ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. El onlc‘ce . or. PiTrast!Bey 43..1,7TE, MONDAY. April 19, 1869. t. . . ._ . • —f,. CATTLE—Notwithstanding there Wins . • f, a fair supply of rattle to day, fully seven , t, hundred, the market Was a stiff One, the demand being . fully np to the, supply, and prices were strong and fully.'.lsus• tamed..aL addition to the retail dentand. there was acme Inquiry for sn-'4'lpineritt and, se last week. the was the case pees N. , Were pretty well cleared out by ten I.i. o'cloc;. The quallty of the Cattle 'on sale, as up to the usual standard. per haps t e little better than tignal,end . they . • i were . arly all from Chicago; and, were, tiearly'ail in the hands of the re • • regul ar ..`. dealers. , , ...,, L prices, compared with last week, ave -..-, undergone no quotable change.- itne .., to extra smooth fat steers sold at - • m 8 it. tgBX, and medium do, at7X(ga7X. '1: ock V steers may be quoted at 6 ,14@634.. • i . i '• There is an improved demand for reah (lowa, and quotations may be fairly given I. : at 160@100 per head, accoraing to qtutl • ity and condition. I One of the finest' bullocks in this mar { ket for many a day, was sold _by 8: t Marks & Bro. 'to Chas. Weide. Hazle wood & Blackstock, also, had some very fine cattle. - Holmes, Lafferty dr Co. sold 21 head stoekers, at 5,65©6,75. • f. i Nicholas Carr sold 15 head of Ohio i', steers, at 7X ®B . ets. . t, , Hedges dr Taylor sold 19 head of fairish t steers, at 6X@6X. a •L.dt J. Sheinberg 52 head steers, all ~.. from Chicago, at 7158 x. {.'... •I. Reefer 20 head from Chicago, at • • 6 N0734. - ' f Lohman tirflratirman 70 head, all from Chicago, at 6,62®834,. . . 8. Marks & Bre t. 95 head from Chicago, , .. at 734.58 X: . • • , S. LoWensteine 18 Chicago steers, at • ', 7Y. ®7X. . • Greenwald & Kahn sold 5.5 ' head Chicago steers, at 7xagB3s; also 25 head • from Chicago, for Myers, at 6X12/73.- Hazlewood & Blackstock 50 head from ' Illinols . and Ohio, at 6y,®sx. 1 awl Qt Kraus 50 from Chicago, at J. reedy 83 from Chicago, at 7i2)835; 16 ~ lead for Joseph Myers, at ,6%@7y(... : I. 71.krtrnan & Zeigler, 68 head, sold 18 . lead to Rtinydn, at 8; balance, at fiNw. • 1 M. Verner34 head Chicago' steers, at • , 1" `. tttobilds & • Eats_ 71 . head Chico • steers, it SIM& c ' " - .- :13.111CRF0.. There . watt -an unnittidly • large..inipplytotEliusels en dale Willey, the lamest we Alive had to reoord•for • several . weelre-so9i;7•hesil—and with only a a . moderate .demand, • The market waft very stow, arid.oeini With *taw** prices are lower; of tie butchers, • ... have been. engagi ng th eir s hee p Iti the adjoining D=4l7oolll** consequence • they did not want tinny •th-day;"thiii_tith : it: us' probablectliat ' they' could " bought. all they Wanted. hare at '4 Isea ~.. orioti,lf they lusd only kuciwn - it. 3- We' ,_,'•• look for a Urger 'supply from this-tlme it:, out, as fawners will commence throwing - .0 them on the • market as soon as they get. • •••• ,••‘' the wo•l'olf. t''' . 2. , I. Needy reports retailing 109 head . i clipped at s@}7. ' , '' Moulton it Neely, 30 head.wooled, at 6. i,i :' J. F. Neely, 80 clipped, at 5®6X. ' • ' '4 J. Davis sold 67 head clipped for Jones .t.'.) ~.. •t ••( Adam Eckert 200 head clipped at 5®7. "..'•••'0 J. Kauffman 75 at 4,56,35. .....„4, Anil & Myers 222 head; clipped at 3x ....„ , 10 .1, he anwooled at 63i®8. James Kerr . • ,./.. and '• I . HOGS—The Hog market was a little '•. i'' tlow to-day, the warm weather prevent •., .ng the butchers from buying as freely 4. ..t as usual. We now quote in a retail way ..., ,I at 11®12x gross, as to quality. • v Jacob Needy wholesaled 51 at 10%. Markets by Telegraph. .NEw Yortu, April 19.—Cotton is with- obit any , decided - change; sales or 1,500 hales at 283;o for middling uplands. The receipts of Flour were 6,684 bbl*. dull and heavy and s®loc lower; 5,100 bbls at 55,23@5,75 for snperflne State and western; $5,85®6,20 for extra State; $5,80 ®6,20 rfer extra western;.-14,75®8 for white extra; $5,90®7,10 for Round Hoop Ohio; I l®B,sofor extra St. Louis; s9®l2 for ood choice do, closing heavy. Bye sour drooping; 250 bbls at 55®6,80. Corn Meal quiet. Whisky nomisal.