The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 21, 1869, Image 4

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    I I
15 # E litiStatt i g -it altrias
mita:BRED : DAILY;
PENMAN, REED di CO,; P':eoprietors.
F. 1k: f•Koallat
. 04 0 T. F. HOUSTON,. RIZ%
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WE Pirow 'an t,S inside pegs: of this
isorning's , Gls Errs peoond Page
.Postry, "!'he t Fair TCitrtoostrinist,"
Ephemeris, &terming Clippings. Third
and 8( th pages: Centlneraiall:
Markets, Imports, River Hem+ &vent
page: lihkettnid and America, Washing
ton Apse; Atnasements. •
U. B. Bon* at . Frankfort,l37l.
PiniaoLimit at Astwetp, .581@54f.'
GOLD cltmd is Newirork yes%rday
at 184184.
Tito Republicans of Alleghenyfyester:.,
day, , pronounced their judgment upon the
official fidelity of their latel3enater, Hon .
Rtriesas. EILTUCTT. When his old. con
affluents /thus sustain Ms course, that
gentleman may complacently. endure the
harmless criticisms whiCh, If intelligently
translated, would 13031411411 thia ji!dgment
of our people. -.
Tau Executive Sission of .the Sucate
will adjourn on Vriday or Saturday next.
THE Cincinnati Jihtguirei• thinks that
the Democratic party errs hilts slowness
xto elevate to position, or to recognize as
worthy members of its ' , organisation,
4converts from •By all
'Means, reward those Who desert •princi.
Pyles for °Moe and profit, for- none other
-are fount' going over. to that- ; SRI, of the
house. • . ' ' • ' 'r, •
WEER the TaisloOnnifision Was first of
fered to judge Sirmaiin, of Ohio,
he is , repirted to have declined it. But
it was pressed upon him, and the nomi
nation now loefore the Senate implies his
final ameptalice. The fudge one
• of
the most • capable and statesmanlike
among the prominent Republicans of
Tnzus are fair prospects for the rejec
tion by the Senate, of the nominations of
' CAILLISLI, for Sweden, of iltifironn, for
- Spain, and of Jonas, for Belgium. Oen-
James name has Men already laid• on
the table by , the general consent 'of
publican 'Senators. 'This smothers him,
and vastly to the relief of our`Wean
ginia friends.
I •
op nix one •thonand nomination
made by the ipreeenf Administration,
thirty-seven are diplomatic, ninOrnine
are consular, 'fifteen' are •territorial, two
hundred and sixteen are in the Internal
'Revenue Pepartment, thrtehundred and
ninety-tvrp arepos,Fters, sixty-five are
Judgm piLindok and Attorneyi, ' , and
fifty-nine 'the Land OfficeL About
three hundred additional changes will be
made during the Bummer. •
Tar • declination 'of it B. CLL; the
colored map, to *meld the mission to
aciords considerriblei frat to Demo
cratic jourcalistit.. The, Cincinnati En
glary acraients for Ids siinduct by saying
that '"the natives of that country *were
• ceutly recurred to an oirl habit of theirs
—that of eating each other; and the
shrewd CLay evidently fears that he might
heay..Y 94 the stomachs of his cannibal
brethren." ,That is good; but wouldn 4 t
it be well to favor a white Vemocrat with '
the position, for member" of that party,
can die conVeniently anywhere; they are
so used to it, you know?
• SBORET.Ler Fisw yesterday refused to
go into the merits of ease from Western
pennoyivania, where not a county giving
a Republican majority last fafl ha t r a
gle mission or consul. He replied to the
member who plead for hispeple's rights,.
, ."I have spent five weeks ,in arranging
these place% and I am not going to open
up the subject again. Every one nom
inated has come friends who want them
appointed, and unless they are reje cte d
they will not be .changed - or new cases
considered. Now as very few have been
chosen on the judgment of the Senators
or members, the probability of failure
' in every case where thereto anv reason
able pretense 4 Is very good."--Srashini
ton Dispaceft. • .
The Se cr etary's objection seems more
applicable in,etteeS Wh ere's given:locality
has already been favored with a "Specific
selection. than to the. cutsl,as put , b 7 the
faithful member , of itlarge'dietrict which,
having contributed nearly thirty thou
sand to the: Administrations maioritied,
hasnot been honored by the recdgnition
of a single:name. The Secretary's Pro!
