11 U II ;mmmnip T EONA &JOHN& tterney• AT LAW AND NOTARY PU b&TIOR removed from his old stand lw 79 Fourth avenue to N0.,93 FUTIS AV • . Pittabll„ Mb. Opp /site HAlfirts ofice,) will Imus• 1 7 at. tend to the tkolleottons of Accounts and Bente, ants will as usual take depositions, Aeknowledp merits, Probates, so .randtzecute Conveyancing zed elf Legal Writing's. alet:tda nrIFOA Wimr, PSIIM ROSS, win be a•csadliate f••• SHERIFF, subject tb Uta the k decision of the , &Bpiflak.= County Comma . aptt: - F. rummy, • HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTNII, ! Grainer and Gluier. dealer In Mixed ?Wits, Puny. OLIN Varnishes, Window blies, An., No. I VIM . Pltteblr lt. Pi.. Graining done for the trade. , NEB BMILINGTON . 1111111111,G.: . r 10 boxes itebel's celebrated lturllngtois !ooked Herring. the nrst of the ' season' Inn re: y ae r d oc f: t r y i s l s ,t ,l: n bx the box or dozen at the 7a 1l JOHN A. RE.Niaiw,. so3l Horner aerty sad 'Hint strrets. I FOR SALE. "'" • A CIIV,AP ?AIX. in :Jefferson county, of 109 acres, 80 of which are cleared and 30 In due Umber, all underlaid with an 8 fent vein of / ac coal; largeWrettard Of choice fruits; for $4O per re on easy tenni. ; e ACltiiB of level !goad near Jack's Ron— well adapted tor a small fruit farm and gaidentng. alf AOl4Bl of ironed, in 'Freedom; splendid location for grapes or to lay oat in building lots. 5 BUILDING LOTS on Lyndon street. 10 VACANT LOTS on Loons: stre'et. ' • 1 For particulars, enquire &I'8? Grant street.' ap2l2!—The Cop artnership .TOSTLN a KERR. XTOTlC,oartnership 1:411 . . heretofore embiting between HENRY.B. BAYS, JAMES H. gAya, and JOHN 8. HAYS, under the nerelkandetyleof H. B. HAYS a BROS.. was dissolied by Uniltatiori January', 1869. HENRY B. HAYS, JAMES H. HAYS, Jr.. JOHN O. HAYS. The business of mining, shipping and selling. sold will be_eonduoted under , the title of H. Br HAYS do 800. . HENRY B. HAYS, i ' - JOHNS. HAYS, • Ilttaburg'h. ' ap2l:b7l RuLgelari , : ,, ENG. St. Lo uis Terre Hauteß.R. I Proposal will berrimeired aattl 12 o'clock M., MAY Bth, :sama h ra to lk ieHEkli, SMITH a . Co., Chler.cciatractors, erre Haute , for 'the last 19.yrairren 7) muss of this road. The work Ito! the most desirable character, COM. briaing both :very heary,and also light wort. PAyarzsrrsoiox:rttur.. 9aall. Profiles eau. be set. n at the office In Terre Haute, after April •83 Lh. J.l IBBLE MILLER. Consulting Engineer. 18, 1889, < tun i:he Tzaag Haurz.i. 42 ACRES, IMPROVED' MODERN: MAME DWELLS - 9 ulk IN n:LURK TIMMS P, AT ASSIti.EIPB BALE BA*. lERITIVOY.—i3ATIIBPAY rApril AA. at 10 A. E. by 'John IL Ballet% As.. stance *1 Want Banillton. s Bankrupt. will be sold at Commercial' Mies Rooms. 100 lintithdeld target. 11 acres and 90 perches land In. McClure , townthls, Allegheny . county, Pa.. aeJoinrog lands of John IL all and Sirs. Hatt. ' man, naust which is a modern stole frame dwel ling of 9 rooma.wlth stale and ether outhouses. • with grapes of the best quality and orchard of • large and small fruits. the whole under good •- • 1 fence, makinenceg 'a handsome and dealrable anbnr ban resid. - • Also,, ONE ACRE of good land. saitable for gardenlng,adjoining the abn^e; and bordering upon tae Tcrwush'p Road. • The situ real estate twin part of George Drafter , " plan of lots. Tams cash; sold - free of liens. spin KeILWAINE, Anet,r. • ElEll'Eß CONTRA4'rORB. - The Bewer Commission