II N N 1 DISPARThiIINT, • APRIL 14th. m 369. is beretrigiven that \ THE IIiTKIMT COUPONS, ' Payable. on the lint Day otriTaly Reit, Will be paid on presentation at the proDerOdlees uPon a rebate of interest at the rate of Aix per neat. per annum in gold - 111801/498 8. 110 1 17TWEL16 SECRZTARY OP THZ TREASURY. ap113:10 PPPISBURMA.IFT.WAY & CHI/00 B.R. Co., OFFICF. OF T LIZ OZCHICTART. PITTSBUIIGH, PA.; March 94, use. Ia"THE BOARD OF DIREC• Tuai OF THU COMPANY have der clued the rcgular Quarterly Dividend (NO. 91) of two and oue-hstif per cent., free o . Gover.- ment tar, 00 The capital stork, for the Quarter ending March Slat, payable on and after MON DAY, April 27. proximo . at the office of Wins low, Lanier * Co., Ito. 27 Pine street. to those registered at New Yore, awl at the office of the TTs uTofr thoOOk g a l w i ll e c a o sPi tonMognh ay. Alva IA, tt A P. M., Andre-open Tuesday, April 27, at 10 A. X. Y• H. HUTCHINSON, t•ecre. ary. ap16:h.54 TO THE. SCHOOL DIREC TORS OW Af.LEGHEITY fIOUNTYI atisTiatnent—ln pursuance of the forts. third section of the Act of Bth May, 1854, yen are hereby nntilied to meet in Convention at City Hall, in Pittsburgh. on the FIEcT TUEnDAY IN. MAY, A. D.,188 being the fourth day of the Month, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, and select Viva coca, ey a majority of the whole num ber of the Directars present, one person of lit erary and selentific acquirements, and of skill and experience in the art of teacting, as COLIN- - TY SUPERINTENDENT, for the three succeed ing yearst determine the amount of compensa tion for the same, and certify the res u lt to the State •ituperint • ndent at Harrisburg, as required by the thlrry-ninth h oldin getheo of said act. The time for the election was 'changed at the past session of the Legislature. A. T, DOUTHETT, County Stmeehitentlent of Allegheny County. apls:hsl.l`. ITO THE EDITORS OF THE DISPATCH: Gzernitiont—Evidently YOII did not understand my "Address to the Christian World.". You construed it to mean - 1, what it did not. I contend that Calvanisin is t therefbre it is truth. Yo u , say that my pamphlet is contrbdittory: to fools theldble 'try. You seem to think that I upon the shoulders Of.lTohn Memel: I I place my religion' ,of n., man: neither urICIU the , Knox nor .John Wesley; no, Holy Father, but upon Poo. %hue me. in the eyes of the t.; So direct y our nre.brands My. ' 110111:653 act of Assembly, approved , /OHM eatltled "anaft relit a Trinity Church-yard, Pitts )tice L b.reby given of the hi tter. wardens sad vestry of Church. after the 10th of use conne ct ed the arirre o sr with mud grades,t new ereetions of Church lad and that Messrs. JOHN •102.0, JAlara M. COOPEIt, 1. and JtralAH KING, of the il eei tee gttattds andlelaes of In the ground requited for the in the act of Assembly afore, 'Mon under the new bundLums Onef. the lot or to one of or more of the Cern d at the vestry room of the clock r. x., se every WND 1711.DAY until the 15th of and place parties interested std . JOSIAH KING. Jaulor3Varden AT $l.OO, FINE BAHASK TABLE LINEN WORTH $1.50. AT 87 . 