The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 16, 1869, Image 8

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1 . 1 : 1 : 211 - 4r
t 4-- 1 4 ,1 frY. T •*, 151 1 . ; 0 - 0-ri r,T
- Tss Giaarrea -is furnished in the city
Ose . Sin Clays b/ `the for 15 cents per
week; 'by snail, $8 per annum: 3 ma, V.
Mrs. Swisahelm wilLiedture in Butler,
pa., !next Tuesday.
Mayor Dram dispbsed of several com
•mod cases at his levee yesterday
Alieged .Forgery.--Alderinan Taylor
yestCrday committed James Dmxunont
to the county jail for a further hearing,
on a charge of fbrgery preferred against
hi by W.B. Kelley.
Work Conimenced.—Work on the pro
posed improvement and extenalon , of
the Court House was commenced yester
dvi We have heretofore given In de
tail the plan to be carried out.
Two Charge:l.-4. W. WHlnley made
infotmation-before Alderman •Battle yen
ter( ay against Matthew Senereet for
sealant liquor on .Butidity and selling 11-
qgor to minors. Warrant !Awned.
* •
Watch Taketi.-:-Andrew Miller made
i r
nmatiod before Alderman Taylor.
y rd ly against John Brown for ler.
oen .. Ths 1 prosecutor alleges Brown
etc e his watch,. an American lever,
valued at twenty< dollen.. Warrants is
sued. , ,
The Liquor Lain-L.Tiohn` Griffin made
Inthrmatbin bare Alderman Taylor
Mgterday against .411. Dittler: for-eels
.llquor Sunday. The accused
keeps a saloon on Fifth avenue, near his
seestreet Be waa arrested and gave bail
for a'hearing.
libel inled.--Ekome weeks since in the
13.15.Distriot Court *libel was Sled against
six-bundyed and thirty barrels of dis
tilled spirits; valued at .15,199.80, owned
bylameS Idolr.sin, against whom a' xale
was issued to show cause why the same
should not be sold, and Monday, April
24th, fixed for the disposal of the case.:
The Fair now in progress in the,M. E.
Church, Temperanceville. will be - con
tinued every evening until Saturday,
April 24th. The proceeds will be used in
remodelling thevhurcb. Friendsof the
church and ail others who wishto help
the canse are respectfully invited - to at
tend,: 41, monied. votes on. the 'Child's
augU s go.sod.doll will Cikkie on Saturday
eveolng l 'April 17th.
In 'W.orkingr 'Order.:—The inspection
and repaint to the Allegheny Fire Alarm
Telegraph Were ~eompleted yesterday,
with the exeePtion of the new repeater,
and the alarm is' now in Voicing order.
The new repeater will be forwarded in
about twb weeki. :Mr. Rogers will' re
main in the eitylMbl its arrival, to' don-
neat it with the telexiaph line.
Child Lost.—Yeaterdly morning a lit, •
tie boy about fair years of age, who had
accompanied :his mother to the city,
while shit was n:taking someintrchases at
Little dr, Baird's, 112 and 114 Second aye
nue, left the house unnoticed by any one
in she estabilihment. -and up . _ to a late
hour had, not been fowsd.• Ise wore a
snit of gray elotheirand a dark cap.
Put Him '
Oat —Joseph Washington
made infontiatlonbeSore Alderman Hal
ite, yesterday, agginiit' Louis Hays for
assault and battery,' Washington al
leges he went to the shoe store, kept by
Hays, to settle up ,some aecounts,
instead of accomplishing hid object a dis.
puts arose between then; which' resulted
in his being'insceremonlotudy thrust out.
,'of the store. A warrant for the arrest 'of
Hays was lamed..
Number pour of • Appleton.? Journal
contains a pictorial supplement, called
"New York Illustrated," consisting of a
Series or verylifte and animated views of
buildings and streets in the city. It Is
the best seriesofMetropolitan views we
recollect of, hiving;seen; the engravings
are very superior in . execution, and the
descriptive text very entertaining.. ` This
supplement is worth triclre than the pride
asked for the Journal. , • •
The Comfy Treasirer . i—lt is generally
conceded that bur gallant and esteemed
friend, Maj. J. F. Dennison, the present
efficient incumbent of the . Comity Treas
urer's office, will have no op .. ;tion be
fore the 'Union Republican 1; g gty Con
vention for renomination...He has made
an excellent and praiseworthy , offictr,
affording the largest measure of satb3fac
tion in the position, and his re-election
would proves' - Matter of congratulation
to all citizens Interested, in the affairs of
the county. • ' •
Professionals Arresteff.—Yeaterday af
ternoon officers Moore and Ruch arrested
Wash: Frees and his companion, "on .a
charge of being. professional thieves. Zt
appears that the Mayor received a letter
a few days ,since from Chimg,o, stating
that Frees andtwo companienshad start
ed for this city, and • would arrive here
yesterday, and upon this information the
officers opwited, and "nabbed" Frees
and one of his conspanions as soon as
they landed, but .did not get the third,
he having failed to put in an appearance.
They were locked up „fora hearing.
The flankropt Law.--As thelaw now
standitito person can obtain the benefit
of the act unless he is able to pay "fifty
per cent. or:his 'liabilities, or unless he
can obtain the consent of a maiMity of
his ctreditors, who may be wining to ac
cept whatever he, as a debtor, is able' to
pay 9, at ,of his estate—incase he has any.
It a party commits an act of tankniptcy
by the - skiPPKII of his commercial pa
pert 'of an assignment of his
rxi d i c .r picipwarty in freed of certain
_e!" i. .other elaloling to be
by Audi. procedure have the
theCoipt to declare
such a barikrapt within the mean.
in • oftgth7l7. ,, •• ,
l ow
i Vesostifat IPhestomenen.—,Last night t G .
sweep the Imam of el 1 • sod ten teapot
Frlitesvens pitmen ' , a bestitiful sp.
nett, being gll f - ' ' - with an eleo.
thud phenomenon Leh !brined s bow
Street the Horizon', +ratio* 'oblides of
oolor. It wail 'tiro& and bright, much
retwonbling the tall of a comet in appear. ,
ants, It was dazzling ' at. time& and in
Its flickering much resembledve glop
given the heavens by, ,s ' fire In 'the dia.
knee. ,We do not, revil:ober baring aver,
*eon torahs remarkable exhibition:lln the
heavens from "the 'augers berealii, and
those who inland meting it were deprived
of a rare speotaelO _ of WWI.
. - ,
lfetlgl to the FOLIC
PAW foldeStfle /12 1 !I
frielidi tied hit liotreMP/ 45 1_,, dd 1141 oak
ter ,io the we ll heotrit eti o timuk-zrz—
Inerk A lt l lt'j'et u rla
Flutfteyert etteral tit
ofour. , Mr . Otitemeyer het on hattel One
fire 'heed* stooks -fr Ons *blob to
seleitt firprjnit mg Summer multi, mid in t _
Jambi , or ellit g fibmi thst 10 uw
found the the two eittee, 1 itheilt be
pie Mere ell thy farmer ortetornere
and ell Othefe *ho d . may Amite ototheit
but , Vell , sled refute from goo 4 material
seiffitet'd the atorve number.!
_ _ th berme,
bite *ger' 14`6 ' ! 'llB Merket streets
Tiftlititt" "
Burnlng onwtheißrolif. 021.
Immense Destruction of Property—
Another Refinery Partial) , DestrOyea
—Han Burned -to Death—Divening
House and Stable Burned.
The terrible conflagration at Forsythe's
Oil Works, a full account of which, up to
10 o'clock, Wednesday "evening, vre'
published yesterday, continued to spread
and increase until about 'l2 o'clock at.
yestetday, destroying a large amount of
oil and machinery, a dwellinghoube and
several other buildings.
In closing our report yesterday, we
stated that the fire was confined mainly
to two points, but was liable at any mo
ment to spread to adjoining buildings,
which was the ewe. At about half past
ten o'clock, Wednesday : - night, the- dis
tilled- oil tank, bontaing eight thousand
barrels of oil, which. bad oontinned to
burn from the breaking' ont of tbSfire,
becoming p_artially_ emptied; this
fell in and the flames instantly
spread, to: the, cooper shop h whigh wits
near it,and also to the large crude oil tank,
containing twenty' Thousand' barrels of
crude oil, about. ne hundred feet east of
it, which, it appears, was covered with
plank. A short, distance from this tank
the . barreling , house was located, and a
similar tank cotidning about twenty-five
thousand barrels of crude oil, was a
short distance east of it, and all efforts
were nod turned to - cave thettaroM the
devouring element. The fire, continued
to rage at the already mentioned
until about half-past elevens o'clock at
night, when the tank which had last
taken fire bursted, and a' perfect flood of
burning oil shot forth in every direction,
devonringsverything with which it came
in contact. The' barreling house was
almost instantly 'enveloped in flames,
and in a few minutes, with its contents,
several thousand empty barrels and ma
chinervfwas a pile of smouldering ruins.
Tbairflood. of tire and oil swept on and
continued its work of destruction. The
next building of any moment in its track
was an elegant brick dwelling, the prop
erty of Forsythe Bros., and occupied
by Mr. James Forsaith, their oil gauger,
which - - was ' 'situated some distance
below the oil works, towards the
river. ' The burning oil surrounded
it, and in a few moments it was destroyed.
The fdrniture, having all been removed
on the previous day, was saved. The
sheet of nameswept on' passing over the
track of the Allegheny Valley railroad;
burning the cross-ties and warping the
rails to such an extent, as to necessitate
their being replaced by new ones. Ad
joining the house of Mr. Forsythe was a
frame stable which was consumed in lees
time than it requires to chronicle the
fact. On sped the Renick — writhing
and snapping_like . demons from . the
lowertregions dniSiiiringeveryibing of a
perishable nature„ pat lay in the
course of the fi ery flood. Five telegraph
poles...were burned , down, ..and, near
by two large iron tanks containing
about 8,000 barrels of crude oil, next fell
a prey to the flames, and -whre totally
consumed.. One of these tanks was
owned by -Forsythe Bros.,and • the
other was the property of lifesare. , Muns
hemmer, Koehler & Co., wnprietots of
the "Stella” 011 Works. Some distance
farther down the river the barrel house,
belonging 'to" Meeks: Barney & Jager
man, of the "Clara" Oil Works was con
sumed, with its contents,. Over three
thousand barrels. A wooden tank be,
longing to the same firm • was also' de.
atroyed. The office of Forsythe Bros..
a brick building near the railroad,
was also destroyed. Not until the mighty
volume of fire and oil reached the river,
or the oil was consumed. 'did the work
of destruction cease. The damage done
to the "Clara" oil works, beyond what
we have stated„ was' comparatively
small. The Messrs. Forsythe, however,
have been very heavy losers. The entire
loss, as estimated by a number of per
sons familiar with the business and
having a knowledge of the premises,
will reach 5210,000, upon which, we are
informed, there is 576,000.
Yesterday morning while some men
Were looking over the ruins on the
ground where the 'stable had stood, the
remains of a man were , found. • The
head and - linibs and part of, the trunk
were almost entirely consumed, but
enon a n gh remained to show that it was the
rem 1 of a human being. The buttons
which had been on the clothing were
found near. It was : reported last eve
ning that the body was that of a Mr.
Reed, who had.been about that locality
for several days, but it was not known
positively whether such was the case or
not. Coronor Clawson was sent for
but declined td hold an inquest,
as it was impossible to ascer
tain anything about the ofatkez.
The tire continued 'to burnall day yes
terday, but had abated cOnsiderably
when oar reporter left the ground. It
was not thought probable that any fur-
Aber damage would be done, as the
flames were confined to localitles from
whence there was no possibility of their
spreading. The railroad track was dam
aged for s distance of four or five htin
dred feet, and in conseqUence thereof all
'the morning trains were delayed several
hours. A force of over a hundred men
were.set to work early in the morning,
however, and had the track relaid and
in complete repair before twelve o'clock,
M., and the' trains are now running
regular. 7
Opened a Letter.
Patrick Kearney was before Mayor
Drum, last_, evening, on a charge of lar
ceny. 'Patrick' is proprietor of 'a board
ing house in the . gilthfWard, Allegheny.
A short time since one of his boarders
Alsappeared, leaving an account; of ten
dollars unsettled. Soon after' a letter
was left at the boarding . house for the
•missing man, which Kearney opened and
found to 'contain thirty dollars. Be
thereupon proceeded to settle the ab
sentee's Indebtedness by;.appropriating
ten dollars and forwarding the remainder
to the owner. Subiteonently a demand
was made_ for the return of the ten dol
lars, which, upan being retailed, caused '
the charge to be made as statbd. Zear.:
ney at the hearing explained that he had
bees informed by.the writer of the letter
previously that theletter would be sent
witb the money, and be was directed to.
act as he did. As he appeared to have.
no evil. intent in the matter ex
pressed himself as willing to refund the
money, the Mayor dismissed the case. •
As Entarpristug tug;
Wednesday afternoon some thief en
tered the livery stable of_Mr. Owen Fitz•
prald, on Irwin street, this city, and
cut off a number of buckles, rings, bits,
tie, from the harness, and escaped with
out detection. The fellow was tracked
Nome fa Allejakenz !Ind, the police there,
notified of the affair. Yesterday after
noon they succeeded in capturing the
man, who nave his name an'John Wood.
house. ,After be sstolen the articles
, fronfthe IlVery stable to traded them to
, the proprietor Of the-Hrnmel House, Al-,
'thoW. for breakfait, but a short tin*
Ortritedd restole and resold them.. He
Wail to hive apeonllar duals forthiev.
log, fltnees, hoWeyer. which , Menus'
'tomb its ptomain itsto trouble. Bel was
looked up and Brill bare a heirtng- thts
. .
nor nap „
; l et C P Urttid gf 11 " 2 14 11 !-;
TIII3 : I7S3DAT, April 15. T.-ti e,. ay* of
Hntchinien vs. the School - D ire of
Indiana township is still on trial.
Fo4owing Jape trial list. Por to
62 Steamer Fair Plav - vs. Stan.
64. Watters vs. Warden et al;
82. Mertz va. Dunning* M'A,nulty.
88. Fuca va.-Cochran.
90. Jenkins & Co. 311. Hodges,
98. Heastings vs. M'Eles.
10/. Napier et al. vs. Darlington.
102. Haller vs. Matthews.
The Court of Quarter Sessions was no.
in session yesterday, there being no bus
hams ready.
Common Plene 7 fuAges Sterrett and
THURSDAY, April the Quarter
Sessions room Judge Sterrett resumed
the regular Commom Pleas list. The
first case taken up was that of the De
visees of Wm. Robinson, Jr., decezised,
vs. Joseph Myers. Action in ejeetment
for a lot of ground on Taylor avenue, Al
legheny. On trial.
Before Judge Mellon. the case of
Jamas Barolay vs. Edward Davidson,
previously repOrted, is still on trial.
December Lid.
Kramer vs. Arensbnrg.
January List,
Auld vs. Wain.
Fultz vs. Rushenberger.
Skating Park vs.Rhaffer et al.
Powell vs. Little.
Smith vs. Gray.
Frank, Bros. & Co. vs. Franklin.
Hageman vs. Kratz & Co.
Cox & Co. vs. Davidson.
Himmelrieb vs. Kain.
Carter vs. Datlington et al.
Lang vs. MoChirren, •
McMaster. vs. Penna. R. 8.. Co.
Behan vs. Sehaderman.
Beatty & Potts vs. Cowan.
A Severe Blow—Man Seriously Injured
On Monday evening an encounter oc
curred in the Twelfth Ward, on Carson
street,. near Twentieth, between Johe
Magee and John Powers, which resulted
in the serious and almost fatal injury of
Magee, at the hands of his opponent..
It seems that for some time past a grudge
has existed between the parties, who are
brothemin-law. On the evening named
- Magee, in an intoxicated condition, called
at Powers' house about nine o'clock and
demanded adniittance. He wall refused
and ordered away but persisted in his
demand. Finally, expostulation being in
'vain, Magee \burst open the door and-en
tered. His first object of attack was
Powerii, whom he graspeal by the arm
and was in the act of striking when
the assailed party picked up a hatchet
:from the floor and struck him
on the head, felling him to the floor. An
examination revealed the skull fractur
ed and two of his ribs broken. Powers
immediately called medical assistance,
but for some reason the wounds were not
attended to until Wednesday, when Dr.
Murdoch was summoned. After an ex
amination the Doctor,'aided by Dr. Fos.
ter, succeeded in removing the fractured
portions of the skull, a job requiring
..dellcate manipulation hue skilfully per
formed, and rendering other needed
Medical attention to the broken ribs.
Yesterday - the man
,was somewhat im
proved and the physicians considered his
recovery probable. Powers -subsequent
to the difficulty gave himself up to the
authorities but was released when the
circumstances of the case were made
known. Magee is a puddler by occupa
tion and resides at - Etna. Powers is a
young man, unmarried and resides with
his mother and sister on Carson street,
where the difficulty occurred.
On Thursday last a singular case of
temporary mental aberration was devel-
oped in Allegheny. A citizen of the
Second Ward, whose name, ibeobvions
reasons we'suppress, npocritUrning to
his noonday meal, was lalike that an
only son, a lad about- fenit -years of
age, who had been ill for some time, had
been pronounced in a dying condition by
the physician in attendance. Upon re
ceiving .the information he arose from
the table,and putting on his hat, disap
peared rom the house. 'Nothing was
heard of him during the remainder of
the day, and towards evening the family
becoming alarmed at his prolonged ab
sence, despatched messengers in every
direction but without finding any trace
of his whereabouts. At an early hour,
Wednesday morning, the missing man
returned home and explained his absence.
He says that upon leaving the house,
his mind became so much confused and
depressed with the intelligence he had
received, that he lost all knowledge of
his surroundings and knew nothing of
his actions untirnear midnight on Tues
day, when he awoke as it were from a
trance, and found himself, walking by a
station on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne
and Chicago Railroad, about fourteen
miles from Allegheny. He could recol
lect nothing that occurred from the time
of leaving borne, until the time men
tioned. Upon recovering his senses he
obtained lodging until the next morning,
when he came to Allegheny on the first
Subsequently the son died.
John Seaver made inforniation before
Mayor Drum yesterday against Mary J.
Cragan • for conduct. Seaver
, .
owns several houses in the Third ward,
and' Mrs. Cragan is one of his tenants.
Yesterday the tenant imbibed too much
fighting whisky, ahabit which It ouptfok
she lei addicted to, kid; as' it' call
quence, her deportment was altogether;
out of the:bounds of i propriety. She.he•
came so boisterous that at length some
:of the neighbors called on Mr. Beaver
'and directed hia attention to the annoy.;
shoe, which resulted in the information. •
:Mrs. Cragan is the mother of, seven
childreni in; the ..
training of.which. she
seems to think to spare the !rod, would
be emphatically to spoil the child, hence , ,
i eccordlng to the stakmeht of her neigh - bore, lier chief ;maternal JO" couplets in
wing the Aid, eaveratulty , when she In An
der tha - billuerunior ihittor, as was the
case Yegterday.SO was committed :
jail 'in - default a fine.
41r e etilithi ll
Constable Stork yesterday interne=
arrested, in the. Allegheny. Market,,
woman who gave her name as Catharine •
Freeman and ;who had puroluised a lot
of dressed chickens to sell again. -.Wiled
taken to the Mayor's office , she first
stated she resided in Allegheny, but in
a short time after made it counter . . Mate
ment,4liing her residence JAR al te p
Pittsbargh, and maintaining that, 4 e
: had partftsed_the chickens for her own
'table. • The falsity . of thht i statement,wap
• - too she walk -Accordingly
'OW AMA . She left the Viloksimi.
n ines:Wein all, a seahrlif• for the pay
ment of. the fine this morning.
'TIE* "aittirri- -
Singular Case.
Disorderly Tenant.
Deatalef 141 1 Mir At , , 041, -,9, 12 . 1 .9 1 P 1 K 1 A •
To the mystery hftibelgrave 'Weis, on
Tuesday last,. tenderly left` by a few
intimate •• friends who fornied his. only
fanillY;• • the , mortar remains of a Man
whOdifexisterice was itself an enigma
which will tkolVedin this world.
After a long illness, but without painful
sruggle, Slgncirtalamboniexpired at the
age of seventy-five. So says the certifi
cate of his death:, But hisexaot age was
known to no one; and even the _disease
which 'took him froiriku3 baffled the, pen
etratioh of histhysielans. was born
near Turin, from parents of affluent cir
cumstances. Possessed of a rare voice,
and gifted with a truly artistic nature,
he never took to business, and early con
nected himself with .musical clubs and
academies:• .•
Some years ago one of his Minds, see
ing him caress children with a fondness
seldom found in old bachelors, ventured
to ask him why he never married. "Be-
cause," he answered with st readiness
surprising to his reticent lips, "because
the lady to whom I was engaged died
a few honks before the celebration of our
marriage, and I swore then that I would
remain single." The sorrow with which
this tragic end to his dreath of happiness
must have stntektis young heart, may
account for his extensive travels through
out-all Europe. It was thus thatte be
came acquainted with all the great cow
posers and singers of -' - .is time; and
many doubtless are those of our readers
who enjoyed his interesting reminis
cences and anecdotes, even, if they
heard them more than once from the old
art,ist. : _ • • • • -
What mood of fate brought him to this
country, nobody can tell. At first he
visited the Atlantic cities, clinging, so to
speak, to the shore, with the rote ation
perhaps soon tó re turn to his beacitiful
Italy, of whic h . he never spoke without
tear* in his eyes. - Alas! the moment'
perhaps came, when, asking himself
whether the contact of•-men and things
and the calm of years had. healed the
wound of his youth, he dreaded as much
as ever to see again the scene'or his mis
fortune, and concluded to stay as far
from it as he could. It was about at that
time that he went to Havana., His
friends suppose that his means majthen
have been so reduced as to oblige him to
contract an engagement as an operissing
er. However, he never confirmed that
supposition, and felt a great pleasure in
speaking of that epoch of his life.
Twenty years ago hO came to Pittsburgh,
and now his history belongs to us.
He had no sooner established. himself
in our midst than he became thii - tentre
of our mpsical society, and the delight
of our most fashionable salons. A gentle
man as well as an artist born, his gentle
ness of manners and high toned affability
made . for him mariy. Wends of tho ad
mirer; of his talent.
Nobody knows what were his thoughts
when alone in his - two-story little house
of two rooms in all, or how he lived
there. It was his sanctum; he never in
vited anybody to it, and, fond of soolety
as he was, never received visitors. HU
face generally wore a pensive eipression,
nearer to resignation than tonadness. In
conversation, without being exactly ab
sent minded, he usually seemed to fol
low a course of ideas of. his own; and
while his heart was unmistakably in
warm sympathy with his Mends, pHs
mind lacked thwelainialty of adaptation.
To this circumstance he •webably owed
the reputation of eccentricity which he
had with those who. did not know him
well. But he was in fades •simple and
natural a man as ever lived, neverallod-
ing to his owntrotibles, never complain
ing of his fate, accepting the decrees of
Providence with a meekness and! equa
nimity that the best. drilled Christian
had hardly found in his religion. What
mist of mysteriousness was spread over
his existence was a charm, not an affec
tation. .
So with his love of music; it was sin
cerely gennipe. True, be did not sing
for display, but from a necessity of his
organization, and with as little preten
tion as the bird Itself warbles. He, the
father of vocal Music in Pittsburgh, did'
not seem to realize the good he was do
ing by his example, ao worthy of imita
tion, and his precepts so bountifully
scattered. He never gave a lesson of
singing; but where is the singer who
directly or indirectly dew° not owe him a
debt of gratitude? If fees could be col
lected from all those who have been ben
efitted by his gratuitous teachings and
unconscious influence, enough money
would be had to elevate to his memory
such a monument as would rival the
most sumptuous testimonials of loved
respect in the Allegheny Cemetery.
A monument! No, his friends know
his grave; so does the robin. The soft
rains and tepid breezes of spring will
soon cover with grass the humble
mound, and -a few flowers soon grow
under the care of ' loving hands.
Enough for the body ! As to his soul—
whether a reflection of his last fond
thought of his friends, or of the beati
tudes of which he had a dim vision in
dying—such a smile was stamped on his
kind agml noble face as seemed to say "I
am happy !"
OPERA HOUSE.—Mrs. Mary Gladstane
appeared as "Xlizabeth, Queen of Eng
land," at the Opera House last evening.
There was a very fair audience present,
and the entertainment was of a highly
interesting character. Tanight Mrs.
Gladstane takes a benefit, on which oc
casion "Mary Stuart" will be presented.
PITTSBURGH TanternE.-=Full houses
are a nightly occurrence at the Pitts
burgh Theatre under the present man
agement. Mr. Williams has as tine a
Varieties Company as was ever collected
together in addition to which Mr. James
Taylor, zthe celebrated London Come
dian, appears _nightly in ins inimitable
comic acts and songs:
I "The Field of the Cloth of
Gold.' will:shortly be pre3ented at,the
'Academ_y of Music by Mr. fleas' com
pany. The ',View lias had an unprece- ,
dented run of over two months in Philo,-
delphia, artier° it was given by Mr. Hess'
MAsoNIO gALL.—The concert at Ma
sonic 114 hist Alight, by the Allegheny
Quartette Club, was a rich musical treat.
To-night. a dramatic.entertainment will
~be given by a number of amateurs. '..
G. members of the G. A. It
,who contemplate taking part in the dra
mall° entertainments to be given for..the
benefit of Poste 85 and 88, Allegheny, are
requested to meet at Post 85, corner:;, f
,Lacock , and Federal streets, Saturday
*night, in order that a cast of characters,
may be made up for rehearsal. •
The New Bounty Act.
The bounty bill which passed Con
gress provides that every soldier who
was discharged by reason of "expiration
of term of service" shall be held to have
fill'ed his full term of enlistment. and be
entitled to a bounty accordingly. - Also,
that a widow, minor children or parent,
;in the order :timed, ofant. soldier who
shall have died -after being - honorably
discharged, shall be entitled to receive
,the additional bounty .to •which -- . such
soldier would be entitled e li vin g . All
vasina tbr•*Nulty tmder 'vat ,of July,
1)168,4hall be void unless presented prior
M December 1, 1869.
An-Afflicting &defile.
,The suicide of Mr. Wm. A. BlaftelsleY,
of. Glade township,Warren county, a few
days ago, was attended with painful cir
cumstances. His body was found in the
Woods, some distance from his residence,
and appearances indicated that he must
have climbed a tree, where he affixed
one end of the rope to a limb and the
other to his neck. He then shot himself
through the brain, feirfrom the limb and
hung suspended by the rope. He used a
looking-g la ss to assist in taking aim
with the revolver. Mr. Ifiakeley was
about fifty-five years of age, was oansid
ered in good circumstances, and left a
wife and several children to mourn his
loss. It is thought by many that he was
laboring\ under a fit of insanity, as he
had once before attempted to destroy
hiniself.l He was considered educated,
once followed the vocation of a minister,
and hell the office of Justice of the
Peace at he time of his death.
The following letter was found in the
pest pocket of the deceased:
My wife is a good woman. We have
had no difficulty. IRA only knows what
I suffer in rcy side and head. I can never
be any better. lam almost blind, my
- eyes are failing very fast. Oh my poor
head, my poor head. lam living in con
tinual fear of being blind and crazy. I
can't stand it any longer. Bury me down
below the barn by the line fence, and if
the Yankeebush folks are willing you
can take me up there some other time.
The neighbors will help bury me. I
`don't want any regular funeral. I trust
myself to the mercy of God, and to 'the
alluring sacrifice of .the Lord Jesus
Christ. I love you all. My wife - and
children be good. Take care of your
health, I have ruined mine and now suf
fer more than tongue can tell. Farewell,
I have no hope in this world. Bury me
Just as I am. W. A. BLAKESLET.
N. B.—Let me be in the barn until you
are ready to bury me.
The Allegheny Controllership.
The members of the Allegheny Cour
oils assembled in caucus in the Select
Council Chamber, last evening, for the
purpose of nominating a candidate for
the office of City Controller, made va
cant by the resignation of R. B. Francis
Esq. As we - have heretofore stated, three
gentlemen were in the field for the nomi
nation, viz: Messrs. C. W. Penney. of
the First, Geo. B. McClSane, of the Third,
and Wm. M.iPorter, of the Fourth ward.
The caucus, although a brief one, (eon
tinning in session about half an hour,)
was quite animated, five ballots being
taken before a choice was made. On the
WM ballot Mr. WM. M. Porter received
a majority of the votes cast, and was
accordingly declared the nominee, after
which the caucus adjourned. Mr. Porter
will be duly elected at the neat, meeting
of Councils, which takes niece, Thursday
Ovening, April 29th. ,
The nominee, though, comparatively a
young man, is well known throughout
the city and enjoys a high reputation as
a business man and gentleman. During
the war he entered the army as a pri
vate, and after serving four years in,
the 'fienrice, was honorably discharged'
by reason of wounds received in battle.
From.a private's position he raised him
self to a Captaincy. and Was finally bre
veted Major for gallantry at tha bat
tle of Cedar Creek. For two years past
he has been engaged in blisiness in Alle
gheny. In his new position he will
doubtless, as elsewhere, prove compe
tent and reliable, and fully merit the.
confidence reposed in him, as evinced by
the action of the members of Councils last
The Ben Franklin Insurance Company.
' Few fire insurance companies in this
country enjoy higher reputation for
honor and honesty than our own local
Ben Franklln, of Allegheny. -Conduct
ing its business on a careful system, as
suming no extraordinary riske, issuing
policies with prudence and lodgment, it
has won the universal confidence of the
business community, and is .deemed as
safe and reliable as any other similar or
ganization in the country. Its , board of
directors and officers number businesa,
gentlemen conspiconus for their shrewd
ness, integrity and responsibility, whose
names alone are sufficient gdarantee df
the staunchness and high character of
the company, whose affairs they manage
and direct. The Secretary, George D.
Riddle, Esq., is a clever, courteous anct
agreeable gentlemanovith whom it is a
pleasure to have business transactions,
and our readers wishing to insure in a
company which they can rely , upon be
ing safe and trustworthy are referred to
him at the office, No. 410hio street, Al
leghenyv for all needful information re
garding rates and terms.
New Lit) Insurance Company.
Elsewhere we publish the advertise-
ment of the Co• Operative Life Insurance
Company of Western Pennsylvania, a
newly formed organization, embracing in
its officers and stockholders many ofour
most responsible business citizens. The
system on which .it is to be conducted is
strikingly peculiar. and on examination
'will prove decidedly attractive. By, co
'Operation it Is enabled to combine with
perfect security a degree of simplicity,
_equality. conveniences; liberality and
economy which has never before been
attained by life insurance companies:
We commend this now institution to our
friends as eminently worthy of conti
°deuce, and hope those -con
templating life : insurance *ill closely
examine into its superior plans for., abac
i ing with the assured and rendering life
A l ettratiop 'popular and profitable.
Yesterday 'afternoon considerable ex
citement' was created on Oh o, near, d
dle street, Allegheny, by the vagaries of
a mad dog. which suddenly Made its SD
learanceimuch to the dismay of the
'pedestrians who Crowded the thorough-
Are at the time The aninial, after tearing
around conaiderably;.finally brought up
in an• empty dry goods box on the pave
"ment,,wherait wasdespatehed by a blow
in the head from a hatchet, weilded by
one of the least frig,htened of the epode
' tors.who witnessed its conduct. Fortu
nately no ene was bitten, but the result
'might have been different. When will
Pittsburgh and Allegheny have a proper'
,dog erdinanoe.
Fashlono-011denfenny sends to us
itMme. Demorest's Mirror of lossbjons"
ibr ki,s i y. We examined it long enough
to see how fearfully and wondeifully
made are the feminine Ashton* of the
day, and then put the Mirror out of the
sight of all our handsome young baohe.
lora. ' We' thought they:should , not be
permitted to know too mush.
To pnmarrie4, Ladiee.--An we were
on our :muds we noticed a new mita, b.
liohment at No, le'Diamond, Allegneul
and looked in, and Were Plestae4l to tin
that our friend" *ad *hag* stook
queenawarc almoet'equal to alum We
recommend all thole who contemplate
matrimony to 041,0 n & ItteGralr.
and examine'for themselves. Don't tar
get the placei Nr4-10 Diamond; Allegheny.
. . ,
Get a good erupt <or vino when You
ere pure - I'l4of sad you Willpower regret
it. • liteblor i , Pt :WOW street i Wig
the beet In the ,morcet ot tbe olasipors
, , ~ • .
Philadiritibialtarteilid - Hue—
Charter _.lPets- °ices -in v .,.
6414 A , A 14, 19e9. '
I hereby acknowledge tbe receipt of.
the full sum of•ThieoiThonsand Dollars, -
from the American Life Insurance Com
pany of Philadelphia, paymen t of
Policy No. 8.999 for 03,000 on the life of
Isaac Whittier, deceataid.
I also acknowledge the return of all,
the notes given for premiums on, said .
policy. The dividends having liquidated.'
the same in fall, MANUEL EfAnryn,
Administrator of nib estate of lease
Whittier. dec'd.. - •
Applications for insurance in this old
and reliable Company may be made to
No. 96.% Fourth avenue, dr to •
No. 13'Ditunond itreet.
New York Anellous.—We thank our
friends and customers for-their very lib
eral patronage tale week, and invite those
who have not called to• examine our
stock. Fine Linen - Damasks at /Loo,'
worth $1,50. Linen Napkins fitx, 11.25
ased.fl,7Ey about half their - valise, Gent*. •
Hemmed .Handkerchlells much below
prices. Special bargains in Blaek Alpa
cas. With a full and complete. assort
ment of new Striped Poplins, Plain and
Mlxed.goods for suits, at J. M. Carrre, 118
Federal street, Allegheny. .
Linen . coot of the choicest ' Wields.,
Bates ,
It Is a fact that Leibler, No. 104 Wood
street, rules the trunk trade in the west.
He sells at Wholesale and retail -prices
which defy competition. Readers in need
of anything in the line should not tail to
pay him a visit.
The Very 'Latest 8117L' Mantles,. just raw
ceived. Bates Bell's.' .
Marvin's superior
Lemon Biscuit, '
Sugar Biscuit,
linker Snaps,
Spiced JumbleN ,
Are for sale by' all grocers Mt retail.:
cheaper,and of better quality, t h an people ,
can snake at home. Bakery No. 91. Lib
arty street. - 't mw:2w •
The Premium Trunk Factory No. 101
Wood street ;continues to attraithrongs
of customers each day offe ng un
equaled bargains to whol;sale and retai
customers. 1
Ladies Forabbing Good.s: Bates &
Bell's. '
It. Is a lour) , and a enmtbrt to bath
shave, or.have 'your hair out or dressed
at the elgant establishment or B.
Williamson, No. 190 Federal street, Al
legheny. Try it.: tr
• My !Solace.
Who gives me time to•rest. to read?
Who fills my purse 'gainst time Of need?
Who is to me a friend indeed. •
The Weed Machine.
At U 6 Market Street..
Furnishing Geods—lTapkins Doylies,
Towel's, Stand_and Piano Cov ert Toilet
Betts, FurnitureCaTeringe, Curtain• Netts,
Damasks, Sheetinga of all widths, Pillow
Case Muslins and Lit:term—a full _stock
from the mosteelebrated maker& -Bates
de Bell.
The best evidence that trade is lively
in the city Is adduced:from the fact that
Leibler, 100. 104 '.Wood: street, Is. driving
an immense business in trunks, valises,
carpet bags, etc., all of , which of course
he sells at lowest cash prices.. Give him
a call.
Boys" Casaimeres.--The most conatdete
stock ever offered in the city; at J. M.
Cart's, 118 Federal street, Allegheny.
Great Auction Sale Centlnned of Ha
man & Carliide's , entire Mock of fancy
goods and trimmings at No. -29 Fifth
avenue, in the • store.tiately - occupied by
A. H. English &Co. rAttotion sales id 10
A. M. and 2 , and <7 P; M. See advertise
ment. H E Sntrrnsorr et Co.
Liebler, No. 101 Wood street, at the ex
tensive Premium Trunk Factory, eon
tinues to offer•the very. best home made
trunks and val ises et popular prices.
The place to White. Line, Cal
cined tqaater, Hydraulic Cement, is at
Ecker t & Caakey?s,lB &rahfield street
Black Silks for Sults. Bates dti Bell:
evening, April 13th . 1819. Mr. WILL. A. Mo.
or Pittsburgh. No cards. •
RICHARDS—At New Orleans, Lonialana,April
2d,1069, in the 119th year of Me age, CHARLES
G. RICHARDS. formerly of Birmingham, Alle
gheny county, Pa.
tIIIMn: rft. COFFINS Of all Itinds,CB.APSS,
GLOV.F.b, and o ery description of Funeralrat.
Waling Goods furnished. Booms open •dsy and
night. Hearse end Carriages fornhMed.
RantniatdxS—Bey. Dario Hem dev.m.
W. Jacobus. D. D., Thomas Ewing, Each. Jacob
H butler. Elio. •
'cornea 82‘14D1313 ET .A.WD OHMIC
AVEWIIa • Allegheny lry. where COP
AOOM3 e constand supplied. wt real and
.Wtattott lto. (mood, rMaliegany_ and :Walnut
°Offing, at prices tram MI to OW. Bo•
dies prepared format ment. Bearsgs and. Car.
riagoi raralelie , ll . 1,1 Wads or , Moaning
tloodsolf required.: • , oeodeaatallhoaki, dar
Ind alert. - • - • -
- --
li t rT. T. lit I .1 Nall i 4 UNDEttai
TAKER AND : 4 . 1 NO. 43 OHIO
T. Allegheny, 'et costs ant.ll. on hunt
abuts assortment of y•made.C=na ,Of tbs.
'it llowliik kinds: Ara a celebrated American
- .Burial Cues , He • tiott4ealtniL•Arr-Usht
Casts an Caskets. lal &manned. Walnut and
Itosewce d Imitation 2ns. Walnut ;Coigns
from $5115 upwards. . _ wood-Imitation CO3lna.
from 33 upwards, and no Dalin will he. awed
to OM entity satisfaction. Crape anW.tiloves
furnished tree e [OWL Bout Hamm and ear
a tarnished on short notice.. Cantatas hr.
al ad to funeral. at at • . -.• , _ .. . ,
yrEnty 0. lulu%
Would respectfully name We Meads stud Uri
Public toriefullY. that Wi •
SOLIC/Tl* AN Ei*l.bAtia.
Coiner of Peon Wand an Sixth Streets.
. A
up It It lloto
tlitryklui7O lost *vowed imok tie tweet the boot
tat of New Goole pi Bortilitiotta t over brooottt
to tlitriatkot; TOO in* Wortoot
onCloolcii °ionic* Obeeper eat( %lOWA , thou sor
Aretsion boils to rolty us , et oast sites ! .
Old ookortmoot .of OtratTl4,4lXo , B 'noon,
mu GOODS us II at Motet tO n*1 0 41%444011.
haw est Sousse 10 00 1111,11 0T01144'.
C 3