The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 21, 1869, Image 8

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Ttur. au:writ:is faintewA Fie city
flus days of the week for , liktenta per
week; by 'nail, ;ape? annum :° ttnott,)
V.xeaTation ..,,Coaimenced, j —Aesterday
the work of ereatrittinght. the f ail yard,
for, he proposed Cowl Hotta „improve-
Monts, was oomnieneed. ' 4 -
- senthi Llfoior on Sussay...;-.11. B. Mc
. Curry' made infOrnietiort before Alder
, • man Lynch,> Yesterday, Charging Wm.
Chadwick, of Noßeeeport,' with selling
• liquor on fiund - O . A'warrant for the ar
rest of the amused -wee issued.
.Thrcrwn. Off.—Pbur of the cars of a
freight train on the Panhandle Railroad
•were throwli off the track near the
'Union Depot, yesterday morning. by the
displacement of a switch. Several hours
were required in replacing them. .'
' Assaulted his Brother.—J. R. Howe
'Made information before Alderman
Lynch yesterday against Peter Bangle,
for assault and battery. The prosecutor
-alleges that Bangle attacked his younger
:brother and beat him without cause or
provocation. Warrant issued.
K. 0. M.—The Knights of Mystery
having received an invitation froni the
manager of the American Theatre to at
tend the same this evening, they will
assemble• at the Rush Mime at 7}s
o'clodt, and proceed to the theatre iriA
body. • • • •
The -Fair now in progress in the M.E.
Church,' Temperanceville, will- be con
tinued every evening until - Saturday.
.441 24th. The proceeds will bensed in
remodeling the' church: Friends of tbe
church and all others who wish to help
the cause are respectfully, invited to at
tout. ' i kc.• - • - .
To be Colisil!dated—The
_Young Walt
Bible §o o telles , of . Pitteburgh and- AUG.!
gheny are be consolidated. under the
title of The 'Young Men's Bible Society of .
Allegheny County.. The consolidation
will be effected at the next anniversary
meetings of the Societies which will ,be,
held together, . - "
: -
*lather Stable Entered.—John •BeYd
made information before_ ldermin Tay
, lot; yesterday, alleging- that -.Taal Cobbs
bad broken into his stablfs,on •Washing
ton street, Monday night, and ostrried off
a horse collar, bridle amt. - loins, alto-.
gether valued at, eight_dollaire... The ao
cased was arrested and committ for a
heatbig. "
ne . neY young ~Sdy, while go
ing'alone Market street - yesterday
morning, between Fourth avenue and
Wert, xstniet, log r an envelope contain
Ing seventy-five dollars. Any person
finding the same will be liberally re
warded' by leaving it at the office of Al
derman Humbert, on Fourth avenue,
near Market Street. - '
Stock Bile. , The followingstooks were
sold last'ciirenine, on second Boor eripom
mercial Sales Rooms, 106 Smithfield
attest,, hi .64ustioneer:
Acthange National Bank ' ' $74.00
if St as 13.75
GI • 1111 a 3.,50
It • 73.2 t
Eagle Cotton hills' 61.00
815 Shares Ohio Valley 011 Co. for.. 17.00
Park Trespassers.--Several parties • ere
brought before Mayor Drina, yeste ay,
charged with trespassing on the lie
gfieny Park by throwing ashes and dirt ,
upon the grounds now enclosed. Three
of the parties acknowledged to a viola
tion of the ordmance known to them
and paid three dollars fine. The others
plead innocence of the law and were dis
4 Al!egad False Pretence.—Casper Poll
man alleges that John Gibson obtained
on credit a horse of him valued at nine
teen dollars, representing he was en
gaged in the coal business as_ partner
with Mr. McFarland: , in the Twelfth
ward, which statement, it is said, was
•subsequent) proved to be untrue.. Al-.
iderFnan Taylor Isatted.a warrant for the
`tartest of Gibson, on a bharge of able pre;
Malicious Mlstituer.—yesterday after
:.noon, John McCaslin, a countryman,
•was arrested and fined five dollars by
Mayor Drum for , wilfully driving a wag
gon loaded with hay in such close prom
. imity to one of the Prop Kill cars, that
one of the windows of the car was
broken. McCaslin was requested to turn
off to one side by tho driver of the car,
but refused to do so and used abusive
language to the driver, which explain.,
the seemingfieverity of the fine.
Le 'nard S. Johns, Notary Public,At
torney at Law and Scrivener, ha s re
-.moved his office to No. 85 Fifth avenue,
(opposite the (IiZETTB office,) where, in
addition to his usual practice. he will
make a specialty of collecting accounte,
rent rolls, ground rents and other
claims -of whatever character.. For Es
quire Johns, the old time . Alderman,
experienced, diligent and prompt in the
discharge- of every service confided to
him. we bespeak a full share of the
public patronage.
Almost Gone.—Moriday afternoon a dei
mestbo employed with a family residing
on Chatham street, was found lying
het room in a stupor, 'and
. near her a
small vial containing laudanum. Medi=
cal. aid - was summoned and the usual
remedies applied, which restored her ,to
consciousness in a few hours. . She stated
she had been suffering great pain from,
eore f.ot and had taken the drug to reit=
dor her , less sensible mit, but mistaking
the pzpper quantity, had became ill es
stated-_ She. stoutly , denied any inten-
Alm of committing suicide, of which
suspicions had been entertained. She is
recovering, And ,Will...prohably be entire
' ly well again m a'hw dap!,
, .
egolneetkabito ,
Tuesday about ten q!ekock, one
of the Allegheny night watch heard a
cry for' opo' noel! coming from Abe direo.