of the CUT of AIM ' sbeny are prepared to receive proposals ter the construction of the followhig sewers. with their appurtenances, inlets. manholes; ke. amblact , pi Coinu w iltig o ttso itn ut 535 feet of loch circular t alrew pe i tteff/Allel and If f oill o g °n betwe" men' avenue. contrail, .4ro. 2. Comprtsing about 1.160 feet of drools? t ipe 'sewer of .11.5 and 413 leches diameter. on lin. of 2 - Washington and Liberty threats, between Norta Istreet and Cedar arena • . - tDrawings' and Specifications can be seen and i t l y P half. B'd ut a ss O s b must state the god o 'e r ° Plpea ce. ' ;proposed to be used. -ferment or vitrified clay Wm. 1 and must be endorsed “Sewer PrOPoallial , • ntract No. 1 , ((or 3as the case may beg) Ma. •delivered on or before 3r. NG. ;brittle Alga. _. • Forms of proposals on whih forms alonethii • di wl ' l be received, bill be obtained at the 1111-• i n ear's ono& -The .Closinnlssiun do n.t bind gereselves to accept the linites or any tid. ;1 By order of the omsnisslon. 1 Wider : ' , CHAS. DAVIS.' City lingineer. • . _____ LARGE , SALII FINE: FURNITURE ; CARPETS; AID . to OT.JSEHOLD •GO ODS. THVBEDAY..AnnI 99d, at 9 A. x. and .x, at Afasenla Hall Anotion 11 , 10ZOS. 88 and ft'l I fib avenue. will , be sold a loge msortment of e Purnltues.new Carpetand limuenold Goads, At 9 A. 11L, a 'general iteoriment of kit .lise • tessils. cetleryi imps, )1111 • casts Claret and 2.f 701 1 .1 r• igiuneit s QueffigwAre. Chum and Gliusware, guest qualityand entirely At 11 A. at., INVeril seta , due gold and silver ounted baggy hantets. UAW be sold. Also, a large consignment of elegant _oil Cloth window shades offacebt patterns.' ^ ' •At 1% P. 31., pret hely, a special sale new and' - • • ad nand Carpets. embracing in•part fine rat et antdatrrs bruts-lst over SO pleree wool rag. hempand, stair carpstat after which, e watant chamber suit. marble top and plain dreads bureaus. marble top and Main ash stands, lulu cloth and rep lounges, elegant sofas. tese-a- tetes,.softa seat rocker, cas tor chalrat hat racks: etageres. watdrobes, fins walnut bedsteads, one extant parlor suite. (green anAgold.) 9c. IM. standardW. m., a fi ne 1 octal* Krum , . Of we emote da . vite 'special 'attention of ties. Of our readers, io. want of pilrior. dining room and shsinher furnithrnent to tins sale. mil'. altruist's * co •, sp2l " ... .. - .:. ,I .= , I 46 MAR VELA O,,,IDUEAPNEEIS. DitrA 50.13114ertkm Cosaidetei post o cos. 1.007 Saris. o's IllaikratiOns 11143- Do. ( 1 9. - • 'As: sio. cloth .....$ t.OO Dicivb IigROS. Compat.! . .. „Noss 800 , 405 banes, 10-illattraticour 40e. bo- d_o. cLoal 150. DICiVR G OL D S I/1711. Complete. lost Oro. II - Nitrated ....-.....,.. 44 cs. Do- 'so. . 'et..tb• • 15e.' DICK% soosers_rowriokt. Wog,ga. Co Di..se, postifo. 305 palm, illubtrated... 05e. Do. do, do: . , do. 'dothw.. . ..50e.• DIOS'S DUiLI7S. ikoolostes. lidst. 5 ;0: NOO pages, illonstrated 1 Dalro. Do, do: L• 'Clink .f ` ....." ' • goo plows est BrAN, Arranrtio iiiltEliTALX., 11.EhTd. Pod aro, 47170 . pages, ssuastoos 1 , .. lasuattons Abe. Do. do. .. -.. etith l' .... - ' eoe. D 10 8 ,5 SIIT ;59., Dikill.V...llhinistsd,roons prising the We:Mica theidost celebrittcd Dom-, 1 snits. Complete in • IrOiti each col:down. bk. ti/ Win.: Per col; ... .. - .'..i.... ..t 60e.' DlDitto lltilliTst. Barystgalltio.chitkirlia T0m0.., .., _ 'wain work isgot ip in tut handsomest, style.tio earns& being:spared to VTINDIte entranlipd Worthral the oidghicis.