II tar - ..._,... THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. (Railroad btreet„ near Depot, ) gsw BIRIGIITOX. Pa. b. F. CROWTHER, Pastor. _,reaching EV's= SABBARS. at 10'4 A. it . and P. it.. Public cordially Invited. OrFIRST ENGLISH EVAN- G - - ELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. Hey .entli street—Rev. SAMUEL LAIED, yaßtor. dierolces To-monuow (Sunday.) and regularly ibereafter. at 10)* A. N. and 7,4 Jr. H. Sunday i Whoa( at •A. im. • tir THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Firm Aviamat, between Smithfield and firma streets, ALEX- CLARK J Pastor. Preaching EVERT SABBATH, at io.ao i. Y, and 7.30 r. at. Free seats and welcome to all. Sunday ricbool at, 9A. IC and L 45 P. M. ir-ar,RELIGIOUS.--First Chris ilmY- TIAN CHURCH, curlier Beaver street Chris and Montgomery Avenue. Allegheny elm NEP% Kt U. Pastor. Public worship To-MOR ROW, (Lord's My.) at 10X in the Ilenrrixo end IX, M the RYA/. LNG. • . \ Free cleats . and a rordlal Invitation given to all. !Sunday echo°. at 9 A.-24. IarITNIVERSALIST CHURCH, corner h:rd avenue and Grant at 'eels. W. N. VAN Gn. Malta, Paator. Preaching t et t e raTubrietthoa 73 P. K. Even r Men. ranbath &hool at E 2 heata tree and a yn-lc-oine to all. Iar'FIRST- CHRISTIAN Gray,Ps H t U r ß , meets nrotrßy u I Do u EVILLEBALL, corner of !Ahem and Fourth streets. &Tees every d''s Day at 11036 a. It. and 7Si BEbJect for bforalnu. discourse. "Who or hat's the DEVIL of the Scriptures?" he public are cordially Invited. BIESSLIII ENGLISH EVAN.. GELI 4 '! A L LuniEgAN CHURCH,(Gen era Synod.) Hand Street. below Penn, Rev. J.H. W. STIIIDIEENBEILG. Pastor. Religious servi tes regularly on SABBATH hereafter. Sunday School 9 Pray er Preaching at Lectu r e. M. 8,31 d Ifii•r. E. Meeting and Wednes day evenings. Friends or the congregation and .tddic are cordially invited. fa"THE ORGANIZATION SER VIC liti (.1" TII E PROVIDENCE PREd- RYTERIAN cHI , Rt2II. Liberty street. Alle. gheny, will be beta to-morrow teeba eve ing. st IN 43 , lint. Sermon by Rev. W. P. Moore. or, Manenester 01 her exerelees connec ted with the oricaniza!loa, will be conducted by the Rev. E. E, Swill, of Allegheny. slat WV AL AND INSTRUMEN TAL CONCERT by the pupils of Miss ERNEST. assisted by bliss HATTIE d )NES be given on TUESDAY EVENING, April Alth, at Pittsburgh Female College. Admission, 50 cents. To commence at 7% o'clock. £024 af'THEILEGULAA MEETING OF POST NO. 3, G. "Will be held at the Sall. No. 102 Fourth Av. eine. on SATURDAY, April 514t11. se 7% o'clock. THE ANNUAL MEETING , • of the Stockholderi at the Pacific and At- Falegrapb Companyot the 'United States, - Apr the election of President and eix Directors. -will be held at the Board of Trade BOOM at Bark's building. Fourth imanue,ll4 . lr 4th. At:10 :A. N. n • EDWARD JAV ALIJIN. . anal 41/17 ' Ilearertary. ,7'S'l2trnNAL I Vin l istreTra'soth, } Prrranuaing, April 2 11369. FirIfOTICE.-1 WILL REAR anti detantdite •at this mane, until the "ZIEST DAY OF ISLAY NEXT, MI 'appeals sets. 