• Whea% dull, heavy • and 1®23 lower, receipts 1,188; sales livered; 29,000 1440 f0r ;,82 bush at 1 for No. 3 spring de No. 2 do de. livered; 51,66 for white California; $1,90 for white Canada, and ;2 for white Mich igan. Rye dull and drooping. Barley dull and heavy; 6.000 bush German on private terms. Barley Malt quiet.. Corn heavy bush at 82®84X0- for new mixed western; 84®86c for old do in stare and delivered, and 89®91 for choice Aid . fancy Southern yellow. Oats; receipts 1,254; sales 26,43% bash; dull at 76U for western in store; 77®780 for do afloat. Stock In the grain warehoules is wheat 1.562,240; corn 838,981; oats 1;067,603; rye 140,797; barley 51,837; malt 62,838; pegs 38,287 bush. Rice unchanged. Linseed 011 quiet at 5 1 ,02®1.03. Coffee 'very firm: Sugar quiet and steady;-Bales of 450 hhds, at 1130 for Cuba and 12Xo for Portia Rico. Molasses steady:- sales of 120 hhds; Musa:made 500. Petroleum quiet, at 17a for crude and 8235 ®330 for refined bonded. Hope quiet, at 60150 . "or American. Spirits Turpentine heavy 48®50c. Potk firm and In fair de "mid; sales of 1,800 bbl*, at $.30,87®31,00' foinew mess; $80,62®30,75 for old do.; e 2641,23,50 for prime, and 128,50@29•00-. 'or prime mess. Beet dull; sales of 10" 'ibis, at sB®l6 for new plain mesa and '42E08 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef Inlet; sales of 100 tierces, at 823028 for 'rims mess and 825(430 for India mess. leaf Hams steady; sales of 190,bWit at .28®28,50. Cut Meats steady; - *ales of 88:pkas, at 12X®130 Ior. shoulders and: B®l7o for haws. Middles quiet and .toady; Bahia of 100 boxes long clear on shat* terns. "Lard's:shade&Mei; ales •of 800 Marcos, at 17X®19Xe fOr 4 eP4 12 ; for iota of choice; /BX® to ettle rendered. Butter quiet, at o for Ohlo and 88®40c for State; Ohba* fi rm at 18®22X0. Freights to Liverpool-firmer, with engagement per steamer of 40,000 bush wheat and porn at Bd. II : TakTzwr--Flatir closed dull and Sc lOW 'ar. a = Wheat dull and lc lower for spring, ..1- aka), quiet and steady, for winter. Rye ~ no lower. Oataqulet and steady - i ar.B7go fot western in store. Corn dull mil heavy -at itt®B4o for new mixed sestern, and 81@88c for old mixed west. ~ ma in store and afloat. Pork nosultuti at dßruft dzmulelatssuidgmunet. •; honget tfl f d or . new uaco u n iersi ali steady. Lard steady at 18mc for \ i, •''rime steam. 200 Eggssteady at 19®, Outoll4nterf, April 19 .—Ploar - un- . , • !hanged and steady; family 118,601g8,715. 1 1;0. ffheat is scarce and firm with sales of .", .2 at 11.88; Nor lat 11,48. Corn is in , r. letter supply afid - fltmer at 67131380 ;the •'• 'atter rate for , shelled. Rye is firm at 43oLlri'41..3atsIInradY at66479c.ind11 with Baie;)rniddlll`at OW. • Barley fnehanged•'and quiet. 1 :I. Wkiiiky dull at 91k1.^ Provisions quiet, ibiits held firm at full rates. Mess Pork is held at 131. Bulk Mid* '111 1 2a1430 Iflar shoulders and sides. Baoon; 121 Me for . P., . • . 1 6 1 0Uldees;; H4ftgitlyof Int aloarltilf aid& and 17@)17Y,13 for clear: dev, , no= laden. Lard Wu,any.extentfloity kettle rendered is Ofleable at -18018 yc , Sugarletired Rime at .IBAIII3I. denfind moderate, in the small Way they. b6lng . 1 8.,',®190. Butter an t the' supply fair with sales of fresh ' at" 31431ki. - Eggs lower, and dull at. 15c.' Tirudthy seed is'scarce, and advanced'to 114,50... Clover at 215%4515g: Linseed 011 quiet at $1,05 01,06.. Lard_ Oil 11,45@1,50. Petro. leum at 33@35c. Sugar unchanged and quiet with sales of New, Orleans at 131 A© 15c. Molasses scarce and firm; New Orleani at 80@)85c. Coffe'e firm at 21 to 26c. Gold 133;‘; buying exchangesteady. ST. LOUIS, April 19 . --Tobacco, little of fering and prices unchanged. Cotton-- nothing doing. Hemp dull and un- changed, Flour dull; 'email sales of double extra at $5,00@8,30, and treble extra at 57,50. Wheat •Wheat dull and heavy; sales of fair to priine red at $1,50, strictly prime to fancy at ,$1,6512)1,69, prime to fancy white at $1,35@1,45, spring at 51,06 (4;1,08, and No, 2in elevator, at 51,/234. Corn quiet at 57(4:59c for mixed and white in sacks. Oats quiet at 81(363c, and a' few lots of fancy white at 65e. Barley-some demand for choice and fancy white; small sales of choice lowa at 51,80. Rye firm at $1.23©1,26. Whig. key at •870„ and no buyers, Groceries dull and unchanged. Pork firm, with small sales at $30,50®30,75. Bulk meats -kales of packed clear p shies In the small way at 160; also, 20,p00 ounds shoulders, hams and sides on private terms. Bacon -setles of shoulders e at 131. 4 c, rib aides at 16e, clear rib aid at 18%e, and clear sides at 170. Sweet pickled hams at 200. Lard quiet and flrn, at 173,0 for choihe tierce, and 19c for keg. Receipts past twenty-four hours: 3,200 Ws flour, 5,000 bus wheat, 11,900 lam corn, 12,000 bus oats, 1,400 bus barley, 800 ; bus. rye t , and: 850 hogs. Guicacio, April 10.-Eastern Exchange very weak but unchanged. Fietr in moderate active shipping demand at 25 ig6 for spring extra. Wheat less active ' with saleti No." 1 at 21,12%©1,14, and No. 2- at $1,01X©1,024; clasing at 61,024 1,02 x; sales -si n ce' 'Things -at 11,9214. Corn dull and. 1Wg.1340 lower, with sales No. 1 at 5434@55, and. N 0.2 at 62%; new at 44®45; closing. 