:test against the , revision of an erroneous
judgment - ls..not r a jus tiflcatioh for an,
absolute failure of 'all j u sti c e whatem
- We are assured , however,. Mak, while
PaMe nominations are . rwithdrain,
others wadi rejentiat' Mid etpuillyte the
President's satlsfootii444P4ffiat 'the tali.'
mate recast of ,both Ahe, (rip and do--
muse' services is jinli . to '143, - eitlsfitctOry
all quarters. '
Ina tigtr..4 .)c
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leigngstit IMMO UPON TAB
statement of yesterday, that the
non& tion 'of Gen. A. L. Russm., fiFir
the nil on to , ..Ecuador. was charged, in
the B . e Department and at the White
Rollie, to the local account of Allegheny
was made '
upon. the highest au
thority. It was written with 'our eye
at the oment resting upon the Washing.
ton telegrams which made the remark.
able announcement. The facts, as stated,
are not to be disputed. •
The President has been misled in this
Animas by the impudent deception- of
some man, or men, who knew better, but
who presumed upon lint personal confi
dence in their imucity which , General
Gam had not yet learned to Withhold
from them.; • They, have deceived him
impudently—we repeat the wOrd—but it
is pleasant to feel that. he has already
been apprized of 'the tenth, and that he
will never, in the four years _to come,
look lir even the shadow of truth or per
sonal honor from the quarter which at
tempted to betray him. "
A thousand nominations have been
made within the past six weeks. The
Etecutive has, of necessity, been forced
to rely upon the representations of rep
resentative men from every section of the
'land. He' must, in the same necessity,
have been sometimes deceived. But he
has, even already, shown to such' un
worthy and tricky politicians that he is
not to be thus trifled with. Be has re
called some nominations, and revoked
some appointments . for 'precisely that
cause. Gen. GRANT nevertan forgive a
Man who betrays his tonfidence, and he
is prompt to undo the unintended errors
into which he may - thus have been ledi
' The nomination in question has been
withdrawn, at the-special request of Gen.
• Riess= himself, who, we are bound to
believe, hinsselfdiscovered, yesterday for
the:first time, the superservioeable trick
try' of some of his own friends. That
request was his' own prompt .pmodest
against the trick. But that, we pre
sume; with not be the end Of 'the
matter with the President. It is/or
his' own sense of insulted betra eti
self-respect, personal as well as ofilcial, to
decide upon The proper visitation upon
the Inaviat perpetrators - of this fraud'
neon hini. Be they whom they may, we
have, miejudged U. 13, GRANT, it, ripen
adequate proof, he does sot reach them,
promptly-andeffeetively. But this is his
affair, not MM. But have a right, nay
we feel it to'be our duty, to ask, for the
powerful majorities of his supporters in
this Republican strong-hold, that the
failure of the Administration thus far to
-recognize their claims in one solitary di
plomatic, consular, or even Wet domes
tic selection for official trust, shall be
reckoned for what it only tan be—for our
own lack of desert, or our lack of just
consideration in the Executive Councils—
and not that these should be ostensibly con
ceded, and then fobbed off - with a bogus
nomination, of a foreign candidate, imi
' pudently charged In this way to our local!
account 'We print in another place the \
°Metal expression of the Republicans ofj
Allegheny, concerning this.buslness.
This business of office-seeking is alto
gether of secondary consequence. But
that is no reason why it should cover the
scandalous fraud of which 'we write. .We
can do very well without offices, but we
are ,lot in the habit of being humbugged
in this way, without a prompt and loud
protest :
By whosesciever complicity the name of
the nominee in , question has been pre
sented to the President `as representing
the claims of Allegheny Reptfifficardso, ft-
is incumbent upon each, and all, of them
to explain and excuse himself, if he cap.
Let him answer this Noted!, and jusllfy
himself, to the President whom lie has
deceived. •' Our protest Meets him at the
White House. Let. him respond: to it
tiara The nominee In : Ecuador bas
pot been a. Citizen of Allegheny county
for nine years; and his nomination on
the score of such a citizenship Is a fraud.
His own prompt withdrawal relieves
General Russam from my passible ini
putations z ipcii his own'good faith. But
the other penionicwhcr have had access to
the ExecUtive ear; and who'have abused
their privilege by this impudent trick, still
remain to be•dealtwith.
A $0
The proceedings of on; "Repuldiciui
Executive Committee appear in another .
place. Very important action w as taken,
looking to the greatest harmony, in the
organization within this / county, and
with, practically, the unanimous 'c,oncur
rence of the Committee.
The primary meetings are called for
the last Saturday (the 20th) of May,
when each of the one hundred and seven
election districts of the county will select
two delegates to a , Judicial.Conventien,
two others to 4 11 Legislative Convention,
and,still two Others to a County Conven
tion. These three Coriveutions will sit on
the same day and hour —Tuesday, Juno
Ist—in separate halls, in this city, for the
nomination' , 'of such 'portions of the
county ticket, for October, as have been
respectively assigned to them by the co rn .