'lave o anyerroneous or excessive valuations of sueseismente made by Asststaut Assessors - 13auelr returns of the annual Has. RUSSELL ERRETT, ap7.4:biO Assessor $151.1 District, Ps. IL:—Smithls mixed Sperm oi. SMITH . um sod Woolen flplnales. J. H NitY 261 Liberty street. ap2.4 SPRING STOCK EU OLIVER FCLIITOCK ht CONAIY'S. We are receiving this week by ocean steamers from England a fresh stock of the latest and most beautiful de signs in ,English Tapestry and Body Brussels by direct importations from the man ufactgrem. We invite the inspection of house furnish ers, Confident ,that we offer the largest . assortment and greatest variety of elegant patterns ever brought to this . market, at the lowest prim. Great inducements are offered in all grades .o f In "ad Three Plies, it being their constant aim to offer to the multitude, the fullest assortment of cheap and serviceable Carpets at lower rates than any tither house in the trade. No. 23 FIFTH AVENUE. IEIIE4 MOTS AND CORUW. . , 119 BINS Pas ots. . OD Bags Corn. Noir tandLotflos *sooner Dismay. For we 17 N ei . 1111111,11roicx Er ac. I tri Y ) •al T EONA RD S. JOHNS. Attorney- AT LAW AND NOTARV PUBLIo. n.ya nst removed *Om his .1d stand. so. 79 Fourth avenue to No BS FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburgh. (cpgr.tsite , Azarrg 041ce,1 will particula ly at tend to the Coldctions o ff Accounts and Rent., and will as usual t.ke deposPions, Acknowledg.' meats, Probates, s c . and execute Conveyanclng and all Legal Writingi. 801:476 O-LET--A furnished front r ic room. on third floor. without board. can be ba by applyine at bo. 110 Wyle street. Ref: erencef required. 51,24 [L.—Smith's mixed Sperm Oil. for ollmg wool and burning In open lamps. J. HUSBY SMITH, 961 Liberty street. QUELLS OF THE. OCEAN. 1 I have a few barrels of those celebrated NEW ORLANS SHELLS for making garden walks :With le ft . Call soon before they are all gone. Sam iml kdeld street, or at my Office, No. 3 Hancock lOCall be seen at X IL a A. Murdock's, : t r • strelit. J. T. GLASS, a0,4:113 • HOSIERY. 7 EXTRA. LARGE WHITE COTTON STOCK AT PHELAN'S. ER EXTRA LARGE SLATE COTTON STOCK GS AT PHELAN'S. - KXT dA LARGE BLACK COTTON STOCK ING AT PH 6 LAN'S EXTRA LARGE BROWN MIXED COTTON STOCKINGS AT PHELAN'S LADIES. GENTS. YOUTRS. MISSES AND CID'. DRESS' UNDERWILAR, in great variety. AT JAMES PEELAN'S . Old Stand Stocking Store, spit No. 94 FIFTH AVENUE. BIBLES .1 BIBLES! B BLEB! Varying Caprice from 34 cen to S5O Pocket, School, Family, Pulpit, Prononncing Oxford, Haiding, and Our 'Own larg i L• Falai!, Bible for 75. Small Pokt t and School Bible, 34 ctr. JOSEPH HORNER, Nethodist Book Depository, 129 Smithflel Street. _apti L FRESH AND ATT, BOOK BARNES ON PSALMS; Vela I and comp'etinu the work: each 21,50 SPIIROCON'S EVENING, be vents/. .. 1,25 - PRELutIOPHY OF HOtroZEI PLldli; 'by JosepltlL Lyman ' 2,25 THE AMERICAN TEAR BOOM, aid Na- tional Register 3,50 WADS WORTH ' S CHARLES SERMONS.. 9, 00 1108110 DES, and other Poems: Aubry be Tere IttaLlTlltS OF InISH LINT. Hanoi. volume series 1,00 MInB ALCOAT'S LITTLE WOMEN; sec ond emirs 1;50 OVER ItuNDEN; by author oi Old Math. OKAY Secret 30 GRAY'S FIELD AND SCnOOL BOOR of Botany 9,50 WO.N DERS oF HAAT: third volume of Library at Wonders 1,50 The other volumes are WONDERS Or OPTICS 1,50 THUNDEs AND LIGHTNIN t9 ........... 1,50 R. S. DAVIS & COMPANY, 193 Liberty Street. 110.21:8 li-T TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILD ERS. THREE VALUABLE BOOKS OR HURST'S ARCHITECTURAL suarrr. OR'S HAND-800E4 containing Formulas, Ta bles. and Memoranda for Arobitehturst purvey ors and others engaged in building. By J. T. Hurst. Price 00 50. 