a Markets by Telegraph. '. Nsw , Tons, Aprll 23.—Cotton rather more steady; sales 1,900 bales,* at 28M® 28 3 / 4 0 for middling uplands. chasing quiet. Flour; receipts 5,706 bbls and 1,468 bags; market heavy and without de tided change, with more doing in ex treme low grades; sales of 6,900 bbis, at ', $5,15®5,65 for superfine, State and west ern, $5,70 ©6,10 for extra State. 15,65(0,00 for extra western, $6,15®8 for good to choice white wheat, 15,76®7,10 for R. H. . 4)., $7®8,50 for extra St. Louis, s9®l2 for good. to Choice do; closing steady. Cali - fOrnbt Flout is. without change, at 116,50 4410,50 for old and $8,55 for new.' Rye Flour in moderate request, with es of 150 'Ms at 36,75 . _ Corn Meal quiet. Whiskynominal. Wheat; recap 46,867 bush; market leas active and pri rule in buyers' favor; sales of 27,190, nab at $1,30, fbi choice Ile,-3 a ring in store, 11,48*for No. 2 do. mixed in store, and ,11,37 for No. 1.: , Barley drooping. ' Barley* Malt dull. ':Corn; receipts 186 bush; Corn ec tree and lc better; sales of 54,000 bush at 810880 for No. I nixed weeteen,,closing at 82®8230 for ! prime; 8230)83o, for old do. in store ; 830 for new western; receipts of 9,082 bush; the mar ket was a abed° firmer. with Mica of 44-, „000 bush at 070 for western in store; 78® 'Boafter dis. afloat. : ; Rice dull at B®9o for Carolina.; Cotton firm. Sales of 1,000 flags Rice at private terms. Sugar; sable of '5O hhds Porto Rico at 12c.. Molasses quiet with sales of 50 bbls New Orleans at 80c. Petroleum firm at 1714® 18c. Crude 83e; Refined bonded. Hops quiet with gales at 6@lse. Linseed Oil dull at 31,01. Spirits Turpentine quiet at 48M ®49Me. Pork firm and in moder ,ate demand with sales of 1;100 bbis at ,$31,25®31,87 for new mess; $Bl old_do.; 125.75(426 prime; 28.50®29 prime mess; 133,62 clear, do.; • sales tof 600* bbls new musk sellers last half of May at 381 ® 31,60. Beef dull . with sales of 100 bbls at 118® 15 for new plain mess; sl2®lB for new extra mes - Tierce Beef, dull, with sales of 80 tea !at 5 25 @ 2 8 for India meas. Hams steady; sales of 150 bbls at 11 . 46®32. Cut Meats—sales of 175 pkgs at 12,1®130 for shoulders, 16® 16X0 for harms; .middles , quiet. Lard is caster; sales of 650 - toe at 16%®18,ic for steam, and 183(0519X° fOr kettle ren dered; also, I,ouo ice steam, buyer and seller May, June and July, at 18%®18Xe. Butter,2s®3so for Ohio. and 25®130 for Stater ()Leese firm.at 19®Mi. Freights t0.,-Lleergoool dull and heavy, with en eats of 7,500 bus corn per steamer at bd. ' Wool; at auction sales yesterday, theugh prices- were low, - the catalogue was well sold ..and: the result generally regarded man inaniovement on previous sales` followleg are the particulars: Do raeouo fleece; sales of 130,0 lbs N o . 1 extra and dfoubli'extra at 4 0M@50c; also 31,000 'its miWashed, at 27®330 for 'domestic pulled, - also 38,000 lba at 27® 28Mc for. No. 1, and 88M®463Sc fol. super fine and extra scourechalso 40,000 lbs at • 00®90Me for'Exceisior lici. 2, 62®696 Mr No. 1 • do, and 40®8eo for low- and medium California; also' 57,000 lbs at 240 tar fall clip,•42M ®430 for pulled, 23®250 for lambs, and 18®203f0 for Burry de lainu also 15,1100 at,46®slMe for Smyrna; `also 5,000 lbs at 19®20b for unwashed, and 88 o . for washed Persian ; also 38,690 lbs at 18®14c for unwashed, 14/05170 for washed, and 14M®150 for black Moroc co; also 85,000 lbs at 14M ®lsc for Cape; also small lot at 3735 c. LATEST.—FIour closed dulland heavy, p_articularly for medium and good grades. Wheat quiet and unchanged. Rye nom inal at 31,30 for western. Oats quiet at 77e for western in store. Corn steady at at 82®830 for new mixed western, and 82mc for old do in store. Pork steady at 331,25 for new mesa. cash and regular. Beef in moderate request and unchang ed: Cut Meats dull. Bacon steady. Lard • • dull at 1834 ®lBy,c for fair to prime steam. Eggs at 10®20c. CIELVAiiI o, April 23.—Eastern Exchange quiet at 1- te discount buying, and at par selling. Flour quiet at 34,90®6 for spring extras. Wheat mederately active and 1 ®l/o lower, at $1,12®1,13 for No. 1, and $1,03®1,04 for No. 2, closing at $l.O3X@ 1,04. Corn dull; No. 2 declined Mc, and new 3c, - at 56®56Mc for No. 1; 54c for No. • 2, and 43M®470 for new, closing at 44L ®4sc. Oats firmer and Mc higher at 55 056340 for No, 2, closing at 55M ©56. Rye more active and lc lower at 31,17® 1,18 for No. 1. and $1,26 for No. 2, closing with sellers No. lat $1,17. Barley inac tive and'nominel at $1.45®1,50 for No. 2 in store. Molasses at $1®1,05 for New Or leans. Sneak 1.4®15Mc common to choice. Mesa Pork quiet and firm at 250 . higher; sales at 31 and closing firm Lard steady at, 17%®16. Bulk meats firm and active, with sales rough sides at 14c. I.6cose and Dry. Salted Shoulders at 11Mc.. Loose Short Rib Middles at 14. Dry Salted Bel- Resat 143, packed. Bacon—clear sides 'at 1734. pecked. Hogs active and steady at 19®10 for fair to good. Beef Cattle dull at 15,25®5,75f0r cows and stockers, and $60)7,25 for 'fair to choice,' shipping steers. Receipts for past 24 hours-8,739 bbls flour, 13,065 bush wheat. 