The new system thus adopted haa been
recommended' by a favorable eaperl.
IMCO - 111 PhiladelSda, where it has been
fonitd to obvlate, 'the 'ald of nava.
icitmlde degree of popql,ar, Interest ex.,
1 - 1111t4 it the pill - nail , 'ritettEnge,alrof
'the 'objections . - which imve„sinefalit
proved fatal to the efficient usefulness of
the old systial. itbutloN7 a
single Otititatleig git %Mit 114
PITTSBU:ItGR- 1 041MT]is.' f ,7 --NEDNISMaT;TAI)
"croft:ices usually to be. filled - and alWayi
so desirable to candidates, in, counties
like Philadelphia or Allegheny, has itt-
variably been attended heretofore 'tvith
bitter heart-burnings, lealoosles. re al m !.
nations, and not seldom, by a degree of
resulting dissatisfaction which has men
aced• the harmony of the party or the
ballot-boxes. By the new mode, ;allot
rolling, —the corrupt traffic of candidates,
and of their friends among the delegates ' , •
which' has formerly!'parceled out the
nominations,- ruidei ineguisi- - and
secret combinations, and fkequently with.
an utter disregard of the sincere prefer
races of a majority of its censtituency-,
Is effectively done= away with. Judges'ao longer ba - baded for the county
executive offices, nor these be used as
make-weights by aspirants for the Legis
lature. If log-rolling shall still exist, it
&net be confined within narrower limits
and with a Veil' considerable restriction
of the resulting udechiefs. There can be
no concert of fiction between the -three
ConVentionw--4usci there needs to be none.
The tactics of one body eannot be
tranderred to or compensated in another.
Each will be responsible only for its own
results, and, in case of any subsequent
dissatisfaction,this will be limited to one
, .
part of the ticket, and will not, as here
tofore, waken the whole array. • ' ,
The Philadelphia system first adopted
the partial division which our• Conimittee
now recognizes. Its advantages were so
apparint that, in the interests of an abso
lute harmony, it was found expedient to
advance still farther, . and call ,separate
conventions for each and every office to.
be filled. If our own experience shall
warrant atimilar progress, the Conkmit
tee, Which now 'moves with a wise cau
tionln the Path of reform, will in due
time be preparedto inaugurate the fullest
t possible espreadon of the Individual pre;
ferences of our Republica* friends.
Three conventions, each of two dele
gates, from each of our one hundred and
seven districts, will call tiwther in all
three hundred and forty-two of the active
working Republicans of the county: A
correspondingly full attendance at the rd.
wary meetings willalso be ensured. Each
meeting must choose six delegates, two
for each Convention. There is no
danger In the largeat possible call, in this
Way, upon the personal exertions of good
Republicans The more Conventions,
the more de egates, the larger the turn
outi.aati at the p es, and. the more gen
eral Will be e popular interest Thus
preferences ill be more faithfully ex
pressed, and a wider range within the
party will feel and respond , -to the im
portsuice of the occasion..: Thus, we get
abetter ticket, of the better..qualified and
more popular men, and the working
heart of the party will be pledged, from'
the start, to its cordial suppor,t.
Now, let every Republican of Alle
gheny county remember the primary
meetings of May 29th, attending them
personally and having his own the
choice of his favorite candidates. Do that,
and October will manifest you unanimous
The Cuban sympathies of our Ameri
can filibusteribave already found expres
sion to a moderate extent. There seems
to be reason for accepting the truth of
the report that Gen. STPXDWAR, with
some five hundred followers, has erected
a lap:ling on the Cuban coast. Whether
other expeditions will follow him, and
with equal success, will depend upon the
vigilance and energy of our Government
in the enforcement of our Neutrality -laws.'
The usual vroclamation, for such cases,
is not yet issued by the Pretddent; while
the omission excites remark in diplomatic
circles, it does not preclude • the idea that
all our laWs are - still to be faithfully 'ad
ministered. '
In the meantime, wirlle_ exaggerated
reports of insurrectionary" suecess are
multiplied, by interested:parties: through
the American press, it is reliably learned,
from' the official retioiti of our civil and
naval officers in Cuba and upon its coast,
that the rebel movements are diminishing
in importance, and that events in that
Island everywhere point to a speedy ter.
mination of the. present agitation—proba
'blr,by some form • of • compromise which
shall pacify the cOntending parties, in a
mole complete. accordance with the polit
ical progress of Spain. herself. In this
view, ft is possible that Gen. STICEDMAN
may eventitalli , tind uncomfortable prod;
of the,adaptalioniof the Spanish garrote
to an Alpert* neck: It was his own
favorite doctrine, not piany years ago,
that unsuccessful rebellion sleads justly
and straight to the ,halter.
