The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 16, 1869, Image 7

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    AN f 4aMiggp2 gigginft‘ 40Utirm
i : A LI t i tXi ,,
t*i ' t l 4O!Ni o t r ii -tTeirbhi e n
dln lx e * le..4tlu nfaw,l%oe.t
. . V.,r, .F•fiseati*es-
- It is a self-evident fact thatallinaltaheit
of tridelaS incftresfq.,lll thlii lefty - , ter.
genii& die, 'whoitrAq an d ;19t111**.,
8111004 u r ea OiFik u l 4 l :swiAUtikAire
years past, have been confined almost ex•
pleusively . to our Easteriveiti .M,opttyol4..
iiitMw ilbiitlina Bee* ' #.44,1e 0r „.
the attention of our merchants and men
of capital has been omaln a great
de g ref i to' the iron' bt=a branch
of triad in : Which, °Simi to our unrival
ed', facilities ':rot , Zaatalfaattatcg 'laid
inkospaling We'liivi, Jiiipc rib liftecidittlti
- ecnite t- - oclumlFtence iPf kic*
cipordatingendtal many energetic brsi-.
newsmen kayelOught (other Leda of in:
T t iv kau t :rilit...eakeeill ditle cdarti
' arettarn, , Merchants dm the
ing . SW In Ene..bratela 0f51,1 - 1 - a
Oka Mange 3Plttie, apparent, than/ in the
4 / 1 40en4irele,....wirich, until recently,' has
h 44 PildiPt notffined)tortke ablatil
we have n ow t Atomiser". Surat:A.6Bla;
Qneensware E stablishment and Import,
ingEhezeb Irhich_ts intbablyrenti alike
most extensive of its character in = the
country, eithevW> We e r
tohiWestibliffiuniinvoiLlloyhM Oa
..11,, /
234tfdltieWbbil street., wbblWer d
._ oh,
IMMO ifetterk , Orqueertswarls, lliare:l
viralßodtiligliabrAtirdNeellktir i I . k#lA4 .
mathadictiirbrabf , lidtipktilz 'r " ' '
In order to give our dim sturaridell --1
of the. imirtenm.,b , 1, Ostsiretigc
firth; we will enllea . te,k oa, ,
Lion of the establish 4 , I,_WitliOttt en err
ing into nainntq l 4V i f law building
occupies a front on Wood street a rty
feet and extends back ai' tin; 4 , •re•
stories high exclusive .' b .-' On
each floor are two repine'.- V. .b 9
eighty feet. The celt whit 4 , e nd
unditi the'''entlie'llnil ink arts d tett ,
n i g4
to thikftdrispliter of teat find'Ottir . P#7,
ageek.of'goolle Wale? Mitre: );E t
are kept full oopstantly ‘ petwit an ire
alargelf64.' • PenNe 01 0 044 1 0 ,1 4411-
p d,g.gooda,and, . ,
to of , • ''' " i n'the - lltitt'llcau Aps e ire
sa 4 " " 'i sti 4 ll2 l B 4l,_ lB o. l l7oVii4v
4 .
foil d . tion o Queenswarq
of the finest grades...and _China waft
in , &Own E. rectrintywt.inutircbaok Emit
WI is the business office. In the
other room en aK,ment , has been
neakSillited *plaid .811aaglitaW a , -riornl:
plexoemlnr,Glasamarrand Icuripw .2[l
- back end offthe nomy is nhaprittate
office, which lambatlYnndiSomitatably
furnished, and the rernabillsrfliorthifinr
the room is used for opening goods. One
of the rooms on tlableildmil'lloor is liter
ally fine* with ;Lw quidwo , Illerosene
ends 'roundly; tneether we find.
the cheaper grades of Queensware.r the
Rocklughauranda.breirpool yedlow ware,
for which this firm arettheizcialagtedi
for one of the ltrE es
tabliehmentaint . '', 11:1 " - ' : I' .
Thai teems on Meth d fidOroard rebeto
tattles Ur Glassware and TAMA Where'
both Ate Rand in endless-Variety abyrell
as immense quantity. ;r" I- ' '
The Wimp ware fie Worthy of Especial
notice, as it comprises all the newest
styles and in endless vanstier, and,ic ..
poryd by this firm tilet rtotid'El ~ . 5
Manm. , whefitit' is itliketnimi.
s e S.-
itkein the fact, that `Meaner ' ' it
Ogt*.nipureitutie Mgr goods Ito ,finst ,
likc PM
leulthiSniliskialrt itifidedirock i taiii it t re
enablenir seltilieneall 'clibati adtha can
be bought in the... Eastern cities, and thby
aArt t eq , dur eh lira, 'York epd
tirplda l ' ' ll,l 2 l 4 . ZlT9rig andMIT,
mid Ide_;„.p 4.41 to, itavAng the.
freig 1' nom buy to
kerosene ,of every*Mriptiorather
are : : 'to, eget- superior induce
maeptitli-tbe Alta LOW. th ey are.feet•-
g 0 litaaafaotara of lamps, _anti
se QUO 0? thPAracle et a'reinction of
fifteenper. Mete PA , Eaten prices..l 0
The heavy business Ws-firm have been
doiwthrOtig h the •Scuttliand -sbunetiest '
renders large.Limportationsi , amasser?, 3
and: in nalffithur to the, mammoth ittoek
on hand, goals areffillivantring lordn
the eastern cities,, vinlirseveral swills
have= just 4 refrisred loaded 'with' OMB.
wure and' , Adrui ClATteir -ImPartatintf.'
Thembitigilleollf*Manp the e*Amazonn
t t
5.111111°111 14.- V i Thitr a°4l4*
goods 'Neer York • elphla,
imported - by thirtfith, liniftllbre are two
other vessels yet telteritiei I x
T4sqnsa r atthe.ware imported. , by
theni is
~,not ittifixibt id an in
thenebit , dWe doubt if any oiler
firm in.thanountryis importing so great
a quantity.
The members or: tl4e Ann, Mom.
ona o ,4ol4Are'hoill, Men of large
busiesesicapacity and extensive issipari.
ence, and enjoy the
,COnAdeilee 'end
t,t di r thi) entWelmarruter, onmmunity.
Dealers throngliodb the ootintryill find
them prompt in filling eiders, as wall as
honembleand ihir in ,fdl theirtuebress
transactions,and we take pleasure In re:
commending them to the public, and
also feel a pride's/ having business men
with such 'energy and enterprise as they
have evinced, in our own city. A • few
more such houses as this, in .different
branches of business, would bridg ImEl
lions of money to Pittsburgh; Mkt now
flocrajnto coffers of other cities.
- ':lteitl,Esti'
. . ,
Ite::fialbiithst, - ,deeds :were . flied of
- reeardtieibiel H. Phdrely, Zvi:, Beee;dize '
APIIMMER: 7 :. ''',, i -- • ~': -, '•i'•
-: ' • .',. ..7 k ri -
• - D. Beanetlfet al. In IMMadate:Zeller. , •3llrch';24.4,
• -tees: - lot lathe boron •h of East Blaislngbanfilis
, -- by 22 feet n►lieloudln=v . .'
yo. . a . . . ~ . .....44.;..- 4 16100 -
1 1. 70 r 67 ka .•wesapbeilts;Aateita.Zellers.:ldatetrO,
• . i ; Itadroad area t,: Mast Dirwiritithalni':
, • 20 by7MfeetOrita Inalidinms - ' - • • lama ,
k &nu Kw*. munnnyarsninsa% s tre. l tille4
1 lob an .. stick Weed: - was* i' ..'
• . feed.willt •Millill %if.- ..
_4' .17 • • • " • -• Se •
Archibald WalLepto , : inuilyi•Mareli 19, • IMW;
lot anthelitztit ward. , It i ea ' . ; 411 . 2 k1ia
• • ;.su***t o Wil”lfeet,rauw mai nig: ...............
M. it a lj i lmn Mnitel, Octribercio - 1161142; as' •
IA Atattalatirstreet. Alias .N.a .
~by Id feet. Yorellos • • ....r. ...-"
- Gram W. to Ifigitin;ill;e l A‘rn - Ikt
UM; lot la the TwenW , lirst ward, , attstargii,-
Cby 110 Matt, with bMlittnis - - 02,p6
Dime to. : -10101,-• tlitC ! A. VW; ilsdr."
• - ..,....,,. ~., • 2: , ..,...t ~.... ..:04 1193
• Michael Stamen to JoseCt Rapp, dr.. M arch - M.
. • 1 atilot .ia McClurg'. plan. mramby borwdb.
• . cap intimisall6l46, - . at 4 : Dirscantrentogz :
12. •
• Martin goblin to Husk sad ortaireirrd
20 41188; lag in . Pitt township, on Israily•strae_.,
97 het - - • - . ........ ......4.010
. • Myr,
P e ter e.uthiNgraroatle2Z i' iffilU s.
_ -
With indlctlnds - - • 1' *
Theodore , Zeiler to D. 0. Can. pbel_,l Marcia 26,
_ .. • Jab Ist i d4 .in guire Aeroes4 *rot itimbilibain,i
1ff..72 widemitigin... .. 1 .......111.0c.
Wm.Dobin on. Jr, to. Justice task, noun
• . .bar - 27 i -• Mk lot Mo. 42 In /14abta sun 'd IE4
•••liarriad r ittiodymp •Tentp./4r.1.14...),
-Presley ' ey Maitland*. *Pries. . ;
;,L_ ...: _cd to nantownsalia. centataing ;spares tad sa
. 1. 'Ain r lU" 'UV i - Ve . o . . ..tetageViOatlietli
-: . ;MC; lot Mo. 42 in lt.tansoats plan,' Spring Gan,
-. ' dimple 07-190 feet- - -- - - • - 1...:41:_ ,
-Geo •
•-- ; , ..AIMMAVItSt strMiiT n,,__ ~,
" f.. j 01•1,1..... , ... • it i• • .1..0.
*O tW i l t i lrapUnt *nil IsitbellaMcDoWell to Peter 1
••• • • •I' jf.npriv. nu : mei: , itt , on Abe kalmeinth , 1
.. ..' Vank.wau,, Osier 'rens . p, contalllng mwes
_-• -• • 4.4 . 1i..f.:' - 4 :'.6631' •' • .4a i;1.: .) i .:.:". 7 i ...4124415' •
.7.,„ 4 ., e silipp to Wmat.!rate ... 11l t•,44.40
i1k.... . .' trt,' 11C. 04 -on the mart - Mae •
. - • m WV* 4..4911 1 34. 7 19t 6* V,116
-- J a m°. lisstas 4.. C. Donald andaHenta tab otu:a
- 61d i gt i l li,rl ICA: 1 ! 1 11t 449 /PIT /21 0 1/ P. Vp '•
• • ..- tol -. 4...,..- ...i... 00 ,
2: :il i Ctlitaitterffact a g i ott= 4 l`
• Illto• 11.11,.. -.. . '•49.10 i f .;•le
.• Dav Went torat'Tste; fr% siKI )9ka, na,
Al;215 115
. mo:. ,-,;-;;;',.. :....-.. .. ii , i6
Jgßtiro l a C ° 117%0 w 2, a plos‘ n r, 6:
1, ."......L.1,tt....4.1... irs...4 A . ti
l l iel mit. .. id. 431,4 istottx...Aoil 1,
164 16 ILI he li tbitllsalpi • Orlanguaing Ir' 'a If
Strbompsoa -1-,3- Virtir . irrtrei' V lit 7 3!
:1,..A. 0 , parse, or lorti‘:.dllity.rat.
..Auegbeny, . b„ . si feet, Wlt6 al Pipe,
,/ , ./V/...4 , •... ' t.:40./.11.1.14: a:. '1.1111U1).
Lia 4 • . 1
iii/22 • 01y Ilienitattnr V/It t li e t l l 46iiq f3 f
__lt .. I, , 34 4 3.0/4707 aT. Warn ii; Mai .
mutt 'Ll's g0,U40 +sett. ••••Issliliscer,„afareh
:1611 . fot o Jade s t reet, East Blrmlditil
_Only BM fotc.nrith.lir dins C 5 .t..'.1.;.t.,...". ~ 200 -
w ifitalu , EV=VlK,rait itutk,r;
1 1..., coaft,. •
~..., p._so tri , ot. t with
id 111,61.5144. -..... 1...4.C.: • 1-4 -I:4X
O * 1 calm Anglian Altilloestlir% 81 41 1il
10 alilliargstreeti mitt - jrciin ha
Joint P.. eillineldegltr' al erten* lie ern April' 'k )
6: ItAtorrcenteristyptiommingain,, 19 by
feel,mitn ,b01i0ung5,......i.„„,,7,,„....,g2,60
31 einielleots 1,6 idegolateliatidtheidettoanfel,
Praft, 111109Lbetbrw tbd touthwestreoltner et
e rr r- and ‘e h er% igirCeis. A 4 11416 67,•17 , hy BS
et, with nd 8 0 • !moth
Sashimi GirriWard tiro to afargiret Faso, July'
.4.1988 t kit on 'Abe sent aide lit Suitor street,
figliteenth , ward. gittabnritb, ( 40 br iso fir
la ens Miler in 'Arredirickt eint4l, iiiiat . intrt,
r i. , A1, li n.tap,..: .be
l rowds+ b temp a road, 80 y5l geet,..11060
A. B. a teven•on •to meets IS: peer. April J.
1069; lot on theidataherlydise of LI des street.
I,:wentyrtli t ird ward , ,rittsbargh. 6p by 122 feet.
, .
Apagickt.:Wallan se atadloon , I'boroas, Beta. - 18, -
. 10611.1 4.4 on Duncan street; fittalsargh, :Sprit:4'
Jali t ifieilri : alEiiii - trireMi . . Mai:ll44Z
• isollirroingliara: BrereeP :lll a 4 0 .eeti
Jol b ßk i
s i t t griy.TiOii . a.c Berthe, lidtaket i f
ldt .71117, uregg's ye air, Birtart4 '...
'yetis Opir,aaktr tot John • Dbaer,'. o,ll . 3beic
3 •
olfitasla t t yo ,. .- r .. i g..e. ... A ., .o,
.s P tot f Co ter t i v&alio,l4iL t il• ,-
AuPrtuotry, citz to Jams wttospeamiLOt In Simla.
I toppship. 430L110.144,..... .... ...,•••wg
Joseph Lon tid John Nutter oteln..l
1188ttlot unite nbrtb aldeliti Youdta rr street
teipte 2 l l .ll/0 0 .ieetowltk . ifuildings &V i ta.
J. . alai o ev. M. N.,Jsco.but, Aprl . 11, "
/ / lot No. 15. , 1 Irwites pbus, °IMMO .. ther„
Allnglielles 4111144 fett.....t:.:. .J 4.-142.000
VII oroas',Deigitan. to ilrldt libefloolg,. April fi
, Min lot sin. Deaner' 'etre „ - 111.141 I srapi t ,
_ ,g t hi
t esiy; 20 by 83 feet. *lib sent 100'.
4o llielpalltelit kV% J.tenntb. nth tliti 1 ;
/0 0/1 3r =an. side ist Willis it et. 1/ 9 %
gben y. liy2 er '' , .
,To=..Taggirr tti Use Y2ttiburgb. for t 2 W Syne and'
1 Chi •ago Railway Comparky/ Aolt , 18.300;t101aX
the west side of_tirnaLAvenue. Second ward.
Allegneny. L,.. by Art Jest, yritiibghdiog,lllll,7B3
Win. hiaCreert. tO , Altxotiiiet 'Lelrate. illtust
10....0 . • ; lopkinog., end :441i2 isiopeeekref,ou
Afetrinte township
Adipp,ltupeTtrtp-utprze:/inpen. Aptil: toe 18601
littlifßrostil'it Plan. Lower et. Clair township.
10~.67'60 feeti. with buildings ............,' ...... ,giiMp,
Micusel O. C. Itunsen to Levi Lewis, 1 . 1%i0. 4 .
1.,, mak lciatiu Th ird weenie and Brant -a et, 20
b 14 31 fr Pi ttfilund Lege 4.• .-., .. . .f..f.. ow
• Chaps osollton to Davit 1,,e r4s,virreisktier4
, .10 on Marotreet, vrmisly Do pligb, 24 0
75:14461,./1 .1 .7.7:.::........ .:,.... i. l . tell,. .s.
AfErTorto w,
~ m Tukimad y ":l4.74,,;". -
actiii , t
, , fiti a toi! R . =limos:mlg ,
4 11 3 ,0 2WCRaiss ) ,taetorsols.Potratt,m7irrtit
t y fn eet 5 14 . Oretau! ,aKtqt, I.4tooptl i t a rm , JusitPh ' W..#64l4l l :titprVl .
14 tfiti tio Cgs i1tun00..,..,4 ~.,...i.t74. Dlttoburgb, Bo by _
ILl E r ra , ille 1 QUI t .. " - ...
- . Ve ..f. l "
Nal/ C . In gto orge B. AI r, A.pri 1,
' 1818 f. 14 Of ground lig Plata ' toWasbly, oun lg.'
Inglol acres 4E4,70 peroe a. -' 1,;..,... - ,...1100.50f1
Ernery'Oleaon A. - ivilm.m Boger% soyansher
iot 18611 i lot oirignic Thignton • road: lll ).ne V ir,.
, ousiLtißgilvillei - to wrtstrees...; ~.t,...
1 Jonri violation to Orr, Wan ifranna. Yebreary,„ h ,
isa. lot od Jane *scree xxst ,Atztotttoim. bU
by D . 6 feet.: 1,1113 bolld4s.‘. ' • ' - Ei,160:
e. t •-- .f." . . -..160/119.1.. 34. n • • . 1 cu .: ~, ,
Sotno da'y sixteen wortgaites664 Pim RrfliAluk.,
ces were tiled for record. ' ' - ..r
tie` genstie.
.PdPuOtt.e , t, ipie. tett 'her ,
foreithe .adjonrnment oftthe '•Efonse? luur
orgWied;ind is hpliligg mOtinga:47o4
hale iiiiir;=o to :4PoOnit,a sub-cnitinittee
'of ftte,to,iit doring,the recess and per
fect the details of thenecessarylegilibitibti ,
for •tidciing the census, rto be, ready I with
their report at the December - serieleh. -
The President has iliac andel to it
-ceive' no balls `on' - the Sabbath, and his,
forbidden his Secretary to bring anY'
letters lir i telegmms, unless they, ale on
important Public , 'business, la answer , to,
something he has - nailed for.
• A short time since, as Gen. Butler, was,
riditte W the Peniniyliiinin *eine cars, - ;
a lady who was leaving the car remarked,
as she passed "Lair out , •for ychr
IM,-The,,Getteral promptly; fel
er, and sacerydned- that she was
employed hOlin Vreasoryi . She has low :
'the meal: as had her placetilled by' a
colored wosnan. , . , • - t
Mr. Motley, ourintrar!Minister; to the
',Conttof St Jaistei,,iti here,' the mit t 'of
2 , 3401
:Senittok 1 'Bundler ~ Ire, Wilt Yci Ila -
credentials ipaneatatt 411 it, i 'vxpo i t, -
ed kluit the matter - of Imitru ona. - liiiil
tietflsP.,,ld*,,, •of ,::ii ~Cabinetm ei:tin:4s
800 4 , 4kme: mate , :adjourn& The:peal. •
tivopoeition.ike &este has taken. on:the
Alabama claims.will berbadred up by the!
Presiden4•and !there ure } great expeetti.:
lions reipirdint• his inatitetioint' tei :Ifr.-
Motley on thieriztitidulaf sub,ltict... l , -,; , ,'
The condition of 'Affidpit4 *a* to,
Ctitii*Citoa 44146- appleAenomm. It i
is feared', thAt ~,eveAts .mii compel- the i
Ilnited ,Staten , ; .Government to.. extend
physical as well as moral aid, to. Cubs;
and that the European - Powers may join
Spain in'dettiandinfr an absolute hentrali-
ty. - Secretary Fish' is: opposed - -both` to
the Prestdenrand a majority•of:the Cabi.
.net, ; end regards the cause;of Cuban rode ,
ImPre .aili.hoßeleAst desiring to ,, bsee.
the vPrAnWili:Pilicy upon that view.!. •
John S. -Carlisle,:; of ::West.Virgin*
nonsinated-aa Minister to Stockholm, was
formerly Senator from that f•Statee and
acted with the , Dinuecrats: ••
, 'lle' has' of
late been it thint MO, but radical Seni'
bra that will not. save, hint, and that
heAtist be rejected, , i
SAUatortaay that - they Are goint o to, l
ill the, nominations
to places of ithportance them, and
reject any. of them if 1 necessary without
fearet giving offense: !Judging from re-!
markt =deity the Presidertki hei Mired •
feel Ilia ga i t elieved if is trimbef Of &kin
abonld be telicticil ilk!: ifirkiiin oft` tills
hands. , e. i• ,_ .- Ir ~. '
= Nearly. All .0 the ppaportept 11111*am
lugreOnsinlitell Itayinf i r filled, And
,the Alabibui treitrifii bee disikised
of, ittretipliliort it Wire ' tortilght - *O f
the iiltelpildif' of the Ekiiiattiirilltiipt lie *-
0 304 Ser.oo' o6 4essia lOW::14 4 1 1 4C
111 10 . 16 a4M tile , Am, 1 ?"4/iaiiitt0:1 , P4d
.reqtpre 'my -p-il4Ays for .41Amesion, imid .
1 friro;tholißM: ALM tlie.,Preeident :would
send in neniinattonssozepidlyisele - luoo
, done: - Tinktemeining appointments' will
' -be seat in airlkets el tho eibies kW , deft:lElo'
upoil, tad, *4 , .. - tot -of the" Week vibe'
Pr*dent th'he."Wilr bel,:*o d 14;
tilsOef.9rigtho?3*liic of tiOsal . Pu•
Tallet; 1 egg/Mistily" In ' the Bin
reasury Department*, Daily 'lesions
of. the libreignclielttionsirOdeitteerew:and '
Fintece443ontmitteer: Of tbe4entitii ev
beldiwatt thGnoinkiirtelittit*tobe.:,
buintedi tfddkelhalf idoooit ri ll , te . .*,
f lecliffikAtt c irjrtilPaL in
Th4 PILICS/;* IV! -A. 1
. 3 XL , Y
..... 51ff . I 60 - A+44
tr'isiliCs" but ityr,iniolitiiionii-1 va)b.ocat
eqnfirmed within
In-feW-days, bet
entinunense list:fronCtlit Coinlitififiiillr
:be' niPetmor 4,0-inoirri*,;'• d'' , AiMittitgl'
iill e ndebi o a: Tpity l , . TOO*:
tay lieeri,iniid' l'ilitW - At - 464 1 / 4 43
- tl ti f m2 ' .(1 , 0 • . ,ef Thf, :_, 4 ':' . 4 1 4 1 *-5.
, - 1 ' t
_C.): “ ... in NI 1:".:-III:.
i ' A O ,V i c i . 4 l ',
tr*-4t . e . a 4' 411 0 " Ftli ill: WWI
f ruiV,Tegien 'Pali ,-, thati l• filecer,4.4! rke
present prospects ,- them - will be a larger
crop - of Teaches, • apples,' Tearst , Vlutribi;
paPer tad ' bsulespo of kAny •' re.
_eediwteirr 7hto • - 'crop proisgses
' le be Inlaid= doilbl " titit'' or "last - Yelit,
1 1 - 1::.1:;:ti vi• I '..•• • 7
114S tl i
dirti=Or ali M i
a frodeit ki ll e tisdi;
'kit! JesTa l lirrtlM Ml 4 , i 9 1 .1
7 • =i7Tro /,,. "li , A.:! r01a•11434,141161‘.
larrelit 111111.111,Fso , 'J , -f 1 - zi . •
, • , •1:: I!: :•: t, • . ~,, -. , : ‘,..._ :; • ,
wini r
wAilie.a ootoiiytatitior 4.t. °See 54
It : ig- i ''
tea to 'too nootito ;or t4O yon n.i.eln
udnattContentitlO • ' i a - '- - .01141E.
nrokk4 - okui; 1 - fip
I -
444, OVOel
: ) •4611/4 'OO.*OVInG
Itt&itto 'l4‘ai l k; hiaeviißt 1241.1
Bern Pettus. • o s ett, la be decje.o
tbellqida Repsibitora Cbustry Oosmentkos. slots.
igratiii errizzlittoir.o.-
anethm4 E ggilL :ciflei gig ro
igagrelf Celaiffd, atideorto the :declaim Of
pn Ilerib4cals Caeannintenlion...l3
nate that I sat lee Vice le 921 Z
TIMM. at 'ANS iterklastleliL of va let; r watild•
ch e er full i / et/ Pettelilitthattbere are others
eqnaLy e tige to tonor and emolument/lot
theorok and as comtent meet INW be.
under, obUgatkois tetthe endear- nf the town,.
lAPii" o .oo V4474e i nff i ll ß t lyors ,
Late 1051 d (0 4 1:18Uli).Andliti Pa. • Vol: =gr.
; - r .
jLu t.. ia l mg
. „ ... 41, I. Veadnleted art ear.
nestr 147 re tv i 'eare alar•Le
( rArt
Reamer tad Tuft Mate - w elf ,W 1.14
riaceller. mon akektiaaltitalke rareatitte Zit
' n ig" beldrer :TAP :BUltr LOOIROW:'
It imidi . , Vgi i . qI I4eI . IIt TA _ ,ew V 49 ". k ..,.,.
w hy4lll4 ls l l Wriat
)i nt zt
Mato mpedments
Burp otter a ir m. , lseat• Wawa& ie vel. es.
_o go. Aflajoes..Dr..T. r
LTRATOMY no , woza Jorq4N3Wtlon:
delD ra.o• •t . 2 „J. .2; a u ed r•
arnATP l ittirAiktVilail 1 irt« . ,
-b 'l e 'at. sgeadmittinoti the basin the inntlit?
fkply truer IMO Male* Aral Itatenteallonlea• ,
t atitrinw o mczei di mmz i tt, N 4
dyer Anyii=ler and• lerrea , the 'Halt - soft , and -
beaftineyr 611Zie°4111.14,111.1R
lera W*tratmorn N ' on e
To .. . - :-; ~. 0 , ,- ~., r,. -: :... . :.• :..; e loom
W ille fi: 1 % 4 0 )111';
• " " T Art .. APli.
an: itipicants,‘ e crimes;
Meet, -aiatureiditel zbolnillsfajfibEndlealftd.'
Masa o c L ases ilfatcf self
at9V, Int atimaallnets, start al
lerriltlfratnotnnuns seminal balsam's 'eann.
an Impotency, perfnauenfle.etur farms.
ed wt.& salcate: Inttleate ennabind..
Ing enneChntlonal bodiblalnts telfW , Hted
to call for pastel agionOttldelL netldar..•
Znyerte.bee., of. ;sachem lEs enabled,
him lb. berteccrethenfet at once cal mt.. age,
permanent. and Vanilla mea t detail dbe oven
wltboos. Vadrancean bu,slease.: , -Xedlespes pre
pared Intim eatablbibrobbt.. sanati einoca•as
'lice; ties/talon sod weltlnt reroute:alio. •beardthlf
ann•ldeesdallt abartnientii.for!Tatleats a/Wring:
nermonil iAten,l/011.1inall-liaP4r.
prim•t boitaatitratarlint ri=en Mineral.
v2roinanufisno best AMYL stater pane
ease. Read what be rays In lalialantabletvf Stay
e ypilel ellolatte bar Lea anizatmin.aealk
et any ' witiatunaeor dasealreatea
Min it.° an and alloratenba boanirt r , lCatuni:
Wyetatlep, tree.,peraenally_or by moo Ito. 111
Meal' Vonli HclUei n Pittabareb.,
Pa. - .Henry VI/. 11.` to in 11. senders is af. •
Pembina oat to any address for two
. `" 11 i 1 , 7 . 10.5 .7"
Spsetal: fee ..r cupgrks,
Apprdnrd'assly AS, 1866
fAiih CaPitai .14060 1 0001
I;Aitt iN . •
Where the &tend bistable of Ott Corioany is
tronssete4l. , Ind' to 'which all gthetil eorrei•
pondence , ebobld be aktdieised. -
CLARENCE H. CLrARX, .President.
'JAY COOKE, Chalnyie.N.lsancet and Executtve
CC?ficiVies_Prestdeat. '
25 W. , Be : cret . agAncl Attuiry.
A hir eotatiaooireet the follow_ing advantages!
_lt is a NaUenaltloolpanr i . ,viallere(3 4 7 *Pedal
it.A. or congres, le:
It bat a paiii,rup eapital or $1,0uo;000; - ' • 1
It 01 4ertinr - mtiva of ;Thattaa. , - , -, y , ,/ , -
It Into t OU're lestiraitep thie /Nom iota
/tole Met a sato money.
It is , tkeesite and testate In its tenna. • -_, .. t ,
Its polities are exempt trelkattacineat.
Theira are ( no ntinetelsary rettnettone to the
ellelpa, ,, • ••••,. -, : D: 'l' ,r . . "-• 1 1 •-• '''. •
:Leen *Way is pn-roeftitalile. .• - ~, •. :
Policies int, be ked widen pay to the inslited
theirthil. 'amain 'snit- Mani an the peonlinati.
so tl ,tit_ logniaano colts Pall telt Interest pa .
,the it Oti paratehte. . _ ... . ~ ,
. , Voti es-tnat et' taken ( dtbatleill Paylto their.'
eAre‘itteir:in conga aliabar 'of 7eara,"4 1 1111111t.
We, an annual Income of olip-tent4t,!;lo ninceitii
mimed in the volley.
,- Noir W e ellaalea tor Atka umtheneas,
"of te• ales . , • i, ,
it i pre;eafet ep pi, irteidendii to pouh-ifoict:
I era, at sallow aeostthat dividends Will be Intl ,
P Vi s t ad i k .it le bliit, an - Viiiitnitri 1
ea in a p e g Vett
be aPpliels on to t •Bes, el' ogle of e Cow.*
, paar,:ot to_ / / c:•.. lc:- ,:. ) ',.*.: • • - i ,•:, , ) :„ - I.
I. t `c 16:Wilielinark*A04 Phibibliadk ~.. •,.-.,
• '
I "
Aesersl Agana for ranarylvaala sad samosas,
Mew fOrge4' ' • .
' • 'Ay-NO:114 od.;
j ' Poi Vidgaad ISolswiira Vlegia* . F,rl4
r -dt Cann mat wescvsmilmes. . .
.• aco williJlLlßlineVATift 004 71 " .,
rAzrata for aie rsvars Moron
a ,
satt a I 1:
'ANI3I ► ea ila
NAkWaroir6 A ,
I .A..
t 414,14 j
-. v
: -,
A itirmoyesiro g .
'COPIPILINY OP elri" - '';" - -
' Cri.po. ittiVASEISPOUM/UPOtailicar,i.
i ... 11sFres against all—llln-and Malay
:10111( WNW . OA
(1 : t • 691#2,1 , 1014. , italsialtak , : i E'er
11, _
rt.. . ?„4„.„lllsi' ~.) 118)-gb_lralitesota:A ., • t
'': l 4)tP L -M
—• I . il:
%.IC:' , 'S , A . , ,
111 'tP,, 0.8,W , U• , . 4 r• 411 ,4 1 .fiA0..'t , ' ', + .
lifolgrA . l34 l
r wirintrEnalraitilloK
.1011 , 11ALil SY;DINICHUIITS ZllllllrWirldit.'
, Iltl;bl3g4rii (
tt l
ch~~~ . ~ g rl off=-''''~-+ro^.'~}-~
111,040 ML
LIPI - 4
• Ar t _
SNitt 1 0 . 00 9 11::k0000111U M I
- t
SA AND AT , nrra ,Avview , 1
11lessi4 li. - li:
Of the well known 11turnotn i t i j ety i nTlV/1
creating an es:Unwept obussnu at pa ; a
rival or new goods ',Wad aol..lAng 111111 r e'
riVn ab ilr4474 4 olll: ‘ gena el leVANNWlv
moral sera and anklet' shoSopollPfarti ' , i )
Vr a itt e s eta C ali eili avivilfiiinetftrilr Ail 141 C. ifi
.box ' , Lunar. , influent alt s ran *
ranted almost your own prices. .A 41,11 s war*
s/ represented. a ..
. ft
-, .... , AT AUCTION.
brEfetikr, l Aprifillat, et -a t i ' o ' c l oc k
r.w.i a the prt miles will we *old that properlY
• 'now &lithe Ti! Uer\P WORXN, corner Of DP*
MI ItiTUDllltiCitrelsl4 Alleetwin-011y. wet
ot' I nts on ltulton street 430 et ett , ‘ I»
feel. '3llblata.atrefet. tan PO The Mier. i irli
" atm-ouge g three NV' in " 1 (4
ie e ' Tette b Id g forme*, • h p.w th
Patterur oo3 AWelp WM. Alice and i t ransfron e t
apantifnit room, & e. Making ,4 co ete,wor •
for mains of small cast . T e mabnlb
celtsiste 4 of entane. , . r, stalling. jiuli6vo,
molls :baTrels. .silFuletccies, ~ pater daily.
lathe , atilt' a coMplete auortment o f Piittiall
cards. oe'thii; prodnetle% or 4 dime • gotta or
whits the eatanilishtue,ut lung alenou the nicht
flee 00b mit , it wot told agit'wpoie, the ground
will be divided andlold lb lets to snit Eirobatep, ,
together with the liglilliT e t4r thhemlieri 4 ° " 3 "''
II not sold will be remove hamcation cannot
be surpassed, and the afo . 1% beet inc r 9 Mi n g
In value for building purposes.. rule poetic.
clans try enquiring.J.4,ltol.ll. btß y lVl sa' CU.,.
or M1..11. 6141 TH N tO. s .
. son . ~ •3•!, - - . • • • Alictiolleete.
BAZURDAT, April /7th, at SU o'clock , A.:
will be sold that vble leant groind,yrOiltlllll
on Melly street 4 0 1 Iltet.' attending volt to.
dpring alleylloo feet In depth, Air "..„,e.
Union lie Pot, bupfludlTos. 5 45441. V.
'A:lnnerly occupied. by Plttabilrg spnngt!o. , "
FOr business purposes the location ot this prop--•
erty cannot be surpassed, t4i4 }Le sale shoaldbe,
very attractive. • • •
• I/T..0110 Altabarla AND BIDWELL ST..'
••O , CLOCF., - ••• .• •.!
WM he sold OW the premises; the 'propertson
the oprehyrast, corner_ of Ilea* Ineente and. ptsb•
well street. The lot le . 44 by 130 feet The,
Bogie tits.twerstarr brick of 'rcknan: in Wiled
oondllon. Tile locatloo le yore destrableantag
, on the etiruerof two seals thoroughthrer, 4 travel ,
red hy the street care. told to east!, PIP !WWI'
Into o-• good lorituese sth Terall'az ros.
session: elven on tamp nee Of•the • deed: For
ke7l/ I ?Ptsgeel Frez4lleurga
A. to s, ,
spiE • • - 'l5O federal street' Allegheny.
n o p osALs.
000 rk i kiww.r:Ove.n.nerwe,Arireevekeiorwee.I.Are. no W,
.aria tor Attagamixy, Apru 11/ 113,11
. .
8 4441). PaovoriALs. De. received at
THIS'O7/11C3r until 3 Weida- P x. on
. 1931).
NZ3bAY, *ft Int V: Torpie tale o! 7-
40.00,0 Donars of, Alleeleni City
of tiie- deitouttaatlons rtsper.ilvely of $5OO and
$l.OOO, Nib/Bondy boarliio poyeentAnteiest,
paying ooad..ainsuplionllie ILriA F dlyd of Jnty
aosJalotarysill.l niaterlag tp twoiti jean ltolll
dattel Laos— . • 1 ,
It te received foi all or lay oOrtlon of
the above loans: . Bids lin! alscetle received for
converting the Ciii,Bondsxnatating in 1870
into the shove..
Tic right la it scred to select any and all bids..
: —R. -E.. FRANCIS;
1 ,- 'C.irttOLLII2OB 1 / 7 1C7L. '
:C '
rrY dr AsLatiamsr, Apri o l I*. INC t V
SHABA isorottaxe win the reeetyedrat
THISOPPICH until 3 d'eloek I% at., 'Mill WED: '
.711323DA.Y, MIMI 4 lit, ' - ' '
~. ,
. . 'WITH kit Tug
GA,..S, PO'STS •
Reoutied During . the Pear,
, ;. • ..
To be delivered at City Hall, at such times as
they-mai be required. Pattern and Core Box
will be trinalshird ')Y O r e city Bidders are id;
quested'to,'ststs tho.prkce per pOst; also ail's&
ditional coot of itirnishinwthem with two east'ot
irooll tilarik paint Bids wilt be recriord at the mile
Limel'or ( .6 4 11 /Lid' d ell 4AB 4.impirpod i rod
, ,
during, the eurrept year, to be of ,the same pat
, tern and q ity'is these now in UM. ' '
. ' ' . ' •,, . . :. , . • I
IFLAGr STO, l llill 4 ll. " " '
- <hit
. i p Actrrtw. 124:ffrizs isei l
BEALllll)..rapro ‘ gutm ,
A c be rspe i lysil , It,
nue orr cis land' '.3 coitlock r. sr.. on TI &
HAY, April sink, ior innahiiiiii the Cati,Wlth
~ • 1
.2 1 0 00! 4 0 151 7*Ire 88 0 rig* Stow
/or crossings. ;The Motes 0 1 1ie antlered it
sieh4.isdpi abit idaeei aelbe B4reSt'CO#Mll4lii
ere ii,iko-ortit; and tc124010$9111•411seli*Ito.
to te.tbridisbTv irtimme bbigisiv 4 .2B4...l3tree.
r Oomndsigoti 3 '4 ' ,"- f.' I
C.l l f"' '• Rol l FRANCIS'' , ' •
e t
- ll , —to ' • 0.. ... i. , ..-.. -,, -...... • /
( adl.lhbilli ..' •• , . i'. - CUT CONTBO XL .
ti ooki Zr . i.
' e :Hi .
.130" lip
' - bliti• ii tti- sr iNt ii.i.pon is , ' '.
siist, inn., for GRADINCY'sna ' rd. tbn •
R - alowing Avenues, itreetailind /Mei., a.:
WESTERN AVENUE. l iiiii 'hi In erection
witlannsensitreit; eatt'eardli... • .., •• :, s 1 , -.. ,
- Sk W, h AVA... 44. 1 47tW0,Ardi11.9t: ..• • RMIII
Salta ward, _ •
-.,- SO int l /Wei; fiiiiteiii4file ' ,' '":',:
not •t 1 30114111CD1341 ONLYf •'' 412 al"'
krisEIICR itZIMEXO fraw_Corry we ID
zeloo 'Spilt., r •, , .
. , & T 4* -1 ,4, 1 F.T;,, , ,q.'4 21 !,1.1 04101
443 Eel; r i n g i r eef.. , , , ...,“," 5 ' /1.-
,nt % facuris
lipit Vtitillitek;Osi - CIVII be
. 1 0.104 i
0104 , DAY/B . _
_iA10..A,44 . ,
BialkteAr 4diri T e i l l ; bezwfliPfllaPA ti ':'-
j . , o : —.'" , - i• V': '.., 3 iii,l al 1 '.? ; . 1 1,411 , 4 1 ` . ;+.;
1 401)1014
Auradic434"!!o o" J %Aram
.41 1 14 M
ri#EipliF* ' .
I1[!T rtw
: ' ' CalUil•All 'IN/dog ILTO4
j r .• iiiil ' iringli.. 0.114:i14114.
DIAL Nom, 11.tAao,SA. vikombry.,
Jar. null t - si . .t erten; Jae p. motor.
Thema Bann ' Jrne.l3..WlllockAi '
, . -ityßit tc . frip. rreotaimil. .
, ' jig!.
.1i 1 ftw 0 01:;;(4.04 , , , 3,1t,dc14,,
Capt.,R. d 011.&011, , .. Oen./ Agent. 1:'
Inneeron Llberill Tenn. on- all Vire
. , aiul , Mange .11 1 / 1 1••• - -
_ aD24:06". : .'.-•.::, :. _ .., ',i - : , ~. • , ~ . -
Car, Federal 'Be, and Dituadnd illigherry ,
Btv ui tt the_! , SECItE . O I HANG
W.HVejitETlNLP.reafati • .J.
Wri R.. V I - resident, •
Fti'Ver•SrZ. biILVENSO fterritary. • - "
4 3°T4/ . , .
Jilin A t i Miter, lki 4 Ltklyysi.jtoa. Miam*
ra am. rt,' ea, t O. • Inlet
Jno. Progra,Jr,itieostme eritt Jimobacarith
13 ' kik./ 40m.sli.up,x 7 ActIBP,.• MoNaugger.
a .8 -
ENNTERPIiIIiE t : 1.-*' . f, ,, 0
loi.UnAilet tOMPAiv*,
. - - ---.
Office.' . -INo: 424' PlElNtiriErr.; -
; - • - ,1.,;-: .r , fr r , ...- o
(11FAitAisoxii. Tattex Co. Mi;uanta.) : • -
1 Drawnt{ites' .., "' '
Rot l eii. l a4 ,_ . . t?Vin aell ' s r:ont, 44,
X.• 11. s•r‘ Churtisalh . Maio,: amsbart..
L. a. Alabama,. Wfillacab, -P. bOUdeker•
I 2. H. MYRIBBOrrei
Akippaggier t g
J. 4. /11112T-inemi
. .
piEruisimveNis . . .
' I6. IkIIIIIOIICE poirmy . Of *lll'l3Bl;Reit
. ,
0 1 .11q1. 3 . 16 -44,36 w9Ol, ammo. BAKR.
OP . 0 0KOPOiti - OtaiL4DPRG. .
TAtalia linute u rapsni, - and flumes against
k 4
w • F Sr its , 4 411%ttealden,t, ,
._ • y 014 Tamper.
. • . i :II •O , .. secz e t ar y. . .
Dalstrrost: "
immure wade; Ge •
g. c.,lterle tex. • , vel r t , - Iga,
J=l4l f i r tee, • ' 5: 4 8:- Nati; ' '
Josl4 o ns, 4 nor
n. ay;
Jas. xt . . , Amno
adril3 . :
P p
,1. , --;•-.: ,_, _ -
onzoll, *is a 4ST basennrr 82% nealfliiii
31 2
2W ... - . ritILIOXV Zi'teesitir
. ...j . mazer,' 9 ,. ' ' David B. Brinirn; -- •
lisaive_El .. !piaci
_... t ..
JaCenX ., . idward . Dale, •
ti eot 1.•
e. 4 • ) Gee r = : a ir, .. -
a4 r s: 9 ‘ 4,KW,..l,46Pretatleze. , ;
_. • ,
77 .117 4 9111 i IN - .Alim94 ' .-.
Nan% Westourner l'hlrdand W ood =mi.
' illas;7ls ...1 , . ' - 1
IP S " Aillifill' ':-..
..": --':-' .:-
-0! , • -
oincz SN sitkwinaw savors RAN*
Na. 41 Ohio - St.. Alleogikeiiy.
♦ HODIC - rrAinr: looooted triDireoloro
Web know", the conuspalty. who trust bypilz
deallng 10010 to simire of7our pot:grime.
Dike. D.
- „ , ,DnizeToits f.
Geary lifts • I; o .L.eParxesort,
Geo. IL. /Udine,Jaeob i Mu
inside i,_
de Dram,' J: B.
W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whiner',
Jos. Lanner, H. J. Sinkeaa,
sp10:on . - , .
rifiaItIOURANOE eo. '
„‘: ow pcorf. - 4Kett. ,-.
zarraiszautzo kid.% eASEir- oirriii, Atli ,
.: );NO e1m3M.09 4 4 IN.wra. - , z
:Rea I • Pt iteemeton Botieil ea&
,80.0 "....,• • • ;.,, awn .
1 c4 1 7. ;It.
1111 ' 4 ; 011 .eo._ ea Mae la
•or T'' Thaw , pl i
,4707 PNirt ‘ 3 . - 4
i i i i7e(lf raft. ,' ': - .4 4 4: • .
414 f :117CVett‘'Orkr i " lh '• • 1411 E"
o .;t
ir... „-. 7 4 , . . ~,kirent,
401.4•011 "
.ai., ..
d h
iaa& 1 4 kUp .„ _ ,..,...... 4_ 11 11te` li
•; 77 ' 4 Y : N311181131,40/01DCOBli
' " 0
... 69 iiii1411iiii4.tieae:siiiin_ki . ::
Plai li 'l*, I ilk ,arklef MIMI: Wane
. m, . •Ik '_ ii.l ifoilkiii-ija i ida
tits" iiiskov, •.. • immeen; airocllnilW
,reotor p_thcooto.mentty,
,a114.1111.11 / 1 4 =2 -. }o ••• - . 4k t r E a liber.
: ri n k c ilm =r iltY Is
ailljelitlitiM' UltclilliVtTlillifthave
~.. &Jo2e.t ,# 4. •.
I..‘' '' '1 I ••
- .,
kl ',4: ..". t • ka, „f,.?..;
AJ A .:; . , .....-• ...Al-
.I 'FV,.._I4IaCEIII6" .
r . • ..hOW evs- 17,• F-: :?.ti i .;:•::, Vat ,
• • O. - Ift
l ltit,t,.ll .- i s l':4tif.;!;') '4''': "v _.'il f;• - ,
Air r 4(114144 r i iin i tiwoop an riam:
4 41, 2 2;44,4**61 41 du1t#5143fittu1i
~ , - .lf • • . • , ,
...••i ,! ." - .,.......
L., •:'.'", • , ,!,,,j , t ,•ii.,. •
t, • . .. , ST; . =
... .artisty, .1 EL-.1 1
;:ki 2 . • ;' -;i -.: .. n; s" ''"" '' 1
"" • tra.3P. , ....- „ ~- r , - ,'
I. .• y ..,v 't_ .$ .t: , ;
, : . ~iAll. • i ,i : 'General AlrOat ' '
-- 11 - 41 219
tarNEW Oftlia.sionne.•
-Anita iltte*ano.amit gr ousimiwziow
arm. *miry statDsrAsz.
TVm4 ica i fitd ilea, 41u,
pies elicit Ina beentlfel ble play
YAY Wittr.4lrr•
Silitnstane Matinee en tiaturday.
lay % ffo affqtrii,
i•F' a, 3ll P l ii li°44 44ll l 43in jT a . 4. 11 11:M m ,
eteti • * him pin
neSSl#lna ,a 9 only 4. If: llia 4 .l,Dlty..wi t . Wi t t
4444fi 5 .4 1 14144en on OW nr.lny. .Tlutgrest
04_40jaii.y., • , ,
Pationivr AND lexqgorpore,
Am mi=4:hio rft z a ,44,.x. x4 .
- - - (rlfthAvonl4l.)- .- - 4 ' •
ThuniebY•WiltiNYlo4, frPgar 4 47 Fiv e /A1 0 ...
Tfil l t i pTO gitirat i tyrte g li ' c r ws el. '
,t 3 t , ~. A li , 1 !) e " 1 11
14 49Ilfgaiannal4274
laarestis relresi •, . ~.... ,
v : lsr
A riv , 4 ~i r NIAtt:APIII iiilLpigisli
1 7, .. - re .-- — l - T
$6411101111(31SALlo. -4 , = , .•-
wymNion.i.y THI/114444..Y .VID IntIDAY:
PIVA/w"l6 l Viglios.dl
Ylftimpth mai II R 'or . , a for
th4,41(0•,' • i '-' • I ' ' ...''
- ' .
_,, , P ' -
Tbe 8 00ple 4 a reeeritee,ereo nava I' . t'irinteliiita4 ,
theloggeet aeg thee{ meepeteli egiir/444‘
In uto MO n , Chicago, per ch ntAottrAtir:
houses oho hundred come:cut vu nigh i
venally Teetotal anPr i r is tn i ti v litn s dar i all .
ziptoir l iptrartglP;w,4o)williMPW:
at II &nu V, pOltibrneA.C.l; ' 4 ' .
Aghtliclo ! , claftik , .neiervedi" , M au int• '
car -.lttal e ta,matinrige4at th e. liaU et ipilgt.i
to coy. 142 ,Nlt on ec i ailigiANlJ eptek ,
at t fterfareiance all o a icy tr.
&imam -.._:. ~ - e anAL .rAerms./ . -
---- --
Etr . BtritiVEYW 8it.0 1 051 - 17 - 7 7 7.
AND 17Al2LOR .
Tito Cilieitt
sirYll 7g§tirAg)
Woottvtreetri vppotinevid woeiltrer. - • -
4111 .opouPwistiel ZumjimalLtlio par IrOllll6E
AUMUM 'l4.7olscoVl!;..Uktl4l:fp 41.41k54,,'
powrn LIST,;•114 1 10 ! i3A'l.1 6 14: i
1 04,TiONii 'Zit (SELL t OBS. laid LW
ork's office : ' 1 iit • , I.t ~ ••
• join:Smith, tave t a t 1s ord. ~_. • :f I
Stianer 4 Kirk . ern; ward,
pingpow.r yx., ii V •.:-.
rialiteNiti g . kriar. - ) 11' ; g ' '"
" " 4
V itolvE i see‘ UV 4 I l i :,/ , ... i ' ; --- t ,
J psi nnity,eleinsr t
Itusdelh • 47s eider. et 4,
m ar
F. livarr , Ob., Mr% s Ward:
J". I,0 •
eetiaßtril. ehl r ./3 , 9 r' : ~ . ...,
Retitle ll 4 l
,7aitg_flitilli t llo 4 f 1
Chas. ticker. tavarn m eill d
:-. . 1 ' • ; :: ~
Earns & Quinn, Wive r
W. 11. ritrietteateripzirt;_ I_ ..
Dan : Ilene 7' ta
John•Ppriliarrisivet TteraPlir li it i * ' , , "
/flat tilliti 1 , t1;1h,t2 iri) .,,, ; „ : , ._. ,
air fittnlV,4l4 =stir vr '7'' '
!ri.,ltoldssOia, v rdt •• " • • •
F. I•liennno, ;morn. 4thi re _nrdi .: ' . •
A.. Utotkner. ottter gild. •e. in Vete; • ..
John Magee, tavern. , 0111 : ' " -
John MoliatiOn. tirvern. bib Iwirdi •
Danl. Strain, itattair bPaalkiwa rd; t, t
E. Fink; ethergoods; ma_
K. Goldstein, pllnergooU - Z,
X. But:area, Uvern; litiewav -
John /I.llohitur e cra...o.h wardt
Chas. Bcryieytav if. - ward;
M. Hmk, other g -17strward;' - * •
L. WoVenther *OOTC 7th, ward;
11., laontrek Went, Iltrkwardt -- - _
A:Shdellinotivern, - 8m want. '
0; Sticks tent Ink ward; • • '
L. ,Berkowila r other !:4s:•,llett wag*:
E. J. Up_ger,tave ~14 'llut , wareit .
John. O'Dormell, einem, 'lllth warn:
ts, Barkerjareut..9tharmstr." ''.• - -
ah. tavern, 9418u4;
_, _- - - ..
Cattle Satedere, taverd. - norn Viard.:,, . ,1
B. Hurts it Co„ tavern, 10th ward;
W. L. Alyea tavern. iits-want:
F. lu m b ar .. °mbar goods. ataksveirdt '.... . .
B. shei. invite ABM ward _.. - r
44 :- Ederards,•tafern,-111tw ward; . ~
M. Hntehisson. lavers...lath mid; - '
John.Voldier, raven:l,lB4l ward;., • _. .
L.' Zimmer, tevern,__l4tnward; "
Ju. geott:.taVe.rn, /Btu fwarti .
Pet. Logan. eating.hpaises2aBth.warat 1 ,
Ellen ThOrnas, tavern, 14s1; ward; •• •
Hilary .I..ies, othergoode. 14tti Ward; • _
Jac , Weigel, tevers4 latliwards :-, . •
• Thos: Barton, tavern- ,17.1 turd; •,- • „ . -
Rosa 'Ha ek, tevar,_l7th Wnrd;
daSiteiniaL taros*, igto waft , I
Martin Nutty, tavern. sward ; _2 .
geelittle7. taver All n, lit,er,m•d;
it m. tenets; tore - rn: lir warn: `,
ii. , Bechtold, tavern; lit ward; ' : ' -
M. Fisher, tavern, list ward; ' . r.
JR.' Bays. other good' , VI ward.
Jasillogitister, tavern. ward - - - '
E. ki .ctietu, ottieurpoith•lict listelt
John axe, layer% gaWard;-. .- • 1 , •
J.M.' bg. taunt, Etwud;
` DennierLlng; tavern $d Ward; ,' 1 -
L. ASittenbuger, eatiatitense, 8d veldt.:
J.J. Watitet. tavern .Bd,Ward; . ,
J. J. Volta, eatent,4l Ward; ` '
J ..r.. Wafter, taven% eldhiratei ',' ,-
P. Fetherson, eating nettee. , 44l , Wd:
W. Sadden, other Locels,.4th warn:
W. litilrala, tevern..4lnwarat• 1
V. Short, Jr., tavern, Sib ward; .
Jos. Lonnk, tavern, 7tharard;
Phil. Ger,t, tavern, Itt_ittrall
14 •
'Ch. - Barer, tavern , vtis* od; t, ' •
Christ.Gissublorthrtavera. • Witi mutt
J. Simindinger.eaung house, !tit wardt
Chas, Gettmut, eating house. WM Wart;
Geo. Schmidt,' earingherme. tatik:ward. -
~_ , ,limaretlll l ll l 6. _,- Es i-;
Men. Heler. tavern. Birmingnalet
Peter Enenig,uvern, 1311ntngttamt
Jnir. Lookhlitr, wren', strionstamt t
Domenico sire,: tavern. BirreGaShanit t
Geo.; itan, t ern, Ilirrningnam;
Jno. E. I ming, taverh, Bir min ghamt
: J. 413411." tavern, Buistinni . •••
Jno. trusser, Overt:, B ba ; , •
Win. Eiollet. 'eating nottse. ithUnt
WM. Bebe, othdr_
p goods, Blrminghrat
1.. Ries, tavern, usublE u rant, • ~
T. v. mcbards„ tavern, t , .
Jane Ttennas,-tavern,-E Birednguanr; •
r H. tinceop, tavern; EurEtraingtiaint
E. gweerry,„ tavern, Bast- Jilsedgglntall. , B . _
Geo. ketemiti tr. : soa r other gouda- xagjlr. ,
mingam Earritansi, tavera. Bids;: '. Fe .-. : , .",
Jafi f TPattlt tavern. NirestlOUgLibeth; , • , .
W,,_" H.. emit:. eathighoue,a garpo u glisabsiaz, .
11. Eap , p er, 'Lepers:, Mon helm '-• • - •
Cash. AMU; eaelnrhenie- rkto.ti. r, , f
Jas. 140.1.31metty, t otru: 0 0• 11 413 : "' •
11.`Dowun, timers, °rugby. - '' ' • s ,
td.,V74B;ireen; oMer gdodertioder Pletitreigli; I ''
Id. , Khigr eatme bituW• We' f ri l au a r `& : , '
-' Id. 'Leonard, eating houits, ant. t
Jai. Cohnelly: other goods, - Vrest Stablest; '''
eee. Beattell; toolu-Tempossoolue; w . --.
... -884 P ), Atctletrai et b entiewaileiViEllt
- . •.: ,
M. Finney, tavern; itt ' l ' s - . -" •
A tibbdtaavtaatteMtliartiresiZ , r i)r?
Jo - .
J. N l 4 = ll . l ta / MLIVIga . I4- i ,
8.. If ; Cliark, iaveir:l'' iii.aVis tes' .l- • ' • `
Jos. McGrogan, main house, eittliinittet •,,
John Lunch, tavern,
-A. yllkik kr aern,l4 h i , - • - ••.;
Talw. italluss..uosor t • ottausi - .: - ~. - c:, , , ,:.
•C. itaor:Zon 1 .4, il,i r; . „:.
T. WA .th ._* , ,
-D. Saihi " Nortire• ." ;Le : 1 % ,'-= '," If.'
, . .
tam. Pataissijigitelin,r4B,44llBlt.y!- ,:. - , ' i ~,,- i
tirt i Zins v alNAWNTar l i 1 . 11 b- ,- 1 7:
,Wirendektutern,+.ogoe,c , .: - ;.. i , l ~ .2
. J01r 0 14.-CAP Potiv ti 1 1 1 1 .41 .9 i • ..p . '. ....r...;-:
J. ora: to rt. ~ ~
C. they; vent, -- -• .; , I i .".r.-
powpostid annum sons az- , 7,.,; Pi 14 ft: $
A..J4,utttlatteagM 1; .1 f P.: li f 1 .." Pi
Lodi Hart,
_ 0. gebec storm ,•11Wati
2 21 1 . 01s i i m'in cr ttatealtt. . • ipi
. 4 3 1=
.. `m" , i u . !i., r......1•e...
MoWiTtsrhintALlvidtem.?„. -?.- c „It; c -, s
O. Brander , e. brAvill i at. O l atii.) - 1 f-i- i
B. Robinson, taverh w lii, ' , ' '
.:._& *atm, wens. ihtlttu . - - •
-„ Y.'cLig i .L i nraNltirwo ' - im;'‘
• vet aemeiSailars ea
s , p i r pi littio?a, , •1•11, 1 #l4l...ttioilyir
[ cottielb Tau s
'Jacob - Ca_ ,sh
Joseph cselir,.
Jere Kober,.
J 1: wTi trignflaAiWiEraiSW . o4 l .
i1°4 41 .1 021 1 1 04i /P 4 PMP 3 I9IO P. AM eize i
.1; /RlDAT:44 , lltraillTl4.l.4llt
-o'e glitratifiVtittarAtalp:.`l
siollet oat Warta saw samai
!i t p B,l l2t, ) ,
measnitediumun mat t„
,teigvolot otti
-sus mama t strwa *a 11
alite‘l,44 % .
;,t ts .
sok, Aoa . g ib • as I
1111 E