II t Ilittsk*ertiiitts. ?MILDEW DAIIN I BY PlantiN,AEßDi 04,Protaletott. . • '4o6tAlt Ewe. T. P Houwrox YAZD. 141treis and Proprietors. 111 ADM BUILDING. NO& 84 AND 86 Hill' ST OFFICIAL PAPER of *titiArargh. Athiar gkety Oinuasy. _, • - year... 1 Swot• Weekis. IV I. _ 7 :oa r 11 1 Vai rear :ll7 ° MU, 'eittri lee ibiltres sae 76 10 " " 1.15 C111711M) J • : 'adobe toAtent, TUEADAY. APRIL 20, ISM WE Pun on the inside pages •f this Eiorning's Mutton Second page : PoetrYl Pennsyftania, Ohio and West Virginia Bans, Letter from Annivolis. Third page: Allegheny Cattle Market, Markets by Telegraph, Riser Nees, and haports Bas7goods. Sixth page: , lii. ',sane/ , and Trade, Pittsburgh Mankets,l 3 .- - troleuna Markets, Seventh page: Farm latei •Gaiden, Amusement .Directory, 11; B. BONDS at Frankfort, 87k. •PizosoLEme at Antwerp, ,CliggSt4f. • Snip closed in Naar York yesterday at 181883. • - Pzesbytem O. has adopted ;# resedutlgo Assorable % the irlth the New School branch, oa hat *kw le be pit aad-Hberal .00ndl tIons. Vs are requested to annouice that the nags. onion. Tumuli alowszo r as a can didaWorAlection to the Renate of Penn wiil be presented to the Repub- Roan Consentlon of Alieghenpoeunty. • • TBZ Sonora,revolutionists are in favor !tit WO 41 4Eteraticin•ar Meilen CO the united States. Verily, it looks verypinuch as if we are_sools to luorecountries !Pegging to share-in the .bletusirkgs of oninvell ordered hue Government. la another columa, will be found acor sect reprint 'of- the • new :law,. of -this Commonwealth, which* legalizes the tes timony of parties litiganttin their own .Thts priiilege was exercised in several of our yesterday._ Mr. lloarxarr will leave for England this week. ills instruction are to hold thit Govetiunent strictly accountable for all property destroyed by the pirate Ala bama. Mr. Jomasox will make a few more dinner speeches and then come home. Nnw °SWAMI seconds the enterprise of St. Louis by organizing a grain asso ciation with a capital of ; two hundred thousand dollars. The former city is sa gacious enough to manifest enterprise when the whole glory and profit will re sult to herself. - The Republican Executive- Committee, of Allegheny county, meets to-day, to consider important business, for which a hill . attendance of the members is re quested. We understand that& leading question before the Committee will relate to the time of holding the primary meet lags, and of the assemblage of the Nom inating Convention or Conventions. In this connection, we may state that propositions are to be discussed, for the adoption of the principle which was in augurated, by our Republican friends in Philadelphia, last year, with the most com pie:e satisfaction to the entire body of the party. This proposes to substitute, for the single convention to which our Mends in Allegheny have heretofore committed the selection of all - the names to be placed on the ticket, a system of separate and distinct 'conventions, each with its separate, set of delegates, and with its powers limited to the nomination for but one office, or for only one class of offices. The experiment which was so successful at Philadelphia, assembled no less than thirty : three distinct conventions, or nominating boards, on the same day, each with its own distinct mem bership, and . each tilling but one .of the thirty-three places on the general ticket. 'The result commanded, for the first time in the local polities of that county, the unanimous approval of the party. Not one of the defeated aspirants, ,nor of his friends, was heard to complain of injusticeior neglect ' The ' usual, and often the too,ivell justified, - allegations of corrupt conibirtaliOns and log-rolling in trigue, were altogether silenced. A ticket was secured which feithligly and con -.amen sentiment in the &nth, fessedly reflected the preferences of a ma among either:Left:of all shades of political Jority of the Repub li c= party, and it oithilem'irme come - to regard Northern was supported at the ballot-boxes with a inuolgrithm. as s . powerful element in. correspondingly rmarkirapco and c or di a l promoting the future material prosperity seal. , of that part of the Republic. Very nat. At that time, we observed the progress wraith it n4itits that the current talk Of the experiment in Philadelphia, with about West Indian munition awakens the closest attention, and did not hesitate very Iltthe Southern yr:apathy. It is , to express our gratification at its SUCCESs. clearly'seen