The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 20, 1869, Image 8

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Thal icaren ia isowieked 44 The etly
Me - efx Aays of the week for 15 cents per
week; mail, 18per annum :8' mos., r 2.
The Repubilian County Executive
Committee=lVM -hold' a- meeting this
morning at eleven o'clock, at their old
headquarters. •
Tiro - new loooniotives from Baldwin , e
works, Philadelphia, for the "nee of the
Pan'Eancile Railroad Company, arrived
at the Union Depot yesterday.
•To Carpenters and Builders.—The
Vommittee appointed to superintend the
erection of the station houses extend
thehinvitation for proposals until , April
OrTrack train of empty coal cam
IMO thrown off the track yesterday
morning, near the Union Depot, by a
lirick being placed on the rails. The
train was repkced without injury.
. ,
The Fair now in rogr in the DS. E.
Church, Temperance e, will be con
tinued every evening. until Satnrdon
24tit. The proceeds will be usedin
remodeling. the church. Friends of the
church and all °them who wish to help
the amuse are respectfully invited to . at- .
Temperance Iteeting.—Tne Allegheny
Tmnparanoe League will meet this even
ing at seven and - : a half o'clock, in Dr.
Ciark's absinth,' corner of Sandusky
street and Stockton avenue. Addresses •
will be delivered by. Professor Crumb
and.thellev.743lM 11;Clgrk,'D.D. TIM
publio are oordiallrinvited. •
Felee t itMellohn Adam :Roth,
a buteher s in the Dialllol4 Market, made
IhlbrmatlO* Were the'Mayor,y_mtarday,
ebutthlt nlimn ThohNICITIth :Obtain
-14 money sad Meat to the amount of
seventeen dollars false and fraudulent
representations. He sew arrested and
in defaultstbaff ormundlted to jail for a
I r:AttaLliaiumile.--Wm. W. Wilson,
ilklit, - W sehin e = r appeared before Al.
desman U yesterday and
lodged 'information asothutt John! Fink,
Ibr znalltdcrult xnhadder.. - The • alleged.•of
*Dee. consisted of adtaltdstering a
pleotVof pedienta Wittsage to a`lvaltutble
watch d B, As►using the animal to die.
..BVlSlVHl'Litigatien—Edmund* Burke
mot be of ctratorical renown; but Edmund
lOC Webster street this city. called at Al
denoted IdolliUders yeaterday, and lodged
iliktiellbta =against' Bridget Malls. for
bireit o - =re alleges Bridget stole
— Ma k containing - ten dol-
fifty cents. The accused was
setnited and tif datindt of bail, 0012113lit
ted tojidi fbr
-!Mere er - Thetn.—Last evening another
lot of you men were - beftore - Mayor
Drum, charged, with loafing around the
Methodist Church,- Sixth ward Alleghe
my. Complaint was madejat the Mayor's
office several times, and on Sunday
evening some of--We -police arrested all
they could lindiengaged in the practice.
The parti al s latirtiorah tined one dollar,
Mid discharged upsupsyment.
kthramtlea Wanted:— Lest Friday
corning, Wm. Gangley, a lad aged about
r the=trat 4lo,, s home near the
I . harryOn *earth of work, but has not
haMA-Of abide. The boy's mother
a vichrw,, and lir very much distressed
• *tidal:Rea ce. Any information
of him le at the Allegheny Mayor's
office will be thankfully received.
A Helpless Prlsoner.--Last evening
some of the Allegheny police discovered
a man in a state of beastly intoxication,
lying on the pavement on . Robinson
street near the railroad bridge. Finding
it impossible to get , him to stand, a
wheel - barrow was procured, the inebri
ate:placed in it, anthe shafts manned by
officer Dan Graham who succeeded in a
short time in depositing leis load at the
Going It Illlnd.—Yesterday morning
a blind horse attached to a cart, left
standing a lbw minutes on Ferry street,
by its owner, started off. For a short
AOmI co it went well enough, but finally.
brought up on a cellar door on the side.
valky-near . Fifth avenue, and broke
throtigh Into the cellar, receiving several
seven bruises and gashes by the fall.
After a deal ortrouble it was removed
and Walked - off, this time under the
glildanee of its owner: •
The closing exercises of the Western
Theological seminary -will take place in
the Fuld l'Webyterian Church, (Dr.
SWitt's) Allegheny — city, to-morrow,
Wednesday evening, at 73i o'clock.
There will be three addresses, viz: Vale
dictory, by J. H. Montgomery; Response,
by J. Rogers'Wilson; a presentastoh of
diplomas and address by Prof. S. J. Wll-
4014 D. D. From-the well known abili
ties of the speakers the exercises will be
imnsmilly interesting.
