~. , STIOIL W,MM. : • DUQUESNE' MOM. • . , COMM, BARD & co • _ • llanuf,sonutd‘ of l i , • , IRON, , NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND:SPRINGS, Dirgqinisz, L IL-AND JUNIATA, ?LAT BAR,ROUND' AND BIZGARE IRON. t - IPI_ li. 111-ROUPFORRET-AN AT K IRON. morLiat PL IS:AND RS, GUARD MGR' \ DNAD• and DROPPER BARS, FLANGED - c BARS, CYLINDER A., 77 1 A., iIIILA for Coal Roads. 24 1 & i r &DONS & HARBOR TEETH, •I• RI G AND CULTIVATOR STEEL. .ir 0 21 G AND MOULDS cut to_patterp. IcS,, STEEL 13 LIAIMINe. A. B. • _ .__ \ - AMR, BUGGY and WAGON spluips and oirrerts AND SPIKES. '. \ a Goods First Class and Warranted. • \ . -, OFFICES AND WOR K S. liixtessith Street and A.llegheily MVO!, and 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh. hall fiODEFFROY BBANCKER. &:CO, • 42 xchange Place, New York, \ vrepareoj Sole Agents In the U nited dates (hares for the Prallsilll ' Mining and Iron Cora- Pak/ Of roniabOrg, Westphalia, to contract or mail iz qnantitles to fait pturchusers, (delivered in either New Xerk or Philadelrada,) the celebrate& V. .G. SPIEGELAEISEN Bud so exteniivell for the ioanufsetnrinse of BESSEDIEIt STEEL freifrOm Mart! and Piosphortm in& oontalasi heavy per centage of Ifingontee. pail particulars, 'ambles, Prices or giernical analysis will be proraptir forwarded on Willa** ' ia3o:d7ll M ELD STEEL WORKS z lOWA olc&tV', . of irmerillerbetnka Q . CM AN'GElara r SPAIt mgreal ,- " • ,r , - ,:ownkt,*:'*49o ll / 6 , W.; CEIASOPASULLN4 , 1 ditttStit*lS INTOTirtil, P*ll4-.1141qt & 7tllllati ‘, Office, tAo ' 339 /4erty St, ~1.ITM11;51 0. 11 4 1 % . BLACK DWIOND saw: WORKS. PARE,IROTIUM , 84 CO jraaufseturars of all descriptions of ' 19 11 3MIEBELas Dias sad Wareh . onsa..TBIRTISTH, 71335 T and LULA OAD Wp3Z3TE, 'PiTiSBVIIOII. IRON WORKS. JAI!. Urns. rival ...• W. P. roma. Bart. pITTEIBITAGH FORGIEI AND IRON CO:, XASIIPACIIIIIMUS . or " >r Isom ltallroad Fish Bars 0114, Be/let lialbMail Car Axles lolled; • /1111141r011id Car Axles Slaimsollal Leemosetive Frames; Iweossotive tft p `bile Bede; paipean - / Yoke". Sfralbill :Iltloga,ooa 4 Imams Steamboat Croaks; Bod, Wslistia laws, Calla:8;4lb , - OMNI. Zi0..177, PSRIN STRATA% The Trustees ere now. eree use el' Ihe 4g "" sieszter ensllo tlipette4 need Iron, likii greatiapront meat In usgetior thus. and the T• 4 4904 uNhueleukufla U 14 , 1 41 manabuteren - - - - • Puttee ortalking to use It'eie cfhtahi tioesuies ephlyhig to • ' • • ' SPEEFtc, I ' • - Attorney for the Truitt* . 10)0)115 IL awl Zerettell'e Bulldinti" Seg Nowt*. menet., lke hktereitet ere Invited to rhitt the - WORKS...where the • Ir sow In ismesaaliperauos. tee EVERSON,PIRENTON CO, d ur sirruie, Noilk a ; n 4V4a fa v ie ramp nos Its ",. u • OVELTY-Wol4Ka' prrraminumpf , OVELTY -WORKS. -• rouradod A. D )BAII. "A 11 2% ..111740:„ CO . m o rrAmpuiss car " 21 , - SFr rAr•M* 0002 st. . Jam noel Pater - Door OoDeeMoe rattles, panO OVRAX,InSIT EYSEES Plitobstsb, Peria'S. ItID STEAM Am r u --— 'ooorze, ta:lll.;.:intris 1 mi st. coon= 164104% ' ' ' - BRASS rouND >I : / - , GAB . , . .4 , . 