Urmannto Lnvrnns.—The attention
of.the new Postmaster General has been
called to an eronipus construction placed
by his prededestrorsupottliie4a* of 180,
which providei that all 'letters-depositld
formailing, - paid only in part ';:shall 'be
forwarded to their destination charged :
with the unpaid rate, to be collected on
delivery. The practice in the Postoffice
Department has been to forward to its
destination every letter bearing a three ,
cent stamp, though the correct postage to
be collected.on delivery, is elecents or
even twenty.fonecents. But if the let..
ter bear only a two cent stamp, it is sent
to the Dead Letter Office, though the
correct postage Is but three cents, or one
cent additional.
Mn. S. B. Ontrimunua's offer to pre
senc the Mercantile Library with $20,000
upon condition that the additional gao,ooo
should be raised
.by April 15 has been re
and. the last dollar of thatiunountlutt
lag been subscribed. ' •
Gina) haa been discovered on( the, Drryy .
Pork of Cheat, beheff: gyit *kith 'prited,
'reek, ill Takketr;oomityclifeaffirgOdat,
d r AtMkg,... e . 144 1 1 0 4 1 .44#4"*. < 0 $0!, IZ:J,
Complete Record B
of the u leas
tabling to Allegheny Co uty,
Mimed Inio the Legislature at tne, L a t e
Term; Together with Notes of tsiar t ad.
tion Made. ,
Trough the courtesy of Fred. L. Mo
=sq., the efficient and painstaking
t Clerk of the Honse, we are ena
bled to lay before our readers, this morn.
inia transcript frornidscompleter
theof g Allegheny county bushiess dispOseq"
of at the late term of the State legisla
tnie. Of the bills passed finally, nearly
all have beepn approved 'by Go:cr
ernor Geary.' The r manures defeated
we arrange under proper head. • Here is
the record :
buss pmmd).
Authorizing additional Notaries Public.
Supplement to act incorporating Board
of Guardians of the Poor. ;
Fixing timent commencement of Of
term of the Sheriff. •
Authorizing the School Directors of
"Elizabeth township to pay certain claims
for bounty money. •
Supplement to act to lay out a State
road from Tarentnm.
Authorizing the authorities of Etna to.
borrow money , and levy special tax for
borough purposes. • .
incorporating the Co-operative Life In
surance Company , of Western Pennsyl;.
Supplement to an act toprovide for the
re-organization., of the *Pittsburgh, Fort
Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company;
Approved March 31st, .1860, and to pro
vide for a classification of the Board of
Authorizing the apieintment of Biz
more Notaries Public.
Respecting the second section of an act
relative to election precincts in Allegheny
county, approved July 28th, 1868.
An act to annul the marriage, contract
between Williairt Magill OndAnviiitt,Ma
' -
Incorporating the Central Passenger
Railway of Pittsburgh.
Consolidating the Wards of Pittsburgh,
for educational purposes. . • ;
Supplement to an sot enabling the Filth
Ward, Pittsburgh, School Directors to
-botrow money.
.; Relative to loorough elections in the
Borough of Ononiby. ,
Further supplement ' to an act incorpo
rating the Mechanics' 'Savings Bank; ef
Pittsburgh. . •
Authorizing the trustees of the First
Refbrmed Presbyterian congregation , to
remove dead bodies from the ground at."
tached to the church,' and to sell the pro
Supplement to an act relative to Itemi
ses on vehicles inPittsburgh, Allegheny;
Birmingham, East 'Birmingham, South
Pittsburgh and. Manchester.
To define and extend the equity jun&
diction of the District Court, and to yell
date certain prOceedingt - in partition, in
said court. 'I ,
Authorizing the borough OtAllegnonY
to borrow money. '• •
Relative to lictmses on vehicles in the
borough of Ormsby.
Supplement to act incorporating" Peo
pieta Saviags Bank, authorizing an - addl.
Lionel increase•of capital.
Relative to Aldermen in Pittsburgh.
Repealing so much of the second sec
tion of an act authorizing the burgess-and
town council of Sharpsburg to levy and
collect a tax not exceeding 16 mills on
the dollar on the assessed county valua
tion for the year 1868, and annually
thereafter, and changing the manner of
collecting the taxes in said borough,
proved April 13th, 1868, as relative to the
school taxes.
