d. sTA~IL.uwoBBB. DrQUESEE WORKS. COMM, RARE & CO., lisaufzetnrels of IRON,•_ NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, . meournaz,L, X MID JUNIATA, PLAT DAR. 21.0DND AND SQUARE IRON. RAND. HOOP.SHZET AND TANN. IKON. 3121.L18 MAMAS A.ND I.DS, (WARD IRON DELO and DROPPER BABA. Ituasesl3 *rocs seas, e uwEat. • TIM I ir ANIThPLAT RAIL, for Coal 'Roads. ;,... 1 AItS,WEDGEs & HABEOW TEETH, I !I : , ' ,2 • : I G PLOW AND CULTIVA.TOB STEEL. VA. trINGS AND 3101,ILDfLent , to pattern. 1,, LAZO, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. ' • EL. COACH, BUGGY and W AGON SPRINGS and XXLES , CVT NAILS AND SPINES: All-Goods First Class and Warrants& - ~ ~ 07FIOES AND WORMS. . , Sixteenth Street and Allegheny River, . and 17 Water Street, Pittsburgh. wilt GODEITROI BRANCKER & CO, 42 Exchange Phu*, New York, Are prepareo l as Bole Agents in the United natea for the Prussian Dining and Iron Com ' pang of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or gill la quantities to snit pirehuers,(delivisred in either New York or PhiLsdelphie,) the celebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN Vied so catensiveli for the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron is free fromSulpur and Phosphorus, aad contains aheavy percentage of Manganese. lull particulars, samples, prices or chemical asalysis will be promptly forwarded' . on applies . attest. SEF I FTIELI D SSTEEL WORKS. SINGER, NEWS& ON th'r PA.. Ifantifetstronrs of every description of GAST AND GETMAN STEIL, 3ATLW EIPANOB, ASD LATTORM SPRING% A.XLZS P , STZICL TIME, *c.. M Warehouse, SS Water and 100 That Sta. WILLER, BAB@ & PARKIN• XETOAL7, OWN W. BABB, Primo. ppitvia-f3. N. =BR. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, 'Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBUICEM, 11514:d0 BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Marintactarers of all descriptions of l aprisw.-mr % Mee sad Warehouse. THERTIaTH, THLItTY YOST and SA.I.L.EOAiI taItEBTS, ;As. Vilma, Prert..—. W. P. roar As. Bnr.st. EOTTEOBERGE FORGE Bar Iron; g Railroad Fisk Bars and Bolts; "Sidtread Car Axles Zoned; Railroad Car Axles; Hammered' Lireoznotive Frames; Idiemotive Frame Shapes; , Side Rods; Pokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; adeataboat Cranks; Piston Bodo, Wrists; - Pitman Jaws, Collars, dte. OffLoe, .17.7 PENN STREET• I _ ELLMSBUSEN PROCESS. Tbe Trustees are now prepared to frantilcen gee for the use of the ,ELLEBPHAIJPIC.N PRO MS The . superior quality imparted to goad iron, the great impiovement in inferior iron. and the reduced cost, commend it to all manufacturers of from - ..Partbss wishing to use it can obtain licenses by LO . JAMES P. SPEER. - Attorney for the Trustees, Poulin BOOM: 1 and A, English's Building, 96% r ties Interested are Invited to visit the smzsansaceza WORKS, where the prat:Outs aowlnaueoeutnioperarion. i teB:dt7 , - E virakomis,:pluDoTosr & co" Pennsylvania Iron Works. warehouve. Nos. . 160 n 41167 tfiRBT .rFard i k " fr " • - Veltami NOVELTY WORKS. ,Frrilit3loll • ' N9VELTY, .WORKIL t' Uss. AD ASIMiI m•Krat. as co. 10 00/ ILUITONS STANDARD,L7IIIBBANK. SPAT. MINT) 11,81701 1,11 AND 001121T/Jii SCLLES. _ : yi";i. ':..frairleillifna==l"4:llo4. ,O,QUEI Cif_PIPT MOB* GL MMI Pittsburg*, rimless. t'r-Ti-NlE:if-i,J,_4hi iff_yy SA PM X. 000P11...p.101E. 11M pair tilL• 'COOPER Ili 00., REUSS kaIMOMIS, GAB AND STEAM -NITERS, estrit rtnnis jamvitinus , ion i rers In au (for. et Pike and Walnut $U .ets , . t • - `,/.01// , ' , Es: ••'' r , • • - "` .1 . 