Assaulted an Offieer.—Barney O'Don
nell, a resident of the "Bull • Run" Dis
trict. Yesterday evening assaulted officer
Eckorr, at the corner of High and Wylie
streets. The officer it appears was pass
, Ing up Wylie street, and when at the
corner MOlltiolled, Barney beinlrghlly
inebriated staggered against
cautioned him to be careful
whereupon Barney kicked him. He was
then taken into custody, and consigned
to the lock-up where he .was provided
with lodgings until,the opening of the
Mayor's court Ude raornbg, when he
will be dlePosed ,
Felonious MBank.
Yesterday, Chtisty Bradford made in.
forniation,. 'before 'Alderman Ly nc h ,
ugalut 'Jerry Driscoll, James Dean' and
Mama Ibr reknit - mut assault and battery.
Christy had made information oul3otor.
Mr Meech* egabist Driscoll Tor'selling
liquor on Sunday. Saturday evening
he Went into Driscoll's saloon, on Web
ster: streetywhere, heldleges, the mimed
attacked him, one :of them strildeq him
With ant. Iron be:, inflicting two severe
Stmaon his head and fracturing his
ilderr blade.' Dr. Donnelly attended
to his injuries— Yesterday he made the
inibrtestitort as stated. - • Warrants were
issued. ; _
MOP* 41441494t—guer. Ntask AWN aid
• TIM higuill•
Fri irnedn brat avuniber of men
mimed in unloading a boat load of
111 .9 a ors, at Eversion itPrestou's
the Sixth ward, when like coupling pin
Mime 'Out of one of the leaded cars as It
WAS eeMdieS:the ineihn t tn i d UM, _ear
ran back into the boat ' Wesel
Haney, 'William ,Ciuoubms a n William
Bruce. Chambers was seriously injured
internally, and Brum bad one:of his legs
badly, unshed. Haney received a trio
tun; of the skull and other injuries,
wh i c h r esulted In his death. He was rer
Moved to Mercy ReePltal Saturday
morning, and died Sunday mornbol.
Coroner Claninni held an inquest on the
b o dy yeeterday when the jury returned
verdict of a ccidental death.
• ,•:4,1--7i1i,,'"5.7.:ta1p2t4•4'4'',.a.
Mkti, •
DbtMt Kirkpatrick„
Mownlir, April 19.—1 n the imse of
Hutahinson'vs. School Directors of Indf•
aim township, previously reported, the
jury found for the plaintiff in the sum of
56,536,25, subject to the opinion of the
court on a question of law • reserved.
David T. Campbell vs. C. C. • Lamtn.
Action to recover the value of a horse
sold and delivered. Verdict for plaintiff
in the sum of 5191,90.
Murphy vs. Sproul t Moorhead admin
istrators of David Sproul deo'd. Action
to recover for work and labor done. On
62. McElroy, Dickson & Co. v& Knap.
90. Young vs. People's Line of Steamers.
95. Klounk vs. Douthett.
97, Eifers vs. Malone.
103. Smith vs. Dillinger & Stevenson.
104. Myers vs. Deltrich et al.
105. Robinson & Co. vs. Garnishee of H.
G. Clary. • '
106. Shade et tix. vs. Ainsworth et tut.
Commint Pleas—Judge Sterrett,
DIONDAY, Apr 19.—George 'Blume vs.
John Satter. Action on a lease. Ver
dict for defendant.
The Conunonwealth ex rel. vs. Catha
rine Shramp: \ Inquisition in lunacy.
The jury found that the said Catharine
Shramp is at tha time of taking this in
01,91110bit ihhatio,' and has beelr no - for
the space of three years last past and does
not enjoymnoid intervals, and at the time
of banning a lunatic. she was seised of.
no. real estate, but was possessed of cer
tain monies, .goods and - chattels, rights
and credits to the.value of $8,851.59.
Hagemall vu, Kratz dr Co. Action on
book, amount. Verdict for plaintiff in
the sum of $28.10.
S. H. B. Carter vs. Carson, Darlington
At Co. Action of trawl, on the Case to
recover $5OO, the veins of a quantity of
malt. ..The. plaintiff, failing to apppear,
was non suited.
Gibbs vs. Hultz. Action to recover
$4201,51; fifty-seven weeks' boarding for
defendant's wife. Verdict for plaintiff iu
the sum of $488,25 debt and Interest.
Sheehan vs. Sohntterman. Action on
the case to recover damages for man
date prosecution. On trial.
Janua Lief.
14. Wilson vs. Fran klin
15. Franklin vs. Wilson et al.
26. lutnthnot ye. Lsnahan.
September List.
54. Hyde's adm'rs vs. Tauseig & Co.
January List.
29. O'Neil et aL vs. Shane.
30. Sauter & Holland vs. Howard.
U. Adams vs. Kipp.
2. Auld vs. Wain.
December List.
5. Hagen:tan &. Snyder vs. City of Pitts•
• burgh..
' January List.
33. Nimick vs; Noble.
34. Vankirk 'vs. Long.
35. Linton vs. Meyers.
36. Pier. Danals & Co. vs. Shultz & Dan
40. McKee vs. Stoner et al.
fa. J. Selfertt & Co. vs. Lattie.
