El Ettlittstandi Saptts, jj• THE I OR. TEr. The cantering* meeting thrtngh at last, We bola irsonnd thevestr To sea the Ogle conntripplagnsat, Like snot-reds Willing tolls mated. 3hakitravenn that lingo i 11/ level Musket.flashes littea, - .mewl who stepped before them all. 114 ho longed to see me set the , ml ties. But. no—she kb:lobed and toot my arm! • We let the old folks have the highway, And stared toward the Menet Farm Along liana of lovers.* by-way. I can't rtmitimiwrwhat we said, Twat; noV In g worth a song or story. • t thst gudwysth by Width we sped Seemed all transformed and in a glen% RbU sno w was crisp beneath our feet. The *moon was ts 11. the acids were gleaming. Be hood and tippet sheltered sweet. ferrite with youth and health was beaming. The littler hand outside her muff— . sculptor. If you could butsnouhl Se lightly touched myjacket tiff, To keep it warm I bad to hold r. Yoliatte her with ins—there alone— ' 'Twits love, and rear, and triumph blended. Attest we reached the fool•worn stone. Hikers the delicious Journey ended. • The •eld folks. ton, were almost home: • Her dimpled band, the latches fingered: We heard the voices neare come. • Yet on the door-step still we lingered. She shook her ringlets from her hood, And with a "Thank you. Ned," dissembled. But yet I knew she under's , od . •• With what adaring wish .l trembled. - A cloud passed kin 'ly overhead. The moon was slyly peeplug through it. Yet bid its taco as it said .t.!Come , now or never! do it! do ft!" • „ My lips till then bad only known • The kits of mother and of sister, Bet Somehow, 'full upon her own • ...Sweet, rosy, darling mouth—l kissed her, . Perhaps 'twee boyish love, yet still, - _0 Siam* woman,.weary lover, To }eel once more that fresh, wild thrill. : Pt] •grver—but who 'cap , youth over? = . - lMeintan. PENNKYLTANIA. - SCARLET fever is raging in Hnnting don. Tmr. DemoCISS are about , to start a newspaper in Altoona. .had a bat#l of mad dogs pist *reek; and killed them all. ' dacki are 'unusually plenty in the lielgiabQrhood of WilliaMsport. Tax bloek-hanse, a land mark in the history of , DanAlle, is being demolished. • A Yowia,/ans's Christian Association ,been.lonned at Northumber. land county. .' A Mon of horse thieVes made a.raid in Fulton county. near idetonnellsburg, iget week and gobbled up several horses. TEE boiler Of a colliery near Millers. burg burst last Tuesday, fatally scaldiag cone boy,. but doing no other serious in. • Naas 'ELLA Bpirrien is a candidate for ConntY, Superintendent in Northumber. .land. She has six male rivals :for the position. ' TIM new - hotel's% the Gettysburg Irata -Ipine springs is almost completed, and • will probably be ready for Occupation in thnefor.tke summer season.. - Tint new ,Leldgh county caol is fin• .ished. It has forty cells and a comforta ble dwelling house for the Sherift, and is said to , be quite a model prison. TEri. Altoona Vindicator, phoenix-like, bas been burned out and risen fresh and vigorous from its sakes ' aid we hope a new en of success has, now opened' up for Tau ladies of the M. E. Church in Wellsboro recently gave a maple-sugar party, where warm fresh maple-sugar was served to all customers. and a neat sum was cleared for the church. FIRES' on the mountains are already burning before the snow _and ice are all gone from the ravines. Props for mines and sills for railroads will be scarcer and more costly for, this vandalism which burns , our young timber annually.— Wilkesbarre Record. , A TOTIN G man named Isaac Reggie, employed at Cople in digging a cut for the construction of f s switch for the use of the . Carbon Iron Company, to a lime- Stone quarry in the vicinity, was acci dentallykilled on Thursday last, by the falling ~ in of a ..bank of earth.