take Pleastire in recommending the above fine to the liberal support of the public. • . W. H. -WHICH. B TIEGEL, s (r:oti Cutter with W. Hespenheld%) ArEat,ciugmer TAILOR, No. 53 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. .east NE, SPRING GOODS. A splendid new , "toot at CLOTHS, cassrmszacs, ay., rieetvettbr silurity murria. HUI Illiernteat %Mee. eteeet. INSURANCE. THE IRON CITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal St., Arkgheay City. DIRECTORS: Hon. JAMES L. GRAHAM, Rev. S. B.: CLARK. D. D., • Capt. R. ROBINSON. Rev. A. IL BELL,D.D., Rev. 8. /I.I 4 EsBIT. D.D.. W. A. BRED. Cashier Allegheny TrtSCOL. JACOB Rl3Bll. Real Estate Arent, SIMON DRUM, Mayor of Allegheny,- C. W. BERRY, Hatter, A. 8. BELL,, • D. L. PAITERSON, Limiter Merchant; H. MOORE, Insurasee Agent. • Capt. ROST, ROBINSON, Presteleuti• Rev. J. P. CLARE, P. P. 8.. Vle e Prestdas4. JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. BENNY. Treasurer. M. W. WHITE, MEDICAL ADrrsza. DANIEL SWOCIFSI, Geng Apia. Thiele a none comnany.eonducted On the Mutual principle, each policy holder receiving ms equal. share of the prodts of the. Conipany. Policies. will be issued on all the different plasikof Life Insurance and being conducted on an economi cal biota ;rill • aford * safe Iniestment. to each policy holder, and thereby retain the money at home to e "courage home industry. mh21:02 BIEN FRANKLIN • . . INSURANCE COMPANY, OP ALL RENT, PA. ' OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK BUILDINGS, No. 41 Ohlo Oft., Allegheny. -A HOME COMPANY, managed t 4 Oirietors wet , =own to the community. who trust by fair dealtna to merit a share of sour patronage. RENUT RlDDLR...»»..«.::.s•er•tar~. pIRECTOBS I Henry Irwin , 1D.1. - Patieneki, Wm, Cooper. Geo. B. Biddle, tJaeob Franz, Gottlelb Tims. Simon Drum, IJ. B. Smith. Jacob I t % W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whiaton, Joseph Jos. Lantaer. H. J. Zinkaaa, Jere. Bohan.' anio:aas ~ . .. _ INSURANCE COMPANY. ' piteLairt 1317n,niir Da; • No. 22 Fink Avinanir. ' Steond Floor, PITTSBURGH, PA. Capital Ail Paid ITp: j N. J. Bile ! ; H.liir.o er, r, apt N.Balley„ Deng Wallace, 8 B. Hartman. A., Chantbers, Jake Hill. . S. id •Clurk.n.; Jas. M. Bailey. Thema Snit JAIN& WIllock; , , ~. RON T H.' SING, Presiden; ' J NO. P. JENNINOS, Vice President. • JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Se. reiarr. Capt. R. 1./. GRACIre Moil 'Agent. Insures oa Liberal Terms on all Fire and Marine Maks. • sp2:g67 N ATIONAL . . INSURANCE COMPANY, Cot. Federal S. and Diamond, Allegheny, Office, In the SECOND NATIONAL BANK BIIILIAND. W. W. MARTIN, Pesident, JOHN BROWN,_Jn., Vice President. • JAMES E. tiTaVENSON. Secretary. , MEECTORS: IC. John A. ?drier, !lan. Lart. Ial• Mi Jas.L.Graharajßebert Les, C. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown,Jr.ll3eorite Gem, Jacob Kopp, 0.11 PIA IlltanielJzo. Thompe• .1. MoNaugher. ape • ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF prrksnirson. pA., oincii3, No. 424 PENN ST., (IN NATIONAL TWIST CO. BUILDING.) • DEBECTOBS : 1 Bolsi.' Masan, Robt."Liddell, W%T W. Y. !Pride/. 0. Sledle, C. Van Buren, . Hirsch, I. H. Myers, J. Gangwisch , Chris. Siebert. . L. J. Blanchard, J. Weisser, P. Schihiecker• • Z. H. MYERS, President. BOST. DICKSON, (Vice President. - 808T.J." GRIER, Treasurer. tea: J. J. ALBIZTZ. Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA' • INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTrSBURON °mot. NO. 16W% WOOD lITRICHT.- BANE 01 00.101380 Z BIRLDLIOI. This is a Home. Company, and insures against loss by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOTLE,_VIce President. RuBFRT •PATRICE. Treasurer. HUGH NARLHIENT. Secretary. DlUCTOES: Leonard Walter, George Wilson. Robert P atrick , Geo. - W. Evans. Patrick, J. C.J..appe, Jacob Painter, J. 0: Metter, Josiah Kinn, John Veentley„ Jaa. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. Heim Sproul. INDENNrry AGAINST LOSS BY PIRA: FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA. °lunar., 4U & 437 OHICESTDTUT EsT.,aetr Dm. Charles . 7 r. Danaher, . Mordecai H. LouLl Tobias Wagner, David S. Brovrii. Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea. Jacob B. SW% Edward C. Dairy 6.01713 'W`. Diehards. tieorge ales. CRADLES DAIMLER; Prtsident. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEEWSearetaryipro tan. J. GDICER COFFIN, AGA" North West corner Maid mid Wood Street,. inh29:wLs IMPERIAL • FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. OMB CAPITAL PAID UP ACID INVESTED FUNDS =WEED ING .8,000,000 IN GOLD. , Insurance against Fire effected on Houses and Buildings, foods, Wares . and Herchaa o p Steamboats, Ac. ?alleles maned aayable la ' or currency. Atir 'Gaited states masa ee„ 40 PINE STREET, NOW York. . • All testes of the United States Brinek w ill be adjusted la Newpork. %-"[ J. Y. *oX.A.I.7GFECIAIN• Agent. ( PITTEDURGR; PE. Ofllse, $7 EVERTED 111t:MeLEINnIMIN Gallo Agee . % thr the Not' hattaa L Isanranee 00112DZII .../ r eaten iriffilil ,al i BII7RANCE WM* ' P Or TBEURaH. , ' ICIANDISP. • 014 Presidizat4 , •- " _,P. Wan . 4 . T Secretary. APT. tiItESRAMC. ••• . 0 LIN General Agent. Odiee, 9SI Water street, 4174 A (r. , ,a Ware* 'house, up stalm•PittebotTbe , - • Will !Azure, against all, nada et .tire .sod Ka rim, Masi A home Inatltattot; 111Ulated by Dl region who are ,well known to the oommusity, and who an determined by promptmem and liber ality to maintain the character which they have maned, as o•ferin the best proteetMn to these wbo4eAre tote !named. . , ,;, DIIIIMCMUS: Ale:eider Nimiek, Jena R.Xeciask It. MMer, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, Jameellir,Ardey, Willtera_44 r Zaoa. Alexander 8 er, , J nal kpatrielt. P p_ en„ Da=d A . LA I: , , Win. ait i =n. ROW prpstEsP univiesitat cow- Owe& N. R. ocnarzawooDa Firms= • Hose cowman taking itre sza mks. wm_ DtizetenS: L . wod* oapsd o riik r iver. otTi att. • tips_ i s a f r y L er r • la. 'tilt gra n Piii suss tu. , • rTaast . .- MI".11 • . • r