American Bank.
It will be seen from a card published
in another column of this issue that the
American Bank is thoroughly organised
and opened for the transaction of a gen
eral. banking business, at No. 80 Fourth
avenue. Our most worthy and wealthy
friend, Jno. Floyd, Esq., has been elected
President by a unanimous vote . Thiele
a well merited compliment to a gentle
man who has been actively engaged, in
business for the last forty years, thirty
five of which have been spent in Pitts
burgh. A gentleman who has sustained
such an unblemished charai,•ter as Mr.
Floyd, Sind been so successful in the
management of hia ownprivate business
as to amass an independent fbrtune,' is
just the one to place at the head; of such
an institution. All interests committed
to his care will be faithfully attended to..
He will doa safe, and at the same time a
profitable business. Wm. Floyd, Esq., a
gentleman who has had a business expo.
rience of about twenty years, and bears
the reputation of, being an excellent
financier, has beeraeleoled Clothier. The
Stockholders and Directors, who are in
dividually responsible, are all well known
in this community as practical bminess
menu and rich in the possession of this
world's goods. The institution is a safe
one and will no doitbt receive an exten
sive patronage.
The following gentlemen have been
elected Directors: 41131 n Floyd, William
Fl d, .
M. d, Thos. M. Itnslutll, Jas. W. Ar
rott, John Mud d, Wm. T. Shan
non, Archibald Wellace, Jas. D. Kelly,
Chas. B. Leech.
Youthfal - Insormers.
Yesterday morning Fred. Zacharias, a
boy about fifteen years of age, made in
formation before the Mayor, charging
Garrett Phelan, of the Twelfth ward,
Jacob Guttendorf, of Bloomfield, James
McManus, proprietor of the McManlius
House, Penn street, and Pat. Bradley,
Wylie street, with selling liquor on Sun
day. It appears that Fred, in company
with several other boys, were on a bit of
a “spree" Sunday, and during the day
Visited all the places above named and
purchased liquor, and the •yansequence
was they were considerably Intoxicated.
Feeling repentant the next morning, as
drunken men mostly do, when it is
bearable to get another drink, Fred re
solved to attune for his misconduct on
the day previous by bringing all the
above named parties to justice, and
hence the information. Bradley waived
a hearing and paid the penalty of fifty
dollars, which each of the others were
required to do after a hearing. Onedialf
of the penalty in each case, sae hundred
dollare In all, was paid to the informer,
and the other half to the Guardians of
the Poor.
pretty geed el work for a boy.
We would advise him to try. his luck
but he might omit , tkii
re ar ciirk buy the liquor and throw It out,
whlob will answer the same purpose in
the prosecution as drinking the 'rib ring:
Coaldeate Operation az a Snail *ale.
On • Friday morning last a respectable
Woking German, with a baiket on his
arm * tinkled ihe Diamond Market and,
slier looking round for some time;
stopped at hir. Thomas /amberlWO
stand and inquired very patikularly
about pa price of mess, after which he
remarked that he must go andparch as e
some agga and, having no suagl change,
asked frt. E. to let him have three or
live dollars ibr s few moments, and as
soon as hePiliroluNed the eggs he would
return and set' Ms basket of beer and
pay the whole amount. Mr. Simberiatr
generously gave him the three dol
lars, but the fellow neglected to call for
his basket and beef.
The next day the same individual
played the trick on Mr. Adam Roth.
Mr. Roth said , he suspected him, having
heard of the transaction of the previous
day, and gave him the money as a trap,
'winding to'• have bim ssreitted,
while he was in search of an °Moor the
fellow made his eseape.
Pl'tßßßolf'.,AZßTirinkr ), javi -MO
Bold Burglarl--mtemilit tie kelp the
c!ili Sault.
Saturday and Sunday
hOdat: ,
tempt wax made a rob the city Bank.
on Yin avenue. opposite the ClathetireL
The operators' effected an elltrialee into
the cellar underneath the bank, from a
door over an .entrance leading from a"
public alley at the side of the building.
They were evidently experienced hands
at the btutiness, and took every precau
lion to escape detection. After getting
inside, it seems they placed an old quilt
across the entrance, and tucked it down
in such a manner that the door was kept
fastened, and not a ray of light could
peer through to attract attention outside.
The burglars, after fastening the win
dows of the cellar in a similar manner,
went to work.
The bank vault, containing tb e safe and
valuables, rests upon a foundation of solid
masonry, feet Rutile, built up from
the cellar to the floor of the banking
room. This foundation is built in one
corner of the cellar and capped by a
flagstone about one foot in thickness,
which extends over upon two- of the
cellar wall& The thieves commenced
their operations on this foundation with
the intention of first tearing it away,
thus letting the floor of the vault fall, to
gether with the safe, into the cellar.