3 , ",Z./0-, -4 , „44, • .4:0 '/L "" 'eft' V , %ig - ZP' -' 4•Clc o ; 4 k , "l l • b '4- 4 ,„ , 7- 1 , 2*,,`.45`.?1*, 4 4,1 t ' • - • ••'' r —1 • 14- z , 4 .4 •V. • ~ 4 1.4„; t it .,;1•, , -c • ,gz,4l-4 . Vpi r ;4.=.•"01., , .g • • , .hrt, % • " e gf, • - _ - ~,...141=4. .4. 4:- t ggt-te,..F% .." •• , stV . Af. 4 ,t - ' kit • • IMNwIUS. rMMMtI: IREUBE IdILLXIt. CHM. P N ABKI.N. . PITTSBURGH. IRON WORKS. AND IRON CO., IatIVIPACITIMIS 07 PITTSBURGH,. PA. Prrrssuitas. I • •FOMMU3, IMONIM3TS. IMP FORT_ P ITT • FOUNDRY' ',OOIIPANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBITRGH, PA. lirEnglnes, Rolling \ Chinery,' Nail . Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOIJNDRI AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and le (NTH WARD.) P44 , af%'=):telkr): l l lar WILLIAM St , ITH, Diaranfooturer Lof OAST IRON BO , PIPE FOB GA/3 AND WATBB NVOREB. Aly Pines are all east invarlablyil, Fits, in dry mind. and ISi feet lengths. - Also, full usortment of general Caatlnge Dr Gas and Wa Worts. antsould also call the attention of Soperintend of Goo Works to lay mails of RETORTS. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THORIAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among ths lama and most tonsplisto sstabllshnisnts I the West. and us now prepared to tarnish Engines, of eves, oloseligil•n• BoUers..oll Tasks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad OriliWw. Botha". N Castings. Magi as Castings. Kashlse Castings. goners' Castings. ORDSIIS SOLICIT/D. not sees DIIQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM DMMt, • (Successor to JOS. I'. HAIGH & C 0.,) Has facilities eo•eztenatve with the lending Forges in the East, and Is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily all all orders for STEAMBOAT sHAFTs. CRANKS. PISTON ROD' LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS, WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, FRAMES. together with every description of SHAPE WCRK. Office and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. aple:h4o ROBINSON, BEA & CO., • eaocesson to Bonriaotreliznis a yTMtzsze. W &SHINGTON 7f/iORICS FOUNDERS AND BACHINISTS,PITTSBOREIN, Itanufaetarers of Bost and Stationary Steam Zn •Me B lot Engines, Ml3l Machinery, 04=, s , , Outings of ail descriptions: 011 and 8 t , Boiler and Sheet Iron 1 Work. Ofiioe,o. 32, corner Yirst and Smithfield Streets. Agents for 011TABD , B PALTZBI . EFATICITOB BM/ceding Boilers. jallals3 IVIONT BLANC FOUNDRY. utter Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Xi =muses. Bolllmg wad Bridge THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHU/NET AND CASTINGS OZNIRALLY Orders promptly and carefally executed. Charges reasonable. IBBEBT h NAMUR oends THOMAS CABLES CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Ilifiehine Works Is/Llama= ST., ALLEGHICICTITY, PA., Manufacturers of Steam 'Magnet, Oil 'Presses, nutty. Shafting, Grist and Saw 11111 Work, . Bolling MU and Maehlue Castings, Grate Bars, Weights,agoa Boxes, all Build to order and have on band Engines of all sizes. mv14:05 cENTßAl:roinvnuir AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Elltireet. BOLLIAN, BOYD & BAGALE'f. ohm mAsi WU Outing. 