13 t littsburgil Sal. • Haatiji a HtUe patty Jean; Ingelow utak liparlei; Term,. .• Bits lamely in little nett: And with her ‘soontented bill. - reckil featlem(Trens her little breast:- g -taaW Steße 'the WWI/ is fair— - The world r Alt for happy things , ' ' Pot' happy things that kits the air With Uisiocenb, triumphant wings.' "The little sparrow droops her head. And shuts her little, languid eyes, " And softly wishes she was dead, And wild not see the laughing skies. The lasighing sides, that laugh at her— " 'That laugh at her, and vex her so; Her little nabs refuse to stir— /Otis breast la full of woe. "Dante"Natate ponders carefully— . MTh, some must ander, all must live; Rowan I set this sorrow free How can I tender comfort give ? Is there no fountain of delight, That even freed m's joys forestall ?" Ah Nature. thou has guessed aright— 'Tis Lova brings solace unto all I "The happy sparrow's mate is leer, He wall not use his eager wings; He tells her she is very dear And whispers many charming things. lie brings ker pleasant daily bread. He perches 'briny on her nest. And seta her lay her weary bead Upon his fai t little breast 1, ITHEEEMS. —Patti, it seems, is back in Paris. —Dandy New-Yorkers nee hair pow- deT. —Lester WaHack is going to England next month. Since January Ist, 1869, 14 English Unmet. have died; —Jazanseheek has given a private per finance in English. 'A`griuld jury in Baltitnore is down Lard open the can-cam. noiels inßontalc are said to be' pOpnlar in Athens. —•A brother of the Peet, Percival, is in Connecticut mad-house. gypsum mine has been &me, erd iiiEidifaX county, Va. —Great qnantities of slate are now mar bell* in Vermont quarries. '—itossharspost-hamolu3 Mass has been done into quadrilles in England. ~ —A. J. Hamilton is the favorite candi date for Governor in Texas. —Seven hundred and fifty-three miles of railroad, is all that Kentucky has. —The Senate is to have a Nye on Sprague to-day. He needs watching. —Lumber and whiskey are said to be very scarce in the White Pine regions. —51.650 is the highest salary paid to a teacher in the Philadelphia public schools. —Paris has a fiddler named Bartelloni who is said to be the equal of Paganini. —The New York Express says the condition of the streets of that city is offal. —The Philadelphia Butiefin thinks Betrerdy Johnson's &nasty is at an end. —4lgars which are bought in Cuba for $5O per thousand, cost in New Orleans $l5O. - Fashionable parasols in Paris this ,year have handles of g reen or red mo -:-Haussnuta, the Parisian prefa, is said to bliVe more than one thousand snuff boxes. —The Roman Catholic blehop of Pekin htus died after having served for forty year& —A new Sorosis is talked of in New 'York, to hold its sessions in Madison Squire. ; • -;-Bishop Armitage, of Wisconsin, ad voCates the opening of public libraries on Sundays. —lndiana claims that she contains eight thousand square miles of iron and coal Wide. —The 'Marquis de Calm is said to be spending more money than the lisxchio neas makes. $ swell-front house necessarily a foppish style of architecture ? asks the Boston Post. —Portraits of Secretary Fish's chil dren ire said to be sardines—little fishes done •in oil. —Some 'New-York physicians say that the bite of an enraged dog is as bad as that of a mad one. - —An exchange thinks Senator Ross felt quite put out by. Grant's treatment of ilia the otker day. —A New England paper speaks of the sale of a lot of dried fruit as "as one of the currant events." —The Beefsteak Club of London, one ' hundred and thirty-five years old, has broken up and sold out. —A lady in Putnam., the other day, died from the effect of having too many teethimlied 9t at once. 1 is 'estimated that four thousand • • millions pounds of rags are made every year Into paper in this world. The Chinese in Ban Francisco have succumbt to the velocipede mania, and are said eicel ss biecylarians. It bead that:patient waiters are no losers. - Does this apply to those at the 'first-class hotels and saloons ?