Thry seemed tO have worked faithfully.
and succeeded in tearing awayabout half
of the Soundation, commencing at, one
corner and demolishing it in a diagonal
direction backward end •upward. This
would have allowed the flagstone to fall
had it not still rested on the two walls of
the cellar.
The thieves thus found themselves
balked. To get the flag out they would
have been compelled to tear down that
portion of the cellar wall which it
lapped over—a simple impracticability.
At this point they seem to have been in
terrupted by the janitor of the building,
Monday morning, who came to the side
door on the alley, about four o'clock,
and endeavored to get into the cellar,
but found the entrance' blocked up. He
then triad another entrance from the in
terior of the building, and was success
ful; the thieves, it ie surmised, in the
meanwhile beating - a hasty retreat.
When getting into the cellar he discov
ered the attempt, and thinking,
_from ap
pearances, it to have been succ essful, he
immediately proceeded to the residence
of the Cashier, Mr. MoTighe, and in
formed him of the affair.
Mr. MoTighe, however, on arriving at
the bank, found everything safe, and as
soon as possible, employed a number of
masons to repair the foundation, which
was accomplished in a few hours. The,
thieves in their flight left behind the
quilt, an anger and gimlet. With the
anger they had bored a hole through the
door of the banking room, but for what
purpose Is not known. Chief of Police
Hague took possession of these articles,
but has not yet discovered the parties.
The affair, though unsuccessful, was
one of extreme boldness and perseve
rance. Ills supposed the burglars were
working two nights at least, as the work
done could hardly have been accomplish
ed in one.
There was no person about the bank
from Saturday evening until Monday
morning, and they had abundant oppor
tunity to carry on their operations. The
cdrudruction of the foundation for the
vault speaks well for the forethought
and sagacity of the builder; for to thisar
rangement it alone is due the failure of
the robbers to accomplilh their designs.
The number of cases disposed . of each
morning at the Mayor's ,t.lourt is an evi
dence of the efficiency and vigilance of
the police force. It is a rare sight to see
a drunken man on the street now unless
he is accompanied by a city guardian.
But notwithstanding the vigilance of the
officers in this respect, it is quite evident
from the number of persons In the lock
up yesterday morning, charged with
drunkenness, that an immense quan
tity of whisky had bops sold
on Sunday, yet we do not hear
of any dealers- being returned by
members lof (the olice force for vio-
lation of the law. There appears to be
an aversion among the police generally
against making informations of this
character, which is altogether wrong. It
is as much their duty to inferno en a man
for a violation of the Sunday liquor law.
as it is their duty to arrest a drunken
cman. More than this, the law iteelt of
fers a reward to the man who faithfully
performs his duty under it.
Water-pipe has been laid on White
sides alley In the Eighth ward, and is
now being laid on Townsend street. It
has been the custom heretofore to post
pone the laying of water-pipe until after
the streets or alleys were graded and
paved, a very bad custom evidently, as
it necessitated the breaking of the corner
or centre of the paved street, in order to
to lay the pipe, and the pavement being
generally relaid before the ground has
thoroughly settled, as a matter of course,
the paving would settle, more or leas, at
that point and leave the street uneven.
This custom, we are informed, has been
abandoned, and the pipe is now being
laid before the paving is done.
We hope the contractor for the grading
and paving of Townsend street will
push his work and complete the job as
soon as soon as possible after the paving
is done.
The new stamps for manufactured to
bacco are now (=dug into general nee
and attract some attention. The large
stamps are fir one pound, ten pound,
and twenty pound packages: The one
pound stamp is printed In plain black,
and is'graoed with the figure of smoker ,
the ten pound stamps are in color shrills;
to the t hr ee cent. postage stamps, and
bear the ' pictured representation of an
Indian; the twenty pound stamps are in
a bright green, and very handsomely
engraved. There are also stamps for
one ounce, two ounce and eight ounce
packages. These are about the Ilse of
the postdate stamp. The tax is thin*.
Ave oents per - pound. The stamps for
cigars sre for, packages of fifty and, one
hundred, The tax on cigars is. Ave dol-,
bra per prousand.
Sunday afternoon, $ number of lads,
ranging, In ,aget from ten to fifteen
years, broke into the stable of Mr. W. J.
Cahoon, on Webster street,' Allegheny,
and stole a quantity of goods from a no
tion wagon in the building.., A portion
or the goods was subsequently disocro
ered in a neighboring yard. Yesterday
afternoon Mr. Gibson obtained a clue
to the youthful depredators and lodged
an information against Frank Lynch.
John Woods and Addison 'Ebsessor for
larceny, upon which, a warrant was is
sued. This Is the third time a similai
robbery has occurred, arid Mr. Gibson is
determined to put an end to any further
"v-7=-+ -
tgrowsco. •
lasor , o Court.
Water Pipe Laid.
Tobacco Stamp,.
riawch► Thieves.
