4 5,11. E " ' England and America. • (Troia* , London Times April r , It is stated on good authority that Mr, Zobn Tiotbrop Motley Is to be , he Elam. 1. teed the United States In England.% The i.treadi of 'Mr. Reverdy. Johtisfinduta i lling lookedtipon as certaln i 'nb.t on y§e 'eause incoming Presidents geneial.ly Use ' ' , freely their POWer Al'inalang new o ppgqltbut bedaliag. he Is, j pe at i , - • -'otherwiee out of favortwith the flop C Been party,. and chief'isworld--then %en, on - with Great Britain on. the 6010 chime-is looked upon as detini ly • set aside. Mr. Motley" will> come • cortrafry Which ho khows,• and where he • is well known. He is no stranger in . -Europe, • -like many of the home-b d political men Of the United - States,`; ho drat form it reel' acquaint/00e with e Old World when they visit it in as o ial capacity. • Mr: Metley'e feelings toward England are, no doubt; 'those bf most educated .Americans. . man in whom the A 0 141601 sentiment , is ,strong, and a litrge part, of whose life has. been spat:din - Anrningating the past,"can .hardly fati rbe in some• sort well-disposed ''ln the old oonntryt. Allis' tendency. is naturally; strengthened by knowledge'of - English lortiety; slid , the reme=mbrance of many tc•-dotirdild 2dotlePs repo. " - "litlitildn' `!distingnialied. tßai of let : AerW; idlettit than Ills,d l l. l biliat l 9 , Poaffion :-.:.7411-IneWshhp a hearty iveleome this . '.country; tior_.,u there any type of Minister alum WC ADOI4/400698 more gladly aim 4heitieterian asid,the l eedsolor4 Mr, Xot ley, however,'Worddtp the first to admit that in him we *list 'recognise one.who - has decided opinions' otuthe ritattersini -?dispute' between: us and the 'Atheticans.' . :Whatever may be his social or fits history ical prepossessions', he Is, at' far is actual. .:politics are concerned, , a thorough nitre.' sentative orthe NOrtiteni Republidana. • 'As the- , intentions. of President' Giant's Government . are as. yet'a :Secret; even:it any have been formedilt'' is useless to . speculate upon the turn of affairs. The 4 - .--/COnviration which luta • been concluded between the two countriesaivalts the de- 'vision of the 'new President and of the „ • Senate, .'which has not yet formally do ' cidedlurFon it , Supposing it to be set. ,• :-,. i‘siis tiegotiations t , to , be'renewid'at jito , 403 ' limo } , ye`mayr expect to find astdei ran f 1 . -)tii Kr. , _ei nweiirnest and ,unconipro willing supporter Of the - oiiniohi which are ,said fo,bp . ciattitiontdowayhja,Fountrmen. ~ '• in tliejitOtter of the Idlabasiu-Aoinis, his ;priaespiee'.iideondl44ra t otit latly to be othect,loiaabf w•okotall 1.01 , !ts -- -I eautve nothing.to'compuun of in' this; .... alitigrei indeed,'. dieposed> to prefer deal ing with a nation through a Minister Who remise.. -zits !ter evalllng, impulses. each liter loa biefihe more harsh and; exacting in . i a negotiation brit %when the business is . .1 .concluded ) is at -least, the satisfaction titit'it'iallheitho, prove a real settlement. ''"•nrii ether xespe-1 , ! , r, Motley will probe bly prOve aM' Ifit r,of an order very tin _ .- like „Xr. Reverdy Johnson. We shall .lose a, genial and indeatigable speech :- • ,'rasher, •but ,shall • gain; in .exchanke, a I.gentleman who will be understood on bah aides of the ocean to say. only what • , -the great mass - of his-countrymen really • means. The change is not of much im portance to us, but. to judge from the 1 feeling that has been manifested in Amer.: lea, -the substitution of Mr. Motley for I• the present 'Minister is likely to soothe .a • large portion •of the' Ohne which has been irritated by Xr. Reverdy Jcihnson's =thereat oratory., Strange to say, 'the of Mr. Reverday Johnson, and the speeches, understanding •he has es tablished with our various hospitable `"::municipal •authorities, have been resented •• by some4usreritans as if they involved • ;some &ultimo= part. Nothing can be .! snores-unreasonable. • Mr. Reverdy John • - 1 !lion was :appointed at a time when an im • Orient' question; was pending betiveen , the two nations, :and he gave us to under stand that he was specially chosen to set - -. tle it, lord Russell and W. - Adams had been too much mimed in the mutual complaints and - recriminations of the war to approach the subject favorably. Lord Russell went out of office; Mr.