—Es. currency of Hayti is slightly be par. It is said.that three dollars of it canoe bought for one cent in specie. '• ...- - Clharlotte Thompson Is going to bar rest her'Agisziks ,cotton crop and then ;.• 5i0.,4-:,Bn-an,'eniatilient at. Ban !ran- claw ,—;Bezbars Frietcble'a bona° Freder• leli;:lifaiiland, is to be torn down to '2111123 way for 80210 municipal bnProve rcuts. itler .gist ciino.e is abut stinedfi fiery idle of tlie kick. InParis ;:-, It, is WOlll lsrger Akan last year.—.N: . —lt is ssii-thst 87,000,010 feet of logs in the Wolf rifnr pineries of Wisconsin ,will Tog reach' lagket on account of low-water., • - ' • --, •i-The latest celocipedsi ides is a tale. graphic-Wyele which shall run on a*lre #.04/liiilorleiile to New York . 1P an half, . sto is same? The first colorid jiiaiet of the united tat/dais named i „,, - 2, , . 0 , i 1 ,„,r4,4...,„,,,--A.wiz•!:;k4p•A-,-6t.';...-c-s-,-.k,r,.-,..,f,,,p,g,:,p-:-4,i iil4lo-Ilgn. ,- , , - . -.,--,.....,•., , ~,.i f- . 7 ',, , , 5.-:-.! t.. , ; ,,,,, ' . .,z,p,,,4 - :&. ~ .,t cl.-1- ..t.v...T.,ct ~-,1,*,-.,^1 A%-ii- A" 1 „:" 1,- ` ,- ..- i.. , - --, : 4 ,,,e t - ,...4,1 -4--.7.74-"-"r.1,,,t----,"--,'-','''t:W4,-1--..?"'':5-45,--$-.Uv4..v.,i...--,-v-,-;V,,_.,.-... , 4 .-- , x -, ,„k.u'7._, ~,o,„ , —44,,,,r..-.1.-,,,,-*„.-sr',.4-,,,,,,,ifere:Ati:,,ptze!,z,N.sot•-..it%itra'zie, -'h -;',l,vi • ";•'8,3. *Vak---,*'-'-491.. f,o—, . ' : - .1,,,,p.4,4y :..k-0,,,--te-‘",./..-VV"O4%-N4-.,,.1,,01.433,-9101000,,Tt- Wii,%.i.e - -.N Nx_,,..'....5E ~.41%f-31--i;i•=, eoe-3.0V ,--- ,„:`•-• -•-=,..,.41,,,,,TP,r11.:'‘,44-41,V.,,,v '4,-c,t44c.:Tvf,,fiz„tt 0 4' 4st ,- ,,„ - .k.,- - :.%-&A ,3 =iiitit - 41-44qi-i-711-Vt..Vtiltik-,,,e,-,44-Z, gzrsP„.":t-ritlif4c-A1„13,,..4&a:-WW.---:,14A!,&-tt.- - -- - ' -' - , • ~.,11.a-Zi,:wB-04.:•!4-,w;1•, lik.-.41..4640.-.,r,it trlittW - -- , _ '''' -c.,liz-1147;----8t Vw.o.--- . 1 1 , N1,4, 0 „ .. a--, r 2. • ~f,-0.,:. - „A . '''.-.,, ity:3--..g.c.t-,,,,- "..4..„fati,10,14,mel .7,;14afti#52.-A.l:-I-'-'''' .- ),, ~,4-......:„rz ,1,,.z.„..- .4„15-71,TRAngeVr4 g., ti.:,..,..,..'T, AT . , t''''' i " -. • ' '''r,-ii er ..„-_,.„:„.„.„ ...,....„.„,.......„, ^ 7 ,,PA-Z.1.-`,- 0,, , ,, - ( 1.,f-,4,14, .4 , • ", ' :" 44- ; ,, -.;(^,-M - ',""t.;) '::"-,, - ~- -',. • ... , Ebony-sir D. Bassett, says the Phil: phis BultaissZ-,..% —A fltilitituit *use of Yed4i ; aii• touliees theiSsaaf the- enehunti4isid faith =past volume'. of an bitiftsthig 41Paseilifelliovea.---- • • C " c • - • ..SPriligneld, Mass, has *6.8141 pox, and fifty cases of_ thi l i''diseaise - have heext recently reported, three of which have thus far proved fatal. —A religions club in Berkshire, after discussing "Christ's4fast in the . Wilder ness," came to the nclusion that he sub sisted ottlackberrie!. —A huge demonstration in favor of Cuban interference is to be gotten up , in . Philadelphia if money enough can be raised to make a grand turnout. —There are in Prussia one thousand two hundred arid eleven iron smelting works, which give employment to eighty seven thousand and eighty-ea hands. —ln walling up a well in Randolph count', Missouri, the other day, a snake den as discovered and one hundred and twenty-five reptiles of various species killed. • —At a recent velocipede exhibition in New-York three men and ,two women rode around the ring on one bicycle. The women mounted onto the iffioulders of the men. —A resident of Clinton, Louisana, gath ers enough tea leaves from the Chinese tea plant grown in his garden to more than suffice for- the requirements of his household. —After many attempts the Prince of Wales has shot a crocodile, some persons may remember how he shot a wild boar in Saxony some years ago. He is a mighty hunter. —The French corps of firemen consists of two hundred and sixty-six thousand one hundred and sixty-six members, who run with twelve thousand seven hundred and twenty machines. —Frederick Wallroth,• Treasurer of the Church of Gustavus Adolphus, has been arrested for embezzling $4,000 en trusted to his care for the relief of the sufferers by