1.8, $1.26,'51.75, ALI• LIN= NAPKINS, Abputlf AT 62 1.2 CENTS, Superior Pillow Case LittenE;),, WORTR 87 AT $1.26, SIUSDID HIS GLOVE. AT $1 AWD 87 1.2, Ciood Black Alpacas, Striped Poplins, Plaid Poplins, Plain and MixedPoplinetts, Ireav Black Silks, Suited Alpacas, Table Linens, - Oil Dainasks, Boys! asulshneres, Curtain DiuAna, • (num Gazer,' Baled & Plain Balkan& AT 75 CUM A GOOD AT 12 1-2 COTS, GOOD NUNLINS AND PDEfIS ;:, y--. =EI JAMES M. CARR! .118 'Federal Street, ) : saw AiLids.ilubir, 4 .1. „ , 7- •-• NOTICE. A. GREAT SUCCESS! • 13EX7EIBMEt • WASHING MACHINE ! It washes the Sliest fabrics, without Injury. perfectly clean in less than one• eighth the ordi nary way. It does not rub the cloth, but per forms ttre cleaning process by steam and tthe quick action of bat water; it can be operated by child. Its great °limpness makes it accessible to every family and saves its own east in doing away with tubs. - • PRICE, 115. Both from the lianufaciory, at , . TIIONAI3 PENN ST.. OPPOSITE THE Ysiß GROUND. ErAtIENTS apl4s:hal ' MEI HOOKS SETTLED, • 'AND AOGOURTS COLLROTRD. • HONEY To 'LOAN. '• . • • 7INE FARMS IN PICHNSTLYANLi; nueszs AND LOTS- IN PITTSBURGH AND, ZAST•LIBERTr; : • • Lon IN NAIISIDELD: XHISDURI ABDMIRGINIA LAND • - • ' Ingulr9 4 lr 1114 M. **AO/4:-. &TALI% 139GAAwr Aswan' , , . (.Noes.bsek mom. ME 119111 ttE PABTIMEIHI1 1 ' hereto - FOBS Sistatiug - betwestk the iiitderildned Is this day dissoived by , littlest •eoldWat. All . bills stalest the dent will be settled, and all dies collected try J. • • ' 'J. 7. IiALDWZLL, DAVID HARPER. , Pluzelv2aa. April 14, . • • •-• atolS4l6' VirATEK Pigleff, TOPS* laigehasonmeat; I=IIIIIVP ‘4ll'l.4.l.7l7il(rr.nrcg - nviirmia.—lo Ilexes Fresh Rota RoU Ba rooolve4 by erbprooo. • 4. B. CIAXY/RLD t VIM stag. .STRAY l eow.rtime to the Premises of the 'abaci Joey, in Penn Worn p. near the In.ersectio_, or the Leech erg and Prankstown roads. a greyish white cow. no ear marks. m'gdle else. five or tax years old Is en tered on Estvay Book. The owner is desired to Come, prove property, nsv charees an" take her , away. HUGH 3PLAITAHL EN. \ Aprli lith, 1869. aril6:hWyeks THE CO-PARTNERSHIP here isfoeexistine betw withdrawalersigned this day dissolved by the from the linn of \John Hartmus. under ie will be conducted ‘ at heretofore the name and Ellie of A. hteller L B.as. \ - • A. 9 TELLICR, JOHN HA BMUS. NTKLIEw ? March 13tb, 110 J. O.WI ELLER . apie:bas BOWS' CLol,llll6l , ..—The lar - sect and most complete stock of • Boys', Youths and Children's Clothing, For the present'seoson, Is to be to\aand t GRAY & LOGAN'S, _apl ! 47 13IXT : STREET. (late Bt. Clair.) \ PRACTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC BOOK 4 . JUST RECNIVED. ractical Treatise on Metallurgy, by Crooks. Robrlg.i 410 00 Practical Metal Worker's Assistant, by I. Oliver Byrne' 7 00 On Heat, in Its Relations to Water and Itteam. by Chas. Wye Williams 3 80 Chemistry applied to Dyeing, by r. spier. 