The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 15, 1869, Image 4

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    Eljt dairit-t
LINEMAN, REED & CO„ Proprietors.
Meters and Proprietors.
Of Pittabingh, Allegheny and Alle•
gamy County.
e zumith 7511312 mos. . 1.0 5 copies, each 1.25
the week 15. T hree mos 75 10 6 . 6 . 1.15
Zu carder.) I undone to Agent.
Ws PIM on the *Wide pages of air
morning's GemEr= Second Page :
Poetry, "Betrothed Anita," Ephemeris,
Clippings. Third and Sixth pages: Com
mercial, ilnancica, Mercantile did River
News, Markets, Imports. Seventh page:
Miscellany of Interesting Beading Matter,
11. 8. BONDS at Fraakfort. 87f.
PETROLEUM at Antwerp, 53@53if.
GOLD closed in New York yesterday
at 182 i.
TIES Republican press of West Virginia
protest against the confirmation of Mr.
CA}u,xst.E, recently nominated for the
. SwediiihMission.. The Wheeling Intelli
genar makes a most damaging exposure
of that gentleman's political career, and
eitahlishes, beyond any dispute, his en
tire unworthiness to represent the Repub.
• licanism either of West Virginia or of
anyWkere else. ,We trust that the result
wM confirm the intimation, in Washbar,
ton dispatches, that he will he rejected, if
TEL Pittsburgh Tilt of the i2th de
clared that the Connecticut Democrats in
Convention' "unfortunately passed reser
lutleamin favor of paying the bonds in
gold;” which "lost them a couple of thou
sand 'votes" No such resolutions were
"passed," and we admonished our neigh
bor of its error. Whereupon, the Post of
the 14th explains that resolutions were
adopted , 'ignoring" the Tummy -Plat
form. That don't 81l the bill! Instead
.saying one thirig, the Convention
merely'failed to say something else It
dodged the issue, as the Port dodges the
Con,"Wirrrenzaa. & Co., Philadelphia,
we commend to our friends as one of
the most trustworthy and honorable firms
in the country. They transact business
on a fair and basis, prompt to
meet obligations, mindful of contracts,
and deal. generously throughout. W e
have had much to do with them in ad.
Talking, and know livhereof, we speak
in recommending them in. high 'terms to
the public at large. We were glad to
learn, through our pleasant and high.
toned friend, Mr. Bx4ra, of that firm,
who recently paid us a visit, that they
are doing a fall share of trade, and in
large measure prosperous and successful.
We regret to announce the sudden
death, by paralysis, of Mr. Jeers P.
Tama; at noon, on Tuesday, at his
residence:on Cliff street. In 1819, when
a.boy,Mr. Taus emigrated from Ire
land and settled In this city, where after
wards he became generally known and
esteemed'as the accomplished and'popu
lar Teller of the Merchants and Manufac
turas-Bank Relinquishing that office,
he engaged - extensively in the boot and
shoe trade, from which business he re
tired but a few months ago, in bad health.
His death, though not entirely unex
pected, will be lamented not only by his
stricken family, but by a large circle of
relatives and friends.
It is understood that the Baltimore it
Ohio Railroad Cothpany carried all their
point)) in the decision of the bridge-quer.
lion by Congress at the recent' session,
succeeding in smothering all action upon
the .recommendation)), from the Commit
tees, for the protection of the navigatioh
rights of the people on the 'Upper Ohio.
The 'result is that this corporation pro
ceeds, under She pre:oxisting law, with
its-obstructions at Bellaire and 14rkers
burgh. and will "rush" them to comple
tion, or so near to it, by December as to
settle the questioiprictically and perpet
ually in their ovSn favor, it Is said that
this might have been prevented, but that
it would have cost a good deal of money.
We should regret k) believe that mem
bers wire venal,:but butwe nufst admit that
the Corgimized Wealth :tone corporation se-
cured to it, effOolively, this triumph over
theiights'and interests of two millions of
people?. The railway agents were
stronger than the 'friends of a free navi
gation, when it came to votes in the Sen
ate- Why and how, this, came about,
would be an intaresting thing to know.
The only question' now, is-whet can be
done to avert the danger ? And shall It be
done promptly Y - We neve:yet knew the
people to be sold, with their eyes open,
this country, without having tolms*
potent objections, when it came to the
matter of delivery. No zdh ic al e f was
ever withoutita rioneily, and legally at
that. , j A nesting of citizens at the
kayer's oftloOko.moirow 'at 11 A. Y. , Will
tat Into itiOokilderation.
