13=111=11 Jcit Ell WE • STOCK MARKETS PENVA CENTRAL STOCK YAM*, • WEDNESDAY, Aprll 21, VOW The market has been quiet and dull thoi far this week and today, Under the influence of unfavorable advice* from New. York, shippers were very shy anti would-not take hold unless concession* were made. Since the date of onr last teport, however, there has been a very itair volume of business, and included in sthelples, were several pretty good *trod ; droves, taken fir shipment toNavi.York. There has been no Philadelphia liven here since late last fall, that market hay leg been supplied mainly by the eastern part of the State. We expect, however% to see buyers from that point in this market within the next few Iseeks,'as they always fall back on Pittabu h when the supply nearer home gives 0 t. Compared with last week prices re fully one-fourth, perhaps a half low r. • and it is probable that there will a stilt farther decline before the close of the week. WEDNESDAY, April 14.—Holmes, Lail erty & Co. for Blown to Jas. Martin 16, weighing 20,700, at 734; same 'for same to same, 14 weighing 14,700, at 63' 4 ; Thoman to Rodgers 7, weighing 8,676, at 6,4; Holmes, Litiferty & Co. for 'Webb to • Thompton 18, weighing 20,825. THVILSDAT, April 15.—Holmes, Laf. forty & Co. for Holmes & Pfleffer to Aull 43; Co. - 3CI, weighing 34,025, at 7,75; same - :for Doud -to. Coldoller 2, weighing 1,950, at 8; Orr & Williams for Potter - to Donald 87 > 'head mixed stock, at 5,50.5)6,70; ` Holmes, Lafferty dr Co. for Holmes & Pfleffer to Kelly 31, weighing 35,000; - Thompson to Beach & Bray 47, weighing - 59,425; same to same 19, weighing 20,775. • FRIDAY, April 16.-Moderweil to Don - ald 27. weighing 40,950, at 734; same to same 3, at 4734; Hunter & Co: to Beardsly • -& Co. 32, weighing 41,056,1d - 6X. • KierunzAvApril 17.-4:Strickler to Kelly - 31 weighing 45,025, at 7,70; Lee to Beach & Bray 32, weighing 44,625, at 834; same •-• • to same, 66 weighing 83,150, at 74, 1 4'; same to same 35, at 734; Hellowey to Gillett & • Co. 43, weighing 58,100/ at 834; same to ,• same 48, weighing 63,310 at 8,25. • MONDAY, April 19.—Holmes, Lafferty • -a Co. for Webb to Beach & - Bray 48, 'weighing 64,675; same for same to same 3 38, weighing 47,200. TUBSDA.Y, April 20.-Holmes, Lafferty, &Lb. for Webb to Wiser, 18 weighing ...18,535, at-7; 'um e for Brown to Hines; 17- . cows'at 7; Purcell to Stewart, 22 'weigh :. ing 23,350, at 7; klier to same - 12 weigh-, ing_l3,2oo, at =7. • • WEDNESDAY, April 14:L4:ledges dc; : 'Taylor for Solomon to Moses 18 weighing , 14,100, at 7y 4 1 Sheinberg to Gillett's& Co. 61 weighing 80,959, at 834; Holaies, Laf-. • forty & Co. for Thompson -16 Martin 52. • weighing .59,575, at 730 same for 'Brown to Martin 54 weighing 1.58,900047;Friend •• to Moses 13 weighing 14,71K1, at 7; and 2' '• btdla at 6; Hedges & Taylor 2, et TN: . SHEEP—The Sheep market has ruled steady since the date of our last •report* 't until to-day, when - under the influence of unfavorable advioes from New York, and alhir supply, the feeling Arai Weak, sand it is probable that that there will be :a decline within the next twenty-four hours. Clipped Sheep may be quoted at 40534, and wooled at 6% to 73p@8i though it takes something extra to bring the outside quotations. HOGS—The Hog market has been very dull.thus far this week, and compared .ivith last week, prices are fully half a ' Sent lower. We now quote Philadelphia. Hoge at .101,.