500 Pernetunt Motion; or Search for Self-mo tive Power during the 17 h, 18th and 19th Centuries 3 50 Treatise on Meet, by M. H. C . Landrin, Junior 3 00 Itlectro-Metallnrgy, by Jas. Napier 2 00 Hand Turning in wood, Ivory. QbeL, do ii 00 Practical Rules for the Proportions of Modern Engines and Boilers, by N. P. Burgh, E ng i neer .1 00 Tables showing. the Wright of Olterent Lnigths of Konnii . 4 equate and Flat Bar Iron Lathes and 1 urning, by W.Het;i:y ant 9 00 Pe. a DAVIS 8 COMPANY, 193 Liberty Street. anI6:F•S.Y THE CO-OPERATIVE LIFE INSURANCE COVEY Of Westein Pennsyltania. CAPITAL STOOII. $200,000. OFFICE :.110,..121 Smithfield St., Finding and 1,111 Carson St., Birmingham. DIRECTORS: Gen. V. H. COLLIER. 'JOHN D. SCUDLT, HOn.REWLN H. STONE, W. W. PATaicu. COL E. A. ALLEN, • JOE. WALTON. H. IC OLIVER, •TE.. WM. ItAxiwiLL, ALEXANDER .TINDLE., C. WHARTON. A. B. SrsoeNSON, Z. P. Hkient., B. HAUGH... Dr. C. J. WENDT. C. EOZESTIE, D. C. RIPLEY. W. C. AUGHTINBAUGH, President. A. AMIKON, Vice President. E. H. HEEHAW, secretary. A. PATTERiON. Actuary. JOHN P. BEECH, I resumer. ' TRUSTEES: Hon J.ll.lfirkpatrick,Hon. E. H. Stowe, Hon. Agnew put, James P. Barr, John tr. Scu. Bakewell, liov. W. E. Ste venson, St of West Virginia.. This ROME INSTITUTION is now fully organ ized, and claims that Its pecoilarCo operative system enables it to offer to its patrons greater Economy. Simplicity, Convenience and Liberality, than can bt: had with equal security in any other. and only asks an intelligent com parison with the most p - pularCompanles doing ouslneas on the ordinary plan. apPlissivF GREAT AUCTION SALE AT W.W■MODBMWS 81 MARKET STREET, Will commenceon MONDAY MORNING, April 10th, at 10 o'clock A. x. and SI and 73i P. x., and continue for a few days to close oat our stock to make room for new goods. This will be one of the most attractive auction sales yet offered In this city, embracing a Ana lot of • . HAMBURG AND JACKONILT IMBRUED POINT AND POINT APPLIQUE LACES. PAINT LACE COLLARS, HALTESK AND THREAD - LACES, FURNISHING GOODS In every variety, PANCY HOSIERY AND GLOVES, VALEDICIA. LACE TRIMMED SETS. Jr. B. SEITIIIIION .flt CO.. AUCTIONEERS. HZDTET 11. COLLIN% „ . 47z „..74 04 , 1 "frL:,a,.. , ... • PRTS_I3IIRGJL, AZEM: _FRLDAY. THE FOURTH NUMBER OF APPLETONS' JOURYAL CO3ITAINB A Very Attractive Art SupPlement, ENTITLED NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED, . COTTAINIIIG 13 Oriflinl Engravings. CONTENTS Nzw TORR. ?NOY FT. RICHMOND. • n. VIEW OF CASTER GARDEN AND BATTERY FROM TAN BAY. 111. TNINITY CHURCH. IV. CUSTOM NOUSE. • TILBURY BUILDING AND WALL STREET. -VI. NASSAU STREET NORTH FROM WALL STREET. Tas TOMBS. V/lI\CCILKEN CEDAR' STREET AND BROADWAY. IX. BROADWAY, AT LOWER END OF THE \FARE. Z. BROADWAY, LOOKING NORTH PROM ST. XI. \ FIFTH •NENUZ, CORNER OF TWINTY FIRST STEINS. • A. T. STEWART'S RESIDENCE. XIII. FIFTH AY/IN"'''' MORNING. NEW ILLUSTR Of Permi _glue. The To . eta CONTAINS • 32 Pages of Reading Matt er . 