Lion of a house on Cedar avenue, above
Ohio street, occupied by Mr. John Water.
_ Prooeeding to the place, the officer dbl.
• covered Mr. Water,. in one of .the upper
" ..charilbers of the dwelling, engaged in
iover° .situation' With this son, front'
whom, theory proceedesl.,,W,atdr, upon
modcing the guardian. of the law, locked
'an the Mara pr the house , th us tvent
. and thou stationing, !itself
f. at the • ow, laughed Janabed
derlelvelyl sad:laughed defiantly at the
official, Who; finding 'himself :,
laughed to room withdrew. The next
rimming, sowarrant,,and In
ff'othinioUt e f ti with aeveral'brotheruernelals;,
h 4 Wag 6140 (*ma, and atte r
• **dad h 4 laughing
Water. Who w as taken before Mout
Drum and tined' toil ikollstri ter ; disor
"-; - Wham:L He the fine, but :
=': •-• 'Lugged no wore,' • • • - -
Your 'dotes: of 100 hatei for 11, ,worth
f 2, at linellUdritifc 004106 Fifth arefitte ! ,
Fifth Avenue Hat Storo.--Try
1011i;ilai.krkft 'Nift6:ttk6., 106 Fifth
.1 .1
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soot CON4MIY.
era. Republican Count* Etc
..lMlttio=lnteresting Pro . -
mailings—Three Conventions DeeldiSd
• Upon—Time of 'Molding Tlieen—The
Prhnart , Meetings—A Prateit—Resoln-•
tion of Thanks, Am, Am.
The. Republican. County Executive ,
Committee held a meeting at City Hall;
Tuesday morning at - 01everr o'clock,
Hon. Russell Errett, chairman, preald
ing, with Col. 3. g. Stewart as Secretary.
The attendance was quite large, nearly
every district in the County being repre
sented. The President stated the object
of the meeting, and announced the
first business in 'order 'the 'fixing of a
time for holding the Primary Meetings
and the County CouVentkni.• _ , ; „
W. S. Purvitinoe, Esq'., Offered a teioln.
Lion providing • fbr."the )aesentbling of
threeConviuttlons: ; • •
One. to nominate Judges :for I the Dis
trict and Conunoweleas Courts, (one for
each Court,) and sham. Dslegates , to the
State Convention, and to be known as thS
Judicial Corivention.: ' •
One to, nominate Senators and Repro
sqptativese and to beknown as, the , Leg-
Convention. • -
: One notninate. tbi:Connty Ticket,
and to be known ati.the'County Oonven
Vie Judicial Conientlezi• to - =et at
City Hall; the County Chnirentien at the
Court House; the Legislative Conven
tionitt the.lottaertiy . ilitud6, (or such
other—place as the. ; ; Chairman ;of the
'County' Committee ' may designate) at
iCLEVRIC O'OLCICAC •k". - 11.,cott .the •FIEST
TIIESDA.Y OF JIINE„, 1869. Two gele
seam xe be' elected : from• each election
district to each Convention. EleCtion of
• - delekides to be held on, the r;xo.l ISATUR
MArefICki from ~4 P. it. till 7 1 , 4 K.
_ Begley thought it ought to be also,
ipeeified Which Convention would ncaui-k
ante the Comity Oomudttee. _
Mr; Stewart• offered an amendment
that the ()aunty Convention nominate
the County Executive Committee.
After _some further discusSion,. Mr.
Bayne offered a substitute for Mr. Pur
viance's remoluticin providing for the
huLdfticof two Ciniventionl, one a
Connty and 'the other a ittdicial,
the County 7 Convention to nominate
all 'county officers except Senator and
Reprementatives and Delegates to the
State Convention, these to be nomina
ted by the Judicial Ofiniention.
Mr. Taylor moved. as an amendment,
that the nominations for Clerk of Courts,
Treasurer and.Reglster be left to the Ju
dicial Convention.
The amendment was not seconded.
Considerable discussion now ensued on
Mr. Bayne's substitute.
Mr. Jennings finally, to settle the mat
ter moved to adopt' the Crawford county
syrAera in nominating,. and let the peo
pia vote direct 'for eandidates.•
The Chairman stated ,the matter had
been dismissed at a meeting of the 'Ex
ecative Committee last fall, and a change
to the Crawford county system was voted
down. • • ' '
Several members of the wind districts
opposed the , motion of Mr.dennings, and
contended that -it would . be unfair to
them; and that' the County Committee
bad not the power to - ake the change.
The amendment-was finally withdrawn.
A:Tote was then taken on Mr. Bayne's
substitute, which resulted In its reJeo.
tion. ,
Mr. Taylor now pressed his amend.
nient,that, the nominations of Clerk of
Courts, Cmtiaty Treasurer and Register.
'be left with the J,ndiciall Convention.
Mr. Batchelor was opposed to such re
ference. He could , see no good reason
for separating the nominations in snob a
Mr. Moreland thought it would only
clog the Convention with business in
.which it properly had no authority.