4 , , . imaidmi l t io ruplii AND ISIAND .1.2.L., mamas ta Gm ..., I) a • I Of all kali& ' Oor' of 'Mead Wabiat gti, iviragatin;' ri FOtm)R m=f;Ts. KNAPIORT- PITT FOUNDRY COIPANY: OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, pniTsauncig, FA. Illrlingines, Rolling Mill . Mae chinery, Nail , Machines, Re torts, And Castings generally. NATIM M I FOUP!rfinW AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smallassa Street'', Canna WARD.) \ WILLIAM SMITH, Monufooturor of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE YOB GAB AND WATZB WORKS. Xy Pings are alleastliiirarlablyin Pito, in dry sand, and LSI feet lengths. Also, fall assortment \ Castings,tor Gu and Water Works. I would also call tie atteittoa bt_Stitotal• ants of_ eao Works,to mat* of m..ffrek " of gettoral A TLAS WORE* - . . libiLTON STREET, Ethth zwrxwousviteit: THORIUM ImntiXlliiiratient. m *asks'. &skewed tla Wises sad nest eataidste establishments is the West% sad in atIW projimise fend& • Negintag . f Weer, ISSMli•Sivas. lama Ires Work. Railroad. name inn vaigtifin. Ilassisi Castings. Kaildie ,Castiap. Ileaserel 4Diestiats. _ osozas eoLzarritn. novae, ROBINSON, & CO., • tauseassars to IlaiursOr. Mau ilaxamagh W-ASKELIKITON - WORIES . - FOUNMESSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSBORSH, Manufacturers of Boat tad Stationary Stem 71:a I= Bi l t aer v it gili p titail dn d i estri ll _932s er r 64 = and Stits li ßoller and Sheet Iro n W ork. CMGs, • o. •18, -earner First and Satithleld Streets. • _ Agents ftrr ellId.BD'S PATENT INXICTOR fir feeding Boilers. . falt:ret MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. filireekNinth Ward, torpodte twos /Mu law,) &nig BIB and • Bridge Sating% , . .11(1118LE SKEWS AND FIPE, BOXES,. *ADBOORAT A.4vD OASTINEI3 02.11WiLVT. , , Orders pro m pt ly and carefully executed. - Warns ritimaniage.: =BERT LtellinW" °cl IS • • VOMAS CARLIN & Mirth Warllondry and laakineihrluy BA3DIII3IIr EIT., ALLEAMENT . CITY, FL., Kanufleharers -Steam Nurse, OD Presses, Pulleys, 13hafttng, erlst 11114 B&W I s og i BolliiV ia land Machias Outings, Grate Wehik •Wagos Braes; &a Build too rder as have en I Enema et all sixes. uteltue CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND: ROLL . WORKS • 880 Per!si Street. wo nonET. ettiltgalls, Mil Cullum 801 l 40. GOAL-AND wan . ANTIIIIACITE : COL I -, -, ' ' ' THE BRADDOCKS FIELDS - ~ Gas Coal <' ' Ciiinpaay trands day been -appolated POLE AO/EFTS_ for laburgikaaul hilaaely Muss ansionrwritiainn ior.•tta solo of the Coal_ oti ao_Pannaltiii wir !egos...garland Coal and 'A' Cow y. antra want Its adWrier allitiftiOt e tli o e le Coat/out Fasten Woos. will d , W to t al, GeneriO 011os aad Irard-4)OtthilElt OF Siii- XOCI.BISON.BT. and r. lts. W . 40 O. N. F., Alla ghoul'. . _._ _ _ , , _ Brancb tr Oldee and Tard—LIBEWPY, appetite I PIXTIIII H. irtithitT, Pittsburgh.. ‘. .• - , • Polska Address, Fox bin Pitta's's:rib._ J'e D:. MAHON , liumintiadeat Penno.4 Ohio intirpite .. . ': Coal and ,Troppottatiou Co, ._. 1 11 4.114FOUITil 119111* Pitthalli'gli; COALI teALlt COALS!! -. DI LEON, •grEvApi & co. .gmig vilikinta tl.ii Ofilea te NO. 10 87 LthERTT. sTREET, (wady City 7106 NMI BLCOND 1:1003. iAlel t afttra - 7 f irv il Mrl YOUGITIO. 01C, at Hte nu es =lit i llt ger amen; COL` make:is& te UM 'tk , Inn 116 lintollog to STONE. COMMON NIPM ~'nl~i~..'.ai~i,~.-I%.`WYsY:~~52i et PITTSBURGH . GAZETTEiFITUESDIVI 2( jB6ll. n'XICEN3IIS, BOLIJOU3, &O vi HUGH 1 1- BOLL & 00.,. Ok• POW Al* ant Ihilieesaegt..., (NEAR Ylls Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all else& P . A liNcte l letenttz , Wr i t i ed to oar SR A M BOILE,B,of 111-horservpower. CASTDCGS, of every kind, made toorder &tour leoundrye TRIRD STREET below Market. MGR; 011 Wells, suArTzue. , rurmars, RANGE HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IKON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Blyer, near the Feint, PITTSBURGH, PA. • tar All orders promptly filled. TRY US., FOIZT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TK CARROLL & SNYDER MIMI Tußlri.ks, notruLE-yr.trzn - rozuLAB, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER _ STEAM ERR. OIL STILLS A,.ND OIL TANS& CHIMNEYS, BRZECHING AND ASH PANS. SETTLING PANS,. SALT PANS . AND CON DENSERS; s STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND LEON BRIDGES; ' PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES . , Ware said Warehouse. earner Seeoud, Third. iihort•pad Liberty Streets, ar Orders/eat to the above addresiwill be Proinutly siteuded mh7:fBe B.NAJIIMMLL 8c CO n OILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nii, LID la minim; , Sarin secured a large yard sad ferniahod tt A vita the meet apprareh ftlehtner we are are- V.4,-d.:.I2PVII.YAICUITArCaITiIyeexi oset/0 ai 9 Zn i qrarri VI& Y• lire Bede, Stem Mee Ye Bonen: ,Ceadeaserevilatt PainTishilta eon, Heal at Peat; , Bum raaisheole lama i l i=ltilaint I rat digits an el . t4)e. 1 'tweet /ARID ..... D. SZU*U JAILED N. BRUSH & SON, ILANOTACTURIDS OP Steam. Boilers, 011\13tills t . Tanks. SKEW IRON 11,01111.103. 61 Penn Street, PUtienetihs pa. STOVES, OASTINOS,4r.o. rEtE BEST STOVES. , 8. BRADLEY . it CO. hianutheturere of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stares;, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Sole Mauls for the bate d Sarah[ Orilla Stoves and for Rud Cost or Doirin eat in the Worl r Parior,ollmlitore or Church. Fire noon no rekindllug—burns all win- Lai. Donotbuy uutli gun see er aentiar Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—DEAMLEE BROS.. tmithileld SF: fTSLAY*A/140107 City. eim2Huouglitoo *VIM 'toxin or EPWC:riiTMEL, - soarorr. doosnre RANGE, 4 •3111 E FIERY FURNACE," 10A WAANING BUILDIRAL " Thg EtZeTWOin , aRTFACA'..°CirIat WOO , (Oltnetatatt"ratter_n) polermict RANG* CAST ISOWIT,E,% WAILLKAN S .}IEYLROTOJA,ORA troMintsielit 71iLLT/7. ! BU T% VW &I. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, *Zs 7 P/TTSBUBOI7, PA. ax. ) * wrfvEs• • . , CET THE BEST. BISSELL- - 411 - CO.'S TRIUMPH, PM! BrZUJEGVOIN GOAL'. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Rout as iltll MON other *ore .hi the Cohn. Pak= & 00i 1 No. 'CB6 Liberty Street. air on rwrid ou we. a ' IRLO 4 raT i rP c iLas, itk o n 6 ib "um am 14h EL of, DYEN AND SCOURER. , ~.= •.'; rirCh:oB'll•47l44o:Et ErIMXPErr: : ' • ". •!•••':1•1.• Asa zahlat iii Is 7 ; TriTagingm: BARRAMOSEIrcTha , •-• A-ItCWICEICMIII,— , 31113{ ASSOCIATION 8UTED 0 . 10 ,.. 3, 44 • et. CFA* Direst, .a,tri nm itekto Ake dealsidas houb. • q . 4."" :• 1 )f .01.44 WORKS. xmo;w.tcrozzaa or PITTSBURGH, Pa. DYER AND -SCOURERi AROIIMMTI3. MIN! litelAttOLlLL. FORT - IqTr' , BiliKlNG COIPANY. N0..169 Wood -Street. CAPITAL / : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, MALEBO IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTUIT!' ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITL Collections' made on all - acheaMble point' In the United Stales and Canada'. DIREF.PrOIIa: Jno. 0 Blither. Itobtc H. King, Amdtew Dill r. James N. Bailey. D. Hostetter, ;antes Gordon, D. Wallace, X. Fawcett, 9 AJIM. Mc D. LENT NATIONAL BANK OF aIIiBCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth St& A. PATTHRlloll....4—„...—.