1.4 (§ 44 51 for new; nothing doing this afternoon.,Oatagulet, with sales at .52x; cl 2 osing' at -5 52. Rye ijnist; with dales No. lat $1;14 1,16; clotting with XI at4.154311,163‘.. Bar and 2 lower , with sales at 11,01s2)1,63; el With sellers 'at glide.' Highwientis inactive and held thinly at 69e, with buyenr atlifb: , Nele Orleans Moe lama at 1101,05: Sugar-'& V 1461534" for compmrt tookolon, utPoik ostler at 130,65, cash..:Lard inactive bat Arm at. 17 303/ 11 k , OAreet_Piekkod HIM" steady at - 15,y, 163 i, , Dry Fatted, Shoulders more abtive at'l,l3i for loeiws, and 11,4i,boxati. Receipts fur -- the*ist 24 hours-8,147 bbla flour, 25,200 bush wheat;79,1144 'bus coin, 15,518 bush oate,Ll2s InitihrY6,l,l2o bus' barley, 1,581 bogs.; Shipmentll.o93 bbla flottryle,2ll3 buslrWiteat, 93,241 bus corn, 15.904 bush vats, 9,895 bush rye, 1,929 bush barley, 1,872 hogs. Tonkno, April 19..-Flettr dull; sales of double extra fancy at 26,00@7,00. Wheat -amber is better; sales at $1 1 4431 on spot, at $1,44, sellers, for May; No. 1 red Michigan, 11,85; No. 2' do, 51,30. Corn quiet and a shade better; sales of No. 1 at 65340 on spot; 60c, seller, for June; 63c, seller, fbr the last half of May; No. 2, 62Ne; no grade, el& Oats, 6234 e. Rye dull and lower; sales of No. 1 at 51,25, and No. 2at 11,20. Barley nominal. Re ceipts: 2,900 bbls flour, 5,900 bus wheat, 2,900 bus corn, and 3,400 bus oats. Ship ments: 2,500 bbls flour, 6,400 bus wheat, 23,7000 bus corn, and 5,600 bus oats. MILWAUKEE ' April 19.-Flour is dull and nominal. Wheat is dull at 51,0t73 for N0.4, - and 51,02 a for No. 2. Oats are steady at 53 for fresh No. 2. Corn quiet and steady at 44 for rejected new. Rye dull and lower at 51,12®1,13 for No. 1. Barley nominal. 'The receipts for the past twenty-four hours were 2,000 barrels of flour, 23,000 bushels of wheat. Ship ments for the same time were 4,000 bar rels of flour, 4,000 - bushels of wheat. PHILADELPHIA, April 19.-Flour dull and quotations are barely maintained; sales 400 ',fhls northwestern extra family at 56,50®7,50; Ohio 57,75®9,25. Wheat dull; red $1,80©1,70; amber 01,75®1,85; white 519042. Rye unchanged. Conlin fair demand; 'sales 6,000 bush yellow at 88®90c; mixed western 80c.„ Oats steady at 75c for western.' Petroleuut, Pro viitiont and Whisky ere unchanged. ' , . BALTIMORE,ApriI 19.-Flour very ditll, and 'favoring buyers.' Wheat inaciive,, with sales prime to choice red at 112@ 2,20. Cornlclnll, with sales prime white at so@Bl. end +yellow at 113®85e. Oate dull et 70®75. Rye dull at $1,45.• Mew Pork quiet at $3O. Bacon firm,viith sales rib at 16x, clear sides at 173 i, and shoulders at /434 c. Hams, at 20®21c. Lard firm at.1936c. . Whialky, firm, at 92e. Criavai.earn, April 10.-Flour dull and heavy., Wheat; No. red red winter, held at $1,44; No. 2 do held at 51,30. Corn held, at 69@70c. Oats; sales two cars at 64e. Rye held at $1,25@1,30. Harley quiet and held at 52,15@2,241 for Canada, and '11,95@2,05... for 'State. - Petroleum dull and nominal; refined held at 30@ 310 for standard white; small sales to the retail trade at 32®33c. LOUISVILLE, April 1 9 .—Tobacco; sales of 62 hhds; common lugs 15,20; Todd it Co.'s leaf 1112,76. Cotton 270. hleaaPork $81,50. Lard 183%c., Bacon; shouldera 12%c;, clear rib sides 170; clear sides 17350. Bulk, Meat% shoulders 12%43; clear sides 16;14c. . Wheat $449®1,55. 'Corn,6s@6Bo: Oats '66146130. 'Hay 126@ 21. 'Sugar quiet.'.Flour grpasow,ou. Whisky 910. - DETHOIT, April 19.—Wheat quiet; ex tra White winter , 51,77; No. 1 do 41.60; No. 2do ;1,38. Clover Seed advanded to 119,60 per bushel. NEw Yong, April 10. 1 --dtecelpts for the week=6,147.., beeve, 6,124 sheep .and lembsc. 16 .771 bag& ' :bootee the re cilia/sup to. Saturday were: at,Connau niPaw, 8+50: West. 'End. 140,1 and at Na tional ,Yarde, • 2,772. The week, opened With a large alkiiPlY.and at pricek consid ,erablf below'the figures of leat Monday, Which, ' It*eiver; •cm Wednesda•y ad vanced sgslita trifle, Only to recede again' to the opening .ratse. The best western steers mold , at 163 ®l7c; but there were few. cattle good enough to reach these figures. To-day the offerings were 126 car loads-at Communipaw, and 70 car loads at the National:Yards. The antici pation ,of t a light _run, during the , week canoed a little more buoyancy on the' Taut of buyers, which, the' holdera turn ing in their own advantage, put up prices and; the market Wet Stronger. The quality 'at , ail the , yards averaged be low the usual grade,there being too niany poor cattle. in prices =Washington mar. kw, cattle ruled from 1414 @IAN°, and:it• few choice Sold, as high :as: 16,4®17e; Poor to medium cattle ~123 i Otio; pledi nnj to fair steer* 1.4.015 C: good steers and fat oxen 16616 C; prinieto,extrfCateere 16 ® l6 34ci chorea 1 . 