—Easten Free Press. Tan Lawrence Jou rn al says: On Tues day lost, John Russell, a teamster, was coming down- the declivity at the east end of the Shenango bridge in this city, with a heavy load on his wagon, himself standing on the brake, when he was thrown off, one of the wheels passing over his body: He was badly crushe d. and his recovery is considered doubtful. ON Tuesday afternoon a child of Rev. J. A Dixon, f the Methodist Episcopal, Church at ianover, aged about eighteen months, was 'drowned in , a pall of water standing on•the floor. Mrs. D. had oc casion to leave the room a few moments, and on returning found the child almost lifeless, with its head in the pail. Every exertion was made to restore life, but all in nin.--Gettystnirso Star. •Tire Chester' Republican says a little girl named Imogene Walters, aged seven years i .residing in Middle Ward. is mis sing 'from her home. A blind colored woman called at the house of the parents of 'lmogene on Friday morning, a week ago, and asked permission of her mother to take hetto thehouse of a near neigh bor: ' Sincofthen neither the woman nor the child hal. been heard from. , Rao* the Vamp Mises we clip the following pdroleem items: Operations are being earned on more widely tlum at any previntuiltm : 'Nevi Wells areheing dug 4:Adonis e. cleaned out and torpedoed, a n s. team anew, and all the valuable expert ' eitCti!fc past, drivelopmeats offered to rea der operations more- siccesideL Intern. aka' Or men Predict.. the investment , of a Vesta Mount of, capital is the business the:coining summer; than there has been heretoferki -,• `; '' ' ' 1- Xriotrio l bliii4 living not half a dozen of miles sws frop berSitas the victim of WO, list .131. sight. He . wm • t i: , , pitleillar ,Psweet!' on. k 36rovirvvvazobid ii , *l' agYenit , liana. Tad. i • Oka: 0084 •thet- 411 * di t est!:l4eieW to keep company, and. tOnveyts4lo ' fAti xtailMg,tbe girl aut * -e r 0 1 rool2 Fe ig iending ilq!tcs,W; the: / 11 4 tth . . - :14,19 . 41 111 04 the % 7P l i n t ' igen% br , , '. rig, lato4he ,parlikafinge niv_.,n4boevwd Antiggliat , c r;ktadest *Saner, ',There,: a 'befit. Ms and rtui, hoop_ to your, mother; Irate /14 1 e OYS. , we l in bed tet s lbtak,sl ' „,- ~,, ~,11 1p Lenquiter /pguiret ,we clip %fit 0 owingaccount TA' a Bedew ',riot at --Maxi4t* , : , , ~, , • -, , , 4.s oloyeokeecnirred at;the "Upper • !Batton, you Wednesday evening, between a number of Irishmen, rowdies,, and, rivermen, which onginated in a dispute About illt trifling ; SUM of money. 'A, B a p. • ipmecher,•in his efforts to make peace,. ulti.v ! Attingly brought down the entire as -2111-1t on his own head. He, in self-de- - 1 ,' Awe seized an axtviand struck down , several of bisassallaitti - and made his way for the *an, hotly pursued. He was in. *excepted : by an " Itisbtown bully," Dock Levi, when a deadly struggle ensued, but liken the contest between': Pilgrim' end the'Dragon, the pr . eacher came off victorious, by, chopping into the head' of his assailant with the axe, and . crawling under the cars, succeeded in getting in on the other side. When the rowdies found he was on the cars. they threvi , stones promiscuously into the windows, causing the passengers to get down upon the floor of the car for safety, although several Were struck with'" stones, and nothing could have saxed.the life of the preacher except the starting of the train. The preacher is said to be a man of peaceful and inoffensive habits„ and was only desirous of receiving the blessing of the peacemakers. The riot continued for some time longer. and