DIIIMSNE wens. counita r rinm & co.; ILarisfaotarers of iaON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES-AND -SPRINCS, , sintintairs. L Z inviasza, , YLATDAt; BOMW UND D 13QUARE IRON. B D TANK IRON. V 145 &TIM AND RAD% INON._DEAD d MAPPER SLIM *D . OUTTEN rAES, Loanci. AID BJELM FLAT ROL A fin Coal Eoada. WIEDOES & BARROW TEETH, SP $ PLOW AND_O " 1 08 AND it yLTIVATOIt STEEL, . 4 ULDB cut to pattern. ~.4224 STEEL IgitaTlNO, A. B. n * , vut WAGON SPRINGS and • AILS, min:, SP , All Goods First and Warranted. oirnoi.s.AND womo. iitreet stud, Allffigheuy River, - and water, Street, Pittsburgh. GODEFpOY BMCKER, & CO., 42. Ecolmmo Place, New York, ,Are preared, .as Bole Agents in the United 'States - the Prussian Mang and Irson'ol;m ?ilkula Westphalia, to contract or sell la quantities to snit purchasers, (delliere4 in either New York or Philadelphia,) the celebrated V G. SPIEGELEISEN Ti ll Y so extensively for the mannfactnrlng of - BESSEMER STEEL. Iron Is free from Snlpur and Phosphorns, sattains a heavy per cent age of Manganese. particahirs, samples, prices or chemical . tflysis willbe promptly forwarded on &police . ' -1a 30:d713 SIIZITIELD STEEL wouxs. =GEN, NIMIOK & 00. Pirranraint. PA.. Masatliotiuers of ereii dideription of CAST 'AND GIMUN MEL, n:CaPARIPtiITI'ORM SPEINGIS. AXLZB, BUM T/71.14.414.. &a Warekadoe, 88 Water and 100 lint Sts, WLLER, BARR & PARKIN. iFiaMsJw PAIM3ICIB: XCTO_ ALF. , I, RKUBILN MILLE% 0. W. BLEB, I OHMS. PARKIN. arzotsi. Peninnni-e. x. xixx. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, KILLER, BARB da PARKIN, Wilco, No. 339 Liberty St, 1104:d403 PITIVIIMISH. PA. BLAck., DIAMOND STEEL WORHS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Xanifteriners of allt7eseriptions of Ofire sad4sretio mum &Ad BA Ti!r• OALP STRVATS. IRON WORKS. iAllt I . F Pre W. P. Pc 7! 2,, ours. prrislinnuni **AGE AND IRON CO., ILLSOT#MIMIJOS OF 1111111/olid FLbßars awl Boils; - Sallliodear,Asleta i40441/11 Vathreid Oar Axles Hs anisiirodi Leeoalotive Franey • • Loomnotivikrrautollhweig I Sid, seals- ' - Takes. Strays/. /Elstela ?Kiwis; Ilteduabost Matto • :Stommalbess Cranky Pilistes Bade, Wrists) • - -19111iman Jaws, Collars, /Ye. 4,/face, No'. 177 PENN STREET, PITTBBII2O7I, PA. aLusquat . PBOOESL The Trustees , are now immiking to grant limn. ess for the use of the iLLEEE g 8 EN Plie. superiergaillty Inverted hi' Rood 'fioa, ths great ltnpeovement ln inferior Iran, and the - r e east.coineiend It to eh aastasoturess of Parties wishing tans* it can obtain. Meese', h 7 , JAMES',P.. S•PEER.' .Attorze, for the 'hasten. NS 1 and- 111- English's .BuiliEng harp seemne. , • jr z tleil int i&stseajk, Invited .tio•• visit' the WONSfh where the Orogen is *min 4 1 1CCUSAII Operation' . tow PREEROX &CO., Pennsylvania hen Win* warehouse, Nik on /64 ig ou r u :alli BTISZET.A ppm It* ni l n a alp91:4111 NOVELTY WORKS; NOVELTY WORKS: Ilooluoded 1111811. ADAM, DirKEIC, Jl4 , co. • KixtrrAosoimoo - • LITIO r rAT A HMEDWRIM A ELT 'OCIALEIL ,tookto !WWI M Palaust Door Leckie Latches, ilOinta•n* 0 00 1 8711 01 A13T/BABIE FITTING ____.— __ _- lirton ms mck,lig, ;....apiwicam , *;,.