57,500bu5h corn, 15,424 bush oats, 350 bush rye, 1,600 bush barley-, 38 hogs. Shipments-7,059 bbls flour, 64,088 bush wheat, 225,241 bus corn, 16,653 bush gat5,3,133.2 bush rye,1,150 bush barley, 7,613 hogs. CINCINNATI. April 28.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat firmer and scarce; No. 2 31,35. Corn scarce at 68©70c. Rye Is lower now at 31,38. Oats higher,. the whole range 18'67 ®7lc;•thet latter rate for prime white. Cotton firmer; middling 27V 4 ,®2730. - Whisky firm and in de mand at 90c, with holders mostly asking 4 31 c. _Reed inactive; the season is about over; market nominally unchanged. No change in oil.. - Hay ateadv. at 20©24c. :Groceries steady at fall rates. Eggs firm at 160. Butter -dull atf-36€070. Cheese 20@)22c. There is a firmenfeeling, pro visions at hill rates. Mesa Pork sold at 131, but mostly held 5t11181,25. Bulk .51eats firmer; shoulders 12Xcq sides 1.14 X., 014 W the a _ latter for t3,,atra heavy; these rites were a . abide above 'the views buyers and buelitlle Was done. *Om ; • - firmer; alitiuldlirs d'n.' to tkiatchf ar ,l3 ,qet sides ;told it 'lBlo.'nttd ;ilea/rib:at 1750; • thetid litelVivert yoab ove the ti laWis pr guitar CahHaMillNiqpl)33io ; ha -large. lots and 1 190 in small IOW ; Laid • nominal it 4 ' Gold `IBBX, buying . ; 'Ex-4!ssite steady. Money market 0105 e.,, • ' ' • Sr. Louis, April,, 28.L 1 Trittacoo is un changed. CottonAidet at 28%®27. -Hemi dull; *Mall sales of nitdreased $1,45 . 11,50; dressed , at 52,35. /lbw dull. .w . and 10015 lower on medium and low grades.. Wheat;".choice.red-eold for $1,88; .choice and ;elicit' 4 0 41,80,01,90; strictly prime to fancy white at 81,70®2; spring declined lc; sold at 111,08®11,0834 for good to choice. Coro is dull and drooping at , 64®58. Rve unchanged at $1.24(4)1,25. Whisky is dull and unchanged at 87. Groceries firmer and unchanged. Pro visions quiet but firm. Pork is quoted. at $31@31,50; latter price paid for heavy. Bacon at 18x for shoulders, 17@17m for 'clear sides; also sales 2,000 pons dit clear ib sides, seller for last half of May at 1734. Lard firm at 18V, for good steam, 18 for nholcs•kettle. Tue receipts for the past twenty-four 'hours have amounted.to 2, : 108 barrels of Alcinr, 8,800 bushels of wheat, 12,500 bushels of corn, r 4,800 bushel of oats, 500 bushels of barley, 1,000 bushels of rye, r lBo. hogs. ' CLEVELAND, April 22.—Flotir dull and unchanged.! Wheat... No. 1 red winter at $1,48, and No. 2 , do at $1,80®l,82; no spring , offeting. I;Cons In fair demand and steady at 70c for No. L Oita firm '~'~n=k~`'' arm'+ . niaia andetead,y at 61c for Nu. 1 State and de mand moderate .. Rye ,firm at 11,28(4) 485, according to quality ßar ey dull and inactive, with no tratu3ac ons for several days. Petroleum; ket un changed; held at 30@310 for s ta ndard white, 2s®2Bc for prime light raw to white in car lots, and trade lo_ 2©Sc higher. TOLEDO, April 23.—Flour dull and un changed. Wheat dull; amber lc lower at $1,45, white Michigan sl,46yi, Kala mazoo white 11,47, and' No. 3 red $l,lB. Corn quiet; No. 165 c, No. 2 a shade lower at 62c, and no grade 610. Oats lc better and firm at 650. Rye unchanged. Bar ley nominal. Receipts-4,400 bbla flour, 5,700 bus wheat,,.21,400 bus corn, 10,000 bus ,oats. Shipments-4,000 bbls flour, 3,900 bus wheat, 24,600 bus corn, 9,600 bus bate. Birr,wsuszu. April 23.—Flour more active; choice Wisconsin and lowa 55.25 ®5,50: Wheat quiet at SI,ION for No. 1, and 11,03 X for N 0.2. Oats firm at 55c for No. 2. Corn firm at 54c fbr new. Rye nominally firm at 51,10@1,12 for No. 1. The receipts- fOrjthe past twenty four hours • amounted to 1,000 barrels flour, 23,000 bushels wheat, 3,000 bush oats. Shipments-6,000 barrels flour,l 12,000 bushels wheat. • IturFALo, April 22.—Flour quiet, city' spring Nos: 1 and tat 58,00@6,25. Wheat neglected, the views of buyers and sell era being very unsettled. Corn in fair dematid,"l tars 3,000 bush new to arrive, on track, at 76@77c,and 4 cars old at 810 in store. Oatsno minal, 66®67c. Rye, 51,30, and no buyers. Barley dull, 51,80. Seeds—sales of 600 bush timothy at 54,50. Other articles dull;and unchanged. Louisviin, April 23.—Tobaoco; sales 219 hhda at ;54g16,80 for common to good Inas, and 111@11.60 for shipping leaf. Flour ;0,00@6r00. Wheat $1.45@1,65. Corn 65®68e. :Date 66@690. Hay ;21 @21,60. Mess pork 131,25@31,50. Lard 1830. Bacon; shoulders 133;c, clear rib aides 17c, and clear sides 17;0. Bulk *shoulders 1234 q clear rib sides 16140. Whiskey 91e. Cotton 26%@270. BALTIMORE, April 23.