Yegado evening, about twenty min
tites ffiria cJelock, a painful sleadent oo
mined in Allegheny, resulting in the al
ined instant deathofJosepkAlbree,a lad
aged about ten years, eldest son of
Aibree, Jr., the well known shoe dealer.
The little fellow, in company with a
younger brother, was playing around
the plat(orm at the Freight Depot of the
Western Pennsylvania Railroad, in the
rear of the Catholic Church, Anderson
street. At the time a number of freight
care wereatawling on the track alongside
the platform, which were being coupled
together to make up a train. Two cars
at - the head of the train had just been
coupled, in doing which they came to
gether with considerable force, causing
those in the rear to be forced backward.
At this instant, the men heard a scream,
and upon looking , back, saw one of the
boys screaming and gesticulating for the
train to move on. Running to the place,
they discovered . the oldest boy
crushed between the bumper of
the rear oar and the "bumping
block" placed at the end of the track.
The little victim was quickly extri
cated, but never spoke or opened his
eyes and ceased to breathe in about two
minutes afterward& A physician was
summoned, but when he arrived life
was extinct. .The blood oozed from the
mouth and nose, but when examined
there were no external signs of injury
save a black' spot on hie breast, where
the greatest force memo to have been
felt. He was removed to the residence
of his parents, at the corner of Cedar I
avenue and Avery street, Fourth ward.
The officers of the train say they never
noticed the lade until attracted by the
screams . of the younger one. This one
Bays he and his brother had been run
ning backward and forward between the
"bumping block" and the car in playlag,
and had done so several times before the
accident occurred. The Coroner has been
notified and will hold an inquest on the
remains to-day.
Mrs. Barclay's Lecture.
In announcing the free lecture of this
lady for last night our types were so mis
used as to fail entirely of our object.
Mrs. Barclay delliered her first lecture
at the Sixth U. P. Church, (Dr. A. D.
Clarke's,) in the Fifth ward, Allegheny,
formerly known as Manchester. Her
course of lectures will be continued at
the same place every evening of the pre
sent week.
Mrs. Barclay is a lady of imposing pre
sence, of many and varied attainments,
has a chaste and eloquent elocution, and
comes among us well accredited, as well
for her moral as for high intellectual
characteristics. Her subject, "How to
Oet Health and How to Keep It," has
been with her a
!s pecial study. She
treats It with each marked ability and
In a way so practical and 'useful to her
audiences of whatever age or sex, that
we hope large numbers will at test, by
their presence, their sense of the great
merit of the aocOmplished lecturer, and
thus induce her to re-visit the city on
some future occasion.
Some time since, as our readers will
remember, the leather store of Messrs.
Spangler & Graham, Allegheny Dia
mond, was robbed of a considerable
quantity of leather. A part of the prop.
erty was found In an alley in the rear of
the establishment the next morning.
Sunday afternoon a large piece of leather
was found by some boys at the mouth of
the West Common sewer. Thinking
there might be more of the article !Aar
by the boys went into the sewer, End
and about twelve feet from the entrance
they discovered a roll made fast to the
upper part of the arch, clear of the
water. The police were informed, and
the leather removed to the Mayor's office,
where a portion of it was identified by
Messrs. Spangler & Graham yesterday
morning. There is yet no clue to the
thieves. -
Tried to Settle.
Joseph !weal, like Pickwick, a single
gentleman, obtained lndging at a board
ing house on Sixth street, some weeks
since. Becoming desirous of changing
his quatters yesterday, it is stated, he
attempted to leave the old place without
settling up his score. This proceeding
agitated and exasperated the proprietor
of the. establishment, Mr. Charles
Rauhm_, who thereupon attempted to
settle the matter by inflicting a severe
chastisement on hie delinquent Warder.
The victim, believing this treatment to
be entirely uncalled for, lodged Informa
tion for assault and battery against his
assailant before Alderman McMasters.
The accused was arrested and gave ball
for a hearing.
Reported, Outrage on a Child.
The Eveaing Mai/ yesterday con
tained the following telegram from
Homewood, Pa. We could not learn
any additional particulars :
"A little girl only eight years of age,
daughter of one of our moat - respectable'
citizens was waylaid last night about
nine o'clock, while returning home from
her Aunt's by two negroes, who outraged
her person and inflicted such serious in
jury that her life is despaired of. The
fiends have been prowling in the neigh
borhood for the 'past few day under
most suspicious circumstances and it is a
matter of deep regret that they were not
arrested lbr vagrancy. Every effort is
being made to effect their capture.
The Musical .11ibUee.
We learn that the club now being or
ganized in this city to participate in the
grand National !dueled Jubilee to take
place in Boston next June, is pretty well
made up, but not yet sufficiently ftdl to
properly represent the musical and art
losing; portion of the community. Prat
Lawton la anxious ,to secure more delo.
gates, and has his books open at Barr,
Knake • ana Baettlaes popular music
store, N 0.12 St. Clair street, whege all
who wish to attend as delegates should
immediately Mister their names before
it is too late. The delegates will enjoy
unusual privileges and courtesies, and it
is to be hoped that Pittsburgh will be
fairly represented. -,z„
Felonious Assault and Battery.