• A line,pspeplt tured. 1 an d altogatker theyelasnsyskamia?Aspoww, and eeaboass. '', • ` ' - PHE'PLOwit..WOBB a , or solirirr intrass: 1 contolete....eimo, Edition., with JgetnOir. .IPrepsrator, Dotes; and ilarginial cilostafts., , beanutal portraludid other iiisktrsthms;roros ' !Fs ia• nhoionostLsrgo tgpe edl Who; she wort's works over Id Rad ••,.- ,........'..........g1.00, Oho goottisb Oho ' Zee p5ge5i5.::........:.....115e. Oblld. en or, 4 lbbey..•f.. f i r .oi ..• • ......i. .i..• 0110. ',Madden 0 Warisw- . - .:... . .. Jibe. as. (gavot 15t0..r.::::,;:Z!.....-. .. , ti , ,, ,, i,i 'fi - .,:i ;,:s . , -, , • ' VAL • '; 1 ,LAMUCE 1.00. 1 . WAVUlailr 119 WO9DlFlluurri' 5..... " ..". ...."..ir ..- NM* NMI SPRING GOOD J. V. MH =& 10'1; ap2l THE L. TEST SPRING STYLES DRESS GOODS, ROBES, CHINTZES, &c. The Lyagest ad Ittet Catplefe Stork LADIES' Ever Brought 'to thehthaiurgh . . , karket. = J. W. BAKKEI i t Ut, mtai:s9 114411.E.E.2" STREET. gstws BATES LATEST 'NOVELTIEg TO WHICH THEY •I if F - 3 ; T YOUR 'ATTENTION, SHE CO-.O,PZIATIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMM O( Western Pennsylvania. "P/TAL e"gig t f-42-006000. OFFICE: No. 1U Ontithflild. it., littablirgli; and • 1,111 Carson EL, Blrmiughtun. AIICTIONIECEB ''---- .DIBZOTO315: •-• . ! -- • , . I , . Gen. If. H. Cottlits. ' tolin , D. BnontY. Jiton.EmWttra. 'now*. W. Wv-PATazds., • - ,•,- Cal. E. A. m.s.for. - , . . J05...tt5..vr0x. , ... 11. W. ✓ 0nmr.n.411.. - . WM. ANZW=r.. , A,I.IIs,ANDLO TINDLI. • O..THAIrrOIt; - '' ' - A. B. tittirAXllo74 - . ,••• Jo .okestert.::- --. B. Nation. ~ ~,.. ~ Dr. 0n,.,_. IJ. ,Wzxrys. .. . C. rOZdaring,_ • - D.C. BIPLAT. : n.AUGHTIIII U( ) 9 .Yrnldent._ ~am St oN. Vice rreetnenh., 4 .f . ... ; ~' i ...ft: ILlttitAhr_, monthly. , - A. •PATTIOISON: Adttll47. ' - - , • , 9101121 . . P. ElltEClttrisesimalf_ :. I . •,•,, . • - '...: • TiguirraEs 1- .1,, .- f ),, ••• . uoi ..i,m,itirkpeoek t ron.l44;toge.: How niria l linth -- - Janes 'm • John u. • 4 ro:,‘• , f "W.- , 81 ;4 , 04' .• , ' b10t . ... W. • SUrrissolt, ofrirtin V Irsials: Thb ultant'itrettritio* is gidliiimi iiirg,.•• Lied, and donee 'shit; git omentterawftent e. V:1 4 7 1 1 susblee It to otter to Itestroniirester 1. Ltb l efil l ity.lre c cittb. r lait/t9r .ta r mc :A nd gOs tee ty. •in .111 4... - Other..stut• anti U pAt cot& :Dutton with the hunt pqntnevonopanteedolngt Duiducql on the °Maar/ , inn.' , -s • listrWet._ 0• • • " Tomillas4s.4l- • ,lEpioa ,• • . • • • ••;' - • •r""" A 433—• , 3 tir I N iiisonnor *wow .• . 1 •.` - r., a 11 17,, Lr' 1 .1 ': 2 -I, I I I MP - linglarMs MU Ina ME 59:Market Street. e! , MG= OF Silks, Percales; t . A. 1,130, '' OF I BILK BANUKB-- {••il -AM) iSTIThi, • - 11T1111 •pit is ;L. `-: ,~I & BELL UAV! Enwrap THE fir.: _ _,;r IMII!IIMIIII Shawlt, 1 " ZAWLIf Snits in SiHuh Dross Goods, Under°lothing i Linen 'Goods r: r=wwwm wmiTv,t. -.ollr/1 athwintniateNTlL AT rpl4* WITS LIGHT ANDILIME =LOW . ME DO!JBLE.WfIfIII _ .Biack anslebiagrd!'' MIMESIMEM =MIIM 68.1.4 21:t? 11.2. SI ~: DOUBLE All Wool. e , *-F AT ;,....Yi.,- . .'l ,1 -• % ,t'i: ; t - r. AT 60CFNTS, .: . BLACK -AND WHITE - SPRING BALMORAL SKIRTS, - HEAVYBLACK SILKS . • . PINE BLACILIMSTRES. ' 'Black Alpaca, BILK 'ariJinxi' - Irish Silk Poplins:- Sllll4 PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, J IHEI iViLLIAM" SEMPLE'S, AND ISt ESE EDE.titAL ;STREET, E 5 TAGGI,Mtt • ' - 1 . 