—Flour dull and unchangedl Wheat hrmer for choice Valley. Corn dull; prime white 80c; yellow 85c.! Oats dull and heavy at 76© 780. Rye nominal. Mesa Pork $30,50© 32,00. Bacon firm; rib sides 163ic, clear do. 17340, shoulders 1430, and llama 20@ 210. L a rd firmer at .193345. Whisky un changed. PruLADEIXECIA,ApriI 23.—Flour quiet. Wheat steady for prime; sales 400 bush. California at 61,77. Rye unchanged. Corn in good deniand; 6,000 bush' of yellow at 88c, and mixed western at,i33©Bs. Oats steady at 75@760, Provisions unchanged. Whisky firm and.tuichanged. , . Nait , Tonic, April Jim Market. —The market Mei beef cattle is dull and heavy, at 13(4180. Hogs Arm,lo%®llo. Iteoeipts—S67 : cattle and 900 hogs. Dirritorr, -April .18.—Wheat moder ately active; extra $1,78; . No. 1 do. ;1,68; No. 2 $1,87. Other quotations tmehaaged. S. Louts. April 23.—Cattle Cattle dull and unchanged at 5(7. Hogs unchanged at B®lo. Dry Goods Market. Haw Yost; April 23. Although price" for various classes of goods have midoubtedly •touched low water, busi ness is still without much snap and the tendency of prices is wholly in buyers' favor. Beyond an equalization in values there is no further break in any clears of fabrics. The greatest depression is in unbleached Sheeting'. and libirtin and medium gficittrlif - bleadlied — M tits. We quote Atlantic A heavy brown Sheetings at 1544 c; do Lane 12Mc; Boott H lie; Great Falls S 11%c; Kennet:peck 934 c; Lawrence D 15c; maiwachusetts . J 1234 c; Suffolk C 120; Amoskeag A bleach ed Muslim 16c: Wamsutta 12%c; Albany Ticks 133-6 c; Hamilton Stripes 21(i)213ic; Workingmen's Denims 2230; Bates Cor set Jeans 12c; Nanmkeag Satteen 17c; Pemberton Cottonades 33%@35c; La conia brown Drills 17c; .Waukegan Cam brics 10c; Warren Paper 123jc, and standard Prints 12(4)123%c. EDIPORTB BY RAILROAD FITTSRURGH, FORT WAYNII $ CHI CAGO RA.LTAROAD. April 23. -I.car ore, Hussey, Wells & Co; 9 do metal, Nimick dr, Co; 4do do, Bryan & C; 1 do do. Superior Iron Co; 25 bbla apples, W H Graff & Co; 53 do do, 4 pkge bacon, H Rea Jr; 3 hales hides, J Catlery; 4 do do, M Delange; 13 has dried beef, 4 do, boef tongues, Sellers t Co; 2 cars corn, W Meek; 1 do do, Menke & Son: 100 bbis flour, Schornaker & L; 12 do apples, 10 jugs molasses, J J Pettitt; 10 ao do, 2 pkge butter, A L,Cramer; 1 car potatoes Woodwcirth do 1); 25 bbla apples, 2 do eggs, Voigt, M & Co; Bdo apples, Brag geman & 0; 4 car rye, M'Henry & Hood; 15 bbla vinegar, Head &M; 50 do flour, W Haslage; 100 do do, Shomaker & L; 600 do do, owners; 20 bail tobsooo, Means & Coffin; 10 bbla spirits, 10 do gin, S M'Cuckert & Co; 5 do spirits, W Carr. crsvErarrn .AND Itrrynnutext asii.- 'soap Awn 23. 1 car 'blooms, Nimick & Co; 1 car goods, John Briggs; 1' car lumber, Kellogg & Co; 1 car do, Thos. H. Baldin; 1 oar do,Faller, Longheart & Bro.; lea potatces, Woodworth . . Co.; apple butter, 1 bus corn, 1 sok ap ples, 1 b 1 onions, Van Gorder dc S.; 12 jugs mo o s, Swartz & Hasleat; 11 de do, Jos. Hahh;3l3 do do. G. S. Hough; 5 rolls leather; J. Hammett & Son; 135' oil barrels, D. B. Moore; 3 bblseggs, 1 bbl beans, 1 bbl apples, 1 bag do, IL Rea, Jr.; 78 oil bbls, B. D. Moore. 'PrrrsinkcHzt ' Cincurrruer/ AND . ST. LOUIS SAITMOAD. April 28.-1 'bx bacon 51pandr &'/Zir 12 bbls apples, .T It Thomp- BOO: .12 do o, IC Giati. 45 tills fellow, ,it! , do •IV ti 4 '' sl l3lagrfahibey; 25 ' dozen brOozne," 8 Convei; . 71 ' bales tow, Gluier dt tollibi 25 tee :hens, 7.`P Hanna; 25 15' do' o,liellere & Co;, 10 do do,' Watt. L &, Cu : FlOdelLY X `"l'ettlt;',/0 bbls 64'5 I ) ° U Ile " 1 i l i r , la nVit, 18 40, J Lippin. Vott; 100 hbla, ilotir...Beghni,er , de VI/ o °' do de, Zindetir it COL'S tee lard, tt , D 'Clarkrlo do 0. IR Tarker; 40 drl4l, beet" tarter, GreW a CO; ./ oar *tort% 'irenj:Z RdidonOT it //hal A o o ll °° o, 1 1 . i 1 1 ,r' r f#409' . ' ,i .:; ~ . • J A.zgato.,_ /11 . rfir...eraMiors. ,Airil 2km. 82 a ka P CY 1 5 a q 0 auf ,i 4 - loTaigr 12 , bide . 1 sp. 104,4 Hubert; 1 ear corn, Knox dr.:Bon; ' l.22green•bides, Httuderate, it Co; 1 bbl tallow,, 10. tides, Lope , & °Weise; .100 bbls tionr, G Stewart; .1 - car staves. J M ,Heuiplilll; . 1 do dp, ; Balya &Bobertaon; 4 do metal, 540 limestone, Buperior Iron 0o; 2do do, Ido ore, Richey, H & Co; .1 I do shingles, - Frazier : & Bre; 112 green bidea i J Lapps; 100 legs bran, J B M'Kee. 0 - , : , ALLEmintwir VAirmar - RAILROAD, April 28.-50 bble °li t Bly.& Co; 25 saok - e • • tatoes, M IDggins;•ll3'do do, Young & 18 do do, W Seibert;4opkgs egga, • tingensmithr 4 do do, J Small; 4 do age, 1 bbl flaxseed, Knox & Orr; '1 oar etal, Reese. 0 6c D;' 1 do do, Brown .& * ;.1 do do, Union Mills; Ido do, Lyon, herb &Co; 64 bbla Phosphate, Seward & Emerson; 40 , page butter and vine; . Myer and Weather. (E TTeleirlsa to the Plttsburigh Gazette.] Louisirtuss, • April' 23.