131;4017ir,' the: niterltY of the salita Veing st.l434olslol,`Aierage price 14ye, , poorest' cattle btought 11@ 1134 c. Sheep 4 and , Ltuxibi: In-the earlier part of the week the arrivals were: coin ninillpaw 6,466 head...Bergen' '"'" f_3300, head at ; fortieth btu:cat:the mar' ket at opening rule • d very •idow tor all grades, which. wad in 6304 ego Mr 'Sheared, 7@b3io 'for Wooled; a few very extra sheep exceeded theali %laws Lambs were In request for ~~,:~ Live Stick Mar Nets. ~ 'orf.,;• ' . • • - . 43 - AZEriT, : Tia SDAY---- APRIL 20- , . 41 . 9pitobitt lightatock weighing . .below 40 Pounds wertkaltogether unsaleable. TO day the offerings were: 2,500 head at Commuitipaw; 2,000 head at Hudson. Yard3,ooo , head at Fortieth street s. There — was, on the whole, very little change froin the figures current through the week, •' and the market heavy. Common to fair Sheep at 7;4©8, extra at Ei®Bl4, prime at 8;4 (4i9X, shear ed sheep at W, Ig8;i. Lambs 15©20;:' we note sales' dUring the week. of 16,598 head. Swihri; sales of 2,000 head at the Fortieth Street" Yards and 2,000 at Cora munipaw;•the market ruled quite firm during the past week; sales of, live Hogs as high as 11®11,68, while dressed Hogs sold at 14),1©141-4, To-day's offeriugs were 3,000 at Fortieth street and 4,500 at Commupipaw; market'heavy and lower: closing 1 0%©113f, for live, and 14©14g for dressed. , . rEILADELPHIA, April 19 —Cattle Mar ket. —Beef cattle are dull and lower, with salmis of 17,000 head at 9M©lO for extra western steers; 1,7®8 for fair to good; 5 ea 6 for common. Sheep are in , demand at fail prices, with sales of good at 7,50. Hogs are in fair demand, but lower, with sales of 4,000 at 14®15% per cent. nett. . Orman°, April N.—Cattle Market— Hogs littlet at 09®10,25 for fair to choice. Beef , Cattle moderately active at $4,508 4,75 for cows and butchers' steers, $7,25 @7,75 for good to choice, V3®8,373; for extra to extra choice. ' Sr. Louis, April 19.—Cattte Market.— Cattle dull, •with knoll business to butch ers only. Prices range from 2XO to 71/0 per gross for inferior to extra. Hogs steady at B®loc for fair to choke. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, April 19.—The weather is very fine and a better inquiry is no ticeable for woolen mods of light make at panicky prices, ranging from 75c up to $l,lO for medium anditine fancy Casis mares and Coatings. Cotton goods steady and prices generally rule ,so law in fact that buyers are timid purchaser*. We quote standard Brown Sheetings at 16® 47c for beret Southern and Eastern makes, 7%®77ic for Printing Cloths, 11%01123.60 for •Amoskeag and other standard brands of prints, such as Spragnes and Merrimack D, 1534(31734e for Spragnes and other poor styles of Mona Delainea, and 200 far best new styles, 2730 for. New York Mgs. lino. 2234 e for Watasutta d0,•20e for Tug eaorra do, 15e for Gold Medal do, 140 ftkr Hope do, and 1234 e fbr Itedbink do. luvsiß Nrstrs. Thi weathariisterday wa, exCensively warm for the;season, thermeraury at . 4 P. M. being, np to 78. 'River Thilnit slowly last evening, with eight 'feet three Inohea here by Monongahela marks, and six feet reported in Allegheny at Oil City, Business is fair, taking. everything in consideration, thong#lthere , la PlentY, of roma tbr linpementi ' There la not so much complaint abont getting freight as there is in regard to the very low prices,. and while this is not verypleasant for boatmen, it is very agreeable to shippers. The • Glasgow was advertised to leave Chancinnatl for Pittsburgh on Monday. Capt. Ben $Ollllll and T. J. Beall, two prominent steamboatmen, died at New Orleans on Friday last. The Lorena, St. Louis to Pittsburgh, passed LOnisvllle on Saturday. The high-headed-Glenda C ap pCat. John M. Hare, with the veteran James Mellon in the office, II announced for St. Louis and St. Paul forthwith. ' She is in all respects one of the best boats in the trade. The R. . GraV, Capt. Whittaker, will cowmenloading for Cincinnati and - Lciulsvill - forthwith. • - --- - The Ma Davage and barges, Capt. J. Shedden, are announced for St. Louis and all in erteediaie pohits, forthwith. Capt. e joined the Glendale at Wheeling,' having come through, from St. Louis to that point by rail. He was detained in St. Louis several days after the departure of the boat. The Glendale and Bellevernon from St. Louis, New York from Nashville and St. Marys n and R. C. Gray from Cincin nati, have a rrived since the , date of our last repo , The St. r Marys made a remarkably quick tri having left Cincinnati on Friday nig t et 12 o'olook. She made the run to heeling in 4 8 hours. This fine steame will return to Cincinnati' to; day, at noo a nd passengers and ship pers shout bear this in mind .. Capt. T. C. Sweeny is in command and Morris Dorsey in t e Wilco.