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'': • : •. . \ i • . 1 L ~ „. 1 .. r. • , ,..- r , \ , -,. . i ~, . ~: . x , . . . ~. •. , ~• .. . ••• • t: . . . .. . , .. • _., , . , •_.._ .., .. • ,:• • • .....:, ,:iz . ,:-7 ..,;...;,. 4 : : !..., . 4:,,_:,,.. .., It.i , . ' I •••••••• MIEE 111 11 FIRN't EDITIOX. .sww.lazeivza ov . thYtfocui M. NEWS BY'CAitlit. ; • tßy Telegiaph to the Rittatrargh 9144 e.) (r, i A pr il2o.- 2 A . meeting of ther 1 Federal Cotincil of the Zolverehl has !wen Alle,defoxthe 28th inst. • Apr il 20:-:-During a debate oh' I._the_ mbe Educational bill, in the 'Bavarian. Chars,,to-de,T, ,the, Prime Minister,' Prince Rdhenlithe; made ` a 'rlitnaritable apedch. After protesting against the' V her aiMirdc..taltylpipty feeling whatever' b*sld oration of questions concern ' ink the church, he proceeded to stigma.; tine the encycilloial letter-of the Pope as • contrary to the opirit,misthe age, tad es one of the causes of the which , have arisen betweeif the church and the . state. • • PAIN. . • Mannzn, • April W.—Senor .Fignerio, the Minister of Finance, presented the annual budget to the Constituent torten' yestentaY afternoon. He purpoise to effect a reform In the system of prokibi. tory duties, after a period of six years, by • gradually reducing such duties. He rec ommends that the amount of the floating debt hefuted by law at six hundred mil -1 How #said The receipts of thesvern silent for the current year -are es timated 2,00b,'000.000 reale. 'The Minister pro. that the salt and tobaeco monopo es benbolished in 187 d. !MANCE. Pas's, April 20.--In the Corps Logic- latit,zesterday, a Cliimesion arose con , eornlog the duty on brandies exported lathe ITnitodStates. A, reduction of the present rates of duty was suguested and urged,. en the ground that such a change would be favorable alike to Frenck cote. xnerrdal and American financial interest's:' • SOUTH AMERICA.? . —UsBoNi April 20:-The mail tdeainship has'arrl.ved frOnd Rio Janeiro... The Para pillktners ' - released by the' allies at venire hact - rejcdned Lopez . The Paragnavana made several very success. ful.Zaida into the territory held by the 1 BELGWM .' ilitosssis, April 20.—The 'trouble among the miners st Mons has ended. No further rioting is apprehended. The ) workmen announce that they are ready Soo ieSurne work peacefully at a small ad vance on the prices paid heretofore. ' L0wn0w,..,1 - 20.—1 n the - House of I . Commons :this 'Morning the-bill intro . duced by the Marquis of Clauricsurdey regulating cases In - Ireland,:passed to Feecond reading. . . FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Loxporr,. April 20 d7liten!rig.—Consoi6 Tor money, 933; - AcCounte, 93%. Five. twenties quiet at 80%. Erie, 23; .1111nois Central; 0634; Atlantic and Great Wes 'tern. 2831.; - .Stooks - - - steadY.; i 'Common - • rosin 6s Al.' .TurPentine 13/hr M. Sugar :89s on the spot, and 28e 9d afloat. Tallow 465. Linseed oil .630. Ss. • ArtiwErtP, April - 'XL—Petroleum 5334 .Igs4riremes. /Lavas, April 20.--Cottonon the spot, tang; 1.4434L' • FRANKFORT, April 20.-•rive-twentles easier at 87i,t, ' • ' Mriztirbot., - 3•prif SO.—Cotton easier but not quotably, lower; middling up landsl2%d. Orleans 'l2%d. Sales 6,000 ‘, bus California white wheat at 9s Hhi, red western Ss Sd. Rohr 21S 6d. 'Corn 27s •41d for new: • Oats 3s 3d. Barley sa. Peas 395. • Pork 105 s. Beef 90s. Lard sgs. .Cheese .818. • Baoan 625. Spirits Petroldum 9d. refined ls 10d. Tallow 45s' Tuipeatine 30s 9d®3ls. Linseed icakes £9 15s®.E10. PARIS, April 20.—Bourse dull. ltentes `7l frirtim, 10 centimes. 11 BRIEF TELEGRAMS. II f - 4 The• , Orange (New Jersey) carpenters are r;in a strike for four.dollars per day. ' t 1 -.the Newark (New Jersey) cairn. .!terti *lye, by striking, obtained 3,70 per • 'day.— . . .--lehn Lawler, one of , the proprietors 4:1 the Philadelphia Suaday Dispatch, `widled Sunday evening. - -- 1 7 James Hepburn, the well known .•:inatnralist, died at Victoria, Vancouver's ;Island, on April 16th. . - ichard Naffiler was killed:at West ' bo rn, Mass., on Monday eveAing, by ;Thomas Keenan, in a quarrel. • '• --Chaim Leman,. whti has occupied ;desk in the Dead Letter Office since '6l, :has been appointed its Superintendent. —4/crm f ) r• .*ltehelit ',the Inathemati •Man,ldied at :Vasar Collegt/ .N. Y., late Monday' afternoon, from general debility. • —A Omaha dispatch says dens. Stone _ -inan'and Saxton left for • San Francisco yesterday. Their commands follow in a few dap. .:. '. , L titaelentriil'lliCiiic willmaiek Biwa ment Point with the track to-day. The Union Pacific are laying from two to ~. three miles of track per,4ay ! "' , • : " :-- - The ; ode' of Kiwi oily against Gen. Butler was argued yesterday in' the Erni- • -- ',tad, . Sips • qui% Pauli, r at: Baltimore, • umef Sip s Cum presiding. • - —A row of fotirteen dwellings,, at the r 4 1 . 