—it Iver Weather olear and pleasant. • q* - Aitla , " 1, :7) TT 74 77 ,r 1 ""•!` r , ,11 ~ Priantliall s" 111 - AT " MEE MEM The river was receding steadlW /aid evening, with ten feet in the channel by Monongahela marks. Weather cloudy and close, with every appearance of rain. The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L. Brennan, Is the regplar packet for Parkersburg to day, leaving promptly at noon. The Glendale departed for St. 1.4u1s ,aesterday afternoon, with a splendid trip, bout six hundred and fifty tons of freight; and fall of passengers. Pilots-- Crane and Bobo. . The huge tow boat Ajax departed Or- New Orleans yesterday, with about 24 .- 000 bushels of coal,' The Glasgow; from Dubuque, is t e only tranalent arrival we have to report. She bad a good trip, and will commence loading tor St.' Louis and the Upper Mis souri. again early next week. Maish Hays and Tom Jaye= were her pilots from Cincinnati. The Bellevenfon, Capt. J. J. Darragh, Jr., is filling intrepidly; and will be the first boat out for St. Louis and the Upper Mississippi. She ill in alt respects a tip top boat, while in regard to speed she is hard to beat. The tow boat Ella, which left here yes terda3r with a tow of coal, came in con cact with one of the piers of the Steuben ville% bridge and sunk, according to report: Sour barges and one boat. This nuisance has sunk nearly as much coal as tt is worth. The R. C. ,Gray, Capt. leas° Whittaker, is tilling up steadily for Cincinnati and . Louisville. The Mary savage and barges, Capt. - Shedden, are announced to leave for St. Louis today, and shippers should bear this in mind. • —The Kate Putnam was to have left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Thursday. —The Emperor, which has been tied up at Parkersburg for some time on ac count of a disagreerdent among her owners. was bonded out by Val. Horton, Esq., of;Cincinnati. and towed to Pome roy by the Fleetwood. —The War Eagle and Sucker State ar rived at St. Paul from St. Louis on Tues day night, being the first boats through Lake Pepin this season. The latter brought the Twentieth U. S. Infantry, bound for Fort "Snelling, Brevet Major General Sickles commanding. —The Rate Putnam. enronte from Nashville to Pittsburgh, has the follow ing items of Pittsburgh freight: 3,381 bgs corn, Duff dr. Sons; 42 hides, Springer, H & Co; 53 bus Peanuts, 11 bales cotton, 8 . bge feathers, J Dickey dr, Co; 26 bgs pea H n Midis dr,uts, Goodhear Co ta Co; 40 bales cotton A. . . —The Cairo correspondent of the Cin cinnati Commercial, writes us as follows:* The Republic left N. 0. about the same time as.the R. E. Lee, and although she qad over 1,200 tuna on board, arrived here only 15 hours behind the Lee, which had 200 tuna on. just enough to put her in the' beat running trim. If the Lee has need to fear any rival in speed, that rival is certainly the Great Republic. —ln January the Lawrence made one trip from Clneinuati to Wheeling in command of Capt. Muhlman. On the trip up, one of her deck hands took sick and at his own request was paid off and put ashore at Parkersburg. The Law ranee coming down from Marietta, landed at Parkersburg on Monday, and a city edictal made his appearance and attached the boat for the payment of a fine of $175, imposed for having put off it-case of small-pox at that place. *Capt. Hart gave security in the sum of $3OO, and the case is to have a hearing. —A St. Louis telegram under date of Wednesday says: It was stated on Change to-day, that the Atlantic & Mis sissippi Steamship Co. are laying up their boats as fast as they arrive here. and that they are winding up the busi ness of the company. The tug Antelope has been purchased by FL Lo u and Capt. Parker of Dubuque, for $23 ,000. and will be used to move a large amount of ice to this and other point, and then be put to towing grain from the upper country to St. Louis. She is now bound to Dubuque witn 30,000 bushels of coal. —An interesting case has just been de cided on an appeal in the St. Louis Cir cuit Court. Anthony E. Rebetta shipped on the steamer David Watts for a trip to Fort Benton and return at 140 per month in May, 1807. The Watts became dis abled and was unable to proceed further than Plattsmouth, and there transferred her freight to the Tacony, and Rebetta and other bands were requested to re. same the voyage on that boat, but re fused. The suit was brought for a months wages, which the Watts bad re fused to pay on account of broken con tract. The Court hold that the contract ended with the transfer of the freight to another boat under a different set of offi cers, and that the plaintiff did not forfeit his pay by refusing to go on the Tacany. • 141. 