The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 16, 1869, Image 3

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', ••••••) kiterit'ete by Telegraph.
• 1 9ter iTnann. April 15.--.Cottoti a shade
;eassien , 2,ood balsa et 28kc for middling
. 'BO7
upuplands.':Flbitr—reaslptis, 8, .In
dull' lad liedsi, add 50100 1 0/ i i/ 311.5 170 0
bbla ats 540 fpr s State ,"•_•,•
i :; : slit ii 3 OE
43 n4 i§;9346V,40 for extratiletp: 11.),W,
4,65 ' 'Oaf Andra' •'svesteri• 86.00%81,10',f0r . ,
• 'whits'atekif extra; $8,050, 2 5' for ...rotlrnd
• hoop Ohiors7,oo©B,so`for extra St:lnnis;
• 40,00©12030 forgood• Choice - de., 'closing
heavy- (Bye flour heavy, 850. bbbi at
415,81441,71.. • Corn meal quiet. . Whisky' ..
nenlin l 4. 01C902c • tor •:: western) .free. -
Wheat...-reciipte, 18,042 PashebBT-without ,
decided ohaniFee•lo4t44.letto4 exPArtesSlC
milling'ddissaud; 1§140,11 of 37.09Ohnenhalf;
- 11,85 No' 3: niprihk;,lll,•lool,4i foiNsi, l
2 do. in tutored' . butside . Vile 'roe short,,
tinker. $I; 1;' fbi Wrinte Callkiniaf .
$1,9230br White Canada.. Ityii hinialei.
ate "request; salts of • - •41101' btsabdlrstll, 4 ll;
• for western:4l,4 o for Statai - - Marley' dull ,
and drooPionn .:sales, of s,ooo4hmlielat
Canada Illnitalosoll.Prkelitliterntai Barley •
tnaLt h ay.. ,PhsliTtlii.oo3lhibl,B7B, Corn .
heavy, o ,Idwer;• aelps of $2,00§, tagt i gb
at 84% 88% for '
new, wadiern i ml it ed,. l As
e 137%. r old dald dote pasildeKvered.,
Receipts 0ata25,788. - • °alarm derate.'rer -
quest 43,000 in store, inside price hi:day:
check - to-day; 78®78 do affoat,79 State
afloat. Rioa, &di rat 8%(411%; :Carolina'
Coffee hetter. Lei ta t in h oo ..!. • ',Bit. , :private
_ terms 123,14.'„. ,maricibO t ,pxpckt
private ter tfia. 'Sngar steady did • toilet;
salea'd 222 hildsat 1.1%®12%.• Moieties
quiet, Aidedbf 84 tierces Cubatdz ii i
d ado
at 48. PetrOletlni collet at 18%. e
81%@84; Relined bonded Flops et at
68016. American ;Linseed oil firm at
$1,02®1,03. . Pork in moderate' demand.
1 Sales of 1400 bb.s at $31,12®31,25 for new
.A- mess;. clifeY'• 111,1 q 4i; k. ca-h ..1180,78
@SU ;id: ci,• $26@28,5m. • prime ,5.18,5 G
q,2s lb rittlo Mean: .lkid dull. ,115 ! bill§
at pie for new:plain rriesia,lo/1$(101$
• forme* extra mesa.' 'Tierce dull at
$234 , 214 sales of 80 toe; : Plant= "mesa.
at t25®80; i Beef , Sam&stesidr;;2lls‘bbld
at 26® 1 820. - ,Cut meataspfiet;!l46 pkga at
]2%®lBC fox t ahoulders,- and ;16®17.3 for
hatne•.; / 11 44 1 1nallinetiand eteady;:so - bm
long ont name, on•.private
, ,
tema , f Liud,
firmer 100tcsat,18018%%. chieylB%q
for ataim, and 19 , Z0 for , kettle rder.
'Battsi quiet At3o6lbr State,,Chm3o,
firth it •18@lItiliforlbohinstou ' to*, prime l
Freights -14 LivekpooPare , lionsinsUy ha-,• Changed, • :Spirits- ThrpentEdo:irdidt: ai dfirm at 49% @Wm
Latest—Muir dtal,,,isclinhig.--.Wheat
dull„ pamin , :r and annbanged. -..eitysio.
?. td 4 - ;Pt* ili P ilentnPlea .Os-t 4 latil4
. • le s
s ili 6 at l.'retiaC4r ll .l fart
" sistAhlo36 v i a. df 4 t 'hislodlislit.
, V . 7 . ,....
vie l
. in a and Park' , -
lar; inxeneir Diessallef,,quief,
Bacon indent Meati4dn%and'andiaish
; • Lard quiet? I.B%@lB%*Jx. biz '• to • if 1
; oa•statur :•• 1 4111X1teadigfiii -'.. . .-:' • !
• and umisanged. . Wheat ia , in: fliV db.
XEUglAklind. thtilligleXkllt lir. firmer; .No. iti
• red wine liretll4t44, 3 k,Oorn bunco
• and•hi good - de ..mik,aa&lrtriO•iibt •Pliri
closing,sts7.l.: - the -- latter,
f rate flg: i ll ll4s ter- binding - Inits, i - ggisia
firm ittli, 01,42-• Wrier is ttudig
r ed. • Cotton le.disll sad lowet, stn s ig,.
, . 27%m - Tobacco is-iirmi'halesi 85- hh ' it
1 $18,50, • Whisk:els firm: at '900; , ' thel del- '
1 mend being lighti Their , iwastis &Mat
feeling in provisio w ith : an imprOVed
demand for Mesa :which sold to a
1 considerable extent t .1130,50 for city and
' i 11 30 for count ' r ' y the e Wail , not haubh ' of
. 1 fered at these-rates ' t the cidse; 'a con
' siderableashount off! mei Pork was sold'
- i during the lasi two M gag to' New'
. t York, chiefly count . Bulk meats are
I firm but quiet; ghoul era 1 2 c aides 14%c.-
l Bacon in better ,de d.•,_ sales egould i ers
I s
.at 13c, sides at ;16% B%c for clear '•rib.
Sugar :Cured- Hams mer. at )18®19c.
.1; Lard firmer and held at 12%®18%; salast
t at 18 for oityand 17% for country.- But- ,
• ter lower and dull, with sales' fresh at 35
• .;',„ 040 c. Ens dull at 17®18. -- Closer Seed •
, L steady, ,at . 115,25@15,50. -Timothy • Seed'
; scarce, and in:: demand; at• $ 3 , 40 (43 3 ;5 0 .