Repealing act regulating the levy and
collection of Ormsby borough taxes. ,
Incorporating the Pittsburgh and Mon
tana Gold and Silver Mining Company of
Inoorporating the'Allegheny Go d
iag Company.
Incorporating the Allegheny Silver
Mining Company.
Authorizing the Allegheny COm
pany to increase its capital stock.
Changing the name of the Pitts. Ale
and Malt Manufacturing Company, and ,
authorizing said - Company to reduce.
their capital stock.
Providing for the payment of damages
awarded to the Allegheny County Agri
cultural Society under the. act of April
16th, 1862, entitled an act for the adjudi=
cation and payment of certain military
claims. • .
Incorporating the 'lron City Mutual
Life Insurance Campany.
Changing the time of holding the bor.
ough and township elections in Lebanon;
Moon and Findley, townships.
Revoking a trust executed by H. IL B.
Thompson tones. 5.. Hamilton.
Supplement to an act - relating to
cones on vehicles and dramatic lioensee,
in Pittsburgh; Allegheny, the /firming-,
hams, South Pittsburgh.
Conferring titia. chartered rights of
the borough of East • Binningtuim to
Defining the boundaries of kfilvale. •
Providing for the _appointment of an'
Inspector of illuminating gas and gas
metres, to regnlate the inspection of the ,
sums and toprotect consumers and man-;
ufacturers of gas in Allegherly count3r. •
Providing for grading, path* and Mo.'
Adamizing the streets; lanes and alleys,
of Ormsby and for constructing"` sewers
therein, and to assess and collect cost of
same: [f
Authorizing Nineteenth and Twenty-'
first Wards 'of Pittsburgh to borrow
money for school building purposes and
to levy a special tax. • .
' Supplement to act-to punish ; the bnyer
or receiver of -scrap iron from minors or
frem unknown or , irresponsible parties.
Legalizing bounties paid to, volunteers
in East Deer township. • -
Supplement to an not uniting Jefferson
and Washington Colleges and to erect
ttgi same into one corporation.
Further supplement to sot incorpo
rating Jones Ferry Company.
Relating to' tonnage tax on coke and
crushed rook - sand." ‘' - •
Authorizing the Burgess and Council
of East Birmingham to improVe streets''
and construct sewers, and to levy anclj
collect tax for the same. ' '
Allowing Sharpsburg to borrow money.
Authorizing East Birmingham: to ex
empt its coupon bonds from muhiolpal
taxation ' and to levy a tax for , the main
tenance of the fire department and for
gas burned by said borough. ; • ; -
Supplement to an act concerning streets
and sewers in Pittsburgh.
Incdrporating Ulilonborough.
Extending the provisions of the
snppiementary. act of incorpoiation of
Pittsburgh, relating to paving, grading
and repairing streets, lanes; alleys and '
highways to the borough of Tareutnni.
' Authorizing Braddoltk's = borough to
borrow money and to levy ;,additional
Relative to municipal liens of the ' city
of Pittsburgh.
Supplement to an act Incorporating the
EWlllrtiltreet Bridge Company.
A.uthorlzing William Douglas to build'
a bridge over the, Youghiogheny
, for,transpOrting chat and - Other milterals.
AMennatdry of an act 'inimrporattng
the Greensburg it Pittaburghh Turnpike
Company, 'imarnibig the s_ale, , ottimir :
;toed MA providing-for clisAkution of
thicprocedgcsheyedg—fx.s c 4 .4 4•A
r i f i Zileme6t- 4 A6 .anabiLairthic
. ,(14X.tiZA'4,4 td,:t
- 121 i 9 .. IMITT.q.
borrow money money for the erection -ot school
Authorizing the Sixteenth ward to
borrow money for school building pur
Enabling County Commissioners to im
prove the county buildings and to pay
for the sime. • -
Supplement to the act ' incorporating
the Pittsburgh Fruit House Association.
• Incorporating the East End Gas Com
Supplement to an act extending the
charter of the Bank of Pittsburgh.
For the better prosecution of disorder
ly houses in Milivale.
For the election of additional Supervi
•sors in South Fayette township.
Relating to the fees of the City Treasu
rer of Pittsburgh.
the Board of Managers of
the Western House of Refuge to com
pensate their solicitor.
Au i act to exempt sewing machines
from levy Mid eon execution in Alla
ghen,y connty (Made fiteneral.)
u jal
e First Methodist church Sharps!) tq remove dead bodies
from the b ground to the, cemetery.
Relative to,cc4lectlon of , tate mercan
tile licences by the Treasurers of Pitts
burgh and Allegheny county.
