11l ~ il y , •Marlosatlar_Telepapla., - •,. • 1 NEW Yost, April 20.--Cottan a Shade lower; sales of 2,71:10 bales' at 2835 @ 28 0 t for middling upland s, incl uding 900 bales 1 is transit. Flour—receipts, 8,583 bbls-o dull and heavy, and 545100 lower; $5,94" I @6,70 for super fi ne State western; $5,80 li-s.. uli6 for, extra State; 15,75@6,65 forex.- tra western; 56,70@7,00 for white Wheat • extra; $5,85@)7,10 for round hoop Ohio; 6 7 ,00 4 58,50 for extra St. Louis; /19,0012 i 12,00 foreholoe do., closing heavy: Corn: meal quiet. Rye flour heavy, 200' bbls: at 15,00@8,7/1. • Whisky heavy; 60.hhh t western at 900 free. Wheat—receipts 8,790 bush—heavy, and ' I@2o lotver for spring; sales of 81,000 bash; $1,29 for No. , 3 spring in store; 111,82 for No. 2 de: dez livered; 4440131,48' for retail iota Idol -11,68©1,70 far white , California ; $l,BO far white Michigan. , Rye heavy and lower; sales of 8,000 bash western at 1 11,88@1;88, the latter. price for °noir.* - drilivered; Barley dull and heavy. Barley malt quiet. Cornl-recelpts 24.935 bilah*lnievy• and 1@)2o lower; sales of 58,000 betsbehrat. l 130®8830 for new mixed western; 84c for western yellow,• • 850 for New Orleans white, 83(4)8530 for old mixed western in' store and afloati 760 for two year old • do in store..! Oats ashade firmer, but closed dull; sales 8,000 bus western at 76(076;i0 • for western in store, and• 7731(08jo ilia do afloat. Rice quiet at SMQ)9go for Carolina. Coffee dull. Sugar easier; sales 244 hints at Cuba at 113;@123,0. Molasses dull. Hops steady at 6@150 for American. Petroleum firm at 173/ 4 e for crude, and V.1.i0.. for refined bonded. Linseed oil quiet at 41,02®1,08. Spirits turpentine dull at 47.445480. Pork firm; sales I,lBObbla at 01+218412 for new mesa. 530,75@30,87 old do, $26®26,25 for prime, • 123,25@)26,76 for prime mess, and 533,60 for old. Clear beef dull; sales of 140 bbl at 8016. New plain mess 12(Se18. New extra mess tierce beef dull; sales of 85 tierces at 23@28 for prime mess; 25©30 for sides mess beef. Hams steady; sales of 175 bbla at 26®32. ; ,Cut meats steady; antes 163 .packaires at 12%®18. . • Shout.' dens 16©17. Hams duE, Heavy lard firm and,quiet; sales sales 660 tierces at 173,®183 ; - steam,: l9@l9l, - for kettle rendered. Butter dull, 28@35f0r Ohio; 30(4)43 fox State. Cheese firm at • 19©23. Freights,' Liverpool dull and drooping; ,angagenents .15,000. - Wheat and corn per steamer ad. - __ _ll LAMEST.—FIour closed dud an d au 100 lower. Wheat heavy and to lower fin spring, sad : quiet and firm, for winter. Rye dull at f1,834g135 for western. Oats quiet at 760 for. western! in store.-::Corn 1 dull and heavy at'80(i032350 for new mix: . f ed western, and 83®850 for old mixed Ir western lasillters sunt delivered.' s , Pork . I quiet anctideady- at.sBl. for neW; mask I.cash and regular. Beef steady with a t moderate- r : , /a; , iry 'that Meats Quiet. Be. l con no 1, Lard;. quiet at. 18sio' for ,prime steam.. Eggs at•19®200.• Caruso*, April 20.—Bastern exchange • &It o at d 1-10 premiumsielling, - d and par weak at 1 4 10734@f1./11iforapring extras. Wheat mpderately, active and 1501.11it0 , higher; sales •150.,1 sit 141234(i/I,LN 1i0..2. 4 51,03@1,041c100dng :at 11,03)401,03 3 / 4 ; sales since a -change at 111,03 M for No. 2. Corn and 2@plyie higher; sales No. 1 at 55421611 q• No. 2 5234tg1533f0; new ~ 46@47e, closing eteady at, 48301 for new; .1 sales new,* 650, sellers for April, 54c sellers for June; No. 25234@53c; sellers ifor May; new 473i0, buyers for April; nothing doing this afternoon. Oats firm and 1c higher; sales No. :1 at 5234®5334n, closing steady ,at 53@58y0;, sellers for May 54c, and sellers for that half of May 1 - 6 8X 20h es ighe RY r; e sai m e o s re No a . oti i vaet,sfiriam7oeri,7Bd; No. 2.51,15@1,1534, closing with buyers at I 4 I , 1 7 % for No. 2. Barley dull and notni nal, closing with sellers at $1,60 in special • and 11,55 in regular .houses; sample 'lots $1,60 delivered: $1,75 on track. High. wines quiet at 89c. "New Orleans moles .. sea $1©1,05. Sugar 14®1534oforeotinnon ` to choice. Mess pork moderately active; sales at 130@80,25,' , closing at 530.• 'Lard firm at 1734®18e. Dry salted shoulders moderately active at lime loose; 11No in :. boxes. Sweet 'pickled hams steady at ' 1534@18e5 Receipts for the past 24 hours •-• —7,480 bbls flour; 20,694 bu wheat. 40,200 bu corn. 9,891 bra oats, 750 bu rye, 400 bri ' barley, 2,105 hogs. Shipments-7,589 bbls ; Iflour, 89,518 bu wheat, 72.387 bn corn, 7,418 bu oats, 470 bu rye, 742 bu barley, 1,760 hog!. , ' ' - I • . . Sr.ST. Loots, April 20.—Tobaoco weak, but prices are not quotably c.hang.-, ed. 'Cotton dull and nuoleanged. Hemp dull at 143601.45 for prime, nndr,med, and $2,40 for dressed: Flour quiet - and . very little,dioing; tell impel' sold at /4.75 @5,25, spring and, fall , extra at 14,75® 1 5,90, and double extra at 16®6,25.- Wheat I • steady, and , although receipts and heavY. , prices are .maintained;. fair to strictly prime red Bold at 1 1 1 .4 0 0 11601 chalet , to • fancy do. at 11, 7 50L 0 6.