The amendment elicited still llarther
discussion, the members generally appa
rently being opposed to such disorimina
tion. It was dually withdrawn.
The question then reclined on the
original resolution, as' offered by Mr.
Purviance, which - was adopted.
Mr. Negleymoved that the Chairmen
of the three Conventions be empowered
to 'appoint a committee of three from
each Convention to choose a County' Ex 7
°curly° Committee. Carried.
Mr. Schoyer offered a resolution relit
tive to the appointment of - A. L. Russell
to a foreign mission, protesting against
the same being charged to Allegheny
county, inasmuch as Mr. Russell has no‘
been a resident
.of the county for nine
years past, and • never Lad been except
for a short time. The resolution was
Mr. McKee: offered a resolution au
thorizing the holding of the primary
meetings throughout tho county be
tween the hours of font and seven P. N.
Mr; Bayne presented the following:
WILERNAI3, The Hon. Russell Errett
has resigned his position as State Sena
tor, therefore, be it
.Resoived, That the thanks of the nee
ple of Allegheny county are due to him
for the manly, honest and faithful Caurse
pursued by him as a Senator, and this
Committee deems it but. Just to give this
expression of Its opinion. -
Mr. Moreland sugges ted that the name
of Hon. Jas. L. Grabs should be added
to the resolution. -
Mr. l3aynopxplained that while he, as
much as ally meffiber of the Committee,
honored and admired Mr. Graham for
his course as a public 'officer,' yet he
thought it would be unnecessary to add
his name to the present res'bintiOn, inas
much as he was still a Senator. As Mr.
Ezrett had resigned the position, an& as.
he had been wantonly assailed by some
of the public prints, it was• no more than
just that the T.epublicans, of Allegheny
county. who had. sent him thElarrisburg
as their representative, should give -ex
presslon to their opinions respecting_the
manner in which he had discharge& his
duty. Were'Mr. Graham Ina similar po
sition, he would as readily offer a Sim-
ilar resolution. • •
Mess& Purvlatce, McKee. 'Dilsfirth
and . a number of others . coincided with
the rectiarka of Mr, ilajrne,' after which
Mr. Moreland Withdrew his, amendment.
The - question on: the PasBair of *the
reselution was then pneby the ecretar 79
which reaulted in its unanimous passage.
Mr. Errett larietiy.retnrtied thaniut
to the. Committee.-for their' kind and
Ike,Erty ebdorsentent'Of his course after
WalC ht On motion, the meetit6 ad-
'. ' - ‘..Aueithenl Tempirance Lug4e.
= The Allegheny Tedaporande.:.'LeaSne
held a' regular meeting , last eve ning in
, . , ~ Bev. J. B. Clark's .Chniell, comer Of .
,street and Stockton avenue.
„ ,In :the abunice of the President Mr.
David Blair presided., . ,
TliC.proceeditigs , were. opened with
pawn , by Rev . Mx. Collins.
The minutes of the preceding meeting ,
:were`.: mad ;,; and 'approved, tbno w i Thz
which Prof. J. H. Orumb delivered au -ad
dress, earnestly and abl y advocating
total prohibition. '' ' ' -..
On motloor the following gentlentott,
- wereappointed delegates to the Temper.
gape OoMmtitkliito be L held irk tilortoofw
1 WOlt . Commencing' Tueiday, :. April
I.4l7ttrg, r Ra14.1C... - Be% E, - .111::
I ISSM - — 4
ert .L \ 2a' :Alley.' Etisraid:
t v
't, ALI : ' .' ' • I , LAtighlfiliim
r, 5
-.. tzfm. 4 o ;WO tfiv0.e.4.1., all ...) Kola
. ~ .:-.--
o , 6 Prprlrrffifitbir OLIMPir WEIRMAYMKEItitr= 1869.
_Special .3161111Thie of the Trusteas—lle..
-= 'aignatleit totlii.!lecheiiiibi;;Preigetif
ef, the , lastlttition-;-Lecatlon- of -the
College: •• •
Oar readers generally are aware of tbe'
fact of, the consolidation of Washington
College at Washington, 'and Jefferson
College at Canonaburg, Under the name
of Washington and Jefferson College,
which took place some three years since,
For a number of years past it was cut-.
dent that the two institutions, as
they were under the control of the same
church. and located in such close prox
imity to each other, could not be sustain
ed, and that one or the other
'must be abandoned, or else the
two consolidated in order to save them.
The consolidation had been in contem
plation for some time, when Rev. Dr.
Beatty made a donation of ;50,000 to the
Institutions on condition thatthey should
consolidate"and be conducted under. one
faculty, which was too groat prize to be
lost,and the consolidation was made, eon-
ditional that, - part of.; the institution
shOuld be kept at each place,tis follows:
The three high classes at Canonsburg
and the preparatory ,and soientitio de
, partments at Washington. Under this
arrangement the new "inititlition Tent
Into operatieni, but the trusteedloon dis ?
covered that a mistake • had been made,
And it could only be corrected , by making
the union full and complete by Web
'fishing the entire institution at one place.
The question then arose, si at what point
Alkali it be ?" and that, question bubo=
agitating not only the minds of the trus.
tees, , but of the Alumntantythe citizens
of the different, places as well, and for
the purpose of settlinglbis vexed ques
tion several meetings have been held,
but no conoludion auived at.