Relative to interments in the Trinity
Church yard,. pitteburgh.
Enabling the School Directors of Mc-
Clure township to borrco* money.- '
Supplement to an act authorizing the
election of additional officers and chang
ing the manner of collecting taxeein the
townships of Robinson and North Fay
Providing for the registry of, lois in
Allegheny city.
Relating to plank walks in Allegheny
Authorizing Allegheny city to issue
water bonds.
Creating a Board of Water Commission
ers in the city of Pittsburgh. •
Authorizing Pittsburgh to issue bonds
for the purpose of retiring matured and
maturing indebtedness of said city;:and,
moreover, to purchase and - improve
grounds for a public 'park. The' latter
section is made subject to the will of the
PeePle- ' ' '
parry Incorporating Anderson Mining Com-
Laying out .a State road , in Allegheny
and Westmoreland counties.
, Relative ip to public roads in Scott town
Repealing so much of the act relating
to Supervisors and roads in• Chartters,
Beloit, Plum and St. Clair 'townships;; so
far as relates to Scott township. •
Incorporating the Elizabeth' township
Bridge c o mpany. ' • ' • •
Relating to public roads and ( highways
in-Penn townshfp. ' ' •
'Authorizing the , Allegheny Valley
Railroad Company to apply so much as
may be needed of the bonds authorized,
or the proceedethereof, to the payment
of its debt not secured by mortgage, and
to the improvement of the facilities of
the road. ....,
~.Authorizing Twelfth-1101rd to borrew
money fox:school pummels. -
. A further supplement to an act incor
porating the Mosongahela Water Om- •
Pei?. • • „.----
Incorpciiating , the Allegheny Turne
Association of Allegheny City.
Incorporating the Alleghenji county
Monumental Asaociation. -
Relative to the wae of intoxicating
drinks in-Tarentuni.
Relative to liquor licienses is the town
ships of Benison. Chartiere, Seott,
Union, North and South Fayette town•
Anthoriihig Bellvtie to levy an extra
tax and to prohibit the sale of liquors
within said borough.
Prohibiting the sale of Liguori in Find
ley township..
Authorizing the Trustees of the United
Presbyterian Church to remove the dead
from burial ground to Prospect • Ceme
tery. '
Giving the new wards in Allegheny
City the right tto 'oornpensation from the
old wards out of which 'created, for
schrof property in such svards j or dis
Authorising the transfer of a portion
of tho Steubenville Turnpike to the bor
ough of Temperanceville. -
` Supplement to the act incorporating
the Borough of Mount Washington.
Relating to grading and paving streets
and constructing sewers , in Temperance.
Mlle, and to change the -terms of the
Burgess and numbers of CounciL •
ProViding for the construction of fbot
walks yin Chartiers, Scott, Union and
Robinson townships.
Supplement to an act. incorporating
the Birmingham Coal Company. -
. Authorising the Governor to inoorpo
. rate the People's Turnpike road company.
Enabling thellehool Directors of the
Sixth ward,Pittebargh,to borrow money.
Relating to -the school district of Re.
serve township. •
Empowering Right Rev. Bishop Dom
eneo to sell certain real estate Mifflin
townbhip. ir , •
Incorporating the Pittsburgh "and and
Homestead Company.
Supplementary to the several acts In.
corporating the Hand, stress Bridge
Authorisinf the School -Dire c tors of
,Hanipton tolevy and collect a tax to re
pay .raines RellY thp commutation money '
paid &ll him i 4 A the quota of. said
town lncorporating , the Allegheny, County
Savings Bank. ,
Supplement tt; an act inciorporatlng the
Pittsburgh Gas Company.
Consblidating the..Hilldele . and Mount
- Union •Cemeteries. ' .
Authorizing BirMingham to . borrCw
money for Bohoal PtiPoses.
Incorporating theunion Club and Op
era House Compan_y•of pittaburgh.
Extending the Robinson township li
quor law to Patton, Kilbuck, Sewickley
and' Ohio townships and. Union and Se
wickley boroughs. •
Relating to the sale ofgoods by sample
in Pittsburgh and 'Allegheny. •
Supplement to an aot incorporating the
Erie and Allegheny, Railway Company.
Extending the time for paying the en,
rolment tax. on the Pittsburgh, McKees
port and Brownsville 'Railroad charter.
Relating to the, assessment .of dam
agea blithe Pittsburgh and Connellisiille
Supplement to consolidation act.
Retiring delinquent Assessors of Alle
Sepplementlo ad sot to incorporate the
Sharpsburg. and Ethel:ming , turnpike
road company. •,• •
'Repealing the thirty-fourth section of
an act relating to county rates and levies
so far as Vs Skins' township is concerned.