- arcing at /408® 1,10 for choice and $1,15 for fancy. Corn `• firmer at ,; 65 @ 58335 in bulk, 624g68. for mixed Maack*, 64 ®O5- for yellow, and • 66®69 for choice to fancy. Oats higher :.at 83@65. ~ Barleyr--riothing doing. Rye , firm at 11;24X01,213. .Whisky dull, with more sellers . tan , buyers at 87., Groce ries firm and unchanged. Provisions firmer, and Pork, Bacon and; Sides are • higher, bat there is very little doing, ex.. oept on Orders. Pork sold at 131Q;31,25, ' and some heav,y extra at 131,60. Bacon— shoulders at 183‘, clear rib aides at 16%1 and clear sides at 17@17;(,. , lard nomi nal at 17% for choice tierce. Cattie— supply light and demand for good grades . better at 17 N. Hogs in fair request at 19 @/ 19 3i for heavy and extra heavy. Re. oelpts-8,000 bbls ftour,B,loo bus wheat, 5,100 bantam:ire, 4,500 bush oats, 350 bush -- barleY, 600 buah rye, 600 hogs. - CINMEIMILLTI •April 20.—Flour is ED. • changed and steady;' family $8,60@8,75. Wheat is scarce and , firm • with sales of : No. 2 at 11.88; No. 1 at $1,48. Coln is In better supply and firmer at .87@680, the • latter rate for•;Shelled. Rye is firm at • $1,40@1,41. • Oats and Barley unchanged. :. Cotton dull; Middling 27' o. Tobacco in ~ good demand, with sales of 81,69 hhda at • 54,60 to $18,75. Whisky "quieid firm t Out firm ' at 903. Mess Pork quiet' bst 131. 1 ., Bulk MeAte - .llofi trimly- at 12y1®14sio, •,` but 12©14%e represent the views of buy ‘' ere. Bacon held at 1810 for shoulders, .c' and 16,t5@17e for illearrib and' lear sides; sugar cured • hams 1•11419 a.. :Lard not; "., offered to any extan t at 18c, but net • much inquim * Editor du ll . at 330350 , , for fresh. Egits'lloll at 15®180, latter ''.... rate for i Cheese is in . better .. i supply , and dull at 2.01222.3. No change . • Oil and demandfight. .Clover Seed firm at 16151 We per pound: TimOthy scarce and firm at $4,5001,75: Sugar dull; Now Orleans 1334®150.: Mohissessteady; New 'Orleans 80 (0.85 e, COMO in good demand , lat 21:1®60 i . , Gol d 183 X. •••• Crarnmann, Aril 20 Flour sales of city made at 110@10,21 for trebleextra; ; white: 18@8,25 fog double extra amber; ' $7,25®7,59 for double extra rod winter; 18@6,25 for extra - 'red .. •earidtM ~ Met 56,50@7,75 for double extra red•lt.. . •• 9 18(0 for double - extra et spring; ;sir . e .25' ,75 for o extra' te 'lsin .r." Wheat: No:L red..winter 'held eV $138;• sales of one ear No. 2 do at111.28.' Vann; . sales of one oar yellow at 71o; one oar ear at 65 0, and l l.ooo buthels of shelled 'at M. Oa*, sales of tbreecars at Mo. Rye heid st $ 142 W.,30.* The Petroletun mar - ket is dslistid nofolnah•Ratined held at cello mretsedard• white, *mall tote to ' T°l4l°° / , 11011 r del/ nd • nom i na l +, - • . , 14 11 4114 4 0 ii zioa whit* , ' r"; , ' , "`" • -7 1, • , 1K I '9 . 2 i,, oi - iePtirlg 111,20%;No.211n.114.18351no, - a am b er he ld at 11,30. Corn moderately . actlye;,No. L 65c; N0. 1. 2 62 @ 6 2)itX yellow, one cent better at 08o; white Ma ..., Oita a shade better and firm at 63c for Michi gan, and: 60c for , No. 2.- Rye dull, at, 11,25 for No. 1 and. Michigan, and. 11.20 for No. 2. Barley; Canada nominal at 12.. Itecmptl,3oo bbla.. flour, 12,200 . bash wheat, 30,000 liush-. corn. .900 bush.eats. Shipments-2,600 lAA;fiottr l 14,600 bush wheat, 22,800 bush corn, 8,400 bush oats: ParramlenntrA4:Arrilllo.—Flohr" mere` iictive; sales of 2,000- Weals ;of North western extra 1imi11yat . 18,50@7.25; Ohio.' de.'at $8519, fancy at 81001174.! - Wheat' is steady; sates Of - 3.000: bliShebl ' of .red ' at! 140_@1,70, amber- • 11,75@)M , iEtyrr: Beat 51,45.-'!Corn'is in fair dtanandy l i es zed la wes f 8,000 bushels b ia ttshels otral of ts ye atead llo*: v at o ;f93, 7s : , etroleum,-Provisknisf ( and Whisky aril' changed. , ' ilsvirtifen - Attair'24.•=-IPlcitik is more 1:1 active.With . legfitiistaili . .ertlftti lit 55;4566,2...§, d 4.. ' T 10.50€ - - *Pd . 110; family 18,2509. - "` heat le 'akin; 4ilth ealea 01611010 r rig! a IN. 70:1'00nibs Otin 'With Sales ' of Oil MO' WhiteitilBo9oC,' ari a'' yell9w at,.84@85e Oats; the - market IS' firm, at 850 for prime heavy. Rye tidally 'at 11,40®1,45. Provisions and. -Whisky are unchanged. -.: • 0. 0 r ;+'. i , . , , i ,-% I , lilmwAuxF.E. April 20.—nourunutixia unchanged. Wheat un s ettled at' 11,10%, for. No. 1, and". VAX or No, sales, 45,000 bus. Oats firm and tinclariged. Corn quiet and steady at '•s4c for new. Rye entirely nominal. Barley &MI at $1,751 I,B* for fair to good.' IteCelptapast twenty-four hours: 4,000, bbls d0ur,)1,900 bus wheat. ShiPments: 4,069"bb1a Sour, and.3,ooo bus wheat. • . Loulsvitax, April 20.—Tobacco; sales _of 120 hhds Ipgs, at, 0,26016,00; manufac turing leaf $11®12,50. Fly ur 1-5,50(2)3.00. Wheat /1,45®450. Corn;43B(g)6Bo, "Oats 67@68e. Hay $20®21e.)) ikteout -shoul ders 13 3 / 4 cl clear, rib sides 170; clear sides 17340. Bulk Meats; - ,attouldersl_2•Xq olear• aides , 1634 c. I= Lard /44c." weal Pork, 13 44. g.. uWhisky ) miguPg- 18 , Arcill'2o----Vottou dull and nominab., receipts, 379; „exports.. 