«PreMidamt. JOB. H. HILL CAPITAL, r $500,000. • . DEBBC7TOBS: A. Pattnr, Game W. Cass, Wm. H. Brown, It H - t _Palmer Chas. LockbaA, e Douglas, Dan. B. Davidson, Win. Rasa. W. B. Haven. DISCOUNTS D HART, CAI:TOMEI a. CO., BANKERS, AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, .VriTSIIITROXI. NUOCIABOBS TO HANNA. /LET s 00.4 " =ALM la Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And -Adzilnnlad own= Tr to at mow GOVERNMENT -SONDE. miehtprart• on London. N. Houma son, 57 Market Street, 1 • Collection ande on. all the principal petite of tie United States aid Canna. Skaihihmds sad other Securities NOUGHT LNG 50F) ON OOMXHBION. Particular attenUozipald to the waste sad tale of United States Securities. Ja3lo:al JAY COOKE & CO., 334stril3Leria, 114 SOUTH - TH.IRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS' aid BONDS of all descriptions.: bought \ and sold. Special ittaatioa alien to the purchase and sale Government t3ecuritles. fatale WARENG'AND KING, Commis4on Meretuints and BroUrs la Petroleum . and \ Its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK,DUQI44NE WAY, PHILJIDZIAPHLS. AILDDHESS.' s Room 17, Chamber of Contn 133 SOUTH SECOND ST H SZT. "Iv ECLIPSE ,:PETROLEUM :REFINE , HERBERT W. C. iIVEDDLE, IKANIMACTUIViIa ON . , LOrteating & High Test Boining ReUpset Railroad Azle Oil. • Stands. great heat witbaut change:. . , 'in s Wapid iit lowest temperatures. Special 1 bar tropical climates or hot weather. loaamiotive * liagiiie s ltaaltiawillio • 1 ' Will t' DAM X . sad Planing Rill Illila, Alapte for kith speed. ''N_lpftiadiler en,. wow sestaktait mu. Tanners* Stair. 1101111010, 7 , 6 01, lad" Finishing Oil, allelinty / Harass. 01t. .,• , raabie./ ARMOR YARN= p r o m t 'Aviary. Bright ken Work and Dackinert Butt.. . . Thule PrildttOti aft manufactured ender D r. Twetttlit's_patent bp Superheated Steam in Vie atm. frlue'Dubtioannyt WI ate .alpteeLokoritia; perfteurpure =nrat. &WI mein lint col eted. stand a Lilt Xture um! mlys=l remain limpid iltu Aire AO eild 6 0 vi h ra. -Vile ar f/ unaqualielle are tit Ce win un . ay me'princi uremia. samples can , ex o_ , and atter. lett lat U 7 41 WOOD ' 8 . •Woirklr St tikarpiburg itridym.- TAP& '4IIO7IIERSI' VOMESSION MERCHANTS , AND DI IN. Petioleum and its s rodaote Putman!' otice—imilltuve BUILDING: corset of magnesite Way an!IIrwIA !treats. " Philadelphia 0111ce-1117 WALNUT ST., a01:w30 Dwitorip wit woRKS, N. M. LONG ?Alm DALZZLI! B1M1;11X„p., .1. ',lll. BWlier ' rte•J• 4111.1.1, ISW/Nrr IX.IIIII,ATT, onteihmENTaki„ . ' CARVERS 4. 'Xit.l,s. l / 1 1 44 1 7Atit' AtikiNrhi f• 4 BtAtl io itV a ttatiliCirMabl a t 4 Mat • 0411411111 '4l.7 *At. - 7 2 0 ,, ,U.19.4aVrce 6. ..""P46‘ t 110"-" , ,VO*- 4/takk IMELAN„Presti. LIBOR. Cashier._ T, AT 11 A. N. 1711011. PA. \ OILS. Duquene Way. Plttsbassits,Ps,l 6 4 Brriti*AlViiiINION P~CIFICItAItiVir BONDS, The 'cheapest lavestinent' now In the markei for' sale by 1113EllEUTZ - , Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coulions and European Exchange at market rates. • dell lAmEs T ; BRADT Br, Co., (Buceeiwors 08. JONES & C 0..) , . • Corner. Fourth.and Wood; Sts., BUY AID SELL ALL XINDS Or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, , GOLD, 811,1712 AND COUPONS, ' ON MOST FAVORABLE TERNS. 1 • InteOnt Allowed on Deposits. r Money loaned on Government Ronda at lowest market rates. `Orders executed for the Parehase and Sale of lITOOIia, BONDS and GOLD. • I L • .1A.1;4E8 T. BRADT &' CO 'CO littsbuTO Gaistts. FINANCE AND TRADE, r • OPTICS% Or rirraimmiu GAZETTE, Morns;,: April 19, 1899.' 