A special meeting was called and the
Trustees, to the number of twenty.afx,
sembled at the lecture room of the First
Preabyterian Chtirch, on Woodstreet
yesterday. Before taking up the specia l
business for which the meeting was
called, Dr. , Rdtvarchi, 'Pretddent < of the
institution,,tendered his resignation.
which 'was accepted: The matter of the
location of the College was then taken ,
up and thoroughly discussed, and at the
close of the afternoon session the vote
stood, sixteen for Washington and ten
for.Canonsburg, bat eel& requires a two
thirde vote to select the location there
was no choice. .
An evening session was held, and at
ten o'clock no, change had occurred, the
vote standing sixteen to °ten twat the
previous session.
• If the Trustees fail to agree we believe
the matter nt to be submitted to a Com;
mission, when it is probable ttie College,
will be removed to eomeother county.
Amon Dolan, a girl about eighteen
years of age, made information before
the Mayor, yesterday, charging her
father and. mother, Patrick - and Mary
Dolan, with aggravated assault and bat-
tors. The parties reside in the Twelfth
ward, in a-court off Penn street, opposite
the skating park, and it appears from
reports that their treatment of in h uman
has been of a most brutal and
character,-and that they- abused her to
such an extent that the neighbors inter
fered in the matter and brought the girl
to the Mayor's °dice where she was pre
vailed upon to ma ke the information;
She alleges that her father beat her over
the head with the heel of his boot, inflict
ing severe and painful wounds, and
on another occasion struck her on the
arm with an iron poker, and that her
brother had caught her by the hair ofthe
head and dragged her a considerable dis
tance. About a year since a similar
information was made against these par
ties by the daughter before Mayor Black
more, but the matter was settled upon
their •profaning to treat the: girl prop
erly. The girl alleges that since that
time they have abused her more than
formerly. and the neighborg corroborate
her, statement. -,Warrants were issued
for the arrest 'of the father and mother,
and a hearing will take place this morn
ing at ten o'clock, when the facts will be
made known. If the statement of the
girl be true, it is one of the most diabol
ical cases of inhumanity on record, and
the perppeetratdrs of the alleged outrages
should be punished to the fullest extent
of the law. ..
Monday night Hugh McLean stopped
at the grocery'store of George Hoffman,
in Mifflin township, and made a purchase,
receiving in "change" four dollars and
twenty-five cents. 'Zs was somewhat
under the influence of liquor at the time,
but seemed to be sufficiently sensible to
understand what he was about. Yester
day morning the inmates of Mr. Hoff
tuan's family were aroused about four
o'clock by a vigorous and continued
knocking at the front door. Investigat-•
ing, they discovered McLean outside,
and insisting upon admisaton, which be
ing granted, led him to further demand
his "change." Notwithstanding all the
averments of--Mr. Hoffman and his wife,
hetnaintalned he bad received none the
evening before and at length becoming
enraged, • attahed -.and abused them
in a shameful manner, winding up
by threatening to take their lives the
first opportunity. This is the substance
of statement, (of the truth of which we
know nothing,) 'made', before Alderman
I , lcMasters yesterday and upon which in
formations for assault and battery and
surety of the ,peace were made against
Mclean by Hoffman, and upen,which a
Warrant was issued. , , .
Arrested on Saspicion.
Yesterday afternoon ofecers - Moon and
Ruch arrested William J. Welsh in a
house on Sixth street, on suspicion that he
was a professional thief. After. making
the arrest, however, , they discovered that,
they 'had arretted an old offender, against
>whom an information wee mode before,
`Mayor Blackmore 'nearly' a 'year since
charitiekhint with.Or assault ant
- battery; ' tiftiliin `sa pocketa i 'a
notion of that.reiCWlt
ped frOnt • imeief •the city papers, Was
found in his pocket huNt.,„Eldmitted
that he was the 'Maft.'sgifitit' ent- u •-ther
!afore:100On was mad% andlssi hp , 'ltad
• left the citYwt the Almet , iftt Avoid 'being.
arrested,' Mutheft!on,Lll'lleiftned allow
days Slue." He also Maitsd that he came
hen frowt Wellsville,mhere he had
bropin'out of the ,lOck-UP.4:The Wells"
vilki authorities have been notified of his
arrest and they want him, lits Will bolt.
trixtieuOver,,:etkierwloM wiu bet corn-
Mitted for trial on the old - cMirge few'
nious misault.at4 4444
SOme tithe l a l, d ,l en liln l4 n li „
t 1 11/e %1;
Mr Rod°lt Ftiito; In B t u
untrortui enter andirsOetrol l i hi ril i
Aragon; - lat 'ior ,latiileinfillint 1 °70 :-
gears. yrom varzottogr, ("Bor.
Zverts woe led , * a* Gu .. .J
dath of the'thenninmatdtlig An
s i ne
IntormatJon to plat : effect Wars I "' I
, ati.tatezlitombts,lttAruo§n. ' l'i
2: 41- Zabk ,- ,jii MAI i , r'
u &t ,
4 n lit' th..derault, 'Of , , --Tifi
r a lialftlihr latitvoilougoot row
Brutal Treatment of a Child.
Wanted Uhange.