31011 Lathe', &a COAL AND CO=. Cow Cowl COAL!!! ' DIMON, STEURT k CO., Having maw . red Moir to ; 567 LIBERTY STREET, (aßteAly MCist Moory 1L111)1Z h OrOoND =OIIM arm l Lmn Nurmott od ou o i, G t t O lowest morket Woe. • All orders len ei thetrolloe, or addreMed to them thy:risk the mall, *lll be attended to ormaoUr. STONE. 'Machine Stone Work., . Northwest corner of West Common, Allegheny. JraZIPIC A'rVATEIR & CO. Have On hand or irate on shouts Ness* end Step_ NtOnes, SP fbr Slds vertu, se. Head a Tomb Stione4 ~greers omm rate even ton. Prins reaineable WEIGHTS AND:MEASIIRBEL ILLY ON, se al er of Weights mid Ulna* WO. MIMI IMIMIT, • tßetwasa Lonny sad van mists: . Otilli 1111111141/ lateaded tdri ene Pri:161113110H GAMITE : SAVTRDAT, s APRIL 24, >.1869. ENGINB3, BOILERS, &c. DB BOLE & CO., Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., • (Disks Tat Porrr,) Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Nattniheture WEAN:BOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES. of all Mies. Weeial attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENOINE AND PORTABLE 15-horsemower. CASTINGS,of every ltind, made toorder &tour Ponndi7, on THIRD STREET. below Market.. • RIBS for Oil Wells, SHAYTING, EANGERS,RODISE mid TOB ACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES. on hand and Made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Myer, near the Point. ~r All ordAliff„trirOptli Al led. TIT 178. Foal '.` • BOILER, STILL AND TIM litreets, WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, NAXIIIrACTURZES 01 EMI TUBULAR. DOITBLEJLIIED TTIBOLAR. IFIER-BOE AND CYLINDER STEAK ROLL EBS. 01=LS AND OIL TANXB. Yl3, BRIMMING AND ABB PANG. :SETTLING PANS, BALT YAM AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND LEON BRDGES; PRB3ON.DOORB AND COAL SHIITES (Mee and Warehouse. center Second, Third. Short aud Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. Mr Orders sent to the above address mlll be promptly attended to. • intrldee WM. BANNUILLL ts, CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORILNAS, NOS. SO, its, BB AND Se PENN BT. Raving secured a large yard and furnished tt wife the. meet approved nutchinerv, areige- Pared to snanufacture every descrip tion of BOW ZRB In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, BUS= Pipes, Locomouve Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil tors. Battling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Bejgar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barn='s Pat ent Boilers. - _ Repelling done on shortest notice. leMell TAMA !IL IMF*, Nos. SIS aid 56 W. Street, IRON OIL I ANILS 3 lIWITISNG PAM. COMB - NPR. BOLLEING KILL STA. SHUT PRO woat, IRO :tessabosts. JAZ= 11.. H ...... JARED BRUSH itANOTACTITIORS Steam Boilers, Oil 8 PI SHEET IKON WO '6l Penn Street, P . STOVES, CAST! THE BEST STOVES A. BRADLEY 1111IIIIACULTISIS of the greatest COOl2 Parlor sad flea TO BZ POUND IN TIM Bole Agents for the celebrated 1 Oriental - Stoves and renews f Coke.B est in