772 bales. Flour unchanged. Corn 74®75. Hay #26(4#.-i Oats 73. _Fork, 132W450.. Lard 18©20. Bacon firm; shoulders at .1331; , sidet l / 4 -1754@1173i. Bulk... Meats• are quiet; shoulders /234; aides at 1636. , •.:). Cluctmcierx,Apt-il 20.—Beef Cattle are is good supply and the market dull at 14.00@6,75 per- cental 11701116. Sheep are scarce and wanted at 33,5046.50. •ffcgs are scarce and Au demand at ;10®11 for good to choice. • • - • Cxacs 2o.—Cattle , April 2o.—Cattle -Market. Hogs quiet and easy, closing steady;aalea 1 9 .65 0 510,65 for stood to chafe... Beef, cattle dull 'and weak at $6.50@7.25 for fair to good, and fit for extra choice ship. ping. beeves.: , Diatom, April ; 20. Wheat market is weaker; extra white at $1,77, No do. at 11,59 No. •2 do, at- 11,38. Clover. Seed 'firm at 59,30. IMPORTS BY -RAILROAD Pinsiinnorf Foicr• WAlenz ,& ,oAeo. Rummell.' April 20.-18' blasts cheese, NZBraden;•9 do dO, W H Kirk patilek & Co; 25 bdls paper, Godfrey & Oath; sks rags, 'McElroy & Co;*1 buttio, Woodworth & Davison; 52 green hides, N EfOintott; 2 bbls eggs; W D Cooper; 2 do do, J A Graffill 'do do, WIC Graff & Co; 2 kits lard, H Rea Jr; 2 tubs butter, Morrison & Devol; 5 bbla• eggs. 1 car wheat, Voigt, Mahood•& Co; •60 bat; candles, F Sellers & Co; 80 bgs flour, 35 bbls do, Keil de Ritchart;loogreen hides, M Delange; 150-do do, G H Anderson; 50 bbls highwines, F Kaiser; 300 bbls flour, owner: 2$ bgs timothy seed, W W Knox; 5 bbls spirits, J F Bennett .& Son. CurrfirAzin' a3D Pirrancsou RAH ROAD April 20. 8 cars N It ore, Reese Graff & Dull; 1 do pOtatoes e . Meaner & Harper; 1 'do flab, Pfiworth & Co; 2 do stone; J L L Knok;' 1 do do, P Wolf; 1 do potatoes, Volgt, M & Co; 60 bblaoii, J 'Spear & Co; 15. kga barley, Hazelton: lc - do do, Strickler' St:Mr 5 pile lead, Bailey, F & Co; 100. 'jugs molasies, Porterfield; 30 do do; F G Ciaighead; 1 ear _PiPagi.,}l_ Collins; 38 bdls chairs, Bedford Chair CO; 15 bbls oil, D Cook; 2 bbla vinegar, Head & M; 289 sks born, Robb & Herron; 25 bbls vinegar, Watt, Lang & Co; lot bones , Seward & &nor PlTT 9 Buncliz. ,colimaNSTl Ann. Sr. Louis Rarr4MAA l / 2 April 20.-4.: bides feathers; F C 3 Craighead; 15 toe •hams, 1.412811 & T; 49 bblifwbieky, J S Finch; 2 cars. tares, F ROlier; IOR-bbla flour -J Gregg;.loo do dodo , Shoe m ak e rc; do do, H /Knox; 100 L; 100 Ao do, A Patton; .10 do do, G Myer; 12 owe leaf tobaooo, PSmitb; 8 Ica suaage, 10 do hams, Sellers; .lihde tobacco,. J" N Taylor; 2 cars staves, W Hastings;; 10 bbls lard oil. J •Lippincott; 7 bbls whisky.. A dr. S Kiendeninger; 93 pow balk 'aides, G W Posey; 11 bars steel, Anderson dr. Woods. .1 • •:: Aram:lama' ' War.r.in ./tarmtosii,' April po tatoes, sks rye, Bingham & Laing 18 do 'S Younm- bbbi A egge: bx butter, F G Craighead; 1 car metal, Brown & Co; 1: do do, El'Knight, , Porter' & 0o; 15 bbls phosphate, Seward "& Ern erson; 6 bbls dried apples, Kirkpatrick dteo• i s6o ds oil, Fisher & BrO; 84.greeir hides. M Belanger llcar grain, Martin, B &Co; 5 bbls eggs, • 2 ins butter; J Blanchard; 5. pkgs' ens, 8 , do botter; '3 H Stewart; 8 do do, 5 do eggs, J Hilty; 5. cars limestone, Shoenberger & lair." ALLnQHENY STATION, April 20:— 9. cars ore, 5 do limestone, Superior Iron Cot Ido staves," J M Hemphill; 6 obis elder, S Hahn; 110 bblir, '2O aks' Sour, '5 'do seed, 8 C Whiteners; 5 bits rags, Jitif Patterson; '5OO pigs lead; Bergner, BM/. Man • & (b; 1 car lime, Z GillehpieL 1 'tar metal, Sprang; 'Clialtaht "Co; :100 bble flour J B hirKect; 16 kgs laadi,Vilihrton do Aiken. ' ' REISIOV - S. PEOPLES; :YNlg Tag XEOPTfIaI! BAVIIIOB ./18FIC. , t , HAS :BEHOVED THHPOHARILY TO • rotvrtle'Actentu l / 2 ; • Immediately opposite to Its former locstlonoshere It will remain enttl Op Sate Dessols,OompsaT• Bel Idltlg Is completed. Ytheq 1 /0 W44ll : len be located In'tbst, banding. • • , Hi F. VON; BOXISHOES,T,: filfOltaT"'A IIY kit D TattstritEß: - A .r 11,14. 1689. soil sb : RHO*,. = • . GAzzriss - • _ tat renidi , ed'iits ° de teiNo" 95 PITT - ' ' &PH ttlif 110 EMOVAL.--11.- iliCUltu Co., *a, Dates la BeitAgase Btceltb AV& agages and otberseeurillell: nove rem ove their oew M 4ee, 19 Foortll:weennoi L'aCill ' new Balldloot..oy :parilec dilldeloll • to limy or:;. sell Real Zane of any 'rod. Mesa or Hoods and Mortgages will do well to OTC them • ail. ' 1 "4 17 ' S. 11::.1117 :1111.4!' • B. LtON, • Sesiev : if Weighti and Measures, /go. 0 . 701 4 431 1 1 41NF1A ' _" ' Tiiht wwwwi % - 1241a1.-:. .3/. ‘, 1/011 ProggiaMisdipil tiet PITTENCII6II , i3nETTSiv-ININDNEsD,AmfARRILtriviing El -1 RIVER MIIIVIrEC. • . 1 • The river wea l abOur 'stationary laar• evening: ltii scant nine feet b 9 the',lllo- iicingahela marks, and Alin 'feet:by theme of the Allegheny. The i weather edidintitia • cloudy • and '4 38 ,0: ,frequent . showers •of rain. - Mercury OAP. - 7 .Thate has been no arrivals; since the I date off. ;o last-ills:krt.. ,Pe-.