that Cuba end. San Domingo, It is with equal pleisure that we regard whertadded to our Meth:mil pessesalons, the movement, in our own Committee to would present greater inducements for day, for the adoption of the same princi- Northam capital and enterprise, diverting ple, in the. selection of titer .Republican these to a very serious ;extent froni 'in- ticket of this comity , for the Coming , veshient in OTC own .Quit States. Theengin:mi t fi cotton and sugar , interests, of ths 'Shunt 'WAlli the principle may be &Haar 1 also regard the West Indian Mori* *lased, It is prable i Urs , Ur i Mti ,„ pk) tal " ) .;e4: I 14.4 *C 44' Amos° the important bills enacted at the recent session of our Legislature, were the general registry law, the Act creating a State Board of Public Chad tic* the law making the parties to be competent witnesses in theirewn suits, a bm - requiring . the proper ventilation of coamines, and the.law imposing penal ties for cruelty to animals. • Tim New York Lttlactate received, on the 16th, the twelfth veto of their ses sion, from GOV. HOFFMAN. Tha meas ures thus disapproved by the Executive "have related almost entirely to the inter naLimprovement policy of the State, and it is but justice to add that these vetoes are 01241111111 sustained by the concur .rent sentiment of the people. Trat distance from New. York to Ban Irrandsco, by Chicago and- Omaha, and the Pacific Railways will be 8,803 miles Ji.t the Preient rates, the through tare will be $158,91. ,But the Pacific Companies engge to reduce their rates in July, when the cost for the through trip , is likely to be about $ll5, first class. It is also =posed to . sell second and third clamtickets at proportkizutl reductions, say $75 and 00 each. While the• poorest, emiAtrunte ma* thus be elle to compass thdraitudt, either to : the mining districts or to the Patifid °mit t other Arrange. Meneg ere. aboUt to be otede, and at a largeo. llama* , ocatt,' for the luxurious accoinodation of wealthy teu#stit• „ , 4 • reePie 4 1 , gfiN4Y-4*-11.4:M.;:11W414S§WAgi-,-'''**T.it'A:*i,K,VYM3-4.t.'',";;:' v:xy at !f-4vl 30,ge10-*V414,42.4:4*Ve14.-tallo*X-r4V,,,,,.-4AWW,VI*!:IOAE:7"-:(LN”' " - q. • -4 1" Al ' . : V, -,e017 3 ,4 A-lasA 011111C2t MS Init'll jealous eye.—.Polltical considera tions are yet. potent in all the late rebel States, reluctantly recognizing the danger of freak accessions to the p olitieal strength of the colored race. The protest against any more. black States will take an or ganized and effectivri shape among the Southern politician?. of this class, and at an early day. THE XVTH ARTICLE Has been ratigel by twenty.one States, 115 follow s MAINE, ILLINOIS, limrsnvisarrre, lirxscomns, Mi.if YeRK , MINNESOTA, FIINNEWLVANIA, lowA, I WEST VIRGINIA, MISSOURI, NORM CAROLINA, NEBRASKA, 8017 1 r11 eAROLINA, NEVADA, ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, TENNESSEE, LOUISIANA, FLORIDA, KANSAS-21. MICHIGAN, New Hampshire,- Vermont' and Con necticut will unite in the ratification dur ing the year. Rhode Island Lai hesitated, 'not because she - still clings to the en •pioded dogma which would restrict ho. 'man liberty to one race alone, but be ,cause of certsic vague apprehensions -concerning the ultimate extinguishment of State sovereignties. Very recent events in the local politics of that State will, however, have the -effect \ to ensure the prompt ratification •of the Article, at the meeting of the Legislature in May. With these twenty-five States, three more will be needed to make up the con stitutional three-fourths number. Vir ginia, Wirehisippi and Texas will do this before next December,while, in January, Ohio and Indiana will be ready tobe en rolled in tavor of this last great step of progressive liberty. IDOMESTW DIPLOMACI. Dipatches were received yesterday, in this city; from Waahington, stating, on the best authority, that the nomination of General A. L. Busszxx, for the mission to Ecuador, was put down to the ac count of this' county: of Allegheny. If thit were all of it, . the joke would amuse our Republican friends. But it is not all; the corollary, accepted in lu e gh quarters, is that Allegheny, claiming properly but one diplomatic , apPointment, receives all she is entitled to, in this nom ination of General RLTBSELL,--lind IK) our popular and capable Mend, Judge P. O. BEA2II74iN, for whom the entire Repub licin party of Western Pennsylvania de-, sins the polisidecate regaid - of Executive favor-would, of necessity, be ruled off