Incorporating the 'Pittsburgh Young
Men's Christian Associstion.
Incorporating the Mansfield, Classical
and Normal Institute.
Leaving the lieenseguestion to be de
termined by votes In Tirallttlat; '
Extending the time,lor' collection cif
bounty' tax,in the borough of Tarenttim.
Annulling the marriage contract be
tween George Park and Eliza J. Park,
his .wife:
Authoriiing the vacation of certain
i Cctidells. - tteettf and tiler is 'Prebiburgli -by
': ~;•. - • ,••• •=. • .2 ..1 ~
'lnttorporitting. the Masonic lE'its , i hilts
Enabling .Tohn W. Duncan, guardian,
40.anniaoribe tenant Of 'innate Beltway .
pastes. ,
*arising the oongmirettial or 'Soh.'
li e l ial tit„We4llerylor
kV g sad rell oust
as y g....A Ito.' zsut xqq,,
Incorporating the J. 8. Finch Mannfito
taring CompaOY• - •
Anthorizing,East Birmingham to im
prove streets, ete., and to levy and col
lect tax for the same. ' •
Relative to Passenger Railways is
A. oring the Mayor of Pittsbnrgh
to appint deptities.
Proh o ibiting the Lsstie dr liquor
in Patton township, '
Inoornorating Trustees of the diocese
of Pittsburgh, (EpisooDal•
Relative to officialtitleor Alderman in
Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
Incorporating the Ormsby Bridge t.XI
_ •
Authorizing the. Trustees of the First.
Presbyterian march to remove dead
bodies from their grounds.
Repealing the apt in co rporating the
Monongahela and Coal Hill turnpike
• road company,
A supplement to the act relating to the
powers of the Board of Health, of Pitts
burgh. " - " r
Supplement to an adincorpoiating the
Mercantile Library Hall Company. of
Authorizing the Codii - ells of Allegheny
to purchsoe the right of any or all the
chartered road companion', or such parse
of them as may be within the limits of
the city.
Relating to Aldermen and Justices of
the Peacte in. Allegheny county. -
Authorizing the School Directors of
Rilbttak to borrow money for school pnr•
Supplement to the act entitled an act
to incorporate the Federal street and
Pleasant Valley Railway • Company.
(Passed House, reported in Senate, but
failed for want of erne.)
Incorporating Pittsburgh and Ormsby
Passenger Railway Company. (Passed
House, defeated in the Senate.)
Act for the relief of J. M. Faas. (Pass
ed House, killed in the Satiate.
e t
Supplement to.= act to y,ont a State
road in Allegheny and Butler' Coun
ties. (Passed , 'House, kill in, the Sen-'
ate.) •
. Relative to grading and paving in
Sharpsburg. (Killed In the House. Not
reported to the Senate.)
Amending road laws of Allegheny
county. (N acted upon.) .
Suppleme I r an act consolidating the
Pittsburgh wards ibr educational purpo
ses: (Only palmed House.)
An act supplementary to the several
acts relating tq the sale of iiquer in Alle
gheny county. (Failed: in the - House.)
Changing the . minimum occupation
school tax in Penn t,ownship. (Not acted
upon.) ~, , 1 . . • '
Incorporating the Sharpsburg and Etna
Savings Bank: (Passedln Senate.'Filled
in the House. . = s.
Supplement to the t regulating the
granting of licenses to e ing houses and
taverns in county of Allegheny.' (Never
acted upon.) "_,
—Late Mazatlan <Lower - California)
advicee state that the attempt of °atone]
Palm:eon to create a revolntionutSinaloar
was a decided failure.- After -.escaping
from Mazatlan ' he proceeded inimetUate.
ly to Onlinkutn, and succeeded ln ?edit°.
ing the garrison. On entering the plebe
and, finding .no n2oneyin the- udnt,-
he levied a contribution on -'the=-mer
, chants'of the city of 120,000, but succeed. "
ed in raising only sixteen hundred, and
not being able to sustain himself 'he dis
appeared. and is believed to have gone to
Lepie,telying on Losando for amide**.
Before• • Palaccce left, he proclaimed in fa
inn of General Placedo ' Vegas as Gov
ernor of Sinaloa. The proclamation cre
ated bat little sympathy.