0,thiqf the Ekditiyll4ll2, mearminayunk, wasi burned yesterday. They were meetly occupied by railroad operatives. —.772kr= Of Sacramento aria the ntral' Railroad Company are . Erg eatensive , preparations to twits . the completion of the Pacific Rail. 4.1' i- 4'ittfdamagetor the hail storm in the. twastion Monday'afrernoon is variously ; • Maeda frotutifenty to one hundred 'usanti dollars. The latter sum is O W Mott correct. ' - • gho : '.:4 1 1431.- A. , ,Neleon, a clerk in the ern- CYo.3ent Batt lie Equitable Life Insurance nitailY New 'York, ' ha; been er rata& orke - charge of 'etribezzling ;aOOO his ehplpyers. ler,or, Illinois has appoint- Aden. George W. Stanford, aaao R. Hitt, C. F. Ree.Yee, 'balm and. Peter Gates, of Side Park Commissioners; Branham, forinerly paper- , the Madison disisivn of the ;„. -.747 • V/ • LirAwo • ; ' - - -g '4,55 - - • 1 ". North ort Jefferson • Madison and , Railrinid;died'at'hts residence it Madison, Indiana,_ yesterday mill:ling -Tito New York Assembly yeittein'AY tabled the bill;relative, to - the Hudaon,' Harlem and Erie Railroads, and classi-4 fying the 'Directors so that one-flftkof the Erie Directors shall go out ofoil/00 annually. —Gold: diggings-late recently been discovered near Mazatlan, Lower Cali fonts, and have'attracted a large crowd of people. Considerable gold has been taken out, One lump cOntaining oue thou sand dollars in 'gold, —A complaint was made on lltatiaiv, at .the Now. Mirk 'Mayeeit kfllce, by. g. J. MdCraelcen against Dr. J. Waiter' ' Scott, Principal of the. New York Mail cal Uvlveraity. The Com Plaint ;charges Di'. soO4ANfith b eing 4 quack: —The trial or, Wm. Abrams, for the Young inuritor, L was , Joommenced in the Criminal Wart at Indianapollegudiana, yesterday. A',MOtion. being Made by the pziscineg's *Anneal for a- change; of yenue,l flartber ,Imarlagokair'postported until Friday. . —lt la fuilibred that the notorions butcher-cart thief, Steve Boyle, also re whined REP the iliard6rer ol the Michigan Sheriff, slid ,who Was lately sent from New York. to. the State prison in snob delirious " haste, has escaped froM the Clinton prison. —A Dubuque ,(loara) dispatch sayaa tornado Passed over thetipper - portion of the city last Monday ()Toning, destroy ing a large amount of property, earrying away houses, taking off , roofs, &c. One man, named: Brunie, 4wati . killed, and a number injured. —Crean 'Point mid Rentnck mines, Nevada, have been opened and no indi cation of firndiscovered. The water - Vie risen pearly five . feet on a level, and it will lake several* days to . over .come it: The explorations so far denote the actual dal/liege very alight, • " —The SMOWICof the defalcation nf Mr. Peek, the absconding New York ware hotuse.man, turns out to be much leas than was at first announced. It is new reduced. to $OO,OOO. The • warehpuse in Braoklyn is now in tharge`of thirSheriff, under as order of injunction made by Judge Gilbert. —The late heavy nine waisbed away an embankment on the Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad. - between Spring field and Decatur, Illinois, and the! trail train running west on Tuesday morning waslhrown 00W11 tile embankment. No information has been received as to 'whether any one was hurt. —The dead body or Christian Steaher, a German, Who. disappeared three weeks ago, was found on Monday_ in Newark bay, New Jersey, and was idea. titled by Mrs. Steaher. It bore marks ,of violence, and Louis Blessman, who was with the deceased when last seenalive, has been arrested on suspicion. ----...Asiteebiegag„igew,X4a44.4inggnoi_Ay.. week, a woman named Bridget"CleirrM was assaulted with -et stove, poker in a 'drinking saloon by a ruen'tuuntal Darcy. He drove the point of the poker into her skull and she died from the effect of the injuries on Sunday night last. Darcy has fled. • ' —Recruiting is progressing rapidlyat the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The report that twenty vestals are to be made ready for service 'is untrue. ' There are only eight that could be made serviceable in a few weeks, and the only one , that'is actually preparing for sea is the practice ship Sabine, *hich carries - thirtpsix guns. ' " —A fire occurred In New Albany, In di/ina, early yesterday morning, which destroyed a large two story