from the track. We may say, frankly, that General Rtreszta,, a sound Republican and most capable and excellent gentleman, is not, and has not for some nine years been, a citizen of Allegheny county at all. Whatever post he may be honored with, he will worthily fill, but no sucknomina tion is to be charged to the local account of our own Republicans. Some one has been imposed upon in this matter, but we are quite sure that the mistake or the trick does not lie at Gen. RusszLz's door: The slate of Allegheny has presented the name of but one candidate for a diplo. matte post. Judge &LIMON would honor the mission •to Lisbon, and we hope may get it. And so say all of us! 1 OUR LOCAL RODUNATIONS. PITTSBURGH .GA;Er4:, TURSI4Y, APRIL 20, to be adopted mty show a different appli- . cation. Instead. of aseparate Convention for each oZtce, it is proposed to group these offtees, so as to commit all of a specified class to one body, with similstr divisions of the rest. For example, a Ju dicial Convention , will select both the candidates for Judges; another world nominate a Senator and Representatives; the eight County offices might be broken up into two, three or four classes and given to the charge of as many different Conventions. Or, the Commi ee may deem it expedient to mend that the nominations, for the sixteen offices to be filled,— to-nit, District Judge, Common ien; Judge, Senator, six Representa tives, Sheriff, Clerk of Orphans' Court, Clerk of Quarter Sessions, Register, Direc flor of the Poor, Recorder, Treasurer and Commissioner—shall be committed to Six teen different Conientions, each compoSed of one delegate from each of the one hun dred and seven eletition districts of the county. Or, the Committee may send the two Judicial nominations to one body, the two Clerks to a second, the Senator to a third, the six RepresentaXives to a fourth, the Sheriff to a fifth, the Director of the Poor and Register to a sixth, and the three other county officers to three more—in all nine Conventions, to one of which the choice of delegates to the State Convention may also be assigned. The whole question will be carefully considered in the Committee to-day. We have confidence in their disinterested and wise devotion to the interests of the or ganization in Allegheny county. In adopting the Philadelphia precedent, it will not escape their perception that the nearer our own experiment shall approach to that model, the greater our assurance of the most succiesfttl results. THE GROWTH OR PITTsituRGH„ A limner, entering our city to-day, after an absence of ten years, would tail to recognize the Pittsburgh of that date in the great commercial metropolis into which it has expanded. The growth of the two sister cities, lying on either bank of the beautithl Allegheny river, has been marvellously rapid, and the ratio of in crease promises. o become even larger - in the next decade of yearn It is hardly an exaggeration to assert that within the time specified, our cities and borougha hive tripled in their importance and pop nlation. and, we believe, notwithstanding the known nrowth of contemporary mu nicipalities, that the forthcoming census willaward Pittsburgh much higher rank than she has hitherto occupied among the leading communities of the world. Previous to the passage of the consolida tion act, whereby much territory was gained, the spirit of enterprise had set in and a steady accretion was observable; but the growth came rapidly _after that movement, and" up to the present time we have been assuming with each pass ing day still greater population and vaster proportions. Real estate was estimated much lower in this neighborhood up till within a few years back, than in any other city of the Union of corresponding prosperity and numbers. The i edvance came like a flash and property suddenly rose from nominal nines or song-like prices to figures so high and fltncy as to almost put in the shade the selling valuations of any other city in the country. This rapid enhance. meat was not ephemeral, but Came out of a true estimate of the new life taken by the city and anticipation of her growth and Importance. Higher rents followed higher prices for real estate as a natural consequence, and while the sudden tran sition occasioned much grumbling and dissatisfaction, the people have accommo dated themselves to the situation and are more prosperous than ever. The increase in population rendered necessary the erec tion of more business and dwellingplaces, and