1 Of an Entertainhig & Instructive Character. TUE SPLENDID STORY OP VICTOR liuGo, ENTITLZD THE MAN . WHO_ kAUCHS; By The King's Command,' IS CONTINUED IN. THIS NUMBER. _ . The extriordtatrr sneoeslWhlch ' has attended the issue of APPLETONS' JOURNAL shows that the pablleatton meets a publics want. Pale* 'lO 'cents per No., or s4'p er annum, In advance. D. APPLETON & CO„ Publishers, 00, 9AI & 94 GE&NDE STREET, NEW TORE aca.hs4 THIS WEEK BATES & BELL Win Open a simizzmcmixow OF Shawl 4 Silks, Dresses, Furn!shing Goods, Mantles, Lace Curtains, PROM Tam LATEST IMPORTATIONS. I pl2-xws TA.OGABT • • ; NEIVEN , • SHOES - Wbo~eeste = Prices: 49.129 JTDE RAL ari- Allegheny _ is I CADENIT Or SCIENCE, 101 rederat Street, AlJeßkell7l. ( saTingcnsl3l 1 B ding.) Uprise sem Wilms " • MONDAY, Oka . fib 186 , -lot elretalany. apply to BA tl, 8088. AL; PAD. • WINDOW GLASS. Warehouse—So. ST WOOD STREET. ish10:11 • ' PSiabsigh UTHITE LILEUEL-200 bazzels , Snob White Us% for sale J. 8. Cius,lllXLD. I ..:EST Nt ig EZ . . AT 01-414 FAST COLO.RED ALICOES FAST COLORED CALICOES. AT 10 CENTS, Fast Colored Calicoes AT 9 YARDS TOR DOLLAR, FAST COLORED CALICOES, Extra Good Yard Wide BLEACHED MUSLIN. LEMKNT Sheeting I,fus Pillow Case Musllns, White,Quilts, Table Linens, Napkins and Towels, Cassimerees, Tweeds, ac. Large additions made to-day of New. Goode Gating the stock very fall and complete. - WILLIAM Nos 180 & 18A FEDER _apl3 11ST OF .4 IN /MOH - 1888: A Allen bro Bncklev Mary Berwick T Billater L -Brown J M Bassett Wm Boyd E C Craig 9 Cautery Creighton J i'lrawford 11 ' Cleary Thos Cunningham M Clark M E titan 31 Davis J I Iryer BC Davis E J Buell M J Davis 11 Davis D J Davis Mary E sushi 3 Evans Evans M 8 P Farrow M Fairfield L 8 awe HARDWARE AND • CUTLERY. I have In Store and am constantly receiving direct from mannfactun•rs. complete assort ment of BUILDER" HARD% ARE whlcli offer for sale on as fair terms ius any house in the city. together with a fine assortment of CUT LERY, GUNS and Hffvtli , VElttl. Also, the best selection of MECHANICS' TOCub, coin prising all the latest and best improvements known to the trade. • I have my factOry in fall °petition as usual, and stii prepared to do all kinds DI lob work the same as before the tire of the idd of February, such asn y it ding razors, scLuors, knives, put. mgt Inmsehl sitnife blades. and : repairing allklnds of eet. JAMES DOWN, NO. 136 WOOD STREET, Plinsistraeu. Also, AL ug ent for Grosskope's famous MAGIC LINEN HER, the greatest novelty In the world. in72:17 FOR SALE* FLOUR. QUAKER CITY,- best In the city, • WHITE ROM CHOICE /ARMY, ORIENIAL MLLLS. ' WILK SWAIM, STORM KILLS. Also chafes lot r f Seed Potatati EARLY GOODRICH, =BUCKEYE, PRINCEALBRT. and PKACHBLOW. By m!!=22mNmenm DUQUESNE FORG* 4 , WILLIAM KELLER; (Successor to 108. P. HAIGH & C 0.,) Res facilities co•extensive with the leading Forges in the East. audio prepared to promptly and sattsfactonly Ali all orders for STEAMBOAT MIAMI, CRANKS. PISTON ROD+, LAVERS, ;PITMAN TAMS WRISTS, RAI bituAD•Axi.ES. zA/Cs/MOTIVIC FRAMES, _together- with every description of tIIIAP/VWCRE. Office and Torre, Corner of Duquesne:Way Had First atria pich4o STEM ;WINDING 14rALTIIIINt . WATCHES. These Watches are of the well-knownli Pale 'style, and warranted to satisfy the Moot exastin/l demand for beauty, finish and Intensely. • The manufacture of VlTatal .. iins of thk• llquality, Is tali &Yea, attempted la mlittyy.sacositat , Waltlma. 13•24./IT ; REEDdt do., i. _:.. ,-. •,!....0"..,-7 ,,, .` , 7'fr ' i'f:"• ,,,, WiM5... -74 , ':? re". - ....-"en",72.!' 7 - 4 - -,. :.,.., • --, - - --. 4t - I;j' . .. 6 7 ' , A' 1 " , ' ' '' '.s . V ., . , W , ; ' ' ' ' ' ''''' 3 W4- 1- 4't:;"' - 'l -2 50 2, V 4 P1i#0V0. - ' ,s'4 " " 7 - 4'4„,N,.. -- ' rit. ,PlOl2leZ-.45-45 , ?...,W5P..50.,P ,- . , - J ,pg, 1 1",.-.1 ' , Z:4.1 0 , 3 10#% - 74.10. , er ,, *'- ' . '- ! AP' , ' - ..,_% - ,. A b- .4.;,,,W-1,{,-.44,-,,,, - . _ 07 18q91. OF THE AT 8 CENTS, AT 12 1.2 CENTS, FULL /0 BORTIdENT Or ms4Nirse ICE. Pa.; April 0 , ki \ O'Domoran T RossA Moine C • ,Rodney J Rees.) J Richards 0 F Robinson P Roberts D 8 Smith M Smith A J Smith E -with D IP ewers A T cheek Mr Saeargold R strawn B Sheller A T elmpson L , Templeton Is Tkomllnson T TomasJU. .._ TTEus n NAN. POSTOFF Frederick Mrs I • .4 Greggl Heaney T Hobson H C' Houghtelln HD . Haney hi Hintmarsh J Harrow J Jones J W Kelley P Karrloge J Z L Lynch M Mattson L Moulds h Matthew& G Mc,raan A 13 Manta KJ . . Manroy J 0 McAfee M McCready R McChreg Mcii..s A. P Mclntosh L Mellwatne J Nyialloaa 0 Wtdiesids IL J White A Ward M Ward T Walsh E Waiter L RAN. P. 31. U. • MEANOR & HARPER, AT THE WHITE FRONT, w r4DVERTISEMENTB. ~ BARGAINS SEASON 00 CO El 1M • AT 25 CEETS, DOUBLE WIDTH FIN BLACK ALPACAS. AT 25 CENTS, DOUBLE WIDTH FINE ALPACA In. Choice Colors. AT 12 1.2 CENTS, LIGHT [AND DARK D E LAINES AT. 60 CENT% SPRING BALMORAL SKIRTS AT 75 CENTS, Elegant Double Width Silk Mixe POPLINS. . New Poplins, New Eteavy Black Silks, NeW Dress Silks, Itew Spring Dress Goods. We are enabl - d to offer our customers &full sup ply eoivef the above, and many other bargaturjust recd. SIMPLE'S, AL ST,.. ALLEGHENY. aomes— , .ro ze..11; • 'lbr .fiato." " Waste." "'blind." "Boarding." &a., not ex inalingi7o OR MBES sag lain be is• rertod in Mess rolumut own for rWEN.T.T-FIVA ORNTS : •ac) cutditionai Sias:FITZ WINS& WANTRD--HELP. 13)--A Nurse Woman ;are of children. One accestorepd to chi /d and eartftd, preferred. Refer ences Apply at No. 65 Beare. street.. one door from Ohl°, Allegheny City. UTANT.E II 7 - --11ELP.—AT EM.• PLOYMENT-OPPICE. No. 1 St. Clair Street, BONI" 61711k4 L and MEN, for different kinds of employment, Persona wanting help of all kinds can be suppited on short notice. ANTED-AGENTS W ANTEM--AGEN*B for the . sile ot. the DEXTER WaB RING MA- C; ISE. ,From tan to twenty dollars payday can be made Oyi any active canvasser. \ Apply at THOMAS mitsKzLs, opposite the talrAirotuld, Penn stteet. j.• WANTS. WA NTED--To negotiate !Wort- GAGES from $9.000 to .10,000. Ad dress Box 11 , , t 1 AZETTA OFFICE- BOARDING. AOAIIDING--An elegant front room, do door, a*: No. North avenue. hem... Suitable for a gentleman and wile or two gentlemen. LET. 0-LET.— Itoits.-- Two Due at ROOMS In GA,Z'ETTE BUILDING. Apply at minting Roonvii. S 4 and 8 ; BlRla avenue. • • rLET.— 00h1, 40 by 105 thttot, with po er, on corner or Penn and reete..,lnqulre of ROBEST LULU. • T O LET.—Double Two. A. Bonin od the corner of Stockton avenue and Beaver street., Allegheny City.- Handsome gar den, stable and carriage house. Apply at No. 6 Stockton avenue, or Wayne Iron Works, Tenth Meet, Pittsbarah. To -LET. ' "VINE • CLIFF,'! Homestead o late Hr. R. A. Wilton, Mount Washington, ~ w itbin ten minutes walk of the city; an elegans Cottage House, with tower,con. tabling ILO rooms andHari with spring andcla tern water: entrance r for carriage. etc.; now oc cupied by M. G. T Robinson. of the Arm of Robinson. Rea • Co. , , ' Inquire of HALL PATTI'IIBON, Adoraey-at- Law, 11 Grant street. tf. • * IRON 0 /TY SPICE AND MUSTARD MILL, Fifth Airenue, neat ; High. St.; STRICKLER & MORLEPCEi Wholesale Dealers in BOASTED COFFER. Spices . and *lustard.- We call the attention of oontinmers to our EX CELBIOII ROAM: < O? 'EE. sold- ln one Donna fragAn.P742lL."Trz. be the very best to PitEeki CORNMEAL 'grottnd dilly. All arti• des warranted to be of the bbst quality and de psered in the City free of charge. • • IkTRICIILER dit.slomixotim, inh2e 1 , Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Ps. 414,' , An Immenie Stock at - Lowhices, at MCCORD & 00169 18/ 'woof• errE,Ezl,. OTICE. Openjogif Diamond Street, Pittsburgh. An Denim latereated are hereby nettled that the report. of ylewer. In the matter of opentnt and wld&nletr - I 'AMON') 151 . 21KET, from the. Dlstmond•to Yirry street, has been approv.4 mot Sartmed. ail persons auraagai. wbcren assesw ts or benefits W. re made requlr. d toper the same, to me wlthla Why • days, Otbersbse they will be entered as items *gaunt the proper , t 7. Prepertjonthe Diamond and Diasoad Street, west of we Market Havoc and on isibettY street from tilitth strut to tonyth evens% IMS J. ifs ELIIOI4II. ettr_tittranir.... apt. , In 47.?..0 • _ Fr .N OTIC.E.--There will be a Special Idecing of the FitLIE4IIIMIP HOSE COMPANY, held at' the Sullins Henn'. on FRIDAY BrpiNING, April 18th. 180 t/. at 7.}‘ o'clock. A fall attendanCe 6 requested. By order, ' JAMES HURTER, - . C. T. Jicrritirrs, President. Secretary. rag -PUBLIC MEE apiChal -TING.' A. meeting of the elthens of Pitts burgh, and of all persons interested in the navi gation of the Western waters, will be held at WILKINS HALL, on FRIDAY MORNING, the 16th inst., at 1.1 o'clock, to bear report of Com. =Mee that visited Waslington'City, asking leg lelation to prevent short span bridges beitig built over the Ohio Hirer. spicbc PITTaBEE9iL April /4th. 166. IarTHE BOARD OF DIREC., TOES of the COLUMBIA OIL COM PANY have We dap declared a . DIVIDEND No. 33 Of TWO (A) PER CENT. on the Capital Stoat. payable BIONDA.r..hprII 19th. . aptfahat A: P. IifcGREW, Secretary. garMERCANTILE LIBRARY }am, COMPANY.—The'Yourth Instal ment, 113 per share. on the Capital Stock Is now due pelable . at the 'Banking House of 'N. HOLHES I SONS. Certificates of Stock are now ready to be honed to all subscribers paying up In full. • JAM,Es H. WRIGHT. Treasurer. ' PirrstußPEr. April 9. 16189. apl4 arTHE FEDERAL OIL COM..? PAA Y.—A etts , khAders' meeting b. held on the 15th DAY OIF APAIL, 10/69. at 10 o'clock Az If., at the once of A. A. HILLS. buquesne Wav near Muth street, Pittsburgh, for the pure osiof taking action for the dissolu tion of the company. A. full attendance Is re quested. By order of the Board. 0. L 00E/IBIKG, Preen. tgrNOTICE,Itt a Meeting of the Directors of the .E4VALT STREET BRIDGE CO. , On April 3d, an assessment of $6,00 perhare on the Capital block was made Payment is re tweeted on or before the And of April, at the of fice of CHRIS. SIEBERT, sold 400 Penn street. rar'TO. C A lIPENTEIN AND erection BUILDERS.—SeaIed proposals for the of TWO STATION,HOIIBIt9, For City of Pittsburgh, one to be erected in Twelfth and one In Seventeenth Ward of said cl, y. will be received at the Hardware Store of J. k G PEARsON, No. 41 Diamobd street, bei tween Wood and Smithfield streets. where Plans and Specifications csn be seen. Aft_propossls to b • in by 14 o'clock. April lifth. 1559. By order of Committee. • JOHN H. HARE. " • JOS. NAIII3IIALL. aps GEO. B. PRARBON. EirlioncE ! THE AMORE!' COUNTY Republican Executive Committee Will meet oil TUItSDAY, "April 20tb. 113611, at 11 o'clock A.si. IN TIME BOOMS fn Olt/ Hall. ETery member of the Committee rbou!d attend, as business et.iraportancereealre their action. . , . _ RUSSELL ILERETT, Outman. JOHN H. BIT WART. Secretary. ap2:o*-ylr gag- PENN SYLV „ RAM.. TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. • PHILADYLPERA. PA - 4- April 2,1869. TO THE. STOCKHOLDERS. OT THE PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. All Stockholders, as registered on the Books of this company on the 30th day of April. 1869, will be entitled to subscribe for TWENTY-P PER CENT, of their respective Ipterests in New Stock. at par, as to lows: First. Fifty per cent. at the time of subscrip slon. between the 18th day of May, 1869, and the 30th day or June, 1869. Second. Fifty _per cent. between the 16th dry of November, ism); and the 31st day of Decem ber, 1869; or. if Stockholders should prtfer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub scription, and each Instalment so veld op shall be einUsled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on hill shares. TAfrd. That every Stockholder holding less than four shares, shall be entitled to subscribe for one share; and those holding more than a multiple of lour shares . ..Wl be entitled to rub. 'scribe loran addhlonalsnan. neurt4. All shares upsn which Instalments are yet to be paid under Resolution of May - 18, 1868, will be entitled to tbeir allotment of the Twenty-five per cent._ at par, as though they were paid In fall. apl3: , el . THOMAS T. BlRTH,,Trea.nrez. FOR flaS LE FLsALLE.—OLD TYPE MET AL.—Aboot Two Tbootand Pounds forsale by L. W. NitICB, office of FREIBEIIS YREUND;No. 143 Itar4hlield stieet. . - VOlt SALE -TYPE.•--About 400 _IL. pound's MINION TYPE. nearly u good as new. Enquire ACTH'S OFFICE.. NOR SALET--• NEW - FRAME COTTAGE of 5 oom Lloerts, hall and cellar. , is th Ward, (late East y 4 Lot 60 by 187 feet: broad board walk from Railroad stadom: Price low . and term! easy. \Entintreatmimoir- • KOR SALE —luburbaia. Resi• - DENCE, OR BUSINESS_ STAND. AND E ACRE or OROUNDodtuite lathe borough 'of Braddocks, within two inintites , walk of station on either railroad. The he Is a neat frame of seven rooms, large hall and cellar• lot contains all necessary oat ballotage, ana as' abundance of all kinds of fruit, good sort g‘wa,. ter In kitchen: ten feet from thermosets a store-' room 18 by 30, with ware-room, attathed. , store; room now rented and doing a_ good bootless. The location of the property la all' that could he desired either for a country resideire or a bud nese stand, or both. Apply to caorr & PHIL LIPS, keel Estate Agents, No., 139. Fourth.. avenue. FOR SALE, .. - • NINE -EORTY-ACRE Of land In Central Wisconsin, wood soli. good Umber, and near (cad market. A - fen* good farm Implements will be taken in exchange. • Dating a recent vials UV NOT thweiveriffowa rangemenis were made by which 1 can sandy a' Binned number of persons with land in that' pot , tion of lowa at from $3 to Ile per acre, near lines of railroad. • • • • - Address, (with stamps enelo , e4.l • .4 • Alin D. HILL. Bakerstown, Ateibeapeonnty- • • •c Pennsylvania. ar4-T FORems. GLASS HOUSE • • • Situated In/lbellester, Beaver isOaaty, on the • - Pittsburgh, Forty Wayne -A-. Olibitigo' Railroad. The property consists of a lot of ground 99 by • 195 feet, Mrsofilmple, trame.lbotoll-comPlete In sal respects: a ten pit famine, twa learn, .- ..mould shop, containing engine and lathes, out. Hag shop, packing rooms stotage.house, .sand mill, all In good order, and a good trsele up to the: . .- capacity of the works already ettotilithid: This ' le a rare ,PPort=l4ty ht.& Wit(WM9llhistiiii. ma For partleri, enquire of • 8. B. 11011LEGiv ar9kh2l No. 107, Fourth Arenne... ' FOR Sir. -, ; Neu Osbettii Marano:in ittiaiiiibiusts.. it. wan:feud CbScalco TWO Containing about Two' Acres `1 oh ` animus oz W. IVIACKEO,WN..e. 195 Mali' , . , VON SALE csal*r. - L-t swo . story 'lila amnia Glboon,_ note ; , Chestnut, streets weans and wellswo/03010c Moo $1, 900 . Two two-stom Brick Houle&ww.Wlck soon; zoo ms each; tots A4aloo. Mice $3,000; torsi, ssoo cub, and wane* to 7ewr/7 lootaiumenta Of $6OO eaol+ one ma n Frame Howse on Aiken lane. Pries, Ten fine Buildlnft Lots. 110410. on L on a*. P oo do. ao 110zwill,on.Vooper p o or 40 H oer OOl 'landau at. mat Brit•w ?mi rise. MAtiosizOnt• RISCO all.nee; Senn. _ L .Tlllllllll 112.11 X. amilen 9 ersas sires% Saslow. • • • E! NOTICES.