1 111iiMhMGR'illABUI&T6. 1 ‘. -- - • OFFICE op Pressintßoß.l2lAzkrra, i SATURDAY. April .17, 1869. S 'The fine weather which:has • prevailed dining the past week, has imparted a better feeling in commercial circles, and , business generally is improving, though it is not what ought to be 'at this season of the year. It is thought, ho7ever, that we will yet have a good sprin and sum mer trade, though there is on thing ap parent Mid the sooner it is ndersteod the better, we must come bacto the old i 3 way of doing baldness and ' content, with smaller margini, and no expect to realize the profits that were ealized du ring the war. Money is entirely too close for speculating, and, is a general thing, those who played' thei speculator during 1868, suffered seVerely, and are not likely to try it over again soon. APPLES—Very scarce, and prime to choice may be quoted at 13.6@7 per bbl. APPLE BUTTER-90@Si per gallon. BEANS-48,25®3,50 per bushel. BUTTER—Is very dull with a supply a largely in excess of the demand, and • prices hive declined 5@7 eta pet; pound 1 We now quote prime to choice, Roll at 38 ' @42—one house reported having sold some 2,000 lbs prime to choice at 38@40. • CHEESE—SaIes of New Western Re. • serve at from 13®20, as to quality, and • New York Goshen at 22@23. CARBON OIL—Is still quoted at 29® 30in ajobbing way for standard brands. CORNMEAL-41,75@1,80 per cwt. • DRIED FRUlT—Peaches quiet and un chan halves. at 14 for quartets, and 18@19 t for Apples scarce and in demand, s, at 12®14, as to quality. EGGS--Continue dull with sales re- • ported at 16@18. • I FEATHERS—A shade firmer, and we r now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trade, aml the usual advance in a retail way. E FLOUR—There is nothing new in the t Flour, market worthy of special notice. t We can now report a continued fair local demand but prices although steady are unchanged; Spring Wheat brands at t 86,50,57; and Winter Wheat at 117,50©8. t Rye Flour 47,25. Mill prices tm t, changed. GRAIN--Wheat is dull and unchanged at $1,45©1,50. Oats in demand and tt firmer, with offers to bny on track at 66 @67 and we now quote at 704072 in store. Ear Corn is in demand at 78@80; Shelled :is firmer with a little more in quiry, but unchanged. Rye is stronger and higher, with some inquiry and but little in market; may be quoted at 11,45 @1,46. Barley, but• little offering and • but little wanted; may be quoted at vi 4 for choice Spring, • HAY—Prime loose Pressed is selling on wharf. at; 7@28, and tight pressed at . • $24 1 3 , 25. HOMINY-0,75@e per bbl. HEMP-5219@220 per ton. • LARIVOLL—SaIes No. 1 at $1,55@1,58. • MAPLE MOT.ANSlrct—Sliles in gallon jugs at 51,50@1,75-__ ': PROVISIONS—Bacon Is in steady de mand at 14@14y,, for Shoulders; 1635 for . Ribbed, and 17,1@18 for Clear Sides; and 1935 for Sugar Cured. Hams. Steamed Lard 19, and kettle rendered, 19%@20. Dried Beef 21. Mess Pork #32,00. POTATOES—SaIes at 70 on track and 75 in store. PEANUTS—Quoted at 11 ots. , - SEEDS—There is a very fair demand for Clover, with sales at ;10@10,50, and Timothy at $3.50®3,75. Flaxseed . quoted at $2,4542)2,50. SALT—May be quoted at 111.80@1,85 by the car load, and 11,95@2 for small - lots in store. WHISKY—DuII and unchanged. Markets By Telegraph. NEw Yonit, April Tr.—Cotton is with out any decided change; sales of , 1,800 bales at 28%0 for middling uplands. The receipts of Flour were 8,305 bbls. Flour is dull and heavy at s®loo lower; sales, of 5,300 bbls at 0.2.5@500 for super- • fine state and western;ss,9o ®6,25 for extra state; $5,85@8,75 for extra western; 116,80 ®8 for good to choice white. Wheat ex tra at $5,95@6,2/3 for R. H. 0.; $7@8,50 for extra. St. Louis; 59®12 for good do, clos. in heavy; southern dull and drooping; sales of 800 tibia at $6,15®6,80 for corn mon to fair extra; 16,85@11,75 for good to choice do. Rye Fleur is dull with sales of 800 bbls at 15®6,75. Cornmeal is quiet. Whiskey nominal. The receipts of Wheat were 3,750 bnahs; the market is dull at 1@243 lower for spring; sales of 28,000 busts at 91,40®1,43 for No. 2 spring, delivered $1,42; No. 1 and 2 do afloat; $1,65@1,70 for white California; 111,70Q1,73 for amber and Michigan; 12,17 for extra choice white Michigan. Rye is quiet; sales of 500 bushy western at 111,35. Barley is dull and heavy with sales of 6,000 bushy German and Turkish at pri vate terms. Barley Malt is dull and un changed: Receipts of Corn were 18,268 bushs; Corn heavy, blower, with sales of 44,000 bush at 83%®85%c for new mixed western; 84@870 for old do in store and delivered. Receipts of oats, 13,464 bush. Oats dull and heavy; sales of 19,000 bush; 76c for western in store; 7730 for do afloat, also 10,000 bush - deliverable next week at 770 cash' afloat.