111 ROOFING SLATE OF VARIOUS Qualities and Colors. Particular attention given to laying Slate and repairing S ate roofs, Per particulars and prises address • No. 43 eleventh Avenue, • mbill:gfre PITTSBURGH, PA. ROCK - THE _BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE., , Fundtarcianatutwers, 3 r 01 117 PT4 AfV:4 I PriTIE. • .'rtirlieritAtkay thiniols full lassortment of Par 'lord VAmimPetsrwalUtolien de2s - "KEYSTONE POTTERY. ' Q M. twit & co., muintkaar. 0 I'IMISTOIL WARE rte. OttiVe and Wirehanie; 368' LOISIITY 8T8191,T. • zirsu orders oromotly attended to. kkARDENEEI4 TAKE NOTICE. , .1 1 `01f:' SAIL—The rotraTirszr AND; on the Allegheny River, and, now! used for gardening purposes; wgll Improved and In a high state of - cultivation; containing 40 or 80 torts, now oWered at a bargain. Call soon. Also, other Parma' In good location,. • Woolen Factory. two Rouse., and twenty urea of land on the Chntral Railroad. Rouses and LOU Po ts Brie and To-let In both . cities. .wor• further ilbr•l. tioulail Inquire • WLLLIAIt WARD. • tM 110 . Orant street. onnosltu Cathedral. anTHE, MA " OR 7i r 14E MEN, iwho . PATROEVIS TIONACTS of the SG ad SEBIES; OY WASIILNOTOrt MEDAL LIoN PENG, are hereby Informed that the draW.. Ingo were wade January SO,ISSO; and that Wl' Mare tilvlnolfull Intbrutatton• of the numbers asmi, will be nut to twig lutoreatodi-' o * their whim:Mid' the WAS OTON MSDAIe LION , PDN'OOMPAWYt blew oth. N. B.—ltiust dna Ticuunii or Tar Soli WAIL Minn - RIVER NEWb:. MISCELL &NEOUS. RIVER. PACKETS. ST. PA TIM. FOR IMEOIII3Ii, LINGToN. MiIbCATINE. _YENPORT. ROCK ISLAND. FULTON PITY; LYONS. GALENA. DUBUQUE Mc: Q.NEGOR LA OItOSSE. WINONA, .NEETI'd LANDING and hT. PAUL. 'The new and splen- OW - passenger steamer, SALLE VERNON. - - ..... Capt . 3. J. DAIIRAGIL, „ , Will Leave for the above and' intermediate land. Inge •on SATURDAY, the 24th,, at 4 o'clock P. bt. -For freight or parttime apply on board or to; • GRICIEbT, SWis,ENEY Co. Agents. The above boat, having a greater part of her load engaged, wilt positively leave as announced, presenting an opportunitifor passer gers, panic.' alirly those having lamilles., seldom obtained from nese, as this boat goes through without re shipping or, tramdei ring at ht. Louis. thereby W i er..g namengers at no inconvenience. and as- =Bang them an opportunity tor speed and Colla tors, akeiv obtained. era ST. LOUIS. Tvi ' LOITIFIVILILE,aar m e CAVA AND bT. LOUIS.— MARY DAVAGE AND BARGES, • Capt. JAXZEI sazDooN. WAS leave as above on SATURDAY. 24th SIM,. at 4 P. nit freight or passage apply on board or to .• aPw CHARLES BARNES, Agent. CIN YINNATI. - 001 t WHEELING. J rA„PAßlCEntuwmammoomm AIM CPNCINNATI. LoisvisiTittsbirgh EVERY =EBB AY- ISI M, .I.taves Cincinnati EVERY IPRLD4Y-4 P. M. . The - norift and el perb Sidewheel Steamer BT. MAIATO. T. SWESNEY, Commander. will' leave as announced above. 11 elgb t or Passage apply on board, or to FLACK A COM INGWOOD, or . Y 001.LIffo d BARNES, Agents. V: B.—No Freight received on Tuesday after 11A. M. ,mhZ VOA CINCINNATI andi a gge ,LOUISVILLE.—The-steamer, R. 0. GRAY Capt. IBAAC WHITTAKER, Wittleave for the above points on SATURDAY,• the Aid _ inst. avin . 01:1111EST, SWEENEY & CO, Agents.. verEs mussissippz. X 1869. Jagiormt. NORTIIERN LINE- PACKETS, FROM St. Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL INTERMEDIATE PORTS. • One of the splendid Sldewheel Steamers of this Line will leave St. Louis da ly for Keokuk ,Dsv en, pert. Dubuque. Winona, Stillwater an.l Paul. Through receipts .for Freight and Passengers wilt be given , to all points oh the Upper Mi ais idisippl' on steamers rennin ; from this port and connecting with the Northern Line I'ackets at St. Louis, thus enabling liOndgbees to get their. - . . . . . Freight through witbout delay and at lowest JOHN' BRUTO A- WALLACI. rates. Apply to JOHN FLAOH, IIIPTINIMAIEFALLACEiIWiIeIe. D,•• X 010.1 " 1 "°'''. SALE GROCERS AND pRoDuCE DEAL. Agents, Or to 6 6ECTII STREET. Pitt simrgh. • • • _ R. O. XillAY. . , . . 91 Water staiet. 11112 . 1418 • • • -• • . . , . ~ yo R ism Lotisossm . 4 . ! , iPals . l• n= 1 / I .4=W. notnsi"..wx. H. HMS& _ 1 RUE EIMRLINGTON. DU ' jonx L HOME &81109., SSC., _gut AND SIT. PAUL, IN CoN N NOTION' ;ti tessors to JOHN Tv MANE a CO., 's , • sato Grocers and Cpmmlselon Merchants, Cot% WITH TIM NOWTHERN LINE PACE/Ir CO. Her of - Smithfield snorWster Streets. PI ttsbitrßb. ,—The tine passenger steamer LoRENA Capt. S. Sartrussr, - - Will leave for the above and tntensethate ports orirTUFSDAY, Apra Alth. st 4 P 11. Nor freight or ;nonage apply on hosr ap24 - FLACK 4 COLLINOWOOD,Agents. • FOR ST. LOUIS, CIA- A ggad - LENA, DIIBIIWIE AND. ST. A UL.—Tbe now,and eleitant pusenger Packet, GLENDALE JOHN M. HAILE. Captain',. Clerk. Will have for the above porta on FRIDAY. Sad, at 4.P. M. JOHN FLACK. ap2o J. I). COLL.INGWOOD. Agents. PARKERSBURG. • ITTIR INVER 911, - wFrtnaMa • AND PAII RERSBURG LlNE.—Lravp .:nninanv , a - Wharf nowt, !nom or W....A Nteeet, daily at 12M., WED NESDAYS and SATURDAYS, USIA' 6A.41...