-Adams re turned home; a new Foreign Secretary and a new American Minister bad oppor tunities their predecessors had not en joyed. This being the state of things, Reverdy Johnson took occasion, even be-, fore leaving Ainerioi, to express the gocil will toward England which animated himself and with which he credited his . own countrymen. On arriving in Eng land he, used the same language, and spoke in the name of the American peo ple with a warmth which was naturally reciprocated by his audience. Of course, we are sorry to find that in- so doing he mistook the feelings of his coun trymen toward us; but that we should listen to what he said; and- be gratified by it, is surely no fault of ours. The impressionable Minister naturally had,int his country of public diruiers,ria -inerous opportunities of repeating” his friendly sentiments, and the übiquitous reporter recorded them all. even the most improvised and spontaneous. Where we _Vitra amused the Americana were agglll and the result has been certainly unfor ttinete. Mr. Reverdy Johnson,. how _ : aver, notwithstioding,libibOmPlhaentarY; speeches, appears to have been active enoughin his diplomatic;: wetky. and to ' •- have fulfilled all the ' instructions of hie Government .He concluded a Conven tion, in which everything the United States , i coald reasonably . demand was conceded ' • - tik iii,---a Convention, indeed, that, lm-i posed on us possible, labilides which mairthought wnought not to have era: teptect„ Principally because of - the as popularitY of the agent;thie Ootivention has been ill received in the United State's,: 4 And fallow said to , have, been virtnally; -'rejected- - It 'is Plefi - ' `Ott an ,utoted: States Minister in this country bi,toli • fhir4Poken , sad lhat for ' ail .06'4, poles it is betterWilearialth a morel !auk Ira though a less acceptable representative.. 1 ,1 4 f., ~ '''' 'I ' • ” ethe concluding paragraplis of. ~ • . Tory* IF II PIP; YereMeffriThe4 'for-leg=: :iliditi'erlltigrrir. - We copy, also, ant . „other.paragmh . frrAtflia,cpyisow s p eech'- 'of-'Lo 'orlotif thustzt4 ' ILI j l r-z 'I have vq,irOkraitli irt r ifie goon . ."-• - 'ainitio'rit tlag AMenesut People; , I do not • Wl* that they can wish to increase their'' foga %fr ill , eel ' fre* N iUrePt ' 4 t Bee to ite &ilia' •'" ,- :clear from the .first;''and it seems to me"' -• , - ;plain and clear now. ' There bite , never ; . - • - been any euestion upon our side of Offer:, • • 2 ,lug reparation for'willful and intentioflak wrouo, because uhs do not aOntit„andeSEl J , have no. right ,to committed that any _sash ' ~ s eibng - dear . was committed -by us. :But • ' what . we have all along in substance f • z • said is this, that biteriaationtd law be . • - ' • big: 'magus,: and 'many • new points of . ..111/414111Vilawm / in ntetkialwitit ibadarateibilfithe Woe war, it Irga ?ROO l e. hate ~.um* aldo, AlPrOAna tag OT K4*AB, '1 1 ,4 Of i W nle t teletaid_*t9it-114et'Bita tineatitmi''they been or totwee Ortfit'lliflittlini - ve - Were fleetly ready to refer. judgment • of :any; imperial= arbiter. - That,..ia; in sub stance the ,langnaga have held throughout, and-tvjtet.h , er,. it, leads to to t' intite - diate: abldernent; at 'the - matters in dispute o± ribt teem's' to met tiliboukh I may ?tartlet IMMO itiir saying it—a platter of vity.secondary'' mportaribe: tziiatoveri happens in. that respect, we - halt secured the - main , t We shalt hare snaring our oterv- canscuncea, and ere shall bare put our country unrairtak dbisf in the, right. • `• - • ' . • .Washington Items. " President.Orant's touchstone of fitness for s place, 60 far as politics are eeneern edils that no man who hair accepted office under. Andrew Johnson for the last two years is stood • Republican. This was among - the things he told Senator,lioss 'in the - celebrifed . Interview that indvidual lately bad with liAt- • , Despite the. tiliestenll4 ,ultimatum , of, 134ater. Iddiuter s sPeeckod the Alabama:. ;treaty, there is;well advised ; in . n ation that:the President and Secretary. of State take a Much morsconservative view, mid, do not intend to send liir:'Motley to Lon dots witli wirtilitidit'mnsidered , propOsi , : ton; buti,will give only , ' a general idea of tha,fleiva 'Of din t administration ~'fol4ifiiiedi'by details . nekt3PoiittertiiMice of oiotitemplated extra., session: of :Congress,,ia c evidently , erroneotna- andtbaseo the.;lnerest ni -1 more. ...Members lot Congress; who have conversed withlhe President 'on the sub ject; sat think: denies - having tiny-itch. intention. — There'it} nothing' 'likely to occur, he say '°respecting theo4hati ques-' 1 eon that' willdfirturb thepeticeini relations which exist between this Devernment; and Spain., f .ThSduty of Administra tion onicerningthia O bject. is plain, and that is to,,ohserve,.l. ,atzletneutnilitY tween the : Spanish authorities and theinv_ surgents. ..The Administration would not, if it;could; restrain the"sympathies of : our People in behalf oflhe stirgents against the Spanish: Due re tention has beentakeir tbliaVethiproper, Gevernment 'officials exercise due gent* to prevent`etmedive,ditions or munitions of:war leasing pgrperts to aid either the Spaniards or the insurgenta..,,, The President has made. a decided, Im pression in two ' from Whiefc hopeful angtries = May:bediairn" for ;the: future. He has done . . much for the ~ country and the narty;, removing