1, The gold. marke t opefied . at 183%, an adrura . . of one half per cent: on Satur dare qUotattena,:reached 134 k, and liter' gain touching 193%, - cloaed strong at 11/3X. The scarcity of cash goliteu ablea parl,lea to , look up golrland force thoae who, In anticipation of lower quo. tatione, have sold in advance, to pay eithera high rate for borrowing gold or . . pay the advanced rates demanded. The large amounts of coupons, however, new annim i g .on the market, will ease the market in' a day or two; the More so, 'since the returns are to be :: made to lEurope in bonds instead of drafts or gold. The Government bond market opened at an advance of g per cent, but soon settled down on the average quotations 'of Saturday. Bonds seem to have touched the highest point.. The demand from Europe is not increased and the in terior has no money to btry, and few are disposed to pay so high a price as 15 pea cent. above par. Stocks are strong, but closed at a slight decline. Money is easier and business is im proving cadually. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 1.38,/. Silver, 126; Eighty one's 117; Five 4 Twentiets„ 1862, 12834 i do 1864, 115 3 / 4 ; do 1885, 117;4; do 1885, Consols, 113; do 1867, 115 g; . do 1888, 115; Te n '- Forties, JeflYi; New York Central, , 663; Erie • --; Reading, 95; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 133 g; Ohio & Misissippi, 34; Michigan Southern, 985; Cleve land it Pittsburgh, 93/; Chicago & Rock Island, 89q; Chicago & North Western, 84; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 95';‘; Adams Express Com , piny, 641; Merchants 'Union Express, 15; Pacific Mall, 94%; Western Union 1 T elegraph Company, 4231,; Gregory, 8,75; Quartz 1,60; Corydon, —; Smith & Pantile% 2,70; W. Am. Expres s 40. . —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold, 133%; United Sates Sixes, 1881, 117; Five-Twenties, 1862, 120%; do. 1864, U 5%; do. 1865; 117%; Teo-Forties, 106 K; Flve-Twenties, januf ary and July, 1865,115%; do. do. 1867, 115%; do. do. 1868y115%; Seven-Thirties, par less, % ; .Due Compounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad; Tian :Central do. de.,- 103; Cy Pacifies, 101%. By Telegraph to the Pltttburgh Guette.l NEW Yoss, -Apnll9, 1869. Money easy and steady at 7 per sent. for call t loana. ; ,Sterling dull at 107%® 108 for first claim bills. The great feature of .Wall street was the-,effect . produced by rumors relative to the Cuban revolti tion, Lord Stanley's -reported , • speech, \ denying any wrong was committed in . the ease of the Alabama, and Senator Chandler's warlike resolution and apeeeh „ in the Senate. Gold Advanced 34 per \ cent. and stocks fell per cent. It is stated , the Atlantic and Great Western - Bead has passed into the control of the receivers, of whom Jay Gould is one. Its coupons have not been cashedby the Erie Company since April 16th, and the notice of March 80th ;that they'•, would cash them bi revoked. Gold is firm and opened , at 182%; fell to 1333‘ and closed at 133ti@l313%..liates. paid for borrowing 2, 1.64,142 and 3.64, and for carrying 2 per cent. The West ern, from Europe, brought 17,000 pounds. Stocks are slightly loWer, but at the close steady. There has been no amount 'ofrealizing, but on the contrary German buyers have . been picking up stock et a decline; r Dealers are , generally , : out rot bonds; and, therefore, cannot appe& as sellers, while there is no stock offering from oat of town. . Coupons of 'Bl, 11734. @117%; do. ?02, 12014®I20%; do. '64, 116 ®1 1 63(,; do. 