41 : 1 4-1EN BOOTS, NOES AND GAITERS Wholesale Prices. NO ma FEDERAL STREET, Alleghlinv City". A . GREAT ,Stretlefie _ • 3131F1X - MEME. WASHING NIACHINE .IS washes the loess fabrics. without Injury. perfectly dean , In less than mie• eighth the oral." "nary way. It does not rub the cloth. bet per. !bras the cleabbig process by steintland the quick notion' of bot Widest' it"counitVpitated`fiy octdl4. Its great chtanoess makesittaecessible to cv V faintly and saresits own colt In doing away with tubs. t c. • Riato 31.15. Bold from the anuldtdoryA . ".4,' ie.. • - THOXAS JIERICRIA4 'PENN ST.. OPPOSITE THE sus GactiND., illipaitiiiNTS WAR D. anti:lW lial = IRON , • I , v . SPICE AND' iirsiARDINILL I : Fifth Avelino,' neer High STRICKLER at DIDDLEocc Noontide ROASTED COFFEE. Spices, and Mustard,' . batuuroirptvimum, T he ke i l Td wAintirtsziro bert4yl yen W1,3 4 # rural coSI ma. ground. daily. Alla* 1 1 : 1 If tg li argi i jggi " ionucKune - 4014inixo,eg, - aahal ltth inane. rittatni h. Pa. . t DUqUESNE' : FORGZ' 111=1 ; • WILLIA M • . (successor to - C0.,) F. EIRE a CO. Hsi fticilities schezteuelve with .:the Noreen th the East,, sad humoured to promptly Awl i llt s efeetortly all orde r• for STSALMUCIAT Lazus i , PIT MOT_III Ia& EATIAtraII.A.ILIPO IAtMWIF AIM. _together with every geseription of SHAVE. WCP.E. Ofileamiti porta, Toter of DuquegtVarand Figst.l3lneL -..14:1140 • • "' " SEIVELER; • • c,o;.49Tsp, 41Ointy TO LOAN. ; ; Itaims rifinflOlTlMAliat , , ~'HODSES AND LOTS IN PITTSBUUUB AillEl ;NAST • I*o IN lIAI4tViktD: +INGINIA LAND h i l - s fAussoußi AND „ • . ." " •‘:..sHog..taxpeoN,. wriity rtraraa, oa aitAirrprvirri: ;lf tlreelb*eir ,014100 r„)..„,0 io w... .F l- • ' - • t, g- t"; AT 25pEMli ri.'.l l -f it 4,' ;.•;MACMIi; PTiLL BiZE. ....... Acc.i ilic., • Ac., ~.., ,V"''"-1;„ ArIiSPRIL - ; mw! ADlmTisEramtrra. AT 6,14 CENTS FAST COLpRED . ,OLICOES. MIN n _ • 4 . sC , .• , - - IRE F A, SrC,OL : RE OD •?`!1. f.orl , J; c*: ,coos. :4' • MIZE AT 1.0 _OATS, COME FAST COLORED' ~._,...., -,, ,t • . 1,,,, '; !-!7'.'• ' , '•'''-' , . 1 -., 4 77 Y. ''. , • 4 p.• f.;T : , .. y , ... , ..!'-', ?' - • • •.-- -•- 41 '....,,,,ttiLicoEs. . . .; • ,"‘ Table Linens, Napkins and Towels, Linen Sheiktsg, Irish _Linens. Sheeting Mustins, Pillow Case Muslim ) Eihirting Fecethe? White • k".i.lts; e., &c., etc. At the iowestPrices, •WifI)LESALE'AND RETAIL BIM AT . VILLIAM SEMPLE'S , icEM rio INO Atarss FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGMINV. 11 - 1 - LLINERS - IND l DRS t'irill. Find at j . •. , _ `JOSEPIIIIORNEit CO ' - LATE NOVIL . TISS IN HATS AND BONNETS Received this deffs= the atantifactneers, and full lines SUNDOWN'S RIBBONS. ft l o 24 L l ,:ltfliir. 4 T 1110711 1 Z • WINWA )1111% A / 7 k' •o.__lLifiNn ir liteeflNO SATINS, BOIS Nfor.AND RAT FRAME* • • - = ORNAMENTS. STRAW TEIMMENcis. BLOB. A 0 .4 AO • • Received durise the Weal', taaktai the meet complete ;Inc of - MILLINERY GOODS Ever Offered in this City, And to which we Invite THE ATTENTION OF ,THE TRADE.. spa 77 and 79^ Market Street. WELL AND CISTERN VOWS, Plumbers Materials, aOCKS, !team Usages, Steam Pumps, PLAIN AND lIALIANIZRD IRON PIPE, it, nta BALE BY BAILEY,' FABIUML & C 4),, 1610anthiield Eiirt4t; int/7c . 1 . 