- Gosnek aid Hall were pilots on the r New York, bouseiand Nick Whitten on the Grey an crane and Morrison on. the Giendale. --. The A.tuitralla, Capt. Dan Moore, will be the/int boat ont for New Orleans. and Mollie —The Sallie and Mollie Ebert are load ing at St. Louis for Benton. —The Bermuda was resold on Monday, at MeMphis by the United States Mar shal, and brought 115,575.' —The Argosy, in ahem° St.apt. Lew Vanderftrift, was loading at Louis for Pittsburgh oti Saturday last. / —On the 3d, James Brannon, a deok hand on the tow-boat Alps, fell over board, below Baton ' - Rouge, and was' drowned. —The Sioux city Register says: the Nile, which was frozen In some distance be low the Stockdale, resumed her trip to the mountains with the freight she had on .whenshe was. caught by the ice last fall. —, Capt. Ansv Phillips, of the Keokuk packet company, left tit. Louis for Pittn burgh on Friday, charged with the duty of purchasing* small shie.wheel boat to be placed in tho trade with thi,Louisi• ana and EfannibaL is said Dan:Dinsmore, pilot of the G. A Thomson, stood at the wheel until the hair was singed from his person, and then, with pistol - ,In hand, went to the -lower deek, where he kept "the crowd at bay until the lady pamengera were safely -removed from the burning wreck, after which he swam &tabor°. —A dispatch from _tittle' Rock. dated the 14tb, says! - Thomson disaster is still the principal talk. One of the pilots exonerates Capt. ,Prazier from'all blameliaitat, and , says it. was at his earnest so:. ,that he lett the boat with the, women and nbildreri., He' further states that the boat, mut, in. the channel,and say s it watt a tutitake that any pilot would be likely to,' make; that there wee' nobody but the pilot in the pilot-house ut the time of the Occurrence. • —Sr. Loris, April le .—A verdict for if 7,477 bus been obtained against'the Eu reka Insurance Co., of Pittsburgh. The suit was brought by John', A. Harbach, who received the hourance of the steam. .4.nda, destroyed :by tiro' reeentlY, above St. PauL The ,CO. denied: all knowledge - of the plat ntiti's ,ownerehiP, and initiated she -:watt: not competently, ,provided with riilideiti and crew; , also,' that the stove pipe on deck . ' Was itiperli 'one &intact • with the ivood-Work. The. Memphis Packet 'Co, te,di t v , - pe re h ased the wharf-boat of ,the Atlantic and llis slssippi Steamship The former are reportedito be making arrabgements for the extensionef their lusibess to•lslew . ;Orleans. : , !Thom waiver' insurance of the Dario 01 the Antelope to the . amount, o r of WTilek 14feir id the En terprise, of Oinebuiatl. ' - giver - putt Wea er i.. - (By Telegraph to the-Pittabilrgh GXtette.l , - Loux.sTl LLE„ . .4pllll9..—The slyer is falling, with eight Teei 19 .—The, Itiches of water in the canal. The weather is wet and warn., • • ' IMPORTS BY RAILROAD, Privorktulair, FORT WATNE at CI I. CAOO RArratoAD, April 19.-4 cars metal, Bryan & Caughey; - do do, Coleman. Rahn. & Co; 1 do do, - Superior Iron Co; 1 car corn. W Booth; 180 ska feed, 30 do corn, McClure& Bro; 4 cars corn, Hitch cOck, Mccreery & Co; 1 do do, Bingham & Laing; 100 bbls flour, Culp & Shepard; 50 tea hams, E H Myers & Co; 2 cars hay, 0 11 Allerton• 45 jugs molasses, W C Armstrong; 30•Als apples, 1 bbl but ter, 1 cask bacon, Volgt, Mahood & Co; 11 bbls apples, •H Rea Jr; 5 pkgs. butter, W H Graft de Co: 5 bbls whisky, W Miller & Co; 1 car staves, W Hastings; 1 bbl' eggs, J & Son; 8 , ban cheese, 2 bins eggs, 1 do butter, H Riddle; 11 his cheese, N J Braded;*l bbl eggs, Means & Coffin; 25 doz - brootns, S' wart & Co; 3 bblE. onions, J S Dilworth & Co: 3 bas butter, Voigt, Mahood ,k Co; 33 hides, 10 rolls leather, James McKee; 10 bis to bacco' in Reyer & Bro; 50 bbl oil, Pen nock ct Beeson; 100 bbls flour, WII Mc- Clure; 200 do do, J Wallace; 200 do do, Seghmyer di Voskamp; 1200 do do, owner; 12 bbls eggs, If Rea Jr; 30 bbls liquor, J Adler dr.. Co; 10 tca hams, J Wil son .t Co; 217 hides 20 bdls )oelts, M De lenge; 7 biles broom corn, Wm Mardorf & Co; 100 tea hams, Dalzell &Townsend; 100 bbls flour, Dan Wallace; 100 do do, 1 car feed, Shomaker it Lartgenhelm; 1 car feed, W Booth. • • CLicvnutAu awn PirrantrneE RAIL ROAD Anril .1 year rye, Exchange National Bank; 1 do stone, J L L Knox; 5 do N Y ore, Reese, Graff & Dull; 3 do Wash .ore. Union Iron Mills; I do pota toes, Woodworth t D; 5 ball sewing ma chines. Smith & Forrester; 6 bbls oat meal, 1 kg barley. 1 do wheat, J A Ren shaw; 1 tierce hams, hams. 1 do sides, 1 do shSulders, D A Daugherty; 12 jugs molasses, 4 bbls apples, Volgt, M & Co; 18 coils rope, Godfrey & Clark; 11 sacka rags, Christy Benham; 3 bbls crude. oil - Schwartz & Haelett; 12 coddles to haCoo, Smith, 'Johnson & Co; 4 bbla 4 kga,lard, 7, bgs. rags, /bx bacon, 83 bbls charcoal, Seward & CampbelL ALLEGHENY Velar' IAILROAD, April 19.