lEl' ~' UrFOR 11111E11117. 1 wOuld Tesll+ottnttj gamma , to the cdtitens of Aileiter, county that twill be I csuoideto for the once of tillEßln subjectio the decision of the next ensuing Onion Republican county Con vention. FRANK DUFF, ,:h7OcDF tihui Township. IarFOR SHERIFF. JONI A. WATSON, Of Ilitilieth tensible. Me Private 0034111 n, D. Tetb es. Volk will be a candidate fort a ogee of SHERIFF. sandiest* the decision argot Ilnion Astatine/in Convention. atahhilliat FoulU.;:-411 Hears Plal Gold • XING, trite Inlttals 011. k t!ie titstfle. inthe olltri, of the St. .Tstses Hotel. Liberty street. elt• m i te th e tiesop Depot. The owner eau hive she ems by pepsins property.std pulite charges. 020:174 1 F IL' ir r immuiN, . HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Groaner atlr e =dikes, dealtr In Wined. paw.. Patty, , dikes, Window Wass, No. I mi. &ten , Pittsburgh. Ps. - 43rshain . • •ne for the trsde. ••,, "VOTICEI--Thego-partatership hereto ore exicting between HOMY B. HATS, J HATS, Jr.." aid JOHN B. HAYS, aide e 11.• the same and style of H. B. HATS BEOB., was dbmoiced by limitation January', 1889. HENRY s. HAYS. JAMES H. HAYA, Jr., • SOHN &HATS, The huaineal of mining, shipping and Belling coal Will be conducted under the title of H. B. HAYS At B 00.: ' HINNY B. HAYS, JOHN 8. HAYS, ap2o:bli [I rittstmr RAIL.,tOAD LETTING. ISt. Louls,Vandalla & Haute Lit. Proposal- wlll be reed._ Instil IA o'clock M.. addressed to YeKEEN. SMITH & Co.. Chief Contraclors, Terre Haute, Indiana, for the last fifty-seven (ST) miles of this road. The work Is of the most desirable character, earn prising both very heavy and also light work. PaYstarris. MONTEILY, IF CASH. Profiles tan bb ova et the *Zee In Terre Bente. after April J. 111111133 Consulting Zubseer. Tim Hours-April le. 1869. sa2k hdf DILUNGFIL .STEVENSON, ,47 DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure 'll:ste Whiskies. MORTZP.I3,!IY BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No; 87 - Second. Avenue, sPIMI MALT HOUBE AT AUCTION. ON THURSDAY, MAY 6, At 10 o'clock A. sr., will be sold on the premises The New.. Malt House, N 0.5 Penn St. Having a capacity of about twelve hundred bush eli per week. The attention of purchasers is earner:ly invited to the above valuable property, it being one of the most substantial buildings of the kind in this country. and having all modern imorevements. The ahove Malt House inbuilt on leased property Tharstwrin Insal April lit, 1869, at the annual rent of Parties desiring to examine the remises, or . wanting further Information. will call at the of fice of W. H. GABBARD do CO.. corner of Penn and Water streets. TERMS &T SALE. ALSO—At same time and place, 3 Wagon/4_lot Hamm, Malt Shovels. Watering' Cans, 3 Plat form Scales. IPair Small Seales, - 10 Mee nee, Desks. ILetter Press, It.lock. it.so—A lot of Malt and Hops. and a large lot of empty flacks. U. B.BMITUSON & CO., Amor..r spin:lila-cod • PEOPLES' SAYINGS Bill. THE. PEOPLES , S&VISGEI BL EX. HAS REMOVED TEMPORARILY TO No. 81 Fourth 'Amnesty Immedlatelyeppodte to Its tbnnerloestion.where it will remain Matti the Sale Denten Clompanv Building to oompleftd t when the 11..n1c wilt then be located in that beildlng. S. Z. VMBOXIIIIIOIIBT, • BECRETAAIND TREASIIBICS 14. 