@)11 and ll:lrk:era at 934©934. The arrivals do not appear to have been; any larger •than, usual, but there has been a . material: falling off in the de .: mend, and ii.b3 this that gives the mar ket. to ' use a common expression, a black eye. It , is more,. thim likely that _nearly all_who had Hogs. .on . sale this week lOst money, as they were, no dodbt, bought with last week's . ' prices in view. The following live stock:. Was shipped • -for Eastern markets from • Penna. Oen ' tral,Stock Yards, during the week end . bag Apill 20111, 1869, as furnished by Mr. J. IL Grhysora • Caittle. Hofis. , '3htfinl. Horses Wedneeday,.... 117- 1,717 4,777 30 - 2u4 4413 5,638 -46 .Friday, 1,281 3,202 2,282 47 Saturday,. 272 3.404 4539 32 ...... 468 4,995 1,794 68 .:Tuesday, 630: 2,472 1,718 74 Total 2,972 17,203 17,746'.'297 • Totals of week • preceeding... 2,638 13,535 16,708 138 PETROLEUM MARKET. • OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNEADA.T, April 21, 1889. , , There is no improvement to note In the oil business, and what is worse still, the prospects for the future-are by no means - -encouraging. - i,The ' market, although 'llrra enong,h so far as regards prices, sP • pears to be perfectly dead, and it is esti , mated that nearly two-thirds 01' our re -fineries are standing idle; It Sio to be re . gretted, but such is, the fact, and there is no disguising it.: .IVvrould appear that oil can be delivered at the sea-board from other points; 'Cheaper than *it esti from Pittaburgh; 3 'whb3h is owing to the fact that transportation Is chea and un -.. lege there is ;-.A %remedy t yerixl and , applied and; that,. too, very seen; ,- -Pitte- , burgh, instead of is:ending snit' Ai the mosrpromineut pciintler manufactturlng oil, ;have to - stand- in •*the (back .-ground. The Penneybranis.-11allrtiad 4.lOmpany , has it in its. poWer to .trelleve Fittsburghfrom its present einbstansing conclitktn; by. , reducing freighUrOand • thus Anablin4 ;r rednerAito ooMp : ite .slth other:And dontinning the lt'properly:be icon -)3 • 3 • , .rr,':oll.l3DEur minket'!" iitdet Tont un- . : , ehanged.;ll3potrOr, nellers option,' may ; grades& itc.ls fdr4oo4B andfirq OW...gravity:mitts* gale of 1;110& bhls.4o 0416,:geller nest thirtylays at 15X, - - The , demand, - ,both fbrpresent and future de. , /Meas. teatimes veryi'llizdtatt,i while , the efterin_gsareillaht. • • • - EFIFIRW—The- Refined - market'js n clutetand'anehilitged. Bat it Singlertiale reported,'-1500 bbls, buyer Until Augdati . 88. April, is 'still quoted at 82* may andluna atiat 7 1Lpril 'to !ably s 5 :, and - aunt tcrDeastdber at 88.- Buyer, aliyear, nominal at '.:3‘@)39. /r) - I , namabirraci.iaLL A.Erdlpse Winter. Imbricating Oil -40 c ,E•sliporliailmad Atte Eclipse afachtnerr •' • _ 75e ' E.e• Ilpse Spindle A• '" gic titntatoi•En Ir, '3l6Kelvy Brd 3291bb1e refined to P W 54 Ph ii t, l4 .2 o tilat a „ vingstbn-& - Bro.'" 'bb , refined to to Wardeit:llPrifse 6.l.;:, locktunti 'Fre* &Ca' 518 ` bills ref.; to , 1 ':. - Warden Pr6vi'ar Co 'i'hiladeldhlp W. Et. , ChildOat, 50 Y4/14 14): 4 " Tnitix & CO., Iknton: , Aladdin Olt bble tertOtaPen& Pierce, Philadelphia. • • • • Totid'shipnie4Up'Refined. , •• litid'obi pm ui ter 1,12 „ 11,1_ snap, EAST • "'BOX • DIiQUEUE3 11 - 1 .t •Dilik&V•J J • wonutson'Oli 'Ref. Co. bbls ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., litladelphia. Shipments Refined. 211 • - Toteraph. tint, Vont, April V , l.