% C. L. HICRINAN. MUM'. freight Will be rt....mired CO Lat Alt flouts PI AMES LINK. VLACH & CULLINGWOOD, Agents. apl3 STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL ANDASMI - QUEENSTOWN. • TUE INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Numbering sixteen first-Masa vessels, among i. mthe celebrated CITY OP PArtus, SITY ANTWErP, CITY OF BOSTON, CITY OF BALTIMORE, CITY OF LONDON, Bailing EVERY SA.TURDAY, from Fier 45, a rib River, New York. For oassage or farther intutwa.lon armly to WILL L► 3 BINGHAI, dr. 10 FIFTH STREET. (Cbronicle vaarly onnoitte Post Cr Mr« P..t.amr BANKRUPTCY PLAYED OUT! $2.00, -- THIS CARD entities the bearer; on presentation, to. TWO DOLLARS abatement on s cash parChise of 015.00 . at th% great cheap clothing house of s. O. TUAI7ERNIAN, ORMINAL BIG NUMBER 11, Sixth Street, late St. Clair. Nobody best by this establishment, but Aar dealing to all! Call and be convinced. All clothing plainly marked by printed cards, at LO WEST CASH PRICES, 1 Bo that no one may be deceived. Remember the place, original big number 11, 811TEI STREET, late St. Clair. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS OF Titist S. S. TRarnzaw. deZirro..s IRON CITY SPICE AND MUSTARD MILL; Arifth,Avegue, near, High St.; STRICKLIER & MORLEDCE, Wholesale Dea'sups ROASTED COFFEE. Spices and Mustard. W.° al] attention of consumers to our EX VELSIOB WANT • OlfwEE. 111:11d to one Proud pickaxes and Wahshirrea iq be the , very , best in the market: • • ifitiCtql CORNMEAL ground daily. All aril, ales warranted to be Of Ibe best quality and de., livered in the olty.free of charge. 1111111011.1.701 NOBLEDGE, - ' Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. TRADE MARK.' DITHRIDGE'S tan FMM-PROOF Lamp MINUS. . .., ,UNION EN itpuisE , FOUNDR Y, . , ', ;. , WH. M. Oteieloii.' latintstitiliet pi 0301EING: itOVICEI. Arebee,i s e Orseeeh FeVeres . Beek e bfa o , mid all kinds °l XaMit uir el_ ~..a" 11 W il rd" 111 kin ds et eisa wt . 5".. WEill I S n, PA .ontrzrwas . COMMISSI;ON MERCHANTS J. L. Drum Ea. ..:.. • • A. Z. 13TZTINEION. DILLINGEB & STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye Whiskies. IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES t WINES, GINS, &C. No. 87 Second Avenue, avz• PITTeIBIIEGII, PA. EtiI_TABIIfiBED BY A. & T Y YU". •••••••• - W. IL 6101MLY, ti WHOLESALE' 6 ROCER, Ne. 271 Liberty Rtreet, CE)7II3CTLY OP?. K.&GLI H 0 171 M. • PrrTSI3I6II4I3M. 66 :716 A. 8111=1.1. Air STEELE 84 SON, amm“rukkys Mereillowsta, AND DRAM:It:3 IN FrIACKM,. GRAIN, IMELV..I I 'l. &Am No. 96 OHIO SPREE% near EWA Ocounon, ALLEGNENYCIT Y. PA. 7STEB HELL :AL 7: B 3 CHAIM KE.III. As RITCHL.RT, COMMISSION BILERCILkirra, • • • • -"AND DIALERS ILP. • FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FILIDi„ 349 Liberrity Mt., Pftisbnimit, iny24:br ' . TJ. lIMILANCHAUD. 141. • Wholesale awl Retail arooers, No. 396 PENN STREET. spISIVO , • • T.rruk - BAIRD & PAIRTOIV, i Wholesale erasers, Commission Mersibant a ii , idtturei ian D ealers in. Produce. Flour, Baco Cheese, i Vat. Carbon out Lear* 011, Iron, N . Miss , cotton Yarns and ail .I..i,caburgh Diann 'I generally. ill* and 124 niCOIND ET, Pittsburgh. .__ . .w c. Aulityheeiict, succt4ar . to - Fetur .ammptrong. P RgRUCE edllogitlSSlON EItERUBANT, No. 23 Xitket IZAIR AND 11013111 PECK, oaNsittrarrat, HAIR WORKER. AND PERTEXER , No. 3 Third Meet, near Banithiteld, Pittsburgh.' Alwayl_on hand a general assortment of La. dies. SMitd, BANKS, CURLS: Gentlemen's WIGS. TOPERS, SCALPS, GUARD CHAINS, BRAGELETIs. Ao. air good Price In oath will be glven for RAW A Ladles , and Gentlemen's Nair (tutting done in the TeltheetlTlßTlllee. rnh2 OEBTENT, SOAP STONE, &o. IDMUND LAKE, No. . 124 Onfithtleld street, Pole Manufacturer of ren's Felt Cement and Gravel Rooting. Ma. serial tbr sale. 1•6010 WILLIAII KILLER 4 CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin,. now offer.to the trade at low figures, strictly Prime New CretNew Orleans Sagas* and °lasses. • • Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York, Ehilidelphia and Baltimore Re lined do. Golden Drips, Loverings, Brunlis, Stuart . Adams' and Long Island bystipE. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young Hyson, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and. Bangoin Rice. Java, Lagissyra and lo Coffees. Tooaceot , Lard OIL Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, &e., constantly on hand. AMAMI, LE:PORTERS OP Fine Brandies,Wines and Segm. 'Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hook Wines of Hinkel i_Oo.. lu bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Seharabirg and Johannla.. burg, Hockhelmer,Burgpady, &c. Brandenburg I Freres Flue Olive Oil. do do Olarets,_._ Imported In bottles. Work do White Wines, In bottles. . M. I Bons' Sparkling Catawba. Flue old Sherry. Madeira and Port Wines. Free Old Monongahela Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very Superior Old Scotch do- on. • OP, Sole&ents for Mo la. t C O handon , s Grand Vtn. lin Czenay and Gallery Champagne. Brandies of our own selection and Warranted. _j 2.4143 • 2,000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SATY.. BY TEE Union Pacific Railroad. Company, IAtiTSBN DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road, at $l,OO TO 101,00 PRE ACRE, And on a 9aziEnT,Cnr YBABB. , for fu rt her Part4 oo 4 ll . uulDs• 114 1.