frame build ing and a one story house adjoinfmr, to gether with thetreater portion of their contents. Total loss $6,000, insurance $2,800 In the North . American, of New York, and .WO in the .Ohio Insurance Company. —The Minnie State Asylum for ,the Blind, at Jacksonville, was burned to the wound Tuesday morning: No lives wore lost. The furniture; dec., were . saved. The loss to the State is about fifty thousand- dollars, with no insurance. A new spot for its re-erection will proba bly be secured, as the building was too near . the track of the Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad. ' —Three weeks ago an old gentleman named Austin, from Kentucky, passed through Madison, Indiana, going to North Madison. His horse was found wandering on the hill next day, and on Monday last the body of the old gentleman was found in the hollow be. low the pike. - He had fallen over the embankment and had been lying there dead for three weeks. He was intoxi cated at the time. - —For several weeks the Cubans in New York city have been quietly but assid uously working to aid their brother rev olutionists in tho field by the shipment of men, money and ammunition to, them. Volunteering is going on very rapidly, but quietly, and the recruits are prompt ly forwarded in small detachments to: Cuba. Very recently a full battery of tield,artillery, completely equ)pped and manned, was dispatched, and informa tion has been received of its safe arrival. The' New York Tammany Society have elected the following ofileers: W in. M. 'Tweed, Grand Sachem, vice Gov. Hoffman. . Sachems—A. Oakley. Hail; Matthew L. Bremer', Immo Bell, John J. Bradley Charles G. Cornell, Nathaniel Jr.,Jarvis, ' Richard B. Connolly, E. B.:: Hart, George W. M'Lelan Jas. B. Melt oleo°, Samuel B. Gcrvisi, Jas. Dowling and Peter B. Sweeney: Air. Henry Van. deverter was elected ,Treasurer; Wi eon' &oaf. Secretary; .. George - W. Ro nik. Sagamore. ' •• x —John ht. Moriarty, ,President o the Irish Republican Association of• Phil el phis, bent the following, dispatch to en ator Chandler: "Aeospt the thanks of twenty thousand Irishmen, of Penneyi- Tapia, who Tpted for Grant In November, for your:.late speech on the. Alabama , claims. RetionstraCtion, .. resumption, .11ourielhing manufactories, the restore,. Lion of foreign trade r the extension ,of territory. the" vindication' vittdication of 'stational honor and the liberation: oflrelandirall follow, hostrittiesegainat England." —The . Cinainnall' ChaMber of . Corn• merco has passed a resolutioti favoring the bill before the:Ohio Legislature, gaining. teeing free trade In money, and Appoint ed a committee to Urge the mmsge of the same. A. joint committee qf theßoard of Trade, and Chamber of Commerce tdacilak for Columba's 'to urge the passage of Wel enabling. Cincinnati to aid the south ri railroad connection . One plan, not' 1 . - bidden by the Ormstilttition.risibr the to build part of the road. Another-sails give bonne to 101,14461 s for; building She road. • - ' ' ' ' SECOND ENT 01 o oqmiveic M. THE C . AL. T Senate , flessiilli-L ere - Oita' Ex planation by' enator \ ' R osa . Coneenang il it interview With PresidenC Granit-La , t . AkitCili.Qt, N 4 :linina49ng , gent' lri--li*ian tinigerliften - dontsr- c. .411toilee to National , Banks-4 .ThelewwinVilistine. (By Tel to ttie Pitts 11171 t .1 -' . - W.MitiNeliCnis Ain ll2o i 1869 .' - 1 SENLIE SESSION. . : , Immediately after the reading of the journ a l, . Ron took the -door and — reed; a lohg pommel explarta 7 thou, chegireterising the aunt of Idsi hiterview:with the , .:Presidetlit as a geese exagg.eratiOn, but devouncin3 thol t res" ident's removal of vreii . ,,..from ' ofoe mrixte,rejloyhbertsocsanuse. ii th e e as 3r:w o e w tre etut apliardold to avi . b n Y . illation of his course during Pas t year and said Ids future support r the . .A:dministration &mild not As blind'. nor, subservient. ..- e Senate took npldr. Etilniturate'r;*, soltltion,,fixing-the tittle or - adjournment shitei die on Thartiday.in fourchiloek. debate ensued; in which Messrs. t3unitner and Pomeroy 'thought they could notget thrcmgh the • bintinetts .by. that time; and :Messrs. Bdintmds and Morrill expressed their Veils to. the. cOntrary. • ' -The resolution passed with the modlil. cation of .r.mitting the hour: The Senate went into exereu*stission and, subsequently adjmarned.:. — _-. WHAT SENATOR ROSicHATH. r Senatores, in his epees:grin thellen ate to-day, said the stattunentsot his in terview with the President were grerSaly Incorrect anel.slanderous, and bad been prompted, by parties interested in mann • - facturing public opinion against him, ' .who were witnesses to the interview. In simple justice to the President, he felt it his duty to say that on the occasion re ferred to no word inocuisistent with the strictest rules of propriety and decorum were uttered by either parties to the 'in terview. The interview was sought by him, not for the Pnrpose of impo'rtnedzig the President to appinntthistor that men: He had never yet approached hlin for that mareoee, and bad no design at' present - of doing so. His object was to protest against the sweeping removals Rad Old RoPublicans _ State nting- the interview be Wriazeitdoletted and pained to hear from the President the assertion, that where any man had held .office da ring thelast year and abed!, it was presumptive evidence that he was a Johnson man. He proofs:Wed at length to criticise the removals, and appoint ments that hyl been made his state. A. portion of the delegation had ' , de manded, and the President had conceded,- the summary dismissal of Republican office holders on mere charges - of want : or fealty to the Republican party; which charges the men making them knew, In many instances, to be false and slander. one. He chsfkred that of the new appoint- manta scarcely one had been taken from the soldiers who fought against the re bellion, but in their stead men bad been appointed who were skulkers in time of danger and notoriously unfit for any public charge. Mr. Pomeroy briefly replied to his col leage. Baying he was %ell satisfied with the President and his Administration. Ho saw nothing to complain of and noth ing to censure. He argued that the changes were demanded and would be sanctioned by the people of Kansas. NOMINATIONS SENT IN. The President to• day sent the following • nominations to the Senate: David A. Nunn, of Tennessee.Minlster to Ecuador; C. N. Riots ' of Texas, Min ister to Nicaragua; Jas. W. 8001, of Illi nois; Secretary of Legation to Mexico; Chas. P. Morrill, of Maine, Consul at Berbeirs; Aaron Seely, of Now York, Consul at Hesse Darmstadt; George A. Hanghton, Supervising Inspector of Steamboats for the Sixth District; Lewis M. Burson, of. Indiana, Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Montana; H. Richard- SOD, of Maryland, Attorney for Montana; .Gee. R. Maxwell, Superintendent of In dian Affairs, New Blexico. Postmasters: Miriam A. Leeds, Strouds burg, Pa.; R. T. Dennison, Warren, Pa.; Frank M. Eastman, Butler, Pa.; Wm. Reck, Oreentille, Pa.; Jas. Moßgan, Mercer, Pa.; Daniel Washabaugh, Bed ford, Pa.; Ebenezer B. Radler, Bandits. ky, Ohio. Wm. P. Wheeland, Milton, Pa. F. S. Richards, Tenn., Consul at Leeds; Chas:B. Branscomb, of Missouri, Consul at Manchester; Jay T. Howard. Consul at Leghorn; Jae. 14 Foley, of Kentucky, Secretary.of Legation at Madrid.- WITHDRAWN. • The name of General A. L. Russell, of Pennsylvania, .-.nomineted Epeador, Was withdrawn' to day from the Senate at bla own special request. TILE ,LAST 1141,T0g., The Presidefifto:asi sent to the Sen ate the last batch.of nominations for the present Executive session. He will pre sent a few more names in place of nomi nees wo mat be reiected, or withdrawn by himself. About two, hundred num& nations remain to , be noted upon. The Senate to-day consldered the San Juan treety, butnreached no conclusion on the subject. riy,• , TO NATIONAL 'LAMM 7 , . • The Comptroller Currency bee sent tbd following to all the national banks: . !in accordance 'with; the provision., of an act of Congress, entitled. an act regu lating , the report' of national Wink alumciAtions. approved March id; quireon are hereby- untitled and TO , to forward immedietelK to this aloe,' on the toted' Ibrm of bleak fur. ntabed for that purpose, a ,report of the - 6oedition of your bank ' as shown by Ile. books At this, close of busineas on the, 17th dayof April, 1869. / Very respectfully, • - 1 4 ' " ' ' H. R. SITRLB17111:1 1 • r':l Comptroller of•Currengy, 310.947nurn trANSION.- of visit xirs,st the Execrative*on this marnr, init; tke;donreflif the President's, odic; being ' ' opted ' ;Welt. ' o'clock. Those present availed themserves of the opportunity of obttiuing interviews. Among. those who had personal inter views .were Senators Cattell, Hamlin, Coleit Drake, Morton, ,Thayer, Schurz, Create, Wilson, Fenton, Nya and Bore man. Robert Lincoln also paid Ma re-. spects to the President. The Cabinet met at noon. All present eicept glecrdtary Rorie. issexusws IN PALESTINE. , - , Rabbi Sneersoluh In an interview with the President - to-day.' asked him to.turn his attention - to the deplorable condition . of the ;Israelites in Palestine. who-pos. sass no tiviter political rights whatever, 'and' ere' deprived of the protection bv, representatives of civilized•natkitui vitfati • the Christians' enjoy, and praying him 'to enable - MOM in :tile hour -ot need to, seekesldez it refuge tinder7the dam end stripes. Pr Grreplied , briefly,' but.: courteOusly, , promising t&examine into the:!