••="tton 'Without itstAilsti ohattitot ages Of ibislO bates . at *Ott - phlaytt for middling ttplands. Flour ram i n a , 4,000 ttbl4l llOurtiull and heavy at italk stiiiA of 675 this at *km fAtitt for m.4%111110 State and western, 114,74011,i Ant o*t State, fa,11800,40 for extra weikterti, ihtd,o4q7,oo tbr white wheat extra, t5.7k1t7,10 air mount hoop Ohio, r,ttottOtOti ter Oaths St. •Louis, and' 19,00 t 111,90 Mr good to choice; do closing hcavv. a *tour heavy; sales LSO *tile at 1.00uta,16, *kern meal, a lair request; *ales' *0 bide at 11,38 for Jersey. Brandywine nominal. Witiakey nom anal at ON fir • western. Wheat re- W 44101432 bus; wheat dull fbr spring, and Winter amtree and firm; nice of 111%600 bus at #1.65(31,70 for white Cali hirales, SI,T2 fbr amber Miehiaan, 81,89 for *bite Michigan, $1,36®1,38 for No. 2 spring in store, chiefly $l,BB. Rye dull and drooping; sales of 8W bbls at 11,34- for western. Barley heavy; sales of / 1 900 bids Canada West on • • private terms. Barley malt dull and quiet. Corn; receipts, 28,013 bus; heavy and lower, with sales of 44,000 bus at 80Q87e for now mixed western in store, closing at 810 for prime parcels, and 83@c40 for old do in store and afloat. Oats; receipts of 10,825 bus; without decided change, with sales of 43,000 bus at 763.0 for west ern in store, and 77,112)78c. for do. afloat. Coal , -domestic salting at $5,00(g6,50 cargo ; foreign scarce and quiet. Leather —.Hemlock sole iu moderattrequest at unchanged Woes. Wool dun, with sales of 130,000 lba at 48®52a fir domestic deem, and 38©•18o Ibr pulled. Rice is quiet. Coffee quiet. Sugar in moderate request, with sake of 800 hhds Cuba at 1134®12c. Molasses dull.. Rope quiet at B®lsc for American. Petroleum quiet at 17y.0 for crone, and &234(5)3343 for re fined tended. .Linseed Oil dull at $1,02 @1,03. Pork firmer and in fair demand; sales of 185 bbla at $31,12©31,37- for new mess, 830,75@31,00 for °id do., $•:5,75® @ •26,25 for prime, 128,50@28,75 ibr prime mew . also, 500 bbls new mess, seller May, at $31,25. Beef dull - and heavy. with sales of 125 bole at 18@l6 for ne w plain mess, sl2®lB fir new extra mesa. Tierce Beef dull, sales of 15 tea at $22@28 for .prime mess, $25®30 for India mess. Beef hams. steady; sales of 800 bbls at 826,00@2,00. Cut meats steady; sales of 225 •.pkgs; 1232@130 for shoulders; la@ • 1631 c for shoulders. Middles quiet; sales of , 20 boxes long clear at. 17y,,c. Lard quiet; sales of 126 tierces; 17%(018go for ,ateam, and 19@19y for kettle rendered., Butter• steady; 28®35sa for Ohio, - and 38 , 043 4 3 for State. Cheese firm, 13 ®23c. Freights -to Liverpool dull; engagements -per steamer of 7,550 bush •corn at 3d. Spirits turpentine quiet at 47@480. Met als—sheathing copper firm at 33; ingot copper quiet and firm,23%®233.‘ for Bal timore, and 2334 for Lake Superior, clots - ing at 23@)24 for all -kinds. Pig iron firm, with a fair demand, at 10,00®45,00 for Scotch; 1137,00@142,00 for American; barw i r c s l Uind Without important change at 90,00 for refined English - and American; sheet iron scarce and firm at 11%®13 in gold for Russia. Nails firm; 43f®5 for out, 6X@6% for clinch, and 26 WO for horseshoe. Latest—Flour closed dull and s@loc lower on , medium and common grades. Wheat dull and declining for spring, and quiet and steady for winter. Rye dull at $1,63@1,65 for western. Oats steady at 76%.f0r western in store. Corn dull and heavy at 86@8lo for new mixed western, and 82@84 for old mixed western in store and delivered. Pork quiet and steady at 131,25 for new meas. cash and regular. Beef