* 4l34 ' r BRAM Po'olllll3/113, GAS AND gam FITTERS; Of IMP; ANDir24l4. MIMI' wit /ma w r i , l . ispli Art , VC WO - 1 441 1 T.14144 otek pp , .au.ii "It Ll,AttingitnL u it y g..... . FO tirEnginer,llo chinery r 'Nail BS torts, and Cmtin NATiow. ircrTn9r . : . .. n. f . AND PIPE WON Sa, Gomm Carlon and S lladeeits. , . • owns WARD,3 I 1 . 11 . 1 T1'81317110/1, . A. WILLIAM SMITH; Manufacturer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE POW gee AND WATER WORKS. My Pines are all cut invariably/al Pits, in dry land, and 1S inet lengths. Also, fall assortment of general, Castings for Vas atoll Water Works, 17:1 4d tl t tgenti riat e id. I ef ATLAS WORKS, _, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. BULLER.Prealdent. These Works are Neon( the largest sad awn oomplete establishments la the West, sad are zoom :unwed to fartuall • Rambla* Castiagg, Gls:Leval Castings. iio9:2lar • ORD* soLtorrsa. DUQUESNE - FORGE. ;WILLIAM (successor to JOS. P. OH & C 0.,) Hu facilities co-extensiviLwith the /siding Forges in the East. and is p pared to promptly and sattaracsonly All all orders for STEAMBOAT BILLFTS, CRANKS, PISTON' ROD 4 ,LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS. WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES. _together with every description Of. SHAPE WORK. Omce and Forge. Corner of Duquesne Way_and First Street. apiChilo ' ' PiITSBVEGH. OBINSON, REA. &VA, istp:0000to to lecaprsow. Laps s Wiliam .WASIEENGT(OIFORRS, FTlNDWARD ll .Ac!illulrmPrrrounem, iambus,. of Boass.2_4 =ay area* Mk ? f4t„,,-Bisosjutass.t...nradam .17.011(0= %io C EatWisil sheet iroEva, - ce; • o. 121,:oonter Pint ono nadromia &rem. • tbrAraduttsair fi Valra 1.2111157 1.2UM8 MONT BL NC FOUND/AL et. : &reef, Made : Ward, (Opposite Italoa Iron says,) Rollin XIII and Bridge Castle" THIIIIH.E SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES I mur*sitir AND cAsiuras OZIMIALLY. , • . orders promptly and earefair execilie4. 011argesTessonalge. MEET ILCIIII2III. ;TH OMAS CAIWIEN k Co., , Fourth Ward Foundry and Nadine Wort'', BANDUBILY ALLEOIiZ2iTOITY.I%. mungsaturari :of .Bcesm not. ,ou Vresses, Uns e trug_g• oTa li tAtta Iv.vecrlitMeTif &gut° Vaqi erargrus4 l youarblitir . AND' RO f ILL *ORIN ' 690 Penn Street. BOLLIKAN, *On 'it Rummy, chin Bollih Mill Cii:stint;i, 14th coAU Comut coact's: DICKSON, STEWART & CO, Ramis removed tous Case to x NO. 567 LIBERTY -. • STBEE - I'' traetely c ti Neu Y3W 83.0024)2L00.V., Et2hreff , NINO/AL it Me ta ll at their idls. or addreseeti tO ProutbezilDeriatity: Inn J atte lde 4 tO • wrter COMMON ' ' ' , ' • , . Machine Stone woos, -:- - Northwest corner of West Ostemon, Alleg4wy. JE ATVALT/18. Sh C 0,,. aseitteleareAt Daps ;on sb‘stana mint and orms, aszr Ell Sew . IBrirver,,o Seat I*lb see., . ~ Trullki DU, * rriesie ramesusei• GEITEFAI4I/MEASURU, 11111"Immarar ... . l ot 'll.'Llroll, - • A.M.- ,:: '• i , ? :, ': Bauer iet Weights and diedo .. . ..... - . - , ~ . , ..... , . 31ri. 1 1"i 4Y 1 4 41 R,/ 't 3 . Er - 4 4:.:0 k ' „ : .1. -, Velpstrittiol6lPaitt *. MAN,' •Z0.th...".6 lall 1 ex .1i P.- - . . OMNI pitlipqriariall 10. ' Willi 1 l :' i .-...-, , -..- AS ' • ~.- - , •,.• ---, 7---- ,c,••••,,,-,.••••.,4,—,,,, r-..-,,,,,.