..4 Potatoes in moderate demand at 50.@)80c
••••• per bus =arrival.- Linseed !Oil- at $1,05
'. ®1,06.: .bard Oil et $1,45©1,50. - Pefrae
, -1, um at 33.&85., Sugar steady tad demand
...; light. ~Coffee- steady •at M®26c.• t New
• t• Orleans Molasses at 80(g.85.• : Gold dullit
132', buying 4 ; Exchange steady' at -par
- -I to 50 premium; buying. • Money market
•tit closed unchanged .' . • . ;;• : •
, , . m ,
_. t darckpci, April 15.—Eadtern excliisz.
-i. dull at' ,r buyitig to 140 - prettilinn -
ing. ; Flour dull'anffarpiik it WO 7,
for spring dxtri. " Wheat dall, 1% :0,
41 lower; 'ages at $1 , 15% thr o. M 1, an j
. igl,oB far' NO.' 2; 'do chishWat r .1 9 @
4 1,03%. COM dull'and weislit . A.
%e. KV:
g priced; 'made ' at' 47 . for, new,, vi ats,
,sp. .. . ettilY ' 66040 - grpier . miff -•
vane. td 48t 0 8%44 sales of 'ma aiadi
kiln . bd at %e t I.Oist§, iltill_,,Ain
t- lower; aides at 'sl%@saXo; and e el'
°, at 51c 'far regnfar ocelots of lim ;€,., 7.0.•
-t dull kid 'down , '26 lcivier;p4Oslsig L sit,
0 $1,180f,i7 for rend ,rdeeinta of ,40-, /..,,
i f
. . e. Barley Ifisteffo, ''Ff4iniedvat . 11 .14, a i ms ,
a at $1,7K51,715 far 14,gillar . rikelphs. ,Eligh
' ,l wines Quiet' and drip ',at 810. Molemes.- 1 . •
• ,s; 'sales' of ` New 'Orreahs at, $1,0p@1,051.4.
, lil Stigathiles it 145®15%p fat ocimmori,tp,
•.• choice: ' 'Mess pork quiet ,and steady,. at ,
• g $30,500 00 ,
_; 75. : 01 6 111 1S• at $ 30 44,,.. i hard•
, g firmer ' A n ltdet ,at ;47(gil „ , ,:gweg, ,
. 8 pickled halms,,lBc; dry 'Altai ; shoulders,
. g nominal' at'lll c_, i lteoeipts, past twenty
t .;
••;,'..s four hottrin, . ,M, blips :floor VATS bus ;
4 wheat, 47,500 , Pe earn; 6;sW s hFietlntnic 788
. bus rya. 809 /nig barleY, and, 8,027 , hogs.,
' Shipniefils,_lo . .,4Bl.. , hole flour, 8,1340.bu0.
wheat, 25,805
_b_us corn, 7 1 ;814 ~,busi,oa,ts,
; 2, 023 XIII T.Yei; - leo . Potti hnr e.TR and .6,114
•" , Sr. Lanisi April 15.-Flour is steady
f i and unchanged. , •Cotton is dull.and no
i• changed.
_Ramp is in demand at $1,40® .
. 1,1 1,50 for pri tue,undmesied.; -Flour is.quier
and unchanged, with sales rOf 'superfine ,
at icat 6 ,24,1 treble. ;extra aft $4,7505,15,
*- 11, and double extra at •115,80®7.:: =Wheat; ,
•: ' ) 1 - choice fall thought, full_ prices, ibUU the
11 other grades are:a little /owed; With sated
- - ill prime to choice red at $1,45@1,70; strictly.
choice. to fancy, 81,80151,05; spring open
': ad at sl,lo®llfortlfo. 2, 'Mk dosed
lower at 07.41 . Comic nehxy ;and,
8 drooPillg, AVM@ for mixed to, .
white, and 87e 1 for 'fancy'. ''Oitsti at
.."..„`• 61(04; for , black :and ;whites and '
'., 1. • ,x, 65%09r, ;,„ff•tkeY,:lilllte-_, Barbir;! nothing ;
in doing. . In•Ye ow** , at 8 1 ,2010/1* ,rlO , BO
~,..,, k e y freqtticit 'and inchan ed. - Sitgar_ii
z,-; u nchimps,ll; ' , Molassise is quiet • it-am 1
iLI c o ff et it tatelstai , tim at 125%0300' tor'
i I h lal V% • reTleteeni itherleelJng, PI
~'A C 0 .
I f bette ; Mid" hmders refuse a
c all Toxins' lota ,
41 t ttrriihit'priceti: ° Pi:rails' hdloi it , P0;50
eti ..43nik meats: dry salted isbotlldBrii,'•
11 120, WA '4oa 4 aides ;at 15%m. ..Bacotr is ;
14• . 1 easieri,,qo-11 1 4 0 1 1 , 14, atlet4dele. et 18%9,
!,.:. rib sides:at /0%.0, and clear mai at 111Y.400,
1 1• 1 Lard Xr i rve,luld )4 1 flYatiCat;17,%c for .
ki''' steam`, OM, for )4 3 ,11; , 4 1 ithPr plow '
..;'. asik at the close., e ßeoelgte--4,2%
rings wh 4,1800
barrel§ **ABA) , , iv,
V-1, ifusbelii - ,Corcit VP:l.l_l;oPb' vats. • SPO
•:' ,4 bushels bigley, WU. tfittitiesaa rye, g a d coo
,nl-,1 head 0 4 4- 2 . 0 1, .1 • / ru t 'I . : i ,15••,,Lnour
Iwo car,/ -*or 1.
Wheat ~dull; • Wee.
P et $446; rithite•nombsal:
‘ , ..:4 mfivrankee sninb ...,. saisio votive;
kIJ at $1 65@h 130 . - 'C e rn' I ' ) track 'll a
ev ',..... new at , 7 800 oro i n
4 '..1 c eb r r e g w.- caii - o - tad ' O ' •sit 7 711 0 tot atriyek old :
; -•'e nmina t j i osustnotsittial , at 8 - Pe . tn i `lito.r.e '
; 7 1 - no t all at.4sl;so , ln. *ere. Barter
and'MKT ,
P-1 Nye - •• 111 n sales :tenthsr ling Chn'4 ,
. quiet , semis; . ont o e ar .}it-di:it
A adairltinged4;seedio--2ito# ' atilt'
•-•;-' t
sales - .„„- h..., ,444. and 10011)181. 11 4 05 f
''1:: uw `" 11- - S CUOVIIT and Max
all° ILI° bag. lit
k d ull
at $8140 1 1 50 .