Elizabeth Hutchinson made informa
tion betties the Mayor, yesterday, charg-,
lag her husband, William Hutchinson,
with iblonious assault and battery. It
appears' that the parties, who resided at
Mulerakown, iseparated some time drum,
and on the ilth inst.. the proseimlzix met
her husband in Millerstown, when, she
alleges, he made an assault upon her
with a butcher knife, striking her in the
back, indicting It severe and dangerous
wound. Mrs. H., ulnae the occurrence.
has been staying at the Home hr Deed,'
tote_Wtmten. A warrant was issued.
and there will be a isearing in, the
this Afternoon. •
Moen Gods of the 'choicest brand&
Bates & Belli&
1 ' ~~1Y ' ~~ : ~ 'P ~tiw.~~'~~, yYYhiy''~Ehv~~.
.' Par SheriLS.
We, the undersigned, citizens of Eliza
beth township, do certify that we are
Personally acquainted with John A. Wat
son, of our township, and coi l dially re
commend him to the Republican voters
of Allegheny county as a person 'who is
, . ,
in all respects qualified to discharge the
duties of Sheriff. At the breaking out of
the great rebel lion Mr. Watson and his
vni e,
son a boy seventeen years of a e, left
their home in Elizabeth to p and
enlisted as private soldiers in mpany
D, 79th Penna. Volunteers, 1 r three
years or during the war. He shrved in
Tennessee, Alabama and Kentucky, and
in October, 1882, at the battle of Perry
ville, Kentucky, was shot through the
body, and at the time thought tolls mor
tally wounded. He has been unable to
perform any manual labor 'since. His
son was badly wounded in the same bat
tle. Both father and son were honorably
discharged, as their wounds disabled
them for further service. Mr. Watson is
a poor man, with a large family, and is
fully qualified, and if any soldier is enti
tled to an office for service and wounds,
he is, and we ask our fellow citizens to
join with us in giving him the office of
Sheriff. - . .
Hon. Samuel Kerr. J. B. Copeland, late
Dr. J. A. M'Fadden, .Lt. Col. 6th Pa.
FLPatterson, Esq., Heavy Artillery,
J. Patterson, Esq., M. M. Wilson, late
W. M. A. Bell, Capt. Co. D, 14th
ArithonyDravo Penna. Cavalry,
J:: - W: Wm. B. Dravo
John Dougbuss, John E. McCune,
Robert Patterson, Samuel Scott,
J. Palenderson, Jas. - Nicholls,
John K. Graham, James M'Knight,
Ebnr. Henderson, D. Bailie,
Wm. McCune.
PPEBA Housu.—The audience at the
Opera House last evening was quite large
and highly appreciative. Mr. and Mrs.
Watkins were favorably. received and,
we have no doubt, Will draw full houses
daring their engagement. “Trodden
down,• or. Under Two Flags," was pre
sented in an admirable manner. The
piece will be repeated to-night.
Prrrszuncia TREATRE.—The Old The
atre was filled from pit to gallery again
last night. Mr. James Taylor, the in-.
imitable annique vocalist, is the chief at
traction. But there are a numbei of
others connected with the establishment
who have become exceedingly popular,
foremost among whom is TA Becket.
?lissome HALL.---To;morrow evening
we are to be favored with a visit from
the irrepressible Sam Sharpie,' and his
excellent troupe, who , will commence an
engagement of three nights Only, at Ma•
sonic. Hall.
LAFAYETTE HALL.—The original "Old
Folks" of this city, will give two grand
concerts, in full costume, at Lafayette
Hall, Thursday and Friday evenings
_ _ Real Estate Transfers.
The fbllowinir deeds were, filed of
record before H. Solvely, Esq.,Reoorder
April 19, 1869;
John Meßelax to Duquesne Coal Company, :an,
al, 1369; lot in Wino township, containing 11l
P. linhling to hides L. Landgrass, Leo. 14,
1606; lot la Reserve township,. 185 by= het.
Joseph thalieubarger to Margaret McCausla ll7 nd, 3o
March 1. 1868: lot on Alves avenue, Allegheny,
21 by V test, with buildings 113.300
Mary Adair to Robert Patterson, Apr I 14, 1889;
acres on Way street, I:Sewickley borough.
Jacob to R.. 1. Powers, Oct. 21, 1888; tot
on Center avenue, GO by 100 feet $L.230
Henry Beliaboover to Wm. Young, Leo. 23. 1888:
tract of land In Baldwin township, containing
eight,en acres and forty• four perches, with
buildings $12,025
Wm. Young to J. W. dime, April 13, 1864: above
described property 84 000
Joshua Rhodes to Jas. H. Lindsay et al., April 3,
1567; lot on Rank Lane. Allegheny, 24by240 I , et
James W. Reynolds to Peter Hell, March 10, Met
four lotain Chanters township, each 21 by 100
feet 4650
Mrs. Rebecca Lyon to Francis R. Hatfield, April
17.1869; lot In East Deer township, containlag
140 per has 000
lCdward 0. Golden, et al. to John bates, et al..