-t...., 1 'II ' :41. •,..g17V4 , •;',P<1..;':#7r 4- AlAlli, , oro'T • ~,I ' 40Si7.:"SAazfltIriaiilj..,',319'171-•WA••%,"•,',, ,'.l-712`....,1.e.7,7-27,V4 -'4,-if ••-•••.4 . -_. r1%014,•,4'[..,i4W2)••41:46.1.4,,,i4b41441,;,"' -.1 .1 , 47 ,1 . • ' "A.Zsis":".‘Vriti't,•?[A,_ ,zi.l44o,:._,f.',.,•klVf:Ai''••4"4i.'A'44.4..X,!'i'%T'- .•:. ..010. 4 , ,z.. ! ..„... , •1LA . 4,„ 5.. 1 ... • tv;',A 1,,,,1%5•44,•„570.7V•441i,e25VP•4.12.-I;'Sg ' ,"-• ‘ ,. V ., ' 4 .4,1 , Art.f,'', tt lq •'' ). Lg t." , ..nge,-. ' Y•• P . . •I-I6t fl, IMO - lOn FOUNDRY COYPANY OFFICE AND Dr';MILS, TWELFTH STREET, Pnniitrzios, PA. === Boller% 011.TaxAuk IRaset Iroa,lllrork. Xidlroad Caistsgs. Bottom MU Castings. \ EMMA* Castings. COAL AND COKE." B TOIOI . - weft 1 111611.N.11OLE&,t0.: ConlitilleyankthiqiuineSt4 Mime ran Pool,) Engine Builders, rounders and , Ikfaekinists. ' .• • ManoteetarOSTLUIROATENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINE, of all sixes. _ attention InviteAt too prAewiiTATION. ART AIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER,,of IS-horseipower. CASTEL Gkotervery ktnn, made to order atour Foundry, on THIRD sTREET: below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAPTING,_ PIILLZYS,- HANGERS_ , HOUSEandTOBACOO SCHRWS MOH TOGACTOPamenns, on tumid and madtto order,St the - . . INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the Point, FlTTainipaß, PA. atir ,All.orderf promptly tilled. TRY Vs. g WM Ma chines, He generally. rim PITT • BOILER, STILL AM TAME WORKS. CARROLL & &NYDER, miNcriAcTtnizas OP nat . ZAuOX , AN D E CY L INDE II R D Ium R OL O A I R L , - OIL STILLS AND OIL PANES, CHIMNEYS; BRF.EOHINO AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON. DENsERS; STEAM PIPPA, GABONITIIRL AND WON BRIDOPA; PRISON pooaa AND COAL BRUM Mlles mid 'Warehouse. monkey deeeld, Third. Short and Liberty streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. or Orden sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. tab7:ls9 WM. BAIIINMILL & Co. ! BOILER ISIAkkEtS AND SHEET IRON VITORKERI3I NOS. 110, 1111; 114 AND E 6 PENN BT. • Baying secured a large yard. aad tusalshetl with the meet approved machinery; we arepre• tt perwdio mantitaccare. every description of/MI& meg its the best manner, aad warratV eati x is m,' to sill Wade II Steam Ohlmaays, lire Beds, Pipes, Locomotive Boilers: Condensers, Salt Paws, Tanks, Oil Stills, Leta. tors, i sa l m ettizratt u g eo t p =t s ßy a r e letlifr ta n k done oa shortest notice. labial jAmes ai. arms, No*. 65 and 56 Water rrrriamiant, Pa • • •kairtrravnnia OP IRON . OIL 'TANKS arrnnie nuns, ceinal ROLLING YELL lITIOIB. And OHM !BON WOGS, ?or Steamboats. MOD U. D. DMZ JARED MG BRUSH & SON, DLLIII7I.ICTIMM 01 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. lamorr tnow.wons, no. 61 Amos Street, Pateourgh, .Pa, STOVES, CASTINGS, &a. T" BEST STOVES, A. BRADLEY az CO. llszabeturers of the mutat owlet? of - Cook, Parlor and Resting Stares, TO BE 7017 ED EE'TTLE * STATE. Sole Agents for the. celebrated Useßona% One ttuu mil Stoves _ tbriler4 poet W e lk! t i zli t iaTerg a r g a i rlo P rit 3Willes. TM: ter. Do ttotbay sum, no see or sew! tor Circular. NO - . 