the World for Patio Church. Fire needs no rekindlin ter. Do nottriy, until you see or se No. 30 WOOD STK Our Agents Dim Orientals—Dßki Smithfield Bt.; eiNa. BUBLBY, 'ORM..IIUOUS & CO,, isANENPAcyuszes Or MAY TAW:MON • ercoNnaras, BOSTON COOHENG RANGE, 'ME FIERY FURNACE," 70s WAIuaNG Hou.Dnrcul. THE NEW_ ANTI-DUST boosibre STOVE, ...BEGULATuR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, PAWS ( Cincinnati Pattern PORTABLE RANGE CAtIT IRON MANTLES, r •M &NIS REY LECTOR, GRA.TEs free trom art and duet; ask= inunTs, rambEas, ack 206 and 208 Liberty Street, :yl7 PITTSBURGH, PA.. cr: ED Warranted to Cook, Bake or Iteastjho iell ae any other Store In the Vito& BISSFLT, & 00,, • ~ N0:' , .28.5 'Liberty . Streit. a i r az t v o ntas. EURASINO STO 614.000a(11117'ikMWt,i I Dltglit AND SOOMUOI, J.. LANCE, OYER AND SCOURER. No. 8 BT. CL.AUz = And Nes. 156 and 157 Third Street, PTIVFIBtfROR. P-. R unt & MOSER, 'Burr NOM ABBOOILTION BUIMN lirls: l o l44B4 Pair r g i r su li s ' i ti 'lttinitiklA It ibt rinua4 ' 'et mom= 'Ultimate PITTSBURGH. PA. • D. swat SON, . Tanks. .lac h, Pa. GS, &o CO. , arlety of I , • Staves, !STATE. Base Burning r Hard Call or dbfilufornscer.Csaillralarwillor: T. ' ER BEM. agile:loLO ,IL STOVES. CET THE BEST. ELL et CO.'S TRIUMPH, 81TT17111.11 OUS GOAL. ARCHITECTS. FINANCL?!.L. NIT PITT BANKING COIPANY; No. i 69 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, users= Elf GO MM= BECIDLITIE3 • AND COLD. lIITBREST ALLOWED OD TIDE Dmroarrie Collections made on all accessible points la the United Motes and Canadas. • IZZOTOR D. Hostetter, D Jno 0; Maher. • JUNISS Gordon, Bobt. H. King, D. Wellness Andrew Miller, Z. /sweet% James M. Bailey. .lIIIIIAN, Primin: IT' D. LEET NATIONAL BAH Of COMIERCI, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta.! . A. PATTA.II3OI= —..Prestdo;at. JOIL H. HILL CAPITAL, r $500,000. DIRECITORS: rorpliir;no—. vam7.. A. Pattessmi, CWmsHo Bw, Dan. H. Davidson. W. B. HaVOll. 14 AT u A. a. it DISOODATIS DAIL stMott HART, CAUGHET & CO., BAMEBS AND BROKERS • . Garner Third and Wood &re*, rrr'reannuan, ORTOOSEROREI TO HANNA, HART C 0..) • DZAMIIIS Ur Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And nartlendar attention cu to the purchsee saa sale ot GOVERNMENT BONDS,. I _ • I. Sight Drafts oa N. HOLMES & SONS, NIALIVIL3IIItEUES, 67 Iti,tLarket Eitibeet. PVreinntan, .o" r sit. Collections inside on all the priacipai points of the United Midas sad Csandas. Stocks,Bonds end other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON ooloctruttox salrer e il of eular attention paid to the purchase and United States Securities. Ja7lo:al JAY COOKE & • CO., Miestrils.elnEs, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PRITLELPHLL. STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Government Securities. ' mh3o OILS. WARING AND KING, ` (kernel'ston Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and ' its Prod - nits, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY PHILADILPEELIL ADDIMBB. Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET. aplo ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY, HERBERT W. U. TWEDIO, NANEMACTLIBER, Or Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Railroad Azle 011. Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for • tropical climates or hot Weather. jpeossionee, Engine, Machine Shop, Will out Screws. Paw AWL and Planking KM Ono, Adapted for high speed. Spied)* OH, WoorearbLfght 011, 011, Tinamees , Stuff. Bousole, inirdkilminkhrsoll. Gasoline, Ilairaesa 011. Porrisano. , LUXOR TARNIEIIt to mama Bright Iran Wcrk and Machinery mom Bust. These products are manufactured under .Dr. Tweddle , s_pateat by Superheated Steam' in We an°. The Lubricating 0111 are almost odbrless, peribctly vure f i g niflorm, and meetly 'light col ;Med. stand h temperature unehsat irm ag remain /WIN d ring extreme Cold. The Ms ars 'unequalled and are in constant; use Cann Bof the principal Railroads. Simples can be examined and order; left at 114 WOOD MART. Works at f3harpsburg Bridge. troaligotimul, COMMISSION .MBBCSA►NTS, AND DTALLES IN_ Petroleum 'and its Products, • Pittsburgh Whoe—DA.LEIEWS BUILDING, Cornsr of unquote Way and Ulna streets. Oflloa4ST WALNUT ST , DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., Office, DAIMILL BUILDING. Duquesne Wei, Pittsburgh,' Ps; J. is. ntrim' • • • • Y. Imams .SWINT, 4 MATT, .11...M•111.4.11,11.21111. ilkiduky st, 4 1 ERB Burgitiltains'oring4i tt e " , P 1 of ai Pisprip ase nen wArffibiaid g".• 1 CataiTßH! AND .UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest Investment now in the market for sale by 'PEE. R. 310EIRJrZ, Corner TOTH AVENUE r WOOD STREETS. kuck, 'defiler ln Government Bonds. (told and C 01113011 51 jand European Exchange at -market rates. dell Tt , ', JANES T. BABY & CO" (hteeessors 08. JONAS a C 0..) Corer .AL. Fourth and Wood Sts., 3E3 IN' 73.333 R. gii, B AND SILL ALL KINDS ON oomusaterr SECURITtES t • GOLD; GILMI AND COUPONS, ON YOST 7117011A.8LE TWINS. glr Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sir Money loaned on tiovernment Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Parehase and Sale of STOOILS, BONDS and SOLD. JAMES T. BRADT & CO. N. Cmliler. Ets Eittsburgt Gaittt! FINANCE AND TRADE, OPPME OP PrrTstmEolt. GAZETTE, Franey, April, 28,1869. ' The gold market was remarkably strong to-day, opening at 1333 and otos- 1 ing at the same rate. There is more de sire now to be oovered and nearly all the regular operators and importers buY Just as fast as theykave occasion to use it. It is more from apprehension that the United States would be drawn into a war with European nations in, regard to Cuba,' than from any 'actual' legitimate demand for coin to be used in the settle ment of our balances with Europe. Government bonds are dull and inac _and a trifle dower than .yesterday. Stooks are dull and lower on nearly all the Western roads, but firm on the through routes. Business is rather improving and money easier. , =Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 183%; Saver, 126; Eighty one's, 117%; Five Twenties, 1862, 120%; do 1864, 116%; do 1885, 118%; do 1886, Console, 116%; do 1867, -—; do 1868, —; Ten Forties, 106%; New York Ce ral, 67%; Erie, —; Reading, 95%; ii ii Fort rt cad W o ayn a e do Chicago Pi i ta lr b o urg ad, hs 32% 33 ~. Michigan Southern, 98%; Cleve* lad ct Pittsbvulh, 92%; Chicago dc Bock Island, Si %; Chicago & North Western, 84; Chicago ds North Western Preferred," 953 G; Adams Express .Com pang, 603;; Merchants Union Express, 15; Pacific Mail, 93g; Western Union Telegraph Company, 42%; Gregory, 3,80; Quartz Hill, 1,60; Corydon, —; Smith & Parmlee, 2,30; W. Am. Expre ss 41. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW Yong, April 23, 1869. The principal feature on Wall street to day was a sudden change in the money market. During the forenoon there was appearance of activity; but the demand was promptly met at 7 per cent. on call. In the afternoon the offerings increased, and it was discovered that the supply exceeded the demand and loans freely made at 6 per cent, and before three in the afternoon money was offered at 3 and 5 per cent.' and large balances car ried over, in instances. Sterling easy at 8%®8%. Gold is without change; opened at 133%, advanced to 138%, fell to 133% and closed at 133%@18335. Borrowing 'ldes 1-32, 1434, 3 64, to flat and 1-16 per cent. Clearances, 8108,000,000. Governments are steady today. Reg istered Bonds are in increased demand. Coupons '81,117%@11734; d0.'82, 120%© 121; do. '64, 116 g @Hag; do. '65, 118%® 1184; do. new, 116%®115g: do. '67, 115@)115%; do., 'fla, 115®11535; 10.405, 10635©108g; Pacific Sixes, 104%@105. State bonds are firmer; Missouris, 88g; Old Tennessees, 68%@69; new do., 67%0 68: Old North Carolinas, 81©81g; new do., 54%®54%; Old Virginias, 68%®59; new do., 130g®80 1 %;La. Levees, 71®71%. Stocks daring the morning were fever ish but in the main strong. New York Central was the feature,and fluctuated be tween 166g®168g; Vanderbilt reported to be t he buyer. _Pacific Mail, Rook Isl and, - Hudson, Reading, North Western Common and preferred and St. Paul. In evening market generally firm; only marked change being an advance ,to 72% @133% for Fort Wayne. Express shares heavy and lower. 5:30 Pricee,—Cumberland, 30@333;;! Wells Express, 33%@883!1; Axnerloan Express, 40%@41; Adams haspreaC 60® 60%; United - States Eipress, 65(0)67; Merchant& Union . Express,: 15016; Quieksilver, 21%®22; • Canton, 60® el% ; Paella Mail - 913%®93%; -Wes tern Unibn Telegraph, 423442%, Maripos 22@22%;.: preferred, .1 43%- @43% '. Hartford and Erie, 22424;''New York Central, 168g®16334; Erie, 33%@ '83%; do prefarred, 82(055' Hudson, _1414%®149 ; Harlem. 141®141% . ; pre ferred, 143;Reading, 95g®95%; Chicago it Alton, 157®167g; do. preferred, 156; :Terre Haute, 38(0)40; do, preferred, el® 70; Wabash, 7% do. preferred, 77® 79; St. Paul, 77%®78; do. preferred. 85 3(0 30 _ _%; Ft, Wayne, 183g®1113%; Ohio and Mssissippi, 38g®38%; Michigan Southern, 128®128; Illinois Central, 148@144; Pittsburgh, 92%®93; Lake Shore, 98%; Rock Island, 187 g; North Western,: 84%®84g; do." prefer red; 96%®96%; C. C. ds I. C., 45%;; O. C. & 1., 75g; Marietta 14; do preferred, 20; Sioux City, 116. . ' - • Mining shares lower. Gregory, - 366. Smith 41k Parmelee,2ss. Quartz Hill, 126. Coppers at B oston—Copper Falls. 