* Coal quiet. Leather— hemlock sole steady and unchanged. Wool quiet; 225,000 lbs at ,415@56c for do mestic fleece;. 25@41c Itir unwashed, and 4005600 for pulled. Rice dull. Coffee quiet. Sugar steady; 200 hhds Cuba at 11%®12y,,c. Petroleum; crude quiet at 17c; refined bonded firm at 3234; 500 bbls for April at 3214 c; 500 for May at 8440. Hops quiet' at 6@15 for American. Linseed oil quiet dt ;102@1,03. Spirits' Turpentine quiet At 50(150X. Pork heavy and a shade lower. sales of 650 bbls at 1130.75@i30,87 for new - mess; f30,62@30,75 for old do; $26,00®26,25 for prime; 1128,50 @29,00 for prime Mess. Beef dull; 100 bbls at B@l6o for new plain*messi 12 ®lBc for extra mess. Tierce beef dull; 140 tierces at 123,00@28,00 'for prime mesa; 12.5,00@8000 for India mess. Beef hams steady; ' sales of . , 175 bbls at /26,00@ 2400. Cut meats steady; 175 packages at 12%@130 for shoulders, and .16@17c for hams; middles quiet. Lard is a shade lower, with sales of 600 tea at 1734®18Nc, chiefly at 1834®18%c, for ateam, and 18 3 i ®l9yc for kettle rendered.. Butter (plat at 30@88c for Ohio, and 30@460 for State: Cheese firm at 18€1122,i0. Freights to Liverpool steady, with engagements for 15,000 bus corn per death at 290. Metals —Sheathing Copper Is without decided changeovith sales at :33c; ingot Copper, firmer and more active at 23,K023 1 g0 for . Lake; and 23g0 for Baltimore. Pig Iron steady with a fair demand at $10@44 for Scotch pig, and ;37®42 for American; Bar dull at $35 90 for refined English and American; Sheet quiet at 111,124 1,12;4 in gold for Russia. Nails firm at 4 3 / 4 @sc for cut, 1 334@6340 for clinch, and 26®30c for horse.shoe. Cubasoo, April 17.—Eastern exchange easy at par buying, 1-10 premium selling. Flour in fair demand for spring extras at $ 4 ,50@i6. Wheat more active, unsettled and Irregular sales of No. tat $1,1801,15; Ne. 2 51,01}i€4,08,1olosing at i 1,03; sales since the change at 11102%. Corn unset tled; sales No: 1 at - 55€155%c; new 44 & 180 , closing at 45140 for new.:. Oats More &o live and iigko -lower; sales et-152(453c; closing at 52 4c. Rye dull and nominal, el= with buyers at 4144@11,15 Or No. , 1 - .receipts.. Barley , dull, closing lialauals with sellers at 1101/. Wines dull and Inn; salient 88 e4bSTers Ire. New Orleans 'Mobilises i1%1,05. Sugar 14®15%0• for - common to choice. Mesa pork inactive and nominal at $30,50 cash; $3l, sellers for last half of IMay. I Lard quiet -at ruaiso. Bulk meats quiet. Dry salted bellies 14%c packed;. 14%c loose. Sweet pickled hams steady •at 15%®16c. Hogs moderately active and firmer at 59,50®10,80. Receipts for the past 24 hours-8,354 bbls flour, 18,255 : bit wheat, 68,610 bu corn, 11,204 bu oats, 1,875 bu rye, 2,640 bu barley, 1,225 hogs. Shipments-7,526 bbla . flour, 15,389 bu wheat, 15,252 bu oats, 3,500 Ina barley. Caroaoo, April 17-At open board this afternoon there was but little activity in grain. Wheat quiet and . lower, N0..2 bitiaing at $1,03%. Corn is also quiet and the prices weaker at 44%®450 for new. In the evening business was,' ull.• A few lots of No. 2 spring wheat dat $1,02% @1,03%, closing 'at the - 1 de. Other grains and provisions inactive and nomi nal.t Beef cattle are steady; ales at $4,40 ®4,50 for butchers' cows; $6 , ,75 for fair to medium, and r®7;so or good to choice shipping steers. ST. Louis, April - 17.- bacco. un-. changed. Cotton; no public sales. Moth = ing doing in Flour; quiet and unchang ed; fall super and spring sol: at $5®5,70; choice extra $6®6,25; sprin double ex tra $5,50 ®5,75; fancy 58,75® ..,00.. Wheat r unchanged for fall, and pr cie red sold at $1,50, and low choice to fancy white $1,71®1,95; spring lower at 51,66 for No. 2, and was demoralized at the close. Corn firmer at 56% ®6OO in bulk, and 63%®66c in sacks. Oats firmer at 603@ 65c. Barley; very little doing; choice Minnesota sold at $2,10®2,12. Rye bet ter at $1,25®1,28. Whisky dull and nominal at 87@92c. Groceries unchang ed. Provisions firm but rather irregular. Pork sold in a small way at $31®31;50._ - Dry salt loose shoulders from up .the country , sold at 11%c.. Sweet pickled I hams 13(13%c; clear rib better at 16%4 clear side 16%@17c. laird; buyers, an sellers apart; choice tierce held at 17%c, without buyers. Receipts-2,600 bbl flour, 60,100 bush wheat, 2,900 bush corn, 2,800 bush oats, 1,100 bush barley, 200 bush rye. Naw OBLEarts, April- 17.-Cotton easier at 28%®2830 for middlings; sales, 5,200 bales; receipts, 1,592 do; exports, 1 3,572 do. Gold, 123%... Exchange star- I ling, 143%. Commercial, 143%®142%. 