11. WOODWARD'S NATIONAL ARCHI TECT, containing One Thousand co.ininal de. signs, plans and details, to working stale. for the praoti-al construction of dwelltnss for coon. try With lull aad complete sets ol b s " peti a tl l Cittt g . g e nd an estimate of thecost of each design. By ueorEe R. Woodward and Edmund li Thompson Price $1 00. EIDDLE's CARPENTER AND JiHNER. The Caryienter and Joiner nnd Elements of Hand Railing. New and Revised Ilditioi. Illustrated with Timis-four plates. [ By Robert Riddle. Price *7 00. FORSALE BY & COMPANY. 66 Wood Street. ara:Pll VALUABLE BOOks, t. MIUSPRAT'S CHEMISTRY. 2 V01e .,. half Znee's ' 925 00 THIS DICTIoNAIty OF ARTS AND MiLNUFACTUREs. 3 Vo 18 00 CUMMINGS' and MILLER'S ARCHI TECTURE...." CUMMINGS' and eiLMLER'SMODLIIN 10, 00 AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE 10 SO DANA'S SYSTEM OF MINERALtiI/Y. New Edition 10 00 HA TFIELD'.4 AM ,R WAN HOU3E CAR ENTE WOODWARD' R S 'NATIONAL ARCHI- 3 50 TECT PREBEND'S' QUAL! S ATIVE CREME CAL AftALY.-IS ' 459 EASTLAKE' MINTS vN HOUSE HOLD TAITE ' 900 IHE HUMAN INJELLE. T By Prot. Porte • 5 00 DOWNING'S HINTo TO Allettl- TWA S 2 00 HAYDw'SDICTIONARY 13th edition DYER'S PoMPEI Li A. uPER'S HAND ROOK FOR TRAV ELERS IN EUROPE 7 50 HARPER'S PHOASK BOOK FOR TRAVELERS IN EUROPE 1 50 DOW KING'S LANDSCAPE GARDEN HARRIS' INSECT'S INJURIO, 850 To • VEGETATION. Colored P 1 Are OO STONEHENGE ON - THE HORSE 9 5U MILLE A'S CHIPS I RuM A GERMAN WORKS ON 5 00 HAUbEiT ON BRUME CoNS TECO rioN 00 LEWIS' PHISIOIANi7COMM ON LIFE. Vole 4 00 CHEMISTRY yr COM MON LIFE. A Vole S. A. CLARKE k CO., aplt:sairw 119 WOOD STREET N ORDINANCE . • •, - - '• alitakerise theeradinclind Pavia; of Carpentara alley, Groin rine Barnet swiTaion allay, Eighth ward. . Silent/St 1. Be a Ordained a n d outdid by Ms 'Sakti and Ociassams Ontneils ef Ms City qf Alle gheny, and Mt: Ameba ordained and enacted by the authority of the sans, That the Committee on streets be, and they are hereby authorised and directed to invite and receive proposals for the erecting and paving of Osmentorls alley as afolesald, and to contract therefor with the low est and test bidder or bidders, at their discretion. sac. A. That for • the puroose of aefrarina the cost and expenses of toe said Improvements, there be, aid Is hereby levied, a epeelal tax, to be equally assessed open the severs! ion bound. lag and abutting upon the said 'imrpenter's alley respectively in -proportion to the feet trout in them rtspeetively comprised, and bounding and abutting as aforesaid. • amt. gr. That as soon as the cost and . xpenses of said improvements shall be fully eacertained, it shall be the duty Of the Street Cemmiasluner to *mess and apportion the earn among the several lots bounding and *ballad upon said Carpea. tent alley respectively. according •to the rule above indicated, and thereupon proceed to make demand and collect the same, according t the Provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commoawealtii of rennsylyania, entitled, "An Act defining the manner of collecting the expenses of grading anu pa, ins of btreets and Ahoy, of the City of Allegheny, and for otner P Mt urposes," passed the thirtieth day of March, s. • axe 4. That so much of any ordie foregoing ay conflict with, or be supplied by the be and the lame is hereby repealed. .Ordained and enacted into a law Gila the Sfid oaf of April, A. L. IMMO. JAMES MoBRIER, Atteotc J. B. ox &rvillent of 13electigo u nell. Clerk of liele . et Iva) A l are Att esultun r w rr o , egr i nt of Oomataroaell. of Oomikon Co * nen. 1024 0 116 r - aasilth • Rifted Sp erm' sari* frar i tgott i taci nuts. J. nicNRY PITTSBURatr_G.AZE'ITE : SATURDAY; APRIL 24, 1869. ! STA riEDIENT OF THE PITTSBURGH NATIONAL RANK OF ( lommerce. At the dose of business April 17, 1869. BESOITROZI. Loans and Discounts 8 685,269 52 U. Bonds Deposited with U. b. Treasurer for eirculatlon....... 