-Lawrence from $ .Lfile and _Glasgow . trom Du buigne, relteibtigthe first' boats due.' The departures include , the St; ' Marys' for Clitolnuati, ,mod ;new , ;taw-boat Iron. three for St, Louis. ipe,.;att. ! ,r boat bad. a tow df nine barges: !. The Grey Ragle;Ctipt - .'l3.'lii'Brennan le the regular :paditet! for , -Pskersbtui , to-day, leaving at noon. -- Cipf, M. W. Beltzhoover,ment .out • ottfumand of the Irmitildea, which is the steamboatilig,he hisffime fbr ' 4011618 '. 11 E88. As we, noted ,:the , other day, thelrcinsldes. is in all respects, one of the finest tow boatalbullt hose for many a The new steamer Atudrelia,‘ Capt. Dan moor% taken her departuretor 'New Or leana;this evening without fail. Passen len and•ahippers.cantely: on this boat' going' tbrough. , The Bolleveinen, Capt.4. l .T. Darragh, Jr. 18 iMlfor Bt. Louis:andSt. Paul forth.; with. She is in all respects an excellent craft, while Iff regard ''to Speed, she is hard to beat, ' - The R. C. Gray, Capt. Whittaker, is filling up 'steadily for Cincinnati and 'Louisville,and Will be 'the first boat out. Mettithi. B lood and Carpenter are associa ted together in the Office. The high-headed Glendale, Calit. J. M. Hare, with Capt. J. Mellon in the office. 'la announced for . St. LOW and' the 'Up per Mississippi forthwith. The Glendale is one of the best boats In the trade -and offers superior inducements , to passen- gers. ; • . . . —The towboat,Alps le reported at Gol copdtt Island'in dleabled condition. ..--The Glasgow was to have left Cinoin nati for Pittsburgh on Monday, and pro. bably, theXorena. -• • -r-Captain Richardson is soliciting the merchants of Vieksburg to take Stook to build a new boat fer the Vicksbufg 'urui Natchez trade. .". Llewellyn, , - - Llewellyn, from Evansville .to . EalitPort, broke her ahaft: near pave-in on - Pridaytnoining;ind wu towed to Paducah by the Painter. . --the Andrew: Ackley . and; Peni,uah, far Bentonyerrived at St. Joe on the .15th. Thp , Ackley added .700 sacks of Hoer. 01 1 R O aAIF« or Etenton. , - =Phis!clam pronounce the recovery of Jerry °oats dontatil; "It trill be re membered he loit his le g mehtly, employed as mate of the Mollie Able.. 4 . - ...Th: lit iltale Hays; PI tstnugh-to Bt. Louis. Cincinnati., '# Saturday, with ' 7 'bons and 75 era. The "Armadillo , passed by' hereon Sunday, adtb 550 tons., . .. . e Jackson Standard says: On Fri day.laist five , flatboats, containing in all, 215 tubs pig lion, left Royston. Furnace foithe Ohio • river. Who will say that Raccoon is , licit a river. —Captain A. Q. Ross advertises that he has important information for persons having claim against the Government for steamboat% or barges taken posses sion of by the Government during the; war within the jurisdiction of the Insur rectionary States. —The Sam. Orr, bound from Tennes see river to 'Mvansville, broke her shaft at the foot of Cumberland Island Wed nesday night. This is the eighth time Captain Duncan has met with similar accident's on various boats. The Wild Cat towed the Sam. Orr to. Evansville, whereher'broken shaft was shipped on the'Charmer for Louisville. :The new bridge across the Des Moines River, at Des Moines City, is completed ancibeing used by passenger and freight trains; The structure is 643 (actin length sionsisting of 4 spins, each of equal length. and is considered by those competent to Judge •as being as good a spechnen of wooden bridging as the country any stffords. . • —Thel , lashville Republican of Satur day says:. • '/he,JlCate .I ) atnain, for Fitts. btFghilirept s one of the beat boats ever In ibei Cutnbertand.zwith a Captain , both ”giillant sod tame! ands gentlemanly set. of clerk; pas unavoidably. detained over last night. She sails to day at noon .and we rejoice to see her cabins crowded with_patisengers and her bookstall with &Opulent& - - • —The United States Local Inspecters At Louisville ( on the 16th; revoked the licenses othileshael Rbach asfiret engineer of river steamers, fir negligent* and ins competent* hi the duties' of his proles. ision, to wit: Running The steamer Le- Claire :No. 2 on se+esst voyages with Tall knowledge of the fact that ttse main ,safety-vilve °Maid LeClaire'slbolleiss was fastened down'and• constructed in a dangerous manner. lUVer and; -Weather. rity Tetatittapti to the Pltttbursh pazette.] - Lotitaviax, 20.—The river is rising, with eight _feet nine inches. of Water in the oanaL The weather Is cloudy and it is threateni4 Wore rain. FLOUR. PEARL, MILL' = FAIIIIS 110111, MILL ThxWe ' Sits Green Brand. elpal, to FR FA*4III,*(fLOUR. vhis Flour win 'Oily De 'sent old whon erne Osier ordered •• • , WWI& 1111.11$'B1tILEID 1 PEASL mita. itigibrA b ili!!" ' l4l '" • lanai to Deft Ohio flour. WE= 001114 rhotra AND CORN MEAL, - . Z MEZNIIIDX 4 BACt., Alleicheni, Sept. 9:1969., , 'Paint /Ma. , OE u a NT, SOAP . 810;03, &a: IaiIIINIUND LAME, Na 124 J. amttbfleW street... Sole . MAntacturer of p_iyA•el_2!.s,lp: vem eat and Grayel,,lkootthir e , Mai Aerial /or p 6130 FRESH" 'SHAD RECEIVED Wally ak , OII:I9IAMIN lit' ,dekj-51 , 1110.