the Swedish famine. —Speaking of the new Chicago telescope a St. Louis paper says that " for observing the heavenly bodies at very great distances, this telescope has no equal, and no more appropriate locality than Chicago:" • —President Grant has issued orders di recting the various heads of departments to give leave of absence to their employes who desire to participate in the Odd Fel lows' Semi-Centennial Anniversary at Philadelphia. —Those "human bemrs" the Dutch now ,talk, of draining . the Zuyder Zee and by the proper use of dams and dykes converting it into territory ; it is not to be.wondered at that profane people call them the dammed Dutch. —The largest rose bush in France is at Toulon. It covers a wall seventy-five feet long by eighteen in height, and near the root measures two-feet eight inches round, In the months of April and May it produces fifty thousand roses, —Marshal 0. Roberts gave his daugh ter, when she was married the other day to Amos Van Wart; an envelope as a wedding present This wedding gift was stuffed with a quantity of scraps of paper—valued at $lOO,OOO. —lt reminds one of the merry days of Mediaeval Rome to read that one of the friars at the convent at Presburg, Hun gary, was recently poisoned while par taking of the sacrament, by the servant, having poured sulphuric acid into his cup. —While Bishop Whittle was preaching at Five Forks church; in Hanover,' Vir ginia, recently, the stove got out of order and threw out noxious gas in such quantities that the entire congrega tion was suddenly made sick. Several persons fainted away. —A. J. Watt, once one of the wealth. iest merchants of Memphis, became in sane the other day, split a friend's head open with a hatchet, chopped the arm of another almost off, and filthily, exclaim ing "vain world, good bye," threw him self from the window on the pavement, breaking his neck. —The demand for feathers to adorn bonnets has led to such a wholesale de struction of wild ducks, gulls, and other birds, that laws have been passed in France and Switzerland to limit the bu siness to certain times of the year, and the subject is under consideration in the British Parliament. —"Upon hearing of the recent, destruc tion of the town of Hancock, a Allan: thropist in Chicago set about raising con tributions for the aid , of the sufferers, and had already raised $5,000 when a tele gram arrived stating that the citizens of Hiuicook had decided that no contribu tions were necessary, and the patient col lector of the moneY si tt back over his "route and returned the futids. —The velocipedemanisis being turned to account by , the .roprietors of a lot, Of women engaged r.r use in the dramas of the period of nu. . The 'public inter:- est in these s • limb-fat-1c exhibi . thus having gr -any diminished, these "ladles of the ball • " have been arrayed In tights, depriv of their bugue-like dresses and moan ed on bicycles, as "re nowned lady Tel' pedestriane" to ride . at Velocicurri and attract spec- Wore. AT_Panama, • eral persons have died' under singular enmstances. The im mediate cause of th is said to be the bite or sting of fly,nearl y • black, 'or very dark bind, not dissimilar to whit is known in E land is the conk on "blue bottle." oldie; is succeededink ; mediatel,r,PY at which par tially suUmda o when the body of the sufferer„ beobmes old.: Aida is the wise aeon seon after the te. ,Prtisitmli GAZETTE : MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1889, 11044 e Of the "White Pine Fever. Tiii-liiil,Prezeiseolniiiiin aye ; "Its hits heal of , several inshinoss Urely of the first nienumie of An : tog lanai's •wbicarliikattenidett some of While Pine aliVentrucein that AO* the • better side if Mim' nature. : One man who had lost his 'eV,' and bad becotne worth-- . less b'l thlaks :was SOCOlited one daily a, iiiend,rand told that he could' do nothing heM; be had no credit and no influence, and few friends; he had better ge to White Pine. Ills adviser offered to fur nish money enough out of his owl moderate earnings to take. iiim there, and would look after his family in the meantime. - The Man went under a promise not to spend a dime of the money so furnished for drink. After a while he got hold of some claims, began to make some remittanees to this friend, enough in all to libuidate the in debtedness for his outfit. At a still later day he returned to tke city, paid all arrest.