30 WOOD wraxtr. On:Amu forOrieltt_e_hkr_DE Sailthleid fit.; OXO. /3 uziar s Ailegbeay voy. GRAFF BUOUS & CO.: • aurtrowsumas or monr 4 rmusTroP p - BOSTONICIOOEING RANGE, TICE FIERY FURNACE, ' " _ yos wAniaiwikruam m& • COMMA COOl rI P OR VAN'S -(Clncinnati R A W& 05 1 : OMAN d GRATZ 17.4.1=8. 4.3. • • . 206 and 20S Liberty Street, 'Aikeirzr • krzeitulea. COOS SirovEL CET. THE BEST. ttt t BIMSEIJ elk CCU'. TR w FOR BITIT lit OCB COAL.' W offooteil to Cool( ' Bake or Boast as I. • all UM Mu Mae Jo the Ilaloa. • AISSRALB6 eat No. 285 Liberty Stree t. ; awe on hattin W id for Woe • 2.449111t18',,..8it - 4 DlMit AND SOOMIXIL 14U &Oars; ^ . • ti ^ DYER' AND SCOURER. Mo. r 8 6T. cr.4.ticts tarz•nrutr • • /Alto % las ind 187 Third PrITS. BURGE* ra• ARCEtIM=II.; Blau inthung, , I 7 7 1 74ff fr r 7 rfSkAfffffnkr-rfßlD*Yr , i- - APMlellt ffil 03 t m sWDIT 411 , 11,11A*Wi" 2 - 4,1' AMICOMMTIIIUVAND? 4ORNAN IEMAk. i ' t 4RVIAS 11 1864011,4;p: i f, Meortinestitta= sstan sIVI dew* aa,, delm , 1211111 r ONNi6lii' 1 BIkIITI.,IOPSO cOniii, No. 169 WOod Stieet. CAPITAL, - : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS !morn DUALLY 1 LIABLE. GOVERNMENT GEOURITLIEI , AND COLD.: I : • lIITIBIBT,ALLOW74_OI Tllliti/EPOSITE. trallectibili made 'Oh' all weldable pollitib the United States alai Canada. . ' DLIZZaT OBSS: , -- 514Ef le 74144r ait, - Ait. t. O A ßls l arr its . , _ D. Wallace, - Aazewtfiller # l ' 7 "Cet t ? IILIPL. X D. -iailCT- NATIONAL BANK Of . 'CIMINO!, , • cot. of Wood and Sixth St& JOl. 1114 CAPITAL. $600;000. DIBB91.01121: A. Pattesion, me W. 'Cam Wm. H. Brown, lel. Palmer Eir.l.l)kaizgon, m. Don W. B. Haven. DIROOI7NTII DAILY. /LW 11 A. . X. atehon HART, CAUGHEI & BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner 2714 rd and Wood &reeta, larvrommari, V1110C12803.8 TO S&11/4, BART i C 0..) Exchange, Coin, CouPons,. Axel outleular attention paid to tke • intetaime and sale sat GOVERNMENT BONDS. ellattt Draft. on London. samsas N. HOLMES & MONK, 57 Market Street, UN Cloabootoi B o auto al 01all11 the principal young of Milted MWs .142&11. Stocka,Bondend Wier &mantes soverr Axa BOLD ON COIOCISSION sal Particular attentloa paid to the porebios and e of United .States Spourities. Jaaoua. - • - JAY _COOKE & CO., .113a,30.3x.erm5, 114 SOUTH THIRD STRRET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of all deScriptions bought and sold. Special attcatlou riven to the purchase sad sale of Otrveriditent Securities.: , . : aihta . OILS. WAILING AND Bomalidos ifereheate sad Brokers la Petroleum and its Product DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHILADELPHIA ApDEZES. •,_ Room 17, Cha itberof Cothmeree, ADM 138 SODER SECOND STREET. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. 