1 PITTSBURGH MARKETS Oppiim of Pmsstriters GAZETTE,, • FRIDAY, April 16, /80. ; The weather continues clear and pleas ant and all- that could be desired for !out-door operations, and business, al though by no means active, is improv ing. The country reads are also in a better condition, and this of course, inings a good many buyers , into. the pity and it is altogether probable that trade will Improve considerably,. and that, 'oo, ;Mu soon. We can report a 'fair local +mead for most of the leadin ar ticles,4ocl a fair volume of bush/ego in the aggregate, while values generally are without'important change. APPLES-;Very scarce, particularlYgn sound conditioo; we continue to quote at $506,50 per bbl. APPLE BVTT.EII--90G1F1 per gallon. BUTTER -1s less active and with a supply fully, up to the demand, prices are barely maintainen. We continue to quote at 45G4b for prime to choice Roll. BEANS-43,25G3,50 per bushel. CREESE-=_arket almost bare; small sales New York 'Goshen at 24G25. CARBON OIL , ;-Is still quoted at 29© SOin a jobbing ivay for standard brands. CORNMEAL-01.75@U° per cwt. DRIED FR UlT — Peachesquiet and un changed at 14 for quarters, a 1819 for halves. Apples scarce and in n d em and at 12G14, as to quality. EGlGs—llave still further declined, and we now quote at 17G18. FEATHEIts—A slow° firmer, and we now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trade, and the usual advance to a retail way. • ii II BM tl .o „ ii t: ME IBM FLOUR—We can now report a con tined fair demand for Flour, and a fair volume of business in the ' aggregate, but . prices are unchanged. We con tinue to quote Spring Wheat brands at $6,80@)7, and 'Winter Wheat at t67,50®8. Rye Flour 17,26. Mill prices un changed. QRAIN--Wheat is dull and prime Red ,is unchanged at i11e15®1,50. Oats un changed at 65®66 on track and wharf, and tP6gt7o in store. Ear corn is in steady demand for feeding,- with sales on on wharf at 78M80. Shelled corn is un changed at 73@e76. Rye is in rather bet ter demand, and we now quote a41,48@ 1,45. ; Barley season 18 about over; sheltie Spring would bring 52. HAY—Prime lane pressed is selling on wharf at f 274528, and tight pressed at • • ' IIO3I :ENY-45,75€43 per bbl. tunte.742l.s4gZto per ton. • 'EABB 91L---sales No. at $1,55031,58t. '24I4.PLE'MOLASSESftIes in gallon jumEat t 'BROVIS/ONS-tßaoon la in steady de mand at 14@1.13( for Shoulders; MX for Ribbed, and 173 @ IS for Clear Sides; and 19 3 f lbr . Sugar Cured /18/811. Steamed Lard • 19,-.and ket4le rendered,l9Xo2o. • Dried Beef 21: ' 'Maas Pork : MOO. ' POTA.TOESI--In steady demand. and Ire* can re 'qregnisr sales'at 75®80. • oted sty fa k ir SEEDS-.Thereis a fair demand for Cover, with sales at $10@10,50, and Timothy at $3.50@j3,75. Flaxneed quoted at 12,45i52,50. SALT —May be quoted at $1,80@1,85 by the car load, and #1,95@2 for small lotifin store. WHISKY—DoII and unchanged. Markets by Telegraph. Naw Yong, April 1 8.—Coiton without change; sales 1,800 bales at 283,c for mid dling uplands. Molar; receipts 9,522 bbis, dull and s®loc lower; sales 4,400 bbls at at 15,30®6,25 for superfine State and western; $5,90®6,30 for extra State, $6,85 ®B,OO for white wheat extra, $6®7,15 for round hoop Ohio, 47@p3,50 for extra St. Louis, and 89®12 for good to choice do, closing heavy. Rye Flour dull; sales 301; bbls at ;5®6,80. Corn Mdal quiet. Whis ky nominal. Wheat; receipts 4,750 bush; dull and declining; sales 24,500 bush at $1,40 for No. 2 spring in store, and ;1,42 for Nos. 1 and 2 do mixed in store; also sales 1,690 bush white Cali fornia. Rye quiet; sales 1,200 bush wes tern at $1,35. Barley dull. Barley Malt quiet. Corn—receipts 11,231 bu. heavy and to lower; sales 49,000 tax at 8434®86c for new mixed western, closing at 850 for prime :parcels; 87c for prime southern yellow; &334®:•134c for old mixed western in store and delivered; 870 for prime old white western. Oats—reeelpts 211,711 bu arid dull; sales 31,000 bu at 76c for west ern in store; 7734®78c for do afloat. Rice dull, Coffee firm. Sugar—Cuba 11X® 1.2Xc.; sales 600 bra Havana at 124 ®l2Xc. Molasses dull.. Hops quiet at B®lsc for American. Petroleum firmer at 17340 for crude; 32X0 for refined in bond. Linseed oil dull at 11,02®1,03. Spirits turpentine quiet at' 4934 ®5054c. Pork lower sales 4/50 bbis at $30,87®31 for new mess, clos ing at $30,87 cash; $ 3 0,75030,87 for old do; 528,50 29 for prime moss. Beef dull; 125 bbls at $l6 for new plain mess, and 17 .018 for new mess. Tierce Beef dull at ;50 for prime mess, and $25®30 for In dia mess. Beef Halos steady; 225 bbls at $26®32. Cut meats quiet; 180 pkgs at 12g®130 for shoulders, 60 by; l6l§7c for' hams. Middles quiet; inc ludingl short clear on private terms, add long cut hams at 17350. Lard lower; 655 tes at 17,1®18%c for steam, and 18Xci for kettle rendered; also 250 Pas steam seller May terms. Butter at 30®380 for Ohio; and 450 for State. Cheese is firm at le® Z.34e. Liverpool freights firmer; en 41agements for steamer 15,000 bush corn at 2M®2,ld. LATEST—FIour closed dull and s®loc lower. Wheat nominal, lower and in Bruited Milling demand; shippers are •out of the Market. Rye quiet and steady' ait ;1,35 for Western., Oats dull at 76® fOr iwestein in store., Corn dull Mid lower' at' 811343f,,ti0 for mix e sge - western, and 3-i®B6O - for old rist "-ern in store and afloat. Pork dull and nominal at $30,754®3Q,8734 for new mesa dash and regtflar. 130ef quiet and.un dhanged.eut' Meats and' Bacon n o m.. finally Un c h anged.. Lard dull at 18%@ 183ici for fair to. priMe steam. , Rggs444l 10®21.3. I ' , "erst • April" 16 .'-Flour Ap . - wheat firtiter and 'higher,' 'with gbod, .demandv sales of , family, flaw at frk,7s, for , No. ,I,.red winter; wheat at 408. corn hi good'deniandarid higher, owing to the light supply;' Sales at 67c• 'closed as 1380.• Oats. firmer - at 67@70c. ' 'Rye firm at i1e4hg1,42. Barley in . good de-, maftd.at 81,76 for. State, and ;1,40®1,50. tor Canada Cotton --sales of middling at . 270. Tebabco—sales of 110. hhds at. 44,95. Whiskey in limited demand at 950. Timdthy seed scarce and advanced to ;3,75. Clover , seed firm at 15V, ®15340 per and. Butter dull at 115@0 0 ,. Eggs declined to 16®17c,: and the supply increasing. Provisions are, ;generally firmer: mess pork is offered but , spar ingly;at f3l, though not saleable at bet. ter figures . than' $30,50; bulk meats are held at 12j12N0, market is firm and with no sales: bacon firmer; shoulders, Igg:c; clear rib aides, /63.ic and , clear at 15c, at , the cloie , rib aides, were held at 16K0; sugar cured-hams, 18@l9c; In the large Way tfie,y, bring ,18 ©lB3O packed. Lardhifirtit bat, quiet at 1,90 for Atty. Linseedioll le,quiet at ,St.os@t i os, d wjth a light deman d , Lard Oil ja .ste: y as at' !IL;lrtioolt.u:=,` but . prices int not lower , New Orl - 3130. Oof- 1 rf7.e-itk.„; , ifi~~ ~.>c fee is firm; sales7Bo bags common at ®2le; fair to prime at 22®250. Molasses firmer at 80®85c for New Orleans. Gold 13234 buying. ST, LoIIIN April 16.-Tobacco unchan- ged but active. Cotton quiet at 27c for middlings. Hemp-choice in good wand at at $1,50®1,65 for undressed; Mt ®2,45 for dressed. Flour quiet and un changed; spring superfine sold at $4,37; spring and fall extra $5®6,25; doable ex tra $6®6,50: treble extra $7,50®8. Wheat firm and unchanged; prime soft lowa and Minnesota and Waimea Nebraska spring sold at $1,09; prime to low choice; red fall $2,45®2,65; strictly choice do. $1,80;- fair to prime white $ 1 ,45®1,55. Corn firm and unchanged at 56®60c in bulk; 61® 66c iu sacks. Oats quiet and tpichanged at 56®600 in bulk; 61®66c in slicks. Rye firm and better at $1,24®1,25. Whisky ch an 734 88e for small lots. Groceries un ged. Provisions firm and advanc ing. Pork higher at $3 0 ,50®31,50, and at the close It was held firm at $3450. Bulk meats--loose clear, sides sold at 1534 c; loose country shoulders lk; hams 12c; aides 1434 c. Bacon higher; shoulders 14 4 41 clear ribs 1 6/® l6%c; .clear sides 16X'®17c• ' choice sugar cured hams 20® 20346. Lard firm at 17 34@186, without buyers; keg 19c. Holm dull at ss®lo. Receipts--flaur 2,100 blais; wheat 7,00 u bu; corn 2,600 bu; oats 5,000 bu; barley 500 bn; rye 200 bu; hogs 400. CHICAGO, April 16. E astern exchange. par; buying 1-10 pre Wm. Selling flour at 6®6,40. For sprin extra wheat dull, at .134(ra2c lower; saleS of No. 1 at $1,14® 1,15, No. 2 at $1,04®1,06 closing at $1,04 ; sales since change, at $1,04. Corn, quiet at 1X,®134 lower ; sales new at 48®50M, no grade 47®48, closing quiet at 485 i for new, nothing doing in prime. Oats in fair speculative inquiry at 340 lower, Rye dull, inactive, 2c lower closing $1,15 fresh receipts. No. 1 Blrley dull 5o lower, nominal at • $1,68®170. for No. 2. gighwines, quiet firm sales 88e. New .Orleans Molasses $ 1 ,00®1,05. Sugar 14 ®1534c for corn %non to choice. Mess Pork, quiet and steady, $30,00. Lard steady, 17Xc cash, and 18c buyer in April. Shoul ders easier; sales at 11®11y0 for sweet pickled. Hams quiet and steady, 15340. Receipts for the past twenty-four hours -7,252 bbla Hoar, 1,564 bush wheat, 111,845 bush corn, 7,672 bush corn, 565 bush rye,3so bush barley, 5,926 hogs. Shipments -8,450 bbls flour. 15,551 bush wheat, 139,240 bush corn, 17,255 bush 6 oats; 1,070 bush rye, 2,112 bush barley. ,472 hogs. ToLsixi April 1 6.-Flour ,dull .r and nothing doing. Wheat , active and I®2c hatter. at $1,45 for amber; $1,4534 fbr istite.Michigan• ;445 for No red. and $1,35 for No. 2 red, closing quiet awl 34o lneer. Corm,No. 1. quiet said unchang ed at 670.,N0. 2 a ahade.better be no' grade quiet 620. Oats a skade better "at 62X0 for Mich igan.. Rya dull at $1,28 , 01,210. Barley-nen:final. Beceipta-flotir 2,206 Ws; wheat 700; corn 11,000; , 600 bush. ShiptitteritS--flour • 2,200 bbla; wheat 3,200; corn 22,700 bush. • Lounsvir.r..z, April W.-Tobacco-gales of 112 hhds Inge and 500 hhcia Christian county leaf at 180. Mess pork, $31.50- Lard, 18340. Bacon -sales of shoulders at 13Xc, clear rib sides at 17c, and clear aides at 17y,(c. Balk meats at 130 for shouldera, Irks for clear rib aides, and 16 ;o for clear sides. Flour, $5,50®6,00. Wheat, 11,40®1,55. Corn, 65®67c. Oats, 65@66c. Hay-, $20,00®21,50. Sugar firm and unchanged. Whiskey fi rm at 91e. Cotton firm and unchanged at 27®23c. Borrrz, d ull ;r retail trade only. Wheat sales of 500 bushels No. 2 Chicago spring at 11,30, and 1500 Canada; 1800 all in store. Corn scarcer; sales of /5 car lots new to arrive at 77® 76. Oats dull; sales of 300 bushels at 67 in store. Rye nominal. Barley quiet; sales of 2000 bushels Canada at Bagged and delivered seeds firm. Tim othy seed 14,50; Clover seed $9,25®9,50. Pork, Lard and Highwines unchanged. " CLEVELAND pr 16, No. 1 red Winter is h eld at $1,45; N.-Wheato. 2 do is held atsl,32. Corn, sales of 9 cars shelled, at 71c ; 1 car ear. at 67c. Oats sales of 4 cars, at 65c. Rye, sales of 28 bags, at $1,30. Petroleum, market dull inactive, the nominal asking price is 30®31c for standard white refined; but there are /20 buyers in the market; small -Ibis to the retail trade were made at 32 ®33c. MILWAUKEE, April 16.-Flour dull and prices tending downward; choice Wis consin and Ifpwo, $5,25®5,87. Wheat weak and lower; $l,ll for No. 2 in store; $1,0534 for No. 2. Oats quiet and 'un changed. Corn dull and nominal. Rye quiet, $1,18®1,14 for No. 1. Barley firmer, $1,70®1,75 for No. 2: Receipts -2,000 bble flour, 14,000 bush wheat. Ship ments-20,000 bush wheat, 2,000 bbl flour - ' PHILADELPHIA, April 16.-Flour dull, steady and unchanged, except Pennsyl vania and Ohio extra lamily,' which is held at s7®9: Wheat steady; red $1,60 ®1,70; amber $1,75®1,85. Rye unchang ed. Corn unchanged; yellow 85®906. Oats steady at 74®75c. Petroleum nom inal; crude 22c; refined 32c. Provisions unchanged. Whisky dull and un changed. Ber...rnaoltz, April 16.—Flour dull and weak. Wheat dull and drooping; good to prime red 12,00®2,10. Corn is dull, clo.ing heavy at r2©B7c. Oats dull at 75c for heavy. Nye nominal. Mess Pork quiet at $32. Bacon firm; rib sides 163,c, clear sides 173r°. shoulders 14xc, hams 20@21c. Lard firm at 193ic, Whisky firm at 92d. M.Eitgunsq ; April 16.—Cotton quiet at 273.1 c; receipts weekls; exports 1,549; receipla for the 2,450; exports for the week 4,44. Flour dull at 15,50©6,00. Corn 750. Oats 70c. Hay 120.. Pork 132. . Lard 18@)193ic. Bacon quiet; shoulders 14e; sides 1734 c.. Bulk meats quiet; Shoulders 1234 c; sides 164 c. April 10 .—Wheat; No. 1 ivhite 11,76®1,77, o. 2 11,38:" No. 1 amber. 11,41. •Millstuffbrattl2o@2o,so; coarse middlings 122; fine do; /27.50@)28. Clo.' ver seed acute and firm at 19,25. ; IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. 1 , , P/T•REDSIMOH i , FORD WAYNa A.t,ir•goe.D. April 14: —4 C cars "metal, f ,Rlmple4 Co; do, Diyan & CittigkeV; do fo, Woods, ,Son, 4 co; 6 rr°re , 3 tO •' ' & Co; do • do, utippy , &Co; 91. le hides, G ktOtt; 84 do do; ,7 - Miller; /0 bbla whiskY, ,Jos Bluth; 14 do do" Moßay; 6,00 do Ti. Hellbruner; 10 de, D, Haworth; 28 do .do, - A - ig Wino_ ,r• 250 pigs lead, Dithridge itt 50m..6C0 tibia flour, owner; 100 do do, 1 car rye Culp fit Shepard; 1 oar bones, Seward& Vmerson; "1 .car. staves, Win Hastingef tibia eggs, , Voigt, Mahood d Co; 5 plcgs,,o J Pettit; 1 bbi eggs, John Hinkle; 1 do, do, S S Marvin; 3do do, S B Floyd 'it Co; 19 bbis apPlefi, •1 41 eanor Harper; 22'do do, ohf bbl butter, ff Rea Jr; 2 do do. Vangorder fk. Shepard; 88 Mk apples; W U Graff dt Co; 2 bbls butter, 11 Lenz; 2 oars corn, W J Meek; Bdo do, Scott et Waal; Ido do, Shomaker a 4. Lan genheim; 50 bbls, whisky, L Berkowitz; 1 oar barley, Carson it Co; 67 sks rags, McCullougb,,S ,t Co; 1 car hay, 0 lerton; kilo potatoes, Woodworth Da. vldson; 100 bble flour, "T C Jenkins. UIouVELAND WSD FITTBBCROR EAU& ROAD ADM. 16.-- 2 COM N y ore. ROOSO r GrafT &Dull; 1 do blooms, Nimick tit Cot 8 do 11 lumber, Clark -4 Co; 1 do stone, J Hint; Ido .Rotatoes, cker 049 li O Ap etip ßendenern; Bri 200 "green n mated Springer klarbaugh 4 Co; d ~~~r~~~~ • "-T.-••;•7.-••••,.74...•1',/•._•••Ar...ii.".,.;',•,••-••••• ' . . - -;• t " ...- '.• ' ,4 ;••'', - r"- - r",.1 . ~..,..., , 44.- '_ • i.1 , •;7 , ;* , -• -, - ... - '1";;;; ,. ...:7!.. , -",,-,-.,---2 , .•-- -••-, .-• • ' f. . • - .-I.n; ;• ' . •Y•t• ‘,.,;•',',V'Z' -T ' '' •'''' , "' - r . ''. • `• •4 • .V.4gV,.•• 4:4. -' , 1g . k...,:".q ,. "; ' ''' , ;•s -, ".1,1r • • • :';' - ".;;C"V,;* , . ,s-6=,'-`.^ . .,, 1...-5. ,• .. ~..,, 1 • • . ..,.4 ,0r.,; . „,,,,,, ... 4 k-l' '..D•Z 4 ",,, , T0'.p".".; -•-• , ..y..".4-,, tig r f '-,-, ' • •.1•44 , ;I,_•!'4: ~,;.,..-• 4..., ,, :,% . , k•V•4..i.••,4 4 • • • •;d„.4B: . .trit, ...,..,,A .. . ._ _ .... . . PMSB'MtGIi GAZETTii- . . 18 kge butter, 40 - lugs molasses, 1 bbl tallaw,l kg lard, Voigt, M dk Co; 21jugs maple s l y.rup, 10 bas cheese, J A Graff; 7 bbls apples, P Duff ,g Son; 104 sks eats, Graham & Marshall; lii do do, H J Lynch; 2 kgs wine, J Reinhardt: I do do L Hoffman: 1 do do' G Voelkn; 13jugs molasses Beymer, Bauman & Co; 2 bbla eggs ,: El' Cramer; 25 gals molasses, Thos Sakewell; BO bbla lubricating oil, D Bly & Co; 2 do eggs. 8 do apples 5 .do flax seed, S do rye, 1 do eggs, S B Floyd dr Co. ALLBORANr VALLET RAILROAD, April 16.-7 ears railroad iron, Han nibal and Naples Railroad Company; 1 do atone, Henderson & Co: 880 bbbi oil, Fisher & Bro; 43 do do, W Wilson & , Co; 200 do do, Owstin & Sowers; 4 do talicw, 0 Hasleri; 102 do reffned oil, F Bates; 1 ear metal, .1' Moorhead; 2 do do, & M'Knight. Porter Co; 1 do do, Brown & Co; 4 do limestone, Shoenberger,l3 & Co; 22 pelts, 2 pkgs rags, W H Kirkpat rick; 71 aka rye, Scott & Gisal; 1 car pig metal, H Woodsides; 8 aka rags, Godfrey & Clark; 45 aks feed, Adams & Austin; large lot eggs and butter owners. P/TTSEUROH CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, April 16.-1 car corn and rye, J 13 Canfield; 2 kga butter F G Craighead; 7 no do, W A Graff; 18 aka potatoes, J M'Aleer; 15 do do, Robb & Herron; 7 pkgs scrap iron, C S Cole; 1 bx. hardware, J Crawford; 1 do do; Smith & Co; 2do axles, Graff, M'Devitt dc Co: 3 pkgs steel, Coleman; R & Co; 6 bdla hoes, Lauffman & Bro; 115 dozen brooms, 13 R M'Clellan 1 lot old metal, Hall & Spear; 21 sks potatoes, Bricker & Ce; 2 cars staves, C Albright; 4 do do, W Hastings. A.LLEORENT STATION. April 16. 1 car metal, Lindsay de McCutcheon; 1 car staves, Ralva & Robertson; 1 car clay, J Craig; 3 bbla eggs, R &A Carson; 2 do do, J Kohen; 1 car barley, C Eberhart; 4 cars metal, Spang, Chalfant & Co; 3 do ore, 2 do metal, Superior Iron Companyf: 1 car lime, .7 O'Dell; 1 car oats, M Steel & Son; 35 jugs molasses, H E Davis; 20 do di), James Lockhart; 4 aka rags, J Patterson; 2 tubs cheese, B Jenny. RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede slowly with six feet in the channel by •the Monongahela marks last evening. The weather continues clear and pleas ant, and business is moderately active at .the landing, taking all things into con sideration. No arrivals to report aside from the packets. The Glendale from St. Louis, was due last night. and will doubtless be rot:indict port this morning. The R. 0.. Gray from Cincinnati, and New' York from Nashville, are among the fins boats due.' 1" The Renton departed for Portsmouth 'With' fair as did also the Gallatin for Parkersburg. • The Alaski, deputed for New Orleans. Pilots—Jan Ferguson and Tom Morris. ' The Australia, Capt. Dan Moore, will be the next boat for New Orleans. The Wannita, Capt. C. A. Dravo, clerk G. L. Reppart, will positively leave for St. Louis and St. Paul to-day. —The New York also left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wednesday. Pilots-- Gosney and Hall. —The Board of Underwriters at St. Louis crossed the Lady Grace. She was from Cincinnati and bound to the moun tains with a full load of freight. —The United States Surveying boat, in charge of Major S. Abbott, has reached Fort Smith, having made the survey of the Arkansas river from Fort Gibaon to Fort Smith. The survey will be extend ed to the mouth of the river without delay. —The R. C. Gray left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wednesday, with 230 tuns, including 120 bales cotton, 646 bales hay, 400 sacks bran, 10 bbls and 22 bags flaxseed, 40 casks bacon, 10 tea hams, 50 caddies tobacco and 199 new oil barrels. James Shouse and Nick Whitten. —We clip the following from the Winona Republican of the Bth last: The season opens with good prospects for the freight lines. The amount of wheat and flour awaiting shipment is greatly in ex cesa of what it was last spring, and there will doubtless be the usual amount of freight from below. —The Wheeling and Parkersburg Packet Co. have contracted with parties at Wheeling for a first-class steamer for the low-water season. She will be 150 feet long, 26 feet beam, with 30-inch hold: engines 11%-inch diameter, 3ji feet stroke. Capt. Chas. Muhleman is super- I intending the work, and expects to have her out by the first ofJuly. the Capt. St. Clair Thomasson is among le Lee' passengers from New Orleans to Louis s ville. Ea is on his way to Louisville to be oonuected - with the Galt House. The Picayune truly says: i.. Capt. T. whose fame is as wide as the length of the Mississippi, both as a caterer and as an accomplished gentle man, and whose friends are legion, will insure the presence of all Southern visi tors to Louisville at the Galt House." —The Evansville Journal, reformist to the loss of Geo. Ely, clerk of the 111-fated G. A. Thomson, in. Arkansas River, says: The loss of Geo. Ely will cast a gloom over a wide circle -of friends and ac quaintances. He was one of nature's true noblemen. We parted with him yesterday morning a week ago- at the wharf, in buoyant - spirits amithe glow of .health upon his cheek, with propeets of a long and brilliant life before him. Be fore one short week had flown, he was cut down in the morning of life. May he rest in peace. Payer and Weather. LounwitLat. April 18.—Weather-warm and wet: : tAliver stationary. with nine feet eight inches of water in the the ?LIVED Olt $2.00. -2 " CARD eatltlea tlttr, bearer, .on 'pro.men.tatioa. ta TWO' DOLLARS abateaient on iv cub iiarctiage 01 '05.00 at the" great, . _ • cheap clothlugheame a . ~ & CL.T1L11111121,1141%. 4. ORIGINAL RIG ROAMER AIL, Mitt 6 Street. laki St. Clair. Nobody beat by this estabitehment,' ' but tillr dealing to all! OW and be convinced. All clothing plainly marked by printed cards, at LO WEST CASH PRICES, that no one roar be - deceived. Remember the pine. original big number 11, SIXTH ISTREET. latent. Clair. ri /WARE OP COUNTERPRITS OP I'll Oil 5.::6 TRAIIERNAN. de2S;Tu-s 2 000 nu m 8 ELK OV PEACH r ,r( 4 vd istt ".* VILWIT at KAMM& DiLLINOZR $ SATURDAY,' -- 4.PRIL i 17, ':188a 311 P11t3 AND NEVI' ODLEANB. VOR MEMPHIS AN r a gget NEW ORLEANS—The steam s AUSTRALIA Capt. ---, '9llll leave for the above nnft intonned4te ports on SATURDAY. Aorll 17th. st 4 r. For freight or passag e , apply board,. or to Fr,A4& ciILIANG Wo'4l). an 2 ORRIEST, S VVANhT &CO.. Agents. i on wnErLiN.jazio NA MET rAPAIIKEaSBURG AND cINCINNATI. Leaves Pittsburgh EVERY TITESD A Y 141 M, Leaves Cinelmaati EVER. Y ettILIAY-1 P. M. The swift and superb Stdr , vlieel Steamer ST. Mallard, T. el. SWEENEY; Commander, will leave as announced abe,ve. For Freight or paosaze apply on nonrd. or to FLACK & COL I.INGWOOD, or N. B. Agents. —No Freight received on Tuesday after 11 A. M. 011E.14 UPPER MINS ZS HIPP). Adiarst 1869. aidrist NORTHERN LINE PACKETS, FROM • St. .Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL INTERMEDIAT.Ff. PORTS. One of the splendid Sidewheel Steamers of this Line will leave St. Louis da Iv for Neokuk,D .ven. pert, Dubuque, Winona, utitivraterane M.. Paul. j Through receipts for Fret, ht' and Passengers will be given to all points oh the Upper 31i.sis-1 slesippi on steamers runnin; from this port and connee.ing with the Northern Line Packets at St, Louts, thus enabling con ,ignees to vet tneir Freight throuch 'deflect delay and at lowest rates. Apply to JOHN FL ACH. J. - D. COLLIMIWOOD, A gents, or to R. C. GRAY. - mh26:s= 91 Water street. I'OR ST. LOU, U-.E4gfri P . 1 D BUKE AND OT. PAUL.—The steansPr WAUANiTA.. .... .. ... : . Cant. C. A. DRAY°. Wilt leave as above on t. , AI vim ay, ilth inst., at 4 P. 11. For freight or passage - apply on board or to JOHN FLACK. J. B. COLLINOWOOD Agents. apl2 EDIT TR II UR. G.ll, ' a WHEELING AND KERSBURG LINK. PAR -1.,30, icrm , 1.. t. 0( tr..o daily at 12 K., WED NESDAYSW and SATURDAY:J. tartar .... .. . . L. kturaarrArr. blaster. sleight will be re , etvpd ar aunoure by • .1 A.3IES COLLINS. • FLACK & ULINGWOOD, able OPTICS OP TWIN TPSAEttriZa OP AiLZOMINT pCOUNTY. Pittsburgh. April Ist, le6o. i PURSVA,NCE OF THE, 21st . section of an Act relating ta Allegkeny Coma' asproved the lat days/Wag, 1961, and of the amendment totiald section,approved the 30th day °March. now, I dg hereby give notice that the Duplicates Ayr the several Wards, Boroughs and Townships WILL BE OPEN, - and I will be pre pared to receive Ate County, State, Poor' Workhouse and Improvement Taxes for 1869. On and after the let day of May. 18'9. Said taxes can be paid at thls °Mee until the Ist day of Augnst,with a DEDUCTION OF FIVE PEE CENT. for prompt payment to all persons paylag the whole amount of their taxes. There will be no deduction allowed during the' mouth of August. There will be Ten Per Cent. Added To al: tazea.rernalning unpaid on the Ist day of Bessitmbsr, 11039. T DENNISTON, Alleghenyh county SPRIS Gr An Immense Stock at Low Prices, at NcCORD & CO's, art 131 WOOD STREET. Nyarte,E. Opening of Diamoild Strept, Pittsburg All Persons interested are hereby notified that the report of Viewer, in the matter of opening and widening 1 lAMOND STEWED, from the Diamond to Ferry street, has been approved and confirmed. All persons against witout assess ments or betieflts were wadi, are required to pay •the same to me within thirty days, otherwise they will be entered as. Liens agalusetlfeproper ty. All property on the Dialloud and Diamond street, west of the Market Meuse. and ou Liberty street fro n Sixth street to Fourth avenue, has been assessed. aplo:hT, J. F. fiLAGLE, City Attorney, - No. 106 Fifth Avenue NOTICE OF C O 4 'ARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have this day formed a co partnership tinder the name and style of • P. SELLERS & CO., and will continue the. Prost&lon and Lard, Oil bu siness as heretofore. L . F. BELLER, 1. /101.18.1, TR. Prz-r .snuaau, March 10. 1i169. . anh2o:os KEYSTONE POTTERY. sM. KIER & CO., Manufacturers .0 OBIIENOWALRE. BRISTOL WARE Re. caste and Warchonse.• 363 LIBRUTY 6TitELET. rAlt orders ?immune attended tn.' - U 'MON ENWERPRISE • , FOUNDRY, • war. ei oussos. Iffanurectarer or COOKING STOVES,} Grsterwienders,. Sash i Weights.l.and all cd How Were, Csg.Wheeie and. all- tin, machiollnery Caltinas,_COli. WATSON A 81 0180 PiTTBBURGH. PA. , • aniStor. 111 MAEttgLiILVS liBll.o..L's Ruin* witti tirlut meADAvas. • ; MAR I 444O3OAL/4 1 s P.1X.111 WILL ORZ DYIBTXPSIA. .IfiALL'S ZLItTIE C OM' 005T/171- Price or Marshall's Elixir, $l.OO per _bottle. ' XDepA).lllOl. Market °street. memellALl. Co ; uctiggists, Proprietors. For sale, _ wholesale !it'd retell: 'by GIEO. KELLY, Pittsburgh. fo4:089.2:211:8 _ _ OOD NEWS. CHEAP BREAD IT DEAR TIMM Enquire for "WARD'S Bread. Tt e largest' and beit. The Inltllalis "H. W." on evertir . T3tke none' Mop. ite4:rra THE PARTNERSHIP hereto ,oßE exiating between the Onderslgned Julia* .day dbrio.ved Eby mutual consent. All bills against the gnu will be setiled, and all dues collected by J.a7t. J. F. CALownt. .DAVID HARPER. Yrrrs custom April 14, 1860. ap15.1i45 I hereby warn ail persons from twisting my . MAST ANNl.r'r., on my account, 84 wui pay no debts of her contracting. . • ~ ' • ALFRED LYTLE. 11TrinitrnOrivAorils. 'joie ; • ¢i u: IMCM TAIRIED:g.EAPUE* - ' 4411 e a all Aty . tor' 4.13 A It 'LI —2OO blig toi We by • J. B.OANNIZLIN RIV 3R PACX;NTS thLJ LVI RECERSBUR4Ii. •hea, Inds s of • IN•• Mr RESIDENCE IN HEATER ADO. FOR SA Lh'. — Prontlng. on the Ohio River. toppvalte Vauport Ststlon,'Pittsburgh andWeeel lug Railroad, a LARGE. HIM IC °WALLING :IludlSP..'well btillt and conveniently arranged wdb ball and nine rooms. litairc ogr,lagc and other oultiousea, cistern and web, a .borneacres or good ground, abundance of choice:riot trees In bearing. The location is very desirable. . ..,,,,, i ~. S. () UTRECHT & SONS, .1 apl • ' - IIE ''III AN L : Ott TIIIE -7------ ' — ' m EN ;' who,,hold PATRON,, TICKETS or the Ad Ito 3d B E3IEB OF WASHINOTOA MEDAL. 1 ' LIuN rAN/4„ ate herehytnrortned ,hat the draw.. fogs were made January 29, 111E9, and that. clr. Mars giving full informatiou of the. numbers drawn, will be: sent ,to persons interested, on • their andresalrig the WASHINGTON MEDAL. PB, OopdPAN ir, New York. N. B. — masu, TUZ 'TWELVE{ or TUE 4THSi. nig& • a. J. n• . VO IINGION : & co., • i• FANCY OATIA hAREAi, CONPEOTIONANY l•,',- r.-10*:•.C1110Ahl'indliTNIN0sAwoN, a egg . , 0 ,11 #914,,,qp10kr, Of DAULEUII Allen : LALiI . s sad !mines supplied with Itu Crum u Oak.* ea lawn moue% 44 REMOVAL. • J. M. GAZZAM, Attorney-at-Law, has removed MI (ace to No, in FIFTH AVENUE REMOVAL. LOCKHART Manufacturers of Lightning Rods, RAVE REMOVED TO aos:hl 234 PENN STREET. 4 ETNA IRON WORKS. .SPANG, CHALFANT dri CO., M ANUFACTURERS OF Iron, Nails, Boiler Plate, . AND . WROUGHT IRON TUBES, ' . • HAVE REMOVED •TO Their New Warehouse, ALLEGHENY CITY, Corner of Sanda.ky street and' the Won Penna and Plitsbargb. Ft. Wayne & Chicago Rahway& where they are prepared to nil orders promptly. Postoffice address, PITTSBURGH, PA. toh3o:giio !S ABLE IRON AND NAIL WORKS ' ZUG diD CO. liaiinfacturers of Iron and Nails, I . HAVE RE3fOVED TO .4"Elir, OFFICE, Corner Attu ud Tidreetath Streets, (THREE BLOCKS FROI UNION DEPOT.) Str.Perticalee atteation paid to the Nang of elty orders. apt REniovAL. THE CASH INSURANCE CO. Hsi removed from Ito old once In Borhie's Ing. 'Our* avenue, to_ - SECOND FLOOR, • PHELAN'S •BUILDINC. 1110. 22 Fifth. :avenue . &wigs F.RIOVAL. W. P. PRICE, REAL ;ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, has removed to No. 21 (South side) DIAMOND, east or Federal street, Allegheny City. it133:1Z77 W.C. AS2.It2STRONG. (SweemstOr to Ff tzer & Armsfuslr; 1 has rem ' , Ted to 'o. 25 MA ) EETSIILLF. . a few doors we the old atand. ' pi,IEMOVAL.-B. McLain & Co., Dealers In Real Estate Stocks. Bonds. o. togas and otber securities. haie removed to thetr neir °dice 10. Fourth avenue. ranliOn's new Bali - ding. ' Any parties desiring to buy or sell Real Renate of any kind, Stocks or Bonds mLDfortgages will do well to give them a call. = twm 1;00 WOOD STREE4*. NEW GOODS. C.) FINE VASES, BOHEMIAN AND cluss. NEW STYLES B a Dltilsitat BETS, • TEA SETS, SMOKING SETS, - eirT CUPS ' A large stock of I rffame .PLATED GOODS or of all aeaerlptlona. • Rci Call and examine our gooda, an d• we feel satisfied' no one need fall to be sulted. •R. E. BREED & co. C.' Imo 4 • • • .< 4; ii ROOFING SLATE OF VARIOUS - Qualities and Colors. Particular attention given to layin Slate and repairing S are roots, ker parilcuilirfand price. address J. S. NE'WITER, 'No. 43 Sevin;h,Av.enue. ;6631:01 PITT9BTIIIGH • PA • ' FRESR ,_ BRAD RECEIVED : Stand, BENIN kIILPIIESs Voipnlar lea', No. 45Diamond Illarket, Pitts bu•gh, and'at the 'Twin . City; Allegheny City,. corner of Ohio And Federai streets. be had all kinds of Sea: and Lake fish: Halibut, Shad: beak, Codfish. Haddock and Eel.. Also, large anpnliet of white, Like' TM; liaiaamon, 85..., ntergeon. Herring and the Trout, which enablestil to sell at the kitten market'prices, wholesale or :retail , We invite all lovers of wholesale Fish tOgive twit' call, and we will Maur tit nt a treat, ,„ •-, . Fl4°ll' OIL ;CLOTHS, ORFEId OIL CLOTH . YOH WINDOW SHADES. Tit*NriPA RENT W l NDotir- t 4 H ADES; TABLE .10/ 0 ITHNITORIC OIL CLOTHS - • • • ' , IN SYZItY yARIRTi. & P HILLIPS. *. SG and A 8 SLttb street. fta 4 MPiS On and arier TURSDAY, Norembar• 17th` Dr.!, trains will arrive at and depart from the Donn: corner of Cirnnt and Water atteetg. followo. aw , :h39 Mall to and from Vitt on to srn .......... ... - .... . 7:00 A. W. 6:00 P. IC 3laieebt7.ll.4ceolAdt'll 11 :00 A. at. 3:05 P. DC. , EX'. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 r. 31. /0: /0 A. Y. West Newton' Accorrod 4.30 P. 0. H:35 A. Y. BrAddOclt'S ACCollltlt'n. G: t 5 P. at. 7:50 pill s ikht An. tokfelf 'sport.] 0:30 P. 0. 5:45 A. IS -u a dav 'Church Train to andr tict from ets W aepply , st NesVton -v 1:00 P. N. 10100 A 4 For E. M. RA±3IOND.- Agent W. B. TOITT, dtrotrutiondem no2o 0 AA. NG E Gic iallaga ALLEGHENY VALLEY EATLROAD, On and after MONDAY, tiovember 9th, 1k TWO TR.AINS DAILY will Mare Pittsburph station. corner of Eleventk and Pike streets ler Franklin. 011klity, Buffalo, awl all points la the OS Regions. IFLEAVx rITTEIMIGH.• ATERIV Dr PITTSBITIIIII Men. . .. .. ..... 7:15 am Mot 50 pme 11l Express.. -. '7:10 Dm ExTmese..... 6:4-30 Sat Brady's . Ac 3:00 p m Bradys 9Ac 1 0:30 a m , Ist Soda Works ' Ist Soda Works Accomd .. - 10:50 a m Accomod'n. 8.90 asi Rd Soda Works Rd Soda Work Accomod 'n. 5:00 p m Accomod 'n..3:40 pnx Church Train Mare lifsburgh at 11:10 P. IC Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. R. Passengers taking express train have but One change of ears In tween Pittsburgh, : Buffalo and Oil Regions. Mail and Express Trains stop only at principal DORS Mixed Way and Ac commoda tie & d trains stop at all stations. THOMAS M. KLNO, Ass% Sup't. W. FOSTER HOPE, Ticket _ Akent. Akent. no, „ riii , r ITTSBUIRGI!, st exagsue 8"t. PAN HANDLE ROME. CHANGE up TI3CE.—On and after 31:11/ DL. Nov.22d 1.8013, trains will leave and arrive st, tut Union Depot, as follows, rlttSburgh time: Dport. Mail Exprea.....«.... « . 3:13 a. m. 19:13 a. Fast Line 10:13 a: m. 7:33 p. lA. m. Past Express 2158 p. m. 12:18 a. a. Mixed Way..... .. . . 51'43 a. m. 6:43 p. IR. hicDonald , s Acc , n, No.111:28 a. in. 8:33 p.M. Steubenville Accommod. 3:38 p.m.. 9:48 arm. IleDonalti , s Awn, No. 2..5:08 p. m. 3:19 p. • __ • • • 2:58 i , . 0.- Exprees will leatre daily: 1'a:1..3 P . H. Mall will arrive clally..„• The 10:13 a. m. 'Praia leaves daily, Sunds.7o e., enticed, and makes close connections•at New • ark r,, Zanesville and points on Sandusky Manaileld 0 ISTPWIat R. R. , S. F. SCULL. General Tick.et Agent. W. W. CABD. Sup,t., Steutlerivlll.3,olllo. Eels 1868. • err. _ .. . PITTSBItheEL r 06 '1 - WAYNE' & tIiIICAUO P..W. and CLEVELAND & PITTSIIIIIIGH N. A. , From Dec. 20t_ ,ii 1868, trains will , leave from and arrive: t the Union Depot, north Side, Pits,. par / eh citiht4 4 lll. as , foliews: . , ; !. , .., - ... : Cliicago Ex_ ~ ...6 . :011a m Chicago Ex...illia Erie& Ygnll9l 7:28 a m fitticago - Ex.. 148 ' L&,Wh2.g.1.1 1 1648 am eeling - Ez 11:130 iMicago mall.- 6 p :68 am m stline 31114,353 p! rellicwalt , . 312:1186m: mgeKallt4:3B oil CI. & Wis.!frft 6;63p ra Cleveland Ex 6.:08ds Chicago erml.!iii: 4,3 jw Ps MAC& 11'en16i6:111, 4 W'e & Erie p rr. Civ & Wh'il ,113[Mil. .Dwartimit E ll a my: ' 4111. fti al Ne e urim'n.4.c..BB a m N. Brigt:n 4c,;T:g3 am _Lwale' .". ' / 0 1U8'11, ns n • "' : gam • `•. 4.t:118 a m New Castle .', 6 123/3_ am Rochester"`. 1:83 pre Leetsdale " V`i 4 arsi Leetsdale Acc.3:sB pm , . ", , . ' : 118 paw N. Brigt'n " .5:33pm N. ItirDri " l pm N. Erket'n - " , ..6:68ptii •et ale „4:63 :3 pm Leetsdale " /o:4ltApta .‘,_ . ~.. .._ . !17718 ma Leetsdale 13M1-..1-....- Leetsdale 4rion- lo day Church. 1: s:s p m - day vhurch. 9418 am. ..M - *A:43 P. m. Chicago' Express leaveb daily. Air 11:38 a. m. Chicago Express arriveadatly. [ Le dem F. li. MYER% Illeneral--Ticketstitent, EN.VSYLVA. NIA: iIENTIIAL'ItAIL AD: Onand after Nov, . 28 th.11618,i, Train* will arrive at and depart (ruin the Onion Depot, follellows! 0. Washington and Liberty streets, ask ows. Arrive. Depart. .., Mali Train—. 1:30 am Day Express.. 9:30 am Past Line... . 2.40 a m Wail's No. 1.. 6:30 am Wall's No. .1 . .. 620 a m .I.tall in.a . .13:15 am BrintouAcc'n. 7:50 am s elnelniti x 1235 pm Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 a m Wall .s N 0..... .11:20 as cia Cincinnati Ex.0:40 :vat Johnstown Ac. 3:25 pat Johnstown Ac10:35 am Braddoclui Noll:20pm Baltimore meet.4s n m Phila. Express 5:10 pm Phila. Exp:os pm Wall's N 0.8.. liszo ma. Wall's Ni. 8... 1:30 pm Wail's No. 4.. 0:15 ma. Braddocks Vo15:50 pin Fast Line . . ... 7:80 pnt Wall's No. 4. 7:25 Dm Wa1P5N0..5...111:50 pm Way Passn'r 10:20 p ni . , The Church Train leaves Wails Station every. Sunday at 0:15 a. m., reaching. Pittsburgh at 10:f0 a. m. Iteturiting, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:60 p. .r and arrives at, Walls , Station at 2:00 p. m. Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other tr.. , daily except Sunday. For farther Infbrmation lippltio_. W. H. REG 14 /TEL Agent. The PennsylvanialtailroadCo pany will not as. sums any risk forßaggage, except for ea • parel,_aud limit their responsibility t O ne nut dre• Dollars in value.; All Baggage: exceeding tic. i amount in value will be at the risk of tite ownar. tit leas tak.n hY special contract.., , 1 EDWARD et. WILL . nou , General SlapeaintendeninutitootlVA. al* tilD liv Eh Wl' E NaggEgg i . . . I ; . ' R N .2 01c tirrtd after Nov. 29d;1868, the Pa , senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania 'Rat , road will arrive at and depart from the • Feder.lStreet Depot, Allegheny City.as follows: Arrive. Depart. Springd , e No16:40 ain Mall T:00 aas Freeport 'No.18:90 a m Freeport N0.19:15 ant - Express ' 10:40'a at Sharpb , g Nol 11:20 am Sharpb , g N0.11:95 p m Express...... 2:45 pat Freeport No. 24:00 p m tirwingd'e N 0320 pia Mail b:55 pm m Freeport N0.25:20 pm Springd'e No 25:45 o m SpringeNNO27:lo put Aboye tame run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Jrnietion. every dunday at 7:40 a. in., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. in. Returning, leaves Allegheny I , City at 1:20 p. in. and arrive AtAllegneng June. tion'at 3:43 p. in. CestmirrArron Tte.aurra—ror sale in packaget of 'Twenty. between Allegheny City, Chestnut street. Herr% • Bennett, Pine Creek. Etna and. Sharpsburt and good only on the trains stopple,. at Stations Pi* cifi ed oa tickets. . . The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a. en. make direct connection at Freeport with Wa lkers line of Stages for Butler arid Hannah/town. Through tickets may be purchased at the Oillar No. ISt Clalr street , near the Suspensionßridga, Pittsbur, b, and at the Depot, Allegheny. • For further information apply ,TAM.ES LEFFEaItoRTS, AgDeretent . Feder Street . - The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not a, sums any risk for Baggage, except . for wearing apparel, and I halt their responsibility to Oros Rundttd Dollars:in . value, All baggge ex. ceeding o.ls amount in value wlllbe at to e risk et tke owner, unless taken by special contract. EDWARD 11. smi. non flenPrail Sunerintendent. ,AltectiVk. , uSmillo4N"E p T. A . ' i n cipt iLL c " RAu llllla wA; Eastern Di*leion. BOOThe SHORTEST- AND MOST RELtinl • TS from the unto au notate la ,- Colorado, • - Nevada, • , • _ • - California,trtah Arizona, _ Washington, • New Ittexii*, • Idaho • . ,•- TWo Trona leave StaMtUaecuidLeamartwerth Mindere excented,lon the arrlyal.o= of Emu Railroad z ft , owat'Loile, and hal and Si, Joe Sallroad from (Ohm, comma. In gtat Lawrence, :Topeka and g°4:retliPtilti .11r1.-.. At lead of STATES REP/MEM/a PANT'S 'DAIL LINE OF OVJOIILAND MAIL AND EXPRE Y COACHES POE SS movavvimg s,&x?r zAwEmi AND A UPoirttein the Territories, . ~ tad with BAND/DIMON% THI-WHERLYcLINE °UAeref W:I.ES for Port Union ., Bent's Fort. rLW • Altuquue, Banta Fe;. and. all points In AA- Soils and New Mexico. I , With t he men ' addltioni or iollihg stook ,any! equipment, and the arrangemenu lowa with 1 e movable Overland Tnaisishrtatiort Lines Iron/ Ata western to thicroad now offers unequalled thellitiea oar the at -freight to the Mar Wat. - Tickets for sate at alt the prizieilwa offices is the United States and Omuta* Ile sureaud ask-for thts Ate via THE sMOKX• HILL 1/111 2T UN1024 sp ; i 19 RAILWALks HASTE= 2)/ lON. )A. ANDERSON, Oftenll Superiajeaddr t ,ses, Simla Freight mid 18 12 DeD:tr! Arriaiit, EN