• -N,Q6I AlluDlaVond Market, metal uutzgyeadit las pan • tlieltany. (lily 'Omer Of ()alb and - oral suns ,_, air be had :all kinds of gea and Lake flatij - , 'Halibut, Shad. „wait* codfish. •Iled4ook•and • el.; Also,: large applies of White, 'Lake - Flab. nalsdnoe, gam!. btergeon. Herring and Macula* , Tronr which enables as to sell at the owes ; market ' pilaw. :wholesale or: t rust!. We lay.te all, lovers of thou) trea rish ltp give us a call, and we will s boor hs • ~ • • . - utriorcerprzarnist• • 113vxDrot - . . sOnarAios. rAtatarOf rof OIOOSINEUSAIfVEt, Arabes, .0 -- ye n derk ~sasivAgallgbfai an d - Igndt Tot Hollow Ware, Car WOMB ono all kinoa2ll h i 1 4 47. I I 1 1 gPr t ° lugs raif " NOTICE. , • • ibirel4 from Oath's *7 ml i odorant, U I her oc,lnt'ractiai) /T Tr ' • 'Firms , • IrvAprie. ii . '" ' P 804.-400,b .for , ~ Jr.. • N 1.0. 01.VU r t • • - tee T T by J. BICANFLTLDI RIVER Et PACKETS. 4 'Err. paint. ' ' . . FOR REOKUIik; BlETlR•mdr a b, . LINGTDN; Attn::CANINE VEN L'OB.T. BOCK . lEL AND. . - Pula° rs CITY. LYONS,' GALENA- DUBUQUE. Vic: DREGOE. LA -CatitiSE. ' WINONA, DEED'S LANDING and bT. PAUL. 'The new and splen did pa u seagerlsibilintr.' ' BELLE VERNON.. ...... Capt. J. J. DAnnaGir. Will4eavelbr the above and' intermediate land . hip on THURSDAY. the pad,. at 4- o'clock P. Y. '7or. freight et pasioige apply on board or CO i • tiEilt/Etlfr„ SWAENEY- at Co,. Agent'. The above teat, having a greater part ot her . losid engaged,will posltively , leave as announced, . presenting an opnortunity'for passengers, partie nistly those !having Ismillec seldom obtained from here, as this boat goes through without re shipping or :traniderring at et: Loubh thereby Pleclug busseligere at no inconvenience, and as nrlug them all opportunity for speed and com fort rarely Obtained. .. . .. *PM ST. LOTIHI. Oll.' LOUISVILLE,' A:' CAIRO .ND ST._ 1..01115. MAIM' VAN' ACIt AND •. • - . diSizeriniiinioif, • ' Will: leive se above On OATURDAY, 24411.1n5t.. at 4 P. M. For ;might b.r waste. anply on board to ' 'apt!, . CHARLES BARNES, Agent. •IIiVNTHII,I : 4D - NEW ORLEANS. IWOR MEMPHIS AND r A ila=" liEw9uLlwis—eralqteamerimmweiml, AthlititittaA Capt.' Will leave fbr tbe above indintermediate ports on. WED billeDA.Y. April. Slat, at 4 P. M. for irelght or passage, apply on board, on to FLAcIC & COLLINOWOOII,- GHIIIEST. SW.AlfitY ea CO, avg.- Agents. CINCINNATI. • FOR WTIEFLIN . G . . zia gire _a, 'SARUM gA,PARKEJAIBIIRO 'AND Oil/rennin:ll. Leaves Pittsburgh EVERY TITFISD AY- 1S Id, • Lea Vets Cincinnati Evprx ITIUDAY4 P. M. The swift and anO erb _ Sidewheel Steamer ST. ' MARYS, T. C. SWIDENEY, Connuander, will leave as aunsuneed above. For Fieight or Passage apply on board, or to FLACK COLI INGWOOD, or COLLINn & BARNES, Agents. N. IL—No Preighk received on Tuesday after IILA. '- • F " CINCINNATI and i adirg I.OIIIIWILLIC..—The steamer.. 11. C. GRAY Capt. IfiLee WIIITTAHETI., lesire for the aboie Points on WEDNES *DAY, thealstpst. . Aim r 041141.1E5T, fiTrEiNEY & CO., Agenis. lIPPXII zigirma NORTHERN' 'LINE PACKETS; PROM St. lonia to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND iLLISTRIthiRDIATE PORTS. will leav e plendid Sidewheel Steamers of this Line St. LOuls dm 1) for Keokuk; Oxman. pert, Dubuque, Witionajttillwater and St. Paul. Through. receipts fer 'Freight and Passengers will be . given .to all points oh the Upper 'diethyl on steamers running from OM port and connecting with the 21ortbern Line ..Packets at St. Louie. thus enabling Consignees to net their Breight through. without delay and at lowest rau. Apply to JOHN VLACH. D. VOLLISOWOOII. R. C. GRAT A Agentt, or to _ Intiabog 91 Water street. FOR ST. LOUIS,. GA- G SA DUBuqtr SAND ST. tn.. new and passenger packet, GLENDALK JOEIR M. Rime, Captain, _ • JAB. 311ALGoN. WM Pave ror the above worts on tiVEDNKS DAY. 21st, at 4 P. • JOHN FLACK. aph) J. 13. - COLL,INOWOOD. Agents. PARICEBABIMO. • pirTs triun 6 H„ KERs w giut i nar. ALNIf • c's Wharf boat. 100% sf Scr.Pt. d e afly at riViss.,:WED VIESDAYS and SATURDAYS Okla Y EAtSlat U. 1.. intinup, Muter. /Merl will be received at all boars by AMINES COLLINS. 'FLACK a CULDIAGWOOD. apt,' Agents. • STEAMSHIPS. TO LIVERPOOL AND QtrEENSTOWN. THE INMA.N MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Ntunbering sixteen thicliss vessels, among tr. =Um celebrated OITY OP PAlitts, CITY OP ANTWEPP, cur OP BOSTON 'O/TY OP BALTIMORE., CITY' OR t.O 'DON, Balling EVERY SATURDAY; from Pier 4b, .o crib River, New York. Par nassage or farther infortuailon umnbrto _ WILLIAN. MONORAIL, di. TO Firm BURET, (Chronicle Raibliag, Waarly nninmqtai Font 1 MI.. Pitt.lMT . . • ROOFING SLATS OF VARIOGG Qualities: and Colt•ri. Particular attention given to laying State and repairing S ate roots, ir or partionlars and prices address • •• - • • J. S.NEVIIIRER, . sto. 4$ ilieveulh Avenue, 'inhat:gs6 • PrIVI3IIIIEGit. PA. ROCK. THE'RAIECT IN EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. - • • sou) mum sr `1 ;4 1 % (1 0 14 : B C, WEran. Pract#4lParaltzre Manntaisfurers t &e. i ils rc•xrum 4fr.drirtrzi. wiT.taittinatturri!he,t?f,gy- TRAogtmARK. -DITEIIOI btlalll. P. 11,00 3 . 