11189. sti17:11:41 April F oR, SALE. • 'FLOUR. QUAKERk t CITY best In the sits: arra -Boaz buotaz risfrair. - 0 lENrAL MMus). OWIRIPSTA.IOI2I, STONE HILLS. • Also, U • oholoe lot r f Seed Potatoes: - BCK EABLIAODIUCH, PEACH ALBEAT,_ond PEACHBLOW. NY • KEENE, k HARPER,. AT THE WHITE 711 ONT. spl4:h4l SEE ; Liberty street. Mal= h. 101110CTEIL MID GAMBLE'S • A. - LAND. *ewes lb. cans; AM do. lb. cans: • 'lO do. 10 lb. cans. Now In store and ftr sale. • This Lard is bound to go into universal use where t can be had. The cans beam of tams. Mundell, eary to handle, and free from liability =lll4lO by dirt or otherwise. and withal so near the prim of tierce lard to the' wbolessie dealer s that ha will surely patronise us with his • ISAIAH DIONZT Al CO. RARE CHANCE teglareblBBl: r t. VW Dwelling House. IT wan ballttad conveMensly arrangererhouse or hall, Mae: rooms and cellar, gas and water futures in cellar and on each door, well painted and perrei and la' good order. Terms easy; inuncamm Dossession; In desirable location Second avenue. Apply to OVITIThIiIITA 13088, 9 84 * 89 Sixth Airmen& PARTNERSHIP hereto r E DOSS existing between dm undersigned Is Ibis day . dissolved:ll mutual consent. All bens apisss She firm will be settled, and a ll dues collected try J. sr. . INTreausan. Apie FLOOR OIL CILOTII 6 , GRIEFS fe*OFH za. FOR TTi o S t f" 4 :01p . - - • stig AR 0 U sifray vuirs,t 4 ...i . - sel:flawsTsWth $241. . - (PIEPER J OIRBENS, T YAXCIIOTQIu OP' I'„ItINDOW,"GLASS. Warshoeuw-No. St WOOD STRUT. übloul Pittaborai • quo 'WALLET OIL STOOL- This evening, .TIMIDAY. /kPRIA I, T u t st 0 : 1 -07 order of yIM. PHILLI - In. insuar. be added f 0 former Wm o amok ,a on of read~ala ■ woos*, iioo k WAS, SU abareg Valle/ 01 1 Oh spin . - - A. Mal. AIMS, ibAcitr. iZILICAN RANK, 0. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, CASH CALPTIAL ..... $200,000. Stockholders Individually Liable. RUM of DISCOUNT END DEPOSIT. JOHN PLOTD. Pzesident. DIRECTORS: Thos.it. Marshall.. John M. Vatlaud. Wm. T. ehannon; Archßead Wallace, Jas. Ile .• *molt. Jim, D. Hal 7, Chas. n Flo B. Leech, Wa : litloyd• " Johyd, Vas Das* is now tally to do • general Banking aplehb72 uremia NOW BEADY. The Iffy ?A mbar of LEPPINCOT.T'S MAGAZINE, With a Fun. Page Mustratiou BEYOND THE BREARERS: A Norst. MAY APPLE S: on. Robert Dale Owen. 11. MAY A Pout. 111. SALMON FISHING. HANG BREITBIANN IN POLITICS— rater M. I. The author asserts the vast Intellectual superiority of Germans •to Americans. I. Showing how Mr. Twine • played off" on Smith. By Charles 0-.• Leland. Illustrated. V. ROUGAGORGE: A TALE. By Harriet Prescott Sfford. VT.• LIFE IN C( IAL MINES. VII. A FEW CURIOUS DERIVATIVES. By Prof. Henn , copke. DICK LYLE'S TEE. A STOGY Or TIM' DAT. By _L. Clarke Davis. IX. SPECTRUM AN ALYSI... X. EARL DOUGL B.OF PHILADELPHIA. XI. RECOLLECTIONS OF WASHINGTON IRVING. By 1.. Gaylord Clark. 'XII. THE ARGOSY: & Pozw. XIII. A REAL GHOST STORY, 'XIV. OUR MONTHLY GOSSIP. XV. LITALRATIIKE OF THE DAY. Eor sale at *lithe Hook and News Stores. Single number, 80 cents. Yearly subsemPlions, 34. Liberal terms to Clubs and Agents. . J. B. LIPPINCOTT 1; CO., Publishes, 715 slid 717 311airket Street, ap2l:Mff • PHILADELPHIA. VIII. FRACTICAL A_ND SCIENTIFIC BOOZE. JiltlT XECIIV&D. nation Treatise oa Metallurgy. by Creole & Robrig_ 1O 00 Prsettat ideal Worinces Anima. In' 011aer gym. t 00 On Heat, In its &elation& to Water and Mau by 1 Z WIG WILUMII a5O ci i 4 rDel sesaa a er - Dainir. by 'V 500 X ; a Iftireill fortla -as- Ilya Power daring Um illith, letb and lOtli Canaries ' • 300 Treatise on Mel. by X. H. V. Lanais. Zanier ' 300 Plactro.llstaltern, tatJaa. Naar . 0 99 Had Tants& Inwood. IreiT. tine% &a II au Practical Euler . for CO Proportions of - iN it t t H il ler InEl rnginesse and Bonen, by .N. P. 0 00 TaWeishowiiithe Weight of Werent Lengths of Bletad. qua. sad VW Bar Loa ....... . 