500,000 00 U. S. Bonds on hand - 53,1'00 00 Due from Banks and Bankers— 105,519 18 Banking House 71 180 79 Taxes ano Premiums 8,097 40 Legal Tender and Coln ,87,959 59 Nat. Currency. Clearing H use Cash Items and Fractional Cur rency . • 31,4551 96 --- - LILBILITIZS $ 1,520,979 68 Capital Stock 11 500,000 00 Circulation ` 443,481 09 Depositors 405.51161 Banks and Bankwers.. 14',063 76 495 575 37 Surplus Fund and Profits 81,198 99 _91.590,279 88 CONDITION - ar64:11700 J. IL Ulla,. Cashier.- ' l . - . • Mechanics National Bank of Pittainugh. M the' close of business on the 17th day of A pill. 1889. Notes and Bills Discounted ' $ 6idl. 533 33 U.B. Bonds tr eecnre Circulation. 500,000 00 B. B. Bonds l hand...i 70,000 00 Due by Bank 4 and Bankers 80,600 32 i National Cum me , / nd Caen Items . 0,268 69 Over (traits." , , .. ....L ........ ... 2 49 Expennes and Tai 10,104 19 U. 8. 3per cent. C rttlicatee 15,000 00 Legal Tender Notes and Specie.. 73,554 00 81,443,0110 94. Capital Stock LIABILITLES. 8 an oak oo Contingent Fund and Fronts.... 311.991 5* Dividends Unpaid _ 3 870 00 Individual Depot Dot s 185 311114 Due Banks and Bankers - 585 38 National Cirell/Stioll 448,5178 00 State Circulation 14.985 00. $1.443.020 9 The above It a correct abetriCct from the report Made to the Comptroller of the Currency. ap24.h88 JNO. G. MARTIN. Cashier. PORT OF THE CONDITION ITIZENSIATIONIL MI of Pittsburg A t the close of business on the 17th day of April, 1869. Loans and Discounts g 1,5186,099 97 11. b. Bond, to secure circulat , u 514,000 00 11. 8. Bonds ant Securities on . kind 3,000 oo Due from approved Association In New Tors . 9.444 81 Due from other National flanks. 9 964 13 Due hum other Banks & Bankers 9.837 87 Real Estate 95,096 IS TIMM and Expenses ' 15,318 To Cash items 0 ,5115 86 Exchanses for Clearing Rouse.. 1 4, 9 / 1 1 85 Bills of other National Banks....' 16,400 00 Fractional Currency. 9,345 60 Legal Tender. Notes 105.000 00 in 1.547 87 Bond and Mortgage 1,833 33 CTIYE ss . , USBILITIFB: . . loceos 71 Capital Stock $ 800,000 00 Surplus Fund 130.1184 45 Profits 641.036 46 National Chantal:ids outatsuoing 450,000 00 State Circulation outateading.... 16,500 00 Individual Deposits 600.611 78 Due National 131/112k8 40.498 ST D. other Bunke and Banton.... 10,084 OS Unpaid Dividends 3...430 00 112,108.805 I certify that the above state...ent correct 71. a424:12 J. S. BR WY, Jr., Cashier. t s mixe• • 'penis ult. for Lon aud Steer Works. J. iik:Ntiy ITH, 261 Liberty street. ap24 AN ORDINANCE TO Antherfoe the Consienetto n of a Late•al hewer on white 411)ak fres Itemleek stress to North Ave. moo. SEC. 1. Be ft ordained and enacted by the Se lect and Common Councils of the City of 4t e yheny. and it to hereby enacted by the authority andh lame, 'I hereby aut h orize d Sewer commission be. they are hereby authorized and dbected to Invite and receive Proposals for the construction of a sewer as aforesaid on White Oak alley, and to contract therefor with the lowest and best bidder or bidders, at their discretion. Sae. y. That for the purpose of defraying the Cost and expenses of mitt improvements, there be, and is hereby levied, a special tax, to be et:lusty assessed upon tne several lots bounding and abut ting upon the said White Oak alley respectively In proportion to boundfront In a b u t t i ngpectiety comprised, and ing and as afore. said. :Six. 3. That as sookas the cost and expenses of said Improvements snail be fully ascertained It shall be the duty of the !Sewer Commission to assess and apportion the same among the sev eral lots bounding and anuttlng upon tee said White Oat alley respectively. according to the rule above Indicated, aria thereupon proceed to make demand and collect the same, accdrdlng to the prortsloluf of the act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "e. tinpplement to a cupplement of tue Sewer Law," passed Ma much 4. 11849. 4. That so of any ordinance UM') conglct with, or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same Is hereby r.peal• d.. Ordained and enacted Into a law this the egg day of April, A. D. 1809. JAMES MeBRIER, .dent of Select Council. Attest: J. R. OX P L r iti Cierk of Select Council. ALFRED SLACK,. President of Common. Connell. Attest: R. DiLwonnt. Clerk of Common Council A N ORDINANCE • • 'FrAuthorise the Grading of Market Street. from Washington avrniie to Walnut Street. iroservinir Central spare of 40 feet. where wlath of Street is 90 feet and over. 12 00 Sec. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by - UteSedect and Common tfounetts of Me City of dlieghtny, and it ie hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Commutee cm Streets be and they $ are-hereby authottzed and directed to invite and receive proposal' JOT the grading of Market street as afore. and to contract therefor with the lowest and hest bidder or bideere, at their discretion. WIC. 2. expenses'he purpose of defraying the cost and of the said imor.vem.nts. there be and is hereby levied a special tax. to be equally assessed upon Inc several lots bounding and abutting upon the said Market street re spectively In proportion to the feet front In t hem respectively comprised, and bounding and abut ting asaforesaid. - Clic. 3. That as 1100 . 12 as the cost and exbenses of mild Improvements shall be fully ascertained, it snail be the duty of the Street Commissioner to assess and apportion the same among the several' iota bounding and shutting upon said. Mar ket street respectively. accerdiag to the mikebove indicated. and thereupon proceed to demand and cell. ct the same, according VI the provisions ol the Act of the General Assem bly of thOilommonwealth of renninvanta, en titled !.An Act defining the manner of collecting the expenses orgrattia nand paving ande streets and alleys of tbe City of Allegheny. for other U s P i ree," passed the thirtieta day of Marsh, sac: 4. That so meek of any ordinance as may mullet with, or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same 18 hereby repealed Ordained and enacted Into a law. this the Slid day of April, A. D. lee% JAMINe. MoBRIER, • ' rrestdellit of Select Council. Attest : Oxtail'. • 'Clerk of Select . Connell. ALTRAD SLACK. Trealdent thonitioa Coulson. Attest B. Mammals.= Clerk of tmannon Council, a OD 660 4 00 A N ORD IN ANCE — Molatinit to lioxistoring of Lore. . . Mtg. I. Be t t ordained and enacted by Select and Common 00tMlie of PP W' AM the P/108Y and tt Lf , &w eft ordained airdi enacted by tbe . Mority Pk same. That the City Engineer Is hereby authorised to cause to be made the Reg istry of Lot. la the Olt). Siprovided fur by an act of Mate Legislature, dated April. 1869. and entitled "Aa AOt for Registry of Lots In th.l City of Allegheny." aitd toot tile sum of $l,OOO - hereby appropriated foP that purpose and charged to Cordiugeat Fund. 2. That SO much of soy ordinance as may congtot with or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same is hereby rqteal.d. Ordained and enacted Into* law this the use tarot April, a D. 11089. 'JAMES MoBRIER, President of Select Council. Attest: Journ R. oxiar.r, Clerk of Select council. ALFRED SLACK. President of Common Conceit. Attest: R. DILWOBTII. Clerk of Common Council , F. H.. FAIBIIIIAN, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, drainer rand 411asler, 4ealirr In lazed Paints, Patty, OW, Vstnisiss. Window talus, &e., Tlfthavionse, Plitstratili. Ps. Giralialag dose tot Ilia Valle. OP. THE RESOURCES OF THE ap24 •nu ap'24 joszniT ORRENB, am:m.4omm or WINDOW GLASS: war•how—stp.i! Avon mart riSkOoral: CM NEW SPRING GOODS J. W. BM lER & CO'S, 69 Market -Stmt; TEE LATEST SPRING 'STYLES OF DRESS GOODS, Silks, Percales, ROBES, cmarrizs, &C. ALSO, The Largest and Most Complete Stock OF LADIES' SILK BACQUES Ever Brought to the Narket. J. W. BARKER S 9 MARKET STREET. tram:gaws pENESYLVANIA, es: In the name and by thi authority of the Commonwealth of Penney/vania.- A PROCLAXAIION Two Thousand. Dollars Re ward for the arrest of a Cer tain William Brooks, one of the Murderers of Theo dore Broadhead. WIIIRICAB, The Senate and House of Repre sentatives have enacted the following preau.ble and Joint resolution. viz: i ikesolution authorizing the Governor to offer a reward for escaped convicts. "Mertes. William Brooks was convicted In the Court of Oyer and Terminer of Monroe county. of the minder of one Theodore Broad head, and on the sevond day of April, one thou sand eight hunared ano sixty-nine, escaped irony the county jail of said county: therefore, "Resbbeel, by the Senate and Rouge of Reyes senttsttoss of the Commonwealth, Of - Pennegleantti in Genera/ Assembly author That the Isovernor be and he is hereby authorized to offer a reward of two thousand dollars for the arrest of saidesca ped convict, to be distributed by ale Executive In such manner as in his Judea...zit will be most conducive to the ends of Justice and the, sxe u Von of the laws." Approved the fourteenth daY of Apri.. A. D. 1869. ' Ana whereas, The reputation of the Govern meat, the peace and security of its citizens, the obligations of Justice and the .executton of tee laws, require that the said William Brooks should be brought to undergo the sentence of the • court aforesaid: Now theretbre. I, Joint' W. GEARY. Governor of the'aald Commonwealth. in compliance with the said joint resolution, and by virtue of the power and authority vested in me, do Issue this my proclamation.hereby offering a f Two Thousand Dollars to any pereou orp e rson who shall apprehend and secure the said William Brooks, to be paid la compliance with the pro visions of the albresaiff resolution. And I hereby call On all onicSra of Justice and good al I zens everywhere to be vigLant and unremiltinv in their efforts for the apprehension of the said William Brooks and his return to the proper au thorities. Given under my hand and the great real of the • the State. at Harrisburg, tins twenty !} first • day of April, la the year of our L. IL Lord one nitrating eight hundred and sizty.nine, and of the Commonwealth he ninety-third. JINO. W. GEARY. By P. JORDAN t J e Governer. rearetary of the Commonwealth. 