61 Alanitk% CHEM& . - KEYSTONE POTTERY. . M. BIER' & C0.,,' Manorseitiren 41311111BWA191; 111WITOL,WAIM dte. idles and Warebouser 363 LIWXY BT3 421 -All orders promptly Wended , cIiARDENEIRS TAKE NOTICE. : ...NOB .13A14.—Tbe YOUSTEEN „MITA ' AND; on the .at tleghenr - River. &ud now used for gardening purposes; well Unproved and jirgadirh state et cultivation; contaluturll9 ot 0 Acres. now offered at a bergan.... VIII 110 011. Alio, other Parma In good locationi. Woolen 171otoryt two li_ouses.lind , tstenty acres efland ton th e moral stallatt. Houses and loti tor , Bite an To-letln bes 'oltles. I Ifor further par. tieulars lugger .of .. . ~ ,wlr,tual WARD. fa I, 1!:111.1 Uinta street. opposite Cathildrei. ---. rill BIANie.OR,,-THEI'MEN, - , , who bold PATRON'S TICKET'S teleAt.ll im ad ,SRRIES. O WASHINGTOM ND vezlis..Are herb inlsrtooo th at, Ildt4A w• i ere =as Ann illi, /88Riand1911.941` U 1 0 1 141#. 1 1-AUf O No .. __—: . * r 7 , P lejlt.E-Antta, Atie , )•Tir sulk - 1 113146b leadat ' C 1163" 1 1771-24"lirs.altrzsr • g •a , • tz SION 4194 R, ORANTS J. A. I. 6TZVKRBO2.I • DLLLINGER & STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN • Pure Rye Whiskies. IMPORTERS 01P BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 Second Avenue, 'PTO PITTSBURGH, re. Effi t TA itge Mt", • 111 C A. & T W. N. •GORILLY WHOLESA.L.E GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, • onniecTra OPP. EAGLI Et anti, P'Torsßvimxt - . PA. Be :yl6 sr. errant • g. 1:' Errizr.s. STEELE & SON, • , Cermnsissio6 ilferchttnts, • AND DBILNItB VIADUIELD GriziAlLV, Vw"F-117). 45r.a. No. 95 (imp STE,BE'L near East Common. • "ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. FIVER 11,1111. SAE. T. MC/WM KEIL & RITCHART, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Are Draratasnr YLCIUS; GRAM, ESECMD9, XILL.PEED, 349 Liberty Mt., Pittabetrgh, inyttb37 L . 3. ItiLsaii:est.A.Atra. Wholesale and Betail Groan, No. 396 PENN STIUMIT. 60114:3112 &ITTLE, , BAUD., &, PATTON ' , Wholesale Grocers, Conunblslon Alerdiamts a t iz Dealers. hrProddes,' 'lour, 3 BUM Cbstse, Yin, Carbon aid Lard 0(1 Iron, N IA ss, Cotton Yarns and. ll Pltatoxb Nan d stater stares, fenerallr. 4.,* and 1 1 4 4 1, V 0 D -. B ET,. Joint SareTON irALLACS. §:UPTON &WALLA.CE_, Whole. ; SALE GROCERS AND PRODUCE DEAL- No. G.SLICTR taRBET. 'Pitt 'burgh: taltrrAll JOm 11. notreti.otniti. HOOss. 191iN I. HOUSE ABROS. ) Sno t/ cesoors to JOHN I. HOUSE & co.,Whole. sato Grocers and' eovitedseloh Idercturata, .040. nor of SmltlVleld And Water Streets. Pittsburgh. w. C. ARDISTI/ONG, Successor • to Fetter a Armetroug, PRODUCE C 9810 N. liglieliANT, No. AS lifirket rar. THE MATTER : .OF THE -a- tinaratlon of the 'UNION BUILDING AND LOAN ArI°OCIATL)N of P.ttabargb, Fa., for aniutiondment to Charter. No:. 459, June Term, 16169. Notice is hereby given that an application has been:made to the Court of Common Pleas of Al legheny county by the above named association for an amendment to their Charter; that said proposed amendment has been flied in the office of the Prothonotary of said Court, in accordance with the order of 511 d Court, and that said amend. meats will be granttd ,at the next term, unless exceptions thereto are filed in movnthite. Z. A. MONTOCITIL apTilts-w • Attorney for. Petitioaers. , THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE WEST- N DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. JAMES JOHNISTON., JR.., a Bankrupt. under the set of Congress of March 1887,1ftsvIng applied for a discharge froin all his debts, and other claims pravable under said .Aet, by order of the Court noticeJs hereby given to all cred., hors who 'have proved their' debts. and other persons interef tell. to appear on the Bth day' of MAY. 1889, •at 21 o'clock P. sc. before JOHN N. puilvimicx, Esq, Register •Itt Bankruptcy at his mice; No. 11 8 Federal street, Allegheny city. Pa.., to show cause, if any • they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. . • •• . ap14:b5,2-w S. C. MCCANDLESS, Clerk. . . MIXECIPrOIifis, NOTICE. Wherines, letters testamentary to the estate of JOBS; GRA.H.A.M. late of the elty of Pitts, burgh, deceased.' have been granted to the nn= derslgned. • all persons Indebted to, mad estate ate requested to Make immediate payment, and those, aving claims against the same will present them. duly authenticated. to WILLIAM .ItUdE BUBO, at the Bank of Plttstiergb, - , •I. • . WILLIAM itoittsusta. *WEIN D. hint - VEIN 17.xectitorS. JOIN B. HEBBAShi, - ", ' AzomunErritsToWs -NOTICE. Ali persons are uereby notified that Let— era of Administration on the estate of IdARGA JAW HAUL LIAI4 of Allegheny filly, Alle gheny county, Pa.; have been granted to the nn= &Taloned. All, persons having claims against, said estate Mill present them duly preyed, and those tnowlast themselves indebted to ealdestate. will make payment to the undersigned without gels,' Mytlfliee. 91 Benny street. Allegheny. • city. • suit 441 W • JOHN RAM EY: A.dailnistrator.l,., Dinarnsilestiinuswaricr; —_Whereas. Letters of adintntstrationnpon e estate of DUOA.LIX LEECH. late' of the Oily of Pittsburgh, deceased. Having —been been Faulted to the undersigned, all persons indebted laid estate are requested .to Make Itomedlate yment. and those tying claims or demands against he estate of saM dectalent,will make make known the same without delay to ELLEN LESCH_,`. . Or W. O. AU 4 HINBAUGH, Attorney. No. ST Diamtud street, Plttebergh, EhdFATE. OF GEORGE QUIGG. —Letters testamental' , having beba granted to t e undersigned. all persons Indebtea to uld George. Quigg, deceased, are ; requestea.to mike payment, an d all persons hexing elslnis to pre. sent them to the audersigned at hOd., - 319 Liberty street; Pittsburgh. SAN DEL DAVIDSON, • : 4011 N . zehl0:1111-w I canton. . . . TiqOTlCE—ltietter Testamen tary baling beeti g anted to the under & l ined upon thetas; . 111 and testament of fieorge Raynor, debessed, late of the city of Allegtkenr, all persons Indebted to the estate, of wad ,dele, dental'', piste payment to me; and all - persons having , thaws • as:Most goad estate alltlpresent thena,to toe, for settlement. JANSIIM7IOII, areentrix. No. 188 Beaver street, Allegheny clty. NOTICE., Oponing of Diamond ireei Pittsbig! All Persons iateitisted tre hereby'dotited that the revert of Viewer* in the .niatter of opening and veldening vIAMOND nom the Dlamond to Feotrees I= been approved arid ootrilrmed..' A a p ersona rvy a a i rinst'wnom mews pr benedts pare m e, are regalved to pay the eagle to me* t hirty days, otherwske they will be, entered as • Ilene sgalmat tie proper ty., -All property on ihe Dinisond and Diamond street,' west of the Market lime, mad od Liberty street ilvii.glgth street to Borirth• avenue, has heen assessed' • • • • • ' J. P. SLAGLE, City Attorney', ap10:10 • ; , No:•;100 fifth Aveaniii. GRAY'S FERRY ektriitheittc WORKS. 0- E. ROBIN . SON, i t 3ILANINACTVitiIt. Or' Blaeltand Colored Printing & Lithographie ,`. tins, vase Es, O. araril Nen Road and au - street, Miele PICILIDELMAI.. IMM LEGAL. RAILROADS. _ & e, • S. ri(*iwELLS VILL • • •-• on and alter '11:11tBDAY. Noyember, DM, trains will arrive at ami depart from Le Depot s Depots.S corner of Grant and Water .streets, as follow Mil to Ind from Union- town., 7:00 A. Y. 6:00 p. gt; McKeesport Accomdt , n 11:00 A. x. :05 P. X. Ex. to and from Trnt'n. 3:00 P. M. 10:10 A, Z. West Newton Accom'd 4:30p. It. 8:35 A. X. Braddock's Accomdt , n. 6:15,. v. 7:50 P. X Night Ao. tolic/Prt.lo:3o P. Y . 6:45 A. X 1 thuds, ,Clttnrch Newton and fpm West 1:001. x.10:00 A. 19r tieteta aPPI7 to E. •'llAirliONli Agent BayrouT, Buponntendent. uola r`ISAN6rE TIME. . imullmqmommll4-73011 • . • ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, On and after MONDAY, November 9th, MS. TWO TBAINS.DAILY will: leave Pittsburg& St ation, :Omer of ..Eleventh and Pike streets's, un 01.yelty.BIffalo, and ally:Mats in the 1., on Higisl3l. " urozear r 7:115 G am .. pnvE s:4op ni Express —4 7:10 p m Express-- 6:30 arm Brady , . B /Ler 3:00 p Brkin.B selo4osit7:. istsodaWoritr let oalrkis ' • " , Acc0md...,,•11):50 .Acoom la.. Ad Soda Works 9d Soda Works • ' AccomodM. 0:00p Accomod , n. 3:40p mg .. Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. re. Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:50-A, :) , „ Passengers taking express Bain have bu t one cbanica'of care betweQu 'Pittsburgh, Bu ysko and Olt Regions. Mail and - Express Trains stop - only at principal points., Mixed Way and An.. l • • ootoniodatlad trains stop 'trail station's. • THOMAS. . KING, Aziotainp";. W. POSTEJi HOYE. Ticket Agent.. • ITTSBITIW4 I 26 I IIMIRM CIINCLITNATI . A.T4D LOMB RAILWAY. ' • ' PAN HANDLE ROUES. CHANGE 'OP TESIE.-011 wad after BUNDLE. N0v.512d, 1808, trains will leave and arrive a; tha Union Depoi4 ;a folitnya. Pittsburgh Week : . Arrows. - 11a0Expre5.......... 3:13 a. m.151:13 a. m i Fast Line "." 10:13 3.-m. 7:33 O. m. mix raat o p y r a7 ese 51:58 p. m. 12:18 aim. 5:43 a. m. 0:43 p,rm. Acen, No.111:084. m. -8:33 p.m. stenbahvMe Accolmnod. 3:38 p. m. 0:48 a. m. MaDonabl'a m. 9:/Bp. m. 2:5$ P. X. Express will leave daily. • " 1.9:13 P. N. Mall will arrive 'daily. 'The 10:13' a. in. Train 'leaves daily, 13:indayt cepted, and makes close connections a: New ark ZaneiivlllC andipoints on' Sandusky, Mansfield .1 Newark B. B. . 8.7. General'Zicket Amt. W. W.VAEIp, Eldp , t.. , Btenbenyllle. Ohio. i t o 3 . • rap - stAvacitat.POlT. WAY= W CMCAGQ, P. CLEVELAND a pirtailtntatt .44 ' " . _ • ind C rpm Dee. StOt ,h 186 end arrive at the Mum burgh cay tlmf, as 1011 It. Chleito '..11:03 'Erie Yin aril :Mflam iblirb , _gbPlo:sBlm Chimp, KW, 658 a m Chiccag~ooE ta m aal. Wklg Ex Slang Chleage_sx.. A. 43 pmi &Erie Za.4 3 pg. Depart/rout Alleptray. I A. Brigt'u.t.e.B:llB aau i Leetaftle " 10:31ra m " " 11:58.2m Rochester" 1:33 pia Leetsdale Ark3:sB pm 24,,..Brigt'u •• .5:33 pm Bktrata A_ ll ..6:llllpat Leetsdaate •• 10:43 Leetsdale tifita 11P Church. 11181.3 51r 11:58 a. m. Chi • arra P. R. MYERS, 8, trans will leave .ficon z Depot,. aorta Nide, Pitts. imago VnW__ orrwp 141104.,,EM .e=l /Wc : o l s . p 1; a ear MICIS wa Ax. 505 83,1 iii 4::,_ : arK.o4 liteesens N. lift.Vit A" 8 0.1:03 ata.