9%. Franklin, 19. Heola, 70. -Han cock, 4. - - PITTSBURGH IRON MARKET 01/1 1 10111 or Prrrsnuaux tiAmr:rn, FmnsT. April 23, 1: S, • The metal market is deirobi of any. tiding new or important. The demand is_ null/ rabderite;' but with continued light aritrals , ansk , Rio acenitkulation. of stookap - Prinnsiire austairiek partiotdarly for desirable brands. It appears Met the kind of irons most sought for are not here, while those that are here are nqs• wanted; upon the whole, howeVer, busi- ' ness is holding out as well as could be • expected under existing ciocumatances. Bar iron and Nails remain about as last reported. There is a codtinued steady fair demand and no accumulation of stocks, and the shipments Wei; both by river and rail, continue large. It is alleged, and we have no doubt it is true,,,.! that there is no margin for the manufao turer; bat this will not be'so alWays. ANTHRACITE. • 100 tons No. 1 *13.00 4 mos 50 1, No. 2 42 00 4 mos ' 80 " Grey.. 37.50 4 moe 200 " Grey Forge P. T. 50 "" White 84.50 6 mos 50 " Close Grey 37.00 6 mos 50 ~ Neutral Gray F'ge 40.001 mos 50 " C S Grey Forge 89.00 4 moe 10 " No. 1 Foundry 44.00 4 moe . 10 id . II - " 48.50 4 mir ALLEGHENY COKE. 100 " Red Bank 38.00 6 moil BITUMINOUS COAL SMELTED FROM LAKE SUPERIOR ORE. 150 Mahoney Close F. T. 80 " Grey Forge 36.00 4 mos 50 11 Medium Foege 87.50 6 mos 50 Medium Grey 38.00 6 mos 50 " Extra Open Grey... 40.00 4 mos 20 " Foundry from Black Band Ore • 4&50 4 mos CHARCOAL. 10 " H B Extra Forße... g.OO 4 mos 2(1 " " ' 51.00 4 mos: 10 " " ... 49.00 4 mas 10 " " " " 80.08 4 bias; 70 " No. 2 Forge' 48 00 4 moat 50 " Extra Forge 51.50 4 meal BLOOMS. '? 20 " No. 1 Juniata.. PITTSBURGH . MARKETS. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH FLIAZETTIE, t i , FRIDAY, April 23, 1269. , The markets, in a general way, presen t but little that is new or important! For some articles, in consequence of a temporary scarcity, prices are etronger, and perhaps v fraction higher, though; generally speaking, there is an ample supply of almost everything, and the tendency is toward lower instead of higher prices. APPLFA—Very scarce particularby, good qualities in sound • condition; mayl be quoted from 8 , 5@7 per bbl. APPLE BUTTER-90all per gallon/ BUTTER—Continues dull and weak and prime Roll is being sold at 36®38i with an occasional small - sale of choice in small packages, at 40. York Gosh( 24®251 CIIEEE-I{ew - York _ CARBON quoted in a jobbin i way at 80@81. WRIMEAL-41,75(0)1,80 per cwt. DRIED FRUIT—Sales of Nashua a l 14@15 to quarters, 16@17 for mixed ang 18@rAlfor halyes, as to quality. Apples: scarce and may be quoted at 12@)14. EGOS—With an improved- demanc, and a slight falling off in that receipt s, the market is firmer, and we now quot 4 at 18. FEATHERS—A shade"firmer, and vt, now quote live geese feathers at $1 to tic, trade, and the usual advance In a retai' way. FWIIR- 7 1a quiet with a moderate 10. ml demand, while prices are unchange Spring Wheat brands, $6,50 0 57, Win Wheat; 117,50®8; Rye flour, f7@7, Mill prices remain unchanged. GRAlN—There is Ilia or • ncitl!ini doing in Wheat, ana prices are nominee at 14,48(4)1,50 for prime Red. Cortt'i firmer with a slightly improved demand sale of prime ear on wharf a183@85, an. prime shelled is now held at 78&30. Oat • scarce but the demand is only moderate may be quoted at 66©67 on track and 7. ' in store. But little doing in Rye; w are cognizant of some small sales to fi. orders, at f1,43©1,44. No movements? Barley and no settled prices. HAY—Is in steady demand with sale of prime to choice baled on wharf a f30©33. HOMINY—SS,7S@6 per bbl. HEMP-1215(4)220 