1.6 - PITTIOMEGEt. STEM-WINDING' ',WASZTHAM WATCHES. These Watches are of the well•knownli 014 Style, and warranted to satisfy the most exacting demand ihr beauty, Satan and accuracy. The manufacture or Watches of Ms Mat unallty la not Nees attempted In tithe ethintry except at Waltham. • , . . BALE BY - •• • J. E. REED & CO., =his - -PITTSBURGH. . . 1 11TALTELLLBI 'WATIDECES, • 84 Phit& le and 20 Mei: , to 'Oll nanntenture of these nne Watches the aompany hays devoted, nU.the science and skill Lt: the art at their cumman‘ and conlidently olaln.. that for nueness and nanny. no less than tbr.the' 'greater erncelanclecof nechanicat . and scientific 'correctness of &alga and exeeEion, Ogee watches are unsurcasted anywhere, this country the maituractus • of mess nue grade of Watches is not ersit nitantradi shosPft liValthasa. •-• _ YOB f3ALB BT • • - • •• Z. DITADDI32I & abet WATIRL, PIPES, ,01111UAllt- TOPS. ♦ large assortimeal. " iid4:ls7 Ad Avenue, nearBoltbfeld ßt FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Wow; Yt2ll WW OI ENT WINDOW macANtsPARET WINDOW 611 ADEN_ TABIA L ISI D yvtratrrpas • OIL - 0 Tile - - IN JIV KY VARIETY. J D a d HILLIP% AG 1 $ Sixth street =I OE': Federal Street, Allegheny, (naming, Ring ggsg.) Spring term begins - 61040; ftroa , cli 1 lars, £e:.applVW , tip • • RI S. ItOBBI A 7 IC Prlie SIT B. IMUNGIONIOI3O4-zi; `lO $ 14 isisara ra n o teudi .' 114,1.:4110. ME MEM T i rtrpininitlt.rX.V AiiniiCifieliiii CO./ thrslore ort un tig,CligrAßS. , ' - ' . • Prrriatuanit, PA., March Xli, D 1169. THE O 119,41%1_, _QV DIJIZEC• TORSI:WM= 4113111" ANY daStsdia Blared the regular gunrterffiDiTidend iN0..X14, of. two 'and otte-hattlier Omit.; ~f iee or Odvern nent tax. on the, capital stock., for the quarter. ending March ffilifif Inrivabin en and after KOH , DAY Aprit XT' ' proximo at the office ' of Wins. low, Lamer & Co., 0., no. SY- Pinestreet, to those registered at New Yore, and at the office of the Treasurer, to those registered at Pittsburgh. The. Transfer Books will close-Ain Jilondav, April zu. at .A P. st.;aild re -open Ttlesdirn.stprlt ST, at 40 A. X. ~...,' P. M. HUTCHINSON'. .apitinse • , .. tecrelary, _ MEE IIZIPBT if. COLLIN!!! num SE BEM NOTICES. I . J.Traisurium.Aprlll4tb.lB69. THE "AWARD OF DIREC TOttEI or tbd COLUMBIA OIL Coll— tbla day declared a DIVIDEND No. 33 EnCEI Of TWO ill) PER &XT. nu thetCapttal Stack payable MONDAY . apia:h4B A. - P. McGREW. BeeritiM tgrIVOTICE.—At a Meeting of am Directors of EWALT Saiszama- zottluCwAAN On April 3d, an assessment of 35.00 per share emtbe Capital Stookywas , made , Pmment le red quested on or before the Mid of April.-at the - of: ace Of SLEBERT. spent 408 Penn street. tarTO CIRPEN'rEItiI AND DULLDERS. — lielleeproposals for the erection of TWO STATION HOUSE% For City of Pittsburgh, o e to be erected In Twelfth and one in Seven enth Ward of said eis be received at the Hardware Store of 'J.. rEARsON.,,No. 47 Diamond street , be tween Wood and Smithdetd ;nivel e. where Flatus and Specificationectin be seen. All proposals to b- In by 14 o'clock., April Stith, 1569. )37 order of Committee. JOHN H, HARE, - • • JO H S. AMM At.L. apS . GEO. R. FP ARSON. TREASURY DEPARTMVINT,.I Azittt. lEth, ,ass.. f tgr'NOTICE, is htireby given that ' = • ' THE .INTETIEST COTTONS, Payable on the Pint Day of July- Next, Will be paid on presentation at the prover offices, upon 4 rebate of interest at the rate of six per cant. per annum in gold . , statute* S. BOUT WELL, SECRETARY OE THY apuom IarI'UBLICQ NOTICE. ?irritant to an act of Assembly, approved the itUlk of March, 1860 . entitled ••an act relate lug tolwerments In Trinity Church-yard. flits bargho7 Public Notice Ishereby given of the In. .tan on of the minister. Wardens tand vestry of Trinity (Episcopal) Church. after the 10th of MAT. proximo, , part of the Brave. ground belonging to or connected with said ehorer, as sites for new erections of Church aid Chapel and for grades, and that Messra.'4lollN H. , SHOENBEh GER, JAMES M. - COOPZIK. CALVIN. ADAMS .and .JOalA5 Nana-, of the, vestry. hive bees appolnt.il a Coittecito con. fer and arrange wit hi the friends and relatives of 111 persons buried In the ground reettiree the the purposes set forth in the act of Assembly afore said, for their retention under the new buildings or removal to other parrs of the lot or to enir of the rural cemeteries. One or more of the Com • tnittee may be found at the vestry room of the churchgt 3 to 5 o'clock r. x., on - every WED NESDAY and SATURDAY until the nth of MAY, at which time and place partleginterested will please call. Byorder of the Vestry. JOSIAH KING; Junior Warden. arrl6:bE9 PENNSYLWANL&" BAIL. Rom) CO. TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. TO • TI P RsTODKHHLaD EPA. 'OF p TR .9t , PENN - SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Ail Stockholeers, as re_gistered on the Rooks of this Company on the 30th day of Aprll. 1889. wilt to- entitled to subscrice for TWENTY-PIER PERCENT. of lb. I r respective interests In New Stock. at par. as lows: First. My per cent..at at: Clamor subserlp skin. between the ladi day of May, 1889, and . the 30th day or June, 1889.. Secroul. Fiftyper teat. beterien the 15th day. of November. 18139. and the 3ist day of Decem ber. 1889; or. If BtociStmlidera should prefer, the whole amount, may be paid up at the time of sub scription. and each instalment so paid UP shall be enti.ied to a pre rats of tae Dir.dend that may be declared on lull shares.- - I'Al,d. That every St ck holder hotelier less than four shames. shill 'he entitled to subscribe for one shire; and; those holding more than a multiple of four 'bares shall be entitled to sub. scribe for an addhlottel share. JFburtit All shares upon which instalments are let to be paid undeir. Resolution of May 13, 1888, will no entitled to their allotment of the! Twenty-five pet cent, at par, as though they , were paid In !MU _ spit-hit THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. IarNOTIOEIN HEREBY GIVEN to all OWUIIS OP IfRAIIS;;CAETEI, OARRIIOEB, BUGGIES, he., (whether resident or non resident,) icy the City of - Pitrstrergh, to pay their Licenses et ttitls °ace 7ORTURITH. accordance' with an Act of Assembly approved March 50, 1860; linden ordinance of the Caen -614 of the City of Pittsburgh, pusetlAptil 16, 1E66. . • All Licenses nqt mild on or before MAT 15, 1E169, will be placed in the hands of police or, deer for collection, 'Subject to a collection fee of 50 cents. and all - Persons who neglect. ar,refase to take oueLlcebsesivill be subject to Wet:Suit" double the amount of the limmes, t o , he reo o Tered Deere the Alkyor. , - The old 'metal plates of last year must be re. tamed at the time Licenses are taken oat, or 55 cents additional will be charted on each Lisimsll.• • RATES OF 1.1011001: Each one horse vehicle .