The aid and deplorable condition of mans who
are afflicted with hey nicer rupture .of the bow
els, calls loudly for some efficient and unmistak
able remedythat will not only in every cue give
efficient relief, but ip many cases effect a radical
and thorough eure. These cues of hernia have','
become so frequent,lhat it is computed that one-'
sixth of the male population are said to be
troubled, in some way or, another, with, this ter
rible ailment; and in very many eases. do not
know where to apply for an appropriate remedy.
ohentintes not knowing whether an appliance is
really needed or not; and if it should be needled, •
they often do not know where or to whom theY •
shbuld make applicalion. The world Is full of,
il k -
Trusses foy i th ret.ntiottand cure of this lunch
tahle evil. h' lines an incontestable proof of •
their-total adequate'fitness to relieve the
sufferer: Thlineed not bit; Dr. Keyser, at kis '
nsiist Medicine store, NO. 167 Liberty street, is
abundantiriupplied'sath every appliance, need-
Ail to' the retention:- and relief Of this terrible
* affliction, so that every one oln be tatTerlT
fitted at a moderate cost, with the fall stamina
that the appliance lithe best that the meclumical
department Of surgery can 'fiord. The Doctor •
has pursued the investigation 'ol 'berate _with''
-more than ordinary are for over thirty years,
so that' the afflicted can place implicit re
liance On his skill and Integrity with the full as
- surance that they will nosonly get the best truss.
suitable to Ins case, but • likewise a thorough and'
of dent ltnowledge of its proper applicatiOn. •
There are many persona who not only netlike
their health, but even th it lives, lbr tweet of n
proper trues;. or a truss Properly aPplletl. Stein- -
gulated and Ineducable nipture, 'is a far"tnore
common allMent now then In haler yearseand
may we not justly arrive at the .conclusieni, that -'
its frequency 1. 'often occasioned by the neglect':
and mirelessneas of the sinferess themselves. No
one would be regarded as site in : excusable who
would go for a whole' winterwithout the proper
clothing to shield them from the Inclemency of
the weather, but, at the same thise, its thought .
alight affair to suffer for years with a Prinrusion
that not only subjects the person to Inconvent. ,''
ence. but'even places' i life . itself Id jeonst dr . . .
This of our readers who may be unfortunate'l4 ••
need appliances of this 'kind Cannot act More
wisely than ,to, tut this Advertisement' out axe
preserve it, so as to enable ; them to retain the ,
place where inch Important preservers cf life aid '
he.alth are Who practised. , • •":-
NO. 107 148011 TY , STRAT, TWO, DOORS
No. 120 PENN . BTBISIST..from 10 A. M. mall
I", H.' . • •
STOiddell BITTItUS as a specific retr ial
retr:m g
the enfeebled body and cheering the desponding
mind ban passed infb 'a proverb:: In the United. '
States where this marvelona tome his 1301110 down s
` rivalry thedemand
all oPpbsitlonaudeolliwed all , ... _ .
for it has anuttalli increased Ina heavier an 4
heavier ratio for years, until. Idlest, the r. anti* -, .:
sales or this preparation exteitt those rif another ,
eteseachics combined. Eminent nteuthentof lb
medical profession sad hospital surgeons withou
number, have candidly , admitted That th pricer -
temente." of the faculty timpanist:to Pressiligion '--
that produces snail beneffciat effects in itytponsi • '
general debilitysi p nervous diseases, as uu
INlTTlfat'd Biftlf,RS. Toes* the Unsnarl of ~. .
venerable ihystoion of Now York. "The Bitters . ..;
are the ptirest stimulant sad the safest tool° we.: ~:,e.
have's , Boothe Ullell of. thegroatregetable knell , • •,- ~
dote are much more comprehensive than 'mei -• :.
praise wou44 hoPIY4 AS kralcSaltsaaur siTa. , ", * :
Dm•to epidsmie dlimme. a sordid stimulants - -
Oren:alter otkonstitutionel rues,. An appetizer,
M 3 l l ollo ' and a remedy for nervous ieblllty. n
inedloloal prewstlonchis taincti theme-
latiCt 1.1:1 HOBTEllral3, B 4i:Pkt3;-, /1 Is the;
e r
HOIIBIIIIO 4 O PAVItiO ig:Pllk A..,21 01kN:1110.. , 3 i'l '
PLA and MAIL human prohnbiglyieilllie„,lo-ibi si , ..-
Atturies:to mite. the magnates of,lictomookofrt,,,,,j
tataft It , meTt:t1;14,1111110.41 As i plifpigoany , ,
the metticizOt I li o.**llllo l o7A ll b•TAIA** t:r.l
, iti.
bad Me **rip Ill * t {! ' * ''
' •).1.,'.,,-,,,
ak........)LL,. t.YI lc, A .OPAL :,:',-.t•'C'