1 New York sight, % premium. Firer steady :at 50,00 .far superfine,s6,2s for double extra, and $6 , 75 -Air trble extra. Corn quiet at 79®800 for white, and 850 for yellow. Oats ware() at 74c. Bran scare at $1,40. Hay firmer at $28,50 for prime. Pork dull at 532,00. Bacon bet ter; sales at 13%0 for . shoulders; 170 for clear rib. Addeo, and •17%e for clear sides. • Lard dull at 18®190 for tierce, and 20® 21c for keg.' Swir at 9 ®loo for common, and 111%0 for pr im e. Molasses scarce at 500 for common. Whiskey dull; sales at 850 for western rectified. Coffee firm at 15%0 for fair, and 17%c for prime. • Tot,Kno, April 17.-Flour dull and nominally unchanged. Wheat dull and 11012 c lower,with.sales amber at 51,43% on spot, and $1;44% buyer for May; white 'Michigan regular at $1,43. Corn drill and -I®2oloWer with sales No. 1 at 60c on spot, and 6 00 seller Rif suns; No. 2at 62%; closing at 62, with no grade at 61® 61%. Oats quiet and in demand at 61c; No. 1 held a shade higher. Rye dull and nominally 11,28®1,33. Barley dull and nominal. Receipts-2,300 bbls flour, 4,700 bush wheat, 57,600 bush c0rn,1,500 bush oats, 70 bush rve. Shipments -2,500 bbls flour, 8,800 busli wheat, 20,800 bush corn, 4,100 bush oats. Cracrszrear, Aprill7.-Flour and grain unchanged, excepting Corn, which is scarce, there being none in the market; it could have been bought at 68c. Cotton dull at 27%c for middling. Whisky dull at 90c. Provisions quiet, but holders are firm at extreme rates. Mess Pork $3l. Bulk Meats 12%©14,:c. Bacon 13,,,1633i ®l7y,c. Lard sold at 18c, but is mostly held at 18%c. Butter dull at 85Q40c. Eggs dull at 16@17c. No change in any other articles. Gold 133 buying. Ex change steady. Money market quiet. • CLEvEresn,April 17.-Wheat very dull but nominally unchanged. Corn in very good request for the local and interior trade and the market is steady at 710 for shelled from store, and 670 for ear on track. Oats in good demand and firm at 65c for No. 1 State. Rye quiet and in moderate request at $1,25®1,80 as to quality. Barley dull and nominal. Pe troleum a shade firmer but quiet at 30Q 31c for refined standard white with an advance of 2.®2%c for retail lots. PHILADELPHIA, April 17.-Flour in active but unchanged. Wheat comes in slowly; prime lots held firm; common unsaleable; red'unchanged; amber $l,BO. Rye steady and unchanged. Corn comes in slowly and is held firm; sales of 8,000 bush; yellow 90c; mixed western 86c. Oats firm; western 75c. Petroleum steady; crude unchanged; refined 82® 82%c. Provisions and Whiskey un changed. BALTIXORE, April 17.-Flour dull and weak. Wheat nominally unchanged. Corn dull and lower; sales of white at 80Q81c, and yellow at 84@850. Oats steady and unchanged. Rye dull. Mess pork quiet st $82,00. Bacon firm and more active,• sales of rib sides at 1634 c; clear d0,1734c; shoulders. 14%c, and hams, 2Q210. Lard quiet at 1935 e. Whiskey quiet at 91®920. MILWAINCEZ, April 17.-Flour dull at $5,50Q6 for city extras. Wheat dull and lower; sales of about 65,000 bu were ef fected at $1,03, 4 1Q1,04 for No. 2; $l,lO for No. 1 summer receipts. Oats dull at 53340 for fresh receipts.' Corn in good supply at 54®55c. Rye steady at 51,18Q1,14. • Receipts-2,000 bbls flour, 22,000 bu wheat Shipments-4,000 bbis 15,000 . bn wheat. • LouisviLLE,April 17.;--Tobacco sales 108 Mids. Common lugs, 500. Paducah euttery leaf, 1700. Cotton 27. Mess pork $31,25; lard 1834; bacon shoulders 14; clear rib sides 17; clear sides 1734; bulk shoulders 13. Superfine flour 85,50 ®6,00. Wheat $1,45@1.55. Oats 6 6 @ 6 8- Corn 65@67. Hay $20®21. Whiskey 91. DlExPiris, April 17.--Cotton unchang ed at 27340; receipts 312; exports , 364 bales. , Flour dull at 15,5000. Corn at 75c. Oats at 70c. Hay at 124. Pork at $32. Lard at 180200. ' Bacon quiet at 14c for shoulders. and 17%c for sides. Bulk meats dull at 1234018 X for shoal ders, and 1630 for sides. CHICAGO ' April 17. - Cattle Market.- Beef cattle active and steady at $4,40Q 5,50 for common to good cows; 10©0,05 for fair to medium; $7®7,50 for good to choice shipping steers. , 1 4 outs, April 17-Cattle Market.- Cattle unchanged with a moderate de nutnd for butchers'; 'prices range at 113 ® To gross. Hogs unclumged- at 8®10c; re. celpta 250 head. DZTROIT, April 17. Wheat;. receipts light; market quiet; extra white $1,78® 1,80; No. 1 11,60; No. 2 $l,BB. Clover See firm at $9,25 per bushel. BIIEBALO I April 17.-Harket generally dull and unchanged, except Timothy Seed, which advanced to $5. buliteenxtvrmt..E.LuE,wAmnrildlail7n.ge--Co, 2534;.(lguoodiet ordinary,'27%. ftlyer and Weather. _Lotrialmax, April 17.—River falling LoWIYI nine feet three limbos of water u" 3111 / 8 . 