IMild,C4*ft,Z . 4Ap
t TUESDAY, Ap za 24.—The sass of Robt.
Murphy .1 1 1. ,Etagh •Spititl
. 'apa "William
B. 14xtoorhesdi administratoni of David
Spron4ierported Yesteiaan was resumed
- aria is still mutrisi.
91 Elfers vs. Malone.
103. -Smith vs. Dillinger &Stevenson.
104. •Myers vs. Deltrieh et at.
195. Robinson & Co. vs. Garnishee of H.
G. Clary.
108. Shade et rut. vs. Ainsworth et na.
108. &balk vs. Finney.
114. Emmett vs. Kidd. _
115. Waring k King vs. Garnishee of Gra
- ham Co.
Common Pleas—Judge Sterrett.
TonerkaT, April. .20.--in the case of
flheshan vs. Schaderman, previously re
lid3oxriceedn,taVe th rd m ic a t gL
f e or i plaintiff in the iium of
• wilsop vs. Franklin, appeal from, a
judgment, verdict for the plaintiff in the
aura of go. ; .
Franklin vs. Wilson, action same as
' Jury out:
• The petition 'of the Odd ;Fellows and
Masonic% Hall' Association of Manchester
for a charter was filed, and apreiiminary
• •
AibUthubt Vv. Lanahan, appeal from
an Alderman's dock t.'. On trial. •
54. Sept. adin'cs vs. TAU&
29. Jan. HA. O'Neal et csi vit. Shuns.
86. 4 ' SatiterA.Bolland vs. How
. gird.
" 44 Adana Vg. Lipp.
,Aull Wain; • •
5. Dec'llst. Hsi:shun ,dc Snyder '
• -, • Pittsburgh.
34. Jan. list. :Vankirk vs. Long. -
35. : Lintonirse M$"8111.'
36. 41 0 Pier, • Datinells & Co. 1-11.
Shultz ec Manuel . .
40. MoKenuer vs. Sionsr.
44. " 1 ". Well vs. Blehafrey.
' 0
45. " for tutu VL Haugh.
, _
A Fifth Avenue Attraction.
Mr. Finn Mains has clearly demoustra-
Aed that desirable goods at cheap prices
Must attract Nosiness to any section of
the city. His presimtiocation has been
tried by several merchants, but they
failed to draw to theniseives a fair *Share
of trade% and it remained for Mr. M1L,128
to,prove that location is nothing, provided
the advantages offered to customers can
be surpassed broontemposary houses
any Where else intim city. At 105 Fifth
Avenue, he has but recently opened one
of the largest and finest assortments!' of
hats and cape ever",bl i t r yht, to the' city,
and marked down Ids ad so low as to
create a perfect furore n the market, and
to occasion Such a rash to his store room
as has seldom, or never been equalled.
Hts stock is se varied anffoaMplete, and
ids prices so lOw, that it astonishes the
old dealers to know bow he can manage
to successfully .;:transact the large and
constantly , increasing trade directed
We 'were present a day
or two ago, at' his ,tastefully arranged
salesrooms, and I 'alter a whole
multitude ,of customers` had been
satisfactorily supplied, ventured to
inquire how it was that such a large
line of trade had' been. secured at the
very start of busansses-in a now quarto .
Our response was that people were al
ways willing to -patronize- places where
their beat interests are' conserved, and
Fin Mains' acknowledging that fact, had
opened a tull stock of the beat goods in
the market, at prices so losiNas to pre
clude the ides of ' his securing any
large, profit ea hill Judea, Oar readers
are strongly recommended to favor this
establishment with a purchasing visit,.
as powbere else can they make a better
selection and _certainly nowhere else can
they find lower prices prevailing. Mr.
Mains is content to sell at small profits
and .thus secure a corresponding large
trade, and the'immense'pOpularity which
his new Fifth 'avenue store has obtained
Is the best evidence of the golden
success he is destined to obtain under
his generous system of business.
A First Clan Establishment.
Messrs. Hoffman dc• Hale; Np. 60 Flfth
avenue, under the Opera House, have
secured. one of the finest rooms in the
city for their musleal;establishment and
filled it with a large and varied stock of
Flamm, Organs, Melodeons and musical
goods generally, in the sale of which
they are now prepared to compete with
any other house of good reputation in the
vicinity. The firm are agents for some
of the standard pianos of the times and
warrant every instrument to be fully
equal to representations. In the line of
organs and melodeons they are especially
well supplied, and the visitor can have
no difficulty in making a selection, pro
vided a first class instrument is wanted.'
In smaller articles, such as violins, ac
cordeons, guitars, ttc., they have a com
plete assortment, all sizes, and all prices
to suit the tastes and pockets of all pur
chasers. They have also on hand a large
collection of sheet music, embracing the.
most popular publications of the day.
In short, everything usually kept in a
first clans music store may be found at
their establishment, 'a fact which pur
chasers would do well to remember in
distributing their patronage. •
A Siukink 111suumetk.n.
Yesterday a couple, of young men.'
about eighteen years of ace, entered a
beer salexas in the Sixth ward,
sly; mad called for liquor. The *ire of
the PrOprietor of the saloons who was be
hind the bar at the time, refused to fur. ,
niah them with the article, when they be
came very abusive and used ex
ceedingly vile language toward her.. The
proprietor of the saloon at this instant
stepped in, and! beirfg made. acquainted
with_lhe compelled the youths to
rem& Alteethey retired front the
Lace, determined ,on yeveage, they
Orloff two t or three large ettaiwithrough
e gime. 'winds* of the , establishment.