thousands of new houses hays been erected and are now occupied. The hith erto retired portions of the city have been transformed into business molten and the dwellers therein forced out to new places for escape from the din and noise of the workshops and the sooty and begriming atmosphere of industry. Hence, it is, that there have sprung up all along the many lines of railway leading into the heart of the city, closely populated sub urban villages to contribute to the muni cipal greatness. The present spring will witness more building enterprise , than has marked any season since that following the great Are of 1845. On all sides, everywhere, the spirit of improvement is manifest, and scores of the new buildings arranged and contracted for, if not already under way; will largely contribute towards the archi tectural attractions of the city. • I Councils, too, have roused themselves intnfall appreciation et . the progressive era ire have entered, and by wise and judicious legislation are, contributingl their till share towards securing for the city its Med measure of growth and prosperity. "Broad avenues are being opened and paved, new 'market houses provided, governmental advantages se cured and other reforms and advance ments mark the legislation of the rep resentetives in that body, and so far as they are concerned the crime of fogyism cannot with justice be laid to their charge. Altogether, we have much to congratulate ourselvenmpon in the ex pension and growth of these communities. Our prosperity is solid and enduririg, while no city in the world has clearer claim to a substantial' and harttearned wealth, nor has any it *distributed so equally`among her citizens. After a somewhat extended trip over this road, I might indulge in very enthu siastic descriptions of the beautifill scene ry, delightful climate, rich soil and min eral resources of Kansas. But as I have selected a location, with the intention of coming here to settle this season. and I know that many of your readers are looking westward for Mae homes, I will simply give a • business man's reasons for preferring Kansas to other western States, and this pouf in Kansas, (though I found it pretty hard to make a choice in this grand western coun trY -I want to note for the especial benefit of young men, and those of small capital, why I think this is the best country for am. • I suppose all my farming friends will allow me to commence with the axiom that "farming pays best where good land is cheapest and farm products dearest," and when I state that good . lands range in price from one to five dollars here, I may call my point marked. Then, second—lt is a fact that Kansas excels her sister States (except Califor nia,) in the productions of the staple grains, by quite a handsome excess. For this statement you should not take a correspondent's word, but refer to the records (for the past few years,) at the National Bureau of Agriculture, at Wash ington, which show how much the aver age production of the cultivated acre was in each State. Then, again—Grain and staple pro . ducts are about fifty per cent. higher here than in Ohio and Pennstvania; (for instance , corn sells at $l,BO, a fact easily accounted for by the proximity of the consuming, but non-producing fron tier, droving and mining population and the Government posts. It follows, then, that grain fanning pays better here than farther east. To illustrate, one can bay here with sB,ooo dollars a farm that would cost $BO,OOO in Ohio or Pennsylvania, or say $15,000 in Missouri; and with much less labor thin la the Eastern States grow crops worth more money, or, in other 1 words, he can net a larger income with the small sum Aare than with the large one East, and use the surplus (if any) in other ways. To say nothing of a third point—ad vance in the value of the land—which, while it rarely covers the interest of money invested in the older States, will here double value annually for flye years to come., Lands settled as homesteads, for nothing, in Eastern Kansas, ten years ago, are now worth in many instances one hundred dollars per acre. It is here, then, that I find good land at the lowest, combined with markets at the highest ri i tes, in a way I have nowhere else seen. F r while lowa and Minnesota must pay to to the overcharged markets of Chimp and the East, this favored region finds a ready market waiting its products at its western doors. • . But while this is as I have tried to show, the best country for grain farming, its pre-eminent superiority consists in its special adaptation to, and facilities for, stock farming. With pasturage of the richest, almost perpetual mild, short, open winters, and a cash market at its doors, I think this is destined to be one of the greatest stock growing section 4 of the West. Six miles west of De it, also on the Kansas Pacific Railroad, is Abilene the great cattle buying and ship ping point of Kansas, whose market is never glutted, having many resident y buers, representing millions of caital. ealtern Prices for stock are almost as high s as east, though the cost to fatten is less than one-fourth as much. I need scarcely say that Kansas offers asgood inducements to mechanics and tradesmen as to farmers; and having noted some of her natural advantages, will call attention to'some artificial ones. The Kansas Pacific Railroad has adopt ed the very liberal policy of selling their lands (comprising alternate sections with in twenty smiles of their road) on five years:redit, with only six per cent, in terest on back payments, at pricesrang ing from one to five dollars. They also aid the emigrant by reduction in rates of passage and freight. The agency through which these Rail ,' road lands are sold is that of the "National Land Company," of which many of your readers have heard. Their headquarters 'are at Topeka, where Dr. W. E. Webb, the affable and plucky general agent, resides They are doing more' protably than all oragencles combined to advertise and develop Kamm. They have sub-agencies at elf the railroad towns. I made the ao. qoalatance of Capt. A. O. Pierce at Jlmcdon Oily, IL H. Bishop at Salim, and W. H. Lamb at this place, altatfable gentlemen repieseithorell'he interests 12111Z1 , 1 4" claincrilienerinaentin soda Wm& 'RIB under trial in Louisiana. (lssolng' )iouses Ire not regularly licensed, but ate' controlled by law, which Suffers their ex-' 'stance. but requires them to be open to thepublic. The New Orleans liepubliean, announcing the name and location of al newhouse just opened, remarks: Thus far the experiment of open gam bling-houses has not disaPpointed the public. The novelty of the experiment has induced hundreds tia visit these gain bling-honses, and some of them have had a lively fight with the tiger. Men of large means and men of small menu; have engaged in the tight.. It has been stated that two distinguished Union Gen erals of the Democratic persuasion tried their skill in this new mode of Warfare, and that one of them won several bat tles, while the other was vanquished, and lest scene without laurels or money.- KANSAS. Advantages offered Farmers and Me. ebonies—The National Land Company. DiST1101; Millen, March 30, 1869. [Correspondence otthe ihe Pittsburgh Gasetts9 I reached my favorite among Western towns, Kansas City, by the new west branch of the North Missouri Railroad. This route through the north side of the beautiful and fertile valley of Missouri, does credit to the foresight of its' projec tors, and is destined to become very popti. Jar. From Kansas city the great Kansait Pacific Railroad, stretches more tlian four hundred miles westward ; forming the grand trunk route of Kansas now, and probably (in view of the snow and other, obstacles to the working of the Union! Pacific Road) of the nation hereafter. Our old' friend Col. Lambonte, who honors the position of secretary of the ; road, tells me it will be pushed through_ to Denver this season; thus securing the best market in the world (that - of the mining country) to the producers ,_of Kama, MEE 869. of tge cotitpas(p at their respective , points. The National Lind. Company are mak 'mg arrangements to Tarnish to buyers of their lands agricultural implements. and portable houses, at manttfacturers' prices. • Those *idling information can address any of the above named gentlemen; or, after April 15th, the writer at Detroit,, where I will always be very glad to hear fronkmy oldfriendp. A Deaf and Dumb service. a deaf and dumb asylum the resident clergyman is a "speaking person," (as the deaf and dumb call nous autrea;) but this makes no alteration whatever in the Manner of the service. There is a dignity about him, an earnestness, a solemnity that comes straight from -his own poor imprisoned souL He has to act every thing, as it were, (since the system he uses is a mixture of the spelling with our old child-learnt dumb alphabet, and the representation of words,and even phrases, by expressive signs), and he is so