1 . Weather clear and, pleasant. , ctopcin - PI '1 QAZETTE RIVER NEWS. The river appeared to be swelling slowly yesterday afternoon, with six feet in the channel by the Monongahela marks. Weather cloudy and warm with every appearance of rain. There are no arrivals to record. The Glendale from St. Louis, R. C. Gray from Cincinnati and New York from • Nashville, are all due and will probably be found in port this morning. The St. Marys left Cincinnati at a late hour on Friday night for Pittsburgh. having been delayed in making repairs, The Waunita departed for St. Louis on Saturday with a good trip. Pilots—A. D. Reno and Tom Campbell. The Grey 'Eagle arrived, and departed ' for-Parkersburg on Saturday, with a good trip each way. The Australia, Capt. Dan Moore, will be the first boat out for NeW °Heusi. The St. Marys, Capt.- T. C. Sweeny, is the 'regular packet for Cincinnati to morrow', leaving at neon. ' - I_ We noticed theother day that Com. J. Rees' had ,been made the recipient of a pet bear. Bruin was presented by the Com. to his son, who put it up at a raffle, and it was won by Capt. Martin of the Maggie Hays. John A. Prosper, engineer of the Uni ted States Survey boat Tidioutelis sup posed to have fallen overboard and drowned on Friday morning, near Cap tine. The boat was under way coming up stream when all hands were called to breakfast; the engineer was missing and upon examination, it was found that steam was blowing 'off freely, the gauges indicating about 190 pounds,.and had it not been for this discovery the boiler, it -is probable, would have burst in a few minutes longer. The boat was landed and prompt measure taken to cool down. Mr. Prosper leaves a wife and several children in Allegheny city. We under stand he bad fully intended to have his life insured for gamo, after making this trip. Pity he did not attend to it before, as it is stated that he leaves his family in an almost destitute condition. —The Wild Duck and Nick Wall ar rived at St. Lords on Thursday. —The Lawrence ftom St. Louis, passed by by Cincinnati on Thursday . for Pitts burgh. , —The towboat Charleston was sold yesterday, - by Captain Murdock, to Cap tain Bates, of the Pine Bluff, for 118,000. —The Emma No. 3; was .at New . Or leans on Thursday, and the Kate Putnam arrived at Nashville the same day from Pittsburgh. —The steamer Ida Stookdale, which has been wintering in the upper Mis souri, passed Kansas City, bound for St. Louts on the 12th. . - -The Louisville Courier-Jourual, of Thursday says: Captain Pool yesterday sold two-thirds of the steamer Mollie Gratz to Captain George Whiteman, of New Albany, for $3,300. Captain White. man will take command of , the Gratz, and run her between this port 'and Con cordia. Captain Pool will have charge of the office. —A dispatch from Sioux City, lowa, announces the burning and sinking of the steamer Antelope, bound for Fort Benton, on Monday lost, twenty miles above Yankton. The boat and cargo are a total loss. Mary Hutchinson and L. C. Giroux were lost, and Dr. Pike - badly burned. The boat was owned by Carter it Conn and Captain Massie, her com mander, and was valued at $20,000, and insured $15,000, in Eastern offices. The cargo was mainly insured in the St. Louis offices. • The following is the insurance on the steamer Antelope. National, of Bos ton, I 8,250; New England, Mutual and Marine, $3,500; Independent, of Boston, $1,000; Home, of Connecticut, $3,000; Firemen's, of Cincinnati, $2,000. —ALLEounicr CITY, April 16.—Editors Gazette:—You say in to-day's ,Gazette that the "Alaski," Capt. F. J. Oakes' "Big Gun," is the largest stern wheel boat of the present time. Beg pardon, but there is a stern-wheeler running at the present time on the lower river, by the name of "Louisiana," that is a mountain alongside of the "Alaski," both in size and capacity. Yours, ac., _ GEO. E. RITTENHOUSE. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTEIBIIROH FORT WAYNE & ORD. OADO RAILROAD, April 16.-1 car ore, Brown di Co: 11 cars metal, Nimick it Co; 1 do do, Everson, Preston & Co; 5 do do, J W Porter; 2do do, Bryan it Caughey; Ido do, Zug & Co; 2do do, Coleman, Rohm it Co; 2 cars oats, Willie Booth; 4 cars fertilizer, Seward At Emerson; 500 bbls flour, owner; 200 do do, S Lindsay Jr it Co; 200 do do, Culp it Shepard; 1 car bran, Keil it Ritchart; 400 sits flour, Watt, Lang it. o; 100 bbls do, Dan Wal lace; 1 ear hay, l? H Allerton; 1 car staves, W Hastings; 22 , pkgs produce, WH Graff it Co; 10 aka rags, Christy & Benham; 18 kegs apple butter, 4 pkgs butter, Voigt, Mahood do Co; 2 kgs butter, Vangorder it Shepard; 7 bbls apples, 8 pkgs butter, H Ilea Jr; 8 cars corn, Scott it Gisal; 1 bbl tallow, A Tomlineon. ' 16 kegs - nails, Dithridge & Son; 50 box cheese ' T Jenkins; 150 do do, Arbuekles (St Co; 1 car barley, J M Miller; 6 bills twine, H Gerwig it Co; 2 bbls eggs, Ido beans, Woodworth it Davison; 20 los hams, Ha worth it Dewhurst; 10 bbls vinegar, Ha gan it Courtney; 12 bbls apples, Carter- McGrew do Co; 10 doz brooms, John Por terfield; 14 pkgs, J A Jacobs; a pkgs to, bacco, A Schaub; 1 car staves, W Hast ings. CLEVELAND AND PlrwanuAGlt R&IL. ROAD Anril 17. 1 car barley, M Car son & Co; 1 do lumber, H Algoo, Arnold 1 do do, Cromlow dr, Coon; 1 do do, Ful ler, Don head &B; Ido N Y ore. Reese Graff It Dnll; 2 do W ore, Union Iron Mills; 1 do potatoes, J T Browns 1 do do, Bruggeman & O'Brien; 1 do do, Van Gorder It 8; 1 do fish, J H Lippincott; 10 bbls potatoes, H Riddle; 11 do do, Voigt, M It Co; 4 casks cheese, W H Graff & Co; 1 car wheat, Liggett & CO; 10 bbls potatOes, Robinson & Co; Bdo eggs. Woodworth & D; 40 do flour, Soho. maker & L;:12 bdls chairs' Bedford Chair Co. .A.LLEGITNNY STATION, April 17. -1 car shipstnff, R Knox & Son; 12 pkg.s oatmeal, Chria Rotas; 82 eke rags, J la Patterson; 1 keg syrup, 'S Dyer; 8 care clay, Spann, Chalfant it Co; 2 bbls eggs, F Beokert & Co; 6 age, Fred Owens; 1 oar metal, Lindsay ,St ldoCntcheton; 1 oar shingles, McCurdy it McGinnis; 2 likgs eggs, John Herbert; 20 bbhl - 40 aka now, Voeghtly dr. Kepp; 25 hides, Stuokrath et Co; 1 earintaber, Boyd & Son; 45 bush .potatoes, W Knox; 1 oar wheat, Mo. Kee dt ALLEGE:ROT VALLEY RAILROAD, April 17,-25 bbls phosphate, Seward & Emerson. ' 1 oar grain, Martin Brickell Co; 1 do lime, D S Reynolds; 2 bbls eggs, 4do . onions, Van Gorder &5; 2 do eggs, 1 bx butter, L J Blanchard; 5 oars limestone,- Shoenberger & Blair; 1 car grain, Soott & Gisal; 2 do cinder, Zug & 1 do metal, M.'Rnight, Porter it Co; 1 Co; do do, John Moorhead- 480 • bbls oil, J Wilkins; 52 do do, Wilson & Co; 040 do do, 'Fisher it Bro. PITTSBURGH CHNOINITATI • AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, April 17.--11 bbls eggs, 1 bi tallow, F 0 cralgjasoid; 1 cer ..•11MONDAY,.:. MIMI, 1.19 * : , ! 11389: ; :i: ear oorn l , McHenry & Hood; 4do xye, Robb &H; 40 bbl whisky, L Stemm; 3 bbla eggs, Tolgt, Mahood & Co;':29 eke barley, F &Welds; 21 do potatoea,'Brick er & Co; 8 bdis paper, Pittsburgh-Paper Manufacturing -Co. RIVER PACKETS. ST. LOTtlfil. FOR LOIIIf3VILLE,adr i e . CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. MARY DAVAGE AND BARGES, Capt. JAMES SIIEDDON ' Will leave as above on SATURDAY, 24th Inst.. at 4 P. m. For frelght or passage apply on board er to apl9 CHARLES BARNES, Agent. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS. FUR MEMPHIS AND NEWORLEANS—The steamer AUSTRALIA Capt. -----, Will leave for the above and Intermediate ports on WEDNESDAY, Aprll Alst, at 4 r.'ar. For treight oß j a A s t we i . ate L •N T r li t r zl , , , f 3 r , to aid °EERIEST, SWANEY A CO.. Agents. CINCINNATI. F "WHEELING.z o grg MARIETT4,PARICEttIOURG AND CINCINNATI. Leaves Pittsburgh EVERY TUESDAY- DI M, Leaves Cfncinnatl EVERY FRIDAY-4 r. M. The swift and superb Sidewheel Steamer ST. MARYS, T. C. 'SWEENEY, Commander, will leave as announced above. For Freight or Passage applyon board, or to FLACK & COL I INOWOOD, or COLLINe & BARNES, Agents. N. B.—No Freight received on Tuesday after 11A. M. lIPPER MISSISSIPPI. aszEd 1869, adire. NORTHERN LINE PACKETS, t. Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL IRPERMRDIATE PORTS. One of the splendid Sidewheel Steamers of this Line will leave St. Louis da ly n llfwor Neoku k,Daven peTrDuuh que ei W ts • ona , Freigh a tannPasSPaurs will be given to all points oh the Upper Idibsis sisslppi on steamers running from this port mad connecting with the Northern Line Packets at St, Louis, thus enabling Consignees to set their Freight through without delay and at lowest *ratisi Apply to JOHN FLACK, J. D. COLLINGWOOD, • Agents, or to N. C. QUAY 91 Water etseet. mk,Ygg'23 PARICEINIIIIII6I. 13ITTS BUR GH,s idi gir i a L WHEELING AND FAB. IMBUED LlNF..—Ltays,ColarauVa wharf tst)f a r d ood Street , daily at 191[., WED NESDAYSDANT SABLE 0. L. liatetNAtt, Muter. Freight will ba reaellred at all hours by JAMES COLLINS. 'MAIM L.OULLINOWOOD, Agents. •pt' GLICII3I3. CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. ' -FINE VASES, BOHNIELIB AID CHINA. NEW STYLES ,E R DINN SETS, i TEA SETS. GIFT CUPS, t SMOKING SETS, A large stock of 1 • SILVER PLATED IOOODSE of all descriptions. 1 I . feSailairsivelxstinge oar i gfi d t De gaited. R. E. BREED ar.' CO. 100 WOOD STREET. NOTICE OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have this day formed a co partnership under the name and style of F. SELLERS & CO., and will continue the Provision and Lard Oil bu siness as heretofore. F. SELLER, J. L. DII i ii'SEATTI. Prrrentrncm. March 10. 1869. in128:g56 . SPEEN G MULT I SSI An Immense Stock at Low Prices, at McCORD & CO's, KEYSTONE POTTERY. S * N. KIER /4 CO., • Manufteturen o RIIEENSWARE. BILTATOL WARE sto. *Mee and Warehouse, 383 LIBERTY STREET. Kr All orders promptly attended to. THE PARTNERSHIP', hereto -E. /OBE existing between the undersigned Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All bills against the Arm will be settled. - and all dues collected by .1. F. Caldwell. J. B. CALDWELL, ' DAVID HARPER. nrrenuncia. 10369. APIS-ha FishRESH SEMI/ RECEIVED daily at BENJAMIN PULPRESS popular Stand, No. 45 Diamond Market. Pitts burgh, and at the Twin Oily, Allegheny City % corner of Ohio and Federal meets. Om be had all kinds of Boa and Lake fish, Hillbuit, Bhad, Beak, (lodes'', Haddock and EeL , Also, large supplies of White, Lake rush, lialamon, Bass, Btergeon, Herring and 3facinaw Trout, which enables us to sell at the lowest market prices, wholesale or retail. We invite all lovers of Fresh Fish t to give us a call, and we will Insurmh2S them a trea. . FLOOR: OIL CLOTS% GREEN OIL CLOTH • . yoR WINDOW sHADEB. T.BANsrARENT WINDOW SHADES. • TABLE A•ND FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS • • IN EVERY VARIETY. , J. & H, PHILLIPS, ,: "apt A 6 and AS Sixth Street. r g lIE. MAN I _ OR. j__ THE MEN, who bald PATRON'S TICKETS of the Ad an 3d SERIES OF WASHINGTON, MEDAL LION PENS, are hereby informed that the draw. Inge Were made January 39, 1809, and that eir. enlate giving fall informative of the numbers arawn, will be sent to persons Interested, on their addressing the 'TASKING/TON MEDAL. LHIN PEN TY R ANTCONew York.. . • , N. B.—RZAD CSATB Or Tax 4TH Ms. ,le2S:Si.. J. lOUNGHION & CJ • PAICOP CANE VAXERY, CONFECTIONARY . ICK CREAM and DINING SALOON, SS Smithfield street, corner of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. CreamAV/prunes and n families supplied 'with Ur and Oakes o short notice. NOTICE: . • Thereby warn all perionefrom trailing my wife, MARY ANN LYTLE, on my *tout, se I will pay no debie of her contracting. ' • ' ALFRED LYTLE. PiTTEmirnon, Awn s, 1119. 2000 _ EV A w °F _ PjEACH a. DILL.a.c.Elt BTLVIMBON. d ip SAR LA MI OF MVO aim a wrievaanox . - • • , 'CW ' • 41 4- 444faxit-&-ftptruf . -ort-***A?, - Prßolf 131 WOOD STREET. 002d3TI88ION Da EIRCHANTt3 S' E fAillfllgeD BY A. ;di T E W. N. (WIDELY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, WIEZC7LT OPP. EAGIS HOTEL') Prl'rsittritol3. 11111 :ylB N. sTrstar, 1. 5711L1. STEELE & SON, ale COMMiBBiOO Merchants, AHD MUMMA IN FLOUR, CaI.A.EN.P=II. &o. No. 06 OHIO BTREIVI, near Nut Common, ALLEGHNNY CITY, TA. KEIL & BITCHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DIXLITtIii IN FLOUR, GRAM, SEEDS, HILL FEED, &C., 349 Liberty St., laittaburzb, mr24:bB7 L . J. BLALNCHABD, Wholesale and Retail grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET. stem% ITTLE_, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merdhants and Dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails Cotton Yarns and all Ftttsbargh ltiannAatures generally, 112 and 114 tiECOND B EET, Pittsburgh. JOHN BHIPION A wirmacs. :LIPTON &WALLACEiWhoIe- SALE GROCERS AND PROD ME DEAL" . No. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pt% sbarich. laLtrtie JOHN I. nousz-ium. llotrali....WY. H. 1101782. I'OHN I. HOUSE &BROS., Sue u cessors **JOHN I. MUSK & CO.. Whole• sato Grocers and Commission Iderchstrts. Cox% tier of Smithfield slid Water Streets. Pittsburgh. C C. C. ARMSTRONG, Successor • to rester • e Armatrong, PRODUCE C L93.20N MERCHANT, No. 25 Market REMOVALS. Rumov2u(.. J. M. GAZZAM, Attorney-at-Law, pat removed tits Otte to No. 96 FIFTH &v US. ETNA IRON WORKS. SPANS, CHALFANT 'BE CO, MANIIFACTURBSS OP . Iron, Nails, Boiler Plate; AND WROUGHT IRON TUBES I I RAVE RE3IO+ED To Their New Warehouse, ALLEGHENY CITY, Corner of Sandusky street and the West Penna. and Pittsburgh. Ft. Wayne .t i Chicago Railways, w i' e o r s e tglre y e rd e dgg a l44ll4lll7l P r. mh3o:loi REMOVAL. • THE CASH INSURANCE CO. Has removed from its old office In Burke's Build ing, Fourth avenue, to • SECOND FLOOR, PHELAN'S BUILDINC, No. 22 Fifth Avenue. ara:a6B REMOVAL. W. B. Pnac-E.. REAL ESTATE :AND INSIJRA.NCE AGENT has removed to No. 511 (Sonth side) DIAMOND east of Itedezal street, Allegheny City. aigna77 REMOVAL. W. 0. ARMSTRONG, (Successor to Fetzer & Armstrong ,t has removed to Igo. ISIA.REETWFB.E.S.T. stem doors above the old stand. avg. his ItEMOVAL.—B. McLain & Co., Dealers in Real Estate Stocks, Bonds, ortgages and other securities, have removed to their new Office, 104 'Fourth avenue, Paulson's new Building- Any parties desiring to buyer sell Real Estate of any kind, Stocks or. Bonds and Mortgages will do well to give them a call. mn27 LUMBER. TO BUILDERS ! 500.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 150,000 feet 1) Such Clear Plank: 25,090 feet 1,4 inch Common Plank; 25,000 feet Dry 1 and A inch Oak: 95,000 ft. 1, and 8 inch PODIA= 10,000 feet Dry 'Poplar Scantling; 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; 100,000 feet Hemlock Scanning. 303.000 feet No, 1 18 inch begins al Shin ales. 900.000 No. 116-inch Shingles. sawed; 80,000 No. 116 - inch Shingles, 'hayed; 80,000 Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. 100,Tons Fire Clay; Alas, Saw Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles in thence on hand and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Yards— No. 187 Rebecca street and corner of Preble and Juniata streets, Sixth ward, Allegheny, late bor ough et Manchester. ap:6 FLOUR. PEARL 1111 FAMILY FLOUR, PEARL MILL Three Star Green Brand, equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. This 'lour will only oe sent out when tape Wally ordered. PEARL MILL BLUR BRAND, st St. Lout. PEARL MILL about= al to best Ohio PI . WRITE COBB 11,0. 2 AND 11 001111 MEAL. . 10111 EDY & 818. 1 Allegheny. Sent. 9. 1868. PAM. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES H. IL LION, . Seater of Weight; and Measures, - Ro , C 4 F R T:a 13/ 19 r31 4t ,;': • 7 tßetween Liberty and Terry. 'treat'. *Mut toromptly attended to. aD744 HAIR AND PERFUMERY. I - ORNPECKP,R. ORNAMENTAL NAM WO/LYNN AND PERFUMER. No. Third street. near guinbieid, Pittsburgh., Always hilUd . ,A.Viersj assortment of L • nridield 41 ...i. 5 Barlyz. CuELButlemews ti aaa rradal. • &ix:3, (WARD 011aINI3. '''". Td. Ao. Jignittird Price 12 cash will be Wen tor BAW Ludieil.and Oenteimenis Nair Cuttingsos IA the neatest manner. la 1! . CEMENT, SOAP STONE &C• • - FD111121) • LABE; N o. 124 thalthtleld street; Solo Manatlattarer_ of vaS s sale rot (Maus sad Etwel 11.41, 6 7, . ETssußGustargigami ooNNELL LL oAD. On and after TUESDAY,' November, trains will arrive at and depart froze the Depot a: corner Of Brant and Water streets, as follow Dean. Atrium town :00 a. E.' 6:00 r. McKeesport Accomdt'n 11:00 A. E; A:O5 P. Ex. to and from llnt'n. 3: p. Y. 10:10 A. Y. West Newton Accom'd 4: p. x. st3s A. Y. Braddock 's Accomdt , n. 8: p. E.T:SO p X Night AC. toldcKesport.lo: or. 5:45 A. X Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1. 01, Y.10:00 A. For tickets apply to E. X. 'MOND, Lou W. B. EtTGOT, Superint dent. nos Mail to and friim Union- fIHANGE - ki TIME. ALLEGHENY VALLEY - ILEHLEOAD • On and atter MONDAY, Novembet 9th 1868., TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsbur station, corner of Eleventh and Pike streets AR Franklin, 0111 City, Bulfalo,l and all Points in the Oil Regions. LZATZ PRTSBUROM to ITl7B3lriftg M 7:16 am Mdii 5:40y,12 Express...... 7:10 p m Express ' 6:30 • m Brady's BAc 3:00 p m Bradys B Ac 10:30 aft Ist Soda Works Ist Soda Works Accomd.... 10:50 a m AccomoWn. 8.20 aa, 9d Soda Works 9d Soda Works Accomodlrt. 5:00 p m A:ccomod'n. 3:40p gi Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. Y. Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. H. - Passengers taking express train have but, one char_ge of cars between trittsburg_h, Baltalo and Oil Regions. Mall and - Express Trains step . only at PrinolPal Puhata. Nixed Way and As. commodatiod trains stop Wall stations. • . THOMAS M. HIND, Assn. Sup't. W. FOSTER HOPE, Ticket Agent. nos =32 ZEME3 Iit)ITTSBIURGiE 2 I?[ D EINAMIII CINCINNATI. LOUD RAILWAY. - ------- - - - PAN HANDLE EOVEL MANGE OF TrldE.—On and after SUNDAY. Nov.22d, 1888, trains will leave and arrive a 1 tat Union Depot, as Pillows, loitteburgh Umei Ddoa f f.,., :14rries. Mall 3:13 a. m. 1E:13 a. M. Fast ........ 10:13 p. In. Fast Express • 5:55 p.m.10:111 a. Mixed Way 5:43 a. la 6:43 p. ni. McDonald's Acen, No. 111.:118 4.m 543 p.m. SteubenvilleAccommod. 3:38 pon. 9:58 a. m. McDonald's Am% No. 2..6:08 p. a. air SI:58 P. se. lexpress will lesve daill. _ 15:13 P. m. Mail will arrived:idly. The 10:18 a. m. Train lenveadatly,,. Snadarl cepted, and makes close ,connectiona al,New• ark Tot Zanesville and points on Saminak7 Mansfield & Newark B. 11. B. F. SCULL, General Ticket *mkt W. W. OABD,B Btenoenvuis. Ohio. " n 025 1 Q 8 6 68. fTTSBORGN. TORT WAYNE 5 CILIOSBO ' B. W. and CLEVELAND 8 TiTTBRUROTI LIU . From Dec. Beth, 1868. trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, Pitts burgh ci=s, as follows: . Arrtie. atcago 1f5,..3:011 asn Chicago Ex.:. Sall e 8 Tali 11 1 17:511 am cago Ex:. 11:58 Q./1 Tis - 201 1 15:118 am eating Tx 11:L3 al Chicago Nall,el:sB a m stlinelfail 3: 5 3 Chiregci Ex .. 10:08 a m beg° EX..;:&!3143 01. a 1.,1g RI 51:53 p ir. eve Land Tat 40111 Chicalp ax., 1i:43 p m e dkTrn Ex6:l3p* W'e &Erie Xx5:034:11 . s.Wi'g Zxglcssoll. . ' from diteghtnity. Arrive to disegkets), i h . t t s rl:gen.A.e. 8:58 am . Brlgtht 50.1:03 gig Leetsdale'. 10:88 am 66 11. . IlisiAt"n " 8:88 4t • . 58 am ew Castle 1 91.0:33mg Rochester " 1:33 pm Leetsdale ' 3 : 1 5 eat. Leetsdale Ace.3:sB pm '," .'-. •' " 1:09 ma • N. Brigns •• .6.33 put.B.rigen 4 “B:slpus. N. 13t:g 'I .6:518 pm L e e .. :5 grg LeetsCale "10:43 pm. ".“ 1 ;/31:14 Leetsdale Bun- Leetsdale Hun. m 41Jg. Church. 1:Llp m • day. Church. 5:58 am W 3: 4 3_8. m. WILICABO Kw:Press leaves daily. AV. Wee a. m. Chicago Expressarrives daily. d ap. IN B. Bryßßg, tieneral Ticket Agent. =I .EPENNSYLVA.asiMiI NIA CENTRAL - BAIL AD. Onand alter Nov, 98th. .1868. Trains will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot. corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive. _ Depart. .. Mall Train.... 1:80 am DalExpress..sl:3o anl Fast Line... .. 54•40 m W No. 1 ... 6:30 Wall's No. 1.. 6 010 a m Mail Train 8:15 ant BrintonAceM. 7:50 a m • CincliVti Ex 19:85 pm Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 a m Wall's No. 2..11:20ent Cincinnati Ex.9:40 a m Johnstown A°. 3:951M Johnstown Ae10:85 am Braddocka Nolli:s4opm Baltimore Ni. 1.46 p m Phila. Express gap p us ExpressA:os Wall's No. S.. 5:90 pm Wall's I:3o.ptrl WalPs No. 4..6:15 pin Braddocka No 16.60 p m Fast Line 7:50 pm Wall's No. 4. 7:25 p m WalPsNo.s.. 11:50 pm Way Passntr 10:20 p m _ The Church • Train leaves Walls Station every Sunday at 9:15 a.: m. reaching Pittsburgh at 10:00 a. m. Beturairig,- leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. in, and arrives at Walls . Station at 51:00 p. m. 'Cincinnati Express leaves Lally. AII other trains daily except Sunday. For farther infbrmamon apply to W. H. BKWIWITE, Arum . The Pennsylvanialtallread Corrny will not se • sums any risk fbrßaggage , exce for wearing ap. parel,_and limit theft responsib ilit y to One Hun. ilre, Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of this owner. =leas taken bvspe_cial contract.' • - • EDWAED H. WILL nom General Superintendent, Altoona, EST ERN. AD.—On and after Nov. 99 d,1858, the Passenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive at and depart • from the laden 1 BtreetDepot, Allegheny 1037, Mew's Arrive. Depart. • Swingd , e NO 16:113) a m aII: - . • 7:00 ant Freeport No. 113310 are reeport 0. . 1 9;15 am Express 10:40 a m , fe Nol 21:90 am Sharpb , g N0.11:95 p m u 2:15 pm. Freeport No. 24:00 p m gd , e No13:110 pm Mail .5 : 55 in eePort 25:210 pre Sprinvre N015:45 p m Eforingens No 2 7:10 Dm Aboye trains run daily except_Suriday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Taunton. every 'dmiday at 7:40 a. in., reaming Allegheny . City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1010 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny J ane. tion st 3:16 p. m. COnnuEnnen Turners—Yor sale in of Twenty, between Allegheny City,lr= street, Herr% Bennett, line Creek , Etna and Bluirpsburg• and good only on the trains stopplec at Stations 'pulled on Waits. The trains - leaVing Alleghen_y City at 7:00 a. m. make direct connection at Freeppoonr7 withWal ker,s line of Stages thr Butler and. town. Through tickets mat h be • purchased at the M No. 1 Bt. Clair stree near th e Boee lipenuelonßridge, Pittsburgh, and at t e Depot, Allegheny. Per further laZorrontionapplito_ JAMES LEM.B, Agent- Federal Street DoM. The Western PensursiVanta Railroad win not assume any risk ibr Baggage, except forwearing• apparel. and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In - value ,All baggage ems ceeding this amount in value willbe at the ticket the owner, unless taken try D special contract. EDWAR H. WILL non eermal Buseriatendent, Altoeitiebai') .12 MOST HILL ROUTIIs UNION PACIFIC 11.111 WA: The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIAM ROUTE from the East to all palate. la Colosado, Nevada; California, 'Utah, • Two Trains leave Stake Llne and Leave/MOM 4 Any. atiedisimmexceß)cei the arrival Of Vilna of Pacis d St , Untie, antllsini. hal and 13t. Joe itaßroa from Quincf. co, Inv It Lawrence. Topeka and ,Waroago wi stakes for all poinu in Kansas. At end STABwest •or.EUtworth with Atte, EXPRESS coMeszi Vs —II& urristovisrAvD KATh WAD lar COAunw FOB Dzervimzu sexir a,,t1u34 All Points in the Tertitorleiti Andwith IktrDEBSOSTIA ISMINZIKBLir rams of COACHia tor rOrt llnlo Bee_ t's Yost, nes, Albuquerque, saute Yes au Plains in An. sous aid New Mexico. With the ream addition* Of rolllag melt Lud equipment. Wad the erreulgemeuts made with zespoallble (Nem= TKaleeleeetatiou 'dues from its western teuelhee. =AI raid now college_ =equalled fiellities for the trabsallesion eg freight to the Fee Welt. =cas ts feg side and at all Che ss gattullgal ogle= la Sher Vd Metes and sob for Begets vie TEA MOM!! rafialAV l Aral" / RAILWAY ` am`As AlneWo3l. 64244111 Oftsibleadel l t W. IF. mosna, • . s aad 114440 ";.`" - - - ..• asp.-40 RAIiROADS. Eastern Division. Arizona, Washington , New Mexico, Idaho, ' . Oregon., OEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers