iMMIL r DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, RAKM , ,& CO. IRON, NAILS, STEEL, . AXLES AND ISPRINCS, DINWEEINE, i(C AND JUNIATA, FLAT BAB. *ROUND AND SQUiLRE IRON. BAND, HOOP. SHEET AND TANK IRON, BOILER PL & s AND HEADS, GUARD IRON, DRAG and DROPPER BARS, FLANGAD GUT.VER BARS, Cs LINDER, IRON, T AND FLAT RAIL, for Goa! Roads. CROW ft RS.WEDGEtS BARRI )w TEETH, SPRINGPLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, L, WINGSST EEL, AND MOULDS out to pattern. sTEEL ,TiriES, STEEL eLIAFTING, A. B. STE COA E C L H. BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and , AELES. . • CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. All Goads First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND s• WORKS. Sixteenth Street and Allegheny River, and DI Water Street, P[ttaburgh. GODEFFBOY BRANOXER & CO • 42 Exchange Place, New York, Are prepared, u Sole Agents in tie United, Btatea Par the Prussian Mining end Iron Cul- - pony' of Otdabarg, Westphalia, to dontrnot or sell in quantittuto salt Purchasers, (delivered ln Other New York or Philadelphia,) the oatebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN Vied so extensively for the manufacturing of IlEssmicEn . STEEL. Thls Iron is true from Sulpnr and Phosphorus, and wars! . its a beim , per cen: age of Manganese. Pull particulars, samples, priced or chemical analysis - UM beironsptly forwarded on applies - • 3:410:e7a M=M, NIMIOK & 00. nommen. PL. moudistarers or ereri itelateitkai ot CAST- AM) VERILiN STEEL, 111 .Ic4WTTONIhrem Waoltaimij s SS Water sailOOltrat Btu I==ll 1111.1=4 BARR & Pt uux . r flptimur. 'Aransas: rain= I partiwk Dram Parrue-e. Y. HAS CRESCENT STEEL I WORKS, MLLES, BARB & PARKIN, Moe, No. 339 Liberty St, tel4l:del PTTSBURGH. PA. • BLACK DUBIOND STEEL WORKS, PARK, BROTHER & CO., Illiuo;footatrers of all deserillitons of 181T133333111... Office and Warehouse. TRTRTIRTH, THIRTF FIRST and RAILAOAD STREETS, PITTSBURGH. IRON WORKS. JAS. 'MUM, Preatt..... W;P:Porrai. Buy% P ITTSBURGH- FOUGE . • AND IRON CO., IILAKUTAOTI=IIIB OP , Bar Iron; Railroad Fib Rams and Bolts; - Railroad Car Axles. Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Rannnorodi Leeostetive Praises; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rod* ireiteito StroPti; Piston Heads; 'iteainlboat Elborts; ilteamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; 1- Pitman Jaws, Collars, :Aloe, No. 177 PENN STREET, PTITSBIIRGH. PA . - :ELLFASHIESEN:PROCESS. The Trustees are now nre_pared toirant nom sits for Alta use of the ZLkilittiLlA /MN rioPRO CUP. _The super quality Imparted to good Iron. Me Mat intwoiroment in inferior iron. and the reduced eost.commend it to alt manufacturers of iron. Tulles sPlartnig wishing to we It eau obtain lleenses b 7 JAMES P. SPEER. Attorney fur the Trustees. • molts &Tu :l. u end 2 , English's Building BOX t. B _ UntiesßßSUCita innetesieg ere invited to visit th e os aowin snooesstuiWoOßKSwhee th e •DteSt a i on. a is VIERSOriSP@EgTON 81. CO., , Pennsylvania Iron Works. warehouse, Nos ' 160, sw s. im n eer . OTRICS , r,o toot Its ononii nrett:ll •• • -•-• • 1 !Arr 011 '6511,011. - - ointray WORICS ' . prnsistraan •--NOY - ELTY, WORKS. Waitaideil arazz & CO. . - auxua4crrossie 0 F . leigiitliT,MileeliDalfAZEtaANK. a PAT ' ) 1.2r4T-Walid COUNT= 4 SCAILLEB.. Imo raced •• Patent Dant Locks and Littidien, Paint and Oaten Mills, ao. • OMER OP PAST AVEAVENUE &GMT SI& tai ls . • 0 4.8 4ND STMALFITTING. mar pr t worms jos. Wa....nzents MM. _TORN COOPERO4 CO., • =ABS rotrimpas, GAB AND STEAM FITTERS, itaitabii ' goers of PIMPS. mu AND /131B8,__ZAIIC,0 . or evewari tl f i : u Va oms ',Lax usifel , Vets of Film and Walnut ands - ' Prripilpltan .s Manufacturers of EEL WORKS. WEST COMMON liachine Stone Wafts, lirorthirest oonieir.otWest oar ~~LLpy~i •P'IIIIIIPIC ATVATRIR 1111 p jiffs ea Ausad cis mare moron maim If We lt & gout 11 • KNAP PORT PITT FOUNDRY COITANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. rlrEngines, Rolling Mill Ma. chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and lemaLloaan streets, artNis WARD,) prrTs33icasiark 1141. WILLIAM SMITH, Atanufactu.rer .of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE POE GAS AND WATER WORKS. My Meg are all cut invartablyln Pits, in dry sand. and IM feet lengths. Also, tall assortment of general for Gas and Water Works. I wpuld also call the attention of Superintend ante of Oar Works to my make of RETORTS. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON 'STREET, Ninth Ward, - PMTTSIIIIRGIEL THOMAS MIIULLEH,Sri * iddent. Them Works ,sre mead the largest and most complete eitsbashments la the Well, and are r w prepared to teralsh Xaghtedh of every dliarripues.' Boners. OU Tabs. "heel LI" Work. IRaUread esrUsirs. Nolllar sIU Ciattiss. Rastas Casttass. Machine CastLim Orieral aistinitik a00:IIIR ORDZEB 801.101TXD. ROBINSON, REA & CO., • Summon tOßOatuilOn, MINIS di WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En, Blast Engines, MLR Machinery, Reari, snaftinstings of all descriptions: Oil TaWts and St Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Mice. o. LS, corner First and Sinithlield Streets. Agents for orimiatva PATENT INJECTOR ibr seeding Boners. AIL= MBL.O.NC FOUNDRY. Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Mllts, ) Boiling =I and . Bridge eluding% THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, YLAORINERY AND CASTINGS GENINALLY. • Orders promptly and earetallY executed. Charges reasonable. EBBEBT k ilLiailLsll. oca:L111 THOMAS CARLIN & CO4 bar* Ward Foandry and Machine Warty !SANDUSKY BT., ALLTeiIMNY CITY, PA.. illanarsetnrerii of Steam Engines, On Presses, Pnileys, dhafting, G rist and Saw Mill Weft, Boillng Kill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, he. Build to order and have on band Engines of all sixes.. inVM:4IS CENTRAL FOUND BY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Foetus Street. BeiLtAill t BOYD & BAGA.LEY, chn sous, ism owls" Roll Lathes, die. COAL AND CORE. ANTIIRACITE 'COAL I BRADDOCKS FIELDS Gat;ll Coal CoMpany Dtitgat wAns km the sale of the Coal of ihe Pennsylra ataxnUto Anthracite Coal and Transports /rattles f want or nspneriorqualit y of Anthra. 0 Iye Coal train Eastern Hines. will do well to can on them.. l Genera 011ee • and Yard- 4 .00)1MM OP AN DERSON ST. and P. Pt. R. A C. E. E., Alle %Lhear. . winch ':fitlice ;lad . 14 24-IABEiTY, oppealte SIXTEENTH STREET, Pittsburgh. Postollice Address, Boa bB7 Plttabargt‘ • J. D. NIAHON, BuMinterideni ?Rapp . 4 Ohio ,Anitradte •Coal "AU Tranzportatiiii CO; No. 114 POURTH AT Pittsburgh, zAh2:_tra_ LTA cou.t: DICKSON, STEWART & ihrgreacrred their 0110 e to NO. 587 LIBERTy sTBEET (Lately City Aclu!N KulyuccoND nom Are now prellisreLWtisruls_h_good touiamo efusNY LUNIx. -NUT Mal* 021 1 , A0K. at the lowest oiorket price. All orders leit at thelr,ollloe, or addressed to them through the mall, will be attended to STONE. IMOMUI EMZEI •-•,* PITTSBUW:i.E . 13.44414M4 SATURDAY, APRIL 17; 1889. an l'i:1 ta HUGH N. BOISt CO., Con Point Alley and Duquesnefiltn (Mum Tus rotrr,) - Engine Builders, Feundera and Mdekinietek -• manufacture STEA MBOATIENGUEB and STA TIONARY ENGINES. of an sizes. Special attention Invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WL4 ENOtIjE T AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horselpo ASTMGB, of every kin made to order atour Foundry. on THIRD STREET below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHoixpilmt PULLEYS, HANGERS.HOUSE and T BACHOIiCREWS and MOITTOBAOOOERrIIm3, on hand end made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Elva, near the Point, • PITTSBURGH, PA. t_All Orders promptly filled. TUTU!. FORT A 2 3 7 /7 tiOILEII, STILL ABM TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER; TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUID TUBULAR, PISS-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS.. 011, STILLS AND OIL TAKES, CHIMNEYS, BREF.OHING AND ASH PANS. SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; BRIDGES STEAM. PIPES, GABOMETERS AND IRON ; • PRISON DOORS AND COAL 41:1 u Odic*, and Warehouse. downer Second, 'Mtn!, Short and Liberty Streets, M. Orders seat to the above address will be promptly attended to, mh7:IIS WIL BARNHILL A. BOILER MAKERS AND. SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOB. 20, AL 24. AHD 26 PENN T. Having secured s large yard and tarnished It .whit Use meat approve 4 Maehllerf WOare_pre laspld to manufacture every description of BOIL, micein the best manner, and warn:men equal to any made to the ocaresay. Ohlaineys, Breeching, Piro Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive. _Boners, Condimilalt•Pans, Tanks, Oil WHS. Agita tors,. -Bans, Baler Lvom- najrar Piny and so 6 IILURIDAKIIII3II of lIMMILVII Pat ent Boners. Bapaning done on ihortefit notice. lalimE pm* az.suml, Noth 55 aid 56 Water airdeS, IRON OIL TANKS, UTTLING PA27B. corraa ErrAm rirsh BOLLING KELL STAJOIM. ILIAD X. . . .... D. MOM JADED M. BRUSH & SON, 'vsotoazae or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET MON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, PMOtt,tf4ge, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. Manultictarers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves TO BE POUND IN THE STATE: Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Earning Oriental - Stoves and Pumices for Hard Coal or Coke. Best In the World for Parlor,olSee. Store or Church. !Ire needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do notb 2y until you see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Otir Agents for Orientals—DE uidLER Bj OS.. &addled St.; GEO. ROBLEY, Allegheny City. PITTf3BURf/H n • n HUGUS . 8c CO., ILLNUIPACIIITAIMS OP 1191.17 TARIM 07 181.111C31153 , BOSTON COOKING RANGE, • "TILE FIERY I f ITRNACE," Fos WAlnuma BoTharsaff. THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, ••ILEGULATOIL" PLUMBCIA CoOK STOVE AfrIAAAPNW Va wl l d r e p t i S I M C ORATES,tee fro z dtrt and dust;IIR IN 206 and 20S :Liberty Street, 5e25:07 •' PITTSBURGH, PA: COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSEIOLI at COM TRITT2t4P}I, arruircio as COAL. Warranted te Ceek, Bake or Roast as Nell assay ether Steve le the Wens BIBS:ELLA 00., No. 9015...Liiiertir sti.eet. 'rafracs*MMhist. DTiM AND' Sool.Thd;fft, 11 . J. LANCE, • DYER AND SCOURER. No. 3 OM, CILIUM' errilminm , And Nos. ` lBb and 187 TAN Street, • PICPTKRTTREW. PA. RASA Si MOSER, AXiCillETEXTTfflio , „ raurratotriz Awsoorwrioit Nokia* **Bt. Clair streets` tutokolnik attett*Ni Om to auk ludipase banan a of 001M1T BI 811111 sod 1 11 1 .1P91". " AUOI7PACTUIZIIS OP PITTSBURGH. Pa. 114,, ).p•b And SHICST IRON WOBZ, For gteambottil ARCHITECTS. FORT PITT BANKING GOIPANY. No. 169 WoOd Street. CAPITAL, : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DEALL/li3 nr GOVERMENT BEOURITIEt3 AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TI➢I) DEPOSIT Collections made on all iac¢ualNe points In the United States and oanadas. - . DIRECTORS: D. Hostetter, Jno. 0, Risher, James Oordos, Rot.t. H. King, D. Wallnoe, Andrew Miller, E. Fawcett, James M. Bailey. . SAIPL. NeCLIIKAR, Preset. D. LEET NATIONAL BANK OF COIIIIIICK Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. A. ........President JOS. H. RILL CAPITAL, $500,000, DIRZOT01113: A. Patterson, Geo_we_W'. Casa, Wza. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Wat t ! D v o a u m gli r a, Dan. 11. Davidson, Wm. Ikea. W. o..l:raven. DISCOIJETS DAIL aw:on HART, CAIIGHEIi dr. CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Feed Streets, Noim - rosurici.u. usoccuresons TO HANNA'Harr a 00.. Duman IN S Exchange, Coin,;' ‘ 'Cenpons, Axe particu/az aiteuticet paid to tke purchase sad sale of COVERNNIENT BONDS. want Drafts on London. . N. maims & Faqirs, EOM 57 Market Street, ti 1. Collections loads.' a/I tho prlaelbal potato of . the Untied Mateo Pad Caoados. tilb*ki l / 2 1‘dsnd other limwities NOUGHT *ND BOLD ON goIaBBION. suetioulaz attention paid to tbo POrOUSO and Of -United ptatee Seouritiep. JAY COOKE ; & CO., 13 - Euals..orist, • 114 SOUTH THIRD STR i a . PIII4ADELPBCIA. • STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. ' . t Sperdal attention given to the Purchase and sale of Government Securities. =hap WiIIMMIGIt AND HINGE Commission Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and its - Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHILADELPHIA ADDlizei. Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET. Arlo ECLIPSE PETROLEUM • REFINERY . . HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE I MANITPAITURtir OP Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils: Zellpsel Misfiromil 'Azle 011. Stuatie reat heat without changet remelts limpid a tlowest temperatures. Special 011 for tropical climates or hot weather. LorinMotfte, Eiairtue, Machine Shop, I cut Screws. - • Saw Mal and Plootnig sill One. Adapted thr high 'peed. - Sp 111(aolikelteaO•LIgitIOU. Toonera'Atiaff• Memo Ing FlalablogOU. *Bolin., • Harnela OU • • • Parraeloo. AMMON VARNDO:I to preserve Bright Iron_ Wart and Machinery &on dust: These pro.luets 'are manufactured, under Dr. Tweddlearratent by litiparheated Strain In Pee cao. The Gubrieatinx-ma are .almoet_odoileas. perfectly, pure, uniform, and ' Light col ored. stand whigh e ymperattire n : and remain ilmindirtirin extreme cold: "The One are 'unequal! , and are la ciniatant use ' many ,Of the principal. Hailroilds • Samples can be examined , and orders' lan at 174•W00D ISTREZT. Works t Skiarpaburg Bridge. Tuck imoTHE RB , 'COMMISSION MEBOHANTS , AND MAL= IN Petroleum and Its Praline* 6 1 gt b o u f r iltqMriVai l li . "' Philadelphia Oflioe-1117 WALNUT WP, DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONC & CO., OfiImDALZELL BUILDING; puquelne Way. Pittsburgh. Pa. J. M. MATS BRATT, AiitifiITIECTORAL AND TA LI CARVERS, 4 11 ! 1111 ,9EYliii Liiiii i mkgs ; :ty y k e ltv.evu, 4l , et. IMMO • - . , , I . . . . „........,.....:. --,..„..,,.„....,,,,,;:.,,,i;:,;,•:_.;13,.,:-:.:i5..-;.;.,-.,:,7",'.:,--7-ff:‘,..N.--.1Z11.i1i.;,'311-It:2-F;I: I tZ'A.l4•Mtr-V.-WZ5l#4-Zil, ~ ,-,t;f51)..-A,MY-V.2..:A4,....1 if04EP.,7 4.4“ .),,,1 A 1'P11T1...'tZ,11,,,-„3,--,',..i,k - -.:'.....4'.0 "",...-"^'-• 1 ~,,,'' . . i t'' ~5,,,,,:k.,TrEt.., ~,.,.,..„.,:,',V:::.',C,'Xitl,47•-ti7t.:-/7).43,L.:a...•,,,,,470 ..,..,ret-N-k.,,,:it 1„,4,t.w.,•.,,,,,,tt.,::,,„,v,,,,,,,A,1„,4•k1,,-f4..2(.;.z....t.5-it,,,k t,',;..4..?..*.t,i` t :tk.•:•'37%.t.',,1,14,re1tr tt.4.0,...ig',',5.44,,Kt,.. .4, .....-7,r4-.,...—.....40-4...40,1*....Y.4...i,..-g,,),,,,,,46x.,&,,...-,twg?...,,,i-qapeo.,,-.,-,.....,...,,x...:AA.--1N.44.wv-i"-i --...,,,..,,...,..1,1,,,,,,,,,g.,.....,,,,,,,,,.....,...,,,,,,,e„....,,,".,....*4., ..„...,....., ~.,.. - --- . , ...',.;-*Rl,"*.'-iiA=4.'” _. r.4.-4-` 41:eg.-,--kViitlVg.i.',,,,29-4-•%,-1141.e- • '''''-tI:I I ,r,;•441,1:47,?,1W-g-1,-.1.*". 1 .. - k- -.11.1' -. ot • ~. I . , . . _ . . - 1.. ON. Cashier. Ir,_AT U A.M. iil immix. PA. OILS. CENTRAL AND • UNION ' PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest investment now I n the market for aale by PH. _.IIIIIaFt7L7Z, Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD BTEE.ICTS. • Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and Europe's Esobange at market rates. • . deal Jas T, BRADY , (Sneeesiors 013. JONES d 00..) Corner Fourth And Wood Sits., ..4,N3ELM JR. ZS, BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON 1(087 FAVORABLE TERNS. t Interest Allowed on Deposits. • NEP Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed ter the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and . SOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. 051jt littAurgt Gkrttf. FINANCE AND TRADE. Oren= OF Prersetrimu GAZETTE, FRIDAY, April 16, 1869. Gold which was sold down hest even lie' to 132% opened stronger , tO-dayat 132%; advineed to 133, decline to 182% and closed' at 133,ti, 'with some excite, ment. The decline yesterday win due to the official announcement of the pay ment of Coupons due July next, with a rebate of sit per cenZgold interest; and since the bulk of the - bonds citt which the interes t , is due In July is held•here, • • It was thought 'that under the present tight .810IIV, ;Market holders': of bonds would be induced to avail themselves of Secretary Boutwell'a offer and thtui make plenty in the market, Mid cheap, without,',disturbing the currency. The rise is based more on rumors of a hostile attitude toward Spain, ,concerning the seizure of American vessels near the •Cuban coast. This may have only been used as a means to advance geld hy spec ulators, who are anxious to dis -e their gold- on the best terms they can make. Should there be any truth about the . matter, it is more likely that the Spsudish Government will give a satisfac tory explanation and the market will drop as quick as it rose. In Government bonds there is a steady advance in the new bonds, and 1867's ad vanced to 115, 10.40's to 106, and still the tendency is upward, although bonds have not advanced in Europe. The new bonds have now reached the same price as JJA_lB64'e, *ltltest-due - May next, and a sharp reaction may be looked fur at any momeat. The present prides ar sustained from the large short interest still outstanding, and - money being easier, it is too expensive to borrow boudr, and therefore it is preferable to buy back even at a loss. The stock market ie firm but: un changed; some of the western roads have slightly advanced, but. the market is considered entirely too high to calculate on any profit -at present prices, even for a lopg Investment. - - - Money is easier and business. dull. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 133%; Silver, 126; Eighty. one's, 117%;. Five Twenties, 1802, 120%; do 1864, 11;i; do 1865, 118; do 1865, Consols, 114 7 ; d 0.1867,. 1867, 115; do 1868, C43llTen ortles, 106; 'New York 111, 64%; Erie, ---; Reading, _ 94; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 132; Ohio, & MisissiPPis 33%; Michigan Southern; 99%; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 9114; Chicago & Rock. Island, 136%; Chicago dc North Western, 83%; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 95%; Adams Express Com pany, 59%; Merchants Union Express, i 5%; "Paci fic Mall, 94; Western Union Telegraph Company, 41%; Gregory, 3,25; Quartz Hill, 1,60; Corydon, Smith & Parmlee, 2,75; W. Am. Expres; 40. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Glarette.l Nsw Ycaur, April 16, 1869. Money is in good sup ply and easy at 7 per cent. currency. Receipts from the interior are increasing,,and the indica tions are that we shall Soon have.interest below 7'per cent. `Discounts itett@lo per cent. Sterling at 7%®8 for prime sixty days, and 8%@8% for sight Allis. -.(Gold higher; opened at 132%, adianced to 133% and closed at 133%. Rates paid for Carrying were 3 to 1 per cent., and for borrowing flat to 1.64 and 6 per cent. Clearanoes,/51,000,000. , • .. Governments firmer. There were no London.quotations, owing to a break in the Irish lines, but foreign houses and buyers of all kinds of slappinglxonda are looking for a better *demand' and higher prices; 'Bls and 'Ole were neglected; July tiro and-'67a reached .117%, , the highest prine yet for them; .'643 sold, at-116, and tf.P44B. . at, 1.06; , the. inarket :eland: -arm; t tAQUIXIIIIIIof ).81 4 - 1.17 3 44)117%;, ,do. • :'62 0; ja / 20 124. U; Alio 4.15%414.6r. der.el6si I 113%; do. new, 114%®115; do. '67,' 115 115%; do., 435, /14%16115%; 1 10.405,, 5 - Pacific 654%@4%. State Bonds higher and, firm. Mlssouris 86%; Old Temiesee 6l; new 6634(4661i; North . Carl alines 54%9M3‘; Virginias' 0®6%. , The stock market was active during the,, , morning, and -priaes ,steadilk 'advanced till after the regular board, when there was a break in New York Central and Rhode Island, which affected the entire list. In the evening the market 'recov 'ered the decline and closed strong with an upward turn. The most prominent features were . New York Central, North western, Michigan Southern, and Pacific Mail. rive-tAirty /lices—Cumberland, 2.5@ 35; Welts Express, 315;@313,; Ameri can, 40®40}/; Adams, 59t at 59%; Mer. chants Union, 15%®16; um.•• ad states, re ®614(; Quicksilver,2l3o44; Canton,;(l2® 8/3 ; , pacific ,Ntalf, • - 94@soi Weatiern, Union, Telegraph ' , 4 4(3041,41 New 'Yer k Oentra4los®l4sYit pd§0ni3473‘®147)4; MariPPaii;44W atfer,redV39,4; Ihinglekni 14144 g• pre. filoredvs2@sth UM* and Altatirancladt4 Eget* tap liirinfid-lbitirib, Ramat-Tem H a w% 38®40; do. preferredi• 67,0% 68; Wabash, 7134 @TIN; do. preferred, 7934 , @BO; St. Paul, 79%®79x: do. preferred, 86341g , 864; Fort Wayne, 1 82®182y„; Ohio & Mississippi, 3335©33%; Michisran trai t 120@i2134: Michigan Southern, 993 ®9934; Pittsburgh, 913®91%; Lake t Shore, 99©99X; Rotk Island, 1373514 187 r,; Nbrthwestern, 81@844; do. pre ferred, 96®96X: C. C. dt I. C. 403; C. C. C. dt 1., 71; 'Dubuque and Slout City, 116. • Alining shares lower. Quartz Hill, 155. Smith , de Parmelee, 299. Copper stocks at Boston: Copper Falls, 8; Franklin, 1731; Hancock, 4; Quincy, 22. Receipts of the Sub-Treasury were 7 34 ,803; payments, 032,110; balance, f 8:)- 2.223. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, April 16, 1869. The oil market was exceedingly quiet to-day, while, compared with yesterday, prices have undergone no quotable change. The trade was considerably excited over the report of an oil inspec tion bill having passed the Legislature, and while bat little was known in re gard to provisions or details, it was gen- _ 4 erally denounced, and those who were instrumental in having it passed, were called almost everything but honest men. Our dispatches of to-night, will doubtless throw some light upon the matter. CRUDE--Compared with yesterday, is unchanged. Sales 1,400 and 758 Ws on spot at 15, and we are cognizant of an offer to buy 5,000 bbls sellers option un til July, (40 to 46) at 15y,,. May and I Jude may be quoted at 1534©16. REFINED —The ,Refined market, al though quiet, is steady, with some in quiry both for present and future deliv ery. and but very few sellers. Compared with yesterday, prices are unchanged. r Sale of 500 last half April, at 32—last evening -560 each May to December. at 36- Quotations—April to June, 33; May and June, 34; April to September, 35; May to September, 3534; and June to December, 86@363i. _ Buyer all, theyear nominal at 38y. LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating Oil 400 Eclipse Railroad Axle 850 Eclipse Machinery • 750 Eclipse Spindle.., Boo aIupPED-ifeirr , Fawcett, L. dr, S. 251 bbls - refined to W. Logan Bro., Philadelphia. McKiilvy Bro. 248 bbls refined to W. P Logan . d< Bro., Philadelphia. J. C.Kirkpatrick tt 'Co., 241 bblareAned Waring, King at Cb.i Philddelphin. Total shipments . Refined .1. 740 Ort. elirtltrzto • EakiiT irncar, tzugmienz DEPOT. ' Duncan & Williams, 158 bl3bureThiect W. P.:Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. H. M. Long & C 0..; 115 Ibis refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Montaheimer, K d Co., 222 bbla refined r , to W. P. Logan & Bro. , • Total Shipments Refined. .... . . 496 PITTSBURGH IRON .DIAIIKET. OPTION OF Prrrenuncur thussiTS, FRIDAY, April 16, 1869.- The metal , market has 'again' been rither qniet during the past week, and -devoid anythingnew or really )im portant. Eastern irons are reported a trifle eisfek, - tinder the' influence of a slight decline - In the East, though it makes but little difference, as all irons made in the East are relatively higher than here. Even if there was no differ ence in this respect, the fact that freights are less from . the 'furnaces to Philadel phia than to Pittsburgh, tends very much to throw the great proportion-of this iron in that direction. and prevents it from corning to this market. 'This should not be; but it appears that there is-no, way of 'getting over it. • The.arri vale of Western irons continue moder ate, and with a demand apparently up to the production, the market for tins class of )Ironajs active and firm and pri ce] are fully sustained* It is a little re markable that this should be theme, in the face of a largely increased number of ftirnaces, but it is nevertheless a - tact. The production in the Mahoning and She mango regions is larger now than evei be fore, but it appears to be all wanted, and the furnaces generally are reported att - having as many orders as thetr can till. There is a continued good demand for desirable grades of foundry irons, and the stock of this kind is reported unusu ally light in this market. In regard to bar iron and nails, there is but little that is 'new- to be said in a:gen eral way. The demand. is 'reported as increasing slowly but steadily and the. indications for ,the future, , look better than they did onthe first of the month. Orders continue to flow in pretty freely, , and stocks are very-much reduced. It is true, prices are very low, and the mar- _ gin, for the manufacturer light. ANTHRACITE. 20 tons No. 3 Ex N F0rge...610.00 4 mos 10 " No. 2 Foundry....... 42 00 4 mos 10 " No. 1 " 44.004 mos 10 " ' No. / " 44.00.4 mos 10 " No. 1 ...... 43 00 cash 50 " No. '1 " .• 43.00 4 mos 50 " No: 2, s‘ 42.00 4 mos 50 " .. Mill Iron P. T. 10 S ‘ No; . 2 Foundry_ 42.00 4 mos BITUMINOUS GOAL SMELTED FROM . LAKE ' • • SUPERIOR OWL . , ..'Mahoney Close P. T. " -Grey -Forge 38.50 4 mos , " Medium Grey 88.00 6 moa di Extra Open Grey-. 89.00 5 moa " Medium Grey 37.50 4 mos - it. ' Grey FOrge • P. T. 25 ." ';)H Extra Forge.,, 51.150i-Ims 15 " ' 66 " " 51.09 4 &es Red Bank.-- )88.00 a nioe - 100 it Oold 81t0rt.... .. .. .... 47;00 thoa imam& • , 4 10 6 $ No. M -1 Juniata.., OO dun 500 50 100 50 100 500 Dry' CesdaMarket. • ; ; T r ozr,' April' Ifi...4iinbeis Pipes ',Current of:dry goods market" generallf steady, withluquiry for - staple atyles 'o textile fabrics sultedio the season. All the popular brands of Heavy 'Brown Sheetiriga are selling at 15)i@ikbrit one or twca brands are marked down to 15 by a leading .jobbing merchant. - Prints are fairly active at 12434.2%, for Standard Makes. belaiheilbf choice styles are in ateadyand fair request at 20 for white, poor and bad styles at - 17@15% for Sprague& The New York Milk Bleached Mualins are scarce and firm at 2734 for ,one hundred 25c; Wanasutta 2234, Mystic 18, and Hope 14. Woolen Goods are moving more freely but at lower rates. - Live Stout Markets, Cuiceao, 113.—Cattts Market.— Hogs- moderately active; Mc 'lower for upper gradas, but "dull and weak:for ootu mon lots; 1 9 ,25@9,40 for -fair to medium; 1 9 .500/0.00 for good to choice.' beef Cat tle opiet;:is,7s stockers; $8,50@3.6034 To? light fleshy steers; and 1 fr,oo@yr,so for 0 4. 4 " 43 4 ,14 0 . !Uaki."trisiAtoill 21.4-1743;tie Mar*— ‘ 21ttle witllolollo7lo3ll:debituid DXgRo amiss. • U