the: dead-lock on reconstruction, ; and he has laid, a broad basis :for`theparty in the character of some oLhis appointmente. His recognition of the right of colored` men to-hold office, =supplies the omission ' that was thought to - seriously impair the vitality of the constitutional amendment on suffrage; and his appointment to office of ex-rebel officers, breaks the bounds of prejudice which have walled up - the Re publican Party, and, adds to its strength and power. Thus the President has sent the Sen ate about one thousand nominations. This is a large business of the kind to be accomplished in so short a time ' and un der such a violent pressure, ' that to arrive at a correct conclusion has been In 'many cases ex ceedingly X di ffi cult, and in others utterly Impossible. Hence 'some mis takes have been made. take the whole list thus far aPpolnted, • and • the verdict'must be thit it a geod--in many respects excellent. Probably not More than from five to ten 'per cent.' will turn out absolutely had. The bad tions are almost wholly . among those whom the Preildent has been pressed to appoint on political considerations. The President will promptly correct every mistake of this kind he may have made. Indeed; he has already begun this work, and has revoked, for cause, certain ap pointments made; during the past week. One instance will show how promptly he acts. L A certain gentleman was nomina ted for Consul at one of the ports on the Mediterranean. The day', the, name was sent to the Senate he got gloriously drunk in honor thereof. The next day his appointment was revoked. Another case was where a young man had been nominated for a certain , position by a head of a Department, and the Presi dent^ finding, through an instance of which he was personally cognizant, that he was utterly characterless and untruth ful; refined to approve the nomination. One of 'the crew of this freebooter Is now. on board. the steamer , Virginia, lying st East Boston. lie says that the Deerhound was in fact a paid tender to the Alabama, that she had on board the chronometers and other valuables which had been stolen from, Arderican ships, (fin the' thieves Were ,not ' . permitted to land them at Cherbonrg,) that a few days before the fight. with the Kearsarge ' she , brought fifty . men from Portsmou th , , (Eng.tand,) trained gunners, who had re ceived their training on theliritish prac tice-ship Excellent,- to work the guns, :and had entire control-of them - for . the ofilcers know very if anything, of_ gunnery, end that bethinks the Alatrarn a fired three'Shota one s ilted by iye Kear The Alabama was somewhat quick in , her zoning, and hence why the • firing was :se_ rapid. - The - gunners could 'not ' elevate or depress the' guns With any de. kraiyof 'aeotrracy * therefore 'they' trusted, to :trek :to hull the Kearsarge, for their ; line drink • Nrati tinifortily correct; but ; the ! shot geueraltto passed over , the or among ; . her Ilgidat'w)Aout doing *Mk - dantso..,l On „the. 94. r. land, he , .fiLaytk-the trine of.the,ltearsargewas verge everY , Oa. Cabot struck the Ala:. fbaml it madthar tremble 'lore 'and :andlowsrdtf the:l - 'oloas of he action crash npim - erasho tore )setraliiipir antis lp litikpviiii* * -qiit'Or.fifto.litiiioeil and' firkiegidie'Megate" tho act ion. IlitTels soifaii . was-b4lier ME. isers were feols, and the Englishmen. ho . weirked the stab' law 'itelksiticeited to. ',kaki* the doolddellberatiod ef l tdat.44l4: prevailed on board the Ktatitatege froze ikiitz - gf4dlidts:3 4 ),iiint, l o ol rinistit:of '11.4v 04 10 0 14 490 1 ; of t iht- d ilieitdpliati of ; found tit the' 49A,sr 809 in _six sh step .14014re,rii1.04 gilt::-Thabed'isli* 'feet, tleehrant appeals tote m ost inesitUipiakr The raining ist.onetst eta a large Three yowl Ago 125,0004611 i paw dispose& of.; to the' varidut , facteriai, and Is new found the paarhetli degrees of purity varying Troia ab cen u t`r, pure PotaapiAM l : Lnata.. l . L:31111 . , , ‘ -.N.7"r'"i,..'r,'"*".'i.":l7.;'-ii.,77:2A-='lF'---"-Zr;s-'o=7,''-,"-;;;-`:;'-:,"^-r.,,-- 1 -,-17,77-7,e.' ;r . ,W*i. `, ~- ,- - , e.:=;,,T,,: , --TA ,7 t , l ,•7,, , i7" - , :t r• - _: - P.M.-:Y_:7:7" . .i.'.. ,, : V-1 , - - ,,F-,, ,-,^. , --, ,-13 , .. - <7 ,, '1,1.1-=',.7.,,X5:,..-1,r,..1--witz,, ~-7 ,5- -, - -,7 "- = ,, - .;72 ,- -- - -4. - f..;,.. .2., , ,,. , ~,..4,.1 , ..;,,,,.e , , , ,, ztre,x : -.9.-4- ' - ' l'.: VlS' 'C ' I ' IL- Cf ' T : 5-'e's , -.- - ,''....:,----`,:4-i..4....4.-','-it-------..,--4,-,.1-------(:-=';',-az. "--t-'"'s,`4.-;0:,';,...-,-P>:-14..-:-A:t6 ',. - FIvV.- - - 1 , ,, , , 1i:ig,' ,,,- ,1 =,.,,f 0- ;.,.::-5,,,.‘„,,,,,,,,i4e.ii::7.,'.:;!4.1.,,,...;„,,,i,%..k..,..,..z.,-;_,7...-4,,i-,Z:.-14.,„-Li-tiz...-.,:4,1,,:te.4,,,,,,--,.ici,:e.3.41,i.44--4.-,zifftk,o.,R.,-4,7,-4,,,--4„; -4 , . vt * ,?.,,;, _,,,,, 4 , : „.*_..t $-i,.4 - k.,,'*=l 51..,10 4 L.2 4 . 