A 'policeman in the vicinity noticing., the
action; at 'once attempted .to arrest the
parties, Put secured only one, who gave
'Me Mute as Abu abould have
beeo sneak- in , this.'*oaao. , Last eveflibg,
lia,was fined tea dollars. and °oats by
Mayor Drum.. •i
bwm!lit - Exi , inm
young man maim»
ipgiOrenide in thin aitysw4 arrested by
affiCer Martin Schafer. riteTdaY, id !lif ,
Sixth Wird ! Alleghelty, for publicifaez-,
poling hti 'person. It subseqUently sio;
badlOSsurinntr3ring on •
itbelminte practice "iri the Eighth woo..
He had a bottle of whiskey in his pocket
at the tiinejliihich ..ieWhat explan. '
story of his conduct» He oar ried sev.
commendatory of 'his
character, especially hip. • morals. but`tm
fortimatetr tictit9Pse-sPeatik l 94der than
rcif easing
. , 144 A4:11 , r 74 , ;%. - •; 1 .
14 1 ;i:4 1 04; , miditik'reo4-As
I -
I, :' l 4 olll s 6 4,ntadirt . ettinnerelimplast.
, . .
Attrw days - since irelptibliehed eh's"
-oot.Tat of an affray, in the 'Twelfth
betwi 4 ten John Powers and his brother
in-law;'john Morn!, which ' occurred on
Monday evening, the 12th inst. At the
. time of the occurrence no serious results
were anticipated, but it has dine proved
to be a very serious matter, as it resulted
In the death 'of Magee. It appears that
Magee came to the house of his brother-
In T law, Powers, where his wife was stay
ing. and demanded admittance. Powers,
refused to open the door and ordered
him away, knowing that he was drunk
and would probably create a disturbance
if admitted. Magee then broke the door
open and in doing so fell and broke two
of his ribs. As soon as he gained ad
mittance mi hence he made an attack upon Powers._
who, in looking for something with:which
to defend himself, got hold of a hatchet.
and as Magee advanced toward him
Struck him a blow on the head, causing
a slight' fracture of the skull. Powers
at once delivered himsblf up to the au
thorities and was placed in the lock-up,
but as no information :was made against
him. and the injured man it was thought
would recover, he was released. Magee'
remained at the house of.his ,brother-m
-law, where he 'was properly provided
with Medical attenchnee,,and on Monday
night' alxint twelve o'Clotac
Yesterday morning Powers was arrested
by officers (hippies ;and: Dreasier and
taken to the look-up to *wait , the result'
of the Coroner% investigation.
The Coroner 'wait notified of the affair
and held 1131133,quest on the' body, when
the following testirtiohy 'was addticed:
Dr. a'Afiirdoch, sworn --I was
called to see deceased the 13th inst.;
fotind the than lalxiiing under -Mamma
, tion of the lungs. He did not complain
of pain in his head; said it was from
several outs that he had got on it, hut
' that they would not amount to much;"
but said for God's sake to remove the_
pain in his aide. I asked hlinflow_this
happened: He repled that he had been
'drunk for a day Or two
,and , broke open
the door!-and fell. and Mitt his side. He
wanted to whip - his brother-in-law for
not letting him in, and did notbiame him
for anything he dene.
The cause 'of his death was from in
ternal Injuries received at the time of
dissipation previously.
Mrs. Eliza .Afages,—sworn—l am the
wife of deceasedV know nothing of the
matter further than when, I came down
stairs I found my hu/band isiing on the
door, which he had broken in; he told
Be that it was all his own fault.
The jury after a 'short deliberation, re
turned the following
The deceased, John 'gages came to his
death from congestion of th e , lungs and
brain; produced by injuries received by
a fill while la a state of intoxication, on
the 12th of April, 1869, in the Twelfth
ward, city of Pittsburgh.
The Mayor, on being notified of the
result of the inquest, discharged Powers.
Fifth Avenue Hat More.
Books for the Mitifon.'—__
Col. J. D. F ! gan, proprietor of the
twisty° and well known' book and pe
riodlcai attire, Sixth avenue) neer Smith;
field street, has on hand a large and ,
elegant assortment of new books, as well
iks a large supply of • rare and valuable
second-hand books which are being sold
at half price. He also invites the at.
tendon of Superintendents: of Sunday .
Schools, and others interested, to his
immense stock of Sunday School Library
books, which are being sold at one-half
the usual prices. All the latest maga.=
zines and periodicals will be found on
his counter. Second-hand books bought
and sold. -
Fifth Avenue Hat Store.—Try our 18
Silk Hat. Fin Mains .5t Co., 105 Fifth
avenue. -
• Ire the Ladieti.
Fez the information of our many lady'
reade - we desire to calrattentlon to , the
establis . .. ent of W. W. Moorhead, NO.
81 Mar •et street, dealer in trimmings,
lace • . . . s,hosiery and nloves,of which he
has one • f the most extensive and. best se
lected ..ks to be found in the city.' It
is only, . ecessary to make a visit to the
establis . .. ent to be convinced of this
fact, as . undreds can fully testify. Mr.