. ,
z.••••'•*- -
.• ,
• • • - •
• -Z?- , 4 , 1- •
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me- - AxamAttwbuums.
The Alabama treaty has been rejected
by the Senate by an almost unanimous
vote. But one t3enlitor sustained it.
Beyond an elaborate speech by Mr. SUM
NER, there was little or no discussion,
that speech presenting, under a general
consent, the entire American case. The
usual injunction of secrecy has been
removed so far as to authorize the imme
diate publication of that speech, and it
will be laid before the country at once
and in full. :The telegraph affords a
meagre synopsis of its positions, but we
prefer to suspend our comments, until we
have the complete text of the argument
which thus officially presents the Ameri
can view of this seriously important
question'. In the meantime, it is proper
to remark that the unanimity of Senators
must be accepted as a decisive expression
of public sentiment, and that the - policy
of the Administration is certain to be
conformed to the line they have taken.
Whatever may have been the variance of
opinions in this country, respecting this
business, we have at last a settled policy
for all to accept, —and it will be acquiesced
in accordingly. There will be the less
hesitancy on this point, since the final
adjustment of the; questions in dispute
need not be anticipated at early—day.
Hon. RUSSELL Ennurr, accepting his
appointment as Collector oflnternal Rev
enue for the •XXIId District, will .enter
upon his new duties on Monday next.
He has resigned his trust, as one of the
State Senators from Allegheny county,
the resignation to take effect on Friday,
the 16th. Elected in -October, 1867, his
Senatorial term would not legally expire
until 1870, the succession being deter
mined at the October election of that
year. As the present session of the
Legislature is to close on the 16th, Mr.
EIIIISTT will have served but two-thirds
of the Constitutional term. In his retire.
ment, the people, not only of Allegheny,
but of the whole. CoMmonwealth, will
lose a Senator whose superior in integrity,
fidelity, discretion and influence, both
personal and official, has never been
known at Harriaburg. We will add that
his constituents resign their Senator with
a regret, which is only tempered by their
grateful sense of that wise discretion
which confides an important Federal
trust to a man so capable, and
to a Republican so deserving. The
new Collector, T. W. Davis. Esq.,
takes his office on Saturday, the 17th.
Mr. DAVIS receives this appointment in
conformity to the wishes of a very large
majority of our Republican friends, and
with the expressed preference of our
leading business circles in his favor. We
doubt if Mr. DELANO his yet given a Col
lectorship to any gentleman presenting
stronger papers than were filed in behalf
of Mr. DAVIS. These papers represented
almost the entire financial, commercial
and Republican elements of this important
district. We need not add one word to
their recommendations. The community
already know that, Collector DAVIS will
justify their endorsements and the choice
of the Department. The new Collector
of the Port, Taos. Sum, Esq., also
enters upon his new ditties with tfie be
ginning of next week. This. gentleman
was recently our gity Controller, and in
that post manifested a special capacity for
official business. As Collector and De
pository, be cannot fail to give the utmost
The Senatorial vacancy must be filled
at the election of next autumn. We hear
a number of names of the probable can
didates, viz: Messrs. B. B. CLuLa;GEo.
WiLsoii, Taos. HOWARD, T. A. Roman .
and.Gro. H. ANDERSON. Other gentle
men may also be suggested.
When, early 'in the year 1866, Mr Ax-
DREW Jox6som flagrantly manifested his
secret intent to betray the party which
elected him to the Vice Presidency, and
to dishonor the country which was al
ready lamenting his accidental promotion
to its highest office, there no longer re
' mained any plea upon which such of our
Republican friends as were inclined to be
timid and conservative, could continue to
palliate or excuse that man's political de
linquency or his personal infamy. The
result was that, with a very few excep
tions, who were either office-holders or
journalistic pilgrims to the shrine of place
and profit, the entire body of the Repub—
lican party confronted his Administra
tion, before the expiration of that year,
with its hearty contempt. .