63 Lathes and Tangle, by Wt. ttenriNorth eott 9 00 ial/:r4-T NEW BOOBS IMITABLE FOB SABBATH SCHOOLS, for sale by PIIIISBURSIL PA. JOSEPH HORNER, METHODIST 8008 DE tr POSITORI. N 0.1510 Sfield Seet. TRIALS OF AN INVENTDR. CHILDREN OF.LARE LETTERS TO A SuBOOL.BOY. EARLY CROWNED. CIIIIMIAN STATESMAN. SIX YEARS IN INDIA. • PILLARS OP TRUTH. LITTLA DOORKEEPER LIBRARY. 8 vols. Ins box. LIBRARY FOE HAPPY HOURS. B vols. Ia box. BLIND BASIEZT.MARER LIBRARY. vols. In a box. SILV KETONE LIBRARY. 4 vols. Ins box. WIItIFRED LEIGH LIBRARY. 4 vols. In a box. • GEETT AND KAI BOOKS. 4y01., Ina box. LYNTONVILLE LIBRARY. 4 yeill. InabOx. THE PRODIGAL SON. THE WORD OF GOD OPENED. Parties wishing to purchase S. 8. Library's would do well to call and examine our suck DO* fOre_pUrChlithit elsewhere. Liberal di!Fornts. spu -BIN Nobody beat by this eetablisbaient. but bar dealing to sill Call and be convinced. AU clothing plainly marked by printed cards. at LO WEST CASH PRICES, So that no one ma be deceived. Remember the pleas, original big number U. SIXTH STILIEZ late St. Clair. BZWASS OP COITSTIZETKITd OP THISI Sr IL =KIERNAN: de21:11011 J. P. CALDWILL, DAVID HAIWRIA 14 DM% apUFba 2 "4,1 "14 ,-11".11it411-..-11"11;:-,,W.,11,1•S,-,1L-:,--1,,e,1,1*, .111 1 4 1 -gl;4ll'l,ll.Atias4464' IVIMV4I-4114-'lNlAire 1 11141'1144`114511;11;41;1;1•414WCV10 A144/:111.1 1 ;?"&gili IMlVjall-S1 M1Vjal1-S4 1 4'.44,-,Y,lll4lg;S,al,ol.'!,'Va.cl;V;lj; - - I 'oi. lllll 6 ll'l - 411 g - -V I • PITTSBURGH. WM. FLOYD. Cashier. iirrauta"d and prepared Imitate& CONTSNTS s FL S. DATUI . & COMPANY, • 193 Liberty Street. KIM TU! PLAYED 0I1T! s2.Uo.ims CARD entitles the bearer, on presentation. to TWO DOLLAR. abatement on a cash porchase of PlB.OO at the peat cheap clothing house of S. O. TRAIIIMMULN, 011,16121 AL EgG 2i1331:131111 11, - Blztk Street, late it. Clair. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. • I have In store and am constantly receiving direct from manutacture_re,A, complete assort ment of BUILDER.'" HARDWARE. which al offer for ssle on as far terms u any hones In the Mtv c together with a line usortment of OUT- Lzsy. GDADI and REVQVIICIIII. Also, the best selection of MICHAMaIt , THOM., run• mislng, all the latest and best Improvements known to the trade. -havmy factory In fall opegagon as lame. and ,am p rep We to do all kieesartob work the same se baMre.the are of the Ed of lrebraary. such as grir ding _razors,. scissors. ktdvas,put- Hug In knife Dames, see repairing all !Una* of light msehlnin7. JAMES DOWN , NO. 130 WOOD WISEIT. PITTSBURGH. Also.a eat for Orosskope , i famous HAM LIMIER laaltXEß, the greatest novelty In the worm. =177 BOW CLOTHINEL — The Jar. gest and mist complete stock of Boys, Youths and Children's Clothing, for the presenitseolumi lets be bleed at GRAY 86 LOGABIII 9 a . 411, SIXTH STEW. (late Bt. Otatt.l ACADEMY OW SCIENCE. 101 Fedsrig Street, Allegkety, (Bet lap Rant dbl.) Ulerisill if= Willis NOIDAY APRTh fitly 180 G For circulars, /W. apply to" BR& ROBB: A. M.. Prin. (400 D NEWS. ''°`" OXP23IBAD 111131 3EClntioire for *III.IIXIVID Tlo largest sae bed. T he thltials.fili. W. , ' a sew,' loaf. Take eons else. mates NOT/CE• . . I bereiry worn all persons trona trusting nip 'rife, MARY ANN LYTLE, on nay sooonat, SAP 1 Will Pay P.O debts of bernontreeting. ALYRZD Prreseentisit, apse e, MIR pAnswimuL IiAzETTE : TIIESMT 4PRIL ",20; 1869: IMEHEIEEMI LIGHT AID DARK DELAPTES. AT 26 CUTS, DOUBLE WIDTH ALPACAS, Black and Colored. AT 621.2 CDT& DOUBLE WIDTH BRIGHT PLAID. All Wool Poplins. AT 60 CENTS, BLACK AND WIDTH SPRING BALMORAL SIaRTS, PULL SIZE. HEAVY BLACK BILKS. 