per ton. LARD OlL—Sales No. 1 Extra at sl,c @1,53. and No. 2 at $423@1,25. MAPLE MOLASSES—SaIes in gallci j uss at $1,50@1,75. PROVISIONS—Are steady:with a fal jobbing demand. but prices - are , u 4 changed at 14 for Shoulders; 16@16g Ribbed, and 1731@18 for Clear Sides; an 1914@19% for Sugar Cured Hams Lard is quoted at 19x@1935, as to qu a ; ity, and Dried Beef at 20X. Mess Po 132.00. POTATOES—DuII; may be quoted t 70 on track, and 75 in store. PEANUTS—Quoted at 11 ota. SEEDS—SaIes Clover Seed at ‘9,50@1l and Timothy Seed at $4,50@4,75. Flax Seed in market. SALT—May be quoted at $1,80@)1, , ; by the car, load, and 11,95@2 for am lots in store. WHISKY—DuII and unchanged. PETROLEUM MARKET. 1 ... , OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, 1 FRIDAY, April 23, 1869. There is little that is really new or i portant to be said about the oil trade .., a general way. The market was had as strong in the afternothi as it was the early part of the ~ d ay, though 44 feeling generally is firm and there is l'i disposition manifested to make cone's aions in order to effect sales. Indeed, Z the present condition of affairs, refine& are so situatedthat they; cats neither sq • Refined or buy Crude, and,'as 'we ha , ; ',i before stated, Me. great ma[ority of oci, refineriete- are standing -idle, and tho„,i, refiners who, maturing . contracts a'il buying to - .cover, as they. can; do so g better advantage than they can manufo tare it.: litmc king the 'Market will r,;* main in its present,,condition it is dif, , A. cult eVen, to conjecture.lint IV is to lA, hopecithat there Will be a reaction Baca CRUDE—There was-Aot a 41ing1e ag iratkit - 'effected - tacitly; at leakt thC . l were „none reported, and while the ma"fm : :ket is'-quiErt and dull,qtriCes eke non*, nally unchanged. Spot, oil isaybe qt4s ited at 18@lf4t , May .iiiict dune; 18; ark:l buyer Ain August,l7q(gil734., ThCiA, rtffeterepotta current ilWn 'ctoday of <•t offer to buy 10,000 for May seller, 814, delivered on cars WOO (Ay, bueW is doubtless the same offer that was col, ' the other clay. and was pV,2.ixibly start k:•4„;. egainfbi effect. ' - f*•;* . • - z.:! 4. 4 2 _REMNED —But two ! • Italecr reporte, 'NO slid MOO, bothibr is half •April,', 82 g. . 4 1 , tiotsfloo8--MaYr,334 Kay aig& June, 34; April to Utme,4lB 88%; bit . .,',.„ to August 88; May. to , member, Imo _SO ber.BB. ;Buyers opti , M, all the year, nominal at 88%®39.1, j , , - -•• -' i LIIBRIOATINO OILS. ,' K-t', ' Eclipse Winter Lubricating , oi l , .. 41,,,,„,_ • Eclipse - Railroad. Azie...;..., .' ; 14 - 0 Eclipse Machinery - 71 , P i ck,ig , Eclipse Spindle • . ' • e''';' ,l '* •-, • OIL SHIPPED EA BY BY A. V. R. R. te,Av. .._ Lockhart,' Frew & Co. 471- bbls ref . ''..:RYO Warden, Frew & 00., Philadelphia. ',l McKelvy Bro. - 261 bbls refined , to W , '' 1 1 1•••• Logan A' Bro., l'hiladelpida. '‘ . l I,IF-A.l Citizens Refining Co. 500 bbls to Itt0;; -..4• wick .& Telford. . ;,:. ,, ,w. •5z Total shipments Refined. • ' lki* OIL SHIPPED EAST FR OM DIIQIIIISMI , naPot. g . '„lii,, Hutchinson 011 Ref. PO., ' 171 bbls f,r to W. P. Logan & Bro. ' Eureka 011 Co,, 8 bblOnbricating to T. L.:Hutchison. Philadelphia. 'Total Shipments Relined ' I Total shipments Lubricating . 94.00 6 magi