although there were no murders, some of the cuts and stabs were of a very serious nature. OHIO. ASHLAND has a velocipede school in the town:hall. • Lours BaNcnorr and wife celebrated their golden wedding in Springfield, Ohio, on the 10th inst. A "'sits ago, Sunday, Jesse Bishop, Treasurer. of Somerset township, Bel mont county; absconded with two thou sand dollars. Mr. THOMAS FORD, hotel keeper at Monroe, while feeding a fractious horse, recently, received a kick which sent him fifteen feet back into the stable, and so injured him internally, that he died. lonTAßuis. COUNTY has not one offi vial who has reached the age of forty. The District— Attorney is the °ldes% being thirty-eight, and the Clerk of WE Courts the youngest, being twenty-seven years old. GROIiND has been broken for the new Reaper and Mower knife worksin Akron, and the building is to be rabidly pushed forward. When completed, the work will give employment to nearly four hundred men. THz New Lisbon and Ashtabula Rail. road was sold on the 17th for $lB,OOO. The purchasers were Jay Gould, James Fisk, Jr., C• M. and W. C. Andrews, and L. D. Rucker—all of the Erie and At- lantic roads. AFiricertomern SoNorThe Cadiz Be. pubtican says : Mr: John Anderson, of East /siverpool, Columbiana 'county, has recently learned. that his son William, who for six or eight years past was stip posed to be dead, is living in Pittsburgh, in excellent health, and quite oblivious of the fact that he has long been mourned as dead by hiknearest friends- Olt Tuesday of last week; as Mr. Cal. Chamberlain,residing in the neighbor hood of Ea st Palestine, - Columbiana county, Ohio ' , Arai bailing maple syrup, ho was seized with a fit and fell against the kettle,spilling . the 'boiling contents over his ack and left Will i scalding them in a most terrible manner. He laid with kis head in the fire until it was burnt to a crisp, extending to his right eye and down the left side of the face to the chest. Tint Canton Repenter, says : "Large shipments of building stone are -being made from the quarries of Waterhouse & Company to Pittsburgh, to be used in the construction of a new building to be erected the present season for banking purposes, some of the blocks, as they come from their ancient beds, seem better fitted for the massive works of olden time than the lighter construction of modern days, several that we noticed being some four feet square by eighteen feet in length." A DAY OF HORROR.—Wednesday was a day of the most—startling excitement and sensation ever known in 'this city. The violent death of Mr. Soule, the sui cide of Mr. Wolf, the death of Mr. _Kis singer, the report that a young lttly had committed etticide at Exton, and th e rumor that a young man living a, ahoy 'distance from the city had , blown 'out his tiains with a shot gen, together with one that Wm. McKinney, Agin - m . ly of this city, had hung himselfi in Cincinnati, were all the subjects of remark and speculation. No wonder people became excited. Such a day of horrible events is seldom realized anywhere—even in Menge—much less in quite steady Dayton,--Dayton Index. WEST i'IRGINIA. I=l Tias. are 578,400 acres_of wild land offered for sale in Ws State for 25 and 50 cents per acre-50,000 of which are in Wyoming county and 20,000 in Pendle ton county. IN Grafton, on Tuesday, about two o'clock, the scaffold of a new brick house which Mr. Labia; Perdue was building for a residence fellwith Mr. Perdu oz it, and injured him so severely that he died about eleven o ' clock the satue night. THE Greenbrier Independent, of the 27th ult., has 'the following item: A. little boy, aged four years,. dearLivesitra; Mill, in this county, wet: 'with -a horrible, death-on Sunday ' evening last;.:: It:seems, that the unfortunate little fellaw wags*. ring a kettle of boiling sugar water, when. he lost his balanceand fell into the kettle, and was liteitily cooked alive. ' 1 ! Tme MorgantoweYorl, of .thellOth start saYti: Th e ii;P.;flutuilli Mill over, Cheat, wmich 'was destroyed ; .by Are on Monday night week, was Certainly the. work of an incendiary, The / property was very valuable—worth from twenty to - twenty.flve thousand. and there was several hundred' dollamworth Of grain destroyed besides,. Itivas owned by Jaeger!. Chese;Stnpli it 'ed.; of Pitts•! burgh; and Welearn was only partly n ux re s' ton De ~1 n so If c f r l at Bays - , vI On Bi g _ ' Eikin Creekiabent eight from Wes ton,three children-of .filidtain.f3panr were 'crossing 'the foot-log seer. thee:saki - lost their balance and felt Intelhe waSeri''The oldest child ,-. a boy, , saved' himself , ' land the next, a little: girl, floated.' down, streatn Wm Cei'and ' by f the aid ur s ome ts.erhiti g bullet; she insigigedso' keep up until VP. IMIVed. 'The.yonUgl d r , tive4lo,:avenr., midi 11:9 1 4 4 054: iinas* ediatelit '4nd. when the netlY WM re- 1 povere4 life:was extinct. Tim Xorgantown Post lays: • !glAithe, Messrs. Griffiths Were,. engaged , In =h.' isig a wail nest the top - . :of. a ridge . on:th e 'Big 'l3ll.rfey; l five miles 'nem ,this ;dace,' 02 Monday last, In 1 004 by' die aide of a Ine rack : '=which h ad 'to be avoided; :being toe - large ' to - , iiioye - - 1 -Ahey , retina's let y - Thely inade*o,ne Nt , ill ,*Oll '.etenent•' eatbkithier,lia pat - upi in thelest Style: • Curiosity le d the, hands to reconnoitre,' and they found that the ,Mall Was tinned ~, ~• - - 1 '''' ' • ' ' ' ' • - • -- _ • . • .• 7." , PrITSBURGH GAZETTEC Ttntsray. APRIL 20, 1869. in a spare cotabout twelve feet, witlithis loge roelt,which is estimated to weigh two hundred tont,. resting on the top. 'Whit is inside the wall, who buittitArbat It' was built for, .and hoW the reek 'was placei on top, of it, is let to belound out. Near the scene of the above they have found several caves in` the bill that surpass anything of the mind yet known for bftuty." • ANNAPOML The Midshipmen's Ball. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.] U. B. Naval,Academy, 1 ANNA-I'ollS i April 11th 1869. The ball given here by the Midship- - men of the second class, last evening, was a great success. The attendance was scarcely as large as had been ekpected, but in Rhe course of . the evening it was satisfactorily determiled that ,a large number of visitors would have been pro ductive of, ess pleasure, and of more in convenience to all present; as it was, however, there was just, enough room to render all comfortably at their ease. The earlier and late trains from both Washington and Baltimore were filled with brilliant parties of invited guests, representing the highest military, naval, civil, diplomatic, and fashionable circles. At a. little alter ten , the guests began to enter the ball-roora, and at about io.se; the overture by the band, opened the ball. Upon first • entering the room a scene most beautiful and brilliant was presented to the view, and it was fblly appreciated, if we could by, the many expres sions of delight and admiration which were uttered bithose present. The room was very elegantly decorated, the walls being covered with flags, evergreens &c, and with quantities of arms of various kinds, from the bright polished surface of which the light was reflected in every direction. The sides of the room bore many and appropriate devices and mettoes, while around the sidea'nest the walla were groups of arms, oars, foils and stacks of muskets, tastefully deco , rated with, flowers, wreaths, &c. From all the pillars hung beautibil arches of evergreen, interspersed with flowers, and the pillars themselves were concealed from view by a number of flags grace- fully twined around them. The grand stand for the band was al most hidden from view by flags, flowers, but the bandsinen soon made the guests aware of their presence by the strains of soft and entrancing music which filled the air. This Band, belong ing to the Academy, has few superiors. The light was furnished by an immense chandelier, containing over a thousand Jets, suspended directly over the centre of the ball room: But the most conspicuous object, and, at the same, time, the most productive of comfort, wags large and elegant foun tain, erected for the °wagon, represent ing lifmtune, (who is supposed to be the guardian of all sailors, and Midshipmen in particular,) who was accompanied by his usual attending dragons, sea serpents, , water spirits, &c., and which spouted out many little jets of water from whose drops the light was reflected in brilliant scintillations and the air filled with a grateful coolness and freshness. This was placed directly in the centre of the room, in a large artificial lake, whose waters were disturbed by the movements of countless little gold and other fish, who by their unceasing and sportive movements seemed fully aware of the festive character of the occasion and determined to take part in it. From every prominent point of the fountain, to the mossy banks surround ' ing hung graceful arches ,of flowers and eiergreena. . The decorations of the ladles' dressing ) rooms were of a corresponding nature land elegance to those of the ballroom it. 'self. inscriptions such. as "Trop belle I pour ce monde,gueique yeas y'etes wore," ,("Too beautiful for this world although you still remain here.") and others, were tastefully arranged upon the walls _with striking effect The opening dance of the ball was it 1 galop, which was followed , by others in quick success;on with slight intervals be-', tween, until about 2 .a. m., when a Grand March byl the band recalled to the mem ory of the dancers that aomething else' besides dancing constituted a ball. The supper was not only elegant but substan- - tial, presenting every delicacy in the greatest variety and profusion. After stipper was over the diming was againresimed and the "German" com menced, the openin g _ dance being a Ga lop lop composea by Miss B 14.------, Of Detroit, expressly for the occasion. L The beautiful dresses of the ladies, the brilliant uniforms of the officers and mid shipmen attached to the Academy, who all appeared in full dress uniform; togeth-; er with the tasteful decorations of the ball.rooini combined to : foint, a. spectacle at once brilliant, imposing and not soon to be forgOtten, The German continued until six A. id.,, ;when the gray streaks of dawn had al ready forced their way in the room, and the Morning "gun fire" announced that 'the ball was over. Then ended the first ! !ball of.the lass of '"70," and it is said to have been h e Most successful fete of 'any ever given (at this Academy. --L. A Jima Phase of the ht;allectine Mania .carmi i"..l4tonwr ' writes to the zoston Transcript lately, !visited Where, for my -enter takurrieut,. an albuit was shown, used for 'ar purpose i',new , to -me. It- was of sky. blue,paperv.sruL on each .alterriate page ,were profiles cut from white paper,..beauti. fully and neatl Contrasted with the color •of the. letd! , ' I lined that it required' no. irdieCinniti,ii' Welt to, *take these so that Vol borestrting iesentbleuce to the faces for whic h they, were cut. I recognized Washington, Grant ' , Lincoln, Edwin :Booth andOtharthand alsomany &equal:A /111CM, The profiles of zelebrities were copted,lnnit-, familiar, pictures, •• those .of friends Were: :4#f original" designs by gm,. ingenious •artist. -; s. gentleman. , was . cut .nrosolegged as it .4s his -wont 'to another Was cut leaning upon his. arm— , Ala Want Vert graderaf attitude—though most `Of , the .`tollection 'was of 'merely :the head' and bust, though if; a noted character could well' be introduced, it added.to r the naturalness of the work. I '4B , thttolt ' stirpriiel that a . collection, so pretty' f ogid., be made without , ,great natural genius ; but when 1 tried it my. I selfguy pride was' much elated at my we., 'cots p stiU lather, .I persuaded' friends to. tryit,• and theirs -wasfthe• .sante pleasing result; recommend 4CW all Who love nice work able diversion.. • < _ _ . Tim pefiters of New York are,'lOn strike. • The rem. vlni- three, dollars for ,eigllttPlarta; .04a / 10 -* , clian4 four dollars. forjibiglit , ,hiittre„. GAS Flicr=n; EL OR -KELLY, Maasdkorareis indlraoisaele Desists Lanipsi Lams, Chandeliers, AND LAMP COODS. • Aiso, mason A.ND LTIBIUCATING OXLS. BENZINE. ace. ' N 0.147 Wood Street. seg:n22 Between sth and elth Avenues. 1 - FRUIT CAN, TOPS. th center . ton the top of the can. It is Clearly, Distinctly and Permanently by 'merely plailuir' the risme of the fruit the can oortains opposite the_polister and sealing In the customary manner. No preserver of fruit or good housekeeper VIII use any other after once seeing It. mli DRY GOODS. In I - 0 amf 4:2 3 "Cm lffi r P 4 bm ° ri) z Of el cm ggi 04 4 . 4 go scei z I=l _ co 2 pi ra E-7 8 L I r" • c::• E 4 0 rn s sti . 9 " 4 i=) 6 z C:4 tot 41 1 t mai m • -A *l NEW SPRING GOODS • JUST OPENED, AT TUMORS F. PHILLIPS', 87 Market Street. Prints, Inslins, Dress Gends, PINS, SHAMS. FULL LINE OF SILK SACQUEIS, Very Cheap. W. MARKET STREET. ST. spa etARS, McCANDLESS & CO., v Mite Vllsot s Cur k C 0..) WHOLZSALI DI/ALMA IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, • No. 94 WOOD STUMM, Vbird door above Diouzioad alley. • .1 1 314708. Ia 11n( 'TIME J,Jr EST PIANO • - Sehomackei's AND ESTEY'S The 130130MA0 latest velnable imps° struction of a Hest el ways been awarded binned. Its tone is fa worlunuanstilo,•for der all °that; an Price! frog to style d called litst• class 1 "ern" 'Steads at the lie ptot i o ng the ot a *miler ' ist . yle xiot; table tei cALREZ)IT] BS11,0" Price 11 01 =4111 vertu • • ROANS. &O. T Amu . Wage AN, lOold Medal Piano, OTTAGE ORGAN. PIANO eozabinee•all the manta reown in the con e Lnetrument. and.hu al- I he highest problem ex- , sonorous and sweet. The r tinny and beauty, forma 550 to 4150,_ (according `-n all other so- SAN nrunients. in linty _of tone tted States. mutton, and ).T. HUMANA this Organ. 'aced tor live 1:11ANOS ttrp new BNABEII PRINCE ONB [nd TR] rot at ;16):f.11341a fr,!l;il M'PHERSON 4% - MUHLANBRING, No. 10 taiti (Late St. Clair) Street. Olotetasori to W. IL it C 0..) lizzecratirT 'TAILORS, Have jolt nctieed.thelt craftily grained stock of Spring and hammer Eloods. and 'will be glad to 'bow or Atli themto old and ntSsi elastomers. ' The Cutting :Departypentiwth_p_..nlk be superin. traded by sir. C. A. mUltLhatairdiNG -- . • , I take tessdre in recounnending.tho abase Ann:, W.tbe 11 rol support of sbe public. laniltial W. H. hfctiAlt. , A1t44141 ". 41 , 10 Cutter Vitt W FiegPenbeldea °.3I3I3itIIDEWM TJUX.OI% . 33 Silatiidfild Street;Pittainrgla. NEW' SPRING EWODS:,' t A! Flamed new IlltoolC ot 1 4 0 TH4 VitiatifillSt qo JlistlrePervedbyHENßY VAT,L O - satlt - Mete TS imittallitttrest. s:1 * BANWAL IBM:UNDER.) auterr; mr,.. I.FtszTIOWICNGIN)DEE Amid Solicitor - et md an 'and Torelim 19 F,EpT ERA], eiTEXAT. AlleithetTAlM ts.i :N. s...Bhuich elate, Waiimost4s,_ D . C . C a is c r ,• T/ONB, &C. (MEAT AUCTION SALE CONTINUED, • noßum & CARLISLE'S wines STOCK OF Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Trimmings, - EMBROIDERIES, 'GOODS, NOTIONS, &c., &c. No. 27 Fifth, Aventii, Having secured the stoke room. No. 29 Fifth avenue, lately' occupiedH. Itngilsb A Co., we have removed. the entire stock of MACRUM & CARLISLE Fermi - their old store, No:19 FIFTH AVENUE, • . DAILY' AUCTION SALES , . _ . Commencing TRIIRSDAY. ADrll let, at 2 P. N. and st 10 A. N.. 2 and 7Y. tt. every day here. atter ;milt the entire stock is dosed oat. • Cs • H. B. - SMITH ON it CO.. - 'A:OCTIONTEW. YACBIIIS & CAMAS= invite the attentiOn of their old customers to the elegant new stock they have.Jost opened at their new store,. /so. 27 Fh TH A NUE. •• • •ap2 SECOND ARRIVAL NOw Spring Goods. EMBROIDERIES. In JJaconet, Hamburg and Swiss. 1 WHITE - GOODS, At.' the Lowest Prices. LACE COLLARS. new style, SALE SCARES, for Ladles, CORSETS, In whtte and adored. Vdt.IINCIENNES AND TIEIREI.B7), _ Cluney and Maltese L aces. GENTS FURNISHING; GOODS, Jo key, Dickens and Deck l y Gahm S WHITE STAR SHIRTS, COTTON HOSIERY A COXPLZTZ ASISORT=ITT. CriankfritaLYDri& CC. 78 and 80 Ihirket Street. WALL PAP AND WINDOW SHADES, New and Handsome Designs, NOW OPDINO AT No. 107 Market Street s. (NEAR FIFTH IiVEIII7E,) Eli'bracing a large and carefully selected stock of, the newest destirns from the FINEST STA-MT ED GOLD to the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trade. All of .which we offer At prices that wGI pay buyers teexamine. PITTOBOBOR, r* JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. 61123: ; WALL PAPER. • TO OLD PIPER STORE 111 A NEW PLACE, I W. P. MARSHALL 'S . NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty - Street, (NEAR BLAREET,) I:I3PRIXG.GbCDS ARRIVING DALLY. mh6 UeI:YX :TA' 1 1 1 5Ut iprOLIIIES,I3ELL & ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. = 13—An en• Minn flestureTa °MEATS MXDIUM dad LIGET ELM ANCHOR AND NAONOLLI I[ELODE• '8 ORGANS A.VIIIIIII. V.ole, Agent, ponoIiITINVES TO TREAT ALL private diseases; 'Syphilis to ail Its 'forms, orrites, (Beet, Btrieture,' Orchitis.... and urinary diseases, and the effects. of mercury_ are completety•eradicated; Bpermatorrhea or fiat:d ual' Weakness :and. Impotency, • resulting, from - seltotbUse or other causes, and which ;produces, come of tuefollowing effects, ov blotches. bodily :weakness. Indlgestion;consumption, aversion to; socley, s; unmattliness. dread of nature events, loss ; o Memory, indolence, nocturnal' creations.. andel ly so prostrating the mama tem as to render - marriage ; unsatistacto l 7. , an ti;therefore imp _dent, are : permituently cured. arsons af• ,gleted :with- these Or any ether delichr i sgetriente or 'long standing ecoutitusionsl Como t should give theXtoctor.gtriall ,he never fails. . • tr , r • • enrUelller'attentionAtlin to all Penude cam utt,, eurerehea Whitaw Falling, Indus. tion Or: Ulcerationt of the .WomtroOvssitis, ;prtiritis, Amethrrhoes. bfenorrhara, Dystaan itorrhomb i. and Sterility or Barrenness, are Meta led !an e greatest gamest" into.llo ; • - ; ' •erldeuttbat physician condom . ;Matted' oscillated) , to the Otudy et a eerign Man of discuss nudtreati thousands of capes every. year ,aoquite smeater,shill thet a Apeelaityl I than 1911.111, one Inmold practice. The Dootorlptabliches a medieshpamphlet• - fifty pageitr g ist s st _Mem pqsltlod otvienereal ; and private l eases, at can belled freeotofteo or by . malt or tWO isotope,. to melee envelepes.. Bverv. onlencestitainS =Si Retbass , torahs,. sr. meted. and enabl th e lla rt " .44 Ae r mille: l 4 l ,4o ll ' , !clot nature of the r complaints. , The ; eel ablishotett i ::eomprlsife , Capin Ul rooms, is oantral, ,Wh en U . is litOicouveniene to • visit the citr,„e octotts , opinion can be ob., wind by wing a written of the ease, and medicines can; be; forwarded ay. roail Or ex... press. lii some fustsmess„ •honever, a persooal examination is absolutely' ,necefsary,' while fa , ethers dallyperlomil atUntion• id a : for the accommodation I f each pqtl reuse; apartments connected - with the °nice thetaei pro—. vided *Ulf every, requisite that Is' calculated to ' imonlOit recovery; intiuding meditated; vapor baths. All, , preseriDUelts ,are , Preparen-An in: '.00.1.0es owAlsboratory. under hit personal stk.. Nedicsivimphtels ai OBee •• free, or by *all air two stamps.. No Miattermho 1211V$ utlad„read what he says., Hour* A.Bto PM. er Ponds 12 Sr: to slp. at. No. U WY LIK bTRitLT, (near .Court Honse,t Pittsburgh ,P a, . I:n:4 C -ri7- ' ,... " -L- 9 :-.1 .' 7 1 1 : - ." - i - liKi; , .,;' 2- : - ;;L'.- , -,--..--... , 1• - -- , , ~z•-•,, : '..:J.,-.F,'.;;;. . --.: -,,.,-,.-- ,'.',::. -.; :-..., r7-7,,,,, :v , c' , ! , e.:;' , ---. 7 ,g.,-4*,2,1 3 . - - - .` ' - ,4,„,,,,,-„1.,.,4_,;,-•....k:;i _ .;,•, _ , L . • ,. : 1• •Z q...... ' - '4 , ': , , , ::... ,, - , :.'. l +,::'!';'-',.... 1ti3; -`t.'W,:- 45 ' 1,7 ,.,.' , .Vii , ..'..,',-,!;,1"V41...1'.17'‘',;:' -V1?40a,54.411;5:M.,77:4410,1-V._ -, 47aliffst-11,14.f•-z:4%4-;l'4cVla4:-.-4„.z.„F-1.4:: - - -r-4-e.w.A.--,%.*-giii,,,ti,.,v, *,;,-..4.',-.N...-tto_,---.4*..2.-..t.w...-...,-0--'2 ~,,----,z,,,,k,.„-,,,,,.:ini.• -.- ~ z icv- ; 47,y- -t itt•.,o.4; ~w *. . - Aly.kt -- -1... .. ^.--• , ..4qTr- ' .., ..' r '' , 7l .i'V'AtT - • S , :: ...:-. ~ . - And will continue OF A FULL LINE x , - RI moms, nt ALL STYLES AYD moss. OP ALL. DPSOREPTIONS WALL PAPERS, PrrrS)3lMGEt. SirvirnlrGs ANA , DR. • WHITTLER CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. cnR Pg 3 _ 200 PIECES , BODY BRUSSELS. 425 PIECES TAPESTRY BRUSSELS,' 450 PIECES • , 3-ply and 2-ply Ingraii... The above includes all , the Newest Styles and Designs, and are now in Store , and arriving, to be sold • s LOS FOR ASH, OLIVER lITLINTORI -WS, 23 Fifth ASmitte. CARPETS. We % are. new receiving our Spring Stock of Carpets; &c., and, are ,pre-, pared to otter as good stock and at; as low prices as any other house in the Trade. - .We have all the new styles of Brussels Tapestry, Brussels, Three Plys and Two Plys.'; Best assortment of . Ingtain Carpets - , in the Market. 130VARD, ROSE /c, C 0.,,, 21 Firm AVENUE. irad:dimT NEW CARPETS. A STOCK 1:T TIC AL ' IN THIS MARSET.I We amply request s comparison of Prices, Styles and Extent of Stock. The largest assortment of low priced goads any establishment, East or West. McCALLUR BROS., AV. •51 FIFTH aIrEAVE, (ABOVE WOOD.) inabl2 SAYE TIME AND MONEY. FFARLAND & COLLINS Have Now Open Their New Spring OF Fine Carpets, ROYAL AIKENSTER, TAPESTRY • VEpVE'r, English Body -Brussels. The Choicest Styles ever Off'eretr in this Market. 014? Pvices are the .LOWEST. BPLIENDID LINE of CEMS.P. CIARPET/k; Good Cotton Chain Cari)oU, ESI CENTS' PER YARD. IFIRLAND & GOLLINS,, 714 1 141) • 1 ' g A—reart ( 911 COMO MAR. mne'' . LITHOGTDAPHERS suircusitiv4o;Elsa ccessors: to Gio. P. ficalvdmult 0" PaacTK.ais 10 10 1- Billina. The Oilly swam zattioiguato;--itatstillstimest West Or ttie - monatelzs. unsinesi Bards. Letter Beads. Bonds. Labile, otristaarsi _Show- carat, _tune, eettmenteis of Der. • DestPllstatvir4t= se. % Nos. TX wad Third street. Plttabergh. • . „ ES El