$ 7.50 Each two horse 'wade' 19,00' -- Each four horse vehicle 16,00, Each two horse .. .... Omnibus end Timber• Wheels drawn by two horses, $lB.OO eatit.' One dollit extra rill be charged for each additional horse used , in any of the above vehicleiL ; •A. '.114-00011RAN; • ted:esemwr • City Treasurer. FOR SALIEL! . FLOUR.. . • : _QUAXIER CITY, nest In tineeltr,_‘ ' wHITIC Ittlalt HOICE FAMILY, ORIIEN tAI. IsWiIaFAITAKE.3, STOKE MILLS. , • e = Also ? a abate lee t t need Potatoest.; NA ILLY X/DIIICH, BUkttEY/ 1 . 04 4 . , Paratelt. Ataltitirrilas PRACHBxOW. _• "‘" .111MOR* fIA R " • ,ALT TEll{ WHITE/MONT. • - aril4:l3l IMO Liberty street, Pittsburgh- • -7- Bow: Pitil):l 4 4olP—Th'e . ,... lo ! ge4 and inosfei;itplete nook of : • • Boys', Youths and Children's Clothing, NOT thapreseottseorn, la : to be . 11=4 R GRAY lat .:0113_,.iti iiiiii iiiii . ' .2." . "'' Y Err.(tate Bt. Olilr: ! / 1 11 G r. `''.. i'r t- ifs 13CALT/3 An huge= Stook ot ow Prices, at McCORD CO's, ..::::',IEI7NITWD.t=I:I4'. IITM! THE existmg between 'the undersigned, tt<.ibfe?day.dissolved by mutual ammo, 411 billsigainat the firm will be settled; and allldues collected by J. F 7 44101,014 - 1 • • r.r. (11.14, DiVIXt 44401114. IA; .= Sti —/11441'_ aA I*.iiislisar.- "ti es retbtistfter , asse swam 1a , .., .1...dt aip• rio rzeirs ze4. , ••ibr saw* . 4 .L0at, , " , Wave. , "Firossuf, "Boardtrah'' op.. sot ixasedinitiFOOß LINER each, totil sorted in these a olnesne once for I•WROT r-FY ya acme : each additions{ Use pira . 0.1319173. NyANTED.-WHITE IWASHEIt —A GOOD WFITTEWASHIR Acca obtain a job y applying at Tilia OPTIC& 0 111 . 061 a And 10 o'clock. WANTED—A -Muse **Man to take care of children. One aocusttneed to children, kind aid eareitil, Preferred. Rarer enoes.required. Apply at No. 65 Bence. street._ one door fronrOhlo,'Allegberfy City; • WANTEIN-411ELIP.--AT EN, PLOYMENY•OYFION. No.l St. Malt iitreet. BOYS emus . L II 9 C, N g for Melt , kinds of employment. • rs r o t of BB Aloft east be satyp on sbort. ti . =BE - ROOM - . A . _furnished PEON r 11.30 if on second floor. frontlet on tee street, within lye nannies' walk of this oßlee, is Wanted bt twoyotess men. aeons , with board preferred. Good references Riven. Address • 'PAUL. Gazette office; rare oriole IL WANTEIT4I) negOli ate itiOrt- - GAG ICS lifrbtri $2,000 to$111.000: Ad dress Rol H, IiAZZTTZ OYPICZ. QOMETIIIi f iGIiEW6- 4 / 1 . PA i gi Ly ENT LA.trlftlEr'Ll.T.. Sold by Merchant* and Agents, male for female.' Circulars Ina, or send 50 e:fits Samples. AlBO. belt Nei Tag and Stencil Tools: Address, RAVI 1310=:: , inENCIL WORKS, Nth WANTED. ---INTELLIGENT WOMEN; to engage Ina responsible and very nserci avocation. • Compensaron liberal. A family no hindrance. Address 'ln hondwriting of applicant,-with real name and ieteieifee, 11;terrrx °rms. "UVANTED.—The Co-operative Y LIVE INSURANU CO. will employ sei eral competent and responsible Apply et tlie - oiCe, 1213 iIIIII74FTIEL6.BI". t,t ANTED.;--AGENTS for the a, sale of the ,HEITER :MASS MG, MA, •I. . From taw tO twentyliothara Der SAT cart `be Made py any active aanyuaer. Apply att THOMAS NLEHHELSoppodga Mu) urooad.,- Pmu Wee*. t VANTED BOAIIDEDWz= gendesarr mad his irdile,-or twomloslo geollemeocton , and mood alomimiso 4.44 . ' 7 riigtrrn.""md y 14.17t0 . YAltirTElll—... BOARDER— 'gentlemen can obtain a neatly ternlihed ZOOM anG beamt , rementible. al ,N 9. e STREET: Allegheny City. DOARDIIIIG---An elegant front room, Se door, at No. 181 North avenue, egbPny. Bu:table fors gentleman and wire or two gent lemen. , - = - • •rjrO LET.T.Itar Large Store,_ Boom, 55feet. deep. • Enquire afTratietri iothing Score, N. 16 St. Clair street. O LET.