—Lookhart Frew, 50 bbls crude oil; Waring -& Ring, 160 jdo do;' J sine,Wil4Bo do do; Ditbridge & Son, 80 do /ieltilight; Porter & Co, 1 car clay; .1 inorbead, Lear pig iron; J lery, 4, bills akins;a HOO4, 50 bats 'ye;,:iS Kwart, ` X do flazsied; Wilson *',Son, 8. belle front Smith &Peopleli 1 lot nut lambert.•W H.Stewsizt, /do old nr liott Bro it B , 7. Itglls trees; -V , M 00, I bbl beliiii 4do eggs; Mart B dt co, 2: (warn; 13 Kerr & Ido lay c; e Co,, do Lime;; berger &Br, 4, care limestone; Hart demon' & Ekii 2 do stone; Keystone Bridge . Co, .2 . ears atone, . • -.! - A/Amixiterr. it BrArron, April 1 9 ..- 25 bbls weleky. B & A parson 2 bids, vine gar, James O'Hinlon; 11 e k e raga, J M Patterson; 2 ears stav es, Ralys &itiobert son; Ido metal, 12 do , limestone, Sup& rior Iron Co; 8 cars iron ore, Richey, HalikaGgit it Co; 1 car staves, J M Hemp hill; 2 bbls eggs, F Beokert de Co; 20 bbls 40 eke dour Voeghtly . & Kopp; 4 oars barley, Glliinore, Straub & Co; 1 do wheat, W McKee 4t Co; 3 cars metal. Spans, Chalfant & Co; 1 car shingles, McCurdy de McGinniss; 1 car lumber, Jae Mcßriar; 160 pee clear sides. G W Pusev; 250 aka _corn, Rose & Ewing. PITTSBURGH AND CON I% suLSVILLE RAILROAD, April 19.-87 bbie salt, J House & Bro. 75 do cement, 0 B Leech; 1 ear G W CoMuf 33 bells sheet iron, W W Armstrong. REMOVALS, REMOTE: • . • 1. M. GAZZAIII, Attorney-at-14w, has removed Ras °Mee to No. 98 FIRTH AvENITZ. p111:1129 REMOVAL. w. v. mtmssnovici, . . (Bneeersor to Yrtzer & Armstrong. i has rem - mid to O. 93,WASE.E.TISTIMST. afewdoore above the old stead. - - EntOtha..-8. mreLotn Desletotn' 'Real Estate - Steekii, Bonds theiromes and ether seeurltles t hare tailored VI new Office, 104 Fourth avenue, Paulson's new BuLldlng• Aay parties deslrius .to bit) , or sell Real Estate of any kind, ntocks or Bonds It, as Mortgages' will do well. to give them * tall. 0m27 . Ii#II44IIZILLE It 4 CO. Nos. 221. and 223 Liberty •Stroet. Corner a( Irwin, now offer to the. trade at Low dances, strictly - - • Prime New CropNew,Orleans Sugar and Nelms% . Newo Rico, Cuba and English /gland Sunk's. York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re lined do. ,• • • Golden Grips; Loyerings, intuits, Stuart's, Adams' anti Long Island Syrups I • Porto Rico, Cab& and English Island Itiolasses. Young , Hyson. Japan. lawerlal. Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. • Carolina and Bingoin Rice. • • Java. Laguayra and to Coffees. TOWICCO, ,Lard 011, Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, &c., constantly on band. . ASO. • • IMPORT L ERS OF . • . • . Fine Brandies,Wines and osM elle. and - Sparkling flock Wine. of Hinkel d; Co.. In bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Sckartbert` and Jobannla. burg, Hockhelmer. Burgundy, &e, . Brandenburg & Freres' Fine Olive Oil. do do • Clarets,. Jratiorted hi bottles. - do do White Wines, In bottles.' if If WOrt A Sons' Sparkling Catawba.. Pine old *therm blicusira and Port Wines." gree Old Monongahela Bye Wbbikles. pure. • do Very donerlotiOid !scotch do do. • . • do .. ll.o . i . pnts tor Most & Chandon's G ran d Iri . rliTai and BelterjUhampigne. ; Brand les of our Own , selection and 'lnirranted. ' 2.5148 ~ ~ . E ..„ „., „ ~ SLA ROOFING SLATE OF VARIOUS Qualities and Colors. raftleular attention gl nto laying State and repairing S.ate mots, kor particulate and prlees addreas J. S. MnMs, no. 43 Seventh. A.venne, nak.lllg s a , PITTBI3I7IIGR, IRAN. OH THE MEN, wh7) hold PATRON% TICK,tTS of the p a tisW 3d -SERIES OI WASHINGTON MEDAL., 4 di L p ON e rWEirNlt. ue • ano pp 9 1 n oi m a, a tit a , e a : colors givingfall infon p nat;on of the. numbers -thaiwiadlebengsenhe WASHNAITONMBMAL ' LION YEN COMPANY; New York. - • 11 N. 13.1 w. TUC Tzprxxl# yar ; T fan Ns. ' im, Aladin) lIE 114 L I nell iFollforelesethgandposhlni ii teGlrnl, i rt l ! 6l `' s 'P ve r 1.44 aldTJAWagStii.o The best tattle oat; eeehret an t ib i,' Abe doses or single salter JOHN A. RINSHAW. apE Canter Litierty iusd Math streela.. c e irk' - or 4 = µi889:.. RIVER PACXETS IST. PAIIL. FOR li CORM, SUR.4,,ir i e LANGTON', 31U.SCATINE Ana FOR 'ROOK MANI). VULTON CITY. raoNe. GALENA. DUBUQUE. arc. GREGOR LA *BOSSE. vrnioNA, LANDING and nT•ZAIIL. The new and splen did paesenger steamer, I BELLE J. J. DARRAGH. leave for the above-And • Intermediate land ings on THURSDAY, the, 32t0, at. 4. o'clock P. N.: For freight or passage' apply on board or to I WIRIEST, SW e_ENEY & Co, Agents. The above voat, having a greater part' of-her enraged, will poalltirely•leave ue announced, iv Psentlng an opportunitylor passer pere, patties .ularly those baviug :woollies, seldom obtained , t from acre, as this boat goes thro-sb t re salppMg or transferring at et, Louta thereby' toscl.,g ousel:liters at no Inconvenience, and as url r .2' them an opportunity ior speed mod tom fortrvely obtained. • spat ST. LOUIS. FOlt