moved by the poetry of the thoughts he is com municating that his head and arms and whole body are idealized by it, and he is a picture in every attitude he assumes. No Oriental could give a painter or a sculptor more delight. He is elevating his hands now to heaven in a close appeal; and- now he has no hope left of merely, and stands there abased. He is resigna tion, alarm, hope, and tender love; he is gratitude, humiliation, anger, rapture; he turns rom adoration to hate, from joy Ito despair; he supplicates, he mourns, he !worships, he - disdains, and all with the swiftness and beauty of a man with a fairy gift. All the congregation are standing with him for a prayer (they cannot km el, nor yet bow their heads, nor do anything that interferes with the freedom of their eyes,) and his fingers are making incessant movements—rapidly, magic ally, madly—and are adding to his ex pression considerably more. His arms are out, in, up, down; forward, behind, to the left, to the right; his thumbs are to gether, apart, making emohluds, upraised; his patina slide rapidly by one another, his little fingers hook; he points, he touches, he makes rings and fiats; his fingers go over, under, through, on; and they twirl, and wist, and clasp,,and throw one an other away, without a moment's pause. Then his whole pose again is trot; and then he triumphs, and then he complains, and then ectiusy carries.. him.pletely away. He has scarcely entreated ore he confesses he has no right to entreat; he has scarcely sun r under - his afflictions be fore he declares he has received the strength to battle with them, and he is a new man, erect. He shows faith, and submission. and ablibrence, and rage; he yields he queetions, he admits he is unfit; he is tranquil, and them .veliement; he adores, and than he scorns; and then, suddenly, his, arms drop by his side life less, and he is a picture still, but this time of nothing but a light-bearded, long- M coated, intelligent-faced man.—/iirosees ayazine. Hebrew Philanthrophy. The Hebrews have always been , re markable for their excellent system of charitable rellef,in which but one other re zrsli' ous body, the Quakers, can rival them. o one ever ' saw a Hebrew beggar or a d titute Quaker, and this is not owing tci the absence of want among them, but to their peculiar and thorough arrange ments for taking care of their poor. Each synagogue has a committee corn: posed of the most respectable members, whose business it is to inquire into the condition of every Hebrew in their dis trict, and to afford assistance to such as require it. They act on the simple prin ciple of putting the needy in a situation to supply their own wants, and do not encourage pauperism. Work is fur nished to such as cannot get employ ment, and many of the peddlers and ,glaziers in our city have been set up by them. The aged are pensioned and the disabled placed - in a hospital, or furnished with regular relief. The Mount Sinai Hospital is one of the beat in the city; it has been organized seventeen years, and is remarkable for being open to all per eons without regard to color, sex or creed; Hebrew, Christians, blacks and whites being found among the patients. During the year 1888 there were 671 in door and 748 out-door patients treated, at a total outlay of $19,880, of which only $8,707 was for salaries. There is a He brew Orphan Asylum and they have alio a number of bene volent and mutual benefit societies in the city. The great efficiency of these is due to - their being superintended by the most energetic and influential members of the denomination, who take a personal interest in their management. A grant has lately been received from ithe city of twelve lots on Lexington avenue, between Sixty- Sixth and Sixty-Seventh streets, for a new hospital; and efforts are making to raise money for the erection of a suitable building.—N. Y. Post. Profits of copper Mining . Let us take into consideration the very great number of mining co rporations that have ev ended millions in the country and received nothing in return. Darin g the last twenty years there him been 104 mining com pa nies organized; they have paid in the enormous awn of $14,819.500, for which stockholder. have not received one cent. Including the eight mines re fezrid to, there has been paid in assess mentknear I $17,000,000, and dividends declared =bunting to over $8,000,000, giving a rate, for the entire work per formed, of less than 87 per cent., and considerably less than 2 peroent. annually. These eight companies are the Central, Copper Palls, Prsurklin,' likmesota, Ra tioned Pewabic, Pittsburgh and Boston (old pliff,) and Quincy, which lave paid in assessments to the value of $1.981,000, and returned in dividends $8400,000. Our readers will please observe right here, that these are the only dividend-ming mines that the copper regions of Lake Stiperior have ever had. Poinmate Depopulation. A Salt Lake City letter says: A Mor mon graveyard is the most melancholy sight on earth. One bishop here has seventeen children buried in one row, and the longest grave is not over four feet! If these men have but the common feelings of humanity, how fearibily are the phnishea for the crime of_ polygamy. Brigham's children are genera lly healthy, except that the girls mostly have 'weak eyes, and two w e llem are nearly blind; but they are housed - and clothed. But such is the exception, and 1 could mention a dozen men whose houses are Rai of women, but their children are in the grave. The Asiatic institution was never meant to flourish on American soil, sidles re• suited here inn "slaughter of the limo cents,l' which is saddening to, waft- Witt ii 4ell Samos 1. Bait enacted by tae Senate and Howie of Itejiesents of the Commonwealth ;of Pennsylvania in 49e:s emi assembly met, and it herebyin acted by authorityof the nixie That no interest nor policy of law shall exclude a party or person from being a witness in any civil proceeding; Provid ed, This act shall not alter the law, as ... now declared and practiced in the Courts of this Commonwealth, so as to allow - husband and wife to testlag & against each other, nor counsel to testi to the con fl communication of s client; and this act shall not apply , to actions by or against executors, administrators or guardians, nor where the assignor of the thing or contract in action may be dead, excepting in issues and inquiries devises- rit .vel non- and others, respecting the right of such deceased owner, between parties claiming snob right by devolu tion on the death of such owner. Sac. 2. That a party to the record of any civil proceeding, in law or equity, or a pason for whose immediate belied& such. proceeding is prosecuted or defend ed, may be examined as if tinder avail- •-•; 'examination, at the instance of the sa verse party, or any of them; and for that purpose may be compelled, in the same ,mannei , and subject to the same rules t~r examination, as any other witness, to estiiy; but the party calling for such ex amination shall not be con cl uded there by, but may rebut it by counter testi tlon. Sac. y 3. That the testimony of vritnessea • authorized by this act may be had by deposition or commission issued, as the oils) may require, with such notice to the party to be examined, and to the ad verse party, as is now or may hereafter .; he prescribed by the rules of the proper Conrt, touching the taking of depositiorus ; and testimony on commission. Josrf CLARK. Speaker of the House of Representatives. • Wiring Wonnuserros, Speaker of the Senate. ArpnovED—The fifteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-nine. = Jrro. W. GZA.RT. B. J. MCFAREEN Lenox Bare now hung in England upon a plan by • which the friction is so reduced that they can be rung without the exertion of much force. The system consists in making the gudgeons upon which the bell is hung Tedoped, like the bearings of a scale- and applying the the w power heel by a lever to the stock. dispensed with. The gudgeons must not be lower then the top of the bell. In a recentexpo t with this new method, a. bell, th a diameter at it's mouth of 741nches and weighing 10,000 pounds, is easier than pulling a clapper by a tops, and does not Involve so great a risk of cracking the bell. The tone is also said to be much. granger: Gomm= Has Alamos have recently been the subject of continued investiga tion by an English chemist, who, after a careful analysis, asserts that they are cow. posed of dilute nitric and murlatio acids, with traces, in some Instances: of sul phuric acid. Though the proprietors of these fluids announce that these prepay'. tons are harmless, yet instances hate been reported of ladies being injured by drops of the hair dye falling on their shoulders. The agent to effect the clump in the color of the hair is the nitric ado, aided by the chlorine evolved by the de. composition of the muriatic acid. The sad and deplorable condition of many who are afflicted with hei nth or rupture of the bow. els. calls loudly for 00118 eilicient and unnilstak able remedy that will not only la every, case give efficient relief, but in many cases effect a radical I and thorough cure. These cases of hernia hare become so frequent, that it is computed that 011ev , sixth of the male population are said to be troubled. In some way or another, with this ter rible ailment; and in very -many eases do not know where to apply Itir an appropriate remedy, oftentithes not knowing whether an appliance is really needed 9r not; and if it should be needed. - they often do not know where or to whom they should make application. The world is full of Trusses for the retention and cure of this lamen table evil. oftentimes an. Incontestable proof of their total and inadequate fitness to relieve the sufferer. This need not be; Dr. Keyser, at his new medicine store, No. 167 Liberty street, is abundantly supplied. ith every appliance, need ful to the retention red relief of this terrible affliction, so that every one .can be properly fitted ate moderate cost, with the fall assurance that the appliance is the best that the mechanical department of surgery can &fiord. The Doctor has pursued the investigation of hernia with more than ordinary care for over thirty years, so that the Mated can place implicit re liance on his skill and filihrity with the full he mance that they will notonly let the hest trueq suitable to tne case, but likewise a thotoneh and efficient knowledge of its proper application. There are many persons who not only sacrifice theirhealth. but even their lives, for want of a. proper truss, or a truss properly applied. Strait. gulated and Ineducable rupture, Is a far more, common ailment now than in Ibn:tier years; and may we not putty arrive at the concluslov. that - its frequency la often occasioned by the neglect and carelessness of the sufferers themselves. No one would be regarded as sane or excusable who would go fora whole winter without the proper clothing to shield them from the Inclemencyof the weather, but. at the same time, it Is thought a light affair to suffer for years with a protrusion that not only subjects the person to Inconveni ence. but even places life Itself in jeopardy. Those of our readers who may be unfortunate to need appllanceo of this kind cannot act more wisely than to cut this advertisement out and . preserve it, so as to enable them to retain the place where such Important preservers of life and health are to be procured. • DR. BXTBEII , 3 'NEW MEDICINE EtTOBM, NO. 167 LIBERTY wriarET. TWO Doom ISOII Err. 01./.IR. CONSULTATION Etto3lß, No. 160 PENN t3TENIIT, from 10 4. N. until "1 1, P._ M. : I p B . PUREST' AID, !SAFEST. • The efficacy of HOISTBTTEIPB CELEBRATED -t BTOM/LOll BITTERS as a ammo Ki for recruiting t the enfeebled body anAelleming the desponOult sand has pressed into a proverb. In the UnlteA States where this marvelous tonic has borne dims ... - • A , ..$ all oppOsition audeclipsed all rivalry, the demand ' IA r 1 for It has annually increased In a heavier and 3 . heavier ratio ftrr years, until, at lest, the rotates , , a _ • ••• sales of this preparation exceed those of all other 4:L . stoinachica combined. Itmlnent members of the ".4 medical profession and hospital surgeons without I g...,:;1 t, number, have candidly admitted that th phear.. P.A.:. . V 4. mareoptee of the felinity contains no prescription, that produces such bendloial abets in dyspepshi, ' ki general dehility and nervous dbeases. as Nrw.."" :. 11: -.. 2 ::- -: :' TETTERII BICTICIIB. To use the language of is 1 ' '•'.:.,:11 venerable phystrgan of New York. “The unseat ' rig:4: are 'the purest stkantant aid the saftst tonic iib' have. ,, But the uses of the greatieitstableeo6...:' dote are much more comprehensive than MO .tflti_, t i praise would Imply. As 11 ,ParP.altATORT Allpg ON Don to epidemics disease.:* VIEW sibbulanl;ll promoter al constltutionsl vigor . an appe tiser t i 7 • A , t rE • 4,11 • - , t,..,:" stomachic,imd a remedy for nervous debility, no ~,..9. k g m e r tleinalpmnaratlen homing oozed ehorepir. itis - 4 tall= of HOBT/CTICB4I3 BITT/128. It is the ?gan . mousiclioras Tosto of the 1 .1011113 AN B/40. - PLS. and hi, all I t n ntlinl/tobabllll7 will 1 .0 1 " 0 /Or 4. centuries to come. The ittegiiiitescif licleace.reo • t,..A:, 1 ,4 006 Ila lia awful; and that It is einishatital the nieolcise of the causes, Is Roved by 1 4 Via"-:' 144 0 V 40/1014 use ii` 041 ' . ' • • " •ii.... I.:f ME TRUSSES AND HERNIA.. LI