' :;;, o h i nged. Pat_ AO „
AZ. .
oflifLtrtu9g7l49s; no
iing aot
_' ' : rannir.rittA, Apra ls.—Fltitir 1s
firmer and try more (demand; 'Wes- of
1,209 bbla Norgiwestern extra family at
-1,75€17,25., Ohio do. at $ 7,20 .11§19,00, and
;May at• $10(3•12".' - Wheat in fair demand
unchanged. Rye unchanged, 'Corn'
good demand, with sales, t oforpixed
teacart at 86% white 'B7b, end 7a 760
®B9c. ' Opts sell freely 'at 754760 r
Western. ` Petibleurn leiter; ' bru no -
that at' 22e; 'r eilued.3lo i nnapit, and 31, 4 11;
all • the turonth.Grocsiit nue anged.
ProVitilontrateady. Mein P kV2 32,50
'Whisky 95®96. ,
1 , Teimhxo,f.'AbHl 15":-Crkitir do ' tiiii
lion:dual. 1 Wheat. , ..dulli! amber 91,43:
'tat Mic - blgano,./ 040, 0re.1 1 ( 4 4;°' 1:. 1
kite, 2%e better; 41',C)4. writ ady,,
- is.• A 670;..Nd. 2W aka& better: 34;' .
4 0 •FISra0e9C340'tiettor, 6204!, toms dun lin&
atlo4intAg il 2%q for,4ichigap. Val;
Lilart tonii r"andlingor 11,. .80.
1 Bar/ey. : nominal; • Alnadt ~- $1,95) o.• ; 1
vatatte . 11,75.., RepeVta-1,890, bblq flour*.
2, 100 . Wish wheat, 53;10 m
,bush Qo, 60Q, :lint& Oats; AO' -batik. ry e :Shichaetitir•
:24300.bbisitottr,:4,900 bush: wheat; :17,300
b 't / 0 1 ,___ c° 9'__. 31 ( 3 P 9 4 ) . 11 0 ° ! i f s • !:. :14'• .L. , !:
, uLaytutz, April lA.—Tobacco-414es
155 adnat likfite@lB,so for' tugs to Ted.
,Mdas:Tork at - 113 1 ,25(431;50. 5 ': -tiwori-L'
shoulders at 13%, glen ribiaide4 itt dg
-•%17,.ind clear aides at 173;@17%a. An k
Meats—shoulders 'a ill 12,.", ®lll,'antrol
aides at 165. Lard at-17 3 / 4 (4183x. Flour
at 15,5,0@6, • lat ,at51,50a1,55.• , Conk
e _t v,o; - Odtsit @Gk. - lily .12q0121,
.., 814 1- 1'1CD. 44 .10 • r1 116 4.14.1?re;•1 5. 10 101
rln ;PM.' 4 - .
_1; ,--• ~•1 . :1; Apnkilos.-:•Fbilir is dull:
and weak at 15,25®6 for, Wiscinitlin and:
porwa. t Wheat, irregularit 1410 far„Rn..L
d 11.01 for `No;'2'. OSA fir Mer at 5334c5334c ND. 2., .Cornt firmer it -560 forknitf.-
Ryi, 2- nominal , Barley,.flrm at 11.144®1 € 2
for NO. - . Precerptsflonl:l,ooo bb ;
wheat 9,000, oats 1,000 litish. -Shim
4-. flour 3 4 0 Q 1).0141; wheat 1,2110 Mutt: ' ,• •
Itaxeploks,,April .15.-4110p.r fly act •
tire an d faces weak Wheat dull; sales
prirttetteil.at42;l4 . l62,2ol. Obit' flrtreLealbe
.Irhiteat Oata'beaviri ak77(460.i.: Rye ,
. dal! at $1,40©450.- Naas Park Atdet,
11. V,; 'Laken Arm; clear
d6.1at173; •iindiahealdeistike- 14
tiFttY4h.) Nkiisk7.tiPALlt.
L 'E L4 I I) . APri s k ukl i plesti,:zs9.,
'Ail, whit& eld"at' ,45;' ci. 2held,
11,32.':!OcitiJ held ' at .7434716...- Oats'
held at . 84®65c. Petroleami vs:lsar - kat:
I2ulet; the.- ia° c ll . Zkre.) l lo o ®!
lc fdr_aten itr'd hut,thare
(AARA , II "", I 4 AO- .1104.
.•.; I .
pirraprr, 44as: lea 0 1
11 1 : 1 02 3 N0. , :2 ,1 .104hz1410 1 : .1 •tiln
I 41,.. _ . 60visersis:
4Nnj . 4 1 2 n, PP, cap. ;
eea liala P° 64 r°W4IF.-
. .
• • . • • • , , •
,_- ) Pr71 1 4 0 0 1 : - M 11 4 1 14. •, I . : -
. NZW YPIR JAPrilf UN-4P !Pr Sentra
thing the muitit is licking - ,ltt_sotivit3l , ..
aphcialitlisivirldch A are - offeted at'
/01r-rat".l.Tite Allendale; 84 • bicaduat
'Maim now job at 4234 c. i Henricio plaid
Clanabtirge 123ccr. Berth River Ticks . are ,
e t
,r a ced from 170 to:18c. 'Atlantic A .
tinge steady , r at -180. .Tha ..TAurel
are held by ligenbrat ltTe; hitt they.
,j4tat boila_lspie and .16e, and.the Cabot
nch .bleacbeci goods jobat 18c.. The
requot '1,200 theoltil now job ais low ae
1834 c, 1,40 e do Me; I,Boo' do I8e; 1,1300 do
22 34 e, 2,009 do.g s c, and 3,800 ditofiNc6 •
Lhb Sioet ilsyketa.
_ -
eirleAnd, Aprfl ' 151—Catele
opeceu dull, but i subsequently be ,
came active, at 250300 , lower; sales at
19,25@9,50'f0r coinmon,- and O, 7O @I(NIP
for fair:to: cholhe. ,. . l. oattle more lOW'S
And , firmer $ $4,80@)5,80 for 'butchers,
.ileirtjia,Vor lair to maim, :and, #7,00,
, gdod to cholde ishlpldng
besves.) - ' -= •
-STf ,Lount, April.lls , -Oatfle Afarkei =-
Cattle arepuised, with better
biased for t d prime " Mies, Bogs
range at; 50 (410,25 'for Ott:extra,
1 4 impons BY, liAl,LlioAD.
l ll ATTEulollcint.. Foal' Waves, & CIF,
'a n i t p:Rsitzuma, ' April ` 15.-42 ears
me Nimick & Co; 5 do' do. Coleman , ;
In St CO I ' 4 Alp, do n WAWA, :Porter
&Ca; 3 - do do, talon IrOn, ;1 do do •
IRmitt Co; 3 dna°. Harbang &to; 3
da 9,4.lWOodeSdrt - a CO; ado WM= feed
ifkaker it- LangeallelaN L 3 do- ;Fp,.
p dt'Shatardr,4oo ' bbb3 dour, Watt, _
... itiCo; 300 dodo; owtterooo;daidd
'W llEClureEl esmiddlings it Schaal& i:
• 134 bdlapaper, Hoe t teuv AtHmitlr,
trip lhamk Myers & CO; fear barley,
* n & Co; 2do staves, M P Adams;
/ o s bate d f , IF t o, .)BritdoPi ao dodo, ,W:
If: rkpa 'ck A c 1 Mils vinegar i S
"liwpilkic COI' 10 dim washbdardis, Malaga
& Poi Add dot. W,tv ocasavc 0 tibbsap;
plpii, l i d o onions. W,s araff 4 44C ; ) ; /4361.. '
stsves, 'o — Hastings; ' 2 rtlls leather,
R4astnnt am.; 300eks dith; Bilfenty 'QC
Hood. "114 ...) r '. -: .: li )1 1 )i l ,l !