'B5 11711/1%117%; do. new, 1 / 5 49 1 .414 0 .: , witaiefle; do.,' lb. itsvoil w limo% I.oBl,®lckw. State bonds weak on new, North Rare* litut . and \ firm on Other descriptions: ldiasouri4' SIN: Aid Tenn esigiese MN® 69, - and- new do., 663:066a; old IT°rth Carolinas,lBl®l34, 4 andnew g@blll-4; old Virginia4.l4l@bil, )4, and , new; 0 1, 34@gi Louisiana \ ItNeebbnds;'7o l %®7o). The stock market,was very active dux ing the miarning, . with the highest made, at the ope Oin k, though the yearket-Aen orally continued strong, aieept on NOrtfo. western, Which was . barely steadyt, New”' York Central low, Robk 'lsland - 140, ld. Pacific it 95fic,: , Bt . Paula common; illy, and referred 8796, Wabash 74. and Michigan Southern , O9X; were the fea; , tures— Express stocks were strong and higher earl y in the afternoon, with prideaJ generally lower.ander.aales So .re*ine,' ;with ' Cott lined activity ,inr.E'sW :Tait? Cential. d 'rlistd , Ogid l o l lit,f l eul:444 ttegk g'slan4,are neerthaane nem, an il tee ' -cloeltueptiedriretirocUttlettip levalike: lowest point, still X and 11) per out: off troth : best rates attic) day. Etarletn was an exception and higher. Miscella neons stocks steady; except Pacific Mall. which 4edined to 93q on the warlike dispatches •us regards England from Washington. Express stocks buoyant. though the beat prices were not sustained at the close. ' . _ - - - 530-prices, —Cumberland 29340340, Wells Expres.s,-32%033%,0. American, , Express, 41%042c; Adams, Express, 63® 63%e; United States Express, 64%@65%c; Merchants Union Express, 15016., •, Quicksilver 22%024!„,/ ; Canton, 62%q, 630; .Mariposa, 24024%c; preferred 413; New York central 1,136; Erie34%034'%; preferred, 51055; Hartford Erie. - 22024; Hudson, 148®V„ ; Harlem, 142%0142g; Reading. 95%6%; Chicago and Alton, 5 6 ® 58 ; preferred 1,54301,59 ; Terrie Haute, 39%040, preferred, 683(,069. Wabash, 71%072, preferred, 791080. St. Paul, 79%079f preferred, 870i37%. Ft. Wayne, 32% 235. Ohio and Missis4, sippi, 33,10 j,; Michigan Central, 122; Michigan Southern. 98 n@ 99 3ii Pittsburgh, 93%093%; Lake. Shore 98% ®99; Rock Island, 1390139 3 ,; Northwestern, 84084%; do. preferred, 960943 y„; Burlington Quincy 173; C. C. and I. C., 45; Dubuque and Sioux city, 1153;; St. Joseph, preferred, 1123. C. C. C.. dry L, 45. W. 11.. T., 421.042%. Mining shares dull. • .• Copper . stocks at Boston : Copper Falls, 8; Franklin 18; Heels, 70; Han. cock, 4; Quincy, 22; Minnesota, 2. Clearances at the Gold Exchange_Bank were 169,000,000. Receipts of the Sub-Treasury were $2.778,930; payments, /1,023,723; balance, P 9,727,464. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, April 19, 1869. The markets, in a general way, are de void.of anything that is really new or important. - There is a fair korai demand for most of the leading qrticles and a fair volume of business ht the , aggregate, while prices, generally, are without ma terial change. APPLE6—Very scarce, and prime to choice may be quoted at /6®7 per bbl. APPLE BUTTER-90@$l per gallon. MITER—Is very .4ull With asupply largely 'in excess 'of the demand, and prices are weak • and drooping; dales of prime - to choice Roll - at 38@42, BEANS- - Dull at ;30)&0 per bushel. CHFRSE—BaIes of New Western Re serve at from 15®20, as to quality, and New York Gbaheest 22®23. CARBON OIL—Is still quoted at 29® 30,1 n a jobbing way, for standard brands: 4XIRNIIIIAL-11.750)1,80tier cwt. DRIED FRUIT — Peaches dull but un changed at 14 _for quarters, and 18@19 for halves. Apples scarce and in demand; may be quoted at 12 ®l4. EGGS—In good supply , and dull at : 17, with some few sales reported at 1S" - FLOUR—There is nothing now in the Flour, market worthy of apocialuotice„-- - We'cannow report a continued Tali kocal demand but prices although steady are nrchanged;, Spring Wheat brands uat $6,5007; and Winter Wheat - at 17,50®13. 