dull and unchanged. Cut Meats nominal. Bacon quiet and steady. Lard dull at. 188@18% for - fair to prime steam. Eggs dull at 38®20. Ciumseio, April 2L—Flour market dull, but not more active than yesterday; ptiteg;' however, are without material change, sales of , spring extras being made at $5010@5,50@6,121 , and spring superfine at 54,50. Wheat—there is firm er feeling lathe market. and prices have slightly advanced; sales No. 1 spring at $1,12@1,18, and No. 2 at 11,0334@1,041; closing at iii,08, 1 4®1,04. Corn—market un settled, but fairly active, both for cost and future delivery, but without ma terial change in values for future deliv ery. No. 1 sold at 68% buyer, and 57® 573¢ for seller. May No, 2 sold at 55 for buyer and 53%@54 for seller. Kay new sold at 46@17' for buyer. .April closing at 45%@46. Cash sales in store were at 56@67 for No. No. 1 Canal. Corn quiet; small sales of N0...2 at 54, afloat. Oats dull; receipts light, and holders firm; aales at 53@54; closing at 583;©54 for No. 1. Rye is in lair inquiry and prices 1(5)13,4' better; sales at $1,17%@1,18%; closing at sl,lB® 1,1836. Battey dull and nominal, with sellers at 11,50 for No. 2. High wines are dull and neglected, pricesnom. anal at 88®89. j Provisions, the market is firmed and higher under a good demand to till Eastern and Canadian orders. Mess Pork closed at $30,50, and sold to the ex tent of about 800 bbls at 530; also 400 bbls at $30,25, also 200 bbls at $30,50 cash, and 500 bbls, seller June, at Pl. Lard quiet Lbat firmer and quotable at 17 4 @lBc; sales 25 tierces No. 1 at 1 c; also sales 200;tes. steamed, seller May, at 18c. Bulk meats active and stea dy; the transactions inolnde 60.000 lbs dry salted shoulders at 11%e, loose; 195,000 lbs do. at ll%ti loose; 190,000 lbw do. at 'Milwaukee at 11%c packed ; Sweet pickled '_ 'hams, quiet, bur firm at laACilik; Sales of 100 tierces at 15%c. 'Freights Mill and weaker, char-- 4ra at fina fox , ' wheat to Buffalo, Re • - ceipts-7,886 WMflour,•18,800 bus wheat, 19,800 bus corn 8,040' bus oats, 874 bus rye. , Shiptilents--8,069 bbla flour, 75,365 bus wheat, 59,,880 bus morn, 13,283; bus Oats, 2,198 bus '••• Pit r ist AtiCife, — Vebaco o steady and,' chars d. .nirmins.l, wit ifelget MiP kik:T*o s W - ElemP,4 l o4 itedoipl to choice R944dred 'sold at,1a,30, I ,m phobia ares4Kin derusw it $ 2 4 0 , ' 2,45. 'pigtir, is 'deli and , unchanged; Il l ee/6 4it u q' 4 0, 0 1,, if i .P 3 :94) Pairs' $4, 5@3, dou 010114;75 1; treble extratf7,lso442illeylWL w. heat firm atal ifraaea illitbetter -.demand; fair to strictly .prime Mt( Fall. 51440(§)1,70; photos to 04,03! sl, l6 o49 4 iMin'ing Active, choice, et: t‘Ao@ii,u, - ADA choke at 114,14(41 ► ib.,, Corn firm but inactive ,With Ales. at , 614(k67p Atr new mixedand yellow, mekac 1 58 .34®00 0 fort choice' dgor Ln Costa eteadyr:Mithl good emand "ZO 2 ® 6S °F . PBATIOY , steatlyrwith sales at 1111,78(44,90, for rime to ..choice retire. r Rye steady: et $L,25@1,26. key dull'at 870. Orcweries Arm isnd un ,chane. Sugar • is quoted at 1234Q14%c •uhilans- s.,Molluieets , .unchanged-at ' 15@850 plantation. -.Coffeart ranges from 19@2,0%, t Zarklnietibut firm at $3l for round lots; 11813‘08134 in a small may. ,Bulk,maatateld, above the views I of ,buyers; small-. sales cOuntryt,' pork- Atoiuse l ehoulders, packed, ath12414 Itacon quiet hut firmer with RalettOnOrder made I at 0.3%,13,f0r, shoulders; ,166 16%e for' clear rib; 17ov for clear sides. , lAtd held" firm at 17,%©i8