- ages for family erpenseamet his.old friend and told him that from the, hour he had been taken by the hand he had never spent a cent for liquor. If he had not done much, he had become a gober man. The friends parted at the steamboatilanding; the White Pine man returning. In the hurry of the moment he recollected that he had a small package for his friend's wife, which he had nearly forgotten. -The package contained a deed for the house and lot occupied by hie benefactor. The property was worth about eight thousand dollars. "Another 'dead broke' man recently returned from White Pine, and, meeting one of his creditors, began to talk about the old indebtedness. The creditor said the account was long ago outlawed, and he had . quite forgottqn the particulars. White Pine said that made no difference. He bad come down with4ls,ooo in hand to pay hie debts. His first business was to hunt up every creditor, paying him principal and interest, declaring that he had no right to count a dollar as his own until he hadpaid all his debts. j "We have heard of many other instan ces quite as notable. Now, if 1 4 /bite Pine is going not only to develop j millions of treasure, but is really going ' to help de velop whatever is bestin human nature, there will be no estimatinge value of these new discoveries. It ma I et fall to tl d the lot of some ingenious mo ralist to con sider White Pine as a 'means of grace." 1 Mors the Maysville (MY.) Hepublieve, kolas Children Burned to Efreath. On - last Tuesday night the residence of Mr. Nelson Hurst was burned to the ground, and four of his children perished its the flames. Mr. Hurst lived within a mile and a half of Poplar Plains, in Flem ing county, and, on the night of the de struction of his house, had gone with his wife to the residence of his fhther, where he had determined to remain until the morning. His family of seven children remained at the house in the care of his eldest daughter, a young lady about fif teen or sixteen years. At ten o'clock Mr. Hurst saw a bright Light in the direction of his residence, and hastened toward it as fast as possible. He had more than a mile to travel before he reached it, and when he arrived at the scene it was too late to render any assistance. Four of his children had met death in the terrible fire, and the three survivors were stand ing helpless and nearly naked in the yard. One little boy of twelve years had exhib tted wonderful daring and self-possession. When he was roused'by the fire he ran to the assistance of the younger children, of whom he saved three, and he was en gaged drawing the four th from the flames when he was destroyed by the fall of the burning roof. Such heroism as was ex hibited by this brave child has rarely been excelled. It is not known whether the fire origi nated in an accident or was the work of an incendiary. The children were evi dently sleeping at the time, else they might have easily escaped. It is probable that those who were destroyed were suffocated by the smoke, so that when the flames reached them they were insensible to pain. It is a remarkable fact that only the youngest children were saved. The eldest, including the young lady in charge of the house, were almost certainly suffo cated before the alarm had been given. such a terrible calamity has never oc curred within our recollection in this sec tion of the country, and Mr. Hurst has the sympathy of all our people in his great loss. _ The Demand for Cuban Recognition. Although the South supplies fillibus ters for Cuba, the Southern Press expends both irony and criticism on the false pio anion in which the recognition of - the Cuban insurrection would place