Bat nitre bOnnti to' remind our read
ers, in the interests of Utah, that this
journal had not waited for the events of
all that year, to indicate its proper line of
policy towards President JonnsoN. •As
early as in. dannaly 'Rh we were alto
gether satisfied, that he. was meditating
the most unqualified treachery to his
party, to the loyal North and to the
Union element in the rebel States, and
that nothing was to be gained by tempo
rizing with the political situation, in the
delusive hope of a future harmony which
would be sinipirimpossible. With this
conviction,' the Gazarrn took a decided
•position at once. It was the first Re
publican jourial in this cou ntry
to : break ground openly against
Johnsonism. Enjoying at that time
the pationige of the Executive de
partments, this source of profit to its pro
;prieters was 'instantly . cut;ol/, By
order, the Genic = wonitbe flint &pub--
can journal in the Country ',;4) be shtt 'nut
from an ifPniel:PAtfnutie 0tth0: 4 44 1 .
istrat 44i. 4
.1!,04 1 .initaFq2ol4-
: ,ITT§B . r.Ttg)Ec G44r,T . (
~,TH ANTTL: I 5 is 69
... _
ly. We bad no compbtints to make. We
did our duty, and the Administration
easily found more pliant and mercenary
printa, to barter pzinciplea for advertise
ments. We were satisfied and they were
happy; each maintained its distinctive
paliey and secured what it most preferred
,3 1: 11
e GazaTTE, its principles,
.and its
neighbors their profit.
e are led to remind our friends of
th e matters, in view Of the fact that the
G zsrrit_has been selected, by the pres
en Administration, -within three days
a l.
t, as the official medium, at Pittsburgh,
.of 11 public communications from the
W , Interior and Postoffice Departments.
Th selections by the other Departments
are not yet announced, and we shall
not anticipate them. We thank Sec
re ies Rewtxxs, Cox, and Cans.
WE L for their preferences. Their ad.
ver sements will have a circulation
whi Shall give to the Treasury
its ey's worth. Bo far, it is to be a
fair business transaction. Beyond that,
the Republican State of Allegheny, and
the Republicans of Western Pennsylva
nia will be gratified, by this official recog
nition of a journal which has never
swerved in the maintenance of their fa
vorite opinions. And, still beyond all
that, a philosophical and discriminating
public wilt incline to see; in this three
years' retrospect, a palpable illustration 1
of the old maxim that time brings about
its jest retributions.
The effort being made in the Legisla
ture to impose a tax on crude petroleum
meets with hearty condemnition from all
personi interested in production. The
original, proposition to tax the oil
one cent per gallon was so amended as
to reduce the tax to one-quarter of a cent
per gallon. The operators want no tax,
and declare if one be imposed that it will
do great halm to their interests and dam.
age the • general prosperity of the State.
The Titusville Elena, the organ of the
oil interest, in commenting on the pro
posed taxation, says with much truth and
The revival in producing in West Vir
ginia, and the discovery of a deodorizing
process by whiph the Canada oil, hither
to next to worthless, is made as good as
that produced' here, have brought , into
competition with the product of Penn
sylvania the production of, and the large
stock of oil in' Canada, and a greatly en
larged production in 'West Virginia.
With all this in view t the tax bill is one
of the most ignorant pieces of legislation,
detrimental alike to the beat interests of
the State and Nation. • ,
What kind of legislation is it to op.
press a great industrial interest at a time
when - that interest needs protection?
What can the Senators and Representa
tives be thinking of when they vote to
impose an oppressive specific tax on Pe
troleum, when the State does not need
the revenue to be derived therefrom?
Who wants a horde of tax.gatherers
and. inspectors, an army of warehouse
men, numerous and immense State bond
ed warehouses, to hold the oil, and to
collect a tax of which there is no need.
From the determination that has been
apparent in the Legislature thus far to
pass this most odious measure over the
remonstrance of every person engaged in
the pretrolenm trade in Western Penn
sylvania, it is scarcely to be expected that
those who have engineered the bill and
forced it thus far will let go of it until it
is finally passed. The only hope of the
producers is, then, that the Governor will
veto the bill, and to this end no effort
should be spared to bring the matter in
its true bearings before him.
A sorrrnmtw journalist thus wri . teac.on
cerning the good points secured to South
ern society by the elevation of General
GRANT to the Presidency:
But what a change has the last few
months witnessed! General Grant's elec
tion buried the "lost cause" beyond hope
of resurrection and established reconstruc
tion on a firm and lasting basis; and now
that the "madness of the hour" is passing
away, we do not believe that there are a
dozen men in the South—outside of dis
appointed political aspirants—who would
have it otherwise. The traveller who
stops at the St. Charles Hotel, New Or
leans, must now look in vain fur the pic
tures of Lee and Jackson which but re
cently hung in the 'office. The New Or
leans Republican is on the newsboy's
stand in the rotunda every morning, and
fully half of the guesta at the hotel are
from the North; many of them are capi
talists In search of investments, We are
to have a new steamboat - on , the lower
Mississippi this tall; not named in honor
of some General of the "lost cause,"
but. fitly named after the beautiful city,
The newspapers have dropped the "so
called" in speaking of the public officials
of our State, and no longer lard their
leaden with "Radical tyranny" and
"Northern despotism;" but in their stead
we have articles encouraging immigra
tion, developing railroad projects, com
plimentary of grain movements via New
Orleans, urging the planter to become
seltsupporting, and so on; while that
sterling newspaper, the New Orleans
Elpubikin, b bel/ liberally' patronize d ,.
by business men ofall classes, and-the
newsboys are no longer threatmed with
discharge by rival papers if they'lawk ft,
on the street; and Republican newspapers
are springing up all over the South, and
there is no one to "molest or make them
God speed the` day when the last vest
ige of the old intolerance will have disap
peared from the South, and in its stead
let us have the,leti)lerance which indus
try, honesty and thrift have for idleness,
thieving and shiftlessness.
Tan Nnw Yonn Licersweramg has
had before it the subject of railroad
freight discrimination, on which the Utica
Herald says:
Both a maj o
rity and a minority ~ report
have been m ad e on the question. Both
reports admit the existence of the, evils
complained f, and the justice of the:
complaints. The majority
.report says:
glint there is n the opinion. of the un
dersigned goo cause of cumplida on the.
'part of the p lc at differen d 4olnts , on:
these, railroad ea. The mingtioa
in fik+ot tif 66 epointi which atelirlaed 1
. , „
competing pobits; and consequently ope.
rating againstrother points' less favored,
seems to us to be manifestly unjust. We
can see no remedy for this evil. unless it
may be by fixing a maximum rate
of freight, which shall restrain the
corporations from compelling one
section to make up deficiencies
covered by cheap rates at competing
points." The minority report indorses
this view, and says: "While we are of
the belief that a sound, judicious and
equitable 'pro rata' is the most conducive
to that end yet in deferemie to the views
of the majority, faintly expressed that
the remedy for acknowledged evils lies in
the direction of the 'maximum' principle,
we have, with some care and labor, per
fected a bill on that basis." As any
chance,-whibh places restrictions on the
wholesale extortions practised by our
leaking railroad corporations, will be an
improvement, we trust the maximum bill
will become a law. After it has been in
operation a short time; perhaps some of
our weak-kneed legislators will muster
up courage enough to take another 'step,
and give us a thorough pro rats la*.
Proposed Pharmaceutical Association—
Pilatelane and Pharmaceudats—Re
pon of Committee. •
At an informal meeting of the drug
gists of Allegheny county. held March
let, the reaolutions passed by the
County Medical Society, relative to filling
prescriptions and the - selling of patent
medicines, were discussed, and a com
mittee appointed to prepare a report in
reference to the matter. Another meet
ing was held last evening at the Western
University, for the piarpose of hearing
this report and organizing a Pbarmacen
tical Association.
• The meeting was called to order
by Joseph. Abel, Esq., who presented
the report of the Coinmittee, which was
a reply to the resolutions passed by the
County Medical Society. The first reso
lution, relative to the employment of as
sistants, and entrusting the compound
ing of prescriptions to - those only who
are properl ualified, both by experi
ence and dustion, was heartily en
dorsen. In reference to the second reso
lution, requesting druggists of the coun
ty to decline the sale of the articles
knownsapatent medicines, the CommW
tee stated. that while every honorable
pharmaceutist disapproves of patent
medicines, he could not at present
successfully , Carry on his business
by discarding , them altogether. but
recommended - that the assortment of
these articles be restricted to the small
est possible number, and the use of all
fair memo to restrain their manufacture
and sale. The committee further stated
that druggists were willing to cooperate
with physicians to have proper legisla
tive enactment upon the subject. The
third resolution. requesting them never
to prescribson their own responsibility,
or refill a prescription except upon au
thority of the physician with whom it
originated, was considered by the com
mittee, who coincided in the first part of
it. , In regard to the second clause,
about refilling prescriptions, the com
mittee reported a resolution passed by
the American Pharmaceutical Associa
tion which opposed the indiscriminate
renewal of prescriptions, bet • thought
restriction to a single prescription im
practicable. In the matter, however, the
Committee could see no reason for act
ing contrary to this provision, if the
agreement is a general and unanimous
one, and If the physicians and public are
informed of such an arrangement. With
regard to the resolutions passed by the
Medical Society that physicians would
do all they oouid to promote the inter
ests of such druggists firs complied with
the requests in the resolution adopted
by them, the Committee state that it
appeared to them that, this resolution
meant that physicians would only patron
ize the experienced, competent and hon
orable pharmaceutist. If such was the in
tent the Committee was pleased and
trusted the resolution might be adhered
The report was read and after some
disetuolon laid over for final action until
the next meeting, to be held Wednesday
evening of next week, at which time a
fotmal organization of the Association
will be effected.
The,mneting then adjourned.
Bow It Was Accomplished.
Mr. Perry C. Dant, a fanner, was
swindled out of four hundred dollars
yesterday in this wise: Tuesday even
ing, accompanied by hie wife, he had
taken the train at Philadelphia bound
for Janesville, Wisconsin, via Pitts
burgh. Just before the train started a
genteel looking young man stepped into
the oar and took a seat directly in front
of the pair. The train moved on and the
young man's tongue commenced to
move also. In a short time he had intro.
duced himself to the twain as bound tor
the west, and delighted to have their
compauy to relieve the tedium• of the
journey. His name was J. B. Austin,
and he was extensively employed in
business in Chicago. Being an exceed
ingly agreeable conversationalist, he suc
ceeded in winning the confidence of his
two auditors long before the train reached
Pittsburgh. Jest as the party were step the train, at•the Union Depot,
stranger No. 2, merchant of Pittsburgh,
stepped up and politely requeattd Mr.
Austin to pay a httle bill, amounting to
several hundred dollars. A.natin pulled
out his pocket book, but found himself
short of ready gash, haying only a
draft for three thousand four hundred
dollantimd six !twenty dollar gold pieces.
Theie were not sufficient, but after some
consultation Mr. Dean, the farmer, Was
prevailed upon to loan his friend font
hundred dollars to pay the bill, taking
in exchange the dra ft and the gold places
as security, both of which the suppmed
Pittsburgh merchant pronouneed' all
right, but which proved to be all
wrong. The farmer and his wife
were next seated, in the car of a Weat-
ward bound train and told to remain
until the return of • their. friend,
who disappeared with his creditor for
the purpose of getting the account prop
erly squared. They waited for some
time, but finally stated the' circumstan
ces to one of the'officials connected: with
the 'Depot, who prouounced the affair a
swindle l a fact which quickly,. became
palpable, to the minds of the, 'victim&
Fortunately, however, they were ena
bled to continue their journey, having
purchased a through ticket before
The draft was dated Chicago, Illinois,
March I, 1869. and drain by Wm. Pen
ford & Co., Dr. Beni. Barr, Jr., payable at
the banking house of J. B. ilenleY Co..
2714 Pell street, l o rew‘York. The sup•
posed gold pieces were composed of a
good quality of bnuts. • The victim was
amandled thtut out of all his money ex.
(*Pt twolitYiollarsoknit sufficient to en.
au* his pusage to his - destination. He,
Mei 110 w Rer/lar disregard Pr afiko/.
District Court—Judge Hampton.
:WeurrnsnA.r, April 14.—The case of
Hutchinson vs. School Directors of In
diana township, reported yesterday, is
still on trial.
62 Steamer Fair Play vs. Stars.
64 Walters vs. Warden et aL
73 Ferguson dc Beek vs. McClure dc Co.
82 Mertz vs. Dunning dr, McAnulty.
88 Farts vs. Cochran.
90 Jenkins dc Co. vs. Hodges.
93 Roasting's vs. McGee.
101 Napier et al. vs. Darlington.
Common Pleas--Judge Sterrett.
WEDNESDAY, April 14.—Barolay vs.
Davidson, action in ejectment. On trial.
Pekert vs. Wells, motion for new trial
and in arrest of judgment, -and reasons
Jamison vs. Schott, motion for a new
trial - In arrest of judgment and reasons
A petition for the division of Ross
township into two electicin precincts,
signed by a large number of 11143 citizens
of said township, was presented. The
petition sets forth that the convenience
of the citizens would be promoted by said
The Court made the following order:
Precinct No. 1 beginning at a point on
the dividing line between Ross and
Shaler townships and the • northeast
corner of Reserve township as extended;
thence northwardly along said division
line to the division line between Ross
and McCandleas townships; thence west
along said line seven hundred
and forty-five perches; , thence south
eleven and one-half degrees, east one
hundred and thirty-nine perches to the
Reserve township line as - extended;
thence eastwardly along said line two
and three-eighth miles to the place of be
ginning. And the plsee of holding gen
eral, special and township. elections in
said precinct No. 1 shall be at the house
of Jesse Plankinton, on the Girty's Run
Road in said Election Precinct No. 1,
and the following named persons are
hereby appointed Judge and Inspectors
of Elections for said precinct No. 1, who
shall act as such until their successors
are duly elected, via: Judge--George
H. Holtzman. Inspectors—Joseph Crfs
ler and David Sterrett.
And farther, the Court do Order and
decree that precint*No. 2 shall be and
ever have the remainder of said BOSS
township, and further, the Court do '
order and decree that the place of hold
ing general, special and township elec
tions for said precinct No. 2, shall be at
the public house of James Gorby, com
monly known as Gorby's five mile
house, on the Perrysville plank road in
said precinct Ne. township place where the
electiona in stud have hereto
fore been held for the said tow nship, and
that the following named persons are
hereby apOinted Judge and Inspectors
of Elections for said precinct No. 2, until
three successors are duly elected, viz:
Judge, David H. Cunningham; In
wows, George F. Quail and John
Rogers.... , `,TßlAL LIST FOR THURSDAY.
December Lett.
109. Robinson vs. Meyers.
92. Kramer vs. Amezbtug.
January Lie.
1. Anderson vs. Alpert et al.
' 2. Auld vs. Wain.
3. Cubba vs. Wall.
4. Fritz vs. Rushenbez:ger.
5. Stafford et nx. vs. Kerr.
6. Skating Co.- vs. Shaffer.
7. Powell vs. Little.
9. Coulter it Co. vs. Haigh.
12. Ilageman vs. Bretz & Co,
14. Wilson vs. Franklin.
15. Franklin Vs. Wilson.
16. Cox & Co. vs. Davidson.
Quarter tileaslonam-Judge Stowe.
WEDNESDAY, April 14.—Deborah Hay
worth, indicted for selling liquorwithout
license, and for selling to minors, plead
guilty to both Indictments. Sentence
was deferred in the former case and in
the latter she was sentenced to pay a fine
of five dollars and the costs of proseou
tion.• -
Thos. McAdams, indicted for assault,
Sabenaa Schwartz prosecutriz, plead gull.
ty and was sentenced to pay a fine of five
dollars and costs of prosecution.
Justice James Kelly, of Temperance
ville, was placed on trial for misdemean
or in office in refusing a transcript to
Martin' Rice. Verdict not guilty and
. county to pay the costs.
"Ortman Hoffman, indicted for aAanit
and battery, Bernard McNamee prosecu
tor, was placed on trial. Verdict of not
guilty and the prosecutor ordered to pay
the coats.
Frank Wolf, indicted for selling liquor
on Sunday, was next placed on trial. The
Jury returned a verdict of not guilty and
directed the prosecutor, Robert Wi lson,
to pay the costs.
G. Tobias, charged with the larceny of
a-ten — dollar bill from John Vanhorn,
was placed on trial and .the jury found a
verdict of not guilty.
Richard Roberts, charged with arson,
in setting fire to a stable near Spencer, dt
hlcKay's brewery, was put on trial and
Chas: Burgess, charged with seducing
Mary Jane Bagahaw, both of Temper
ancevillo, was brought into Court and on
motion of District Attorney Pearson,
(both parties consenting) they were
united in the bonds of matrimony by E.
S. Morrow, Esq.
John T. Murdock, who recently plead
guilty to a charge of form= et eet. was
sentenced to pay the sum of $25 to the
prosecutrix, the costa of prosecution and
the further sum of 111,50 per week for the
period of four years.
More Pressure for 4 .1. 4 N."
the j"
greatest th e
h e a w m i i p a I o n t ° o f f P
truth-in lllio th er e
ttyr nm erd r , l o d but , e t w h h e
cm hum br b o l a e, d se eh lf o -itt ra ctrifi dere cin res g
; pressures he martyr-like• as
eumes, was denied the privilege in this
proud elty,by, Mayor Brush, of Jilting the
veil and holding counsel with the thou
sands Of people whose burdens he as
'mune% thuttrelleving their consciences
by benignantly converting himself into
an object at.wham* false world is quick
to soul its swift arrows of care and
bitterness, and brand him as one gullt
less'of reason.: The nineteenth century ,
has contained' no greater marvel than
that pretreated by this great man in his
humility, his humbleness and•good-will
toward all. His very name he sacrifices
at the shrine of the prejudice his ,
mighty and peaullar doctrine& evoke,
and. as' N;" he travels from city to
city working out the grand mis
sion he s has to fulfill' on this mun
dane sphere, where all ears are
sealed in wickedness and deceit against
virtue and truth. He has the press
of the country chained to a stake
by his marvellous Philosophy, and he
could, were he less charitable crush all
formalists to the earth with his ingene a .
tad force. He has brought truth to • the
'eyes of railway !AM*, and by his mag
ical powers has the, freedom, to go and
home over nearly evidY iPad in: the
obutdry, Carrying lightlnd phlloepp
into the dark ifinspOgtlonia:
!vermeil: Great .N. _ -• •
NEW OPERA Houma. —Miss MaryGlad
stane contrnues her en,"!agement at the
Opera House. Last evening she appeer.
ed before a large and Belem' audience In
"Leah, the Forsaken," • suss: sluing the
principal character in a mappor at ones
characteristic and highly pleasing; tO her
audience. To-night she appeara
"Elizabeth" in the great play of that
ACADEMY or M& sic.—Manager C. D.
Hess, of Crosby's Opera House, Chicago,
who for some timo past has been in Phil
adelphia with his entire troupe, will, on
his return to Chicago, stop a week at the
Academy of Music in this city, and pro-•
duce in all its grandeur "The Field of
the Cloth of Gold," which'is admitted by
the Eastern critics to be the most ,
grand and magnificent spectacular)
extravaganza ever placed upon the!
boards. This piece has been running!
for over two months in Philadelphia,,
and was on the boards for the same I
length of time in Chicago. Our' citizentr
know that whatever Mr. Hess does in
the theatrical line is well done.._ and full
houses may be anticipated. The time of
the arrival of Mr. Hess and his great
company.has not yet been definitely ar
ranged, but it will be at no distant day,
renowned troupe, favorites everywhere,
will commence an engagement at Ma
sonic Hall, Wednesday of next week.
They, coine from Chicago, where they
have been performing to large audiences
for one hundred consecutive nights. Mr.
Sam Sharpley, the marvelous wit and
humorist, has ,control of the troupe,
which, explains, Ina measure, the secret
of its great success. The programme
for their entertainments next week Is en'
tirely new, and will be found fully up to •
their former standard. Crowded houses,
we have uo doubt, will be their reward.
continues to draw immense crowds to the
Pittabtuth Theatre, and doubtless will
do so until his engagement terminates.
There are many other attractions, but
Taylor is, of course, the chief attraction.
Ducks are very useful fowls, in their
way. Sometimeao however, their way
leads them or their owners into trouble,
as was the case yesterday. John O'Neill
and Frank M'Farland occupy neighboring
tenements in Ormsby borough. O'Neill
has a garden plot 'attached to his premi
ses, in which he takes great pride. Mo-
Fathead:has, a lot . of ducks equally dear
to him. The ducks , it is alleged, have a
way of enterlSig p'Neill'sgarden plot, and
damagingdeetroying the plants,
much to the digust and irritation of the
owner. O'NeliL to prevent this intru
sion yesterday, spent the greater portion
of the day in repairing the , fence be
tween the 'two premises, but, according
to his statements, he had hardly tin
'shed the job before it was torn down
again by McFarland and his wife, who
threatened him with all kinds of bodily
harm if he dared to erect it again. Fear
ing to proceed further without profeation'
of-the law, O'Neill came before Alderman
McMasters and lodged informations for
malicious mischief r and surety of the
peace against McFarland and his wife.
Warrants were issued.
—A. Vera Cruz letter of March 31st,
says: A stormy session of Congress is
anticipated. Belligerent rights will prob
ably_ be granted to the Cubans. Very
rich gold mires have been discovered
near Shutlas de Baragossa. A alight
shock of an earthquake had been expe
rienced in Jalapa.
. -
The sad and deplorable condition of many who
are afflicted with her nis or rupture of the bow
els, calls loudly for some efficient and unmistak
able remedy that will not only in every case give
efficient relief, but in many cues effect a radical
and thorough cure. These cases of lirrnia have
become so frequent, that it is computed that one
sixth of. the male population are said to be
troubled: In some way or another, with this ter-
Mile ailment; and in very many eases do not
know where to apply for an appropriate remedy, •
oftentimes dot knowing whether an appliance fa
really, needed or not; and If it should be needed,.
they often do not know where or to whom they
should make application. The world is full of
Trusses for the retention and cure of this lateen
table evil, oftentimes an incontestable proof of
their total and inadequate fitness to relieve the
sufferer. This need not be; Dr. Keyser, at his
ten medicine store. No. 167 Liberty street, is
abundantly supplied with every appliance, need
ful to . the retention sad relief of this terrible
atillction, so that every one can be proeerly .
dtted at a moderate cost, with the full assurance
that the appliance Is the best that the mechanical
department of surgery can afford. The Doctor " `
bas pursued the investigation at hernia with
more than ordinary care for over thirty years,
so that the afflicted can place implibit re
liance on his skid and integrity with the full as
surance that they will not only get the best truss,
sultabli to tne case, but likewise a thorough and
efficient knowledge of its proper application.
There are many persons who not only Baal/Ice
their health, but even their lives, for want of a
proper truss, or e truss properly applied. Strut.
gulated and irreducable rupthre, is a far more
common ailment nowthan in former years; and
may we not justly arrive at the conclusion, that
Its frequency is often . occasioned by the neglect
and carelessness of the sufferers themselves. No
one would be regarded as sa,.e or excusable who -
would go for a whole winter without the proper
clothing to shield them from the inclemency of
the weather, but, at the same time, it Is thought
a light affair to suffer for years with a protrusion
. Minna only sublects they person to inconveni
ence, but even places life itself In jeopardy.
Those of; our readers +/Thema be unfortunate to
need appliances of this kind cannot act more
wisely than to cut this advertisement out and
preserve it, so as to enable them to retain the
place where such Important preservers oflUfe and .
health are to be procured.
No. IROYENN STREET, from 10 A. M. anti/
EP. M. • . , spa
STOMACH BITTERS as a specific fbr recruiting
the enfeebled body and cheering the despondibi
ming .has passed Into a proverb. In the United
States where this marvelous tonic has borne dare
ail oppdaitionaud eclipsed alt rivalry, the demanfl
for It , has annually beereased in a heavier and
heavier ratio fbr years, until, at last, the regular
initial' this preparation exceed those of all other
stomachic' combined. Eminent members of the
medical profession and hospital surgeons without
numbc r, have candidly admitted that the phlu,
macoplai of the facility antaine no prescription
that produces such beneficial effects in dyspepsia,
genertl debility and nervous diseases, as ROB- •
TETTEIVIS BI rTERS. Tonne the language of a
venerable physician of New York, "The Bitters
are the purest stiturniant and the safest tonic we
have." ; But the uses of the great vegetable anti
dote are much more comprehensive than each
praise would imply. As a PIIZPARATOILY ANTI.
Para to epidemic disease, a genial stimulant. a
promoter ot constitutional viaor, an appetiser, a
stomachic, and a remedy ter nervous debility, no
medicinal prevention haa ever attained the rein- -
tattoo.. of 110Einfa *WEI BITT2BB. It la the
all imbibUilYllwilt boo) ter
eittintin;tooopith. Abe minion of dentin
e gl i dee4Selneantit 1 9 1 4 that odaPhatieelly
the utedl4:44.ot,the Itshroolie hlf Itt net ; •
and Via 41K.Mallas • • •• - •5!1- ,71 • • .•• AZ!.
Annie. Mona.
About Ducks.