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Vrsi gEnSIONEIRTAIMMIN lATIMMAY/IdeNATI.I 186 .The Rebel Pirate Alabama. eriIUMMnCAL. untliimiliasyr .41111=crelPrege-wthe-B -dire smelt , ine aro .49be of tbp office. 1 jimaultar ligrFOß eirontti;ei I vintif.tieinlet.nili sue ounce to thcettlzette of Allegheny cotstifjr. that .1 wilt'be. es nidater. fcrr .the-pflitept DlLERXM , 22l2 l 4etttirtbeidecislon the next inkling ITtlhat Ileputdhan Counttetnl venttoa . . ~11 R > ltilllP 1111 V,. • ' sp2O:I27O:DF U Onto Townstop. o-Fos Jon i tt a wATsort, Of Elizat:e th town hip, late private Oomnany.D, 79th ea. Vols. will be acandidate (bribe oflee" ot SHIM LFF A attbjeot to the decision of the Vales Repubilmut vonTentiOn. , 16.20;b720r ar FOR lsumurr. AM h 6 zEPROir, Will be a candidate tor Etin . trte — " eitifitierill% lect to abe..decialon , of ,tbe r ,Vpdonl Ileogblican Comity CotcrentlOti. 19-dalf . eaf'FOß CLERKOF 00141.Ti1, , Iron * , • Maralffillioroutli, ,161teliprivatel -1091 d 14 , ku • 6., TAt5...166364:6 ,to o ge ei gfell . as of I• 6 , 6ibte .itopt•ti‘C66itty a -1113:64 tOiliti IntiCartl44Afittior`. jt.= o • „. ~. . Liget:r COUblTgs, -4 .• r. ineetiblly . mato nee t Inytell ne a eandielabe for the. ofieer _of (ILERII , OIr COITRTS(43.3B to tikei , deolgon••of 441 ilanion .5e5141111da11. =ay, Convention. •• I um Matt that I ear 'ollide but faro iz . e r.tneintnation ofirludX 1 - Wei r l i i 'eliee ret believing thatthere are AMP! equa 1 bitted thq honor and emohimenta or Ithe'o ' oomixtenrastagielf.- I Mill be ..ond oh cots to the citizen& of thO County -teethe?' support." Very resnectftdlY. - _ ,—.•- , • . _-__• JOz•EPII BRoWlii., ' L i &11055(e14 - 55tha and sth Pa. VOL Bee:. OPEOIAL 'NOTWEIS. fIaW.,EIPILLPSY CAN RECEDED 77 - .1 - -!"11100 rg friends sanded are est , ..getAg, italelted sad tor welraular tatter at Bererencee and Unionists. which taon- Wince Atie iike2 . ticaltf thircurWii the dirgain, Aliddreu WU...BUREN WO W. Off. D., 36 Gres.; Zones street. New - Wait... GO' • • ow-grottuAGE AND IDEIATIAA' .--Aillreanyfet t U%nen.ottbeerbkie of golituderandt she -D , Ind LAM= whiebefette impedleormts to Blare. With ,sere means of Mlle& 1 , 9 entL - leg f salad. atter en• trel< h % free of charge. Address Dili SI.- 'AL OUGHTON, , Hewett& AsSocia liar. IIarSATCAMAIROS HAW. DIEE:' , Talp gplendloagair Dys Is thebestbLthoit world: llieonly true end perfect Dye:Atari:gene, Tells , hie; Mgaataneoust-1e dliMpgrolailosent; no ,ri- . t. dlculor isi tints,• . remedies the illpiffect4 aim& - dyer Orates antr leaves the . Halr soft. snit; . beatiAl ettl torit Wire**. otdavtil_lPD Druggists and eratainn propertylippues at Batchm. ir s l a r Air - •i!aas; NOI IO - Ao'ud , Street.' , New 'gr . DO.C'fOA-lirillWr, LER VON , -11:E it iio . 'TtiCAV ALL rawer: , Dbseasesi.. 11411. itefonns, Genorrbeea, , iliq'9o, 6 t- ,, eemPletely , e.radleated. I Timl andlerebil ease o f ewes resulting Prom .elf. abet tnimanlineer, nervous debility ArritddilitY. erl s: itiOn' seminal elnisitoils; an d' Anallf e hmPoulina . Oermanentir. cured- Persons 11 . 111113 Irrli Medicate, intricete and long stand -Ins constlenttonalMrmolaints are politely invited. to call . tor consultation, , which . costs no:tiles.' petiente, - the 'best or teachers. has enabled lira tes - perfeet lemedtes - It Once erament, sate, pennaromt: and.wbech in moot cases c in be Oiled without. hincranceto t:slum. hiedlcoses pre ,pared la the establishment, which embraces oV Zee s - reception Mad wafting rooms; also.: °cardinal • atm lamming apartments for patients requiring daly personal attenUon, and vapor and chemi cal baths. thus , concentrating the lamed mineral swings.. No matter who hams failed. state your . case. need what be -aye In has pamphlet of fitly Pages, sent to iny 'Mort, tor two nemesia seal ed envel:le. Theasa , ldit of cams treated snail ally, at CO and all 0 fer the °Gantry, Cense!. tation free personally or by mail. tomer No. 0 Wylie strde,t (near Couto Rouse) Pittsimrch, Pe. Heart -9I 1..11. to 2 P. Y. - Benespe Let et. to 2 r. a- Pamphlet sent to any address for two stamps. . . . WI JINEIMWOE. NATIONAL LIPIESMCBCOMPINY, OP Tar. UNITED STATEN OF AILEBICA. 131uutcru A d by-Sputa Act of eitturresa, ' 'pyroVad July 516. 11168. . . Cask Capita.- - $1,000,000.' PAID. IN FULL. 33WCR ovEacE., FIRST NATIONAL 13 AW K BWLDIN&, PHILADELPHIA: Where the general business of the Comeau) Is treasured. and to which all general corres pondence should be addressed. • OFFICIa3.B. CLARENCE H. CLARK. rresideut. JAY COOKE, Chairman Fixance and Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice President.. EMERSON W. PEET, secretary and Actuary. Crmpany offers the followtnradrantages: It Is a National tP , mpatty. at artered aT epeeisl act of Congress,lB6B: It bee a paid.trp capital of PLO 00,000. It offers low rates of premium.. It furnishes terror insurance than other com p atties for the saMe money. It It definite and certain In Its terms. Its Policies are exempt from attachment. ' ,There are no unnecessary restrictions in the Every policy Is non.fortrltable. Policies mny be taken which pay to the Insured their WI amount, and return 'lithe premlesna, so trim .the Insorahee costs , oily the Interest on the annul/ payments. , Policies may be taken that will pay to their. sated; after .