1131E.BLACK LIISTRES. Black Alpaca. - . sumac MIXED POPLINS. Irish Silk Poplins. BAWLS, PABISOLS, SLIM 11111111111111 sic., Sic., &c., AT 34E % WILLIAM B=P , 'B, 1110 AND 18.1 FEDERAL STR ALLIS=SPIT. apiA TAGGART BOOTS, , SHOES AND GAITERS Wholesale Prices. M)'7T_A . &rl4 Allegheny City. A. GREAT SUCCESS! DEXTER WASHING MACHINE .1 It washes the guest fabrics, without inierY. perfectly clean in less than one• eighth the ordi nary way.. It does not rub the cloth. but per fermis Um cleaning process by steam and the quick action of Dot water; It can be operated by a child. Its great eh asonets makes It accessible to ever► lkmtly aad saves its own cost la doing away with tubs. • PRICE, ;::15. Bold from the Manufactory. at THOMAS MEM% PENN ST.. OPPOSITE THE IAIB GROUND. Air AGNATE WANTED. annithal IRON CITY SPICE AND MUSTARD WILL, Fifth Avenue, near High St., STRICKLER & MORLEDCE, Wholesale Dealers la ROASTED COFFEE. Spices and Mustard. We ealtthe attention of oonsumen to our Mt- IDLSION T o s sßUdil OP sold in l e e ry packages end WANVID to be the very bu ns the market. /MUM 001017dZAL gimand daily. Ail &MA ;ales warranted to be of the best quaUty and de. amend In the city free of sharp. . STRICKLER ilk JEORLZDeIIe DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM Rank • Otacoessor. to JOll., P. HAIGH '00.1) Has facilities eo•extens BUB the leading posses in the East, and li p reed to promptir and satisfectonly all ordersSTEAMBOAT IsHATTLOBABES,r I STON IasYMBS, TrotA AhtystsTS, BU D /AD AXLES, LOCUM iVE P.BAMBS,ter w it h ever description of SHAPE WORK . Oidecand Tome, Verner of Duquesne Way and First Street. a. 41640 - • " BOOKS SETTLED, AND ,4 AoootrsTs cou,sarzu. MONEY TO LciAN• FINE TAIDIS I'ILTiNIFILTANIA:: HOUSES AND LOTS IN PITTSBURG!' AND EAST LIBERTY; • LOTS IN lIANSTIVILD: - • • KIBBOITEI AND VIZOINIA LAND FOR, 5A.1.74. Inquire of ' THOB. NINON _ NOTAAY Matta, 89 GRAXP GTRRSTA 02049. Dot room• • • ~ 6 .sita MlWK:ira,l6. 1 )( 4 •" fatts, wittrrrese-ui m _llexes Frani A. Daily tiqmezi• opotoirtess. 'I 1" '••' l i ET, INEMEEN, EITAIL 111th avenue. rlttstnar Pa. MMMrNMKJEI:MI3. AT 6 1-4 CENTS, FAST -COLORED c'.l CALI ES. AT 8 CENTS, FAST COLORED CALICOES. AT 10 CENTS, FAST COLORED CALICOES• Tabie Linens, Napkins and nwels, Linen Sheeting; Irish Linens. Sheeting Muslim, Pillow Case iftgaliss, Shirting 3fuslitu4 Feather Tickings, White Quilts, &e., &c., tro. At the Lowest Prim, El WHOLESALE AND RETAIL EMI WILLLM SIMPUPS, NO. 180 AND Is 3 FEDERAL STREET. ALLINIUMNIL slab_ MILLINERS IND HEIL S Will Find at JOSEPH HORNE do CO'S LATE NOVELTIES IN HATS AND BONNETS Received this day from the manufacturers, and MR limes VINTIZAPPI24IRB, 11 . 13 8 ,4ur r . R w H I , DIMS, COLORED I 4 RAVItli t MILLINERY LAOS. SILKS AND TRIMMING SATINS, BONNIT AND BAT FRAMES, G ORNAMENTS A T . SRAW TRIMMINGS, IMPS, Le., c , Received daring the Week, making the most complete line of MILLINERY GOODS Ever Offered in this City,' And to which we invite THE ATTENTION _OF THE TRADE. 77 and 79 Market Street. a • ft STEM-WINDING WALTHAM WATCHEL - • These Watches are of the wef•Ynown plate style, and warranted to satisfy the most exacting demand the beauty, !MUM and accuracy. The manuineture .f Watches of this Aim quality is cot even attempted in this eonaitty except at Waltham. FOR BALE BY S. 8 =HD & CO., TTTTlBillitell. WALTHAM WATCHES, 8.4 Plate, 16 and 20 SLies. To the inanufseture of these the Watches the ficommy have devoted all the ICISIICIS and skill In the art at their canunand, and confidently claim that for fineness and beauty, no less than fbr the greater exeelencles of mechanical. and