—Neat dwelling 'Of 4 ROOME, Kitchen and Bath Room. with lo in eeloset, dumb wther, marble mantle In.rist lor, good yard, shade trees. 40.. front and r. sr. No. 17* South avenue, Alleghny; reached by Rebecca street cars. Rent, 83215. Enquire at 82 Third avenue. Pittsburgh... TO-LET.—The desirable DWELLING HOUSE, No. 595 Penn street. furnished throughout. mi. talning 10 rooms, bath room, La.; good stable.", carriage house, and large yard room. Posses sloe given June ISt. Also, a COTTAGES a • At Glenwand. with about 90 acres of lend, wett tmprored, tine orchard. grittier/. Au. Enquire at 595 Penn Street, or at Boom No. A EnattetVe Sundial/. 98.4 Fourth Wrenn& • "VINE CLIFF," 'Homeitead of late Dr.: R. A. Wilron, Idotint Washington, witbin ten nannieq walk of the city; an elegant Cottage Boge. With lowereetne- - 'tiletaillo rooms and cellar, with spring and cis tern water; entrance foi carriage. etc.; now cc envied by air. G. T. Robinson, of the Arai of Robinson, Bea £ Co. Inquire' of HALL PATTERSON, Attorney-aV Lair. I Grunt street.- -*- if • TO. LET.-Double Two-story - House on the corner of Stockton avenue akel Beaverstreet, Allegheny City. Handeome 'gar den. giatde and carriage hdaie. Apply at NO. ' iittlioin *venue. or Wayne Iron Werke, Tenth - stretienttatinnth. 10.4-t • ETROOIII6 .40 by feet, with rower, on corner of Penn and h streets. Inquire of 110BEBT EI 6 LIT.—ROOMS.L=Tsio . Hale ROOMS In GAZETTE BETILDINEt. Apply tuning Booms. 114 and SO MAD avenue. FOR ..SALE.--41_1LD TYPE DLE'T— AL.-rAbbot Two Teensand Pounds for sale & W.' NKR% *Mee et , PIDIMEITS FRZWILII, No. 143 limithdeld Weer. VOIR SALE—TYPE.-L-Albout 460 pounds MINION TYPE. nearly as goocl as neir. Ensign st THI IMMO& FOIL NEW - FRAME ;COTTAHE, of rooms. lad cellar, tit 114 Ward, (late Haat Liberty.) Lot 60 by /13‘ feet 4 broad board walk from Railroad stadoo. Price low And terms , eaey. Enquire at Tine or, BILE. FOB SAME. ' 2:Zear Osborn' Stilton, on the Pittsburgh, Pt. Wain and Chicago i!allrose, TWO . 'LOTS; Contalphig :About Two - Aores Zack., .:*":mAeii*Ci . .*4-::];:a ! ,-..:Bnoi• 195 Liberty Street, 'lila • • FOB SALE, ,•• • • - ; •*; NINE FORTY-A.CRE LOTS - • Of land 1a Central Wleonati, ',Card sail, timber, and near good market.. A few good inn:dements will be taken In exchange. %trips a recent visit to Northwestern lowa ar.. »n lengemente were made - by which I can supply & emu or persona with land In that por tion of lowa at front $3 Cu sig i:Ntur acre, near lines of rellroad. -•- -Address, twillastalipa duHN illffw , . BakerstOwn, Allegheny countzf IME ap&T s IDARE CHANCE tovnrchage ,&gs good Dwelling- nottse. - ?thtlyl6,ooo tors re it bulls and conveniently almoner brink house of ball, nine rooms' and cellor. , pa and away Antares In cellar and on each door, well painted and parte and In good order. 4 Terms assn. taunt Mate possession.; In' de/Arabia kication On OUTIMSRT BONS, ' 30 Myth Ayeaue. . - - 4 NlC' < c „( , • titsriDasVietnitik 1140'1110114, intilbriAlik Drain) , 4 ' 0.011 PRlPirt riroftlelnes. - laAtit eurilialik; LIM °•;-"r"."1 T" NOM Witte LIR% lot sala npusas i. f. WANTED - --HELP WANWS., WANTED-AGENTS CANVASSERS. . BOARDING: TO LET. FOR SA LE ENQlniticQE D M = W:~~~~ r`