• certain' umnber of years, during an aspual Income of empt,enta.the amount immed In the policy. " No extra rate iscbargen for disks apex/the/free of f. males. ..1/Insures, not tope :dividends polley•hold. erg, bac at so /ow a cost that dlvldettua will possible. Chtultui, Pamphlets, and full particulars Riven appllattlon to the Branch °dice of the Clem. Patti, ar • CLACK ilk CO., Philadelphia, Glenent &gents tor 4 Penuaykranugand likinthe,ra New demey JAY . 000111 Z & 90.. Washhzit9l4, D 10.,, , ' .?or Marylawl, Delaware. Ylrgiala,' Dietzlei of Columbus maul _Weer Virg inia. ~ : rak It'..dmatiLT 4 t ' oo. , Ageati3Of Allen wi I .seaver; B tler, - Mercer = 4,3 4 ~,, a T ora. km' ‘ .)045,,. event ._ • 'iIIMIZZInryn,A.I: Dl* ' an a i tons front antic etiwilerdbr'inlfttiakEn I Nola stems 0 . memh i ed,pis nd...itiosed Tss .it voNt r 1 8, n'i A.M. 41fAtiPit 9Ni. .to atoll pereta: 'lnn iststar ' .•, - ti.x.w rit tikr, , 1 114 1 119 d, 1101114. - 0 %ayes nkotar. l oz. No. P _a ! -zatotresigaman alb ktads tm Tlftra„ and Midis ms•As ~,,.., • ._ SOHN • ;.s.. ditt. - rrenatro T. H 0 • 4 'SOH, Woe President. ' .4)i•UP O I Mag.._ Aieeretary. . ,- • 1 . ClisPP t ' 02 1 , +Seat. %..i is _-; i'' . I ihr t ir .7 took f ~ .M,';11 . . Mil!liii • t t ' : IL. awn --- a .. . , „ „,...m.,3„,,,.i.,. e ... -(‘'S.t ru" “I,eigell -.(l.:c.ii .. fetid . rgeoiidain. ------- 4 : ;;;AEITAIp*AapAiLIs 4117 , J;1.7 - - J :1: : :., , ,PU M RIFIBLIMiIawoni " ..P • •• tit 1 . ! . .• - • r i CT. it- ; , 7PPl#4444ilficisM t l* l w rwirfiraywi., 1 ":. • - - t o t 011 5 11MIrtgr .16M doliei TantNt, 0,114, .oft -.Mon Betting Comg,unw=tni &low • sa t taiieti: App at iv;p ref 5010 kalists, ' ' V -ifiEZ 011780,111 00. ' -;:xi;, it. ....4.1 1:1,6k i t tipi gic r i a o.pr - : -, 4 141 013011 1 0? kit tiPti ß lUM • :11.• J 4, tyV3 1 #PARe 3 F. III 7.4 4 : O 9 :P r" • Keisriar., 11..Alblmnoirk3.10., vorrietonv or the well known Idinumoth Auntlatt Rouse are -dreatina , 'exeitaniientciodiletiatircurOn thd ar .x.lval at. w 8 ,t1e4.344. WILL it re- Inarkshiy - loir pricasi • OdbM6llrteigarltrty; the ,Itneet earrad,ptoote ,:the nrall I las aable Thil iabral gaiters anceseidet ellOer. BllPPersi Ate-. .blanketse Samuel". mloths.::esseimerea, entlerr and csrOete. Call and examine. 1,0, trouble to She*: gowtl; Ladles% :UilteelP- and thlldren's st, ;dawn your own rixteu",, ; Allgood" war.' ranted rawesentett; ' • .*WA GREAT - AUCTION SALE I S r W . 111101111EMI a. 81 MARKET'. STOEETi Will'eofimeaceofiXONDAY sowsure,. Apia , 1,41•1. at, 14 o 410c7t ,i. M. and 2ond Ur. at.; .4flicol4lit no cos !L i ke,/ 47.i:t0 aim. oat °nista& rtootakeroowforhaw good.: : • • 'Mir:Will be one iit'iniitetiiitt'attitprkoiutrtiott . '144. j* 1 '1 , 1 4 Oiltrialip4ini.# iol of •*;•' ~t 'S jfAYßlrne ANry' , 4lexciritt 1:14BROtb -li‘011tr ANY poirvr.A.irmorm LAC 1* TiAOIII . COLI.AIII4- '' ) IICALTESIL Ti4IIIIAXP LAZO: toBditBklN4'4lo9Dff ,TANtk Hostenr.Airtiliatt.oftiv • • ydraboni LAOS Titcpristp stp: • . . . ' H S. smrritsinua . co., •Is • sireincrszikiks. 16"111EU11[DItlf) SITE ) era,, AT, AUCTION. . . • wityrorftsDkr; April - Alst, at" 51)i o'clock on the pr. m 1 ogc wlltoe+oldthasproperty known as the UT/I.4TX WORXe.-corner of Tot. ton and. .funtsia streets. Itlleiheny :City. The, Lor Menai Mr Ifulton 'street' 30 feet and 70 feet cm - Jnniatio'street it,o foot alley (thus , paTillethenduttinife et three, fn:onts,) on Which p'erectedi Targebuilding for thstehiun shop, with pattern room, were room. °aloe and erettne room,. selnMblirv ,, Om.Ahm, malting , a complete works ,for makitue of tonal costinos..„ The machinery cenobite; of engine; • huller, - shafting: pullers, 'scouring ltrarrollt , 7rhidstone•, - Patent lathes, and a complete assortment of pottery, cards, kr the - production of a' close-Of ;goods of *hie& 'the eltaolistdaent 'bad &linnet the exciu sive,eot.troi. If net;sold ass whole,: the crormd ,willhe divided and Goldin Lois to sultparehasete; together with thetnitldingsi the monkery. &c. If not sold will be remoVech - .Thelocation cannot be eurpused, and the property is test increasing In value for tfilliding purposrs. Further wile niers by extqulrior of 'SV .W B. Mc,_ ESN & or 11. A.. IMITUSON , atm ' - - 'Auctioneers. • BY MOLTS • VT% LOTBi LOIS: ' AT AUCTION, ON SELTU Ai DAY, APRIL 24, • AT THILEE O'CLOCK, a highly attractive:inc. Mot sate of itulldmg Lots will take place on the property of Mr. Dihm, on and hear the Perris vino road and Obrerratory grounds, and fronting the /cadences of Mr. McClintock And Mayor Drum. 'tier. are seventeen lois =glue in else • from 24 ley 31 to 23 by istild feet. Tee slum len Is really de igatfui.. being on gently rising ground. free' which very due views tit the adja. rent °cunt ry are 'obtsicable. It le within easy waiting ctittaLte of the city and Tel Ire. :rom its smoke and dirt. It is within ilve minutes' walk of the Pleasant Valley Street Sailway. • To men yip) wish to sec ate a homestead in a locality brund to progress In advantages and Val ue. the pies. nt Is au e.tceedlnaly favorable op- Gportunity. Now is the time to strike for a home. ood 'bilinear the etty At low prices are getting rare• Terms of sale—LIMY cash; batsmen in one and two years. Call and see Ailey at once of - milk A. liIRMOATIh. Auct'r. VALI:UW.IE BUSINESS PROPERTY, No. 215 14berty Street, • AT . AUCTION.' Qp TEIGAT. April 93d. at-3 remelt,' vein he soli on the premises. this property No. enT 'nett. opposite .the mouth of Sixth avenue, lately occupied by Gra ff d Itelter 'as'a CulaTtll3.. Sion horse. she toils $0 by S 5 f.let. The build ing Is three dot In Arst rate order.' wall" dry cellar and gag pavement. • The store rooms are' spacious and well lighted. 'Tomo are-platform • ales and hoisting apparatus la Dialect order. The location Is unexcelled on the street. Special attention L called to the mile: it being apparent that Llbetty Street Is rapidly advancing in coin mere's( value. Trasia—Hatt cash; balance In, one and two A. LEGGATIF, Auctioneer. •DiS BY A. WILWAIBB. ASSIGNEE. SALE OF MATE RIAL. AND MANUFACTURED: FUNS THE FALLaTON , WOODEN . WAR S . WORKS.—TBUR,D AY MoltNlNti, April Bath. 'at 10 o'clock. by order of W. A. Lewis. Esq., as signee of nailer . ideeandless„ will bo sold on the prt.mises, at the Tallston Wooden Ware W orke Of Bailey dlicßandlesd. all the material and manufactured ware, comprising Paints. tills, Zinc, W hitinp„ Umber. ~0. hre, ac.. Tub Iron, Docket - frau. Chains, Bones, SSW, and all art. Iles used in *he manufacture of Tubs and Buckets. Also. lamer lot of Staves and Lumber, and a ace lot of a nbited Heelers end Tebs. . Tratn leaves rittsburph at 7:213 A it. srl9 A. BieII.WALNE, Auctioneer. GI.aLISIS. CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. • FINE VASES, Arm ()milts. DINNzle SZTS I . • TN.& lOCTI3, Tvm SMOKING SETS. • 11--' " A urge stook shmi, PLATED 6001)S of ali aeecrtpttone. • OMLimd , Wundne• cmrgoods, and we reelsestelleS 320 9210.111424 Mote suited. R. E 'BREED ,'St. - 11 1M ) .7 1 X1WP4I 8 TREM :,..' , .i:...:;....:.i ., 1..02.51 3 / a t.. i BintratignS3 • IWO° 0911'.....t , Dry Pine kends. ' n - Anti% Itch Oloar.r/sni; test am tnon Commis Pluik; .'i }4:11 :VW fait IGtl avid 8 AnOti Oak. 2i c! IMO ft:lft 3AOII atm 8 Inch roplict• rii . ~,..„ , er l ii itrr ß ,zu,, 4 . iw i -4 . , t f ltnt kiftentl It ~. • :- Ma.ooo tett 84. I Ulna Eattilit(lB4n- r iodiitelt iii . Qi ll trgl v... .i,_... • !IL 80;660119:118ir . per , zolitg , ig Briekt.% - .•$ • • *, A i.. 4 1 x .0 . i.liw ' t r 't ' sWeieblit ' '- , , as% Saw • Mill- umber. Locust an Its. nn I Inihellne on hand $ b H. FATnasoN, y a rft., beces-sutet kat toren or Prebl. and l en trealiaraMilitjt4l,43lB47l late It antiffintg..7,l27) ,TA" MEE mri. ti ) ri i r stß osdr ry .. „,. . ifii 41ii-tj ;10 iill ' i ii i riiii_±' ' l 2_ __... 11311 1.0 f i t ~, MANCt - 10' 1 ._, ' Of Pertiiiell.vh ' ni.a... '' z ..-... ...,....: Oirteey;lsTedetal-St.,Aßeghttiy City. = - . - -- .• - - Hon...TAXES L.,_OI4_IAAN, _ ....: , . •'' , ~ . , •1 'Bet. .7.: 11: CLARK. D. D., •:; , :.• ;..Capt. R. 401IntX. - - .;: ,•- • .! ~-,, , . . • ' Rev. A; R. BE LL. MD, I Rev. ti. R. •Nltoß ...11.D.. ' • ' ' W. A. REED. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. _,-JACOB RUBli..Reall Zssite Asent, 1 SIMONDDIOI BUayor.of-ABeitheny, f l' , - C. W. BENXI . 'Ratter.' ' ' . - -, A.-S. BELL. Attorney-at-L*ln •••_ .• • D. L. PAITERSON, Limber McMinn. L p:triroeßu. Anstuu ce, Amt. - •:iJ • - i c pt..Roßlr. - ABBlBSoN,lireit . deliti itev.J. B. CLARK, D. DmVlce President, ...JACOB RUSH; Benretazy, , • •...„. O.W. BENBlNTruisurer. -•,- ' .'' g: W:Wintit,bizanan Aprzsiiiz. ~ . . 1 - I)Affni St r ategii, - Ging Agent. . L . . . . This is a heMe condlairr, cotancted on then:Ritual ,ertheline, ea4n: policy heiderfreceivlng Si equal share el the prodia of the Company. Policies will be ,issued on al the different j?lans of Life Insurance; end being eondueted on an econond - cal, halls .will afford a salb , Investment to each policy holder. and thereby retain the money at ,home to eleourage home Industrr. mh29:g311. CASH -• . • , - , ittSIORAKCECOMI)APIIY; ..- ~-, - • micLizirm zuntaniva. - 30. .5151 . ..ilifth AT/rims. Ilecosid Elecii, - •'- ' , . ~ ~. -. ; . PITTSBIHIGH; PA. • ' • . Capital.Au Paid Up. •.; .• I __ • ‘ •. DIRECTORS. ,__ - : - -' ' ' • l a. N. J. Bliley, • H.l.ol,lver.jr,rit,M.Nitley„ , Dasn i rCe; • Hartm a n, A. Chambers, Jikke .!,.. •- .• ' .OlurkMs. Jas.'ar; nauei; • Thomas sv.S. Willook, .: ' ; - , .. . HOs T_H. ALS o_Prealdest, • • .rno. v,;• JEN TINOS, Vito President. ,', - JOISr T. - JOHNSTON, Secretary. , ,- I . • rasp/. B. A. G/4014 fires'! seat:.' laigliria on ; liberal , ,Term on all Fire • , . and Marina- 81ake..., apLg ~ , - • 1 . • ' N4N,Ad INSURANCE COMPANY , Cor: Ward It, 'and Diamond, Allegheny amot n pi um. ezetanD-NASIONAI, BASX W. MARTltkßtesisknkt, ORkresideat, JAKE!" S.:brayzirsom. Becretart. 21 SW 1 'John A. Myler, ,lu. I.Arclaiiirt. Awl. Myers, JasuL.llrabsta. Robert Lek; '- , C. C. .Bovle, leo, Brown,Jr. 04:070_0erst. Jacob hopp, • 0.8 1141111A= ;no Ma 'J me to ' . , Thump .. Nan V' . ~ INSURANCE_ C OM PANY-A . or tirririßtritetili PA., r 4Diffiloo, No. 424 irMrill . lir 7 ST".. ' chi NATION 4 THOITC.O. FIT/41:1149 „ ' -- • DEBTATOBS : ?, Robt. Dieltsidk Itobt.'Ltddell, W.•.T. Priam G. diddle, ;; . Vita Buren. P.- Hirsch, K. H. Myers. J. Gangwl4.lll, te..k. alebett. 'L. J. Blanchard ; J . Widmer, ,r,„ bandeau. l c ROlrr. DI B. E W I r eablt d t. M 0 ._ Ice , Preal en BORT.J. GRIER, Treasurer. ; ' fen: J. J. ALBIZTZ. Sec.retitrr. pENIVSYLIFIAIVIA • INSURANCE COMPANY OF Pt7TIII3UII9II • OFFICE. No. 161$ WOOD STREET. BARN OF CORR:CRCS 131111 4 DING. ..- . . This is a Same Cciapsay, aud lasaills arguill kw by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER. PresiCiat. BOYI Ya Ns Prestien. - &TNT A 7la K, Tressaser. im Secretary; , , • .teonaidWalier. •• - Gem= , Ratan, Pasoan. •• ' ' i.. - 11:' ii=o.7i i i is ser. 1.. - 1 1:4 E r; : vesigueir ,. • '' /as. - 13. Rapidan.' A. Amman. - Runrl-OPlald. - • VI: pintnarfrg • • AGAINST LOSS WTI:IAL FRANKLIN INSURANCE* CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, 01410L4311* *ST 011:11ETWOT 81%, near /km Crhseles w. e ßs i delse, /11.011 1 r4 I Lads" Tobias . Davi d blb• roam. Swot) B. Pm' i nt ai; - ltdira k rl t: bale, tor& 0. ' Oeo p ttqlldtx. WO: PreslifeT t L is , • -- J. 4=al • D ll NB et * Ag .78(7 north West corner. Third and WOod Weals. traLlgertS BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY. rat. OPFICII IN 'FBANKLIN SANTINGS BANK BUILDINGS. ' • ' No. 41 Obio St., Allegheny. • 11031:11 0011PAITT. managed by Directors wee known to the community, who trust by air dealing to merit • share of your patronise.. rb.o3u. D. • --""Pres1"1" I . .. L. m Henri Irwin. - D. . Pat ter Wm. Cooper Geo. B.: Biddle, Jacob Prone, - Bottioth peel s Simon Drum; J. B. Smith.. • Jacob Bomb, W. it. Stewart, Oh. P. Whlsto Jompb Orals. ,Jor. Lautper. B. J. Zkalmmo, . Jere. Bohm. oplOmat • I) l• ERIALL. FIRE INSURANCE CO • - • OE7 ESTAIILDDIED /SOIL CASH . CAPITAL PAID VP DIVITITIED INO 118.000,t0d pi 'GOLD. Inseranoe In_re effected ea Hensel and wares and Iderehandlse,,, , Bteamboats, At: *Hetes issued payable in gold orfearrenerl_AGeilTnited• States Brew% tlrloo, 40 PINE 7 _!$T, NW:York. All losses of Ilan vatted StaresDranok will be &diluted laNew Toe: ,•• . , 6 . 1 ; lir•lkEPT-iNtrrArrlCLlN:rit, - ML ban " WilrOols 9014Puir. sawn ' • -- - - • . II ' --':' ':IV 1 ' 81JilittlirCE ceillif 4, ' , if RS 1i 4 i ~..,,,, ... .1 0:.. • ' 'EntAffigital ..• • • eitaireittP- • °DIM 9 , 1 liter meet. efelbealke.ts; Worth bo/S.up. Its b. . ~., Ig nil ic hmill au . ti a rlre aid:lt& / Medi 87111= l a Vn.wlto ors i=traolt Ito vassenCs.:. ti tre dote fik...4... bi11r0m r et bop.% P=rligalltto 4. al ot=wl pro tec t traelot Irks, 4eatreto be tnertred:..-- , /. • %.. „ ; 1.1 j. iv '.• 4 r ti.i:. , 1 ., ;v:- ';Vhoir. - , , . -- eines Alex= ere 11 ,;,',...' ~7• O rrclitZ •, 1 ;!' '°firgri g , e114 . - ,•'!'"_:: ;' ~ ls . 4-.. 7 . I*. •'.,..,,,. ' . _,.. :. ,._ . ' . ,. 1 _,._i___ i ____ ,...... ! , '•,..itimir. 'ipicilimpairp eignr talw,riarv.y..,..z.s ...1,1,i...:,,..:;,-..-.7 i ... 7.. . 1 ..,, ‘' oll2 . - cit , ; - 41: kiosoiiiii iiiii4 . -4', .'. _ 'ilerls. ''' rtikailltleetteiyMittiellieibldii tli Itleil .1 -. • ~,f, ' . ! VI! . ;,,,..!, t ~ - .3 , , :., W.4.1, , ,V:1`..f1 . , 1?,1 , ..? 7 : i /I ii ,- ,W A , : Itlor:, .;44411 , 44 , 64i2.. ia l iif il ik) ...ZaTi o tri,itlif ,: {:damaalr.Wil rer l ",:, •,.. ...,.-r_Left*.azw '9' ea ViliPia . .. fil. ..1, I . ..' d, OWPF/t. I,' it . '"v ,, , ilitol . ...__ . .• . ivi.. - : tar ..7 .'-•,Y, 2 f/i"'f'>% ; 4):l,+: . . • JAIL • '4. ••' , Genes% 'Liens. MS ~i:i:d~Yl' :1` Ii "'~~r IarXEWOPERA T- HO - 1:111 - ... • .• Brilliant ineicess of the fiiyorite argots. Act% 442 0*tirgh, . 1 1841.11 T WATKINS. „. 4.88811 T NING..Aprit - slst. 1889. {he ro - Mantic AT our EVENING draw,* of • - ' ....1•0.,M. 