5p23:1389 NEW SPRING GOODS COI MAC'RITM, GLYDE & CO. PINE SILK. PARASOLS/ Vringed and Puel3d. Also, all the beautiful styles trimmed with Battu COTTON HOSTERT TO SUIT ALL. LAO coLwvs. LAVE NANDICERCHICIPII, LAOS IDIEZZIIIIEITIB. ranNall OOBIIMTB, BEST nasal: HOOP. SKIRTS; In ell the newest styles. In our GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT 151711 STOCK IS COMPLETE NEW TIES AND BOWS, Jockey, Dickens, Derby and Box Collars. MOB NISON'S STAR SHIRTS. Bummer Underelothind. MACRITIII. GUDE & CO. ma 25 CENTS, DOUBLE WIDTH SPRING DRESS GOODS, AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S• 180 and 182 Federal Street, _ALLEGHEN Y CITY. ;NEW STOCK_ OF PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, WILtIAN SEMPLE'S. No.lBo and 182Tederal Street, 4 ALLEGHENY CITY. 6 1-4 CENTS, FAST COLORED CALICOES, AT WILT I /ABI SEMPLEW, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY;CITY. • AND SUITS, Pittsburgh R EPORT OF THE I CONDITION OF Tlt EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK .; . -Of Pittsburgh, Pa., At the clost of business on the 17th day of April 1889. 1 RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts ' 92.077,011 22 U.E. Honda to secure circulation 940,000 00 Due from Approved Association in New York 146,698 68 Due from other Nat'l Ban.lis .... 6,839 34 Due from other Banks •and Bankers ....1 1,847 07 Real Estate • • 56.500 00 Taxes and Ekpenses 20 348 87 Cash Items ' 4,46807 Exchange Cori Clearing Douse.. 24,950 94 litills or ot i ler•National Banks... 2.790 00 Fractional Currency 18.816 35 Coin 6,000 00 'Eegalltndar Notes 187.840 00 & CO., _ 7. - -....= ___-:---__.- LIABILTTLES. Csnital Stock l ptid in. 41,700.000 00 surplus Fund, 340.000 00 Other Prodts... ....• .••• 133,093 71 atlonal dreulation outstanding 600,00000 a.e eirculat ton outstanding.... 30,318 00 I. dirldual deposits 431,458 12 I ue to National Banks 29 808 .07 ue to other Banks and Bankers 3 444 451" $3,489,12 32 I certify that' the above statement Is mrre o ct. ap=:ll9l A. LUNG. Assistant Secretary. STATERIE NT FIRST NATIONAL BAH OF PITTSBURGH As shown by Its books at the dose of business APRIL 19, 1889. RESOURCES. Loans and Dlicounta $1,391,911 37 United States Bonds 445,000 00 State Bonds ' 19,819 50 Due from Banks and Bankers.. 994,864 68 Specie and Legal Tender Notes. 273,431 99 National Currency 29,469 17 Cash items and Remittances.— 11.331 03 Real Estate 37,000 00 Expense 279 73 Capital Stock ' $ 500,000 00 Due Individual Denositors 1,194,065 43 Me Banks and Bankers 143,736 30 Circulation ' 360,000 00 Contingent Fund and Froths.— 270,591 U 4 I hereby eertify. that the foregoing is a true abstract from the Report to the Comptroller of the Currency. 1 • ap=:nto , J. D. SCULLY, Cashier. REPORT ALMIIIKNY NATIONAL BANK. • !minimum, April 17, 1859. • I: ASSETS.._ Notes and Bills Disc-ousted $ 568,067 37 Bends and Mor_tgages 55,59 A. 19 United States Bonds deposited to secure Circulation 500,000 00 Specie Ann other lawful money... j0g,400 no Cub Items. Clearing Douse -- Cheats, gc • Circulating Motel or other Na tlenal Banks Circulating Notes of other State Due by Banks an Banters Beal Taxes and Axpelises , . - 41.814 una •,, LIABILITEKEL --- '- - - 76 Capital Meek National Cireali°P ti . . 