1.;".4 - HERBERT. W._ C. MEDDLE, IfAAMPAOTURER OP • & High Test Burning 011& llieUpee Railroad Axle 00. Stands great heat without change; remains - limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropics; climates, or , hot weather Locomotive, ws Rapine, Machine Shop, Will out Scre. Saw UUI and Planing Xiii pus, Adapted Adapted An high speed. Spindle Oil, Wool;ead•Lightoll, 011, Rensole... jairierilltudAirilil, . I Harness - 011. Parraillne. ARMOR VARNISH. to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery Brom Rust. • These products we mantActured under Dr: Tweddle's_patent by Ibperheated Steam in Vac* cue. The Lubricating oils are almost odorieu, perfectly pure, unlibrin, and moil light col. teed. stand a high temperature nu an ed. and Ammon limpid durinsextretoeva/4 Rib Oils are 'unequalled - and artilit'at use on many of the princlial Railroads. ples can be examined and orders left ab 11 WOOD STREET. Woos; at sharpoterg image. itßoThiquy., . , COMMISSION MERCRAIM B " - *Jib Dtittai'llf Petroleum and itu : . Productu, Pittstoire Goner of aqaaraa ay aaa irala streou. nUladelphts 0811.11 i WAplat ' mine DIAMOND OIL WORKS, .14: 1 -M. LONG it CO.,' Me, DALZELL BUILDING, , ' rah Pa. 4 CIESTRAL PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, Tbe cheaioort Invest:Rent now In the market for sale by R,. miinstripz, Corner Prßil l AVENITE a W .' STILIZTIS. dealer in Govertuneni Bon Gold and .Connons and Earopeanlmamate at market 7ratee. . • . - Bey 86' coy (Btleceaaors 08. JONES • 00.. k Comer -Fogg! and 33 AL N:32r.. SEI, BUT AND BELL ALL De OP GOVERNMENT S • ITIES, SOLD, SILVER. AND couross, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERN& Interest Allowed on Deposits. Air-Money loaned on Government Bondi at lowest market. rates. Orders executed . Aar the BONDS and Sale. of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. . _.TAMES T. BRADT & CO. 17BALAIN, Pres% ON: Cashier. atelittstuttO &wits. FINANCE AND TRADE, Orricii of Prrrsurruall:Gszirni, THURSDAY, April 22, 1 889. Gold after touching - 18W, declined to 1.33% and closed weak at that. Cash gold is quite plenty frOm the large brusements of the Treasury) and the market is beyond the control of speon baton. Government bonds were firm in the morning, but with the decline of gold became weaker. and sold from one fourth to one-half per cent. lower. There is less desire to buy bonds at present high Prices, and a decline in gold would no doubt operate against any further ad vance for the present. Stocks are dull and lower; the market opened at a decline, suddenly advanced to the highest quotation of last Friday, and closed at a considerable decline. . _ m Money is easier, but busine shows ne signs of improvement. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 134% Silver, 126; Eighty one's, 117%; Five Twenties, 1882, 121; do 1864, 116%; do 1885, 118%; do 1885, Consols, 115%; do 1887, —; do 1868, —; Ten Forties, 106 X; 1 New York Central, 6231 i; Erie, —; Reading, 94%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, Wm; Ohio & kflidasippl, 33%; Michigan Southern, 93%; Cleve. land & Pittsburgh, 92; Chicago & Robk 7 Island, _36%; Chicago & 'North 'A r esierns 83 %; Micago & North Western Preferred, 9fi%; Ada= Express Com pany,. 62; Merchants Union Express, 15%;:Pacific Mail, 92%; Western Union Telegnsph Company, 42%; Gregory, 3,75; Quartz Hill, 1,45; Corydon,.-; Smith 4 Permit" 2,68; W. Am. Express 41%. —Olcudngquotations received by James T.:, Brady .. & Co. Gold, 134%; United Sates Rises, 1881, 117%; Five-Twenties, '1862,1313 do. 1864,416 X; do. 1865; 118%; Ten.pottles, IOW; Five:Twenties, Janu ary and July, IMS, 115%; I do. do.