'Wi :e.RN. , . , • . KATECLEEN MAVOURNEEN. • 7 Xatilessi, with songs .... . .. . ......... Watkias. Terence 'Ham Watkins. In zelieama! kCHOOL and.TRIC PATRIOTS 'DREAM... • t., Watkins Matinee on Saturday: grIPI'PPSRIIII.GII THEATRE. _H. W....WILLIAMS, Lessee and Man am . Seeerut and last week ol that:limitable Len4coa Cbthubte,' JAMES TAYLOR. - Tuesday evening. •Rrat .aPPearattee of the , ranowned imblete and vhrsaule .performer,SAM. COL i.yEirt, " 4 144 pupils Blasters DAN *and FDDLIt. w AS DiEWS and the great coa•varrr MA new MR, da ,Matinee every Wednesday and s unr „. rjr2LiSONIC, HALL. AY AND 4INF IPATTIIIi s eand 23d. "MAI'. Flttetitth Alfattal Tout of the G reat Beni of the AV. 1 • - S rt,SHARPLEVIS 'MINSTRELS; The rilopli'at Favorites, who have lust honeluded the longest MAIOIOOI3 successful season ever made in the city o.'.Ghicago. petfortaing.to crowded binses , onerbxnidred eonsocuttve sffghts. proaonucedisapertorE !Vader the hantediate suPervi , lea of the grtikt,wA; and He • lral appear at oaelt aud-vrerj peeformanoe. t -I Adedssion,.. amts. Reserved 75 . Ceuta: ' be Secured at the Rail from 10 • tolo'cloelti mithott , extra euarge. - Moons opea at 7: performance at 8 o'clock precisely. ap14:140 .G.MOBA.i& GRAY. Agent. On" rSPI I I /11* &:)3109/111* ;The onginat . !lnd br this-city, gtve, -2rive ==l LAFAYtrat - Woid street, ;ON • THIfiIIDIT Akl F IDAT EVIPINGS, . '• APSE4.4.II[II-.atid S&L! • Tickets .50 cents, ta I be . procoitd tittthe Koala aad Boot , store!, or'at Shona:l4 : Concert cont inences at Eto'cl • . , . , .rapt.:bit • OrBtiIriIELLPII MUSLIM • 'MD PARLOBMENAGEIIIII, The ' emits, Bosorte. - • YIPTH 'between' Smithfield and Woceldneaetajappoatte:Old.Thestre.: • Wpay and Evenlng, all the year roma& WOn. • SW tents: astldren. 1.5 cants. PROPOSALS. VICIFATEIIf IrAYANABONDS, • , tt.. I , 4 1 ,- . , • :••• - FOR ' •14ti37iirs 22 a,:. ; MBr,IDr is—e • SEALED PEOPCKIAL33 - :WlLLA*mitelved THIS 4FFIOE - until 3 o'olocic r. x. on WED:. 2fICSbAY Si2at last _;?o the saWkii _ 40.000 Dollais: of Alleghdir City WATER MAIN EXTENSION _BONDS; of the denominations respectively of $5OO and 11.000. said Bonds bearing 6 per cent. interest, paying semi-ann•.ially on the first days of July and January and maturing in '- twenty yearis from date of Issue. - , ,Blds will be reeelved for all or any Tartlet' of the above lama. Bide will also be received for coaverting the maturing la 1870 into the above. • The right b rt served to reject any sad all bide. B. B. FRANCIS, CITY CONTROLLER. spl2:tal N O TTO FOUNDERS AND TINKERS. Corrraocrouve Osuncs. CITY or•Amar.camr April /A, 1869. ( lowan) P.V.91'09A1.9 will be reeeleed- ac THIS OFFICE until a o'clock P. N., until WED NESDAY. 'Apia FOR..FURNISWNGi THE:CITY WITH A.1.L . T1114 GAS '1:10.14T.S Required During tI C rear? To be delivered at City Hall, at suelt ;times as they may be required.. Pattern and-Gore Box. will be furnished by the CitY. _ B id g e f s are re aneeteit to state the price per poit; . alee the ad ditionaleost of ferniehing thanwith two costs of vied black paint. 'Bids will be reeeived at tbe same 'time for ftirniebing all the GAB LAMTd required • , during the current year, to be of the same pat tern and quality aithoze now in use:- R. B. FRANCIS, apla:bZi WIOTICE. TO CONTRACTORS. CONTROLLER'S OPTItt 6 tt CITY marrir or ALLKo. April I 9. SEALED PROPOSALS will be recelfed at ibis °Mee anti' 8 **clock rom. on WEDNESDAY. Sllst! iiut.; for GRADING and:PAVING Abe folloWlag Averraeo, Btreetei WESTERN ?AVENUE from Its' latOneettorr with Itobeeca'stritt.ietisttroirdly. - • • SAWMILL 'ALLllP,raaiirirdifof Co k e Ovens ba EMI ward: ' • - • F t OR OEADING ONLY; Kriztrefrtyrator4t, ,tom Corry . street Ira School itretit. • ' MANN:Writ i3VINE,T. from Hopkins street to Rebecca street. SOOTS ALLEY, In the Stir ward. Kr01i.144. be :sera la - the `Do of.OBAILLEB DAY/S. Z 1 1 41.. Cltz,lmineer. ice tbrllddeks will „, „ , 94.4.0C111. • • nu. 4iiiict'tiiTtiii To Listrarie tiwfu orikie m ii . itrr t t. c oinc y r; nabbing% ~.. , ............ --... log inailli ANCIFOr mislf. :Lass_ ,--„,:r -- , • --,,,..,,,„ ~,,- . iiii4,-Aii i iony conk •• • se pri cum' 9. .t-_ ; .„.... I,BlN•ii i a of the el s; iretedififf 1 °A.rv'.l' ;og l e poin ass liiideltheiii*Fida' .. il'9l/4,07.....„ethe:i th at th e 4fLittillierti- 1 4 11 4W5; 7 40 - 1.4110/1 sad 4) 7461 - 117 .1.. 1nit, ‘ 0f. 4 ;,/,A• t i e s 4.- 1° ry' r L YP : k4u-te: ol ). 0 tr , •''. , 'r t •',.::./„ ' ,' ,: -;-„,off...vilitm-`.n. and ' '' :Nutt Stitte`': , 'PeariA emu' / thi - ~.,. viwt., , ,.4" , 46 - 1 : ,tiila,,i"`iit.,•4oriLtl4,ismu ji.-4,141-,'AtibiLei4plataddard ,-;., biri s tur ; T ilt ~0400:i for !.,,tlO9. .tixliflalbs? t o o T iWaik AT SM , Of Aimee 4.ltft & , _.„ f _..,,.,„ .... ,,,,.. viee . GENT. for prompt an t 6U al i i ,, i 7= .-7.-- ON WIrlit&&1011 , 11 , ait f&SIO*4 7,O O _:. atm .. tee mien , to - i t it etthil e geolfolir at mnr•, - Month of Alall .l3lol ° will !A II ,- > sti• orl 1 ,- . -VT -,',11)' kir-xintrAddea zut t.ii19,11111.: 7b ill of taxes reasahillis &Inlaid on the Lt fig Be 3 : 443lll AßMit i trii sp2:d&T Treasurer otAlleshea M ath 7 . ME CITY CONTROLLER