_lruOteA and;, do what , be-could to .veYneily.an.Y grievances Which existed. . 1:11 . 41:1M3 DISUILARGED. • ,` • I About one hundred clerks so far have ,been discharged from the Third Audi tor's:odic° and , forty new: appointments made, two of whom are colored . inetf. Oneis_Robert R. Douglass, son of •Fred °rick: Douglass, and otherls James. E. O'Hare, who was clerk in the North Carolina Constitutional Convention.. INDIAN SUPERIISTENDEATER he probability ls - that the Northern Superintendent of Indian iffalrs will be selected from the Prienda or Quakers of Philadelphia; the Central thipbrintend ent from those of Andiana, and the South ern Superintendent from the same rellg -lotus society of Baltiolore; i '. ' REviternit intone r AtirzaTtoit. -' • the new Organize : lBn Of the Internal v! , venue B ureau, which hits been under •—".. ideration by the Commissioner and , tisistantos' • went into effeok to-day. lye , branches of the office are- • into - .three :prominent divisions. ' 4441,. ' A k‘ =NAIL UNION LNAGUR. mat 'Executive Committee of the rr - =‘, League *Of America , which ; r u s iii,;;;; l i In Washington. will eon at,,ther Nichol= Hotel, „New Yorit;' en the Mk " Ju Ds' Ern( viic rz t . ./ 44 Ustrim , .The ruoti o • tylettiem 9 at theappoiniment otEetiof the'Xrege Wni as intoieble to asp' TiourEssioE. ,„ Republican State 'Convention — vatiPro , lne Court Judger—Dumage• by'.."itorns. 'CDT Telegrapb to the Ptlaburga Oizeive.f, NAsFIVIraz, April 20.—Thae Ipaill,:can r - , State Ccaventlon, called to norolnatePaxl didates for Supreme Judges, nembkid' bore to.dsy. The three diviai 'of the dtate were represented, but of fttlly. fieorge Andrew* Of East ennweSee, Mai: McClain, or Middle Tenn #seo r M 2 02 Olvin Havikins, 'Of West ' raleirtie; were nominated.. It was tho ght that 1 the present bench would tr.) u minated, but Judge Andrews was the l only one nominated. Hawkins, nominated in place of Smith, was formerly a' member of the Court. Judge Shackleford an nounces his deterrninatien to run, not. Withstanding the action of the Conven tion.' ' The storm last night did great, damage to houses, fences, forests, Jr.c.. south and 1 southeast of this city. The rooils of houses were taken off, wails blown ar down, fences and trees -p:ostrat . The telegraph suffered considerab le. The storm extended as far as hats ooga. CUBA. My Ti egrsph to the ritubargb Gazet e. 3 Ela.vesA, April. 20.---The Di rio an nounces that the . insurgents aro closely besieging Trinidad, and have od' all communication with the 1 town on the land side. Troops het) been dispatched from Cienfuegos .to relieve Trinidad. The same paper reports that one thou sand insurgents were attacked, and -de feated by one hundred and fifty volun teers. ' Reports continue to be received of the burning of plantations by the rebels. The Aballi estate, near Matanzas, is among those recently destroyed. It is rumored- that a steamer from Nas sau has landed a cargo of arms and am munition for the rebels at Puerto Sarnia, on the northern coast of the Eastern De paitment. IrCITUIC Storm, at ladiallapollS—LOSa of Life. My Tete/Kai* to the Pittsburgh (Duette.) INDIANAPOLIS, April 20.—About nine o'clock last night a terrific rain and hail storm, accompanied" by wind and light ning, passed over this city. The Indiana Central Railroad• freight depot was blown down, and a number of other buildings unroofed. The watchman of the Central depot,•AllenalcOutcheon, was killed,and several < other, employes seriously in jured. Rev. Satuttal Dation. Unlversalist•Min later, of Utica, New York, who was pas.' sing the dope& at the time of the accident, took shelter in ' the depot, — and was very seriously' if' not fatally Injured The telegraph lines in the city, were all prostrated, but meet °or them have been repaired and communication resumed.. The injuries of Rev. D. Belleau are not so serious as at first supposed, and is, now thought he.wlU recover. • , 'the /11inels Legislature. L 137 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasatte.l _ CHICAGO, April 20.