April 1, HO; lot on Penn street, Pittsburgh. 41
by 101 feet, with buildings $17,000
game to sante; lot on Mnibery alley, Tenth ward.
Pittabbrgh, M byte feet 40,000
W. H. Itverson to Pittsburgh and Connellsrlile
R. R. no.,
April 7, 1869; ip rip of land along the
track of said company, 6th ward Pittsburgh.
Same day twelve mortgages were riled for lee
• Alleged False Pretence.
Lewis Hilkey made information be-
Aire Alderman Z.l'Masters, yesterday,
against Charles Hazen for false pre.
tens. The prosecutor keeps a grocery
store at Woods' Run, M'Clure township.
He alleges Hazen some time ago ob
tained eighteen dollars worth of grocer
ies on credit, by representing that he
owned a farm in Beaver county; and
about two hundred and thirty acres of
land in Illinois. Subsequently Hazen
removed from Woods' Run to the Ninth
ward, this city, it is said without settling
the bill, and upon inquiry, these repre
sentations were found to be false. A
warrant foi his arrest was leaned.
Plantation Bitten combine rare medi
dual virtues with a delicious aroma, and
a; flavor grateThl to the palate. It is pure
ly vegetable, and all the requisites
of science have been complied with.
It Is suitable for all ages and sexes. It
is gentle, stimulating and soothiAll
dyspectio disorders are cured by , and
it repairs and .restores nature's *sated
creasing daily in favor with all classes.
It relieves suffering, renders life a lux
ury, brightens the present, and throws a
hopeful light on the future.
151101i0LIA. WATBIL-43OPEOtOr to the
best imported German Cologne, and sold
at hall the price. TFLILT.F.
- Marvin's guperior •
Lemon Biscuit,
Sugar Biscuit,
Ginger Soaps,
Spiced Jumbles, .
Are ibr sale lry' all grope rs at retail,
eheaper,and of better quality, than people
can make at home.. Bakery No. 81
arty street. ' niw:Sw .
It Is a het that Leibler, No. let 'Wood
street, rules the trunk trade in the west.
He sells at wholesale and retail prima
which defy competition. Readers in need
of anythimg in the line should not Mil to
pay him a visit. • -
Furnishing Geode—Napkins, Vas.
Towel& Stand and Piano Covers, Toilet
Setts, Pornittireooverings, Curtain Netts,
Damask*, Shootings of all widths, Pillow
Case Muslim and Linens—a full stook
from the most oelebrated makers. Bates
Diamond 4110111UIRSIS :House..- We
keep on hand a full assortment of theft.
ti ely
est and cheapest. ware in either of . eau
imd examine for yourselves, at p L &
McGraw, No. 10 Dimond, Alleg,
()its. - ' •
The Premium Trunk 'Factory, No. 104
Wood street,lcontinnee to attract throngs
of customers each. day, offering =-
equaled bargains
,ta wholesale and retail
customers. '
Get, agd trunk or valise when you
are pure.haslns and you will never regret
Liebler, No. 104 Wood atree; sells
the beet In the market at the cheeped
4,,? , r _
tie, 7 14 ,- .4g 4 , 44-1 , ,,, , - iff:7 4 4- '4 , 7_, 4 4-11,
1 47..' , ralr r"..t
Fousdry Site at Attetion.—Toitaarow,
Wednesday, April 21st, at 23f • o'clock
P. M. will sold on the_ivemiaes, that
property known as the Utility Works,
corner of Fulton and Juniata streets, Al
legheny City. The lot has a front of l 3
feet by 72 feet in depth to an alley. This
Property, it not sold as a whole, win be
divided in lots, and sold to suit parch*.
sem. The ground is becoming more val
uable every day for building purposes.
See advertisement of H. B. Smithson &
Co., Auctioneers.
My Solace.
Whaa nobler boon can art accord ?
What better friend can life afford ?
Who toils for me without reward?
The Weed Machine.
At 116 Market Street.
The best evidence that trade is lively
in the city la adduced from the tact that
Leibler, No. 104 Wood street, is driving
an immense business in trunks, valises ,
carpet bags, et . all of which of course
he sells at lowe t , cash prices. 'Give him
a call.
The Very Latest 811 k Mantles, just re
c(Oved. Bates& Bell's.
Great Auction Bale Continued of Ma
mma t Carlisle's entire stock of fluA
goods and trimmings at No. 29
avenue, in the store lately occupied by
A. fl. English & Co. Auction sales-at 18
A. M. and 2 and 7P. Bt. See advertise
ment. ' H. B. SMITHBON & Cd.