- 1867, --,;. do. do. 1888, --;yen-Thirties, t psrless, %; Due Com Pods, 119; Union tae Pacific Railroad , par; Ce tral do. do., 103; Cy Pacifica, 101%. illp Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ussetts,) New YORE, April sht, no. Money is more active, owing to the heavy calling in of , loans. The general rate was 7 per cent. currency; but at the close there were exceptional transactions at oohs interest. Reports of another lock ing up of greentasks were current, as also that the Breed street combination bitio. gone heavily short of New Mirk Central Reading , Pacific Mall and other Stocks. Sterling steady at /08%®108% for prime 60 days.. Gold broke this oil after. noontelegrams from Washingtotithat the Treasury will sell gold every Thum. day until further notice. The prices opened at 134%, fell to 133%, and closed at lasgwasm, - Borrowing rats, 0 -64 to fiat, and fiat, and carrying rate at the close 3 per cent. The Revans steamer took $600,000, Clearances-. 1123.000.000. Governments opened, strong . and ad. ;•vanoad; but subseque ntly tell off in sym pathy with gold, and Closed 'weak.- Ceti- Pons ' Bl l 1173 (@ 117 31; doe l e 2 s _ / M4 2 44,1 d0: 4 64, De 111 . §; 410.115, Ile 4 c'l4§(o do. neW, 11 115 i'do. 'B7 : I , c Ltw; do.,+ lab, /1 alb %;+ +10.40a: 11; c+ 106%; Pacific Sixes, OiXeDlO5: , Theabllnnente xi on Saturday wilt les large. ~. State bends higher.and sotive;?dissont ris, 8730348 s old T&n se, 69X@TO; new de., 138%(§69; old Notthausline. 6 + 1 ,,h2 61%; new do., 54%654%; old‘-lfirlit_in i 88%069; new do", 61%®624 Louisiana 1 LeVee • d'lb , 7 1©71X., ',Stocks opened , strong and advanced during the fbrenoon to' 2h% per cent: on the entire list• New York Central sold +at 168%, on ilt voluble advioes from Albany; I Book s land at 13 6;, NorthWeetetn. 84 W Ao• Pre . j ferred,WW; old Southern; 99x; St. Paul; 1 783,1; , duc r ferred,_ _BB3O • Reading., 96; il Western non, + Mariposa, Drererred, 44; Western ni0n,+48%. , Later, on' large Sales, the market _be came heavy, which state +of things continued to near the end of the lay; the, advance of : the morning , heln lost. This movement isittributabie to the il ohaageof the fornirg bull., oliquio ta tud bear aide, and a reported , looking up, of greenbacks. L At the - dale the 'market was steady; ;United Shea ExPteets' ply the first quarterly 0f42% per cent; other d' are staid; to., contemplate 'nci 5;30 vices,—...ou ~ ~+ •rland, 27(§)80%;' Wells 4tOrtaW: 6 • tn 883 it Wilerioan Error:444o;o34ft . .. Ex .resa,6o . 4: ;~ls®% Illdwa. V 4 PM I I6 , Ifflovri Vtives*N 1 x0242 . f-lie , "fa Union oia 92 TokfßaPpf ) *SUM MOE! 11 • = • , = •-• garippsa, - 21%522; preferred, 4334 43; ITartibrd,and Brie, 22524; New Yorle.Centiel, 187@167 Erie, 33h® 84; dopreferred; 52344555; Hudson, 148@l481(•_ Reading, 14/514.4( ; pre ferred, 143 i Reading, 94 315 95 34: cadent° at Aiten, 155®1553„ do. preferred, 156; Terre Haute. 88540; do. preferred, 66@ 67; Wabash,ll(4)7lq; • dos preferred, 77@ 79; St. Paul. 773 4 @77 44 ; do. preferred. 