.„, , t
, e LOW AND, ATirnat AUL-.
nwi,- A lb .-'2 N Y Oe. Hem,'
ru.4.-ff & Duth itdo twain" Meorheittil&
- , ---r
, C 1 41% 1041 g, lime;tiAMlL ft CM 1 earl
Art , J litampbe 1; Ido do, Bricker
cp, I. do-lio; S'bbla itipioles, Van 'Gordo
i, 4s :ctlf;, ;name .. potatoes, Woodwortl3 4 4l Di
2 dq d0,.42 Jugs 333 L obtaatte, 8 ,lableLspples.4
4. ,dneeggli; 1 d 6 batter, Volgt,, M. a Cot.,
2 cars atom!, AI L L Haft; 1 do-inds, S I B '
V 1924 4..C91 100 bbliallanr, Sahomaker &
- 1.4, /5 do tteer ll . u Tlepler; ,20.tas phew*, J
A s 0.911 'lo' minima:3es; Dull & Son;
la an;do; W. ' raff At C0; 4 2 able tallow,
F/Stians• - it Son; 3 30.: egg% IF tit Craig,
lusidt 7 do do, 2 do sugar. Atwelli ;
eke rags. 1 bbl baaon,'Hitwartli'& DD; 1
Att 4 ser urn§ dc.,____i .-ailiell 20 •do TUNA
,Bita; do !Nage l 4 ttiba chemse, J
• Rlanlinlll:t aH. CiNomaxrz 3 kap !, sit,
li sitatoAD, April 1/5.-119) b lidel.,
btumn,'J - ItYarkari 2 tea ainsage W . 13,
,Hays &limie r 4 lihd tobaiiiaii, - /Aillhaub;•2'
caesistaysirriicari lumber; NI •P A.dliMs;
50 tibabigli wipes, W Miller & Co; 25 f ,d0
. do, Malian - WBI•o; 1" bbl'eggs: Vole t ,slll-
hood &4kit , 2116 do. , J AlGralli 4 445 , d°, 11
Rea Jr; 3,d0 do; '1 keg, but J Arpt 27
elks g tan g, Kennedy,. Chlidittt ,C 9; 5
bblaiapplaiti 1 41 4}Ciaighetd; 2 tad halts,
0 r riftrullYt A Atolls Adiattidersi -Wll
r Wiparni. ,7,0 bcI,IB_,P,MOFI4 MtElror:43lVoi
12 aka barrio', Trandilielrd & M; no bblll
NM', Alehomakei -At L l loo' , do '.' db; 1 ., 11 ,
' oo u2k4l 4 ;arinnh l &lowa Cul; it , do
owes, J Painter it Son; 1 de do, W Haat.
hip; 12 tea hams, II: Sellers (V% 15 do
da, J Lippenaatt.
' 'itillllokll3lTi' ; 311Stirti i : Hiltiitaill„ ; ;
,ASrli 46134. - 00 aka atorni 20 drhyd;Dlai e l ,
,ia MoormA .aar di Ma, D 'll Heyhalibif Vitae
f tell
Miler Heal% Bliollartt 2 &Ms VOILA:0
.n 91 11 4 1000 onstage Dlcanistit, P &
Cl* doVeldßet 8 00o 0 Orgeradairi &
tt . a
„,ki tt ge l m atv i tc ,,
leathe o 4-0 4
.061d-pa6 4 ,„ 0 . 0 .0 0 ..,
xuteco,2l,thi v .. ATOM art. ,
&eke ilig;Otsiteby 041 4 ; 1 b 1 gge,
Head dc Metzgar; 4 oars railroad . Iron,
Hannibal &Naples-RICON
a rinsl) bb ls ph
Risher AtlirM 320 lio4/145,;Wgi Da PK tit .
Cat42l4do dm Pennbalo 4 B/ liktik*n.'t ' ' '
' tArmasitmi fliiiiiiiii.`'Apill 1 -15!--4 1
elm raga. J 1 24 Titttalsoati cf Vara mai ,
Etat g;thaltant & Colt 2;do brOt u lgigitt:
-U. It Co; J3B 6pm:tat...LS do tops .•,, a z
',,,,_amtil 3 1, cammetWit 51/Heel* elcr,'.B4 Mel
""",,,, s4 , 4 1 71,.. (t e , iliobertamill do. natii
Vi sa
vcvlij i tivAmE; A, kdoi.ffect ii.
&MOM; ea o h . 4 .i4moug;,
' 201tlits maple molaises, K Nimiek•
20 no do, A Nlmiak; 10, J Warta;
20 do do, J Frazier.
-Fl4- - =". A s
It 1 _
woe welither yesternay. i ta - as clear and
phititatit, and all that could ?possibly. be,
1 'clesired for ent-diiiir pper i ations.• ,
The riierlii• again .iecedlo . with td.i"
teet ) sixinefies' ib ' the :' chan nel bi the
Monongahela' iiiniiks.' " ,‘ : - :. - ' ' ' -
Businese ottilitinims'ittodertittily "tiatitotit
at the landing; and the, °timings of
freight, cOhilderlng the Immense ,ehip
mentis.tlo . 31 Ave-;liirsKY tbtsu.. - PmtA%
kaep.ap,re,iparluibir wellytnd, n,oiwith
standli3-g-thii eiti it
atie lowlow Pr lx•
oetti wP
essionally hatir . cii '' boat - hatingm ade
lame money..: 'We doubt, t after MI, - that
ilteaVatilig 4 much roPIP 4/4?4 l •AlttiUY..
other ePaltinenta of butilmiss t as our
:mereblittestl and' 4niminfliatiters, • *eller
11113S4111,100Mplainimeratarly: of • bard
roa2; W.
, , ..„.,1i e' 7 " I i , ...
' 1 ! l. ' Houtittia teted .thime
f . 4rom A.t.Latiltil,o4laY;i and t is 7 Said; he' contract; PAT a todliforlthet
'Machinery of the defunct Carrie, . V.,
t _, Thet.t3ilves Bow,mitti-rckite ; fr oni St: 'Fort. Pientcax,•..when P near -St::
:Josephybrakeline•Of hei bylindeis. • She
rwillrbeiokliodt to lay' by - at Bt.' Joseph
, about ameele der •.repairek . 1 I,'• - • J •
Tim torboift ; Biengal , r has ;;been
:so d ;to Messrs. Stawart,, ,Otroveti,, of.
one; Itinairaiid will be
• engaged here.'
ar4n towi ri ggrain on tli Upper: MIS-'
'sistslPlli a ~• , ~;, • — , .1:- t:
Tile hie, mintei Lake and Aloille kb-..
tarty - I
-lire an at: St.: LOWS waiting for's'
Bautim , trip. r i t 1:-
._ • :i ; r,: : ' TEe Alasid, Capt., F. • J.. .oakes,. v4O
positively - fake - her".depirtn're for-Ne*
Orleans •!: She' will take freight'
and, pawner!! for t all int e rmediate _
,points: _
' —Thlit'lJatnella 'cleared •• I'd - ittishiilia :
• Iwitti * goad trip, and engagements earn=
clent below to , fill. tint, including' 20001 kees' aned't ' 'Wheeling. Pilots—James
, SendersointandtAlf Moore: ''' • <-'' '•
!The .tkratadillo departed for. St: Louie
With . an exoellent. trip including 91AX? a
'iambic- wit vaMehgeis:
;Pottaand &Imo' raweett/ • . 1
The. Kent,qu.arrixed from kerternigitli
'eh Wintilltiff wtfT depart to 7 day, musual,
id 4 Pl:is. • ' •
2 The WaruknitshiE. A.tDravo,:with
C. L. Reppart , office, wil,l, depart
itar St. Lode ay' Without fail,
And _passenger; i ttfd thipperiP Whonler
Gear Ude - • I; Vtli at; M - E
The 11%1i-headed 41iteiti, Capt. F. J.
Oakes In ersectindeld
forthwith. is. She,. la the , lrd Oka
wheel•boattf the •priteents time, wlia.itie
to he hoped that ettewillVAA geed MI!:
` „ The Glenda' tPl ,btirghipanied byiCtWnmitt en Tumidly:
I —aim MinuetsOba. tar eineithiatit for
I4oci*,,on Tmeitag, wit*, • , 6po tons
rrelitift and 80 'cabin passenge*. Pilots
, —Doerntiiiii and-Jame,
I 9—eaptaitai JoluilTlVet Mien SAW Jc EL'
j thl o 4l 4=Of - 40*. Atlantic and offis.
=l3:r 8
13iihum 's Intehip „co. l . kayo
et St Lo b
r litioihj,. hi 'ittenipting tb
ascend theentuokrahnte of the 3
Smiday,,gpt K aground and remained four
hoar*, but anw*ded getting off
opt linnirtr„. ti . • 1
—A few days ago the steamer Climber
land, Making ,a *ding ,Just: opposite
Monnt'Vernon, was caught in a strong
currant and rcarried tome 'fifteen - or
.ttirentv *et beyond the bank. Into &field.
At this critical moment some ,part other
machinery becardedMrdered, WhicL (dr
a short time threatened) serious trouble
but for the promp action of the officers on
e dispatch received* (ncintiati, on
- Tn.esdav i from Capt4n Prater, at the
WrecktiftheG, Thompeoq, states that
the aboat burned to the water's edge.
,Tice boilers and machinery, and some of
the etigo,)nily be ailed tribe river con
ttntpuito fail., It is impossible. to (mitt
mate tt value of the cargo L lA bqoics and,
pipers erb totally lost. - Wreek ilea in
twelve feet) water." •
--TheArlckslmrg Herald' tif 'Saturday
sat* We made a aMtenient „ last week
Oat the Wild Wagoner, a xery, fast cr,aft,
was reptirted , to hatter parried the Pargoltd
uatinwati',,! We have ainrellearnod that
.the Wagoner has, done , nothing of , tbrk
14,4 d: that the Pargortd - transacted, her
business without nesticing' her it' all, -
Making the y,oung fags grit.rint- of the
mat when s he firrype along. ,
- Chair-I)6rd J J:kbert:left. Monad
city_Strreitro tocoMplete her repairs; on
scares Velidibeera:
libel Igo up the Missouri Rivyr n where
she will operate during the summer.
Alterations hambeenmade)fiv Her nisi;
throe nn with rthe , Mint of • maklna. het
"flanbh rrtgre efficient than fornterly; , 'The?
sayre are now so placed that •ttiatinie COD.%
enuredSn sawipg ttp , a, arrag be -far,
lAia thin
c-On'Tuesday morning, Inst., when
the piew:Orleans'atiff Ited:Rlreesterdner
Ta was at 1 : 4 40 Virs U 3 / 1 miles below)
eats Chute,, are was. ,discovered,
'Almon* the, aottort on heimarbourd, guard.
The Srithadogainedt conlidsratilealfeid
wAY, ((Ting to .covered
'with - tarpaulins) before disqovered.
..Fifty,balers'were , throitii -Cnierbbaid end'
btitr WO: 41)0 0 Yered) -rd' , aourse,Y,
damaged - condition. Captain fiicoidilat
-ttibirtes the safety . of the boat to tliti tact,
of4be'crittoti4oldng Nt-ufrrwithArbil
Tile, fire , is survoltbd td , heie 'originated .
' fre'm sparkir from the !Urns - cis. ' 'The bcl4,
sustained no dimage,''. 4 "
' • •
Itiveril;and'iritithei; '
Lowsvirax, April 15.—River s ri p ßth
slowly;selt11 1 91568 8 venter lta at;
:;11,3,1,Cri,X°N.t±OtriERY• .
Mk AURA. Ai JP,04:1 (.1
I. MdstMckluters = I
pm~gaad •=
l i tNlF l ol lW # l 4gt . 1 ,814 1 3 7 08. wAiut
F ar C l nPl e • 3 P.P3BIIIITYJO I I I IM.
orders • • oils • • to.
• smar..rtip_vomyr i ffi si • eig
btu WA. a tioal , t 4 r
DO art
p i a E t tomtit.;
nr.,- Maa!
;.,AlMaot-Sattrali OM' loeattaW Mea
ZOla i rorga naw
at i agiar i aZ i nt AVM
VW i n =fyir o ra sft i at i parApag,
0 Oraaltatraat, aywnatta Cl*Dra-4.1.
1110CZN,OIL ja , Ats. ~1
:, 4 •
%--3 nEAD A olllllifikir
• - ..1 .0 .OLO,ns , .• • • • ,
'mom NAN; fit.
z w l rk-ntwe rtassia r e, tbillS
srle irlitulzaOr wASEILNOTQA 11 4 111 DA
LION PUS; ate hereby Infdrmee east the eltaieh
kngs were made Je l nuery.49, sn a
rulersbo I
adns will be p t hronaktieW re; the ,
mo r s WI" '
4101111ENCE,Vir BEAMS:CO: . 1 1
mok - EFAIs.--riontur on tho pt clyer
tteuitantntrt. PCtibtlilk nb b4ll
1 listlroadl i f i FAl BktivK
VallitstkitftrrighAu "ti tr un ‘ g gr t , in A. m.
Imo otilig mot eil t ousomoViotwon i t lTA lm n i oW
o[ Rood g i 4= l l tr . o u 21 1 t o rla n nci v o3 hp loe rrutt uses
1 .".
e. CllTsititalrVirik
atm 311 BlztlA iIY4IIIII.
r'' , "4"'" `1 j t'''rrn'" - cf•
• 1 / 4 -) I i. 1.1 I.
Mr 3l ,[P4locAir - o --- x** okLz&sj
NEB ORI.:EANB.7The new
.andAdatilid nasileniteepaliket : - .1 , " ) '
...!LLAzKA.' ." . . .. .. F. J. Oe itEs, Commanders.
Wrti leave tot ale , atat , a iand -all uitertneditte
rliagial t il . a.Y, .eorlgth. at. 0 P.M.. j L
i ~...., .
f r T s ag w ei . gr. o ott n , ba c
o a . r . d i
to e eu to t4 .
Indian i Lavanca and Xrasos,sl,•li j•filli
to WI S, MontiNmery and Wetrdspka. An#;*
Yia:Bakeris Lin's, qt steamers;',apo, via Ksun s.
Line' Red 'Hirer Packeta to Alexandria, GrAnd
'Snore. intreveinmt and /anemia gisem by
tantiEsr. airiorEy a (JO..
h. APIs :t 93 Water strekt4 Intsetrurghi Ps:...
2 i.W... o l l4l . l 4NB—Thesteatner
lattlartiLlA . CitPtJ --,
Wlll teavi• Mt' itie l boirelanelitiehne'dinte pa rta
on naTU'Redr e . Dr* l i 7r. at 4 cal:i d .. r'to
P6r !leis tor raAtt: a p 1•1 ott ... e i g
' ' lake ASIVI 9 CY).'
' ant,- : , • - - -,• , • . .. 14.0 "‘"` '
. • •
rill' IV u o L L irrir
ili ,;:
Leives S Pitietith&iiVEit i iTlikki- 3 / 2 " 34
LeaTPs giVedanata //VERY Fa. WAN
. . .
The swift and, apperh Shlei•beel Steamer ST.
Jswaingcri Cothlnandei... l ,lll l
leave as annmanetd above.- • •
Vorlrieight T`tuagers . pipplyofi boitid4 *rt.,
• COLLIbia , & BANNES,'-Agents.
N. B.—No Knight resatTed Tuesday afAer
• t
, . 3
. .• 'Rog, h
,t i •
St. .1401/1, St:
oac. .4 • g
°tithe sPletidt.Sldbwheel Stein:der& of this
ne iyilk.leavo St. Louts Oa ,ly for Yeek uk, D vie a-
Dttbtiqueii!Whiona, Stillwater - Kau St.' Patti.'
Throug4 receipts for Freight/est:id Upper
*lll be - Wen 'to all poniti Oh Me Upeer-MlT.lle
ftlailppl-on I /tow/wry runolq; treat Ml & port end
tOnnettlng with' the Northern Mae Packet& at
Loglbrttltis rOl ll ll oditberlet to met onair_ v
refs c - broziß w t ou tdelay and lit loweit
f"tear, - .44IaPITUO
J. D. •coLtincit' .
#. C. cirt AT,
,1 •• : ,_ :
;;:'t i .. 9/Iratiektiernti
: t
10 011 (1.41111Ni-Dl7-
1/F r iur:lVDcr
vlefegllllsz.4;;nzifiritbit - V L ` vg i
at , 1 1 • , ' 1 , tk
TortreigllViit palehri si_pply_o9,'boafil eco''
apl2 Sl zt . Aradwdeb.
has v ial l -gh.±1 1 2.4 ro' 1 4 k n ,„
Vi a ttarreattraidautinn a44l ' w4P '
l'Oefifte.` bitv.ed:At• Jrs." 4 " 6 "•
- - -4tro. s tMittitAiddri:
L . 7
w ; ,, l j-;: i jmo
TO: LErgaroui. , AND g en
TB* *WAN !EAU: StiqUillEdiPS
lusibertus suttees ELM-eau* iroisels,, 1411,0/14
tc rothe celebrated •
CITY OF. PA.Bith• CITY OP A.Nrwir.rr„_
gm? or Losi/ori: ~• •
Sailing ICITZRx -- BATOBDAy from Pier 45,
134 River. New Tort. For 4saage or further
Inturn.s.ion mon? to
FIFTU stitiorr.
Wearly.opooel Poet .0 0, •••• P.oebesr-lb
es. Wig TonsiltENZl Or. ALLnitiseeT
COUNTY. Plttibingh, April Ist, INB9.
section of an AcnzelaUnit to Allegheny Boat •
ty, apßrored Ike I,st es, of /16/. end el the
arneutirient to inid'aectiOn: approved the atitk day
of Mara, 1666,7 I du Iterebki sive nittce Unit the
rfupßcaten for Ake, eeeerel Wards,: Boroughs and.
Tolrtothipe WITA, BE °PIS, &nil I will, be pre
Arid to receive the •
County i - State, t,Poer, Workhouse and
improvement Taxes for '1869.
Of : and amp ,the 14 ; cl/trier MO. /0 0. LOWS.
tuxes cart be pild at this Mice until theist day
ordugnnt with bEDUCt I IO2I of viva' PEE
ciNT. !dr prompt payment to all perilbittpaying
the ;whole SIZIOUnt of Unir tn i zes., , .
'nein *III Be no deduction all Owed 411114 the
'until" of August. There will be
. , Ten Per. Addelt •• • ,
1,1 , 1 • • •
TOlttaxes teratanint tiabaidtia di
• -•j A • !": : italC - VOtt sAviriGs,
ionairly tbe' DINE
, . Noiier Wtiurth. - 4
24. 4 1 4.1 r Orrcllinz.TVsl l3 + l l:tx Or:Firms:rim:lm:
‘-! ,CIInTAItED, lAi 184 A.
QPlttt tSAILY '4l9wn' o- 4 o'clock, " liod on
'WEI)ti_E,SO,A.y, and 8.4T-141iDAY , XV,E1.11X4E14,,
(mho May let' to Noretiber lit; ltom to V
o'clock. }ad poimigwv,eissbey,ist etc,
e.o . oott.
Boolfolor ACi; furniati ab lthe Ofilos.
t Instfitultton especiloffer to those whose
earningrtsre ilmlMAnhe ()Mimic) , kto sehhinn.J
late: by small deposits, east y saves', as qp4 v4 l Ph
VII he winsaanzee whesindifd;'ft4 beating. to.;
ttreelltlnstead of_mmalnlisg opproductikvec , .
, . ~.,; otoarE l rißlPti'n 1 .•
Batrkte.wo I ME r sP-Mtlic;
I . .. 1 9 41 .Witigii
pi ll t taT-f.
I: B. -BE • '.4 Aspagit,
JOHN IL.HILWOZ-TH I ~ gooli.TA. axanzg h ,,,.
, OHRIbTOPtra; O.
SUrcrroßs—D. W. .t.A..ii. BELL.,..mhicvaar
-,.. ...
I TRADE tirmitvc: ..• 1
' l ' l :•-•'•`:i , 1 , - ,Z0:.: •.:1,1 • .?? ' 1:1:
DITIMIDGE'S: - .- - I "?
r •
~.... 1 Jr
! , "..'
:il `11110.1411M01,P•:, i:;•••1 •j C I
yoltritifentg-i: !,!,
:'•. I , .. . RAD" -,-, .1.: 1 I ..hs:
~1, ..._ , •
,e n :as .1,, , .z&D.1 ~, ; 1..i1i., it ? ..:-. , , , .-1 --: f .:,el ,
IlVinteratt , . •i: -".:', :,,,-; ,I f
+A ..,,,LL7 L l i iii) nt :) •):',•'!l ,) -.! I i:," . ',
; /..r F. seri 07 pepons Docki
, t! . iii,
Iftte ittillmitlEtit, - V i
n :61. 'COn' iii,. o ll`
otill - pif id libii oftei:gintiiiittiii; )l ' ll ' t 7 '
ut ':. . s '"" !I •'•• : itiihEiiliti t iat •l 1
`irrr7lllll2oll,4lStilil,' UAL f i :...,.: o ,' , i I , .: ' ;1'
. .
. Diti4gii.tek, iiiei
E .I ,) ).;,..,,),,, , :,,,, .:11,.
:Ira large And sweet, jusLreeglyeil !lad far Bala 1
,bp tleidtiting lasil.t.'new Lneisins' Limons;• ler •
l a id r r, :ii I' .. , ...). 1.1113,7611H1)). Ittilstik* (I') 3
ap , . . poxaejj•lloarty.an_d 4341b4 4 (ILL,:
; 13 .0 1 MFM 4 11 0 / 11 : arnC4,l =t )
lomsassikutionturalqiuftso , ;t
Regg' i grill.lirrhiP,PinitcPcamidngleYo
orti P arikigM l At s trl e i t .7-I***-"
r7UaB ".:
I"" latabnitza • rasvissox
tio)EMOVAL. ; : • ••••f •
ttorne7-at l l l 37,hts olice to, No.,
.94 , - , f I apt; :h74
Ftwt......7 • I 1
L MART 4% -- 00
. • ..
or. .`ods,
; 2 234 : :PRIVY ;s ritAtEr." i
Archa.., ~ . .
• Iron;
, •. ; 'll . • 1 . • •
To , .Their -New Weirehousei
= •'
J., . .
( iittriTtralt;l4l.V.Y'N'vtryne'eiai'delligilic;efitargias.,
ilt e o r agrz y;
teth3o;o9 - " * • ; •••
-": • !
Zu G
, :# IIT TPrt T F!!AoI,Ir c9 1 : 11 01 411 .
4.4'l*li ** * * 7 .
LCOrser , ,Ehui. AndiThireetath Streets 4;
f olll : 97ei ckf ß of4 l §l i :! ll o4V i
!.a :r i sta i tspilee atKpAss..patcl to; the tlllhet,
n 41 1,;1;
Vas removed 'from" iti eld ogle? to ; Thirke;
reitrs4 Preaße. tw. : .f.. :
. •
' - •••!'
RranovAL ,
, .
reioc;ied to 170. slll(Sinith:,side) . DIA11.0211),
east Of Federal street, Allegheny City. apiig77
REmovs_g.. . .
W. a. Aagst.enom4..-1
(Poem:lace to /.tier it. 4ribetvaa e',l bit ifeatmrod
/O MA th IIICET Snit/ET. a (ord.:tors above
o old eta .• . • . :44 bill
AO.EIMOY AL.III. 111felLain &C 0.,.
Dealers le R--eal Estate, Stocks. Bonds.
tiragetaild otherseccreltles: lave rentoted to
. t e r new ()ace. 104 Yottetb avenue, Paulson's,
new BRWing , A y parties desiring to bUy or ,
sell Beal, asAte .f any klad s Stocks Of J3oade.
and Mortysget vet Well •$e give Mein a call.
I .
T o maw • . . : • .
13001000 fee • •Dryrine •
150.000 feet 13s Inch Clear "ant:
: • 90,000 , feet llf Inch Coftenon Plank:
25,000 feet Dry 1 and 5130004 • I
96,000 ft. A ti,z I_,x, and' 3'inCh POW*:
10.900 feet
_Pry roplareleantllng: -
10,1000 feet Dry Tellcoorrinteliotds' '
nak r iniN Vrt-cistactlngiiO4
• -200. 0 • i fi el
. . 16-,h owed:
590_05 No. 112. '551111'.0421
50,0 W Flee 13
; Flee r • • If .
100 Tons Flre
A 155, ,, Save Xlll. Lataber4. 'i.,iidgort • 'had 'Cedes*
Poste endsr lelesln the llmien jiand &Ad foy
pale, EILIZ PiArEN.OSO2I,.• -Taedle—
No. 15 Rebecca streetand cornet of Preble_and
• Jlialata;atteete.l3ltttPeardi AlletnetlY. later fted
.9.! .4 f * 111 9 1 4 star , !., Stp:B.
h )! Fr L
0E1(8111111'4C tAilld . FLO UR'
KILL Thre+lBtlr . !3FAen .3i•jui1,.11 . 444 pit
Vtils .14tour 11111::only be' sant
114 111111 1 11711ELVALVEVIIIAIIIII,
r giI ' G~UB2IFLOAND~COHN, 19 i.
• :t 3 41111804 ..:4
•::' , • PM&
7L . 9
Seiler 43i weighti tildleakikeiv
- • tiiilliweenit L
bertiisid. Yerrysirimtat .-
Oro' rri nrom tIP , tvteJl • 1..• to,. 7 113171.
11.411V.AND•VgliftII L , g a • yf,..:
Mit 'Ha -- • h i jk.- •
----. ,
it ,
Third Moor, neend,, oil Mal. .
' Abratrontaor r trioranott Ls
lilies B BAR
WldEg• pkze. o -A, wailmumnvt.;‘,,
11YeAft....4hatrititrIlic'e' A " Mt .
iin i teVag a l u ti tt sz ?" lill""1/4423/8
X, I 1..:.-..1 li).' c 711 :
T., : 1.1!::
• = •o:1 ;i • . ::::
t 1 , 1 J; Al NI? , 1411. ." 1 . Z._.4
. . ,
.I-. .' A.. r .c. ,,, c ,:•',',-.;
i ' 111 11 .31 A l ki l f Uttitg . • -
~..), 1 , :tii a. ,%,, ~: 4 : , „I ' 1 1
glitteS • Alla ) • Watt
h izinti t tr ot ri,,ormtokthigfuste,,,tid
L,t , ,,..i?? . F ,- 11..., , ,.7 ir ) 1 1 .
,:, t t i@ - !':,7' i. Itta,6 , ~, . ..P.I
s . ficl r 1 1 1'..11i NAIL 4181818ittoi:lirig1Igiiitei . ' '
. .
icj ii i i iigi i'.1,,u4 ii!ti pi • ~ , hivr i .i ati ;ii.(L -•
4 -IA ite.- ilfflirpti
aitp at B , 141 LP I lio a
iinklitr,it i kat l WV UhfocriirfAti_str .
, Imitraitistima TA,
_ c e z r r atic i A7p ' TArst
S h grarj T g g nii; itt e d;Wwri l v i litlVi i
them a treat. -,
. I
MELEE PEA . : 100 laluA
tat ibis by ly. B. CIANTILW.
• I
87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
AU Kinds , of CountrY Prochwe i .
411 Orders 'for Merchandise promptly Pima, st.r
LOWZBT market rates. Partieutar attention.
:given to Wesel° of Botter,-Eggs,_ Glum. Dried._
•Frnite, &ered eonacient that we can glen.
dataentireSby making QUICK galas aad,
8. at, ifiGHEST Kalmar num. :
and therefore respectfully. solicit your consiam..
anent& correspondence answered promptly,.'.
Itarkitik Plates furnished free. Grain in store
and to arrive daily. au3l:t7B
,V 1 STA 1111181MEMP 111" Ai' T
• Gfo
* 7 10.X:444 1 *.:0 1 10.04k..
NO: 271-Libeetifittee,t;
. .• .
: .
EITZIUM . ... ... . . inoccui.
M STEELk SON,— - _ _
' lierehcz*
N0.t911 OHIO STEM,- nett: Zan -Ocinimosi,L
ALUM • cam
!4 PM lAMV
: IPWIM/4 440 1 u / V%, 4 .
_794 m!§:inks4,• 446, •
virx:ba7 117 : ` t " 741tkib,Jirfrk,
I t o J. BLANCOEtik—
Pd; .
.Whew, /44/
taxi; )
i iios,:ipAlßD pmrThar i , _ f3
istk Des,lets - in Ittodu our, soon Chers
Wholesale ,KoCg e t
CaoMon! smiL Lard:JOU::
P r °""" U P VBI4 Sn
laggg il l-111 •
7ozni sitzfros A
§I3.IIIPTOPI k*ilratkeigj 4111 " rit '
- .._ , EfenEjl i M i tT i g ni tii i rMini
r 41//li ;
RN I. HOLTSII-111DW. R..110tt61161 I
u F: re ri n . 59 i gWte &MA r.ftra r er;
inge re.
Mr O . Ntlttitid and WlterAtmilis. 91ustursty •
Yager A rmstresst,. 'ROMP".
BON .-113,11 CHANT, 91 e. x 3 busexek
• • •
=NM !LIQUORS, ft; ; -
' A .
• 9 •,1 ! Si
. ;4 08 : 1
WRI Remove on tbe:lst of:Agopli
.;!. ./
.1: / • a f. •
COI'.. itlieve, rytb, St . (to rtuorlyr
JOSEPIUS. 'WINCH isieo" . !)4L) i D A - '
Nei; lidg iititi itie; lit - iii `lad 04? '
.. z , . ZDEMSTUrr,i '''L
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7 , 11( 4 211 q# 44 7 1 )4 1 4 1 3°F . i7::.7i 4T, 7
ettre MO% Pure, n g h pl44lt;
duoWen` In' RZP3N
d HOPIS. 416" I •`1 • Pa d Vill ' r
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, 11 W ,I . a&SAISHAULPITIViikaI ,
i D. - of ennaytanla.
,•• . , Fitt f .
TO IRATE, OTlf i rAt4at s
• on the 3i• day orc - r 'v. :la 63,
arrant in Bankruptcy...waa lasemodagalast the
Allegheny city, in the county of Alltigkpnyiandat' •
, State of Pennsyltanta, who haa been aajudgeill
tbankanpt, on giaLowopetlttow, mit she Oatm , dnl•r
tyg t eklinl i Viterl i tAtiViTo b ttrtY ttgldroaN
Ot to I °I. or ase v an
plianter oT atlY , ptotArty by• bloti foilddild:'
DY law; tA, oEthe,oraditorr of the
said bankrUpt, to prove their debtsand to
bide or more assignees of his estate; "will "tal i tVa
at,* c_o4l , of BatikttiOtegibo hold) at No. • •
1110 , prey*, Alio otty, LVe k tosy •
2 1 -" vii I ' d - th da
at 10 A. 1,.
Tll r
—LetteßUßNSltastrattlink uPau,the ee t tsto
••HIM. olleeeseet; Into ot the OUT
o‘L'ltteburAlL cou,nty of Allegnooy., having to
• granted' tothe dilderitgrindw.atrporeeneinaentea
toossld estate, are, requested .40. neeko, 4nArriell,444
payment, &MI 'all• these' traYlng Cllnav or Mitzi:His
111 "V i ti d agIVRAIMA e l l il t itt : ;s:ithi`
Or, to her Attorney, J.
No. 91 Grant street. .allaSt
NEW! Goons.'
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'!IP mattialg l taWV,.. • itgaitu'i
bri. r 40f)* limbll troilW \coil rtitt
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SOS Punt a tAlmirtylitret,. Dellan la Em -
end daer.
...:1. Z. ~7tVUBO~~
anyturraatati tic;
$2 , 11
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