—The Illinois San? ate met at Springfield this morning,i, pursuance of adjournment, and after owl firming the Commissioners appointed to , the Cliovernor,on Saturday to locate he Horthern Illinois Hospital for the I a,- refusing to confirm the 00 0213111u11012 to locate the Southern Illitiolarent tiary.;Pasalbgieveral Pills ovar 'the Go ,. snot a veto, passing complimentary. 'rep.; cautions to the Speaker, and ilatetling,to a apPeimin reply";from him, adjourned /buil:Re. • „,.- The House Ihe same hour but 1 a tribrutn nokl/itinkti•asent busineat waadone, savAl Impintoomplimentary . reggrations to the Vier* . • Igatianiai WWlY i Sgbeel 6OttVgittleis;• • opsTsiegritub to the Pittsburgh Gazette'. itor , ' Pnitanalaista • Ap ril ' The Ex *tithe Committee, 4 : l which George IL klttuoVis:-ohairmani we completing ar , • irongianual for • great National Sunday : 1 3 9/ 1 91 707(5 41 9, bp:AN& at New ar N . on the V h inot. B4s.LTlmpliE., z The Case of Kitubelay vs; B. F. Butler. , (By Teleantah to the ?Mehl/rahGazette.) BALTIMORE, April 20,11211 e :case of Kimberly against Butler, in the bolted States Court to-day, Chief ~Tdstlee Chase presiding; the same questions were at is; , sue as before the Supplier Court or Balti more city, namely, the fieedom from arrest of a methber of Congresa, and whether a writ in a civil snit -amounts to an arrest. This point this, morning was argued on demurrer to this plea ha abate ment. - At the conclusion er the argu mentthe Court meryed,its %Moisten un 'fir to4norrow morning, but intimated the 'case %vide go on. A plea or . under an act of Ccmgresg 0r1863, that the, cause Of.ailtion had not _ aocsued }within , two yeare before the: auk' was 'brought, was next: demtirred4ol by plaintiffs, and After armament the cletnerrer:Wse over- . ruled: The plaintiffs then filed a apecialA replication that the' hand(' of latiew.iage not within the description of oases men tioned In the act of,- Congiesa.lrfend ante demutred to this repircation Gen 'oral ißn tier opened the; argiathent on :the demurrer, and, was rlied.to.by Mr. Ad dison. {. The Court ad j ourned until to morrow morning. : : Federal Appointments lirfian Frincisco. ts7,Telegraoh to the Pttteburgh tGazette.? , • f SAN FRAticrsco,' April 20.—The pro ',posed change of officiate, of •the branch mint in this city creates indigngtiori in the business community.. Nearly all the prinCipal Hauliers and bilitinesis m en unite in telegraphing ..to. Washington, protesting against _ , the .removal' of the 1 present t Malang officers. Tbii"changgia velvet; a anstienello •of the -mint ', opera- Lions for for several Weeks.; and have 'damaging effect on , financial transedtiond . 'generally' The 'nominatiOn of iD. W. 131taestnatt, as Sib-Treasurer, la regs t rded, ,unfavorably. A ton protest 110 beell ' l tEiregrapited to. Washington urging his rejection by the &nate.' Tbe Storm at LeabisiHe. Telqrs ß b to the .Piershurthoarorkte.l Lcirrravin - tn; April 46.—=The atorld last ,ssightsra4 very savers., being acoomprm led by lightning and- volurnairof rain, &Wend trestles ,along the lines of roadirleading 'Muth of 'this' city • were. partly washed:awaY. A• - train of four freight oars was wrecked • nearl Paris, Tenn., • but no loss of llfsomirreel. 'rife dim** Will be Imniodiarely repaired. In thM city the damage, if any occurred, Is" very alight. Flood in,qmada. ST Teierrapp tc!iiie.ritieborka Gazette.] Molvrimar., April 19.-. The lie has moved otit of the Chateatikay river and. lake. The fita Lawrence rose from thirty: eat on Saturday to-fortyitwo feet today. The Iciwei, part of Grittlntown is flooded, ant much aharetafts'anticfpged. .!..m.rrattEr4 Cattadailittil '21l;-`43xt- Alflcgain stonni:ppievalltki ,betelfluodey Thefeountry ii_covered with wa ter. The damage ill`very great.- —Two persons were arrested in a dis- reputable house,: in Quincy, Tllitiols, Monday night, on silsPiplorr beingthe robbers of the, messengers of the United, States Express, near Mount Sterling,' on Friday night last.' On one of the men ar rested was found two thousand` dollars, supposed unds to he a partion of the,mitemg f. • For the year ending first of Aprll,lBB9, 'the sales of mannfacturers, in the First Ohio District, were twenty - six million dollars, reported to the Assessor of Inter nal Revenue. Sixty-nine manufacturers sold over'one hundred thousand dollars of manufactured goods each. —.l'he New York Evening Post. says it is Understood the . French Atlantic Cable will be landed at Capaldav,'N. J., under authority granted , by the Legislature at , the last session. A company was organ ized at Camden, last Saturday, to mop orate with tho French company. Markets by Telegrapk. ' 7.CEIN ORLEANS, April 20.—Ootton easy; middling at 240; sales 1,700 bales; re mints 2,180; bales; exports 2,224 bales. Gold at 184. Exchange. Sterling at 445.. C. New York Sight. 34:0 premium: Sugar firmer, viltn, sales common at 9(a3 No, and prime .at , 14. Molasses firm at .50@55; prime retailed at 72. Flour dull and depressed, with sales superfine at $5,70, double extra at 16,12, and treble extra at 0159 • Corn—white at 78©77. Oats quiet at 74. Bran at $1,40.. Hay tirtn; prime at 28. Pork nominal at $32. Bacon firmer; shoulderA at 13, 1 5, sides at 171/ 4 0173i. Lard dull:With sales' dere° at 180119, keg at 19X©2034. ,kyr-western reedited at 87®95; holders asking an advance. _Coffee stiffer; fair _ . at 151 i; prime at 1734'.:' , . CniCAno, April 20,1 •Atopenboard In the atternoon.wheat was Moderately ; ac tive and tirm„No. 2 selling at 51,03011,.0-1 on the . .,spot; . and ' 1 1,010466,, . sellers 'ibi May, Cosine) at the - ontside 'figuree. Other grainh nominally unchanged. In tho,evening wheat, - closed..firm at 11,04 cash. Provisions eglected. Beef cattle' dull and weakr receipts-=reached &248 head; , sales 1,628 head'Vl 6 , 2 6(4B ibr light, to extra choice shipping. beeves. HogS 'dill!, closing weak with eri'npward ten dency; receipts, 2,688 . head;' sales at 19,25 ®lO for common; 119,70®9,80 for good to medium; ,110(410,117 1 r4 , for clkolcse to extra: , .. BOPFALO, Apri l 2o:-;-FlOUr; spring bile better request, , bUt i OS Selekwere lima 4, atlB®6,2Eefor oltygecam4 spring, : 'WO t, is duli, With sales of That s white pane a' at .81035 - delivered'..' Cern is dull; arid' seams,' Wittetislee of 'ss films.. on ' track, at 764 ' to 'roil*, l and'7Bo on spot:- Oats neglected, ' Rye is nominal. Barley I. MAI,. with sales of '2 Care vans:' da ' at, 8 1 , 9 Vdelivered:n Seeds are Arta with a moderate activity In Timothy: PorktLard and , '-. l l l ghWines are dull and' unchanged 9..„ . .AtignanMEr APB 200—Oat& 3farket4.. TrPser l a ittlelartqlllre4oll/10%; . 220 boleti. prices Bpzn on best grOespomemall• cat-' 4 ite fie there,was:ati advance, of et. magi la 1110 ` ,25 (i1 14 , 7 $1brelitia. 'll2, 476 fJ first'iinitlity,,' it1i11,160@11,76 ;wound quality. ' -Sheep • ant ,', l iiiittatrecelPtdi" 2,978 head: Market"' fair; 'with' a supplrr of nearly double that of last week; sal* : at 4 3(4e8 W.- , . _ Bart FliastoienO. ADill 20.-..Flonr dull et ' , 84;5038,50. Wheat; 11,55 tvaa Abe highest Bgure for choice Leg al TasgalTendere. zioietroitht, April 20.—Cotton is gnlet and salei t r o ere Made of middlings at 250; mid d ordinary', at244024,1c ' . ; The , stook on andamonnts to 5,500 bales. -1 HavartecAm2l 2 1 1.--Bnigaraides., at 83099 realm for No. 12. , . I CITY , AN.D SpBUR,BAN. Hotel Robbery 7'4e Robber Captured. Monday night or yesterdayinorning a robbery, was perpetrated at the St. Clair Eretid, tinder circumstances, vkh led • to the. conclusion that 'the PJrpetrator Was a guest at the , establlshihent, and pronipt . _ f naeastnes. were ,taltenfil secure bin arrest, w.hich re are pima& state, proved suessissful lt , It„appeaßogutt the room' of , the , bar, heepet? - at.'Lue hotel, Mark burkin, was - entered by; aid of a pall' e door having biteti'lookod:fro)ololpsido'.an the key - left in the-lock, and aeiiver watch 'Worth forty.dollars, atpair,of gold sleeve but tone a:ate-della- hill and two' fifty cent notes of fractional currency taken. Room No. 61i-widen-Wag notifipled by Madame and;hari danglater r e dansease, *he arrived Ili the, eit,y ) _Saturday, was rebel entered:in thent aae - Way, and a pla tine:welch mnithtins hundred dollars, a gold locket and chain wortity -dol lars, and a pair of _ear-ringsMade of two %doll& arilra halrgold Illemargilractad- This room had likewisanddri/ I ed oft the Inside and, the. hey, 41,1 the:lock, ,\ and' upon enanfitittiit thettite yesterday morning the marka - 4ff ;tie- otititaiders" were plainly vtaible ,npon, A . hem An other boarder in the hotel, at an early hour yesterdlYinorning,heardinme one workingat hiaxioor, and attergetting hia revolver he Opened the door 4 and saw a man pass dotvia' the hall hastily &id enter a'-Whioh -Was nee:opted- by William Howard, a atranCer in the eitYl who had been inopplug at. the hotel for three or four days. - Chief' of - PdllCe Hague was notlfied - orthe affair; and atterahearing :the facts,accomparded byaeveral mem— bers of the detective force, proceeded to the beteg anudd tusOertithibig ' the 'MOM occupied by Hewardirepaired to the door -,: and knockech..Xinward inked what Met 'Ntanttidiviieiitheydemandedidinittance, He did' not open the dearlininediately, ghat. kept them •_waiting - for 4 -tirenty or thirty minutes t during:which time they ieind - theWindO*At the bac,k of, his roofs ' aVid alOae; Mir 'Which the door wall:, opened. Howard was the only person foundin,fthe, , roona.:::;He 'Was searched bnt'xione of the stolen propertycsave the. t*n &liars' taken --Rom'the'halseeper's roam, was found in his mites/lion. A ,pair af,"ousiders", were found , over the wilidov in the mon] ' where, it leevktOt, they had' been planed by Howaid. he room was then searched, but' none of the stolen Property discovered...