85 50) 8 530 Fort Way, 181X44182; Ohio ana Mississippi, 834g8.3 1 4 ; Michigan Southern, 98,i@ o Illinois Central, 1441514534; Pittsb urgh, 923‘592N;., Lake Shore, 98%®987i; k island, IV@ 15 73 f; North Western 845844; do. pre ferred; 96®9834r C. C. ,& O.; 4731; St. Joseph preferred, 112; Dubuque and Sioux C1t9,116. • _ • Mining shares lower; Smith & •Parme lee, 275; Gregory, '875; Grase Valley, 50. Quartz Hill. 160. Copper stocks at Boston—Calumet, 40; C°l 3 Per Falls, 834; .Franklin, 19;r Hada, 77 34; Hancock, 4; Minnesota, 2, Quincy. 25. Receipts of the Sub-Treasttry were 46824,275: •Pa,yrciente,, 11892,4+36; BalanCe, $89,205,989.• PIrIeB BURGH: . /klAWpg,l'S. ; OrticriC or PITTSBURGH Gazarrz, Thumper, April 22, 1869. The markets • are • moderately active with a fair volume of business, but trade is by no means active and there is plenty of room forimprovement. Usually busi _msg.'s good at this particular season of the year, as country merchants gener ally lay in summer supplies about this time, but the demand,from this source is unusually light, which is owing mainly to the strinaency in money matters. We still entertain hopes, however,,that with tine weather and good roads, business will yet pick up conaiderabli, and that we will yet have a fair spring and snm iner trade. : , ' • : APPLES—Very scarce particularly good qualities in sound condition; may be quoted from 85(D7 per bbl. .' , APPLE. BUTTERr-90(41, per gallon. BU' x,r.:R---Continues dull and, prices are barely maintained, age, for. prime to choice Roll. . tau:ESE—New York Goshen 24@25, CARBON 0.11:—.1e quoted in a jobbing way, et l 3l. COMMEAL.4I,7SIgI,BO per cwt. • - BREED FRIIIT--Bales of Peaches at 14©15 for quarters, .18®17 for mixed and 18@20 for halves, as to quality... Apples scarce and may be quoted at 12@14. EGG.Si-Ddarket a shade stronger, and with 'cliniffdahed arrtveln, prices ' are a: shade better,l s l7 , eta.- FEATHERS—A shade firmer, and we now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trade, and. the usual: advance In a retail way. - , FLOUR-7s• quiet - and 'ittieltanged. 1. - Wng.Wheat brands, 1 4 5( 4;251 Winter Wheat, 17,50@8; Rye flour, 117®7,25. litill prices remalnunchanged.. ~ !, • - GRAIN-r-Wheatts dull -and nominal 1.1 _at 11,58®1;80 ibr prime Wittter. Oats 2 112 , e :. limited supply, but the demand is light; we continue to qtfote at 86©87 on track and wharf and 70(4)72 for small lots in , -.li store... Prime - ear Corn - Wenn quoted at -• 80, while shelled isnncbanged at 75®76. ,r There is not enough doing fu either Rye •:•• or Barley to establish quotation& - '.. 1 ~-.',. HAY—There is a continued fair de- t-'7 mand and we ouote Ic3se pressed on wharf, at 8 , 30@32, mainly at $28@30. • ..4:. HONEINY-45,75@f3 per bbl, 11 ELEMP-5215@220 per ton. LARD OlL— "'S ales No. 1-Extra at 1 , r, 52 @1,53. and No.-2 at $1,23(4,1,25. - - . MAPLE DIOLASSEB4,-,sales in -gillon . f>''.4 juts at 81,50©1,75. ..., /i:, -, • PROVISIONS --Are steady with a fair , -. ..i jobbing demand. but prices are un- (1.-i ; changed at 14 for Shoulders; 18®16i for i.',.k. Ribled, and 1 7X®/Bfor Clear Sides; and k-i 19y,©193i for Sugar Cured Hams. R Latd is _quoted at 19X,©193i, as to qUal- i'it' its; audDried Bestat 293 i. Mews Pork iz--tt. M,,00. -- ..--i -.‘,-: POTATOES—DuIIt may be quoted at % 70 on track, and 75 in store. 11§ rza,oluns_Quoted at 11 SEEDS—SaIes Clover Seed at f9,50©10, q_ aud.Tinfothr Seed at..14,50@4,75. No '-','-,, Flax Seed in market. SAS-May. , be quoted at 81,80©1,85 0 • i by ta in the store car load, . and gi,9s@g for small rsil o.- and . !'.f." WHISKY Dull- . , • unchanged. ,:,--• 11..'? ct . PETROLEUM MARKET. 5-..... .... ---.. • OFFICE OF tTITBBM3CLEI GAZETTE, Taunena.v, April 22, - 1869: 7 ? The oil market cOntinuea firm, though there is next to nothing „doing, the vol ume of busitiesa" being very light. As we nated.la o tir,licatreporti the market, here, has been placed in such a position that there rim chance - to 'do • anything, unless it is)to speoulate,,and money mat ters are too: tight, . to do that with any .de gree of comfort There must of, neces -414 Veit *aiiiiiii ;Annie' : 'thilie,Pcialtion of the trade, here, before business, can rea sonably be_einiected to improyo, and the sooner the better.' Cur - retinal% are coni ,pletelyhedged in k an they cannot .run their worksexcept at a loss, and` this, of course. they will not do; it is to regretted that so , many, of our reljueries are stand ing idle, but in 'the present aspect of aftairs it cannot be helped... ; The. future cOurse:effhe.tradt,iteco,-ninges 'lllaitilY on the action of the Pennsylvania- Rail road Companv, and the sooner thii th at reducsia freight4lo a, Pettit Mat will toiahle .Rititiburghh sito •felrlyi'and successfully compete with other points, the better, both for the oil trade here and the company, ; • - - ORMUI•-:Tlie fie, , market is quiet but firm, with a limited demand and light offerings. Spot or seller to July, niitiy-be, fiarlyqueted at-- X,. itc eording Logo' lo .tavity; and 'ortitre tzant of offers uy, bu,yere_option t Au gust, at 17X. At 011 -City the market was oonsetlar,edittne with salerut , lii4xt .samoul Ire ta AN equivalent to a fraction over sixteen mite here. --:REFINED-4iatelQoll4Alkorat 132 Xi 500 laithilifAlifil; iit'B2X; and. 6 00huyer until August. at 88. Quotations--April, 112.3 ‘' 4143t . ,11 nd --433334 *' 83 %(:484;1/day to nly,'344f ibta'tctAtifputiellfo)ool;,Blx3 June to meoeluber 86. --' ' L I D/ LIIICWPI I O3 one. Eclipse Wititarlinbiloaiing oil ...... 40c Eclipse Railroad Azle ...... .... . . .... 850 &UEclipisi Bl aoldnery.i...-.4... .. . ... .... .1 . 7c ps° Spindle ........ • • .. 80e ..................... , - T.944 1 80Z1At 3 4 Ar 41.- 5.• a.., at* , to jj•dakiairt . keeitat C V...- .. :. like l'' Warden, Frew dt CO., Philaa33delohia. i047.Lug5t0n,.44: iiro.Lloo, bhle refined to iktudartier(' &row 'et uo.. Plilladephie. ard .011 Co., 201 bbls. ref Med to to SoleM.l%* dc oo.iPhiladelphia. J. P: Wood 60 pa tar to Slemmett tiro:. Downingtbn Pa: - 1 '; Total ShiPments Refined..:: - ' .... 054 Total s h ript a, tlntai.tar,..,,.... .. .. ..; . : ... : . 50 mu •titimpilb sjuiii ipt‘iir ~ .ii,iit , E s• NB _ DRQT,, atibaiiit. Willitiftsi 6lt bbisieliiii to W. . Um_ ,datro. , PhiladelDbr, Rutozumw Olf Riat '064 el' .it 00.. Philadelphia. ' -1:- . To4l ob iPluertis Refined .. .. ... ....... 889'' .... + ' • -, e;. tip: 7 r+s 4- lEEE