the Gov ernment of the United States. The im possibility of reconciling the compara tively unorganized insurrection now going on with the position assumed by the Government in regard to the recog nition of the Southern rebellion by. for eign Powers, forms the obvious text of a sharp discussion. The New Orleans Pie ayune condenses this aspect of the case against recognition into a couple of sen tences: If Mr. Seward was logically right in contending that a confederacy composed of eleven States, some of them older than the Government of the United States itself, in actual . nision of a territory larger than the Kingdom of Spain, with a Government fully o yed by many mil lions of people, and holding, at the time, ports extending along seas and gulf for two thousand miles, was the sign only of a mere , local commotion, which other Governments could not invest with the rights of belligerence without manifest wrong to the sovereignty of the United States, how could Mr. Fish argue with Spain that the United States may, in good faith, acknowledge an insurgent Govern ment in Cuba=which has no local habl-. talon, no known constituency, no do. fined area of territory, and no known means for holding communication with the world, outside of the coasts of the isl and, or even withlts coasts? If the Con federates were mere insurrectittnists not' entitled to belligerent rights at all—With what face can Mr. Fiab.'crr any succeseori, accord tharightit of belligerents to roving; unorganized - hands, however = numerous, in the interior of an island, which has be longed to Spain. since the first discovery of America by a continuous title *hick all the early Administrations of Our own Government undettook to protect, by. te fusing to be a party even to s protecto rate which would give other , nationslhe privilege of Interfering, and by avowing morethan ones that we would not per-. Mit any European .Tower but ' . Spain to hold the island, either.by conquest or by lurohase ? —lt is et the capitol Louisyillk clusivelyr .Wattersen .43101ed:ier -IMP% Halide= premium GAS FMnrREP_ WELDON Nam:Jim:Wen via Deakin 14 Lamps, - Lutemo3, Chaniellers, AND LAMP GOODS. Alao, CABIIO2I AND LUBEICATING OrLD, No. '147 Wood Street. ee9:n2E Between ISth and etkAvenuee. liwali4.4lq:cipteLoi SELF LABELING . 1 FRI T IT - CAN TOP.' COLLINS St WRIGHT. 1 PITTSBURGH, PA, . , We are now prepared to supply 'Dinners and Potters. It is perfect, simple, and as cheap as the plain top, having the names of the various Fruits stamped upon the cover, radiating from the center. and an index or pointer stamped upon the top of the can: It Is Clearly, Distinctly and Permanently • LABELED by merely placing the name of the fruit the can contains opposite the_ pointer and sealing in the customary manner. No preserver of fruit or good housekeeper will use any other after once seeing it. • . Watt DRY GOODS. is O • CiD pia T . . M e ta C=l 4 42 s ICC/ pra 12:1 4 e4 CO2 Jo 1 4 eft 00 0 0 at s r : 1 5. v.* ' • 3r*W SPRING GOODS JUST OPENED, AT THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', 87 Market Street. Priits, NIUAIII8 1 Dress Goods, SILKS, SHAWLS. FULL Luca OF SILK SACQUES, Very Cheap. S 7. MAR spa cAmi ( MCC • k & CO•1 Late Wilson. Carr C 0..) WHOLZSALD DNALNSII IN Fozeigo and Domestic Du Goods, Do. V* WOOD MULCT, TWA door above Diamond PIANOS. ORGANS, &C. BtlY THE BEST AND C MIT PiANO AND OREIAN. Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGEORGAN, The BOHONLACKER PIANO eolith's* all the latest valuable improyements known in the con struction of a first class bnournent. and has al ways been awarded the h 1 best premium ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship. for durability sad beauty. ass all othen. Prices frongSo to ORO, tacco to style and daub ,) cheaper than a id other so called first class Plano. • mirricYllS 4NYTTA9E ORGAN Stands at the Read or all reed Instruments. In producing tbe moat perfect plpe_quallry of tone of any similar instrument in the United SLOtes. it ill simple and compact in constraction , and not li able to get oat of order.- __ CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX HOYANA TREKOLO" only_to_. be found in this Organ . Prke from POO to PAU. AU guaranteed for lye BARB I NNAKE &BtrErrum, No. is ST. oLATB. B PIANOS AND ORGANS—An' en tire new doe& of IMASZ , I3 UNRIVALLED HAIN= BEM., PIANOS: : MINOR & CO , B ORGANS AND }MOMS ORB and TREAT. LINBLBY & 00 , 13 OROL/IS AND ATELODEONB. auaza.crrn3 Imam. des . *5114h avenue. Bole Agent. MEIR°H NT TAILOR& S an in MTHERSON Na 10 Sixth Successors to MARI Have Nat receive their carefully selected stock of. Spring and Su zner goods. and Will be glad to show or sell eni to old and how customers. The (Tutting. Deg ment will still' be engulf'. tended by W.r. 0. . 21013LAIill#1210. I take pleasure recommending the above arm to the salmon of the public. mbutun , - I W. H. liceElt. pt TIEGEL, , cute outer mutt W. Eeirabeule.) 3h1:114,41.1X401t: No. 53 Smithfield Street,Pittelmigh. NEW SPRING cloppe. • splendid zeii nowt of , CLOTHS, CALSSIM.PIES, &Chi Milt lemma by -MUM* =imam 1e14: iderehant Tailor. 43 lissitidield street. ;hat ournal, Etea ex• He It isnry MEOEIAMOAL:-ENOMMR. }DERMAL: BECYETT: M E sfi OBIANIQAL SlTGlNESB,ottrlcitor. of ' mitaw jaCYorelgo Tatum, e t 7.1P:78D. RILL mm, Auegrenyonn . - ' • ,N.lll—Bluilt oikes Waligattoni•Ds gpt hold* octldr. dap a. sioinor nagiurres, NOTIONS, GREAT AU or MACItUId & &O. Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Trimmings, 'FBNISHING GOODS, NOTIONS, &e., Having secured the store room. No. 29 r Ifth avenne.lately winded by A. H. English & Co.. we have reineved the entire stock of MACRUM & CARLISLE From thelr old store, N 0.19 FIFTH AVENUE, Commencing THURSDAY, April lat. at A.P. X and at 10 A. A.. A and 'I P. X. every day here atter until the entire stock is closed out. MIL SILITHEBON . . AIICTIONXICIO3. MACRUE & CARLISLE invite the attention of their old customers to the elegant new stock they have Just evened at their new store, No. %7 VII TR AVENUE. , ant gl 0 VI m p 0 c.) g i ~ is 121 4 g a PI Fa 0 0 4 1 PI t g i r2 A New Spring Goods. EMBROIDERIES. In Jacsnet, Hamburg and Swiss WHITE GOODS. At the Lowest Prices LACE COLLARS, view style, SILK SCARFS, for Ladles, CORSETS, Inahlte sad colored, VALENCIENNES AND =MID, GENTS naINESHING GOODS, Jockey, Dickens, and Derby Collars» STREET. SI. 13711 as MUHLANBRINGI Lab; St. Clair) Street. '. U. masa .da Co.; ' TAILORS, ON SALE Et). AISLES EITIuE STOCK OF No. 27 Fifth Avenue, And will continue DAILY AUCTION SALES, SECOND ARRIVAL OF A. PULL LINE FRIN(VEB, IN ALL STYLlyli AN]) COLORS. Cluney and Maltese Laces. OF ALL mar.scairrioars. WHITS. STAR SHIRTS, COTTON HOSIERY A COMPLZTE ASSORT2d3NI'. IffeLnuna,CELVICIESz CO. 78 and 80 Market Street. mh2ll: WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES, OF New and Handsome Designs, NOW OPENING AT No. 107 Market Street (IPEAB ITIPTH AVZ)iIIE,) Embracing a large and carefully selected stook of the newest deals= from the FINEST START ED GOLD to the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trade. All of which we over at prices that will pay buyers to examine. • SOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. WALL 'PAPER. THE OLD PAPER STOKE IN A NEW PLACE, W. P. BLUISHALL'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Street, (NEAR ItARRRY.) SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. mh6 :):1 1 31: 1 40%;Ce1zi30 11 3Z.:4 1 i 1 40 , :it, H o IMES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. prrrrsim:r]a4an. Nang facturers of BE MEDIITX and LIGHT ANCHOR. AND MAGNOLIA SITIENTITIGS AND BATT7.7aI. DR. ' NYIECrITIER: CONTINVES TO TREAT ALL private diseases. Syphilis in all its . forms, manes, West, dtrleture, °matte. and ail urinary diseases and the effects of mercury are compietety eradicated; Spermatorrhea or Sena nal - Wellmess and Lapotency, resulting from self-abuse or other causes, andwhich produces scamof the following effects. as blotcnes, bodily weakness, indigestion, consumption, aversion to society, unmanliness, dread of future events, loss of roemorf• indolence, nocturnal emissions, and Molly so prostrating the sexual system as to render marriage, tinsatlidactory, and therefore imprudent, are permanently oared. Persons af dicied with these or any other delicat e intricate or long standing constitutional com plaintshould give taus ,Dector trial; he never to s. AvarticalarlittEstlos given to ail Fenlati eem plalhts.-Leileerthea or Whites, Paling, latiam. mation or ' Ulceration of the Womb, Uvulas, praridisi • • Amenorrhoea. 2,fenorrhagla, Dysmen norrhosa, and humility .or Barrenness, - are 'treat pd with the greatest success. , • • . . ' It is self-surident that a phystetim who confine. blmself exclusively to the study of fiberfill's class • of diseases and treats,thousands of cases every tear must acquire greater skill in at specialty han one in generalpraoticei The Doctor publishes a medical pamphlet of fifty pages that gives/OM expandtion of venu e s' a nd private diseases. at can be had free Moth:e ar by Mail for tworpai stiled , envetopes. Myer,' stowage um as instruction :to-the at- Ak i ta, and enabling OM to determiae th e pre., ciao nature of mar 0010Plabillik• " • - ' The establishment comprising ten ample , rooms, is central, _.When it is not convenient so, visit te city, the Doctor's opinion. can be ob.. mined Dvgiving a written statement . of the case. and mediclnes can be forwarded , by mall or,ex. press. In some. iutanees. however. a personal examination la absolutely necessary, while in others daily personal attention is rem. ired, and An the acoommodation of such Da_tients there are apartments connected with the Mee that are pro. Tided With every regulate that Is calculated US' promOte recovery, Including; medicated ilipor baths. AU prescriptions :are prepared la . the Doctor's own laboratory, under his personal , Medical pamphlets at - OMee 'free; or r;; W WI for .two stamps.: Ao matter who have rei4What he salt. Hears 9 A.m. toll t. Sanders ill mr. to 9P. 0904,90. 9 witc MIST % ( ICI Goan /I•l4l9,l•gittsbursb, • oAßPirrsArzz•onioLoTEs. A ' V CAI 20 0 PI:ECIES BODY BRITISOPELS. tr . . . . ... : .... - - ...• '4 .. •.2 • 425PEECES • • .--..-- • • •• • • ,:i.2.7 TAPESTRYBRUSSELS, _ 450 PIECES - 3-ply'and 2-ply Ingrain. J . ,: The above Includes all the Newest Styles and Designs, and are noW In Store and arriving, to be sold. LOW FOR CASH, AT OLIVER ELINTOCK CO'S, xx 23 Fifth Avenue. CARPETS. k , ' 1-:;• . .., . . • .', We are now receiving our Spring Stock of Carpets, b., and are pre pared to offer as good stock and ail as low prices as any. other houl in the Trade. We , have • all th new styles of Brussels Tapestry) Brussels, Three ,Flys and Two Plysl Best assortment of Ingrain Carped in the Market. BOVARD, ROSE & FIFTH AVENUE. NEW CARPETS. A_ ‘, SiT'4::)4: - .Mr. • A Q Zq • 3EL 3L. LE i 1:1 IN THIS MAREET We simply request a oomoarison of Priem, Styles and Extent of . stock. The largest assortment of low priced goods any establishment, East or West. McCALLUX BROS .4-0. 51 FIFTH dirEA. (LBOV WOOD.) SAVE TIME AN]) mor IT ND & COLLIE' HSTZ NOW OPEN TIMM - NEW SPRING STOI FINE CARPETS.. ROW, A-41MISTEI&_ TAPESTRY YELVF.T, ENGLISH BODY BIM The eboteest stvles ever offered in tkie Lx, Our prices ere the LOWEST. Splendid Line of Cheap Carpets, GOOD COTTON CHAIN CARP* At 25 Cents Per Yard. . EaMilli], &COMFIT; No. 71 and 73 PUTS AVM; mhB (*Second WINES. LIQUORS, 0 SCHMIDT & IMPORTERS OP WES BRANDIES WO wizoissum nzuss PURE RYE W 111,44 409 PENN STREET, Wlll . llemove Ist of Apr N08.1186.814ED 886 PENN, Car. Zleyenth St,, (formerly Ca JOSIFZEL & CO.) 3x9:195. 187,159 linolgit mad 1 ART, a?nuZ PITTSBUSWII acANDIPIAISTUZII COW 'Estilied-rare , Astuira 28nsuneir was' tad yr*. 460. rams. LlTHOGiwaims. malysacut attirtukeLluk_ciacuhsuq NI to team; Stratesucas s Co., I PROM4 I % MMIGILIP Weil mums, eas card% Beik l aiXl3lolaesla Shaw. Ca WM vaewi6 vertiseates of UM& sakiS so n Nos. TX ta4 Maimi MAargli. refig k..7„:l4-
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