Moorb. • d possesses unusual facilities
for pure asing goods in the East, and is
, thereby enabled to not only keep , his
stock ftt ly replenished and up to the de
mands f h is immense custom, but he is
also en led thereby to sell at more rea
sonable rates than dealers who• do not
possess these facilities.
Up With The Times.
Mr. Holtakeimer proprietor of the
.Continental Saloon, is always up with the
times. His tables are always supplied
with the very best the season affords,.
and then everything is served in such a
delicions manner as to prove highly
satisfactory to the greatest epicure. His
tabiei are always , provided with . the
freShest . end. best- of vegetables in the
market,. and meats and Ash are
always found there in the season. The
Continental on Fifth Avenue is the most
~popnlar eating saloon in the-city.
Your choice of 100 bats for $l, worth
52, at Fin Mains it Co., 105 Fift.h avenue.
Have you ever tried .the Excelsior
browned °uncle, pat up in:pound pack.
ages by the Iron. City Spiete i. idills, Fifth
avenue, near High street, audfor safe at
the groceries? It is the iieht article in
the market. ''. ' • • ' .
t: , ?. r.
'Oet;•st geed .iett of •queenewarel when
you are pureha.sing, and - . you will 'never
regret it. Our ware inaqual to French
china in ixtanty. and in finaneattit in, un
equaled. ' BEGIOS MOGiallAri
40. le Diamond. Allegbendr..e.
• •
Chapped liond4L kide and ell rough
neon of the skin, - dertainlyf:oered DY
using the' junVer Vag. &op, inedo
Halard New. Yorluf:
inirinnumis alifethOthsrehtediee as largil pie;
vent rouglinest of.the akin if 'uleMdti
ring. eaaily.appli d
syoiding,ilk.,thorlOuble of. the} grout
conipounds.noW ASe• Xt !XVI be us ed
by nam , „moat tenditr akin,
without irritation.or e p • *king it doff
and clear. Sold by e goner.:
ollY. • ( wT
Flit Avenue " Mat Store - . Try our
Hat.. Fin Mains C 104106 Flfth
avenue,_ •
The purest ;tikes are thiski ti an
tared at the Iron City Splop Wt. At
Morledge & Strickler, MAIL airenne, nes;
High street, and Or sale 4 grneerti.
~.. •
Valuable • Property on Liberty Street
at Auetlon.—The attention of ' our roan.
ere is >specially directed-It:Pill. Ogle tin
Friday next thatiltood'lbuaineni`m*
PertY. AO. 215 Liberty ettkeL ita a big
neee idandAtia oertainlyinnanrpateed
i it ototta§leeedVertinMtlnifiltattellOn:
P4tillati:itY4,LeasU, „
Filth Avenue -
. • .
..-...' ~• -L , •' , .. T` ; 1.,:,;',.,..-.,,'..,.1..,,,,.0,......
...".:,.." -;..--.i.-...e....--,.... ~;.,-e-,..7,"5.'.:, 't",,r7,1.:-.,,..t,..e,,.,t ~ ..• , .z.,..,
„t„ „..„,.,,,,„,,,.vi:v:„.-4,,,,,,,,c.,f,.,:-,,..,.„...;,...,...,..,,...,-.4.:, ..,-,,,,:,,,N,A.q., :.,11-2 : :-, .., v ., .1 . 7.: 4 z.';' , ,,, , ..4 • .
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~:14,,M.i1e;7:-7i,W.;c:W.r4.:-,:i -.44:,,,',-V,-;.'2..'N,-.c4:,q't•4t-er:4,;,740:,r.1.54,31Triv6,59-g(F.,:..
:.-to,- -..,:•,t7,7-.7.4,a,,',"7t*.?6.5",*,044,:, , ..W./WtO...k*fr',44o,:•',"'"g?r'4
.''' -V't,s-,4-.,`-'. ~1.14t444t4f.5'
:.-7.- 1 ,' ,. '" 'R ' '''' ''.' 4 ''' - 1k*,1t.." ..,47 - 43H., -tibtqq.
MAD and Second Hard faraitar il
• . , It Atrictiest; r•
to t i topadiyi, 22.4 Commencing
at 9 A. mr., at Masonic Hall Auction
Rooms, 55 and 1,57 Fifthavenue, will be
sold a large, assortment Of new and sec.
and-hand fbruiture, embracitg in part
elegant wainht chamber se* , marble
top dressing bureaus and wash stands,
4ne sofas, tetes-a4etes. , divans, .damask,
rep and hair cloth lounges, sofa seat rock
ers, castor and parloP chairs; In fact, the
lined parlor, dlningloom and chamber
furniture. At half-past one P. aft. a spc%.
dal sale :of fine all wool, two-ply . , rag,
hemp angstair carpet& For patticulars
see; advertisement of K.B.- Smithson do
Your 'choice of 100 hats for 111, worth
V, at Fin Mains et Co., 105 Elfth avenue.
, •
Hoop skirts and Corsets, closing out at
very-low prices. No. Es, St. Clair street.
J. M. Burchfield & Co.
Good Reildence and Fornitarnat Auc
tion.-The ,
tion.--The property of Rev . Thomas O.