• addreth gems P. ikEVERIIVZ• • Land Ckeausdaeloser, Topeka, Kauai. Or CHAS. B. •LAwilintar. beefy,. '• • ..r• '• ' .:' ;... BC: Loate, Ga.typchwans • • rii,narxe INK WORKS. 43. E. ROBINSON; DummucTvara or Black and Colored Printing & Lithographic urn, VARNISHES, &C Gray's Ferry . 'Road and 88d latent, fe16:010 • PHILADELPHIA. FRESH SHAD RECEIVED dimly at BENJAMIN PULP/LEM 'popular • Woad, No. 45 Diamond Market, Pitts buigh, and at the Twhr City, Alleghenyh CIO, corner of Ohio And Federal streets.. Ombe ha d all kinds or Bea and Lake fish, Halibut, Shod. Beak, Llodtlsh. Haddock and Eel. Also, large caPlMllia or White. Lake Fish; balarcon, Bale, litergeon. Herring and Maclnsw Trout, which ynsblea us to aell at the lowest market prletuk wholesale or remit. We invite all Myers or Fresh.lish to give us a call, and we will Maur themtreat. inbla BIITTEIL-40 Boxes Fresh Da Butter, tell received by express. • Jr/I. CANFIELD. 141 Pine *venue. DPEACHEEL—SOO bask J., for sato by J. D. 0•101/1.D. RdiLROADB & VILLE On and after TUMIDLY. N , loot, trains Wil . arrive at and . Depot corner of Grant and 'W folicrws: , • Mall to and Itroml7nton- Doxt • town 7:00 a. McKeesportAeoomdtn 11:00 a. -Ex. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 r. West Newton Accom'd 4:30 p. Braddock's Accomdrn. 6:15 p. N/41111 Ac. tokfc.lpsport.lo:3o r. Sunday O h Train to - - and from West Newton ,1:00 P. !or ticketa apply to W. B. swim Enpernatendent. 11 - .4 E- '4, • • CTLME. • —•— - ALLEGNENT VALLEY EALLRoAD t On and atter MONDAY, November 9tb 18611, TWO TRAINS DAILY will lease, piiinb urr b, Station, corner of Eleventh and Pike streets for Franklin, 011101ty, Buffalo, and all points lbttilt Oil Regions. W r'llgairunsii. !Agars im myrrssunoß 1:13 a *Mail 5:40p te Express.. 7:10 p at; Express 8130 a m Brady'. BAe 3:00 pto Bradys B Ac 10:30 ais tat Soda Works let Soda Works Ateomd,.. .. 10:50 an) Accomed , n. 8.110 aas lid Soda Work. . I rd Soda cnts AceennoWn. -800 p m Accora at 3:40p Clinch Train leave itylsergb at 1110 P. it. Arrive at Pittsburgh at tr:SP.t. . Passengers taking empress • have bat one cbange of cars between Pitts . arg_b, Argil* and tilt Mgicms. Man and Rap as-Trani stop only at prtn : cipal points ?Ricca .. Way sad At colamodatrod trains stop • Callsta oat. THOMAS M. G. • et. Sap% W. POSTER LlOPL'ileket 1 nee a: 1 : • rd . ' Wm IDINCDINATI A I - - • LOUIS RAILWAY.. - Re HANDLE ROUTE. CHA.NOIE taf TIME.-On and after 81DIDAT. Nov.2lsld r 1069, trains will leave and arrive as um Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Depart. Aryl,,. Mall Exprea...........—. 3:13 a. m.12:13 Past Line 80:L3 4u m. 7:33 p. m.I Past Axpre55............ 2:88 p. m. 12:18 a. a. Nixed Way 3:43 a: m: 2:43 p. a. McDonald's Aoc'n, No.111:28 a. m. 8:33 p.m. Steubenville Accommod. 3:38 p. m. 1 9:48 a. us. McDonald's Acc'n, N0.1..6:08 p. m. 3:18p. m. +p `9:58 P.-x. Express will leave daily. :13 P. M. Mall will arrive daily. The 10:13- a.• al. Train Leaves daily, Btiadayg ea cepted, and Nukes close connections at New • ark to, Zanesville and paints on ( l3andusky. Mansfield a Newark B. • B. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, ilteulaewville. Ohio. no2a 1868 • PITTSBURGH, PORT WAYNE & CHICAGO A. W. and CLEVELAND di : PITTI3IIIIBGE B. B. .._ Firm Dec. - 90tN 1868, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north aide, Pitts. bures city time, as follows: desleti Chicago Ex.....5:03 a: m Chicago Es.., 11:13 Erie& IfinaDVl7:99arn Chicago Ex.. :11:58 Cl. firWlegliels:sl9s sn Wheeling Ex Ill:1.3s1 ChlrawarlDsl l :. 6 :ss . 2m-Creetilerlitall 3:5801 ... Chterawitx..lo:l2en m Chicago Ex....4:38ps -S .. Chi I.4bWA!gleX2:ll.3lam leveleral 4 rx.4:oBps . ... , 51:4apal- lie & Wnillx6:l3Dl W 'f i ffirle Ex4:B34pre. Cl. & Wbit.s.l3:ls:sBN Dspearkfrola,ditishessi. , - :ArreaerfaiAltaithelee, N. Bet 'a A0.8:513w mR. Brigtrn Ao. Y:0111 an , Lefetsla .`1 10:98 , a mN. BrUrt F . : 28 am, 11:58 a m New Castle4 . lo:3B ma Rooltester" .I:3Zize Leetsdale 'i." 9:18 see Leetsdale At c.alas m ••• .. laus p is .N.•Bsterttn " .51 ze N. Briettn 1 "9:43 pa E. B. Via " .6:2Blrai Leetsdalq :r. 4:53 pm, .I,43etse ." 