Ladles' Burnlabluir Goods. Bates &
Liebler, No. 104 Wood street, at the ex
tensive Premium Trunk Factory, con
tinues to offer the very best home made
trunks and valises at popularprices.
Constitation Water is &certain cure fat
Diabetes and all diseases of the Kid
neys. For We by all Druggist&
Black Mks for Salts. Bates &
SAMSON—On Sabbath evening April 18th
1869, of scarlet fever. JENNIE , E. • only child
of H and mean Samson, aged 3 yea rs, 9 months
and AA days.
Bimetal from the residence other, parents, No.
157 Third avenue, TOZSDAT ATIMINOOX. ar3
BTATLER—On Bandar morning. April 18th.
JACOB STATLitit, in tae 19th year of hie age.
The funeral from lila tote guidance, No. 31
Chute:int street. (6th, ward," gem MORNING at
ten o'clock, to proceed to the Allegheny Ceme
tery. The friends of the family are respecthllll-
invited to attend.
STKRRITT—On Saturday mornikg, Am'll7th.
1669,- at 6 o'clock, JAlrwiS !MERRITT, in the
73d year o f his age.
The fun , ral will take place from his late resi
dence in the borough of Bellvae. Ross township,
THIS TUESDAY at half-past twelve o'clock. Com
ing by Railroad; will arrive at the te.llerheay
Station by the 1:08 Accomunidation, where car
riages will be in waiting to - broeeed to the family
burying' ground, near Fes nriVille. Friends or
the deceased are hereby respectfully Invited to
MOKEE—On Ifondgy,_ April 19th. at West
Newton. Rev. JOSEPH B. MC&EE, in the 809th
year of his age •
POTTER—Yesterday morning, April TM.
Mrs. LYDIA. PUTTS.% aged 54 years. .
Funeral will take, place at 2 o'clock, THIS
(T1108diy) ATTIGHNOON. April 20th. froni the
residence of S. ShriTer, No. BA Lincoln avenue,
Allegheny. citY.
001117N8 of all kinds,CRAPE2.
040 and ei cry Celdriptton of-Tanana Fur.
Walling for planed. Rooms -Open day sad
alpha. Tfatrap and Carriages rammed.
EMPZlLElC2B—liev.Davia Kcv.K.
W. Jacobus, D. D.. Thomas Ewing, Rao.. Jacob .
H Mier, Nut.
AVENIJk Allegheny City, where their CON
ROOMS at e constantly_ with real and
imitation Ea ewood. Mahogany and Walnut
Coffins, at prices varying from elk to 41011 i, Be
dies prepared for int. =Lent. Hearses and Car.
Stages itraisitroll.o .11 ands of Roaming
Goods, required. oMoe osen at all hours. day
and light.
TAKER AND EM.P.ALlditt a iio. 45 OHIO
ET, A ll egheny, steeha eon on on hand
a large assortment of ready-made CoEns of. the
A !lowing kinds: First, the celebrated meri
Burial Cases, Metallic Belf- s ew A ir-li ght
Case a and Caskets, and Rosewood, W alnut and
Rosewood Imitation Collins. Walnut Collins
from 425 upwards. Rosewood Imlinticm Coffins
from 45 npwarda, and no pains will be oared
to, give entire satisfaction. Crape 'and eloves
furnished free sr charge. Best Rearies and Car
Flakes furnished on snort notice. Corriere. tor.
Wished to. Allierals t 44 • , - •
Jeweler and Optician,
U. 8 Watch Co'.s Watches,
The great popularity, on account of its salutary
medicinal effects, of SQUIRE'S LONDON FAN
BERNE/WINO 81. CAM,. - POTASSA for which
I am.the sole Agent, lois induced certain =prin
cipled Vatic/ to hhitate myt label, aad palm off
as the genuine, worthless_tills& which bears no
resemblance even to the imported article. Those
deidring the true Potasas can obtain it from
Messrs. J. C. MATTERN, J. B. BIIEBBT, J.
E. BURNS & CO: and 8. ff. . NORGRAVE.
Aged for the Manufacturer,
Corner Fourth Avenue, and Smith-.
field Street.
Rip I have reduced the prise of BRYSON
BELL'S EMIR SOAP BB per cent., and all other
Boatio very low rates.
Would respeetnlly la form LL friends sad MS
piddle sentany: SIM his
Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets.
No. so SIXTH 13TETET.. (late
ela)ra have lust readied from the East the beet
lot of New Goods Ibr ninth": Belts aver brought
to the market. The Arm warrant to evi end IA;
and make Clothes dweller aryl betterthanAhT:
Brit -class hodse In thls elti. A new end Immo
did assortment of GIETLEKRNIB ITOMBiG.
ING 000E8 are at all Wiles to be foiuid Peals
house. Oar Number Is 60 BETTE WrIOILET t