We:n[lft correctness of design and execution, these watches are unsurpassed enrwhere. Ix this country the mai:intact= • of these due grade of Watches is not even attempted, except at Waltham. YOB BALE BY " J. D. WIPADDEN & CO. =Ms ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. =III LEMON &- WEISE, • , Practical Furniture Mundka,rers t 1113.1r017BaCIFEAVIIMMEI. kir, en WIZ cagegrt s " 34ll !" °SLY" GRAIPS FEBBIr PIIIMNEI INK WO/1011. C. E. ROINtSON,• SAXOII.OIIIIIIIOP Black and Colored P Hag Is j ithographia / ratio, v .._. is ika._,. lad ii,na lad Streit, PHIL/LDELTRIA. Gino Awn 61111:00 TIEE t CO-PAII7 olbre existing is • dar anoint:lW arm of Jona Hanoi conducted se hereof., stile of A. stellar £ BJ I r== l WATER PI .1. bugs iumigrtmist, [ slag no Ai • . I Parrsztrawis A 0914114 1869. larrinng- BOARD OF DIREC - TOllO. of the COLUMBIA OIL COM PANY nave tbla day declared DIVIDEND No. 33 Of TWO (51),11131 CENT. on tie Capital Stoelt. payable KONDLE. April 19tb.1 ap)s:b43 A. Y. MeGREW, secretarr. WMERCANTILE 1 3 LIBRARY HALL COMPANY . —Tb Fourth Instal ment. SS per share. on the Capital etook is now du., payable at the Bankint House of N. HOLM - 88 & SONS. Certificates of Stock are now ready to be Issued to 111 tiaburiberi Pa n= 11 1 1 11 WRIG1 1 T. Treasurer. P1TT13111331711. April 9. 1869. spi4 TUE FEDERAL OIL COM. Pir.Y.—A. stork holders' meeting will b. held on the 15th 11AT OP APBIL, 1 09 . at 10 oralock A; X., at the °dice of A. A. MILLS. nquesne W . av, near Ninth street, Pittsburgh, for the moose of taking action for the &swat. thin of the company. A. full attendance is re quested. By order of the Board. C. L Pres,t. latrPirOl'lClE.--At a Meeting of the Directors of the EW.s.a.T STREET BRIDGE CO., On April 3.1; an assessment of $5,00 per share on the Capital Stock was made. Payment is re quested on or before the Aud of April, at the of Lice of CHEW. SIEBERT, ape;el . 408 Penn street. PITTSBURGH, PT.WAY.Z & CHICAGO/LB. Co., _ ; OFFICE OF THE HECIIETART. YFFTSBIIEGII, PA., March i(4, 11360. Itgr THE BOARD OF DIREC• TOHS OF THIS COMPANY have de clared the regular Qearierly Divitiend (No. 21.) of two andi one-half per cent., free of Govern ment talc, on the capital stou t, for the Quarter ending March 811 at, parable on and after MON HAY, April 27; proximo. at the office of Wins low Lanier Co. No. 2 7 Pine street, to those registered at New 'York, and at the office of the Treasurer, to those registereCat Pittsburgh. The Transfer Books will close on Monday April 12. at R P. N., and re-open Tuesday, Apri l 27, at 10 A. M. . P. M. HUTCHINSON. tecretary. •D18:b&3 ar*TO' CARPENTERS AND BUILDZBIL—SeaIed proposals for the erection of • TWO STATION HOUSES, For City of Pittsburgh, one to be erected In Twelfth and one In Seventeenth Ward of said city, will _be received at the Hardware Store of J. O.I"ZAHRION. N 0. 4 .1 Diamond' street, be tween Wood and Smithdeid streets, where PIOUS abd Specifications can be seen. All proposals to b- in by La o'clock. Awn *Ch. SAMS., By order of CominttW. JOHN JOS MASSHAW.., a • • - PwARBON. 12,110,11,Y arrainex Payable ea the lint Day, et July Jut, will be paid on presentation it Chepstowoffices upon s rebate of Interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum In gold.' '" SIMORGAr 111. EIVOTWELSit -, BECESTAUY TBS. TAIPAMAY •DMyDS7 ta rrirmLic, 3110121 Mr -- : ; ~ r• Pu-utant to en act of Assembly. sphrovea the sigth of March,%ls9. entitled !'sin set relat ing to interments in rinity Church-yard, Pitts burgh,” Public Non is hereby given of the In- Patton of toe minister. wardens and vestry of Trinity Dtpiscopal) Church, atter i,tke 10th of MAY, proximo, to use a part of the grave ground belonging newr connected with Bald churco, as sites for erections of Church and Chapel and for grades, and that Messrs. JOHN H. SHOENBESOER, JAMES M. COOPS.R. CALVIN - ADAMS and JOsIA H NINO, of the vestry, have bees appointed a Committee to con fer and arrange with the friends andrelatives of an persons tarried in the ground required for the purposes set forth In the act of tussembly afore said, far their retention under the new buildings or 4..m0val to other parts of the lot' or to one of tit the rural cemeteries. One or more`of the Com. millet! may be found at the vestry room of the church at oto 5 o'clock P.M., on very WED.. ligniDAY !and SATURDAY until he 15th of MAY, at which time and place par es Interested will please cell. By Order of the Vestry. ri l JOSIA KING, Junior Warden. arbleshbe Mr" PENNSYLVANIA I BAIL.. ROAD CO. I TREASURER% DEPARTMENT, PHILADZLPWA. PA.. April RI, 1869. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF Tax PENN . SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. All Stockholders, as registered on the Books of this Company on the 39th day of April. 1869, will be entitled to subs e for TWENTY-FIVE 1 3 FEB CENT. of their res olive interests in New Stock. at Par. as fo.lows First. Mfty per cent. t the time of subscrip- Mon, between the 16th a of May, 1889, and the Ileth day or pe enJe, 1 Second. rift cen . between the 18th day Iti l of November. 1869 . and the 31st day of Decem ber. 1869; or. if Staab° ders shouldprefer, the whole amount may be p up at the time of sub seriptlon, and each instal ent so paid up shall be entitled to a pre rata o tne Div. dead that may be declared oa full sh I Third. That every St 'oils:older bolding less than fiat shams, shall entitled to subscribe for one share and \ the holding more than a multiple of fo ur shares Ibe entitled to sub scribe !be an additional s are. .. /berth.; AU shares u which insighnents are yet to be paid under . lutist' of May IR,' 1868, will oe entitled t • their allotment of the Twenty-dive per cent. t #ll4 MI though they were paid in full. 1 apl6:hse 1 THOMAS ~ VIETH. Tresaurer.• • arTO CON Pittsburgh, nu llsollle proposlsa Incls will be re l eetred up to 18.03VEDAY. May t, , lusive, for the GIUDIJITION, ONBYANDBILLISTINO Of the remaining 47 Sections of this Road, situ ated at intervals upon the 96 miles between Con :1414111W and Cumberland.?Speccatins will be read fbr distribution at the Pittaburgh and Onmberland Offlate, en PRI DAY, the 9th of ,April, and all information necessary fir the prepier examination of the work will be afforded Ory thelingineer upon the Lae. President- and Dr.rect9ys, order of --Aden% ..,. szsr. - ii: laiiiinut . 'abler kingineer. 0771C0 PI TB'B6B & COICAZZLOPMLIIB. B. Co § i • rlttabOth, March 18114 PM*. --4 1V3:87 - rit I mbZ) LEGS! • . - - • • . .LEGS!! - '--- . . 'The litifidal - Limb' Itainfactating CO. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNA. 1., . All libirehelde eve Illem Want's"' the Limb* Made by the Compsuar. To these requiring • limb we would say that our own experience bu induced us to establish& factory. here that would make aeomfortable and durable limb for a reatoitabis price. Aft. r UT. me a number of solid mates end padded socket : legs, we have each found mere comfort cad use fulness! itt this ~A DJUSTABLE LACEINO SOCKET , ' than in any oth•tr made In the man. try. one of our number, a Milled mechanic, has charge ..f the shop. WeNave bought the right to use two of the best patents, and by our experi ence we hope to. Improve in every Way that will m id to the coinfort.dumbility or appearanceof the. limbs' we mike. We . have put me price of our new legs SW.. Perseus from a s alstamse are only detained In the city while the measure and a cast °Lee injured limb is taken. -•- • - . • She laving to purcitaser, as compared with'; , Eastern prices, is from' $l5O to glib in the- price of legs; -t least SSG railroad are, hotel - bills and other travellnEettelinsee, sindiketwe are satisfied that our limb ells/ OM matre.SatWeehon than any one made in New l'orkor Patens/Shia. If we can get orders.we can =MUM our fecterY at the above price, and we therefore ask an ex amination before going elsewhere. We make to order and kewp On hand a sugar of stocklers ha bract and anDllaNces for !Eldred et deform a b_,l se. Matches, trusses, Moul der braces. de. lee further telbrmation or cir cular, containing many testunenial lettere from those who have Worn ottr artificial lint es,addless Alan/lI:3AL LIMB MANUF hOTURINO CO.. No. SOS PENN STREET, between Thirteenth and Pourteenth. Pittsbursh. Pa. anittbel ?riff )1 : Sun' here- between the undersigned the withdraws' from the . The business will be !re under the name and I. .it. STXIr.LICR.,__ JOHN HANINIIN. X. ti. STALLS% J. G. WZILLEX. I ablethrd DISSOLIITION.--The Co-part , neotdp jheret o f ore &whiting between the undhuiliched le this day dhwolyed by mutual son• seat. 'AU aooolutta- win In settled by W. C. ABM'iIIIONG. who continues the bestow at NO. AO Market guest. H. J. rotas% arenas W. O. ARIESTROVEL 1 - r I TO4 : Ili COLLINS, whisir Vallidelt 116 • - • qiko 4 FAX ,4ol*t'444 ,'7A1,1Wi?,..**44'1, Is hereby thin that - nun= toilworn Ili CO :1:4 W f -‘011 6 A•11 1 = ANTED,winTr.vrAnnen —A SOOD WHITEWASHER eau obtain a Job by applying at Titre °rims between 9 and 10 o'clock. . WANTED—A Nurse Woman to take care of children. One accustomed to children, kind and easeful, preferred. Refer encee required. Apply at No. ea Beare' street• one door from Ohio, Allegheny City. WANTED----HELP.--AT EM PLOYMENT OFFIC E _No. 1 Bt. Clelr Street. BOYD efftl.3 and YEN, ter dleerent kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds eon be rapplted on short. notice. WANTS. TETANTIED= ROOM. A well v furnished PstONr ROOK on second floor. fronting. on the street, within lve Minutes , walk of this office, is wanted by two young wen. Rom with beard preferred. Good references Oren. Address "PAUL," Gazette office, rare of bon fs,, WANTED—To negotiate Mort- GAG= from 01. am to $lO,OOO. Ad dress Box H. tiAztrrx OFFICL QOMIETTHENG NEW.-The PAVi kJ ENT LAUNDRY L:.T. Bold by Merchant. and Agents; male and female. Circulars tree, or send 50 cants for Samples. .Also: best Key Tag and Menai Tools. Address, BA.LTIMORM STENCIL WORKS, Md. WANTED--AGENTS. WA NT ED. - INTELLIGENT WOMEN, to engage in a responsible and very 'mend avocation. Compensation liberal. A. lamily no hindrance. Address in handwriting of applicant, with real name and reference. "P," Gaanpris OTPICX. TVANTED.--The Co-operative LEFT INSURANCE CO. will employ sev eral competent and respourible_ CANV.&fE3SVAIS. agr ie at r the once, LIS t2IIIITIyI,ELD ST. WANTEDAGENTS NEW - BOOKS-200 ENGB,AVINGS—The Far mers and Mechanics llannel. 'A book of- yrs. value to every one. Bend for 16 ge_cirenW, Also, LUPE AND EPUTL7B 07 77.1"AUL, CI& 00.) wlthintrodectlon by Bev. Bishop Pimp. son. The only complete nnsbridatt_d vdttlon. A. L. TALC OW 8 00., • • 98,j Vowel avenue. Plltsbbrigh. Pa. ; 'ITHIPT Iiy ear ANTEDie—AGENTIII for_ the • of the DEXTER S'ecna tea to lima I t"' 31".. d Lars verde, eau be_ VAS t riTe CillVSSlier. Apply at MOIRA 8 tit oPPosila theta& anand. :Penn street. IPARD_We. WANTED" ---.B4MIROXIM.— A origazia4 !Ad:* twO•ideple 'vainness eau. naalsooa LNG ana vsry pleasant troat nom, Saps Goys, of Nca'llllit stresU : . TATANTED+IIO-AILDIUIS--Twe yr and netaesn'obtatilttfratlyliarate lka room and board namaabith at 90. 9 Axil STSZET. Alkalies OWN - . . peomunNo-Au elegant front row ttd floor , as lich, 1111. North Imam* gnew. Mutable tots igutlosuta anAl,wite or TO LET. . . Tloto - LET.--That Large Store( lloom. 55.teet deep. Naqtdre at Twin City hing Store, Na. 16 St. Clair street. TAO 0 LET.—Neat dwelling of 4 Booms, Kitchen and Bath Bohm. with la. s e closet, dumb waiter, marble mantle in par. lor, good yard shade trees, gc., fr ont and r. sr, No. 174 !South avenue, Allegheny; reached hy Rebecca street cars. Bent, - la 5. Ewtutre at 851 Third avenue. Pittsburgh. TO -LET.---The desirable DWELLMG HOUSE, No. 395 Penn street, furnished throughout, con taining 10 moral, bath room, At.; good stable, carriage house, and large yard reom. Posses sion given aline Ist. Also, a COTTAGE At Glenwood, with shout AQ sere, of land. well imprdved, fine orphard. grauery. le. Enquire at 596 . 2enn Street, or at Eoom No. English's Building. 963 E Fourth avenue. LET. • • •A' "VINE CLIFF," Homestead of late Dr. R. A. Wilson, Mount. Washington, within ten minutes walk of the city; an elegant Cottage House, with! tower,con taining 10 rooms and cellar, with spring and cis tern water; entrance for carriage, etc.; now a* cupidd by Mr. 0. T. Robinson, ot the nrin of Robinson, Bea & Co.' Inquire of HALL PATTZBSON, Attorney -at- Law, 71 Grant street. • • • tf • • To LET,Doubie -.llN4tory Nouseon the corner of Stocktonnvenue Beaver street, Allegheny City.' Handecnne gar den, stable and carriage house. Agniy at No. 6 Stockton avenue, or Warne Iron Works, Tenth street, Pittsburgh. 110.LJETe--11001% 40 . b_t 101 feet, with power; on earner of Penn and tit Wants. Inquire - of ROBERT HELL. 0-LET.—ROOMEL—TWo fine BOONS in GAZETTE Apply st punting Boom. 84 and ea Mb imam. FOR SAL/11 FOB EIALE.—OLD TYPE DIET-; .a..-About Two Thousand rounds tbr sal TAr_l. W. NitICB, office of YES rmzllltD, No. 148 Anithneld street. FOBSALIB--ALTP.E.;—A'bout 400 pounds MINION TlTlC,nearly as good ad new. Kw:mire at THIS OPINE. row nutina iaTTAGR:OI 5 mum, hall and cellar. ln fe LlAt: d arlaw k ..=9:3 , ll3l Price low and terms eaay. ltnglitreatTHlllol. FOR BALE, NINE FORTY-ACRE L9Ttik • Of 'land in Central Wile:anon, toa good timber, and near good market. fcrw farm Imolemelda Will be taken to exchange. During a recut:visit to Northwestern lows ar -I=ll=l:aottatiesdrsoe 1)7 rha at; snit moo Of lowa:* moa n :3lo: sll .kiklit'Aieree' - sem line of railroad: • • • • - • • Address, (with stamps eimicireda • _ JOHN D. BILL, Bakerstown, Allegheni chilAge_ sgekT : r: renasylmnia. IG I OII j:. . Hear Osborn itstio E. on she ,Ft!,uitmix, Pt. Waino and TWO LOTS, Containing About Two Aone Soh. ESQUIRE OE W. MACKEOWN & 19$ ithertY Street. "0011 SALE CHE#Pip 1.7 A two4to d Brick Erase on Gibbon, um Chestnut, street; S rooms and cellar; 60)for100. Price $l,lOO. Two two4torYßriok Houses en Wick street; 6 roam s each; iota 34/100. Price 43,000; terms XOO cash, and seism:An yearly Instruments of $5O O each. • one small Prase Souse en Aiken lane. Prise Teo sae Bun Lots. 110:60, on Locnstit. yin , 1 1 0 do a0 do _oskosi Cooper 'SU 1 91 Zotat Hoot 7nd°2l". TOGOis each, on Maria street. pri.fissi..loll o 4b... 2 , tens . • i TUT= lELZZ. ' 7 WWII IT Omit struts Int dAdtsi ~~~~~~ Ell