10:45pai _ • • .. , • ••• Tag vi a Leetsdale Ban- • Leetsdale -San- la day+ Obureta 1:13p m day °brash:, 9:58 Ai .ate II:43 p. m..OLIra- go Express leaves daily. air 11:5S a. m. Ohleacs Express arrives daily. deli... F. E. MYLES. General Ticket Agent. ENNSIE L*Al t ammi NIATENTRAILitAIL ROAD. Onand after Nov, ABth, 1888, Train. Till arrive at and doped from the, Union Depot, come* 0- • Washington and Liberty etrects, as itglowst Arrivi. Desapt. Mail Train.... 1:30 sink Day Express.. 8:30 ma Past Line 8.40 a m Wall's No. 1.. 8:30 am .Wall's No.. 1..6 510-ans Mall Train 8:16 am i Brintoc,A.ce'n. 7:50 am o Cincin'thEx 151:35 pa Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 em Wall's No. 2..11:80 an' Cincinnati Ex..9:4llrots Johnstown At. 3:85 pia. Johnstown Ac10:35 o m raddocks Nol4:Bopra Baltimore Ex. 1-45 em hila. Express 5:10 pm PhDs. EspressB:osvas Wall's No. 8.. 5:20 pm, Wall's No. 8.,. 1:39 pm Wall's. No. 4.. 6:15 pm Braddock, Nols:s9pqn Fast Lira 7:50 pat Wall'a No. a. T:Sletrom W 4 1 ,81104.. 11:50 pia Wiay Pumps. 10:20p to The Church Train , leaves Walla Station every Sunday. at • 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:00.a. m. Returning, leaved-Pittsburgh as. 151:50 p. m and mis ea at Wrias Station at 8:00 Tv ta. 'Cincinnati Express " leaves daily. All other trail , s daily except' Smaday. Yor ibxther Initmasidon apply to syl W.. H. BECKWITH, Agent. The PennvaniallailroadCo y will ea se= say risk ibr . ftrr wearin uot se • parel,and limit tb i tnripsnitribVitY to One Ben. are Dollars in vats*. All' Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be-at the risk of the imam% taxless taken by specish contract. . BDWARD ti. WILLIAM& non, General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. • ErESTER - PENNSYLVANIA. ROAD.-On and after bOlf. 99d,18611, the Pa. Banger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rat road will arrive at and' depart. . front the Feder: Stree e t . Depot, Allegheny City. as Inflows: Arriv • Depart. Wingd'e No I ik-40 m m 7:00 aal Freeport No. 1 ite.9o a m report No. 1 9:15 ant Express 10:40 a tu Sharptil Not 'bill) ant Sheryl:og N0.19:515 p m ss. pat Freeport No. 2 4:00 pm d'e No 13:90 pm Men. ... ". . . 5:55 p m port N0.25:210 pro. Sprixigit'eNo2sll: 45 p m Seringd'e No 1 , 1110 y Aboy_e trains:ran daily except. Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Jtinethat 'ever, Sunday at 7:40 a. m., rear-Ding Allegheny City at 9:50 a.- m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:90 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny junco. lion at 3:45 p. m. COmeirrAiftOn TiCirleta—lfor sale In packages of Twenty. between Allegheny City, Chestnut street. Herr's, Bennt i V a Pine Creek, Etna and Sharyaburg and good on the trains stopping at Stations Fpe ailed on ets. _ The trains leaving Allegneny City at Y:00 In. make direct connection at rreeyor: with Wax ke tne of Stagea fon Rutter and Hannalutown.. Through tickets ma b e purchased at the °filet No. ISt Clair striae near the ituenslonßridga . , Pittabur. h, and at t e Depot. Allegheny. For farther information aunty tv JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not al sums say risk for Baggae, except fOrweathig apparel, anti limit their - responsibility to One Bundr.d Dollars in value. All baggage ex. ceeding el is amount in value willbe at the r9k of the owner, unless taken by special contract. 'EDWARD H. non • Geirnal SuperintendentAltoona.lAa. M 0 HILL` . BOUTS. UNION PACIFIC RAILWL* nu3tern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST BELLA= ROUTE from the East to ell Pada in Colorado, Nevada, 'California, Utah, Arizona, Washington, New Mateo, Idaho, . _ ; . r• ... 4.lll3ll ! ar vi • - Lome atterAte z 2eavanwCatli . 4u2=2. 0 4.)0a the val of rzahts of ISt, and 'Hu& bal and t. _Joe Bartroad thllheY, oonnoW Jno sa 'Lawrence. 'Topeka': and Mum* Isla stages for all points In Hansa& Al end track wedrt of Ellsworth with th lIE STATES EXPRESS COMPANVE D WEB 01P OVIKILAND, MALL AND ESP CMOS= FOB . DEN VEXtg SALT lAA-Salk All Poi,nts fn tlu3 TeiTitories s . And W iu i sAwmuuserPs Titx-wzmunt Luiz of COACHES for Fort Union, Bout , ' 'Fort, Pau, A n w pe t qefh SAWA re, sad fpn . points In Art• sous and New Mexleo. With the receu, additions: ot•roiling atoeit and equipment; and the arrangements made w ith ,edponsible Overland Tratteportation Linen from its western terminus, this road now offers unequalted facilities for the' transmission of freight to tim Far west, 'notate for slue , aVallAbe nrinelpsi offices hi the Waled State 4 and Canada& Be sure and se for tiettets via THE B.IIOV HILL ROUT 4- UNION P JO .B.AILWA BASTRitIi DI VI SION. A. ANDERSON, . • Howeral airperintandea , L A. M. INVESTED, '! esaaral,Tredsht, aad TutetAp. , S epaQom M ter streets. es ArTillit. Y. 6:00p. t. Y. 0:05 P. N. Y. 10:/0 A. Y. Y. 5:35 A. K. 7:50 r. X . 6:45 A. x ir.10:00 170 . Adedt noX