7 Bey" -Flour Mill" 'prices uto. changed. GRAlN—Wheat is dull and nominal at *1,48(4)160 fortprinte Re& ' Oats scarce and higher we now quote at, 67®68 on track and 70®72 in store. - Ear corn Is in steady demand at 78®80 on 'wharf, and 83®85 in store. Ryon' seared and higher; $1,45®1,46. Barley is out. of, season, and while the demand is very light; the sup ply is almost exhausted in this market; Choice Spring would probably ;com mand 152. ' HAY-In good demand with sales of prime loose pressed, - on wharf, at $28@30. HOMINY-45,15@6 per bbl f HEMP 5215@22U per ton. LARD OIL-1s quoted at 11,25. for No. 2, itud151,53®1.54 for No 1. MAPLE MOLASSES-Sales ingallon jugs at 11,50(4)1,75. • PROVISIONS-Bacon is quiet 'but steady at 14 for Shoulders; DIN for • Ribbed, and 17%@18 for Clea r Sides; and 191@1934 for Sugar Cured ; Hams. Lard is quoted at 18X©19,1‘ as to qtial ity, and Dried Eeef at 21: Mesa Pork 132,00. - • - • POT .4.TOES--•In - good supply but un changed; -sales in store at 75, and on track at 70. ' . • • - ITc 4 4-fittoteil:4l . l ots, : BEFPS_Clover Seed Is in fair demand, at 410, while Timothy Seed is scarceand higher being quoted at 14,74. .Nothing doing fa Flaxseed—little dr - none in market. . , SALT Slay `be quoted at 51;80@)1,85 by the car load, and $1,9.5®2 for small lots in store. WHISKY ;Dell and unchanged. PErROLE RtET, OPFICE OP PITTSZEROK l*A.,c,r.a"Tß, MONDAY, Aprll 19, /669. The oil market although firm is in a peculiar and unsathtfiotory condition with but very. little .doing, and what is worse still, there are no indications Att present of any immediate improvement. Notwithstanding prices are higher than they were a few days sines,, the =UM, facturer is none ,the better of It, as he has no more margin now than he bad then. When lb:dined adYances. Crude generally follows, so that while it is true he can realize more for the former he has to pay more for the latter. As we hAVIf repeatedly stated, there is no profit for ' the refiner at present prime, and this has - been the case nearly all winten: Crude-is relatively higher than refined; - Crude Is relatively cheaper here than at Oil City. and relatively lower in Near York than it le here, and refined is relatively lottor in Philadelphia and New York than it la in Europe.. This may seem strangs•yet we are assured by those who have figured It , over and over, that it is true. If there is any Way of,remedying the matter shotdd‘ be attended to, 404 the; soon e r - , the better. In the present state of affairs, operators, generally, ari l ' discouraged,: and there is not that life and bouyancy In the tzade which usually prevails, parties nlarly at this season of the year. , CRUDE—Not a single sale reported to-day. , atm reumked4ll , steady with • but little offering, and holders Are-stiff, se fusing to make concessionsit order to - effectsales. Spot oil may be fairly quo ted at 15; seller to July at 16,1. and. seller for May and June, at le. It la probable that their.will be some more arrivals by river .within the next few days,. as the Allegheny is again in a daft navigable, ,condition. REPINED- 7 S, ale of 500 bbls spot at 52%; 1,000 last half Apill, at - 82 W; and 1,000 each May and Aline, at .34: Quota tions—May, 3334; June , and:.July, 34; . June to December. 38; Buyer all year, 8834ig58%. Market Linn but quiet. LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipee Wintarrtabrkiating 400 Eclipse Railroad Axle 850 Machiner", 75d-'; Eclipse we . ou.sourysnßs ST 'BY A. V. B. B. _ Inekhard,Xrew &, Co. OM xeL ? to Mardtiii,l'isiv & Co.,Phlladeiphla:".' , J.'l‘l,:ithiiiiittsittli &Do.: bbla. refined aling, Ring •dv Co., Philadelphle;,: • • TUlVt.llll`vrtiddle; 60 tibia ad to lig.; , l4.7osiigs. Pbiladelphia. TOt4 ithipmests Maned— ... ....,... 101541 rt El