Orr, who is leaving thin Platie,'Will be
sold to-morrow (Thursday) at lt
It is situated at the new - station' on trio
Ft. Mayne .. . Road, between Wallis' Run
and, outer depot. It consists of two acres
of wollimproved land, and a new house
of ten • rooms, bath and other - eonven
len*. „filet a =good, substantial, beauti
inl-litiburban home. The sale al, the en
tire honshold furniture, horses,
dte., 11%4 Will commence at 1) .o'clock.
The ptoperty' will be sold at Il precisely.
Litaekrit, Auct'r.
Iliirrints Superior. '
Leman Bine
Stigar BISCIIIt.
Glaser Snapst,` 3 "
• Spiced - aturibles;
Are for sale by . - all grocers at retail.
cheaper s and of better quality, than people
can make at home. Bakery No. 91 Lib
erti street. t mw:2w
Remnants of dros goods, Mlles and
poplins and wool goods, cheap at J. M.
Burchfield it Co.'s.
Linen Goode of the choicest (brands.
Bates er. Bell's. ,
;Dly Solace.
How conid , l be a happy wife ,
How alipuld I 'scope the toile and strife
That chase us down the hill of life,
At 116 Market Street.
Truruishing Geode—Napkins, Doylies,
Toviels, Stand and Piano Cotera, Toilet
Setts, PurnitureCovering,s, Curtain Netts,
Damasks,. Shetaings of all widths, Pillow
Case hinslins, and Linens-811211• stock
from the most eelebrsded makers. Bates
ar.Bell. . . ,
The Very Tatesit.milli 'llistnteil, ;last re
ceived. ;Bates itl3ell!e:
. _
Printed . P. Ws, worth One dollar, clos
ing out at MI M. Burchfield 4i;
"Co:, No. 52 St.- Cleir.iftreet.
Great Auction Sale Continued of Ha
mm" & Carlisle's entire 'stick of fanny
goods and trimmings -at - Hp. 29 Fifth
avenue, in the' store' lately occupied by
A.+ll: English & Co: +Auction bales at 10
A.M. and-2 and at. See advertise
ment. H. a Illinrrason & Co.
• . •
Your choice of .400 hats for il, worth
$2, at Fin. Mains ds Co., 105 Fifth avenue.
Ladies' Furnishing Goods. Bates (Sr.
Bell's. •
• The place to get White lame, Cal
cined,Plaster, Hyrirattlio- Cemerit. la at
Eckel' d, easkeY's,lB Smithfield street
Black Silks tot; Sults. Bates dc BOIL
ALBENtr ,, bn Monday s :J.oll 4934 , NOBERT
C. 44.1.111LE1C. oldest son of Joseph , and Martha
11.' . .alhree. aged 8 yearilstn , l 3 months.
The funeral will tike place' frOM the residence
of Ws pares ts. No. 318 Cedar iv'enue. 'ffila Med
liesda39 asrstaxoots,'Sit 3 o'clock.
-TAXER,IB6 Foturru
ttsburgn, Pa.:COFFINS of all kIude,ORAPES.
GLOVES, and ery description of Fnatral Fur.
ntshing Goods furnished. Bootus open day sad
tdcbt. t ad Carriages tarnished.
•• ItitatErtnrrnin—Revamviu Kerr. D., dev.ll.
W. Jacob, p.. D.. Thouitas Ewing, Esq., Jacob
AVENDE Allegheny City, where theirCOI , ZIN
ROOMS $7 e constantly supplied with. real and
Imitation Iso ewood, 3fahogany and 'Walnut
Collins, at prices arying from 44. to 0100. Bo
dies prepared for int, rment. Hearses and Car•
risers furnished: al,o, ends of Mourning
Goods, If reiluired. Ordee'oi en at ail hours, day
and night. • . •
14:11T; T. RODNEY,. IUIDE.R.
ET, Allegheny, 'Wens - constantly on hand
a large assortment uf' ready-made Coins of the
Allowing kinds: First, the celebrated American
Burial Cases,: Metallic
_Bell' -sealing
Cast 11 and Caskets, and . Rosewood; Walnut and
Rosewo-d Imitation Coen.. Walnut Conlin
from UR upwards., Rosewood Imitation Collins
from e 5 upwards, and no .pains will be Spared
to glve entire' satisfaction. .orape. and Gloves
furnished free t f charge. Best Hearses and Car
napes furnished on short notice. Carriages fur
nished to funerals at r.:11. -
Jeiveler and Optician,
U. S. Watch Co's Watches,
'NERORANT VAiLOR, respectfully inform Wm MENU aid tae
P lll 4 l ° i eue F all7 ‘ 411 4 h tk
SOLICIT } t.: EARL! atu i .
•• . .
Cdrior. of Penn , and Sixth Streets.
w .14Espepoitip cc°.
No. 50 BEM " 551 /M 000 Bt.
cwt.) have Mat received from the Rut the test
lot or My 00001 Abx %gin Belts'eve? brought
to the market. The *lit *uvula tb'dpf and at
gad mike thothei tiee;j*aadiiettif:thari any
"i:WsCiti,: A new aid olden*
5101°rt0P144 0/ 1 613 g 1 n 1 WPII5 4 1 V 5 11811'
L 5 9 500 _ at tOkeitobe Plied at this
Atßake4 :..RurAludbak.l4 OP*.glignitaTltliET.