• :282m New'Mails , "lo:B3 - em Leetadaie 9:13 am (41:08Tra, N. Brigthi i.>. ammo , •" 4: 1 41,via Leitadlie - laiiii , • 'm air uhurcit., 9:58 sat -Mammas leaves 'daily. . Express arrives daily. : meal Ticket Agent. 13 E PENA Y L V A.-ammo .i. lite CENTRAL ?um ROAD. Onand after Nov,•2Bth.!ll26Ek. Trillig will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner to . Washington and 'Liberty streets:, al . ' follows: Arrive..` ._ . Diliart. . Mail Train.... 1:30 am Day Express.. E:313 ant Fast Line.. .. 21•40 a m arl's No.' 1:: 6:30 cin• Wall's No. 1.. 6 250 sm s ail Traln_.. .• . , 8:13 am. BrintonAcen. 7:508 ur einnt Doc 1.21:125'M Wall's No, 2..8:59 a m all's No. 2 .. 11:20 ant- , , ciponnlti E5.9:40 am ohnsfons Ae. 3:115 pin ' Johnstown Ac10:35 am rsiddks No114:210mor Baltimore Xi. 1.45 D m fla.ROrpress 5:10 pm • Phila. Rxpreso2:os pm Wall's No. 8.. 5:20 ins 'Wail's No. 2...1:30 p m Wei' No . 4 . 1,,, 6:15 pm Braddocks N o15:50 pso Fast Line 7:50 pm Wall's No. 4. • T:515 p m Walt'allo , s.. 21:55 Mil ,irt War rsain'r 10:611p m - The Chursh Train, • leareaWella .Btatlon rew' • Bandar at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsbur c gh at -- 10:00 a. m. Returning,. leaves. Pittstmrgh at :, :. • 151:50 p. m. and arrives at Wails Station at soneineati Mumma _ leaves daily. All other •- 'Crites call except Senday. - - . ' • ' ' • For ftrincr inZrmation anir c o mf The PennsylvAnta Railroad Company 41.angtas • . snme say risk inrßackage, extept for ',marine: ep. • panel,and limit theft , responsibility 29 thm HUD.' . ftet, Dollars in value : All Baggage. - erreeding that amount in value will ba at the risk of . „sue •.., z . . OWINT. la lees taken by medal contract. EDWARD - a. Wild . 1 * V% • - nO2ll. General B P . P e Antel9?4l.44ix?!4rsie. ', - .. .. . mr . E S T E It N-allaiggva • -PEITIZSYLVANIAL 110A1r.-On and after Nov. 9515,11105. the Pik ranger Train* on the Western Pennsylvania Rat road will arrive ft, and depart from - Hui • - - ) radertilltreet Depot, • Allegheny uu _ I ae tellsws; t , laittgire N 0151403. m TA,OO aja sport No.18:5110 a m Freeport No. 1 9:ld :data .:,,, ress.,„-, 10:40 am arplogNol 11.: ' I ~ i :., • , WA , . NO.11:515 pm Express - . etc . porl N 0.1,400 pm _pringd's N 0,4 -...... d. ' r• , Mail • 5:55 p m !Freeport No. s 4 , . r - springtre No 2 6:45 cm Ileringdtkleo . /Ok a r s , ,Aboya Vaing run daily except Sunday:: ' The Church Train leaves Allegheny Ottgotiglern. t . O every minday at 7:40 a: pi., reaching iill:F i l City at 9:50 a. tn. Returning, Matra 'All it,- . , - ..,-1. City at 1:515 p. m. and arrive at. Alleghpty cusp ' Lion at 8:411 p.m. .*KtrUTATIoIt Ttoggre-rFor sato • in packagsa 'Or - xwentv. between- Alleeteny Clty; soltesignit' street; tHerMs, Bennett, .11118 Ctrat i linT a X , 1 ffharpshure Ind odlspr i t stii n the Heins o at !flattens spael. e • •r ,- . ; .-6.... ''',/. The trains le eglienh o lit 7:w a . at. make direct ccmneottort at withWa*., - . - keys lb:morasses ter Butler ands antialtstowa. Tietetth theta ma :be gerehari ft-,the 0031 4 .> • . No. ISt. l air /tree near the 9 spansionErh4llo, Pittsbilliv and 'at t Depot. Allegheay. I;Or roam /14°riria °lirs.ntilraTli. 1 reders,l Otreet Depot. The Western Pennsylvania .Milrasd - wiHatot a, mute nay risk for Bag ge, except for - R . apparel, and .limit -' the ir rasps - mild:llv, :Ara Mundt% Pi Dollars in value. All baggage ex this amOnntinmaine willbe at bagg age risgei -. the tywnet, imleas takentr_special contr i t i - . - EDWAND H. WiLL ' - Roll - , Hen.ral Superintendent. Al;004". a. 0 MOWN HILL MIMMIIME ja:BOV,TE•• i. • 1- UNION PACIFIC LAILWA,` Ea O e n* - 00 4 4 01 ; " Tan SHORTEST ... BELA* ROUTE from the East tb .fl palate to COl!Oiadok Nevada; ", California; -Vieth ) • ' . , Remy Mexico , -.ldaho, • •-: ; -• regon. Tli4Train, !eel , * Bialeno anti LeayentrO) th 4 1 11pri a panillays exCeptedjon thearrlvai oi trains • onnuroad•-irom *ad.-Masai. , • bal ast lit. Joe It.allroad from Quincy, connect., ~ foe at 'Lawrence, Topeka And. Wantego trite Itia.e* tor. all point' -14 BaataP. cst tnetilf tract west of „Ellsworth with the lirri TT STATES •EE,PRESB • COME.A.Ii_*II‘::AAMX i &ME ILOVISELLAND, MAIL Anip itArAtrul. cuALCUmlillit . • ‘ DENVEBJ ohs= '.t.hacE9l AU Pointe in the Territotietr, And win simetesorrPrstArsztattair !dent • of 001.4.31114rae.119rt Won i Nentis Forts "gni, Alt cifulilVe.' Bent* ann all WWI in r , • • sons-and OW '1 t r • . , won the ream sdialtions at "rOutagp , " and equipnien‘ and Aittatitiesteular , '• r w ith tetnoasible overland Transtiortation lune' ' from Its western tenninas, road now mum • , • unequalledtbr tirassulissioti Venda , .to tho P ar West.. • ,•. . • of Ticrets for Cate. at all , the Wilted State, and Oimiii s • I IC. t ," • i il tenly id ir ro eltt://&11DE MOK4 . W BAILWL *-1.4 seerson DI ON. A.Atltintsioar t e' t . . domispougto sod Ticket EZII Pi 0 HEE Depart. Arrives. MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers