NVW ADVERTISEMENTS Plrrrssunau. Aprlll4t.h. 1869. tar THE BOARD OF DIDI-C• TOES of the COLUMBIA OIL COM PANY nave thts day declared a DIVIDEND No. 33 - Of TWO (9) FEB CENT. on the Capital Stock. payable MoNDA 19.11. ap t5:h411 A. P. 31038EW, Secretary. Prrrs RV RGH THEATRE. W. W. WILLIAMS. Legate and Manager. The great London Ceinigne, JAMES TAYLOR, Magi et 9:15: "I", , rksnire Sam." "Broken Hearted , Lover." •'Blmp.e Simon." Se. *O. The original and only J. W. McANDRZW4 and the Mammoth Compact'. Linen , Matinee on Saturday. The great TAY LOU ay pests. arrUBLIC MEETING. A - meeting of the citizens -of Pitts burgh, ander all persons interested in the navi gation of the We.tern waters; will be held at WILKINS HALL, on FBIDAy MORNING , the 16th Inst.. at 11 e•eloc k,•folear report of Com. wiittee that visited Washington City, asking leg ilsLatton to prevent abort span bridgesbeing built .over the Ohio Klett'. a.,14,1,47 THE PARTNERSHIP hereto -a- FORE existing between the tindenlgued is this day .dlaso,ved by mutual consent. All bills against the. Arm will, be settled, end all dues collected by J. P. Caldwell. J. F. CALDWELL, • • . DAVID Ptrrestraan. Apr 1114,4869 . apte-hti frO BUILDING. AND LOAN 1 ASSOCIATIONS.-Improved Form of Bend el= and Loan Aesooletton MORTGAGE BLAMED. One Dollar per dozen. -Improved Forma of BONDS to Bundle,/ and Lean Assoclst torus. One Dollar per dozen. Bent by null on receipt of the prlee• PI; r sale by SAY. ib COMPANY, a. 1 6 65 WOOD STREET.-- VALVABLE LIBERTY STREET PROPERTY. SATURDAY. April 17th, at 71% o'clock P. w.. will be sold that valuable lot of grernd, fronting on Libeyty. street 40- feet. extending back to Spring alley 100 feet in depth. directly opposite Drams Depot, with building Non. 400 and 4u7. formerly occupied by "Pittsburgh prong Co. „ For business purposes the location of this prop. erty cannot be surpassed, and the sale should be very attractive.' . H. D. 8141TRSON 1 CO., apLS A LLEGIRENY COUNTY, a. .ti In the Court of Common Pleas, Jane Wag on:, by her next friend ve. John'A. Wagner. 111.2.AiLp3, March Term. 1868.. Libel La DI . Toro& And MOM. April 10th. MO, C. EiNIVELT, SA., appointed 'Commissioner to take testimony in tab nue, and report the same to the Court. (Profs ttni Beitorda JACOB 'WALTZ% Prothonotary. The arideistgnea virtil attend to the duties of the - above appcititinent ,st the ofice. of B. C. MACK:KELL. No. 111) Groat street, on MON DAY. April Sletb, sill o'clock e. sp11:11ele:Tiot C. SNIVELY. FOUNDRY SI FE, AT AUCTION. WIDNISDAY. April Alst,- at AM o'clock 2.11..• on the pr miser. sill on acdd Chas property &mown as the UTILITY WORKS, corner or Ful ton and Juniata streets, Allegheny' city. The Lot &Matt on rulton street 138 feet - and VI feet on Juniata street to aAO foot alley (thus having the advantage of three fronts.) on which is erected a large building for machine shop. with pattern room. a.are room, ales and engine room, Japanning r. om, 2a., matting a complete works for making of small matinee.. The machinery consists 'of engine. holler, shafting. pulleys, scouring barrels wrindstones, patent drills. lathes And a cnmpleie assortment of pattern cards, for th. production of a elms of goods of which the estaolishment had almost the each/. .sive control. If not sold as a whole, the ground will be divided and sold in lots to suit purchasers, together with the buildings, the maeniuery. 2e. If nor sold will b. removed,. The location cannot _be surpassed, and the property is st increasing in value for building purposes. Futtherpartic ulars by enquiring of WM, B. Mc..EAN & H. B. SMITHSON & Co., Auctioneers. ram IDENNSYLV ANIL ItAILIIO4II CO. TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. PIIILADYLPRC PA. April 9. 1889. •T 0 THE eTtiCKHOLDERS 'OF TRIG PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD.COMPANY. All Stockholners, as registered on the Books of ibis Company on the 30th day of enril 1889, will be entitled to suuscrtoe for TWENTY-VINE PER CENT. of th& it respective interests in New Stock. at p . .tr. as to lowe: .Fifit...Tlfty per cent:site time of subscrlp sten, oth between the tflth of May, 1869, and the day or June. 186 . Second. Tiny _ptr cent. between the 15th d . 7 of November, 1 8 169. and the 31st day of Decem ber. 1889; or. if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub scription. and each instalment so-paid op shall be entitled to a pro rata of tee Dividend that may be declared on hill-shares. Third. That every Stockholder holding lets than four shares, shall be entitled to subscribe ,for sue abate; and those holding more than a multiple of tour shares shall be entitled to tub scribe for a additional share. lirsrth. All shares up ln which instalments are yet to be paid und,./. Resolution of Nl7 13, 1869, will be entitled to their allotment of the . Twenty-See per -cent. at par, as though they were paid in fell." ap15:1411 THOMAS T. BIRTH, Trearamr. *BEAT AUCTION SALE Mil W. W. MOOMIIPS, 81 MARKET STREET, emanzence on MOND#Y MORNING, April 19th, at 10 o'clock A. S. and A and 13f e. and continue fora few der; to close out our stock to sake room for new goods. This will be one of the most attractive auction sales yet offered , la this City, embossing a Inc lot of • . HAN/kW AND JACEONZT* =BEAM ARIES. POINT AND POINT ApPLIQUE LA01:8; POINT LACE COLLAEE NALLTifiIt'AND TOBEAD LACE/3. PIIENIERINO GOODS lALevery variety. FANCY HOSIERY AND GLOVES. • TALL/MIA LACE TEINICED SETS. H. D. surritsos a ca. I=3 TAGGART SIBIEN, BICTLIL BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS Wholesale Prices. NO. 129 FEDERAL Allegheny City. =rt.,* .ADVERTISEINEWS. A GREAT SUCCESS Dl %X' WASHING MACHINE ! It washes the finest fabrina. 'without injury, perfectly clean in less than one - eighth the ordi nary way. It does not rub the .cloth. but per forms the cleaning process by abeam and the quick action of hot water; it can be operated by a child. Its great ch !ay aess makes it acoessible to every family and saves its own cost.indoing away with tubs. Sold from the Manufactory, at PENN ST..,OPPOSITE THE FAIR GRCUND sir AGENTS WANTED. TO THE LEG IL PROFESSION. KAY & COMPANY'S WARRANTY DEEDS; GUARDIAN'S DEEDS, r. CORPORATION DEEDS, MORTGAGE WITHEXEMPTION CLAUSE, MORTGAGE POE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, - DECLARATION IN DEBT, SHERIFF'S INTERPLEADER ACT, BOND AND DECLARATION„ BOND POE GUARDIANS, 7 BUSTERS, &a. BOND TO BUILDING AND LOAN ASSO CIATION. MECHANICS LIEN ON ONE BUILDING. ' MECHANICS LIEN ON SEVERAL - • • FOR BALE Br KAY & COMPANY. Auctioneers apls LIST, 11369 j, APPLI CATIONS TU SELL LIQUORS, Sled In Clork , s office • Pittsbnursh. John Snalt__,n tavern, /at ward; Shiner A Klrkestrleit, tavern, list ward; Ifl e . „ Vttriton. tavern. lit ward; Rousing, tavern. lit ward: Ju. McKeever. tavern. Ist ward; Aneil.awrenoe. tavent."ll.st ward; • John Both. eating house. La ward; Roedellrtn & kirelder, other goods, ISt ward; F. /Avert & Co.. other goods, Ist ward; Jas. McKee. tavern, And ward' Ju. D. luacan, tavern. lid ?ward; Westley Kerr, tavern, ad ward; Chu. /lecher, tavern, fed ward; Burns B Quinn, tavern. 3d ward: • W. IL Stroup, tavern. 3e ward; Haul. Haggerty, tavern 3d ward; John Kleuner, tavern. 3,1 ward: John /angel. tavern, 3d ward; itarni. 8. backttt, eating house, 3d ward; Wm. Burns, eating home, 3d ward; 4 B. • . Robinson, tavern. 16 ward: F. K Berman, tavern. 4th ward; A. Ulockner. other goods, 4th ward; . John Magee. tavern. 50 ward; John McMahon. tavern. sth ward; Danl. Strain, eating house, sth ward; E. Fink, o her goods, sth ward; B. Goldstein, other goods, sth ward; M. Richards, tavern, ben ward; John H. Robitzer, tavern. 6 h ward; Chas. Bogle, tavern, 7th ward; DI Kirk, other geode, 7th ward; 1.. Wolf, other soot's, 7th ward; • H. •I homas, tavern, atta ward; A.Btniehan, tavern. Bth w.rd. G. Stir/mixer, tavern, Eltb. ward; L. Berkowitz, other oods, Stn ward; E. J. Unzer, tavern, 9th ward; John ft , llounell. tavern, 9th ward; a. Barker tavern. Ott. ward: G. W. Ruth. tavern. fhb ward; • Cath. tiawders, tavern. 10th ward: B. Kunz d Co.. tare rn, 10th ward; " W. i.. A tgeo. tavern. Ilth ward: P. Sleben, other good& 1 lib ward; M. Shea. tavern 111th war d; w. Edwards, tavern, tat. ward; If Hutchinson.. avern, ISltb ward; John Voldier, tavf•rn. 19,h ward; L Zimmer. tavern, lath ward; Jas. Scutt. tavern, 19th ward; Pat Logan, estim, house. lath ward; Ellen Thomas, tavern. 14th ward; Henry _& les, other goods, loth ward; Jac Weigel, tavern, /sfh ward; Thos, Barton, tavern 17.5 ward; Rua Ha ek. tavern. 17th ward; . Jae Been. tare ,- . 19tn ward; Martin natty, tavern. 93d ward; • Allegrben3r. Geo. Bailey. tavern, Ist ward; Wm. Einstein. tavern, Ist ward: a. Bechtold, tavern. Ist ward; M. Bleier tavern, let ward; • Jas. Hai& other goods, let wud; Jas, McAllister, tavern, Rd ward; _ la. tl . 0 , Neill. othet_goods, Rd ward; John Horn, zavern. 3d ward; J. M. Oeng• tavern, 3d Wand; Dennis Ling; tavern. 3t' ward; L. Mittenntrger, eating home, 3d ward; J. J. Wacker. tavern 3d ward; J. J. Voltz. tavern, 3 d' ward; J. P. Wacker, tavern. 4th ward: Petherson, es tag mne, 4th ward; W. Sadden, other goods, 4th ward; • W. 7de,Kain, tavern. sth ward; • V. tihort, Jr., tavern. sth ward; Jos. Lolink, tavern, Ttli ward; Phil. tier t, tavern, 'lit ward. latch. Hafer. tavern, Ti. wave% Christ. Orossbangh, tavern, Tat ward; J. edminnlnger, eating house, 7th ward: Chas. Getaman, eating boase. 7th ward; Geo. Schmidt.' ea - Wag - house, Sth ward. Borough-. Rich. Fleler, tavern. Birmingham; Peter Koenig, tavern. Birmingnam; Jno. Lockinger, tavern. -Birmingham; Domenic a cUnlre, tavern, Birmingham; Geo. Nan, tavern, Birmingnam; duo. E. ming, tavern, etrmlngham; , J. Bali, tavern, Birmingham: Jno. buster. tavern, BD mingham; Wm. Bullet eating house. Birmirgharn; Win. Rube, other goods, Birmingham; L. tes,•tave-n. East tsinntrignam; T. T. Richards. tavern. Easillirmingham; Jane Thomas. tavern. east Bann nguam; H. mimeo°, tavern, East Birmingham; E. Sweeny, tavern, East Birmingham', hen Ing.eking & ..en, other geed*, Bast Bir mingham; • ELY ming, tavern, Etna: Jag. Hudspeth, tavern West Ellzabeth; W. It. Lewis, eating house. West ftlizalatth; B. Sappier, tavern. Monongahela; Cath. &ell eating house, McKeesport; Jas. McAutin.ty, cavern. Ormsby; X. Munn, tavern, tirmit.y: M. W. Apnea. other guoda, South Pittsburgh; FL 'King. es nr benne. -West Pittsburgh; Leousrd, eating house, West Pittsburgh; Jas. t. onneliy other goods, West Plasbergh; 'leo. Hottsell ' ; tavern, Temperaneevttle; Sand.Matuews,eating onse,Temperaneeilllo; Tor:rust:lDA, inn: Franey,' tavern, Baidtwln; • Gardiner, tavern. Onartten. Jobu Schroder.. tave.n, Crescent; J. W lay.rn . Non.. Fayette; ' ._Otart, tavern Nor t: Fayette. Joe. IdcGrogan, eating house, ttonth Fayette: John Lunch, tavern, Hampton; A. MWer, avers 'not na G. V. Thomas,,tdorere. pumas; Thos. Rulings , tavern, and ans: C. Meyer, eating howos, Indiana; T, Patselyi tavera. - 10.11bnen; • • D. :Woe, tavern. Me I- rat' Jas. Patton, t.vrrn , IdeCturet_ • Evanne Fseentirg, aver°, _Ido011are; B. Falcon , eattnsitOuse. Depose; "- W. Fender. tavern, Obio •. John L. Capps, lay. vs, J. Nom. tavern, Reserve; C. Gorbev, tavern. Boss; . • . • P. Vilipert. tavern, Robinson; . . . A: J.''Ketlseety, tavern, Lath: Ham, tavern, Scott ; ' - C. Heber tavern, Shatert tshoover. morn, bower 111 . Clair; S. MeOntre. tavern, L. Wer St. Ctstrk .• L'oltord. tavern. Lower, nt;olstr; M. Alt. tavern, Loner tit.Xlsir; 0. Broader. tr,, b. Loser St. lair; H. Bob. 13.101). talfero__, eldest • • B. sw.r.s. tavern, Wilkins!, W. Wlngenroth, tavern, W Iklae; J. Chart on, tavern , soblnSon; • _ The License Board will sitter heulnir th e BOOT' applications** the, *$ 9 o'clock A. B. spilt J. 11b; O.IIIBBOWN, Clerk. Attonommess. nOONS SETTLND, A. AND ACCOUNTS COLLICCTFD. HONEY To LoAN. ~ • • SINS YARNS IN PENNSYLVANIA: HoUSEB AND LOTS IN PITTSBURGH AND NAST LIBERTY; LoTs IN 31ANSTIZLD:; 11 183OURI AND VIRGINIA LAND F 0231, 841.4.4333. , , ZHAO" of. 1 - Tlloo.itif.llllPSoll, .. • j surpaY rusuck Aso own . 54630:1 • OHO% Usk room. PRICE, $l5. THOMAS MERKEL'S, ap15:1451 Improved Forms 'of 65 Wood Street. I)malunotr3omv-- NEW Mnt)latirts TS. THE BEST rolErsr AT 6 1-4 CENTS, FAST COLORED 'CALICOES. . AT 8 CENTS, FAST COLORED CALICOES. AT 10 CENTS, Fast Colored Calicoes. AT 9 YARDS FOB DOLLAR, FAST COLORED CALICOES, AT •12 1-2 CENTS, Extra Good Yard Wide BLEACHED MUSLIN. FULL A.:I3OIITHENT OF Sheeting Mullins, . Pillow Case 'Muslim, White Quilts, Table Linens, Napkins and Towels. Cassimerees, Tweeds, 8c Large additions made te.day of We Goods, muting the stock very fall and couplote. • Nas. 180 & 182 FEDER NEW BOOKS! STANDARD BOOKS, POPULAR BOOKS, STATIONERY: BLANK BOOKS AND LEGAL BLANKS. B NI , ain a ting o r iy i age s wer stowed=to order. Theological, School and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AT JOSEPH HORNER'S, Bookseller and Stationer, (Methodist Book Depostiory.) ar:Fbernrns IA9 SMITHFIELD ST. LIBERTY STREET socac. eivrcas - E. NEW BOOKS. CHEFS D'OEUVRE Of the Industrial Arts. Poetry and-roreelaln Glaas, Enamel Metal, Voldsmlth Work. Jewelry and Tapestry. Beau tifully illustmted. SPNCES.'S rBINCIPLVS 03 PSTCHOL. 750 AT UERBACH'S VILLA. ON THE URINE SDI L.WEISSE. By Au "rbach 31 00 C. PIAZZI SMITH'S ANTIQUITY 01? IN TELLSOTtI AL HAN 450 CARICATURE HIsTURY THe 01.0et' GES. Illustrated 3 75 'AYS ON ENIJLIeH WRITERS. By An. . tbor of "Gaulle Life" HISTORVOF SIGN BOARDS. TIP% EAR • LIEsT TIMF.S . TO THE PRESENT DA.Y.3 75 HOW TO WORK THE MICROSCOPE. A new Edition. beautifully Illustrated 10 50 THINGS e.EW AND trLD. By John Spen cgs. 2 Vole 4 25 ROBERT'S. DAVIS at CO 193 Liberty Area, Jost abate St. Clair. sipU DTJQUESNE FORGE. MUM PULER, (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH k C 0.,) Ha facilities ro.extenslve with the . leading Forges in the East. and is prepared to promptly' and settafactority ell all erdent fur STEAMBOAT SHAFTS. CRANKS. PISTON ROU., LE.VERS, PI IM AN JAMS, WRISTS, KAI tatIAD AXLES. LOCOMOTIVE FEAMP.S. together with every description of SHAPE Wr.:UK Office and Forge. Corner of Duquesne Way and First Stmt. ap14:640 ' • STEM-WINDING WALTHAM WATCHES. These Watches are of the well.known 3( ;late style, and warranted to satisfy the most exacting demand for.beantv, finish and accuraey. The manufacture of Watches of this Ane quality Is not even attempted he this country except at Waltham. YOH SALE BY J. 8. REED & CO., whet PITTSBURGH. WALnMff. WANCHES, 84 Plate t .l6 and 20 Mies; . . To the manullicture of these brie Watches' the Company Pave devoted all the science and skill in the art at their ctonmand, and confidently claim that :be dueness and beauty, no less than for the greater exoelencles of mechanical and aeleatido correctness of &sign and execution, these watches are unsuassed anywhere.. rp In this country 'the mexitatactsu • of these Sae grade of .Wetcheit Is not eves attempted, except at Waltham. 108 BALI BY • mhit SPRE WO 111LAMEI An Iminenge Stook - at Low Prices, a MCCORD & NOTICE.' Opening of Diamond Street, Pittsburgh. A 1 Iverson. interested are hereby minded that the report or Viewerg in the matter ar opening and wid.misg 1 MOND alleititZT, from the Diamond to geery street, has been approved and etudlrmed. Aii. peeing* against. wilt= Amin meets or benefits w. re mule, are required to pay the moo to pie within thirty Asyr.otherwise , by wfu beentered as liens airman th eproper . Tr's AM broporty on the Diamond mad Diamond m, meat ortnO Market tome. 'neon Liberty a met from South sissie s baa Amens% 4-441P-444ARr4.0.04411PE6 • . 55•-attk*.-`l,- • 1 , ;•0 I . or- 41. • • . 4 gi,ZA:43;•.(4gerq.,,y4lrei. , , i,tA r . 3 3.1 , 04.-f.-.4 , •• • x -d _ ••444644f..i•VM*>•"* " Mitsail§ OF THE WILLIAM J. a EIPIPLODIIN 110 181 WOOD ST LT. Tnunsbit \ - All# ll, is, 4869. ziEW 8 ] +►~'NTB. AR GAIN s B SEASON i CO C) • AT 25 CENTS, DOUBLE WIDTH ]NE BLACK ALPACAS. AT 25 CENTS, DOUBLE WIDTH FINE ALPACAS In Choice Colors. AT 12 1-2 CENTS, LIGHT AND DARK pELAINFA' AT 60 CENTS, SPRING BALMORAL SKIRTS, AT 75 CENTS, Elegant Double Width Silk • Mixed POPLINS. I - New Poplins, New Heavy Black Silks, New Dress Silks,' - New Spriog Dress Gopds We are enabl'd to offer our customers a fall sup ply of the above, and many other bargains just received. SEMPLE'S, AL ST., ALLEGHENY. L EGS: LEGS I I The irtificial Limb Manufacturing CO. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNA. All Shareholders are Mesa Wearing the Limbs Made by the Company.: To those requiring a limb we would say that our own experience has Induced us to estabilsh a factory here that would make a comfortable and curable limb for a nasoisatits price. Aft• r try ing a number of sone socket and padded socket legs, we have each found more comlort and use fu ness in this "ADJUST oBLY. LACEINO eUCKET" ti an in any other made In the coon • try. tme of our number, a skilled mechanie, has charge • f the shop. We have bought the right to use two of the. beat-patents, and by oar experi ence we hope to Improve in every way that will add to the comfort,durablllty or appearance of the limbs we mak.. We have nut theprice of our new legs at $BO. Persons from a distance are , only detained In the oily while the measure and a cast of the injured limb is taken s he saving to purchasers. as compared iwtth Eastern prices, is from $4O to $95 in tne price of legs; least 016 railroad fare, hotel, bills and other traveling expenses, and then we are satisfied 'Miaow limbic/11 give b•fteesatigraellen than any one made in Noss Yorke , Philadelphia. II we can get orders,wc eau maintain oar factory at the above price. and we therefore ask an ex amination before going elsewhere. We make to order and keep on band a supply of stockings, braces, and appliances for injured oil deformed also. crutcnes, trusses, shoul der braces. &c. For ['littler nformatlon rcir cular, containing many tesumccaial letters, trout those who bare worn our artificial limns. address . AIiT , FICI A LIMB MAVEN ACTUBING. CO., No. 503 PENN tii REST. b-tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth. Pittsburgh. Pa. anti:hal Fria IRON CITY SPICE AND MUSTARD MILL, Fifth Avenue, near High St., STRICKLER & MORLEDCE, Wholesale Dealers In BOASTED COFFEE. Spices and Mustard. We call the attention Of consumers to our EX CELSIOR ROAST • OFPEE. sold In one pound packages and WAERANTaD to be the very best In the market. FUR: H CORNMEAL ground daily. Ad arti cles warranted to be of the best quality and de livered In the dig free of charge. taiIICIELEB & NORLEDGri mh2S Fifth avenue,. Plttabur h, : Ps. D. 8." ktARSITAL , S OFFICE, .:' I }_ W. D. of Penusylranla, ' YITTBURGII, April 3d. Ism THIS IS . O GIVE NOTICE that on the 3 i day of April, A. D. 18139, Varrant in Bankruptcy way Based against the ESTATE OF HUGE B. MET, Of Allegheny etty,in the county of Allegheny.and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; Wet the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property bi him are forbidden by law.; that a meeting of the eledltors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of Ids estate, will be held at a CoMt of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 116 Fdireral street, Allegheny city, Allegheny county, Pa.. before JOHN PURVIANCE, En,' Register. on the 7th day of MAY, A. D. 1.80 . U, at 10 o'clock A. N. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, an1:0311 U. 8. - Marshal, as Messenger. FOB SALE. - FLOUR. .. ' - . • QUAKER CITY, best in the city; WHITE ROSE CHOICE Telma% OMEN tAL MILLS, aWEEPSTAKES, S roNE - MILLS. Aiso, a choice lot 41 Seed Potatoes: EaRLF GOODRICH, . BUCKEYE, . PRINCE ALBERT,atid PRACHBA.OW. By - • MOOR HARP" ' AT THE WHITE FRONT, apl4:h4l 259 Liberty street, Pittsburgh A DININISTIIATRIX'S NOTICE. n granted 1 2)* IV VA ° f * m eantin s t ag ° A e unto E GBC/IWENDRet, late of Allegheny Co., all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. and those haring claims to present then, properly anthen. Skated, without delay, to _- ROSA OSCHWEN DER, ISSIA Penn street. mnn:n 2-w jAIIMHALILIS BHALL'S ELIXIR WILL bintzliZADACItZ. SCAASHALL's ELIXIR WILL LUIZ MYSPZPSLA.. MARSHALL'S ELIXIR WILL CRUZ' COMM AZBB. ArlOe of Marshall's aux% S .00 PM -We. Depot 1301 Sark et street. II M. ma -.411A.LL & Co. 1./ingests, proprietor". For sale,_ wholesale and retati, br IGEO.- KELLY, Ahtsborgh. recoule•TITII:11 GOOD NEWS. OUP BAUD II XClnokithre roe WAtitinlif 11 • Isaissi sad best. Tlis tallish; *IL W." as may Ws& Teo um sift • mans `NOTICES. arBIEBCANTII,E LIBRARY HALL COMPANY.—The Fourth Instal ment, $2 per share. on the Capital Fleet is bow arLdnizgoVs.the Banking House of N. Certlgeates of Stock are noir ready to be lamed to all subscribers paying up In •full. JAMES H. WRIGHT. Treaaurer. PITTSBCTIIPM. April 9, 1889. apt 4 IgrTHE FEDERAL OIL PA s.Y.--A sto , k !den' tneetl” g will b held on the 1511 DAY 0 F APRIL, 11439, at 10quene A a R. , n a a r t h M u off ceoeetA, . Plitt ML rg LS ,. for the purpose of taking action for the disso , u. lion et the cumpany. A lull attendance is re quested. Br bider of the Bosrd. O. L-6 DEMilvll. Preen. BARK OP PITTSBURGH, t March ER. 1469. t ItgarA GENERA!, MEETING OF the Stockholders of this Bank will be he'd at the Banking House on THURSDAY, the SIEd day. of April proximo, et the hour of II o'clock-A. K., tor the purpose of considsring the expediency of accepting the recent set of the Legislature renewing the Charter of the Bank. tuitt2s.42Orre Wit. ROSEBURG. Cashier. 'NOTICE.—At a Meeting of tho Directors of the EWALT STREET BRIDGE CO.; On April 3d, an assessment of 10,00 per abate on the Capital block was made Paytneat is re quested en or before the 2.+d of April. at the of fice ofCEIRts. bIEBERT, ape La " - 406 Penn street. TO C 4 RPENTERS AND BUILDERS.--Sealed proposals for the erection of TWO STATION HOUSES, Per City of Pittsburgh. one to be erected In 'Twelfth and one In Seventeenth Ward of said el y. will be received at the Hard ware Store of &NO. 47 Diamond street, he. tween Wood and Swlthdeld streets. where Plans andßpeclncatlons can be seen. All oroposals to b In by 14 o'clock. April 17th. 1569. By order of Committee. ' JOHN H. HARE, JOS, MAtitilo ALL. GEO. B. PKARSON. PTO CONTRACTORS. ' aps Pittsburgh & Comtelimit's ; Railroad. Propcisale will be received up to SATURDAY, May let, Inclusive, for tbe GRADUATION, MASONRY AND BALLASTING Of the remaining 47 Sections of Ills Road. situ-• ated at intervals upon the 90 miles between Con ntllsville and Cumberland. Specilic‘tions will be ready for distribution at the Pittsburgh and Cumberland O ffices en FRI DAY, the 9th of April, examinati on mation necessary for the proper of tht work will be afforded by the Engineer upon the line. By order of the President and Directors. . BE.NJ. H.LA.TROBE, Chief Engineer. Orrice Pxrrs , Bent & CorrNsu..vu.t.r.B. R. Co Pittsburgh, March 18th, 188.. mb2o.g33:Brru REMOVALS. REMOVAL. .1. M. GAZZAM, ♦ttorney-st•Law, has removed tas *Mee to No 98 FIFTH AVENUE REMOVAL. LOCKHART & CO., l!danufacturers of Lightning Bods, HIVE REMOVED TO 234 '.P.A . NN STREET.. aDs:hl4 ETNA IRON WORKS. SPANG CIIKLTANT & CO ,, f MANUFACTURERS OF Iron, Nails, Boiler Plate, WROUGHT IRON TUBES,' RAVE REMOVED To Their New Warehouse, ALLEGHENY CITY, Corner of Sanda•ky street and the West Penna. and Pittsbnrgh.Pt. Wayne I Chicago Railways, where they are prepared to nil orders promptly. Postoffice address, PITTSBURGH, A. mh3o:g3O SABLE IRON AND NAIL WORKS, ZUG at CO. Manufacturers of Iron and Nails, HAVE REMOVED TO ' THEIR XEW OFFICE, Corner Ina and Thlreetnth Streets ) (THREE BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT.) AErrarticular attention paid to the Wing of eity orders. apt REMOVAL. THE CASH INSURANCE Has removed from its old otdee in Burke , e Build ing, Fourth avenue, to SECOND FLOOR;• * • • PHELAN'S BUILDING, .No. 22 Fifth Avenue. aoLgoo . IRERIOVAL. ' • " a.° 11r. BEAL ESTATE AND INStiItANCE AGENT. has removed to No. 21(Gotdit side) DIAMOND. east of lederaistieet. Cit adigiN7 REMOVAL. W. O. ADBOrriIOZIO, Cauceetsor to Fetzer A Amnstrozg, I has rimmed to No. q 5 MURAT /3111KET: a IbM doers above the old stand. • ay, hlli ItEMIOVAL.-11. McLain & Co" Dealers In Real Estate Stocks. Donde. tgagesspd other securities. have' removed to their new Office, 104 Fourth avenue, Paulson's new Ilttilding• Any parties desiring, to, buy or . sell Real Estate of any kind. Stocks Or •Pionds and Mortgages will do well to give them a call. inhD JOSEPH TOURIENS, . 11111=7•02172113 OT . WINDOW GLASS Warehouse—No. 511 WOOD STBIST, =blear, • . Pittsburgh "ACADENT OF SCIENCE, 101 Federal Street. Allegheny, (Savings Bunt aiun.) . Bpring term begins MONDAY, - ,APRIL lily 1868. For circulars. 2e.. apply to WI 8. Bonn. A. M. Palo. -DISSOLUTIOL—The Co-part - serao ,heretofore e xis tingisn between the nude/visaed la thle day dissolved by gauntlet eon gent.:4l,ll seognuthe will b settled by aitanyntowe. whip eenttanes the baldness at' Ike. as Kazkit itiest. 11.4:111thlthth IWO* yg O. AIUISTIONO. NOT101411—.."To Let." •'IIIIF "Want.," .1171m1, ,, "ffocitHlm s " & e ., n o t ex:mu/ow:7o ag LiNES each will tte , foe. :eked teitheeesotumns once' /ix - Twiutrzlirs °ENT'S : each additional MO MEE earn. • WANTED--El/,'LP. WANTE D—A Nurse W - "ellman to. take care of child, en. Onertmaastomed to childreu, kind and careful, preferred. Refer ences required. Apply at No. 05 Beare Street. one door from Ohio, Allegheny City., COM LWANTEDHELP.-•AT 10IN PLOYMENT OFFICE. No. 1 St. Chir Street. BOYe tiIIILS and MEN, for diVorent kites of employment. Persons' wantiror of all- kinds can be supplied on short notice.. WANTED-AGENTS ANTED.-CHEAPEST AND* W H BEST.—WILSON'S SE W ING. VA LNES, complete, for $4O. Perfect elm- ple, double. lock Linton'. Agents vr.Anted, bleirrld ik VOSEASTER, Agents. no Snetbflettl stre.t. CIVANTED. --AGENTS for the sale of th e DEXTER WMSHING MA- E. From ten to tvrenty dollars perdu can be moue by any active canvasser. Apply at THOMAS MERKELS, opposite the 1 11 air tfroand, •Peon street.. ' VWANTED•- AGENTS NEW BOolle-200 EAGRAVIN6S—The Far mein and Mechanics llifsnel. A book • of grill, value to every one. Send for 115 page elrculart Also. LIFE AND EPIeTLEts OF tit'. PAUL. (03.00.) with introdwition by Rev. ,ophlmp non. The only complete unabridged sal t on. , A. L. TALCUTT k 0 0.; 90%Foartti a ye nue, l'htsbingt 1, Pa. TTHB T WANTED -To begotiaten ort- GAGED from $2.000 t 0 .510.0100. Ad drum Box H. UAZETTK OFFICE. ' BOARDING BOARDING ---An elegant froi tit room, So floor, a' No. 181 North aveni. Allegbrny. !Sudanle fora gentleman and wife or two aentlemen. T0 -LET.— ROOMS.—Two fine s ROOMS in GAZETTE' BUILDING. Apo,. at otmting Booms, and SG Fifth avenue. • I -LET.—ROOM, 40 by 1O feet, with power, 'on corner of Penn and.... th &treas. Inquire of ROBERT HILL. TO' --LET,Double Tmroastoirr ' House on the corner of Stockton avenue arab Beaver street, Allegheny. City. Handsome gar-.- 'den, stable and carriage house. Apply at No. Stockton avenne,'or Wayne Iron Works, Tenth . street, Pittsburgh. To -LET. "VINE CLIFF," Homestead of lase Dr. IL A. Wilton. Jibensr. , Washington, wife's' ten minutes walk of tbe , city;' an elegant Cottage House. with.tworer,eca taining 10 rooms and cellar, with spring and cis- - tern water; entrance for carriage, etc.: now copied by Kr. 0.. T. Roblcuain. of the arm or - Robinson, Rea O,Co. Inquire of HALL PATTERSON, Attocney-at— Law, 71 Grant street. " if ap111:1610 FOR SALE FOR SALE.-OLD TYPE NEIL AL.—About Two Thousand Pounds for sate by L. & W. NwEB, office of FILEMXII.IS. PRE UND, No. 143 iimitlateld street. FOR SALE—TYPE.—About 400 pounds MINION I.YYE. nearly as good as new. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. • FOR BALE.-NEW FRAME COTTAGE of 5 rooms, ball and cellar, Ia 111th Ward, (late East Lloorty.) Lot 80by 187 feet: broad board walk from Railroad station. Price low and terms easy. Engulre at Tuis car- TICY. VOR SALE —Suburban DENCE; OR BUSINESS STAND. AND ONE ACRE oF OROUND.situate in the borough ' of Braddock% within two minutes walk of a station on either railroad. The house is a nest frame of seven rooms, large hall and cellar; lot contains all necessary out buildings. and an abundance of all kinds of fruit, good sprit g wa ter In kitchen: ten feet from the house is a store-- room 18 by 30, with wale-room attached, store- room now rented and doing a good business. The location of tbe.property Is all that could be dealred either for a country resbleire ora busi ness stand, or both. Apply to CROFT PHIL LIP:', Real Estate Agents, Na, 139 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE . , NINE FORTY-ACRE LOTS Of land in Central Wisconsin, good soil„ good timber, and near good market. • A. few good farm implements will be taken in exchange. During a recent visit to Northwestern lowa ar rangements were made by which I can supply a limitednumber of persons with land in that por tion of lowa at from $3 to SB Per acre. near lines of railroad. Address, (with stiubps encloied.) - JOHN D. HILL, Bakerstown; Allegheny county • Pennsylvania. • FOS SALE. ap6-T GLASS HOUSE - Situated in .Rochester, Beaver county, bn the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad. The property consists of a lot of ground 98 by 195 feet, tutee simple, frame factory complete In all respects, a ten pot furnace, two lean, mould shop, containing engine and lathes, cut. ling shop, packing rooms itorage house, sand mill, all In good'order, and a good trade up to-the capacity of the works already established. This is a rare opportunity for a successful buslnes4. Fur particulars, enquire of sr9:b2l FOR SALE. Near Osborn Station, on the Pittsburgh. Pt. Wayne and 9iiesgo Rallroad, C. TWO LOTS, Containiw About' Two Acres IN& mognitz OE W. MACKEOWN & 195 Marty. Street. FOB BALE CHEAP. - • A two-story Briek House 'Oa Olthem. nese Chestnut, street; 3 roomeand celMr:110Hx100. . Price $1.5100. Two two-story Brick Houses an Wickman; rooms each; lots 211x100. Price $3,000; $BOO cub, mid behave In yearly lastaliments of -11500 each. One sii3oll Prime Hasa Oh Aiken bate: Pria 4900. • Ten dna Banding Lots. 20x110; Matocuatst. ' Five do .do 710x73,0n wow as. . Pour ao • do ItOHnMonLyndonst- Blue small Brick Hausa, -or * rooms each, on Hula street. Price lt.480; easy tenns. TUSTIN a lELNIC. 5in25;131 81 Grant street. 'first Iloor. RESIDENCE, Bit BEAVER CO: 70 SAL Ir.—Viewing on the Ohio River. opp.atte VanportStatlon, Plitaborgh and Wa•eel- Int Railroad, a LARUE DWnt.1.1.90 HtitrOlt. well built and conveniently arranged with ball and nine roi ins. at &We, elm late bowie had other 011 , houses. anitern o rt well. a x sere' Win g ir.l i gi; it u a n ga n ce e d o e i s c i e riblet s . lne. 917THBEItT BUY S, 39 Sixth Avenue. WATER PIPES, 011/3INET TOPS. • large assortment, • , spi4:l47 Sid Amenue.near Eitalltakfield WHITE barrels resti H A ITI TT silo Dy .5 imallaimighaska WANTS. TO LET. 8. K. BIORA.11GE„ No. 107, Fourth Avenue. HURT Et.'COLLIM. arlIM J. - ii.CL•NVWX
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