-The window vasloisted, and, lying on the root of an adjoining building, which-wal bat a few feet from the windcavixwere.the watches and other articles-we have-ldready des cribed.' • • nowaid . , Was then 'conducted- to the Mayor's office, where.Chiefliague made two informations %Nine" him, charging ' Min with robber*, and eller a pearivg he - was cointratted tb stl n aefaniChfpi,ooe bail In each cue 3dr.;ll.ppearsnce at Itoward; tt ap ,is from Chicago,, end be:states that, this is his - lisat+vhdt to - this city. The , prospect for azi , mctended one is quite flatseyng. Trouble Anieng,Ainegheny ..F.tremen— Friend!item Fire. Company .j . Dis bandment—Fervor Apparatus *eked— :: proluibtlity'orn litiorgazilistlen. :In Monday morning's issue we stated some trouble had arisen einem themem bero of the-Friendship- Row Company of Allegheny, which ,weeldlikely lead to -44 * 3 -•.", , . the disbanding of the. organization: Sob- - sequently the matter,was• brought up ate - .. _ a meeting of the, Committee on Fire , Engines and Some, of Ina City Cannella, at which•it was slated the Company was . comPletelY demo r a lized , and could not. , be ,retied ' upon for - service hereafter. , The`Committee accordingly instructed. Captain. Crow, of the ,Allegheny Tiollea form, to proceed to the engine - house, and take possession of the same. Captain Crow proceilded te. follow out bieliastrue lions, but wben l he arrived at the Engine. House onlleaver street - ho found , it de deserted, thd members having, it seems, received 'entice of bis coming, and hay ingatindoned the place,takinvyith them thenew hose 'carriage wonat the, Monti , Mental Fair, togetheewith -the greater portion of , the ,esnipments. of the com pany, leaving notb3ng r but the old, hose carriage, the horse- and 'the' hose. This °centred late lin Monday, night. • , Yesterday an attempt was made to re orginiiellieVorripariy,liut witbetit avail. It seems tberpartiea leating have threat ened dire 4engeaace , upon may 'persona • taking possessicua of the house min fire • ethiltiany,'whieh threats have hail their influence 'upon those . endeavoring to• effect , a reoruanizatima. It la said the Whole trouble origlnated,, and has thus, far been kept up by i 'Very simaltlninor . ity Of ttiErmemtiens,. abotit. nine out pt sixty. Some , of,,theao-, : nine, however, have' heiel.ofOre - ban arnong, the most. 'active ineinbere.c ;They claim the prop erty taken away as theirs", they jaavirig secured ,the, money by ;which it In& prcnaurecV, The' Votiontte, contend. • on' the c..tottier, luta* '::that'l la. the Wait, eontiAtioted by .tbe elti niVs orthe *Oral; do preberlY - certain-1r belongs to ,the City • Fire Departhaent. It isquite probable, hoarse - sr, that no legal . trouble will ensue on this:point,* there. is an tholont - apparatus' for an organised 'Ci.itopany to , plo. itninedlittely into ser vice. Tnat carried ottl wae:mOregbr or nament, than use. , ,Wheri.. last heard front'` the fancy hbaneitrlage tap, was on the Per Plink) Rea& about • Biztfen.ndley.Aor4#LB , eity• le,citlerge or Iliei tire bolters who nailattacbedaborse to it and *eke , still , diiiinkitheW. It to probableithewholematter . will be bald In abeyance , until . the. ;next , meephag of Cduucils, ' when" dethilto. - actleti Wlll be tak e n. _ , .:::-..4 . .e. • 1 :., , ,:1 • ,` A Serenade ' ittai l evettihg T liallY"ot men as. * Second street, Alleggeny, in . nt of a houhe beenpted frisnpd -- who had•=just" mit 4 ed into h ymen . bonds far the -pCrpOse otisertinading him. Their instruminaccitmtudi3 Consisted or: tinatprue,,, cow beys and tin paw which,. When operated ti . pon, at - oboe produced IA sound startling In the highest 'degree to the entire.neW,lborhood. , The nerves of a policeman on,that beat being shattered witli - the muslo,-he,ln a frenzy o ftervotts excitement, seized upon two of. the , sere nade:eland ceaveyea them t 4 the May or's office, when a nine of three dollars was `i mposed upon_ each, disturbing , the pub ic peace. TAN ended the MOM. fled*. NIZIMM