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' )1)- 1 ! • 1 ._ 4 -t: .. •. : r 11- _ l_ l ' _ . ~11:- --im _.- - 7::__L ' :. ..,..; 1.-f7 ,- :Aill•' ..x , _ .„.4,,..efe, ...______ l - .. ..-_______ .::___. 4 • , I - 4 / 4 44. • r., ''', ' ' \5, ...,, , , _ ~.... 1 ../ /..,,,,- 41 ' 4 f / ....,... 4 , ,---.......„ ,_.....„....______......, • .. . ----,,-......_..„, . I • - • -. , ' , . 1 ... - ' : ' 1. • . . , • ; . • _ 7 NUMBER ( 94 - Tv. : . P PITTSBURGH, ` .SATURD PRIL 17 , 1869, • I , - __ . i J NEWS BY CABLE_ I ern ell irk lirr in.. : \ ;FIRST EffiTlol TWELVE O'CIAOCIE4 M. HARRISBURG. 'l l lie Legislature Adjourns Sine ::Die—Presents, Resolutions of Thanks, Farewell Speeches. Iny . Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ' HASSISBIIRG, April 16, 1869. 1; Both Houses adjourned sine die at '7 I I4OIVG o'clock to-day. No business was "ions in either louse, and the customary ' iiriseritp, resolutions of thanks and fire ..lWell speech-making were indulged In. Among.tho presents hi the House was 'Bl very valuable gold watch and chain :from the members to Speaker Clark. FAREWELL OF SFEAK.IIIIIVORTHINGTON. V. ' ' 'ln the , Senate Speaker Worthington I said :; Senators, we aro about to • . separate and once more mingle in the pleatiaut scenes of home, and enjoy the i i society of dear friends. Before I hand over the emblem of authority which you ;.. ~• placed in my hands to my honoree. sue ; cessor, I may be permitted to say a part .) ing word to the kind friends and...coin , Pardons with whom I have been as. eociates, and whose deliberations I have Apparticipated during the last six years. • Coming to this body a stranger to you all, ,‘ and haVing formed the acquaintance of ";;- seventy-five Senators, whO have occupied ~..', seats on this floor during that period it l• is a source of much gratification that • ' :I can say in my retirement I enjoy most , - ;,,. „Scordial and friendly relations with each - • One, and I have ;reason to believe that a . "e mutual sentiment of respect is enjoyed ' .. i", by all. With this spirit of fraternal re .; fostered as it , has been during our association here,- we separate with eonfi-• dent assurance that wherever our lot .1. Shall be cast in the future, we shall eon. • .:::! gime to entertain for each ether's -wel ( -::.:1 fare the deepest solicitude. During this i period a kind Providence has extended. ;i his protecting care over us, no arrow from the quiver of death has been permitted to penetrate any one of our number; -:- ' and while loved ones have been torn -.. from the side of some and caused t •'' !, hearts -to bleed with deepest anguish, we haie much reason for gratitude that •'i our own ranks have been preserved un broken. Invoking the blessing of ;;•.„ if upon you all, and hoping the li welfare of the country and the best inter ;:' ;•k - eats of our race will continue to receive S . your protection and support, I bid you _.i ..!: - all an affectionate farewell. r t;'; Senator Stinson was elected Speaker, , ~ ',,--- the DemoCrats *oting for Senator Ran '.• dell. :' • 4.- FAREWELL OF SPEAKER CLARK. - ; : . +1 'ln the House Speaker Clark said: - 1. I have no doubt that every member on , this floor is glad that the session of tip Legislature is so near an end, and that '''".• we are so soon, to be relieved from the . .1 - ; labors, duties and responsibilities of '-; Rep -4 resentatives, and to be enabled to return . ,to our homes, and give some attention ,Ito our private business. But mingled lkwith this feeling, there is also, with me 'parting least, a'sense of regret and sorrow at 'parting from those with whom I have • pbeen so intimately and constantly asso- Niated for the last three months. Many '' ~'of you, at the beginning of the session, e -- ;ere strangers to me; but as the business jprogressed my duty as Speaker made it ,14 necessary for me to become familiar with • you all. •I, therefore, 'feel more keenly this separation than I perhaps otherwise would. In many instances, our homes being so far distant, it is probable that we may never meet again; and as in the , heat of debate, and from conflicting in terests of our cons tit uents, there may have occurred something that was not, • pleasant at the time, I trust that if such is the ease It will be forgotten.- At al - - eve n ts , on my •part. I can say with per fect sincerity, that I have not an unkind feeling or thought towards any-member I ',.,, of this House. In fact I have no reason to feel otherwise than satisfied, for I have ' always been treated by you with kind ., liess,, courtesy and respect, for which •I: •I'eel gratified, for I am conscious ; AO; having very imperfectly performed My, duties as Speaker. To the Clerks -Of 'the House I am under many ; . Obligations, not only for their assistance • ,:. dutdadvice, bu uniform their efficiency, ; iedustry, and courtesy to my- I.'• Self as well as every member of this ..“ -- body.. I have no hesitation in saying, '''t ; ,that wereVever to be placed in a siMilar I pOsition to the one I now occupy, and shad the power to appoint my own staf f , , -;- I would endeavor secure these gentle men as my assistants and advisers. The Reporters of the House are entitled to my thankraand'kind feelings: ;"Tis tine I never asked them to correct rov speeches, Of put i,thiright on the Record, because whatever little I said Was correctly reported. The Sergeant. at-Arms, and his assistants, I haye ever Itound qbilging end =stats 'to 'perform their duty, All the officers of the House have performed , jtheir duties preperly, ands am swim say at the close 'of Alte msaion, that I have no fault to find, but, lon the contrary, express my entire ate proval of fhetr•conduct. or your very I complimentary resolution, and for the kind expressions made by the different gentlemen, I rem e mbe r dly gratified, and -•shall always your kindness with pleasure. _ You, gentlenen.` have been eleased to present me witiitheise beautiful and val uable gifts, not only valuable in them selves, but particularly . orectous ,to me, because they are maim of your peraataal I friendeldp‘ m well se approval' Of my Course as presiding officer of this Bons.). ' I thank you sincerely for this, and shall 4 i always preserte them as marks. of rnr '• friendship and (Fem. • - •? This gavel. • mated b 7 the Clerk, [4... will always be ept by me In mti-,-._ •....i nous place,,mid I,can never look upon it :•;;• 1. without thinking how often I used a shu t= I 1 Bar one to call the House to order, and -, 4 .1' Attracted the: doner , to feed the jOurnal .1 - - • • II L of yesterday. tit`l7 dentlemen, accept my sincere and i• i.Xratefed thanks, as well as my best wishes for your hapPiness, welfare and prosper r,- =sty through the journey of life. ?. l' . ~ BILL APPROVED. yt. . .., ' The Governor lies approved the appro. i platten bill. - • 1 -;.;;_ -; , V"l,, ; •:'..'"-.• _ ' i'±: =EI 3E3 11 UM NEWS BY CABLE. My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l GREAT BRITAIN. Lennon, April 16.-3 A. rt.—ln the House of Commons to-night, in accord ance with notice .previously given, Mr. Gladstone moved the House go into Committee on the Bill for the Disestab lishment of the Irish Church. Mr. New gate, Conservative member for North Warwickshire, moved as an amendment, that the House go into Committee on the bill in six months from the present day. This motion was equivalent to indefinite . postponement. A lively debate followed, during which Mr. Aytonn, member fur Kirkaldy, created a sensation by declar ing his objections to that clause in the bill which provided for the support of the Mavnooth College. Mr. Aytoon is a lib eral, and voted with the majority on the division, March 2.3 d, when the bill passed to second reading. His _declaration was followed by a scene of great consterna tion In the House. The opposition cheer ed repeatedly, and counter Cheers and other interruptions came from the minis terial benches. When Aytonn ended his remarks the confusion subsided and the debate continued. Moat of the speeches were made by minor members of the op position. At the end of this discussion, which lasted six hours, Mr. - Gladstone arose and said due care would _be - given by the government to the terms of the rovision made for Maynooth College. f t, e attributed much of the opposition to t e clergy in Ireland. That power had Iken built up by the Old policy of Eng land, which had been lately part ly reversed, and was now to be completely abandoned. He concluded by declaring that the success of this bill was not a question of party, but of justice. ' Mr. D'lsniell followed. He dis approved of a division on the, motion for postponement, and said he Waa anxious to go into committee on the bill. The House then divided on the motion to go into committee, with the following re `snit: For the motion, 355, against 229 majority, 126. The- House then went formally into committee on the bill, and adjourned. . MADRID, April-16—TheNational Cortes has agreed to the first article of the Con stitution, after amending it b the substi tution of the words "people of r the nation" for the "people of the monarchy," in the fourth section. The committee on the Constitution ttas postponed its decision as to the form of the government. FLosancot. April 16.—The bill for the reorganization of the army is before Par liament. It fixes the active strength of the army at 400,000. LIVERPOOL, April 16.—The steknaera Ohio; from litaldmorb, - alid 'Setae, lfom New York, arrived out.. FINANCIAL AND COMIIIERCIAL. FitatasvoaT, April 16.-17. S. 5.20 bonds opened quiet sit 87% for the issue of 1862. - ' LONDON. April 16.--Consola—money, 93%; aecount, 9314‘. Stocks easier. Bonds, 81%. Coupons—Erie, 24; Illinois, 96%. Tallow, 455. 6d. Turpentine, 31s. i 5318. 6d. Refined petroleum, ls. 10%d. Calcutta linseed, 595.@595. 6d. LIVERPOOL, April 16.—Cotton--sales for the week 74,000 bales, of which 8,000 were for export, and 11,000 for specula ' tion; stock 314,000 bales, of which 147,000 are American; the market to-day is firm ; er; sales 10,000 bales uplands at 123. 4 /* Or leans 12 3 . No. 2 western wheat Er.l. 64. @As. Bd. . - A • Lcemow, April 16--1 P. 'N.—Railway stocks quiet; Atlantic and Great West ern 29. LIVERPOOL, April 16.—Cotton afloat \ for this port 442,000 bales, of which 316., 600 are from America. Lard unchanged. HAVRE, April 16.—Cotton unchanged. Lrirratroor.., April 16-2. P. u.—Trade report. Advicip from Manchester are to the effect th4t the market for yarns and fabrics is quiet, and firm. Bread stuffs: the market is dull. Corn not mixed is quoted at 2Ss 3d. a decline of aci. Flour has a declining tendency. Lard is firmer. . ,_'' ---- SPAIN. ITALY MARINE NEWS. ST. LOUIS. !sixty Indian Grayes Unearthed—Post• mistress at Fort Leavenworth— Revenue Officer Indicted for. Bribery— , Prize Fight Arranged—Werling • . men's Association. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l - ST.. LOUIS, April 10.—Some laborers excavating the great mound in the Northern part of the city have unearthed a row .of Indian graves, sixty feet in length and twenty feet below the surface. Large quantities of bones, beads, coins and 'other relics have boon thrown up and the place has been visited by groat ntinthenrof curiosity hunters. Gieneral Hartranft, formerly Adjutant General of the Louisiana District. under General Sheridan, has been assigned to the Adjutant Generalship of the Military Divishut of ; Missouri by General Sheri dan. 'gra. Nichols, reported appointed Post of Leavenworth, 'Kansas, is the wife of General Niehoin, deceased, late Adjutabt General of this Military Divis ison, and has been appointed Fostmis. hat Fort Leavenworth, at which post ereadent son is a trader. The apps - int.. meat gives great satisfaction to military , men and others in this city. The Repubiican publishes a rumor that the Grund Jury in the United Ststas Cir. cult Court, recently in session here, found 1 tt bill of indictmenuagainst General Bur bridge, of Kentucky, ter bribery, in con nealon with his duties as a Revenue officer, and that he has been summoned toibis city from Washington. , - After several futile attempts on the part of the “fanoy,".it is now announced that a match has actually been made between Tom Allen and Mike McCool for ,a fight, to come off within two months. for &thousand dollar* aside, and the excursion money. Two dred dollars is said to have been put up. but whether articles of agreement have been signed is not stated. At a meeting of workingmen. last night, articles of association for a Work ingmen,s Union were adopted and a per manent organization 4 will beenteed into ju t w an a s the requisite ~n biriber r of signatures are proottrea. , - SKIM DIM FOUR CYCLOCIC A.. DS• - THE CAPITAL. Nominations Sent In atid Con firmed—Virginia ReCOI/StrUC tion—Department Matters. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gas, tte•7 WASSINGTON, April 16, 1869. SWORN IN. COl. Jno. A. Campbell, the new Gover nor of Wyoming, took the oath of office yesterday before. Associate Justice Swaine, of the Supreme Court, and left for that territory last night. RECONSTRUCTION PROCLAMATION. The present understanding is that President Grant, under authority of law, will issue a proclamation at an early day, submitting to the people of Virginia the Constitution of that State, with a sapa• rate vote on clauses—first. ea to disfran chisement; second, the test oath; third, county organization. It is understOod that the vote will be ordered for the fourth Tuesday of May. A new registra tion of voters will be made. Col. Jos. Seger has announced himself as a candidate at large for Congress iu that State, SENATE SESSION. The Senate met at noon, and the chap• lain, in prayer, alluded to the enaancipa- 1 tion celebration in progress to-day. Ho thanked the Government for the action which, proceeding front these halls, had re-established liberty and equality' throughout the land. Mr. Wilson submitted the following: Resolved, That the Secretary of the Navy be, and is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Government of Colom bia, to cause a thorough survey for a ship railway or ship canal across the Isthmus of Darien, from San Miguel to the gulf of Arabs, in Darien. The Senate then proceeded to the con sideration of executive business. CABINET MEETII4a6 To-day being the regular Cabinet meet ing day, all the members were preseut. Previous to the meeting a large number of Senators had interviews with the Pres ideni NOMINATIONS CONFIRMED. The Senate to-day confirmed the fol lowing nominations: Collector Internal Revenue First District, Pa., W. H. Bar ner; Assessor Internal Revenue Fifth District, Pa., James Ashworth. Postmasters: M. Diefenderfer, Allen town, Pa.; Sarah L. Prizer, Doylestown Pa.; B. F. Blair,Huntingdon, Pa.; J. Slough, Bellefonaine, O.; Henry P. Davis, Mansfield. 0. Surveyor, Generale: C. W. Babcock, Hansain Edward Ruger. Idaho. Commissioner of Indian Affairs:. Parker, of 13. -- C: - ministers resident: "Robt. C. Kirk, of Ohio, Yo Argentine Republic; Ebenezer D. Bassett, of Pennsylvania. colored, at Hayti; IL Markbreit. of Ohio, at Bolivia. Secretary of Legation, G. W. Wurts, Pennsylvania, at .Florenee. Envoys Extraordinary and MiniAers - Plenipotentiary—Andrew G. Curtin, of Pennsylvania, to Nasals; Thomas H. Nelson, of Indiana, to Mexico.- Consuls—Augustus L. Cheltam, of Utah, at Brussels; Lemuel Lyon', of Ore gon, at Kane w; Felix Mathews, of Cal ifornia, at Tangier; David Turner, of California, atLa Paz; Chas. Weale, of Ne vada, at Guayaquil: J. P. Green, of Kan sas, at hiatamoras; F. M. Blake, of Kan sas, Consul at Fort Erie, - to be Consul at Hamilton; F. W. Partridge, at Bang kok; G. P. Hanson, of Illinois, now Con sul at Elsinore, to be Consul at Copen hagen; Henry G., Winser, of New Jersey, at Sonneburg; Andrew C. Phillips, of Maine.' at Fort Erie; S. B. Gould, of Me., atCork; John L. Stevens, of Me., at Birmingham; D. C. Sprague. Conn., at Brunswick: Robert Keep, of Conn. at Paraens; Robert G. Holly, `t.,at Barbadoes; Robert C. Mark, N. EL at Londonderry; Edward Vaughan, N. H., at Conticcok, Canada; F. R. Webb, Mass., at Sanziliar; R. Jones, Wis.. at New Castle; John T. Hauser, Wis., at Brindisi; R. M. Johnson, Mo.; at Hankow; James Read, 111., at Belfast; J. S. Runnels. 10., at Trent; 'Samuel Glasgow, of lowa, at Havre : Milton M. Price. lowa, at lifarseillos; J. C. Brand, of Ohio, at hierenburg ; Rom. hi: Hanson, 0., at Bremen ; Wm. H. Young, at Carlsruhe ; Henry S. Neal. of Ohio, at Lisbon ; Edward Q. Neil. of Minn., at Dublin; Harry H. Davis, Pa., at Car diff; F. Cox, of Pa., at Leghorn ; Charles 0. Shepard, of N. Y. at Yeddo ; Charles E. Perry, of N. Y. at Aspinwall; David M. Armstrong, of N. Y. at Rome ; Frederick Schultz, at Rotterdam . ; Chas. J. Clinch, N. Y, at Bordeaux; Jas. Hag erty N. Y. a; Glasgow . Ceinants General—Freeman H. Morse , Maine, at London; T. B: Vanbnran, N. J., at Florence ; J. Meredith Reed, Jr., N. Y. at Paris;.Wm. A. Dart, N. Y. for the British North American Provin. cos. VOMIWATIoNe. The following t noadnations were sent in tads,: • • Cousuls—M; Di. Delano, Colorsdo, at iroo•Chow; Osair Malenroes, of lainnee sots, at Winnepeg, • Wm. H. Wadsworth, Commissioner under treaty with Mexico. ' Addison Lowe, Supervising Inspector of ateamboats, for 2d District. Wilmer Worthington, Appraiser at Philadelphia. • _ Lucius D. Kellogg, General AppFaieer of the South. James Pollock, Director of the Mint at Philadelphia. Collectors of Internal Revenue--Mioh ael H. Hearse, 12th District, Ohio; Jas. Purcell, 6th District, Ohio. Assessors of Internal Revenue—Jno. A. Carne, 20th District, Pennsylvania. J. M, Burnett, Secretary to sigh Land Patents. Postmasters--Heitry Lester, Tremont, Ohio; Henry Hanes, Ashtabula. Ohio; Benj. Huntsman, Stroudsburg, Pennsyl vania; R. Pesent, Bethlehem, Pennsyl• vanla; James Hazeiton, Pennsylvania. A. 1 :1. Markham, third assistant Post master General. NOT AN APPLICANT* Jno. Defrees is not au applicant for the Oise of Second Auditor, or any other position under Grant. - DEpA,B.TMENT .XATTERS. Out of oneohundrOd • and thirty-five clerhii . of the. Third Auditor's office, who were yesterday notified they were to be `N :ME AY, A removed, there were seven ot the eleven chiefs of divisions. The Senate to-day confirmed Eli S. Parker as Commissioner of Indian Af fairs. It is stated to-day at the Treasury De partment that Second Comptroller Broad head has received a letter from Secretary Boutwell, Informing him the Depart ment has no intention of dispensing with his services, in consequence of which he will tender his resignation. NOMINATIONS REJECTED. The following nominations were rejec ted: A. B. Ricks, Pension Agent at Knox,yille, Tenn.: L. .1. Warden, Post master at Lawrence, Kansas; Warren E. Ilichiacken, Postmaster at Salem, 111. EMANCIPATION CELEBRATION• The colored people to-day celebrated by parade, the., the annlyersary of the abolition of slavery in the District of Co lumbia. REVENUE OFFICE. There are indications of a thorough reorganization of the various divisions of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. It is not probable any change will be made in the offices of Supervilbrs until after the adjournment of the tlibnate. NEW YORK CITY. IRS Tel,egrePh to the l'ittshureh nezette• ' Nsw YORE, April 16, 1889. The Secretary of-the Treasury lies or dered the postponement, until July - Ist, of the operations of the recent regula tions requiring all railroads and trans portation lines conveyirg dutiable goods to be bonded for that purpose. The Committee of Ways and Means, who are investigating the workings of the Custom House, adjourned until the second weak in May. Thurlow Weed has returned from South Carolina emir still in feeble health. The passage of the City Underground (.Railroad bill through the Assembly , at tracts attention to an article in the Tab let, threatening a riot if one stone of St. i Peters Church s taken down by a rail road company. Soldiers of the Army of the Potomac have resolved to hold a grand reunion plc nic, on July 7th," at East River Park. i. The former officers of that army have been tendered a reception by General Shaler, on behalf of the City Division of the National Guard, July sth. The sloop-of-war Loshula, at the Brook lyn navy yard, is to be fitted up for sea forthwith. - • Chas. Wilson, residing at 49 Canal street, baa been arrested for swindling a number of firms by means of forged checks and orders to the amount of about $l,OOO. The investigation in the Crane case of the Union Pacific Railroad litigation was continued to-day before the referee, Mr. Redfield, without any conclusion. It was adjourned till next Thursday. Judge Edmunds appeared before Jus tice Dow/ing, at the Tombs, to-day, as counsel for Mumbler, the alleged photo graphic eptiit medium- ne stated.-the defence would be that there is no trick or deception in the pretended spirit pho tographs produced by Mumbler, but what - they are genuine liknesses of deceased friends of sitters,Sand have been rpoog nized as such in twee where no pictures of the deCeased person was in existence, and when such persons could not possi bly have been known or seen by the photographer, and that the accused is Ig. uorant by what power he produced such pictures. - The hearing was adjourned to next Wednesday. Ia Henry Smith has been nominated'by caucus of Republican members of the Legislature to succeed Mr. Acton, as one of the Police Commissioners for this city. The sub-committee of the Committee on Elections, consisting of Representa tives Stevenson, of Ohio, chairman, Bur dell, of Missouri, and Kerr, of' Indiana, have agreed to commence their investi gations in New Orleans on the fifth of May, taking up the five Congressional districts in their order. • It Is stated that J. Ricks was rejected by the Senate, to-day, as Pension Agent at Knoxville, at the instance of Senator Brownlow, who stated the nominee was personally objectionable to him. At a meeting of the National Academy of Science, the subject of a uniform gold coinage was discussed. A mass meeting of workingmen was i held to-night. Jno. Jessup presided. I Resolutions pledgitsupport to men on a strike, and animaerring on Secrete ries Bone and Rawl ns for their action in reference to the eight hour question, were adopted. Nxw Yong, April 10:—The steamer Allemarda, from - Hamburg via Hata e, arrived to-night. Baltimore Presbytery—Union of tile Old and New school Churches. 017 Telegraph to the 'Pittsburgh earette.3 BALTIYOXE, April 10.—At the, session of the Baltimore Presbytery, the follow ing wawgdopted: ' Whereas, This Presbytery has, stt its last meeting, responded by the ov rtnre sent down by the last General A biy, on ihe re-union ,of the Old an New School clurches, and Whereas, a ma jority of the Presbyteries of t Old School branch have rejected th basis sent down; and Whereas, it pro posed by some in each bhurch t at the next General Assembly of le upon a should consuniate a uni n upon a basis not definitely and forma ly sub mitted to the Preabyteried; therefore, Resolved, That the Presbytery, in ad dition to Its former action, impress its disapproval of an organic union not first submitted to the Presbyteries and agreed upon by three-friurtini of the same. ' 'Delegates wore , elected to the General Assembly, which meets in New York, At ay 20th. - . License en Trading Salesmen...people% 4 Beform,Part Meeting. . IBY Telegraph to the Pit bosh Ossett4.3 t CINCINNATI, April o.—The City UOUtt ell today, through the influence of the Beard of Trade, repealed an ordinance imposing licenses of three hundred dol.r. lars on trading salesuien selling goods by sample. ' A meeting of advcaides of the Peopleli Reform Party was h eld at Mozart Hall to-night. Colorado Jewett, Win. Carey and Alex. Long made speeches. A re port favoring repudiation was read and adopted. The charge, of favoring impe rialism was made • akainst Gen. Grant. Bon. Geo. • E. Pugh declined ,voting for the report, and made a short address opposing repudiation arid depret , ating the demoralizing . influence . of the present modebf collecting revenue. About thir ty-flye persons were • resent. , CUBA. LE Y Telegrailh to the Pitt=-burgh Gazette.] amora l April 18.—In consequence of the appearance in New York of a docu t mont issued and . signed by Morales Sennes, imposing a contribution on Cu ban refugees for the support of the revo lutionary cause, Gen. Dulce has issued a proclamation ordering the seizure of all property belonging to Sennes, Casa nova, Mestre, Bramasco, Cisnerros, Cri ardo and others, unless they produce ne cessary proofs that they have complied with the legal requirements in the trans. for of this property to other parties. The Havana journals generally praise this decree of 'confiscation. The rebel leader Adulere has been captured and executed at Manzanillo. It is reported a schooner with a cargo of arms I has been captured near the mouth ofiMantue river, at the western end of the Island, while trying to run the blockade. The hotel Inglaterra took fire last night and was totally destroyed. Sugar it buoyant; sales at 9 reals for No. 12. HAVANA, April 16.—The Mary Lowell has beenitaken to the arsenal and is be ing discharged. The depositions of the crew haie been sent to the British Gov ernment: Secretary Fish telegraphs to Consul Hall, asking for details of the case of the Liriie Major. An 'eitensive campaign has been plannedl, in the central department. Troops are, to march from the north to the south side of the island, while war 'steamers are to cruise off the southern coast. Nuevitas advises of the 10th say the in surgents are sanguine of capturing Hol guin, which. Benjosi is protecting. There Jiro '17,000 in the town. Benjosi asks fot• assistance. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Thurlow Weed has returned to New York. —Daniel H. Carpenter was executed at . Angelica, N. Y. yesterday for the mur der of - his brot her. i ) - —At; Utica, New York. Mrs. W. A. Adams was burned to death by the up setting of a kerosene lamp. —Col. Edwin Wright Morgan, Prof. of Mathematics and Mechanics at Lehigh University, died yesterday. —Gen. Sickles, it is said, has declined all appointments tendered him, and re tires to private life on the full pay of an army ; Colonel. —M Newark, New Jersey, Thursday night) a portion of Ward's Iron fonndry was destroyed by fire. Loss §10,000; in sured for 0,000.- —At Toledo, Ohio, Friday morning, four stores and a dwelling were destroyed by Arc, involving aloes of $30,000; ban xantxi about =lO,OOO. _ , . . —.AI mass meeting of the citizens of Corrima,Utab, have adopted a petition to President Grant to appoint General B. E. pOnner, Governor of Utah. - -iTov. Hoffman, of New York, has ye toed.the bill for State aid to the Platte burg and Whitehall railroad. The veto message was tabled in the Senate-23 to 25. . - - - • —lion. W. B. Stokes has arrived at Nashville, Tenn., from Washington, an. wilispeak to-day at one o'clock, in re sponse to ex-President Johnson. Stokes will' probably be the Republican nominee for Governor. convention of railroad superinten dents, which had been iu session In Louisville for two days, adjourned yes terday, after remodelling their schedules. One feature in the summer arrangement is ajthrough express train. which will be run without change of cars from Louis ville to New York. -The trial of Patrick Buckley for, complicity in the murder of Hpn. T. D. McGee, took place at Ottawa, yesterday. A number of witnesses were examined, butt as no evidence was produced against the accused, the Judge directed his dis charge. It is probable Doyle and others charged' with being accessories will be alSo acquitted. L ; The friends of General M'Kinstry whb was Chief Quartermaster of the Missouri Department under General Fremont_ in 1861, will serenade him to day at St. Louis, as an expression of their opinion that the late decision of the . Court of Claims in the case of Pratt, Fox it Co. fully exonerates' .him of the charges upon which he was triad - by a Military Commission. —A fire broke out at two o'clock yes terday morning in Murfreesboro, Tenn., and before the flames could be arrested the entire west aide of the public square was destroyed, comprising some ten stores, besides other buildings; It ori ginated in the store of D. C. Tibaldi, an Italian dealer in fruit. An engine was Sent from Nashville - at 4a. m., and soon after it tot to work succeeded in check ing the fire. The loss is estimated at_ 575,000. arketi by Telegraph. NEW ORLEANS, April 16.—Cotton; re oeipts today 2,604 bales for the week 12,428; exports today 4,196; for the week —to Great Britain 10,434; Continent 9,474; coastwise 1,182; stook 109,926; sales today 1,000; for the Week 20,700; dull and unchanged. Gold 188. Sterling 143%; Commercial 14234; New York Sigstt3; premium. Sugar steady; com mon 10©10X;; prime 181;@1834c. Mo lasses in limited supply; fermenting 500. Flour firmer; superfine $6; double extra $6,60; treble extra 56.75. Corn scarce and higher; white 800. Oats firm It 74@ 750. Bran hcaree at $1,40. Hay; prime $27@28.• Pork dull and held at $32. Ba con retailing at 13 1 %®17V 4 c. Lard dull and unchanged. Whisky dull; western rectified 85®92140. Coffee firm; fair 15340; prime 17%c. April 16.-Evening.—At the open board this afternoon a fair inquiry existed for No. 2 spring Wheat; prices ranged $1,08y4®1,0334, dosing at die lat ter figurer Corn quiet; sales of new at 48350. Oateinactive; nothing doing this evening, and prices entirely nominal at Unchanged. Beef cattle steady and firm; afternoon quotations. Freight dull and sales at $5; 5,75 for cows and light .steers; $6,00@6,60 for fair to medium; $6,75®7,60 for good to , choice; and $B,OO for extra shipping beeves. NASEIVII.LE, April 16.--Cotton dull and • and • prices lower; low middlings 26stoc@ 25;40t good • • ordinary 2434(32430; k 6,283 bales. • CITY. AND SUBURBAN An Interview with Louis Lane;the Col ored Murderer—Hew he Appeers---He still Protests ins Innocence. Yesterday, through the kindness of Warden Scandreth, of the county jail, we were permitted to visit the unfortunate colored man, Louis Lane, who is-to ex patiate with his life on the gallows on the 29th inst., the murder of his wife by Poison. The poor old man we found oc cupying a comfortable cell on the first floor, which was remarkably clean and, tidy. He sat in a chair as we entered, and quietly arose to receive an introdue tion, not flattering us very much in the reluctance with which he made the ac quaintance. He was very reticent at the outset, and answered question" adoreseed to him in a cold and ceremonious man ner, seldom venturing to say more than no or yes. He expressed himself as feel ing well and enjoying a good apt elite. lie said he was baptized on Sunday last Into the Catholic church by Rev. Father Kerr, who daily attends him in his cell, and that he does not fear to die, fueling fully prepared to meet his God, and! having no hope for further life. No clergy man of any other denomination has visited him since his conlinewent. On be ing asked whether guilty or not of the crime for which he must die so soon, he answered, without emotion, that he was innocent, and, when requested to im part some information regarding his pre vious life, promptly replied that he had nothing, to say about his history. However, he said, he was born in London county, Virginia, when, tie did not know, but thought he was about fifty years of age.. (ills appearance indicates that he is well up in sixty.) He was married when a mere boy and the woman whose life he is chaiged with taking was his third wife. He has two sons and two daughters living, all of them married. The old man appears completely bro ken down, and we should not wonder if he so far wastes away, in ahticipation of his awful doom, as to render it necessary to carry him to the scaffold for execution. . He grew a 'shade more lively towards the close of our interview, and occasion ally laughed feebly, but he insisted that he had nothing to communicate to the outside world. He said that some kind people had sent him cigars and eatables which he had enjoyed. As he could not 'read he did not want books or papers, sent him. He had learned to say hie prayers by heart, and in his devotions used a pair of rosary-beads presented to him by his spiritual adviser. He cer tainly appears to philosophically view his terrible situation, and to be keenly alive to the near approach of death, but whether he will reveal his guilt by open confession, or die with a protestation of innocence on his lips, is a hard matter to anticipate. Lane is small in stature, and rather dark in color. He has heavywhiskers and moustache, both very gray, but his thick, wooly head shows no mark of age. HiscOuntenance is not =pleasing, hav ing small; clear, sparkling eyes, lofty forehead, and finely cut lips covering a pretty set of well preserved pearly teeth. He correctly uses good English words in conversation, and there is an absence of negroisms peculiar to the Virginian bred colored people. As we were retir ing from his cell two Sisters of Charity entered, and the prisoner stepped for ward to make them welccine. One week from next Thursday, the wretched man will atone with his life the terrible crime of which he has twice been found guilty. The scaffold on which he will be executed will not be erected before the evening proceeding the day of carrying out the dreadful sentence, and it will be constructed on a plan much different from any ever used. in this connty. The prisoner receives all the atteption and consideration possible for Warden Scandreth and Assistant Warden Smith to bestow, and he feels duly grateful and attached to them for their marked kindness. THE COURTS' District Court—Judge Uampton. FRIDAY, April 16.—The case of Hutch inson vs. School Direolors of Indiana township was resumed, and occupied the court until adjourning time. The case will be concluded on Monday. Common Pleas—Judges SLrrett and Mellon. FRIDAY. April 16.—1 n the quarter Ses sions room before Judge Sterrett. the case of the Devisees of Wm. Robin- - son, Jr. vs. Meyers was 'concluded, and the jury returned a verdict for the de fendant, subject to the opinion of the Court, on a question of law reserved. The case of Lang vs. 3.lcClarran was next taken up. This was an action on a book account. Verdict for plaintiff in the' sum of 11200,75. • , The case ot . Barclay vs. Davidson be- fore Judge Diellono4ported on trial Year' terday, was resumed and concluded. but" a verdict tad nut been rendered, when _Court adjourned. OPERA HOUSS.—hire. Mary Gladstone took a benefit at the Opera House last , evening, on which occasion a very fair audience Was present. Mrs. Gladdens will appear in the matinee this afternoon in Leah, and she will close her engage ment this evening, when will be presoak ed -*Oliver Twist*.!, and "Rose of , Eltrick Vale." . Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins will appear. • PITTSBURGH Taxernu.—The attend ance at the Pittsburgh Theatre during the past week has been unprecedented, the house crowded from pit o every night. Mr. James Taylor s om e th • chief attraction, although there are many other unusually attractivefeatureein ths entertainment. A grand, matinee will be given this afternoon, on which Occa sion Mr. Taylor will appear in his la imitable character of -the I'orkshire Farmer, and alao in several other awns ing raise. MASONIC HALL.—The drama t ic enter tainment at Masonic Hull, last evening, was of a highly Interesting character. It will be repeated to-aighr, or rather there will be another entertainment' by the same company with an entirechauge of programme. • _ ll.firroTakta. Sam. Sharplefs eele7 brated minstrel troupe will visit ear city -during the coming week, and will:give three of their* inimitable entertainment* :At Masonic Hall, commencing Thursday . evening. AMUSEMentIk