ILOVISVILLE, • CAIRO AND ST. • LoUIS. MARY DAVAGE AND BARGES, ! .Capt. JAMES SHEDDON, Will leave as above on SATURDAY; 24th ins., at 4 P. If. For frslght or passage apply on board Ai to . apl9 . cruauxellAßNES, Agent— DENPUDS AND NEW ODLEANS; FOR MEMPHIS '2l:loD r A idi g i r i k' EW ORLEANS...The steame AIISTRALIA Capt. Will leave for the above and Intermediate ports on WEDNiCeDAY. April 21st. at 4p. sr. For trelgin or _passage apply on board , or to , F L AK h ColitaNGWOrID, apt GELItIEey, tI WANAY & CO.. • Agents,. CINCIN "GgeOß WIFIEFLING. J A.P.IItT PA, PARKE taißUßGAildiallb AND CFNO/NNAII, • . Leaves, Pittsburgh EVERY TIIESD AY- 131 M, Leaves einellanati EVERY WRIT/AY-4 - r; M. The swift s.nd -superb Sidewheel Steamer ST. MARYS,' T. V. SWEENEY, Command ee r. will leave as announced above. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or to • • PLACE St COL LINGWOOD, or COLLIND BIUT.NES, Agents. N. E.—No Yteigtit.recelyed on Tuesday after IIA: 3f. mhZ VOR _CINCINNATI and i abk =l 4 ,' LOUISVILLE:—The steamer, msii . B.C.i GHAT Capt.,WalwAstnn, Will Leave for the above points on WEDNES DAY, the 21st Lest. _ 2 ' • ap2o GHBIEST, SyrIEE.N*T & CO., Agents. Velma MastSinppi.. . - :'1869;_ "lAA'Mt NORTIIERN LINE , PACKETS; • St.; Lolls telienicalt and St Pani c AND ALL lerrEj*Epr.A.:rs, ?DNS. One'of the splendid ildcwheel Steamers of this Line will leave Ss. Louis dal, tbrireekek,Daven-A Dubughe,.Winone.iitillwaterand Zeal., Through 'reeeints •Ibr Freight ind Passengers will be given. to all pointikeitllm ,t/pper 'Wind on steamers running IrOntlnill port and connetiting , with the Northern L i ne rfielitta at St, Loins, thui enabling Consignees to get their Freight through without - . delay and et ioweet rat's. Apply to JOHN - FLACK, J. D. COLLIMIWOOD. Agents, or to B. C. • nunatig23 91 Water street. , FOR ST. LOVIS, GAL-A d digt LENA, DITBUQIJE AND BT. AHL.—The new and elegant passenger, packet, GLENDALE Joips N. Hartz, Captain, Will JAS. M.P.GLON. Clerk. b eve for the above ports on WEDNEf3- DAY,2Lst, at 4 P. M." - JOHN FLACK. - &VIA J. D. comaxewoon. . uents. • PARKERSBURG. rTTSIBURGII,migae s - WHEELING AND PAH: KERSIIIIRG LlNE.—Leavy (:vrananv , s wharf K0M1a..10 , 11, or (“10 WTw 4. daily at 1A St., :WED.. NESDAYS and SATURDAYS, 191{EY1 EAGLE. . . .0. L. BansbrA.w, Master. irelght will be received at all hours by JAMES COLLINS. apt*FLACK A OOLLINGWOOD, : • ' , - ' Asenta. STEEUWMPS. TeeLIVERPOOL A:nisi= . . QUVENSTOVM . TRO INBLIN Man, STEAMSHIPS. Roxaberlnz 11X14CII. Pint clue vessels, atnes4l tn. mthe celebrated CITY OF PAM" - CITY. OF. ANTwxpr, CITY OF BOSTON CITY OF BALTIMO RE, - Lax...mow, Sailing EVXBY. SATUR.DA.Y, from Pier, 45, rib River, NewTorlr. 'Far engage or Miter hafurna.lola Rind, i 0 wnxims. ifumum, 70 IsIFTO STREET' tetirantcle Feerly opposite Yost i)e140.. Pittittarrb OFPICYOr TED 1 0 1iA.Stribitt OF AiLsoiteari • Courrry. Plttsburgh, April. /at, Ite3e. TN Pll l / 8 17ANCE' OF THE' 21st • section of al het relating to Alleghent Conn' ti, approved the let day of Afity,ll46l, and Of the amendment to said se c tion,appreyed the 30th day of March, 1136N3, I dolereby give notice that the Duplicates *lithe aeieral Wards, Boroughs ind Townships WILL int OPEN, and will be pre• pared to receive the County, State, Poor, workhouse an. Improveineht Taxes for 1869. Ons and., after the Ist day Of May. 18'9.- 13add .taxea eau be paid at Ode Ofiice until the let day of Augiat with a DEDIIOTION OF FIVE PER, 'VENT. for nrompt payment to all ` persona the whole -amount of their taxes. • • There wlil be ne deduction allowed during the mouth of August. There will be . Ten Per, Cent. Added Toull taxes nrestining . unpaid on the Isa day of 194Dt4ilill?ez ' 1"9. LitNNIBTOI.7. Treasurer of Allegheny County. • , Erl 3 WOTICE OF . • • : , . CQ - PAIITNEItSHIP. The undersirne4 have , tble 'dar.fotmed it co partnership under the assize and style of - i< F. SELLERS & 00., • _ = and will 'continue the Provision And I.nsd , 011 tat slnesiaiheretothre. ' ' ' ••• ' • P/7113scrE6II, March .0, 1809. • ~ sable:gib • RPM* G ' • ItALTS3 Au Ilmense Stock atlow Prices, at lticeoHß It,' CO's,' /al WoOD snalirf KEYSTONE POTTERY. DIL MIER CO, 11 1intiacturee s 7• • • QUENitIiA4Eg,, Bank,„ 4 ....X 0 1,,,,, r &" ' l4 l' office Wanhboie. soe aaeseacx e erliffiffiT. elffi*All'eirdere oieratotliitteistec 7. ____ , FRESEI'' MAD' RECEIVED daily at. B,,,titIAMIN PULP.I3IIIIB lamellar slr Stelidr" No. 45 Diamond market, Pitts ..bu, xeosad Cr the Twin :City. ilexes'') Corner orOhlo and Federal straita. Can be t ting . + all kludilf or leh r _ and; Lake:di . Bhagat, head, Beak,. (lodise. Haddock and el. Also, large' faupoumt Art:White, Lake Flab, ' Ullman,- Bass. tEtergeon. Herring and Marmaw Trout, w,htek. taables us to sell at the lowest market Prates'. wholesale er, recital. We Ammo •sl,i ,ioTere or IlliShilie test's an apeall, anti - we . will laser them ;treat. - •._ • - . . . WO , .. 11 MITE LEME.-2041 barrel. rusk was. us% kir sal* ?ft_ - easIIBLIP.. COrareasszoii rapribil,ttlitet Esal!'iLYsitnilD BY A. & GOItitLY, WHOLESALE cknocEß, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Dummy OPP. EAGLE HOTEL.) prr orsircatcu9r..p.e. se :71,1 Y. 13TDDLI: J. A. DIII=II. M STEELE bk. SON, i nswamission , Merchanth AND DLIDI3IB EMACIRThrt, GRALEN. No. : 96 OHIO STREEI. t . near East Conouni, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. Jinn KEIL 7 . kEno & BITCHART 4 , B4 81C1L,113 , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND iminras is • /LOUR, MUM,- SEEDS, litiLd. FRED, Ms... 34.9 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Dly24:ba7 L s. ELANCHARD, Wholesale and &tall lirekeers; oplu_ tzBiiNo. asks PENN STREET. T "maw, BAIRD & PA, _WON," WholesNe Grocers, Conandulottlderdhant s , and Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese. Flsh,:Carbon and Lard iron, ads Gri m Cotton Yarns and-all P'ltsbnr Manaljts z ith..: Milte.srluatill.ll2 and R. 4 b, 46 .4 5 7"!!_8 -Ek; JOHN IDITPTON • • §BHIPTON&WALLAV.WhoIe- SALE GROCERS E _ , AND PROD GCE DEAL STREET. Pin abureh. JOHN I. HOUSZ..EDW. 1:1151788.;...W3t. E. HOUR. TORN L HOUSE &BROS" Sue.. Baia Gro o e re soaOHNmm HOU u Nt r CO m ts W ," h Oo e .. ser of laulithfleld and Weter Streets, Plttebtareh. lir . • C. AIIIIISTR ONG, Successor Heuer & Armstrong, PRODUCE C e MMIOSION MEROELANT.--.No. AS Market street. WINES. LIQUORS, &o;-1 SCHIVIIDT IFS 2s' OF WINES, BRANDIES GIN, wiroLzi4.ut PURE BYE 4 99 PMM.4/21EET: Win Besiove eat the lot or Aprll to NOS. 884 AND 886 PENN, Cor. Eleirenth St., (formerly Canal.) j("1". 4 t i l s. & C 9., Nos. 185,187, /89,391./aa and 195,) 111E7 STREET. PITTSIIII 7 / 1 0/1: ktiaropACTIIBI OP. • , Copper Dlstilled Pure .ore yrhilikey.; dette're In 743iliaG1 QUORS, HOPS. Ac. • .inhUgain s l rAzfzigo : s ,irAir4l) l sl ñ 3 : 4 160 WOOD EITRiET. SEW: GOODS. FINE -":-VASES ; • , Boxisarttis AND NEW STYLES • • IMBililtit BEl'Si : TEA BM,. I skoziarta Bras, - GIFT CUPS • A large stock of !SILVER - PLATEIV:GOODS .of all idegetiptions. Calraud examine eas.+l.oode,' atm we feel saitigge4 no one Reed fail to be gulled. co., 1,00: WQQD ' STREET. LUMBER. TO BVILDEini 1100,000 feet Dry Pine Ikmrds. • 1tH).000 feet 1,4' Inch Clear Plank:" 25,000 feet /4.lnonOomraturPlank; ' - 05,000 reet"DlT randll beck Oak: 08,000 ft... 4, tout, sad a Inch roplarz 10.000 feet Dry Peplar Eforatling: 10.000 feet Dry Yellow Pine.BOarda; ' 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. • Buxom, f g eet No. 1 18 Inch Siena; Shin . lee. 200,000 No. 1 14. inchlngles. aimed; 80,000 No. 1 10-incli ShLugles, snared; . 80;000-W11v Brick; 1,000 Fire Me. , 100 Tons Wire y; • -•- Also, Saw Mlll Lumber, Cla Lncust and Cedar Posts, and all articles In the fine on hand and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTESSOIL.. Yarda— No. 157 - Rebecca street'and corner of' Preble and Juniat,a streets, Sixth Ward, Allegheny.. late bow. angle of Manchester; • • - ' ap:4' ORDWAIqCES.- If OItDINAIICIEI A• . Adelithig Code. Seeding 1. Be Ordained and eitaered ha de- t °UV of Patsburoh. in:Selectalut Otnan[oll Conn- Me assembled, and tt to hereby ordained and me— ddled tal thus authority of tAt same. g hat the foregoln ordlnaneea as infested, eodlard and - • be' the game ; are hetehr edoPtod and established es lams and *Wed orthm Plttelnintli; die alb 'tad res or beds of orditutneea tablet' ma y boatipp ed.thereby On t ere-tticonelatebt tnerearidt, are herein , repealed. Ordained; and ener.ted Into a law meths day or Mirth, A. 1).1609. . . O reddent'pro tern of Select' Cour.d.l. Attest: Meautote t . , F` • • ^ Clerk of heleet courant. - WA--e1t,,,T0111.1151110N.-., Prealdent of COMMOLI COMMAL . fattest: H. Mel term; - Clerk of Comma Connell. apr a NOTICE. Opptog oflilamend Btreet,PittsbuiL _ M , An iiirsolie Interested Wre.hereby natilled ar She reporter Viewers Au the matter of opening. hnd widening. d'fittET, from the Diamond to ren7 streei.,hes been spprcmatane eoultrtned:- All' persons against' venom assess , eels or 'benefits were made, *re: molted, to pat the' apimo to bis wlthllu thirty (hum s otherwise ' entered as =Stens against Use prener... ty. 1 proper t y on the iMarnond and Diamond .street, we of the Market Meese. and on Libertr street (IV XI Sixth litcebt, to Fonrth avenue. has .t. F. 16 LAG , LE. City Attorney, aputdiZr No. 108 .IPuth Avenue. B.'YOVN69ON-& _ IfAZ.:OY poirrzonaw•ix arizek arid street..oofner Diaitottd Pittsburgh. . AMP - Parties • mai soliPliod r" grown end CU.. on short notiott. CVIN:MT -1410 bble LinderMl* 1114 " as "' soir,LvAximuN ..e~ t 4 : o