454034_,1n 00 Mote Moulin! on - . Individual Deposits ' 49 9 4 35 15 5 3 ril Dividends Unpaid 11153 50 Due 0111*Plus Fund and Mind to Banks and itaakezulgi "3 ' 11 54 84 —0, 10 06 The . above Is a true abstract trete Report mad e to the Comptroller of the Currency,. "Mail OPLITWItE. K ,g • Cashier ' AS. NT': LOVE: " Jr,) 0. W. SATO/1210X acers:lX . RTATEMMIT. • . . OF THE Merchants' and . Manuf,actarere Bank: LIAJILLITIES. Capital Stook $ 200,000 00 M. and M. Nat. Bank Circulation. t 39.25 1 00 M. and M. Bank elate Otroulation 19,240 Ott Due other Banta 58,491 91 Due Depositors..... .310. 35 1 5 25 Dividends Unpaid 4'34. : 0 " 9 Profits and Etirgaugs 238.8 43./34,406 35 ; ASSETS. Notes and Bills Discounted 410110.3 48 " Banking House' . 33.301 68 Taxes and ExEene.ell4l4 4 O D ue by other Banks *** ' 98.103 43 U. Uoverument Securities 810,000 90 @peeks Legal Ten Notes 0308.294 00 National Currency golly as— 31m4.1. Oil k JOHN 1C0TT"..1111t46.°6-all mrw ADVERTII3EISIEN _ NEW SPR66-giYall, HATS AND BONNETS, IE3O WILLIA.M SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. ;FINE ASSORTMENT RIBBONS AND FLOWERS, ", AT VirILLIAN SEMPL.EI3, lio; 180 and I , lp Federal Street, 1 ALrateanir crrY. OF THE $ 2 ,408,392 77 LIABILITIES 42,4653,3921 77 i! OF THE 7,833 00 1,092 00 129.823 82 71,898 70 - .8,928 Uu PriyalitritillH, Apra, Sinla. Emiiiiiiiiis NEW ,A.DVERTISEMENTEr. ~,,,,, - 8 - AND 10 CENT FIST COLORED CALICOES, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, 121.2 oaf— Light and Dark Delaines, (Best Quality Cloth.) WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 188 Federal Street, Housekeeping Dry Goods, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, FOR MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, CASSBIBIIES, TWEEDS, WILLIA.M SEMPLE'S, 180 sad 182 Federal Street, Extra Quality Yard Wide mmrisma:N-ts, WILLIAM SEMPLE'B, 184 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. REFINED • FAMILY LARD, PACKED BY PROCTER & GAMBLE. Ask your Grocer for our brand of Lard in these Package*. Packed - 01 . 3; 5, and 10 pound Caddies, 641 pound Cas e s for ehtpment. Cheapest mode for selling Lard. Send for Price List 23,479,108 39 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., PITTSBURGH. And Grocers and Dealers Generally. A GREAT SUCCESS: 13.1E,XMIM WASHING MACHINE ! It washei the finest fabrics, without injury, perfectly clean in less than one. eighth the ordi nary way. It does not rub the cloth, but Per forms the cleaning process by -steam and the quick action of hot water; it can be operated by a child. Its great eh:apneas makes it aocessible to evert family and saves its own cost in doing away with tabs. Sold from the Manufactory, at THOMAS MERKEL'S, PENN ST.. OPPOSITE THE PAIR GROITHD. B`AGENTS WARTED. TAG DART BOOTS, 'SHOES AND GIME 85,333 OA .Wholet3ale Prices. NO. 129 PEDELILILL STREET, 44.11eglienv City. 131.4,6 04, irg AMIERICAN NO. 80• FOURTH AVENUE, CASH DAP/TAI: 1 1 200.000. Stockholders Individually Liable. BANK AI DISOOLNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN PI Ov D. President. Thos. M. Marshall, John M. MurUud. Wm. ttagnon, E Archibald Wallace, Jas. W. Arrott,Jae, D. Kell,. Ohss. B. Leech. Ployd John Illoyd. VIIs Bank Is now :ally oreardsod lad prepared to do • general Banking bualtuss. • a020:b73 TU1111613 wATISH, PIPES, • 4MIIIINET Tot's. A. lame as,likent, , • usaralr widia •IA I.vma,assilliallitifil SO. ALLHOTIENY CITY ALLWRENY CITY !OOD 13AREFA.rbrep ALLEGHENT'dITY ALLEGHENY CITY 12 1.2 CENT CINCINNATI. BOLD BY PRICE, $l5. arils:hil SIMEN, RETAIL PITTSBURGH, vnw. rtoYth Cubier.